anybody figured out the missing 1 %?
link::// (link:://
at least we can discuss his clues and how to operate them...
he posted this pairings list:
0 | 1
1 | 2
2 | 3
3 | 4
4 | 5
5 | 6
6 | 7
7 | 8
8 | 9
9 | 10
10 | 11
11 | 12
12 | 13
13 | 14
14 | 15
15 | 16
16 | 17
17 | 18
18 | 19
19 | 20
20 | 21
21 | 22
22 | 23
23 | 24
24 | 25
25 | 26
26 | 27
27 | 28
28 | 29
29 | 30
30 | 31
31 | 32
32 | 33
33 | 34
34 | 35
35 | 36
36 | 0
and he says: if nr. 2 falls, you bet 2+3 according to this list...but that not match what he said before.
Here's how I reckon the full system might work, but this still needs at least 1/2% of refinement. Perhaps we start with 2 chips on singles and 1 chip on doubles then switch to 1:2 singles/doubles near the end of the cycle? Right now I've kept the simulations at 1:1 chips whilst I figure out why certain sets ended in a negative at spin 37 based on the count.
Does anyone know if "Vaddi" was resident at this forum?
i searched all forums i am a member of...but this system wasnt discussed i guess its new to everyone except the guys from mmm...
vaddi never expose his system in public ,not even in mmm forum , but gave some hints where i ve inspired to build my own system , iam sure this guy has the grail ;D
copying things together...
Ok ...
General guidelines and more tips:
Let's assume that 10 is the maximum of numbers that you will bet on.
Stage 1) Begin single sequence to X numbers (where X represents the maximum numbers that you will bet on)
You enter casino and the number ...
13 has just dropped. Place your unit chip on it. (1 unit in total)
30 drops instead. Now place a unit on 13 and 30 (2 units total)
17 drops instead. Now place a unit on 13, 30, and 17 (3 units total)
13 drops. You win and make a profit.
Because you are in profit and because you have not reached your X number limit of 10, you will continue the process all over again, by placing a unit chip on your last dropped number, which is 13. You will continue this process of betting on every number that drops.
Now, as I've said, "The X number is important" and it's not 10 .
As another clue, I suggest that you create a stepping sequence (like above) wherein if you hit the last number in that sequence, you will break even.
If you use 10, you will have 10 numbers on the table if you reach your 10-number limit. And, if the ball lands on that last set of 10, you'll make a small loss and the funny thing is that 10 numbers doesn't improve accuracy over the lower, perfect X number.
Stage 2)
If you do not make a hit within the first stage, that means that you have bet X times on X numbers. That is 10 spins, 10 numbers, no hits.
So, you might have something like this:
36 (The last number dropped)
19 (part of your 10-number X group)
14 (part of your 10-number X group)
25 (part of your 10-number X group)
17 (part of your 10-number X group)
31 (part of your 10-number X group)
13 (part of your 10-number X group)
0 (part of your 10-number X group)
3 (part of your 10-number X group)
22 (part of your 10-number X group)
2 (part of your 10-number X group)
At this point, your set of 10 didn't come up. And the last number that landed is 36.
So, the idea is to bet on every number that the wheel spits out, but you want to always place a limit on how much you place on the table. Betting on 10 numbers is a waste, so find that magic X number.
From this point onward you will bet on 10 numbers (or the X number when you discover it).
But, this is what you do:
Knock the #2 off the bottom so that your new 10-set bet selection now becomes ...
36 (part of your new 10-number X group)
19 (part of your new 10-number X group)
14 (part of your new 10-number X group)
25 (part of your new 10-number X group)
17 (part of your new 10-number X group)
31 (part of your new 10-number X group)
13 (part of your new 10-number X group)
0 (part of your new 10-number X group)
3 (part of your new 10-number X group)
22 (part of your new 10-number X group)
If the next spin hits one of your X numbers, then great! But, you must check to see if you have increased your bankroll above what you started with at Stage 1.
If you are in profit above where your bankroll was when you started with at Stage 1, then go back to Stage 1 and place a unit chip on the last number that made you win.
If you are not in profit at this point in Stage 2, then continue playing your X-number blocks (in this example: 10) by knocking off the bottom number and adding the number that landed.
So, let's say #31 landed (you win) and your bankroll is below the level when you first placed your first single unit at Stage 1. In this case, ...
... you'll only bet on 9 numbers. ;) Why? You're following the pattern and spins of the wheel. The wheel is telling you that you're accurate so you need to lay out less on the table:
You're thinking in terms of number of numbers and number of spins.
So, we now have ...
31 (The last number dropped)
36 (part of your new 10-number X group)
19 (part of your new 10-number X group)
14 (part of your new 10-number X group)
25 (part of your new 10-number X group)
17 (part of your new 10-number X group)
31 (part of your new 10-number X group)
13 (part of your new 10-number X group)
0 (part of your new 10-number X group)
3 (part of your new 10-number X group)
22 (part of your new 10-number X group)
Looking at the 10 last spins, you now only need to bet on 9 by knocking off #22 and adding #31. But, of course, #31 is slap bang in the middle of your X number set (it's not at the bottom, where you would knock it off).
Of course, if you discover the X number, sometimes you end up betting on lower numbers than 9, while making hits.
Once your bankroll is in profit above what you started with at the first placing of your first-stage single chip, then start the first-stage single chip process all over again.
Another aspect you can observe and experiment with, is multiple 37-spin cycles, starting from Stage 1 + Stage 2, as described in this post.
All the best.
- Vaddi
P.S.: Should have added the following:
If you break even when one of your numbers hit, then go back and start Stage 1 all over again.
Which means, if at any stage ... let's say your bankroll was $1200 and it went down, and then you get a hit that takes you back to $1200, you would re-start Stage 1 and bet on the number that just hit.
all hints from vaddi:
1. You need to make inside bets
2. You MUST bet on a set of numbers that consist of less than 10 numbers. And please figure out that X number for long-term winning. (later he goes down between 9 and 6; I guess its 8)
3. Those numbers that you select must be consistently selected from the top of the marquee; Your number set will change by one number each time a new number lands
4. How do you make sure that you hit every single number that comes up on the roulette wheel?
5. Think in terms of hits and what the roulette wheel MUST do: "It MUST hit repeats". But, how do the repeats perform in relation to the singles? For the most part: every 37 spin results in 24 hits = 14 singles + 10 doubles
6. You don't even need pen and paper. Simply look at the first set of numbers on the marquee. With the GRAIL there is no need to think or analyze
8. It's about how the singles and repeats fall.
9. Look at the marquee and copy exactly what the wheel does.
10. Remember, the wheel is recycling it's numbers for perfect balance.
11. 37-spin cycle
12. You can start betting on your magic X numbers at ANY TIME. Look at the marquee and wait until there are NO REPEATS in your set of X numbers, then start betting on all those X numbers. Caching! :)
13. It's all about balance. And if you read my above posts, that X number is a factor of a bigger number that I've quoted. And, if you were to create the lowest level progression out of X numbers, the last winning number of that progression would bring your bankroll back to break-even. :)
14. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 = 36 This must be the secret number
Yep, I see that little magic number that is smaller than 10. And, just look at how it's perfectly placed in relation to posts about break-even. That position is absolutely perfect in that sequence of numbers. Absolutely perfect. :)
Here's another thought: each 37-spin cycle is never the same, and each 37-spin cycle produces its own dominant numbers. That's why there is no such thing as hot numbers per se. :) Because all numbers eventually become "hot numbers" in their own respective 37-spin cycle, so as to maintain long-term equilibrium of all the numbers over time.
15. The number is bigger than 6 and less than 9.
16. If you are betting on 8 numbers and they are not hit, then you would remove the oldest number in your 8-set and add the number that just landed. So, you are changing your 8-number by one number after each wheel spin.
That means that each number of your 8-number set is placed 8 times on the table.
There are only two phases:
* 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 (stepped sequence)
* 8-blocks
For 8-blocks example: say you miss all 8 of ...
Let's say that the last number landed that missed your 8-set is 20.
Then your next 8-bet is ...
If you now get a hit on 12, your next 8-bet is ...
However, in this 8-set, you have the same #12, appearing twice, so you actually bet on ...
12, 20, 2, 7, 9, 16, 3 = 7 numbers
So, before you start playing, you look at your bankroll and make a note of the amount.
You begin at the beginning: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8. If you increase your bankroll or break even at this stage, you go back to the 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 process and place a single bet on the last landed number that made you win or break even.
If you lose the 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 process, you are then at the block stage as described previously:
Also, if you break even or increase your bankroll at the block stage in comparison to what your bankroll was at the 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 stage, then go back to 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 where you will begin all over again by placing a single chip on the last landed number.
The 37-spin cycle is not of the greatest importance as such, because you can play the system for long period sessions. However, you should make a profit within 185 spins.
Also, for your own knowledge and understanding, it's a good idea to see how your bankroll performs every 37 spins (= 37 bets in terms of single and group bets) and up to the range of 185 spins (= 185 bets in terms of single and group bets).
Of course, 185 = 37 x (5 cycles)
I've played up to 296 spins (8 cycles) and discovered that doing so is a waste of time because better and faster profits are within 24 - 74 spins.
I would say keep the spins below 185 = (5 cycles). You don't have to go this far as a regular occurrence.
But, as you can appreciate, you need to test these things personally.
Hope that helps.
17. What's the tiny 1 percent missing element?
18. I've sent a PM to Mr. X ... He knows who he is.
He might pose a question in the forum that I posed to him. = When you're playing roulette, what are the 3 basic states que a number can have?
1 - Out
2 - Not Out
3 â€" Repeat
19. Roulette numbers have three states:
1. No hits (0)
2. Single hits (1)
3. Doubles + (2)
After a 37 spin cycle, this is what you'll typically see:
In this case:
11 no-hits
12 singles
11 doubles +
Singles (12) and doubles (11) nearly 50 / 50. (in balance)
If doubles aren't dropping, that means singles are dropping.
And if singles aren't dropping, that means doubles are dropping.
Double-hit ranges:
7 numbers: hit range = 1 - 14 (14th spin hits 7th spin)
8 numbers: hit range = 1 - 15 (15th spin hits 8th spin)
9 numbers: hit range = 1 - 16 (16th spin hits 9th spin)
10 numbers: hit range = 1 - 17 (17th spin hits 10th spin)
You can't hit all the doubles all the time because -- depending on the magic number you choose -- the distance between say #20 dropping again, might be 25 spins later (outside the hit ranges above), but during that gap of 25 spins, singles are dropping like crazy, so how do you take advantage of the singles as well?
I was expecting a few veterans to figure out that the missing part of the puzzle is a way to bet that also capitalizes on balance by also thinking about singles, not just doubles.
20. Always bear in mind that roulette is about balance.
You had one side: the doubles
To create balance, you now have the flip side / other side of the coin: the singles
The fundamentals of the grail have not changed. The betting method still stands, but there is one betting adjustment that must be made on the table to take advantage of those two sides at the very same time and to take advantage of balance.
When the wheel spits out doubles, you're there.
When the wheel spits out singles, you're there.
21. When you solve the final part of the puzzle, you will realize that you have a balanced integrated system that impacts on ...
- Non-hits (sleepers) (0)
- Singles (1)
- Doubles + (Repeaters) (2)
And, of course: each round of 37 spins, begins with 37 sleepers.
But at the end of those 37 spins: the sleepers, singles, and repeaters are close in number of occurrences (give or take a difference of say... +1, or +2).
22. If you're a keen observer of the roulette wheel as well as a close observer of the roulette table, you will realize that each number from 0 - 36 has a close-to-perfect pair-partner.
What's the perfect partner-pair for number 1? How would you determine it?
More head-scratching, eh?
Yep, the concept is all a part of the grail. ;)
Once again: roulette is all about balance.
If you don't think about balance, you're doomed.
Just thought that I'd throw that in for those who have already ditched losing projects and beginning to see the light. :)
23. If you have been playing roulette for a while and the following are mentioned:
- Balance
- Wheel
- Partner (number)
Then surely, you must have an idea as to what I might be suggesting. If not, then I'm really surprised. :)
24. Well, the very first set of posts focused heavily on the repeaters aspect, which is the foundation.
Then, towards the very end of my posts, I mention the clincher, which in my view required a tiny shift in thinking, in terms of how to also capture singles, not just repeats.
And, if you have a basic understanding of roulette, you will come to an inevitable conclusion on what you must do on the table.
So, a tiny shift in thinking that leads to a modified betting decision = my 1% :)
BTW: the 1% betting decision is a small one, but its impact is huge.
Hope that clarifies my perspective and clears up your apparent confusion. :)
25. Throughout this thread I've said that balance is important. That is what roulette is all about really. That's why casinos have sophisticated software to constantly check that their wheels have no physical bias.
But, let's forget about bias / balance in general terms as it relates to roulette.
Have you figured out the magic number yet?
I've given strong clues about what that number is.
This magic number is the number that gives power to the whole system.
Without this number, you will not have enough power and balance for the system.
I won't go into the basic mathematics of this magic number, because it would just confuse some guys even more than they might already be.
Suffice it to say that I know why this number is so powerful in roulette. The casino can't escape it and the player can't escape it.
And, get this: it's the player's edge.
As I've said, I've given strong clues about that number.
26. Do you know the relationship between singles and doubles / repeats after every 37 spins?
27. In estimation, when do doubles / repeats start hitting the roulette wheel with regularity?
- At the beginning of 37 spins?
- Within the middle of 37 spins?
- Towards the end of 37 spins?
- Or none of the above?
28. Think of roulette in these terms and no other:
24 numbers land
12 doubles land
2:1 ratio.
The factors 4 and 8
24 / 8 = 3
12 / 4 = 3
That's the basis for the grail.
29. PS:
8 numbers for doubles + singles strategy?
or ...
only 4 numbers for doubles-only strategy?
30. here are always 12 - 14 repeaters. :)
The repeaters are spread through random ranges.
The narrowest random repeater range is where, for example, the number 1 comes up two times in a row.
The widest repeater random range is where, for example, the first spin lands the number 1, but only repeats that number on spin 37.
As indicated above, the ranges contract and expand randomly for every 37-spin cycle; sometimes close together, sometimes far apart; sometimes close to perfect balance.
You need to find the ideal number of numbers to bet on that will take advantage of the random expansion and contraction between the repeaters.
If you bet on too many numbers, the wide random ranges will clobber you.
If you don't bet on enough numbers, you'll miss out on the close random ranges.
And the foundational principle is to follow what the wheel does, which is all explained in the thread.
31. All the numbers in roulette are connected logically and consecutively.
Of course, the inventors of the game have made every effort to confuse the player by rearranging the numbers on the roulette wheel, but don't fall for this deception.
Here we go:
1 | 2
2 | 3
3 | 4
4 | 5
5 | 6
6 | 7
7 | 8
8 | 9
9 | 10
10 | 11
11 | 12
12 | 13
13 | 14
14 | 15
15 | 16
16 | 17
17 | 18
18 | 19
19 | 20
20 | 21
21 | 22
22 | 23
23 | 24
24 | 25
25 | 26
26 | 27
27 | 28
28 | 29
29 | 30
30 | 31
31 | 32
32 | 33
33 | 34
34 | 35
35 | 36
And for the zero, 0, that tries to mess up any balanced strategy, we have ...
0 | 1
The above pairings take care of your singles and doubles all at the same time. :)
Do you see the balancing guys?
Which means that if #2 lands, then you need to bet on #2 and #3 at the same time. Splits or single chip.
As above, always choose your pairings going forward.
However, what happens if #3 is already covered? In that case go backwards and cover #1 instead. That's because, as in the table above, #2 is also connected to #1.
To those guys who I haven't responded to yet, don't think that I'm ignoring you.
I've received quite a number of messages and I'm scratching my head trying to think how to manage the whole situation.
So, my apologies to those guys who are still waiting for a reply.
BTW, the PM system still isn't working. Maybe admin will get the issue corrected soon?
A closing thought:
If you are creating any roulette system, you should focus on creating a balanced system.
Let the roulette wheel do the randomizing.
Your system should not be random, it should be balanced.
32. Based on what I've said about balance and connected numbers (based on the pairs table) ...
How could you use already landed numbers to 'predict' numbers that are likely to land next? :)
Now, that is the kind of mad-scientist question that leads to the grail.
No, you can't precisely predict which number will land next, but there's a way to get as close as you possibly can. :)
Please don't try to answer this question. I'm just throwing it out there. But it has do with observing how numbers connect to each other after every 4 spins, based on the pairs table. ;)
33. I guess the basic idea is somewhat similar, except that I'm using inside numbers.
The inside numbers constantly 'try' to balance with each other in a sort of uniform dance. And there are ways to temporarily exploit the imbalances.
From time to time, I warn against red / black systems because there's no way of exploiting reliable roulette constants.
The constants that I seek to exploit are...
- 24 singles every 37 spins
- 12 doubles every 37 spins
- 13 no-hits every 37 spins
Now, that's a reliable roulette pattern every 37 spins and it's a way of informing you that roulette is not perfectly random.
If you are aware of perfectly exploitable and reliable constants in a red / black strategy, then power to you. If not, watch out.
34. OK ... yes, I now understand what you're saying.
For clarification, on my part:
- 24 singles must occur at some stage, every 37 spins
- 12 numbers occur only once
- 12 doubles occur every 37 spins
- 13 no-hits every 37 spins
The above is not too far off from what you have. And the above is mainly from my real wheel experience, give or take + or - 1 or 2
Also, when I state 24 'singles', I'm looking at it from the point of view that singles must occur first before doubles can manifest.
I know ... putting the grail together based on the many clues I've provided is a killer challenge. Different components that are presented impact on other suggested elements and transforms the final solution into something new.
And ONE of the reasons I presented it that way, was to see if my thinking was anything different from the thinking of very experienced roulette players.
35. Options:
1) 2 chips on doubles
2) 1 chip on doubles
3) Half of a chip on doubles
2) and 3) should make you smile. :)
- Vaddi
36. what are the adjustments you make to the other 2 important rules ?
QuoteAs another clue, I suggest that you create a stepping sequence (like above) wherein if you hit the last number in that sequence, you will break even.
If you use 10, you will have 10 numbers on the table if you reach your 10-number limit. And, if the ball lands on that last set of 10, you'll make a small loss and the funny thing is that 10 numbers doesn't improve accuracy over the lower, perfect X number.
Quote13. It's all about balance. And if you read my above posts, that X number is a factor of a bigger number that I've quoted. And, if you were to create the lowest level progression out of X numbers, the last winning number of that progression would bring your bankroll back to break-even.
Quote14. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 = 36 This must be the secret number
Yep, I see that little magic number that is smaller than 10. And, just look at how it's perfectly placed in relation to posts about break-even. That position is absolutely perfect in that sequence of numbers. Absolutely perfect. :)
QuoteYou begin at the beginning: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8. If you increase your bankroll or break even at this stage, you go back to the 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 process and place a single bet on the last landed number that made you win or break even
With the singles/pairs part of the simulator switched off, X = 8 definitely breaks even as you can see below (for doubles only):
Hi falkor,
I agree with your findings on your last post.
Do you think then that the pairings come into effect in the second or third phase maybe?
Whilst your winning in phase 1 everything is hunky dory - you simply restart on a level or new high.
If you lose all 8 bets in Phase 1 then you enter Phase 2 (the rolling "8" off the marquee minus the hit numbers) and you try to get level or new high from that. Is there a change if you're unlucky after 8 spins in Phase 2?
I dunno when you activate the pairings into the equation though...?
Thanks for your work on this - very much appreciated.
I tried changing the chip units for Singles / Doubles when a Double wins:
1 / 1 (dropped to 523 instead of breaking even)
5 / 5 (lost more units in the 400 range)
1 / 2 (dropped to 523 instead of breaking even)
1 / 4 (dropped to 523 instead of breaking even)
Are we expecting Singles or Doubles to win at this opening stage? I guess the system could involve betting only one number from the pair at a given time - either singles or doubles only. Nevertheless chip ratio 1/2 made the most profit so far for 1,000 spins (+800)* even though when a single wins at spin 8 the balance drops to the 400 range (worse than the doubles).
*2/1 got to +100
*2/2 got to +600
*1/1 got to +336
*0/1 got to +333
Quote from: atlantis on Aug 20, 10:39 AM 2015
Hi falkor,
I agree with your findings on your last post.
Do you think then that the pairings come into effect in the second or third phase maybe?
I activated the pairings at later phases during my earlier tests, but the results were worse. I will try those tests again now that the simulator is more sophisticated. At the same time I need to understand what is happening at different stages of the cycle in relation to betting only the previous 8 numbers (+/- pairs) on the marquee.
QuoteWhilst your winning in phase 1 everything is hunky dory - you simply restart on a level or new high.
If you lose all 8 bets in Phase 1 then you enter Phase 2 (the rolling "8" off the marquee minus the hit numbers) and you try to get level or new high from that. Is there a change if you're unlucky after 8 spins in Phase 2?
I dunno when you activate the pairings into the equation though...?
Thanks for your work on this - very much appreciated.
I asked myself the same question re: pairings activation, but vaddi doesn't say. He does speak a lot about balance in order to catch the singles at the same time as the doubles - points more towards simultaneous betting from the outset - but cannot be too sure. Check my attachments regarding phase 2 activity - I need to analyse this more myself.
Something very interesting is happening in Phase 2 with this chip ratio: the sets are mostly winning the moment that the Singles and the Doubles become equal in terms of running total! :o
This could be the complete Holy Grail in the current form? :twisted: (see above attachment
You can see the profit was actually in the +900s range, but there was a sudden drop because I ended the set after a 37 spin cycle before the Singles had caught up with the Doubles (the count also seems misbalanced for spin 37). How to solve this kind of drawdown?
When I turn off the 37 spin limit, the system seems to fight - very hard - and recover! (for 202 spins in set 4)
Edit: it run out of balance during another set. >:(
what about this?
"2) 1 chip on doubles
3) Half of a chip on doubles"
vaddi dont stop after 37 spins...
"The 37-spin cycle is not of the greatest importance as such, because you can play the system for long period sessions. However, you should make a profit within 185 spins."
37 spins (= 37 bets in terms of single and group bets)
I've played up to 296 spins (8 cycles) and discovered that doing so is a waste of time because better and faster profits are within 24 - 74 spins.
Please clarify if you have to have 8 results with no repeats on the marquee before starting...
I got good results if I started without this. Vaddi says you can start ANY TIME.
So I began my series of 8 bets in Phase 1 by betting the last number hit and simply added the following numbers until a hit or until a max of 8 numbers had been played without a hit.
there is a contradiction...hey said: arrive at table and start to bet...
then he said:
"You can start betting on your magic X numbers at ANY TIME. Look at the marquee and wait until there are NO REPEATS in your set of X numbers, then start betting on all those X numbers. Caching!"
I noticed that contradiction, too! What's the purpose of phase 1? Presumably it's to catch a double more than a single, but then a lot of the singles/doubles that do land are outside of the 8 spin radar by phase 2; he fails to mention the mathematics of roulette and his system within that context. So the mechanics of his system is based more around how many singles/doubles fall within a rolling set of 8 spins, based on recently hit numbers.
heres a version of catch the 8 train of the great mr j,s can use it for speed to collect the repeat numbers/...adjust profit and stoploss on top...just one of many variations i had nick make through the subject and thought it was pretty interesting as catch the 8 train in itself is pretty good ...ive also including a varition using splits...which u can enter the amount of virtual losses in bfore usual both work on the excel bot....which is only good for testing these days...and again i see links to systems referring to number groups ignatus latest system and along the lines dyslexic was hinting at
I coded that 8 train one a few days ago, as it happens, and it failed - but what I've learnt in general is that if you only bet on numbers that have repeated the most times then the progressions needed to hit them become significantly shorter (no advantage to flat-betting there I found). That finding is going to be my next project, but I need to finish this one first.
Regarding Vaddi's grail(?), I am currently testing phase 1 to see if the singles match the doubles in terms of running totals - or whether we should ditch the singles and bring them in for phase 2+. After 1,000 spins the running total stands at 38 / 47, but I am now running that same test over 10,000 spins.
Observation re: phase 2 - when the running totals of the singles and doubles climb neck and neck, the set generally ends with a profit, but when one is significantly higher than the other (usually the doubles higher than the singles) then that fluctuation/deviation spells doom. That phase I'll be analysing in more detail after phase 1.
Results are already in: 416 / 417 (how close is that!? >:D)
So I think the singles are needed as much as the doubles for phase 1?
Next test on phase 1 (singles vs. doubles only) is a test of profit/loss over the 10,000.
I found there was a small bug in the number of singles being reported - 50 too many (or about an 1/8th) due to a number landing in the current set from the last spin of a previous set (should have been reported as a double). That's been fixed - so there are actually less singles in phase 1 - and it's more profitable to only bet on doubles, it seems, from another test I did.
Next test is for phase 2 only - running totals of Singles/Doubles over a maximum 74 spin cycle (10,000 spins). 1,000 spins = 198 / 162
how to deal with that hint?
"How could you use already landed numbers to 'predict' numbers that are likely to land next? :)
No, you can't precisely predict which number will land next, but there's a way to get as close as you possibly can. :)
it has do with observing how numbers connect to each other after every 4 spins, based on the pairs table. ;)"
now its 4 spin cycles using the pair table?
will do some more hand tests later...
Results are looking like this, but I am going to run it again based on a 37 spin cycle:
1311 / 2261
I am also going to see which spin number has the most singles or repeats, so we can determine the "shape" of a typical set to indicate whether we should be betting on singles or doubles. If the spins come out equal then I guess we need to bet on whatever is trailing behind (singles or doubles) unless one is always higher than the other in which case we will have a different benchmark. Edit: or we might run into a "waves" problem.
I am running this test over 1 million spins, but will start reporting results after 50K.
Quotenow its 4 spin cycles using the pair table?
will do some more hand tests later...
I tried that in my early tests as well. Tomorrow I will repeat my current test under those circumstances. For the semi-finals I can then tailor the simulator for 8/4 pairs/spin cycles to see which one comes out on tops in terms of profit.
i have the feeling that this thread could be very long , but then iam thinking that perhaps vaddi hes around and hes smile looking all of us to try to decode his systen , it would be great to come and speak about it !
Quote from: petespin on Aug 20, 05:18 PM 2015
i have the feeling that this thread could be very long , but then iam thinking that perhaps vaddi hes around and hes smile looking all of us to try to decode his systen , it would be great to come and speak about it !
that would be nice! give us more hints vaddi! :)
50K - pattern is already clear
558 / 1715 = x 3 total Doubles over Singles.
Below, Doubles always higher than Singles. Singles start out higher then gradually fall; Doubles start out low before gradually rising towards the end of the cycle.
ok guys, nice try , but there are some dark poimts that only vaddi could answer , and only with assumptions u go nowhere ,even only a small mistake could lead us at wrong conlusions ,and thats not good at all !
Here's the chip ratio I'm trying in the latest simulation with singles turned on throughout phase 1 and phase 2 based on the 8 spin cycle:
Although this is now becoming a progression am I thinking along the right lines or should I be looking more at the tally for each individual set?
Perhaps this could be used as a base, but we can do better still on an individual basis; for example, the worst set was 28:
The Singles/Doubles tally/sequence I haven't analysed, but looking at the general counter there are way too many singles and not enough doubles by spin 37. If we were to change (should have been recognised before spin 37) and bet on doubles only, the next 3 wins all turn out to be doubles!
Attached: +1,500 in 2,000 spins! Note: there's one little bug where the chip values sometimes get swapped between the singles and doubles due to "overcrowding" (will be fixed soon - shouldn't affect the profit a great deal).
I'll look to be moving onto 4 spin cycles next as that might yield more profit and less drawdown.
Oh my god. Dejavu.
vina, vedi , vaddi , vaddi , vaddi
Damn, there's still a small glitch in my code where the singles are being reported as doubles, so I have to re-run the tests after fixing that.
The Singles/Doubles detection is now totally accurate - and guess what(?) - there are now about twice as many singles as doubles! :twisted: Full accurate results to be re-posted this afternoon...
I was also pondering that perhaps Vaddi might call 8 singles, 8 doubles or 4 of each - based on both the 4 and 8 spin cycle - depending on the running totals? All options need to be tested.
Worth bearing in mind what vaddi said:
"You don't even need pen and paper. Simply look at the first set of numbers on the marquee. Although, I do like using my software to watch the beauty of how the numbers fall.
Once you discover the grail, you would be able to spend 5 minutes explaining it to a 10-year-old and if he/she is allowed to play, he/she would make a killing.
BTW, let me emphasize: THIS IS ALL FLAT BETTING.
I'm posting this because I hate to see players barking up the wrong tree and struggling.
Thinking about odds is irrelevant. It's about how the singles and repeats fall.
Once you discover the grail, you'll be thinking:
"No f*ing way. It can't be this simple!" But, it IS that simple!"
So seems not to get too complicated or overthink... we must look for a simple and infallible approach.
Results are in based on a 4 spin cycle with precise singles/doubles detection (8 spin cycle is most likely the same) - and the pattern is now very simple indeed:
8175 / 4722
And each spin is the same from start to finish: about 230 / 130
So Singles are about 1.75 more than Doubles. You would expect them to follow a pattern like this every set:
7 4
14 8
21 12
28 16
35 20
Calling upon the last 8 numbers, instead of 4, gives a different ratio for some reason:
11696 / 8031 = 1.456356618
Otherwise expect the same ratio at any spin number during a set.
Damn, I just discovered there's another bug in the code - this time too many bets are being placed. I need to fix that and then re-run the tests for more accurate ratios. :-[ :sad2:
OK - after many setbacks - Singles and Doubles are both coming out equal for 4 or 8 spin cycles. Phase 1 has more doubles. Results of the "shape" of each typical set from start to finish will be posted later, but it will probably be equal as well. So what's Vaddi talking about re: relationship between Singles and Doubles and at different stages of the 37 spin cycle? He always bets the last 8 numbers (x1 or x2 as pairs), but that is not within the context of the Law of the Third or in relation to other numbers that are outside this radar. It's like selecting any 8/16 numbers on the board knowing that half of them will hit equally to the other half. Does picking the last 8 that landed play any significance at all for phase 2?
3365 / 3588
104 119
195 203
303 324
399 404
477 493
566 625
572 658
749 762
Comments: Doubles slightly ahead of Singles. Most bets won when you have all 8 numbers in play (goes without saying).
7424 / 8031 (smaller for 4 NUMBERS)
Roughly equal values for all 37 spins
Comments: Doubles slightly ahead of Singles again. No other patterns.
There's only 2 feasible ways I can imagine playing this system:
Play only doubles
Put more chips on doubles and less on singles (based on a 4 spin cycle = max 8 numbers in total)
When the double hits, change to more chips on singles
When 1-1 change to equal chips
Play only doubles
Play the last 8 doubles
When the double hits, switch to betting the last 8 singles
When 1-1 change to 4 singles and 4 doubles
Should those methods not yield consistent profit then I give up! I can't see any grail here and it has little to do with the Law of the Third...
Thank you RFMAXX for bringing this to our attention. Amazingly simple concept that has great potential. I am a big a fan of inside betting and have always thought a Holy Grail would come from it.
Falkor found it. I am only a re-Poster.
I like it too...i think there is something...but like falkor said, it is not running Perfect and there are a lot of Vaddi rules unused. I will rethink it from Time to Time
I don't recall Vaddi saying anything about law of third, certainly not emphasized. Did emphasize pairs, and using landed to predict unlanded, so as to catch singles (catch unhit numbers/sleepers). So, instead of betting the last number, bet its supposed pair instead. Something like that. I don't see how his pairings are related but hey.
Also, he's been quoted lots here but I don't think 100% ( better yet, in chronological order) in one document, something he suggested twice or three times. Among the quotes missing: the sleeper method that he said helped change his thinking.
Quote from: Still on Aug 21, 12:46 PM 2015
Also, he's been quoted lots here but I don't think 100% ( better yet, in chronological order) in one document, something he suggested twice or three times. Among the quotes missing: the sleeper method that he said helped change his thinking.
I agree it is much better to read the original thread, he gave many many clues without actually giving the solution. He got a lot of abuse towards the end. Especially from
the scammer.
I've been toying with different parameters for Vaddi's system. The Doubles have a slight edge over the Singles, so the only way to win might be to either:
1) Wait for the Singles to win phase 1 (or for virtual Singles in phase 1 or 2) then bet on the Doubles until Singles = Doubles?
2) Start out playing Doubles until the gap becomes larger than normal then switch to Singles?
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Aug 21, 01:08 PM 2015
I've been toying with different parameters for Vaddi's system. The Doubles have a slight edge over the Singles, so the only way to win might be to either:
1) Wait for the Singles to win phase 1 (or for virtual Singles in phase 1 or 2) then bet on the Doubles until Singles = Doubles?
2) Start out playing Doubles until the gap becomes larger than normal then switch to Singles?
By singles he means SLEEPERS, no?
How do you predict sleepers from landed numbers so as to bet on sleepers, yes?
What do YOU mean by singles, and how do your tests propose to catch them?
Yes, his singles are sleepers. It's like going to a Casino and seeing that the Blacks are 66% in front of Reds, so you bet on Red because it needs to catch up. That's even money, but here the Doubles have a slight edge, so they always catch up. To catch the sleepers would need to be at the start of phase 1 or 2 (virtually or actually betting on them), otherwise we would have to wait for the Doubles to be stretched so far above the sleepers by a certain spin number that the sleepers would need to catch up.
Got an interesting test happening now following an even more interesting set. I got to +1K then the doubles took 800 spins to catch up with the singles/sleepers on the 378th set. The 8 number attack wasn't a big enough cover. I think 16-18 numbers might be needed to close that gap quicker. But I am also trying 1/2 chip ratio instead of 0/1 ratio, but I don't think that will make any difference at bringing the set into profit.
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Aug 21, 10:39 AM 2015
There's only 2 feasible ways I can imagine playing this system:
Play only doubles
Put more chips on doubles and less on singles (based on a 4 spin cycle = max 8 numbers in total)
When the double hits, change to more chips on singles
When 1-1 change to equal chips
Play only doubles
Play the last 8 doubles
When the double hits, switch to betting the last 8 singles
When 1-1 change to 4 singles and 4 doubles
Should those methods not yield consistent profit then I give up! I can't see any grail here and it has little to do with the Law of the Third...
I have been reading some of this. I'll share my guess on thjis story. My guess is that this Vaddis maybe suspected he could take an edge from this kind of betting, but he couldn't figure out a real way of doing it long term. So, he throws away all the pieces of the puzzle he knows, to see if someone else has any other ideas to "fix" is potential grail. Just saying :)
Yeah, you could be right - he did mention the possibility that somebody else might be able to refine his system better.
Got a few simulations running on different computers right now. That set 378 was able to stay in profit for much longer with chip ratio 1/1, but then a stop-loss was needed when Singles/Doubles = 3/0. Also it loses profit when there's no hits for an extended period. There's no way of possibly playing doubles catch up unless with a bigger number cover. So that was an interesting lesson in terms of balance.
I did some tests with 8 numbers repeaters in the past over millions of spins, I still have some notes here, but I could not find a way to exploit it longe term, at least flat betting. Basically, I got this more interesting conclusions out of it:
- a repeater in last 8 numbers can go for up to 60 spins withouth appearing;
- repeaters in last 8 numbers seem to "cluster" sometimes;
- a further analysis on this revealed that after we have a repeater in the last 8, there is sligthly above 50% (I have 51,43% in my notes) chance that in the next 4 spins, one of the last 8 numbers will repeat again. So if we woudl flat bet after everytime we have a repeater in the last 8, with 8 units for 4 spins (always the last 8 numbers of course), we have about 49% chance of losing 32 units, and 51% chance of winning 4 or 12 or 20 or 28 units. Flat betting, the result longterm is sligthly negative... probably it was in accordance with the house edge of -2,7 (didn't checked that)
If you can find a way to use this information, remember to share :)
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Aug 21, 03:18 PM 2015
Yeah, you could be right - he did mention the possibility that somebody else might be able to refine his system better.
Got a few simulations running on different computers right now. That set 378 was able to stay in profit for much longer with chip ratio 1/1, but then a stop-loss was needed when Singles/Doubles = 3/0. Also it loses profit when there's no hits for an extended period. There's no way of possibly playing doubles catch up unless with a bigger number cover. So that was an interesting lesson in terms of balance.
The guy sandrino claimed he refined it.... With pairing and Splitting...whatever that means (maybe it deals with vaddis balance listing). Still the question: how to predict singles and doubles with the fallen numbers?
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Aug 21, 01:51 PM 2015
Yes, his singles are sleepers. It's like going to a Casino and seeing that the Blacks are 66% in front of Reds, so you bet on Red because it needs to catch up. That's even money, but here the Doubles have a slight edge, so they always catch up. To catch the sleepers would need to be at the start of phase 1 or 2 (virtually or actually betting on them), otherwise we would have to wait for the Doubles to be stretched so far above the sleepers by a certain spin number that the sleepers would need to catch up.
Phase one, as described, bets only on the possibility of repeating numbers. Same with phase two (an attempt to convert singles into doubles, and doubles into triple repeats...etc). At no time did the author explain how to convert sleepers into singles except to suggest there was a balanced relationship between landed numbers and some mystical "pair". The only way you can bet on an unlanded number is to bet on an unlanded number, preferably selected by something other than luck. None of his examples showed any bets on unlanded numbers, but its clear thats what you have to do, with the pairs table and perhaps a couple more factors to guide the selection of unhit numbers. Until someone starts betting on unhit numbers ("sleepers")in some intelligent way, not all clues left by the author are being heeded, and we are apt to go astray on dead end tangents, confused by duplicious linguistical syntax (kind of like where Christianity is right now). On the other hand, the puzzle might be unsolvable, in which case the author must have been trying to sell software. Speaking of which, has anybody checked out his DATA extraction spreadsheet/software?
No way this thing can work. Roulette can give you so many waking up sleepers it will kill any bet like this. It can happen any moment and very frequently sometimes. Yes, i agree, there could be days when it behaves according to this idea. You can win a lot of money in those lucky days. But there will be days when all your winnings will be destroyed. Very nature of roulette will destroy it. If this was so simple,
roulette would not be a casino game my friends. Study its behaviour for a while and you will see i am right.
Roulette kills any consistent patterns, remember it.
To defeat it you some things to take into consideration. One thing is that no grails exist, they are something impossible, don't try to find them. Try to defeat roulette SOMETIMES, not all the spins in a row. 2nd thing is that you will need to be able to change your patterns. They should be DIFFERENT. Consistent pattern of combining a few multiple hits and single hits from marque won't work.
3rd thing is that withing a few sessions you must cover all the table. It's inevitable that if you don't take notice of what you bet you will bet one part of a table more than another and unbiased roulette wheel will defeat you.
Another thing is that you must cover sufficient part of the table.
Here i gave you some clues which may help you. Don't waist your time on "grails" like this telling you to bet the same patterns. They just mislead you. I don't know if this guy tries to mislead people by purpose or sincerely believes in what he says. Anyway it doesn't matter, the result matters. You will waist your time to find solution this way.
P.S. I don't want to be dragged into fruitless arguments. I am not a prophet or something like this so i can be wrong as well. I just gave you what i think is right and may help you. Please don't take this as religious argument with pointing fingers, blaming for heresy and so on like some people did some time ago. I also have very limited time on my hands so i am not going to go into details and proving i am right and so on. I will be just happy if what i said will help someone. Thanx for understanding.
This is a strange game we play.....our numbers might hit, our numbers might not hit but yet....we keep playing.
I have always been a believer that inside betting is the right way to bet and after reading the thread a few times I think Vaddi was onto something. Even if he doesn't have a perfect bet he does have a very good one.
It's right about inside bets, and his bet selection is not the worst one -- betting on cold would be worse. And yes, he is "onto something" like some people which suggested betting on multiple recent hits. But this kind of bet selection is right only partially. And if you keep betting this way you will lose. But if you include it with different proportions sometimes in your different bet selections carefully without overdoing it, you may be winning this game. But there are other conditions should be met. The way as it is it is losing game.
It is not that easy. This is a very complex game, remember it. If it was that simple as he is trying to tell you it would have been cracked long ago.
QuoteVery ... very interesting indeed, Andrey86Pak.
I'm not aware of that posting, but it's obvious that the person has discovered the power of singles being converted into doubles.
What is missing however, is the flip side of singles to doubles, which is sleepers being converted into lands, i.e., sleepers to singles.
All elements of roulette have a mirror and you can use lands / doubles to flow with and to predict sleepers.
- Vaddi
QuoteThe inside numbers constantly 'try' to balance with each other in a sort of uniform dance. And there are ways to temporarily exploit the imbalances.
Quote- using dropped numbers to predict future drops
Based on what I've said about balance and connected numbers (based on the pairs table) ...
How could you use already landed numbers to 'predict' numbers that are likely to land next? :)
No, you can't precisely predict which number will land next, but there's a way to get as close as you possibly can. :)
But it has do with observing how numbers connect to each other after every 4 spins, based on the pairs table. ;)
- Vaddi
QuoteThe above pairings take care of your singles and doubles all at the same time. :)
Do you see the balancing guys?
Which means that if #2 lands, then you need to bet on #2 and #3 at the same time. Splits or single chip.
As above, always choose your pairings going forward.
However, what happens if #3 is already covered? In that case go backwards and cover #1 instead. That's because, as in the table above, #2 is also connected to #1.
QuoteI know ... putting the grail together based on the many clues I've provided is a killer challenge. Different components that are presented impact on other suggested elements and transforms the final solution into something new.
- Vaddi
QuoteYour main task is to understand the whole picture based on all the parameters combined together.
None of the parameters stand in isolation of one another. ;D
- Vaddi
On the other hand, all this may be to sell software:
QuoteSearch on this forum for my FREE Roulette Numbers Data Extractor script to study repeater patterns and repeater ranges. You'll need Roulette Scripter Studio Pro though.
The script might give you a fresh perspective on roulette.
- Vaddi
So beware
Based on the above clues we would be betting on landed, as well as each unlanded "pair" of the landed. At any stage we would be betting on an even number of inside numbers, up to 16, but explicitly NOT 18 numbers. Something like that. If were going to go down in flames, at least go down following the clues. Each idea has to conform with ALL clues or it will explicitly not work, according to the author. Ignore the paired number set at your own peril. On the other hand, this could be a slick way to sell software.
I've tested untold variations now, but only 2 are holding above water for 10,000 spins:
1) Wait for a single to appear then bet 1 chip on singles and 1 chip on doubles (8 x 2 = 16 numbers). If the singles start repeating and form a large gap ahead of the doubles then change to 0 chips on singles and 1 chip on doubles. Doubles has the edge so they will catch up. Once the doubles equal the singles then stop. This hovered between +400-1000 for 10,000 spins. No opposite strategy works for the singles when the doubles are ahead because they are weaker.
2) Bet singles only until a single appears then bet doubles only until a double appears and then keep switching to try and force a win from both, alternating one at a time.
All other methods are failing. I tried a stop loss when the singles or the doubles go ahead of the other. I tried a "singles recovery" when the doubles go ahead, but they never catch the doubles because the doubles have a slight edge. I tried 2 chips instead of 1. I tried different "magic numbers". I tried stop loss whenever there's a "crossover", i.e. the doubles = the singles.
Attached is how I managed to pass 10K - one of the few ways I could get Vaddi's system to stay afloat for a good number of spins - all instructions are in red.
Hey guys. Try this
Bet any number that shows of these: #6, #7, #8, #9, #10
To my surprise good hit rate :d
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Saturday, August 22,2015 @ 11:31pm CDT USA
Bet #10: 1.) 4(x)-1 2.) 15(x)-1 3.) 6(x)-1*
Bet 10,6: 4.) 3(x)-2 5.) 27(x)-2 6.) 15(x)-2
7.) 30(x)-2 8.) 23(x)-2 9.) 22(x)-2 10.) 11(x)-2
11.) 0(x)-2 12.) 7(x)-2*
Bet 10,6,7: 13.) 34(x)-3 14.) 3(x)-3 15.) 25(x)-3
16.) 7(win)+33*
Bet 10,6: 17.) 14(x)-2 18.) 27(x)-2 19.) 34(x)-2
20.) 4(x)-2 21.) 29(x)-2 22.) 30(x)-2
23.) 18(x)-2 24.) 2(x)-2 25.) 23(x)-2
26.) 10(win)+34
For me this Vaddi comment has huge significance in the original thread:
QuoteBalance is not a problem in roulette.
It's an advantage that the wheel gives you, because the wheel will ...... temporarily shift out of balance and then shift back into balance.
Therefore you need a system that can detect and take advantage of these shifts when they happen.
You need a system that incorporates an element that follows what the wheel does so that your play is in sync with the wheel.
it's totally impossible on a long run. Balance works on big numbers. For example after 1000 spins there gonna be roughly a balance of black and red. But it does not make any sense for a player. What you guys now are trying to do (finding HG like Vaddi declares to have) is against rules of probability. You will never beat those rules on a long run.
It does not mean that you can't defeat roulette at all. Yes you can. But not by finding HG which will always defeat roulette for as long period of time as you wish. Again -- it contradicts rules of probability.
link::// (link:://
here's some numbers posted in a thread cant remember which thou, poster XXedos
22 1
18 2 36
22 1
33 2
23 3
15 4
36 5
17 6
32 7
5 8 36
32 1
25 2
19 3 36
19 1
21 2
33 3
30 4
11 5
10 6
22 7
27 8 36
30 1
35 2
8 3
26 4
10 5
18 6
12 7
1 8
14 16
25 16
27 24
7 32 144
10 1
23 2
33 3
19 4
6 5
28 6
9 7
13 8
17 16
11 16 72
17 1
19 2
24 3
18 4
2 5
21 6
32 7
13 8
22 16
10 16
8 24
35 32
3 40
23 48 216
if played right +91 units on singles for 33 spins, when do the doubles come in to play?
When was the big post posted by Vaddi? It feels like the prime thinking everyone goes "number six" in VLS in 2010 with his LOTT posts
Written very similarly
I would guess it's a few years ago....could be wrong.
Quote from: Turner on Aug 24, 03:35 PM 2015
When was the big post posted by Vaddi? It feels like the prime thinking everyone goes "number six" in VLS in 2010 with his LOTT posts
Written very similarly
I would guess it's a few years ago....could be wrong.
Summer 2013
@nottophammer: what are you suggesting?
Anyways, original clues suggest that if a #1 hits you bet on #2, if #2 hits you bet on #3 (and so on) while maintaining bets on everything thats hit in the last eight spins. Something like that. I don't think anybody has tested this, so this thread is inconclusive.
Some food for thoughts maybe. Yesterday i saw 17 sleepers waking up one after another. It is just one example. And it is not some rare events. Such things happen pretty much frequently. How Vaddi's "HG" would handle it? Believe me there will be days when you gonna see lots of such events. On this very moment you gonna play it's impossible to know what roulette will give you. Last number repeating or some multiple hit repeating again. Or some sleeper waking up. Or ten of sleepers waking up and shooting one after another. It's totally impossible to predict.
What is possible though is to create each time different combination of repeaters single hits and sleepers.
Quote from: iggiv on Aug 25, 07:08 PM 2015
Some food for thoughts maybe. Yesterday i saw 17 sleepers waking up one after another. It is just one example. And it is not some rare events. Such things happen pretty much frequently. How Vaddi's "HG" would handle it? Believe me there will be days when you gonna see lots of such events. On this very moment you gonna play it's impossible to know what roulette will give you. Last number repeating or some multiple hit repeating again. Or some sleeper waking up. Or ten of sleepers waking up and shooting one after another. It's totally impossible to predict.
What is possible though is to create each time different combination of repeaters single hits and sleepers.
Yes, also for that roulette has a special treat - the exact selection of numbers we don't pick will come out enough times to leave our bankrolls very sad.
Roulette does not know or care what numbers you take. What roulette does it gives you all the time different patterns. So if you manage to do just that, you have some chances to win. It's not easy though. People lose mostly in roulette for the same reason. Humans go by patterns. So if you just pick some numbers out of you head most likely it will be some kind of pattern you are using. It may win sometimes but then it is gonna lose. You may have a few patterns but eventually they will lose too. Your task is not easy. To find a way to create each time a new pattern with sufficient numbers to bet. But if you are able to do it somehow you have chance to win.
There are some others factors i mentioned already.
Quote from: vladir on Aug 25, 07:28 PM 2015
Yes, also for that roulette has a special treat - the exact selection of numbers we don't pick will come out enough times to leave our bankrolls very sad.
That happens alot, especially on RNG....... >:D
@petespin >> I deleted your last 2 posts. If you have something for SALE, out with it so I can delete it please.
ok but if was my purpose to sell it there is the corresponding section of the forum , so i think u get me wrong :-X
Your last post looked awfully like sales speal by stealth to me. Guessing Mr J agreed. :o
Its never ending with petespin. Like a broken record that wont stop repeating. Hes on bet selection to now
i really dont know how many of u missed to read my posts before deleted , but if u consider it was promotion u re wrong , i just wanted to show u the way how can be the roulette grail , anyway when the software is ready for use, :) it will not sold for less than 1500e!
petespin wrote:
anyway when the software is ready for use, it will not sold for less than 1500e!
I knew he was selling something! Anyway - none of the roulette softwares work do they?
last night I followed Vaddi's instructions and played repeaters only. .........................Flatbetting.
Results look promissing.
I added all of Vaddi's posts on the MMM forum.
Quote from: eddy35 on Aug 27, 06:56 AM 2015
last night I followed Vaddi's instructions and played repeaters only. .........................Flatbetting.
Results look promissing.
I added all of Vaddi's posts on the MMM forum.
Test a few more sessions, not all win like your session did, you will have some big losers as well, but there is definitely something in what Vaddi has said in his posts.
Quote from: helena on Aug 27, 09:40 AM 2015
Test a few more sessions, not all win like your session did, you will have some big losers as well, but there is definitely something in what Vaddi has said in his posts.
But it's flatbet. That makes it interesting. The curve looks like a progression play...........but it's not.
to the LAW ... probably u need to post much ,much more often to see your posts becoming 2,500,then u will be able to banned the others , but till now , better shut it! uncorropted!
Quote from: petespin on Aug 27, 11:35 AM 2015
to the LAW ... probably u need to post much ,much more often to see your posts becoming 2,500,then u will be able to banned the others , but till now , better shut it! uncorropted!
I do not understand how OR why you are still here. You do not contribute to help. All you do is boast that you have a grail and you sell a strategy. Its time for you to scidaddle.
Im the first to admit i am not the best poster but i do try to help. You are just trash.
Noone here wants to hear someone say they have a grail of a strategy if they are not willing to share. Its counter productive. You are just ridiculous. Im sure others agree with me
You and your idiot monions are on roulette 30, bet selection, and vls. Oh and roulette forum dot com. Give it up
Seriously, you are ridiculous.
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Aug 27, 11:48 AM 2015
I do not understand how OR why you are still here. You do not contribute to help. All you do is boast that you have a grail and you sell a strategy. Its time for you to scidaddle.
Im the first to admit i am not the best poster but i do try to help. You are just trash.
Noone here wants to hear someone say they have a grail of a strategy if they are not willing to share. Its counter productive. You are just ridiculous. Im sure others agree with me
You and your idiot monions are on roulette 30, bet selection, and vls. Oh and roulette forum dot com. Give it up
Seriously, you are ridiculous.
Careful RG!
Don't criticize Petespin, or you'll get your posts deleted by the mod just like mine :sad2:
This post started with an interesting idea and descended into the usual boring tripe
Stop bickering. Its tedious to watch at my age. I left little school 40 years ago. are winding people up. If the tone doesnt change from holy grails and selling , I will give you a well earned break.
Have a nice day
rg u claiim that iam not willing to share mu system , but i ve done it with my 2 deleted posts , at least i started and was willing to go on further [ perhaps not the whole concept but very helpfull infos about it] to open up your eyes , but the moderators decide that iwas in wrong direction , i respect their experience but with mr they ve made a mistake , the time will show ...........the next time i will ask their permission first ....
Quote from: petespin on Aug 27, 05:19 PM 2015
rg u claiim that iam not willing to share mu system , but i ve done it with my 2 deleted posts , at least i started and was willing to go on further [ perhaps not the whole concept but very helpfull infos about it] to open up your eyes , but the moderators decide that iwas in wrong direction , i respect their experience but with mr they ve made a mistake , the time will show ...........the next time i will ask their permission first ....
So just so I'm clear on this Petespin, you :
1) Claim that you shared your system in 2 posts deleted by the mods
2) Claim that you started to share your system in 2 posts deleted by the mods
3) Claim that you did not share the whole concept, but very helpful info about your system in 2 posts deleted by the mods
Wow Petespin!!! Thanks so much for the system...........I mean the beginning of your system.......I mean info about your system......wait........I'm confused. :question:
Quote from: petespin on Aug 27, 05:19 PM 2015
rg u claiim that iam not willing to share mu system , but i ve done it with my 2 deleted posts , at least i started and was willing to go on further [ perhaps not the whole concept but very helpfull infos about it] to open up your eyes , but the moderators decide that iwas in wrong direction , i respect their experience but with mr they ve made a mistake , the time will show ...........the next time i will ask their permission first ....
that is just a big fat lie.......
Quote from: eddy35 on Aug 27, 10:23 AM 2015
But it's flatbet. That makes it interesting. The curve looks like a progression play...........but it's not.
I agree, it is very very interesting. I have had a few sessions go south very fast though and they didn't recover like most do, which is why I say there will be losing sessions. A stop loss will be required if you just use the first phase only.
Been playing with this to and trying to work it all out and think I am getting a handle on it. The two phases are useful, but you have to be prepared for some loses.
The winning sessions will either come straight away or lose within 24 spins and you will struggle to recover the losing sessions. Even though this is flat betting it acts like a progression when losing and loses fast.
Quote from: petespin on Aug 27, 05:19 PM 2015
rg u claiim that iam not willing to share mu system , but i ve done it with my 2 deleted posts , at least i started and was willing to go on further [ perhaps not the whole concept but very helpfull infos about it] to open up your eyes , but the moderators decide that iwas in wrong direction , i respect their experience but with mr they ve made a mistake , the time will show ...........the next time i will ask their permission first ....
Not modS, I deleted those two. Post the ENTIRE method or nothing, no hinting around. Thats the one RULE I appreciate Steve standing by us mods.
Quote from: eddy35 on Aug 27, 06:56 AM 2015
last night I followed Vaddi's instructions and played repeaters only. .........................Flatbetting.
Results look promissing.
Here is a losing session played with repeaters only.
Text file of numbers is attached as well to see if you get a different result to mine.
Here is the same session playing it the way I interpreted Vaddi's clues, this one is a winning session.
Quote from: helena on Aug 28, 05:58 AM 2015
Here is the same session playing it the way I interpreted Vaddi's clues, this one is a winning session.
And how do you interpret Vaddi's clues? Just wondering!
If all 8 numbers in phase 1 miss I am -36, so I play phase 2 with all 8 missed numbers and thier pairs until I get a hit, dropping the oldest number and it's pair each time. As soon as I get back to +ve using phase 2 I go back to phase 1. Simple but it works 9 times out of 10.
Remember Vaddi said only play 37 spin sessions if you can, longer will just have a rollercoaster effect on bankroll.
Quote from: helena on Aug 28, 06:53 AM 2015
If all 8 numbers in phase 1 miss I am -36, so I play phase 2 with all 8 missed numbers and thier pairs until I get a hit, dropping the oldest number and it's pair each time. As soon as I get back to +ve using phase 2 I go back to phase 1. Simple but it works 9 times out of 10.
Remember Vaddi said only play 37 spin sessions if you can, longer will just have a rollercoaster effect on bankroll.
And do you play 1 unit on both? ( numner + pairs) or 1 unit on the split?
The 136 spin test
At spin 9 -36, if you rebet the last 8 and double the bet, spin 10 is #6, so -52, rebet the last 8 for 16 again spin 11 is #6,so 68 units in total return 72, +4.
Now start with last # for 1 unit, if you carried on this way of betting at spin 21 +42.
Quote from: helena on Aug 28, 06:53 AM 2015
If all 8 numbers in phase 1 miss I am -36, so I play phase 2 with all 8 missed numbers and thier pairs until I get a hit, dropping the oldest number and it's pair each time. As soon as I get back to +ve using phase 2 I go back to phase 1. Simple but it works 9 times out of 10.
Remember Vaddi said only play 37 spin sessions if you can, longer will just have a rollercoaster effect on bankroll.
i tested it that way...but more losing sessions than winners.
stage 1 and 2 was the early stage. then vaddi said, that 1 % is missing and we have to change one thing on the table layout.
so my latest test involve streets.
but no luck either...played the streets of the last 8 unhit numbers...wheel layout and table layout...or just the last 4 unhit number streets crossing out the last and bet every new street...
it goes down... :(
Quote from: nottophammer on Aug 28, 07:07 AM 2015
The 136 spin test
At spin 9 -36, if you rebet the last 8 and double the bet, spin 10 is #6, so -52, rebet the last 8 for 16 again spin 11 is #6,so 68 units in total return 72, +4.
Now start with last # for 1 unit, if you carried on this way of betting at spin 21 +42.
That is using a progression, this is all about flat betting.
Quote from: RFMAXX on Aug 28, 07:11 AM 2015
i tested it that way...but more losing sessions than winners.
stage 1 and 2 was the early stage. then vaddi said, that 1 % is missing and we have to change one thing on the table layout.
so my latest test involve streets.
but no luck either...played the streets of the last 8 unhit numbers...wheel layout and table layout...or just the last 4 unhit number streets crossing out the last and bet every new street...
it goes down... :(
Yes before he told everyone about pairs, that changed everything. Read his clues again. You really need to look at the fall of the numbers in a spreadsheet, he got it right about balance.
Streets didn't work for me either.
EDIT: If I am in front before 37 spins are up I quit the session and start another 20+ spins or so into the numbers. I haven't played this live yet, but testing has been very good.
This sounds like Mr. J's Eight Train with the repeaters.
got these numbers yesterday in ladbrokes
Helena does Vaddis work here
Quote from: nottophammer on Aug 28, 10:20 AM 2015
got these numbers yesterday in ladbrokes
Helena does Vaddis work here
33 - lost 36u here Phase 1 = -36
29 - bet 28, 30 = -38
11 - bet 28,30,10,12 = -42
27 - bet 28,30,10,12,26 -47
36 - bet 28,30,10,12,26,0,35 = -54
20 - bet 28,30,10,12,26,0,35,19,21 = -63
10 - won36; bet 28,30,12,26,0,35,19,21 = -35
30 - won36; bet 28,12,26,0,35,19,21 = -6
26 - won36; bet 28,12,0,5,19,21 = +25
23 - bet 28,12,0,5,19,21,22,24 = +17
0 - won36; bet 28,12,5,19,21,22,24 = +46 (STOP?)
------ return to Phase 1
32 - bet 32 = +45
6 - bet 32,6 = +43
25 - bet 32,6,25 =+40
so after the 8 loss in a row =-36, we then bet blocks of 8, plus the 8's pairings, or like atlantis just the pairs?
I have no clue nottophammer!
This was just an idea - and I very much doubt that it will work every time either. :)
Okay Helena i was a bit naughty with those numbers they were part of 57 spins, they were the last 21,here they are as i got them, think you'll make these pay
Lad cam 27.8.15
MRJ , if u able to take a look at vaddis post in mmm forum u ll see that he claims ' wish i could openly share roulettegrail' i did the same , not for promoting purposes as u think , but show em which path to follow , and this is happen ONLY in this forum , anyway i feel ok with myself, believing i didnt do anything wrong here .
Quote from: petespin on Aug 28, 09:43 PM 2015
MRJ , if u able to take a look at vaddis post in mmm forum u ll see that he claims ' wish i could openly share roulettegrail' i did the same , not for promoting purposes as u think , but show em which path to follow , and this is happen ONLY in this forum , anyway i feel ok with myself, believing i didnt do anything wrong here .
For the love of god. Please leave
Quote from: RFMAXX on Aug 20, 08:49 AM 2015
all hints from vaddi:
1. You need to make inside bets
2. You MUST bet on a set of numbers that consist of less than 10 numbers. And please figure out that X number for long-term winning. (later he goes down between 9 and 6; I guess its 8)
3. Those numbers that you select must be consistently selected from the top of the marquee; Your number set will change by one number each time a new number lands
4. How do you make sure that you hit every single number that comes up on the roulette wheel?
5. Think in terms of hits and what the roulette wheel MUST do: "It MUST hit repeats". But, how do the repeats perform in relation to the singles? For the most part: every 37 spin results in 24 hits = 14 singles + 10 doubles
6. You don't even need pen and paper. Simply look at the first set of numbers on the marquee. With the GRAIL there is no need to think or analyze
8. It's about how the singles and repeats fall.
9. Look at the marquee and copy exactly what the wheel does.
10. Remember, the wheel is recycling it's numbers for perfect balance.
11. 37-spin cycle
12. You can start betting on your magic X numbers at ANY TIME. Look at the marquee and wait until there are NO REPEATS in your set of X numbers, then start betting on all those X numbers. Caching! :)
13. It's all about balance. And if you read my above posts, that X number is a factor of a bigger number that I've quoted. And, if you were to create the lowest level progression out of X numbers, the last winning number of that progression would bring your bankroll back to break-even. :)
14. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 = 36 This must be the secret number
Yep, I see that little magic number that is smaller than 10. And, just look at how it's perfectly placed in relation to posts about break-even. That position is absolutely perfect in that sequence of numbers. Absolutely perfect. :)
Here's another thought: each 37-spin cycle is never the same, and each 37-spin cycle produces its own dominant numbers. That's why there is no such thing as hot numbers per se. :) Because all numbers eventually become "hot numbers" in their own respective 37-spin cycle, so as to maintain long-term equilibrium of all the numbers over time.
Hope that helps.
This is going somewhere. I personally think, what I have highlighted in RED is the key to win on a consistent basis.
Mind you, there are a lot of variables to deal with on a consistent basis.
Here is the question that was posted about the 37 number's.
link::// (link:://
Its all about timing......... ::)
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Aug 28, 10:30 PM 2015
For the love of god. Please leave
Easy RG..
We dont want people leaving...we want people contributing and getting along. Hopefully everyone agrees with that
u have to keep tracking your sessions [at the same wheel] and after a lot of spins u ll be experienced with almost the same sessions ,as before ,can u beleive that? in my sxystems i give this advice , monitor and keep your actions u ll need em someday! think its like u want to mimic someone , after too many tries u ll have the desirable result, at the end if u really want something u have to watch after that!for god sake there are not easy money from roulette , only study, monitor, track, follow ................ ::)
Quote from: petespin on Aug 29, 05:51 PM 2015
u have to keep tracking your sessions [at the same wheel] and after a lot of spins u ll be experienced with almost the same sessions ,as before ,can u beleive that? in my sxystems i give this advice , monitor and keep your actions u ll need em someday! think its like u want to mimic someone , after too many tries u ll have the desirable result, at the end if u really want something u have to watch after that!for god sake there are not easy money from roulette , only study, monitor, track, follow ................ ::)
So how come in one of your deleted posts you stated that you can win playing RNG ?
Looking at lots of previous spins (from the same wheel) isn't going to help you there is it ?
More BS from the King of it.....
Quote from: ddarko on Aug 29, 06:16 PM 2015
So how come in one of your deleted posts you stated that you can win playing RNG ?
Looking at lots of previous spins (from the same wheel) isn't going to help you there is it ?
More BS from the King of it.....
he is the KING of BS. one of the few times we agree ddarko
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Aug 29, 07:23 PM 2015
he is the KING of BS. one of the few times we agree ddarko
the ONLY time I think !!!!!
Well petespin & mandeproper (a new member with no posts) have been on this thread for a LONG time......
Wonder what mandeproper will say to back petespin up ?
u dont even know how to read my posts , .its what i ve said about low iq u both have , but i strongly recomend u to continue to read my posts , with that way u ll improve it , at least at some point............. :twisted:
Quote from: petespin on Aug 29, 08:39 PM 2015
u dont even know how to read my posts , .its what i ve said about low iq u both have , but i strongly recomend u to continue to read my posts , with that way u ll improve it , at least at some point............. :twisted:
I cannot have that low an I.Q. I haven't inquired about that HG your selling have I ?
Any chance of you answering my question BTW ? or are you just dodging it ?
i dont sell anything at this moment , i have it , i dont sell it , its too complicated to being played without denvelope it in software ...if u wondering , i really dont think there are many people that are in a position to fully understand the concept , so even if i posted for free , i wonder whats the use ?
Quote from: petespin on Aug 29, 09:00 PM 2015
i dont sell anything at this moment , i have it , i dont sell it , its too complicated to being played without denvelope it in software ...if u wondering , i really dont think there are many people that are in a position to fully understand the concept , so even if i posted for free , i wonder whats the use ?
Why waste your time here?
Quote from: petespin on Aug 29, 09:00 PM 2015
i dont sell anything at this moment , i have it , i dont sell it , its too complicated to being played without denvelope it in software ...if u wondering , i really dont think there are many people that are in a position to fully understand the concept , so even if i posted for free , i wonder whats the use ?
Yet another excuse as to why Petespin will not post his "system".
Now, even if he did post it, we apparently wouldn't even understand it................................what a crock!!!
Just add it to the pile....................... :sad2:
This type of BS, by the way, is why forums like this have yet to produce a viable system.............................too many people chasing empty ideas down rabbit holes :question:
Quote from: thelaw on Aug 30, 10:18 AM 2015
Yet another excuse as to why Petespin will not post his "system".
Now, even if he did post it, we apparently wouldn't even understand it................................what a crock!!!
Just add it to the pile....................... :sad2:
This type of BS, by the way, is why forums like this have yet to produce a viable system.............................too many people chasing empty ideas down rabbit holes :question:
True - some people can't even type a sentence, yet, they somehow hold the keys. Others claim they will get '
banded' vs 'banned' - Ahhh, I can't take much more of this.
thelaw and others - Petespin is a scam-artist - he has been selling hes HG for 500 Euro.
He is on all gambling boards.
I have not time to get all the links and quotes he made all over internet gambling sites, but this is one link among all:
I PM link to does who want to read more about hes attempts.
Quote from: petespin on Aug 29, 09:00 PM 2015
i dont sell anything at this moment , i have it , i dont sell it , its too complicated to being played without denvelope it in software ...if u wondering , i really dont think there are many people that are in a position to fully understand the concept , so even if i posted for free , i wonder whats the use ?
STILL no attempt to answer my original question......
Believe me, your silence speaks volumes.....
Quote from: ego on Aug 30, 11:24 AM 2015
thelaw and others - Petespin is a scam-artist - he has been selling hes HG for 500 Euro.
He is on all gambling boards.
I have not time to get all the links and quotes he made all over internet gambling sites, but this is one link among all:
I PM link to does who want to read more about hes attempts.
100 percent right
The last page and a half of off topic rubbish is why I will no longer be bothering to contribute to his subject. Why is this allowed?
Quote from: helena on Aug 30, 07:27 PM 2015
The last page and a half of off topic rubbish is why I will no longer be bothering to contribute to his subject. Why is this allowed?
Well.............where would the threads by Falkor, Kimo Li, Reyth (Roulette30), or John Legend be now if nobody called them out?
...................................100s of pages of members looking at the Emperor's new clothes. :sad2:
Although, this may be fitting given how this thread started. Just another member claiming the hg with no proof, only bread-crumbs.
Perhaps this was a sign of bad things to follow. :question:
Maybe, jut maybe, from this point forward, we all demand proof before listening to another member's claims..................just a thought. :thumbsup:
Personally, I am grateful for the first post by RFMAXX. It gave me very useful ideas that I had not thought about before.
Quote from: helena on Aug 30, 09:06 PM 2015
Personally, I am grateful for the first post by RFMAXX. It gave me very useful ideas that I had not thought about before.
I will second this 100%.
Here is session 2.
Anyone want a demo of this, add me on skype : I will give you my id via pm and I will show the video.
Here is session 3 from hell.
Here is session 4.
Quote from: thelaw on Aug 30, 08:21 PM 2015
Well.............where would the threads by Falkor, Kimo Li, Reyth (Roulette30), or John Legend be now if nobody called them out?
Maybe, jut maybe, from this point forward, we all demand proof before listening to another member's claims..................just a thought. :thumbsup:
They wouldn't be able to talk about it, they've signed a non-disclosure agreement!! :lol:
Quote from: Azim on Aug 31, 02:12 AM 2015
Here is session 3 from hell.
What are you playin here? And why the 3rd graphic seems so different from the others?
Quote from: vladir on Aug 31, 02:13 PM 2015
What are you playin here? And why the 3rd graphic seems so different from the others?
All 4 sessions are played the same way. Doubles and singles.
Session 3 from hell is what everyone says RNG is fixed.
Quote from: Azim on Aug 31, 04:30 PM 2015
All 4 sessions are played the same way. Doubles and singles.
Session 3 from hell is what everyone says RNG is fixed.
RNG is not roulette. RNG computer simulation will never act like a roulette wheel
Even if the RNG is true RNG it will never behave like a wheel and ball
I would never advocate creating and testing a system on any RNG
If you prefer fast play goto a airball wheel
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Aug 31, 05:14 PM 2015
RNG is not roulette. RNG computer simulation will never act like a roulette wheel
Even if the RNG is true RNG it will never behave like a wheel and ball
I would never advocate creating and testing a system on any RNG
If you prefer fast play goto a airball wheel
Airball wheel is RNG too.
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Aug 31, 05:14 PM 2015
RNG is not roulette. RNG computer simulation will never act like a roulette wheel
Even if the RNG is true RNG it will never behave like a wheel and ball
I would never advocate creating and testing a system on any RNG
If you prefer fast play goto a airball wheel
Prove it.
Quote from: 1eleven on Aug 31, 08:17 PM 2015
Prove it.
I don't think proof is needed
I think it's clear to see a computer random number generator will not operate the same as a real it acts, dealer signature etc way is RNG the same
I thought this was common sense
Quote from: 1eleven on Aug 31, 08:17 PM 2015
Prove it.
Your mind is made up, look up Confirmation Bias.......
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Aug 31, 08:22 PM 2015
I don't think proof is needed
I think it's clear to see a computer random number generator will not operate the same as a real it acts, dealer signature etc way is RNG the same
I thought this was common sense
Search the forum and you will see there was a discussion on this. No one could prove where the published number's came from but the poster.
Sorry to burst your bubble.
Quote from: ddarko on Aug 31, 09:02 PM 2015
Your mind is made up, look up Confirmation Bias.......
Please come up with your own material. Thank you.
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Aug 31, 08:22 PM 2015
I don't think proof is needed
I think it's clear to see a computer random number generator will not operate the same as a real it acts, dealer signature etc way is RNG the same
I thought this was common sense
Do you win on either a live table or RNG?
Someone reading this... would think that there are at least "two kinds of randomness". One randomness produced by RNG's and another kind produced by roulettes... How do we distinguish one from the other?
Quote from: vladir on Sep 01, 07:19 PM 2015
Someone reading this... would think that there are at least "two kinds of randomness". One randomness produced by RNG's and another kind produced by roulettes... How do we distinguish one from the other?
There is no difference.
Quote from: Azim on Sep 01, 08:05 PM 2015
Quote from: vladir on Sep 01, 07:19 PM 2015
Someone reading this... would think that there are at least "two kinds of randomness". One randomness produced by RNG's and another kind produced by roulettes... How do we distinguish one from the other?
There is no difference.
Agreed, except when the casino has rigged the RNG. Which I don't care what anyone says, does happen. Heads in sand on this does not mean it doesn't happen. Too many coincidences.
link::// (link:://
Think reply 3 sums this one up
Atlantis, did you do any more on this ,Phase 2. :thumbsup:
Quote from: atlantis on Aug 28, 10:58 AM 2015
33 - lost 36u here Phase 1 = -36
29 - bet 28, 30 = -38
11 - bet 28,30,10,12 = -42
27 - bet 28,30,10,12,26 -47
36 - bet 28,30,10,12,26,0,35 = -54
20 - bet 28,30,10,12,26,0,35,19,21 = -63
10 - won36; bet 28,30,12,26,0,35,19,21 = -35
30 - won36; bet 28,12,26,0,35,19,21 = -6
26 - won36; bet 28,12,0,5,19,21 = +25
23 - bet 28,12,0,5,19,21,22,24 = +17
0 - won36; bet 28,12,5,19,21,22,24 = +46 (STOP?)
------ return to Phase 1
32 - bet 32 = +45
6 - bet 32,6 = +43
25 - bet 32,6,25 =+40
I keep looking at his clues expecially the betting 6 to 10 numbers
Im convinced its 9 numbers to bet
As tesla says when thinking of the universe
Think in terms of 3 6 or 9
Vaddis pretty similar to kimo li
Only gives clues and ive yet to see anyone of kimo lis methods produce a profit over the long term
I have an idea on this:
Wait for five consecutive unique numbers to show.
Bet any new number collectively for up to eight spins.
Stop on a win or after eight consecutive misses.
Example: 0,21,4,8,11
(five consecutive unique numbers)-#11 is the newest spin-value
Bet #11: 1.) 9(x)
Bet 11,9: 2.) 25(x)
Bet 11,9,25: 3.) 30(x)
Bet 11,9,25,30: 4.) 36(x)
Bet 11,9,25,30,36: 5.) 2(x)
Bet 11,9,25,30,36,2: 6.) 1(x)
Bet 11,9,25,30,36,2,1: 7.) 35(x)
Bet 11,9,25,30,36,2,1,35: 8.) 1(win)
Win or lose start over with new spin-values.
Clue : bet on 6 to 10 numbers
Clue : flat bets only
Clue : its so easy a ten year old child would understand it
If thats the case why hasnt any one cracked it ?
Theres some very smart people in tjis forum
Why doesnt vaddis spill his guts
And reveal all ?
Doesnt work . Have tried a lot in different way
Quote from: Madi on Jan 24, 03:02 AM 2017
Doesnt work . Have tried a lot in different way
How did 7 #'s work out?
@ notto
What is 7s . Its 8 number straight. As you showed in ur last explanation two number from side. In case of couple repaeat comes out in 2nd phase u will be vanished. Vaddi said bankroll 120 should be ok. If the money goes below 120 without getting back then the way we r playing is not right
These guys who give hints and not the actual rules are full of it ...kimo li ...
Priyanka ....and vaddis ...yes yes its either a case of put up or shut up
Quote from: nottophammer on Jan 24, 05:09 AM 2017
How did 7 #'s work out?
Another white belt on the forum (bigmoney)
Quote from: bigmoney on Jan 23, 05:27 PM 2017
I keep looking at his clues expecially the betting 6 to 10 numbers
Im convinced its 9 numbers to bet
As tesla says when thinking of the universe
Think in terms of 3 6 or 9
Vaddis pretty similar to kimo li
Only gives clues and ive yet to see anyone of kimo lis methods produce a profit over the long term
Agreed-the newest nine unique numbers each spin for up to four spins.
Quote from: nottophammer on Jan 24, 05:09 AM 2017
How did 7 #'s work out?
Ask madi how using 7 numnbers instead of 8 numbers would go, at least 1+2+3+4+5+6+7=28+7=35, if the repeat came on spin 8, +1
White belt you must be bored nothing to finger or jizz.
Madi said yesterday KTF lost but did you check vaddi as 7 numbers on yesterdays numbers
(link::// (link:://
(link::// (link::// |
(link::// (link::// |
:thumbsup: not a finger, 2hot2handle :twisted:
(link::// (link::// |
8 number stepping progression is nothing new. I think its very familiar in usa. Nothing special. 8,7,6,5,4 whatever u play will lose in long term in fact in 37 spin . What is vaddis special is pair number for each number. In that way u need to place bet 16 number and is a looser.its a observational strategy nothing to do with logic. The clues published here is his thinking throughout his research but the actual finding is not here. Let me discuss this with my cousin who is 8 years old.
Quote from: Madi on Jan 25, 04:54 PM 2017
8 number stepping progression is nothing new. I think its very familiar in usa. Nothing special. 8,7,6,5,4 whatever u play will lose in long term in fact in 37 spin . What is vaddis special is pair number for each number. In that way u need to place bet 16 number and is a looser.its a observational strategy nothing to do with logic. The clues published here is his thinking throughout his research but the actual finding is not here. Let me discuss this with my cousin who is 8 years old.
Yes 9,8,7 stepping progression is a failure. So that it can't be.
For the 16 number you need to bet the splits. But as you says its a looser also.
Yes an observational strategy should work better. I also think that is the way he does it.
But then we are back on which numbers to bet on and when?
In for example WTF is using similar averages that Vaddi is using. In that case we should bet on the magic number when the averages is pointing towards that the 1x is coming.
But as always the questions is which numbers, how many and when?
- Tuddilue
Well vaddis is just another JOKER ... like kimo li and priyanka
Having another look at this its 8 numbers you bet on and he keeps referring to balance
37 spins
14 singles
10 doubles
Quote from: bigmoney on Jan 28, 07:56 AM 2017
Having another look at this its 8 numbers you bet on and he keeps referring to balance
37 spins
14 singles
10 doubles
Yes he does. But how to use it with 8 numbers that is the question. The balance is there but when they come that is the question?
- Tuddilue
Its amazing soo many smart people in this room and no ones cracked this ...and no i havent got the answers as im not very smart
I believe this one is the one to make truckloads of cash
Quote from: bigmoney on May 28, 07:25 AM 2017
Its amazing soo many smart people in this room and no ones cracked this ...and no i havent got the answers as im not very smart
I believe this one is the one to make truckloads of cash
Most methods make truckloads of cash, its the 40 ton artic' that takes more away is the killer
True researching ....backtesting and brainstorming this one
Try this
Track until you have 9 unique numbers. If a number repeats eliminate
that number. When you have your nine bet for up to four spins, flat-bet.
Alas as the late Catweazle use to say "Ha nothin works!"
don't give up BettingKing
@all: try this as a trigger: Bet only when the
Last seven spins consist of five uniques and one repeater
i.e: ...2,36,5,2,21,3,19 (newest spin-value)
bet those six for up to six spins. Stop on a win.
Im still backtestin this thing
And brain stormin it as well
bigmoney & Proofreaders2000
The above way using 7 spins was fine. But what did 75% topic show, that happens in 10 spins. Well here are 60 spins from last night on steves le-git mult-player, even spins 61-70 had 7/10 as Maestro pointed out " there it is #3" and 2 more, but 75% shows 8 spins could work, perhaps Vaddi has another part of the puzzzle but not told.
(link::// (link::// |
everyone of those blocks of 10 spins i won, the 1st 10 had me thinking going to be -92, but spin 11#29 :thumbsup:
(link::// (link::// |
Pick a day, 51 winning days of Jackpot, or either side that are losing days, we can see how blocks of 10 spins go.
well take todays then
Just tried it with last 8 numbers-same eight for up to four spins.
Stellar results on European Wheel (Celtic Live Casino) 6/6 winning sessions
Somewhat lousy results on American Wheel (also Celtic Casino) 3/6 winning
Even with the winning sessions, the wins were small
Playing with $/#1 units it would take a half
a day of playing to make a modest amount
Proofreaders bet bigger
Im just waitin for ignatus to post this method in the note book as one of his systems :twisted:
Quote from: bigmoney on Jun 02, 08:30 AM 2017
Im just waitin for ignatus to post this method in the note book as one of his systems :twisted:
Guess what? im not posting sh*t anymore. I won't share anything more, ....
Quote from: bigmoney on Jun 02, 09:09 AM 2017
Ignatus you will its an addiction thing for you it s necessary to feed your ego :twisted:
so far, the feedback has been minimal, but im thankful for that little feedback i've got. "it s necessary to feed your ego" Yes? this is the internet-disease, and we all got it. We want complete strangers to care for us and give us attention....i know, we all suffer from this
Quote from: ignatus on Jun 02, 08:32 AM 2017
Guess what? im not posting sh*t anymore. I won't share anything more, ....
That's great news as for the last 3 years you have flooded every single roulette forum with a new system every week.
Quote from: caspian on Jun 02, 12:12 PM 2017That's great news as for the last 3 years you have flooded every single roulette forum with a new system every week.
And who are you? I've never seen you before posting anything.....
What is a forum for? Sharing ideas, yes, but you missed that point, obviously.
Quote from: ignatus on Jun 02, 01:43 PM 2017What is a forum for? Sharing ideas,
but peeps you dont have to use em, perhaps disect his ideas and u might have something
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Jun 02, 03:57 AM 2017Just tried it with last 8 numbers-same eight for up to four spins.
Proof, lets say the 8#'s hit on 4th spin. Do you now collect 8 new #'s or just use the last 8#'s from previous spins.
You need to apply yourself to this vaddis holy grail google it to the
n th degree .
You are a prolific systems person ....dare i say it one of the best on the net ..
If any one can crack the vaddis code its you my friend
Quote from: nottophammer on Jun 02, 02:44 PM 2017
Proof, lets say the 8#'s hit on 4th spin. Do you now collect 8 new #'s or just use the last 8#'s from previous spins.
Ok here's what I've been doing
12,15,19,19,24,31,0,35,1 (newest spin-value)
I bet those eight: (12,15,19,24,31,0,35,1)
for up to four spins.
I then collect eight new spin-values for the next session.
The longer I play this game the more I realize it doesn't matter what 8 or 9 numbers you pick
Play like you are going to lose and use good money management
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jun 02, 07:25 PM 2017The longer I play this game the more I realize it doesn't matter what 8 or 9 numbers you pick
can't believe you're on the "top 20" on the leaderboard, you can get "lucky" for 1000 spins, yes. but 1000 spins is nothing.. :/
Quote from: ignatus on Jun 02, 08:04 PM 2017
can't believe you're on the "top 20" on the leaderboard, you can get "lucky" for 1000 spins, yes. but 1000 spins is nothing.. :/
I play smart I guess? Lol
I guess I will take offense to what you are saying lol
Hey guys try this
Bet newest three unique streets for up to four spins.
i.e: 2,19,34 (newest spin-value)
Bet s1-3,s19-21,s34-36 once: #31
Bet s19-24,s34-36,s31-33 once: #9
Bet s34-36, s31-33, s7-9 once: #29
Bet s31-33, s7-9, s28-30 once....
So i used my variation pf this at a b& m casino it works well ...i look at it as an hpurly rate when i play happy days
What did the Fonz say, ehhhhhhhhhhhhh :lol:
Thats exactly right nottophammer
Vaddis ...i can understand ....kimo li ....or is it (lie ) not sure ..and priyanka ...i cant work there shit out ....maybe its just all smoke and mirrors with those two...well im making money with vaddis method he is the real glad my roulette journey is making money now and thats all that matters
Quote from: bigmoney on Jun 10, 05:07 PM glad my roulette journey is making money now
Good for you matey :thumbsup:
R U using 8#'s and then the other part?
i'm behind on recording jackpot 247 so these #'s 11.6.17 i have know idea if KTF wins, but thats not why i'm posting them to you on here.
(link::// (link::// |
how often does 1- 7#'s miss, how many times can you bet those missing 7 for ?
ohhhhhhhhhhh negative
(link::// (link::// |
(link::// (link::// |
We'll wait for the Doctor :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
So I took a very quick glance at the thread
The gist I got it bet the newest 9 numbers on the marquee.
I don't think that 9 is Vaddi's magic number.
Most forum members have taken it to be 8 as per a clue that Vaddi gave.
"Now, as I've said, "The X number is important" and it's not 10 .
As another clue, I suggest that you create a stepping sequence (like above) wherein if you hit the last number in that sequence, you will break even."
I can't help wondering if VADDI is Dyksexlic. Both of them have the same writing style and 'turn of phrase', and they both use excellent grammar.
But the idea is bet the last 8 on the marquee. Every spin
So each bet will be one new number
I had serendipitous experience a while back.
I was chatting via email with someone who told me he was Dyksexlic.
It was 4am in the morning and I had to be at work at 7am. So I told him
I had to go to bed, thinking all along that it wasn't really him and that someone
was pulling my leg.
Later that day I checked my emails and one from him made me realise that it
really was him.
Damn. I would have skipped work if I had known it was him.
The method that VADDI gave in itself does not work as a HG.
I think that he wanted to make people think, and that the 1% that was needed
to make the bet work, could only be done if you were trying to understand the workings
of the bet. Experimenting yourself.
So you have to follow in his footsteps, so to speak. Basically he made a trail pointing
in the direction where one had to go.
gamblingstyle wrote :
The failure of your system is when the number is not repeated in 20 spins.
And know that the number can be up to 28 times without repeating.
And when that happens will steal all your bankroll.
Goes to zero as any martingale system.
Vaddi replied:
Ha ... ha!
Now we have something!
That's the sort of thinking I'm talking about!
So what's the killer solution?! While still retaining flat-betting?! Based on the Grail thread?
Someone is getting close.
- Vaddi
Quote from: nottophammer on Jun 12, 07:19 AM 2017
how often does 1- 7#'s miss, how many times can you bet those missing 7 for ?
Been on multiplayer collected 1st 7 unique longest so far 15 spins. On FOBT can bet 20 times.
So once you get 7 unique, you could dive straight in, or let some spins go by, letting go by is not costing you, by the way quickest for the win on there 10 spins
When a bet sets up why wouldnt u bet on it straight away?
I use to trade indicies gold ...oil & currencies
If a trade sets up you take it
So if a bet sets up should excute your betting progression straightaway
When a bet sets up why wouldnt u bet on it straight away?
I use to trade indicies gold ...oil & currencies
If a trade sets up you take it
So if a bet sets up should excute your betting progression straightaway
G'day Big M
Its that i've seen 9#'s or even 12#'s miss for 30 odd spins.
To try and be safe on FOBT where can bet for 14 spins, on old data for FOBT in bookies 9 remaining non-hit had taken 23 spins, but not kept it up todate, but know that 9/12#'s have missed30 odd spins,as have had me fingers burnt on too many occasions, so why should 7 be any different.
Again just dive in probably win, but how long can the wins keep coming,before wipe out of winnings and some or all of a BR
And are these numbers comming off a real roulette wheel ?
Quote from: bigmoney on Jun 15, 07:30 AM 2017
And are these numbers comming off a real roulette wheel ?
to my last post the answer is as always its 99.9 on rgn.
Airball on collected so far betting for remaining 7 non-hit,which could be your 7 #'s,but very unlikely,max spin todate is 18 spins, but those remaining 7#'s usually hit within 7 spins.
(link::// (link::// |
18 spins once in 282 games,total spins on remaining 7 is 1025 spins
I've started to collect 111 spins from to see if the avg is same or how near.
Okay Big M
these from atleast 20,000 live spins posted here. I done the 1st 100 spins. You can see how the blocks of 10 spins went, but you should see i started after a win, whether 3 spins or 10 spins,
close to a 92 bust, twice.
To many of the 10/10 bust the 92 bet, i've done more but the 100 spins is good enough, i might do some more :yawn:
(link::// (link::// |
Big M
little while ago made 2000+units using 25 unit on MPR.
Have 16,000+ units going to go for 100 spins as in last reply
Had the 100 spins, start with 16'375, 1st 50 spins hit like crazy, then the RFH lost 2 progressions on the bounce, 4'600 units down.
But as you see ended 19'407
So the ? is if started at spin 49 and played for 100 spins would we get back to the start of 16'375 with those 2 losses.
Or is multiplayer just an RNG software game like FOBT's after around 30 to 40 spins on them if you are up you best take the money, so is MPR like that.
Ozzy you dont have to buy octopod-8 save the 1000, buy me that bottle of canadian club 20 year old, much cheaper.
Big M not shabby, but at the B+M would it work :thumbsup:
Big M
posted this in repeaters, but if you do as the above sheets, i only looked to about 40th spin, looks good and its airball
(link::// (link::// |
You see nottophammer i understand how this grail works
Priyanka ...and kimo li .... (lie)
I havent a clue their ideas
Work and im pretty sure neither do they
To be fair, I don't believe that Priyanka ever claimed to have an HG.
Quote from: RouletteGhost on April 27, 2017, 11:43:19 AM
do you or do you not claim to have the HG? (a system that wins perpetually - the kind that can make anyone millions) I dont think you have either said yes or no. I think you try to avoid answering. But this is like foreplay for your followers who hang on your words. If you don't have the HG, then the moral thing is to set them straight rather than remain silent and mislead people.
