Hi everyone,
Has anyone heard or tried the Keffer roulette system which claims to make $ 1,000 per day.....? Thanks.
Some relevant information is in the link below:
link:://:.rouletteforum.com/viewthread/17548/ (link:://:.rouletteforum.com/viewthread/17548/)
$23. Not bad. At least he doesnt want a thousand. Ill buy it
But then again it could be a scam. Roulettegenius86 is spreading it through various forums.
Good; Who knows it might be another very good weapon to our arsenal
to milk, milk, milk Mr Casino........lol lol
Who knows, but if noone tries we'll never know......lol lol
I found this site which explains the mechanics of it in a pdf preview:
link:://:.lybrary.com/the-keefer-roulette-system-how-to-make-1000-per-day-playing-roulette-p-677525.html (link:://:.lybrary.com/the-keefer-roulette-system-how-to-make-1000-per-day-playing-roulette-p-677525.html)
I've read some of the contents. Huge scam! Stay far far away!!
Its just a modified martingale...
Teams of 2 bet on oposing EC's following this progression individualy:
After 9 consecutive losses of one of the members of the team, the team is out :)
Stay far far away!!
Is Oklahoma far enough away?
Oki, thanks guys; That means that we are not gonna be all rich by next tuesday
with roulette......lol lol
Fear not,
`Del Boy` said this time next year we will all be millionaires!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Scary thing is there are desperate people looking for a
winning system they will fall for any scam that's out there.
@ TwoCat: nope, not far enough...tsk tsk
Who is gonna sell out for 30 bucks a recipe how to win 1k a day...think about it.
The crazy thing is that he doesn't even seem to know that you still have to play differentially even if two of you are placing the bets. When zero hits you both lose the full amount of your bets instead of the difference.
This should be a big red flag to everyone who reads the posts on this forum. We all know that you never place opposing bets on R/B, O/E or H/L. You subtract the difference and bet on the side that has something left after the subtraction. If both bet's are even, no bet at all on either side! :o
This principle applies to the 3 dozens, the 6 lines, the 12 streets, etc...
:girl_to: :girl_to: :girl_to: :girl_to: :girl_to: :girl_to: :girl_to: :girl_to: :girl_to: :girl_to: :girl_to: :girl_to:
Quote from: GLC on Feb 05, 08:55 PM 2015
This principle applies to the 3 dozens, the 6 lines, the 12 streets, etc...
There's a bit more to say when it comes to dozens etc.
With these, what you win with one dozen you lose with the other two:
1 1 1 ("1"=chip)
Thus we should always remove the superfluous:
1 1
1 1
1 1 1
So it ends up like this:
1 1
1 1 0
The differential betting ends here, since you still profit if dz2 hits.
On dozens you always subtract the dozen with the smallest bet from the other 2 dozens and bet what's left over on the other 2 dozens.
If Doz 1 = 3 units, doz 2 = 6 units and doz 3 = 7 units, you subtract 3 from 6 and bet 3 on doz 2 and you subtract 3 from 7 and bet 4 on doz 3.
Same principle on lines, streets etc...
There have been many systems presented based on betting on all 3 dozens or all 6 lines etc... and adjusting the bets by subtracting an amount from the doz, line, street, etc... that wins and adding a set amount to all the other locations that lost. The thing that kills this idea is that 1 or more even chance, doz, line, etc... always goes on an extended losing streak and the bets still skyrocket out of control. The locations that are winning just don't win enough to make up for the large losses.
Consider with dozens. If the 2 dozen has been sleeping and dozens 1 and 3 have been winning, you might be betting 1 unit on doz 1 and 12 units on dozen 2 and 3 units on dozen 3. So dozen 3 wins, that's +6 on dozen 3 but -12 units on dozens 2 and -1 on dozen 1 for a next loss on that spin of -7. And it can go on like this much too long at times.
Systems like this usually do pretty well most of the time, but all too often the sleeper shows up and wipes out all wins.
Quote from: GLC on Feb 07, 09:31 PM 2015
On dozens you always subtract the dozen with the smallest bet from the other 2 dozens and bet what's left over on the other 2 dozens.
