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Roulette-focused => Testing zone => Topic started by: agesta on May 24, 04:29 AM 2013

Title: Agesta`s single Dozen and Ec
Post by: agesta on May 24, 04:29 AM 2013
This is actuelly a tweak of Ralph Line bet and Ec together.
I play this with single docen instead of line.
Like this
I Always Follow the last docen.
1 bet 1 D
34 L bet 3 D
4 L bet 1D
9 W bet 1 unit on 1 D and 2 units low
10 W
After 3 Losses i raise +1
after 2 Wins in a roe -1
I have done a few tests
+3 in progression
LWW +2
+6 in progression
Cheers Agesta
Title: Re: Agesta`s single Docen and Ec
Post by: Ralph on May 24, 04:36 AM 2013
I used it with dozen first, but went to lines as I would have the line and the EC possible to hit both.

What EC you chose if MD fall?
Title: Re: Agesta`s single Docen and Ec
Post by: agesta on May 24, 06:01 AM 2013
Quote from: Ralph on May 24, 04:36 AM 2013
I used it with dozen first, but went to lines as I would have the line and the EC possible to hit both.

What EC you chose if MD fall?
I go with the B or R f the l
Title: Re: Agesta`s single Docen and Ec
Post by: agesta on May 24, 09:50 AM 2013
I have played 1 session with real Money.
+ 39 units
Max +3 in progression
High + 47
Low -2
68 bets
48 wins
20 losses
Title: Re: Agesta`s single Docen and Ec
Post by: agesta on May 24, 11:11 AM 2013
I will do 10 sessions with real Money with 0,1 euros
1. + 39 units  in 68 spins
2. + 11 units in 17 spins
My SL is 30 units
My WG is 10 units but i will stop earlier if i am far in progression and keep on playing
if my feeling tells me to do that.
Title: Re: Agesta`s single Docen and Ec
Post by: agesta on May 25, 02:41 AM 2013
My first 10 sessions.
1. +39 in 68 spins
2. +11 in 17 spins
3. +2 in 13 spins
4. +4 in 27 spins
5. +3 in 4 spins
6. +2 in spins
7. +10 in 4 spins
8. +10 in 13 spins
9. +2 in 31 spins
10. +5 in 2 spins
Total: 88 units in 181 spins
= 8.8 Euros
I will no go for 0.2 euros and see wthat happens for 10 sessions
Title: Re: Agesta`s single Docen and Ec
Post by: GLC on May 25, 09:06 AM 2013
Based on the number of spins I assume you're not going too far in the hold before winning.  It would be valuable to post the biggest draw down you've had to date.

Thanks mate,

Title: Re: Agesta`s single Docen and Ec
Post by: rayhd63 on May 25, 07:31 PM 2013
Hello Agesta,

please help me figuring this out.

You always follow the dozzens. After 3 misses you go up betting  1 and after 2 wins you go back -1unit

you also follow a EC bet. Which that is, is up to the player?!?

You would always bet the DZ and the EC.

What would the progression be on the EC or is that flatbetting only ?

Thanks for clearing this up to me
Title: Re: Agesta`s single Docen and Ec
Post by: agesta on May 27, 02:12 AM 2013
Sorry for the bad instuctions, i Think the intructions i posted in Ralph topic is ok, here it comes.
tested a Little tweak of this.
i played docen instead of lines.
Third docen is my static docen
If number 3 came i would play D1 and D3 for a go, if hit i would play D1 1 unit and high 2 units
If i lose 2 times in a roe i would play + 1 in progression.

GLC you are right i do stop when i am in profit maybe i am  a chicken but i Think its better to get out with some profits then none.
My biggest drawdown is 55-60 units and then i was up 5 units in progression i recocovered that.
If i lose 2 times or 3 times in a roe it depends on my on going game i raise the dz with 2 units and Even bets with 1 unit.
It has worked ok but it ca get ugly then the 2 docen bet don`t hit for 5 or 6 bets.