Reply from Priyanka:
I have said earlier as well. I added in my signature as well. I have never avoided. If you need an yes or no, NO. . I should book mark this reply, so that i can redirect everyone to it when someone says the same/assumes the same some other day :)
Was that really me I don't remember saying that lol
This vaddi system will make u money .....yes the bank roll may fall over ....with money management
Like dividing your capital in to 5 bankrolls you will make money over a year and lots of it
Quote from: bigmoney on Jun 16, 02:40 AM 2017
You see nottophammer i understand how this grail works
Priyanka ...and kimo li .... (lie)
I havent a clue their ideas
Work and im pretty sure neither do they
big money,
"You see nottophammer i understand how this grail works"
Stop your lies.
You are right, you have not a clue. That's a fact.
Kimo li
I have walked tge path 😁😁😁
Kimo li
I have walked the path 😁😁😁
And making lotsa money playing this
Kimo li do you think that this thread could be hurting your book sales?
You know ur book where theres lotsa dissections om the roilette wheel
But says nothing ..on how to win ?
Kimo li seems like a bullshit artist. A glorified silverthorne. A watered down gizmotron. A alibalaha clone
Threatened to sue cause I posted images of his pies from GOOGLE IMAGES
Another sad fellow. I ask. If your stuff works why charge?
I have no allegiance to him so respect I shall not.
Roulette ghost i totally agree with you matey
Kimo li presents his theory ..but tells u nothing on how to win with it
TOTAL SHYSTER ....SCAM ARTIST.... but very smart cannot be sued defamed or debunked because he hasnt got the balls to front with the whole package
Stop the lies, is in regard to you saying things about me that are not true, not that Vaddis Holy Grail does not work.
I do not talk about Vaddis Holy Grail because I know nothing about Vaddis Holy Grail. Quite frankly I don't care. Good for you that you are winning.
Don't say I lie when you have no understanding of what I do. Simple as that.
The fact that I do not disclose my secrets to the public is a matter of choice. To those who are privileged, only they can fully appreciate the value of my work, that is all that matters.
As far as book sales, you are delusional.
RG, "An empty wagon makes the most noise." Denial... enough said.
The self-hood seeks recognition, but does not give recognition...
Holy Grail (The Cup - fourth center of Kundalini)
Quote from: Kimo Li on Jun 16, 11:43 PM 2017Don't say I lie when you have no understanding of what I do. Simple as that.
I have an understanding of what you do. What to actually do with that is a different story.
Please explain 3nine
About kimo li ?
Quote from: bigmoney on Jun 17, 09:38 AM 2017
Please explain 3nine
About kimo li ?
Doesn't matter.
3nine are you seripus ?
Isnt perception a wonderful thong ive come up woth something completly different to you guys
4 winn8ng sessions in a row yee har you beauty you ripper.....GIDDY UP
As the forums biggets advocate for vaddis, how are you using it?
Obvipusly different to everyone else my perception of the vaddis holy grail ....clues
Were off on a different tangent to other
Its mayb a lot different to vaddis method he uses
I sent out a $1000000 usd challenge to kimo li after he stated i had no clue what i was doing and so far kimo li hasnt responded ...its one way to shut his mouth
Well after more backtesting by a mate after i left the casino
The big money version of vaddis holy grail ....would of fail twice
Well i walked away over $1000 in front ..just lucky ...well i will continue to resrarch vaddis
Do you also have a so-called "magic number" in your version? Is it also 8?
Just curious. Of course, if it is too precious of a secret, you don't have to reveal it.
The number i used was the last 12 unquie numbers using a 10 step progression make over $1000 in four visits
just like DoctorSudoku I guessed that the magic number was 8, especially after vaddi said the number is over 6 and under 9.
bigmoney, I am glad this method worked out for you.
What gave you the idea (inspiration) to use 12 as your magic number ?
In what other ways did you modify the system to your advantage, in other words what was your missing 1% that makes the big difference as vaddi says
Hi stringbeanpc
Well what gave me the idea to use an idea popped into my head law of the third then i thought a third of the roulette wheel 12 numbers viola ...lets backtest 12 numbers ...i went off on a different tangent to every one else ...i backtested it ....
But like everything else has an occasional loss
bigmoney ...i wanna see your take on Ignatus holy grail
Quote from: bigmoney on Jun 30, 10:04 PM 2017
Hi stringbeanpc
Well what gave me the idea to use an idea popped into my head law of the third then i thought a third of the roulette wheel 12 numbers viola ...lets backtest 12 numbers ...i went off on a different tangent to every one else ...i backtested it ....
But like everything else has an occasional loss
Did you look at this link:s://
Thanks for your reply.
I have been testing what vaddi calls stage 1 and stage 2, up to a total of 8 numbers, with one difference.
When there is no repeat within this group of 8 numbers, stop betting and wait for a virtual win.
Once a virtual win has occured, resume betting the previous 8 numbers (ie stage 2)
I am not saying this is a better way or the correct way, simply it is an alternate method and more testing is needed.
Hey guys try this out:
Track the last 12 outcomes.
Trigger is when you get two repeat numbers within the
last 12 bet the newest nine numbers for up to four spins.
Stop on a win.
Example: 12,0,14,19,11,26,0,24,31,8,1,11(newest spin-value)
Bet 11,1,8,31,24,0,26,19,14: 23(x)
Bet 23,11,1,8,31,24,0,26,19....
I was usong the last 12 unquie numbers using a 10 step progression bank required to start with $1 on each number $1300
Hi Guys, first sorry for my bad english... i'm newbie to this forum and my experienced in roulette is just about 5years
i already read on VADDIS HOLY GRAIL PUZZLE and think about it. here is my assumption (correct me if i'm wrong) :
1. X number is between 6 and 9 which is "8" ; 8numbers 8steps FLAT BET progression 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 = 36 BREAK EVEN
Vaddis said "if you were to create the lowest level progression out of X numbers, the last winning number of that progression would bring your bankroll back to break-even"
2. As long as i read, Vaddis never talk about "Winning Goal Unit & Stop Loss"
3. Vaddis said "better and faster profits are within 24 - 74 spins"
better profits within 24-74spins means that it can goes worst in long run. “Quit/Stop when we are in profitâ€
Faster profits within 24-74spins means that if our balance is HIGHER from our starting BankRoll we better quit/stop. let me clear this up, if our starting BR is $100 and within 24-74spins we make some winnings (up & down) until our bankroll is $101 (higher than $100) WE ARE IN PROFIT. NO DOUBT !!!
4. there are 2 playing styles, WITH TRIGGER or WITHOUT TRIGGER
WITH TRIGGER : Vaddis said “Look at the marquee and wait until there are NO REPEATS in your set of X numbers, then start betting on all those X numbers. Caching! :)†Vaddi believe that every spin is a new set of next 37spins. When we play WITH TRIGGER, we start playing when there is no repeat in 13spins when we enter the table, so we are ahead of 13spins without repeat and hope that the next 24spins some numbers do repeat. Why wait till 13spins ?? already tried wait for 8,9,10,11 and 12spins, and in my experience wait for 13spins would be better.
WITHOUT TRIGGER : Vaddi said “You can start betting on your magic X numbers at ANY TIME†if we enter the table and start betting it means that we totally play 37spins and hope that the repeat numbers appear early in 37spins cycles.
I prefer playing WITH TRIGGER because Vaddi said “Want more power, profits, and accuracy? Here's what to do ….bla…bla….bla and wait until there are NO REPEATS in your set of X numbers, then start betting on all those X numbers â€
So, that is my assumption based on Vaddi HOLY GRAIL Puzzle.. I’ll add another when I found something new..
For me, it will be better if we have a big BR to play this system. Better play with $10 base bet. So when in winning path we can se better balance than playing from $1 base bet. It is REASONABLE if we think want to win big but remember that gambling looks alike rollercoaster, UP & DOWN significant and NO steady. So, be gratefull if we just win $1. THAT’S A PROFIT !!! No Doubt.
PS :
This system only work if you PATIENT, be patient and you'll see your balance grow.
alright here's this :)
Bet Newest four Red and Black numbers (eight in play)
Change numbers with each new spin to the newest four of each
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses (flat-bet)
Example: 14,9,0,31,2,21,35,1,10(newest spin-value)
Bet 10,35,2,31 for Black and 1,21,9,14 for Red once: 1.) 13(x)
Bet 13,10,35,2 for Black and 1,21,9,14 for Red....
I noticed the following has a good hit rate
Bet the last three non-zero numbers and a number
numerically ahead and behind it (nine numbers in play)
Bet each new three numbers and its
compliments for up to four spins. Stop on a win.
Example: 2,31,12(newest spin-value)
Bet 1,2,3 30,31,32 11,12,13 once: 1.) 19(x)
Bet 30,31,32 11,12,13 18,19,20....
Sector Play
European Wheel Neighbors-(Clockwise left to right)
American Wheel Neighbors-(Clockwise Left to Right)
Note the newest two spin-values
Bet those two and three neighbors
counterclockwise (eight numbers in play)
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example: 21,3(newest spin-value European Wheel)
Bet 15,19,4,21 28,12,35,3 : 1.) 10(x)
Bet 28,12,35,3 30,8,23,10...
All High or All Low Natural Splits
(Natural Splits: 1/4, 2/5, 3/6, 7/10,
8/11, 9/12, 13/16, 14/17, 15/18--Low Splits
19/22, 20/23, 21/24, 25/28, 26/29,
27/30,31/34,32/35,33/36--High Splits)
Note the newest spin-value. Is it High or Low?
If High bet the newest four High
natural splits and vice versa if Low
(Eight numbers in play)
Repeat steps with the new spin-values for each new spin
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example: 12,25,18,20,4,31,3,3,29 (newest spin-value)
Bet 26/29, 31/34, 20/23, 25/28 once: 1.) 36(x)
Bet 33/36, 26/29, 31/34, 20/23 once: 2.) 2(x)
Bet 2/5, 3/6, 1/4, 15/18 once: 3.)....
Column numbers play
Note the newest non-zero spin-value
Bet the four column numbers on either side once.
Repeat steps with each new spin-value. (nine numbers in play)
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example: #17 (newest spin-value)
Bet 5,8,11,14,17,20,23,26,29 once: 1.) 30(x)
Bet 18,21,24,27,30,33,36,3,6....
Based on all rx system in the world and the answer of Vaddis 1% missing is "BIAS WHEEL"
When we play a system and stick on it all we need is BIAS.
That's why no system work in long run event in short term play.. that's the fact..
Having re-read the clues I think Vaddis
made up to four bets of eight unique numbers-
but 1 bet every 6 or seven minutes
with the marquee filled with new numbers.
Example: 27,13,29,28,18,24,26,30(newest spin-value)
Bet the last eight uniques once
(Wait for eight new numbers 6-8 minutes later
Bet the last eight uniques once more
*If no win still-wait for eight new numbers 6-8 minutes later
Bet the last eight uniques once again
*If no win wait for the last set of eight uniques 6-8 minutes later
Bet the last eight uniques
This is good stuff will get cracking on this
one more idea: 3-by-3 column numbers
Note the newest three separate columns to show
Bet those numbers and a column number
on each side of each (nine numbers in play)
Repeat steps with each new spin-value.
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example: 0,21,31,5,9,36 (newest spin-value)
Bet 28,31,34 2,5,8 33,36,3: 1.)23(x)
Bet 28,31,34 33,36,3 20,23,26....
No no no, all incorrect. Always stick to the magic number never deviate from it.
Per Vaddis' clues the 'magic' number
can be 7,8 or 9 so based on that here I go
Ok here's one to try :)
Note the newest three Odd or Even
spin-values (depending on the last decision)
Bet those respective streets (nine numbers in play)
Repeat steps with each new
spin-value, changing streets as applicable
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example: 2,1,31,14,9,20 (newest spin-value)
Bet s19-21, s13-15, s1-3 once: 1.) 11(x)
Bet s10-12, s7-9, s31-33 once....
Last four Red Natural Splits vs Black Natural Splits
Note the newest four Red Numbers or Black
Numbers (depending on the newest spin-value)
If the last decision was Red bet the
respective Red number's natural splits
and vice versa if the last decision was Black
(eight numbers in play)
(Natural splits: 1/4, 2/5, 3/6, 7/10, 8/11, 9/12-first dozen
13/16, 14/17, 15/18, 19/22, 20/23, 21/24-second dozen
25/28, 26/29, 27/30, 31/34, 32/35, 33/36-third dozen
Repeat steps for each new
spin-value. Adjust the bets accordingly.
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses
Example: 12,31,9,2,32,27,26,5,11 (newest spin-value)
Bet 11/14,26/29,2/5,31/34 once: 1.) 21(x)
Bet 21/24, 5/2, 27/30, 32/35....
Four Plus Four High/Low Mirror Bets
Natural Lines and mirror opposites:
L1-6, L31-36: L7-12, L25-30: L13-18, L19-24
Note the newest non-zero spin-value
Bet that number, the unhit street part of the line
(four numbers) and the mirror opposite (four numbers)
(the bets should face toward or away from each other)
(eight numbers total in play)
Bet each new spin-value and its
compliment each time for up to four spins.
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example: #2 (newest spin-value)
Bet 2,4,5,6 and its mirror opposite-35,31,32,33 once: 1.) 15(x)
Bet 15,16,17,18 and its mirror opposite-24,19,20,21....
After further study of Vaddis' notes this is what I have:
Track until you have nine uniques of the last 12 spins.
(If a numbers appears twice
(or more) in the last 12 spins do not use)
Bet the newest nine uniques once:
If miss, bet the newest nine uniques
again (including the new spin-value)
If miss again bet the newest nine....
Per the instructions you get 10 attempts (coded)
If you get a hit within four attempts you're in profit or break even.
On the fifth attempt you'll need two hits to get in profit.
After the eighth attempt you need three hits to get in profit.
Quote from: junscissorhands on Jul 20, 06:52 AM 2017
No no no, all incorrect. Always stick to the magic number never deviate from it.
Are you referring to Vaddi's magic number of 8? That may be the optimal number for his original method.
But proofreader's methods are deviating significantly from Vaddi's original method, so why should this (so-called) magic number still be 8? Any specific reason for your belief?
Quoteso why should this (so-called) magic number still be 8? Any specific reason for your belief?
Ah magic 8 .... Where did I hear that before ?
Although there's no grail with Vaddis
Quote from: denzie on Jul 25, 03:17 PM 2017
Ah magic 8 .... Where did I hear that before ?
Although there's no grail with Vaddis
To be honest, Vaddi was one of the earliest promoters of the idea of going after repeats -- he was doing it well before you and Nottop arrived on the roulette scene advocating, roughly speaking, the same idea. :) :)
Check this out guys :)
High/Low Staggered Quads
These splits go together: 1/4 & 33/36: 7/10 & 27/30
13/16 & 21/24: 3/6 & 31/34: 9/12 & 25/28
15/18 & 19/22
Note the newest spin-value-is it in the first or third column?
(if it is in second column note the last first or third column outcome)
Bet that quad and its High/Low compliment once
If hit end session, if miss repeat steps with the new spin-value
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example: #1 (newest spin-value)-1/4 & 33/36
Bet 1,2,4,5 & 32,33,35,36 once: 1.) 17(x)
*look at the last first or third column outcome: #1
(#17 and first column split 13/16)
Bet 13,14,16,17 & 20,21,23,24 once: 2.) 25(x)
Bet 25,26,28,29 & 8,9,11,12 once....
Bankroll suggestion: eight units per session
Greetings to all, I am new on the forum but a long time roulette player, I have lots of respect towards you guys, I would like to be of help in your disscussions, by the way Proofreader's I am testing your aproach. Is it giving you good results?
so far so good. Still more testing needed
Got some free time and wanted to present this idea
Track Odd numbers and Even spin-values separately
(zero counts as Even)
Qualifier: Track until you have at least eight
Odd spin-values and eight Even spin-values
After the Qualifier bet the last eight Odd or Even
numbers (depending if the last decision was Odd or Even)
End session if win, otherwise bet again Odd or
Even numbers (including the last decision outcome)
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example: 21,5,13,7,14,9,35,11-Odd
Even: 2,32,8,0,4,18,22,30 (newest spin-value)
Since last decision was #30, bet the last 8 even numbers once
Bet 2,32,8,0,4,18,22,30: 1.) 29(x)
Bet 5,13,7,14,9,35,11,29....
Older system that had a good hit-rate
Note the newest non-zero
spin-value. Is it High/Low, Odd or Even?
If it is High, Odd bet that number and
the other eight High Odd numbers once.
Same for High, Even and Low Odd/Even
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example: #13 (newest spin-value)-Low, Odd
Bet 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15 once: 1.) 20(x)
Bet 20,22,24,26,28,30,32,34,36 once: 2.) 2(x)
Bet 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18 once....
Bankroll suggestion: 36 units per session
New idea, looking good in early tests
Bet the newest three natural splits and zero
(seven numbers in play)
(Natural splits: 1/4, 2/5, 3/6, 7/10, 8/11, 9/12-First Dozen
13/16, 14/17, 15/18, 19/22, 20/23, 21/24-Second Dozen
25/28, 26/29, 27/30, 31/34, 32/35, 33/36-Third Dozen)
If win end session, if miss bet with newest spin-value included
Stop on a win or after five consecutive misses.
Example: 21,31,4,9,36 (newest spin-value)
Bet 33/36, 9/12, 1/4 & zero once: 1.) 32(x)
Bet 32/35, 33/36, 9/12 & zero....
Bankroll suggestion: 35 units per session
Did anyone came close in finding the missing 1% ?
I do not get the part of the "connected numbers". 1/2 2/3 ... etc
Anything can be simulated in excel or any programming language. Its not that difficult.
stage 1 is pretty straight forward bet numbers as they appear until 8 .
if stage 1 fails (-36 units) then what?
Maybe you guys need to look at things slightly different!
I had this idea......
Let's assume then you are working up to 8 original numbers. In addition you also add how many hits the streets are getting.
First number out is 10.
1. 10 = street 4.
2. 17 = street 6.
3. 18 = street 6. (street 6 now has two appearances, so you would bet any numbers from your list where a street has appeared twice)
4. 25 = street 9.
5. 1 = street 1.
6. 24 = street 8.
7. 32 = street 11.
8. 28 = street 10.
Now remove the first number which was 10.
Next number = 18 = street 6. You would have bet 2 chips x 6 spins = 12 chips and made a profit of 24 chips.
You could start again now. It's just an idea really and something I never considered before. By using the stats for a location like streets, you roughly know after 12 spins that you should get 8 originals and a few repeats or a 3peat or a 4peat. So why not try and use these stats to isolate which numbers to bet from your group of 8. It serves the purpose of reducing the outlay and taking advantage of anything hot. If nothing else, it's an idea that maybe can be built upon.
Any other idea will indicate his total description is bogus. No value and to misguide people.his description is clear and doesnt work.clearly stated
1. Either 8 number
2.or 4 number
Actually there is no missing 1%. Its 99% missing.
Another shot at this.
Bet the newest nine numbers.
(If a number repeats within the nine it only counts once)
Bet each new spin-value with each new outcome
(nine numbers in play)
You get 12 attempts total to get
into profit (12x9=108 units bankroll)
A good exit point is +30% over original starting bankroll
I dunno why he didnt offer better clues as we have some very smart people in this forum
Im currently looking at 8 streets with a progression would go 1....3 ....9 ... in a series
Quote from: bigmoney on Aug 01, 08:40 AM 2017
I dunno why he didnt offer better clues as we have some very smart people in this forum
Im currently looking at 8 streets with a progression would go 1....3 ....9 ... in a series
Hi bigmoney
I call Vaddis HG a complete BS. I offer my coding skills for free to anyone that wants to test their system and prove me wrong. It just does not work. If there is a HG out there it has to win FLAT. All progression have failed in the past, are failing at the present and will continue to fail in the future.
Insomnia this morning, so here's this :)
Track the newest two natural lines to show
(Natural lines: L1-6, L7-12, L13-18, L19-24, L25-30, L31-36)
Bet one chip on the last decision street and
two chips on the second newest Natural line once.
If win end session. If lose repeat
steps with the newest spin-values.
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example: 2,22 (newest spin-value)
Bet s22-24, L1-6 once: 1.) 13(x)
Bet s13-15, L19-24 once....
Bankroll suggestion: 12 units per session.
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Aug 05, 03:39 AM 2017
Insomnia this morning, so here's this :)
Track the newest two natural lines to show
(Natural lines: L1-6, L7-12, L13-18, L19-24, L25-30, L31-36)
Bet one chip on the last decision street and
two chips on the second newest Natural line once.
If win end session. If lose repeat
steps with the newest spin-values.
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example: 2,22 (newest spin-value)
Bet s22-24, L1-6 once: 1.) 13(x)
Bet s13-15, L19-24 once....
Bankroll suggestion: 12 units per session.
None of the outside bets work. EC, dozens, lines, corners, split and all outside bets are all smoke and mirrors.
It is all about numbers. It always has been about numbers.
@Probasah: Lines, Corners and Splits are inside bets-and are numbers
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Aug 05, 05:21 AM 2017
@Probasah: Lines, Corners and Splits are inside bets-and are numbers
Ive tried this path before. It doesn't work for me. The only thing that did so far were single( individual numbers) and combinations of numbers. You can make any EC you want using the base cell of the wheel, the individual NUMBER.
All outside bets are dust in the wind. Think about the best way to veil the secret from the players eyes. The casino puts on tge table Big letter signs of RED/BLACK etc to keep your mind ocupied with imagining "magic" patterns that ultimately FAIL.
No MM will save you. Only flat bet and repeating numbers will.
Look at it this way: any bet except individual number bet fail because the principle is correct to follow repeaters but that applies ONLY TO NUMBERS.
If RED falls last spin and you follow the last and bet RED (correct principle but wrong figure) you will bet on 17 useless UNHIT numbers.
Do you see where im going?
Tried to figure out Vaddis grail with no success. A few people except Vaddi may have luck with it. I concentrate on repeaters instead.
@probasah: Yes I see where you're going. Problem is all numbers
have a 1/37 or 1/38 American wheel to show, repeaters or not.
And, betting singles can be very expensive.
Vaddis was ambiguous about what kind of bet,
just so they're inside bets, 7,8 or 9 numbers in play and
using the newest spin-value as a guide for the next bet.
Here's another idea: Adjacent dozen quads
Note the newest spin-value. Is is first or third column?
(If it is second column look to the
newest first or third column as a guide)
Bet the hit quad and the quad
(same two columns) in the next dozen once.
Repeat steps with the newest spin-value if miss.
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example: #13 (newest spin-value)
Bet 13,14,16,17 & 7,8,10,11 once: 1.) 20(x)
Using #13 as a guide-first column
Bet 19,20,22,23 & 25,26,28,29 once: 2.) 36(x)
Bet 32,33,35,36 & 2,3,5,6....
Bankroll suggestion: eight units per session
What if there's no pre-set betting clusters like EC, doz, columns, streets, lines.... on the carpet ?
Look at the wheel, do these clusters make sense on the wheel, eg. line#1 - #1,#2,#3 ? Look at their positions on the wheel, how are they related other than them being neighboring numbers in an arithmetic series ?
It serves to further randomnise an already random outcome packaged as an offer for cheaper betting.
Study the clusters positions and you will find that their assigned positions are arranged in fixed pattern. Memorise the patterns and when individual numbers come up you can imagine where the ball lands on the wheel. Or another way is to know what possible numbers came up as the ball lands on a particular sector of the wheel. It's a skill to acquire.
Numbers are numbers any number can show at
any given time. Biased wheel perhaps but not likely.
Odd/Odd or Even/Even Streets Plus Zero
Note the newest two Odd numbers or Even
Numbers (depending on the last decision outcome)
Bet the two corresponding streets and zero once.
If win end session, if lose repeat
steps with the newest spin-values.
Stop on a win or after five consecutive misses.
Example: 21,30,2,15 (newest spin-value)
Bet 19,20,21 13,14,15 and 0 once: 1.) 24(x)
Bet 1,2,3 22,23,24 and 0 once....
Bankroll suggestion: 35 units per session
High and Low Quads
Track the newest High and Low
spin-values. Are they first or third column?
(If second column use the newest first or third column as a guide)
Bet the respective two quads once. If win end
session if lose repeat steps with the newest spin-values.
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example: 10,36 (newest spin-value)
Bet 7,8,10,11 and 32,33,35,36 once: 1.) 17(x)
(use the newest first or third column as a guide)
third column is the newest between first and third columns
Bet 14,15,17,18 and 32,33,35,36 once: 2.) 22(x)
First column is newest so bets will lean first column
Bet 13,14,16,17 and 19,20,22,23 once....
Bankroll suggestion: eight units per session
Separate Column Splits Combination
Column splits: 1/4, 2/5, 3/6, 7/10, 8/11, 9/12-First Dozen
13/16, 14/17, 15/18, 19/22, 20/23, 21/24-Second Dozen
25/28, 26/29, 27/30, 31/34, 32/35, 33/36-Third Dozen
Note the newest two columns to show
Bet the newest column split and the decision before last column split-
along with a split on either side of the second newest split once.
(eight numbers in play)
If hit end session. If miss repeat steps with the new spin-values.
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example: 7,19,27 (newest spin-value)
Bet 27/30 (newest column split), 19/22, 13/16, 25/28 once.
1.) 2(x)
Bet 2/5 (newest column split), 27/30,21/24,33/36 once.
2.) 15(x)
Bet 15/18 (newest column split), 2/5,32/35,8/11 once....
Bankroll suggestion: 16 units per session.
Newest Two Dozens Column Splits
Column splits: 1/4, 2/5, 3/6, 7/10, 8/11, 9/12-First Dozen
13/16, 14/17, 15/18, 19/22, 20/23, 21/24-Second Dozen
25/28, 26/29, 27/30, 31/34, 32/35, 33/36-Third Dozen
Note the newest two dozens to show.
Bet the two corresponding column splits
from each dozen once. If win end session.
If miss repeat steps with the new
spin-values (changing dozens as necessary)
(eight numbers in play)
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example: 12,35,16,0,2,25 (newest spin-value)
Bet 25/28,32/35 and 2/5,9/12 once: 1.) 15(x)
Bet 15/18,13/16 and 25/28,32/35....
Bankroll suggestion: 16 units per session.
High and Low Column "Street" with Natural Line
Column "streets"-Low
1,4,7: 2,5,8: 3,6,9
10,13,16: 11,14,17: 12,15,18
High Column "streets"
19,22,15: 20,23,26: 21,24,27
28,31,34: 29,32,35: 30,33,36
Natural lines: L1-6, L7-12, L13-18
L19-24, L25-30, L31-36
Note the newest High and Low spin-values.
Bet the corresponding newest "street" for the last decision
and Natural line for the opposite High/Low value once.
If win end session. If miss repeat
steps with the newest spin-values.
(nine numbers in play)
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example: 12,18,31,36(newest spin-value)
Bet 30,33,36 and 13,14,15,16,17,18 once: 1.) 11(x)
Bet 11,14,17 and 31,32,33,34,35,36 once....
Red and Black Column Splits
Column splits: 1/4, 2/5, 3/6, 7/10, 8/11, 9/12-First Dozen
13/16, 14/17, 15/18, 19/22, 20/23, 21/24-Second Dozen
25/28, 26/29, 27/30, 31/34, 32/35, 33/36-Third Dozen
Note the newest non-zero spin-value and it color.
If it is Red bet the four newest
corresponding natural splits once.
Vice versa if the newest spin-value is Black.
If win end session. If miss, bet with the newest spin-values.
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example: 4,21,5,13,0,25,10,22,2,35,19 (newest spin-value)
Bet 19/22, 25/28, 5/2, 21/24 once: 1.) 26(x)
Bet 26/29, 35/32, 22/19, 2/5 once....
It seems a repeater (from a unique number) would show every 10
minutes with seven unique numbers available on display on the marquee.
That said it's safe to assume he played the newest
seven uniques every 10 minutes up to five attempts.
Not sure if this is a grail, but a working theory atm.
Column "Streets" Combination
Column "streets"-Low
1,4,7: 2,5,8: 3,6,9
10,13,16: 11,14,17: 12,15,18
High Column "streets"
19,22,15: 20,23,26: 21,24,27
28,31,34: 29,32,35: 30,33,36
Note the newest two column streets. Bet
those two sets of numbers and zero once.
If win end session. If miss
rebet with the newest spin-values.
(seven numbers in play)
Stop on a win or after five consecutive misses.
Example: 23,19 (newest spin-value)
Bet 19,22,25 20,23,26 & 0: 1.) 3(x)
Bet 3,6,9 19,22,25 & 0....
Red Natural Line Numbers &
Black Natural Line Numbers Plus Zero
Note the newest Red and Black
spin-values and their Natural Lines
(Natural Lines:
L1-6, L7-12, L13-18, L19-24, L25-30, L31-36)
Bet all of the Red numbers from the Red
spin-value's Line and vice-versa for Black
If win end session. If miss repeat
steps with the newest spin-values.
Stop on a win or after five consecutive misses.
Example: 21,0,2 (newest spin-value)
Bet 19,21,23 2,4,6 & 0 once: 1.) 3(x)
Bet 2,4,6 1,3,5 & 0....
Bankroll suggestion: 35 units per session.
Separate Column Splits Plus One on Either Side
Column splits: 1/4, 2/5, 3/6, 7/10, 8/11, 9/12-First Dozen
13/16, 14/17, 15/18, 19/22, 20/23, 21/24-Second Dozen
25/28, 26/29, 27/30, 31/34, 32/35, 33/36-Third Dozen
Note the two newest columns to show. Bet the corresponding
column splits and a column number on either side of those bets.
*Two chips on splits, one chip on singles.
If win end session. If miss repeat steps with the new spin-values.
(eight numbers in play)
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example: 20,10 (newest spin-value)
Bet 20/23,17,26 and 7/10,4,13 once: 1.) 1(x)
Bet 20/23,17,26 and 1/4,34,7.....
Bankroll suggestion: 32 units per session.
Newest Two Dozen's Numbers Plus Zero
Note the newest two dozens to show. Bet the newest
three numbers respectively in each dozen plus zero.
If win end session. If miss, change bets with the
newest spin-values (changing dozens if necessary)
(seven numbers in play)
Stop on a win or after five consecutive misses.
Example: 12,21,0,31,2,22,9,35,25 (newest spin-value)
Bet 25,35,31 & 9,2,12,0 once: 1.) 13(x)
Bet 25,35,31 & 13,22,21,0....
Eight Newest Uniques Odd Dominant
Track until you have eight unique numbers. (Zero=Even)
Bet only when Odd equals or is dominant over Even numbers.
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example: 22,31,5,10,36,3,12,6: Evens=5: Odd=3
31,5,10,36,3,12,6,1: Evens=4: Odd=4 (trigger)
Bet 31,5,10,36,3,12,6,1: 1.) 26(x)
5,10,36,3,12,6,1,26: Evens=5: Odd=3 (do not bet)
10,36,3,12,6,1,26,7: Evens=5: Odd=3 (do not bet)
36,3,12,6,1,26,7,11: Evens=4: Odd=4 (trigger)
Bet 36,3,12,6,1,26,7,11....
Bankroll suggestion: 32 units per session.
Decision Before Last Three-Dozen Splits Plus Zero
Column splits: 1/4, 2/5, 3/6, 7/10, 8/11, 9/12-First Dozen
13/16, 14/17, 15/18, 19/22, 20/23, 21/24-Second Dozen
25/28, 26/29, 27/30, 31/34, 32/35, 33/36-Third Dozen
Note the two newest non-zero spin values.
Bet the decision before last column split & the respective
column splits in the other two dozens once and zero.
If hit end session. If miss repeat
steps with the newest spin-values.
*bet two chips on each split and a chip on zero
Stop on a win or after five consecutive misses.
Example: 20,1(newest spin-value)
Bet 8/11, 20/23, 32/35 & 0: 1.) 7(x)
Bet 1/4, 13/16, 25/28 & 0....
Bankroll suggestion: 35 units per session
Three-Streets Pivot
Note the newest two non-zero
spin-values. Are they ascending or descending?
If the numbers are descending bet the last street to show and
the two numerically lower streets and vice-versa if ascending.
If win end session. If miss, repeat
steps with the newest spin-values.
(nine numbers in play)
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example: 12,15 (newest spin-value)-ascending
Bet s13-15, s16-18, s19-21 once: 1.) 4(x)
Bet s4-6, s1-3, s34-36 once....
Bankroll suggestion: 12 units per session.
Last Two Column and Dozen-Adjacent Natural Splits
Column splits: 1/4, 2/5, 3/6, 7/10, 8/11, 9/12-First Dozen
13/16, 14/17, 15/18, 19/22, 20/23, 21/24-Second Dozen
25/28, 26/29, 27/30, 31/34, 32/35, 33/36-Third Dozen
Note the newest two natural splits.
Bet those splits and their dozen adjacent splits once.
If win end session. If miss
repeat steps with the new spin-values.
(eight numbers in play)
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example: 11,21 (newest spin-values)
Bet 8/11,14/17 & 21/24, 27/30 once.
1.) 31(x)
Bet 31/34, 1/4 & 21/24, 27/30....
Last Three High or Low Streets
Note the newest spin-value. Is it High or Low?
If High bet the newest three
High streets and vice-versa if Low.
If win end session. If miss repeat
steps with the newest spin-values.
(nine numbers in play)
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example: 22,9,13,0,9,23,7,1,31,17,12,19 (newest spin-value)
Bet s19-21, s31-33, s22-24 once: 1.) 4(x)
Bet s4-6, s10-12, s16-18....
Bankroll suggestion: 12 units per session.
Four-Groups of Column "Streets" and Zero
Column "Streets"
1,4,7 2,5,8 3,6,9-Group A
10,13,16 11,14,17 12,15,18-Group B
19,22,25 20,23,26 21,24,27-Group C
28,31,34 29,32,35 30,33,36-Group D
Note the two newest groups to show. Bet the
three numbers from both groups and zero once.
If win end session. If miss repeat
steps with the newest spin-values.
(seven numbers in play)
Stop on a win or after five consecutive misses.
Example: 1,5,18 (newest spin-value)
Bet 2,5,8 12,15,18 & 0 once: 1.) 21(x)
Bet 12,15,18 21,24,27 & 0: 2.) 14(x)
Bet 21,24,27 11,14,17 & 0....
Bankroll suggestion: 35 units per session.
Eight Unique Numbers Repeat Street Trigger
Track until you have eight unique numbers. Bet when a
street repeats *not a repeat number* Bet all eight once.
If win end session. If miss repeat
steps with the newest spin-values.
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example: 12,3,31,4,0,14,34,19 (eight uniques *do not bet*)
3,31,4,0,14,34,19,1 (trigger)
Bet 3,31,4,0,14,34,19,1 once: 1.) 35(x)
Bet 31,4,0,14,34,19,1,35....
Bankroll suggestion: 32 units per session
Staggered Dozen Natural Splits and Zero
Column splits: 1/4, 2/5, 3/6, 7/10, 8/11, 9/12-First Dozen
13/16, 14/17, 15/18, 19/22, 20/23, 21/24-Second Dozen
25/28, 26/29, 27/30, 31/34, 32/35, 33/36-Third Dozen
Note the newest natural column split.
If that split is first or third column, bet
the same line split in first or third column
and the staggered split in the middle column and zero once.
*two chips on splits and one chip on zero.
If win end session. If miss, repeat steps with the newest spin-value.
(seven numbers in play)
Stop on a win or after five consecutive misses.
Example: #12 (newest spin-value)
Bet 9/12, 2/5, 7/10 & zero once: 1.) #20(x)
Bet 20/23,15/18,13/16 & zero once....
Bankroll suggestion: 35 units per session
Two Red vs Black 'Streets' and Zero
Note the newest two Red and Black spin-values.
If the newest spin-value is Red bet the corresponding
streets with the two newest Red numbers and zero.
and vice versa if the newest spin-value is Black.
If win end session. If miss repeat
steps with the newest spin-values.
(seven numbers in play)
Stop on a win or after five consecutive misses.
Example: 11,0,13,25,1,35,7(newest spin-value)
Bet 7,8,9 1,2,3 & 0 once: 1.) 6(x)
Bet 4,5,6 34,35,36 & 0.....
Bankroll suggestion: 35 units per session
What exactly does your systems have in common with what the topic is about?
Well, from what I understand the rules
were loose enough to be left to interpretation:
1.) Inside bets
2.) 7,8 or nine numbers bet
3.) always uses the newest spin-value
4.) usually in profit within 24 spins
I figure as long as it works fairly reasonably I'm good.
Proofreaders out of all the variations that you posted, did you find any succesful approach to using Vaddis principles?
Two Red vs Black 'Streets' and Zero had
the best hit-rate of the ones I've posted.
Odd/Even Three Ahead and Behind
Note the newest non-zero
spin-value. Is it Odd or Even?
If Odd bet three Odd numbers
numerically higher and lower once
and vice-versa if the last decision is Even.
If win end session. If lose repeat
steps with the newest spin-value.
(seven numbers in play)
Stop on a win or after five consecutive misses.
Example: #13 (newest spin-value)
Bet 13 15,17,19 11,9,7 once: 1.) 34(x)
Bet 34 36,2,4 32,30,28 once....
Bankroll suggestion: 35 units per session.
Eight Newest Uniques High Dominant
Track until you have eight unique numbers. Bet only
when High equals or is dominant over Low numbers.
If win end session. If miss repeat
steps with the newest spin-value.
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example: 25,1,8,21,32,6,23,35: Highs=5: Lows=3
Bet 25,1,8,21,32,6,23,35 once: 1.) 0(x)
1,8,21,32,6,23,35,0: Highs=4: Lows=3
Bet 1,8,21,32,6,23,35,0 once....
Bankroll suggestion: 32 units per session.
Last Three 'Red vs Black Natural Lines'
Natural Lines: L1-6, L7-12,
L13-18, L19-24, L25-30, L31-36
Note the newest non-zero
spin-value. Is is Red or Black?
If Red bet all of the Red numbers in the last
three natural lines to show and vice versa if Black.
If win end session. If miss repeat
steps with the newest spin-value.
(nine numbers in play)
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example: 21,1,14,33,9 (newest spin-value)
Last three natural lines to show: L7-12, L31-36, L13-18
Bet 7,9,12 32,34,36 14,16,18 once: 1.) 26(x)
Last three natural lines to show: L25-30, L7-12, L31-36
Bet 26,28,29 8,10,11 31,33,35 once....
Bankroll suggestion: 36 units per session.
Eight Newest Uniques Black Dominant
Track until you have eight unique numbers. Bet only
when Black equals or is dominant over Red numbers.
If win end session. If miss repeat
steps with the newest spin-value.
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example: 2,35,19,31,15,18,21,30: Black=4: Red=4
Bet 2,35,19,31,15,18,21,30 once: 1.) 3(x)
35,19,31,15,18,21,30,3: Black=3: Red=5 (do not bet)
19,31,15,18,21,30,3,20: Black=3: Red=5 (do not bet)
31,15,18,21,30,3,20,2: Black=4: Red=4 (trigger)
Bet 31,15,18,21,30,3,20,2 once: 2.) ....
Bankroll suggestion: 32 units per session.
Newest Three Column Numbers, Mirrors and Zero
These numbers go together:
Column 3,36: 6,33: 9,30: 12,27: 15,24: 18,21
Column 2,35: 5,32: 8,29: 11,26: 14,23: 17,20
Column 1,34: 4,31: 7,28: 10,25: 13,22: 16,19
Note the newest number
from each of the three columns.
Bet those three, their respective
mirror compliments and zero once.
If win end session. If miss repeat
steps with the newest spin-values.
(seven numbers in play)
Stop on a win or after five consecutive misses.
Example: 21,33,1,21,35 (newest spin-value)
Bet 1,34 21,18 35,2 & 0 once: 1.) 15(x)
Bet 1,34 15,24 35,2 & 0 once: 2.) ....
Bankroll suggestion: 35 units per session.
Red and Black Before and After with Zero
Note the newest Red and Black spin-values.
Bet those two, the Red/Black number behind
and above numbers respectively with zero once.
If win end session. If lose repeat
steps with the newest spin-values.
(seven numbers in play)
Stop on a win or after five consecutive misses.
Example: 20,9 (newest spin-values)
Bet 17,20,22 7,9,12 & 0 once: 1.) 36(x)
Bet 17,20,22 34,36,1 & 0 once: 2.) ....
Bankroll suggestion: 35 units per session.
Newest Seven Numbers from the Last Two Dozens
Bet the seven newest numbers from the last two dozens.
If win end session. If miss repeat
steps with the newest spin-values.
(If a new dozen is the outcome
bet that dozens, newest spin-values)
Stop on a win or after five consecutive misses.
Example: 20,5,31,15,17,1,35,12,16,25 (newest spin-value)
Bet the newest seven numbers from
third & second dozens (new to older)
Bet 25,16,35,17,15,31,20 once: 1.) 3(x)
Newest dozens: first & third dozen
Bet 3,25,12,35,1,31,5 once: 2.) ....
Bankroll suggestion: 35 units per session.
Eight Number Pivot
Note the newest two non-zero spin-values.
Are they numerically ascending or descending?
If ascending bet the newest spin-value along with seven
numerically higher numbers once and vice-versa if descending.
If win end session.
If miss, restart with the two newest spin-values.
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example: 12,16 (newest spin-value)
Bet 16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23 once: 1.) 3(x)
Bet 3,2,1,36,35,34,33,32 once: 2.) ....
Bankroll suggestion: 32 units per session.
Newest Street in Each Dozen
Locate the newest spin-value from each
dozen. Bet the three respective streets once.
If win end session. If miss repeat
steps with the newest spin-values.
(nine numbers in play)
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example: 23,19,0,4,29 (newest spin-value)
Bet s28-30, s4-6, s19-21 once: 1.) 1(x)
Bet s1-3, s28-30, s19-21 once: 2.) ....
Bankroll suggestion: 12 units per session.
Two Newest Red vs Black Natural Column Splits & Mirrors
Natural Column Splits:
1/4, 2/5, 3/6, 7/10, 8/11, 9/12-First Dozen
13/16, 14/17, 15/18, 19/22, 20/23, 21/24-Second Dozen
25/28, 26/29, 27/30, 31/34, 32/35, 33/36-Third Dozen
These splits go together (mirrors): 1/4, 31/34: 7/10,25/28
13/16, 19/22: 2/5, 32/35: 8/11, 26/29: 14/17, 20/23
3/6, 33/36: 9/12, 27/30: 15/18, 21/24
Note the newest two Black or Red Numbers.
If the newest spin-value is Red bet the corresponding
two newest Red splits and their mirror compliments once.
Bet vice versa if the newest spin-value is Black.
If win end session. If miss repeat
steps with the newest spin-values.
(eight numbers in play)
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example: 30,0,14,17,31,1 (newest spin-value)
Bet 1/4, 31/34 & 14/17,20/23 once: 1.) 11(x)
Bet 8/11, 26/29 & 31/34, 1/4 once....
Bankroll suggestion: 16 units per session
Three Newest Odd & Even Numbers w/Zero
Bet the newest three Odd and
Even spin-values with zero once.
If win end session. If miss repeat
steps with the newest spin-values.
(seven numbers in play)
Stop on a win or after five consecutive misses.
Example: 12,31,1,9,13,20,36 (newest spin-values)
Bet 36,20,12 & 13,9,1,0 once: 1.) 29(x)
Bet 29,13,9 & 36,20,12,0 once: 2.) ....
Bankroll suggestion: 35 units per session
Half Moon Mini-Sectors
European Wheel
Right of Zero Left of Zero
32,15,19 4,21,2 5,24,16 22,18,29
25,17,34 6,27,13 33,1,20 7,28,12
36,11,30 8,23,10 14,31,9 35,3,26
American Wheel
Right of Zero Left of Zero
28,9,26 30,11,7 27,10,25 29,12,8
20,32,17 5,22,34 19,31,18 6,21,33
15,3,24 36,13,1 16,4,23 35,14,2
Note the newest non-zero
spin-value. Which half of the wheel is it on?
If it is left of zero bet the three
newest 'left of zero' sectors of three.
Also vice versa if the last
decision outcome is 'right of zero'.
If win end session. If lose repeat
steps with the newest spin-values.
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example (European Wheel):
21,10,31,9,1,32,27 (newest spin-value)
Bet 6,27,13 32,15,19 4,21,2 once: 1.) 26(x)
Bet 35,3,26 33,1,20 14,31,9 once: 2.) ....
Bankroll suggestion: 36 units per session.
Newest Eight Numbers Second Dozen Dominant
Look at the newest eight outcomes. Is the second
dozen dominant or tied for dominant dozen? (qualifier)
Bet the newest eight spin-values if they qualify.
If win end session. If miss only bet the newest
eight with the newest spin-value (if it qualifies).
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example: 12,13,0,9,1,35,18,2 (newest spin-value)-
1st dozen dominant (do not bet)
13,0,9,1,35,18,2,19 (newest spin-value)
2nd dozen tied with 1st dozen for dominant (trigger)
Bet 13,0,9,1,35,18,2,19 once: 1.) 11(x)
0,9,1,35,18,2,19,11 (newest spin-value)-1st dozen dominant
(do not bet)
9,1,35,18,2,19,11,21 (newest spin-value)-1st dozen dominant
(do not bet)
1,35,18,2,19,11,21,17 (newest spin-value)-2nd dozen dominant*
Bet 1,35,18,2,19,11,21,17 once....
Bankroll suggestion: 32 units per session.
Newest and Oldest Dozens' Streets with Zero
Note the newest and the oldest dozens
to show and their respective streets.
Bet those two streets and zero once.
If win end session, if miss repeat
steps with the newest spin-values.
(seven numbers in play)
Stop on a win or after five consecutive misses.
Example: 21,9,13,14,31 (newest spin-value)
Bet 7,8,9 31,32,33,0 once: 1.) 17(x)
Bet 7,8,9 16,17,18,0 once....
Bankroll suggestion: 35 units per session
'Count Five Down' Three Separate Streets
Procedure: Bet the current hit street, the fifth
outcome's street and the ninth outcome's street (ignore zeros)
*If there's no clear trigger wait one spin for the next outcome.
If win end session, if miss repeat
steps with the newest spin-values.
(nine numbers in play)
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example: 9,25,31,6,1,23,36,2,18 (newest spin-value)
Bet s16-18, s1-3, s7-9 once: 1.) 30(x)
Bet s28-30, s22-24, s25-27....
Bankroll suggestion: 12 units per session.
Red/Black Dozen's Numbers and Zero
Note the newest spin-value.
What color is it? What Dozen?
Bet newest outcome's spin-value and the same
color numbers in that dozen with zero once.
If win end session. If miss repeat
steps with the newest spin-value.
(seven numbers in play)
Stop on a win or after five consecutive misses.
Example: 21,0,5 (newest spin-value)
Bet 1,3,5,7,9,12,0 once: 1.) 26(x)
Bet 26,28,29,31,33,35,0 once....
Bankroll suggestion: 35 units per session
Four Consecutive Even-Chances Trigger Number Builder
Track until you have four consecutive
of the same even chance, all uniques:
21,2,15,7,9 (newest spin-values)
H L L L L (trigger): L H H H H
O E E E E (trigger): E O O O O
R B B B B (trigger): B R R R R
Bet the last five outcomes. Add
each new spin-value if it misses:
Example: 21,9,7,5,2 (trigger)
Bet 21,9,7,5,2: 1.) 0(x)
Bet 21,9,7,5,2,0: 2.) 17(x)
Bet 21,9,7,5,2,0,17: 3.) .....
Stop on a win or after five consecutive misses:
(the fifth bet will have nine numbers in play)
Bankroll suggestion: 35 units per session.
Four Newest Un-natural Splits
Un-natural splits:
1,34, 2,35, 3,36: 4/7, 5/8, 6/9, 10/13:
11/14, 12/15: 16/19, 17/20, 18/21:
22/25, 23/26, 24/27: 28/31, 29/32, 30/33
Procedure: Note the newest four
un-natural splits. Bet them once.
If win end session. If miss repeat
step with the newest spin-values.
(eight numbers in play)
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example: 21,5,13,6 (newest spin-value)
Bet 6/9, 10/13, 5/8, 18/21 once: 1.) 2(x)
Bet 2/35, 6/9, 10/13, 5/8....
Bankroll suggestion: 32 units per session
Three Column 'Streets' Pivot
Note the newest spin-value from each column.
The newest two spin values. Are
they numerically ascending or descending?
If ascending bet the last hit
number from each column and the two
numbers same column ascending
and vice versa if descending once.
If win end session. If miss repeat
steps with the newest spin-values.
(nine numbers in play)
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example: 7,30,13,11 (newest spin-value)
13,11 numerically descending
Bet 11,8,5 13,10,7 30,27,24 once: 1.) 31(x)
11,31 numerically ascending
Bet 31,34,1 11,14,17 30,33,36....
Bankroll suggestion: 36 units per session
Eight Numbers Third Column Dominant
Track the last eight outcomes until the third column
numbers equal or dominant over the others. (qualifier)
Bet the last eight numbers once.
If win end session. If miss, bet using
the newest spin-values (if it qualifies).
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example: 1,20,3,15,1,13,2,10 (newest spin-value)
Third Column=2: First Column=4: Second Column=2
(Do not bet)
20,3,15,1,13,2,10,9 (newest spin-value)
Third Column=3: First Column=3: Second Column=2
Bet 20,3,15,1,13,2,10,9 once: 1.) ....
Bankroll suggestion: 32 units per session
Okay I think I have all of the pieces to this one.
Vaddis tracks until he has a minimum
of seven uniques then makes hit first bet.
As long as he has 7,8 or 9 uniques he makes bets.
If it goes to ten uniques or more he starts over tracking.
According to his bankroll he makes
12 attempts to get into profit, flat-betting.
Minimum bankroll required: 108 units at $1/number
216 units at $2/number: 324 units at $3/number...
re: "All of the Pieces"
Track the seven newest uniques (they don't have to be consecutive)
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Thursday, February 8,2018 @ 1:42am CST USA
...34,27,9,15,4,30,36 (newest spin-value)-qualifier
Bet newest seven uniques: 1.) 31(x)-7
Bet newest eight uniques: 2.) 6(x)-8
Bet newest nine uniques: 3.) 6(win)+27
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Thursday, February 8,2018 @ 1:45am CST USA
...8,19,3,0,34,1,31 (newest spin-value)-qualifier
Bet newest seven uniques: 1.) 12(x)-7
Bet newest eight uniques: 2.) 9(x)-8
Bet newest nine uniques: 3.) 12(win)+27
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Thursday, February 8,2018 @ 1:57am CST USA
...17,0,28,16,6,24,35 (newest spin-value)
Bet newest seven uniques: 1.) 0(x)+29
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Thursday, February 8,2018 @ 1:58am CST USA
...33,25,14,21,23,28,36 (newest spin-value)
Bet last seven uniques: 1.) 7(x)-7
Bet last eight uniques: 2.) 35(x)-8
Bet last nine uniques: 3.) 22(x)-9
Track seven new uniques...
...5,2,3,0,7,24,22 (newest spin-value)
Bet last seven uniques: 1.) 31(x)-7
Bet last eight uniques: 2.) 0(win)+28
Track seven new uniques...
...8,18,21,36,6,26,15 (newest spin-value)
Bet last seven uniques: 1.) 11(x)-7
Bet last eight uniques: 2.) 13(x)-8
Bet last nine uniques: 3.) 35(x)-9
Track seven new uniques...
...18,19,8,15,25,23,27 (newest spin-value)
Bet last seven uniques: 1.) 23(win)+27
Track seven newest uniques...
...18,19,18,15,25,27,34 (newest spin-value)
Bet last seven uniques: 1.) 12(x)-7
Bet last eight uniques: 2.) 8(win)+28
-21+21-24+27+21=+21 grand total this session
-24+21-24+27+21=24 grand total last session
re: The last part of the latest session
Bet last seven uniques: (shd be)
...18,19,8,15,25,27,34 (newest spin-value)
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Thursday, February 8,2018 @ 11:36am CST USA
...5,36,23,12,24,19,30 (newest spin-value)
Bet newest seven uniques: 1.) 30(win)+29
Test: Celtic Casio American Wheel-
Thursday, February 8,2018 @ 11:38am CST USA
...30,35,21,1,00,10,0 (newest spin-value)
Bet newest seven uniques: 1.) 20(x)-7
Bet newest eight uniques: 2.) 10(win)+28
I take it that it’s a one spin bet every time flatbet
up to three spins flatbet-stop & retrack new uniques on a win:
seven uniques bet, eight uniques, nine uniques bet
Repeat steps until in profit.
Here is Track Four software for tracking unique singles.
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Thursday, February 8,2018 @ 8:51pm CST USA
0,1,33,29,20,26,30 (newest spin-value)
Bet last seven uniques: 1.) 19(x)-7
Bet last eight uniques: 2.) 35(x)-8
Bet last nine uniques: 3.) 8(x)-9
Track seven new unique singles
...16,18,6,23,17,27,36 (newest spin-value)
Bet last seven uniques: 1.) 31(x)-7
Bet last eight uniques: 2.) 20(x)-8
Bet last nine uniques: 3.) 19(x)-9
Track seven new unique singles.
...24,8,22,5,35,29,13,31 (newest spin-value)
Bet last seven unique singles: 1.) 8(x)-7
Bet last eight unique singles: 2.) 34(x)-8
Bet last nine unique singles: 3.) 10(x)-9
Track seven new uniques.
...20,14,2,29,28,1,36 (newest spin-value)
Bet last seven unique singles: 1.) 33(x)-7
Bet last eight unique singles: 2.) 34(x)-8
Bet last nine unique singles: 3.) 29(win)+27
Track seven new uniques.
...12,29,6,17,31,23,32 (newest spin-value)
Bet last seven unique singles: 1.) 29(win)+29
Track seven new uniques.
...2,34,22,26,7,6,31 (newest spin-value)
Bet last seven unique singles: 1.) 11(x)-7
Bet last eight unique singles: 2.) 31(win)+28
Track seven new uniques.
...20,16,18,15,4,22,2 (newest spin-value)
Bet last seven unique singles: 1.) 4(win)+29
Grand total this session: +19
Lol. I quickly went through the previous comments, I didn't find how does this system work !
It sounds a top-secret system.
Proof I don't think your last idea is vaddis holy grail. Got these results in test live spins -24, +29, -24, -24, -24, +21, +29, -24, -24. A total of -65.
Vladislav 's "holy grail" !
Is it really a HG ? Does it work ?
Quote from: boyd30 on Feb 09, 01:20 PM 2018
Proof I don't think your last idea is vaddis holy grail. Got these results in test live spins -24, +29, -24, -24, -24, +21, +29, -24, -24. A total of -65.
You have a Bankroll of 108 units/$1
number. You keep playing until in profit.
A total of -65 means you have 43 units remaining to bet.
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Feb 09, 01:50 PM 2018
You have a Bankroll of 108 units/$1
number. You keep playing until in profit.
A total of -65 means you have 43 units remaining to bet.
Ok, let's test it more.
bad news folks
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Friday, February 9,2018 @ 9:07pm CST USA
...2,7,13,9,15,24,26,16 (newest spin-value)
Bet last seven uniques: 1.) 28(x)-7
Bet last eight uniques: 2.) 4(x)-8
Bet last nine uniques: 3.) 26(win)+27
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Friday, February 9,2018 @ 9:11pm CST USA
Session total: -24-24-24+12-24-24=-108
Betting last 9 nrs. One out when one in.
Flat bet. Not perfect: it offers no alternative or opposite balance when only few repeaters show in the last 9 nrs. Still showing a bit of hope..
Another file on desk...
*so far so good with this new tactic
I have been trying to build to seven uniques like this:
#23 (newest spin-value)
Bet #23: 1.) 4(x)-1
Bet 23,4: 2.) 20(x)-2
Bet 23,4,20...
(if it wins restart with the last decision single outcome.)
If it 'builds' to seven:
Example: ...23,4,20,6,7 (newest spin-value)
*sive consecutive unique single outcomes
Bet 23,4,20,6,7: 1.) 0(x)-5
Bet 23,4,20,6,7,0: 2.) 1(x)-6
Bet 23,4,20,6,7,0,1: 3.) 22(x)-7*
*At this point bet the newest seven uniques
(until in profit for the session)
Bet 4,20,6,7,0,1,22: 4.) 5(x)-7
Bet 20,6,7,0,1,22,5: 5.) 19(x)-7
Bet 6,7,0,1,22,5,19: 6.) 7(win)+29
(six uniques left, wait one spin)...15 (trigger)
Bet 6,0,1,22,5,19,15: 7.) 34(x)-7
Bet 0,1,22,5,19,15,34...
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Wednesday, April 4,2018 @ 2:03am CDT USA
...#3 (newest spin-value)
Bet #3: 1.) 16(x)-1
Bet 3,16: 2.) 16(win)+34
...#16 (newest spin-value)
Bet #16: 1.) 26(x)-1
Bet 16,26: 2.) 15(x)-2
Bet 16,26,15: 3.) 10(x)-3
Bet 16,26,15,10: 4.) 0(x)-4
Bet 16,26,15,10,0: 5.) 28(x)-5
Bet 16,26,15,10,0,28: 6.) 2(x)-6
Bet 16,26,15,10,0,28,2: 7.) 2(win)+29
...#2 (newest spin-value)
Bet #2: 1.) 13(x)-1
Bet 2,13: 2.) 34(win)+34
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Wednesday, April 4,2018 @ 1:39am CDT USA
...#12 (newest spin-value)
Bet #12: 1.) 26(x)-1
Bet 12,26: 2.) 35(x)-2
Bet 12,26,35: 3.) 9(x)-3
Bet 12,26,35,9: 4.) 33(x)-4
Bet 12,26,35,9,33: 5.) 6(x)-5
Bet 12,26,35,9,33,6: 6.) 24(x)-6
Bet 12,26,35,9,33,6,24: 7.) 21(x)-7
(newest seven uniques in play at this point)
Bet 26,35,9,33,6,24,21: 8.) 30(x)-7
Bet 35,9,33,6,24,21,30: 9.) 12(x)-7
Bet 9,33,6,24,21,30,12: 10.) 30(win)+29
last six uniques: 9,33,6,24,21,12
(wait one spin...#23 (trigger)
Bet seven newest unique singles:
Bet 9,33,6,24,21,12,23: 11.) 10(x)-7
Bet 33,6,24,21,12,23,10: 12.) 15(x)-7
Bet 6,24,21,12,23,10,15: 13.) 21(win)+29
Session total: +2 units
*also 144 units bankroll (according to Vaddi)
36 times 4 @ $1/number
Last 18 nrs (not spins), flat bet.
simple but not dynamic, there is the flaw. Strikes of new nrs can easily bring down the br. Need to add an adaptive aspect, bzw balancing, as suggested in the early pages of this topic.
The success of this run up is probably due to luck?
18 nrs is not between 6 and 9, sure, but this is a testing lab, isn't it!
Alright, this is fully esoteric, in the sense of ''What is the mirror/sister number?'', the missing piece of the puzzle with Vaddis' hints. He suggested to go +1 or -1 for the pair number.
I tried +18/-18, since I noticed often comes near a hit a number that is 18 above or below, like 15/33, or 31/13, 29/11.
Did a little test. Put a unit on a nr and its pair, up to 8 pairs/16 nrs and reset at new high, flat bet. Good preliminary results.
See how a +/-18 value nr comes hitting within a 8 spin window.
This, is esoteric and not fully cross-interrogated, still...
Mirror sister numbers could be 1,34
or x+y=37 like 3,34
or two neighbors like 0,32 (Euro Wheel)
or a Natural column split 15,18
Yes, any of these could be what he meant.
Should be easy enough for a 10 y-old to understand, though, according to post.
I'm not sure his magic nr was 8, anyways. He said it was not it...
I'd go for 6,7 or 9...
He said it was between 6 and 10 numbers, likely 7, 8 or 9.
6 or 9 would make sense, Tesla and all other scientists thought nr3 and the multiples of this made all things amazing, in the physical world.
7 is more of a biblical number...
Does this come down to science or belief?!?
was intrigued by this method which seems to be a low risk flat bet selection based on last x historical values. I have tested this with some success but only when numbers are repeating frequently. When you get a long sequence of single numbers your bankroll can get depleted.
I am not sure if this will help but to reduce the number of chips on the layout you could use splits, quads and streets to cover your numbers. You will get different payouts depending on what number hit but that could be compensated partially by the reduced betting requirement
But sadly, I do not think this is the HG as it depends on luck to get ahead and has no progression.
If you were to add some sort of progression or parlay then you may get close to accelerating your wins
Quote from: Bigbroben on Apr 18, 02:00 PM 2018
6 or 9 would make sense, Tesla and all other scientists thought nr3 and the multiples of this made all things amazing, in the physical world.
7 is more of a biblical number...
Does this come down to science or belief?!?
According to Vaddi's notes the greatest
edge of 7,8 or 9 uniques would be seven.
(I just don't see the hit-rate being any better)
He never revealed what the number was. Some believe it is 8, but I'm not sure. It wasn't only betting the last numbers. He also talked about pairs, splits and nonhits, singles and doubles. Even if you do a mix of this it's still a guessing game. And it would win with flatbetting!
Quote from: boyd30 on Apr 18, 03:34 PM 2018
He never revealed what the number was. Some believe it is 8, but I'm not sure. It wasn't only betting the last numbers. He also talked about pairs, splits and nonhits, singles and doubles. Even if you do a mix of this it's still a guessing game. And it would win with flatbetting!
I Always believed it was 7
But like vaddis said, les then 9 and More then 6. So either 7 or 8.
Could not find, but I remember reading from him it was not 8.
My guts is it's 7, but haven't tested it profoundly yet.
Here are 2 quotes.
Still have doubts the ''pair'' is a split...
Quote from: Bigbroben on Apr 18, 04:31 PM 2018
Could not find, but I remember reading from him it was not 8.
My guts is it's 7, but haven't tested it profoundly yet.
Here are 2 quotes.
Still have doubts the ''pair'' is a split...
Hi all
I just read Vaddis post mentioned at the beginning of this thread. Has anyone worked out what he is referring to in the way he is betting?
My understanding is he is referring to the bias generated by a dealer called a footprint. In 37 spins the ball will land in a pattern around the wheel hitting the same number several times because it is landing in the same area of the wheel. In a properly regulated condition when the dealer is forced to spin the ball from approximately the same location of the last spun number then he generates a footprint around the wheel and the ball revolves approx the same number of times and the wheel spins at approx the same speed in the opposite direction. After 37 spins you get a good sample of the footprint being generated.
Given this information you then make 12 bets identifying 2 dominant numbers, ones that have hit the most and you bet both their neighbours up to 5 numbers for each number. So you need to look at the wheel and if say 5 and 32 were showing as the dominant numbers then look at the 2 numbers either side of these numbers, you have a total of 10 numbers including 5 and 32. So the numbers would be (on european wheel) 23,10,5,24,16 and 26,0,32,15,19. Now you could confirm these two landing strips are correct by checking the frequency in which each of these numbers have hit in the last 37 spins. If the have hit more times than others then you have a good candidate for winning on the next 12 spins.
Using this method you need to ensure 2 things:
1. Reset your tracking on a change of dealer as the footprint will be lost
2. Ensure the dealer spins the ball at approx the same location as the last number. I have observed in online casinos that this rule is constantly broken by dealers. One dealer i know lets the wheel spin half a revolution before he releases the ball. This system cannot be played on those wheels as there is no dealer bias.
Am I on the right track with this system?
Just played two sessions on Celtic Live European Wheel. :thumbsup:
*seven uniques=max numbers to bet-
based on what's shown on the Marquee
Test: Celtic European Wheel-
Thursday, April 19,2018 @ 11:44pm CDT USA
#36 (newest spin-value)
Bet #36: 1.) 10(x)-1
Bet 36,10: 2.) 35(x)-2
Bet 36,10,35: 3.) 26(x)-3
Bet 36,10,35,26: 4.) 13(x)-4
Bet 36,10,35,26,13: 5.) 26(win)+31
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Thursday, April 19,2018 @ 11:49pm CDT USA
#26 (newest spin-value)
Bet #26: 1.) 15(x)-1
Bet 26,15: 2.) 36(x)-2
Bet 26,15,36: 3.) 11(x)-3
Bet 26,15,36,11: 4.) 8(x)-4
Bet 26,15,36,11,8: 5.) 9(x)-5
Bet 26,15,36,11,8,9: 6.) 30(x)-6
Bet 26,15,36,11,8,9,30: 7.) 4(x)-7
*bet newest seven uniques each spin at this point
Bet 15,36,11,8,9,30,4: 8.) 26(x)-7
Bet 36,11,8,9,30,4,26: 9.) 32(x)-7
Bet 11,8,9,30,4,26,32: 10.) 17(x)-7
Bet 8,9,30,4,26,32,17: 11.) 36(x)-7
Bet 9,30,4,26,32,17,36: 12.) 1(x)-7
Bet 30,4,26,32,17,36,1: 13.) 16(x)-7
Bet 4,26,32,17,36,1,16: 14.) 1(win)+29
*bet last seven uniques
Bet 30,4,26,32,17,36,16: 15.) 20(x)-7
Bet 4,26,32,17,36,16,20: 16.) 24(x)-7
Bet 26,32,17,36,16,20,24: 17.) 9(x)-7
Bet 9,24,20,16,36,17,32: 18.) 24(win)+29
Bet 9,20,16,36,17,32,26: 19.) 32(win)+29
(waiting for new unique single)...0 (trigger)
Bet 9,20,16,36,17,26,0: 20.) 34(x)-7
Bet 20,16,36,17,26,0,34: 21.) 33(x)-7
Bet 16,36,17,26,0,34,33: 22.) 25(x)-7
Bet 36,17,26,0,34,33,25: 23.) 5(x)-7
Bet 17,26,0,34,33,25,5: 24.) 24(x)-7
Bet 26,0,34,33,25,5,24: 25.) 8(x)-7
Bet 0,34,33,25,5,24,8: 26.) 5(win)+29
Bet 32,0,34,33,25,24,8: 27.) 27(x)-7
Bet 0,34,33,25,24,8,27: 28.) 35(x)-7
Bet 34,33,25,24,8,27,35: 29.) 8(win)+29
Bet 0,34,33,25,24,27,35: 30.) 14(x)-7
Bet 34,33,25,24,27,35,14: 31.) 14(win)+29
(hope this helps) :)
I understand the princible, we bet up to seven unique numbers. After you Have seven unique numbers everytime a unique number appears, we remove the oldest # and add the newest. And we move the newest to spot 1.But how to make this the HG? That's the question.
From what I read Vaddi made an automatic bot out
of the seven uniques formula with a bankroll of 100 units
and let the bot play continuously.
As long as the balance never goes
over -100 units that would be the Grail.
Vaddis mentioned the system was also good with RNG, but was even more efficient if a real dealer showed a signature.
Does anyone knows when he'd switch from betting the nrs to betting the ''pair''?
What did he mean by ''observing how numbers connect to each other after every 4 spins'' ?
Another RNG trial: wait for last 7 nrs show no repeater and start rolling the last 7. Almost an average of +1/spin.
Thought: If one bets all 37 nrs, this is the house edge:-1 every spin. With 7 nrs, a hit on 5th spin gets you to +1. He said at some point the magic nr was the player's edge.
Room for thoughts...!
I"m interesting in this. Trying to figure it out, but don't really understand. I've seen the above graph before. From who is that and what does the spanish say?
He said it's a graph of what he'S doing right now from Vaddis phase 1 system.
how many nrs, 7?
do you switch to 16 nrs as soon as phase1 fails?
I need to think this over about 8 nrs, trying to understand the ratios you mentioned...
''24 numbers land
12 times the proportion of land
What do you mean?
PR, en que ciudad vives? Yo en Lerida
Quote from: Bigbroben on Apr 17, 03:24 PM 2018
I tried +18/-18, since I noticed often comes near a hit a number that is 18 above or below, like 15/33, or 31/13, 29/11.
See how a +/-18 value nr comes hitting within a 8 spin window.
This, is esoteric and not fully cross-interrogated, still...
Another observation, +/-18 per nrs...
Doesn't always happen, but when it does...
13-31; 4-22; 16-34; 2-20; 9-27; 6-24.
Tell me,
como lo hiciste?
Spin 16, seems you went from 500 to 534, so 2 nrs on first bet?
Spins 17 to 23: 2x 2nrs, 2x 4nrs, 2x8nrs, then hit on spin 24 with 10nrs, so up to 532.
You betted on the pair (nr+1)? Did you ever bet on repeaters and their pair?
Spin 33-42: did you not reset to step 1 since you were at new high?
Interesting graph (obviously) if flat bet.
Can you explain or describe a demonstration?
Good job PR!
----"Cheap" Vaddi's System----
For 36 units (not sure abt the hit-rate)
You could bet one street and two natural column splits (3 units per bet)
Example: 20,15,2 (newest spin-value)
Bet s1-3, 15/18 & 20/23 once: 1.) 21(x)-3
Newest three outcomes: ...15,5,21 (newest spin-value)
Bet s19-21, 2/5, 15/18 once: 2.) 0(x)-3
*in case of zero bet the 0,1,2,3 quad (00,0,1,2,3 on American)
and the second newest spin-value's
street (or natural column split for 00)
Example (from above):
Newest three outcomes: ...5,21,0 (newest spin-value)
Bet 0,1,2,3 and s19-21 once...
Stop when in profit :thumbsup:
So, there Always 3 units on board?
And after the new 3 units come in i change the bet?
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Apr 20, 09:11 AM 2018
Yo soy de Barcelona.
Vente un dÃa para Barcelona y nos conocemos si quieres :thumbsup:
Barcelona......Messi Dios! :thumbsup:
Quote from: Robbert on Apr 22, 05:50 AM 2018
So, there Always 3 units on board?
And after the new 3 units come in i change the bet?
So after reading his clues, the main things I took away from it is:
He says he could explain it to a "10yr old child easily and they could play it"
"It's so simple that it seems too simple to be a HG"
"You can just look at the recent numbers on the marquee and start playing"
Me being a newbie to roulette and thinking like a 10yr old haha, I would assume he just bets on the last 8 to repeat or bets on 8 numbers that haven't hit yet..
assuming 8 is the magic number.
interesting and fun clues but I'm sure most would say this definitely doesn't work out good lol.
Quote from: Gandhi on Apr 22, 03:18 PM 2018
So after reading his clues, the main things I took away from it is:
He says he could explain it to a "10yr old child easily and they could play it"
"It's so simple that it seems too simple to be a HG"
"You can just look at the recent numbers on the marquee and start playing"
Me being a newbie to roulette and thinking like a 10yr old haha, I would assume he just bets on the last 8 to repeat or bets on 8 numbers that haven't hit yet..
assuming 8 is the magic number.
interesting and fun clues but I'm sure most would say this definitely doesn't work out good lol.
8 is most likely the so-called magic number as per the clues that Vaddis put forward in the thread that he started on the moneymaker web site.
But the problem with Vaddis's method is the same that plagues nearly all other repeaters methods -- for many sessions, the repeaters come rather late in the cycle (or they spill over on to the next cycle) or there are big gaps between when they appear.
That leads to big drawdowns in your bank roll.
Then you are forced to resort to progressions (be it positive or negative) to try to get back to the break-even point.
Positive progressions are not necessarily the panacea that many people think they are -- yes, you are not using your own money for such progressions (in that sense, they are better than negative progressions), but you are still giving back your hard-earned profits from previous wins or previous sessions to salvage your current session.
That's why DoctorSudoku Vaddi recommends 12 times the number you
think it is for bankroll. Since you think it is Eight, the bankroll would be 96 units
Progressions are mostly used to go back quicker to break-even or new high, and also mostly used to be at this level on first hit.
If a player accepts to be under for a while, it doesn't matter if it takes 5-6 hits, if the system works.
Probably better to stay under water longer and not to sink with progression on a losing streak...
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Apr 23, 09:49 PM 2018
He leaves a very important clue.
These are his words:
It is the base of the grail
If you do not see this, it is difficult for you to achieve it.
You have to try all the things that happen and read and read things.
I'm lucky to have been accustomed to thinking about this type of riddle-related riddles for years.
regards :wink:
24/8 = bet 8 numbers for 24 spins?
12/4 = bet 4 numbers for 12 spins?
You sound like you already know Vaddis way..?
Quote from: DoctorSudoku on Apr 23, 07:58 PM 2018
8 is most likely the so-called magic number as per the clues that Vaddis put forward in the thread that he started on the moneymaker web site.
But the problem with Vaddis's method is the same that plagues nearly all other repeaters methods -- for many sessions, the repeaters come rather late in the cycle (or they spill over on to the next cycle) or there are big gaps between when they appear.
That leads to big drawdowns in your bank roll.
Then you are forced to resort to progressions (be it positive or negative) to try to get back to the break-even point.
Positive progressions are not necessarily the panacea that many people think they are -- yes, you are not using your own money for such progressions (in that sense, they are better than negative progressions), but you are still giving back your hard-earned profits from previous wins or previous sessions to salvage your current session.
thanks for the info on pretty much confirming the magic number being 8 Dr.
and I agree the gaps and big drawdowns in bankroll waiting for repeaters make things very tricky and not as simple as Vaddis clues say.
Quote from: Gandhi on Apr 24, 01:25 AM 2018
thanks for the info on pretty much confirming the magic number being 8 Dr.
and I agree the gaps and big drawdowns in bankroll waiting for repeaters make things very tricky and not as simple as Vaddis clues say.
and vaddis is not only playing repeaters, but unhit and First hits as well.
It looks like the Vaddi principles appear to work on Even Chances... :thumbsup:
---*Vaddi's Even Chances System*---
Bankroll requirement: 12 units
Flat-bet the last decision Even Chance continuously.
(if a zero shows wait one
spin/game for a non-zero/tie outcome)
Stop when in profit.
Example: #12 (newest spin-value)
Bet Red: 1.) 0(x)-10
(wait one spin...#13 (newest outcome)
Bet Black: 2.) 2(win)+10
Bet Black: 3.) 31(win)+10 (stop--+10 profit)
Same with Baccarat (12 unit bankroll requirement)
...Banker (newest outcome)
Bet Banker: 1.) Player(x)-10
Bet Player: 2.) Tie
(wait one game)...Banker
Bet Banker: 3.) Banker (win)+10....
*the Even Chance tactic should work on Blackjack**no splits or doubles
Again, stopping when in profit
12 times base bet=Bankroll requirement
Example: Minimum table: $25/Blackjack bet
25 times 12=$300 Bankroll
*in Blackjack--Vaddi--the only time to bet would be after the dealer busts
I am sorry if this has been posted before in this thread. It is said this is basically the same system and you wait for 12 unique numbers in a row to hit, then bet the first 8 numbers you tracked.
Quote from: Irish88 on Apr 24, 12:37 PM 2018
I am sorry if this has been posted before in this thread. It is said this is basically the same system and you wait for 12 unique numbers in a row to hit, then bet the first 8 numbers you tracked.
It is for the most part the same system -- and as with any other system, play around with it and come up with your own tweaks to suit your own bank roll and psychology.
I tested this theory last night looks good so far.
---*Vaddi's Dozen/Column System*---
Bankroll requirement: 18 units
Flat-bet last decision Dozen/Column continuously
*Stop when in profit*
Example: #2 (newest spin-value)-first dozen
Bet first dozen: 1.) 31(x)-1
Bet third dozen: 2.) 0(x)-1
*in case of zero wait one spin for a non-zero outcome
...#22 (newest spin-value)
Bet second dozen: 3.) 19(win)+2
Bet second dozen: 4.) 15(win)+2: (stop) +2 profit
Same with columns:
Example: #33 (newest spin-value)-third column
Bet third column: 1.) 23(x)-1
Bet second column: 2.) 20(win)+2
(stop) +1 profit
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Apr 24, 07:16 PM 2018
I tested this theory last night looks good so far.
---*Vaddi's Dozen/Column System*---
Bankroll requirement: 18 units
Flat-bet last decision Dozen/Column continuously
*Stop when in profit*
Example: #2 (newest spin-value)-first dozen
Bet first dozen: 1.) 31(x)-1
Bet third dozen: 2.) 0(x)-1
*in case of zero wait one spin for a non-zero outcome
...#22 (newest spin-value)
Bet second dozen: 3.) 19(win)+2
Bet second dozen: 4.) 15(win)+2: (stop) +2 profit
Same with columns:
Example: #33 (newest spin-value)-third column
Bet third column: 1.) 23(x)-1
Bet second column: 2.) 20(win)+2
(stop) +1 profit
instead of 18 if your Bankroll was 1800 dollars and your bet unit was 100 you will be at + 200
but now think at what you can do with these dollars , what i like to do sometimes is using the "money of the casino " against the casino
turn the +2 to + 3 and the + 3 to +4 and the +4 to + 6 etc
using the " money of the casino" against the casino doing all of that without risking big money , less damage to me to do maximum damage to the casino , but i don't want to go off topic maybe i will start a thread about that .
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Apr 24, 07:16 PM 2018
I tested this theory last night looks good so far.
---*Vaddi's Dozen/Column System*---
Bankroll requirement: 18 units
Flat-bet last decision Dozen/Column continuously
*Stop when in profit*
Example: #2 (newest spin-value)-first dozen
Bet first dozen: 1.) 31(x)-1
Bet third dozen: 2.) 0(x)-1
*in case of zero wait one spin for a non-zero outcome
...#22 (newest spin-value)
Bet second dozen: 3.) 19(win)+2
Bet second dozen: 4.) 15(win)+2: (stop) +2 profit
Same with columns:
Example: #33 (newest spin-value)-third column
Bet third column: 1.) 23(x)-1
Bet second column: 2.) 20(win)+2
(stop) +1 profit
Would it not be better if you wait a few spins without any dozen (or column) repeating before embarking on a chase for the repeating dozen (or column)?
Just a suggestion to cut down on potential losses.
Do you mind posting another graph?
Quote from: DoctorSudoku on Apr 25, 03:42 PM 2018
Would it not be better if you wait a few spins without any dozen (or column) repeating before embarking on a chase for the repeating dozen (or column)?
Just a suggestion to cut down on potential losses.
Fair comment.
imo perhaps with a smaller set of numbers (like a doublestreet or street) but 12
numbers is a large enough target it should a make a profit without a large drawdown.
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Apr 25, 09:17 PM 2018
Fair comment.
imo perhaps with a smaller set of numbers (like a doublestreet or street) but 12
numbers is a large enough target it should a make a profit without a large drawdown.
I like the idea of chasing dozen and column repeats because they are single dozen / single column bets.
You can, if you so prefer, even use a mild progression to chase them (contrast that with the standard 1 1, 3 3, 9 9, 27 27, etc. horror show that we have for double dozens and double columns methods).
Quote from: Irish88 on Apr 24, 12:37 PM 2018
I am sorry if this has been posted before in this thread. It is said this is basically the same system and you wait for 12 unique numbers in a row to hit, then bet the first 8 numbers you tracked.
Hi Irish88,
thanks for posting the link. I had a look at the system and see it works well when you see a lot of repeats within the 20 spin history. It will be risky if you see long periods of uniques. I gave it a go with .10 base bets while I saw many repeats in my online casino and it is holding up well. I guess you need to have some stoploss built in and maybe only start using it when there is some indication of repeats occurring. So if you do get a drought maybe best to wait until repeats start occurring. Sometimes you get repeats occuring in waves every other spin or even back to back. This system works well in those situations.
I have add a tweak to this to allow for the situations where you get back to back wins. Rather than WAITING for 8 or 12 uniques I have been betting each unique as it comes out. I start with 1 then 2 then 3 then 4 etc until I get 8 numbers come out without a repeat. I put 1 unit on each to a maximum of 8 numbers. So my bets would look like
Last number 15 Bet 1 unit on 15
Last number 25 Bet 2 units (15,25)
Last number 12 Bet 3 units (15,25,12)
Last number 22 Bet 4 units (15,25,12,22)
Last number 2 Bet 5 units (15,25,12,22,2)
Last number 26 Bet 6 units (15,25,12,22,2,26)
Last number 30 Bet 7 units (15,25,12,22,2,26,30)
Last number 30 Win 8 units
If a number repeats during this initial phase I am immediately in profit and I start again.
But what I do is look for the last unique numbers before the repeat. In the above case 30 came out twice in a row so I will start betting on 30 1 unit. But if 12 came out then I will start betting
1 unit each on 22,2,26,12
so I drop all previous numbers and start with last unique numbers. This way I will catch any repeats of previous numbers.
On the 8th spin if no repeats came I continue with these 8 numbers using progression 2,2,3,5,5,7,9,12
If I have not go a repeat by the 12 progression I have lost 3920 units and at .10 units that's 39.20 I accept the loss an restart
Also, if a number repeats after my initial 8 then I restart the betting with the latest set of unique numbers after the repeat that I missed. eg say my 8 numbers are:
and the next numbers are 9,33,27,13,9
I have lost all bets and am up to progression 5 with my numbers. What I will do here is stop using these numbers and continue the progression using the numbers from 9. So my next bet will be 1 unit on 9,33,27,13. I will then continue adding a number until I get 8 unique numbers. I will then continue betting the 8 numbers using the last progression before I reset, in this case 5. I will then continue to progression of 12 or until I get a hit. This method is optional. For me it means I am using the freshest set of unique numbers and not the ones that have not hit the longest. The idea is if you suddenly get a lot of repeats with the recent numbers you are not missing out because you are betting on cold numbers that have not hit and may not hit for a long time begin replaced with new hot numbers
When you get a hit you should be in profit so reset back to 1 unit using the last 8 unique numbers of from the number that just repeated which may be less than 8 numbers away. In this case build up to 8 unique numbers and repeat the progression
Let me know if you find this option successful. So far so good for me
Quote from: Ricky on Apr 26, 04:35 AM 2018
Hi Irish88,
thanks for posting the link. I had a look at the system and see it works well when you see a lot of repeats within the 20 spin history. It will be risky if you see long periods of uniques. I gave it a go with .10 base bets while I saw many repeats in my online casino and it is holding up well. I guess you need to have some stoploss built in and maybe only start using it when there is some indication of repeats occurring. So if you do get a drought maybe best to wait until repeats start occurring. Sometimes you get repeats occuring in waves every other spin or even back to back. This system works well in those situations.
I have add a tweak to this to allow for the situations where you get back to back wins. Rather than WAITING for 8 or 12 uniques I have been betting each unique as it comes out. I start with 1 then 2 then 3 then 4 etc until I get 8 numbers come out without a repeat. I put 1 unit on each to a maximum of 8 numbers. So my bets would look like
Last number 15 Bet 1 unit on 15
Last number 25 Bet 2 units (15,25)
Last number 12 Bet 3 units (15,25,12)
Last number 22 Bet 4 units (15,25,12,22)
Last number 2 Bet 5 units (15,25,12,22,2)
Last number 26 Bet 6 units (15,25,12,22,2,26)
Last number 30 Bet 7 units (15,25,12,22,2,26,30)
Last number 30 Win 8 units
If a number repeats during this initial phase I am immediately in profit and I start again.
But what I do is look for the last unique numbers before the repeat. In the above case 30 came out twice in a row so I will start betting on 30 1 unit. But if 12 came out then I will start betting
1 unit each on 22,2,26,12
so I drop all previous numbers and start with last unique numbers. This way I will catch any repeats of previous numbers.
On the 8th spin if no repeats came I continue with these 8 numbers using progression 2,2,3,5,5,7,9,12
If I have not go a repeat by the 12 progression I have lost 3920 units and at .10 units that's 39.20 I accept the loss an restart
Also, if a number repeats after my initial 8 then I restart the betting with the latest set of unique numbers after the repeat that I missed. eg say my 8 numbers are:
and the next numbers are 9,33,27,13,9
I have lost all bets and am up to progression 5 with my numbers. What I will do here is stop using these numbers and continue the progression using the numbers from 9. So my next bet will be 1 unit on 9,33,27,13. I will then continue adding a number until I get 8 unique numbers. I will then continue betting the 8 numbers using the last progression before I reset, in this case 5. I will then continue to progression of 12 or until I get a hit. This method is optional. For me it means I am using the freshest set of unique numbers and not the ones that have not hit the longest. The idea is if you suddenly get a lot of repeats with the recent numbers you are not missing out because you are betting on cold numbers that have not hit and may not hit for a long time begin replaced with new hot numbers
When you get a hit you should be in profit so reset back to 1 unit using the last 8 unique numbers of from the number that just repeated which may be less than 8 numbers away. In this case build up to 8 unique numbers and repeat the progression
Let me know if you find this option successful. So far so good for me
Here is an example of a scenario where the above method tweak works well
(link::// (link:://
I captured all wins where there was a repeat by betting each number as it came out until I get 8 numbers. In this case I won each time before betting all 8 numbers
Quote from: Ricky on Apr 26, 06:00 AM 2018
Here is an example of a scenario where the above method tweak works well
(link::// (link:://
I captured all wins where there was a repeat by betting each number as it came out until I get 8 numbers. In this case I won each time before betting all 8 numbers
And the repeats just keep coming
(link::// (link:://
Quote from: Ricky on Apr 26, 04:35 AM 2018
Hi Irish88,
thanks for posting the link. I had a look at the system and see it works well when you see a lot of repeats within the 20 spin history. It will be risky if you see long periods of uniques. I gave it a go with .10 base bets while I saw many repeats in my online casino and it is holding up well. I guess you need to have some stoploss built in and maybe only start using it when there is some indication of repeats occurring. So if you do get a drought maybe best to wait until repeats start occurring. Sometimes you get repeats occuring in waves every other spin or even back to back. This system works well in those situations.
I have add a tweak to this to allow for the situations where you get back to back wins. Rather than WAITING for 8 or 12 uniques I have been betting each unique as it comes out. I start with 1 then 2 then 3 then 4 etc until I get 8 numbers come out without a repeat. I put 1 unit on each to a maximum of 8 numbers. So my bets would look like
Last number 15 Bet 1 unit on 15
Last number 25 Bet 2 units (15,25)
Last number 12 Bet 3 units (15,25,12)
Last number 22 Bet 4 units (15,25,12,22)
Last number 2 Bet 5 units (15,25,12,22,2)
Last number 26 Bet 6 units (15,25,12,22,2,26)
Last number 30 Bet 7 units (15,25,12,22,2,26,30)
Last number 30 Win 8 units
If a number repeats during this initial phase I am immediately in profit and I start again.
But what I do is look for the last unique numbers before the repeat. In the above case 30 came out twice in a row so I will start betting on 30 1 unit. But if 12 came out then I will start betting
1 unit each on 22,2,26,12
so I drop all previous numbers and start with last unique numbers. This way I will catch any repeats of previous numbers.
On the 8th spin if no repeats came I continue with these 8 numbers using progression 2,2,3,5,5,7,9,12
If I have not go a repeat by the 12 progression I have lost 3920 units and at .10 units that's 39.20 I accept the loss an restart
Also, if a number repeats after my initial 8 then I restart the betting with the latest set of unique numbers after the repeat that I missed. eg say my 8 numbers are:
and the next numbers are 9,33,27,13,9
I have lost all bets and am up to progression 5 with my numbers. What I will do here is stop using these numbers and continue the progression using the numbers from 9. So my next bet will be 1 unit on 9,33,27,13. I will then continue adding a number until I get 8 unique numbers. I will then continue betting the 8 numbers using the last progression before I reset, in this case 5. I will then continue to progression of 12 or until I get a hit. This method is optional. For me it means I am using the freshest set of unique numbers and not the ones that have not hit the longest. The idea is if you suddenly get a lot of repeats with the recent numbers you are not missing out because you are betting on cold numbers that have not hit and may not hit for a long time begin replaced with new hot numbers
When you get a hit you should be in profit so reset back to 1 unit using the last 8 unique numbers of from the number that just repeated which may be less than 8 numbers away. In this case build up to 8 unique numbers and repeat the progression
Let me know if you find this option successful. So far so good for me
Hi Ricky,
Thank you for your excellent post. I have actually played that way in the past. Betting each unique number that comes out. I had very good success with it and asking myself why I got away from it. Remember, Notto with all his spins shows a number should repeat within 10 spins about 75-80% of the time by the 10th spin using a 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 2,2,3 progression.
So after you don't get a hit 8 spins, you play all 8 numbers with your progression. I will check it out. Thank for your post.