If Doz 1 = 3 units, doz 2 = 6 units and doz 3 = 7 units, you subtract 3 from 6 and bet 3 on doz 2 and you subtract 3 from 7 and bet 4 on doz 3.
Same principle on lines, streets etc...
There have been many systems presented based on betting on all 3 dozens or all 6 lines etc... and adjusting the bets by subtracting an amount from the doz, line, street, etc... that wins and adding a set amount to all the other locations that lost. The thing that kills this idea is that 1 or more even chance, doz, line, etc... always goes on an extended losing streak and the bets still skyrocket out of control. The locations that are winning just don't win enough to make up for the large losses.
Consider with dozens. If the 2 dozen has been sleeping and dozens 1 and 3 have been winning, you might be betting 1 unit on doz 1 and 12 units on dozen 2 and 3 units on dozen 3. So dozen 3 wins, that's +6 on dozen 3 but -12 units on dozens 2 and -1 on dozen 1 for a next loss on that spin of -7. And it can go on like this much too long at times.
Systems like this usually do pretty well most of the time, but all too often the sleeper shows up and wipes out all wins.
Yes, it's no good because it's a negative progression wrongly applied so to speak. Probably better results could be achieved by awarding the winners i.e. always bet more on the hottest dozen. To avoid big losses when the sleepers awake, something like a "half parlay" could be preferable:
1 1 0 - if dz1 or dz2 hits you win 1 unit.
Dz1 hit, so you add that 1 unit to the winning dozen:
2 1 0 - if dz1 hits again you win 3 units; if dz2 hits you break even.
Dz1 hits again, so you don't change bets.
2 1 0
Dz2 hit, now you switch bets:
1 2 0
Dz3 hit. You lost the three units. Instead of this:
1 2 1 - you cut the superfluous bets out:
0 1 0 - and bet on the still hot dozen only...
Talking about differential betting has brought to memory a system I posted in 2011. It's not my system and when I posted it I didn't make it clear that it was a system that was for sale at one time. I don't remember where I got it from. The above is just to set the record straight.
I just reread the system and it makes a bombastic assertion regarding long term winning and backs it up with some mathematics that appear to be accurate. I think this system fell by the wayside without being thoroughly examined by the forum.
As you can see, the author wrote the system to be played on craps, the PASS and DON"T PASS bets so you don't have to deal with the zero in roulette. It should be adaptable to non-zero roulette as well. And, if it wins as much he says, playing it on single zero with en prison should work also. Maybe even on single zero roulette without en prison.
Read through it and see what you think. I don't know any more about it than what's posted but if there's a section that's confusing, maybe together we can sort it out.
link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=4638.0 (link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=4638.0)
I just realized the first factor that makes this not so appealing. By always betting 1 on the opposing bet, and betting the progression 1-2-3-5-9, we're really betting a 0-1-2-4-8 martingale progression when looked at differentially. And we know that doesn't work in the long run.
I'm assuming that the rest of the topic will have some questionable math also, but it doesn't hurt to analyze it. It will add to our data base on progressions.
This is quite weird because I have been looking at past posts relating to diff. betting on dozens and also came across the post above from some years ago. What I was wondering how a positive progression would work so that we are not racking up large losses on sleeper dozens only moving up and down +1/-1 on dozen that just hit according to outcome. The other 2 dozens will only move from 0/1 if hit. Perhaps GLC can give us his thoughts on this.
Bleep24 (Shaun the Sheep says that this idea is Baaaaaaaa-rmy)
Quote from: bleep24 on Feb 08, 01:59 PM 2015
This is quite weird because I have been looking at past posts relating to diff. betting on dozens and also came across the post above from some years ago. What I was wondering how a positive progression would work so that we are not racking up large losses on sleeper dozens only moving up and down +1/-1 on dozen that just hit according to outcome. The other 2 dozens will only move from 0/1 if hit. Perhaps GLC can give us his thoughts on this.
Bleep24 (Shaun the Sheep says that this idea is Baaaaaaaa-rmy)
All possibilities are worth checking out. The problem with positive progressions is that we only win money when we have a good win streak and those aren't that often. All the losses keep our bets pretty small so not much chance for profits.
