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Roulette-focused => The Notepad => Topic started by: ignatus on Feb 10, 04:58 AM 2015

Title: 50-50 Streets
Post by: ignatus on Feb 10, 04:58 AM 2015
had some luck with this one;

divide the carpet into high/low, now look at the history of spins for the last 3 streets hit in either high or low. trigger--bet the 3 unhit streets in either high or low. and put 3 units on (the other) high or low

progression +1/-1.....

for an example: streets 1,4,6 has been in (in low) now, the bet would be streets 2,3,5....and 3u on high

or streets 7,8,10 has been hit in high--now, the bet would be streets 9,11,12 and 3 u on low

progression- same amout bet on the streets is bet on high or low

let's say you start with 3 streets in low (1u on each)- then 3u is placed on high

let's say you lose once +1u-- 2u on each streets (in low)- that makes 6u bet on the streets- now 6u must also be placed on high...
Title: Re: 50-50 Streets
Post by: Proofreaders2000 on Feb 10, 07:13 AM 2015
Hey Ignatus nice system :d
*Perhaps a limit on the progression would be helpful.
(Like: 1x,2x,3x stop)
Test: Dublinbet European Wheel #1-
Tuesday, February 10,2015 @ 5:58am CST USA

...9,3,17 (newest spin-value)

Bet s4-6, s10-12, s13-15, High:    1.) 8(x)-20
---------------------Progression 2x-------------------------
Bet s4-6, s10-12,s13-15, High:     2.) 29(win)+30
---------------------Progression 1x-------------------------
...7,33,10,34,35,34,2 (trigger)

Bet s4-6, s13-15, s16-18, High:    1.) 4(win)+30
Title: Re: 50-50 Streets
Post by: ignatus on Feb 10, 08:16 AM 2015
yes.. thanks for testing proof :)
Title: Re: 50-50 Streets
Post by: TwoCatSam on Feb 10, 10:04 AM 2015

This is exactly how I understood Bleep's system and just posted something like this on that thread.

Title: Re: 50-50 Streets
Post by: bleep24 on Feb 15, 04:52 PM 2015
Hi Ignatus,

Like the system.  Played about 200 spins and it never went past 3 in progression.  If I`m playing it correctly we only break even on a win on 3rd step.  Is that right?      I noticed that you had posted something very similar last June/July.   Is this new one a supplant?    If we lose 3 steps minus 36 units.  I will stop at that point and wait for a new trigger.    Any other MM that you can think of suitable for this new way?

Regards      (Bleep24)
Title: Re: 50-50 Streets
Post by: bleep24 on Feb 16, 05:26 AM 2015
Hi all,

Been playing this system this morning.   Performed very well apart from 1 double loss (using same spin history for both triggers) Only playing 10p unit so not too bad.   What I did notice after this double loss occurred was in the spin history there had been a few repeaters (on both sides) so perhaps if we see repeaters do not use that spin history to get triggers.  Either wait or change table?

Good luck.
Title: Re: 50-50 Streets
Post by: Chris555p on Feb 16, 06:49 AM 2015
Don't mean to sound negative, but betting too many nos /streets/ double streets etc...does not work; nor does changing
table works.....
Title: Re: 50-50 Streets
Post by: bleep24 on Feb 16, 07:48 AM 2015
Hi Chris555p,

Well with this system has worked up to now (apart from double loss which I posted about earlier and gave my opinion why it happened)

This is not the series of numbers where the loss occurred, but look at this series:

32 17 31 15 27 9 7 31 31 31 30 25 27 25 19 34 36 23 4   Would have been a 3x loss on high, but a lx win on low.  Look at those repeaters!!

So perhaps what I said earlier about not betting when repeaters are around is valid.
Title: Re: 50-50 Streets
Post by: TwoCatSam on Feb 16, 09:38 AM 2015
So perhaps what I said earlier about not betting when repeaters are around is valid

Everything in roulette happens in waves and groupings.  Repeaters are no exception. 

Title: Re: 50-50 Streets
Post by: Chris555p on Feb 16, 10:43 AM 2015
Hi Brian

I don't mean to sound negative but by saying "....A system has work up to now means nothing...."

To ensure the system works u must make it pass the acid test.....; In the short term any system works
due to the nature of roulette and due to luck ....lo lol  :D

Title: Re: 50-50 Streets
Post by: bleep24 on Feb 16, 10:56 AM 2015
Hi Chris555p,

Yes, I hear what you say and totally agree, But that does not help with winning.   I do not know why I stopped playing The Pivot system as I had a lot of winnings (lucky).   If you do not know The Pivot system then it is flat betting for a total of 36 spins.  Win or lose.   Wait for 1 number to repeat and then bet it continuously for 36 spins.  I have seen that repeating number repeat again several times in the 36 spins but also not repeat after the initial twice.  A good thing with this is that it is flat betting, you know what your total loss will be and previous losses can be made up, so if you have a good BR you will eventually catch a good winning run.   (See my previous post showing a series of numbers - see number 31.)

Good luck
Title: Re: 50-50 Streets
Post by: Chris555p on Feb 16, 11:06 AM 2015
@ Brian

From my experience the best chance u have in winning at roulette is to use methods
based on the law of the third, which has existed for a very long time; There are various
good ones written by highly experienced players in the forum notwithstading the fact
they may have to be tweaked to make them real pearls.....


Title: Re: 50-50 Streets
Post by: bleep24 on Feb 16, 11:15 AM 2015
Hi Chris555p,

I like the rule of two-thirds!!  better.    Playing 2 dozens.   Last two dozens to show. 

Title: Re: 50-50 Streets
Post by: RouletteGhost on Feb 16, 04:20 PM 2015
Bleep i like the idea. Elaborate