Quote from: Irish88 on Apr 26, 10:31 AM 20181,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 2,2,3 progression.
As with any system it works until it doesn't. After posting, I played a little bit too long this method and got a drought of the eight numbers. Therefore got up to the highest progression of 12 after changing unique numbers a few times. Eventually lost all my profit. So this method is good with some additional conditions and some stops for profit as well as loss. Expect about 3000-5000 unit profit each session. with .10 that is 30-50 dollars/euro. So with $1 base bets you can aim for 200-300 dollars/euro which is pretty good but has the same level of risk. So not the method for the conservative gambler.
Quote from: nottophammer on Jan 25, 09:18 AM 2017
:thumbsup: not a finger, 2hot2handle :twisted:
(link::// (link::// |
Time flies
So, 7, huh?
Been a while since i done this, these #'s are from real spins, posted by IG.
So here we bet up to 7#'s; no win, bet last 7 for 7units if win we'd win 1 unit. But it does not come, so no point betting 1 units, up it to 2 units for 7 spins.
Here you see a win, but minus, so carry on with the 2 unit bets but no win for 2 unit, so up it to 3 unit and win; but the win breaks even, but leaves us still minus, ( did Vaddi not say you can get a win and be betting less #'s, well as #32 won with 2 unit and we rebet it made for only 6 to be bet :thumbsup:)
If flat bet the #23 would be positive
I presume the dot line is croupier change
(link::// (link:://
Thats it for me
Back to repeats, the four know what >:D
One more idea I want to try re: Vaddi
----------*Vaddi's Four Revolving Unique Natural Column Splits System*----------
Procedure: Track until the newest
four outcomes are unique natural column splits.*
*If zero is among the new newest four
outcomes bet the zero and the other three splits.
Example: 12,31,2,15 (newest spin-value)-qualifier
9/12: 31/34: 2/5: 15,18
Bet those four unique splits: 1.) 3(x)-4
*If not in profit continue to bet the newest
four outcomes' splits (or zero) until in profit.
Newest four outcomes: 31,2,15,3 (newest spin-value)
Bet the newest four unique splits: 2.) 0(x)-4
(31/34, 2/5, 15/18, 3/6)
Newest four outcomes: 2,15,3,0 (newest spin-value)
Bet the newest three unique splits & zero
(2/5, 15/18, 3/6, 0)....
Bankroll suggestion: 64 units
Test: Vaddi's Unique Natural Column Splits @ Celtic Casino
European Wheel-Monday, May 21,2018 @ 10:48pm CDT USA
...1,23,33,29 (newest spin-value)
Bet 1/4, 20/23, 33/36, 26/29: 1.) 3(x)-4
Bet 20/23, 33/36, 26/29, 3/6: 2.) 25(x)-4
Bet 33/36, 26/29, 3/6, 25/28: 3.) 16(x)-4
Bet 26,29, 3/6, 25/28, 13/16: 4.) 21(x)-4
Bet 3/6, 25/28, 13/16, 21/24: 5.) 8(x)-4
Bet 25/28, 13/16, 21/24, 8/11: 6.) 25(win)+14
Bet 13/16, 21/24, 8/11, 25/28: 7.) 28(win)+14
Test: Vaddi's Unique Natural Column Splits @ Celtic Casino
American Wheel-Monday, May 21,2018 @ 11:36pm CDT USA
...30,21,25,31 (newest spin-value)
Bet 27/30, 21/24, 25/28, 31/34: 1.) 13(x)-4
Bet 21/24, 25/28, 31/34, 13/16: 2.) 00(x)-4
Bet 25/28, 31/34, 13/16, 0/00: 3.) 36(x)-4
Bet 31/34, 13/16, 0/00, 33/36: 4.) 31(win)+14
Test: Vaddi's Unique Natural Column Splits @ Celtic Casino
European Wheel-Monday, May 21,2018 @ 11:44pm CDT USA
...3,15,8,32 (newest spin-value)
Bet 3/6, 15/18, 8/11, 32/35: 1.) 4(x)-4
Bet 15/18, 8/11, 32/35, 1/4: 2.) 11(win)+14
Test: Vaddi's Unique Natural Column Splits @ Celtic Casino
American Wheel-Monday, May 21,2018 @ 11:47pm CDT USA
...29,16,12,11 (newest spin-value)
Bet 26/29, 13/16, 9/12, 8/11: 1.) 2(x)-4
Bet 13/16, 9/12, 8/11, 2/5: 2.) 14(x)-4
Bet 9/12, 8/11, 2/5, 14/17: 3.) 2(win)+14
Quote from: PassionRuleta on May 22, 04:25 AM 2018
Vaddis is with the table of pairs:
0 | 1
1 | 2
2 | 3
3 | 4
4 | 5
5 | 6
6 | 7
7 | 8
8 | 9
9 | 10
10 | 11
11 | 12
12 | 13
13 | 14
14 | 15
15 | 16
16 | 17
17 | 18
18 | 19
19 | 20
20 | 21
21 | 22
22 | 23
23 | 24
24 | 25
25 | 26
26 | 27
27 | 28
28 | 29
29 | 30
30 | 31
31 | 32
32 | 33
33 | 34
34 | 35
35 | 36
36 | 0
That's a total of 37 pairings.
- Vaddi :thumbsup:
Yes, when we bet in pairs, we can bet on the singles to become repeats and on the sleepers to become singles at the same Time! We atleast agree to something, well that's a First and hopefuly not the last Time. :lol:
I Hope you continue posting this kind of information, because now you are contributing something for the Community at last.
Quote from: PassionRuleta on May 22, 04:25 AM 2018That's a total of 37 pairings.
What's the deeper sense of this pairs of numbers ?
Quote from: Herby on May 22, 04:42 AM 2018
What's the deeper sense of this pairs of numbers ?
What i said in the above quote.
Quote from: jekhb76 on May 22, 04:29 AM 2018
Yes, when we bet in pairs, we can bet on the singles to become repeats and on the sleepers to become singles at the same Time! We atleast agree to something, well that's a First and hopefuly not the last Time. :lol:
I Hope you continue posting this kind of information, because now you are contributing something for the Community at last.
He’s only copy and pasted eddy lol
that pairing chart is only showing you an easy way to bet ...if forward is taken use backward pair...passions has no idea
Quote from: jekhb76 on May 22, 04:49 AM 2018
What i said in the above quote.
Sorry, English is not my first language.
I don't want to be unpolite .
If I had understood what
exactly means "to bet in pairs" I wouldn't have asked.
So the question could be: what is
the rule behind to build these pairs ?
Or are they really simply two following numbers: eg 12/13 ?
Quote from: 6th-sense on May 22, 05:02 AM 2018
that pairing chart is only showing you an easy way to bet ..
This is what I was thinking
Passion should be answering some of these questions... Vaddi said if forward pair of a number is taken use backward number left...leads to the conclusion that you are betting for that 1 number from that pair with a formula...not both ...come on Sergio take the stand
Quote from: PassionRuleta on May 22, 06:18 AM 2018
The numbers are united in pairs and are creating truth?
This seems to be very far from any scientific/mathematic position.
Did you hear some strange noise during the last days ? (you know holy ghost and this things ...)
You owe me more than that Passsion ...but I won’t be joining your Skype group I blocked you for a reason ..
And anyone else should take note that you are not a man to be trusted...
Quote from: 6th-sense on May 22, 07:52 AM 2018
You owe me more than that Passsion ...but I won’t be joining your Skype group I blocked you for a reason ..
And anyone else should take note that you are not a man to be trusted...
Ok, after a little reading of Vaddis clues, here's what I come up with. First, I'm sure the magic number he refers to is 8...since 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8=36.
He then goes on to say that in a 36 spin cycle there is normally a near 50/50 split between singles and doubles, suggesting that we should find a way to bet both for balance.
I'm thinking he's saying play the last number hit as a split with a non hit next to it. If 1 falls, play 1-2. If 17 falls, play 17- 18. Etc. So we're playing a hit and no hit together. Once the split hits again, move the chip to the hit number...if playing 1-2 split, and 1 falls again, move the chip from split to single number 1.
Quote from: Scarface on May 22, 11:11 AM 2018
Ok, after a little reading of Vaddis clues, here's what I come up with. First, I'm sure the magic number he refers to is 8...since 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8=36.
He then goes on to say that in a 36 spin cycle there is normally a near 50/50 split between singles and doubles, suggesting that we should find a way to bet both for balance.
I'm thinking he's saying play the last number hit as a split with a non hit next to it. If 1 falls, play 1-2. If 17 falls, play 17- 18. Etc. So we're playing a hit and no hit together. Once the split hits again, move the chip to the hit number...if playing 1-2 split, and 1 falls again, move the chip from split to single number 1.
Well i don't think it's about 8 numbers. Yes the Magic number is 8, but it doesn't Mean we have to play that way.
I think that it was Vaddis his way to show what balance Ment, not that we have to bet up to 8 numbers.
The whole vaddis method is to try and capture as many sleepers, singles and repeaters as possible. And playing like that Will Grand you atleast 1 profit Point before spin 185. But Most profit points come before spin 24.
So it could be a Long sessions or a short session, depending when the wheel find his balance again.
Quote from: Scarface on May 22, 11:11 AM 2018
Ok, after a little reading of Vaddis clues, here's what I come up with. First, I'm sure the magic number he refers to is 8...since 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8=36.
He then goes on to say that in a 36 spin cycle there is normally a near 50/50 split between singles and doubles, suggesting that we should find a way to bet both for balance.
I'm thinking he's saying play the last number hit as a split with a non hit next to it. If 1 falls, play 1-2. If 17 falls, play 17- 18. Etc. So we're playing a hit and no hit together. Once the split hits again, move the chip to the hit number...if playing 1-2 split, and 1 falls again, move the chip from split to single number 1.
I think you are close. What I got was that he was playing the last 8 numbers on the marquee as long as there was no repeat among them just not sure if he was playing them as splits from the start?
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on May 28, 02:19 AM 2018bump
good bump - interesting ideas
Quote from: Scarface on May 22, 11:11 AM 2018play the last number hit as a split with a non hit next to it. If 1 falls, play 1-2. If 17 falls, play 17- 18. Etc. So we're playing a hit and no hit together
Below a simulation for the mean of Unhit-Singles-Doubles
picture above: the lower green line shows the summed up repeaters
bump (again) :)
I do appreciate the help PassionRuleta with the clues.
I play hit and run. So far so good with the system. :thumbsup:
If God wants me to know He will reveal it.
Not all knowledge is good knowledge.
is the quote ''look what happens every 4 spins'' still valid?
What did you discard from Vaddis words?
does ''look what happens every 4 spins'' mean
spin 1 to spin 4
spin 2 to spin 5
spin 3 to spin 6
spin 4 to spin 8
spin 5 to spin 9
spin 6 to spin 10
spins 1-4 vs spins 5-8
spins 5-8 vs spins 9-12
spins 9-12 vs spins 13-16
C) something else altogether
Quote from: Bigbroben on May 28, 10:42 PM 2018
is the quote ''look what happens every 4 spins'' still valid?
What did you discard from Vaddis words?
I think so, but now I'm thinking
neighbors, not just unhit singles in general.
I'm thinking a neighbor
layout maybe more effective:
(European Wheel sectors for Vaddi's)
0,32,15 19,4 21,2 25,17
34,6 27,13 36,11 30,8
23,10 5,24 16,33 1,20
14,31 9,22 18,29 7,28
12,35 3,26
(American Sectors)
0,28 9,26 30,11 7,20
32,17 5,22 34,15 3,24
36,13 1,00 27,10 25,29
12,8 19,31 18,6 21,33
16,4 23,35 14,2
Note the newest four uniques. Flat-bet those
unique singles and the neighbor compliment once.
Repeat steps for each new spin until in profit
144 unit bankroll suggested
If you think it’s neighbors then use this tracker..will be very helpful to look at what happens every 4 spins
Quote from: PassionRuleta on May 30, 04:07 AM 2018
STRINGBEANPC looks at the 3 shapes and practices all the ideas that you can think of, the more ideas the better and the more you practice the sooner you will realize many things that happen and end in the holy grail.
Apart from that of vaddis, along the way, I have found very interesting forms of play, which also work well and which are very well played flat and with progression are winningly and easier than vaddis, but vaddis as well He says it's the perfect balance.
But to get to the end of vaddis, you will have to go through the whole process of testing and ideas to realize, as we all know, we all want to know things in detail with the minimum effort, but you only know how to win and not because .
That's why I recommend having to go through the whole process to realize everything.
If you notice if it is vaddis or a friend of yours, they say that at the end of the day I created a program because it was easier and I saw how the numbers fall because it seemed good to see it like that, I can confirm that a control is required and that I also opted for a program to make the game easier, but it can be done by looking at the last thing that comes out.
But as I say it is possible to improve the one of vaddis, I found very interesting forms of game.
For example:
When a trio is formed, look for the repetition or a repeater to play the repeater and its paired, if there is another add it and so on until you have a positive balance.
Most cases a repeater is accompanied by one or both paired, the same happens when there is a trio of numbers left, one of them ends up repeated. But there is more, hehehe, it is only an idea if someone wants to keep an eye, but it has nothing to do with the one of vaddis, but as these ideas I found several very interesting ones that are very well maintained.
See your understanding the system you got off me ...not your ideas so don’t be posting them as they are yours you muppet...
Mine was the only thing you had to work from ...
Took from me under false pretences...and now passing off as your own...clown
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on May 30, 03:22 AM 2018
I think so, but now I'm thinking
neighbors, not just unhit singles in general.
I've had some success playing diagonals of hit nr.
(link::// (link:://
(link::// (link:://
Added new nrs until a hit and deleted all. If overlap, only put 1u, not 2. After 150spins things went back down because of long gaps between hits.
(link::// (link:://
(link::// (link:://
I noticed most hits come within a 4-spin range.
Will try with betting only last 4nrs max and their diagonals.
Diagonals mathematically mean a difference of 0,2,4 or 8 between a nr and its diagonal or itself.
At the end of the original Post vaddi wrote:
The fundamentals of the grail have not changed. The betting method still stands, but there is one betting adjustment that must be made on the table to take advantage of those two sides at the very same time and to take advantage of balance.
Adjustment must be made on the TABLE. So it could be to bet diagonal or something else. This was also a hint, that we dont bet the wheel Layout. Eberybody with me?
I think I agree not to care about the wheel layout but rather concentrate on the table layout. It's much easier for a 10 y-old to only watch the table than to know the wheel number order.
Could be +1/-1 for pairs, then switch to +2/-2 if dominant? Provably something else, would be too easy...
Hard to tell...
That 10yo quote got me thinking in that direction too. If you divide the table in natural dozens or "niners".
So Number 1 came up we bet half of a chip on 1 and a chip on 4 and 7 on niners or 4,7,10 playing dozen Layout.
The ''half-a-chip'' stuff got me thinking too.
Thought of this:
(link::// (link:://
In order to catch repeaters, unhits,... repeater gets 54u on a hit, but unhits only 18...
It gets way too crowded after a few spins though...
I dunno.
Maybe ayks original tracker numbers in order 0 to 36 is easier on the eye for you guys
What is the goal of the tracker? To know which nrs came in cycle 1,2,3,... and how many?
How do you take advantage of it?
Quote from: Bigbroben on May 30, 05:22 PM 2018
What is the goal of the tracker? To know which nrs came in cycle 1,2,3,... and how many?
How do you take advantage of it?
It's ideal to track the Hotties! :thumbsup:
Quote from: RFMAXX on May 30, 04:30 PM 2018
At the end of the original Post vaddi wrote:
The fundamentals of the grail have not changed. The betting method still stands, but there is one betting adjustment that must be made on the table to take advantage of those two sides at the very same time and to take advantage of balance.
Adjustment must be made on the TABLE. So it could be to bet diagonal or something else. This was also a hint, that we dont bet the wheel Layout. Eberybody with me?
Ok I know this may seem like voodo stuff what I am about to write.
Say 1 hits would the other be 19? It's in the same spot on the table if you were to split the table in half. In other words if it a number that hits in the 1-18 you add 18. For example 5 hits now you play 5 and 23.
If a number hits in the 19-36 area you subtract 18. So 35 hits. You play 35 and 14. I know it sounds nuts but when I keep seeing the word balance keep popping up this is what I think of. You spilt the table in two.
Then play the number in the exact same location in the two area. Almost as if it were a puzzle. Just an idea.
Looking at TABLE how about 'un-natural column splits'
(a chip on each number)
1,34: 2,35: 3,36
4/7 5/8 6/9
10/13 11/14 12/15
16/19 17/20 18/21
22/25 23/26 24/27
28/31 29/32 30/33
Bet the newest four unique splits on each spin.
If zero shows bet the zero and
the three newest unique splits.
Repeat until in profit.
Bankroll suggestion: 128 units
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Wednesday, May 30,2018 @ 8:08pm CDT USA
...36,25,26,12 (newest spin-value)
Bet 36,1 22,25 23,26 12,15:
1.) 22(win)+28
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Wednesday, May 30,2018 @ 8:14pm CDT USA
...35,1,15,5 (newest spin-value)
Bet 2,35 1,34 12,15 5,8:
1.) 1(win)+28
One more thing Vaddi said at the beginning.
"For added accuracy you want (seven, eight or nine)
consecutive unique singles before betting" (paraphrase)
So perhaps qualify each session first before betting.
Quote from: Herby on May 15, 02:34 AM 2016
Probability of the first repeat of any shown number (in %)
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on May 31, 02:07 AM 2018So perhaps qualify each session first before betting.
Quote from: Bigbroben on May 30, 05:22 PM 2018
What is the goal of the tracker? To know which nrs came in cycle 1,2,3,... and how many?
How do you take advantage of it?
Lots of thing this tracker is useful for don’t have to go beyond the 37 spin cycle ...both trackers this and the other one shows you can study excactly how the singles doubles firm and where most of the repeats come from..the spacing of single numbers that go into splits ..from splits to double streets and most of these blocks turn into repeats..loads of stuff you can see happens
Vaddis never revealed his system. He just gave clues and hints. People who claim to got it can't really be sure if it Vaddis or not. I think there can be twists to it or similar that might do as well good. If you find it and it really is a banger that would make the casinos bankrupt like they said Vaddi and Turbo) Well, then keep it to youself.
Quote from: RFMAXX on May 30, 04:30 PM 2018
At the end of the original Post vaddi wrote:
The fundamentals of the grail have not changed. The betting method still stands, but there is one betting adjustment that must be made on the table to take advantage of those two sides at the very same time and to take advantage of balance.
Adjustment must be made on the TABLE. So it could be to bet diagonal or something else. This was also a hint, that we dont bet the wheel Layout. Eberybody with me?
Here's how I interprete Vaddis system. Earlier I posted plenty loss graphs on Turbo's thread. What I did was to invert the original bet to get loss graphs instead of win graphs. ;D
It's a bit complicated to explain how I play Vaddis. So I show you the graph and the bets that I make. You look at the graph, numbers and the final bet to interprete how I played. The number of numbers played is the same always and played continuously.
I don't guarantee that's how Vaddis play. I also don't know if it will win. But on RS that's the result I got, that's all I can tell you. You do the test yourself. And it still need improvements. But it is a good start. And I don't have the time to do further test. So I hand this to you and all you Vaddis enthusiasts.
Perhaps this is nothing. Just some nonsense shit I cook up, so I held back to share. But I chose to share with you since you ask, don't blame me or throw rotten tomatoes if does not work. :)
Good luck people ! :thumbsup:
19, 7,36,7,10,3
Bet all numbers except 9,29,17,27,6,16,26,10,20,30,13,23,33(13numbers)
19,7,36,7,10,3,16 lose
Bet all numbers except 9,29,17,27,6,36,26,10,20,30,13,23,33(13numbers)
19,7,36,7,10,3,16,19 win
19,7,36,7,10,3,16,19,1 win
19,7,36,7,10,3,16,19,1,12 win
19,7,36,7,10,3,16,19,1,12,28 win
19,7,36,7,10,3,16,19,1,12,28,5 win
19,7,36,7,10,3,16,19,1,12,28,5,34 win
19,7,36,7,10,3,16,19,1,12,28,5,34,33 lose
Bet all numbers except 9,29,17,27,6,36,26,10,20,30,3,13,23(13numbers)
19,7,36,7,10,3,16,19,1,12,28,5,34,33,13 lose
Bet all numbers except 9,29,17,27,6,36,26,10,20,30,3,23,33(13numbers)
19,7,36,7,10,3,16,19,1,12,28,5,34,33,13,26 win
19,7,36,7,10,3,16,19,1,12,28,5,34,33,13,26,25 win
19,7,36,7,10,3,16,19,1,12,28,5,34,33,13,26,25,2 win
19,7,36,7,10,3,16,19,1,12,28,5,34,33,13,26,25,2,12 win
19,7,36,7,10,3,16,19,1,12,28,5,34,33,13,26,25,2,12,2 win
19,7,36,7,10,3,16,19,1,12,28,5,34,33,13,26,25,2,12,2,27 lose
Bet all numbers except 9,29,77,17,6,36,26,10,20,30,3,23,33(13numbers)
19,7,36,7,10,3,16,19,1,12,28,5,34,33,13,26,25,2,12,2,27,25 win
19,7,36,7,10,3,16,19,1,12,28,5,34,33,13,26,25,2,12,2,27,25,15 win
19,7,36,7,10,3,16,19,1,12,28,5,34,33,13,26,25,2,12,2,27,25,15,10 win
19,7,36,7,10,3,16,19,1,12,28,5,34,33,13,26,25,2,12,2,27,25,15,10,24 win
19,7,36,7,10,3,16,19,1,12,28,5,34,33,13,26,25,2,12,2,27,25,15,10,24,35 win
19,7,36,7,10,3,16,19,1,12,28,5,34,33,13,26,25,2,12,2,27,25,15,10,24,35,25 win
19,7,36,7,10,3,16,19,1,12,28,5,34,33,13,26,25,2,12,2,27,25,15,10,24,35,25,22 win
19,7,36,7,10,3,16,19,1,12,28,5,34,33,13,26,25,2,12,2,27,25,15,10,24,35,25,22,22 win
19,7,36,7,10,3,16,19,1,12,28,5,34,33,13,26,25,2,12,2,27,25,15,10,24,35,25,22,22,25 win
That's how I played the game. Hope this helps you somehow figure out Vaddis holy grail.
I made some mistakes in the post above but always update the numbers following loss - that's the idea anyway. The invert thinking makes it difficult.
This is a slightly longer game to make it past 1000units. Do your own test perhaps incorporate some parts of the idea to your own.
CHT, big thx for sharing.
I don't think that's how Vaddis play but it can be as well good as his system? I don't think Vaddis bet on many numbers. Anyway, thanks for sharing. I saw a martingale somewhere for 24 numbers, but this is flatbetting with less risk. Haven't figured out yet how you choose the numbers, but maybe someone can tell?
I'm more inclined to think now Vaddi is encouraging four
newest repeaters and four newest uniques as the qualifier to bet.
So, I am attaching Track Four to track
unhit singles, uniques and repeaters.
Test: Celtic American Wheel-
Thursday, May 31,2018 @ 8:46pm CDT USA
24,30,33,16,21,9,13,15 (newest-spin-value)
Repeat singles: 30,28,15,16
Bet the repeat singles and the newest four uniques.
Bet 30,28,15,16 & 13,9,21,33: 1.) 00(x)-8
Bet 30,28,15,16 & 9,21,33,00: 2.) 27(x)-8
Bet 30,28,15,16 & 21,33,00,27: 3.) 00(win)+28
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Thursday, May 31,2018 @ 9:08pm CDT USA
20,7,23,22 (newest spin-value)
Repeat singles: 0,6,2,22
Bet the repeat singles and newest four uniques.
Bet 0,6,2,22 & 23,7,20,5: 1.) 20(win)+28
Proof, bet the repeat singles going back how far??
You need four repeat singles.
Looking at a window of 12 to 25 spins.
Rolling or restart at new high? What do you suggest?
Restart at new high
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Thursday, May 31,2018 @ 10:54pm CDT USA
10,23,26,27,10,15,20 (newest spin-value)
Repeat singles: 10,13,27,20
Bet the newest repeat singles & newest four uniques.
Bet 10,13,27,20 & 14,23,26,15: 1.) 25(x)-8
Bet 10,13,27,20 & 23,26,15,25: 2.) 34(x)-8*
(new repeater in, old out)
Bet 13,27,20,34 & 23,26,15,25: 3.) 26(win)+28
Bankroll suggestion: 144 units
Just had a scare :q
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Thursday, May 31,2018 @ 11:16pm CDT USA
Total losses=-144
Total wins: +52
-92 units
I tried 0,1: 1,2, etc and lost a fortune
Even Natural column splits:
1/4, 2/5, etc lost (not as much)
Vaddi's 1% still a mystery
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Jun 01, 08:11 AM 2018
You only need 1% to achieve things like this ...
Logically, it does not always go that well, that must be made clear, but winning always wins.(link::// (link:://
Lets spam winning graphs, how about that ?
Anybody can do this easily all day long.
Either you tell your method like I did above or you are baiting !
I don't think Vaddis is an upgoing winpattern all the time. It goes up and down but you can catch the winnings. Also I don't think Vaddis bet more than 8 numbers.
I'm ucking bored, her indoors watching crap on the box, the boy is do the insanity challange, can't even go to the pub, not allowed to many units for my med condition.
So is this any good
(link::// (link:://
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(link::// (link:://
(link::// (link:://
On reset we have to remember from averages what?
The common 9/10
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(link::// (link:://
As the 14 got back to starting high i reset, the 24 came and phone call forgot to lay the 24 would been new high.
If you can have a graph like that all the time, then it would qualify to be a HG
(link::// (link:://
The conception you use is 2 streams of numbers, it has already been introduced by other users. I do not want to explain the strategies.
But this is a good way by half reducing the effectiveness of hits.
I just did not get into Vaddis strategy, but if it's based on what I think, it's a very good concept.
Recently, I have so many concepts to play, that I do not know what to take, to test. I have really little time to take over everything
What can I say
A certain person said everything on this forum, you should suggest something interesting.
I did not have the time to test fully the concept, but as it says, if you have a chance to play, this concept shortens it by half.
In all my posts, I asked for information, I received it from one person, I gave in return my profitable forex strategy.
Like I said if someone will give me knowledge
I will give you 30% profit
If knowledge works, please contact me
But knowledge must work longterm
Well, good! I'm sure you're onto something interesting.
What are your conditions to enter a game?
P.S: is this google translate for Proofreader2000?
(link::// (link:://
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Jun 01, 09:58 PM 2018
Finish the session collected in real casino face, hehehe less badly, it took a long time, I got tired ...
23 entries only 4 falls, which logically quickly recovered, surely this being analyzed is even more accurate than vaddis, he said it, surely could be improved, I hope he has achieved, hehehe.
Before confirming it I will quarantine it with my colleagues to do hundreds of sessions as if they were 3-6 years of game to verify, as we always do.
here is the finished graph.
(link::// (link:://
You have to wait for conditions to enter the game. :xd: :xd: :xd:
Your knowledge is still behind. Not there yet. That's why you try to steal ideas from other ppl. >:D
This is real knowledge, play continuously, no waiting needed.
Only way to do that is to combine Vaddis with TG ideas. :thumbsup:
When you have achieved that go to roulettesimulator to play your game then post your chart here. You should easily post charts like I do I achieve my 1000units target in 17 spins. The rest is bs.
I even allow you to see my final bet, no problem. :thumbsup:
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Jun 01, 10:41 PM 2018
I am very happy for you if you already have a way to win, it does not look like mine according to the photo of your bet and my winnings playing with chips of 1 if I put them to 10, it would be 2500 units, hehehe.
You did not learn what I try to point to you. You took 140spins to get to 1000+ units. I reach that target in 17 spins. Do you get it now ?
Tomorrow I send you a stay of 200-300 balls and make it in rx to have that, if you want.
I hope it continues like this, if it works, but I advise you to try real balls.
regards :thumbsup: :xd:
Ofc it is not the same like your bets. I already learnt your bet. Nothing special.
You want to be better then learn the
PRINCIPLES of Vaddis and TG.
Vaddis is about paired numbers and balance.
TG is about repeaters and math(frequency distribution).
They both play continuously.
They refer to
If you try to only find patterns you won't go very far.
You have to understand what those patterns mean from the
PRINCIPLE point of view in random distribution.
That's the stumbling block for most people. They try to find patterns instead of what the pattern means in random distribution.
Disclaimer - roulettesimulator chart is played on rigged rng. If you understand how you can produce graphs like this.
Mathematically each number you play
on a European Wheel is minus the house edge.
So for every dollar I play I should get a return of 97.3 cents
Einstein was right.
Years ago I created a system called Network 111
I had some success with it (and it ties in with Vaddi's 'pairings')
These numbers go together:
A.) 1,4,7 & 30,33,36 D.) 12,15,18 & 19,22,25
B.) 2,5,8 & 29,32,35 E.) 11,14,17 & 20,23,26
C.) 3,6,9 & 28,31,34 F.) 10,13,16 & 21,24,27
Procedure: Play each group when it shows
and zero (for the required seven numbers in play)
*play both zeros on American wheel (eight numbers in play)
Stop when in profit.
Bankroll suggestion: 144 units
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Jun 01, 09:58 PM 2018
Finish the session collected in real casino face, hehehe less badly, it took a long time, I got tired ...
23 entries only 4 falls[/color], which logically quickly recovered, surely this being analyzed is even more accurate than vaddis, he said it, surely could be improved, I hope he has achieved, hehehe.
Before confirming it I will quarantine it with my colleagues to do hundreds of sessions as if they were 3-6 years of game to verify, as we always do.
here is the finished graph.
For the benefit of the members. I interprete the graph what he means with that bolded part.
The flat part of the graph is when he waits for the "right conditions" where imbalance occurs.
Quote from: cht on Jun 02, 04:22 AM 2018
For the benefit of the members. I interprete the graph what he means with that bolded part.
The flat part of the graph is when he waits for the "right conditions" where imbalance occurs.
Not really cht passion makes these graphs up...never go into Skype or pm him as he just wants what you have...
All his post are contradictory...
He does not have the method he’s still looking and wants people to do it for him...
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 02, 04:49 AM 2018
Not really cht passion makes these graphs up...never go into Skype or pm him as he just wants what you have...
All his post are contradictory...
He does not have the method he’s still looking and wants people to do it for him...
OK, Thanks 6th-sense. :thumbsup:
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Jun 02, 09:37 AM 2018
Sixth sense is angry because he contacted me by Skype and said a bullshit that he already knew and for that bullshit he wanted me to tell him how to really play the game and how he does not accept to give it to him, that's why he is like that.
If you want to pay attention to the sixth sense and let yourself be influenced by him, as you wish, but everyone who does what he wants.
If you want to chat with me, I have no problem.
regards :thumbsup:
You are so full of shit Passion! You are only here to mislead People and Let them believe that you Have the HG. But you know shit! Oeps! Just used that word for the second Time :smile:
6th Sence is one of the Most honest People i ever met and a very nice Guy that is Always trying to help others Without benefit to himself. He has helped me countless of Times Without wanting something in return. You can't come even close to to the person 6th is passion. You are only after our money, with making false claims, kust after our money. If i were a moderator, i would Have removed you a LongTime ago. >:(
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Jun 02, 12:38 PM 2018
Ok, so is the envy and anger that they have of losing money and wanting to detail them about vaddis and make it clear.
If we are interested do not come here to seek help and better clues.
I am giving clues, graphs and detailing the importance of vaddis, you are ungrateful, you only want things on a silver platter and nobody will do that.
Aora I understand why the best disappear or do not give more clues, there are many ungrateful people.
I also disappear soon from this forum, I already have my HG and I do not give a shit what they think or say, keep looking :thumbsup: :lol: :lol:
I’m not losing anything Sergio...your a con man just letting everyone one else know...thought you were going ages ago with the hg you
Here’s a pic of my balance right charts where’s yours ?
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Jun 02, 01:15 PM 2018
Estoy fuera, pero esta noche te pongo lo que llevo ganado estos dias :thumbsup:
Yes yes, same to you. Now f... Off!
Go take your scam elswhere.
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Jun 02, 02:06 PM 2018
I meant that I will put what I have of balance in the casino that I won during the week, jo jo, who has won and who does not. You have lost an opportunity with me, I will not give more clues, do not reflect where to look, no graphics, I will help people for private, you do not deserve my help, you win right? Hahaha, or do you just lose?
It's past you two :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Your help lol your a joke Sergio...winning the last week? Thought you had this hg nailed ages ago ..won’t be expecting to see you again then been working out at the gym to carry that holy grail of yours that was too heavy the other week to get out of the forum doors?
Your full of sxxt...
Nice knowing you buddy don’t slam it on the way out
Alright. One more shot at this:
-----*Vaddi's Perfect Balance System*-----
Procedure: Track until you have two repeat singles (qualifier).
Bet those two, the newest two unique singles and
the next numerically higher number of all four respectively.
(Perfect balance: two repeaters, two uniques, two unhit singles)
Example: 12,0,28,7,9,31,5,28,1,35,31 (newest spin-value)
Bet 28,31: 29,32 & 35,1: 36,2 once.
Repeat steps until in profit.
Bankroll suggestion: 144 units
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Jun 02, 08:44 PM 2018
I say it openly, maybe to someone who offered me a good amount, I would give it to them, why not?
Hei Mr. lopez
I m very sorry for u that u could hook up any fish till now.
Here i m ur tuna. Tell me exactly how much do u want for ur grail. ??
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Saturday, June 2,2018 @ 9:43pm CDT USA
14,19,1,00,17 (newest spin-value)
Repeat singles: 14,17
Bet 14,15: 17,18: 00,1: 2: 1.) 2(win)+29
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Saturday, June 2,2018 @ 9:48pm CDT USA
...31,1,10,2,30,6,31,16,26,35,2 (newest spin-value)
Repeat singles: 31,2
Bet 31,32: 2,3: 35,36: 26,27: 1.) 14(x)-8
Bet 31,32: 2,3: 35,36: 14,15: 2.) 17(x)-8
Bet 31,32: 2,3: 14,15: 17,18: 3.) 6(x)-8
Newest two repeat singles: 2,6
Bet : 2,3: 6,7: 14,15: 17,18: 4.) 1(x)-8
Newest two repeat singles: 6,1
Bet 6,7: 1,2: 17,18: 14,15: 5.) 6(win)+29
Bet 6,7: 1,2: 17,18: 14,15: 6.) 32(x)-8
Bet 6,7: 1,2: 17,18: 32,33: 7.) 33(win)+29
how many games/trial did you do with the system you are using? Is it a few hundreds, a few dozens?
What is the max profit; worst loss?
Did every session recover? How long does it take to recover?
Profit estimates and return on investment expectations?
Sell your stuff!
Thanks for that vote of confidence Bigbroben
I didn't know there was a demand for my 'stuff'.
I have hundreds of systems over the last 10 years.
Let me what I can do :d
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Sunday, June 3,2018 @ 5:04am CDT USA
17,4,32,20,22,13,16,00,9,5 (newest spin-value)
Bet 13,15: 14,16: 9,10: 00,1: 1.) 9(win)+28
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Sunday, June 3,2018 @ 5:17am CDT USA
24,25,35,27 (newest spin-value)
Bet 25,27: 26,28: 35,36: 24: 1.) 15(x)-7
Bet 25,27: 26,28: 35,36, 15,16: 2.) 34(x)-8
Bet 25,27, 26,28, 15,16, 34,35: 3.) 31(x)-8
Bet 25,27,26,28,34,35, 31,32: 4.) 26(win)+29
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Sunday, June 3,2018 @ 5:26am CDT USA
...13,34,20,26,13,1,1 (newest spin-value)
Bet 13,1: 14,2: 26,27: 20,21: 1.) 27(win)+28
Holy Crap!
PR was actually addressed to Passion Ruleta...
Still, I like the proposal you made previously with the 2rep/2hit/4pair.
Did not have time to test but got ok results with the following:
2u on the hit, 1u on each of the+1/-1 neighbours.
(link::// (link:://
What is better now: reset on a hit or at new high? Wait for a trigger before to bet, like 4 non-repeaters in 4 streets?
Which rolling number of nrs? 7? 8?
(link::// (link:://
2u on hits, 1u on +1/-1nrs, looking backward until first overlap of neighbors.
Here, units on nrs backward until 0: nr12 is a repeater, roll over. nr24 overlaps with 23, so stop on zero. So 2u on 23, 12, 15, 0; 1u on 22-24 (23), 11-13 (12), 14-16 (15), 36-1 (0).
And a hit on zero comes next.
(link::// (link:://
Would it hold longer?
Holding on so far...
(link::// (link:://
Just let you know there are other ways, not only vaddis..... ;)
Saludos compañero ruletero ....
Quote from: Kattila on Jun 05, 10:33 AM 2018
Just let you know there are other ways, not only vaddis..... ;)
Saludos compañero ruletero ....
Yes there are indeed, only usualy they reguire a huge bankroll.
Quote1) This is what happens in a session that behaves in a normal way with vaddis.fichas de 5e
2) This is a session that behaves very well with 50e chips
so session knows what chip value you bet...are you sane...get lost :twisted: :twisted:
Bigbroben, so you start to bet when you get a repeater, within 4 spins? Betting the same number again and its neighbours on the layout. I think Vaddis grail must be somewhere here? But maybe you can find your own Vaddi? Good job!
Its all honky dory with the vage tips you are giving us. Just tell us how to play.
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Jun 06, 04:05 AM 2018
I can only reflect one thing, gentlemen.
Aora I understand why many people could not decipher the holy grail of vaddis, the change of 1% is what makes this game clearly a long-term winner, but that small change is difficult to detect if you really do not realize many hours of study and It is progressing on the game on the fly and logically have a head where different ideas are available, because if you stay with fixed ideas of what he explains, they can never get it.
Once you get it, just pick up the pick and shovel and start digging and winning.
Vaddis was right, fear would have the casino if all the players did the same ... :lol:
PS: I still confirm that vaddis is the holy grail and I still tell you more, if you dig deeper it is possible to play everything in a row. >:D
I can guarantee you that It will not win in the long run. Eventually random will catch you. Test it on 10,000 spins and see how many loses you encounter?
My system that I play is not a grail but it can go on winning for 10k spins. Let me know if yours passes?
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Jun 06, 04:05 AM 2018the change of 1% is what makes this game clearly a long-term winner, but that small change is difficult to detect if you really do not realize many hours of study and It is progressing on the game on the fly and logically have a head where different ideas are available, because if you stay with fixed ideas of what he explains, they can never get it.
Once you get it, just pick up the pick and shovel and start digging and winning.
You have no idea of mathematics :lol:
You have no idea of programming :lol::lol:
If you really would have found something you never would be able to make a proof :lol: :lol: :lol:
Last Aora
Why do you want to sell ?
Winners don't sell.Your holy grail seems to be a greily hole.
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Jun 07, 04:53 PM 2018
Well for the last time I will say that vaddis is amazing, think about this if you want to get it.
Think of roulette in these terms and not others:
24 numbers land
12 times the proportion of land
Factors 4 and 8
24/8 = 3
12/4 = 3
That is the basis of the grail.
The progressions will never work.
I will not say anything else.
The holy grail is before your eyes and you do not see it.
PS: anyone has the right to sell what they want, each one decides if it is worth paying.
I do not sell it for less than â,¬ 10,000, it's that clear.
and I would only do it to one person.
We already know 3 people.
regards :thumbsup:
If what you have is so good why dont you just fuckoff and play it then instead of trying to scam money out of people
Quote from: D1 on Jun 07, 04:58 PM 2018If what you have is so good why dont you just fuckoff and play it then instead of trying to scam money out of people
Love it D1, straight to the point, i told Taotie but he dont just fuckoff either LOL.
Give it a try on the stitched spins on MPR, Maestro loves the toilet paper spins :xd: :xd: :xd: :xd: :xd:
Ok in the last 8 numbers that have come out, there are no repeats. This is the trigger. 2 comes out, you play 1 and 3. 14 comes out next. You play 13 and 15. Make any sense? Balance? It's all about balance? It's so easy a child can do it supposedly. You play the other two numbers in the street that have not hit after 8 unique numbers have come out.
Here's another idea for Vaddi's :)
Note the two newest High and Low outcomes.
Bet the corresponding natural column splits once:
Example: 20,31,4,28,19,7 (newest spin-value)
Bet 1/4, 7/10 & 19/22, 25/28 once....
What has number 21 to do with this? How do you use it?
Do your trigger change after a few spins? The conditions for you to enter a game are the same or do they differ, as more spins behind you can be evaluated?
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Jun 07, 04:53 PM 2018
We already know 3 people.
How many people is "
we" ?
How do you call your "family" ?
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Jun 07, 06:20 PM 2018
I do not scam anyone, I am giving a unique opportunity to only one person to have the true holy grail.
I do not care what you say, I know my intentions and they are good.
I already have results, but why am I not going to benefit from good money selling a way to earn? I decide what I do with what I have, nobody else can do it, I am the one with the vaddis grail, that's why I decide to do what I want and I've been studying roulette for twelve years.
Could be a selfish shit like many there is here, but look like I'm silly that I give the opportunity to a person to acquire vaddis, the same at any time change of opinion and disappear and then everyone who had the option you will regret, hahaha .
If you notice recently I uploaded a picture of my earnings to silence a person's mouth and now I'm going to shut you up and I'll show you how my account is going right now playing with chips of 5 euros, I started with chips 1 euro and aora game with chips of 5, even sometimes I put some fatter tab because I know it works.
I'm sorry if this bothers you, but I can not do anything if I have such a simple way of winning and winning. :lol: :lol: :lol: :thumbsup:
(link::// (link:://
Sergio your still full of remind me so much of Simon from the win3million scam...if anyone bothers to actually read through your post and see the massively contradictory comments they will work it out that your full of it for sure...
Selling your system? Nice shot putting a picture up with a hit? Come members don’t be fooled by this slime ball..
Win3million did just the same he must have made 100 of thousands...a lot cleverer than you are Sergio...
Your new strategy to lull people into handing money over just says it all..who the hell would sell a hg for that amount when you can make it in a few weeks..😂thought you were going the other week...but yet your still here ..just a sleazeball
Yes he can go back to GF and take the bottom feeder with him
Quote from: D1 on Jun 07, 04:58 PM 2018
If what you have is so good why dont you just fuckoff and play it then instead of trying to scam money out of people
Lol Dave!!!
Think this might be the HG.
Quote from: Gzgzbee on Jun 08, 06:06 PM
If you are going to spam or troll, at least you can keep it roulette-related.
Why do you waste your time posting a graph of just 140 spins? That's about as statistically relevant as posting a graph of just one spin. ::)
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Jun 08, 08:14 PM 2018
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :thumbsup:(link::// (link:://
Never seen a bullshit graph like this before. Dont u have little bit of shame?
Even to be a successfull scamer/seller you need to have brain.
R u gonna say dont care? A shit also dont care will it smell or not. Thats why we need some air freshner.
Good games, Rouletta!
Good day members.I am personally trying to refine Vaddis system for about 20 months now.Spent a lot of hours testing my findings and I will admit that it’s a great challenge.
Still thinking if it’s constantly 8 numbers bet or can be less during the 37 cycle.These who tried to uncover Vaddis grail will probably know what I mean.
Congrats Roulettepasion if you really got through.
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Jun 08, 10:10 PM 2018
I could publish hundreds like this graphic, I have done so many tests and I am playing with real money and winning as vaddis.
I only do it to encourage people to get it, to hurt or bother not to see my subject.
But are there any in this forum that can be graphed with real face-to-face casino numbers?
Do you want to stay in the casino? Whoever makes me graphical playing flat like the ones I have uploaded? ah, do not forgive, can not you? They are too good, or need to see if it is skewed, or if the ball goes to the right or left and at what speed ... hahaha.
Vaddis is the holy grail, stop looking for bullshit and invent systems nonsense and having to look for biases or collect thousands of balls or make progress that make you lose thousands of euros as one that I know ... :lol: :lol:
Do not waste time, put yourself with vaddis seriously and you will see that he told the whole truth and I confirm it, and even more when you realize, you will also begin to understand the principle of the dovecote that spoke the dyslexic or something like that.
PS: If before 37 balls I always win, why do I want to shoot thousands of balls? :xd: :thumbsup:
With All respect, please learn to write english! I Have to re-read your posts twice before i can Make anything out of it. :yawn:
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Jun 08, 10:10 PM 2018
I could publish hundreds like this graphic, I have done so many tests and I am playing with real money and winning as vaddis.
I only do it to encourage people to get it, to hurt or bother not to see my subject.
But are there any in this forum that can be graphed with real face-to-face casino numbers?
Do you want to stay in the casino? Whoever makes me graphical playing flat like the ones I have uploaded? ah, do not forgive, can not you? They are too good, or need to see if it is skewed, or if the ball goes to the right or left and at what speed ... hahaha.
Vaddis is the holy grail, stop looking for bullshit and invent systems nonsense and having to look for biases or collect thousands of balls or make progress that make you lose thousands of euros as one that I know ... :lol: :lol:
Do not waste time, put yourself with vaddis seriously and you will see that he told the whole truth and I confirm it, and even more when you realize, you will also begin to understand the principle of the dovecote that spoke the dyslexic or something like that.
PS: If before 37 balls I always win, why do I want to shoot thousands of balls? :xd: :thumbsup:
Passion, if you play vaddis correct, then you will have graphs that going down at the beginning. You know why (if you really know vaddis). And it takes almost all 37 spins to go back to plus. Sometimes the win is less than 10 units. So why not posting one of these charts? The always winning big charts are misleading.
Quote from: RFMAXX on Jun 09, 12:51 PM 2018
Passion, if you play vaddis correct, then you will have graphs that going down at the beginning. You know why (if you really know vaddis). And it takes almost all 37 spins to go back to plus. Sometimes the win is less than 10 units. So why not posting one of these charts? The always winning big charts are misleading.
Because that is the only thing he can do Right, misleading Forum members.
He don't has anything. Let him be, he is not worth it.
Quote from: RFMAXX on Jun 09, 12:51 PM 2018
Passion, if you play vaddis correct, then you will have graphs that going down at the beginning. You know why (if you really know vaddis). And it takes almost all 37 spins to go back to plus. Sometimes the win is less than 10 units. So why not posting one of these charts? The always winning big charts are misleading.
By the way, i did pm you, but no Response yet. Can you look into it, thanks.
“plus before 37-th spinâ€.I am trying every new version of Vaddis up to 8-37 cycles .If I am not in plus than I make some changes.
Quick idea
Bet newest of of each column and a column number
on either side. Repeat with new spin values each spin.
Example: 21,14,34 (newest spin-value)
Bet 18,21,24 11,14,17 31,34,1: 1.) 27(x)
Bet 24,27,30 11,14,17 31,34,1: 2.) ....
Bankroll suggestion: 144 units total
Is it any reason why to use this betting method?
Quote from: Irish88 on Jun 07, 07:51 PM 2018
Ok in the last 8 numbers that have come out, there are no repeats. This is the trigger. 2 comes out, you play 1 and 3. 14 comes out next. You play 13 and 15. Make any sense? Balance? It's all about balance? It's so easy a child can do it supposedly. You play the other two numbers in the street that have not hit after 8 unique numbers have come out.
It's not that simple. I have tried different tests. Must be that one percent missing. What it is? I don't know.
No repeats for 8 spins. You now start betting.
7 comes out. Non hit
13 comes out. Non hit
You bet 7 and 13.
23 comes out. Non hit.
You bet 7,13,23. If you reach the 8 number stage without a hit, you bet all 8 numbers that have come out.
If you lose on spin 9, you drop the oldest number and put in the newest hit number.
His words
Let's assume that 10 is the maximum of numbers that you will bet on.
Stage 1) Begin single sequence to X numbers (where X represents the maximum numbers that you will bet on)
You enter casino and the number ...
13 has just dropped. Place your unit chip on it. (1 unit in total)
30 drops instead. Now place a unit on 13 and 30 (2 units total)
17 drops instead. Now place a unit on 13, 30, and 17 (3 units total)
13 drops. You win and make a profit.
Because you are in profit and because you have not reached your X number limit of 10, you will continue the process all over again, by placing a unit chip on your last dropped number, which is 13. You will continue this process of betting on every number that drops.
Now, as I've said, "The X number is important" and it's not 10 .
As another clue, I suggest that you create a stepping sequence (like above) wherein if you hit the last number in that sequence, you will break even.
If you use 10, you will have 10 numbers on the table if you reach your 10-number limit. And, if the ball lands on that last set of 10, you'll make a small loss and the funny thing is that 10 numbers doesn't improve accuracy over the lower, perfect X number.
Irish.How about doubles and singles ?“ if 2 lands you bet 2 and 3.â€
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Jun 10, 07:05 PM 2018
The one of vaddis is a very important knowledge, that one 1% is a sudden change in the game and important that changes the game completely and makes you win.
I hope that some of you will be lucky enough to realize how Ami passed me from so many tests and tests.
But here I am and I already made my proposal in this forum.
Just spit it out man, Without asking 10.000 euro for it. It's only a Matter of Time, before someone Will post the complete method here, and they arn't charching anything for it. Then you can say Goodbye to you're ten Grand.
Anyone Who is asking money for something Without knowing for sure what they buy, does 't belong here. They are all scammers:wink:
Hi im new. I play just single zero wheel. i really want something tested on big amount spins. and theres a story behind it. do i go to testing zone ive read many of all of your posts here for like a year. determined chaps.
Well spoken!
If you are really honest about the idea of helping others and earning something in return.
Why not just share it with no conditions attached.
I am absolutely sure if you give out what you claim you have and it really does work,
then forum members would be also nice to you in return
Just think about mutual trust.
Simply open a thread disclose your ideas and ask for something in return.
If you really share the working HG, forum member would be happily appreciate your intentions and you got back way more than 10k in donations.
You could also share the method with Steve for free to validate it first, then you can release it to donating members.
I encorouge other members to do the same with their ideas as well.
This is a how an open community model should be.
People help, share then contributors recieve back.
Quote from: Kairomancer on Jun 11, 06:54 AM 2018
If you are really honest about the idea of helping others and earning something in return.
Why not just share it with no conditions attached.
I am absolutely sure if you give out what you claim you have and it really does work,
then forum members would be also nice to you in return
Just think about mutual trust.
Simply open a thread disclose your ideas and ask for something in return.
If you really share the working HG, forum member would be happily appreciate your intentions and you got back way more than 10k in donations.
You could also share the method with Steve for free to validate it first, then you can release it to donating members.
I encorouge other members to do the same with their ideas as well.
This is a how an open community model should be.
People help, share then contributors recieve back.
Now that's a very good idea. Just ask for donations passion or set up a private Forum with other members and ask a weekly donations of some kind, so we can learn. A private school for that matter. But not asking 10.000 euro and accept that we All bite... When you want to buy a house, don't you wanna Explore First and Have a look at it, so you know exactly what you are gonna buy?
Think about it. There is not a person in the world Who would give you 10 Grand Without knowing the ins and outs about the System, i Just can't believe that. If you say otherwise, you are a lyer. :thumbsup:
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Jun 10, 07:09 PM 2018
5 chips. :thumbsup:
(link::// (link:://
Hi PassionRuleta,
do you like my graph?
(link::// (link:://
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Jun 11, 09:50 AM 2018
Oki, vaddis I will not reveal it but I can say ideas that I have had about the time that vaddis studies and that I left behind, but they have nothing to do with VADDIS
Anything is as good as much money can be made on it in the real world.
Just spare us from the confusion. Share the real deal.
He doesent have anything guys stop asking for info.Is just some good runs thats all.And if someone has it he will never reveal it to nobody.Trust me.Nobody cares if you winning or loosing.And it wont be long till he realizes bragging about something you cannot prove you have wont get you anywhere
Got a new idea. Looking good so far:
Note the newest High and Low Streets.
Bet three chips on those
two streets, a chip on each zero.
(seven numbers in play, European Wheel:
Eight numbers in play, American Wheel)
Bankroll suggestion: 84 units Euro: 96 units American
A tweak on Irish88's idea re: streets:
Track the newest four outcomes.
Qualifier is four unique streets in four spins.
After the qualifier bet the two unhit
numbers in those streets and zero.
*Nine numbers in play
(On the American wheel place a chip on the 0/00 split)
Repeat steps until in profit.
Bankroll suggestion: 108 units
So how much cash did vaddis make outta this method ????
Quote from: bigmoney on Jun 12, 05:43 AM 2018
So how much cash did vaddis make outta this method ????
Don't know know. He stated in the past that once he had reached 1.000.000 dollar, he would reveil it in the open. But or he hasn't Made 1.000.000 yet or he has but changed his mind in making it public.
Quote from: jekhb76 on Jun 12, 05:51 AM 2018But or he hasn't Made 1.000.000 yet or he has but changed his mind in making it public.
Or, he was full of shit....
Well it hasnt given the method ...and people still cant work it out ...ive backtested what i thought it was but it failed ......meanwhile theres always turbo genius
I hope Vaddis system is real.
I decided to share with my ideas about Vaddis .Point by point.Holders off Vaddis ,watch and don’t let me reveal something that shouldn’t be revealed yet.
1.Wait for 8 singles/non-repeats..........
Quote from: Canam on Jun 12, 12:32 PM 2018
1.Wait for 8 singles/non-repeats..........
2. ?
Stage 1.
Bet on pair double-single / always choose single moving forward ,example 1-2,4-5.
Start with one pair.If won ,start all over.
If lost ,bet on 2 pairs,3 pairs,4 pairs.
Continue until you reach four pairs.
If didn’t get any profit bet on four pairs until you bankroll reach -36.
Quote from: Canam on Jun 12, 01:08 PM 2018
Stage 1.
Bet on pair double-single / always choose single moving forward ,example 1-2,4-5.
Start with one pair.If won ,start all over.
If lost ,bet on 2 pairs,3 pairs,4 pairs.
Continue until you reach four pairs.
If didn’t get any profit bet on four pairs until you bankroll reach -36.
Stage 2. ?
Quote from: Canam on Jun 12, 01:08 PM 2018
Stage 1.
Bet on pair double-single / always choose single moving forward ,example 1-2,4-5.
Start with one pair.If won ,start all over.
If lost ,bet on 2 pairs,3 pairs,4 pairs.
Continue until you reach four pairs.
If didn’t get any profit bet on four pairs until you bankroll reach -36.
At some Point your hits won't produce any profit. Like vaddis said, No progression or can we? Say we get a hit and No profit, All numbers 1u raise? Or do we Max bet 4 pairs with 1 unit until either profit and start again or loose 36 units and restart with a higher basebet?
This is why stage 2 comes to play.
If you can go forward with singles ,because spot is taken,than go back.
The magic number he calls is propably 9.And the 1 percent has to be 0-1 split bet all spins, since he sayd the 1 percent bet is the house edge and players edge.
Now with the rest 8 bets you can bet 4 singles and 4 splits.I guess that makes sense.You wait for 8 singles then bet 4 of them as single, and 4 of them as split bets?
Or you wait for 4 numbers and bet all 4 singles and their pairs?Im not sure. He said wait for 8 singles to appear but later on he says you can start playing the system any time.
Is kinda confusing really.And i dont thing it can be that easy.Even if the magic number is 9 and 0-1 split bet theres still something missing.Maybe a progression?Maybe you have to remove the last number and put on the new one that came every spin?It has to be like that since fixed betting always looses.
But then again maybe you are supposed to win only on 37 spins and then start over again?
Vaddi sayd 185 spins is max.
If 185 is max then why wait for 8 singles since you are going to play for so long?What does that offer?Doesent make sense.
I thing the key is at 37 spins max.We know certain things have to happen on these spins.Anything above we cannot really control.
when you start to play you have 37 numbers waiting; at spin 10 these 10 spins on average ends 9/10; 1 repeat. The 3 games posted in MPR topic have started 8/10; 8/10 and just posted 9/10.
1st game repeat spin3 & 10
2nd game spin 7 &10
3rd game spin 5
So these 3 games you'd win, so would you reset with another 37 numbers or stay in the stream of 37
Yes.But Vaddi always talking about doubles and singles.The number is 8.
Stage 2
If you didn’t made your profit before reaching -36 than you continue betting on your 8 numbers,by replacing 2 oldest numbers with a new double and single until in plus or end of 37 cycle.
As Vaddi saidâ€Read between the linesâ€.
I think when he is talking about no repeats, I think he is talking about no repeats on unique splits in the last 7 or 8 spins. It would make sense. No repeats and if their partner number hasn't hit that is 14-16 numbers that haven't hit. In a 37 spin cycle the avg non hit 12-14. Not going to go very long over the next few spins without a hit. So you then bet on the the previous splits.
I read somewhere that in 18 spins the avg is 12 different splits. If you go 6,7 8 spins with all unique splits. I think that could lead somewhere.
But what if you got hit on double or single.?Vadii saying to reduce amount of numbers to bet on.From 8 to 7.In my case from 4 to 3,because we bet on 4 doubles and 4 singles.Lets say we got hit on double .Should we start betting on 3 doubles and 5 singles or 3 doubles and 4 singles.Vaddi saidâ€if you betting 8 doubles and you hit one of them than start betting on 7 numbers ,because you are accurate.â€
Vaddi always spoke about balance between doubles and singles.Out of balance ,back to balance.To have that happening you need 4 doubles and 4 singles.
Yes what is the 1percent bet then cause if you dont have that Vaddi sayd no profit in the long run?
btw 8+ 1chip 1-0 split 9 numbers total thats what i mean cause the 1percent bet i believe is 0-1 split
There is no balance in 9 numbers.
Just thing about how are you going to reach -36 in losses with 8 numbers?you cant its 32 or 40. 9 makes perfect sense since you loose 4x9 36.I know
that doesent prove anything but he sayd there has to be one more bet.
Are you going to get 12 unique splits in 12 spins? It will be very very rare. You get 8 unique splits in a row then bet on the 8 splits that have hit?
Here it is.
Bet 3-4 loss -2
Bet 3-4
23-24 loss -6
Bet 3-4
16-17 loss -12
Bet 3-4
32-33loss -20
Bet 23-24
7-8. Loss -28
Bet 16-17
12-13. Loss -36
This is how to get -36.
This is Stage 1 sequence according to the inventor of VHG.
Quote from: Canam on Jun 12, 05:56 PM 2018
Here it is.
Bet 3-4 loss -2
Bet 3-4
23-24 loss -6
Bet 3-4
16-17 loss -12
Bet 3-4
32-33loss -20
Bet 23-24
7-8. Loss -28
Bet 16-17
12-13. Loss -36
This is how to get -36.
This is Stage 1 sequence according to the inventor of VHG.
You guys Have to remember that how good vaddis System might be, it will be a very grindy System, and i'm not sure if it is profitable enough to play as a main System.
There can be sessions of around 185 spins with less then 10 units profit.
This Will not Always be the case, but Just something to keep in mind.
Basicly there is No 2e stage. If you down 36 units, you Just start over but this time with a 2u base bet. Then 4 u basebet etc. When hit Just start over.
I will get you to minus on the long run.
According to all my trails Vaddis system generates roughly 1 unit per spin.This is why it worth to keep refining it.
Quote from: Canam on Jun 12, 06:37 PM 2018
According to all my trails Vaddis system generates roughly 1 unit per spin.This is why it worth to keep refining it.
No way. Unless u use progression. And vaddis way means what he describes not what u describes
According to Vaddi he can make 2 000$ in no time using 10$ chips.Agree.It is rare when it gets to 185 spins.
One way it can work like mr pablo showed us.
Collect a string of 100 spins.
Mark the repeater and pairing with red pen.
Put it on RX
Just bet when ur marked number will come next spin. Otherwise skip the spin without bet. Make a flat line graph.
Try to lose some spin to make it more realistic and show the spike is going down a bit. Deliver A HG like pablo
Well.How to create a profit in Stage 2.In my opinion it can be done by reducing betting numbers on doubles or singles after hit.
4-4 you got hit on single,your next bet is
4-2. only 6 numbers
After hit on double go back to 4-4 bet.
Quote from: Canam on Jun 12, 07:20 PM 2018
According to Vaddi he can make 2 000$ in no time using 10$ chips.Agree.It is rare when it gets to 185 spins.
May be occationally. The principle doesnot back the claim.
It is dynamic continious bet as he describle.
Long things making short.
Either 4 number
Or 8 number.
Now lay down 10 string of 37 number in notebook. Have a look which fits. 4 or 8.
Its work at its best with 4. But never a HG
I tried 8 or 4.Always a minus.4-2-1 holding and profiting very well until you get to about -200,than it takes a long time to rebound.I never go past 8 cycles.
What is 4-2-1. Must be something done by u. Preety simple whatever the number is either 8 or 4 or 10. U need to win number+1 times to be in profit. Tough isnt it? And with flat bet
4-2-1 is latest upgrade of VHG called “la bombaâ€.Published by Vaddi.
And what is double single?
Quote from: Canam on Jun 12, 08:15 PM 2018
4-2-1 is latest upgrade of VHG called “la bombaâ€.Published by Vaddi.
Did he appear again ?
Unfortunately no,but this is what he said
1. 2 chips on doubles,
2. 1 chip on doubles,
3. half chip on doubles
2. and 3. will make you smile.
Double is repeat in 37 cycle and single is non-repeat in 37 cycle.
In that way u cant bet as pair bcz some of pairing number may be unhit
Quote from: Canam on Jun 12, 08:28 PM 2018
Double is repeat in 37 cycle and single is non-repeat in 37 cycle.
If thats the case then u r betting for and on repeaters
Betting for repeater with 8 number flat bet wont work as hg. It might work occationally
Betting on pair means catch the unhit. Vaddies description is controvercial
How betting on doubles and unhit at the same time oriented only to catch unhit.If 2 comes up you bet 2-3 in hope to hit double again ,which is 2 and unhit 3.
Its not double. Its single and unhit. Cant differentiate double or single . It something on rolling basis like most recent 4 and their front or back pair. With this rolling sometimes u might find doubles and triples.
By Vaddis explanations:
repeats are these numbers that already appeared and we hope to hit them again,
singles are these numbers that are to appear and possibly to become a repeat. 2 or 3 times in 37 spin cycle.
This is why:
When 2 uppeared we bet 2 repeat and 3 single. It’s just an abbreviation by Vaddi.By the way Vaddis real name is David.
I was thinking hard about that number 3 but can’t put it together and came back to 8/4.
Another shot at this. I'm
feeling confident abt this atm :thumbsup:
-----*Vaddi's Odd/Even Plus & Minus One System w/Zero*-----
Procedure: Note the newest
Odd and Even outcomes (ignore zero).
Bet those two, and a respective
Odd/Even numerically lower and higher once.
Repeat steps for each new outcome. Stop when in profit.
Example: 21,15,18 (newest spin-value)
Newest Odd outcome: #15: Newest Even outcome: #18
Bet 13,15,17 & 16,18,20 & 0 once: 1.) 1(x)
Newest Odd outcome: #1: Newest Even outcome: #18
Bet 35,1,3 & 16,18,20 & 0 once....
(seven chips for European Wheels, one for each number)
(Eight numbers in play for American Wheels)
Example: 13,28 (newest spin-value)
Bet 11,13,15 & 26,28,30,0,00: 1.) ....
(a chip on each number, eight chips)
Bankroll suggestion: 96 units
Pasionrouletta,according to your graphs you know what that number 3 means.Congrats with your success.
3 is the 3 parts of the 37 spin circle.1-12,12-24,24-37.Maybe.
Most likely.
Could be 2u on the hit nr and 1u on the unhit. Total 3u per pair.
Why not? Who knows?
Tried that.Didnt worked out.
Quote from: Canam on Jun 12, 10:30 PM 2018
Tried that.Didnt worked.
I did, it worked.! How did you do it?
P.S. You work at Canam?
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Jun 12, 10:02 PM 2018
Another shot at this. I'm
feeling confident abt this atm :thumbsup:
-----*Vaddi's Odd/Even Plus & Minus One System w/Zero*-----
Procedure: Note the newest
Odd and Even outcomes (ignore zero).
Bet those two, and a respective
Odd/Even numerically lower and higher once.
Repeat steps for each new outcome. Stop when in profit.
Example: 21,15,18 (newest spin-value)
Newest Odd outcome: #15: Newest Even outcome: #18
Bet 13,15,17 & 16,18,20 & 0 once: 1.) 1(x)
Newest Odd outcome: #1: Newest Even outcome: #18
Bet 35,1,3 & 16,18,20 & 0 once....
(seven chips for European Wheels, one for each number)
(Eight numbers in play for American Wheels)
Example: 13,28 (newest spin-value)
Bet 11,13,15 & 26,28,30,0,00: 1.) ....
(a chip on each number, eight chips)
Bankroll suggestion: 96 units
if nr.2 hits, you go for 36 and 4? Why keeping a unit on zero?
Only 1 odd and 1 even? I think I'll try accumulating them and restart with 1/1 on a hit, even if not in profit.
RS is slow tonight, though...
We are talking about different systems .
if nr.2 hits, you go for 36 and 4?-Bigbroben
Why keeping a unit on zero?
This reference to a "Perfect Balance System"
Only 1 odd and 1 even?
I'm trying a variation of the
+1/-1 reference per Vaddi's instructions.
(It seems to have a good hit-rate so far in early tests)
From what I understood in reading the first 5 pages, they're covering the zero cause they're playing streets. If playing a system with straight-ups, all numbers can be considered equal...
Still, I like your idea!
Test: Vaddi's Odd/Even Plus Zero @ Celtic Casino
European Wheel-Tuesday, June 12,2018 @ 8:41pm CDT USA
...16,19 (newest spin-value)
Bet 14,16,18 & 17,19,21 & 0: 1.) 29(x)-7
Bet 14,16,18 @ 27,29,31 & 0: 2.) 18(win)+29
Test: Vaddi's Odd/Even Plus Zero @ Celtic Casino
American Wheel-Tuesday, June 12,2018 @ 8:44pm CDT USA
...21,12,16,4,18,24 (newest spin-value)
Bet 19,21,23 & 22,24,26 & 0,00: 1.) 5(x)-8
Bet 3,5,7 & 22,24,26 & 0,00: 2.) 11(x)-8
Bet 9,11,13 & 22,24,26,0,00: 3.) 36(x)-8
Bet 9,11,13 & 34,36,2,0,00: 4.) 32(x)-8
Bet 9,11,13 & 30,32,34,0,00: 5.) 11(win)+28
Bet 9,11,13 & 30,32,34,0,00: 6.) 31(x)-8
Bet 29,31,33 & 30,32,34,0,00: 7.) 32(win)+28
Test: Vaddi's Odd/Even Plus Zero @ Celtic Casino
European Wheel-Tuesday, June 12,2018 @ 10:17pm CDT USA
...26,1 (newest spin-value)
Bet 24,26,28 & 35,1,3,0: 1.) 9(x)-7
Bet 24,26,28 & 7,9,11,0: 2.) 24(win)+29
Test: Vaddi's Odd/Even Plus Zero @ Celtic Casino
American Wheel-Tuesday, June 12,2018 @ 10:19pm CDT USA
...24,3,21,15,23 (newest spin-value)
Bet 22,24,26 & 21,23,25,0,00: 1.) 00(win)+28
Just had a bad run :'(
Test: Vaddi's Odd/Even Plus Zero @ Celtic Casino
European Wheel-Tuesday, June 12,2018 @ 10:48pm CDT USA
Session total: -90 units
is it any logical explanation why this system should win?
I was following the vague
instruction regarding +1/-1 pairings.
It seemed to have a good rate so I
though I would test my theory further.
Quote from: Canam on Jun 12, 08:27 PM 2018
Unfortunately no,but this is what he said
1. 2 chips on doubles,
2. 1 chip on doubles,
3. half chip on doubles
2. and 3. will make you smile.
Ä® know this but never understood it. What does it mean? Vaddi talked about flatbetting, but maybe he changed hiis mind?
This looks interesting:
Track until you have eight consecutive unique singles.
2,15,7,18,20,34,23,0 (newest spin-value)
Bet the oldest of the eight and a numerically higher number (8 in play)
Bet 2,3: 15,16: 7,8: 18,19: 1.) 19(x)
Bet 15,16: 7,8: 18:19, 20,21....
How can this b a grail if it fails and has a 2nd stage ?
I reckon bet the eight unquies as splits and keep doubling
Quote from: bigmoney on Jun 13, 06:52 AM 2018
How can this b a grail if it fails and has a 2nd stage ?
I reckon bet the eight unquies as splits and keep doubling
a hg doesn't have to mean that you need to have a 100% winrate. it depends on that you always win more then you lose.
if i would have a system that loses 1/25 sessions, i would be jumping in the air :xd:
Hey jekh,
A martingale of 10 steps on ECs will let you win 1023 times and lose once!
I am still scrambling to find one that wins more than loses... :yawn:
This ''2 chips on doubles, 1 chip on double, half a chip on double'' words make me believe not every number has an equal amount on it.
Say there are 3 states: unhit, hit, repeater. Ok.
One nr hits. Proportional concept could make you think: ''I should put 1u on the hit, and half a chip on 2 neighboring unhit. So a unit on a split on unhits. Once one of the 2 unhit shows up, slide the other one half onto the hit, in order to have 1u on each 2 nrs.''
Did he mean also, 2u on repeaters?
Just an idea, did not test yet.
something we have not talked about related to vaddi.
Andrey86Pak posted the Mido 1 or Modi 1 System in the old MMM Thread.
line1 1 3 5 7 9 ,are red ,odd, small numbers
line2 2 4 6 8 10 are black,even,small numbers
line3 12 14 16 18 are red,even,small numbers
line4 11 13 15 17 are black,odd,small numbers
line5 19 21 23 25 27 are red ,odd, big numbers
line6 20 22 24 26 28 are black,even,big numbers
line 7 30 32 34 36 are red,even,big numbers
line 8 29 31 33 35 are black,odd,big numbers
Vaddis reaction:
I'm not aware of that posting, but it's obvious that the person has discovered the power of singles being converted into doubles.
What is missing however, is the flip side of singles to doubles, which is sleepers being converted into lands, i.e., sleepers to singles.
All elements of roulette have a mirror and you can use lands / doubles to flow with and to predict sleepers.
Maybe we can get something out of that.
Greetings, M
Quote from: RFMAXX on Jun 13, 08:04 AM 2018
something we have not talked about related to vaddi.
Andrey86Pak posted the Mido 1 or Modi 1 System in the old MMM Thread.
line1 1 3 5 7 9 ,are red ,odd, small numbers
line2 2 4 6 8 10 are black,even,small numbers
line3 12 14 16 18 are red,even,small numbers
line4 11 13 15 17 are black,odd,small numbers
line5 19 21 23 25 27 are red ,odd, big numbers
line6 20 22 24 26 28 are black,even,big numbers
line 7 30 32 34 36 are red,even,big numbers
line 8 29 31 33 35 are black,odd,big numbers
Vaddis reaction:
I'm not aware of that posting, but it's obvious that the person has discovered the power of singles being converted into doubles.
What is missing however, is the flip side of singles to doubles, which is sleepers being converted into lands, i.e., sleepers to singles.
All elements of roulette have a mirror and you can use lands / doubles to flow with and to predict sleepers.
Maybe we can get something out of that.
Greetings, M
Thanks, yep this will make us think further!
I've had great success with mido1, at least with the grouping it suggests.
Quote from: bigmoney on Jun 13, 06:52 AM 2018
How can this b a grail if it fails and has a 2nd stage ?
I reckon bet the eight unquies as splits and keep doubling
I think u tried that one on star . Initially successfull and then crashed.
Statistically the sweet point is 7. I think vaddi tried to use that one. But reality is even we can successfully predict a single number in 37 spin its enough. In a random game thats not that easy
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Jun 13, 05:08 AM 2018
I wanted to comment that according to what I have calculated, the box that is needed for vaddis is 200 chips.
What I have done at this time is to play sessions, win 200 or lose 200.
I have 232 sessions, of which I have lost 20 boxes of 200 chips and have won 212 sessions of 200 chips.
total lost sessions 4000 chips
Total profit sessions 42,400 profit tokens.
Total benefits 38400 benefits.
So are my results gentlemen.
These are results obtained from real permanences played in rx.
This is a good result.
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Jun 13, 01:31 AM 2018
This looks interesting:
Track until you have eight consecutive unique singles.
2,15,7,18,20,34,23,0 (newest spin-value)
Bet the oldest of the eight and a numerically higher number (8 in play)
Bet 2,3: 15,16: 7,8: 18,19: 1.) 19(x)
Bet 15,16: 7,8: 18:19, 20,21....
Tried this already.Goes to minus very quick.
Hi guys.
Let me know if someone will be interested .
There was a russian writer with name Dostoevsky who lived in 1821-1881.He wrote a book called “Player†in which he left code to win in European roulette.Its known fact that his relatives ,in modern time ,discovered that code and busted casino of Monaco for very big sum of cash.After that they all got banned from European casinos .
In this book there is a few episodes of the game with bets and results.I tried to decode them ,but thinking about VHG ang Dostoevsky code in the same time is very time consuming.Maybe someone will be interested to try.Let me know.
Hello CANAM ! Dostoevsky came to the casino three times. In the end, he lost! There is nothing worthwhile in the novel. About relatives, I did not hear most likely a lie!
I am just asking if someone want to take a shot.I am personally found information provided very interesting and never lost my short trails while using it.I have a very good source of the info on that and it’s not Wikipedia.
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Jun 13, 03:33 PM 2018
Hello, Canam, for my part, everything that is learning is welcome and I am interested.
If you want to share with me that information I would thank you, as my nickname says, I am passionate about the game and everything can be learned and I like to investigate everything thoroughly.
I hope you can pass on this valuable information and if you want we can study it together.
greetings and thanks :thumbsup:
Why would anyone want to share anything with you ?
Countless people have asked you to share what you have and you wont which probably means you have nothing.
And if you have a holy grail which is so wonderfull why do you want anything else if you can already beat the game ?
Furthermore if everything you have is so great what the fuck are you still doing here ?
If I had the holy grail you wouldnt see me in a forum anymore I would be too busy taking money from the casino.
Why dont you either put up what you have or just fuckoff as your really starting to bore the shit out of me and several other people on here.
Go on prove me wrong prove you have a decent method of play.
Quote from: D1 on Jun 13, 03:44 PM 2018
Why would anyone want to share anything with you ?
Countless people have asked you to share what you have and you wont which probably means you have nothing.
And if you have a holy grail which is so wonderfull why do you want anything else if you can already beat the game ?
Furthermore if everything you have is so great what the f*** are you still doing here ?
If I had the holy grail you wouldnt see me in a forum anymore I would be too busy taking money from the casino.
Why dont you either put up what you have or just fuckoff as your really starting to bore the shit out of me and several other people on here.
Go on prove me wrong prove you have a decent method of play.
Lol couldn’t have said it any better..passion is not to be trusted..I’ve said more on my thread than he ever new in his sleazy life on roulette
Quote from: D1 on Jun 13, 03:44 PM 2018
Why would anyone want to share anything with you ?
Countless people have asked you to share what you have and you wont which probably means you have nothing.
And if you have a holy grail which is so wonderfull why do you want anything else if you can already beat the game ?
Furthermore if everything you have is so great what the f*** are you still doing here ?
If I had the holy grail you wouldnt see me in a forum anymore I would be too busy taking money from the casino.
Why dont you either put up what you have or just fuckoff as your really starting to bore the shit out of me and several other people on here.
Go on prove me wrong prove you have a decent method of play.
This is the best quote i've seen around here in a Long time, well said. :thumbsup:
Why on earth would you ask for people's money if you Have a HG in you're hands? I Just can't understand that Sorry. And asking 10.000 Grand. Man you Have a serious personal problem. No one here on this Forum would be playing you that kind of money. When you Have a true HG, you can build up your bankroll on your own. Start with a few hundred and work it up. You can't loose, so what's keeping you from doin' that? No instead of that, you Keep popping up here to enoy the shit out of everyone.
When do you start to realise that you are not wanted here. Can't he be blocked ?
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Jun 13, 03:33 PM 2018
Hello, Canam, for my part, everything that is learning is welcome and I am interested.
If you want to share with me that information I would thank you, as my nickname says, I am passionate about the game and everything can be learned and I like to investigate everything thoroughly.
I hope you can pass on this valuable information and if you want we can study it together.
greetings and thanks :thumbsup:
Hi Passionrulette.I will be glad to share that information with you and keep resolving that pazzle with someone who got fresh ideas.I will send it to you on your pm.Also I will provide with information regarding the process I made.
Passionrulette.Check your pm.
Quote from: Canam on Jun 13, 04:28 PM 2018
Passionrulette.Check your pm.
Another sucker bites the dust 🤪🤪
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 13, 04:54 PM 2018
Another sucker bites the dust 🤪🤪
Please speak for yourself.
6-th sense do I know you?
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 13, 04:54 PM 2018
Another sucker bites the dust 🤪🤪
Actually, it is more of a case of another person
swallowing it hook, line, and sinker. >:D >:D
Quote from: DoctorSudoku on Jun 13, 05:41 PM 2018
Actually, it is more of a case of another person swallowing it hook, line, and sinker.
>:D >:D
Members.Read previous post to gain an idea what conversation is about before making any remarks.Othervise you look like a rock which just fell from the Moon.
Quote from: Canam on Jun 13, 07:01 PM 2018
Members.Read previous post to gain an idea what conversation is about before making any remarks.Othervise you look like a rock which just fell from the Moon.
I just made a suggestion to 6th sense that there is a phrase that better (that is, more accurately) expresses how he feels about this situation.
Quote from: DoctorSudoku on Jun 13, 07:10 PM 2018
I just made a suggestion to 6th sense that there is a phrase that better (that is, more accurately) expresses how he feels about this situation.
Sounds reasanable.
Another idea to consider:
-----*First Four and Last Four of 12 Singles*-----
Procedure: Bet the first four singles
and the last four singles of 12 outcomes.
*If there are repeats, bet them once
Example: 12,31,0,14,2,35,8,14,21,3,19,17 (newest spin-value)
Bet the newest four singles: 17,19,3,21 & the
oldest four of 12 outcomes (12,31,0,14) once: 1.) 5(x)
Bet the newest four singles: 5,17,19,3 & the
oldest four of 12 outcomes (31,0,14,2)....
Bankroll suggestion: 128 units
Quote from: boyd30 on Jun 13, 12:16 AM 2018
Ä® know this but never understood it. What does it mean? Vaddi talked about flatbetting, but maybe he changed hiis mind?
if you look at my thread and the single linear line..theres singles..doubles etc could e mean this?
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 14, 02:42 AM 2018
if you look at my thread and the single linear line..theres singles..doubles etc could e mean this?
Of course he does 😃 re read his explanation and then go over to my it out
just a thought about the hint 24/8=3 and 12/4=3
first cycle we play 3x4 numbers till spin 12.
second cycle we play 3x8 numbers till spin 37.
Quote from: RFMAXX on Jun 14, 03:20 AM 2018
just a thought about the hint 24/8=3 and 12/4=3
first cycle we play 3x4 numbers till spin 12.
second cycle we play 3x8 numbers till spin 37.
Great explanation maxxy use this info to after 1st lot of results are to doubles..doubles to triples and don’t forget that pairing chart
thank you 6th-sense.
your thread 37 back to basics is the best read since a long time and made me think O0
here are the first 12 real numbers from casino duisburg (germany)
look what happen, playing last 4 for a repeat. 3 hits? looks good :thumbsup:
Quote from: RFMAXX on Jun 14, 03:51 AM 2018
thank you 6th-sense.
your thread 37 back to basics is the best read since a long time and made me think O0
here are the first 12 real numbers from casino duisburg (germany)
look what happen, playing last 4 for a repeat. 3 hits? looks good :thumbsup:
I think any ideas you should post across on my thread as it’ll help people a lot more as I’m giving the best explanation with examples like you have in your picture 👍
Quote from: RFMAXX on Jun 14, 03:20 AM 2018
just a thought about the hint 24/8=3 and 12/4=3
first cycle we play 3x4 numbers till spin 12.
second cycle we play 3x8 numbers till spin 37.
Is it 3 numbers 4 times or 4 numbers 3 times? I would guess the first as you play hitter and beside numbers? Ä® also think this is not a static bet? You change numbers every bet or every minicycle? Thanks for answering to you understanding it better.
Quote from: boyd30 on Jun 14, 04:08 AM 2018
Is it 3 numbers 4 times or 4 numbers 3 times? I would guess the first as you play hitter and beside numbers? Ä® also think this is not a static bet? You change numbers every bet or every minicycle? Thanks for answering to you understanding it better.
hi boyd,
wait for 4 numbers out. play these 4 for 4 spins. then you have 8 numbers out. play again the last 4.
greetings, max
Quote from: RFMAXX on Jun 14, 04:12 AM 2018
hi boyd,
wait for 4 numbers out. play these 4 for 4 spins. then you have 8 numbers out. play again the last 4.
greetings, max
Vaddis system based on implementing idea of the balance between doubles and singles.He embarrassing that you have to use doubles and singles to get your profit.
Quote from: Canam on Jun 15, 12:19 PM 2018
Vaddis system based on implementing idea of the balance between doubles and singles.He embarrassing that you have to use doubles and singles to get your profit.
Funny that you just joined this forum a few weeks ago and passion is confiding in you?
Are you in on his scam ? He told me about someone he was in league with is this you ?
Ok.Lets make it clear.
I am close observer of this forum from 2013.The reason not joining it is my time that I spend on work and resolving sertain roulette strategies and inventing my own.
The reason why I joined right now :
I see the same pattern of behavior of sertain individuals who look like these who made Vaddi to abandon this forum .Vaddi left ,his pazzle is unsolved and these who verbally abused him are still going to casinos and leaving their money there.
So,I am trying to convince all members to restrain their anger and frustration and listen to others and make some progress .If not than its only one way -leave casino with head down without your hard made money.No I am not Spanish ,but I would love to speak that language.I am Canadian with Russian background.
Members “be patient,only good things comes out of itâ€.
Also ,I will advise you to listen what Rouletepassion is saying.He got perfect understanding of Vaddis main concepts of winning at roulette table at any date,at any time of the day.
Quote from: Canam on Jun 15, 02:52 PM 2018
Also ,I will advise you to listen what Rouletepassion is saying.He got perfect understanding of Vaddis main concepts of winning at roulette table at any date,at any time of the day.
😂😂 Re read his post...he hasn’t got certainly haven’t got it...if you had you would not be here..Vaddis certainly wasn’t a low life like this guy...
And if you HAVE read back through his post you should know that...Sergio certainly wouldn’t be here either
He was walking out the door last month with his holy grail.but yet says he just been betting the last few weeks...
All these years he’s had it and only done 220 sessions on rx
This last few weeks
He’s full of shit...
Why would he confide in you ? A newcomer
As I say everyone read my Skype messages
Come on see the light..
Something doesn’t add up here
Even turbo system is cheaper than this £10000
And while I’m at it he also only been spouting what I told him and after reading my 37 back to basic and balancing he’s now quoting balancing himself
Rant over my sunshine are talking and confiding in the wrong person
Well.In this case I beleive that everyone have to make decision on their own.Beleive or don’t beleive.Some systems always will be for sale.Everyone got right not to buy it.
And trust me:I am not any “sunshineâ€.
Quote from: Canam on Jun 15, 03:17 PM 2018
Well.In this case I beleive that everyone have to make decision on their own.Beleive or don’t beleive.Some systems always will be for sale.Everyone got right not to buy it.
I actually can agree with u on this
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Jun 13, 05:08 AM 2018
I wanted to comment that according to what I have calculated, the box that is needed for vaddis is 200 chips.
What I have done at this time is to play sessions, win 200 or lose 200.
Bullshit. U didnt calculated that. I metioned that when i was talking about the br needed for turbos system.
For vaddies $120 is enough thats is clearly mentioned
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Jun 07, 04:53 PM 2018
Well for the last time I will say that vaddis is amazing, think about this if you want to get it.
Think of roulette in these terms and not others:
24 numbers land
12 times the proportion of land
Factors 4 and 8
24/8 = 3
12/4 = 3
That is the basis of the grail.
The progressions will never work.
I will not say anything else.
The holy grail is before your eyes and you do not see it.
PS: anyone has the right to sell what they want, each one decides if it is worth paying.
I do not sell it for less than â,¬ 10,000, it's that clear.
and I would only do it to one person.
We already know 3 people.
regards :thumbsup:
What should we call it? Its a mild form of selling approach rather than going to the right section.
If you do not want to define balance, could you tell at least what would be an inbalance?
Do you mean, ex: only 2 dozens appeared in 6 spins, or : 4 splits in the Low side in row? Stuff like that?
Or is it more like: numeral gaps between 3 consecutive nrs are all below 6?
Or what?
From what I've read about balance according to Vaddi:
12 unhit singles: 12 unique singles &
12 singles that have hit more than once
Thinking out loud here.
You usually get one repeat single within
12 spins. (I've noticed by observation)
According to Vaddi you always bet the newest outcome.
The graph that Passion posts
looks like a four-number flat-bet.
Bet the newest repeater, newest outcome and
the numerically higher numbers on both respectively.
Example: 12,31,4,0,21,7,9,13,4,20,15,10 (newest spin-value)
Bet 4,5 & 10,11 once: 1.) 35
Bet 4,5 & 35,36 once....
Bankroll suggestion: 36 units total
That doesent make any sense mate.Yes you will propably get one repeat every 12 spins but still you dont know what number it will be.Might be a repeater might be the 5th number the 10th, might be any number that came up in the last 12 spins.its still a random bet
I'm saying when the repeater shows (usually there
is one repeat single shown on the marquee of 12 outcomes.
Bet that number and the number numerically lower and a dynamic
bet of the newest outcome and the next numerically lower number.
Example: 12,0,31,5,23,19,3,29,36,5,21,30
Bet 4,5 & 29,30: 1.) 15(x)
Bet 4,5 & 14,15....
still a random bet.
Why dont i just wait then till 12 singles and then bet all of them?boom theres the holy grail since there has to be a repeat after 12 singles right?
Quote from: Bigbroben on Jun 15, 08:07 PM 2018
If you do not want to define balance, could you tell at least what would be an inbalance?
Do you mean, ex: only 2 dozens appeared in 6 spins, or : 4 splits in the Low side in row? Stuff like that?
Or is it more like: numeral gaps between 3 consecutive nrs are all below 6?
Or what?
This is what VADDI means by balance :
"As you know, when making inside bets, there is always a trade-off between profits, accuracy and risk, depending on the total number of numbers you bet on.
For example:
Assuming $1 units.
If we bet on 30 numbers and we get a hit, our profit will be $36 - $30 = $6 profit.
Betting on more numbers leads to more accuracy, but you'll make a small profit, as above ($6).
If we bet on 6 numbers and we get a hit, our profit will be $36 - $6 = $30 profit.
Betting on less numbers leads to less accuracy, but you'll make a big profit, as above ($30).
So, you want to strike a balance between the two extremes above (between 6 and 30 numbers).
So, you can see in the above, that roulette is always playing the balancing game of risk, accuracy, and profits:
More numbers = less risk + more accuracy + small profits
Less numbers = more risk + less accuracy + more profits
So, the lesser numbers bet on, the more accurate your bet selection process needs to be so that you stand a chance of making good profits.
Hope that makes sense."
He says this about balance somewhere else :
"Bet on less than 10 numbers?
Because you will increase your edge. 10 numbers destroys that balance.
As I've said, I won't tell you what that perfect number is, but it's between 6 and 10. And that number is absolute magic. It's the number that maintains perfect balance. It gives you the best edge when playing inside bets.
Based on your answer, continue to think in terms of balance in relation to your magic X number.
So, if your magic number is 7, or 8, or 9, or 10, will you have balance or an edge or both?
The only way to find out, is to test for yourself.
What the hell is this guys where is the proof mang?
Alright theres a perfect number between 25 and 31 find it and you will win.You need to test it for yourself.I go away now see ya
I tested with 8 numbers is not working i tested with 9 numbers is not working i tested with 7 numbers is not working.My tests cant be that bad since i had all 3 potencial winners.What is there else to see please point me in the right direction
That's right Karas. Your frustration was expressed by a member of another forum :
"The failure of your system is when the number is not repeated in 20 spins.
And know that the number can be up to 28 times without repeating.