With a single dozen, a standard, D'Alembert positive progression would be +2 on a win and -1 on a loss. The value of D'Alembert is the unit you win for every Loss that has a corresponding win. With a negative progression that's reversed so the winning boils down to a win streak of 3 or more usually or a stretch of 10 or more bets with a higher than normal Win to Loss ratio.
The proof is in the pudding.
Thanks for your comments which I have noted. Damned if you do and damned if you don`t. I have been playing Aces High by Ignatus and it is a very good system. It is flat betting and you know what your loss will be on the series of 3 bets. I have never lost overall with this though there has been some longer losing runs of 5 resulting in a loss of 180 but it has always turned around so if you can stand that sort of loss then this system is one to consider. I have found quite a few times that you get quite a lot of wins at the start so have built up a bank to cover any future losses. Maybe should be more expert at bailing out when winning but we get greedy. No progression possible with this and I would not want to use one anyway, too risky and costly.
Thx. Bleep24 (I like Eton Mess - pudding that is!)
Even though my posting on this forum would indicate that I'm a little neurotic based on my ability to flip flop from believing that we can beat gambler's fallacy to thinking that there's no way to beat it, I will continue to confuse you.
If you like Aces, I say that's what you should play.
No matter what we do in terms of bet selection and bet progressions, there will be a way for the wheel to beat us. It comes down to the point I have made numerous times. If there are number(s) which if spun will cause us to lose our bet, enough of those numbers will come close enough together to cause us to bust our bank roll or we will hit the table limit. That's just the nature of random against an unfair payoff.
All we can do is tweak systems so as to push reaching the end of our bank roll or reaching the house limits as far out into the future as possible.
One way to look at this dilemma is to start playing on tables with extremely low minimum bets and if we reach the table limit, we move to a casino that has higher table limits. Finally we can move to the casinos that have the jumbo table limits. These jumbo limits come with very high minimums so the spread isn't very much, but with something like the "Streak" method, we're only playing an 8 unit spread per attack. I'm not recommending this method of progression extension, just pointing out that it is an option.
P.S. Sam, I understand that oops! exactly. Had a few myself.
Here's a solid bet progression for double dozens.
When I say +1 or -1 I mean that amount on both dozens.
It is a minor tweak on the GLAT progression.
I play until I get either 2 Wins in a row or 2 Losses in a row. After 2 W's or 2 L's we start a new attack. We will adjust our bet size depending on the amount we're in the hole or in profit for the attack.
WW = +2 Reset at -1.
LL = -4 Reset at +2
WLL = -3 Reset at +1
LWW = 0 Reset at the same bet size.
LWLL = -5 Reset at +2
WLWW = +1 Reset at the same bet size.
WLWLL = -4 Reset at +2
LWLWW = -1 Reset at the same bet size.
WLWLL = -4 Reset at +2
WLWLWW = 0 Reset at the same bet size.
LWLWLL = -6 Reset at +3
WLWLWLWW = -1 Reset at the same bet size.
LWLWLWLL = -7 Reset at +3
WLWLWLWLWW = -2 Reset at +1
LWLWLWLWLL = -8 Reset at +4
At some point, if you want, you can always end with a single win or loss.
The "Oops" was because I asked where to find the Aces system and then found it.
Hope I don't "Oops" this one!!
When you say "Reset to -1" "Reset to +2" and so on, what does that mean?
Quote from: TwoCatSam on Feb 08, 08:16 PM 2015
The "Oops" was because I asked where to find the Aces system and then found it.
Hope I don't "Oops" this one!!
When you say "Reset to -1" "Reset to +2" and so on, what does that mean?
Sorry, that is a little vague. I reset to a new attack. If I ended the last attack with an overall profit, I reset to 1 unit on each dozen. The minus 1 is to reduce your bet amount by 1 unit on the next attack. Same for +1 or +2 etc... when you reset, you add 1 or 2 units or what ever to your bet amount. It's a bastardized negative progression.
The basics of the system is this:
W = +1 reset and keep same bet amount unless you reached a new profit.
WLL = -3 reset and increase bet amount by +1 unit.
LWW = 0 reset and keep same bet amount
LL = -4 reset and increase bet amount by +2 units.
You could play with just these 4 results to end an attack and rest with decent results.
The progression actually has good recovery strength but after Joe's post, I hate to suggest too high a draw down before ending the misery and taking a break.