And when that happens will steal all your bankroll.
Goes to zero as any martingale system."
Now VADDI answered this member by saying :
"Ha ... ha!
Now we have something!
That's the sort of thinking I'm talking about!
So what's the killer solution?! While still retaining flat-betting?! Based on the Grail thread?
Someone is getting close.
- Vaddi
Obviously the 1% that we are all searching for will change it into a winning bet.
Does that mean that if the number hits at spin 20 youll break even?And if not you go minus?
No. What the frustrated guy is saying is that you can get up to 20 spins without a repeat.
And if you are thinking of a progression, then know that it is possible to get 28 spins without a repeat.
Remember that VADDI's bet is a flat bet.
This is what he said about the 1% change in thinking :
"You had one side: the doubles
To create balance, you now have the flip side / other side of the coin: the singles
The fundamentals of the grail have not changed. The betting method still stands, but there is one betting adjustment that must be made on the table to take advantage of those two sides at the very same time and to take advantage of balance."
Really guys. It's quite simple. I don't want to be the one to kill the goose that lays gold eggs.
So you too know the answer and make lots of money now dont you?You confirm that it works?
No. Just worked it out a few days ago. I have not played it in a casino.
But I can see mathematically why it works.
This is what VADDI said about it :
"I won't go into the basic mathematics of this magic number, because it would just confuse some guys even more than they might already be.
Suffice it to say that I know why this number is so powerful in roulette. The casino can't escape it and the player can't escape it."
The maths is simple and is all over the roulette forums where repeater systems are involved.
Number of trials needed to get first number is: 1.00
Number of trials needed to get 2 different numbers is 2.00
Number of trials needed to get 3 different numbers is 3.00
Number of trials needed to get 4 different numbers is 4.00
Number of trials needed to get 5 different numbers is 5.00
Number of trials needed to get 6 different numbers is 6.00
Number of trials needed to get 7 different numbers is 8.00
Number of trials needed to get 8 different numbers is 9.00
Number of trials needed to get 9 different numbers is 10.00
Number of trials needed to get 10 different numbers is 11.00
Number of trials needed to get 11 different numbers is 13.00
Number of trials needed to get 12 different numbers is 14.00
Number of trials needed to get 13 different numbers is 16.00
Number of trials needed to get 14 different numbers is 17.00
Number of trials needed to get 15 different numbers is 19.00
Number of trials needed to get 16 different numbers is 21.00
Number of trials needed to get 17 different numbers is 22.00
Number of trials needed to get 18 different numbers is 24.00
Number of trials needed to get 19 different numbers is 26.00
Number of trials needed to get 20 different numbers is 28.00
Number of trials needed to get 21 different numbers is 30.00
Number of trials needed to get 22 different numbers is 33.00
Number of trials needed to get 23 different numbers is 35.00
Number of trials needed to get 24 different numbers is 38.00 <== This is the "law of the third"
Number of trials needed to get 25 different numbers is 41.00
Number of trials needed to get 26 different numbers is 44.00
Number of trials needed to get 27 different numbers is 47.00
Number of trials needed to get 28 different numbers is 51.00
Number of trials needed to get 29 different numbers is 55.00
Number of trials needed to get 30 different numbers is 60.00
Number of trials needed to get 31 different numbers is 65.00
Number of trials needed to get 32 different numbers is 71.00
Number of trials needed to get 33 different numbers is 78.00
Number of trials needed to get 34 different numbers is 88.00
Number of trials needed to get 35 different numbers is 100.00
Number of trials needed to get 36 different numbers is 118.00
or as VADDI put it :
24/8 = 3
12/4 = 3
I must just say that I can confirm the bet from LOTT with hindsight.
I did not work the bet out using maths.
Once you find the 1%, you will see that the maths is obvious.
It is still 1/37 Euro Wheel and
1/38 American Wheel each spin.
And most casinos do not allow bets after ball release.
How can we increase the accuracy
of predictions with this limited information?
Here's an idea to try :thumbsup:
Procedure: Bet the newest repeat single, newest
outcome and the next numerically higher number once.
Repeat steps until in profit.
Example: 12,9,32,14,27,31,2,
33,14,11,1,21 (newest spin-value)
Bet 14,21,22 once: 1.) 0(x)
Bet 14,0,1....
Bankroll suggestion: 144 total units
VADDI used LOTT to explain about balance with respect to repeaters.
It is logical that the more numbers that come out, the greater your chance of getting a repeat.
LOTT shows that on average, you need 7 to 8 numbers before a repeat shows. I know that you can get a repeat on spin 2, but we are talking averages.
From Notto’s research you can see that he gets 1 repeat in the first 10 spins quite regularly.
At the end of the 37 spin cycle, you should on average, have 12 repeats. Where do these repeats occur the most?
This is the balance that VADDI says to look for.
Could it mean that you start off playing the paired numbers and later in the 37 spin cycle change to the actual repeaters?
Also bear in mind that at the end of the 37 spin cycle, you have on average 12 repeats. But those repeats are not 12 different numbers. They could contain 1peaters, 2peaters, 3peaters etc
Also. If you are resorting to progressions to win, then you are not playing the bet that VADDI described.
There is no magic numbers and other hocus pocus. ..and short winning examples like PR posted means nothing.
I can post al day long winning sessions, and not short ones, xx xxx spins sessions.
Each one must find own way to play in order to win more then lose. Base your play on Statistics, where is more likely to hit the
repeaters and combine with splits, streets, or neighbors......Groups of numbers are much better if play repeaters stile, involve hit and unhit numbers.
Quote from: Kattila on Jun 17, 08:31 AM 2018if play repeaters stile, involve hit and unhit numbers.
Yes its all in ROTT topic
260 sessions x 200 spins each ,that is
52.000 spins. I saw system goes down to
hell after 200k spins also flat bet
Just don t call HG untill you are not sure or
not tested with much more spins and people here don t like the...""I have the HG but I want tell you"" help them with
nothing this way. Go and make money man
until your system rezist, will come the day
when will eventually crash.
But I really wish you to win long.
who says don't bet the 1x's, it's no different to doing the KFC.
Better to watch the trot of the 37 non-hit.
Now if you lot listen to General dickhead and his sidekick, thats down to you.
Who says there's always a game, he's right, you just have to know how to play the starting 37.
(link::// (link:://
(link::// (link:://
Just 1x's, Have a look at GUT, watch how the 0x's, 1x's and >1x show in 37 spins, better still look to 40 spins or further still 60 spins.
You talk of balance, 0x's 1st, then 0x's v 1x's, then 0x's+1x's v >1x; that's it, so go learn the TROT
could put this in 6th sense topic 37 basic, but you see the above was just betting 1x's.
Now general dickhead the 1/37 bollox.
Here you see the common 9/10;
I've added countback the average 15 non-hit in spins 11-40.
Look KTF +53 spin 19, job done, so this is where we reset go to another wheel or what ever you'd do.
(link::// (link:://
(link::// (link:://
Why did you quit on spin 19 instead of spin 20 or spin 21?
Why can't you play more than 19 spins?
Do you just play for 19 spins and then go home, never to play again?
I've noticed that the spin that you quit on varies. Why is that? It appears that it's because you look ahead to cherry pick when you "should of, would of quit." FYI...that's called curve fitting. ::)
Now some curve fitting, but not if you can read the trot, countback is there to show how the non-hit are behaving, fast, avg or slow.
A piece of the puzzle, that you need to know.
(link::// (link:://
This showing betting for the 17th non-hit, means 16 non-hits have come, so you be betting 21#'s. In UK bookies on their FOBT's, i could bet 4 times that would be max bet of £100. So i'd need to wait 5 spins before start to bet. Or safer be wait 6 spins, but decisions have to be made as spins come.
(link::// (link:://
Let's get it thru to dickhead, KTF you shouldnot be going beyond spin 19, okay
Now at spin 20 the game is fast for non-hit, +2 on the average 5 that should hit in spins 11-20, look to countback.
Heres why you need to know average to hit and max for each non-hit, the box above.
This is fast for non-hit there should only been 14 non-hit at spin 20, look how far non-hit 17 is, Repeats, are needed to slow the non-hits down, if i was to bet for the 17th i'd wait 5 spins, and get the win and countback shows the 17th is on time, d'yu to repeats.
When do R1's go R2 usually after spin 20, so repeats have now slowed the non-hit
QuoteLet's get it thru to dickhead, KTF you shouldnot be going beyond spin 19, okay
So what do you do then? Do you only play for 19 spins and then go home, never to play again or do you have to wait a certain amount of time before you can play again?
On some of your little graphs you quit at spin 15. On others you quit later. Why?
You can't win dirt if you're not able to play for more than 19 spins kid! ::)
(link::// (link:://
Work it out you are clever? Whilst you are spending hours looking for the wobbly wheel i'm in and gone to the next shop, oh wait its not real its RNG, these are the 1st 40 spins of R-sim, just betting 1x's. So you see profit just betting 1x's, or watch the spins play out some call it the trot not 1/37
(link::// (link:://
Seriously, how can you expect to win any money if you can't bet for more than 19 spins???
That's pathetic don't you think?
And the graph looks like at any minute you're going to lose your entire bankroll. The equity curves just look horrendous! ::)
Because Mort's been assassinated for giving ef-bet spins, no just joking, i now get, the collected data is just the same, 15 non-hit in spins 11-40.
No need to look for bias wheels
(link::// (link:://
General last time of repling to you, you couldn't get GUT and you definitely can't understand the trot.
You can bang on my door but you'll get no answer.
(link::// (link:://
Heres the #'s just betting for 1x's
(link::// (link:://
Now if you can't see Turbo in these 60 spins, well.
Average for 60 spins 29 non-hit so -2; but you tell me you could not win on betting non-hit, shame on you.
I'll be back later in morning
Quote from: nottophammer on Jun 17, 07:30 PM 2018
Because Mort's been assassinated for giving ef-bet spins, no just joking, i now get, the collected data is just the same, 15 non-hit in spins 11-40.
You think excel random would show the same average?
Live, RNG and airball all show the same, the live some might question as it was smartlive spins, that could watch on TV
But you are the excel man so collect some spins, bung them in Priyanks tester, you should see in its checkpoint box the spins broke into there groups.
Even MPR gives the 15 in spins 11-20; ok it might give 16/17 or 13/14 but being that close all the time and with countback placed you can see
I'll continue with the R-sim once the eye meds cleared, everything is a bit blurry still
BBB and others on page 94; 12 replies down is a early average document. Earlier you see the excel box showing 17th non-hit max 9 spins
Well how long ago was this data posted, so max 9 at moment stands, one day it might go to max 10.
Have you been to page 94, reply 12.
Well i can't lie about these spins from R-sim. So if you download the attachment. you'll see the 27th non-hit has a max of 18 and average to hit in 4 spins.
BBB how many times wtih a progression could you bet the remaining 11 non-hit?
why i ask the question Bro
Heres 180 of those spins.
(link::// (link:://
Gentlemen, what is the hysteria over a questionable system?! The system is based on the appearance of repetitions, which is a random variable!Found someone what the balance (number of closed of cells) rates on these replays which is great and terrible secret!
Repeats are a random variable that has such a characteristic as a variance which in turn either raises or lowers the player's pot! The size (number of closed cells) does not affect the variance or mathematical expectation !
P.S. If I'm wrong, please prove it!
This post is the greatest waste of time in history of roullete.
Quote from: D.Karas on Jun 19, 03:34 AM 2018
This post is the greatest waste of time in history of roullete.
Let me strongly disagree on that.Vaddis system is not a perfect one ,but some went far beyond his results using original train of his thoughts .
Thanks Vaddi,
Cheers Passionroulette.
If I'm wrong, please prove it!
I can’t ,but Passionrouletta can,if he want to.
I have the feeling that Canam and Passionruleta are the same person. Nobody else has noticed this?
Quote from: junscissorhands on Jul 03, 06:16 PM 2018
I have the feeling that Canam and Passionruleta are the same person. Nobody else has noticed this?
not .trust me its not.there is no reason for conspiracy theory.
No need to inform me on how vaddi plays, i know how his method is.
But you are right PassionRuleta, Vaddi's way of play has certain elements of one of MR.J's old systems.
so i have to give you that.
I have Skype but I never use it. Also don't have any intentions if sharing vaddi's holy grail. Took me 3 years to figure it out. You need to do your time.
Please don't share vaddis hg. :lol:
You can believe whatever you want Passionruleta. I know how it works.
Flat bet.And it’s not even called HG.
Quote from: Canam on Jul 06, 10:31 PM 2018
Flat bet.And it’s not even called HG.
But you've tested for a few spins. Why so few?
Because it’s always the same result.
I just would like to say ,that someone on this forum,besides being ignored,know what he is talking about.
Quote from: Canam on Jul 06, 11:01 PM 2018
Because it’s always the same result.
Have you even tested 50k spins yet? Or have you only tested less than a thousand so far? ::)
If you want to make sure, I can run some macros with Excel. Just tell me the way you play, I'll formulate it and will run a few hundred sessions in a few minutes.
At least I'll try to simulate it.
What do you think?
Quote from: Bigbroben on Jul 06, 11:59 PM 2018
If you want to make sure, I can run some macros with Excel. Just tell me the way you play, I'll formulate it and will run a few hundred sessions in a few minutes.
At least I'll try to simulate it
Hi Bigbroben.If There any testing should be done to this way of playing,than it should be arranged with Passionrouletta. :lol:
I've already worked on something for Passion, I guess he'd agree to renew it again.
We'll see.
Bullshit Canam do at least 15 sessions of 150 spins see if u survive.
Quote from: junscissorhands on Jul 07, 02:57 PM 2018
Bullshit Canam do at least 15 sessions of 150 spins see if u survive.
Here is another one.
Wow that graph looks terrible.
Quote from: junscissorhands on Jul 07, 02:57 PM 2018
Bullshit Canam do at least 15 sessions of 150 spins see if u survive.
I am just testing it. Obviously it needs more sessions to be proven profitable on the long run.
You actually need a whole lot of sessions to be sure.
Here are the results of a simulation ( whichever),after 571 games of 37 spins:
(link::// (link:://
For sure this is a HG, I ran more than 500 games!!!!!!!!
After 2000 games....
(link::// (link:://
So, yeah, huh...
Yes 500 spins is nothing......thought i had something after 5,000 spins then bang.....a hole was will happen to 99% of strategies with only very few making it through the gaps!
Quote from: Bigbroben on Jul 08, 10:25 AM 2018
You actually need a whole lot of sessions to be sure.
Here are the results of a simulation ( whichever),after 571 games of 37 spins:
(link::// (link:://
For sure this is a HG, I ran more than 500 games!!!!!!!!
After 2000 games....
(link::// (link:://
So, yeah, huh...
It needs some modification and probably worth to invest time in.Sometime it shows not bad result at all..Soon I will post a graph of my playing based on 2,5 years research of Vaddis HG.I am planning to play 15 sessions of 150-300 spins. each,dependent on amount of spins downloaded from online casino.
I hope it will show some positive result.
I noticed that when I am using downloaded live spins ,results will be much worse than live dealers spins in online casino.
Then you're screwed Canam.
its not the case.i have more than 10 online casinos to test my playing.
i am just questioning the source where these live spins where extracted from.
Quote from: junscissorhands on Jul 09, 01:46 PM 2018
Then you're screwed Canam.
by the way.did you sold your system (HG)even once?
Never. No point of selling an hg 'tif you have enough bankroll and profit. When you have enough money, the only fun thing to do is sometimes come on forums and troll a bit in my spare time.
Since there is practically zero useless info being posted on here.
when Vaddi discovered his grail he just left. Didnt bother to come back .
Quote from: Canam on Jul 09, 02:57 PM 2018
when Vaddi discovered his grail he just left. Didnt bother to come back .
Exactly. Which is how you know jun hasn't found shit.
No offense intended jun. You have to admit mentioning "useless info" being posted here in the form of a complaint shows you're still looking. :thumbsup:
some one who possesses HG is too busy to be here.
Quote from: Canam on Jul 09, 03:39 PM 2018
some one who possesses HG is too busy to be here.
That's why I'm here...because I haven't found shit either! :twisted:
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
passion.......... balance is what controls variance.......its the glad we have it now
EVS : If I'm wrong, please prove it!
CANAM: I can’t ,but Passionrouletta can,if he want to.
Passionrouletta please prove that I'm wrong:
Gentlemen, what is the hysteria over a questionable system?! The system is based on the appearance of repetitions, which is a random variable!Found someone what the balance (number of closed of cells) rates on these replays which is great and terrible secret!
Repeats are a random variable that has such a characteristic as a variance which in turn either raises or lowers the player's pot! The size (number of closed cells) does not affect the variance or mathematical expectation !
P.S. If I'm wrong, please prove it!
Its not just about took out of consideration slippers and singles.
Here's an idea to try. :)
Bet the last decision number with
three numerically ahead and behind once.
Example: #25 (newest spin-value)
Bet 22,23,24,25,26,27,28 once: 1.) 2(x)
Bet 36,0,1,2,3,4,5 once....
Bankroll requirement (according to Vaddi)
12 times numbers in play (seven)=84 units total
you've been quite a good teaser, start stripping now!
Show us something else, we wanna see more!
Quote from: Canam on Jul 10, 09:05 AM 2018
Its not just about took out of consideration slippers and singles.
Slippers? Please explain.
Quote from: Bigbroben on Jul 12, 10:00 PM 2018
Slippers? Please explain.
He meant
"sleepers" -- those numbers that have NOT appeared so far.
Ok! Ha...
Quote from: Bigbroben on Jul 12, 09:58 PM 2018
you've been quite a good teaser, start stripping now!
Show us something else, we wanna see more!
"Pouletta" must be a slip of the pen:
Russian Bulletta invented a new kind of bullfight,
wearing nothing but his slippers he’s irritating the bull by crying:
„You show me Vaddis â€" I show you Muddi’s“
QuoteI'll let the graphics speak for me
:xd: :xd: :xd: is 10000 flat and so what...goes shitt in next 5000 spins
your charts speak nothing but how you are just not getting it
Quote from: Herby on Jul 13, 02:54 AM 2018
"Pouletta" must be a slip of the pen:
Russian Bulletta invented a new kind of bullfight,
wearing nothing but his slippers he’s irritating the bull by crying: :twisted:
„You show me Vaddis â€" I show you Muddi’s“
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Are you telling me that your 10,000 ball graph is good? If I only win 100 chips in 10,000 balls, hahahaha.
I win more in 100 balls than you in 10000 ...
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: you meant like this
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
QuoteThat graph is real?
graph is fake is not real...shows you how easy is someone to say and show things and drag people to the rabbit hole
QuoteAt least I go with the truth ahead
if you say so...full speed ahead
Idea :
"Follow what the wheel does"
Could try this:
A nr repeats. Bet the nr following the first occurence.
8, 33,4,25,16,22,19,34,2,33 (new).
Bet 4 , then 4 and 25, then 4 25 16... until a hit or a new repeater?
More ideas:not quite Vaddis, but using the ''mirror'' idea.
I thought from the question : '' what happens every 4 spins''. For sure a dozen repeats, discarding zero.
Check last 8 spins. Find the least hit dozen.
Put a unit on the ''mirror'' corresponding place in the dozen.
Ex: the Weak dozen is Doz3. Put a unit on 32 if 8 comes out, on 25 if 13 comes out, etc, until 8units are on.
Spin until a hit or max 4 times. Adjust bets if the weak doz changed in spins.
If ''balance'' must come back, it could rebalance with dozens.
(link::// (link:://
(link::// (link:://
Why not...
No no and again no.
This thread gets diluted with useless ideas which are millions of miles away from the original method. This above and also the rest of the 45566789843345 variations of proofreader's. All useless.
Cut this thread and start a fresh one, you with the superior knowledge of Vaddis, good luck.
Quote from: nottophammer on Jul 18, 02:01 PM 2018
Cut this thread and start a fresh one, you with the superior knowledge of Vaddis, good luck.
How about we stick to the original thread topic instead? :thumbsup:
Notto, you can make yours with your white green graphs (that nobody ever reads) spread all over the place, the WTF KTF KFC WTC BBC ABC whatever methods, acronyms you like.
Ok general
Why do you keep calling me general? You into bdsm or you like someone commanding you? This is not the right forum for those type stuff, notto.
Quote from: nottophammer on Jul 18, 02:41 PM 2018
Ok general
Speaking of General, here,s a forum fallacy:
Isn't a comment from General "due"?
Quote from: junscissorhands on Jul 18, 02:48 PM 2018
Why do you keep calling me general? You into bdsm or you like someone commanding you? This is not the right forum for those type stuff, notto.
Because you sound like that idiot
Quote from: nottophammer on Jul 18, 02:55 PM 2018junscissorhands
please be kind with junscissorhands... he is a smart guy!
people like you dont know how to deal with kind persons, so they tend to be nasty to other people because it makes them feel better about themselves.
Roulettebeater, don't bother.
I'm not bothered by notto, all that guy has posted in the last couple of years are useless graphs, basically him talking to himself with random graphs about his KTF crap or mpr crap, yawn boring. There are a few of them here, notto, proofreaders and few others posting and recycling the same old crap again and again and again. They are fighting the same fight for years. Instead of cash they have their graphs, numbers and lines, because it makes them look pro, educated. When u tell them the truth, you step on their little toe and they barf like wild dogs. Keep chasing the bone that is glued onto your forehead. So don't bother, those guys have an IQ of an Ant.
Quote from: Roulettebeater on Jul 18, 03:02 PM 2018
please be kind with junscissorhands... he is a smart guy!
people like you dont know how to deal with kind persons, so they tend to be nasty to other people because it makes them feel better about themselves.
Bleater, what is that saying, takes one to know one, :thumbsup:
Back on topic....notto if you have something to contribute, by all means, but it's not a KTF thread... :thumbsup:
I won’t stand for anyone bashing notto
He is nice enough to explain his method in DETAIL and posts his sheets
He is the most transparent member
No secrets. He is a straight shooter.
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jul 18, 03:23 PM 2018
I won’t stand for anyone bashing notto
He is nice enough to explain his method in DETAIL and posts his sheets
He is the most transparent member
No secrets. He is a straight shooter.
Agree RG, he's being an instigator lately though more than a helper... :twisted:
I value his work, KTF isn't a grail but it does win in my opinion.
Quote from: Mako on Jul 18, 03:19 PM 2018
Back on topic....notto if you have something to contribute, by all means, but it's not a KTF thread... :thumbsup:
Not mentioned KTF, Bleater and scissors have, all i was showing is how often the repeat, is in the 1st 10 spins, so vaddi said find the magic #, did he say 6 and 10 and slowly this magic # of 8 appeared.
So if you look at the checkpoints you'll see 78% of 1st 10 spins gives a repeat.
Anyway you soldier on with the search, scissors won't help
Quote from: nottophammer on Jul 18, 03:28 PM 2018
Not mentioned KTF, Bleater and scissors have, all i was showing is how often the repeat, is in the 1st 10 spins, so vaddi said find the magic #, did he say 6 and 10 and slowly this magic # of 8 appeared.
So if you look at the checkpoints you'll see 78% of 1st 10 spins gives a repeat.
Anyway you soldier on with the search, scissors won't help
Yes, the 78% stood out to me, I was surprised it was that high. :thumbsup:
Jun is helping a lot actually, he plays a version of Vaddis that's unique to him, higher than standard numbers. Any conversation is good conversation as long as it's productive.
Guys like Mako stimulates good positive energy. Well mannered and well spoken. It often reflects how a person is in daily life.
Notto you can't brute force your way into people helping, especially in how you talk. Too chavvy, "mate". That's your whole aura. People (onlookers) on here know better, they can see who knows what.
I've said numerous times I play under the 18 numbers and above 8. But not just eight. I've tested tens of thousands of spin cycles. I'm well aware how many uniques and doubles can happen and in what ranges or frequencies.
There's is not much that I can contribute to vaddi's method anymore. His thread on MM was pretty clear, the only thing you have to figure out is the amount of numbers to play and understanding the pairings and when to "switch".
And the correct amount of bankroll! The one on MM is not correct.
Quote from: junscissorhands on Jul 18, 03:56 PM 2018
And the correct amount of bankroll! The one on MM is not correct.
I presume it should much larger than that.
Quote from: Canam on Jul 18, 04:28 PM 2018
I presume it should much larger than that.
At least double of the original one.
Hi.Does anyone know how to contact moderator privately.?
Quote from: Canam on Jul 19, 12:28 PM 2018Hi.Does anyone know how to contact moderator privately.?
Report to moderator.
But you must be logged in.
Quote from: Badger on Jul 19, 03:04 PM 2018
Report to moderator.
But you must be logged in.
Its about privacy issue .I don't want to make it public .
Quote from: Canam on Jul 19, 04:01 PM 2018
Its about privacy issue .I don't want to make it public .
use Report to Moderator. Only Mods can see it
Or, PM me or Iggiv.
This will be my last post as well, I think I've left enough crumbs for people to find their (own) version of Vaddi's.
Besides, there's not much added value here and most of the stuff is really recycled stuff that will never ever work.
There are no really good conversations with depth like the good old days, sadly.
Read my posts carefully and think hard.
Hope some of you will do well, keep searching and keep winning.
I think you expect to be kicked out of here, rather...
Quote from: junscissorhands on Jul 20, 07:35 AM 2018
Hope some of you will do well, keep searching and keep winning.
Well... i'll give it a read this 59 pages. Probably a lot of bs and b!tching but i'll try .... thx for the tip :thumbsup:
Quote from: Bigbroben on Jul 20, 08:16 AM 2018
I think you expect to be kicked out of here, rather...
Ah its only a forum. Dont take things to seriously. Who knows he's actually a good guy. Or not. Its 50/50 :xd:
Quote from: denzie on Jul 20, 08:19 AM 2018
Ah its only a forum. Dont take things to seriously. Who knows he's actually a good guy. Or not. Its 50/50 :xd:
Quote from: junscissorhands on Jul 19, 09:44 AM 2018why not stick to one system and test hundreds of sessions? It's way less time consuming creating more and more than to refine one, just one.
Best he said
A lot of weird things happening here... the good guys are leaving and we “the rest†have to survive with the idiots !
It doesn’t only stink, it smells as shit too !
Quote from: junscissorhands on Jul 20, 07:35 AM 2018
This will be my last post as well, I think I've left enough crumbs for people to find their (own) version of Vaddi's.
Besides, there's not much added value here and most of the stuff is really recycled stuff that will never ever work.
There are no really good conversations with depth like the good old days, sadly.
Read my posts carefully and think hard.
Hope some of you will do well, keep searching and keep winning.
Good luck,Junscissorhands.
Quote from: Roulettebeater on Jul 20, 09:06 AM 2018A lot of weird things happening here... the good guys are leaving and we “the rest†have to survive with the idiots !
It doesn’t only stink, it smells as shit too !
Exact !!
Quote from: Roulettebeater on Jul 20, 09:06 AM 2018
A lot of weird things happening here... the good guys are leaving and we “the rest†have to survive with the idiots !
It doesn’t only stink, it smells as shit too !
Nah, think about it: Right now winning methods are being played by more forum members than at any point previously...and thanks to their contributions it's possible to nearly replicate or self-generate most of them.
Each of us must ask ourselves at all times: Am I part of the problem, or am I part of the solution?If you log on just to shoot others down, even if you know they're full of shit, or scam artists, or dumbfucks, you're part of the problem.
Remember that the enemy is the game, not each other.
Quote from: Mako on Jul 20, 01:21 PM 2018
Nah, think about it: Right now winning methods are being played by more forum members than at any point previously...and thanks to their contributions it's possible to nearly replicate or self-generate most of them.
Each of us must ask ourselves at all times: Am I part of the problem, or am I part of the solution?
If you log on just to shoot others down, even if you know they're full of shit, or scam artists, or dumbfucks, you're part of the problem.
Remember that the enemy is the game, not each other.
I give credits to what you mentioned especially you look smart and have decent opinion, at least that’s what i see in your photo :xd:
But think about it again, people like Denzie, turbo, Andre,cht etc have contributed lots to this forum, suddenly they don’t feel well and want to leave...
This is not a good sign, isn’t it ?
Quote from: Roulettebeater on Jul 20, 03:57 PM 2018
I give credits to what you mentioned especially you look smart and have decent opinion, at least that’s what i see in your photo :xd:
But think about it again, people like Denzie, turbo, Andre,cht etc have contributed lots to this forum, suddenly they don’t feel well and want to leave...
This is not a good sign, isn’t it ?
Haha yes the likeness is very accurate I can assure you... :twisted:
But towards your point, we can't control what others do, we can only control ourselves on a daily basis.
CHT left by the way not out of some great social injustice cause, but because he feels he has a grail.
He's been winning lately, and his idea of "thanks" to anyone here whose posts he enjoyed, or who potentially helped him to lock down his process, was to just ride on out into the sunset.
Sometimes people leaving isn't an example of them being upset at the atmosphere, their reasons are their reasons. But again, we can't control what others do...we have to just work each day towards the main goal: Consistent winning.
Anything else is superfluous, unimportant. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Great posts Mako. I just finished reading through the MODI 1 thread and it's refreshing to see your level headed responses, but I must admit the Junscissorhands vs Passionruletta battle to prove who knows Vaddi's Grail better is pretty amusing haha.
Quote from: Gandhi on Jul 21, 01:53 AM 2018
Great posts Mako. I just finished reading through the MODI 1 thread and it's refreshing to see your level headed responses, but I must admit the Junscissorhands vs Passionruletta battle to prove who knows Vaddi's Grail better is pretty amusing haha.
Haha yes if it's a slow day they can provide some free entertainment for sure. :twisted: :twisted:
Don't worry bleater is still here for entertainment
Quote from: junscissorhands on Jul 18, 03:11 PM 2018
Roulettebeater, don't bother.
I'm not bothered by notto, all that guy has posted in the last couple of years are useless graphs, basically him talking to himself with random graphs about his KTF crap or mpr crap, yawn boring. There are a few of them here, notto, proofreaders and few others posting and recycling the same old crap again and again and again. They are fighting the same fight for years. Instead of cash they have their graphs, numbers and lines, because it makes them look pro, educated. When u tell them the truth, you step on their little toe and they barf like wild dogs. Keep chasing the bone that is glued onto your forehead. So don't bother, those guys have an IQ of an Ant.
Excuse me?? And where is your Grail?? sound like a real dick.......
Quote from: junscissorhands on Jul 18, 03:11 PM 2018
Roulettebeater, don't bother.
I'm not bothered by notto, all that guy has posted in the last couple of years are useless graphs, basically him talking to himself with random graphs about his KTF crap or mpr crap, yawn boring. There are a few of them here, notto, proofreaders and few others posting and recycling the same old crap again and again and again. They are fighting the same fight for years. Instead of cash they have their graphs, numbers and lines, because it makes them look pro, educated. When u tell them the truth, you step on their little toe and they barf like wild dogs. Keep chasing the bone that is glued onto your forehead. So don't bother, those guys have an IQ of an Ant.
Caleb, you are an idiot.
Keepontryin, if you can't type out a name then don't try. Something wrong with your fingers? Lepra?
A real dick yes, sounds like you're a fake one, pussy.
seriously thats all you can say..........your name is a waste of time to everything else you have to say......bye bye little man
Time to print? What on earth are you fucking talking about?
If you can't manage a conversation then please don't. If you want to personally attack me then at least make some preparations. Now you just look like a dipshit.
Little man? You crack me up. Oh oh oh, maybe this forum is fun just to talk to idiots like you. Useless.
RG, I don't know what your grudge is against Caleb, I am not him.
So feel free to continue your ramblings about him, name-calling and such. I don't care, just feel sorry for the man. :)
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jul 21, 04:23 PM 2018
Caleb, you are an idiot.
agreed, he is !
Quote from: junscissorhands on Jul 20, 07:35 AM 2018
This will be my last post as well, I think I've left enough crumbs for people to find their (own) version of Vaddi's.
This is a forum user fallacy. You never really can quit.
At least I can agree with you on that.
The entertainment value on here is way too high. Better than reading comics in my opinion.
Especially when I see people chasing that little pot of gold, but all they see is a mirage. Blinded idiots.
Quote from: junscissorhands on Jul 20, 07:35 AM 2018
I think I've left enough crumbs for people to find their (own) version of Vaddi's.
I have to disagree with you on that...
Quote from: Bigbroben on Jul 22, 08:54 AM 2018
This is a forum user fallacy. You never really can quit.
Wouldn't be surprised if Vaddi observes these threads and is having a good laugh at everyone fighting over his clues and at the guys that believe they have figured it out.
First post : I'm still studying this .
For me balance relates to 3 things
1)bet vs profit. and how you stay in the game longer to hit those profits
When a number hits ex. 14 you bet that Number (most recent) , you also bet 15 - for balance, but this sacrifices your bank roll... so whats the solution... bet 1unit on 14, bet 14-15 on split. If 15 hits you break even (the balance). If it hits 14 your up by 36units - 16 number bet
2 Balance per cycle between Repeaters 12.33, Singles 12.33 & No hit 12.33 ( sleepers
3) each Number that appears updates your 37 spin cycle... so your sleepers become singles, your singles become repeaters, ad repeaters become sleepers.
Not really sure how to go about testing in bulk. - so any help on this is appreciated. been testing on RS manually.
*This thread could be more informative if we remember the casino is the enemy not the people on the forums.
The odds of any repeated number, given a fair wheel, is 1/38. So you should be seeing it a few times per game .
First you need to know the formula for the probability of a repeat repeat number with exactly n spins. That probability is 1-(37/38)*(36/38)*...*((38-n+1)/38). Here are some values by n:
2 0.026316
3 0.077562
4 0.150386
5 0.239819
6 0.339843
7 0.444078
8 0.546485
9 0.641962
10 0.726760
11 0.798666
12 0.856947
13 0.902121
14 0.935606
15 0.959330
16 0.975384
17 0.985749
18 0.992124
19 0.995855
20 0.997927
21 0.999018
22 0.999561
23 0.999815
24 0.999927
25 0.999973
26 0.999991
27 0.999997
28 0.999999
Let f(n) be the probability of a repeat within n spins. Let g(n) be the proability that the first repeat is on exactly the nth spin. Then g(n)=f(n)-f(n-1). Here are some values for g(n)
2 0.026316
3 0.051247
4 0.072824
5 0.089433
6 0.100024
7 0.104235
8 0.102407
9 0.095477
10 0.084799
11 0.071905
12 0.058281
13 0.045175
14 0.033485
15 0.023724
16 0.016054
17 0.010365
18 0.006376
19 0.003731
20 0.002073
21 0.001091
22 0.000543
23 0.000254
24 0.000112
25 0.000046
26 0.000018
27 0.000006
28 0.000002
29 0.000001
Then you take the dot product of the above table to get the expected number of spins, which is...
2*0.026316 + 3*0.051247 + 4*0.072824 + ... = 8.408795574
Any set of 8 spins. on average 54% (about 5 out of 9)
will show at least one repeat, maybe more.
of course that is still the probability too.
Now all is clear!? It is not profitable!
An idea to ponder :)
Natural splits: Mirror, same column
These go together: 1/4, 31/34: 2/5, 32/35: 3/6, 33/36
7/10, 25/28: 8/11, 26/29: 9/12, 27/30: 13/16, 19/22
14/17, 20/23: 15/18, 21/24
Bet the newest two outcomes' splits and their High/Low counterpart
once (eight numbers in play). Repeat steps with each new outcome.
*If zero shows bet that number and the regular four splits.
(in this cast nine numbers in play for up to eight spins)
Bankroll suggestion: 60 units
*Actually (a chip on zero(s) seems to work :thumbsup:
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Wednesday, August 15,2018 @ 12:06am CDT USA
...29,16 (newest spin-value)
Bet 26/29, 13/16 &
same column mirror splits-19/22, 8/11, 0/00: 1.) 33(x)-5
Bet 33/36, 13/16 & 3/6, 19/22, 0/00: 2.) 2(x)-5
Bet 2/5, 33/36 & 32/35, 3/6, 0/00: 3.) 7(x)-5
Bet 2/5, 7/10 & 32/35, 25/28, 0/00: 4.) 22(x)-5
Bet 19/22, 7/10 & 13/16, 25/28, 0/00: 5.) 00(win)+13
(Repeat last bet) 6.) 34(x)-5
Bet 31/34, 19/22 & 1/4, 13/16, 0/00: 7.) 3(x)-5
Bet 31/34, 3/6 & 1/4, 33/36, 0/00: 8.) 32(x)-5
Bet 32/35,3/6 & 2/5, 33/36, 0/00: 9.) 00(win)+13
(repeat last bet) 10.) 6(win)+13
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Wednesday, August 15,2018 @ 12:18am CDT USA
...36,35 (newest spin-value)
Bet 33/36, 32/35 & 3/6, 2/5, 0: 1.) 35(win)+13
so how much $$$ does the vaddis holy grail make per hour if you are playing rapid roulette at 50 spins per hour ?
tbh that's a good question
Vaddi's exact system is still a mystery
(though there are some that claim they have figured out his clues.)
I think I read somewhere it was on average one unit per spin.
Quote from: Bigbroben on Aug 16, 09:53 PM 2018
I think I read somewhere it was on average one unit per spin.
Not a chance in hell.
If you for example have this sequence 4, 12, 22, 35, 32, 21, 10, 1. Bet this 8 numbers plus the over and under number. Can be maximum 24 numbers. Bet maximum 8 times stop when in plus. Do another 8 numbers. Maybe it's already tried? I can't stop thinking about Vaddis.
I had such an option yesterday.
I played the last eight numbers and one number up and one down, when the numbers overlapped, the stakes on these numbers were higher, as were the repeaters rates on these numbers were higher.
The only thing I played differently, I played every spin on roling bases, always the last 8 numbers, always 24 units, no matter how many numbers I played.
At the beginning, the results surprised me after 150 spins, I was 427 units on the plus
But the further I played on 273 spin I was already below zero.
Quote from: ozon on Aug 18, 03:23 PM 2018
I had such an option yesterday.
I played the last eight numbers and one number up and one down, when the numbers overlapped, the stakes on these numbers were higher, as were the repeaters rates on these numbers were higher.
The only thing I played differently, I played every spin on roling bases, always the last 8 numbers, always 24 units, no matter how many numbers I played.
At the beginning, the results surprised me after 150 spins, I was 427 units on the plus
But the further I played on 273 spin I was already below zero.
well obviously
thats not vaddis
well looking at this yesterday
will the last 8 outcomes....and its flatbetting
we know in that form it doesnt work
so vaddis needsto leave easier clues.
or those that have cliamed to have worked it out .it would b lovely for them to leave clues .
so a ten year old child to understand it :twisted:
Could it be a 16 number bet? The last 8 numbers and the opposite number directly across from the wheel?
Example 8 hits so you bet 7 and 8
20 hit you bet 19 and 20.
You do this with the last 8 numbers and add the opposite number? I honestly don't know. Just throwing it out there.
Example 8 hits so you bet 7 and 8-Irish88
I remember the clue 8x3=24--(24 numbers?)
So, eight unique singles and the number numerically above and below?
7,8 & 9-with #8 being the unique?
Who cares.
Title: Re: Wish I could openly share Roulette Grail
Post by: Vaddi on June 07, 2013, 07:39:38 PM
Roulette numbers have three states:
1. No hits (0)
2. Single hits (1)
3. Doubles + (2)
After a 37 spin cycle, this is what you'll typically see:
In this case:
11 no-hits
12 singles
11 doubles +
Singles (12) and doubles (11) nearly 50 / 50. (in balance)
If doubles aren't dropping, that means singles are dropping.
And if singles aren't dropping, that means doubles are dropping.
Double-hit ranges:
7 numbers: hit range = 1 - 14 (14th spin hits 7th spin)
8 numbers: hit range = 1 - 15 (15th spin hits 8th spin)
9 numbers: hit range = 1 - 16 (16th spin hits 9th spin)
10 numbers: hit range = 1 - 17 (17th spin hits 10th spin)
You can't hit all the doubles all the time because -- depending on the magic number you choose -- the distance between say #20 dropping again, might be 25 spins later (outside the hit ranges above), but during that gap of 25 spins, singles are dropping like crazy, so how do you take advantage of the singles as well?
I was expecting a few veterans to figure out that the missing part of the puzzle is a way to bet that also capitalizes on balance by also thinking about singles, not just doubles.
- Vaddi
Title: Re: Wish I could openly share Roulette Grail
Post by: Vaddi on June 07, 2013, 08:35:53 PM
Always bear in mind that roulette is about balance.
You had one side: the doubles
To create balance, you now have the flip side / other side of the coin: the singles
The fundamentals of the grail have not changed. The betting method still stands, but there is one betting adjustment that must be made on the table to take advantage of those two sides at the very same time and to take advantage of balance.
When the wheel spits out doubles, you're there.
When the wheel spits out singles, you're there.
Roulette starts with the (0) state:
37 numbers with no hits.
But it's a law that it must change to something like this, every 37 spins:
- Vaddi
Title: Re: Wish I could openly share Roulette Grail
Post by: Vaddi on June 08, 2013, 09:55:39 AM
I don't like the word newbie. So, I'll say ...
If you are relatively new to player roulette, you might be spending a lot of time scratching your head trying to figure out the last practical piece to the puzzle. In which case: find a friend, associate, or acquaintance who has intermediate or advanced level experience.
BTW, ...
When you solve the final part of the puzzle, you will realize that you have a balanced integrated system that impacts on ...
- Non-hits (sleepers) (0)
- Singles (1)
- Doubles + (Repeaters) (2)
And, of course: each round of 37 spins, begins with 37 sleepers.
But at the end of those 37 spins: the sleepers, singles, and repeaters are close in number of occurrences (give or take a difference of say... +1, or +2).
- Vaddi
Think I might have figure out a piece of the puzzle here. But first, need to know what are the average odds that a repeater falls between spin 9 through 16? And what is the average number of repeaters in this spin range?
Do you mean a first repeater to hit from spins 9 to 16, or you mean the spin gap between the 2 occurences of a repeating nr?
Average nr of repeaters from spin 9 to 16? Should be easy to find.
P.S. "Follow what the wheel does". Are you thinking of following the wheel but not from too close, like 9 spins (or any other) behind?
It just occurred to me this:
Track until you get eight once.
If miss repeat tracking a new eight uniques, repeat.
Boring maybe, but Bankroll friendly.
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Aug 19, 10:33 PM 2018
It just occurred to me this:
Track until you get eight once.
If miss repeat tracking a new eight uniques, repeat.
Boring maybe, but Bankroll friendly.
Why do you need to wait for eight unique? Why can't you just make up the "eight unique" numbers at random?
Just following part of Vaddi's instructions
If just choosing any random numbers worked it would
defeat the original purpose of the Roulette wheel.
bday.tMax.dist.cum(38)#38 Roulette numbers
Time difference of 0.009552002 secs
[1] "for 38 items, mean:8.4088 "
Draw X Draw X Prob cumulative: (X or less)
[1,] 1 0 0
[2,] 2 0.026315789474 0.026315789474
[3,] 3 0.051246537396 0.07756232687
[4,] 4 0.072824026826 0.1503863537
[5,] 5 0.0894330154 0.2398193691
[6,] 6 0.10002376722 0.33984313632
[7,] 7 0.10423529427 0.44407843059
[8,] 8 0.10240660489 0.54648503548
[9,] 9 0.095476834636 0.64196187011
[10,] 10 0.084798504447 0.72676037456
[11,] 11 0.071905164589 0.79866553915
[12,] 12 0.058281028141 0.85694656729
[13,] 13 0.045174768224 0.90212133551
[14,] 14 0.033484806271 0.93560614179
[15,] 15 0.023724053026 0.95933019481
[16,] 16 0.016053870469 0.97538406528
[17,] 17 0.010364604092 0.98574866937
[18,] 18 0.0063755952804 0.99212426465
[19,] 19 0.0037306114799 0.99585487613
[20,] 20 0.0020725619333 0.99792743807
[21,] 21 0.0010908220701 0.99901826014
[22,] 22 0.00054254045067 0.99956080059
[23,] 23 0.00025427334405 0.99981507393
[24,] 24 0.00011192893614 0.99992700287
[25,] 25 4.6103451955e-05 0.99997310632
[26,] 26 1.7693210729e-05 0.99999079953
[27,] 27 6.2950581329e-06 0.99999709459
[28,] 28 2.0643712905e-06 0.99999915896
[29,] 29 6.1971379872e-07 0.99999977867
[30,] 30 1.6890695642e-07 0.99999994758
[31,] 31 4.1383737053e-08 0.99999998896
[32,] 32 9.0027778853e-09 0.99999999797
[33,] 33 1.7119034349e-09 0.99999999968
[34,] 34 2.787474343e-10 0.99999999996
[35,] 35 3.7788727138e-11 1 <<<<too lazy to make this more accurate!
[36,] 36 4.0947537147e-12 1
[37,] 37 3.3250631668e-13 1
[38,] 38 1.7986452803e-14 1
[39,] 39 4.8612034602e-16 1
almost forgot sim data
1 million sets of 8 spins
results from 0 repeats to 1 to 6
group middle freq freq/100
-0.5 <= x < 0.50 0.00 453851 45.39%
0.50 <= x < 1.50 1.00 409193 40.92%
1.50 <= x < 2.50 2.00 121785 12.18%
2.50 <= x < 3.50 3.00 14465 1.45%
3.50 <= x < 4.50 4.00 693 0.07%
4.50 <= x < 5.50 5.00 12 0.00%
5.50 <= x < 6.50 6.00 1 0.00%
THE GENERAL I have long been know it.
we must not forget about the variance!
Quote from: Bigbroben on Aug 19, 08:00 PM 2018
Do you mean a first repeater to hit from spins 9 to 16, or you mean the spin gap between the 2 occurences of a repeating nr?
Average nr of repeaters from spin 9 to 16? Should be easy to find.
P.S. "Follow what the wheel does". Are you thinking of following the wheel but not from too close, like 9 spins (or any other) behind?
Average # of repeaters from spin 9-16
You know I could give you a short answer and say: about 2,1 but I'll dissect this shorg answer in a long one once I get to my computer and my mistress Excel!
Well with all of Nottos hard work it seems to work this way:
Spins 1-10 1 repeat
Spins 11-20 3 repeats
Spins 21-30 5 repeats
Spins 31-40 7 repeats
Wrong, wrong, wrong.
That thread on MM has been there for so many bloody years. I simply cannot believe the majority here can't even decode such simple clues. Maybe it's time to stop digging and pack your bags because this is simply going nowhere.
Quote from: Bigbroben on Aug 20, 09:05 PM 2018
You know I could give you a short answer and say: about 2,1 but I'll dissect this shorg answer in a long one once I get to my computer and my mistress Excel!
Here, results of 8109 cycles with nrs:
Amount of repeaters from spin 9 to 16:
Min: 0
Max: 7
Average: 2,166
Median: 2
(link::// (link:://
Short answer long.
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Aug 21, 10:41 AM 2018
[quote author = junscissorhands link = topic = 15824.msg208560 # msg208560 date = 1534837604]
Wrong, wrong, wrong.
That thread on MM has been there for so many bloody years. I simply can not believe the majority here can not even decode such simple clues. Maybe it's time to stop digging and pack your bags because this is simply going nowhere.
[/ quote]
Each one has discovered it in their own way, because you think that your way of seeing it is the one that fulfills the one of vaddis? I found my way about vaddis, but now I am getting beyond knowing something like the dovecot principle, which is a very powerful weapon to solve problems and it seems that it is something related to the because of the vaddis.
But you because you think what you do about vaddis is right and what we see the rest is not?
Show results or do some tests that are visible for everyone to see.
Clues huh? ::)
It's like searching for clues to make a box of stupid work.
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Aug 21, 10:41 AM 2018
now I am getting beyond knowing something like the dovecot principle, which is a very powerful weapon to solve problems
Hi PassionRuleta ,
please show us one problem that
you were able to solve with the
dovecot principle.
Thank you very much.
Hey guys :) New idea to try
Single number builder system with a twist
Start by betting #0 as the first number.
(Also bet single #0 on the American wheel as a start)
As each number shows bet that number along with the last one
Example: Bet #0: 1.) #22
Bet 0,22: 2.) #13
Bet 0,22,13...
**if there is a hit during the singles builder
portion restart with #0 bet or end session (if in profit)
If you get to eight numbers in play bet zero and the last seven
newest outcomes (eight numbers in play) continuously until in profit.
Bankroll suggestion: 132 units
Why is 8 so special in Vaddi, is it the, if win on spin 8, break even.
Proof I have been recording a set of spins daily for 966 days, this one set is aired on television, get between 60 spins maybe up to 90 plus spins; the point is this.
The 1st 10 spins give a repeat more often than 10/10;
Proof the last 354 days of the 966 games, I’ve been recording how betting the 10 spins do.
I would use if I was to play this way 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,3 progression.
This progression is +448; it was as high as 800 units.
The downfall is when 10/10 happens, 10/10 has grouped in 2’s quite often, but it is still plus.
(link::// (link:://
The above is +78
And below is +126
(link::// (link:://
But just 2 groups of 10/10 do a lot of damage to the profit.
In fact, although 10/10 hits less often the profit is not worth the risk.
(link::// (link:://
Quote from: nottophammer on Sep 15, 05:01 AM 2018
Why is 8 so special in Vaddi, is it the, if win on spin 8, break even.
Proof I have been recording a set of spins daily for 966 days, this one set is aired on television, get between 60 spins maybe up to 90 plus spins; the point is this.
The 1st 10 spins give a repeat more often than 10/10;
Proof the last 354 days of the 966 games, I’ve been recording how betting the 10 spins do.
I would use if I was to play this way 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,3 progression.
This progression is +448; it was as high as 800 units.
The downfall is when 10/10 happens, 10/10 has grouped in 2’s quite often, but it is still plus.
(link::// (link:://
The above is +78
And below is +126
(link::// (link:://
But just 2 groups of 10/10 do a lot of damage to the profit.
In fact, although 10/10 hits less often the profit is not worth the risk.
(link::// (link:://
Vaddis original idea was the 8 number bet then increased bet size for two spins I think making it a ten step bet before he did his hg thread
Could have been 3 steps can’t remember off hand as it’s in my pc at home
Why is 8 so special in Vaddi, is it the, if win on spin 8, break even-Notto
Yes, it was for that reason.
Thanks for all of your research Notto.
@all: I've noticed over a two year period, number zero tends
to hit more than once in 37/38 spins in a Live wheel setting.
Upon closer examination...
It's the twice-hit singles you have to watch.
Seven, eight, or nine usually appear
within 37 spins and to my surprise are quite active.
Here's Track Four to help track
Just tried a session with a slight tweak:
*When you collect seven singles that have two or more hits bet those seven
continuously. If an eight and ninth single hits more than once bet those also.
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Thursday, November 1,2018 @ 10:34pm CDT USA
(also used Track Four software for tracking)
28,19,35,24,27,16,20,36,16,0 (newest spin-value)
Singles that have more than one hit: 16,24,25,36,20,28,5
Bet 16,24,25,36,20,28,5: 1.) 30(x)-7
2.) 13(x)-7 3.) 31(x)-7 4.) 19(x)-7*
New repeat single added
Bet 16,24,25,36,20,28,5,19: 5.) 13(x)-8*
New repeat single added
Bet 16,24,25,36,20,28,5,19,13: 6.) 24(win)+27
Bet 16,24,25,36,20,28,5,19,13: 7.) 19(win)+27
Proof do you know the 36*1,5,25,+ method
no haven't heard of it
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Friday, November 2,2018 @ 10:22pm CDT USA
24,19,3,34,15,24,18,34,11,0,8,28,8,5,22,9,00,26,30 (newest spin-value)
Singles that have hit more than once: 30,35,8,22,23,24,34
Bet 30,35,8,22,23,24,34: 1.) 6(x)-7*
New repeat single added
Bet 30,35,8,22,23,24,34,6: 2.) 13(x)-8
Bet 30,35,8,22,23,24,34,6: 3.) 27(x)-8
Bet 30,35,8,22,23,24,34,6: 4.) 30(win)+28
Bet 30,35,8,22,23,24,34,6: 5.) 00(x)-8
New repeat single added
Bet 30,35,8,22,23,24,34,6,00: 6.) 34(win)+27
Bet 30,35,8,22,23,24,34,6,00: 7.) 22(win)+27
Vaddis HG if played correctly together with cycle count, parallel universe and frequency distribution gives amazing results
(This game in the image below starts with 10units betsize)
The problem is almost everyone is doing it wrongly
You won't get the results if you don't have MATH behind your design
Random has limits ------- Turbo
Exploit this FACT !
Make sure you understand the MATH first
Quote from: luckyfella on Nov 03, 04:43 AM 2018
(This game in the image below starts with 10units betsize)
The problem is almost everyone is doing it wrongly
You won't get the results if you don't have MATH behind your design
Hi luckyfella,
show us some MATH ! and the promised picture :thumbsup:
Quote from: Herby on Nov 03, 07:05 AM 2018
Hi luckyfella,
show us some MATH ! and the promised picture :thumbsup:
The picture shows a graph of 25000units profit played over 272spins on RS at 5units betsize
(steve has to approve the pic for you to see it)The MATH involves your understanding of the word
LIMITMost people understand
LIMIT as the common basic -
20reds in a row
Or #20 sleeps for 400+ spins
Or 12repeaters in 37spins
If you understand it this way, your understanding is limited
Ofc it shows variance is a huge monster that kills your br
Reconfigure your understanding of
If you are betting
opposite red=black, don't think of how many total consecutive reds
Instead think of how many consecutive blacks
(minimum gap is one example, google to read up on TGs work)
Plot the frequency distribution to reveal the details for target betting
Read my post on how to properly use positive and negative progression
The ONLY way to win is to mathematically reconfigure RANDOM to reveal the
LIMITThe best help I have given on any forum
Parallal universe in roulette . Omg 😲
U wont find any of the glory hole people( sorry i mean pegion hole) and different stream ( aka parallar stream)come up with an example. No need to make so much drama while u r playing red black. Valid is just simple.
Toying with this idea :)
Note the newest High outcome
and the newest Low outcome.
Bet those two respectively and the
next numerically higher number once.
Repeat steps for each new spin-value.
Stop when in profit.
Bankroll suggestion: 48 units
Example: 12,35 (newest outcome)
Bet 12,13 & 35,36 once: 1.) 24(x)
Bet 12,13 & 24,25 once....
Hi Lucky,
would you regard this as a definition for a limit?
"for a nonempty, finite bag of real numbers, the maximum is at least the average (and the minimum is at most the average)."
Quote from: luckyfella on Nov 03, 10:52 AM 2018The best help I have given on any forum
Hi luckyfella,
thank you for your answer.
I just found your answer now and have to work about it. :thumbsup:
New idea :)
Bankroll suggestion: 144 units
Track until you have seven consecutive unique singles.
Bet those seven once.
When you have eight uniques bet those eight once.
When you have nine unique singles bet those once.
If all three attempts miss restart tracking new uniques.
Stop when in profit.
So a cost of 24. Not a bad idea.
Could code this with Excel. Other conditions? If, say, a hit but not in profit? Ex: hit on second bet with 9nrs.
Other conditions? If, say, a hit but not in
profit? Ex: hit on second bet with 9nrs.-Bigbroben
Start over tracking new unique singles.
Ok so, if no hit after 9 nrs, let go until a repeater comes, then retrack, or after 9, play 7nrs right away?
Ok so, if no hit after 9 nrs...Bigbroben
Start over tracking new unique singles.
(Remember to keep track of your bankroll)
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Friday, November 16,2018 @ 9:07pm CST USA
...15,35,27,6,10,11,34 (newest spin-value)
Bet the last seven consecutive unique singles once:
1.) 25(x)-7
Bet the last eight consecutive unique singles once:
2.) 3(x)-8
Bet the last nine consecutive unique singles once:
3.) 36(x)-9
Track seven new consecutive unique singles.
...23,30,13,11,6,14,32 (newest spin-value)
Bet the last seven unique singles once:
4.) 29(x)-7
Bet the last eight unique singles once:
5.) 2(x)-8
Bet the last nine unique singles once:
6.) 23(win)+27
Track seven new consecutive unique singles.
...0,2,25,34,28,18,16 (newest spin-value)
Bet the last seven unique singles once.
7.) 36(x)-7
Bet the last eight unique singles once.
8.) 18(win)+28
Grand total: +9 units
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Friday, November 16,2018 @ 9:43pm CDT USA
...11,22,34,9,5,27,28 (newest spin-value)
Bet the last seven consecutive unique singles once:
1.) 4(x)-7
Bet the last eight consecutive unique singles once:
2.) 8(x)-8
Bet the last nine consecutive unique singles once:
3.) 36(x)-9
Track seven new consecutive unique singles.
...2,34,29,14,32,19,27 (newest spin-value)
Bet the last seven consecutive unique singles once:
4.) 36(x)-7
Bet the last eight consecutive unique singles once:
5.) 7(x)-8
Bet the last nine consecutive unique singles once:
6.) 27(win)+27
Track seven new consecutive unique singles.
...34,1,9,32,27,6,13 (newest spin-value)
Bet the last seven consecutive unique singles once:
7.) 00(x)-7
Bet the last eight consecutive unique singles once:
8.) 30(x)-8
Bet the last nine unique singles once:
9.) 19(x)-9
Track seven new consecutive unique singles.
...5,32,33,34,31,00,11 (newest spin-value)
Bet the last seven consecutive unique singles:
1.) 31(win)+29
Track seven new consecutive unique singles.
...8,20,17,32,4,33,30 (newest spin-value)
Bet the last seven consecutive unique singles once.
1.) 30(win)+29
Grand total: +22 units
Hello Proof,
I coded it in Rx with a 25 steps progression.
Reached Step 22 at spin 1665 and step 24 at step 1941, other than that, it won on 5200 dublin spins.
Need a huge BR, :twisted:
System "Normy bet 7,8,9 non hitter + 25 step prog"
Method "main"
While Starting a New Session
Call "Initialize"
put 7 to record "trigger" data
put 0 to record "try count" data
// Tracking
While on Each Spin
Call "Check for win/loss"
Track Last Number for 1 times to record "last number" layout
if record "last number" layout is found in record "tracked numbers" layout
Clear record "tracked numbers" layout
Track Last Number for 10 times to record "tracked numbers" layout
if record "try count" data >= 3
Clear record "tracked numbers" layout
put 0 to record "try count" data
if record "tracked numbers" layout count >= record "trigger" data
Put 100% of record "progression" data to record "tracked numbers" layout list
add 1 to record "try count" data
// ************************************************************************
//routine to deal with any losses
Method "Check for win/loss"
if Total inside bets count = 0
If Any Number Bet has won each time
Clear record "tracked numbers" layout
Put 1 on record "progression" data index
put 0 to record "try count" data
If Record "progression" Data Index < Record "progression" Data Count
add 1 on record "progression" data index
put 1 on record "progression" data index
// ************************************************************************
Method "Initialize"
Load Single Wheel
// Set List [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1] to Record "progression" Data
Set List [1,1,1,1,2,2,3,4,5,6,8,10,13,17,22,28,36,47,59,76,101,125,161,215,267] to Record "progression" Data
Put 1 on record "progression" data index
Clear record "tracked numbers" layout
Put 1 on record "progression" data
put 0 to record "try count" data
// ************************************************************************
Same spins, flat bet.
thanks for testing Normy2000
About step 2 of Vaddis:
It's 88888 (if the number is 8 ) then on a hit, 7.
What after that? Is it back to 8 or would it be 7777 then another hit, 6666, then 5555 until down to 1111, so seeking ever shorter gaps?
Add to that the pairs...
I wonder.
I did exploit Excel to extract the following information:
Question was: how many times a number will hit before the other number in the pair hits?
So I ran many times -10k trials of 1000 spins-, each gathering the infos for every 18 pairs (disregard zero).
It turns out, no matter which type of pair one uses (37pair, +18pair, +1pair, whatever), there is 51% times a number will hit once before the other number hits. I had expect it to be exactly at 50%, but they all average 50,9%, 51%.
Here is a sample:
(link::// (link:://
So, top right, there were 4 918 244 switches in a 10k x 1000 spins. A switch happens when the other nr in the pair arrives.
Of these 4918244 switches, 2 505 587 times did the first nr hit once before the other one kicked in (2nd top left). So, an average of 50,94475%.
The other columns report how many times the nr hit twice, 3 times, 4 times... with a minimum, maximum, average and median value for all 1000 spins in a trial.
In all the 1000 spin test, the maximum a nr repeated before the other one hit was 26 ( in this sample), the minimum was 6. These value are consistent in all trials.
How do we take advantage of this?
From these nrs, a good way to play would be to remove the hit nr in the pair and keep the other unhit, as opposed to keeping the hit and removing the unhit.
Now, when to play both nrs, when to play only one? It needs still to be figured out.
Ben, can this be added to your number density recovery method, meaning removing the hit nrs from it under certain trigger circumstances and focusing on the pairs, and vice versa?
For sure,
there are 2 aspects to decide, how many nrs to play, and which ones to play.
The grinding recovery applies to how many.
About which ones, have a look at the following datas. The numbers in the pair are coming out this way. ( Mako, RCR, you know?)
Take pair 11, in this example. Say a 37pair, 11/26.
Sequence: 1,1,1,1,2,2,1,2,1,1,1,1,4,2,2,2,1,5,1,5,2,4,1.
So the nr out in the pair, if 11 was the first one to come.
Whereas pair 18 would have been: 1,1,9,1,1,3,1,2,...
So: 18,19,18,18,18,18,18,18,18,18,18,18,...
(link::// (link:://
So sequences with smaller runs and more switching (pair 8 ), will show profit if playing switch.
Pair 11 totalizes 23W/21L. Pair 14: 23/17
Now this doesn't tell how many spins it takes between hits, so we don't know how much every hit costs.
When adding the other nr on a loss, though, so at 2nrs, one is certain to hit it next time. Could it be then the time to play a run? Stay at 2nrs until next switch? Or the nr that's running only? Must be thought over.
Nevertheless, these reflexions are intriguing.
It is less of a big deal also when attempting to recover with nr density, because anyway at some point many pairs will be played with 2 nrs.
Comes another question: always keep one of the 2nrs or also delete the last one on a win? Depends, I guess, if reaching new highs, or new lows, or if playing an incomfortable amount of nrs. I like keeping the last nr in a pair when playing below 22nrs. I'd never keep one if playing 24 or more nrs, especially early in a recovery. (My feeling is the sweet spot is from 18 to 24 nrs using the grind).
Bref, 51% switch is already noteworthy.
Thanks for the input Bigbroben.
Remember a bettor usually has 15 to 20 seconds
to place a bet, so execution should be fairly simple.
Here's an idea :)
***Red or Black singles***
Bet the last four Red singles outcomes and one number numerically
higher (if the last decision is Red) and vice versa if the last decision is Black.
Example: 20,2,12,31,5,14,36,12 (newest spin-value)
Bet 12,13: 36,0: 14,15: 5,6 once: 1.) 13(x)-8
Bet 13,14: 31,32: 2,3: 20,21 once....
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Nov 20, 06:13 AM 2018
Here's an idea :)
***Red or Black singles***
Bet the last four Red singles outcomes and one number numerically
higher (if the last decision is Red) and vice versa if the last decision is Black.
Example: 20,2,12,31,5,14,36,12 (newest spin-value)
Bet 12,13: 36,0: 14,15: 5,6 once: 1.) 13(x)-8
Bet 13,14: 31,32: 2,3: 20,21 once....
Surprising start...
(link::// (link:://
Here's the file I created to calculate the Switch/Run sequences.
Reduced it to 500 spins so the files gets smaller than 1.5Mb.
If anyone sees an error that could radically change results, please share!
P.S.: find Waldo!
Fun isn't it?
Quote from: Bigbroben on Nov 20, 08:21 AM 2018
Surprising start...
(link::// (link:://
Seek and you shall find :thumbsup:
I'm hoping the Red-Black phenomena holds
Thanks for testing Bigbroben 8)
These are the only spins I tested though.
Quote from: Bigbroben on Nov 20, 09:35 AM 2018
Here's the file I created to calculate the Switch/Run sequences.
If anyone sees an error that could radically change results, please share!
Found it!
I was running tests win 10k spins per shot and saw the switch average went from 51% to 50.15. Then ran 37 spin tests and the switch average was 77%.
Thought: something wrong.
Indeed, if only the first switch per pair is taken into account, switches and run end up the same, in the long run. Since some pairs showed more switching than others, more 1s appeared, creating an unbalance in the calculations, which is diminished with ever longer spin tests.
So, yeah, 50/50, as expected.
Let's move on.
Alright then here's another idea :)
Bankroll suggestion: 216 units
Track until you have seven consecutive unique singles.
Bet that spin-value and the number numerically higher once.
Repeat betting the last decision outcome and the
higher number (always two numbers in play) until in profit.
Example: 21,0,13,9,18,3,14 (newest outcome)
Bet 14,15 once: 1.) 3(x)
Bet 3,4 once: 2.) 0(x)
Bet 0,1 once....
One more idea :)
Two Blacks,Two Reds Plus One
Procedure: Note the newest two Red and Black outcomes.
Bet those four and one number numerically higher once.
Example: 14,31,2,31,21 (newest spin-value)
Bet 14,15, 21,22 & 2,3, 31,32 once: 1.) 17(x)
Bet 14,15, 21,22 & 31,32, 17,18 once....
Bankroll suggestion: 192 total units
Some time to brainstorm, so here goes :)
Bankroll suggestion: 210 total units
Procedure: Track five consecutive unique singles (qualifier)
Flat-bet those five once. If miss
Bet the six consecutive unique singles. If miss
Bet the seven consecutive uniques...
If nine unique singles miss, restart tracking five new unique singles.
Stop when in profit.
Time for a new idea so here goes:
Bankroll suggestion: 180 units total
Procedure: Note the newest three unique singles outcomes.
Place *two* chips on each unique and one chip on
the number numerically higher (nine chips in play).
Repeat steps with the newest outcomes until in profit.
Example: 21,36,9 (newest outcome)
Bet #21 (two chips), #22: #36 (two chips), #0: #9 (two chips), #10 once: 1.) 13(x)-9
Bet #36 (two chips), #0: #9 (two chips), #10: 13 (two chips), #14 once...
Alright, a different approach:
Look at the marquee. Which singles have repeated in the last 12 spins?
Bet those singles and the number numerically higher continuously.
As more repeats show within 12 spins bet those also with its compliment
(Max eight numbers in play). Stop when in profit.
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Sunday, December 2,2018 @ 1:30pm CDT USA
19,18,24,5,5,36,17 (newest outcome)
Bet 18,19 13,14 5,6: 1.) 1(x)-6 2.) 14(win)+30
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Sunday, December 2,2018 @ 1:51pm CDT USA
...31,16,13,18,23,13,34,11,9,2,9 (newest spin-value)
Bet 13,14 9,10: 1.) 19(x)-4 2.) 5(x)-4
3.) 19(x)-4*
Bet 13,14 9,10 19,20: 4.) 18(x)-6
*according to Vaddi bet the number
numerically less if the higher number is not available.
Bet 13,14 9,10 19,20 *18,17: 5.) 16(x)-8
6.) 5(x)-8 7.) 29(x)-8 8.) 17(win)+28
9.) 4(x)-8
*Bet the newest four repeat singles with compliments
Bet 18,17 19,20 9,10 5,6
10.) 31(x)-8 11.) 27(x)-8 12.) 17(win)+28
*Bet the newest four repeat singles with compliments
Bet 19,20, 5,6, 9,10 17,18:
13.) 1(x)-8 14.) 12(x)-8 15.) 18(win)+28
Can't sleep, so here's another idea.
Bankroll suggestion: 165 total units
Track eight consecutive unique singles. Bet once.
If win (and in profit end session)
If miss restart tracking eight new unique singles...
last tweleve numbers ...find a gap of 4 spaces and bet them using a progression
This idea looks good atm:
---American Wheel Sectors of Four---
A.) 28,9,26,30 F.) 25,29,12,8
B.) 11,7,20,32 G.) 19,31,18,6
C.) 17,5,22,34 H.) 21,33,16,4
D.) 15,3,24,36 I.) 23,35,14,2
E.) 13,1,27,10
---European Wheel Sectors of Four---
A.) 32,15,19,4 F.) 16,33,1,20
B.) 21,2,25,17 G.) 14,31,9,22
C.) 34,6,27,13 H.) 18,29,7,28
D.) 36,11,30,8 I.) 12,35,3,26
E.) 23,10,5,24
Note the newest spin-value.
Bet the corresponding sector and one
numerically higher number's sector once.
Example: #13 (newest outcome)
Bet 34,6,27,13 & 14,31,9,22 & 0 once (European Wheel)
1.) 25(x)-9
Bet 21,2,25,17 & 12,35,3,26 & 0....
One more idea :D
Track four unique singles.
Qualifier is two High and two Low singles
Example: 12,34,36,10 (qualifier)
Bet those four unique singles once: 1.) 0(x)-4
Bet the five unique singles once: 2.) 13(x)-5
Bet the six uniques singles once....
If eight unique singles miss restart qualifier with new uniques.
Why 'track'?
Each spin is an independent event and the wheel has no memory. Right?
So what possible benifit or purpose could be gained by 'tracking'.
I'm noticing a (very short-term) consistent hit-rate with tracking that pattern.
*also jotting down notes on ideas (not to be taken too seriously)
When people say they can see patterns in random data it is the same as when people say they can see faces of evil spirits in the smoke clouds after 9/11
Stop trolling me!
I'm not, I'm telling you the truth.
Nor am I charging you $25 via PayPal for it either!
Chaos Theory look it up
Roullete has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with 'chaos theory' as the conditions in which the ball is spun remain constant on each spin.
Better that you look up 'the law of independent trials'instead.
Where are you ideas for Vaddi's system?
One more shot at this.
Track the last consecutive six unique singles.
Bet those six once. If win (and in profit) end session.
If miss bet the seven unique singles
once. If win (and in profit) end session.
If miss bet the eight unique singles once.
If miss bet the nine unique singles once.
If miss restart with the last six
consecutive unique singles and repeat steps.
Alright here's another look to consider:
Remember the parings list?
Here is the newest outcome: #3
Bet #3, #4 and the three neighbors around #4 once.
#3, 32,15,19,4,21,2,25 (European Wheel)
#3, 14,35,23,4,16,33,21 (American Wheel)
Hi, Missing 1%?
24/8=3, 12/4=3,, this is average as per law of third, what about if system deviate from this, and as roulette is based on balance, so can exploit future outcomes , isnt it?
Average results using vaadi system in online casino
It dawns on me just now Vaddi may
only be playing three singles per game.
Last decision, numerically one higher and one lower
than last decision once, repeat with the newest outcome.
Stop on a win or after 12 consecutive misses.
Quote from: Elite on Dec 18, 10:19 PM 2018
Average results using vaadi system in online casino
How did you interprete Vaddi's explanations? How did you play?
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Dec 18, 10:48 PM 2018
It dawns on me just now Vaddi may
only be playing three singles per game.
Last decision, numerically one higher and one lower
than last decision once, repeat with the newest outcome.
Stop on a win or after 12 consecutive misses.
Although he started with his Step1 then kept the mystery about the step2 with pairs, splits,...
Are you refering to this step2 or would you say he changed his mind with time, in such a way that in the end his ideas were not as when he began his thread?
8 recent number bet. If sigle more than double than partner bet.also.. I again reread his clues and found. Pairing should be based on recent 4 I guess. Pairing number will change after 4 spins.. Based on recent 4 results...will check this way too.. But it seems. System has worth
Quote from: Bigbroben on Dec 18, 11:09 PM 2018
Although he started with his Step1 then kept the mystery about the step2 with pairs, splits,...
Are you refering to this step2 or would you say he changed his mind with time, in such a way that in the end his ideas were not as when he began his thread?
Looking at step two and his bankroll requirement 12x (number of singles played)
I'm also looking at the first number to repeat in a session and betting those three
(the repeat single, the single numerically ahead LD and numerically one lower for up to 12 spins.
20 (newest spin-value)
Bet 19,20,21 for up to 12 spins. (stop on a win)
To answer your question I'm still stuck about the step 2 mystery.
atm what seem to work is betting the newest twice-hit repeater within 12 spins-
(with a single numerically higher of LD and one numerically lower has a hit rate :thumbsup:
Ex: 20,35,14,3,0,27,20 (newest spin-value)
Bet 19,20,21 for up to 12 spins. (stop on a win) proof read.. So total how many numbers u betting... Pairing or splitting will b effective if singles more than double are coming... And possible stage for this situation is middle of cycle etc
I'm thinking a three singles bet atm. (speculation)
One more thing. In 24 consecutive spins
I've noticed usually 3 to 5 repeaters emerge.
It could be six or nine singles bet with the
numerically higher and lower bets added to the repeaters.
I guess splitting or pairing should not be on sleepers..
If it produces a consistent hit rate then :thumbsup:
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Dec 19, 12:37 AM 2018One more thing. In 24 consecutive spins
I've noticed usually 3 to 5 repeaters emerge.
Hi Proof
From the time tables.
Spins 1-10, 76% of the time its a 9/10; so 1 repeat.
Spins 11-20; it should really be 5 non-hit and 5 repeats, but it usually comes 7 non-hit and must be 3 repeat.
So your on the right track as more often than not by 20th spin there's 4 repeats.
Repeats; 1-3-5-7 and 30 by the 60th spin
There's some sheets showing the repeats.
I wonder why casino will change rules. Based on what have been extracted till now from clues...seems something missing... Missing like counting in blackjack gave players edge. Which situation can give player edge in roulette and force casino to change game rules as per VAD.or it was just his assumption..he gave clues only and kept actual solution secret . Seems some reason there....
Got an idea.
Track 10 unique singles. Bet the newest seven (change bet each spin)
for up to five spins. Stop on a win or after five consecutive misses.
here's todays air ball from J247
(link::// (link:://
So here's the offering from someone who according to one of the forum experts is deluded.
You arrived at the table and won repeat betting 5#'s.
Let's assume you arrived 10 spins later, so spin 11 is now your spin 1; win repeat with 3#'s.
And on it goes, on and on; and on and on.
Just like this Davey Libra
(link::// (link:://
So you see the 1st 10 spin's; i'll say no more and get back up into the ivory tower
This point I copied from VAD system.
The inside numbers constantly 'try' to balance with each other in a sort of uniform dance. And there are ways to temporarily exploit the imbalances.From time to time,
There are ways to temporarily exploit ..... I think this is something to consider how to exploit imbalances
This was after 12:30am; on the praised MPR, the Generals nothing can beat it.
(link::// (link:://
So gave 10L-10L But i wanted to pass the 59000 unit mark on the leaderboard and keep old Normy behind.
(link::// (link:://
(link::// (link:://
It can be done. Cough
Using VAD system clues. I don't see any threat to casino i. But still he thinks... Game rule can change..... And another. Point.... Solution is simple to understand and play..... Contrary arguments also..... Like his system not worth to play > 200 spins... Not good for online or rng.... Still he claims game rules can change if he reveal solution.... :-\
Using VAD system clues. I don't see any threat to casino i. But still he thinks... Game rule can change......... Contrary arguments also..... Like his system not worth to play > 200 spins... Not good for online or rng.... Still he claims game rules can change if he reveal solution.... :
At one point he mention in grail no need to analyse or think and then he again mention he use imbalances to exploit... Without tracking and calculating how can know imbalance...
Seems initial results gave him good profit and in excitement. He extra believe in his solution... But all spins in front of us... No perfect way ...yes for long term and with heavy bankroll. Playing 8 nos.or repeaters can may be successful... But again his thought of best profit range.... Seems contrary.
Using six nos.means one line bet.. One guy able to win 200000 USD just a year playing on RNG and playing same six numbes. You tube all videos. Charles king... Another baccarat player Jaysilva able to win 1200000 USD just playing player banker....they didn't put their system secret..Not sure what VAD intention.... I m thinking to just add repeaters in my playing only if they start coming... In bulk...
From his post I can see just to tell how many numbers to bet. He created so much thrill and. And called it secret no. Greater than 6 less than 9.. Etc.... I not know what reason.. Even though it will not impact anyone... May b things are not as much as we considering... Seems he spent lot of effort to conclude. 8 no. To bet on.... Even though statistics for each no. Are given online long time back.
Quote from: Elite on Dec 19, 05:27 AM 2018Even though statistics for each no. Are given online long time back.
where are these statistics
link:s:// there is paper 4. Idea is same... Moreover 9 bet system on predicted sector quiet old too
VAD system calculated 8 numbers. Keeping if win at 8 ..with ..1.2 sequence then 8 bet will break even. But what about if win at 9 or later spin.....
Quote from: Elite on Dec 19, 07:58 AM 2018But what about if win at 9 or later spin.....
You all know 9#'s is -9 and 10#'s will be -19
I use 3 ways for repeats; and i think most know of them.
He said... Rules will b change if he gave solution. As it happend to black jack...but Black jack is not random game like roulette... And it's not in control of dealer.. So there casino change rule. But in roulette dealer spins wherever he wants.. It's always in their control there is no point law of third will impact on casino.
.In his system key is balance which is based on law of third.. He use this to exploit... Temporarily it can but long-term cannot without huge bank roll....atlast ball is controlled by dealer... VAD system is worth playing in proper conditions.. But can it b holy not certain
I agree with the general LOTT is not of much use; ok, so 24 is average.
But where do they hit?
Again and again you need a time-table for non-hit
Idea of betting on 8 unique number is also old... Published in holy grail of roulette book. Only difference VAD and that system is that there it says to bet all coming numbers until win. But VAD replace old no. With new one.
There is one android app free. Jmap roulette predictor.. That predit 5 no. That is worth to consider... How it predict 5 numbers.. Inventor also studied thousand of spins and most dominant patterns. He took one no. Like that... And another system partner no. Bet... U can view in YouTube under roulette boy name. .worth to consider too
24 numbers.. Where they hit... ¿ I guess one number to repeat in live roulette...probability is if single drop numbers are close to eachyother on roulette wheel.. Then more chance any one of them repeat... So it depends on dealer which sector at what time he chooses during one cycle.. My observation is in online live roulette during 32 spins which one dealer do approximately.. Spun each pattern... Opposite neighbour... Right left..etc. With careful observation.. Can predict... Track topper wining ..if any sector more winner.. Dealer defiantly change.. Etc
Dealers are expert.. They can spun ball wherever they want... And creates patterns to loose.. Different patterns.. So no statics system successful.... Law of third can be used.. But it will be successful always.. Doubtful
just had these on MPR; betting for repeats. +367 on 28 placed bets.
There was a nasty section. But what do you know; profit.
(link::// (link:://
Dealer cannot change current pattern without changing ball speed or router speed...
Yes good pickup.... Of no. 😇
NOTTOPHAMMER; many repeats but I not see perfect partners .when repeats occur in narrow range.... I assume dealer hitting particular sector that time..... case if no repeaters, or repeaters length is greater than 8 what you will do ? Will it be with progression cycle by cycle until hit?
Your magic no. Is¿ 15
Based on VAD clue. Seems he using 2 units on doubles..... And one on singles
Player advantage last no. Seems 17
Here is free site for roulette software(no registration or fees)
,(AlarianGUTracker will help in tracking repeater singles, doubles etc)
Free books
informative guide for repeater system and strategies
I did enjoy the Sun Tzu quotes when I first read this document!
The attack scheme works fine until it doesn't.
The tracking is shorter with splits than with stright-ups, though.
Been testing real quick the following:
Considering the pair37 idea, I thought: sometimes the nr will repeat, sometimes the other nr in the pair will.
So I let the first spins go by until a pair shows or a nr repeats. Kept playing the "mode" until it would change.
So if playing for repeaters and a pair hits, restart with the previous nr's pair nr. Kind of a "follow the wheel mode".
Good first test.
(link::// (link:://
Or when pairs start to hit, play the pairs too?
Vaddi, where are you? Have a few question for you.
(link::// (link:://
Quote from: Bigbroben on Dec 20, 10:01 PM 2018Or when pairs start to hit, play the pairs too?
Hi Bigbroben,
you are on the right track. :thumbsup:
Its all about the balance.
Listen to what the wheel is saying. It speaks load and clear. Adjust your play accordingly.
Well said Ricky - it's not Mumbojumbo - couldn't agree more :thumbsup:
- even though there is greater variance with inside bets - this is where one can profit handsomely from the game ....consistently
**one needs to be dynamic with their system - not mechanical
-Best Wishes-
One more shot :)
Bet the newest Odd single, the one number numerically less
and the newest Even single-also one number numerically less once.
Repeat steps with each new spin-value.
Stop on a win or after nine consecutive misses.
Example: 31,10,12,0,14 (newest outcome)
Bet 14,13 & 31,30 once: 1.) 3(x)-4
Bet 3,2 & 14,13 once....
Anyone taking this thread seriously needs to have their head examined.
I just dont understand why people dont learn to code rx and test properly with a click. You'll save loads of time, and better understand youve been going in circles.
We know, Steve, but it's also fun to do it this way. Keeps the dream longer.
Quote from: Let Me Win on Dec 21, 03:10 AM 2018
Anyone taking this thread seriously needs to have their head examined.
Thanks for your contribution.
Quote from: Ricky on Dec 21, 01:30 AM 2018
you are on the right track. :thumbsup:
Its all about the balance.
Ricky, thanks for the encouragement.
How far are your down the track? Any other ideas you might want to share?
Quote from: -Katalyst- on Dec 21, 03:00 AM 2018
**one needs to be dynamic with their system - not mechanical
Indeed, I think any fixed, stiff, mechanical approach to roulette systems will fail. A sensitive and adaptative subjective play might help to overcome negative variance. When to continue, when to stop.... decided on impression rather than pure maths.
Guts beat a math game?
Well for a first test!
Place 1u on the 2 neighbours numerically +1 & -1. Add and reset on new high.
Was it you, Proof, who suggested something in this sense?
(link::// (link:://
Nothing wrong with these nr distribution.
(link::// (link:://
Still seeking.
I have some time just now. Lemme try :)
Note the newest outcome. Is it Red or Black?
If Red bet the last three Red outcomes and one
numerically less respectively (Black vice-versa) and zero once.
...,20,26,12,35,14,9,3 (newest spin-value)
Bet 3,2: 9,8: 14,13,0: 1.) 31(x)-7
Bet 31,30: 35,34: 26,25,0....
Stop on a win or after five consecutive misses.
New four number approach:
Note the newest four outcomes:
Bet the respective numerically higher number of
those four once. Repeat steps with the newest four.
Stop on a win or after nine consecutive misses.
Example: 21,30,0,14 (newest spin-value)
Bet 22,31,1,15 once: 1.) 19(x)-4
Bet 31,1,15,20....
"Vaddi's Streets" :)
Bankroll suggestion: 12 units per session
Procedure: Note the newest spin-value.
Bet the last decision street *unless it is a third column
outcome. In that case bet the next higher street once.
Example: #31 (newest spin-value)
Bet s31-33 once: 1.) 21(x)-1
Bet s22-24 once....
*If case zero shows bet s1-3 once.
*Also If #36 shows wait one spin for the next outcome.
after analyzing spins , found that last draw number square , usually hits.
keeping that in mind may be optimized game play//
i guess , VAD, found a simple way than he shared. analysed last two numbers draw ,their square numbers, hits frequently(exclude 0)
So you are talking about the squares on the table? Are you changing your bet every spin? So last two spins were
You bet 8,9,11,12 and 20,21,23,24 for one spin?
If loss, drop the 20 and add the next square?
In which case we would be betting 8 numbers per spin. Would we not have to win on average every 4.5 times to break even? Which we don't achieve in the example... so not impressed.
I have some time just now so here is a new tactic. :)
Note the newest two Red and Black outcomes.
Bet those two Red or two Black numbers
and their High/Low same column counterparts once.
Repeat steps with the newest two Reds or Blacks.
Example: 21,31,5,17 (newest outcome)
Bet 17,20 & 31,4 once: 1.) 3(x)-4
Bet 3,36 & 5,32 once....
*Repeat last bet if zero shows
Stop on a win or after nine consecutive misses.
I m seeing some light in dark.VAD is genius .magic number is for sure not 8
instead of 36 ,try 12 numbers on a paper with 3 sets ,like 1,2,3,4 in one set, and so on, apply law of third and see how to manage balance.
Quote from: Irish88 on Jan 02, 10:59 AM 2019
So you are talking about the squares on the table? Are you changing your bet every spin? So last two spins were
You bet 8,9,11,12 and 20,21,23,24 for one spin?
If loss, drop the 20 and add the next square?
Yes i change..but it was just my thought, and I realized now may be its not long term solution..but some how can benefit in short term
Quote from: Elite on Jan 03, 07:20 AM 2019
may be its not long term solution..but some how can benefit in short term
This is true for all methods.
Really, there is no such thing as short term.
Every spin you play wether you divide the spins you play into smaller sessions or whatever, the spins you play with your system will all still belong in one long term session no matter what.
It will not make a difference.
CELESCLIFF you're wrong! what makes you think that?
No, he is not wrong.
It's not open to debate or argument.
It is a stone cold fact.
If YOU don't agree then the problem is YOUR chimpanzee level of intelligence.
Every maths teacher at every school in every country would all spit in your face with utter contempt should they hear you disagree in person.
please confirm your words with mathematical facts! and do not knock on the keyboard as one of the monkeys who are forced to do it in the hope that they will copy one of the great books!
evs, perhaps you can explain why we are wrong about that instead?
I can! but first correctly formulate it and publish it on one of the mathematical forums. after receiving your reply, please send it here. Maybe someone will be ashamed. Don't be afraid to waste time looking for the right answers. Don't be lazy!
Quote from: evs on Jan 03, 12:41 PM 2019
I can! but first correctly formulate it and publish it on one of the mathematical forums. after receiving your reply, please send it here. Maybe someone will be ashamed. Don't be afraid to waste time looking for the right answers. Don't be lazy!
Why not do that yourself? The only one that will be ashamed is you.
Why should i waste my time when i know I'm right?
Quote from: evs on Jan 03, 11:06 AM 2019
CELESCLIFF you're wrong! what makes you think that?
You behave incorrectly I asked the first question! Give an explanation as you understand. Then I will.
1) entry and or exit points are completely useless, the math doesn't change regardless of when you start or stop.
1a) "triggers" on when to bet are useless. (see above)
2) changing tables, changing casinos is useless, it's a math game.
3) Hit and run (basically all of the above combined) is useless.
The run from hell or the amazing run from heaven where you win every spin can happen as soon as you stop playing.
You HAVE to formulate a way to play every spin.
4) Past spins are useless - each spin is independent. This doesn't mean much unless you are tracking spins, waiting for x,y and/or z to happen before you start playing. Which you shouldn't be doing.
Analogy - a scientist is going into a room flooded with radiation.
According to this way of thinking - you can jump in the room and then jump out 30 seconds later and you'll likely be ok.
You can do this once per day for months......... and you'll die.
Another scientist goes into the same room and stays there - he dies. Yep, doesn't really matter - one dies sooner than the other but the end result is that they are both dead.
Prolonging the event doesn't stop it from happening - and it doesn't make the time spent waiting for it to happen because you popped in and out of the room any less appealing.
Quote from: Let Me Win on Jan 03, 01:25 PM 2019
1) entry and or exit points are completely useless, the math doesn't change regardless of when you start or stop.
1a) "triggers" on when to bet are useless. (see above)
2) changing tables, changing casinos is useless, it's a math game.
3) Hit and run (basically all of the above combined) is useless.
The run from hell or the amazing run from heaven where you win every spin can happen as soon as you stop playing.
You HAVE to formulate a way to play every spin.
4) Past spins are useless - each spin is independent. This doesn't mean much unless you are tracking spins, waiting for x,y and/or z to happen before you start playing. Which you shouldn't be doing.
Analogy - a scientist is going into a room flooded with radiation.
According to this way of thinking - you can jump in the room and then jump out 30 seconds later and you'll likely be ok.
You can do this once per day for months......... and you'll die.
Another scientist goes into the same room and stays there - he dies. Yep, doesn't really matter - one dies sooner than the other but the end result is that they are both dead.
Prolonging the event doesn't stop it from happening - and it doesn't make the time spent waiting for it to happen because you popped in and out of the room any less appealing.
Almost all agree with you !
But the connection to the whole already implies the past!
evs, learn a programming language or atleast learn rx and code your system.
Get a bunch of spins and first run all the spins in one long term session.
Next, run there same spins again but this time use a win and stop loss and add one to each session you won and lost.
Now look and compare the result in the statictics and look at the net %.
What do you think the result will be and why?
Difficulties with the translation!
As I understand it:
1)Generate a random sequence (0;1)
2)We divide the random sequence into parts (some of which we can throw out and insert similar ones from another random sequence)
Am I right?
ANSWER: the ratio (0) and (1) will not change.
Quote from: Elite on Jan 03, 07:07 AM 2019
instead of 36 ,try 12 numbers on a paper with 3 sets ,like 1,2,3,4 in one set, and so on, apply law of third and see how to manage balance.
Turns out your suggestion is a good idea :thumbsup:
Procedure: Separate the table into numerical sets of four:
A.) 1,2,3,4 B.) 5,6,7,8 C.) 9,10,11,12
D.) 13,14,15,16 E.) 17,18,19,20 F.) 21,22,23,24
G.) 25,26,27,28 H.) 29,30,31,32 I.) 33,34,35,36
Note the last non-zero outcome, Bet the four
number group containing the LD number once.
Example: #30 (newest spin-value)
Bet H.) (29,30,31,32) once: 1.) 13(x)-4
Bet D.) (13,14,15,16) once....
*If zero shows re-bet the last bet
Stop on a win or after nine consecutive misses.
Proof,this is your Holy Grail? ::)
Nope. Just looking at Elite's idea
Quote from: Elite on Jan 03, 07:07 AM 2019
I m seeing some light in dark.VAD is genius .magic number is for sure not 8
I am open to discussion! Why not 8 as the magic nr?
How did you get to this opinion?
Vaadi Explains all his system , only thing he hide is how to select numbers..
he gave clue for this , balance, perfect pair etc, only missing is from, different blogs , i found very few persons who claim they are consistently wining every session so i do believe there is a way to be a consistent winner.for us to figure out is how to select numbers, once found that simple formula, then leave a clue and start life in roulette .
Vaadi explained , within 25 spins, he mostly gets profit and formula for that is very simple even a child can. almost similar comment i found in another forum where that Gentleman claims he has grail and he only give this to his daughter ....Balance and partner number selection, how we can, there is a simple forumula, need to found,
i m thinking this way, is 1 will be balance with 2 or with 36, 2 will b balance with 3 or with 34, which stage in a game should i b on same numbers to be repeated( i dont think so this is part of grail as per vaadi , there is no need for calculation pen or paper ), , i m analysing one chart, magic square of moon, i dont think so , there will be more balance chart then that in world ever,, worth to see.
My idea of 12 numbers was, so that we can analyse small numbers samples and can better use that sample to figure out perfect balance, once figure out , then that formula can be applied 37 numbers to further conform.
as per VaaD , magic number is greater than 6 and less than 9 ... as we know he only giving clues so may be it can be 9-6 =3 magic number or it can be 6 or 9..
but i guess, magic number changes along with game, but basic rule is total numbers to bet should not exceed 9. and as PER VAD , it should not be too low, so perfect number , i guess is to bet on 6,7,8,9 , all these i guess will give profit ,,
one correction, its magic square of sun,
how Vaadi , discover his method.analysing thousands of spins and manual testing, then using that info he brainstorm and devise methods and atlast he devised method one day.
we are using his clues only to figure it out, so may be not successfull, path already he giving, if we follow same path, i hope we can get that, if it exits
He says 24/8=3
24 numbers land
12 doubles land
2/1 ratio
That's the basis of the grail. His words.
Quote from: Elite on Jan 04, 10:56 AM 2019
one correction, its magic square of sun,
Is this a translation mistake or you really mean ''magic square of sun''?
He really means it :sad2:
It's a well known voodoo bullsh!t
Quote from: Irish88 on Jan 04, 11:44 AM 2019
He says 24/8=3
24 numbers land
12 doubles land
2/1 ratio
That's the basis of the grail. His words.
yes ..but one point , he mentioned , in grail no need for pen or paper or any calculation..above is possible only, if we tracking every number and that cannot b without any software or pen or paper,i guess he flows with game..if single dropping, he is on unique numbrs , when double dropped , he change his game and include last dropping numbers too. etc, so i guess basis of grail is you do whatever wheel is doing,this he also mentioned in his way of playing.. impressive technique he discoverd is no progression, so his method has more accuracy with less than 9 numbers playing, so it means, if play on 9 numbers then hit should b within 3 spins avg, so he is always close to next dropping numbers, for that he has simple formula, which a child can learn within 5 minutes..
wht he given is a puzzle, and to get actual formula, unite each piece one by one, ..
Sergio has given one chart based on 185 numbers, played, he claimed he played exactly same as per VAD system. so any one can decode that graph playing on same numbers , in RX extreme. that i m trying.If any one got success in predicting, then for benefit of others, put clue here before muting on this forum
He said it all has to do with the last 4 spins. I take that to mean in the last 4 numbers out there is some connection in the next 8 numbers that appear next. The question is are you picking your numbers based on the table or the wheel? I think it's the wheel.
Quote from: Irish88 on Jan 04, 10:13 PM 2019
He said it all has to do with the last 4 spins. I take that to mean in the last 4 numbers out there is some connection in the next 8 numbers that appear next. The question is are you picking your numbers based on the table or the wheel? I think it's the wheel.
yes , seems like that, one VAD quote, if dealer signature then he laughs and takes his bank,, agree, latest 4 spins,seems like having connection with future spins..he mentioned, in real play, 15,15, 9, 15 etc, means current number repeat happens as compared to RNG and also , one more point he added, if dealer plays completely random still he has edge, means, he putting some bets on random way too.
all this he achieved with a simple formula, so i hope formula can be in such a way, that it selects numbers keeping in latest 4 spins, then predict one next number, and so on
There is this method on the web where, with a formula, it calculates the ''volatility'' of last 4 nrs to predict the next one. I don't know how reliable it is ( I suppose it is pink slime) but hey, why not?
I did not spend time on it, but here, attached, in case someone was interested. Of course, it is not Vaddi, for this one here needs a computer for sure to calculate!
Quote from: Bigbroben on Jan 04, 11:52 PM 2019
There is this method on the web where, with a formula, it calculates the ''volatility'' of last 4 nrs to predict the next one. I don't know how reliable it is ( I suppose it is pink slime) but hey, why not?
I did not spend time on it, but here, attached, in case someone was interested. Of course, it is not Vaddi, for this one here needs a computer for sure to calculate!
I already tried this, not working,
as per VAD , if there are no repeats within magic number,(may b 4 is magic number).
then he calculate based on these 4 numbers 4 more numbers and bet on 8 numbers togehter then , 4 numbers latest drawn and 4 calculated numbers, this way system can be balance, to capture doubles and to capture singles .. i guess.
for predicting next number , he said partner number on table, but as we know it not works, so my guess is he calculates partner number for each number separately with a simple formula . within only playing last draw 8 numbers, it fails in long term. so magic lies in his predicting number formula, 4 numbers, form latest 4 draw numbers, i guess
I have a moment just now, so here a new idea ^-^
Separate streets into four sets of three:
s1-3, s4-6, s7-9: s10-12, s13-15, s16-18
s19-21, s22-24, s25-27: s28-30, s31-33, s34-36
Procedure: Note the newest non-zero spin-value. Bet the
other two streets in the respective group and a chip on zero once.
Repeat steps with the newest spin-value.
Stop on a win or after five consecutive misses.
Example: #23 (newest spin-value)
Bet 19,20,21 25,26,27,0: 1.) 10(x)-7
Bet 13,14,15 16,17,18,0....
*In case of the American wheel bet one chip on the 0/00 split.
Just woke up with this one :)
Last Four decisions & clockwise one neighbor
Note the newest four outcomes.
Bet those four and one neighbor clockwise
Example: 13,9,20,2 (newest spin-value)
(European Wheel: Bet 13,36: 9,22: 20,14: 2,25: 1.) 0(x)-8
Bet 9,22: 20,14: 2,25: 0,32....
Why not think in terms of 12 numbers .in over millions of spins it is fact that one dozen will have min of 4 repeats .ex I would play the first dozen , you could choose which ever. And play the new numbers as they come in and up your flat bet on all repeats.within that dozen.just an idea.
Correction winner: in a 37 cycle one dozen will have at least 2 repeats, not 4
Quote from: Winner on Jan 05, 08:25 AM 2019
Why not think in terms of 12 numbers .in over millions of spins it is fact that one dozen will have min of 4 repeats .ex I would play the first dozen , you could choose which ever. And play the new numbers as they come in and up your flat bet on all repeats.within that dozen.just an idea.
I actually think this is a very good thought. Instead of focusing on all numbers. Just bet on all the numbers that have apppeared in one dozen.
Another thought is to play the neighbors on each repeater once a number has repeated.
i guess, VAD , system, is law of third.playing on 37 numbers house edge is 2.70.
but if we play in 37 spins only 24 numbers , 10 repeaters , and may be one or two comes 3 times and to get this he manage a bet sequence( i think this betting pattern is the key , which is somehow threating )...
So if someone can figure out how to place bets in such a way, that after 37 spins, if 10 repeaters comes, at any stage no matter, but he will get benefit, because he touch only 24 numbers.he gave a clue at the end of his thread, 2 chips on doubles or 1 chip on doubles or half a chip .option 2 and 3 will make u smile, means, on doubles, as i understand it will b, 2 chips on singles, one chip on doubles, that i if progress until 37 spins,toucing 24 numbers only, may b this way, any one can suggest
to increase accuracy he mentioned wait until no doubles in your magic number, suppose its 8 magic number, then we left with 31 spins, to play, out of 31, spins, now only 16 new number will come, so we will loose 16 times, and we will win 15 times, so with little progression, every 37 spin cycle if it get close to law of third, we can be always be in profit, and we got Holy grail then i guess, because we always win in 37 spin cycle. suppose if first cycle, got imbalanced, then start 2nd cycle . so if law of third exists , which is mathematically proven fact, then for sure will be in profit, so only thing i can see, we need to manage bets in such a way, that if we loose 16 times, and win, 15 times in 37 cycle we will be in profit,
By the way:
golden ratio (Phi): 1.618034...
37/Phi: 22.86, rounded to 23.
Could be another proportion to start with, since it is close to 2/3rds of 37, but not quite.
More accurate?
Just an idea...
another thought, in real gameplay i noticed, that if doubles are not dropping then singles can go until 16 spins, so if we weight until first doubles hit > magic number selected e.g 8 magic number.
then start betting on all numbers , singles doubles(with half value chip).
may be that way accuracy can be improved more.and as we reach target profit for that cycle stop that cycle.
below quote from roulette passion(who claims he has vaadi holy grail)
24 single -12 repeated - 13 without leaving.
Here is a tremendous balance and you have to see it.
I want you to get it, man.
It has two phases of balance, I can not say anything else.
my analysis on this is
two phases of balance, ::
first phase single must need to drop ,
2nd phase repeater.
this way only one cycle can be balance
to catch, singles, pairing concept, that i guess, is the conclusion of vaadi system..
but if prolong to 2nd cycle connected with first cycle, then a way to catch sleepers who are going to turn in singles, that i guess, is with pairing concept too, e.g 1 and 2 drop, then possible sleeper no 3 is going to turn into singles in next cycle, etc
I think the pairs are two numbers that are side by side on a wheel. A pair of numbers. Once you get a pair that has hit, no matter now many spins apart in the cycle, you bet on those two numbers. Would this fall into law of the third?
Quote from: Irish88 on Jan 05, 09:45 AM 2019
I actually think this is a very good thought. Instead of focusing on all numbers. Just bet on all the numbers that have apppeared in one dozen.
Another thought is to play the neighbors on each repeater once a number has repeated.
Don’t get caught in dealing with all the numbers concentrate on one section probability is all the same .i did this years agowith a guy named AMK we did tons of research on this ,one dozen that’s all you need .test it you’ll see
Quote from: Irish88 on Jan 05, 11:25 AM 2019
I think the pairs are two numbers that are side by side on a wheel. A pair of numbers. Once you get a pair that has hit, no matter now many spins apart in the cycle, you bet on those two numbers. Would this fall into law of the third?
I think you're on to something with the neighbors-when three
contiguous neighbors have two hits bet all three for a third hit.
Ex: 0,32,15 (European wheel)-0 hits, then 15
(whichever set of three hits then bet all three for 12 spins.
Or so:
Although rng, no real wheel. Once 3 neighbours hit since the beginning of the cycle, play them? Add as they come or reset at nh?
Below, a quick test, no reset, add the blocks of 3 as they come:
(link::// (link:://
(link::// (link::// (link:://
Beginner's luck like any new concept being tried... 21 nrs out, 16 slept, a 4timer and 3 3s...
Thanks again Bigbroben :thumbsup:
I tested it manually and I get the same results-
It's not playable unless the bettor is
very knowledgable of wheel neighbors.
Vaddi's system must be simplier to implement.
Yes, it must be simpler.
It can of course be modified to a shorter window, say 8 or 12 spins. If 3 neighbours, or if only 2, or if a repeat in 8, or a repeat and a neighbour in 12...
Did 2 more, got +77 and -199 if I kept all eligible nrs until end of the 37 spins. Overall positive but I have the feeling it's not quite it. Perhaps indeed a reset on a new high or on first hit.
Or of course play step1, and then this method, in case of failure of step1...
For step1 can get a long way until it busts, then it's only a 36u deficit to overcome. Restart at step1 if no new high in 37 spins?
i have put some thougts on MODI system in below thead,
almost i hope i 1% missing, hope any one of you can better check that and give his thoughts...
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Jan 05, 04:05 PM 2019
I think you're on to something with the neighbors-when three
contiguous neighbors have two hits bet all three for a third hit.
Ex: 0,32,15 (European wheel)-0 hits, then 15
(whichever set of three hits then bet all three for 12 spins.
Proofreaders2000, thanks for the idea.
After reviewing recent live spins from a b&m casino single 0 wheel, multiple wins with only one loss
Good results for this session but more testing required
29 start betting on 22,18,29
36 start betting on 27,13,36 or 13,36,11 or 27,13,36.11
11 win 27,13,36 or 13,36,11 or 27,13,36.11
29 win 22,18,29
20 start betting 33,01,20 or 01,20,14 or 33,01,20,14
-- dealer change
22 start betting on 22,18,29 again
18 win 22,18,29
29 start betting 22,18,29 or 18,29,07 or 22,18,29,07
24 lose 33,01,20
21 start betting on 04,21,02 or 21,02,25 or 04,21,02,25
22 win 22,18,29
21 win 04,21,02
20 start betting on 20,14,31 or 01,20,14 or 01,20,14,31
20 win 20,14,31
32 start betting on 26,0,32 or 0,32,15 or 26,0,32,15
15 win 0,32,15
-- dealer change
Quote from: Bigbroben on Jan 04, 11:52 PM 2019
There is this method on the web where, with a formula, it calculates the ''volatility'' of last 4 nrs to predict the next one. I don't know how reliable it is ( I suppose it is pink slime) but hey, why not?
I did not spend time on it, but here, attached, in case someone was interested. Of course, it is not Vaddi, for this one here needs a computer for sure to calculate!
Below code for this calcluation,
public int getOnePredictedNumber(List<Integer> inputNumbersArayInt) {
if(inputNumbersArayInt.size()<5) {
return 99;
}else {
int j=0;
final int[] testnum= {0,0,0,0};
for (int i = inputNumbersArayInt.size()-1; i >=inputNumbersArayInt.size()-4; i--) {
if(inputNumbersArayInt.get(i).equals(0)) {
}else {
double f= (testnum[0]*(testnum[1]+testnum[2]))/(testnum[3]+1);
if (f >0 && f<=36) {
return (int) Math.round(f);
}else {
double ff= (f-(testnum[3]*testnum[3]))/(testnum[1]+testnum[2]);
return (int) Math.round(ff);
Quote from: Elite on Jan 06, 03:42 AM 2019
i have put some thougts on MODI system in below thead,
almost i hope i 1% missing, hope any one of you can better check that and give his thoughts...
Elite, that is a good idea putting the numbers into groups
Perhaps when there is no repeat within 8 spins, determine the hot group(s) and play these groups.
It may require playing from eight to ten numbers.
Group1 RLO 01,03,05,07,09
Group2 BLE 02,04,06,08,10
Group3 RLE 12,14,16,18
Group4 BLO 11,13,15,17,
Group5 RHO 19,21,23,25,27
Group6 BHE 20,22,24,26,28
Group7 RHE 30,32,34,36
Group8 BHO 29,31,33,35
look at this test session from a live single 0 wheel
Number Group
18 3
36 7
21 5
18 3 win
14 3
29 8
23 5
2 2
36 7
13 4
14 3 win
11 4
33 8
31 8
0 n/a
1 1
29 8
20 6
-- dealer change
25 5 lose
groups present 1, 4,5,6 and 8(three times)
groups missing 2, 3, 7
3 1
29 8
22 6
5 1
4 2
0 n/a
18 3
18 3 win
29 8
27 5
24 6
2 2
21 5
31 8
13 4
23 5 lose
groups present 2,4,5(three times),6,8(twice)
groups missing 1,3,7
32 7
22 6
16 3
21 5
21 5 win
14 3
20 6
17 4
20 6 win
24 6
8 2
0 n/a
32 7
31 8
15 4
-- dealer change
15 4 win
6 2
32 7
35 8
6 2 win
33 8
31 8
9 1
4 2
28 6 end of session
I also posted in this in the MODI thread. In the original thread, notice the poster was only paying attention to the four number groups. He ignored the five number groups. Vaddi did say that the person who posted MODI had an understanding of how numbers connect to each other even thou he didn't know what MODI was.
Maybe if one of the 4 number groups hit twice within 8 spins play those for 8 spins? I do think there is something to MODI. If you observe tables enough, the number groups DO cluster together very often. It's uncanny to be honest. Even the five number groupings. But he seems to be focusing on just the 4 number groups.
Hello everyone guys,
I've always read the forum but never reply.
(Sorry for my english it's not my native language)
I don't know how to test a system automatically but only manually. So i leave here my idea of Vaddy, )but you know manually it's difficult to know if it's valid or not ) my goal every time (in fun mode) it's to take a 50 euro balance to the maximum with 10 cent in rng for a faster test and i play like this: 1 stage like always 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8. After the first stage i take the 2nd dozen as my reference, and playing only the pairs of the numbers hit on the 2nd dozen (with one chip on double and half on the pairs, so if i have a number on the center column, one chip on the number an two on the spilts for cover the pairs, if it's on the top or bottom column, two chip on double and one on pairs = 4 chips total per numbers only in the second dozen ) and continue at the same time to add the last number hit and cancel the last one (but not the numbers in the dozen! I leave them here for all the session). What do you think?
Thank you
....hi everyone, now? i must say,hmm? what is this really about? you try to solve a "riddle" ..that is "the holy grail" by posting random ideas? that haven't been tested by yourself enough? hmmm..i'd say, stop it now. focus on your own "game" or "system"....IF you find something that "works" pretty good .. you can work on that/post it *in your own thread* etc? ...because? you'll never solve this "riddle",....this way.
Thank you :)
Quote from: ignatus on Jan 06, 08:03 AM 2019
....hi everyone, now? i must say,hmm? what is this really about? you try to solve a "riddle" ..that is "the holy grail" by posting random ideas? that haven't been tested by yourself enough? hmmm..i'd say, stop it now. focus on your own "game" or "system"....IF you find something that "works" pretty good .. you can work on that/post it *in your own thread* etc? ...because? you'll never solve this "riddle",....this way.
Thank you :)
Ok, sorry for posting here! Thank you
Quote from: ignatus on Jan 06, 08:03 AM 2019
....hi everyone, now? i must say,hmm? what is this really about? you try to solve a "riddle" ..that is "the holy grail" by posting random ideas? that haven't been tested by yourself enough? hmmm..i'd say, stop it now. focus on your own "game" or "system"....IF you find something that "works" pretty good .. you can work on that/post it *in your own thread* etc? ...because? you'll never solve this "riddle",....this way.
Thank you :)
Ignatus, wtf?
We are having fun, just let us do it, like we let you post ideas that are not tested enough.
This is a thread that is very interesting, with people positively participating.
Nichedelico, I encourage you to speak more often!
Don't be afraid to share ideas. It was a very interesting post and can be looked into. That's what this board is all about. Sharing ideas. Outside the box thinking. Nothing wrong with that.
Ok thank you guys :) i don't want to cause any trouble ;D
Quote from: stringbeanpc on Jan 06, 05:45 AM 2019
Elite, that is a good idea putting the numbers into groups
Perhaps when there is no repeat within 8 spins, determine the hot group(s) and play these groups.
It may require playing from eight to ten numbers.
Group1 RLO 01,03,05,07,09
Group2 BLE 02,04,06,08,10
Group3 RLE 12,14,16,18
Group4 BLO 11,13,15,17,
Group5 RHO 19,21,23,25,27
Group6 BHE 20,22,24,26,28
Group7 RHE 30,32,34,36
Group8 BHO 29,31,33,35
look at this test session from a live single 0 wheel
Number Group
18 3
36 7
21 5
18 3 win
14 3
29 8
23 5
2 2
36 7
13 4
14 3 win
11 4
33 8
31 8
0 n/a
1 1
29 8
20 6
-- dealer change
25 5 lose
groups present 1, 4,5,6 and 8(three times)
groups missing 2, 3, 7
3 1
29 8
22 6
5 1
4 2
0 n/a
18 3
18 3 win
29 8
27 5
24 6
2 2
21 5
31 8
13 4
23 5 lose
groups present 2,4,5(three times),6,8(twice)
groups missing 1,3,7
32 7
22 6
16 3
21 5
21 5 win
14 3
20 6
17 4
20 6 win
24 6
8 2
0 n/a
32 7
31 8
15 4
-- dealer change
15 4 win
6 2
32 7
35 8
6 2 win
33 8
31 8
9 1
4 2
28 6 end of session
thanks man for this ,,, further, i think its a way of tracking Deler mind, either he is on low or high thnking etc, i guess , modi was in good Mood when he discovered this trick :)
Modi, method, sergio, seqence pairing method, and vaadi method, of latest 8 spin repeats, all somehow relate with dealer mind, once know where he want hit , advantage is there, that is holy grail, as i see online roulette dealers are almmost perfect, in spoting, sector, why not., they are doing this on same wheel many years and they have to save their job, so no surprize,law of third is really a key but not master key. Play like dealer mind, can give advantage,
@ProffRead, right, neigbours should b from wheel, if dealer lastest spins going near by any specific number, but if game going random, then pairing from table, i guess is better
just another thought, even casino know law of third somehow , advantages for players, they cannot get rid of this, because random world should follow random probabilty, if any roulette withdrawing numbers, uniquely , from past 50 spins, means, something wrong with that wheel, its not random and can come under casino monitoring agencies,
as i know for any RNG to pass from authorities, it shouid pass law of third to be eligble for public, one thought,
Elite had pretty good suggestions to play 4numbers grups.
I've had several good sessions lately, although I think it's a rather short run.
We only play 1 to a dozen three groups
After dropping a number from a given group, we play this group for 4 spins. If we have a hit, we play through the next 4 spins
Sometimes we will play 4 numbers sometimes 8, and sometimes 12 numbers for a moment.
Quote from: ozon on Jan 06, 12:23 PM 2019
Elite had pretty good suggestions to play 4numbers grups.
I've had several good sessions lately, although I think it's a rather short run.
We only play 1 to a dozen three groups
After dropping a number from a given group, we play this group for 4 spins. If we have a hit, we play through the next 4 spins
Sometimes we will play 4 numbers sometimes 8, and sometimes 12 numbers for a moment.
Very good idea. It goes to the theory that a child can do it. No tracking, no pen. Just look at the top of the board and repeat exactly what the wheel is doing. Recycling numbers. So are you saying if a number hasn't hit in 4 spins you keep the original set of 4 but then add the newest set for the next 4 spins? Making 8 numbers. He did say bet each number 8 times then drop if it hasn't hit.
Quote from: ozon on Jan 06, 12:23 PM 2019
Elite had pretty good suggestions to play 4numbers grups.
I've had several good sessions lately, although I think it's a rather short run.
We only play 1 to a dozen three groups
After dropping a number from a given group, we play this group for 4 spins. If we have a hit, we play through the next 4 spins
Sometimes we will play 4 numbers sometimes 8, and sometimes 12 numbers for a moment.
Any chance you can post an example of how you would play? When do you decide to play 8 or 12 numbers?
I played the simplest version
When the number came out, for example number 2 i play group 1-2-3-4, that will hit in 4 spins, if within these 4 spins and hit this group i play this group for the next 4 spins and until dosent repeat
The number of played numbers depends on the results, if we have, for example, a series of numbers say 30-4-16-12 .....
We play groups 1 and 3 at the same time
.Here Sandrino tried to give some hint.
In the original thread a poster named virgiliodonis posted this quote
Quote from: ombrerico on May 31, 2013, 05:03:40 PM
In mathematics, the factorial of a non-negative integer n, denoted by n >> 4!=24
Virgilio você quer dizer que o numero especial é o 6?
Olá Ombrerico,
Quero dizer que é o n=4.
Quando perguntas "Vaddi could tell if the number is between 6 and 10 even or odd?". Vaddi enfatisa que é o factor de um numero anunciado, {And if you read my above posts, that X number is a factor of a bigger number that I've quoted}, então pode ser o numero 24. cujo factor é 4! (quatro factorial= 4x3x2x1),
He then later appeared to have posted the way he played it, then it was taken down. Can anyone decipher hat it says?
The 4x3x2x1 seems critical.
Vaddi always says if there is no repeat in the last set of spins which I take to mean the last 4 spins, that there will be some connection in the next 4 spins dropped.
Something that appears to work atm:
Bet the last four unique singles...and continue
to bet those same four numbers for up to nine spins.
Example: 23,0,18,7 (newest spin-value)
Bet 23,0,18,7 for up to nine spins. Stop on a win.
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Jan 07, 08:09 AM 2019
Something that appears to work atm:
Bet the last four unique singles...and continue
to bet those same four numbers for up to nine spins.
Example: 23,0,18,7 (newest spin-value)
Bet 23,0,18,7 for up to nine spins. Stop on a win.
I have been wondering something. The original Vaddi thread was started in 2013. This Luck of the Irish posted this thread in 2012.
It shows that the most optimal time to try to bet for a repeat is spins 5-10. After the first 4 spins. I am wondering if he was somehow incorporating these stats into his method. Coincidentally I just posted this in Ignatus newest thread today.
apart from this, my observation is , most important thing is when to enter in game.
and realize which playground is where we trying to win.
below some facts.
1-Dealer is expert to throw ball in any sector area.
2-casino knows almost which sector or almost number is going to drop next.
(study the structer of latest wheels, inside they have lazers that measure speed of ball, etc and can predict no, before ball land).
3- Pitboss constantly monitoring the profit and loss going on that roulette table.
What casino do to make players loose.
1- they change the ball if more players are winning(isnt't it cheating?)
2- based on pitboss feedback, dealer will change sector to hit,
3-Dealer will spin either wheel slower or faster or ball speed change based on Pitboss feedback to hit some particular sector(if roulette random then why this ).
4- computer can reject your bets( if with minimal chips u winning freqently, isnt this cheating?)
5-another , not conformed but my observation is they control ball some how , especially weekends, i observed this . may b i m right or wrong
6- camera view changs as dealer throw ball until bet open.
7- sometime they pick ball from one number and throw from other side(isnt this cheating, when palyer aleady palced bets? how much chances of looosing now)
just think this way, bets are closed , all placed bets, and they know which number is having lower stacks.
Dealer will spin where? no holy grail man. this is the reason, player says hit and run..
See the battlefield , how heavily its guarded, we are just prey , going there..
If roulette is perfectly random, wihtout biased, then 2.70% house edge, but using tactics and progression can be beaten.
above my observation is for the most reliable casinos.
once some one is good in predicting, then he will see, more counter measure casino has done to loose players.
Believe me casino is like a red ass monkey that need big banana to satisfy,
more perfect your are in game, more hurdle u will see apart from predicting in online gaming.
all tricks here , strategies, are not useless, but why it flops is , casino, knows where what people are doing.
Before entering game , always check , previous last 2 sessions(50 to 70 spins), and see what you are going to do, is same as its happening now?
then start observing latest outcomes addition point(try to predict sectors, based on ball speed it will heplful later to decide which possible number will hit again, )
see when it will be good to enter(as per Vaadi 25 spins, and profit of a day).
but before playing that fully ready , knows what wheel is doing, where is balance now.
roulete constangly changing..why , because palyers on pattrens, so they break pattrens,
slow and steady. not much profit there, make your goal, and quit.(why, because our mind stuck with current pattrens and till it adopt with new patterns, we already loose some prifits and this going on untill all loose).Break, take relax when join after some time, then u can see roulette patrrens with new angle, this is the logic, i guess, players suggest to take a break,,,,,
Quote from: Irish88 on Jan 07, 08:27 AM 2019
I have been wondering something. The original Vaddi thread was started in 2013. This Luck of the Irish posted this thread in 2012.
It shows that the most optimal time to try to bet for a repeat is spins 5-10. After the first 4 spins. I am wondering if he was somehow incorporating these stats into his method. Coincidentally I just posted this in Ignatus newest thread today.
I tried a five unique single qualifier builder but the hit rate isn't constant.
New idea :)
Bet newest two Red's or Black's natural splits & zero each spin
Stop on a win or after seven consecutive misses.
Example: 23,0,11,9,15 (newest spin-value)
Bet 15/18 & 8/11,0 once: 1.) 3(x)-2
Bet 3/6 & 9/12,0 once....
New idea :)
Track for two consecutive numerically higher or lower singles' outcomes. Bet
those two and the next lower and higher numbers respectively for up to nine spins.
Example: 12,0,3,19,35,4 (newest spin-value)
Bet 2,3,4,5 for up to nine spins. Stop on a win.
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Jan 08, 06:31 PM 2019
New idea :)
Track for two consecutive numerically higher or lower singles' outcomes. Bet
those two and the next lower and higher numbers respectively for up to nine spins.
Example: 12,0,3,19,35,4 (newest spin-value)
Bet 2,3,4,5 for up to nine spins. Stop on a win. sorry proof,.....but soooo lost, sorry..very missed the target sorry, you're lost,....
I'm trying to figure the puzzle out Ignatus
(Plz feel free to help) :)
*Something to add.
If you see a new trigger bet the new trigger
instead, but continue the countdown to nine spins.
Example: 12,0,24,6,18,5 (newest spin-value)
Bet 7,6,5,4: 1.) 2(x)-4 2.) 32(x)-4 3.) 25(x)-4*
Bet 23,24,25,26: 4.) ....
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Jan 08, 06:54 PM 2019
I'm trying to figure the puzzle out Ignatus
(Plz feel free to help) :)
*Something to add.
If you see a new trigger bet the new trigger
instead, but continue the countdown to nine spins.
Example: 12,0,24,6,18,5 (newest spin-value)
Bet 7,6,5,4: 1.) 2(x)-4 2.) 32(x)-4 3.) 25(x)-4*
Bet 23,24,25,26: 4.) ....
Well,..that's a nice idea,..yes, very nice, thanks,, :) But it will Also fail,....Because? First off, as irish88 has proven, by statistics over 30 millions spins..."most repeats", comes within the frame of,...."8-10" spins, ....also, "this idea" is bet
9/2=4..(so you bet only 4 numbers), (i've seen those stats myself,, that means, to conclude your idea, it was nice, but it will not work, in the long run,...etc...Because? You would bet Every other bet (skip 1 bet) and? "skipping bets" won't help, as has been proven by the "pros",the conclution now, that, this is also a complete lost the target again...... :)
Quote from: Kan@am@ on Jan 06, 11:59 PM 2019
.Here Sandrino tried to give some hint.
I think at one time Sandrino posted the way he played but then edited and took down his messages.
A couple of interesting things posted
Hi sandrino
Thnx for sharing the info
Do you still Knock the numbers off the bottom and add the latest landed number? up to 4 numbers? so the magic x number is now 4?
thnx sandrino i'm a little slow but it is much clearer now
so if you don't knock numbers off and dont add new ones that means you bet on same 4split (8 numbers) until you get some profit?
Vaddi always said it's about the last 4 spins. Then there would be some connection in the next 8 spins out.
Hey Ignatus. According to the late Flat_Ino, a lifetime
test for a system should be in profit after 400 bets. :)
Don't forget the 'fun' part in creating systems ^-^
"If you see a new trigger bet the new trigger
instead, but continue the countdown to nine spins.
Example: 12,0,24,6,18,5 (newest spin-value)
Bet 7,6,5,4: 1.) 2(x)-4 2.) 32(x)-4 3.) 25(x)-4*
Bet 23,24,25,26: 4.) ...."
European wheel recommended
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Jan 08, 08:13 PM 2019
Bet 7,6,5,4:
Well, Blessings Upon you proof<3 :) You got a fantastic vision, and i thank you, now, you start to work in the right direcition... :) sorry to say,...this will also fail.....yes, it's true,'s a *complete* failure..... yes,.. :) why? I've told you before,....this,..."frame" is "too small" must include, these "outside possibilities", "outside" your, "frame", witch is, "4 numbers" .. :) so, conclution, again....this is a complete failure,...:) ....End of the story,... (as I've already told you..?) must include the this frame of 8-10 numbers, if you're ever going to succeed,...that's a fact, both logically, scientifically and..? (as proven from the stats, that, again, irish88, has revealed to me...) conluding words for "Vladdis Grail",....this is.....a "non-working system"...That's End this thread, now, im not givning you any more support.... Try focus on my thread "AI~FLAT_8", telling you..this original idea did Not come from "any ordinary" "source", that "you believe or believe not"...but, that's a fact, and im not dreaming,.... thank you/we work on THIS ---> link:s://;topicseen#msg218988 i am *not* giving Any more support to this thread. so That's my final words.
One more idea :)
Note each last decision spin-value. Bet the newest
single, the next numerically higher number and zero once.
Stop on a win or after 12 consecutive misses.
Example: #33 (newest spin-value)
Bet 33,34,0 once: 1.) 14(x)-3
Bet 14,15,0 once....
*If #36 shows bet 36,35,0 once.
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Jan 09, 12:12 AM 2019
One more idea :)
Note each last decision spin-value. Bet the newest
single, the next numerically higher number and zero once.
Stop on a win or after 12 consecutive misses.
Example: #33 (newest spin-value)
Bet 33,34,0 once: 1.) 14(x)-3
Bet 14,15,0 once....
*If #36 shows bet 36,35,0 once.
8) That, was the most clever, and fun system, i *ever seen*..... :love:
Thanks :thumbsup:
Vaadi, system, puzzle , i guess, now its clear..pair number is numerically higher no..
that some time happens in real game. but repeats i guess, 1% need to accommodate for pairing if required.
Important thing, i think is when to enter game...?
when single only dropping?
when double and single both comming up?
or when no repeats in your magic no?
or if no repeats in magic no but before that, doubles dropped and balance the game already ?
or when no repeats in your magic no and before that few only doubles dropped?
....may be if consider these can be effective,
below one chart for illustration
i guess, playing on pairs is conditional with when no doubles dropping and singles are dropping like crazy(as per vad)
considering, scanrios of doubles, singles an pairs
below 3 posibilites only
1- singles are converting into doubls
2-pairing nubers are landing
3-random numbers are landing(no pair,no doubles)
so below game plan can b
if doubles are coming and able to hit 3 doubles, then change to pairs , observing recent 4 spins.if hit 3 pairs, then change to double
1st and two will b win by vad methods , wht about third case?
i guess in that case need to be on last dropping numbers with 8 numbers. to catch repeaters or may be observe, for for few spins
beauty i can see in VAD system is its long term wining, while failure can be for short span of time,,
again started decoding..
Think of roulette in these terms and no other:
24 numbers land
12 doubles land
2:1 ratio.
The factors 4 and 8
24 / 8 = 3
12 / 4 = 3
in one ideal cycle, have 24 no drops, 12 doubles +12 singles
to capture doubles, we know well, how to capture, singles also because , doubles and singels both in 50 50 ratio,, so i guess, betting on 8 numbers, 4 will b on recent landing nos and 4 will b on pairs,,,,analysing +++
The thing with Vaddi is he says it goes up and down quite a bit. I think everyone expects to be in immediate profit say after 4-8 spins. That isn't the case. You have to flat bet but at some point it will get into profit at a new high. Like he said, it usually took till around spin 24 to get into profit. One that happens you re-set with a new set of numbers. That is how I am interpreting it now. Again you have to follow the wheel. It will eventually go back to where it once was. Make sense? I could be completely wrong of course.
If about 24 spins to be back in profit, after 8 spins of step1 ( if it is 8), that leaves 16 spins to recover from a -36u deficit. Or is it 24 spins to recover?
Vadi quote: if you're using $10 chips, how about making $350 in about 10 minutes without sweating and without using any progression?
based on above, using 1$ chip, we can make profit of 35$ within 10 minutes, 10 minues avg spins can be 15 to 20.. so seems like he making profit around 20 spins, in one session,,
@Irish, seems like this,as you thinking
after giving alll clues , he said he will not share his simple method,, ommmm, seems something ++ there,
his cluses
1-bet on 8 sets, like , one chip on first landed no and keep going on until 8,
block state; if no hit within that range. if hit and get new high start from begining
2-pair numbers, to bet capture singles
3-bet on doubles with lower amounts than singles
he mentioned, predict sleepers based on lands or doubles? i didnt get the clue how to do this.
He agree on MOD01 system that its for predicting, singles to doubles
one more point he added , think numbers like 2,4,6,8, etc,,
Once clue he given, every no has its mirror...
++vad cluce: wheel, balance, partner no.
balane, partner no , got idea, what he mean by wheel? how to use this in his system? no clue in my mind
so what was final solution he got based on above presented facts ... :( thinking on way
sad thing, he never returned on this forum, my worriness is , and good wishes for his life,
and somehow if he able to read this thread, my request him to join here .without any clue also ok. I personally feel , he is a good man, give important thing of his experience to all, for free,
here attach two cycles no from real wheel
i think, based on above facts, he devised a gameplay which covers all these aspects,
may be he playing on latest 4 numbrs until 12 spins and then from 12 to 24 spins he using 8 numbers, max .
First stage (1 to 12 spins), sleepers turning into singles.
singles will drop then doubles, so initial game play can be bet on pairs instead of drop nos to catch sleepers
2nd stage(12 to 24)
bet on singles..
one thought
I have one question, what is the evidence that Vaddis had a long term winning system.
From what results he played short sessions, probably still used the BM casino, I had several strategies that would bring a profit of more than 5k spins flatbet, and later started to lose.
Quote from: Elite on Jan 09, 11:01 AM 2019
here attach two cycles no from real wheel
So looking at this reminds me of the 37 back to basics thread.
Once a number a appears in a street or double street they seem to hit in clusters. Table pairs really seems to hit in clusters. I am a follow the wheel guy but this seems to indicate otherwise.
I think 6th sense has an idea what's going on and says it is somewhat related to Vaddi.
Elite( or anyone else) check that thread out and see if you can make sense of it. I honestly couldn't really figure out exactly how to apply it. I think AYK tracker is a great tool but I only play at live b and m casinos and really can't use it. If someone can make sense of it for me I would be very grateful.
smoke fog, all around, but no concrete evidence, dark dark,,,,
Quote from: Irish88 on Jan 09, 11:37 AM 2019
So looking at this reminds me of the 37 back to basics thread.
Once a number a appears in a street or double street they seem to hit in clusters. Table pairs really seems to hit in clusters. I am a follow the wheel guy but this seems to indicate otherwise.
I think 6th sense has an idea what's going on and says it is somewhat related to Vaddi.
Elite( or anyone else) check that thread out and see if you can make sense of it. I honestly couldn't really figure out exactly how to apply it. I think AYK tracker is a great tool but I only play at live b and m casinos and really can't use it. If someone can make sense of it for me I would be very grateful.
checking on this Irish,
Quote from: ozon on Jan 09, 11:34 AM 2019
I have one question, what is the evidence that Vaddis had a long term winning system.
From what results he played short sessions, probably still used the BM casino, I had several strategies that would bring a profit of more than 5k spins flatbet, and later started to lose.
Yes got your point, i m analyzing this because of his confidence in his he shared and was confident, i guess there was something he able to figure it out.. may be or may not be he is in consistent profit..
If he always winning, as per human nature, he must come on forum.
Not sure what happend.
I am trying to figure out only how he can he play a system and think that can b a holy grail. 20 spins, 35 dollar profit. seems not very charming, but he said its consistent long term winning, that think attracts to study on his thoughts
Quote from: ozon on Jan 09, 11:34 AM 2019
I have one question, what is the evidence that Vaddis had a long term winning system.
From what results he played short sessions, probably still used the BM casino, I had several strategies that would bring a profit of more than 5k spins flatbet, and later started to lose.
We don't know how many spin/sessions he played/tested before to claim it was a HG. It is possible to have a successful 1000 spins and cry wolf too early.
I have the impression his ''HG'' took different shapes as the thread was going on.
Nevertheless, I have to agree Step1 is a good start: I ran simulations where overall score was still above zero after 1000 sessions ( although it tanked later on, of course). Ran manually, I would have thought it to be unbeatable system for a long time; thanks to computers and simulations, illusions and dreams last shorter....
Thinking right now of a new idea, inspered by PHP, water droplets, neighbours....
Enjoy this tracker.
Quote from: Bigbroben on Jan 09, 11:52 AM 2019
We don't know how many spin/sessions he played/tested before to claim it was a HG. It is possible to have a successful 1000 spins and cry wolf too early.
I have the impression his ''HG'' took different shapes as the thread was going on.
Nevertheless, I have to agree Step1 is a good start: I ran simulations where overall score was still above zero after 1000 sessions ( although it tanked later on, of course). Ran manually, I would have thought it to be unbeatable system for a long time; thanks to computers and simulations, illusions and dreams last shorter....
Thinking right now of a new idea, inspered by PHP, water droplets, neighbours....
Interesting thread here BBB,
A quote from MoneyT
Quote (selected)
We have 6 runners racing for 1 mile daily for the next 13 days.
Using the pigeonhole theory we can figure out the minimum amount of wins for 1 runner out of the 6. We dont know who will win but we do know the minimum wins within the 13 days......
Atleast 1 runner will win 3 times.
Lets say each runner wins 2 times. That will mean its been 12 days(6*2) on the 13th day 1 will have 3 wins no matter which way you slice it!
Is this about double streets? Anyone figure this out?
Quote from: Irish88 on Jan 09, 12:17 PM 2019
Interesting thread here BBB,
A quote from MoneyT
Quote (selected)
We have 6 runners racing for 1 mile daily for the next 13 days.
Using the pigeonhole theory we can figure out the minimum amount of wins for 1 runner out of the 6. We dont know who will win but we do know the minimum wins within the 13 days......
Atleast 1 runner will win 3 times.
Lets say each runner wins 2 times. That will mean its been 12 days(6*2) on the 13th day 1 will have 3 wins no matter which way you slice it!
Is this about double streets? Anyone figure this out?
Greetings, Irish88.
Solution to this, is very simple,....forget about the carpet,...:) simple, it's "6 numbers bet" random is random, so, that's the soulution to the code,...if you can develop this further , in some way ,..... yess? :)
I'd say....Random is
Hey guys you can always do a "pivot" on Natural Lines:
Natural Lines: L1-6, L7-12, L13-18, L19-24, L25-30, L31-36
(all Vaddi of course)
If the newest spin-value is Odd Bet the next numerically Higher Line.
If the newest spin-value is Even bet the next numerically Lower Line.
And bet zero always-(which makes seven numbers in play)
Actually the hit rate is better the other way :)
If the newest spin-value is Even Bet the next numerically Higher Line.
If the newest spin-value is Odd bet the next numerically Lower Line.
i think game will be dynamic, atleast after 4 numbers drop need to change the bets accordinly based on what has been changed as per law of third.
I think this law of third is against players than casino.Just imagining , if in every cycle 30+ numbers comes then how easy was it to win, just betting 7 non hit numbers after 20 spins..Decoding this 24 out of 36(for simplicity), 12 doubles , 12 repeaters and 12 sleepers how difficult it is to win using balance number 8.
Now i think, whoever claims he has HG, may be not true, e,g if take the case of sergio, who claims, he has HG of vaadi,but he is ready to sell it..
why, if any system giving 200 units per day , then in one year how much 200*365=73000 euros, then why need to sell? Vaadi claims, his system can change game rules , but after that what happen he didnt joined.. and his start to end thead totally changing , and what he presented in his ending thread , i think it is not easy to understand for an experienced roulette palyers then how come a child can play and win, where is so much to consider during play, e.g like pair numbers, lands, mirrors , doubles, etc..
But i guess to know something is better than nothing, so i m intersted to know his system ,,
yesterday session, deadliest one, see the repeaters and neighbors range how far it is. lands also far, if any one has good system , may be this cycle will help him to validate his system either profitable or not,
Consider 8 number as balance, which is key of VAD system , how come someone can bet on doubles, singles, sleepers, nighbours at the same time, taking that case, 3 numbers i can choose for latest lands, then 3 for neighbors, and 2 for sleepers, in that case how much is chance i will win, withing 4 spins, as i posted one graph above, nohting works, pairing also came in back pairing.. repater length is too long, neigbours also came in lenghty periods,
above ,numbering, i still left doubles and mirror numbers.if including those also, then bet can be like this
2 lastest lands, 2 neighbours, 2 sleepers,, 2 mirror numbers= 8 number balance
seems mirror listing can be helpful
How would it?
How do you describe mirror nrs?
big bro , i hope u know better than me, mirror , i guess, is 36-landed number, may be. Mirro in terms of roulette wheel and table, i mean in my best mirror which is more powerful, either wheel vs table or in sequential, 1 to 36, then mirror in opposite.i m still in analysing phase, man.till now i guess lands are more powerful, because number comes in uniform dance as per Vaadi. so when singles are comong then lands are powerful, if law of third towrds doubles , mean stage 2 then singles are more powerful, if balance game then i guess lands better
i m just thinking may be comparing two sides, together may be can give some clue figuring out next landing nos, but still not sure how to do that.
two sides means, number vs mirror or table vs wheel.. and what can be a best bet , based on stages, all numbers in 0 state ,in fist state, then they turn to singls, (2nd stage) then singles turn to doubles(3rd stage,) so based on these 3 states bets need to adjust accordingly , i guess, will see how it goes man, not sure yet Big Bro. But i think one member Six sence have more knowledge,
and repeaters drop ranges, i guess matters too, as roulete is all about balance, so i guess, it means, if doubles currently repeating, long distances, then in future they are going to repeat in narrow ranges, etc, then can only be balance there,so based on that can catch repeaters, same case for neighbours /partner numbers, i guess
as per law of third there should be 13 unhits numbers, keeping that i guess, there should be 13 gaps also , in lands, so a land cannot grow longer, there should be missing gaps, as per law of thirds, so if a land consists of 5 nubmbers so most probaly the next two sides numbers will not drop,
just my thinking. Vaadi also mentioned his post, he uses lands and mirrors to predict sleepers,
so if a land has one residents then most probably other two neigbhours possiblity to come is higher, VAAD also said, think in terms of 2, 4, 12, 24,
so singles going to doubles, means 2, residents, in a land, trippe going to be quad means, 4, may be he means this, and he uses this in his system,
the picture i post above, single nubmers without neigbours in table mode are only 3, other all becomes doubles or more, so if any one playing this, way, how he can loose, may b he means, this as HG,
in wheel mode there are 4 singles , as compared to table where only 3 , so may be he emphasizing , table more than wheel , because in table mode numbers, possibility of nubmers to become doubles is more than on wheel..
Quote from: Elite on Jan 11, 01:02 PM 2019
as per law of third there should be 13 unhits numbers, keeping that i guess, there should be 13 gaps also , in lands, so a land cannot grow longer, there should be missing gaps, as per law of thirds, so if a land consists of 5 nubmbers so most probaly the next two sides numbers will not drop,
just my thinking. Vaadi also mentioned his post, he uses lands and mirrors to predict sleepers,
so if a land has one residents then most probably other two neigbhours possiblity to come is higher, VAAD also said, think in terms of 2, 4, 12, 24,
so singles going to doubles, means 2, residents, in a land, trippe going to be quad means, 4, may be he means this, and he uses this in his system,
the picture i post above, single nubmers without neigbours in table mode are only 3, other all becomes doubles or more, so if any one playing this, way, how he can loose, may b he means, this as HG,
I think you are very close here. I don't fully understand what you are saying to be completely honest but I can make enough of it that it makes great sense. If you notice in the trackers two becomes fours. Splitting and pairing. This reference has been used over and over with Vaddi. Maybe once you have a pair, you bet the other two numbers on either side. But again I ask, Is Vaddi wheel based or table based? A pair in the table 17,18 or 7,11(American wheel). Both? Eventually the gaps fill in. Is this due to the law of the third? Does it have to happen? The gaps fill in or it has to back to where it once was?
i think , repeaters in games are for loosing ,,, just imaging if repeaters are not too many , how easy was to win just plying, on lands,
inspite of all this info, Vaadi Given, is how to manage all this with balance number, seems we know what going to land but with 8 numbers, all this to mange, how ? i guess sergio using , many numbers in his grail, so he playing with minimal amoutn, becaus that will give more accuracy, but less profit, so killer challenge lies how to manage bets, i guess, around magic number.wihtout that number system has no power, but to manage that one without progression is really a challenge, a challenge to find Grail , i think
Quote from: Irish88 on Jan 11, 01:17 PM 2019
Is Vaddi wheel based or table based?
Wheel based. He wasn't sure if it would work on rng, but he suspected it might work.
Quote from: Irish88 on Jan 11, 01:17 PM 2019
I think you are very close here. I don't fully understand what you are saying to be completely honest but I can make enough of it that it makes great sense. If you notice in the trackers two becomes fours. Splitting and pairing. This reference has been used over and over with Vaddi. Maybe once you have a pair, you bet the other two numbers on either side. But again I ask, Is Vaddi wheel based or table based? A pair in the table 17,18 or 7,11(American wheel). Both? Eventually the gaps fill in. Is this due to the law of the third? Does it have to happen? The gaps fill in or it has to back to where it once was?
IRish, Vaadi mentioned his post, its table, not wheel,
in 37 spins there will be 13 unit numbers, so gaps will be around that, important thing is singles are becoming doubles in 37 spins, so e.g if first 4 spins, are spread,means with gaps, then better bet can be aournd those numbers as per table ..because gaps must need to fill.if its start of game, then all numbers in 0 state , after 4 spins, 4 becomes singles, but 33 numbers are in 0 state, so i think that time instead of betting singles, should go on neighbours, becuse best balance numbers to bet are 8, after 8 spins, may be then better to include few singles also, becuase 8 numbers in single state but 29 in 0 state , and out of 29 , as per law of third, 16 more to come, so probability of coming neighbours is more than singles to repeat, but if doubles are dropping, so i guess it all depends how game going, if e.g ball is hitting any particular number on wheel, so means,there is more chance of coming doubles, as an external factor.Also i see, doubles ranges contract and expand, based on that, i think need to adjust the bets also..
how to bet, i think better if any number is single then bet on its two neigbous, e.g 15 comes, then bet on 14,15,16. so keeping balance, we can be around, 2 numbers this way total will b six, and other two we can include latest number, so based on above chart, i think we should b aournd doubles or singles nubmers,but difficult part is managing these bets with 8 numbers bet. number must will land in neighbours, but when and how, this all need to manage, till yet i didnt find any good method ,, to deal with these situations,
from vaadi quote , how he manging doubles
1) 2 chips on doubles
2) 1 chip on doubles
3) Half of a chip on doubles
2) and 3) should make you smile. Smiley
- Vaddi
to predict numbers, what he does, he also mentioned,,see below. how he comparing , is it any two lists, wheel and table layout? or mirror number ? not sure yet . may be he makes two lists, one mirror list, (is that list is 1to 36 and 2nd 36 to 1, or its table and wheel, ? no idea)
Hi Vaddi, first of all thank you very much for sharing this information, I wanted to ask you since you have spoken of "mirror" if in fact your system has at least some analogy with the "mirror system", which for those who do not know him (it's easy) works like this:
- Using only the chanches even (R / B, E / O, H / L)
- Ex. use of R / B, on five outputs (the number of outputs of waiting is then decided by the player)
- At this point the bet amount will be exactly to 'reverse (just as you see things in the mirror, that is reversed from right to left and vice versa) of these five issues, then:
The system as it is very clear, hoping that the next five releases will probably also only slightly different from the first five.
Obviously this is just a simple example of how to proceed, we know that at least on RNG you can also get more than 30 outputs of the same color, the system lends itself to having different variations on the web I think they are much information about it. Thanks and regards.
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Re: Wish I could openly share Roulette Grail
« Reply #331 on: July 30, 2013, 11:09:58 PM »
I guess the basic idea is somewhat similar, except that I'm using inside numbers.
The inside numbers constantly 'try' to balance with each other in a sort of uniform dance. And there are ways to temporarily exploit the imbalances.
From time to time, I warn against red / black systems because there's no way of exploiting reliable roulette constants.
The constants that I seek to exploit are...
- 24 singles every 37 spins
- 12 doubles every 37 spins
- 13 no-hits every 37 spins
Now, that's a reliable roulette pattern every 37 spins and it's a way of informing you that roulette is not perfectly random.
If you are aware of perfectly exploitable and reliable constants in a red / black strategy, then power to you. If not, watch out.
- Vaddi
and i guess he not betting on singles in some stage, when one of forum member aksed how to manage , doubles singles, with 10 numbers, what he answered is as below
so, when I state 24 'singles', I'm looking at it from the point of view that singles must occur first before doubles can manifest.
I know ... putting the grail together based on the many clues I've provided is a killer challenge. Different components that are presented impact on other suggested elements and transforms the final solution into something ne
and how he predicts slepper, he answerd as below (if any one have idea about mirror then plz share, what that mirror is, is it reverse list or its table to wheel, or its something else). one session i notices, out of 9 , 5 mirrirs came, if considering revers list, but that were two far ranges,
so how to flow with lands/doubles. flow with lands meeans lands growing, doubles means, doubles growing i guess, but how to float with them, not sure,
VAD:All elements of roulette have a mirror and you can use lands / doubles to flow with and to predict sleepers.
Quote from: Elite on Jan 11, 01:42 PM 2019
from vaadi quote , how he manging doubles
1) 2 chips on doubles
2) 1 chip on doubles
3) Half of a chip on doubles
2) and 3) should make you smile. Smiley
- Vaddi
So stupid question on my part. What is a double? A repeater? Or a pair on the table?
what he said how can b a consistent winner.. below (what does 2,4,12 means, if any one have idea, plz share)
I now believe that there are many answers to winning against roulette consistently once you grasp ideas with regard to ...
- flat betting
- balance
- paired numbers
- following the wheel
- doubles (12)
- singles (24)
- using dropped numbers to predict future drops
- thinking in terms of even numbers: 4, 8, 12, 24, 36
Quote from: Bigbroben on Jan 11, 01:25 PM 2019
Wheel based. He wasn't sure if it would work on rng, but he suspected it might work.
just corection to my below thread, i didnt find when he said, its table or wheel, but about pairing he said, that are must be , backward pariing or froward paring, so big bro ben, how u get that he said its wheel , neighbours, even though now i also feeling he means, wheel, becuase he mentioed dealer signature in one of his post,
Quote from: Irish88 on Jan 11, 01:55 PM 2019
So stupid question on my part. What is a double? A repeater? Or a pair on the table?
Irish, first i do correct my before post. i now reread his imporat points again , and didnt find he means wheel or table, but i gues it can be wheel as in one of his post he said, something about dealer also.
Nothing is stupid man. let me explain,
double and repeater same meaning, if one number comes more than one time, e.g if 3 landed and after few spins if it lands again, then its a repeater or doubles,
pair number means, number connected with each other, e.g 1,2,3,4,5,6 here 1 connectes with 2, so 1 and 2 are pairs same, 2, and 3 are pairs, its going towrds 1 to 36, same way pair can be backwar also if go from 36 to 1 then 36 has pair with 35,
for pairing what he said, below. but he consider wheel also in his game play as can depicted, so need to connect wheel also with this pairing, may be to find more clues
Are the pairings a sort of code ? lol Or are they meant as they are written
They are meant as they are written. Wink
- Vaddi
Quote from: Irish88 on Jan 11, 01:17 PM 2019
I think you are very close here. I don't fully understand what you are saying to be completely honest but I can make enough of it that it makes great sense. If you notice in the trackers two becomes fours. Splitting and pairing. This reference has been used over and over with Vaddi. Maybe once you have a pair, you bet the other two numbers on either side. But again I ask, Is Vaddi wheel based or table based? A pair in the table 17,18 or 7,11(American wheel). Both? Eventually the gaps fill in. Is this due to the law of the third? Does it have to happen? The gaps fill in or it has to back to where it once was?
gaps will filled as after 37 spins 24 numbers will drop, and there is no way they can occur without filling gap,if playing on gaps u can loose if numbers are repeating, and there are 12 numbers to repeat, and 13 will not come at all, so how to manage this situation, as i can see this law of third is not player friendly , it seems more casino friendly
Quote from: Bigbroben on Jan 11, 01:25 PM 2019
Wheel based. He wasn't sure if it would work on rng, but he suspected it might work.
HI Ben, i guess, he uses wheel, but he plays on sequence, and combining both may b that its mirror, so predict numbers, so he follows wheel for sure, without seeing and follow wheel is like we just playing blindly on rng roulete so your are right in this sense but what he said he perfer phsyscal wheel because it follows nature rule that is law of third , so here confusion, man, his concern looks towrds law of third more than, wheel
Here a idea ( nothing to do with vaddis) for you ....
You have 6 different numbers , each of that numbers did not hit the
neighbors (Wheel) of the other ones. Start to bet that 6 and the two
neighbors of each, so 18 numbers. If lose bet all that 18 and the new
number and the two neighbors (or 2 close numbers), so bet 21 numbers.
If lose , bet that 21 and the new number + 2 neighbors ( or 2 close numbers),
so bet 24 numbers . Still need good MM plan for this.
Also can start with 5 diff . numbers , so 15 no, 18 no , 21 no, 24 no .
Quote from: Kattila on Jan 11, 02:26 PM 2019
Here a idea ( nothing to do with vaddis) for you ....
You have 6 different numbers , each of that numbers did not hit the
neighbors (Wheel) of the other ones. Start to bet that 6 and the two
neighbors of each, so 18 numbers. If lose bet all that 18 and the new
number and the two neighbors (or 2 close numbers), so bet 21 numbers.
If lose , bet that 21 and the new number + 2 neighbors ( or 2 close numbers),
so bet 24 numbers . Still need good MM plan for this.
Also can start with 5 diff . numbers , so 15 no, 18 no , 21 no, 24 no .
hi katalia , this way progression will be high and require good balance, even though accuracy is more, but profit will b low and balance require will b high, and if it goes, until table limit , like martingle very quickly
i got some idea on mirror system and i hope vad using same way, if take 1 to 36 one list and 36 to 1 2nd list, so nubmers will not be same, as 35 hit two times and 1 hit also two times, 34 hit 3 times and 3 hits 3 times, so keeping that and also keeping law of third, can reach to next landing numbers one thought ,
Quote from: Elite on Jan 11, 02:42 PM 20192nd list
For a second list you have (37! - 1) = (13763753091226345046315979581580902400000000 - 1) possiblities. :question:
Quote from: Herby on Jan 11, 02:52 PM 2019
For a second list you have (37! - 1) = (13763753091226345046315979581580902400000000 - 1) possiblities. :question:
yes but law of third says 24 number only will drop in one cycle. example for mirror can be like RR BBRR , so now how many chnce, same pattren will repeat, but u r right , there are many possiblites with numbers, but what vadi says number comes in uniform dance, and we have lands and doubles to predict sleepers, so we have to keep that lands, (consecutive numbers landed) and doubles, also in mind, so in this way can get close to next predicted numbers, so getting minor advantage, can beat roulete in long term, one thought,
For 2nd list we not include all numbers, every number one mirror, 36 cannot be mirrir with 36, so we left with only 18 numbers, then law of third says 24 drops, so if we are playing 14 spins, and 12 numbers drop, then how much left , then also how many gaps , that time, may be analysing all this can get near by target
one quote from vad, making some clues he using, sequence only, not not considering, wheel movement, or dealer signature, etc.
and i guess, when he says, follow wheel , it means, bet on latest number
The GRAIL does NOT try and guess what the wheel will do. And, that's part of the magic.
a real example of mirror, lands, and pairs,doubles , any light there? in mirror always left goes to right , thinking this way ::::
In vaadi one post he mention , 18 numbers also , if more than 18 numbers and that system required progressino then that system needs to tweak,
i think 18 also a break even number and and multiple of higher number(36), may be numbers can be increased based on current gameplay, and law of third stats , other wise it seems not easy to grab to so many things going togehter thought
Quote from: Elite on Jan 11, 03:13 PM 2019
one quote from vad, making some clues he using, sequence only, not not considering, wheel movement, or dealer signature, etc.
and i guess, when he says, follow wheel , it means, bet on latest number
The GRAIL does NOT try and guess what the wheel will do. And, that's part of the magic.
Anyone that will only leave
"clues" as to how to win with a roulette system is usually one or more of the following.
1. An idiot
2. A scamming Gypsy
3. Delusional
4. A fraud
5. A high school dropout
6. Seriously sucks at math
7. A fool
Quote from: The General on Jan 11, 05:38 PM 2019
Anyone that will only leave "clues" as to how to win with a roulette system is usually one or more of the following.
1. An idiot
2. A scamming Gypsy
3. Delusional
4. A fraud
5. A high school dropout
6. Seriously sucks at math
7. A fool
someone winning consistently for years using their mechanical system due to nice money management and a combination of luck
As Bigbroben would say "Another file on the desk" :)
Note the newest spin value. If last decision was Even
bet that number and the six numerically higher numbers.
If last decision was Odd bet that number
and the six numerically lower numbers.
Stop on a win or after five consecutive misses.
Example: #30 (newest spin-value)
Bet 30,31,32,33,34,35,36 once: 1.) #3(x)-7
Bet 3,2,1,0,36,35,34 once....
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Jan 11, 09:02 PM 2019
As Bigbroben would say "Another file on the desk" :)
There are many files on my desk, really...
hehe ^-^
How about this...
Last four Odd outcomes vs Last four Evens
...29,23,21,6,20,32,9,10,0 (newest spin-value)-Even
If the last decision is Even bet the last four Even
outcomes & next numerically higher numbers respectively.
If the last decision is Odd bet the last four Odd
outcomes & next numerically lower numbers respectively.
Example: (from above)
Bet 0,1: 10,11: 32,33: 20,21 once: 1.) 25(x)-8 (Odd)
Bet 25,24: 9,8: 21,20: 23,22 once....
Singles in Streets play & Zero
Note the last three outcomes. Are they unique streets?
Bet the last decision numbers and one
numerically higher**they have to be in the same street
Example: 21,9,31 (newest spin-value)
Bet 21,19: 9,7: 31,32,0 once: 1(x)-7
Bet 1,2: 31,32: 9,7,0 once....
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 11, 06:45 PM 2019
someone winning consistently for years using their mechanical system due to nice money management and a combination of luck
your words gave some hope in dark...
Indeed, Elite :thumbsup:
Law of the third inspired play
Bet the newest natural split from the two newest dozens
Stop on a win or after nine consecutive misses.
Example: 36,21,1 (newest spin value)
Bet 21/24 & 1/4 once: 1.) 12(x)-2
Bet 21/24 & 9/12 once....
Add zero and play for up to seven
spins (five numbers in play). Stop on a win.
vadi clues , i think can b below
- flat betting ( my view:bet on numbers without progression)
- balance (My view:max numbers to bet should be <10)
- paired numbers( bet on paird numbrs too)
- following the wheel(bet on latest drop numberes)
- doubles (12)
- singles (24)
- using dropped numbers to predict future drops(i guess its now mirror concept,lands and doubles)
- thinking in terms of even numbers: 4, 8, 12, 24, 36( this i thinnk represents different stages in a cycle, means, after 4 spins, 8 spins, 24 spins, what happend and count of doubles , singels etc, so if any imbalnce then use that in your favour keeping in mind remaining spins in that cycle and law of third constants)
based on above facts and roulette ghost prediction,(with luck and balance management can be winner)...luck will count if imbalance goes towards balance, but if not then luck to bad luck, and cycle goes to next cycle, until, profit or loss of that session....
i think we need roulette ghost more than roulette luck to cope with this situation .. one thought
one cycle, based on law of third, seems like , 12 spins to wait and then enter in cycle, better,. If after 12 spins, suppose 11 came and one doubles then now from 12 to 24 , how much max new numbrs can come? keeping tht total will be 24 numbers to show...
with 12 repeats
Notto has given us some very useful stats on non hits and repeats in a 40 spin cycle.
I think it’s something like:
Spins 11-20 is 3 repeats.
21 -30 is 5 and and 31-40 is 7.
Theses are averages.
Check out for yourself. Maybe this can help.
Did this get overlooked,
bet 33 and 2 neighbours each side
1 -5 + 36
bet 33 and 1 2 neighbours each side
10 -10
bet 33;1;10
19 -15
bet 33;1;10;19 2 neighbours each side
16 -20 +36
bet 33;1;10;19;16 2 neighbours each side
22 -25
bet 33;1;10;19;16;22 2 neighbours each side
17 -30
bet 33;1;10;19;16;22;17 2 neighbours each side
9 -35 +36
bet 33;1;10;19;16;22;17;9 2 neighbours each side
16 -40 +108
bets -180 total +216 here he shows 8 spins is the win from balance
i think , no HG, exists.I mean, a consistent way to win every time,
Quote from: nottophammer on Jan 12, 01:12 PM 2019
Did this get overlooked,
bet 33 and 2 neighbours each side
1 -5 + 36
bet 33 and 1 2 neighbours each side
10 -10
bet 33;1;10
19 -15
bet 33;1;10;19 2 neighbours each side
16 -20 +36
bet 33;1;10;19;16 2 neighbours each side
22 -25
bet 33;1;10;19;16;22 2 neighbours each side
17 -30
bet 33;1;10;19;16;22;17 2 neighbours each side
9 -35 +36
bet 33;1;10;19;16;22;17;9 2 neighbours each side
16 -40 +108
bets -180 total +216 here he shows 8 spins is the win from balance
Great find Notto. I completely believe in playing hit numbers and neighbors from the wheel.
Quote from: nottophammer on Jan 12, 01:12 PM 2019
Did this get overlooked,
bet 33 and 2 neighbours each side
1 -5 + 36
bet 33 and 1 2 neighbours each side
10 -10
bet 33;1;10
19 -15
bet 33;1;10;19 2 neighbours each side
16 -20 +36
bet 33;1;10;19;16 2 neighbours each side
22 -25
bet 33;1;10;19;16;22 2 neighbours each side
17 -30
bet 33;1;10;19;16;22;17 2 neighbours each side
9 -35 +36
bet 33;1;10;19;16;22;17;9 2 neighbours each side
16 -40 +108
bets -180 total +216 here he shows 8 spins is the win from balance
Notto I am just a little confused with the above method. Once you get a hit and are in profit you are not resetting back to one number and 2 wheel neighbors?
I see if numbers overlap you just add another unit on to the number that has overlapped. Just wondering if you reset one you win and are in profit? Or do you continue adding hit numbers and their neighbors?
A test.
Play hit nrs. Reset at new high. When past 8 nrs, keep on adding. On a hit, delete the nr and make sure the neighbours +1/-1 have a unit on them. If not, a unit on the neighbours. If they're already full, just delete the hit one. Stop if lose with 24 nrs? Or if 200 below high? Or after 37 spins without a nh?
New two columns singles scheme :)
Note the newest two columns to show (this will be your playing area)
12,34,3 (newest spin-value)-Columns one and three are active.
Only bet the newest six numbers from these two columns and zero once.
Repeat steps if miss. Stop on a win or after five consecutive misses.
Example: 25,36,23,24,12,25,14.8,18,32,29 (newest spin-value)
Second and Third columns are the newest to hit.
Bet the newest six in these two columns and zero once.
(Bet 29,32,18,8,14,12,0 once): 1.) 1(x)-7
First and second columns are the newest.
Bet the newest six in these two columns and zero once.
(Bet 1,29,32,8,14,25,0....)
Proof, are you testing all those ideas or is this brainstorming?
A bit of both. I do some manual testing, but don't have RX for charts.
What's your take on Vaddi's supposed ''magic nr''? I.e. how many nrs do you play? Only the nrs that have a crazy stdev or their neighbours too? How wide?
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Jan 12, 09:59 PM 2019
A bit of both. I do some manual testing, but don't have RX for charts.
Good. I don't have Rx either but the equivalent is possible with excel.
Quote from: Bigbroben on Jan 12, 09:26 PM 2019
A test.
Play hit nrs. Reset at new high. When past 8 nrs, keep on adding. On a hit, delete the nr and make sure the neighbours +1/-1 have a unit on them. If not, a unit on the neighbours. If they're already full, just delete the hit one. Stop if lose with 24 nrs? Or if 200 below high? Or after 37 spins without a nh?
This is better than bad...
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Jan 12, 09:59 PM 2019
A bit of both. I do some manual testing, but don't have RX for charts.
From this site u can download RX free activated
Unfortunately my breznievnyeskaia porogoroz is not so good... (hope it doesn't mean anything...!)
I appreciate the help Elite, but the language is a barrier for me.
open site in chrome , and translate into english
Or you could just pay the developer his asking price of $30 which you can surely afford with all your winnings from Celtic Casino using the numerous systems you have been selling.
I give away much more than I sell Let Me Win.
Two-Hit Single Tactic
Track for eight unique singles. When a repeat outcome shows
bet that number and +1 and -1 numerically for up to 12 spins.
Example: 31,14,9,0,23,6,29,14 (newest spin-value)
Bet 13,14,15 for up to 12 spins. Stop on a win.
Quote from: Bigbroben on Jan 12, 10:08 PM 2019
This is better than bad...
Interesting, will try to set aside some time this week to throw some RX spins at it. Nice Ben.
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Jan 13, 07:01 AM 2019
Two-Hit Single Tactic
Track for eight unique singles. When a repeat outcome shows
bet that number and +1 and -1 numerically for up to 12 spins.
Example: 31,14,9,0,23,6,29,14 (newest spin-value)
Bet 13,14,15 for up to 12 spins. Stop on a win.
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Monday, January 14, 2019 @ 12:02am CST USA
13 (newest spin-value)
Bet 12,13,14 for up to 12 spins. Stop on a win.
1.) 15(x)-3 2.) 30(x)-3 3.) 11(x)-3
4.) 1(x)-3 5.) 33(x)-3 6.) 26(x)-3
7.) 13(win)+33
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Monday, January 14, 2019 @ 12:23am CST USA
...28,33,28 (newest spin-value)
Bet 27,28,29 for up to 12 spins. Stop on a win.
1.) 9(x)-3 2.) 16(x)-3 3.) 7(x)-3
4.) 18(x)-3 5.) 34(x)-3 6.) 29(win)+33
Modi system 8 lines..
I right vertically .... It's sequential pairing.. Same suggested by vadii... Here first two lines
1 3 5 7 9 11
2 4 6 8 10 12
Vertically. First two lines. Same others...
Pairing next number .
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
9 10
11 12
First 18 numbers he keeping two rows with 5 numbers and two with 4 no. Row.. Similar structure is for 18 to 36 section
May be one 5 no row should b played with 4 no... Row based on trigger.
9 no bet with balance number of 9
Vaddi indicated nine numbers as the balance number,
but the hit rate suffers unless the system is near perfect.
New idea ;D
Seventh and Eighth outcome with +1 number
Note the seventh and eighth outcomes. Bet those two
numbers and a +1 number numerically on both respectively.
Repeat with the newest spin-values each spin.
Stop on a win or after nine consecutive misses.
Example: 12,3,9,0,14,3,27,36 (newest spin-value)
Bet 12,13 & 3,4 once: 1.) 20(x)-4
Bet 3,4 & 9,10 once....
Vaadi indicated. I think 8 numbers.... I hope u able to download RX. Eager to see some graph... Moreover I found one app name. number_filter.1.0 on same site May b that can of interest too.
on roulette wheel, 2nd 12 are not randomly distributed, they are either on right side of 0 or opposite of that .
that of course what i see is the dealer advantage.(he can avoid throwing on this or away if most bets on 2nd dozen numbers, i guess).
thinking this way, if numbers on roulette wheel are also same as on table, how it was easy for dealer and player both to take advantage.
Roulette wheel distribution gives edge to house, not easy for dealer to hit particular dozen numbers, as neighbors numbers are surrounding by other dozen numbers, so no one can easily guess what dealer trying to do..and may be MOD1 designed a way to somehow figure based on patterns which area dealer will try to hit, in future based on past 6 spins, one thought..
so if suppose 6 spins no 2nd dozen showed then we see some numbers which are neighbors of 2nd dozen, so that means, for sure dealer trying to hit 2nd dozen, and that time if we are on same area numbers, that can be advantage,, may be because of that MOD1 said, we cannot beat random, but in cases based on patterns can take advantage, ,
what is vaadi holy grail promising, you will never loose, as i too not loosing after reading his clues,,
what i found is Holy grail roulette ........................................., not to play roulette, you will never loose :):)
he spend 18 months in testing roulette, and after that he found, in 10 minutes, he can earn 35 dollars.
I think if he spend so much time in doing PHD research, he will definitely earn 300 dollar for one hour lecture without risking any money,.
Guranteed profit
and why he gave clues is , so that others will also suffer as he suffered for 2 years, may be :):)
.. He missed reall holy grail...:P
What Vaadi published is , seems like it was during his testing, and he also told, how he will play online roulette to remain in cover .
So all his theory is before going in real battle. Rx extreme charts very promising, where we no fear of loosing money where there is no enemy, but real game play is different, where casino tracking every spin, where dealer constantly looking on winner list , where pitboss, eyes on profit and loss and where dealer, pit boss, all have fear to loose their job , if they will not generate profit for casino..
How heavily guarded casino house, ? a lot more , ..
so real chart is that which is based on actual game play, that can b followed, but Vaadi , unfortunate didn't showed any chart, so everything is assumption, may be his system work or not, no surety, as no proof ever been seen,
Moreoever, casino what i see is not having only 2.70 % house edge, thery are having 70% hosue edge, because dealer can spot a sector, they cut off every method , which can win, VB, Computer prediction.They want player to play randomly but from their side, are thy random?
House edge of 2.70 percent lies when game is totally random, which is thought
Decoding Vaadi System;
i think no one exactly decoded how he was playing.For his system to decode , we need to understand its clues giving pattern or way..
I like his way of giving clues :) what he discoved , worth or not, not much that
here take example of his first post ..
Vaadi:"As I've said, I won't tell you what that perfect number is, but it's between 6 and 10"
clue he given then look at 2nd clue
Vaadi:And if you read my above posts, that X number is a factor of a bigger number that I've quoted.
Now decode: what we see is biggest number he quoted is 10 ? (factors of 10 = 1, 2, 5, and 10)
but no one is bigger than 6 and less than 10 then what he quoted biggest number.......
its not 6 not 10 , its 16 (6+10)
factors of 16 are (1, 2, 4, 8, 16)
then to find final his magic number, (its greater than 6 and less than 10 which can be ....8 :)
I'm sure its 8. Because 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8=36. You need 1 hit in 36 number to break even
It’s 8 it’s 9its 6 wtf giving it up dudes a guy came along fed you some bullshit and you guys are still trying to pick up the shits . Make your lunch money and go home.
Quote from: Winner on Jan 14, 09:48 AM 2019
It’s 8 it’s 9its 6 wtf giving it up dudes a guy came along fed you some bullshit and you guys are still trying to pick up the shits . Make your lunch money and go home.
Yes Winner; your right, singles,then splits or is it pairs. On various trackers you can see non-hit come for 18 or 20 spins and pairing still miss those non-hit.
There'd be better taking the average for repeats over 40 spins of 1-3-5-7; but watch the non-hits. As non-hit decrease it's obvious repeats are going to happen even with 1/37 spin mentality.
The next quetion is when do hit once go R1; then R2' this is where the balance comes; comes to what, that thing called LOTT, that the general and his buddies threw out to confuse, but the best of it, the 10'000 star burst spins he gave all show this phenomenon called LOTT
Quote from: Winner on Jan 14, 09:48 AM 2019
It’s 8 it’s 9its 6 wtf giving it up dudes
Hey Weener, it could be 7 also. Don't forget nr7. Never, ever, forget nr7.
i not able to get any clue man , all i m doing is , i stopped play,, :)
it seems for me, that Vad gave clue , so ppl play accordingly and loose and he will not be able to spot by casino, using similar kind of technique .
else he will not disappear ,
Quote from: Bigbroben on Jan 14, 10:46 AM 2019
Hey Weener, it could be 7 also. Don't forget nr7. Never, ever, forget nr7.
This made me laugh 😂
Quote from: Elite on Jan 14, 12:03 PM 2019
i not able to get any clue man , all i m doing is , i stopped play,, :)
If you just play for fun, it's ok to lose, just like any hockey player: they'll play again for fun even after a loss.
If you get down because you lost money and you were seriously thinking you'd win, there is a problem.
High expectations opens the way to deceptions.
Or, consider Vaddi's clue: even a 10 y-old would understand.
Think like a child, forget everything too complicated.
But I'm sure in the end it'S no HG that Vaddi found, at least not with RNGs.
Quote from: Bigbroben on Jan 14, 10:46 AM 2019
Hey Weener, it could be 7 also. Don't forget nr7. Never, ever, forget nr7.
If you keep playing this game all you will be able to afford is wieners all beef are good :thumbsup:
Yes. The ones at Costco are just 1.50$ plus a soft drink!
Quote from: Winner on Jan 14, 03:05 PM 2019
If you keep playing this game all you will be able to afford is wieners all beef are good :thumbsup:
Too many nitrates. Headaches, heart disease and cancer. Avoid processed meats. Off the bone meats are much better.
So. What I see after reading all experienced players views .there is no way for long term winning... Casino pockets are too tights to take money out...: (
Quote from: Elite on Jan 14, 10:44 PM 2019
So. What I see after reading all experienced players views .there is no way for long term winning... Casino pockets are too tights to take money out...: (
Tight like a virgin
Don't be blue Elite. "Necessity is the mother of invention"
Meanwhile I have this idea ^-^
Last four Reds vs Blacks Plus High/Low Mirror Pair plus Zero
(Nine numbers in play)
Procedure: Note the newest outcome. Is it Red or Black?
Bet the newest four Red or Black spin-values, the opposite
High/Low mirror number respectively and a chip on zero once.
Repeat steps with the newest outcome's trigger.
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example: 31,5,17,31,2,29,33,5,18,35,27,11,4 (newest spin-value)
Bet 4,31: 11,26: 35,2: 33,6,0 once: 1.) 36(x)-9
Bet 36,3: 27,12: 18,21: 5,32,0 once....
*1st number spin-value, mirror number listed
Quote from: Winner on Jan 14, 11:42 PM 2019virgin
Then how to kum out if situation... So tight
Here what I experienced after vaadi clues.
Magic no is multiple of biggest no he quoted.
24 biggest no. And multiple is 8
So he say play on 8 no to loose instead of more than 8... 8 balance no. So with 120 units it will take 20 minutes for casino to take out all your money.
Elite plz cheer up :thumbsup: We'll get there.
New tactic ^-^ ^-^
Bet the last decision and three numbers numerically lower and
higher each spin with a chip on zero. Repeat for each new spin value.
Stop on a win or after five consecutive misses.
Example: #30 (newest spin-value)
Bet 27,28,29,30,31,32,33 & 0 once: 1.) 23(x)-8
Bet 20,21,22,23,24,25,26,0....
*If #1,#2,#3 or #36,#35,#34 shows,
wrap around to the highest/lowest number.
Example: #2 (newest spin-value)
Bet 35,36,1,2,3,4,5,0 once....
After giving all clues. And how to play. Based on pairs.. What VAD said at the end.... He will not reveal his simple formula method.... And that method of play is serious damage. He designed method based on the clues he given... If it's so simple on pairing and double ..lands. then this he already reveal..... But actual method of play is similar to this but he didn't reveal...
During his testing... He consider mirror also.. But it was his deep thinking only. I think so
Actual method of play is in such form that is consistent win and if lot of ppl adopt that way to place bets. Then it can be banned... Thinking on way. I m stuck how to manage this with magic no. And without progression
Did a little research
In a typical 12 spins you should have eight uniques and two twice hit singles.
That said here's my idea...
If a single repeats at least once (twice hit or more) bet that number
and the +1 numerically ahead for up to nine spins. (two numbers).
If another twice hit repeat shows within 12 spins bet that
number and the +1 numerically ahead for up to nine spins.
Stop on a win or after -36 units drawdown.
Example: 12,31,0,25,9,13,12,1,22,34,6,15 (newest spin-value)
Bet 12,13 for up to nine spins: 1.) 0(x)-2*
Bet 12,13 and 0,1 for up to nine spins respectively.
i am manually testing on real spins, every day, 100 spins, applying differnt combinations, still now, i can say, HG not discovered, but i leaned a lot ..
this system, is useful, in tracking shift in game, then what to do, with magic no 7 or 8 without progression , not sure :)
i am manually testing on real spins, every day, 100 spins, applying differnt combinations, still now, i can say, HG not discovered, but i leaned a lot ..
this system, is useful, in tracking shift in game, then what to do, with magic no 7 or 8 without progression , not sure :). few times, i able to figure out few numbers coming up, based on law of third, but that was with sixth sence, no system,,
few spins for today, may be u can apply ur technique and see how balance goes .
Few number dancing uniformly , but most not :(
ayk Ghost production, givining new tracker, hope all having this
something foundatation..
Quote from: Andrey86Pak on July 25, 2013, 10:21:51 PM
Hi Vaddi!
This topic is related to the Holy Grail.
Are you wrote that:
try this sleepers method:
1) Spin the wheel 37 times or track 37 spins at a live online casino.
2) Flat-bet straight up, on ...
14, or ...
15, or ...
16, or
17 numbers that have not hit within those 37 spins.
If your first bet wins, continue tracking.
If your first bet loses, bet a second time.
If your second bet wins, continue tracking.
If your second bet loses, continue tracking.
Tracking for another 37 spins is easy: Remove numbers from the bottom of the landed numbers column so that you will always have 37 spins in the column. Use the Remove button to achieve this.
Don't bet on less than 14 numbers. And don't bet on more than 17 numbers.
If there are less than 14 numbers that don't hit within the 37 spins, don't bet. Continue adding numbers that land, then removing numbers from the bottom of the landed column to maintain 37 spins in the column.
If there are more than 17 numbers that don't hit within the 37 spins, don't bet. Continue adding numbers that land, then removing numbers from the bottom of the landed column to maintain 37 spins in the column.
Don't use any progression with this strategy. Only flat-bet.
Let me know how it goes.
The above approach is what eventually led to my ultimate discoveries. Smiley
That original train of thought was a major stepping stone.
It's amazing how an idea can spark other ideas to the point where you see a much bigger picture.
The grail is where it's at, and it involves out-of-the-box thinking that was born out of the above quoted approach. Wink
- Vaddi
seems, like all have given up. or found and quiet :(
Not quiet, sleeping :)
Quote from: Elite on Jan 16, 07:06 AM 2019
1) Spin the wheel 37 times or track 37 spins at a live online casino.
2) Flat-bet straight up, on ...
14, or ...
15, or ...
16, or
17 numbers that have not hit within those 37 spins.
If your first bet wins, continue tracking.
If your first bet loses, bet a second time.
If your second bet wins, continue tracking.
If your second bet loses, continue tracking.
Don't bet on less than 14 numbers. And don't bet on more than 17 numbers.
Don't use any progression with this strategy. Only flat-bet.
This is what it should ressemble, if I understand right.
Delete nrs from column E and ''Bring your own numbers''!
If you guy are planning to bet 14+ numbers (unless you are
playing RNG) you will realistically have 10 seconds to place your bets.
*Maybe you can place seven or eight splits in that time.
I have got this Holy Grail sorted I have been using it for three nights in a row and stop on £1000 per night.
It is so simple and no need to analyse anything.
Would you mind giving clues other than the ones already repeated over and over here?
Just stopped today's session £1,372.00 using £5 per number on 5 numbers.
This is on a live roulette dealer wheel with changing dealers every 18 to 20 spins, this changeover has not made any difference to my play strategy, I just carry on betting as normal. I have to go out and pick up the kids and maybe back at 10 pm and will fill in the rest. Back soon.
1) Do you only play numbers or do you go down to splits, quads, streets?
2) Do you always play one base unit on all bets or do some have 2u, others only one?
3) How many numbers? Fixed or variable?
Quote from: clivetwo on Jan 16, 02:04 PM 2019
I have got this Holy Grail sorted I have been using it for three nights in a row and stop on £1000 per night.
It is so simple and no need to analyse anything.
With all due respect, 3 nights of wins in a row does not a holy grail make.
Hi, I am back home now.
There is no Holy Grail that exists in winning the roulette wheel, I was meaning that I have got the Vaddis Holy Grail system worked out. I also can say that I have been winning on roulette for the past 12 years with different systems, I can also mention that I have been testing this system on live casino Play For Fun for the last 4 weeks with the same results.
Quote from: Bigbroben on Jan 16, 02:42 PM 2019
1) Do you only play numbers or do you go down to splits, quads, streets?
2) Do you always play one base unit on all bets or do some have 2u, others only one?
3) How many numbers? Fixed or variable?
I only play single numbers, and there is a progression system, I am presently using 5 numbers but started with eight numbers, this is up to the player how many numbers to choose.
Quote from: clivetwo on Jan 16, 06:14 PM 2019
I only play single numbers, and there is a progression system, I am presently using 5 numbers but started with eight numbers, this is up to the player how many numbers to choose.
Are you using numbers from the top of the board? Are you only using numbers that have appeared? Does the pair chart mean anything? Would you say this is a wheel based method or table layout based? I would be grateful if you can steer some of us in a further direction. Glad to hear you are winning.
(link::// (link:://
Quote from: Irish88 on Jan 16, 06:37 PM 2019
Are you using numbers from the top of the board? Are you only using numbers that have appeared? Does the pair chart mean anything? Would you say this is a wheel based method or table layout based? I would be grateful if you can steer some of us in a further direction. Glad to hear you are winning.
Ok first depending on your bankroll I suggest that you start with 8 numbers, I use only 5 numbers with a bankroll of £1700 getting the early hits for more profit but with a long progression system. Play with 8 numbers until you can use a larger bankroll.
The simple way of this is to look at the first outcome on the Markey, for example, we have 10 numbers on the Markey
when we first view the casino wheel, so, for example, we have ( 27),32,32,34, 22, 26, 35, 15, 21, 17, 31.
I have just taken these 10 numbers straight from the casino plus the next spin which was 27 this is a hit because we have 26. So this is how we bet on these numbers, 33,35,23,27,36,16,22,18. you win on 27 bet each outcome with one unit up, so 32 bet 33 simples and it works. Do not use anything but live roulette dealers, the rest is a scam.
Quote from: clivetwo on Jan 16, 07:20 PM 2019
Ok first depending on your bankroll I suggest that you start with 8 numbers, I use only 5 numbers with a bankroll of £1700 getting the early hits for more profit but with a long progression system. Play with 8 numbers until you can use a larger bankroll.
The simple way of this is to look at the first outcome on the Markey, for example, we have 10 numbers on the Markey
when we first view the casino wheel, so, for example, we have ( 27),32,32,34, 22, 26, 35, 15, 21, 17, 31.
I have just taken these 10 numbers straight from the casino plus the next spin which was 27 this is a hit because we have 26. So this is how we bet on these numbers, 33,35,23,27,36,16,22,18. you win on 27 bet each outcome with one unit up, so 32 bet 33 simples and it works. Do not use anything but live roulette dealers, the rest is a scam.
So you are only betting the pair numbers, that's it. You don't play one number out? You look at the top 5 on the marquee and bet their pair number. For you do you drop the oldest number and add the new pair number? So your set of 5 is changing by 1 number each spin?
Thank you for info. Very nice of you.
Quote from: Irish88 on Jan 16, 07:30 PM 2019
So you are only betting the pair numbers, that's it. You don't play one number out? You look at the top 5 on the marquee and bet their pair number. For you do you drop the oldest number and add the new pair number? So your set of 5 is changing by 1 number each spin?
Thank you for info. Very nice of you.
Yes pick the first 5 and if no hit pick the next new outcome number to add to my five.
marquee first set 7,4,36,24,36,1,35,29,32,23 BET 8,5,0,25,2. NEXT NUMBER OUTCOME 9, BET 10, 8, 5, 0, 25,
Do not worry about duplicate numbers just use one number above and pass the duplicate number and carry on.
How are you implementing a progression? After 7 misses are you adding a unit? As someone who plays live wheels, it is a very regular occurrence to see the numbers line up the way you are showing. But I also see where a dealer can be in the same 9-12-18 number section or side for long periods. And the oppposite number wouldn't appear for awhile. But it does look good. Thank you for your generous information.
Quote from: Elite on Jan 15, 01:40 AM 2019
Magic no is multiple of biggest no he quoted.
24 biggest no. And multiple is 8
Or 6&4=24.
Or he said 24out, 14 singles, 10 repeats.
So could be 1 24x1
2 12x2
3 3x8
4 4x6
5 5x2
6 6x4
7 7x2
8 8x3
... could be any.
As long as a win costs less or equal to 36.
Quote from: Bigbroben on Jan 16, 08:33 PM 2019
Or 6&4=24.
Or he said 24out, 14 singles, 10 repeats.
So could be 1 24x1
2 12x2
3 3x8
4 4x6
5 5x2
6 6x4
7 7x2
8 8x3
... could be any.
As long as a win costs less or equal to 36.
yes , right, 8 is balance number, and 7 is player advantage..
Ah ha!
How did you get to this conclusion?
Quote from: Bigbroben on Jan 16, 09:59 PM 2019
Ah ha!
How did you get to this conclusion?
1+2+3+4+5+6+7+7=35 in 8 attempts
Hey guys got an idea for you :thumbsup:
Zero and Neighbors Plus Newest Two Unique Singles Builder
First bet is five numbers: (American Wheel) 2,0,28 plus newest two
unique singles (or European wheel: 26,0,32 plus newest two unique singles.)
If miss add the newest outcome and bet all six
If miss add the newest outcome and bet all seven, eight, nine
(Stop on a win in any case)
If nine numbers miss end session.
Example: ...34,12 (newest outcome)-European wheel
Bet 26,0,32,34,12 once: 1.) 5(x)-5
Bet 26,0,32,34,12,5 once....
using that mgic no, in 24 spin, need to win only 3 time
while 21 loose, still have profit
so in 24 spins only 3 wins, and u in profit, i think something like that
Because of this 8 times 7 .i think vaadi said he will not go in basic mathematics. Else it will confuse. Some players...
I think bet is not latest drop and pair... It should be based on facts....
Will do analyse this sleeper method today.... To see what can b benefit based on that... All players comments and knowledge.. And thoughts very positive on this forum...
@clive. Analyse skill is one step ahead.
I think 7 or 8 bet system should b like that with each add no. Target should b close and hit.. So reach peak. More probability to hit.. Something like that..
Vaddi added one quote...if u r keen observer of roulette wheel as well as close observer of roulette table......
Giving some meaning but couldn't get yet what mean by keen observer of wheel... Close observer meaning... Neighbour numbers I think so.
One tought if numbers spread out wheel then they will b close on table. If they close on wheel they will far away on table...... Idea only
I think a trigger would be involved on the seven
to eight numbers bet, maybe something with the parings?
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Jan 17, 04:20 AM 2019
I think a trigger would be involved on the seven
to eight numbers bet, maybe something with the parings?
Yes looks like that.. @ Clive analysis coverd one part.. Neighbours.. Very good thought. But I hope something spicy need to add on top of that... So that progression can be reduced
Really genius ppls.. Who thought differently.... Like Vaadi.. Modi.. And a lot there in cover who develop impressive methods...
I read somewhere. There is concept of differential betting in grail type system
Quote from: clivetwo on Jan 16, 07:34 PM 2019
Yes pick the first 5 and if no hit pick the next new outcome number to add to my five.
Any other suggestions .as u said u win frequently.. Any other system or thought to study further
Alright some spice 8)
Plus One Pairing Trigger Singles Builder
Starting with the last eight outcomes, track
outcomes until you have an ascending match.
From that point bet the last decision
single, building to up to eight numbers in play.
Example: 12,3,19,25,0,23,7,20 (newest spin-value)
Bet #20: 1.) 27(x)-1
Bet 20,27: 2.) 0(x)-2
Bet 20,27,0....
*Stop on a win at any time. If all
eight numbers in play miss end session.
Quote from: Bigbroben on Jan 16, 12:41 PM 2019
This is what it should ressemble, if I understand right.
Delete nrs from column E and ''Bring your own numbers''!
Your excel not opening in my system.. by the way i have OPEN OFFICE,,,not microsft one
Quote from: Elite on Jan 17, 12:28 AM 2019
1+2+3+4+5+6+7+7=35 in 8 attempts
But on the 8th spin, 7/8 times it will not be the 8th number hitting, 1/8 times it will be the number left behind. Each number has equal chances of hitting. Ran sims and each position hits an equal amount of times on the 8th spin. Or at any spin, actually.
Quote from: Bigbroben on Jan 17, 10:20 AM 20197/
these 7 numbers selected should be from HOlyGrail, then it will work:) this selection i not know
i guess, HG , there are possible 3 hits(minum) within 24 numbers.This is the only case it can work, and vaadi somhow found that ,, may be seems like that .when in profit , then reset, and e.g if its blocked state then more chance to hit hit with 7 numbers, then system will recoup its looses, this is the idea behind,
Quote from: Elite on Jan 17, 06:08 AM 2019
Any other suggestions .as u said u win frequently.. Any other system or thought to study further
Clive said he solved the puzzle and hasnt lost, shouldn't we be testing his way like crazy? Seems to have been palmed off
That's true. However some think it is a seven or eight number bet using the marquee outcomes.
One more idea :)
Three Column Natural Splits Plus Zero
Note the three newest column outcomes. Bet
the natural split on each and a chip on zero once.
Repeat steps with the newest outcome triggers on each spins.
Stop on a win or after five consecutive misses.
Example: 21,0,31,5,20 (newest spin-value)
Bet 21,24: 31,34: 20,23,0 once: 1.) 16(x)-7
Bet 21,24: 13,16: 20,23,0 once....
Quote from: buffalowizard on Jan 17, 03:55 PM 2019
Clive said he solved the puzzle and hasnt lost, shouldn't we be testing his way like crazy? Seems to have been palmed off
Yes yesterday I notice in one casino. Doubles dropping more than pair. Seems like many people testing clive system there.. Remember casino go opposite. >:D
I just tested Clive's Five Number +1 suggestion.
Good on European wheel, Mixed results on American.
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Thursday, January 17,2019 @ 10:12pm CST USA
...31,22,12,34,2,2 (newest spin-value)
Bet 32,23,13,35,3: 1.) 5(x)-5
Bet 23,13,35,3,6: 2.) 21(x)-5
Bet 13,35,3,6,22: 3.) 25(x)-5
Bet 35,3,6,22,26: 4.) 1(x)-5
Bet 3,6,22,26,2: 5.) 28(x)-5
Bet 6,22,26,2,29" 6.) 6(win)+31
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Thursday, January 17,2019 @ 10:18pm CST USA
Session total: -35 units
Test: Cetic Casino European Wheel-
Thursday, January 17,2019 @ 10:26pm CST USA
...15,18,17,8,13 (newest spin-value)
Bet 16,19,18,9,14: 1.) 16(win)+31
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Thursday, January 17,2019 @ 10:28pm CST USA
...00,8,7,32,25 (newest spin-value)
Bet 1,9,8,33,26: 1.) 22(x)-5
Bet 9,8,33,26,23: 2.) 15(x)-5
Bet 8,33,27,24,16: 3.) 28(x)-5
Bet 33,27,24,16,29: 4.) 34(x)-5
Bet 27,24,16,29,35: 5.) 23(win)+31
More Clive's Five Number +1 results.
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Thursday, January 17,2019 @ 10:54pm CST USA
...33,16,22,4,28 (newest spin-value)
Bet 34,17,23,5,29: 1.) 17(win)+31
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Thursday, January 17,2019 @ 10:56pm CST USA
Session total: -35 units
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Thursday, January 17,2019 @ 11:04pm CST USA
Session total: -35 units
Clive's Five Number +1 results continued
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Thursday, January 17,2019 @ 11:19pm CST USA
...20,31,15,10,21 (newest spin-value)
Bet 21,32,16,11,22: 1.) 0(x)-5
Bet 32,16,11,22,1: 2.) 19(x)-5
Bet 16,11,22,1,20: 3.) 22(win)+31
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Thursday, January 17,2019 @ 11:23pm CST USA
...14,23,30,10,0 (newest spin-value)
Bet 15,24,31,11,1: 1.) 28(x)-5
Bet 24,31,11,1,29: 2.) 2(x)-5
Bet 31,11,1,29,3: 3.) 4(x)-5
Bet 11,1,29,3,5: 4.) 15(x)-5
Bet 1,29,3,5,16: 5.) 8(x)-5
Bet 29,3,5,16,9: 6.) 24(x)-5
Bet 3,5,16,9,25: 7.) 25(win)+31
Thanks for testing Proof, i think he's using a progression also. Clive quote "I only play single numbers, and there is a progression system, I am presently using 5 numbers but started with eight numbers, this is up to the player how many numbers to choose."
but what progression?
Quote from: nichedelico on Jan 18, 03:02 AM 2019
Thanks for testing Proof, i think he's using a progression also. Clive quote "I only play single numbers, and there is a progression system, I am presently using 5 numbers but started with eight numbers, this is up to the player how many numbers to choose."
but what progression?
Progression can win big using 5 or 6 numbers... But if any day. Bad luck.. Then all profit gone... Depends on bankroll how long u can resist... Clive system is not based on facts. Law of third never say last 5 neighbour repeats will happen... In 37 spins 24 hits 12 doubles.. These are facts to build long term winning system.. I guess
5 no. Progression start slowly. E. G lost 7 times now increase one unit. So have to increase based on to cover losses... But as non hits happen in longer sequence. Then u ve to increase 4..8.. Units on eachyunhit. Imagine that u r playing 5 no. And 50 dollar on each no... Then u can better judge ur heart beats.. Seeing 32 uncoverd nos
24 numbers land
12 doubles land
2:1 ratio
Factors 4 and 8
That's the basis of the grail.
8 numbers for doubles + singles strategy
Or only four numbers for doubles only strategy
How do we interpret this riddle?
Quote from: Irish88 on Jan 18, 07:08 AM 2019
24 numbers land
12 doubles land
2:1 ratio
Factors 4 and 8
That's the basis of the grail.
8 numbers for doubles + singles strategy
Or only four numbers for doubles only strategy
How do we interpret this riddle?
Maybe playing with restricted table? 4 doubles only on a dozen, 8 numbers on 24 numbers?
Quote from: Irish88 on Jan 18, 07:08 AM 2019
24 numbers land
12 doubles land
2:1 ratio
Factors 4 and 8
That's the basis of the grail.
8 numbers for doubles + singles strategy
Or only four numbers for doubles only strategy
How do we interpret this riddle?
step 1:my guess..
start your every cycle when there are no hits within 7 numbers . now you will encounter with 17 new numbers only ,within 30 spins..
so our starting point is set for our game play in each session.So will never bet until 7 singles drop in sequence.
Quote from: nichedelico on Jan 18, 07:26 AM 2019
Maybe playing with restricted table? 4 doubles only on a dozen, 8 numbers on 24 numbers?
You might be right Nichedelico. Winner said this a couple of weeks ago. Just focus on repeats in 1 dozen. A lot of people thought Turbo only concentrated on numbers that had appeared in the first dozen.
Quote from: Elite on Jan 18, 07:28 AM 2019
step 1:my guess..
start your every cycle when there are no hits within 7 numbers . now you will encounter with 17 new numbers only ,within 30 spins..
so our starting point is set for our game play in each session.So will never bet until 7 singles drop in sequence.
24/8 =3 means, i guess, if u play until 24 spins then
3 wins at sequence of 8 numbers
if u start playing 1+2+3.. and on 8 u win =balance = 0
8 onwards 16 , u win on 16 , then balance 0
16 onwards 24 u win , balance =0 .
with 8 numbers u are in balance mode to play roulette, increaseing that u will b in loss
12/4 =3 means that i not know :)
I saw in one forum where a guy was predicting 6 numbers wihtout even seeing roulette wheel and was successful, 3 times out of 4, from there i still laughing on all roulette computers, dealer signatures players and manufacturer of systems who are selling their system 5k euro, 20 k euro, 70k euro..:)
any one can explain what is this 12/4 =3 tq
Maybe someone already think about that but this could be an idea?
Like Vaddi said:
You can play at any time so bet on the first number you see on marquee and so on until 8, or if you see 8 numbers without repetition start to bet ( but with the 1% changing game).
The 1% maybe it will be like:
if you start betting from 1 number and no winning in first 8, change the bet to the last 4 with +1 pair on the table (so flat bet, same chips like first stage), 1 chip on doubles and half on singles (in cents--> First stage 20 cents x numbers / Second stage 4+4 20 on double and 20 on split, or 30 on double and 10 on single if we have to go at the bottom of the table with the pair...maybe if we play 2 chips only on doubles results will be the same?). Winning 24/74 spins. Same thing if you see 8 numbers with no rep play at the same time with last 4. I've tried few session with good results ,but you know only few session. But i think respect Vaddi's clue or not?
Looking at 12 outcomes of the 00 Roulette marquee just now. Three numbers hit twice.
Depending on the position of the repeating nr, if running the 123..8 step, would you have missed a repeater?
I wrote the numbers down:
...21,2,16,5,32,36,29,11,29,16,24,11 (newest outcome)
Last nr on the right?
He said you have to bet each number 8 times. After the 8th spin you drop the oldest number. He said it's impossible to get every repeater so that's why you have to play singles plus doubles. I was at a table last week and 19 straight uniques came out. He said the profits go up and down in perfect waves flatbetting. So you may have a significant drawdown but eventually you reach a new profit high and reset.
small mofication in HolyGrail by clive
if no repeat on lastest 5 numbers then bet on those 5 number pair + lastest 5th number drawn, so total =6 units
if no win then on 6th spin, lastest 5 numbers pair and 5th and 6th spin latest number..=total 7
block state until win, changing with each number
why i got this idea of 2 lastest number is because vaadi metoned that in real wheel, frequently hit, top nos, so this way this system can b a little balance,or bet on 7 pairs until one double hit from marquee list, then include two latest numbers and other 5 pairs....but during tacking if singles more than expected (keeping 24 hits in 37 cycles with 12 repeats..) in that case now for sure singles going to be double, that case we can switch , bet to latest 5 sinlges + latest 2 pair, one idea, may b any one can test this pair working for clive, so i hope this will add a spice on tht system and we keeping law of third stats also in this system , so hope it will hve better successs.
for first 5 spins why i said is Vaadi also metioned if you need more accuracy then wait unitl no double in your magic no,
so what i made this system keeping all his clues some how to mange with 7 numbers
latest two numbers will capture,
doubles hits together, e.g 29 , 29
or double after one single
e.g as Proof read got numbers
and also will cover another most frequent pattren,
29,11,11, ..
and with HolyGrialV2, we have pair advantage also, keeping balance of game in mind, switching pairs to singles and singles o pairs,
based on testing experince, further
if it still not works as expected, means, profit in 24 spins then will need to add more spice :)
So target is to run Vaadi "Grail Machine",which is outof order from few years :)
Quote from: Irish88 on Jan 18, 07:08 AM 2019
24 numbers land
12 doubles land
2:1 ratio
Factors 4 and 8
That's the basis of the grail.
8 numbers for doubles + singles strategy
Or only four numbers for doubles only strategy
How do we interpret this riddle?
Looking at the above
The 4/12=3 four numbers for doubles only strategy.
Maybe you only bet the last 4 numbers only.
8/24=3 singles and doubles strategy
You take the last 4 spins and also add their pair number and bet those. He always said it's about the last 4 spins. And that the numbers will connect in further spins.
my sixth sence says magic is in 12/4 =3 and 24/8=3 .it seem like some sort of code,.
if divide roulette in 4 parts then 24 is 3/4 of that part, and 12 are 1/4 of that part
Quote from: Irish88 on Jan 18, 09:41 AM 2019
Looking at the above
The 4/12=3 four numbers for doubles only strategy.
Maybe you only bet the last 4 numbers only.
8/24=3 singles and doubles strategy
You take the last 4 spins and also add their pair number and bet those. He always said it's about the last 4 spins. And that the numbers will connect in further spins.
he also mentioned each cycle starts with all numbers 0 ... then 0 converts to 1 and one converts to 2, so in our inital stage if we are on 1 then most numbers comming up are from 0 to 1 and we can loose,, so i said, use pairing during initial game play , however, if any doubles comes, then take latest 2 numbers, if another double comes, then use 4 or 5 numbers for double, it depends, how game is going on,
if u noted he asked in which stage doubles can come, in the beginning or middle or end, so as per normal behaviour, doubles will come after singles are in some quantity .based on that i devised this system, will see it works or not, :)
inital game play can be only on pair of 5 numbres, but once double came, take 2 latest numbers, if another came, then 4 on singles and 3 on pairs, keeping stats also of that cycle, if e,.g double reach to 12 within 30 spins, then there is no point to bet on singles for remaining 7 spins as per law of third. so considering this, now we need to choose latest numbers neighbours if forward one hit already then take backward number, if that also hit then take one no next to forward no pair, and keep going on that way, for ramaing 7 spins, as more chance unhit numbers are going to land, this way one cycle can be completed,
during pairing gameplay , means hunt for singles , if pair number already hit then no pair with that number, pair with previous no , if that also hit, then use next to next number, and track this way,
this i think more better approach, and with this if many players using one table, then no one can be spotted, as all will be on different stage of the game, but with first game play , either pair, or doubles, very easy for casino to track it out and play opposite and even though that if succssful, eventually will turn into loss.
I think based on law of third and stats this appraoch is better during hunt of sleepers, to be turn on singles,
Hi, Guys, this is my progression not a very good one but seems to work for me, as you can see from my winnings I have only once gon past 6 spins and that was to spin 8.
Someone also asked what other systems I use well this system relates a lot to this thread and I urge you to try it if you don't already do so.
Siple just wait for a repeater then bet the next number below and the next number up just 2 numbers unless there are more than one repeat in the marquee and you want to bet on more numbers.
For example, 19 10 35 16 19 comes in bet 18 and 20. this works as good as the other system.
Spin Bet Spots Profit Bankroll
1 5 5 155 25 WINS
2 5 5 130 50 £130.00
3 5 5 105 75 £12.00
4 5 5 80 100 £55.00
5 5 5 55 125 £130.00
6 5 5 30 150 £55.00
7 5 5 5 175 £130.00
8 6 5 11 205 £130.00
9 7 5 12 240 £155.00
10 8 5 8 280 £155.00
11 10 5 30 330 £130.00
12 11 5 11 385 £105.00
13 13 5 18 450 £55.00
14 15 5 15 525 £130.00
15 17 5 2 610 £30.00
16 20 5 10 710
17 23 5 3 825
18 27 5 12 960
19 31 5 1 1115
20 36 5 1 1295 TOTAL PROFIT
21 42 5 7 1505 £1,402.00
Quote from: clivetwo on Jan 18, 12:01 PM 2019
Hi, Guys, this is my progression not a very good one but seems to work for me, as you can see from my winnings I have only once gon past 6 spins and that was to spin 8.
Someone also asked what other systems I use well this system relates a lot to this thread and I urge you to try it if you don't already do so.
Siple just wait for a repeater then bet the next number below and the next number up just 2 numbers unless there are more than one repeat in the marquee and you want to bet on more numbers.
For example, 19 10 35 16 19 comes in bet 18 and 20. this works as good as the other system.
Spin Bet Spots Profit Bankroll
1 5 5 155 25 WINS
2 5 5 130 50 £130.00
3 5 5 105 75 £12.00
4 5 5 80 100 £55.00
5 5 5 55 125 £130.00
6 5 5 30 150 £55.00
7 5 5 5 175 £130.00
8 6 5 11 205 £130.00
9 7 5 12 240 £155.00
10 8 5 8 280 £155.00
11 10 5 30 330 £130.00
12 11 5 11 385 £105.00
13 13 5 18 450 £55.00
14 15 5 15 525 £130.00
15 17 5 2 610 £30.00
16 20 5 10 710
17 23 5 3 825
18 27 5 12 960
19 31 5 1 1115
20 36 5 1 1295 TOTAL PROFIT
21 42 5 7 1505 £1,402.00
if you check back on one of my comments on a thread this was my very first starting point...only i bet the higher number...of the repeat...
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jan 18, 01:04 PM 2019
if you check back on one of my comments on a thread this was my very first starting point...only i bet the higher number...of the repeat...
Was it a long term winner 6th?
Quote from: clivetwo on Jan 18, 12:01 PM 2019
Hi, Guys, this is my progression not a very good one but seems to work for me, as you can see from my winnings I have only once gon past 6 spins and that was to spin 8.
Someone also asked what other systems I use well this system relates a lot to this thread and I urge you to try it if you don't already do so.
Siple just wait for a repeater then bet the next number below and the next number up just 2 numbers unless there are more than one repeat in the marquee and you want to bet on more numbers.
For example, 19 10 35 16 19 comes in bet 18 and 20. this works as good as the other system.
Spin Bet Spots Profit Bankroll
1 5 5 155 25 WINS
2 5 5 130 50 £130.00
3 5 5 105 75 £12.00
4 5 5 80 100 £55.00
5 5 5 55 125 £130.00
6 5 5 30 150 £55.00
7 5 5 5 175 £130.00
8 6 5 11 205 £130.00
9 7 5 12 240 £155.00
10 8 5 8 280 £155.00
11 10 5 30 330 £130.00
12 11 5 11 385 £105.00
13 13 5 18 450 £55.00
14 15 5 15 525 £130.00
15 17 5 2 610 £30.00
16 20 5 10 710
17 23 5 3 825
18 27 5 12 960
19 31 5 1 1115
20 36 5 1 1295 TOTAL PROFIT
21 42 5 7 1505 £1,402.00
For the second system, do you rebet on new repeaters as they come in?
For example
36 bet 35 and 1?
10 now bet 9 and 11?
Thanks BW
Quote from: buffalowizard on Jan 18, 01:09 PM 2019
Was it a long term winner 6th?
Not long term no.on its own and doesn’t include the pairing chart.
Anything on ayks tracker needs to be tested wth real spins as the are simply not viable ..there is definitely inconsistency against real spins ..
Simply click on step and import spins ..ayk kindly did this feature for me
Quote from: buffalowizard on Jan 18, 01:13 PM 2019
For the second system, do you rebet on new repeaters as they come in?
For example
36 bet 35 and 1?
10 now bet 9 and 11?
Thanks BW
Yes I do
For how many spin?
Quote from: clivetwo on Jan 18, 01:48 PM 2019
Yes I do
Thanks clive. I prefer this one as it's only 2 number bet and this gives greater scope for MM. Has decent hit rate in my initial testings too. How long you played this one for? Also, do you use a standard up-as-you-lose 2 number progression.? Cheers
Quote from: clivetwo on Jan 18, 12:01 PM 2019
Hi, Guys, this is my progression not a very good one but seems to work for me, as you can see from my winnings I have only once gon past 6 spins and that was to spin 8.8
Someone also asked what other systems I use well this system relates a lot to this thread and I urge you to try it if you don't already do so.
Siple just wait for a repeater then bet the next number below and the next number up just 2 numbers unless there are more than one repeat in the marquee and you want to bet on more numbers.
For example, 19 10 35 16 19 comes in bet 18 and 20. this works as good as the other system.
Spin Bet Spots Profit Bankroll
1 5 5 155 25 WINS
2 5 5 130 50 £130.00
3 5 5 105 75 £12.00
4 5 5 80 100 £55.00
5 5 5 55 125 £130.00
6 5 5 30 150 £55.00
7 5 5 5 175 £130.00
8 6 5 11 205 £130.00
9 7 5 12 240 £155.00
10 8 5 8 280 £155.00
11 10 5 30 330 £130.00
12 11 5 11 385 £105.00
13 13 5 18 450 £55.00
14 15 5 15 525 £130.00
15 17 5 2 610 £30.00
16 20 5 10 710
17 23 5 3 825
18 27 5 12 960
19 31 5 1 1115
20 36 5 1 1295 TOTAL PROFIT
21 42 5 7 1505 £1,402.00
Two last points. Do you bet a number that hits for a third time or ignore it?
13, bet 12/14
32, bet 31/33
13 do you get 12/14 again here?
Also, do you include zero, so if it hits twice you back 1/36? Thanks
Quote from: buffalowizard on Jan 18, 02:08 PM 2019
Thanks clive. I prefer this one as it's only 2 number bet and this gives greater scope for MM. Has decent hit rate in my initial testings too. How long you played this one for? Also, do you use a standard up-as-you-lose 2 number progression.? Cheers
I have been doing this one for around 3 years now and use a progression but you can also use a loss to win for example.
Lose 10
Lose 20
Lose 30
Lose 40
Lose 50
Lose 60
Quote from: buffalowizard on Jan 18, 03:40 PM 2019
Two last points. Do you bet a number that hits for a third time or ignore it?
13, bet 12/14
32, bet 31/33
13 do you get 12/14 again here?
Also, do you include zero, so if it hits twice you back 1/36? Thanks
In your example I would keep betting 12/14 and also 33/31
Quote from: clivetwo on Jan 18, 04:38 PM 2019
In your example I would keep betting 12/14 and also 33/31
I see, so if no hits, you carry on collecting qualifying pairs.
If you get a hit, you retrack from scratch or still chase the other pairs?
One more idea I like to call "Child's Play"
Track seven consecutive unique singles (qualifier)
Bet those seven for up to five spins.
Stop on a win or after five consecutive misses.
Example: 1,23,4,0,19,34,2 (newest outcome)
Bet 1,23,4,0,19,34,2 for up to five spins. *That's it.*
That's it? Just like that?
Here are my test results on "Child's Play"
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Friday, January 19,2019 @ 11:20pm CST USA
...6,13,33,23,2,1,00,9 (newest spin-value)
Bet last seven unique singles for up to five spins:
1.) 33(win)+29
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Friday, January 19,2019 @ 11:24pm CST USA
...6,7,23,25,33,5,35 (newest spin-value)
Bet last seven uniques for up to five spins.
1.) 30(x)-7 2.) 11(x)-7 3.) 12(x)-7
4.) 26(x)-7 5.) 7(win)+29
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Friday, January 19,2019 @ 11:29pm CST USA
...34,1,12,23,3,17,29 (newest spin-value)
Bet last seven uniques for up to five spins.
1.) 20(x)-7 2.) 19(x)-7 3.) 21(x)-7
4.) 3(win)+29
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Friday, January 18,2019 @ 11:37pm CST USA
...30,29,13,24,1,32,9 (newest spin-value)
Bet the last seven uniques for up to five spins.
1.) 4(x)-7 2.) 21(x)-7 3.) 10(x)-7
4.) 9(win)+29
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Friday, January 18,2019 @ 11:55pm CST USA
...3,12,23,33,17,19,00 (newest spin-value)
Bet the last seven uniques for up to five spins.
1.) 23(win)+29
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Friday, January 18,2019 @ 11:58pm CST USA
...34,7,28,9,3,26,19 (newest spin-value)
Bet the last seven uniques for up to five spins.
1.) 3(win)+29
Two rough sessions followed by a win.
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Saturday, January 19,2019 @ 12:17am CST USA
Session total: -35 units
Test: Cetic Casino European Wheel-
Saturday, January 19,2019 @ 12:24am CST USA
Session total: -35 units
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Saturday, January 19,2019 @ 12:29am CST USA
...25,1,00,8,17,26,34 (newest spin-value)
Bet the last seven uniques for up to five spins.
1.) 34(win)+29
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Saturday, January 19,2019 @ 12:38am CST USA
...24,14,30,5,10,26,3 (newest spin-value)
Bet the last seven uniques for up to five spins.
1.) 20(x)-7 2.) 20(x)-7 3.) 32(x)-7
4.) 5(win)+29
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Saturday, January 19,2019 @ 12:43am CST USA
...21,34,22,5,36,12,23 (newest spin-value)
Bet the last seven uniques for up to five spins.
1.) 5(win)+29
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Saturday, January 19,2019 @ 12:59am CST USA
...9,8,26,33,28,21,15 (newest spin-value)
Bet the last seven uniques for up to five spins.
1.) 28(win)+29
Quote from: Bigbroben on Jan 19, 12:10 AM 2019
That's it? Just like that?
I was looking at your attached excel file. Good job! I like the way you started really badly but then recovered.
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Jan 19, 02:11 AM 2019
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Saturday, January 19,2019 @ 12:38am CST USA
...24,14,30,5,10,26,3 (newest spin-value)
Bet the last seven uniques for up to five spins.
1.) 20(x)-7 2.) 20(x)-7 3.) 32(x)-7
4.) 5(win)+29
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Saturday, January 19,2019 @ 12:43am CST USA
...21,34,22,5,36,12,23 (newest spin-value)
Bet the last seven uniques for up to five spins.
1.) 5(win)+29
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Saturday, January 19,2019 @ 12:59am CST USA
...9,8,26,33,28,21,15 (newest spin-value)
Bet the last seven uniques for up to five spins.
1.) 28(win)+29
Yeah simple yet effective. Probably deserves more testing
Quote from: jono1167 on Jan 19, 05:34 AM 2019
I was looking at your attached excel file. Good job! I like the way you started really badly but then recovered.
What do you mean?
They're 500 spins with excel random, for demo purpose. Press F9 or anything else to have the nrs automatically changed. Therefore the ''bring your own nrs'' prompt!
Parameters, in blue, can be modified.
Just found an error, will correct soon.
Now it keeps the same nrs.
Quote from: Bigbroben on Jan 19, 05:54 AM 2019
What do you mean?
They're 500 spins with excel random, for demo purpose. Press F9 or anything else to have the nrs automatically changed. Therefore the ''bring your own nrs'' prompt!
Parameters, in blue, can be modified.
Good job mate. System seems strong, majority end on plus for me. Perhaps because a lot of repeaters happen between 8 and 12?
Tq for info. I hope keeping everything in clues is lot better...
I believe there is no contract between ball and pocket. Where it will drop either after 24 or 37 spins. Based on general observation. Strategies developed. There is no guarantee if that will win Every day. Casino blocked already Popular roulette defeating methods. And it all happened. Because ppl excited to tell their defeating methods proudly. Now everyone is in a stage to struggle to find a way to defeat.. What casino doing to protect their profit. No one knows.. What players doing to defeat roulette everyone knows..... My thought only.. Can b right or wrong
Quote from: Elite on Jan 19, 09:26 AM 2019
Tq for info. I hope keeping everything in clues is lot better...
Why keep in clues? Casinos wont change the game anytime soon even if a grail was found. VB grail exists already...
Quote from: Bigbroben on Jan 19, 05:54 AM 2019
What do you mean?
They're 500 spins with excel random, for demo purpose. Press F9 or anything else to have the nrs automatically changed. Therefore the ''bring your own nrs'' prompt!
Parameters, in blue, can be modified.
Thanks Ben - i’ve Been following this on my iPhone.
Quote from: nottophammer on Jan 16, 06:44 PM 2019
(link::// (link:://
What was that, Notto?
Guys, can we say we have satisfactorily
solved Vaddi's riddle, or back to the Grail hunt?
Woooow, did we find the Grail and I did not know?
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Jan 19, 08:28 PM 2019
Guys, can we say we have satisfactorily
solved Vaddi's riddle, or back to the Grail hunt?
Sorry Proof, I’m still working my way through 200 games of KTF. Still trying to break it.... When I have more time I’ll give this a go. I’ve enjoyed following this thread over the last few days. Great work 👌
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Jan 18, 09:11 PM 2019
One more idea I like to call "Child's Play"
Track seven consecutive unique singles (qualifier)
Bet those seven for up to five spins.
Stop on a win or after five consecutive misses.
Example: 1,23,4,0,19,34,2 (newest outcome)
Bet 1,23,4,0,19,34,2 for up to five spins. *That's it.*
Thanks proof, nice idea :) perhaps not a "grail" but, coded and tested this one 4/5 tests results showed a positive result...
Although the code is not "perfect" collection of "last 7 numbers" IF a repeater occur within those "last 7" that repeater count as 1 number, therefore, sometimes, Less than 7 numbers are bet (i don't know how to fix this..)
TEST 1-5 (Live spins)Wg/sl (+300/-300)
RX-codeSystem "Last 7 FLAT"
//(copyright) ignatus 2019
method "main"
while starting a new session
Set List [1,2,4,8,16,32,64] to Record "progression" Data
Set List [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15] to Record "Number Bet" Data
while on each spin
copy last Number to Record "last1" layout
if any number bet won each
set flag "bet" false
clear Record "last7BET" layout
clear Record "last7" layout
Put 1 on Record "BETcount" Data Index
Put 1 on Record "progression" Data Index
put 1 on Record "Number Bet" Data Index
Put 1 on Record "count7" Data Index
add 1 on Record "count7" Data index
If Record "count7" Data index >= 9 each
set flag "bet" true
Put 1 on Record "count7" Data Index
Put 100% of Record "progression" Data to Record "last7BET" layout list
IF flag "bet" true each
Put 100% of Record "progression" Data to Record "last7BET" layout list
add 1 on Record "BETcount" Data index
If Record "BETcount" Data index >= 6 each
Put 1 on Record "BETcount" Data Index
set flag "bet" false
clear Record "last7BET" layout
clear Record "last7" layout
Put 1 on Record "progression" Data Index
put 1 on Record "Number Bet" Data Index
Put 1 on Record "count7" Data Index
If Record "last7BET" layout list lost each time
Put 100% of Record "progression" Data to Record "last7BET" layout list
If Record "progression" Data Index >
Record "progression" Data Count
set flag "bet" false
clear Record "last7BET" layout
clear Record "last7" layout
Put 1 on Record "progression" Data Index
Put 1 on Record "Numbers Bet" Data
IF flag "bet" false each
Track last Number for 7 spins to
Record "last7BET" layout
if total bankroll >= 300 each time
stop session
if total bankroll <= -300 each time
stop session
I use the function =SUMPRODUCT(1/COUNTIF(range,range) to find how many different numbers appeared in the last x desired spin range.
I don't know Rx language, but there must be some '' count uniques in last x spins'' funtion...
Passion can I ask a couple of questions? Are you always betting 8 numbers or do you sometimes bet 16 numbers? Or is it usually 16 numbers? Are you picking the numbers(pairs) from the wheel? Or table? As to your question about each number and how many pairs, wouldn't each number have 2 pair numbers? But are you selecting them from wheel or table? When you play a number are you playing the hit number or only playing the two pair numbers? Say 8 hits on American wheel, are you now playing 7,8,9 or 12,8,19 or just 7,9 or 12,19?
You don't need all of those waiting periods if you know what you are looking for.
Still, it is a nice graph.
If you want to send me your spins, I'll help you out
Quote from: Alan B on Jan 20, 04:18 PM 2019
You don't need all of those waiting periods if you know what you are looking for.
Still, it is a nice graph.
If you want to send me your spins, I'll help you out
I m in a middle to decide which side to go. Are it's changing with spins or balance between two sides and in both cases based on pairs.... How to achieve 8. Lot thinking but not able to get how to convert 6 to 8 and based on my testing. Some time current side becomes heavier almost 18 spins.... Than main
In simple e. G 3 dropped I took tow neighbors... And then 8 drops. I took two neighbours too now total 6. After the third no. Came. If I add 3 more. It will reach to 9. My view is 9 is universe and other elements should b under it in order and balance form.. May b i wrong..
If any one can give any clue appetited...manual testing from last 72 hours non stop 😀
For learning. I m sharing my analysis.... May b some one can further study that.. 3 6 9 not in roulette path. But based on these universe can build.. Those are known facts. Vaadi mention in highlighted a mad scientist can answer. ..... I m going through analysising all aspects..and I hope there will b many ways to study and build system
vaddi: thinking in terms of even numbers: 4, 8, 12, 24, 36
@ Ben. I can see rules change for VB also. No late bets right .if any one online table allowing late bets.. Then if u noticed camera angle change use VB now.. Casino want to play on their ground with their own rules.. With every bet good luck. Good luck. Which nvr comes 😀
Their computer spots late betting advantage player and immediatly close bet.. Another counter measure. Rest is all up to u.. For me doing research based on clues. Give me more understanding.... Good luck. For everyone. I hope hard work will nvr waste
Quote from: RFMAXX on Jan 21, 04:53 AM 2019
vaddi: thinking in terms of even numbers: 4, 8, 12, 24, 36
Yes but 8 numbers bet how if consider one number has two pairs... Stating point he given. When there are no repeats in ur set of X. I hope this is what we have to look which AlanB referring..
Is it possible you take the last 4 spins and bet their two table numbers for 8 spins?
You bet 13,15, 10,12 27,29,4,6 for 8 spins.
Quote from: Irish88 on Jan 21, 07:58 AM 2019Is it possible you take the last 4 spins and bet their two table numbers for 8 spins?
(link::// (link:://
Quote from: nottophammer on Jan 21, 08:10 AM 2019
(link::// (link:://
Notto I am having trouble deciphering exactly what is going on in that pic. Can you explain a little?
Quote from: Irish88 on Jan 21, 07:58 AM 2019
Is it possible you take the last 4 spins and bet their two table numbers for 8 spins?
You bet 13,15, 10,12 27,29,4,6 for 8 spins.
Thanks Irish, i m testing hard, will find , optimal , which will work,
if u doing research too, then my suggestion is take as roulette with max 9.. there is no big number than 9, e.g 10=1+0= 1
11=1+1=2 so on, so basically u ve to do remaining inside 9 , then u can see only 4 worlds, exactly same way(each world with 1 to 9 ), if u able to do one world order and balance, then you can see more light, what i m doing till now is with only Vaadi Hint and some external exploration, and i sure , i am almost nearby. but i m still researching so its not conformed what i doing is same as it should be
Since we back to the Grail hunt I have this idea :)
If the last decision is Low bet the newest four Low numbers, the newest three High
numbers & zero once. Vice-versa if the last decision is High. (Eight numbers in play)
@ProofRead.. you have to place your guards in such position which is most optimal to catch a fall,
this can be achieved if someone is keen observer of roulette wheel, as well as close observer of roulette table, :) all from vaadi..
He said, Einstein will b happy, on his simple solution, and my opinion is he will b happy because of a mad scientist.
However I am happy , as i joined this forum a month ago, and i m seeing lights quiet bright and thinking roulette now differently,
and from this one month, I didnt sleep well a single day, as I am also a mad kind of researcher, :)
every physical object has its own properties, and every circle has its own properties, things are not finishing here, that you got pairing. its starting from here, and i believe, knowledge is never ending, every day, every spin, every cycle, teach different things, that possible only if we are keen observer,.....My thought only :)
Irish 88
#5 hits; so bet this #, 21 hits, now bet #’s 5-21, #13 hits, now bet 5-21-13, #1 hits, so bet these 4#’s and #27 hits.
So there you have 5#’s; 5-21-13-1-27; drop the 1st #, the #1. Now the question do you carry on for 8 singles or start with pairings?
Parings; where? Use mat or wheel #’s. Do you just bet the number going forward? Well here I decided to use both neighbours on the wheel.
So bet was 6-27-13; 33-1-20; now the #13; the #27 is already covered, so go forward and use 36-11 and finally the 15-19-4. Now we have a 12# bet.
The 0 hits; so now drop the #21 and cover the zero and its 2 neighbours. Now the #26 hits and wins.
(link::// (link:://
As plus; reset.
The above is like the posted image from earlier.
(link::// (link:://
(link::// (link:://
Quote from: Alan B on Jan 20, 04:18 PM 2019If you want to send me your spins, I'll help you out
Hi Alan B,
would you help me out to find Balan (ce) ?
Quote from: nottophammer on Jan 21, 12:01 PM 2019
Irish 88
#5 hits; so bet this #, 21 hits, now bet #’s 5-21, #13 hits, now bet 5-21-13, #1 hits, so bet these 4#’s and #27 hits.
So there you have 5#’s; 5-21-13-1-27; drop the 1st #, the #1. Now the question do you carry on for 8 singles or start with pairings?
Parings; where? Use mat or wheel #’s. Do you just bet the number going forward? Well here I decided to use both neighbours on the wheel.
So bet was 6-27-13; 33-1-20; now the #13; the #27 is already covered, so go forward and use 36-11 and finally the 15-19-4. Now we have a 12# bet.
The 0 hits; so now drop the #21 and cover the zero and its 2 neighbours. Now the #26 hits and wins.
(link::// (link:://
As plus; reset.
The above is like the posted image from earlier.
Notto have you been testing this at all? If so how do the results look? Seems like you might be on to something. I find it strange that I have asked multiple times in this thread to the people that claim they "know" how it works as to if the pair numbers are based on the table or the wheel. And no one has answered. I have said for a couple of months I think pairs are referring to pairs on the wheel. Maybe that's the big secret.
Quote from: Irish88 on Jan 21, 05:27 PM 2019Notto have you been testing this at all?
Not really thought just bet 4#'s then their neighbours. But it ends like sector betting and you know how that goes.
Try against these.
(link::// (link:://
I just watched the trot and ended +241
(link::// (link:://
@Irish88 - Vaddi gave the pairings in his original clues.
QuoteYep. Keep the positive roulette discussion going. Get thinking and get creative. That's what it should be about.
Anyhow,... for those of you guys who have contacted me regarding number pairings, let me reveal this:
All the numbers in roulette are connected logically and consecutively.
Of course, the inventors of the game have made every effort to confuse the player by rearranging the numbers on the roulette wheel, but don't fall for this deception.
Here we go:
1 | 2
2 | 3
3 | 4
4 | 5
5 | 6
6 | 7
7 | 8
8 | 9
9 | 10
10 | 11
11 | 12
12 | 13
13 | 14
14 | 15
15 | 16
16 | 17
17 | 18
18 | 19
19 | 20
20 | 21
21 | 22
22 | 23
23 | 24
24 | 25
25 | 26
26 | 27
27 | 28
28 | 29
29 | 30
30 | 31
31 | 32
32 | 33
33 | 34
34 | 35
35 | 36
And for the zero, 0, that tries to mess up any balanced strategy, we have ...
0 | 1
The above pairings take care of your singles and doubles all at the same time. Smiley
Do you see the balancing guys?
Which means that if #2 lands, then you need to bet on #2 and #3 at the same time. Splits or single chip.
As above, always choose your pairings going forward.
However, what happens if #3 is already covered? In that case go backwards and cover #1 instead. That's because, as in the table above, #2 is also connected to #1.
To those guys who I haven't responded to yet, don't think that I'm ignoring you.
I've received quite a number of messages and I'm scratching my head trying to think how to manage the whole situation.
So, my apologies to those guys who are still waiting for a reply.
BTW, the PM system still isn't working. Maybe admin will get the issue corrected soon?
A closing thought:
If you are creating any roulette system, you should focus on creating a balanced system.
Let the roulette wheel do the randomizing.
Your system should not be random, it should be balanced.
- Vaddi
Here are the pairings if you believe that Vaddi was attempting to drop a clue by posting the numeric pairings, but not the actual pairings in his post:
0 | 32
32 | 15
15 | 19
19 | 4
4 | 21
21 | 2
2 | 25
25 | 17
17 | 34
34 | 6
6 | 27
27 | 13
13 | 36
36 | 11
11 | 30
30 | 8
8 | 23
23 | 10
10 | 5
5 |24
24 | 16
16 | 33
33 | 1
1 |20
20 | 14
14 | 31
31 | 9
9 | 22
22 | 18
18 | 29
29 | 7
7 | 28
28 | 12
12 | 35
35 | 3
3 | 26
26 | 0
Essentially these are the clockwise neighbor on the wheel.
If this is right or wrong is open to how each individual interprets this line in the clue: "the inventors of the game have made every effort to confuse the player by rearranging the numbers on the roulette wheel, but don't fall for this deception."
I have no idea which pairing definition is correct, just illustrating the confusion in how Vaddi chose to demonstrate pairs.
Quote from: Sparks on Jan 21, 06:07 PM 2019
@Irish88 - Vaddi gave the pairings in his original clues.
Yes Sparks, I am aware of the pairings chart. Thank you. I and tons of people have tried to incorporate the chart along with the past 4-8 spins into a betting method. I sometimes wonder if the chart is entirely accurate on his part. Was he just throwing something out there to make us think? I honestly don't know. I am a wheel player by nature. So that is why I gravitate to the idea of using neighbors from the wheel. I could be completely wrong. What are we missing? Do you take the last 4 spins and the forward and backward number from the table? Is the missing 1% using the backward number? And what exactly does Vaddi mean by balance? I honestly don't know.
I honestly think it can only be a couple of options.
American wheel
Do you bet pairs from table including hit number?
Or only bet
I don't think it can be just the the number out and pair from the chart because it has been heavily tested with no luck.
Or do you bet pairs from wheel
16,4,23- 23 Is already covered as is 35 so cover 33 or 14
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Jan 20, 05:24 AM 2019Here you have a test that is what I say, many will say the usual, it's just a graph, there are few balls, etc. etc.
I have only said one very important clue to open minds and a graphic to encourage you to keep trying.
VADDIS -EQUILIBRIO.jpg (563.42 kB, 1366x768 - viewed 69 times.)
@Passion - I've analysed your chart, and it looks like you're betting 12 numbers at a time and removing one as you get a hit.
only question is... what is your trigger to bet and what numbers to choose?
based on what you said to BBB:
QuoteBigbroben, I congratulate you, you got to the first step, keep fighting, you need a little more to really get to vaddis.
You are in the repetitions, now think of the couples and think there are two couples, come guys that can get it, BALANCE!
24/8 = 3
12/4 = 3
I will give you a great clue, I think it is necessary to help a little more, I think I should be good with many of you guys who also tried and helped me a lot.
24/8 = 3 ... then you have the repeated ones, of 24, you have already removed 8, the repeteidos, now you have 16 ...
How many pairs are there for each number?
So what do you mean by 12/4?
From what i gather from this is:
from Vaddis pairings chart,
there's 2 pairs per number e.g. for number 2: 2 -> 3 and 2 -> 1
seeing as we have 16 numbers left like you said above, if we were to use the pairings of the 8 'repeated' numbers, that would make
(8x2 pairings)=16.but what about 12/4=3? surely that's when you bet on doubles coming up,
4 latest numbers plus their 2 pairs = 12 numbers?am i right or am i wrong?
Quote from: Sparks on Jan 21, 06:40 PM 2019
@Passion - I've analysed your chart, and it looks like you're betting 12 numbers at a time and removing one as you get a hit.
only question is... what is your trigger to bet and what numbers to choose?
based on what you said to BBB:
From what i gather from this is:
from Vaddis pairings chart, there's 2 pairs per number e.g. for number 2: 2 -> 3 and 2 -> 1
seeing as we have 16 numbers left like you said above, if we were to use the pairings of the 8 'repeated' numbers, that would make (8x2 pairings)=16.
but what about 12/4=3? surely that's when you bet on doubles coming up, 4 latest numbers plus their 2 pairs = 12 numbers?
am i right or am i wrong?
I asked this the other day. Everyone is focused on the number 8.
It leads me to believe sometime we are betting on 12 and sometimes 16. But what do I know.
Quote from: Irish88 on Jan 21, 06:48 PM 2019
I asked this the other day. Everyone is focused on the number 8.
It leads me to believe sometime we are betting on 12 and sometimes 16. But what do I know.
maybe... the 8 step/stage 1 is to get the pairings for the block bet stage 2? bet 16 (new & unhit) based from the 1st 8 numbers for when singles are dropping, and 12 (4 single hit + 8 unhit) for when doubles are dropping?
Surely that covers the 'balance' everyone who knows constantly rave about?
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Jan 20, 05:08 AM 2019
24/8 = 3 ... then you have the repeated ones, of 24, you have already removed 8, the repeteidos, now you have 16 ...
How many pairs are there for each number?
So you do remove the repeaters once they've hit?
4 8 12 16 24 36: i think they refer to spins and not numbers...
Hi guys be careful during your gameplay. If u ve good system then never use same pattern always in whole session. Their computer very strong and it analyse all and it's not difficult for them to reject your bets. It only need a single line of code. Which they already ve in their system. U will complain. Then u will get answer.. Ur problem ticket raised and they look for that...... Believe me they have a lot counter measures. Casino advantage is not 2.7 it's 70 percent. They continuously track where and what pattern players on and each dealer is instructed before start of session what he has to do... Similarly during a session. If they loosing profit... Then a guard instruct dealer what to do.... Even Ball change or magnetization can happen. There is no way to win whole day.. It can nvr happen.... Play for fun.. Never expect anymore. Their pockets are too tights....
With any system luck also needed. Because it's all about chaotic bets.. And there is no contract where ball will land. A minor deflection can turn a ball a far..... Law of third exists.. But it not a mandatory. Even though if u ve any system. But still it need a player traits to win.. One passion roulette quote I like. Greed destroy every strategy. With professional mind player u can win on Red black too..
Good luck
70% edge? Magnets? Nonsense.
If regulated casinos did what you say, they would eventually be exposed, face huge fines, managers jailed, lose license etc. The casino doesn't need more than the house edge, and basic game protection to minimize risk of advantage play.
Steve I said even magnetized... Just left this
below not happening. Before each bet.. Camera angel change ¿
Dealer can spin ball at any speed ,pick from one point and releasing from another¿
How much chance a player have who is using patterns .
Are not bets rejecting few times.....
U cannot use vb u cannot use patterns...
You have no choice to place bets randomly and they have choice to change any roulette parameters at any time...
They using variations of ball. Is it standard of any game... Regulators... Banned how many casino till yet. Is online so fair...
2.7 percent lies when game is random...
Dealer can keep one sector or hit opposite. They can...
Winning list after each spin they seeing casino balance ups and down ,they checking and taking decesions .. Based on that is 2.70 percent edge for player now?
This bet rejecting...if u interested I can share u a video link. What happens.. Ai also faced this.. I even said I will complain to authorities .but nothing happend.if ur winning bets are rejected because of their system problem. Then if they are honest .then they should return winning amount.... I don't know why we only see where lands.. Only
I read all and know what people think and say about online gaming... If u can put some prize amount .i will give u cheating proof either bet rejected or anything which will prove my view..
And after that I will give prize to you if based on that u can ban any casino from regularities bodies... Good luck man
Most silly question I see from players who says where is proof of polarized ball or casino cheating ,even it's in front of them.... It's my view agree or not,its own choice of anyone. I explained what I experienced
I m adding one spice... Is there any rule for blackjack card shuffling ¿ is there any regulation on that¿ a minor edge in any game can turn that in favour.... My view only..... 😀
Quote from: Elite on Jan 21, 09:01 PM 2019
I read all and know what people think and say about online gaming... If u can put some prize amount .i will give u cheating proof either bet rejected or anything which will prove my view..
And after that I will give prize to you if based on that u can ban any casino from regularities bodies... Good luck man
Dont worry about our “paper gurusâ€They rarely goes to casino. Bcz all they have is one or two too many Broken wheels at home (inside kitchen)
Quote from: Madi on Jan 21, 10:45 PM 2019many
I expresses what I feel. I nver means other to believe my view. It depends how u see ball movement 15 minutes Andy after 15 minutes any thing fishy... Just my view. All are respected to give their views..
I read Paper boss vb. Computer stuff. But I still don't know except land based casino is there any place to apply those methods... :wink:
On YouTube a roulette boy channel. Where he play with 2 or 5 or10 dollar Max and reach to 200 and 300 each session. Is there any holy grail or computer or VB to do this... Many things with experience and especially online where they cut off almost advantage play
Back at it :)
Flat-bet the newest four Red/Black outcomes (depending on last decision)-
and one clockwise neighbor respectively (eight numbers in play).
Example: 12,34,2,15,29,33,4,25,9,10,11,1 (newest spin-value)
(European Wheel)-Bet 1,20: 9,22: 25,17: 34,6 once: 1.) 35(x)-8
Bet 35,3: 11,30: 10,5: 4,21 once....
Bankroll suggestion: 128 total units @ one unit per number
Stop when in profit.
*If zero shows bet zero and the last three Red or Black outcomes
with neighbors (whichever is before zero-seven numbers in play)
Example: 24,17,4,0 (newest spin-value)
Bet 0, 4,21, 17,34, 24,16 once
*Also include the zero in the bet (as long as zero
is in the last four outcomes (seven numbers in play)
Example: 23,5,14,9,31,20,1,0,2,35 (newest spin-value)-European wheel
Bet 35,3, 2,25, 0, 20,14 once: 1.) 5(x)-7
Bet 5,24, 1,20, 0, 9,22 once....
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Jan 22, 03:12 AM 2019
*Also include the zero in the bet (as long as zero
is in the last four outcomes (seven numbers in play)
Example: 23,5,14,9,31,20,1,0,2,35 (newest spin-value)-European wheel
Bet 35,3, 2,25, 0, 20,14 once: 1.) 5(x)-7
Bet 5,24, 1,20, 0, 9,22 once....
I hope u got rx extreme.. 😀🍀
Here is one video link who want to know what casino do if someone wins continuously.. All agree that online casino are fair and regulated. here is two videos,
you have to watch together where that player wins so called most difficult wheel of the world which consider not be beaten by any computer or pattren that is Auto Roulette :)...
First that guy played yesterday and with 25 dollar he reach 362
then in 2nd video he played today with 15 dollar then reach to 143 dollar then what happend so called regulated casino, u can see in below video.Good for learning skills, Means, every wheel can be beaten, auto roulette or real wheel, router speed change, or not no matter, its all skills
which develps how keen to see roulette.Better than Holy Grail :)
no casino will tell i m cheating, they will always say someting, system issue, ur problem ticket raised, you will get notfied, but we have to judge this happen in which situations, are they resolved the ticket or not, i raised more than 16 tickets, get ticket number also till yet no email got from them, however just watch above videos , he has good gameplay ....
I hope first question will come to players its system issue, so for confirmation , i m sharing another link, of Real wheel,
just watchc what happend at the end.Casino pockets are too tights, house edge is 100% if they use these tricks.You cznnot win from them whatever system you have, :)
Is it possible to turn 2.70(2 euro seventy cent ) on auto roulette to 322 euro.. just watch how , :)
may be somone thinks its luck only, for this u can watch other videos of same player, there, how many times it done:)
who want to see unexpected jumps , how it happens, then below videos
may b some thinks its auto so its like that, so watch below video of a jumping ball on live roulette :)
i will appreciate that ball and dealer for their skill set :)
and below one for further confirmation ,that ball is poarized or controlled or not;;
Quote from: Elite on Jan 22, 09:48 AM 2019
may b some thinks its auto so its like that, so watch below video of a jumping ball on live roulette :)
i will appreciate that ball and dealer for their skill set :)
and below one for further confirmation ,that ball is poarized or controlled or not;;
Don’t play on line simple
what i shared is just a sample, i can make video of bet rejecting everyday,
I hope if Steve is agree with my research, that casino not fair, he will definitely honor me for a prize.
As this info i shared is very good for knowing the actual facts.
And if he can contact regularities bodies to take action against them, then i will for sure offer him prize,
Quote from: Winner on Jan 22, 10:22 AM 2019
Don’t play on line simple
Yes winner , my view is only fairness, others all players will what they want to do
Its from many players but few reports. Here u can see, their number display issue or what :)
Dealer constantly watch top winners and based on that they shoot particular sector, online you will find, if any dealer can do shoot a sector, then why he need to do job, but in reality , they can do this very well, they know what router speed and ball speed they will spin, and it will go which sector.If VB palyers can spot this then how come a dealer not know which speed he will throw for particular sector.think they are spinning same wheel from many years, Dealer know very well,
Try this four number bet
where does the last two outcomes' dozen and column intersect?
Example: 20,1 (newest spin-value)-Second dozen, first column
Bet 13,16,19,22 once: 1.) 33(x)-4
last two outcomes: 1,33 (newest outcome)
Bet 25,28,31,34 once....
or an eight number play:
Example: 20,1 (newest spin-value)
Bet 1,4,7,10 & 14,17,20,23 once: 1.) 34(x)-8
Bet 1,4,7,10 & 25,28,31,34 once....
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Jan 26, 12:18 AM 2019
or an eight number play:
Example: 20,1 (newest spin-value)
Bet 1,4,7,10 & 14,17,20,23 once: 1.) 34(x)-8
Bet 1,4,7,10 & 25,28,31,34 once....
But Vaadi said. Ur number set change with each new no. Drop... I still not able to find how to go sequentially.. Until 8 no.
Hi all! Been a reader for sometime now and decided to share my thoughts and hopefully we can get closer to solving this thing!
I wonder if the magic number is 7 or 8. While the number 8 has its merits (it adds up to 36 or break even), The same could be said for 7 (it adds up to 35 which is the odds payout of 35:1). Either way I think most people agree that the number is 7 or 8.
Let’s say we decide on using 8.
So we wait for 8 unique numbers to appear with no repeats and we start phase 1.
As pointed out by members here before, the downfall comes when repeats are outside of your 8 spins radius. Hence we have gotten into the debate of pairings/balance and that 1% change that makes all the difference.
My view is that the grail is first and foremost based on catching singles turning into repeats. So would it be prudent to keep track in the 37 spin cycle the numbers that repeat? So if a repeat comes up outside the 8 spin radius, you don’t bet that number the next spin but it’s corresponding pair? Does that equate to balance?
Of course there’s the possibility that the number repeats three times in the 37 spin cycle but based on what’s been said, there should be 10-12 repeats so we can just keep track of them.
What are your thoughts?
After so many posts; a simple but daft question?
Is there a win goal of X amount of units; in a 37 spin cycle, or soon as a profit is made, re-set.
Quote from: nottophammer on Jan 26, 10:34 AM 2019
After so many posts; a simple but daft question?
Is there a win goal of X amount of units; in a 37 spin cycle, or soon as a profit is made, re-set.
vad:When you solve the final part of the puzzle, you will realize that you have a balanced integrated system that impacts on ...
- Non-hits (sleepers) (0)
- Singles (1)
- Doubles + (Repeaters) (2)
SO as per this , with each new number 3 numbers will be added? if so, then 2 spins, 6 numbers and 3rd spins 9 numbers. which now greater than 8 ......
all possible sequences or pairing...
Quote from: Elite on Jan 26, 01:59 PM 2019
all possible sequences or pairing...
There has been tons of threads about the magic square relaying to roulette. Some people say they have had luck and lost people say it would fall into the voodoo category. How would you apply the square into a strategy?
Alright--let's try this idea out :thumbsup:
Odd number=+1 number: Even number=-1 number
Bet the last four outcomes with
its respective Odd/Even number pair.
Example: 12,31,5,22 (newest spin-value)
Bet 12,11: 31,32: 5,6: 22,21 once: 1.) 0(x)-8
Bet 31,32: 5,6: 22,21: 0,36 once....
Quote from: Irish88 on Jan 26, 04:10 PM 2019
There has been tons of threads about the magic square relaying to roulette. Some people say they have had luck and lost people say it would fall into the voodoo category. How would you apply the square into a strategy?
I tried to explore Vaadi system, keeping all aspect, but i think approach is not very perfect. Without progression, and with 8 numbers only, seems not possible to get profit.
His Idea is to bet on
singles ..already dropped numbers
pair, which is 1 connected to 2 etc
and some amount on doubles also , doubles(2) which will not be many.
but as we know doubles must need to come. sometime within 8 number range,sometime more than 8.
somehow it depends on luck,
I'm still thinking about "Multiples of 24" clue.
1,2,3,4,6,8 or 12 numbers in play.
I use this techniqu repeater strategy. But if figure out any other pattern or sector is dominating then I use that also with little high stacks...
So been testing a method from Vaddis clues. Results promising so far but need to bring it into excel for long term tests.
Bet stage 1:
Bet in steps up to 7 numbers from marquee from past to present:
Example: last seven numbers were 34,12,31,35,23,18,9. #9 being the most recent.
For the first 7 bets you bet oldest to newest adding the next number to your bet.
So 1st bet would be #34, second bet would be #34, #12.
3rd bet #34, #12, #31.... And so on.
If you get a hit then restart from latest 7 numbers. If no hit then move to stage 2:
Bet on the last 8 but like this:
Bet the newsest 4 numbers pairs based on Vaddis pairings.
Marquee numbers: 34,12,31,35,23,18,9,20
1st half of your bet will be 21,10,19,24.
2nd half is the oldest 4 numbers from your 8 selection.
2nd half will be 34,12,31,35.
If you hit and are in profit then go back to the 7 number stage 1.
If you miss or have not made profit then carry on and you use the new 8 number sequence on the board.
So here the number 34 was knocked off so now our bet will be:
Hope this makes sense. Attached graph from initial test.
Hi Sparks! Have you a code for testing it?
Quote from: Sparks on Jan 27, 02:13 PM 2019
So been testing a method from Vaddis clues. Results promising so far but need to bring it into excel for long term tests.
Bet stage 1:
Bet in steps up to 7 numbers from marquee from past to present:
Example: last seven numbers were 34,12,31,35,23,18,9. #9 being the most recent.
For the first 7 bets you bet oldest to newest adding the next number to your bet.
So 1st bet would be #34, second bet would be #34, #12.
3rd bet #34, #12, #31.... And so on.
If you get a hit then restart from latest 7 numbers. If no hit then move to stage 2:
Bet on the last 8 but like this:
Bet the newsest 4 numbers pairs based on Vaddis pairings.
Marquee numbers: 34,12,31,35,23,18,9,20
1st half of your bet will be 21,10,19,24.
2nd half is the oldest 4 numbers from your 8 selection.
2nd half will be 34,12,31,35.
If you hit and are in profit then go back to the 7 number stage 1.
If you miss or have not made profit then carry on and you use the new 8 number sequence on the board.
So here the number 34 was knocked off so now our bet will be:
Hope this makes sense. Attached graph from initial test.
Very interesting post Sparks. Good job. Look like that should definitely be tested.
Sorry i don't have RX or anything similar but i will be running this in excel either tonight or tomorrow.
Forgot to mention this is all flat betting. No progression.
Good job Sparks, interesting approach that hasn't been tried before. :thumbsup:
Quote from: Mako on Jan 27, 03:11 PM 2019
Good job Sparks, interesting approach that hasn't been tried before. :thumbsup:
Thanks Mako
I do pay attention to what everyone else has come up with and try not to repeat other's mistakes. I've tested pretty much every suggestion in excel against recorded spins.
Hopefully this might be a step in the right direction. I've tried to incorporate as much of the clues as possible.
Quote from: Sparks on Jan 27, 02:13 PM 2019
So been testing a method from Vaddis clues. Results promising so far but need to bring it into excel for long term tests.
Bet stage 1:
Bet in steps up to 7 numbers from marquee from past to present:
Example: last seven numbers were 34,12,31,35,23,18,9. #9 being the most recent.
For the first 7 bets you bet oldest to newest adding the next number to your bet.
So 1st bet would be #34, second bet would be #34, #12.
3rd bet #34, #12, #31.... And so on.
If you get a hit then restart from latest 7 numbers. If no hit then move to stage 2:
Bet on the last 8 but like this:
Bet the newsest 4 numbers pairs based on Vaddis pairings.
Marquee numbers: 34,12,31,35,23,18,9,20
1st half of your bet will be 21,10,19,24.
2nd half is the oldest 4 numbers from your 8 selection.
2nd half will be 34,12,31,35.
If you hit and are in profit then go back to the 7 number stage 1.
If you miss or have not made profit then carry on and you use the new 8 number sequence on the board.
So here the number 34 was knocked off so now our bet will be:
Hope this makes sense. Attached graph from initial test.
Very interesting idea sparks! But I wonder if it’s as Vaddi said on stage 1 where you would bet the most recent (ie no 9 instead)
The risk I see is that if your repeat comes in within your 7 number radius (ie no 9 comes out again in the next few spins)
But it’s definitely worth a try!
Quote from: Sparks on Jan 27, 02:47 PM 2019
Sorry i don't have RX or anything similar but i will be running this in excel either tonight or tomorrow.
Forgot to mention this is all flat betting. No progression.
I'm trying right now to code this with Excel, got it pretty much ok. It's not a problem to check on pairs of last 4 spins plus the nrs from spin 5-8. The problem lies in that it is not always 8nrs that are being played. Sometimes a nr will repeat or the nr will appear both on pairs 1-4 and nrs 5-8. Did you manage to calculate how many different nrs were played, since it is not always 8?
Tried different ways of using the SUMPRODUCT(1/COUNTIF(....) function but to no avail.
here nr35 wins, but it appears both in played pairs and played nrs, so playing 7nrs really.
(link::// (link:://
How can you avoid/correct this?
Hope u know what vaadi hint all about. It's how numbers land in table. With pair and lands are formed .. I tried all aspects.but no success with profit... Frequent.. Still thinking what can b the simple way to play which guarantee.. Profit.. Online I think something not good... Mean not reliable much. Will try to get numbers from land-based to verify my thoughts..yes problem comes when pair is backward... If cover both. Back and next. Then 8 numbers not enough
What I think is it,there may b starting conditions...then to enter in game. E. G if doubles more than expected thn.most probably.. Pairs will come and vice versa. I don't think just see the marques latest results and jump in game and get profit within 24 spins.. It's a devil wheel.... Not so easy.... My view only
Quote from: Bigbroben on Jan 27, 10:48 PM 2019
here nr35 wins, but it appears both in played pairs and played nrs, so playing 7nrs really.
(link::// (link:://
How can you avoid/correct this?
Very good thought. 4 for pairs and 4 for. Every 37 spin cycle will give lands. Of 2 or 4 or 6 numbers.together. So here we sure neihbours will come ultimately...without pairs roulette game or any random game cannot be formed. So keeping that 24 numbers. There will b plenty of lands.. Together One thought to explore
Quote from: Bigbroben on Jan 27, 10:48 PM 2019
here nr35 wins, but it appears both in played pairs and played nrs, so playing 7nrs really.
(link::// (link:://
How can you avoid/correct this?
Use this to count how many numbers are across the 2 groups:
RANGE2)) tells you how many matches there are between the 2, so if you minus this value from 8(amount of bet numbers), this will give you the amount of unique numbers.
hope that makes sense, yet to have my morning coffee... :thumbsup:
Quote from: Elite on Jan 28, 03:48 AM 2019
What I think is it,there may b starting conditions...then to enter in game. E. G if doubles more than expected thn.most probably.. Pairs will come and vice versa. I don't think just see the marques latest results and jump in game and get profit within 24 spins.. It's a devil wheel.... Not so easy.... My view only
I agree, i've noticed just by betting 4 and 4 after the failed 7 step sequence doesn't do the trick on it's own. As Vaddis said you have to follow the wheel, maybe if you notice there are doubles dropping that you are missing you bet all 8 as previous numbers. if singles are dropping then you bet all 8 as pairs only. Change the bet depending what you're seeing... let the wheel guide you.
Good job Sparks :thumbsup:
@ Sparks... Well..thought... So no need for law of third count. So I assume below gameplay... If all singles on marquee.. When we joined then play on all pairs.. With 8 numbers. Or in sequence... If see one double that group then 4 by 4.if two doubles. Then all 8 on view.. May b like this it csn
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Jan 28, 06:57 AM 2019
(link::// (link:://
Nice graph PR,
I see there's waiting periods, are you waiting for sets of single hits?
Are you betting every spin? What is the max numbers you bet? 8,12,16,24? Is the chart(pairs numbers) that was originally posted accurate? In other words are the pairs numbers based on the table or neighbors on the wheel? I really would be grateful if you could just answer these questions.
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Jan 28, 06:57 AM 2019
(link::// (link:://
well, keep rocking,
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Jan 28, 07:41 AM 2019
How about gentlemen?
Well, the table is what it is, paired with the table, it talks about that, it does not say anything about the cylinder.
He speaks 24/8 and 12/4 ... It's the same, one half and one double.
He says that everything has to do after every 4 spins, then how many Cojes numbers after 4 spins?
He also says ...
Take 4singles + 4 doubles or just 4 doubles?
I think vaddis is saying it very clearly ...
Adding the pair makes it a very small change but it influences the game a lot and changes everything.
Thank you Passion. Much appreciated. For each number out, could there be two pair numbers? 4/12=3
Last 4 numbers out, plus the two paired numbers for each number=12 numbers total.
Sparks, and if the bet it's the opposite? Older 4 numbers bet pairs, newest numbers bet them. Like Vaddi said, it's common find for ex. 15-15, 24-1-24. If someone wants Vaddis clues i have a word file with all his posts.
Quote from: Irish88 on Jan 28, 08:14 AM 2019
Thank you Passion. Much appreciated. For each number out, could there be two pair numbers? 4/12=3
Last 4 numbers out, plus the two paired numbers for each number=12 numbers total.
Unfortunately doesn't work for me...
Quote from: nichedelico on Jan 28, 08:34 AM 2019
Sparks, and if the bet it's the opposite? Older 4 numbers bet pairs, newest numbers bet them. Like Vaddi said, it's common find for ex. 15-15, 24-1-24. If someone wants Vaddis clues i have a word file with all his posts.
I'm not sure, it's worth looking at. But i was working off his number ranges:
"Double-hit ranges:
7 numbers: hit range = 1 - 14 (14th spin hits 7th spin)"
so i use the older numbers to use for doubles in case singles drop in the next 4 spins.
Quote from: Sparks on Jan 28, 08:42 AM 2019
"Double-hit ranges:
7 numbers: hit range = 1 - 14 (14th spin hits 7th spin)"
This section was intriguing. I would think it suggests to add the pair once the nr has missed for x-spins.
So step1 - play 1-7 (or 8 or whatever the nr is). Past that, add the pair on the oldest? So you would indeed have way more than 8 nrs, potentially up to 24...
He says each number has to be bet on 8 times. If it doesn't hit within 8 spins you drop it. I just can't figure out how you incorporate the pairs into that. Do you bet the pair numbers 8 times too?
Could the 4/12=3 indicate you bet 4 spins out in a 4 step process. Then if no hit you take the 4 numbers and their pair for the next 8 spins? I know that is a contradiction with the 8 spins then drop but there does seem to be quite a few contradictions in the clues.
24/8=3 maybe you bet 8 spins in the 8 step process then take the 8 numbers and two pair numbers and bet them for 16 spins. One you are in profit you reset? Just throwing ideas out. I don't think this is how it's played but who knows. Just trying to figure out the riddle and make the numbers fit.
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Jan 28, 08:55 AM 2019
I do not know what you're doing, but it has nothing to do with what I meant...
oops my bad, hid too many columns!, was betting 4 numbers + pairs making 12, didn't hit very often...
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Jan 28, 09:34 AM 2019
I do not play 12 numbers, you have to look for the condition, to play single and couples at the same time and play as much 8.
Is it as simple as start betting the 8 step process after there are no repeats in the prior 8 spins? Is that a key element? Then if you don't get a hit in the 8 step, that will have been 16 spins. Then bet the last 8 and their pairs, is the thinking you should be in profit by the 24th spin? Then reset.
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Jan 28, 09:34 AM 2019
I do not play 12 numbers, you have to look for the condition, to play single and couples at the same time and play as much 8.
Thank you PR. This is the best info anyone has ever given us in quite a while. ^-^
Back to my excel sheet i go! O0
Quote from: Irish88 on Jan 28, 09:52 AM 2019
Is it as simple as start betting the 8 step process after there are no repeats in the prior 8 spins? Is that a key element? Then if you don't get a hit in the 8 step, that will have been 16 spins. Then bet the last 8 and their pairs, is the thinking you should be in profit by the 24th spin? Then reset.
I have a feeling it's wait for a pair in a set of 8 unique numbers, bet that pair and any other pairs that turn up in the last 8 until profit? Attached example using recorded real spins...
Quote from: Sparks on Jan 28, 10:48 AM 2019
I have a feeling it's wait for a pair in a set of 8 unique numbers, bet that pair and any other pairs that turn up in the last 8 until profit? Attached example using recorded real spins...
Never thought of that. Great post Sparks. Maybe there is something there. Makes sense. So we only start betting once a pair has a appeared and bet any pairs that come out?
Quote from: Irish88 on Jan 28, 10:55 AM 2019
Never thought of that. Great post Sparks. Maybe there is something there. Makes sense. So we only start betting once a pair has a appeared and bet any pairs that come out?
yes that's correct.
Carried on manually in the excel sheet, it's looking promising...
the further i go, the more up and down it gets... maybe there's something missing, but i feel this is the closest i've got in a while
OK, i've added double hits to the triggers, and it's working much better
+136u after 93 spins
God knows how i'm going to set this up automatically in excel... looks like it's gonna be a late night for me later :yawn:
Can a system be build on vertex math phenomenon?
It will be interested for STEVE, because he is more towards logic and patterns than randomness
Quote from: Sparks on Jan 28, 11:23 AM 2019
OK, i've added double hits to the triggers, and it's working much better
+136u after 93 spins
God knows how i'm going to set this up automatically in excel... looks like it's gonna be a late night for me later :yawn:
So you only start betting once you get two pairs?
Quote from: Irish88 on Jan 28, 11:32 AM 2019
So you only start betting once you get two pairs?
say this is the last 8 numbers: 12, 25, 18, 2, 28, 31, 8, 5
There's no pairs in there so no bet.
Next number is 19, making the new 8 set 25, 18, 2, 28, 31, 8, 5, 19.
Because 18 and 19 are pairs, you bet on these 2 numbers until a hit. As you're betting you add new pairs that come up in the last 8 numbers.
so for example the next number is 3 making 18, 2, 28, 31, 8, 5, 19, 3.
that is new paired with your previous #2 and so you add that to your bets making 4 numbers: 18, 19, 2, 3
and so on until you hit.
I've attached an excel that i've been doing manually so far. hope it helps
also forgot mention in the previous reply, double hits are also a trigger
so to carry on from the previous example: 18, 2, 28, 31, 8, 5, 19, 3.
for this set your current numbers to bet on are 18, 19, 2, 3
The next number lands on 28. so now your bet will be: 18, 19, 2, 3, 28
as far as i can tell, you don't bet on the pair for a double hit, in this case, don't bet on 29
Yep... after 250 spins this is looking very much like what PR posted.
Now for the long term testing... i'll look at doing that later tonight.
Great work Sparks! And what you think about the last clue of Vaddi?
"La Bomba:
1) 2 chips on doubles
2) 1 chip on doubles
3) Half of a chip on doubles
2) and 3) should make you smile. Smiley"
La bomba it's an italian word, on facebook there is a guy named David Banton (Vaddi-David) with pics in LasVegas, with an (private?) elicopter that use 1-2 italians word on pics description.
Quote from: Sparks on Jan 28, 12:23 PM 2019
Yep... after 250 spins this is looking very much like what PR posted.
Now for the long term testing... i'll look at doing that later tonight.
You reset the nrs played on a hit or on a new high?
Sorry i don't know,haven't followed the back story of the whole Vaddi thing. So what makes everyone think he had the grail and not just another charlatan offering bread crumbs and bogus claims? 90+pages suggests there was at least some evidence of something!?
Oh, it's probably a) a too early HG call; b) a teaser.
It's a good debate subject, though.!
what do you think of this one?
And another though, if we bet the first stage also? 1-2-3...8 and if no double or pairs hit stop the bet wait for the Sparks conditions and start again with betting?
It only focuses on the step2 process describes as you did last page: play reps and pairs in last x-spins ( adjustable values in blue). It does not include Vaddi's escalating step1 process.
Although Excel random, many times a +36u score is achieved, which would représent a recovery of a failed step1 ( if 8 nrs).
Not bad. It works until it doesn't! Could include a maximal spins til recovery then reset, or other parameters...
Quote from: Bigbroben on Jan 28, 01:07 PM 2019
what do you think of this one?
I'll have a look once I'm back home. But from what i can see on my phone some tweaks might need to be made.
I'll let you know when I've had a proper look
Quote from: Bigbroben on Jan 28, 12:48 PM 2019
You reset the nrs played on a hit or on a new high?
Complete reset on a hit. So start tracking numbers from fresh spins.
I haven't seen a it lose more than about 20units so far
Quote from: nichedelico on Jan 28, 01:20 PM 2019
And another though, if we bet the first stage also? 1-2-3...8 and if no double or pairs hit stop the bet wait for the Sparks conditions and start again with betting?
I've never been a fan of this. I know it's part of Vaddis method and if it hits early it can be a good earner but from what I've experienced it doesn't hit often and when it doesn't you're immediately on the back foot trying to regain losses.
If i can incorporate it in to this method i will do but only when I'm certain what I have discovered is perfected
Quote from: nichedelico on Jan 28, 01:20 PM 2019
And another though, if we bet the first stage also? 1-2-3...8 and if no double or pairs hit stop the bet wait for the Sparks conditions and start again with betting?
I've never been a fan of this. I know it's part of Vaddis method and if it hits early it can be a good earner but from what I've experienced it doesn't hit often and when it doesn't you're immediately on the back foot trying to regain losses.
If i can incorporate it in to this method i will do but only when I'm certain what I have discovered is perfected
I've tried manually like this, 1-8 classic first stage, then, if not winning, star bet like Sparks way pairs or double but with half of a chip for every number (i think that recover the 1 stage loss and it's like we start with the second stage only), delete numbers when goes out of 8 range. From 25 euro to 103 with 10 cent, but i don't know it's only thougt. Sparks i think your way of interpreting Vaddi's clue it's really really great.
Quote from: nichedelico on Jan 28, 02:34 PM 2019
I've tried manually like this, 1-8 classic first stage, then, if not winning, star bet like Sparks way pairs or double but with half of a chip for every number (i think that recover the 1 stage loss and it's like we start with the second stage only), delete numbers when goes out of 8 range. From 25 euro to 103 with 10 cent, but i don't know it's only thougt. Sparks i think your way of interpreting Vaddi's clue it's really really great.
Thanks nichedelico. I've been looking at this for a while with no luck and it's only from Passions last post that the light bulb appeared. So it's thanks to him for helping with his tips
Quote from: nichedelico on Jan 28, 02:34 PM 2019
I've tried manually like this, 1-8 classic first stage, then, if not winning, star bet like Sparks way pairs or double but with half of a chip for every number (i think that recover the 1 stage loss and it's like we start with the second stage only), delete numbers when goes out of 8 range. From 25 euro to 103 with 10 cent, but i don't know it's only thougt. Sparks i think your way of interpreting Vaddi's clue it's really really great.
So did u play his first version with "4 oldest and the pairs of the 4 new ones" or his "new idea" with betting on pairs and doubles within 8 spins? What do you mean with deleting numbers when goes out of 8 range?
I mean Big's excel showed that unfortunately it's a typical it works until ... :/
Quote from: nasty on Jan 28, 03:07 PM 2019
So did u play his first version with "4 oldest and the pairs of the 4 new ones" or his "new idea" with betting on pairs and doubles within 8 spins? What do you mean with deleting numbers when goes out of 8 range?
I mean Big's excel showed that unfortunately it's a typical it works until ... :/
Play with his new idea, (after classic 1 stage) when one of the pairs or repeaters goes out of the 8 numbers on the marquee i delete the bet, so track always only the last 8 numbers. Like 23 - 2 - 7 - 15 - 0 - 23 - 8 - 34, number 23 and 7-8 are in game, with one chip on them and one in the split for each one, 36 hit, delete bet on 23 and leave 7-8 and so on
Ok, let's say that a repeater will come at around spin 8,xx on average, with and average cost of 37u. You can expect a pair hitting at around spin 4,xx, with an average cost of 37 too, if playing both sides.
If focusing on the ''balance'' idea: if no pair has come in 4 spins, or even 8 spins, could we say the nrs are ''off-balance''? A step1 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8, then play the pairs that did not appear in the last 8 nrs? To use the hit range mentioned earlier ( 7nrs, 14 spin range, 8nrs, 15 spin range), what if we played the hit nrs and the pairs that did not appear yet on step2?
Just an idea...
Quote from: Bigbroben on Jan 28, 01:07 PM 2019
what do you think of this one?
damn BBB, that's a lot of work you done there, well done. it's not catching the triggers at the start. the beauty of this method is that as soon as a trigger comes up you can start betting, no need to wait 8 or 10 spins.
also, i see you've used excel's randbetween. This is been proven multiple times not to be reliable for a source of numbers so using this to test excel runs and formulas isn't going to help to tell you if it works or not.
I've attached the set of recorded numbers i use for your future endeavours.
I'm going to start my excel and i'll share my progress, wish me luck
There's this clue: If there are a lot of unique singles on the marquee then unhits
are hitting. If there are twice-hit singles on the marquee the uniques are hitting.
If there are numbers that have three hits or more the double-hits are hitting.
That said, this: If you have eight unique singles bet the next
numerically higher number respectively (eight numbers in play).
I just want to make sure I understand how you are playing. You start betting once you get a pair that has hit within 8 spins. You just add the pairs as they come as long as the pair has within 8 spins. If you get a repeater, you add that to your set of numbers. Once you get a hit, you reset looking for 1 pair to hit within 8 spins. Do you ever drop a pair? Say you have bet on it 8 times but you have not hit anything, do you still keep it along with the other pairs till you get a hit?
Thanks for your great work Sparks. Looks good.
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Jan 28, 04:42 PM 2019
There's this clue: If there are a lot of unique singles on the marquee then unhits
are hitting. If there are twice-hit singles on the marquee the uniques are hitting.
If there are numbers that have three hits or more the double-hits are hitting.
That said, this: If you have eight unique singles bet the next
numerically higher number respectively (eight numbers in play).
this is very true, i noticed with my original 4pairs/4previous method that if i followed the wheel and bet only pairs when uniques were dropping i was getting a lot of hits. same goes with the doubles etc...
Quote from: Irish88 on Jan 28, 04:49 PM 2019
You start betting once you get a pair that has hit within 8 spins. You just add the pairs as they come as long as the pair has within 8 spins. If you get a repeater, you add that to your set of numbers. Once you get a hit, you reset looking for 1 pair to hit within 8 spins.
yes that is correct, and as long as the repeater is within the previous 8 spins also
Quote from: Irish88 on Jan 28, 04:49 PM 2019
Do you ever drop a pair? Say you have bet on it 8 times but you have not hit anything, do you still keep it along with the other pairs till you get a hit?
no i don't drop a pair if it hasn't hit. i noticed it will hit eventually most of the time. although once i have my excel sheet set up properly i will look into that option of dropping non-hits as a stop-loss kind of scenario
Quote from: Sparks on Jan 28, 04:54 PM 2019
yes that is correct, and as long as the repeater is within the previous 8 spins also
no i don't drop a pair if it hasn't hit. i noticed it will hit eventually most of the time. although once i have my excel sheet set up properly i will look into that option of dropping non-hits as a stop-loss kind of scenario
Thank you very much for answering. Much appreciated.
Quote from: Irish88 on Jan 28, 04:57 PM 2019
Thank you very much for answering. Much appreciated.
Always happy to help where I can :thumbsup:
Quote from: Sparks on Jan 28, 04:02 PM 2019
damn BBB, that's a lot of work you done there, well done. it's not catching the triggers at the start. the beauty of this method is that as soon as a trigger comes up you can start betting, no need to wait 8 or 10 spins.
also, i see you've used excel's randbetween. This is been proven multiple times not to be reliable for a source of numbers so using this to test excel runs and formulas isn't going to help to tell you if it works or not.
I've attached the set of recorded numbers i use for your future endeavours.
I'm going to start my excel and i'll share my progress, wish me luck
Thanks, it did not take too long though. The idea actually applies only once the step1 failed, so the tracking is not needed. Take it the first 8 spins would represent step1.
This being said, I use excel random just to have something to fill. I've inserted ' IF $X$Y="","" ' so that one can simply fill the nr column spin per spin or copy/paste any other nrs, without seeing N/A and #REF all over the place because of blank cells. I will try it with your nrs.
Quote from: Bigbroben on Jan 28, 03:36 PM 2019
Ok, let's say that a repeater will come at around spin 8,xx on average, with and average cost of 37u. You can expect a pair hitting at around spin 4,xx, with an average cost of 37 too, if playing both sides.
If focusing on the ''balance'' idea: if no pair has come in 4 spins, or even 8 spins, could we say the nrs are ''off-balance''? A step1 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8, then play the pairs that did not appear in the last 8 nrs? To use the hit range mentioned earlier ( 7nrs, 14 spin range, 8nrs, 15 spin range), what if we played the hit nrs and the pairs that did not appear yet on step2?
Just an idea...
The idea of pair something like below...
Suppose total 10 no.Game..1 3 5 7 9 came now. To go further. It should either hit double or neighbour.. Same can b applied to 36 numbers.. Pairs must will come and lands will b formed. One thought
Well, here's my idea today :thumbsup:
Track nine consecutive unique singles. (qualifier)
Bet the oldest five once. If hit end session.
If miss, bet the oldest six once. If miss,
bet the oldest seven, eight, nine once.
If all nine numbers miss start over tracking
nine new unique singles or end session.
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Monday, January 28,2019 @ 11:47pm CST USA
(newest spin-value)-*nine consecutive uniques
Bet 14,34,17,30,15 once: 1.) 17(win)+31
Guys, i read again the Vaddi's clues, trying without thinking about all the stuff. Tell me if i'm wrong, if i bet 7 numbers, 1-7 on the first stage, with a chip on the split for every number, if i hit at 7th spin a number with the full chip on and half on the split, the balance goes even, right? So the number can be 7. Vaddi never said first stage bet this second stage bet this, he described only the change from 1 to 2 that is add new number delete the oldest. He said that is simple, probably my thought it's an obviously thing but i've never tried like that. Did that this morning manually and results are good, i think it's easy to code? Simple 1 to 7 with split (one chip on number one on split) and second stage add new delete oldest with the same bet until profit. (i think Proof also said something about 7 or i'm wrong? Please don't kill me if it's an evident and stupid thing :xd: :xd: :xd: :xd: :xd:
You mean this?
(link::// (link:://
Quote from: Bigbroben on Jan 29, 10:18 AM 2019
You mean this?
(link::// (link:://
Yes! And when the split +1 it's full, put the chip on split -1 , if splits + 1 and -1 are full, put one plus on split + 1
Quote from: nichedelico on Jan 29, 10:05 AM 2019
Guys, i read again the Vaddi's clues, trying without thinking about all the stuff. Tell me if i'm wrong, if i bet 7 numbers, 1-7 on the first stage, with a chip on the split for every number, if i hit at 7th spin a number with the full chip on and half on the split, the balance goes even, right? So the number can be 7. Vaddi never said first stage bet this second stage bet this, he described only the change from 1 to 2 that is add new number delete the oldest. He said that is simple, probably my thought it's an obviously thing but i've never tried like that. Did that this morning manually and results are good, i think it's easy to code? Simple 1 to 7 with split (one chip on number one on split) and second stage add new delete oldest with the same bet until profit. (i think Proof also said something about 7 or i'm wrong? Please don't kill me if it's an evident and stupid thing :xd: :xd: :xd: :xd: :xd:
Dumb question on part. Vaddi did indeed leave clues as to playing splits. But how do you apply the splits in the 3rd column and the pairs chart? This is what I have struggled with. So 3 hits, the pairing number is 4. How do you bet that?
I guess this:
(link::// (link:://
Base units would be 2 to ease this type of betting?
I thought about follow the table naturally, we stay always flat bet so, if i have 3 i bet split 2/3 and 3 beacause Vaddi said
"The going backward pairing for 0 is 36.
The going forward pairing for 36 is 0."
Quote from: Bigbroben on Jan 29, 10:27 AM 2019
I guess this:
(link::// (link:://
Base units would be 2 to ease this type of betting?
Here bet 29/30 and 30 i thought beacuse of the flat bet, maybe pairs it's only for make float our balance, and pump the win when hit a number
Quote from: nichedelico on Jan 29, 10:31 AM 2019
I thought about follow the table naturally, we stay always flat bet so, if i have 3 i bet split 2/3 and 3 beacause Vaddi said
"The going backward pairing for 0 is 36.
The going forward pairing for 36 is 0."
Very interesting catch Nichedelico. I never took that into account. Could it be as simple as playing the last numbers out and adding the split? I thought it had been tested.
Quote from: Irish88 on Jan 29, 10:42 AM 2019
Very interesting catch Nichedelico. I never took that into account. Could it be as simple as playing the last numbers out and adding the split? I thought it had been tested.
Thanks, i don't know i tried to think simple as i can. The thing that made me think, it's in the clues there are no indication on when betting pairs, and when add the 1%, and maybe it's from the beginning and follow the wheel
Well Passion did say he only plays 8 numbers though. And starts betting when conditions are right. I think it has been said Vaddi didn't bet every spin. There was some sort of trigger I could be wrong. Vaddi always said it's about the last 4 spins. Is it it possible he is only betting the last 4 numbers and splits?
So finally got my long-term results in (vs 50k spins) my numbers clearly lured me into a false sense of security at the beginning judging by the graph.
I still have hope though. Maybe with this combined with the 7/8-step stage 1 it would be better?
Quote from: Sparks on Jan 29, 11:18 AM 2019
So finally got my long-term results in (vs 50k spins) my numbers clearly lured me into a false sense of security at the beginning judging by the graph.
I still have hope though. Maybe with this combined with the 7/8-step stage 1 it would be better?
combined it with the 7step stage 1, better results but nothing solid
Sparks if we follow 7 numbers (14 with splits,12 if we have a double during the game) we have all in one i think, because we always play all the pair double and single too in 7 range?
Quote from: nichedelico on Jan 29, 11:41 AM 2019
Sparks if we follow 7 numbers (14 with splits,12 if we have a double during the game) we have all in one i think, because we always play all the pair double and single too in 7 range?
Just tested against 15k numbers...
7 step for first 7 spins, then blocks of 8 if no hit, reset on win.
Trouble is because the bets are split, you only gain 18u on a win
Quote from: Sparks on Jan 29, 12:01 PM 2019
Just tested against 15k numbers...
7 step for first 7 spins, then blocks of 8 if no hit, reset on win.
Trouble is because the bets are split, you only gain 18u on a win
I'm testing manually like this: 1 to 7 plus pair + 1 or -1 if we are at the edge of the table or the +1 have already a chip. Play like this all the time. Only change frome stage 1 to 2, add/delete newest/oldest. from 100 to 140 euro (10 cent bet) but not testing too much. So always 14 numbers, 12 if we have a repetition in game, but in the numbers of the marquee we have the full chip and the split, so we win 54u o a win
"how do you play all of the numbers on the wheel"-Vaddi clue:
That statement brings me to this idea just now:
--*Natural Line Elimination System*--
*Natural Lines: L1-6, L7-12, L13-18, L19-24, L25-30, L31-36
Note the newest non-zero outcome. Bet each single, its
corresponding natural line once and zero (a chip on 0/00 split on American).
You will bet up to five different natural lines
(one at a time) and zero. Stop on a win or after five bets miss.
Example: #30 (newest spin-value)-part of L25-30
Bet 25,26,27,28,29,30,0 once: 1.) #13 (x)-7
(L25-30 is eliminated for the session)
Bet 13,14,15,16,17,18,0 once: 2.) #30 (x)-7...
(wait for a natural line to show that hasn't been eliminated)
...28,2 (newest spin-value)
Bet 1,2,3,4,5,6,0 once....
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Tuesday, January 29,2019 @ 10:32pm CST USA
#32 (newest outcome)
Bet 31,32,33,34,35,36,0 once: 1.) 8(x)-7 (L31-36 is eliminated)
Bet 7,8,9,10,11,12,0 once: 2.) 29(x)-7 (L7-12 is eliminated)
Bet 25,26,27,28,29,30,0 once: 3.) 25(win)+29
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Tuesday, January 29,2019 @ 10:36pm CST USA
#24 (newest spin-value)
Bet 19,20,21,22,23,24,0/00 once: 1.) 22(win)+29
@Steve. Below video shows how casino cheats, but need an eye to see.Time:4:56 .what happens here(Player has won almost 90K euro that time).
Dealer made an awkard spin, and game stopped then If you see dealer holding another ball but hidden way and replaces that ball with the current ball in secret way, 4:56 until 5:06 time 10 seconds , watch carefully then u can see what happen and after that how game played.
Just for those people who thinks gambling is fair and regulatries authorites are monitoring them.
Here's a Vaddi inspired system to consider :)
Bet the newest three Odd and Even spin-values with zero.
*Bet a chip on 0/00 for American)
Bet those same numbers for up to five spins.
Stop on a win or after five consecutive misses.
Example: 21,9,25,4,32,5,28,4 (newest spin-value)
Bet 4,28,32 & 5,25,9,0 for up to five spins....
Quote from: Elite on Jan 30, 08:41 AM 2019
@Steve. Below video shows how casino cheats, but need an eye to see.Time:4:56 .what happens here(Player has won almost 90K euro that time).
Dealer made an awkard spin, and game stopped then If you see dealer holding another ball but hidden way and replaces that ball with the current ball in secret way, 4:56 until 5:06 time 10 seconds , watch carefully then u can see what happen and after that how game played.
Just for those people who thinks gambling is fair and regulatries authorites are monitoring them.
They changed the ball. But it is within their rights to change the ball (unfortunately). The regulatory authorities would be concerned that the game is random as advertised and that sector play or a defective wheel was not giving one side or the other an advantage over the published odds. If the casino tries to randomise the game, I believe the authorities would approve of that. In fact they change balls all the time.
*The hit-rate seems to be good in early tests-but I don't know
how playable it is on a Live wheel (particularly in a B&M setting).
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Wednesday, January 30,2019 @ 11:23pm CST USA
...36,31,11,29,33,16,16,27,15,4,00,0 (newest spin-value)
Bet 4,16,36 & 15,27,33,0/00 for up to five spins.
1.) 28(x)-7 2.) 17(x)-7 3.) 36(win)+29
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Wednesday, Jaunary 31,2019 @ 11:27pm CST USA
...23,4,4,29,30,0,7,24 (newest spin-value)
Bet 24,30,4 & 7,29,23,0 for up to five spins.
1.) 17(x)-7 2.) 24(win)+29
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Jan 31, 02:12 AM 2019
Good approach.. My view is to identify first which sectors red, black low high exists then follow the dealers.. Modi system given number pairing.. Once know the wheel clearly then can better understand number combination. My view only... It's Not related with vad system.dealers are perfect computer to use in prediction
Last 4 unique numbers. Bet with forward pair (8 numbers, two unit on split, half on edge table bet, if i use 1$, 2$ on split, 1$on table edge bet) , if forward pair have a chip on, bet on backward. Add newest delete oldest. Bankroll like indicated 1$ x 8 x 12 = 96$. Manually tested good results.
With this twist, follow the wheel. So during the game, if i see one pair or doulbe comes out in (tracking 8 numbers marquee) 2nd four numbers in reference alway to the 1st four numbers, play this numbers with pairs, if i have pair or double in the first four and not in winning continue normally. Like during game: #2 newest -- 2-6-15-3-24-21-35-10, play 2/3-6/7-15/16-3/4. Second case if i have 2-6-15-21-24-3-35-10, play 24/25-3/4-35/36-10-11. If i have 8 unique numbers play always first four
Quote from: nichedelico on Jan 31, 08:29 PM 2019
With this twist, follow the wheel. So during the game, if i see one pair or doulbe comes out in (tracking 8 numbers marquee) 2nd four numbers in reference alway to the 1st four numbers, play this numbers with pairs, if i have pair or double in the first four and not in winning continue normally. Like during game: #2 newest -- 2-6-15-3-24-21-35-10, play 2/3-6/7-15/16-3/4. Second case if i have 2-6-15-21-24-3-35-10, play 24/25-3/4-35/36-10-11. If i have 8 unique numbers play always first four
Sorry this is the right one ::
With this twist, follow the wheel. So during the game, if i see one pair or doulbe comes out in (tracking 8 numbers marquee) 2nd four numbers in reference alway to the 1st four numbers, play this numbers with pairs, if i have pair or double in the first four and not in winning continue normally. Like during game: #2 newest -- 2-6-15-3-24-21-35-10, play 2/3-6/7-15/16-3/4. Second case if i have 2-6-15-21-24-3-35-10, play 24/25-3/4-35/36-10-11. If i have 8 unique numbers play always 8 numers until trigger, so in the prewiev post i'm wrong writing 4 unique numers, you go for the 4 when have a trigger and follow the weel until profit and restart with 8 unique numbers or first classic stage of Vaddi.
Sorry to confused don't listen to me for now :xd: :xd: :xd:
Idea creates idea. Always confusion ideas turns into structured one later on... Keep it up
Agreed Elite. You never know where a Grail will show up. :thumbsup:
Alright. Here's this.
Procedure: Note the newest High
and Low outcomes respectively.
Bet those two and the next higher number on
each once. Repeat steps for each new spin-value.
Example: 21,3 (newest spin-value)
Bet 21,22 & 3,4 once: 1.) 18(x)-4
Bet 18,19 & 21,22 once....
*If zero shows, count it as a Low outcome
Example: 21,3,0 (newest spin-value)
Bet 21,22 & 0,1 once....
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Feb 01, 02:14 AM 2019
Agreed Elite. You never know where a Grail will show up. :thumbsup:
Alright. Here's this.
Procedure: Note the newest High
and Low outcomes respectively.
Bet those two and the next higher number on
each once. Repeat steps for each new spin-value.
Example: 21,3 (newest spin-value)
Bet 21,22 & 3,4 once: 1.) 18(x)-4
Bet 18,19 & 21,22 once....
*If zero shows, count it as a Low outcome
Example: 21,3,0 (newest spin-value)
Bet 21,22 & 0,1 once....
Nice Proof. Have you run any tests on this yet?
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Feb 01, 02:14 AM 2019
Agreed Elite. You never know where a Grail will show up. :thumbsup:
Alright. Here's this.
Procedure: Note the newest High
and Low outcomes respectively.
Bet those two and the next higher number on
each once. Repeat steps for each new spin-value.
Example: 21,3 (newest spin-value)
Bet 21,22 & 3,4 once: 1.) 18(x)-4
Bet 18,19 & 21,22 once....
*If zero shows, count it as a Low outcome
Example: 21,3,0 (newest spin-value)
Bet 21,22 & 0,1 once....
Proof i like your way of thinking, this is very similar to a method i've been using recently with decent results.
Only play when trigger comes up: a double or pair appear in the latest 4 numbers.
If pair appears bet that pair and the next numbers with their +pairs.
Example: last 4 numbers: 31, 4, 16, 5,
Bet 4, 5
Next number: 31, 4, 16, 5,
24next bet is 4, 5, 24, 25
I use this with a 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2 progression. If no win after 6 bets then reset.
Got me +200units last night playing at 0.5unit bets:
Example game:
13, 14 - Trigger
Bet 13, 14
#11 (-1 u)
Bet 13, 14, 11, 12
#22 (-2 u)
Bet 13, 14, 11, 12, 22, 23
#5 (-3 u)
Bet 13, 14, 11, 12, 22, 23, 5 ,6
#24 (-4 u)
Bet 13, 14, 11, 12, 22, 23, 5 ,6, 24, 25
#3 (-5 u)
Bet 13, 14, 11, 12, 22, 23, 5 ,6, 24, 25, 3, 4 (progression now at 2 so total bet 12u)
#5 Win: 36u - 12u = 24u
24u - previous losses (15u) = +9 profit
won 15 sets like this in a row resulting in over 200u profit.
Have you run any tests on this yet?-Buffalowizard
Tested it just now. Mixed results
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Friday, February 1,2019 @ 7:15am CST USA
...34,7 (newest spin-value)
Bet 34,35,7,8: 1.) 8(win)+32
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Friday, February 1,2019 @ 7:17am CST USA
...15,20 (newest spin-value)
Bet 15,16,20,21: 1.) 20(win)+32
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Friday, February 1,2019 @ 7:18am CST USA
Session total: -36 units
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Friday, February 1,2019 @ 7:27am CST USA
...6,22,32,22,20,26 (newest spin-value)
Bet 6,7,26,27: 1.) 6(win)+32
Only play when trigger comes up: a double or pair appear in the latest 4 numbers.
If pair appears bet that pair and the next numbers with their +pairs.-Sparks
Worth a look. Congrats on your winnings.
-*Sparks Vaddi Pair Singles Builder*-
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Friday, February 1,2019 @ 7:54am CST USA
...22,19,27,23 (newest spin-value)
Bet 22,23: 1.) 26(x)-2
Bet 22,23,26,27: 2.) 10(x)-4
Bet 22,23,26,27,10,11: 3.) 5(x)-6
Bet 22,23,26,27,10,11,5,6: 4.) 30(x)-8
---------------Progression 2x---------------
Bet 22,23,26,27,10,11,5,6,30,31: 5.) 27(win)+52
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Feb 01, 09:06 AM 2019
-*Sparks Vaddi Pair Singles Builder*-
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Friday, February 1,2019 @ 7:54am CST USA
...22,19,27,23 (newest spin-value)
Bet 22,23: 1.) 26(x)-2
Bet 22,23,26,27: 2.) 10(x)-4
Bet 22,23,26,27,10,11: 3.) 5(x)-6
Bet 22,23,26,27,10,11,5,6: 4.) 30(x)-8
---------------Progression 2x---------------
Bet 22,23,26,27,10,11,5,6,30,31: 5.) 27(win)+52
nice :thumbsup:
Quote from: Sparks on Feb 01, 04:26 AM 2019
Proof i like your way of thinking, this is very similar to a method i've been using recently with decent results.
Only play when trigger comes up: a double or pair appear in the latest 4 numbers.
If pair appears bet that pair and the next numbers with their +pairs.
Example: last 4 numbers: 31, 4, 16, 5,
Bet 4, 5
Next number: 31, 4, 16, 5, 24
next bet is 4, 5, 24, 25
I use this with a 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2 progression. If no win after 6 bets then reset.
Got me +200units last night playing at 0.5unit bets:
Example game:
13, 14 - Trigger
Bet 13, 14
#11 (-1 u)
Bet 13, 14, 11, 12
#22 (-2 u)
Bet 13, 14, 11, 12, 22, 23
#5 (-3 u)
Bet 13, 14, 11, 12, 22, 23, 5 ,6
#24 (-4 u)
Bet 13, 14, 11, 12, 22, 23, 5 ,6, 24, 25
#3 (-5 u)
Bet 13, 14, 11, 12, 22, 23, 5 ,6, 24, 25, 3, 4 (progression now at 2 so total bet 12u)
#5 Win: 36u - 12u = 24u
24u - previous losses (15u) = +9 profit
won 15 sets like this in a row resulting in over 200u profit.
I like it Sparks. Was this something you devised and have tested much, or just that one night? I think it warrants further testing for sure. My initial look at real spins is promising with it. If 36 appears, is 35 its pairing then? And do we leave zero alone?
5 trigger . bet 4 5
20 bet 4 5 20 21
18 bet 4 5 20 21 18 19
4 win
10 trigger bet 10 11
36 bet 10 11 36 0
14 bet 10 11 36 0 14 15
0 win
In this example, I've just bet the next highest number. Not necessarily the split pair on the layout.
Is this part wrong?
Quote from: buffalowizard on Feb 01, 11:17 AM 2019
5 trigger . bet 4 5
20 bet 4 5 20 21
18 bet 4 5 20 21 18 19
4 win
10 trigger bet 10 11
36 bet 10 11 36 0
14 bet 10 11 36 0 14 15
0 win
In this example, I've just bet the next highest number. Not necessarily the split pair on the layout.
Is this part wrong?
that's correct, just the next highest number, or 0 if 36 pops up
This is something i just came up with yesterday so was testing last night
Quote from: Sparks on Feb 01, 11:49 AM 2019
that's correct, just the next highest number, or 0 if 36 pops up
This is something i just came up with yesterday so was testing last night
Cool, I just saw this -
34 trigger pair
33 Here, we have an option of betting just these 3 numbers together because 34 is already covered, or as I improvised, bet the next highest number which is uncovered = 36
Hope this helps
Quote from: buffalowizard on Feb 01, 12:00 PM 2019
Cool, I just saw this -
34 trigger pair
33 Here, we have an option of betting just these 3 numbers together because 34 is already covered, or as I improvised, bet the next highest number which is uncovered = 36
Hope this helps
as in Vaddis clues, he says if the pair is already taken, then go -1, so if 33 drops and you already have 34 covered, you bet on 32.
Ah ok, interesting. Cheers. I'll try and post some testings later Sparks
At what point would you stop? On a hit or new high? rolling 8 spins?
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 01, 01:13 PM 2019
At what point would you stop? On a hit or new high? rolling 8 spins?
I'd stop on a hit within the 6 spin progression. If no hit, then restart. I wouldnt go chasing hits
Table 2, 31.01.19 Wiesbaden.
Just grabbed these few for a quick run. I'm no good at working out unit wins for progressions but this would have been a very profitable little session I believe.
What are the win/loss per progression level sparks?
35 bet 35,36
27. Bet 35,36,27,28
14. Bet 35,36,27,28,14,15
4 bet 35,36,27,28,14,15,4,5
27. Win. Retrack
- - -
13 bet 13,14
13 win
28 bet 28 29
- - -
2 bet 28 29,2,3
25. Bet 28,29,2,3,25 26
8 bet 28,29,2,3,25,26,8,9
11 bet 28,29,2,3,25,26,8,9,11,12
25. Win . retrack
13 bet 13,14
13 win. Retrack
- - -
25. Bet 24,25
3. Bet 24,25,3,4
16. Bet 24,25,3,4,16,17
24 win. Retrack
- - -
34. Bet 34,35
18. Bet 34,35,18,19
26 bet 34,35,18,19,26,27
26. Win
Quote from: buffalowizard on Feb 01, 02:28 PM 2019
Table 2, 31.01.19 Wiesbaden.
Just grabbed these few for a quick run. I'm no good at working out unit wins for progressions but this would have been a very profitable little session I believe.
What are the win/loss per progression level sparks?
35 bet 35,36
27. Bet 35,36,27,28
14. Bet 35,36,27,28,14,15
4 bet 35,36,27,28,14,15,4,5
27. Win. Retrack
- - -
13 bet 13,14
13 win
28 bet 28 29
- - -
2 bet 28 29,2,3
25. Bet 28,29,2,3,25 26
8 bet 28,29,2,3,25,26,8,9
11 bet 28,29,2,3,25,26,8,9,11,12
25. Win . retrack
13 bet 13,14
13 win. Retrack
- - -
25. Bet 24,25
3. Bet 24,25,3,4
16. Bet 24,25,3,4,16,17
24 win. Retrack
- - -
34. Bet 34,35
18. Bet 34,35,18,19
26 bet 34,35,18,19,26,27
26. Win
Bet cycle 1: +16
Bet cycle 2: +34
Bet cycle 3: +8
Bet cycle 4: +34
Bet cycle 5: +24
Bet cycle 7: +24
Total: 140
Not bad at all
Thanks. Will continue this on.
Table 3. 31.01.19. Wiesbaden
Ran through the whole day. Results speak for themselves. Havent been as bullish about a method as this in a long while. What exactly is the loss of a single 6 progression line Sparks? If betting on straight up numbers
5. Bet 4,5
20 bet 4,5,20,21
18. Bet 4,5,20,21,18,19
4 win
10 bet 10,11
36. Bet 10,11,36,0
14. Bet 10,11,36,0,14,15
0 win
34. Bet 35,34
33 bet 35,34,32,33
4 bet 35,34,32,33,4,5
9. Bet 35,34,32,33,4,5
26 bet 35,34,32,33,4,5,26,27
7. Bet 35,34 32,33,4,5 26,27,7,8
7. Win
17 bet 16,17
32. Bet 16,17,32,33
0 bet 16,17,32,33,0,1
- - -
7. Bet 16,17,32,33,0,1,7,8
29 bet 16,17,32,33,0,1,7,8,29,30
21. Bet 16,17,32,33,0,1,7,8,29,30,21,22
23. Loss
23. Bet 23,24
4 bet 23,24,4,5
3. Bet 23,24,4,5,3,2
33 bet 23,24,4,5,3,2,33,34
18. Bet 23,24,4,5,3,2,33,34,18,19
4 win
19. Bet 18,19
0 bet 18,19,0,1
6 bet 18 19,0,1,6,7
- - -
4 bet 18,19,0,1,6,7,4,5
25. Bet 18,19,0,1,6,7,4,5,25,26
25. Win
13 bet 12,13
11 bet 12,13,11,10
11 win
- - -
3. Bet 2,3
0 bet 2,3,0,12
2. Win
33 bet 33,34
27. Bet 33,34,27,28
25. Bet 33,34,27,28,25,26
24 bet 33,34,27,28,25,26,24,25
25. Win
20 bet 20,21
15 bet 20,21,15,16
23. Bet 20,21,15,16,23,24
32. Bet 20,21,15,16,23,24,32,33
- - -
7. Bet 20,21,15,16,23,24,32,33,7,8
29 loss
28 bet 28,29
15 bet 28,29,15,16
9. Bet 28,29,15,16,9,10
27. Bet 28,29,15,16,9,10,27,28
32. Bet 28,29,15,16,9,10,27,28,32,33
10 win
- - -
18. Bet 18,19
7. Bet 18,19,7,8
16. Bet 18,19,7,8,16,17
16. Win
14. Bet 14,15
34. Bet 14,15,34,35
25. Bet 14,15,34,35,25,26
19. Bet 14,15,34,35,25,26,19,20
31 bet 14,15,34,35,25,26,19,20,31 32
24 14,15,34,35,25,26,19,20,31,32,24,23
23. Win
16. Bet 16,17
8 bet 16,17,8,9
23. Bet 16,17,8,9,23,24
33 bet 16,17,8,9,23,24,33,34
- - -
11 16,17,8,9,23 24,33,34,11,12
31 16,17,8,9,23,24,33,34,11,12,31 32
8. Win
26 bet 25,26
12. 25,26,12,13
19. 25,26,12,13,19,20
14. 25,26,12,13,19,20,14,15
25. Win
28 bet 27,28
8. 27,28,8,9
18. 27,28,8,9,18,19
10 27,28,8,9,18,19,10,11
- - -
9. Win
8. Bet 8,9
0 8,9,0,1
16. 8,9,0,1,16,17
20 8,9,0,1,16,17,20,21
16. Win
- - -
2 bet 1,2
28 1,2,28,29
8 1,2,28,29,8,9
15 1,2,28,29,8,9
11 1,2,28,29,8,9,11,12
1. Win
11 bet 10,11
3. 10,11,3,4
- - -
21. 10,11,3,4,21,22
12. 10,11,3,4,21,22,12,13
3. Win
7. Bet 7,8
30. 7,8,30,31
18. 7,8,30,31,18,19
- - -
1. 7,8,30,31,18,19,1,2
2 win
33 bet 33,34
20 33,34,20,21
19. 33,34,20,21,19,18
- - -
29 33,34,20,21,19,18,29,30
29 win
19. Bet 18,19
35 18,19,35 36
9. 18,19,35,36,9,10
36. Win
- - -
30. Bet 30,31
27. 30,31,27,28
14. 30,31,27,28,14,15
13 30,31,27,28,14,15,13,12
30. Win
- - -
14. Bet 14,15
7. 14,15,7,8
29 14,15,7,8,29,30
18. 14,15,7,8 29,30,18,19
27. 14,15,7,8,29,30,18,19,27,28
- - -
26 14,15,7,8,29,30,18,19,27.28,26,25
3. Loss
24 bet 23,24
6 23,24,6,7
3. 23,24,6,7,3,4
6 win
- - -
- - -
36. Bet 36,0
11 36,0,11,12
30. 36,0,11,12,30,31
11 win
21. Bet 20,21
29 20,21,29,30
3. 20,21,29,30,3,4
28 20,21,29,30,3,4,28,27
17 20,21,29,30,3,4,28,27,17,18
8. 20,21,29,30,3,4,28,27,17,18,8,9
- - -
1. Loss
0 bet 0,1
35 0,1,35, 36
30. 0,1,35,36,30,31
29 0,1,35,36,30,31,29,28
22 0,1,35,36,30,31,29,28,22,23
28 win
- - -
18. Bet 18,19
8 18,19,8,9
27. 18,19,8,9,27,28
36. 18,19,8,9,27,28 36,0
10 18,19,8,9,27,28,36,0,10,11
36. Win
29 bet 29,30
27. 29,30,27,28
15 29,30,27,28,15,16
27. Win
- - -
21. Bet 20,21
16. 20,21,16,17
30. 20,21,16,17,30,31
26 20,21,16,17,30,31,26,27
22 20,21,16,17,30,31,26,27,22,23
11 20,21,16,17,30,31,26,27,22,23,11,12
- - -
22 win
8 bet 7,8
25. 7,8,25,26
27. 7,8,25,26,27,28
28 win
I make that +644 on the wins,
But how much would the 4 losses incur?
Anyway, thanks for the idea. I hope it picks up some traction
Quote from: buffalowizard on Feb 01, 05:32 PM 2019
I make that +644 on the wins,
But how much would the 4 losses incur?
Anyway, thanks for the idea. I hope it picks up some traction
I glanced at this quickly, forgive me if I'm off, but each loss using the 1-1-1-1-2-2 progression = -64u.
So for yours BW, you had 4x losses with 28x wins, so 4 x- 64u = -256u. If your estimate of +644u on the total of the wins is correct, your net would come out to +388u.
Fun way to play, easy enough that you could enjoy your adult beverage comps for once without f-ing the entire thing up... :xd:
Quote from: Mako on Feb 01, 06:28 PM 2019
I glanced at this quickly, forgive me if I'm off, but each loss using the 1-1-1-1-2-2 progression = -64u.
So for yours BW, you had 4x losses with 28x wins, so 4 x- 64u = -256u. If your estimate of +644u on the total of the wins is correct, your net would come out to +388u.
Fun way to play, easy enough that you could enjoy your adult beverage comps for once without f-ing the entire thing up... :xd:
Thanks Mako, I assumed it was a winning day and you're right, it is fun to test and track - I also like the way that the zero is incorporated into the method too!
I'll definitely be doing some more trials and take it to BM soon
352 spins
+388 units
Not bad strike rate
Quote from: buffalowizard on Feb 01, 06:41 PM 2019
352 spins
+388 units
Not bad strike rate
Looks like the expected probability for the entire bet to lose a single attempt equals 27.2% (1-1-1-1-2-2 progression, applied to 2/4/6/8/10/12 total numbers bet).
So if your loss rate is lower than that over an extended period of time, you're doing well. :thumbsup:
Wiesbaden casino, Table 3,.. 01.02.2019
Interesting and certainly a tougher day here. However you will notice that there is no huge drawdowns and it hits +100 a couple of times, so ample room to exit with profit at many different stages. Still liking this one
7 bet 7,8
28 7,8,28,29
31 7,8,28,29,31,32
25 7,8,28,29,31,32,25,26
8 WIN +34
0 BET 36,0
23 36,0,23,24
-- -- --
0 WIN +68
6 BET 5,6
19 5,6,19,20
14 5,6,19,20,14,15
21 5,6,19,20,14,15,21,22
18 5,6,19,20,14,15,21,22,18,19
24 5,6,19,20,14,15,21,22,18,19,24,25
35 LOSS - 0
10 BET 10,11
-- -- --
29 10,11,29,30
21 10,11,29,30,21,22
11 WIN +8
31 BET 31,32
24 31,32,24,25
33 31,32,24,25,33,34
30 31,32,24,25,33,34,30,29
10 31,32,24,25,33,34,30,29,10,11
20 31,32,24,25,33,34,30,29,10,11,20,21
17 LOSS -56
-- -- --
9 BET 8,9
31 8,9,31,32
28 8,9,31,32,28,29
12 8,9,31,32,28,29,12,13
7 8,9,31,32,28,29,12,13,7,8
14 8,9,31,32,28,29,12,13,7,8,14,15
15 WIN -32
23 BET 22,23
11 22,23,11,12
4 22,23,11,12,4,5
-- -- --
35 22,23,11,12,4,5,35,36
23 WIN +2
35 BET 35,36
0 35,36,0,1
11 35,36,0,1,11,12
0 WIN +10
17 BET 16,17
-- -- --
12 16,17,12,13
11 16,17,12,13,11,10
31 16,17,12,13,11,10,31,32
33 16,17,12,13,11,10,31,32,33,34
11 WIN +34
-- -- --
23 BET 23,24
34 23,24,34,35
13 23,24,34,35,13,14
21 23,24,34,35,13,14,21,22
28 23,24,34,35,13,14,21,22,28,29
21 WIN +58
5 BET 4,5
36 4,5,36,0
36 WIN +92
-- -- --
32 BET 31,32
32 WIN +108
29 BET 28,29
13 28,29,13,14
-- -- --
35 28,29,13,14,35,36
5 28,29,13,14,35,36,5,6
7 28,29,13,14,35,36,5,6,7,8
25 28,29,13,14,35,36,5,6,7,8,25,26
15 LOSS +44
28 BET 28,29
-- -- --
23 28,29,23,24
4 28,29,23,24,4,5
23 WIN +52
16 BET 15,16
14 15,16,14,13
19 15,16,14,13,19,20
36 15,16,14,13,19,20,36,0
23 15,16,14,13,19,20,36,0,23,24
25 15,16,14,13,19,20,36,0,23,24,25,26
35 LOSS -12
-- -- --
15 BET 14,15
23 14,15,23,24
25 14,15,23,24,25,26
20 14,15,23,24,25,26,20,21
13 14,15,23,24,25,26,20,21,13,12
7 14,15,23,24,25,26,20,21,13,12,7,8
25 WIN +12
-- -- --
17 BET 17,18
9 17,18,9,10
33 17,18,9,10,33,34
31 17,18,9,10,33,34,31,32
8 17,18,9,10,33,34,31,32,8,7
10 WIN +36
-- -- --
17 BET 17,18
4 17,18,4,5
29 17,18,4,5,29,30
-- -- --
33 17,18,4,5,29,30,33,34
25 17,18,4,5,29,30,33,34,25,26
17 WIN +60
18 BET 17,18
-- -- --
5 17,18,5,6
4 17,18,5,6,4,3
10 17,18,5,6,4,3,10,11
21 17,18,5,6,4,3,10,11,21,22
34 17,18,5,6,4,3,10,11,21,22,34,35
12 LOSS -4
-- -- --
15 BET 15,16
2 15,16,2,3
4 15,16,2,3,4,5
-- -- --
27 15,16,2,3,4,5,27,28
5 WIN +30
32 BET 32,33
9 32,33,9,10
27 32,33,9,10,27,28
11 32,33,9,10,27,28,11,12
24 32,33,9,10,27,28,11,12,24,25
20 32,33,9,10,27,28,11,12,24,25,20,21
32 WIN +54
19 BET 19,20
19 WIN +70
-- -- --
16 BET 15,16
35 15,16,35,36
23 15,16,35,36,23,24
20 15,16,35,36,23,24,20,21
15 WIN +104
34 BET 34,35
11 34,35,11,12
-- -- --
29 34,35,11,12,29,30
7 34,35,11,12,29,30,7,8
5 34,35,11,12,29,30,7,8,5,6
18 34,35,11,12,29,30,7,8,5,6,18,19
3 LOSS +40
4 BET 4,5
17 4,5,17,18
6 4,5,17,18,6,7
7 WIN +48
2 BET 1,2
21 1,2,21,22
23 1,2,21,22,23,24
22 WIN +56
-- -- --
Quote from: Mako on Feb 01, 07:03 PM 2019
Looks like the expected probability for the entire bet to lose a single attempt equals 27.2% (1-1-1-1-2-2 progression, applied to 2/4/6/8/10/12 total numbers bet).
So if your loss rate is lower than that over an extended period of time, you're doing well. :thumbsup:
Only one way to find out!
Wiesbaden, Table 2...01.02.2019
Last test tonight. An easier ride, let's hope this is more the norm! And remember, in this session there are lots of wins on the 3rd attempt, which only gives a profit of +8 - making the end profit all the more impressive.
29 BET 29,30
31 29,30,31,32
3 29,30,31,32,3,4
4 WIN +8
-- -- --
32 BET 32,33
24 32,33,24,25
6 32,33,24,25,6,7
4 32,33,24,25,6,7,4,5
4 WIN +42
4 BET 3,4
5 3,4,5,6
1 3,4,5,6,1,2
3 WIN +50
-- -- --
-- -- --
32 BET 31,32
25 31,32,25,26
21 31,32,25,26,21,22
21 WIN +58
-- -- --
14 BET 14,15
1 14,15,1,2
31 14,15,1,2,31,32
14 WIN +66
7 BET 6,7
16 6,7,16,17
29 6,7,16,17,29,30
12 6,7,16,17,29,30,12,13
22 6,7,16,17,29,30,12,13,22,23
33 6,7,16,17,29,30,12,13,22,23,33,34
12 WIN +90
25 BET 25,26
3 25,26,3,4
14 25,26,3,4,14,15
2 25,26,3,4,14,15,2,1
24 25,26,3,4,14,15,2,1,24,25
14 WIN +114
-- -- --
17 BET 17,18
35 17,18,35,36
24 17,18,35,36,24,25
31 17,18,35,36,24,25,31,32
1 17,18,35,36,24,25,31,32,1,2
5 17,18,35,36,24,25,31,32,1,2,5,6
-- -- --
7 LOSS +50
26 BET 26,27
11 26,27,11,12
0 26,27,11,12,0,1
-- -- --
11 WIN +58
7 BET 7,8
23 7,8,23,24
23 WIN +92
-- -- --
16 BET 16,17
3 16,17,3,4
32 16,17,3,4,32,33
16 WIN +100
-- -- --
21 BET 21,22
32 21,22,32,33
21 WIN +134
-- -- --
18 BET 17,18
21 17,18,21,22
26 17,18,21,22,26,27
26 WIN +142
29 BET 28,29
6 28,29,6,7
4 28,29,6,7,4,5
-- -- --
10 28,29,6,7,4,5,10,11
5 WIN +176
22 BET 22,23
8 22,23,8,9
7 22,23,8,9,7,6
7 WIN +184
15 BET 15,16
13 15,16,13,14
20 15,16,13,14,20,21
24 15,16,13,14,20,21,24,25
18 15,16,13,14,20,21,24,25,18,19
-- -- --
20 WIN +208
Guys tell me if this is a rilevant or common thing, if it's not common i can explain and if someone want to test. On roulette pro rng, from 96 euro to 404 in 2 session, with 50 cent base bet (1eur on split), 12 numbers covered, 4 the doubles, 4 singles(pair) and 4 my idea for the 1% analysing 4 numbers and reading what Vaddi said about the disposition of numbers on the wheel from the inventor of the game, and the balance on the table. It can be luck?
So you did win (404-96)/0.50 base units, so 616units in 2 sessions?
How many spins total?
Yes it can be luck.
Or your 1% is the yeast that makes it rise.
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 01, 09:47 PM 2019
So you did win (404-96)/0.50 base units, so 616units in 2 sessions?
How many spins total?
Yes it can be luck.
Or your 1% is the yeast that makes it rise.
I forgot to say is fun mode, but with rng fun mode failed also a lot of time with other methods , maybe it's different i don't know, but yes start from 96 to 404, the goal is 1000 euro, maybe it's better talk if i reach the target? Can we talk about no luck if i reach that? Or not? Just for superstition lol. I don't know how many spins Bigbroben , 2 session 40 minutes each i think, with slow game, and - 70 eur was the max risk of the bankroll
Interesting observtion Nichedelico. I use fun mode RNG for ideas too :thumbsup:
Vaddi kept stressing the repeats (two hits or more).
Looking at numbers, I noticed if you have three
repeat singles one of those will hit usually within 12 spins.
Quote from: Mako on Feb 01, 07:03 PM 2019
Looks like the expected probability for the entire bet to lose a single attempt equals 27.2% (1-1-1-1-2-2 progression, applied to 2/4/6/8/10/12 total numbers bet).
So if your loss rate is lower than that over an extended period of time, you're doing well. :thumbsup:
Thanks for the info Mako. Nice to have that insight :thumbsup:
New idea :)
Note the newest outcome. What is the Vaddi Pair?
Bet the pair's natural split once.
Example: #3 (newest spin-value)
Bet 1/4 once.
Example two: #24 (newest spin-value)
Bet 25/28 once.
Stop on a win or after 18 consecutive misses.
*If #36 shows bet 32/35 once.
I have gone back and forth debating about the pair numbers and if it's related to the table or the wheel. I was reading the 37 back to basics thread and believe it can be very useful. Even yesterday I was thinking in terms of table pairs. Once a table pair hits, that is a double. What do we know? A double will eventually become a triple. Can a double be interpreted in different ways? Is a double a repeat? Is it a table pair? Maybe someone else can read the first two pages of the thread and give their opinion.
Vaddi is mentioned in the thread often as is this
What do we know, 24 numbers avg in a 37 spin cycle. So just for fun I was testing on RS this morning. With each spin out I played their two wheel neighbors. For example
7= 11,7,20
Next spin is 1= 13,1,00
And so on
I did 110 spins flatbet +400 units. The farthest it got was 6 spins before a win. Maybe this is the law of the third? 8 unique 3 number sections of the wheel equaling 24 numbers. I don't know. I am just throwing it out there.
Quote from: Irish88 on Feb 02, 09:28 AM 2019
I have gone back and forth debating about the pair numbers and if it's related to the table or the wheel. I was reading the 37 back to basics thread and believe it can be very useful. Even yesterday I was thinking in terms of table pairs. Once a table pair hits, that is a double. What do we know? A double will eventually become a triple. Can a double be interpreted in different ways? Is a doule a repeat? Is it a table pair? Maybe someone else can read the first two pages of the thread and give their opinion.
Vaddi is mentioned in the thread often as is this
What do we know, 24 numbers avg in a 37 spin cycle. So just for fun I was testing on RS this morning. With each spin out I played their two wheel neighbors. For example
7= 11,7,20
Next spin is 1= 13,1,00
And so on
I did 110 spins flatbet +400 units. The farthest it got was 6 spins before a win. Maybe this is the law of the third? 8 unique 3 number sections of the wheel equaling 24 numbers. I don't know. I am just throwing it out there.
Did you just bet the wheel neighbours eaxh spin or did you keep the previous bet numbers from a loss?
I kept each number that came out and their two wheel neighbors, added 3 numbers on a loss. Reset when a number hit. Furthest it went without a hit was 6 spins. 18 numbers. I never used a progression and got to +400 units in 110 spins.
seems something missing or system itself not worth.
24 numbers land
12 doubles land
2:1 ratio.
The factors 4 and 8
24 / 8 = 3
12 / 4 = 3
Quote from: Irish88 on Feb 02, 03:11 PM 2019
I kept each number that came out and their two wheel neighbors, added 3 numbers on a loss. Reset when a number hit. Furthest it went without a hit was 6 spins. 18 numbers. I never used a progression and got to +400 units in 110 spins.
Sounds like it's definitely worth testing. But once you've lost 4 spins you're at a loss unless you progress. Do you stop at 4 losses and reset or keep going without a progression?
Quote from: Elite on Feb 02, 03:29 PM 2019
seems something missing or system itself not worth
Buffalo has been extensively testing my method on a new thread and all seems pretty good so far. Fingers crossed its a keeper
Another try at this
Bankroll=144 total units.
Procedure: Qualifier is four unique singles. Bet the last
four outcomes *until you have four new unique singles.
Repeat steps until in profit.
Example: 31,12,5,21 (newest spin-value)
Bet 31,12,5,21: 1.) 4(x)-4 2.) 0(x)-4
3.) 22(x)-4 4.) 15(x)-4*new qualifier
Bet 4,0,22,15....
Quote from: Irish88 on Feb 02, 09:28 AM 2019
I have gone back and forth debating about the pair numbers and if it's related to the table or the wheel. I was reading the 37 back to basics thread and believe it can be very useful. Even yesterday I was thinking in terms of table pairs. Once a table pair hits, that is a double. What do we know? A double will eventually become a triple. Can a double be interpreted in different ways? Is a double a repeat? Is it a table pair? Maybe someone else can read the first two pages of the thread and give their opinion.
Vaddi is mentioned in the thread often as is this
What do we know, 24 numbers avg in a 37 spin cycle. So just for fun I was testing on RS this morning. With each spin out I played their two wheel neighbors. For example
7= 11,7,20
Next spin is 1= 13,1,00
And so on
I did 110 spins flatbet +400 units. The farthest it got was 6 spins before a win. Maybe this is the law of the third? 8 unique 3 number sections of the wheel equaling 24 numbers. I don't know. I am just throwing it out there.
Hi Irish
I’ve been following these Vaddis threads over the past couple of days So much good info being posted (Baffalo, Proof Reader, Sparks, BBB etc).
I’ve been playing around with your system using my simulator app. I’m only using my iPhone so I can’t record any detailed data, but it has a really good strike rate.
By the way, I’m using the 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2 progression. It would be good to get a progression sorted that covers 8 spins (24 numbers). As you said, so far I haven’t had to worry as it’s come in within the six spins.
After a short test I’m up 82 units. I’ll record some more games this afternoon and let you know how it
Early days but I like the theory behind it.
Quote from: Sparks on Feb 02, 03:32 PM 2019
Sounds like it's definitely worth testing. But once you've lost 4 spins you're at a loss unless you progress. Do you stop at 4 losses and reset or keep going without a progression?
The way I did it Sparks was keep going without a progression. Like I said I was just messing around this morning with that first test. I went back and did another test(flatbetting), started bad but eventually got into profit. It never lost more then six spins in a row. Max 18 numbers. Do I believe this can be something? I honestly don't know. I usually never play more then 12-14 numbers.
My thinking was 24 numbers hit in a cycle, by incorporating 3 new numbers each spin through 8 spins, can 24 uniques you didn't bet on appear? I mean the ball has to go back to where it once was eventually. I could be wrong. You are filling in gaps on the wheel in other words.
I am still curious what the more knowledgeable people think about the 37 back to basics thread. I honestly think the answer is in there. Wheel or table pairs? Seems either way once you get a pair in a short amount of spins other numbers in that area will follow.
Quote from: jono1167 on Feb 02, 07:01 PM 2019
Hi Irish
I’ve been following these Vaddis threads over the past couple of days So much good info being posted (Baffalo, Proof Reader, Sparks, BBB etc).
I’ve been playing around with your system using my simulator app. I’m only using my iPhone so I can’t record any detailed data, but it has a really good strike rate.
By the way, I’m using the 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2 progression. It would be good to get a progression sorted that covers 8 spins (24 numbers). As you said, so far I haven’t had to worry as it’s come in within the six spins.
After a short test I’m up 82 units. I’ll record some more games this afternoon and let you know how it
Early days but I like the theory behind it.
Thanks Jono for testing. If we can maintain a very hi hit rate, there is no question you could incorporate a progression into it. Like I said I have no idea if this can be a workable system. I was thinking out loud and outside the box.
I do think BW, Proof and Sparks are on to something with the table pairs. I have also been thinking, once you get a table pair for example 7,8 would it dumb to play 6 and 9 also? Playing the neighbors of the pairs that have appeared. What is constantly being said, doubles will turn into triples or quads. Just a thought.
for example 7,8 would it dumb to play 6 and 9 also?-Irish88
I tried it-made money on RNG. Not so good on Live wheel.
When people think of the HG what comes to my mind is "the world record for
consecutive Reds is 36, so if I wait a lifetime for 35 Reds I have a sure winner."
An effective system imo should be like starting and driving your vehicle
of choice (without worrying about spark plugs or a bad alternator.
The system should be easy to understand and execute
in a B&M setting, while winning quickly and cheaply.
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Feb 02, 03:48 PM 2019
Another try at this
Bankroll=144 total units.
Procedure: Qualifier is four unique singles. Bet the last
four outcomes *until you have four new unique singles.
Repeat steps until in profit.
Example: 31,12,5,21 (newest spin-value)
Bet 31,12,5,21: 1.) 4(x)-4 2.) 0(x)-4
3.) 22(x)-4 4.) 15(x)-4*new qualifier
Bet 4,0,22,15....
Curiously, I've been trying lately:
Wait 5 uniques. Play them for 4 spins. No hit? Add the 4 new nrs. Play 3 spins. No hit? Add the 3 new nrs. Play 2 spins. No hit? Ad them 2. Spin once. Add 1.
Irrel3vant since so few spins but hey!
(link::// (link:://
Quote from: Irish88 on Feb 02, 09:28 AM 2019
I have gone back and forth debating about the pair numbers and if it's related to the table or the wheel. I was reading the 37 back to basics thread and believe it can be very useful. Even yesterday I was thinking in terms of table pairs. Once a table pair hits, that is a double. What do we know? A double will eventually become a triple. Can a double be interpreted in different ways? Is a double a repeat? Is it a table pair? Maybe someone else can read the first two pages of the thread and give their opinion.
Vaddi is mentioned in the thread often as is this
What do we know, 24 numbers avg in a 37 spin cycle. So just for fun I was testing on RS this morning. With each spin out I played their two wheel neighbors. For example
7= 11,7,20
Next spin is 1= 13,1,00
And so on
I did 110 spins flatbet +400 units. The farthest it got was 6 spins before a win. Maybe this is the law of the third? 8 unique 3 number sections of the wheel equaling 24 numbers. I don't know. I am just throwing it out there.
OK, here’s the results of 11 quick games (41 spins). Sorry, very light on for data because I just have access to my iPhone.
I’m using Irish88s method as described above.
I decided to flat-bet. 8 levels only, because at max 8 bets, you will cover 24 numbers (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1).
Unfortunately, by flat-betting, you can only profit on the first 4 spins. Yes, next time I will just bet for four levels and then reset.
On two games I went to 7 spins (-48 unit loss for each of these games).
On one game I went to 5 spins for a 9 unit loss. 4 spins will put you in profit +6.
Game 1: (4 spins) +6
Game 2: (3 spins) +18
Game 3: (7 spins) -48
Game 4: (5 spins) -9
Game 5: (1 spin) +33
Game 6: (4 spins) +6
Game 7: (2 spins) +27
Game 8: (3 spins) +18
Game 9: (2 spins) +27
Game 10: (3 spins) +18
Game 11: (7 spins) -48
11 games, 41 spins.
Total profit 48 units
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 02, 09:47 PM 2019
Curiously, I've been trying lately:
Wait 5 uniques. Play them for 4 spins. No hit? Add the 4 new nrs. Play 3 spins. No hit? Add the 3 new nrs. Play 2 spins. No hit? Ad them 2. Spin once. Add 1.
Irrel3vant since so few spins but hey!
(link::// (link:://
Nice work BBB. The chart looks great!
Yes, but it'S luck... my guess.
The idea was actually to try to offset the cost of a hit.
Basically, you can't tell what rank has a repeater. Is it the 4th nr that repeated, is it the 7th? If you track back 5 spins and they all are different nrs, you kind of ''saved'' 10units by not playing 1+2+3+4 units. The flipside is you'll never gain 35u on a hit if you never play only 1 nr... or 34 by playing 2, so on.
It's a guess since you never know. you hope for an early nr to repeat and not a back-to-back hit.
Yes, the average rank of a repeater is 4,5 (36/8), but overall, all ranks are equally likely.
so, yeah, luck.
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 02, 09:47 PM 2019
Irrelevant since so few spins but hey!
I can run simulations of 1000 cycles of 37 or 74 or whatever how many spins. It can be way above zero after 1000 cycles, with crazy edges of 10% or so. The same simulation can go on until 2000 cycles and still be above waters. It will fall back down to negative territory soon or later.
I really think Vaddi claimed too early his findings to be a Grail. Still he mentioned balance, pairs, usw, inspiring many of us into the ''Quest''...
Let's not give up.!
Never give up :thumbsup:
With Celtic Casino down I can't study pattern formations easily.
I have access to another live wheel, but they are painfully slow.
Can you not take spins from Wiesbaden or other and test on a paper? Unless you need the live wheel to study other variables...
Manually testing really takes forever! But it delays disappointment...
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 02, 11:46 PM 2019
I can run simulations of 1000 cycles of 37 or 74 or whatever how many spins. It can be way above zero after 1000 cycles, with crazy edges of 10% or so. The same simulation can go on until 2000 cycles and still be above waters. It will fall back down to negative territory soon or later.
I really think Vaddi claimed too early his findings to be a Grail. Still he mentioned balance, pairs, usw, inspiring many of us into the ''Quest''...
Let's not give up.!
Yes I too, agree, His finding is good to understand roulette.But I didn't see except Vad, who said he udnerstand this grail and getting easy profit..
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 03, 12:12 AM 2019
Can you not take spins from Wiesbaden or other and test on a paper? Unless you need the live wheel to study other variables...-Bigbroben
The data is too old. I need the continuity and the dealer physics from a live wheel.
12/4=3 , in screen shot , i gave 6 unique numbers randomly, as per law of third if 12 numbers are there then 8 will come then, 4 doubles and 4 sleepers, so 12/4=3
to accommodate other 6 spins, u ve to use 2 empty space, . so if suppose i fill 6,7 then we got land of 4 numbers, as per law of third there is no other possibility.
so two changes, atleast 2 neighbor will hit (two neighbour will b sleeper)and 4 numbers will b double. and also we will see 4 number lands must .so what i see is 12/4=3, means, total 12 numbers, 4 doubles 3 means double are one third of total numbers. any one can get advantage based on this?
VAD in the end said, he uses these constants to exploit, that means he has to wait, until some imbalance, but in clue he said, start betting from top of marque..
(seems he just taking one number from top, and other he uses as constant).
At the end, he said, there are many ways to win, based on, balance, mirror, etc, but no one appreciated his system in sense as he was excited,
Based on magic number 8 if total 36 numbers, then in 12 we can use, max, around 3, then how to capture, singles repeaters, mirror with this 3 number range, if playing 12 numbers?
Using 36 numbers, with 8 as magic number, will have same situation, not sure how this can b long term winning, and can give profit within 24 spins, when repeaters ranges go out of magic numbers, ?
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 02, 10:30 PM 2019
Yes, but it'S luck... my guess.
The idea was actually to try to offset the cost of a hit.
Basically, you can't tell what rank has a repeater. Is it the 4th nr that repeated, is it the 7th? If you track back 5 spins and they all are different nrs, you kind of ''saved'' 10units by not playing 1+2+3+4 units. The flipside is you'll never gain 35u on a hit if you never play only 1 nr... or 34 by playing 2, so on.
It's a guess since you never know. you hope for an early nr to repeat and not a back-to-back hit.
Yes, the average rank of a repeater is 4,5 (36/8), but overall, all ranks are equally likely.
so, yeah, luck.
Hi Ben - what kind of progression were you using here?
I’d like to do a test this evening.
No prog. Flat.
I've been working on Elite's theory abt eight consecutive uniques.
Procedure: Track eight consecutive unique singles. Bet the
newest four (the same numbers) for up to nine spins. Stop on a win.
(This seems to re-occur frequently).
Test: Vegas2Web European Wheel-
Sunday, February 3,2019 @ 7:15pm CST USA
...23,25,35,7,13,19,27,22 (newest spin-value)
Bet 13,19,27,22 for up to nine spins.
1.) 0(x)-4 2.) 16(x)-4 3.) 24(x)-4
4.) 26(x)-4 5.) 10(x)-4 6.) 2(x)-4
7.) 27(win)+32
Test: Vegas2Web European Wheel-
Sunday, February 3,2019 @ 7:58pm CST USA
...24,13,31,5,8,29,9,4 (newest spin-value)
Bet 8,29,9,4 for up to nine spins.
1.) 7(x)-4 2.) 26(x)-4 3.) 30(x)-4
4.) 29(win)+32
if any one want roulette software /software to be developed based on any logic , let know
Thanks Elite
One more idea :)
Procedure: Track eight consecutive
singles. High or Low-which is the minority?
Bet the minority with the next higher number until in profit.
Example: 12,34,30,9,15,17,36,3 (newest spin-value)
Lows outnumber High numbers, so
Bet 34,35: 30,31 & 36,0 until in profit.
Test: Vegas2Web European Wheel-
Sunday, February 3,2019 @ 11:30pm CST USA
11,3,35,0,1,26,18,8 (newest spin-value)
Bet 35,36 & 26,27: 1.) 3(X)-4 2.) 33(X)-4
3.) 30(X)-4 4.) 27(win) +32
Correction: Stop on a win or a
drawdown of -36 units per session. :thumbsup:
i guess if no repeaters withing 8 numbers then start play, can give benefit...just a thought :). after 2 times hit, stop, point
if first hit range >8 then remove last spins, until get latest 8
important i think is follow the wheel :)
Vaddi talked about balance. But is it really balance when some numbers hit more than others? Maybe that one percent missing?
Guys, I am going to throw another thought out there,
4 and 8 are the foundation of the grail these are Vaddi words.
Maybe 24 represents playing within 2 dozens
12 represents playing within 1 dozen.
We know we get an average of 24 numbers in a 37 spin cycle. That would break down to an average of 8 per dozen.
Guys say they play 8 numbers. Other guys say they play 16 numbers. Maybe you take the first 4 numbers that have hit in a dozen and then play the pair also.
Vaddi did say 12 for double and 24 for double and singles. So maybe you can chose which one you want to do. Just a thought.
Good idea Irish88 :thumbsup:
New idea :)
Procedure: Note the newest two High
or Low outcomes. Which is the last decision?
Bet the last decision and the newest same High or Low with the
next Higher number once. Repeat steps for each new spin-value.
Stop on a win or after nine consecutive misses.
Example: 23,1,14,19 (newest spin-value)
Bet 19,20 & 23,24 once: 1.) 6(x)-4
Bet 6,7 & 1,2 once....
*If a zero shows consider it a Low outcome. Bet
zero, #1 and the newest Lowest outcome and pair.
Example: 9,21,0 (newest spin-value)
Bet 0,1 & 9,10 once....
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Feb 04, 11:06 PM 2019
Good idea Irish88 :thumbsup:
New idea :)
Procedure: Note the newest two High
or Low outcomes. Which is the last decision?
Bet the last decision and the newest same High or Low with the
next Higher number once. Repeat steps for each new spin-value.
Stop on a win or after nine consecutive misses.
Example: 23,1,14,19 (newest spin-value)
Bet 19,20 & 23,24 once: 1.) 6(x)-4
Bet 6,7 & 14,15 once....
*If a zero shows consider it a Low outcome. Bet
zero, #1 and the newest Lowest outcome and pair.
Example: 9,21,0 (newest spin-value)
Bet 0,1 & 9,10 once....
Quote from: Irish88 on Feb 04, 03:43 PM 2019
Guys, I am going to throw another thought out there,
4 and 8 are the foundation of the grail these are Vaddi words.
Maybe 24 represents playing within 2 dozens
12 represents playing within 1 dozen.
We know we get an average of 24 numbers in a 37 spin cycle. That would break down to an average of 8 per dozen.
Guys say they play 8 numbers. Other guys say they play 16 numbers. Maybe you take the first 4 numbers that have hit in a dozen and then play the pair also.
Vaddi did say 12 for double and 24 for double and singles. So maybe you can chose which one you want to do. Just a thought.
To expand on this a little bit. I have been messing around on RS and just concentrating on the first dozen. Early results have been promising. When a number hits in the first dozen I play that number and add the pair number. Up until four hit numbers and their eight total. If you get to over 8 numbers drop the oldest number that hit. So you are betting the last four numbers hit within the dozen and their pair number.
Is this the way it's meant to be played? I have no clue. Maybe the entire law of third he was referring to is the 3 dozens. 8 numbers avg hit per dozen in a 37 spin cycle.
24 numbers land-avg 8 per dozen
12 doubles land- avg 4 per dozen
Sounds like it would be a good idea to wait 24 spins
and play the respective eight when each dozen shows.
Stop when in profit
Bankroll requirement: 96 total units (12 times 8 )
or even the newest four spin-values in each dozen
(when that dozen shows) after 12 outcomes show on the Marquee
A great find Irish88 :thumbsup:
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Feb 05, 10:00 AM 2019
or even the newest four spin-values in each dozen
(when that dozen shows) after 12 outcomes show on the Marquee
A great find Irish88 :thumbsup:
Thank you Proof. I have been referring back to the 37 back to basics thread where 6-th sense made so many great points. If you are looking at Ayks tracker at the end of a cycle(37 spins) you will notice that there is never 12 unhit numbers in a row whether it's the table layout or wheel lay out. It can't happen. I have gone back and forth 100 times if it's the wheel or table and to be honest I don't know. Let's focus on the table for now.
According to Vaddi and 6-th sense numbers have 3 states.
No hits
Average per cycle
No hits 13
Singles 12
Doubles 12
Vaddi says you can't catch every double. But by incorporating the pair number you can catch other singles coming out.
According to Ayks tracker, what happens? Singles become pairs, pairs become triple or quadruple. So by working in a smaller concentrated area(dozens) maybe you will catch the numbers as they repeat or expand to other numbers.
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 03, 07:37 AM 2019
No prog. Flat.
Thanks Ben. Sorry, I never get a chance to test systems during the week. I should have time to have a play around with this next weekend.
By the way, your custom spreadsheets are fantastic. Thanks for sharing.
Well thanks! If they can help... to bring dissapointment quicker!
On the contrary Bigbroben it provides a trove of needed info :d
Thinking on what Irish88 said earlier I have this idea to try :)
Procedure: Note the newest outcome. What dozen is it in?
Bet the last decision, the second last number to show in that
dozen with their respective Vaddi pairs once. (four numbers in play)
Repeat with every new spin outcome.*
*If zero shows consider it part of First dozen
Example: 12,34,15,26 (newest spin-value)
Bet 26,27 & 34,35 once: 1.) 0(x)-4
Bet 0,1 & 12,13 once....
Yeah... could be worth trying.
What if 12 or 24 hits?
What if 12 or 24 hits?-Bigbroben
Bet 12,13: 24,25
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Feb 05, 08:02 PM 2019
(link::// (link:://
(link::// (link:://
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Feb 05, 06:16 PM 2019
On the contrary Bigbroben it provides a trove of needed info :d
Thinking on what Irish88 said earlier I have this idea to try :)
Procedure: Note the newest outcome. What dozen is it in?
Bet the last decision, the second last number to show in that
dozen with their respective Vaddi pairs once. (four numbers in play)
Repeat with every new spin outcome.*
*If zero shows consider it part of First dozen
Example: 12,34,15,26 (newest spin-value)
Bet 26,27 & 34,35 once: 1.) 0(x)-4
Bet 0,1 & 12,13 once....
What reduce losses... you bet the amount you have in the section you're betting in, on the other 2 sections? so if you're playing 4 numbers in section 1, you bet 4 on the other 2 sections, that way if any numbers land outside of your section, you break even, and just repeat the bet.
Quote from: Sparks on Feb 06, 04:31 AM 2019
What reduce losses... you bet the amount you have in the section you're betting in, on the other 2 sections? so if you're playing 4 numbers in section 1, you bet 4 on the other 2 sections, that way if any numbers land outside of your section, you break even, and just repeat the bet.
Scrap that idea, just tested it on 10k spins and had the opposite effect... strange
Well... i'm liking it so far. If there's any excel genius' out there who can spot something wrong with my file attached please let me know.
Great work Proof and BBB
Quote from: Sparks on Feb 06, 05:18 AM 2019
Well... i'm liking it so far. If there's any excel genius' out there who can spot something wrong with my file attached please let me know.
Great work Proof and BBB
OK, now that i've had my coffee i've spotted a major flaw in my excel. It wasn't betting on the initial 2 numbers at the start of the spin cycle. Unfortunately this has has a massive negative impact following the correction. See attached.
Sooooo is this back to the drawing board?
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Feb 06, 06:35 AM 2019
Sooooo is this back to the drwing board?
looks like it. even tried adding my initial idea of betting on the other sections to reduce loss which only added a small improvement but still downhill. even tried focusing on double streets or half of the board still no luck.
It was a good idea, but i think we are straying too far from Vaddi's original method/clues
According to the late Flat-Ino aka Iboba, a
"successful lifetime bet" should survive 400 bets and end in plus.
Realistically, who will spend that much time at a wheel (10,000 spins) ?
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Feb 06, 07:13 AM 2019
According to the late Flat-Ino aka Iboba, a
"successful lifetime bet" should survive 400 bets and end in plus.
Realistically, who will spend that much time at a wheel (10,000 spins) ?
It's more about looking at the long term viability of a method when testing 10k spins. If you carry on the method over 10k and it continues an upward trend then you know you can quit your job and live the life we all dream of. Isn't that the true HG?
No one wants to worry about winning 200 or 300 one day then lose it all the next
Isn't that the true HG?-Sparks
Imo with proper money management one can go to any gambling
game and within 20-30 minutes nearly double their bankroll or better.
Quote from: Sparks on Feb 06, 05:18 AM 2019
Well... i'm liking it so far. If there's any excel genius' out there who can spot something wrong with my file attached please let me know.
Great work Proof and BBB
how can you win 36u if you play zero numbers?
(link::// (link:://
I know...
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 06, 08:18 AM 2019
how can you win 36u if you play zero numbers?
(link::// (link:://
I know...
I know... It was early, and had a bad night with the kids last night. Gonna take a break for a little
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 06, 08:51 AM 2019
Thanks, i have an 18 month old girl and 6 month old boy, it's not easy!
That's why I've been working quite hard on this because i believe it can be cracked, not just Vaddis but roulette in general. Once we have it then all our lives will improve just that bit more, nobody likes the weight of money worries
I'm glad that's resolved *whew*
New idea :)
Note the newest four unique singles (qualifier)
Bet those four and the Vaddi pair (those same numbers) for up to
four spins. If win end session, otherwise track four new unique singles...
Example: 21,34,0,14 (newest spin-value)
Bet 21,22,34,35,0,1,14,15 for up to four spins.
Proof! Leave some time to code your previous idea before to send another good one!
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Feb 05, 06:16 PM 2019
On the contrary Bigbroben it provides a trove of needed info :d
Thinking on what Irish88 said earlier I have this idea to try :)
Procedure: Note the newest outcome. What dozen is it in?
Bet the last decision, the second last number to show in that
dozen with their respective Vaddi pairs once. (four numbers in play)
Repeat with every new spin outcome.*
*If zero shows consider it part of First dozen
Example: 12,34,15,26 (newest spin-value)
Bet 26,27 & 34,35 once: 1.) 0(x)-4
Bet 0,1 & 12,13 once....
It's not so bad!
what i can understand is its all basic, which must needs to know,
and i tried all combination, in testing results different, but during live play, things changes.I did live play testing, on pair numbers, 4 current landed numbers and 4 their pairs , if not hit in range then all landing single numbers upt to 8 , didnt working this
what i did is took 4 unique numbers and their pairs, so total 8, if next number not hit then i remove last number pair, so when i reach 12 spins, i have latest 8 unique nubmers, because all pairs removed one by one...
below quote from vaadi, for getting Grail...idea
Based on what I've said about balance and connected numbers (based on the pairs table) ...
How could you use already landed numbers to 'predict' numbers that are likely to land next? Smiley
Now, that is the kind of mad-scientist question that LEADS TO GRAIL.
I now believe that there are many answers to winning against roulette consistently once you grasp ideas with regard to ...
- flat betting
- balance
- paired numbers
- following the wheel
- doubles (12)
- singles (24)
- using dropped numbers to predict future drops
- thinking in terms of even numbers: 4, 8, 12, 24, 36
La Bomba:
1) 2 chips on doubles
2) 1 chip on doubles
3) Half of a chip on doubles
2) and 3) should make you smile. Smiley
- Vaddi
but i believe , whatever system we get, in online , its not easy that casino will let u take money out , every day ,, my thought only ..
before live play i did test recent 36 spins, and results were promising, but during live play, repeaters, range expand beyong > 8 and < 16
and i was feeling something, going wrong because repeaters are less than expected...and pairs also not hitting,,,, annoying day i guess their system identify betting gameplay etc and they adjust accordingly , just my thought ,
another intesting clue:
Also, when I state 24 'singles', I'm looking at it from the point of view that singles must occur first before doubles can manifest.
my thought is , his system is predicting future landing numbers based on already landing numbers, and he also mentioned, that current 4 numbers, can help in predicting future drops etc
Quote from: Elite on Feb 06, 12:29 PM 2019
How could you use already landed numbers to 'predict' numbers that are likely to land next?
Maybe you could with real wheels and sectors, but not RNG. My call.
Quote from: Elite on Feb 06, 12:38 PM 2019
but i believe , whatever system we get, in online , its not easy that casino will let u take money out , every day ,, my thought only ..
before live play i did test recent 36 spins, and results were promising, but during live play, repeaters, range expand beyong > 8 and < 16
and i was feeling something, going wrong because repeaters are less than expected...and pairs also not hitting,,,, annoying day i guess their system identify betting gameplay etc and they adjust accordingly , just my thought ,
From non-hit time tables. The data is for RNG, airball and live spins. Yes the good old generals star burst spins.
In 40 spins it usually comes like this.
spins 1-10 = 9/10; 1 repeat
spins 11-20= 7,+2; 7 of the remaining hit, giving 3 repeats from the 20 spins; so potential of 4 repeats.
spins 21-30= a 50/50; a balance of non-hit to repeats.
spins 31-40= 7; 7 repeats is the usual, making only 3 non-hits.
So the score for repeats would be 1-3-5-7= 16 repeats
At 60 spins the data shows as 30 non-hit making 30 repeats. Big Bro said 30/60 is right in a post.
Good luck looking for balance
averages won't make anyone win.
There's no magic # but as the larger group hit the more likely the 1st repeat will appear, you know 9/10 is spot on
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 06, 01:59 PM 2019
averages won't make anyone win.
Very true. I make a similar playing way with nonhits, repeaters, but too many unbalanced things were shows up.
Lets not forget step1 guys. It can be rewarding.
(link::// (link:://
We must configure step2 in relation to what happened in step1.
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 06, 10:19 PM 2019
Lets not forget step1 guys. It can be rewarding.
(link::// (link:://
We must configure step2 in relation to what happened in step1.
Are you just betting each new number that comes out for 8 spins?
Yes. It was a lucky run, did not need to go up to 8 nrs. The point is: we are all looking for the magic nr/ pair/opposite/whatever, but we seem to forget the main part is step1, where most spins will be played.
65% hits on or before 8nrs.
Sure, the step2 used for recovery is critical, but let'S not forget it is a recovery process, not a main play. All we've been loking at lately was taken as the main part. Back to Vaddi's firt posts: step1, if in profit, step1 again. If playing step 2 and at new high, back to step1.
I actually wanted to try playing 1-2-3-4-5-5-5-5-5 nrs, for a total of 35u, but unfortunately repeaters came too quick.
That's alright Bigbroben :thumbsup: which brings me to this:
Bankroll suggestion: 36 units
Procedure: Track the newest three unique singles.
Bet those three. If miss bet those four. If miss bet those five, If miss, six
If all six miss repeat steps with the newest three uniques.
If the second set of uniques miss end session.
Example: 23,14,9 (qualifier)
Bet 23,14,9 once: 1.) 30(x)-3
Bet 23,14,9,30 once: 2.) 17(x)-4
Bet 23,14,9,30,17 once: 3.) 0(x)-5
Bet 23,14,9,30,17,0 once: 4.) 25(x)-6 (stoploss=18 units)
Bet 17,0,25 once: 5.) 20(x)-3....
I guess follow wheel important.. If I stop when doubles are out of 8 range it can save gameplay... And resume when at least one or two shown within that range this way may be double strategy can be saved... My all three sessions yesterday was imbalanced...
I think your stuck here in the rolling 8 spins or 7 it excactly like he explained..or not..remember he said about a number taken already and what to are not just going for the repeats..what else is happening?..remember all these ideas a child should be able to learn within a short span of explanation..if a number is already taken ..what does that tell you?
Quote from: 6th-sense on Feb 07, 02:35 AM 2019
I think your stuck here in the rolling 8 spins or 7 it excactly like he explained..or not..remember he said about a number taken already and what to are not just going for the repeats..what else is happening?..remember all these ideas a child should be able to learn within a short span of explanation..if a number is already taken ..what does that tell you?
If doubles aren't dropping, that means singles are dropping.
And if singles aren't dropping, that means doubles are dropping.
Double-hit ranges:
7 numbers: hit range = 1 - 14 (14th spin hits 7th spin)
8 numbers: hit range = 1 - 15 (15th spin hits 8th spin)
9 numbers: hit range = 1 - 16 (16th spin hits 9th spin)
10 numbers: hit range = 1 - 17 (17th spin hits 10th spin)
You can't hit all the doubles all the time because -- depending on the magic number you choose -- the distance between say #20 dropping again, might be 25 spins later (outside the hit ranges above), but during that gap of 25 spins, singles are dropping like crazy, so how do you take advantage of the singles as well?
I was expecting a few veterans to figure out that the missing part of the puzzle is a way to bet that also capitalizes on balance by also thinking about singles, not just doubles.
Always bear in mind that roulette is about balance.
You had one side: the doubles
To create balance, you now have the flip side / other side of the coin: the singles
The fundamentals of the grail have not changed. The betting method still stands, but there is one betting adjustment that must be made on the table to take advantage of those two sides at the very same time and to take advantage of balance.
When the wheel spits out doubles, you're there.
When the wheel spits out singles, you're there.
- Vaddi
Quote from: 6th-sense on Feb 07, 02:35 AM 2019
I think your stuck here in the rolling 8 spins or 7 it excactly like he explained..or not..remember he said about a number taken already and what to are not just going for the repeats..what else is happening?..remember all these ideas a child should be able to learn within a short span of explanation..if a number is already taken ..what does that tell you?
If you play the number that has just come out and their connected table pair, example 7,8 is that balance? I am guessing yes. The pairs chart all the numbers are on the other side of the wheel for each number that comes out. At least on the American wheel. The only time it isn't is 18,19 are only separated by 1 number. But in all other cases the number is directly across the wheel or at least very close.
American wheel layout
00 1 13 36 24 3 15 34 22 5 17 32 20 7 11 30 26 9 28
0 2 14 35 23 4 16 33 21 6 18 31 19 8 12 29 25 10 27
Are you trying to balance the wheel by playing the pair number? And if you think of it with Ayks tracker the gaps would be filling in.
So I just played 2 cycles on RS. Playing the number out and their pair number in the step sequence. If I got to 8 spins I played all the numbers. Dropping the last number and pair number if it wasn't in the last 8 spins. I can't get it to work. When you are playing 14-16 numbers and miss 3,4,5 spins in a row it's hard to get to a new profit and reset. You seem to get stuck in the 2nd sequence for a long time and big draw downs. So clearly I am doing something wrong.
This is the same problem I have . You can see it should work filling the gaps and playing standalone single hits, but you cant wait for a virtual win as sometimes you only have one hit within your " range" and if you keep betting and there is not enough hits your bankroll is gone !
I dont see how anybody is winning or breaking even everytime they play this way, I have been studying this for many months trying most of what is posted already
Has anyone thought of playing the Vaddi
pair number in a stepped sequence?
Example: #3 (newest outcome)
Bet #4: 1.) 21(x)-1
Bet 4,22: 2.) 5(x)-2
Bet 4,22,6....
With Irish88 American Wheel pairs it would be +1 number pairing
of the number is Odd and -1 pair number if the last decision is even.
Has anyone thought that Vaddi was a troll on an Internet forum years ago and it's already beyond rediculious that there are 111 pages discussing him?
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Feb 07, 07:15 AM 2019
Has anyone thought of playing the Vaddi
pair number in a stepped sequence?
Example: #3 (newest outcome)
Bet #4: 1.) 21(x)-1
Bet 4,22: 2.) 5(x)-2
Bet 4,22,6....
With Irish88 American Wheel pairs it would be +1 number pairing
of the number is Odd and -1 pair number if the last decision is even.
Yes I did think about this.
Quote from: Let Me Win on Feb 07, 07:33 AM 2019
Has anyone thought that Vaddi was a troll on an Internet forum years ago and it's already beyond rediculious that there are 111 pages discussing him?
Yes I did think about this.
Wow you're doing a lot of thinking
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Feb 07, 10:10 AM 2019
[quote author = Bigbroben link = topic = 15824.msg220802 # msg220802 date = 1549545329]
Yes I did think about this.
[/ quote]
It's ridiculous, I can verify that the form of vaddis works and even more, it's the easiest way to beat roulette! It is more complicated Turbo and much more dyksexlic.
It's more complicated then Turbo and Dyksexlic but Vaddi says it's so simple if he is explained to an 8 year child they could do it.
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Feb 07, 10:49 AM 2019
It is very easy really, start well to look at what it says at the beginning and understand well because that number is magical and because to play that amount and how to play them to form a balance and win.
Come on please, there are no magical numbers. We are all adults and understand well that each pocket could have a picture of a naked woman on and it make no difference. Now that would be magic!
Quote from: Irish88 on Feb 07, 04:26 AM 2019
Quote from: 6th-sense on Feb 07, 02:35 AM 2019
I think your stuck here in the rolling 8 spins or 7 it excactly like he explained..or not..remember he said about a number taken already and what to are not just going for the repeats..what else is happening?..remember all these ideas a child should be able to learn within a short span of explanation..if a number is already taken ..what does that tell you?
If doubles aren't dropping, that means singles are dropping.
And if singles aren't dropping, that means doubles are dropping.
Double-hit ranges:
7 numbers: hit range = 1 - 14 (14th spin hits 7th spin)
8 numbers: hit range = 1 - 15 (15th spin hits 8th spin)
9 numbers: hit range = 1 - 16 (16th spin hits 9th spin)
10 numbers: hit range = 1 - 17 (17th spin hits 10th spin)
You can't hit all the doubles all the time because -- depending on the magic number you choose -- the distance between say #20 dropping again, might be 25 spins later (outside the hit ranges above), but during that gap of 25 spins, singles are dropping like crazy, so how do you take advantage of the singles as well?
I was expecting a few veterans to figure out that the missing part of the puzzle is a way to bet that also capitalizes on balance by also thinking about singles, not just doubles.
Always bear in mind that roulette is about balance.
You had one side: the doubles
To create balance, you now have the flip side / other side of the coin: the singles
The fundamentals of the grail have not changed. The betting method still stands, but there is one betting adjustment that must be made on the table to take advantage of those two sides at the very same time and to take advantage of balance.
When the wheel spits out doubles, you're there.
When the wheel spits out singles, you're there.
- Vaddi
excactly...look at it from a different perspective to what is written there...
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Feb 07, 10:49 AM 2019
It is very easy really, start well to look at what it says at the beginning and understand well because that number is magical and because to play that amount and how to play them to form a balance and win.
Well there's Winkel's GUT then re forming a balance
*Winkel's GUT in a nutshell: Track unhits and hit/repeaters
until both equal then bet all the unhits once.
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Feb 07, 01:07 PM 2019
Well there's Winkel's GUT then re forming a balance
*Winkel's GUT in a nutshell: Track unhits and hit/repeaters
until both equal then bet all the unhits once.
You can very quickly test this idea out for yourself proof..set rolling tracker to 37 spins clicking config and adjusting spin distance to 37 reset then click on step..a box will open..copy and paste as many numbers as you like into import ..
Now click on step button and each number one by one will come I’ve explained the mechanics of roulette on other site..each spin is the start of a cycle
Keep going until you parameters are met then bet..
See what happens and post your results
I have tried it 6th Sense-one there are too many numbers to place a bet in time, too much
info to record on paper (remember Vaddi says you don't even need pen and paper)
Three it's not consistent enough to be viable on Live wheel (although it did okay on RNG)
with 8 numbers how balance can b created ..
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 06, 11:23 PM 2019
I actually wanted to try playing 1-2-3-4-5-5-5-5-5 nrs, for a total of 35u, but unfortunately repeaters came too quick.
So, step1 1-2-3-4. Then 5x5nrs. Kept the same 5 nrs on step 2 for 5 spins. So 9 spins total, 35u on a whole loss.
Just a test, more spins needed.
(link::// (link:://
Hey Bigbroben I'm getting a similar outcome (like your graph) :thumbsup:
Alright Proof! I got a downturn a bit. 178u at spin 400. Max 331u on spin 258. Will code and test tonight.
See PassionR? Anyone can share good looking graphs. The gutsy part is to explain the process...
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 07, 01:56 PM 2019
So, step1 1-2-3-4. Then 5x5nrs. Kept the same 5 nrs on step 2 for 5 spins. So 9 spins total, 35u on a whole loss.
Just a test, more spins needed.
(link::// (link:://
What bet selection is this you are using BigRoben?
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 07, 02:31 PM 2019
Alright Proof! I got a downturn a bit. 178u at spin 400. Max 331u on spin 258. Will code and test tonight.
See PassionR? Anyone can share good looking graphs. The gutsy part is to explain the process...
Yes exactly. And not to become too precious about systems you devise because otherwise you'll not want to share the bad sessions. It's hard but needs to be done
Quote from: buffalowizard on Feb 07, 02:33 PM 2019
What bet selection is this you are using BigRoben?
As mentioned. Play the hits. 1 2 3 4. With 5nrs, keep them for 5 spins. Cost: 35u.
Repeaters have different spin gaps between them ("cant catch all repeaters" - vaddi). You can expect for all repeaters in 8 spins, example, to be evenly distributed from a back to back hit ( gap1) to a gap8.
Cant answer with maths, this is gambler fallacy, but I thought: step1 1 to 4 nrs for short range hits, step2 keep all 5 for 5 spins. Will allow gaps from 5 to 9 to be hit. But you'll miss the short ranged hits on step2... probably no effect on the overall result but it was an idea...
Looks good Ben,
When you lose the 35u after 9 spins, do you go back to the 1-2-3-4 step?
This what I was doing, yes.
It works when it works, it is nevertheless vulnerable to wider range hits and is not considering unhits.
I've played for 5 days (40 min a session 2 times a day in fun mode RNG roulette pro) from 170 units to 650 first way of playing, then a little drawdown of 150 units so i stopped and trying two different things without results and restart from 450 units, second way to play reach me to 713 units. Base bet 0,50 unit on each number. The first way bet it's like this: 8 number without repeters, bet the +1 +2 and -1-2 pairs of first 4 number without the "main" number, add newest pairs number every spin and delete oldest of the four, reset on new high. Second way, 8 numbers without repeters, track if there are numbers from the first dozen and bet on +1+2 -1-2 pairs of them without the "main" number ( i think it's the same wich dozen you choose i prefer the first), follow 8 numbers on the marquee and delete the pairs numbers only when the "main number" fall out from first 8. In all two cases if a forward or backward pair are already covered , add anyway the chip from the other number. For double and single, most of the time with all this pairs, "main" numbers are covered so we hit repeters also. Maybe with other work and improvement it's not a bad way
Rng roulette pro fun mode: I read somewhere fun mode is made for you to have fun, win more than normal, and be tempted to put money into real mode. Can this be?
@Bigbroben: RNG fun Roulette is good if you want to test a brand new idea to see
what it looks like on a Roulette table. Take the results however with a grain of salt.
A new idea :) I've been noticing this trend recently
Note the newest four unique outcomes. Bet the Vaddi
pairs of those four (same numbers) for up to nine spins.
Example: 12,30,9,25 (newest spin-value)
Bet 13,31,10,26 for up to nine spins....
Testing a new idea here...
(link::// (link:://
Follow the wheel...!
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 08, 01:03 AM 2019
Testing a new idea here...
(link::// (link:://
Follow the wheel...!
Can I ask how many numbers you are playing? Are you adding one number as each new number comes out? Bet each pair 8 times. If it doesn't hit in 8 spins you drop it.
Vaddi quote
Follow what the wheel does.
Look at the marquee and copy EXACTLY what the wheel does.
I have said before that pairs chart might be just a hint or clue as to look at roulette numbers. Maybe it's as simple as taking the hit number and adding the number forward on the wheel.
Example on American wheel.
11 hits you would also add 7
14 hits you would also add 2
Say you have these nrs:
16 24 1 29 19 28 16 ( new). 16 repeated.
Play 16.
16 24 1 29 19 28 16 30
Play 16 24
16 24 1 29 19 28 16 30 22
Play 16 24 1
16 24 1 29 19 28 16 30 22 16
16 hit again. Win
Play 16
16 30 22 31
Play 16 30
16 30 22 31 22 ( missed 22 but it's ok, can't catch all repeaters)
Play 16 30 22
16 30 22 31 22 29
Play 16 30 22 31
16 30 22 31 22 29 25
Play 16 30 22 31 29
16 30 22 31 22 29 25 33
Play 16 30 22 31 29 25
16 30 22 3122 29 25 33 23
Play 16 30 22 31 29 25 33
16 30 22 31 22 29 25 33 23 22
22 hits, win.
Play 22
22 29 25 33 23 22 28
Play 22 29
That's how I interpreted ''Follow the wheel''. Played and added nrs until a hit, did not stop at 8 or any amount of nrs.
Luck? Still to be proven wrong!
But I did notice something:
sometimes it's not the same nr that repeats, but the neighbour. Or I'd miss a nr by one spin.
So could test if it's better not play the winning hit nr but the next, anticipating...
Great Idea Big, that's a great way of thinking about follow the wheel!! And if we try this with only 4 numbers and their pair so 8 numbers?
Sure, go ahead!
Continued from yesterday. I'll be damned!
(link::// (link:://
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 08, 11:08 AM 2019
Continued from yesterday. I'll be damned!
(link::// (link:://
Looks promising BBB. Is this just carrying on the method you explained in your previous post?
How often do you end up betting more than 8 numbers? Because past that point would be a loss
Great work, keep at it!
Yes, it's the same, continued.
From looking at the graph, I'd say 20 times a hit past 8 nrs.
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 08, 11:25 AM 2019
Yes, it's the same, continued.
From looking at the graph, I'd say 20 times a hit past 8 nrs.
OK thanks. I've put an excel together to test. I have a feeling something might be off as i've only had 2 hours sleep last night (thanks, daughter!) can you double check my work? Just so you know i set the trigger to wait 4 spins after a win (i couldn't figure out a way to do otherwise...)
I'll have a look. I've had 3 hours sleep, thanks son.
Spark, I'll PM you.
Quote from: Sparks on Feb 08, 12:51 PM 2019
OK thanks. I've put an excel together to test. I have a feeling something might be off as i've only had 2 hours sleep last night (thanks, daughter!) can you double check my work? Just so you know i set the trigger to wait 4 spins after a win (i couldn't figure out a way to do otherwise...)
It has to be off, because it works too damn well... :love: :xd:
If it's on point, Ben is the new Vaddi. I will be our new King's court jester, he will let me live longer than the regular peasants. :thumbsup:
Stop this Mako. Please. I did not find anything! It hasn't been counter-checked.
It is rather hard to code in Excel, Sparks' file I must still understand. Sometimes one single little comma at the wrong place creates the illusion of a HG...
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 08, 02:21 PM 2019
Stop this Mako. Please. I did not find anything! It hasn't been counter-checked.
It is rather hard to code in Excel, Sparks' file I must still understand. Sometimes one single little comma at the wrong place creates the illusion of a HG...
he's right, its VERY hard. and i have spotted mistakes, i won't share excel on posts anymore, i'll be sure to get things checked through PMs, so not to raise hopes up
But I've already begun work on a marble statue of Ben as a gift to curry favor...does this mean I should stop? ;)
Jokes aside, thanks to both of you for all the Excel work lately, makes life MUCH easier.
With full-time Excel and RX people on the forum, we've never been faster at disqualifying new methods... :twisted:
Please make me handsome.
New idea :) Forgive me guys this is my "Daily Crossword Puzzle" (in a way)
---*Last Two Odds or Evens Plus One*---
Procedure: Note the last two different Odd
or Even outcomes (which is the last decision?)
Bet the last decision, the second same Odd or Even number and the
Vaddi pair for each respectively. Repeat steps for each new spin-value.
Stop on a win or after nine consecutive misses.
*Zero counts as Even
Example: 21,9,14,17 (newest spin-value)
Bet 17,18 & 9,10 once: 1.) 0(x)-4
Bet 0,1 & 14,15 once....
Holy shit...
804u in 801 spins...
(link::// (link:://
Lets hope Sparks doesnt find tooo much wrong with the code !!
Well, a game on Rs does not need a code.
Working on the sheet..
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 08, 04:33 PM 2019
Well, a game on Rs does not need a code.
Working on the sheet..
Sorry im behind with the times. What is RS Ben ?
Hi BBB, just a few spins out here, wanted to check how you'd play them as I'm a little unsure. Do you keep playing until a set hits, regardless of other repeaters...pls check if the following is correct, thanks
12 BET 12
5 BET 12,21
22 BET 12,21,30
25 BET 12,21,30,5
7 BET 12,21,30,5,7
16 BET 22,25
25 WIN
15 BET 15
24 BET 15,17
31 BET 15,17,1
17 WIN
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 08, 08:36 AM 2019
Say you have these nrs:
16 24 1 29 19 28 16 ( new). 16 repeated.
Play 16.
16 24 1 29 19 28 16 30
Play 16 24
16 24 1 29 19 28 16 30 22
Play 16 24 1
16 24 1 29 19 28 16 30 22 16
16 hit again. Win
Play 16
16 30 22 31
Play 16 30
16 30 22 31 22 ( missed 22 but it's ok, can't catch all repeaters)
Play 16 30 22
16 30 22 31 22 29
Play 16 30 22 31
16 30 22 31 22 29 25
Play 16 30 22 31 29
16 30 22 31 22 29 25 33
Play 16 30 22 31 29 25
16 30 22 3122 29 25 33 23
Play 16 30 22 31 29 25 33
16 30 22 31 22 29 25 33 23 22
22 hits, win.
Play 22
22 29 25 33 23 22 28
Play 22 29
That's how I interpreted ''Follow the wheel''. Played and added nrs until a hit, did not stop at 8 or any amount of nrs.
Luck? Still to be proven wrong!
Very interesting way of looking at it. Your results look great. Hopefully it keeps up. Great job.
Ok I think I have got the hang of this now.. Hit rate is strong with this one. Start prepping the marble statue!
13 BET 13
20 BET 13,16
29 BET 13,16,20
21 BET 13,16,20,29
-- -- --
23 BET 13,16,20,29,21
10 BET 13,16,20,29,21,23
25 BET 13,16,20,29,21,23,10
23 WIN +8, BET 23
4 BET 23,10
15 BET 23,10,25
17 BET 23,10,25,4
14 BET 23,10,25,4,15
19 BET 23,10,25,4,15,17
17 WIN +24 , BET 17
35 BET 17,14
35 BET 17,14,19
-- -- --
1 BET 17,14,19,35
26 BET 17,14,19,35,1
15 BET 17,14,19,35,1,26
26 WIN +40, BET 26
13 BET 26,15
16 BET 26,15,13
35 BET 26,15,13,16
15 WIN, +67, BET 15
16 BET 15,26
0 BET 15,26,13
23 BET 15,26,13,16
12 BET 15,26,13,16,35
-- -- --
18 BET 15,26,13,16,35,15
8 BET 15,26,13,16,35,15,0
28 BET 15,26,13,16,35,15,0,23
13 WIN +68, BET 13
16 BET 13,16
30 BET 13,16,35
29 BET 13,16,35,15
1 BET 13,16,35,15,0
19 BET 13,16,35,15,0,23
6 BET 13,16,35,15,0,23,12
13 WIN +77 , BET 13
2 BET 13,16
25 BET 13,16,30
1 BET 13,16,30,29
26 BET 13,16,30,29,1
-- -- --
7 BET 13,16,30,29,1,19
26 BET 13,16,30,29,1,19,6
35 BET 13,16,30,29,1,19,6,2
32 BET 13,16,30,29,1,19,6,2,25,26
22 BET 13,16,30,29,1,19,6,2,25,26,7
36 BET 13,16,30,29,1,19,6,2,25,26,7,35
24 BET 13,16,30,29,1,19,6,2,25,26,7,35,32
1 WIN +32, BET 1
18 BET 1,26
14 BET 1,26,7
17 BET 1,26,7,35
20 BET 1,26,7,35,32
-- -- --
4 BET 1,26,7,35,32,22
32 WIN +47, BET 32
15 BET 32,22
21 BET 32,22,36
8 BET 32,22,36,24
16 BET 32,22,36,24,1
20 BET 32,22,36,24,1,18
36 WIN +63, BET 36
14 BET 36,24
3 BET 36,24,1
22 BET 36,24,1,18
16 BET 36,24,1,18,14
15 BET 36,24,1,18,14,17
23 BET 36,24,1,18,14,17,20
1 WIN +72
A Daily "Crossword Puzzle Bonus" :)
---*Newest Red & Black Minus One*---
Procedure: Note the newest Red and Black outcomes. Bet those two
and one number less respectively. Repeat steps with each new outcome.
*If Zero shows bet 0,36
Example: 12,31 (newest spin-value)
Bet 12,11 & 31,30 once: 1.) 1(x)-4
Bet 1,0 & 31,30....
New session........not so easy this one
-- -- --
-- -- --
9 bet 9
15 9,33,
18 9,33,21
3 9,33,21,17
27 9,33,21,17,16
13 9,33,21,17,16,36
34 9,33,21,17,16,36,31
22 9,33,21,17,16,36,31,4
13 9,33,21,17,16,36,31,4,25
8 9,33,21,17,16,36,31,4,25,29
18 9,33,21,17,16,36,31,4,25,29,34
13 9,33,21,17,16,36,31,4,25,29,34,32
30 9,33,21,17,16,36,31,4,25,29,34,32,19
28 9,33,21,17,16,36,31,4,25,29,34,32,19,6
22 9,33,21,17,16,36,31,4,25,29,34,32,19,6,22
24 9,33,21,17,16,36,31,4,25,29,34,32,19,6,22,35
20 9,33,21,17,16,36,31,4,25,29,34,32,19,6,22,35,24
10 9,33,21,17,16,36,31,4,25,29,34,32,19,6,22,35,24,15
-- -- --
29 win, holy shit that was a run from hell! 29
15 bet 29,34
16 29,34,32
5 29,34,32,19
12 29,34,32,19,6
27 29,34,32,19,6,22
28 29,34,32,19,6,22,35
3 29,34,32,19,6,22,35,24
9 29,34,32,19,6,22,35,24,9
32 win 32
2 bet 32
26 32,19
18 32,19,6
28 32,19,6,22
16 32,19,6,22,35
14 32,19,6,22,35,24
24 win -127, 24
1 24,20
19 24,20,10
-- -- --
33 24,20,10,29
5 24,20,10,29,15
24 win -105, 24
21 24,1
16 24,1,19
3 24,1,19,33
4 24,1,19,33,5
36 24,1,19,33,5,21
1 win -89, 1
0 1,19
18 1,19,33
3 1,19,33,5
9 1,19,33,5,24
20 1,19,33,5,24,21
28 1,19,33,5,24,21,16
-- -- --
20 1,19,33,5,24,21,16,3
30 1,19,33,5,24,21,16,3,4
12 1,19,33,5,24,21,16,3,4,36
23 1,19,33,5,24,21,16,3,4,36,0
13 1,19,33,5,24,21,16,3,4,36,0,18
29 1,19,33,5,24,21,16,3,4,36,0,18,9
5 1,19,33,5,24,21,16,3,4,36,0,18,3,20
3 win 3
8 3,9
-- -- --
34 3,9,20
22 3,9,20,28
29 3,9,20,28,30
12 3,9,20,28,30,12
9 win 9
2 9,20
29 9,20,28
1 9,20,28,30
7 9,20,28,30,12
29 9,20,28,30,12,23
12 win 12
-- -- --
12 win 12
24 bet 12,24
28 12,24,28
7 12,24,28,7
27 12,24,28,7,27
4 12,24,28,7,27,4
27 win 27
16 27,4
36 27,4,16
-- -- --
6 27,4,16,36
8 27,4,16,36,6
16 win 16
25 16,36
3 16,36,6
10 16,36,6,8
17 16,36,6,8,25
15 16,36,6,8,25,3
32 16,36,6,8,25,3,10
7 16,36,6,8,25,3,10,17
35 16,36,6,8,25,3,10,17,15
-- -- --
20 16,36,6,8,25,3,10,17,15,32
23 16,36,6,8,25,3,10,17,15,32,7
16 win -82
Quote from: buffalowizard on Feb 08, 06:10 PM 2019
New session........not so easy this one
-- -- --
-- -- --
9 bet 9
15 9,33,
18 9,33,21
3 9,33,21,17
27 9,33,21,17,16
13 9,33,21,17,16,36
34 9,33,21,17,16,36,31
22 9,33,21,17,16,36,31,4
13 9,33,21,17,16,36,31,4,25
8 9,33,21,17,16,36,31,4,25,29
18 9,33,21,17,16,36,31,4,25,29,34
13 9,33,21,17,16,36,31,4,25,29,34,32
30 9,33,21,17,16,36,31,4,25,29,34,32,19
28 9,33,21,17,16,36,31,4,25,29,34,32,19,6
22 9,33,21,17,16,36,31,4,25,29,34,32,19,6,22
24 9,33,21,17,16,36,31,4,25,29,34,32,19,6,22,35
20 9,33,21,17,16,36,31,4,25,29,34,32,19,6,22,35,24
10 9,33,21,17,16,36,31,4,25,29,34,32,19,6,22,35,24,15
-- -- --
29 win, holy shit that was a run from hell! 29
15 bet 29,34
16 29,34,32
5 29,34,32,19
12 29,34,32,19,6
27 29,34,32,19,6,22
28 29,34,32,19,6,22,35
3 29,34,32,19,6,22,35,24
9 29,34,32,19,6,22,35,24,9
32 win 32
2 bet 32
26 32,19
18 32,19,6
28 32,19,6,22
16 32,19,6,22,35
14 32,19,6,22,35,24
24 win -127, 24
1 24,20
19 24,20,10
-- -- --
33 24,20,10,29
5 24,20,10,29,15
24 win -105, 24
21 24,1
16 24,1,19
3 24,1,19,33
4 24,1,19,33,5
36 24,1,19,33,5,21
1 win -89, 1
0 1,19
18 1,19,33
3 1,19,33,5
9 1,19,33,5,24
20 1,19,33,5,24,21
28 1,19,33,5,24,21,16
-- -- --
20 1,19,33,5,24,21,16,3
30 1,19,33,5,24,21,16,3,4
12 1,19,33,5,24,21,16,3,4,36
23 1,19,33,5,24,21,16,3,4,36,0
13 1,19,33,5,24,21,16,3,4,36,0,18
29 1,19,33,5,24,21,16,3,4,36,0,18,9
5 1,19,33,5,24,21,16,3,4,36,0,18,3,20
3 win 3
8 3,9
-- -- --
34 3,9,20
22 3,9,20,28
29 3,9,20,28,30
12 3,9,20,28,30,12
9 win 9
2 9,20
29 9,20,28
1 9,20,28,30
7 9,20,28,30,12
29 9,20,28,30,12,23
12 win 12
-- -- --
12 win 12
24 bet 12,24
28 12,24,28
7 12,24,28,7
27 12,24,28,7,27
4 12,24,28,7,27,4
27 win 27
16 27,4
36 27,4,16
-- -- --
6 27,4,16,36
8 27,4,16,36,6
16 win 16
25 16,36
3 16,36,6
10 16,36,6,8
17 16,36,6,8,25
15 16,36,6,8,25,3
32 16,36,6,8,25,3,10
7 16,36,6,8,25,3,10,17
35 16,36,6,8,25,3,10,17,15
-- -- --
20 16,36,6,8,25,3,10,17,15,32
23 16,36,6,8,25,3,10,17,15,32,7
16 win -82
Hi, this is not the BB system right ?
Quote from: Gitano on Feb 08, 06:18 PM 2019
Hi, this is not the BB system right ?
I was trying to follow Big Bro Ben's formula from a few posts back. I may have got it wrong, but long runs without a hit are possible regardless, such as with any method.
What is heartening is that this session was starting to comeback
Hello everyone. First time posting. I've been looking through this thread and i've read Vaddis clues about his method. I don't know if you guys noticed, but in the 2 stage of his method, he says that if "the 8 number block" hits and you're not even or above, instead of going to stage 1, you remove 1 chip and bet 7 numbers including the last spun until you're back even or in profit. Assuming the "magic number" is between 6 and 9, like he says. Don't know if it helps, just giving some input. I'm not a roulette player myself, i mostly play blackjack but i find the roulette quite interesting and i'm sure all of you are better roulette players than i am lol.
Regards to all.
Quote from: Gitano on Feb 08, 06:18 PM 2019
Hi, this is not the BB system right ?
Checked qyickly, yes this is it. I suggest you try agaun another one.
Quote from: buffalowizard on Feb 08, 04:36 PM 2019
Sorry im behind with the times. What is RS Ben ?
RS Roulette Simulator
This is where I test and get the graphs.
I think in the graph I posted I went once up to 17 nrs.
Could consider limiting to a lower amount and roll them?
Quote from: buffalowizard on Feb 08, 06:10 PM 2019
New session........not so easy this one
-- -- --
-- -- --
9 bet 9
15 9,33,
18 9,33,21
3 9,33,21,17
27 9,33,21,17,16
13 9,33,21,17,16,36
34 9,33,21,17,16,36,31
22 9,33,21,17,16,36,31,4
13 9,33,21,17,16,36,31,4,25
8 9,33,21,17,16,36,31,4,25,29
18 9,33,21,17,16,36,31,4,25,29,34
13 9,33,21,17,16,36,31,4,25,29,34,32
30 9,33,21,17,16,36,31,4,25,29,34,32,19
28 9,33,21,17,16,36,31,4,25,29,34,32,19,6
22 9,33,21,17,16,36,31,4,25,29,34,32,19,6,22
24 9,33,21,17,16,36,31,4,25,29,34,32,19,6,22,35
20 9,33,21,17,16,36,31,4,25,29,34,32,19,6,22,35,24
10 9,33,21,17,16,36,31,4,25,29,34,32,19,6,22,35,24,15
-- -- --
29 win, holy shit that was a run from hell! 29
15 bet 29,34
16 29,34,32
5 29,34,32,19
12 29,34,32,19,6
27 29,34,32,19,6,22
28 29,34,32,19,6,22,35
3 29,34,32,19,6,22,35,24
9 29,34,32,19,6,22,35,24,9
32 win 32
2 bet 32
26 32,19
18 32,19,6
28 32,19,6,22
16 32,19,6,22,35
14 32,19,6,22,35,24
24 win -127, 24
1 24,20
19 24,20,10
-- -- --
33 24,20,10,29
5 24,20,10,29,15
24 win -105, 24
21 24,1
16 24,1,19
3 24,1,19,33
4 24,1,19,33,5
36 24,1,19,33,5,21
1 win -89, 1
0 1,19
18 1,19,33
3 1,19,33,5
9 1,19,33,5,24
20 1,19,33,5,24,21
28 1,19,33,5,24,21,16
-- -- --
20 1,19,33,5,24,21,16,3
30 1,19,33,5,24,21,16,3,4
12 1,19,33,5,24,21,16,3,4,36
23 1,19,33,5,24,21,16,3,4,36,0
13 1,19,33,5,24,21,16,3,4,36,0,18
29 1,19,33,5,24,21,16,3,4,36,0,18,9
5 1,19,33,5,24,21,16,3,4,36,0,18,3,20
3 win 3
8 3,9
-- -- --
34 3,9,20
22 3,9,20,28
29 3,9,20,28,30
12 3,9,20,28,30,12
9 win 9
2 9,20
29 9,20,28
1 9,20,28,30
7 9,20,28,30,12
29 9,20,28,30,12,23
12 win 12
-- -- --
12 win 12
24 bet 12,24
28 12,24,28
7 12,24,28,7
27 12,24,28,7,27
4 12,24,28,7,27,4
27 win 27
16 27,4
36 27,4,16
-- -- --
6 27,4,16,36
8 27,4,16,36,6
16 win 16
25 16,36
3 16,36,6
10 16,36,6,8
17 16,36,6,8,25
15 16,36,6,8,25,3
32 16,36,6,8,25,3,10
7 16,36,6,8,25,3,10,17
35 16,36,6,8,25,3,10,17,15
-- -- --
20 16,36,6,8,25,3,10,17,15,32
23 16,36,6,8,25,3,10,17,15,32,7
16 win -82
I think the distance between the first repeat of 9 is too wide hence probably not the best idea for that to be your trigger.
Perhaps a repeat to fall within 8 spins then we use BBB’s method?
Feel free to test!
Here the simulation ends at 1000 spins. Happy with this first test. Some tweaking, sure, but still promising.
One more idea ;D
---*Three Even Chance Singles Builder*---
Procedure: Track for either pattern: E,O,O,O or O,E,E,E
Start the stepping sequence with the last decision. Add the
spin-value with each new outcome. If all eight numbers miss, end session.
Example: 21,2,34,8 (newest spin-value)-qualifier
Bet #8: 1.) 25(x)-1
Bet 8,25: 2.) 0(x)-2
Bet 8,25,0....
Quote from: buffalowizard on Feb 08, 06:10 PM 2019
New session........not so easy this one
-- -- --
29 win, holy shit that was a run from hell! -135.....
23 1,19,33,5,24,21,16,3,4,36,0
13 1,19,33,5,24,21,16,3,4,36,0,18
29 1,19,33,5,24,21,16,3,4,36,0,18,9
5 1,19,33,5,24,21,16,3,4,36,0,18,3,20
3 win 3
8 3,9
-- -- --
34 3,9,20
22 3,9,20,28
29 3,9,20,28,30
12 3,9,20,28,30,12
9 win 9
2 9,20
29 9,20,28
1 9,20,28,30
7 9,20,28,30,12
29 9,20,28,30,12,23
12 win 12
-- -- --
12 win 12
24 bet 12,24
28 12,24,28
7 12,24,28,7
27 12,24,28,7,27
4 12,24,28,7,27,4
27 win 27
16 27,4
36 27,4,16
-- -- --
6 27,4,16,36
8 27,4,16,36,6
16 win 16
25 16,36
3 16,36,6
10 16,36,6,8
17 16,36,6,8,25
15 16,36,6,8,25,3
32 16,36,6,8,25,3,10
7 16,36,6,8,25,3,10,17
35 16,36,6,8,25,3,10,17,15
-- -- --
20 16,36,6,8,25,3,10,17,15,32
23 16,36,6,8,25,3,10,17,15,32,7
16 win -82
I can’t keep up with all the great info on this forum.
Buffalo, good work on posting that -82 result. It’s good to see everything get published even if it’s not that flattering.
I guess I’ll jump in on the end of everyone’s good work and collect a few test spins myself.
35 Bet 35
0 35, 25
10 35, 25, 8
36 35, 25, 8, 26
6 35, 25, 8, 26, 30
12 35, 25, 8, 26, 30, 20
9 35, 25, 8, 26, 30, 20, 4
35 35, 25, 8, 26, 30, 20, 4, 0
32 35
1 35, 0
8 35, 0, 10
27 35, 0, 10, 36
9 35, 0, 10, 36, 6
36 35, 0, 10, 36, 6, 9 (win 16)
11 Bet 36
34 36, 6
17 36, 6, 12
18 36, 6, 12, 9
22 36, 6, 12, 9
4 36, 6, 12, 9, 35, 32
18 36, 6, 12, 9, 35, 32, 1
30 36, 6, 12, 9, 35, 32, 1, 8
6 36, 6, 12, 9, 35, 32, 1, 8, 27
(win +7)
21 Bet 6
19 6, 12
12 6, 12, 9
(win +37)
Bet 12
15 12, 9
24 12, 9, 35
8 6, 12, 35, 32
(win +53)
32 Bet 9
19 9, 35
29 9, 35, 32
15 9, 35, 32, 1
12 9, 35, 32, 1, 8
35 9, 35, 32, 1, 8, 27
(win +78)
21 Bet 35
5 35, 32
25 35, 32, 8
7 35, 32, 1, 8, 27
24 35, 32, 1, 8, 27, 9
22 35, 32, 1, 8, 27, 9, 36
20 35, 32, 1, 8, 27, 9, 36, 11
29 35, 32, 1, 8, 27, 9, 36, 11, 34
31 35, 32, 1, 8, 27, 9, 36, 11, 34
10 35, 32, 1, 8, 27, 9, 36, 11, 34, 17
26 35, 32, 1, 8, 27, 9, 36, 11, 34, 17, 18
5 35, 32, 1, 8, 27, 9, 36, 11, 34, 17, 18, 22
29 35, 32, 1, 8, 27, 9, 36, 11, 34, 17, 18, 22, 4
33 35, 32, 1, 8, 27, 9, 36, 11, 34, 17, 18, 22, 4, 30
24 35, 32, 1, 8, 27, 9, 36, 11, 34, 17, 18, 22, 4, 30, 6
14 35, 32, 1, 8, 27, 9, 36, 11, 34, 17, 18, 22, 4, 30, 6, 21
14 35, 32, 1, 8, 27, 9, 36, 11, 34, 17, 18, 22, 4, 30, 6, 21, 19
27 35, 32, 1, 8, 27, 9, 36, 11, 34, 17, 18, 22, 4, 30, 6, 21, 19, 27 (win -71)
After a really good start, I finished with a horror run, 18 misses.
I feel as though I started this last betting sequence too far back. Following the rules, I had to go back 27 spins to begin the sequence.
I wonder if it would work better waiting for the repeat to occur in the first 10 spins before beginning?
Quote from: Turkish4 on Feb 08, 08:43 PM 2019
I think the distance between the first repeat of 9 is too wide hence probably not the best idea for that to be your trigger.
Perhaps a repeat to fall within 8 spins then we use BBB’s method?
This was my thought Turkish as I was testing it. Sometimes it feels the repeats are so far apart, they become a little too arbitrary.
Quote from: buffalowizard on Feb 09, 03:42 AM 2019
This was my thought Turkish as I was testing it. Sometimes it feels the repeats are so far apart, they become a little too arbitrary.
Agreed! I’m just wondering when do you switch to include the pairings if your doubles don’t drop
As vaddi says if doubles aren’t dropping then singles are. How do you tailor an 8 chip bet to “balance†it all?
I’m still confused over the whole 24/8=3 and 12/4=3 and how it can tailor into the bet. As passion says it’s the key apparently.
No strategy I guess work on roulette
I tried short BB's system yesterday on RX. Both more than 8 numbers and maximum 8 numbers. There was success but It was also down to near - 200.
I only tried 1000 spins. The results were great, but it can still be put on luck's fault.
It is possible that if the reference number is too far back, it should be waited for closer gaps.
Overall, it's just an idea!
i think, no one able to get vaadi idea, or may be vaadi himself realized later his system not much worth. i dont think he tested his system enough before giving clues, my observation is ,each day , roulette numbers comes differently.After 36 spins, 12 doubles 12 sleepers etc are same , but ranges vary each cycle,
may b if take his clues line by line and disucss and analyze until crystal clear, then may b we can reach , what he want to say or convery ,i just heard there is holygrail of roulette, but what is that :) with 8 numbers bet, moreover, my interst in his last clues where he say he will not reveal his simple betting method, due to abc.... reasons, then the betting gameplay he given , what was that , :( are those all clues hidden in his betting play , or something, useless portrayed
its some sort of frustration from my side, plz keep it up,
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 09, 08:33 AM 2019
I only tried 1000 spins. The results were great, but it can still be put on luck's fault.
It is possible that if the reference number is too far back, it should be waited for closer gaps.
Overall, it's just an idea!
Hi Ben
Thanks for all of your work on this system and, as always for sharing your information freely.
I’m not even close to giving up on this method and I will keep testing today.
With the next testing session I will make sure the reference number doesn’t fall too far back. My final session yesterday I had a series of 18 misses, but this came after I began the string 27 spins back.
Cheers Ben, I’ll post results later.
Quote from: jono1167 on Feb 09, 03:22 PM 2019
Hi Ben
Thanks for all of your work on this system and, as always for sharing your information freely.
I’m not even close to giving up on this method and I will keep testing today.
With the next testing session I will make sure the reference number doesn’t fall too far back. My final session yesterday I had a series of 18 misses, but this came after I began the string 27 spins back.
Cheers Ben, I’ll post results later.
Agree, it's definitely worth pursuing, looks very promising.
I'm not stopping work on the statue...Ben says he wants it to basically look like Michelangelo's 'David', but with a penis 3x as large to make it more accurate. :thumbsup:
Keep the size, just put three of 'em.
Quote from: jono1167 on Feb 09, 03:22 PM 2019
Hi Ben
Thanks for all of your work on this system and, as always for sharing your information freely.
I’m not even close to giving up on this method and I will keep testing today.
With the next testing session I will make sure the reference number doesn’t fall too far back. My final session yesterday I had a series of 18 misses, but this came after I began the string 27 spins back.
Cheers Ben, I’ll post results later.
Glad you test this. For sure there are point to be worked on but I think maybe its what's meant with ''follow the wheel'' or copy what its doing. Further observations could give a hint about pairs/unhits/opposites.
We'll see!
Here's an idea :)
---*Three Newest, #37 Pairs & Zero*---
Sum=37: These numbers go together: 1,36: 2,35: 3,34: 4,33: 5,32:
6,31: 7,30: 8,29: 9,28: 10,27: 11,26: 12,25: 13,24: 14,23: 15,22: 16,21: 17,20: 18:19
Procedure: Note the newest three non-zero outcomes.
Bet those three, their respective counterparts and Zero once.
Adjust the bet for each new spin-value.
Stop on a win or after five consecutive misses.
Example: 23,9,13 (newest spin-value)
Bet 23,14: 9,28: 13,24,0 once: 1.) 5(x)-7
Bet 9,28: 13,24: 5,32,0....
Hey again :) One more idea for the road :thumbsup:
Track until you have seven
consecutive unique singles. (qualifier)
Now--bet the Vaddi pair number for each,
changing the bet for each new outcome.
Stop on a win or after five consecutive misses.
Example: 12,5,0,33,22,17,14 (newest spin-value)
Bet 13,6,1,34,23,18,15: 1.) 19(x)-7
Bet 6,1,34,23,18,15,20....
300 spins ....
one of vad point:::
"You're following the pattern and spins of the wheel,,You're thinking in terms of number of numbers and number of spins."
looks like follow the wheel meaning is this ..
and thinking in terms of even, 4,8,12,24 which i hope are number of spins .my thought ..
Good point Elite. At any given time (I've noticed) two repeaters
(usually two hits each) and eight unique singles on the marquee.
I'm thinking bet the two repeat singles and its respective Vaddi pairs
(until a new repeater shows) within 12 spins, then change bets
(four numbers in play) to the two newest repeat singles and Vaddi pairs?
or go with the Eight uniques, adjusting with each new spin-value.
Also, for some reason I'm thinking betting nine consecutive
unique numbers is an option (adjusting the bet with each new outcome).
yes may be , or need to anlyze whole cycle again and again, and link it with vaadi clues to figure out any thing special there
Alright, another attempt :thumbsup: Drum roll, please :)
It seems the repeat numbers + Vaddi
pairs are quite active upon observation.
Procedure: Track the last 12 spins.
How many repeaters do you see?
Bet those repeat singles and their respective Vaddi pair continuously.
As each new repeat single shows bet that number and its Vaddi pair
(Max eight numbers in play). Stop when in profit or after a drawdown
of -144 units.
Example: 12,31,25,31,14,0,28,34,9,14,7,2 (newest spin-value)
Bet 31,32 & 14,15: 1.) 0(x)-4
Bet 31,32 & 14,15 & 0,1: 2.) 34(x)-6
Bet 31,32 & 14,15 & 0,1 & 34,35: 3.) 7(x)-8
Bet 14,15 & 0,1 & 34,35 & 7,8....
v0.1 :)
Each time you get a hit (and not in profit) check how many repeats are present in the
last 12 spins. Bet only the repeat singles you see (the bet could go back to two, four units).
v0.2 "Simplify"
Procedure: Look at the last 12 outcomes. Bet the
newest repeat single and its Vaddi pair continuously.
If a new repeater shows while betting bet the new repeat single and
Vaddi pair continuously. Stop on a win or after 18 consecutive misses.
Example: 12,31,0,14,25,17,31,36,2,35,9,32 (newest spin-value)
Bet 31,32: 1.) 4(x)-2 2.) 0(x)-2*
Bet 0,1: 3.) 3(x)-2 4.) 36(x)-2*
Bet 36,0....
One more idea before I go :)
*Assuming nine is our special number
Procedure: Track five consecutive unique singles.
Bet those five. If miss add the newest outcome.
Bet those six. If miss add the newest outcome.
Bet those seven. If miss add the newest.
Bet those eight. If miss add the newest.
Bet those nine. If all nine numbers miss
play the newest nine unique singles, adjusting the bet
with each new outcome. If hit (and not in profit)
bet those remaining eight uniques.
If those eight miss add the newest outcome and bet those
nine (again newest nine unique singles each new spin).
Stop when in profit.
Bankroll suggestion: 144 total units
Proof what the hell are you doing, just focus on what Big Ben is doing and test it... ;D :thumbsup:
Excuse me?? Last I remember the thread says "Vaddi's Holy Grail" not Bigbroben's system.
Vaddi Schmaddi :twisted:
Exactly Buffalowizard. More and
more I think Vaddi is a scam artist.
See? That's why you should be focusing on Ben's work ;)
Bigbroben has his style and I have mine.
Anyone who claims to have a HG using a mechanical system and gives “clues†is a scam artist. Someone with mental issues who likes dragging people along
Vaddi is one of many. Falkor. Many others
Guys like johnlegend WERENT scam artists because they laid it all on the table. You could play it if you wished. No hidden agenda.
The whole vaddi thread is a waste
There’s your daily dose of truth.
The only threads worthwhile are threads where the strategy is laid out in detail and people can play it if they wish. Not this nonsense.
Alright. Since people think there
is "something here" here, here goes...
Procedure: Bet the newest spin-value in
each column and it's Vaddi pair once + Zero.
Stop on a win or after five consecutive misses.
Example: 15,26,1 (newest spin-value)
Bet 1,2: 26,27: 15,16, 0: 1.) 8(x)-7
Bet 1,2: 8,9: 15,16, 0....
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Feb 11, 05:21 PM 2019
Anyone who claims to have a HG using a mechanical system and gives “clues†is a scam artist. Someone with mental issues who likes dragging people along
Vaddi is one of many. Falkor. Many others
Guys like johnlegend WERENT scam artists because they laid it all on the table. You could play it if you wished. No hidden agenda.
The whole vaddi thread is a waste
There’s your daily dose of truth.
I've been saying it for ages...Tell everyone everything or nothing at all.
By giving breadcrumbs, you are proving that you have nothing of substance.
Lead people along and never tell them the real juicy 'secret sauce' - what the hell is the point of that!!
Like an amazing film that is just coming to a big conclusion and then the credits roll.
"We must find the answer ourselves" they say. "Keep looking, you will find it, if you dig deep enough" they add.
Well we all bow to you master, but we are not worthy and cannot use your bloody 'clues' to discover the holy grail.
Imagine if every method in this forum was like this?
I hail Proofreaders, Ignatus, Katilla, RG, Superman and dozens of others who aren't so narcissistic that they need to act like a Pied Piper and lead a band of merry followers down the lane.
There, rant over
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Feb 11, 05:21 PM 2019
Anyone who claims to have a HG using a mechanical system and gives “clues†is a scam artist. Someone with mental issues who likes dragging people along
Vaddi is one of many. Falkor. Many others
Guys like johnlegend WERENT scam artists because they laid it all on the table. You could play it if you wished. No hidden agenda.
The whole vaddi thread is a waste
There’s your daily dose of truth.
The more i spend time on this the more i agree. You either have to be really selfish to claim you have the HG and just string people along or you're just a plain old troll.
There's even a few people on here (who i won't name) I've seen doing the same thing, "look at my graph see how amazing it is, see if you can figure out how i did it." I'm sorry but we've all been putting in the same work as everyone else and SHARING our success / failures.
I would bet any money that those who genuinely have their own HG, wouldn't have it in the first place if they didn't get their idea or inspiration from our work or tweaked someone elses method to make it a HG without telling anyone.
WHEN i discover a HG, I'll make damn sure I'll share it, because I'm not cruel enough to watch people squirm over a pretty graph or breadcrumbs.
To those who do share their methods and insights, thank you. you all provide inspiration and a great service to the community.
Quote from: Sparks on Feb 11, 05:32 PM 2019
The more i spend time on this the more i agree. You either have to be really selfish to claim you have the HG and just string people along or you're just a plain old troll.
There's even a few people on here (who i won't name) I've seen doing the same thing, "look at my graph see how amazing it is, see if you can figure out how i did it." I'm sorry but we've all been putting in the same work as everyone else and SHARING our success / failures.
I would bet any money that those who genuinely have their own HG, wouldn't have it in the first place if they didn't get their idea or inspiration from our work or tweaked someone elses method to make it a HG without telling anyone.
WHEN i discover a HG, I'll make damn sure I'll share it, because I'm not cruel enough to watch people squirm over a pretty graph or breadcrumbs.
To those who do share their methods and insights, thank you. you all provide inspiration and a great service to the community.
Totally agree! Same with me! I’ve been testing almost daily different methods at live tables with live dealers and if I get something consistent, I will definitely share!
The people who have nothing are typically the people giving clues
Like priyanka for example. It’s a power play. Getting off on controlling others
I’ll never play that game
Maybe vaddi did think outside the box. I do not understand his bet but if he was true, kids think visually, not in numbers, not in statistics. if the system is easy, it has to follow visual marks.
in any 37 spin cycle, we average 24 hit numbers. 12 doubles 12 singles and 13 unhit. every single time.
My thoughts on his method:
24/3=8 means 24 total hit numbers = 8 numbers per dozen
12/3 =4 means 12 doubles = 4 doubles per dozen
if doubles hit, focus on catching the singles
thinking numbers as a horizontal line. 37 spaces. there will be no 12 consecutive empty spaces at the end of a cycle.
if singles hit, focus on catching the doubles
to increase accuracy, wait for 8 numbers without repeats than aim to catch a repeat
balance= balance between doubles and unhit (target: 12 each at the end of the 37 spins)
The HG would have to be a continuous process.
lets take 19 spins in. No betting yet. Half of spins from a 37 spin cycle.
how many unhits do we have? how many repeats?
if unhits > doubles, how do we catch the doubles?
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Feb 11, 06:10 PM 2019
The people who have nothing are typically the people giving clues
Like priyanka for example. It’s a power play. Getting off on controlling others
I’ll never play that game
And people like Turbo
I do not group turbo into what I described.....
he doesnt spend his time in threads like the others i described..he doesnt try to convince...i see him trying to gain nothing...hes just private
these other jokesters spend day after day hundreds of posts trying to string people...dont see turbo doin that
I don't think that by finding ''something that happens every x spins'' is enough to overcome the house edge.
Say you play a 9-number system. Oh this and that happen every 4 spins. No it's not. It happens every 4 1/9th spin. Do not round down. Or hey my 4nr systems gets a hit every 9 spins on average. No it's not. It hits every 9 1/4th spin. Do not round down.
I actually dare anyone to find something that hits every 36u laid down. Even then it's a breakeven.
Or I could even challenge to find a system that hits less than every 37u laid, a system that costs more than 37u for a hit. If so bet the opposite!
After a few million spins it's down to a cost of 37u for a gain of 36.
Rest is just luck.
We still can fancy to try to find a loophole and enjoy the search. I love this brainstorming thread, even if it goes remote of Holy Vaddi's clues.
Bigbroben has the math side right-now, the artistic side.
Part of beating this game (or any game)
is imagination and "Possibility thinking".
God didn't make us to be failures, right.
You have to see yourself winning first off. A "Yes You Can Attitude"
What I look at are short-term patterns,
like repeat singles and how often they repeat.
"Is there an easy way to exploit this?"
An idea (even if it's silly) is an idea. Post it. Who knows?
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Feb 11, 06:51 PM 2019
Vaddis, he did not say enough to really discover what he's doing, it's complicated, but he said the right thing.
It's not Vaadi said. He said his final solution is so simple a child can learn ..
Quote from: Elite on Feb 11, 10:13 PM 2019
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Feb 11, 06:51 PM 2019
Vaddis, he did not say enough to really discover what he's doing, it's complicated, but he said the right thing.
It's not Vaadi said. He said his final solution is so simple a child can learn ..
And also as per him there is no need to think or analyse... Either his clues mislead... Or....
Here's this idea just now :)
Procedure: Track the last six spins. Which dozen has hit the least?
Bet that dozen's singles and respective Vaddi pairs continuously.
If more numbers show in that dozen bet those w/Vaddi pairs also.
Stop on a win or after a drawdown of -36 units.
Example: 12,34,9,13,24,2 (newest spin-value)
Bet 34,35: 1.) 2(x)-2 2.) 29(x)-2*
Bet 34,35,29,30....
Original... I like it.
Worth a shot!
Thanks, this is a good Excel challenge...
Are you an artist?
Yes, culinary arts by trade. Also graphic design.
I still not sure anything magic can be done with 8 numbers and without progression... But my 6th sense says there can be something very powerful behind the scene..
@ proof.. If bet on first 8 numbers and they not hit and we bet same set... What spin says.. May b track one point to see how long it goes.... Working on this idea. As one cycle 24 numbers.. So remaining now only 16 numbers. And more probability that these first 8 numbers will repeat... Whatever Vaadi given its much worth and new ideas to look in random.. I hope final solution will b awesome... Vaadi a genius I can say without doubt
I still not sure anything magic can be done with 8 numbers and without progression...
But my 6th sense says there can be something very powerful behind the scene..-Elite
I think there is something there also. Worth a look (brb)
Working on this idea-Me too :)
Vaddi give very good info but along that put all in great trouble to reach on his solution..... Ommmmm. Another important point. System should not be random it should be balance.... So here I think balance with latest 8 spins or balance with unbalance only......
Alright Elite here's a thought for
you re: eight numbers suggestion (untested)
If you see a Vaddi pair within the eight bet the pair
of the numbers. If you don't, bet the numbers listed.
Example: 12,31,2,0,13,32,7,34 (newest spin-value)
Bet 13,32,3,1,14,33,8,35 ?
Early tests appear the other way around works better :)
Example: 12,31,2,0,13,32,7,34 (newest spin-value)
Bet the last eight as is.
Example two: 12,0,13,34,5,25,18,9 (newest spin-value)
No Vaddi pairs present. Bet the Vaddi pairs for each number.
Bet 13,1,14,35,6,26,19,10 (just ideas at this point)
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Feb 12, 12:37 AM 2019
Early tests appear the other way around works better :)
Example: 12,31,2,0,13,32,7,34 (newest spin-value)
Bet the last eight as is.
Example two: 12,0,13,34,5,25,18,9 (newest spin-value)
No Vaddi pairs present. Bet the Vaddi pairs for each number.
Bet 13,1,14,35,6,26,19,10 (just ideas at this point)
Proof and Ben,
I have been messing around RS and having really good success with something similar. Take the last 8 spins, and just play their pair number. Bet that group of 8 numbers for 8 spins. I haven't gotten past spin 7 without a hit. I am never a fan of not playing the number hit in the last 8 on the board but who knows. Could be a complete fluke. But I can't help but think of 6-th sense charts in the 37 back to basics thread. Once a number hits, other the numbers follow in that "area". They flock together was his term I believe. The one thing is how to handle a repeat if there is one in the last 8. But I think this is really worth looking into. I have my doubts about Vaddi too. I have never believed a "mechanical" method can work. But in the 37 back to basics thread you can see something. It's just how to apply it.
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Feb 11, 10:46 PM 2019
Procedure: Track the last six spins. Which dozen has hit the least?
Bet that dozen's singles and respective Vaddi pairs continuously.
If more numbers show in that dozen bet those w/Vaddi pairs also.
Stop on a win or after a drawdown of -36 units.
Example: 12,34,9,13,24,2 (newest spin-value)
Bet 34,35: 1.) 2(x)-2 2.) 29(x)-2*
Bet 34,35,29,30....
Choose tracking length, max cost, play most/least hit dozen.
would that someone tell vad system is awesome(awsome not in RX , but in real gameplay) , that can boost me to research more, else it seems i m giving up :(
Quote from: Elite on Feb 12, 09:45 AM 2019
would that someone tell vad system is awesome , that can boost me to research more, else it seems i m giving up :(
vad system is awesome , that can boost me to research more,
@Ben, yes , his concepts are very much strong, but is there anything special, he discovered..what situation we facing all he mentioned in his clues, so i think he manage to cope all these ups and down.Is that so simple solution, ommmmmmmm how come it can be. Thanks so 6th sense giving tracker, else basic was also not easy to understand.
I am thinking there is one way to reach , why not we sum up some amount and pay to get that simple system.So suppose if 10 persons want to buy , it will cost low :) @Proof, @Ben, @Irish, and me, we 4 i hope ready, :)
how can you buy something that may not exist?
Quote from: Irish88 on Feb 12, 07:28 AM 2019
Proof and Ben,
I have been messing around RS and having really good success with something similar. Take the last 8 spins, and just play their pair number. Bet that group of 8 numbers for 8 spins. I haven't gotten past spin 7 without a hit. I am never a fan of not playing the number hit in the last 8 on the board but who knows. Could be a complete fluke. But I can't help but think of 6-th sense charts in the 37 back to basics thread. Once a number hits, other the numbers follow in that "area". They flock together was his term I believe. The one thing is how to handle a repeat if there is one in the last 8. But I think this is really worth looking into. I have my doubts about Vaddi too. I have never believed a "mechanical" method can work. But in the 37 back to basics thread you can see something. It's just how to apply it.
I got +500 units in a 130 spins flatbetting using this method.
Ok, good job! Did you change nrs on a hit or you let the 8 spins go by after a hit, or did you keep on playing the nrs after a hit?
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 12, 10:24 AM 2019
Ok, good job! Did you change nrs on a hit or you let the 8 spins go by after a hit, or did you keep on playing the nrs after a hit?
I didn't change the numbers. I took the last 8 numbers, I think it's best if there are no repeats. So 8 uniques. Bet their pair numbers for 8 spins. Never even got to the 8th spin. Could be nothing. Could maybe be something. Maybe if there is a repeat in the last 8, include the repeat and that pair to make 8?
I feel an excel could be on the horizon..
Whilst looking to test this I saw these numbers...
I thought I was seeing double ...imagine some people would say this would never happen. Same numbers repeating 4 yes four times in a row!
Goes to show any run from hell can and will happen.
Anyway back to testing zone
my mind gone blank, hope u doing well, Good luck Ben
Quote from: buffalowizard on Feb 12, 10:40 AM 2019
Whilst looking to test this I saw these numbers...
I thought I was seeing double ...imagine some people would say this would never happen. Same numbers repeating 4 yes four times in a row!
Goes to show any run from hell can and will happen.
Anyway back to testing zone
Any chance you have the next 8 numbers BW? I do think with the method I was testing it works best with 8 uniques in a row? Vaddi did say it was crucial to have no repeats. But I am just curious if you played
For the next 8 spins if you got a hit.
Thanks BW
Quote from: buffalowizard on Feb 12, 10:40 AM 2019
Whilst looking to test this I saw these numbers...
I thought I was seeing double ...imagine some people would say this would never happen. Same numbers repeating 4 yes four times in a row!
Goes to show any run from hell can and will happen.
Anyway back to testing zone
if this happen, or constantly red black, group comes, that time i avoid play, because its not seems human work :)
Quote from: Elite on Feb 12, 10:46 AM 2019
my mind gone blank, hope u doing well, Good luck Ben
Man down, man down!
Quote from: Irish88 on Feb 12, 10:47 AM 2019
Any chance you have the next 8 numbers BW? I do think with the method I was testing it works best with 8 uniques in a row? Vaddi did say it was crucial to have no repeats. But I am just curious if you played
For the next 8 spins if you got a hit.
Thanks BW
Next were
32 then hit within 3 spins for a profit. Wont know without more testing, regarding the repeaters. Any repeater can pop up a 3rd time so maybe doesn't make a lot of difference.
Quote from: buffalowizard on Feb 12, 10:37 AM 2019
I feel an excel could be on the horizon..
It certainly is! all i need to know is if you let the 8 spins run after a hit or do you reset? either way i could post the results from both methods...
OK so here's how i played it...
i set it only to play when there were 8 unique numbers in the previous 8 spins, then played their pairs for 8 spins. i tried both reset on win and let the 8 spins play out.
this is over 30k and 60k spins.
Will focus on this now.
(link::// (link:://
and that:
(link::// (link:://
Sounds like a repeat single will have a
chip on the single and one on the natural split.
Example: 1,34,5,28,1 (newest spin-value)
Bet 1 chip on #1 and one chip on split 1/4.
New idea :)
Procedure: Note the newest column. Bet the newest
column's two newest natural splits once and Zero.
Repeat steps with each new spin-value.
Stop on a win or after seven consecutive misses.
Example: 21,0,23,2,3 (newest spin-value)
Bet two chips on 3/6, two chips on 21/24 and a chip on zero: 1.) 14(x)-7
Bet two chips on 14/17, two chips on 2/5 and zero....
One more idea :)
Procedure: Note the
newest three unique outcomes.
Bet minus one respectively on all three
(same three numbers) for up to 12 spins.
Stop on a win or after 12 consecutive misses.
Example: 12,2,19 (newest spin-value)
Bet 11,1,18 for up to 12 spins....
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 12, 09:07 PM 2019
Will focus on this now.
(link::// (link:://
and that:
(link::// (link:://
i didnt udnertsand this well yet, 1 chips on double or half chip on double, how to play :(. on doubles if i put one chip in that case still need to go 8 numbers max ?
New idea :)
Procedure: Track the newest
three unique High and Low outcomes.
Is the last decision High or Low?
Bet the newest three High w/Vaddi
pairs if High and vice-versa if Low + Zero.
Stop on a win or after five consecutive misses.
Example: 34,12,7,19,15 (newest spin-value)
Bet 15,16, 7,8, 12,13,0: 1.) 22(x)-7
Bet 34,35, 19,20, 22,23,0....
I bet proofreader has already posted or came very close to Vaddis way of playing but then comes up with a new idea and skipped past it lol. Not hating proof just would be funny.
Would be a Holy Fail!
Mmkay. I guess Vaddi gave Bigbroben the secret and now he's hoarding it. :o
New idea (Ahem)
Procedure: Locate the newest number to repeat. Place two chips
on that number and one chip on the last decision or newest unique.
If miss, bet the last bet and a chip on the newest outcome.
Continue until a win or a drawdown of -36 units.
Example: 21,0,3,34,12,17,3 (newest spin-value)
Bet two chips on #3, one chip on #17: 1.) 5(x)-3
Bet 3,3,17,5: 2.) 13(x)-4
Bet 3,3,17,5,13....
Hi my friends. Now time for out of box thinking.....
Is current 8 numbers always play have any relationship with law of third. Law of third never says current 8 number will repeat...... Within 8 numbers range... But after 37 spins it will have 12 doubles... What here missing in our betting... Law of third nvr says neighbour will come within 4 spins but in 37 spins neighbour will b there than what missing in our betting system..
According to stats the repeat will
usually happen bt 8th and 14th spin.
I would think after you had 10 unique
singles you would have a definite "hit-zone"
I've seen 16 consecutive unique singles.
Besides the 'magic' number is bt seven and eight.
Still looking.
Neighbour will b there than what missing in our betting system-Elite
Okay, but it has to be something playable in a B&M, not rocket science.
Let's see where this goes:
Procedure: Bet the last decision
outcome, a neighbor on either side.
If miss, bet the decision before last, the
last decision and a neighbor on either side.
Repeat steps until a drawdown of -36 units.
Example: #26 (European Wheel)
Bet 3,26,0: 1.) 5(x)-3
Bet 26, 10,5,24: 2.) 7(x)-4
Bet 26,5, 29,7,28: 3.) ....
24 spins in profit. How many doubled and single we hit to get that. What about if after 24 spins no profit then which singles will take.... What ayk tracker shows... Stats of neighbour./ double range..if it's out of range stats means betting system need to modify...or Inumbers are dropping based on latest 4 numbers and their pairing... Vaadi said system recoup losses itself.. How only when there is more chip on targeted numbers which are doubles. Flat betting.. So means half chip on neighbour and double on doubles...... How he manage this for consistent profit... I hope it's relationship with pairing... So some particular pairing gap occurs then predictable outcomes... He said 7 or 8 numbers increase accuracy.... How it can be......
4, 8 12 24 think evens... I hope cycles spins numbers. E. G if until 12 no double means we have to on pair or single. Or double.. Remember he said.. He do analyse facts first and build system on top of that
final solution is simple, keeping all neighbors sleeper track is not easy ..So there is simple method, that can be hit numbers ,if 12 numbers out no double , then next number from these 12 is most probably will land soon, instead of other 24 numbers, so priority should b current 12 numbers , he said, wheel is recycling numbers for perfect balance, so wheel cannot recycle numbers immediate for perfect balance, but balance wheel come,, a thought,
more out of box, these neighbors will be singles of previous cycles, so betting on neighbors is same as betting of singles of previous cycles singles etc
Allright, another test with an irrelevant number of spins ( ;) )
What I did was playing the +1/-1 pair of last 4 spins, and adding the new ones as the spins go by.
If 5 13 26 28, play 4,6,12,14,25,27,29
Nr 1 hits: add 0 and 2
If last 4 are 12, 21, 13, 27, play 11,14,20,22,26,28
Nr 10 hits: add nr9 (11 already played)
If last 4 are 12,21,12,27, play 11,12,13, 20,22,26,28 (put a unit on the nr if it repeats).
Nr 27 hits, add nr27.
Stop and reset on a hit.
Preliminary test attached.
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 14, 09:04 AM 2019
Allright, another test with an irrelevant number of spins ( ;) )
What I did was playing the +1/-1 pair of last 4 spins, and adding the new ones as the spins go by.
If 5 13 26 28, play 4,6,12,14,25,27,29
Nr 1 hits: add 0 and 2
If last 4 are 12, 21, 13, 27, play 11,14,20,22,26,28
Nr 10 hits: add nr9 (11 already played)
If last 4 are 12,21,12,27, play 11,12,13, 20,22,26,28 (put a unit on the nr if it repeats).
Nr 27 hits, add nr27.
Stop and reset on a hit.
Preliminary test attached.
I have been testing something similar and had the same results. I think it has something to do with pairs like in the back to basics thread. With numbers that have hit, other numbers in that area seem to flock together.
New idea
"Four-Number natural column splits"
1,4,7,10: 2,5,8,11: 3,6,9,12
13,16,19,22: 14,17,20,23: 15,18,21,24
25,28,31,34: 26,29,32,35: 27,30,33,36
Procedure: Note the newest non-zero spin-value.
Bet the Vaddi pair's natural column group once + Zero.
Repeat steps with each new spin-value.
Stop on a win or after seven consecutive misses.
Example: #32 (newest spin-value)
Bet 27,30,33,36,0: 1.) 12(x)-5
Bet 13,16,19,22,0: 2.) 36(x)-5
Bet 1,4,7,10,0....
Quote from: Irish88 on Feb 14, 09:33 AM 2019
I have been testing something similar and had the same results. I think it has something to do with pairs like in the back to basics thread. With numbers that have hit, other numbers in that area seem to flock together.
Yes Back to Basics and the tracker do help finding new avenues.
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 14, 09:04 AM 2019
What I did was playing the +1/-1 pair of last 4 spins, and adding the new ones as the spins go by.
If 5 13 26 28, play 4,6,12,14,25,27,29
Nr 1 hits: add 0 and 2
Stop and reset on a hit.
Followup at 400 spins: holding.
So you are just keep adding numbers and there pairs as they appear until a hit?
Or do you have a maximum amount of numbers that your betting on example 5?
Not the number, unless it repeats when both +1/-1 pairs are filled. I am testing the idea, so I just go until a hit, no max played nrs.
so just to clarify
numbers are 1st 4 spins no bet just tracking
27 bet 6,7,5,29,30,31,24,25,26,27,28
1 bet 1,2,0,5,6,7,29,30,31,23,24,25,27,28
17 bet 1,2,0,5,6,7,29,30,31,23,24,25,27,28,16,17,18
14 bet 0,1,2,5,6,7,29,30,31,23,24,2527,28,16,17,18,13,14,15
and so on until a hit
Or are you only playing last 4 and add whatever hits on the 5 th spin then bet this for 4 spins?
I did not play the hit nr, just the +1/-1 pair. If a number hits and both neighbours are filled, I put a unit on the nr.
If 5 13 26 28, play 4,6,12,14,25,27,29
Nr 1 hits: add 0 and 2
If last 4 are 12, 21, 13, 27, play 11,14,20,22,26,28
Nr 10 hits: add nr9 (11 already played)
If last 4 are 12,21,12,27, play 11,12,13, 20,22,26,28 (put a unit on the nr if it repeats).
Nr 27 hits, add nr27.
Stop and reset on a hit.
It's just a test though.
So Im still not clear
Are you adding each pair as they hit
last 4 numbers
29 Play 1.3,8,10.26,28.30 as 28 already covered
5 Bet 1,3,4,6,8,10,26,28,30
36 Bet 0,35,1,3,4,6,8,10,26,28,30
17 Bet 16,18,0,35,1,3,4,6,8,10,26,28,30
............ and so on keep betting more numbers until a hit?
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 14, 02:06 PM 2019ast 4 numbers
Awesome, thanks for sharing BigBen
If anyone tests this on their side feel free to share! I removed the tab by error on the test I was with RS. I this it was at 200u on spin 460.
It's just a test though. Nothing pretended.
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 14, 08:08 PM 2019
I removed the tab by error on the test I was with RS.
Well Rs remembered it and I was able to continue... :ooh:
Almost gave up at some point but I thought this is a test...
So, spin 600, 484u. Low of 112, 400+u from high was a sharp downturn but stayed in the race.
I love the irrelevant nr of spins...
Hey Bigbroben people just want a system
that's easy to use and wins most of the time.
Your system does that most of
the time. That's all anyone can ask.
True they're all mostly simple but require good memory or pen and paper if no rebet function is available, such as real wheel and real chips.
Yours are way simpler imo.
Vaddi's is supposedly also sinple if you only need the marquee and a quick and easy decision.
Anyway, 900 spins now.
Bigbroben do you have more that one set of Live wheel spins, i.e: Dublinbet
( has at least two Euro Roulette wheels? Spielbank spins?
It would be interesting to see what happens to the system on both. (suggestion)
I have no live wheel spins set, or maybe the 66k spins Spark shared the other day. I know The General shared one a few months ago...
Here you go :)
But I see the point. Except when on Rsim, I always use excel random as a base for testing. I consider it to be reliable as a rng: laws of large numbers shows the same results as excel does. But the point is about the path to the average. Building a system based on wheel neighbours, sectors, distances and then using an rng might not be appropriate.
But I can, and I did before, use a database and create a macro that would copy/paste from a source to the nr column. So possible.
Applause for Bigbroben's efforts :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
New idea :)
Procedure: Note the newest three unique singles.
Bet those three and their respective Vaddi pairs once.
Repeat steps with each new spin-value.
Stop on a win or after six consecutive misses.
Example: 12,31,0 (newest spin-value)
Bet 12,13,31,32,0,1: 1.) 14(x)-6
Bet 31,32,0,1,14,15....
Like Ghandi said yesterday: maybe we went by something important without seeing it, or by not using a proper number source...
It would be nice to see how Bigbroben's
system behaves with American Roulette spins also.
Not much but it's something
Celtic Live Casino 00 wheel (06/02/2016)
Batch of 30 spins.
1. 10
2. 19
3. 17
4. 10
5. 27
6. 13
7. 16
8. 34
9. 7
10. 24
11. 3
12. 28
13. 17
14. 36
15. 11
16. 10
17. 23
18. 34
19. 29
20. 31
21. 5
22. 10
23. 13
24. 26
25. 25
26. 10
27. 33
28. 5
29. 11
30. 13
Celtic Live Casino 00 wheel (07/02/2016)
Batch of 50 spins.
1. 11
2. 5
3. 4
4. 16
5. 25
6. 33
7. 8
8. 18
9. 3
10. 7
11. 19
12. 23
13. 35
14. 17
15. 3
16. 29
17. 33
18. 23
19. 7
20. 3
21. 2
22. 28
23. 3
24. 28
25. 7
26. 22
27. 15
28. 35
29. 18
30. 3
31. 17
32. 11
33. 25
34. 00
35. 20
36. 23
37. 34
38. 31
39. 0
40. 21
41. 30
42. 25
43. 10
44. 34
45. 26
46. 3
47. 9
48. 24
49. 19
50. 35
Marathon is ended. Player A wins.
The battle is won but not the war. This is a first test.
The last 1000spin test I did a few pages ago was also good. That one focused on repeating nrs in repeating sequences, this one here using pairs only. Both are surprising in their results, but I would not call it HG. Probably luck after all.
Would be for sure curious to test both with real wheel nrs.
Have a good night people see you tomorrow.
BB did you always counted the last 4 unique? What if it was 2, 15, 6,,6, 13. Only 6, 13, 15 or 2 also? Did a short test on RS yesterday. On phone through so didn't know how to copy and paste result here. Didn't play outfit only up to about 60 spins. Always in minus but never more down than - 120. You need to have patience with this, but Vaddi also said It would recover in about 150 spins. Will test more on PC today. Have RX but also real spins.
Out of Box non stop cycles..
its cycle 1 to 8 single unit
start single sequence.. Until 8 If in profit. Reset again. If loose all keep 8
And start
2nd cycle 1 to 8 With 2 units.
If win and profit then reset to first cycle
If loose all keep cycle 1 and 2 and start 3rd final cycle.
Bet 3 units... Until 8
Resting cycle option... Count profit of each cycle... If in profit reset only that cycle. If on the whole in profit then reset all.. If loose all 3 cycles... Go in progression mode. With each hit increase amount on one number from each 3 cycles.
Out of box 12/ 4= 3
3 cycles of 4 numbers
Ist cycle one unit 2nd cycle 2 units 3rd cycle 3 units.. Total 12 numbers if loose all in progression on these 12 with each number land raise a unit on one number from 3 sets if in profit reset to first. If loss keep progression .if any cycle hits 2 times with in 4 numbers range remove that cycle and start new cycle of 4 numbers play like this until 74 spins case of loss
Quote from: boyd30 on Feb 15, 12:08 AM 2019
BB did you always counted the last 4 unique? What if it was 2, 15, 6,,6, 13. Only 6, 13, 15 or 2 also? Did a short test on RS yesterday. On phone through so didn't know how to copy and paste result here. Didn't play outfit only up to about 60 spins. Always in minus but never more down than - 120. You need to have patience with this, but Vaddi also said It would recover in about 150 spins. Will test more on PC today. Have RX but also real spins.
I've had a drawdown of 450u at some point, almost gave up but surprisingly it held.
If last 4 are 15, 6, 6, 13, I'd put units on 5,6,7,12,14,16. 6 repeats and both neighbours are filled.
would you win on these, remember there's 1 pocket to0O many
(link::// (link:://
(link::// (link:://
Which is last number: left or right?
Rightside 17 then 32 last spin
Quote from: nottophammer on Feb 15, 08:28 AM 2019
would you win on these, remember there's 1 pocket to0O many
(link::// (link:://
(link::// (link:://
Notto the way I have been testing I would have hit the first 5 spins I played.
Play 31,33,3,4,29,31,19,20,7,9,14,16,3,4,1,2
14 hits win add 13,15 drop 31,33
19 hits win drop 3,4
7 hits win add 6,8 drop 29,31
6 hits win play 5,7
13 hits win
There is a lot of overlapping. Kind of hard to explain. I explained it in the back to basics thread. Once a number on the marquee hits the 9th position I drop it from play.
Quote from: nottophammer on Feb 15, 08:41 AM 2019
Rightside 17 then 32 last spin
What a crazy set of spins!
Would have score +115u
Yes Ben but you ended plus; so that one pocket to0 many, Ha
Quote from: nottophammer on Feb 15, 09:05 AM 2019
Yes Ben but you ended plus; so that one pocket to0 many, Ha
Variance... How often do you see one triple and 21 singles in 24 spins?
New idea :)
Procedure: Bet the last two same dozen
outcomes and their respective Vaddi pairs.
*If zero shows bet last two
first dozen outcomes w/Vaddi pairs.
Stop on a win or after nine consecutive misses.
Example: 21,9,34,2 (newest spin-value)
Bet 2,3,9,10: 1.) 13(x)-4
Bet 21,22,13,14: 2.) 0(x)-4
Bet 0,1,2,3....
Here's another :)
Procedure: Note the newest
spin-value. What is the Vaddi pair?
Bet the Vaddi pair, one number numerically less
and numerically higher once. (Three numbers in play).
Repeat steps if miss. Stop on a
win or after 12 consecutive misses.
Example: #3 (newest spin-value-Vaddi pair is #4)
Bet 3,4,5 once: 1.) 0(x)-3-Vaddi pair is #1
Bet 0,1,2 once....
*Banner day :thumbsup:
Procedure: Note the newest spin-value.
Bet the last decision single, the neighbor on either side of
the newest outcome and the last decision's Vaddi pair once.
Stop on a win or after nine consecutive misses.
Example: (European Wheel) #0 (newest spin-value)
Bet 26,0,32,1 once: 1.) 5(x)-4
Bet 10,5,24,6....
Quick idea for la bomba:
(link::// (link:://
It is feasible to bet the 2 neighbours on both sides of each number with 3 chips and going along the Bomba idea. Only nrs 35 and 1 will be more problematic, but see:
For nrs on column 1:
(link::// (link:://
For nrs on column 2:
(link::// (link:://
For nrs on column 3:
(link::// (link:://
Could this be a way to exploit hits and unhits? Not sure, but an idea is an idea...
I would love to know the hit rate on that
Depends how you apply it...
From the looks of it Column 1 would
be the easiest to play imo bc it is in a natural line.
Natural Lines: L1-6, L7-12, L13-18, L19-24, L25-30, L31-36
For 1:
(link::// (link:://
For 2:
(link::// (link:://
For 35:
(link::// (link:://
All ''blocks'' have 3 chips, cover 5 nrs and the hit nr is worth 1u
So basically it is two numbers numerically behind,
last decision outcome and two numbers higher.
(Forgive me it looks confusing)
Yeah well it's just a setup for having 1u on the hit and half a unit on neighbours.
For column 2 it's easy to put, say, a unit on split 4/5 and 5/6 to have 1u equivalent on the nr and half a unit on the neighbours. But for columns 1 and 3 this is impossible, unless doubling everything up. So if using 2 neighbours on both sides, it is possible mostly everywhere, except 1 and 35.
So it's a setup for any system that would play 1u on a hit and half unit on 4 neighbours: last x nrs out rolling, only the last rolling, or add until a hit...
I just tested it on Dublinbet Live #1 and BV RNG. Hit-rate is very good :d
How exactly?
Remember in the MMM thread where Vaddi throws his clues, one guy send the link to the MIDO (or MODI) system that separates groups in ROL, ROH, REL REH BOL BOH BEL BEH. Vaddi then said the guy who thought of that understood something...
ROL, example, red odd low are nrs 1 3 5 7 9. They all are 2 nrs appart, so there may be a point there to use 2 neighbours on each side.
If you bet the last decision with two numbers numerically lower than last decision and two numbers numerically higher, changing the bet with each new spin-value
from early tests it has been hitting within seven spins consistently.
This system sells for 25$.
Easy to do Bigbroben bc I just made $31 @ Lincoln Casino RNG Real Money 1st spin. :thumbsup:
Nice proof, never hurts to get paid to research... :thumbsup:
start of new cycle:
fill all the previous draw numbers until 37 number filled, that point onward can be consider starting a fresh new cycle ,
end of cycle : fill all the draw numbers until 37 numbers filled..
As per normal rule, cycle start from the number chosen. until 37 spins.
:important point, i think is follow what the wheel does. which means, bet style will change accordingly..with static bet style, i dont think long term wining as roulette takes different turns in each cycle, just my thought;;
Hi friends, any link to download Roulette number data extractor, program, tq
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 15, 09:56 PM 2019
For 1:
(link::// (link:://
For 2:
(link::// (link:://
For 35:
(link::// (link:://
All ''blocks'' have 3 chips, cover 5 nrs and the hit nr is worth 1u
if its on 18 , how u will make bet?
It's column 3:
(link::// (link:://
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 17, 07:58 AM 2019
It's column 3:
(link::// (link:://
thnks ,
sharing one thought on pairings, based on number fall, pairing also impact, here is case of 10 numbers,
First case= max 5 singles wihtout pairs
if number fall like , 1, 3, 5, 7 9
2nd case Max 4 single without pairs,
this case no possibility of 5th single without pair.
So my view is based on number fallen, pairing also impacts and some cases more chances for pairing to come based on already draw numbers,
an anlaysis only , may b not good, but just and idea
another thought on pairing, roultte wheel numbers which are close with each other and can be included in during pairing with table layout,
++ inclusive of 27+30, 34,+36 above is an idea, so place as rough
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 08, 08:36 AM 2019
Say you have these nrs:
16 24 1 29 19 28 16 ( new). 16 repeated.
Play 16.
16 24 1 29 19 28 16 30
Play 16 24
16 24 1 29 19 28 16 30 22
Play 16 24 1
16 24 1 29 19 28 16 30 22 16
16 hit again. Win
Play 16
16 30 22 31
Play 16 30
16 30 22 31 22 ( missed 22 but it's ok, can't catch all repeaters)
Play 16 30 22
16 30 22 31 22 29
Play 16 30 22 31
16 30 22 31 22 29 25
Play 16 30 22 31 29
16 30 22 31 22 29 25 33
Play 16 30 22 31 29 25
16 30 22 3122 29 25 33 23
Play 16 30 22 31 29 25 33
16 30 22 31 22 29 25 33 23 22
22 hits, win.
Play 22
22 29 25 33 23 22 28
Play 22 29
That's how I interpreted ''Follow the wheel''. Played and added nrs until a hit, did not stop at 8 or any amount of nrs.
Luck? Still to be proven wrong!
Started a second test with the ''follow the wheel'' theory. Little tweak:
On a hit, if between the two occurences of the hit number, another one repeated, use this "fresher" repeater and add the equivalent number as if you had played this repeater.
17 32
36 29 7 18 19
36 24 34 22
17 (new).
So let's say you were playing whatever nr and you got your hit on 17. Start again at 17 then 32 then 36? No because 36 had repeated inbetween. Start at 36 then 29 then 7 then 18?
No, the second 36 was 5 spins ago. I'd start right away with 5 nrs: 36 29 7 18 19, then add 24, 34, 22,...
This is what I thought of for this second test.
200 spins so far, +349u, will keep updated.
Follow spins of wheel and pattern of wheel or spins or numbers etc.... My view based on clue
Yes I think this is whst is meant by "follow the wheel".
Good job BBB.
Surely this warrants some of your excel magic
Is Big Bro Ben on the right path >:D
First example ive looked at...please check I am getting this right . including the new tweak with how you retrack for a new play. Thanks
17 repeat of 17. Bet 17
31 17,18
6 17,18,31
25. 17,18,31,3
29 17,18,31,3,4
19. 17,18,31,3,4,6
36. 17,18,31,3,4,6,25
23. 17,18,31,3,4,6,25,29
- - -
27. 17,18,31,3,4,6,25,29,19
0 17,18,31,3,4,6,25,29,19,36
26 17,18,31,3,4,6,25,29,19,36,23
4 win! Bet back from 1st 4
Now play 17,31,6,25,29,19,36,23,27,0,26
17 WIN
So now would you retrack back to the first 17 again ? By betting 31,6,25,29,19,36,23,27,0,26,4?
not exactly. I guess it's another method that could be worth testing.
There were no repeaters between the 2 4s so I'd start with 4, then 4 17, and 4 17 31...
Let's say in your example it was a 25 before the 0 instead of 27.
25 would have repeated between the 2 4s, with the last 25 occurence 4 spins ago.
Would have started with 4 nrs from the 1st 25, so: 25, 29, 19, 36
Then 25 29 19 36 23, then 25 29 19 36 23 0...
Anyway, update at spin 400: still up, +252u, did not crash like Titanic but remained flat. Will continue.
May I try?
How about two chips on repeat singles and one and a half chip on an attribute of
the repeater-Example 17 is Black, Odd, Low-which is dominant on the marquee?
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 18, 08:14 AM 2019
not exactly. I guess it's another method that could be worth testing.
There were no repeaters between the 2 4s so I'd start with 4, then 4 17, and 4 17 31...
Let's say in your example it was a 25 before the 0 instead of 27.
25 would have repeated between the 2 4s, with the last 25 occurence 4 spins ago.
Would have started with 4 nrs from the 1st 25, so: 25, 29, 19, 36
Then 25 29 19 36 23, then 25 29 19 36 23 0...
Anyway, update at spin 400: still up, +252u, did not crash like Titanic but remained flat. Will continue.
Ok thanks for clarifying. Best of luck
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Feb 18, 02:19 PM 2019
Bigbroben, I'm realizing and unintentionally doing something similar to dyksexlic ... :twisted:
Agree, Ben is on to something with this, through his large scale tests he may have accidentally stumbled onto the core component of a successful play. :love:
No shame in that, some of our best inventions were found unintentionally,
The drug
Sildenafil was originally tested as a simple blood pressure medication...but when the trials showed dudes having one single very unexpected result, it was quickly re-purposed towards becoming the world's most popular boner pill. :twisted:
I stil think it is lluck, default value... !
We'll see, I'll post the 2nd 1000 spin graph once I'm done with it.
Spin 600, +441u, new high. Was flat or hard for a while, but came back.
Great testing BBB. Are you doing It by hand? Wish I could code. I usually get tired after 50-100 spins of testing. Don't have the patience or time.
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 14, 11:50 PM 2019
Marathon is ended. Player A wins.
The battle is won but not the war. This is a first test.
The last 1000spin test I did a few pages ago was also good. That one focused on repeating nrs in repeating sequences, this one here using pairs only. Both are surprising in their results, but I would not call it HG. Probably luck after all.
Would be for sure curious to test both with real wheel nrs.
Have a good night people see you tomorrow.
BBB / Proof
I was working on Winner's 'Beating the Even Money' last weekend, and I noticed Ben posted this chart, showing some fairly impressive results (800 units from 1000 spins!). I felt I was making no progress deciphering Winners staking system (and getting frustrated), so I decided to run a few tests of this system myself.
I followed the basic rules which Ben described in an earlier post, but with some very minor modifications.
My modifications:
Following Ben's original rules, there isn't always the opportunity to put two units on each spin. Example:
First spin: #3. Bet numbers 2-4.
Second spin: #18. Bet numbers 2-4, 17-19.
Third spin: #20. Bet numbers 2-4, 17-19, 20-21 (19 was taken, so bet #20)
Fourth spin: #33. Bet numbers 2-4, 17-19, 20-21, 32-34, etc....
Reset when you get a hit, whether in profit or loss. Record the result. Start again.
If a hit occurs on 2nd spin +34 units
If a hit occurs on 3rd spin +30 units
If a hit occurs on 4th spin +24 units
If a hit occurs on 5th spin +16 units
If a hit occurs on 6th Spin +6 units
If a hit occurs on 7th spin -6 units
If a hit occurs on 8th spin -20 units
If a hit occurs on 9th spin -36 units
If a hit occurs on 10th spin -54 units
If a hit occurs on 11th spin -74 units
If a hit occurs on 12th spin -96 units (This never occurred during the 1000 spin test)
All tests were carried out on my roulette simulator.
All credit to BBB and Proof :).
(link::// (link:://
(link::// (link:://
The chart shows a result similar to Ben's. 1000 spins with a profit of +927 units. All flat bet.
Quote from: jono1167 on Feb 18, 05:11 PM 2019
BBB / Proof
I was working on Winner's 'Beating the Even Money' last weekend, and I noticed Ben posted this chart, showing some fairly impressive results (800 units from 1000 spins!). I felt I was making no progress deciphering Winners staking system (and getting frustrated), so I decided to run a few tests of this system myself.
I followed the basic rules which Ben described in an earlier post, but with some very minor modifications.
My modifications:
Following Ben's original rules, there isn't always the opportunity to put two units on each spin. Example:
First spin: #3. Bet numbers 2-4.
Second spin: #18. Bet numbers 2-4, 17-19.
Third spin: #20. Bet numbers 2-4, 17-19, 20-21 (19 was taken, so bet #20)
Fourth spin: #33. Bet numbers 2-4, 17-19, 20-21, 32-34, etc....
Reset when you get a hit, whether in profit or loss. Record the result. Start again.
If a hit occurs on 2nd spin +34 units
If a hit occurs on 3rd spin +30 units
If a hit occurs on 4th spin +24 units
If a hit occurs on 5th spin +16 units
If a hit occurs on 6th Spin +6 units
If a hit occurs on 7th spin -6 units
If a hit occurs on 8th spin -20 units
If a hit occurs on 9th spin -36 units
If a hit occurs on 10th spin -54 units
If a hit occurs on 11th spin -74 units
If a hit occurs on 12th spin -96 units (This never occurred during the 1000 spin test)
All tests were carried out on my roulette simulator.
All credit to BBB and Proof :).
(link::// (link:://
(link::// (link:://
The chart shows a result similar to Ben's. 1000 spins with a profit of +927 units. All flat bet.
Jono your first bet is when we have a repeat like BBB rules? Thanks!!
Quote from: nichedelico on Feb 18, 06:07 PM 2019
Jono your first bet is when we have a repeat like BBB rules? Thanks!!
Don't thank me, thank BBB and Proof :). Keep testing. I reckon you could make a few more minor modifications for even better results.
Quote from: nichedelico on Feb 18, 06:07 PM 2019
Jono your first bet is when we have a repeat like BBB rules? Thanks!!
Sorry Nichedelico, I just re-read your post. After a hit, I record the results, I then do a fresh spin, and begin from that number. No need to wait for a repeat. Very simple. Let us know how you go....
Thanks Nichedelico
I am going to try a tweak on Bigbroben's original formula
Track the last 12 outcomes. Note the newest repeat single.
Bet the newest two outcomes and two chips on the
newest repeater. Adjust the bet with each new outcome.
Stop on a win or after nine consecutive misses.
Example: 12,0,13,9,28,7,9,29,3,31,2,18 (newest spin-value)
Bet two chips on #9, one chip on 2,18 once: 1.) 35(x)-4
Bet 9,9,18,35 once: 2.) 28(x)-4
Bet 28,28,18,35 once....
v.01 :)
Track the last 12 outcomes. Note the newest repeat single.
Bet the newest three outcomes and one chip on the
newest repeater. Adjust the bet with each new outcome.
Example: 12,9,30,4,7,8,29,3,4,1,35,0 (newest spin-value)
Bet 4,1,35,0 once: 1.) 3(x)-4
Bet 3,1,35,0 once....
v.02 :)
Track the last 12 outcomes. Note the newest repeat single.
Bet the newest outcome and its Vaddi pair and the
newest repeat single and it's Vaddi pair (four numbers in play).
Stop on a win or after 12 consecutive misses.
Example: 12,31,0,15,3,29,23,0,22,1,33,9 (newest spin-value)
Bet 0,1 & 9,10: 1.) 29(x)-4
Bet 29,30 & 9,10....
And why should that work better than just guessing? Where's the logic?
Quote from: jono1167 on Feb 18, 05:11 PM 2019
BBB / Proof
I was working on Winner's 'Beating the Even Money' last weekend, and I noticed Ben posted this chart, showing some fairly impressive results (800 units from 1000 spins!). I felt I was making no progress deciphering Winners staking system (and getting frustrated), so I decided to run a few tests of this system myself.
I followed the basic rules which Ben described in an earlier post, but with some very minor modifications.
My modifications:
Following Ben's original rules, there isn't always the opportunity to put two units on each spin. Example:
First spin: #3. Bet numbers 2-4.
Second spin: #18. Bet numbers 2-4, 17-19.
Third spin: #20. Bet numbers 2-4, 17-19, 20-21 (19 was taken, so bet #20)
Fourth spin: #33. Bet numbers 2-4, 17-19, 20-21, 32-34, etc....
Reset when you get a hit, whether in profit or loss. Record the result. Start again.
If a hit occurs on 2nd spin +34 units
If a hit occurs on 3rd spin +30 units
If a hit occurs on 4th spin +24 units
If a hit occurs on 5th spin +16 units
If a hit occurs on 6th Spin +6 units
If a hit occurs on 7th spin -6 units
If a hit occurs on 8th spin -20 units
If a hit occurs on 9th spin -36 units
If a hit occurs on 10th spin -54 units
If a hit occurs on 11th spin -74 units
If a hit occurs on 12th spin -96 units (This never occurred during the 1000 spin test)
All tests were carried out on my roulette simulator.
All credit to BBB and Proof :).
(link::// (link:://
(link::// (link:://
The chart shows a result similar to Ben's. 1000 spins with a profit of +927 units. All flat bet.
As you are playing and you get a repeat, how would you bet?
So 23 hit play 22 and 24
15 hit add 14 and 16
23 hit again....would you now add 21 and 25?
Quote from: The General on Feb 18, 09:00 PM 2019
And why should that work better than just guessing? Where's the logic?
There is none! It's magic! You gotta believe it before to see it. :xd:
Quote from: buffalowizard on Feb 18, 07:34 AM 2019
Good job BBB.
Surely this warrants some of your excel magic
Gawsh no! Would not want to break the spell...
I would not know exactly how to do it.
Quote from: jono1167 on Feb 18, 06:27 PM 2019
Don't thank me, thank BBB and Proof :). Keep testing. I reckon you could make a few more minor modifications for even better results.
Glad your test showed good results. Thanks for testing and tweaking.
800 spins, somewhat flat, tanked a bit but held. +346u. This is a rollercoaster...
I noticed again sometimes I'd be 1 spin behind, the nr I was about to put just hit. Irritating...
Sometimes the neighbours would hit. Could be tweaked about this.
Anyway, was heading for the last sprint but RS flushed it! Damn...
Quote from: boyd30 on Feb 18, 03:40 PM 2019
Great testing BBB. Are you doing It by hand? Wish I could code. I usually get tired after 50-100 spins of testing. Don't have the patience or time.
I dont get tired of it yet. Sometimes it's fun to "play" the game instead of coding formulas...
Quote from: Irish88 on Feb 18, 09:28 PM 2019
As you are playing and you get a repeat, how would you bet?
So 23 hit play 22 and 24
15 hit add 14 and 16
23 hit again....would you now add 21 and 25?
Irish, good question, let me clarify. For the completed test, this is the rule I followed... I will expand your example so it's clear....
First spin: Hit #23. Bet numbers 22-24.
Second spin: Hit #15. Bet numbers 22-24, 14-16.
Third spin: Hit #31. Bet numbers 22-24, 14-16, 30-32.
Fourth spin: Hit#8. Bet numbers 22-24, 14-16, 30-32, 7-9.
Fifth spin: Hit #23 (Repeat). Bet numbers 22-(23)-24, 14-(15)-16, 30-32, 7-9.
My rule is that I have to add two numbers every spin. Because 23 repeated, I bet 23. Then I bet the second earliest number 15.
Let me know if this isn't clear.....
Having just explained all of that, I believe this is the part of the system which could easily be tweaked. I'll post what I have in mind tomorrow, however, for the sake of keeping the testing consistent, stick to this rule. It has obviously worked pretty well so far....!
Thanks Irish
Jono, on the chart you posted, what was your nr source?
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 18, 10:11 PM 2019
Jono, on the chart you posted, what was your nr source?
Ben, I used a Roulette Simulator app. I did the testing manually over a few days.
Quote from: jono1167 on Feb 18, 10:08 PM 2019
Irish, good question, let me clarify. For the completed test, this is the rule I followed... I will expand your example so it's clear....
First spin: Hit #23. Bet numbers 22-24.
Second spin: Hit #15. Bet numbers 22-24, 14-16.
Third spin: Hit #31. Bet numbers 22-24, 14-16, 30-32.
Fourth spin: Hit#8. Bet numbers 22-24, 14-16, 30-32, 7-9.
Fifth spin: Hit #23 (Repeat). Bet numbers 22-(23)-24, 14-(15)-16, 30-32, 7-9.
My rule is that I have to add two numbers every spin. Because 23 repeated, I bet 23. Then I bet the second earliest number 15.
Let me know if this isn't clear.....
Having just explained all of that, I believe this is the part of the system which could easily be tweaked. I'll post what I have in mind tomorrow, however, for the sake of keeping the testing consistent, stick to this rule. It has obviously worked pretty well so far....!
Thanks Irish
Ok thank you for the explanation. It helps out a lot. Once you get a repeater you include that repeat and the number after the first time the repeated number appeared?
So you would add 8 and 17 into the group of numbers.
I ran a test on RS and was down significantly because of the repeaters and not knowing how to apply them. Will try again. Thank you Jono for yours posts. Much appreciated.
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 18, 10:11 PM 2019
Jono, on the chart you posted, what was your nr source?
Very similar results to yours Ben....
I know. I'm happy with the results but still think it is luck. The underlying idea it worth investigating, of course.
Quote from: The General on Feb 18, 09:00 PM 2019
And why should that work better than just guessing? Where's the logic?
Hey General, I was merely guessing. Yup just plain no brainer guessing every spin.
The logic, General ?
Play this guessing game 1000times, then post the nicest chart on forum just for you General. There you have it, the logic. Try it :xd: :xd: :xd:
Quote from: Irish88 on Feb 18, 10:30 PM 2019
Ok thank you for the explanation. It helps out a lot. Once you get a repeater you include that repeat and the number after the first time the repeated number appeared?
So you would add 8 and 17 into the group of numbers.
I ran a test on RS and was down significantly because of the repeaters and not knowing how to apply them. Will try again. Thank you Jono for yours posts. Much appreciated.
Original Example
First spin: Hit #23. Bet numbers 22-24.
Second spin: Hit #15. Bet numbers 22-24, 14-16.
Third spin: Hit #31. Bet numbers 22-24, 14-16, 30-32.
Fourth spin: Hit#8. Bet numbers 22-24, 14-16, 30-32, 7-9.
Fifth spin: Hit #23 (Repeat). Bet numbers 22-(23)-24, 14-(15)-16, 30-32, 7-9.
Sorry Irish, I'm getting confused now. So, in the example I gave, #23 repeats on the fifth spin. Numbers 22 and 24 are already taken (as per the Vaddi neighbors rule). Because #23 has come out again I place the chip on #23 which is currently vacant. I need to place one more chip, so I place it between #14 and #16. Hopefully this is clearer....
Quote from: The General on Feb 18, 09:00 PM 2019
And why should that work better than just guessing? Where's the logic?
Hey General, I played another 100spins on top of that first 100spins. It's a lot harder! Guess what ? I got luckier still. Luckyfella for a reason, specially for you General. :xd: :xd: :xd:
Quote from: The General on Feb 18, 09:00 PM 2019
And why should that work better than just guessing? Where's the logic?
Ease of play, looked good in early tests...
Quote from: The General on Feb 18, 09:00 PM 2019
And why should that work better than just guessing? Where's the logic?
Yo General, 100spins more on top of the earlier 200spins. That's my guessing game. That's the 3segments of 100spins each, just for you :xd: :xd: :xd:
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Feb 18, 11:50 PM 2019
Ease of play, looked good in early tests...
Moreover, a bettor goes to a B&M Roulette
table, the dealer offers 10 seconds to place a bet.
According to Vaddi, the system
uses the newest outcome, repeat single(s)
easy enough for a 10 year old to understand.
(That's my aim)
Also remember the bet selection (according to Vaddi) has to
be a multiple of 24--and will bring the bankroll back to break even.
Example: nine number bet misses three
consecutive times but hits on the fourth attempt=break even.
Example two: the stepped sequence bet: misses
1,2,3,4,5,6,7, hits when eight numbers are played=break even
A one number, two number, three number, four number, six, nine &
12 number flat-bet selection can bring the balance back to break even.
New idea :)
Track last seven outcomes: Red
or Black which is the minority? (ignore zeros)
Bet the minority numbers with a Vaddi
pair. Repeat steps with each new spin-value.
Stop on a win or a drawdown of -36 units.
Example: 12,31,4,17,9,18,19 (newest spin-value)
Since Black is in the minority bet 31,32,4,5,17,18 once.
First of all, thanks to everyone for testing and sharing.
I don't know if I'm playing this right, and it seems that there has been so many chops and changes, I'm a little confused.
I think BBB should create his own post - and in the very first post , please explain how you are currently now playing it.
I get the whole bet selection, I understand that it's flat betting, but sadly my results aren't that positive. That's why I want clarification.
I've scrolled back through some of the pages, and then you 1+/-1 on the last 4 hit numbers, then you bet +2/-2 , then some weird combiantion of neighbors.
So all I would like to know - what is the current method that is performing the best.
Thanks in advance.
PS - I'd like to share my results too, so would like to confirm the above.
Quote from: Maui13 on Feb 19, 04:56 AM 2019
First of all, thanks to everyone for testing and sharing.
I don't know if I'm playing this right, and it seems that there has been so many chops and changes, I'm a little confused.
I think BBB should create his own post - and in the very first post , please explain how you are currently now playing it.
I get the whole bet selection, I understand that it's flat betting, but sadly my results aren't that positive. That's why I want clarification.
I've scrolled back through some of the pages, and then you 1+/-1 on the last 4 hit numbers, then you bet +2/-2 , then some weird combiantion of neighbors.
So all I would like to know - what is the current method that is performing the best.
Thanks in advance.
PS - I'd like to share my results too, so would like to confirm the above.
pls check your pm
Quote from: Maui13 on Feb 19, 04:56 AM 2019
I get the whole bet selection, I understand that it's flat betting, but sadly my results aren't that positive. That's why I want clarification.
I've scrolled back through some of the pages, and then you 1+/-1 on the last 4 hit numbers, then you bet +2/-2 , then some weird combiantion of neighbors.
So all I would like to know - what is the current method that is performing the best.
PS - I'd like to share my results too, so would like to confirm the above.
Hi Maui,
I've run 2 different tests.
The first one, which I call '' follow the wheel'', basically plays the nrs out with an offset equal to the gap between the lat repeater.
Say the nrs 16, 18,
2, 35, 26, 4, 17, 33,
2 came out.
I'd play 2, then 2 35, then 2 35 26, then 2 35 26 4...
I did two tests on that one.
As for the other one, alike the one Jono ran, it's playing the +1/-1 pair of last 4 nrs and add them as they come. Only one test done.
The 1u on nr and 1u on higher and lower split, I did not do any trial on that one. It was simply a bet proposal. A method can be developped on it. Not done yet.
I like that this appears on Vaddi's thread, for it is what inspires the testing. I reckon there are now quite a few pages to read through!
Thanks for watching!
Quote from: luckyfella on Feb 19, 12:00 AM 2019
Yo General, 100spins more on top of the earlier 200spins. That's my guessing game. That's the 3segments of 100spins each, just for you :xd: :xd: :xd:
Lucky, can I ask how you are playing here? Are you using Ben's follow the wheel method or Jono's table pairs method?
Thank you
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 19, 07:54 AM 2019Thanks for watching!
Coming up on Vaddis Playground.... Bigbroben uncovers yet another secret of the Holy Grail, is it the key? Find out in the next episode! :xd:
Quote from: Sparks on Feb 19, 08:08 AM 2019
Coming up on Vaddis Playground.... Bigbroben uncovers yet another secret of the Holy Grail, is it the key? Find out in the next episode! :xd:
No, I think it's just luck, my default value!
Quote from: Irish88 on Feb 19, 08:04 AM 2019
Lucky, can I ask how you are playing here? Are you using Ben's follow the wheel method or Jono's table pairs method?
Thank you
Hi, I played jono's table pairs on street. First attempt this morning on my phone after reading his post, so pure luck. :wink:
I guess I did what Jono did but it wasn't luck
Quote from: Sparks on Feb 19, 08:08 AM 2019
Coming up on Vaddis Playground.... Bigbroben uncovers yet another secret of the Holy Grail, is it the key? Find out in the next episode! :xd:
Cut Bigbroben some slack. I appreciate his efforts.
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Feb 19, 02:26 PM 2019
Cut Bigbroben some slack. I appreciate his efforts.
Thanks Proof.
I must emphasize:
QuoteNo, I think it's just luck
Don't go all-in on someone else's graph! We are nowhere near a ''HG'' declaration...
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Feb 19, 02:26 PM 2019
Cut Bigbroben some slack. I appreciate his efforts.
He was just joking, it wasn't a sarcastic dig. :thumbsup:
Quote from: luckyfella on Feb 19, 08:47 AM 2019
Hi, I played jono's table pairs on street. First attempt this morning on my phone after reading his post, so pure luck. :wink:
I did as well and it failed quickly, had multiple streaks of 22 numbers out, but what did it in was too many 14-18 numbers out bets. Maybe I did it wrong though as it was just a fast read before I jumped into a quick test.
Hit numbers must be played always in my mind, too many repeats within 7 spins. I don't think any method will work just doing neighbors, especially table neighbors.
Even wheel neighbors would be a challenge, but at least you may luck into a hot sector of the wheel due to bias or signature or what have you. But table neighbor betting is a construct, man-made basically, the wheel could care less about the table.
All good food for thought though, love this thread and all the experimenting going on. Great job by all.
(link::// (link:://
Quote from: Mako on Feb 19, 02:32 PM 2019
He was just joking, it wasn't a sarcastic dig. :thumbsup:
Oh I know... even if it was, it's just a forum. Humour is good. Even better with mayonnaise.
Still I want to make sure nobody thinks it's that easy. All the ideas that were put out here are probably going to sink down to house edge, unless proven wrong. A few hundred/ thousand spins look good when it's up, but not enough to prove anything. Keep on trying and keep on shooting new ideas, tweaks, squirrels.
Quick follow up thought, I really feel that Vaddi didn't mean pairs in terms of the pair list he provided. He wanted us to ignore the deception of the randomized wheel layout, put them back into pair order basically. To me that's always meant that the 0 on the wheel is 0 in Vaddi's list, but the 32 on the wheel is the "1" on his provided list.
And since he mentions going foward, it has to mean going forward on the wheel, not the table, because really who cares about the table layout? Why would that affect anything?
So if the pairs list is the wheel, and the wheel has been randomized by the creator to fool us, in my mind that always meant the real pairs list that Vaddi refers to is this (single 0 wheel):
0 | 32
32 | 15
15 | 19
19 | 4
4 | 21
21 | 2
2 | 25
25 | 17
17 | 34
34 | 6
6 | 27
27 | 13
13 | 36
36 | 11
11 | 30
30 | 8
8 | 23
23 | 10
10 | 5
5 |24
24 | 16
16 | 33
33 | 1
1 |20
20 | 14
14 | 31
31 | 9
9 | 22
22 | 18
18 | 29
29 | 7
7 | 28
28 | 12
12 | 35
35 | 3
3 | 26
26 | 0
So has it provided a superior outcome using wheel pairs instead of table pairs in testing? No. I'm missing whatever secret sauce that everyone else is apparently, as betting wheel pairs hasn't been successful over time for me.
All of this is a guess, but I feel Vaddi gave the pairs list so easily just because it wasn't the actual list. He wanted people to go to the wheel instead.
Bigbroben I have a suggestion.
Could you divide your sessions into spins of 50. (Your typical session at a B&M)
You could do eight sessions.
Why? Easier to analyse?
Also realistically people have to go to the restroom, have a meal,
spend time with family, etc. at a B&M. Shouldn't you sessions reflect?
Quote from: Mako on Feb 19, 02:35 PM 2019
I did as well and it failed quickly, had multiple streaks of 22 numbers out, but what did it in was too many 14-18 numbers out bets. Maybe I did it wrong though as it was just a fast read before I jumped into a quick test.
Hit numbers must be played always in my mind, too many repeats within 7 spins. I don't think any method will work just doing neighbors, especially table neighbors.
Even wheel neighbors would be a challenge, but at least you may luck into a hot sector of the wheel due to bias or signature or what have you. But table neighbor betting is a construct, man-made basically, the wheel could care less about the table.
All good food for thought though, love this thread and all the experimenting going on. Great job by all.
(link::// (link:://
I'm worried that people haven't been able to achieve the same results as me (and Ben)... Maybe it is just luck, maybe it's got something to do with the roulette simulator I'm using. I'm starting to second guess everything now....
For clarity, let me repeat the rules I used to produce yesterday's chart. To reiterate, I did all testing manually, one spin at a time, record results, start again.
Rules (the rules are based on Ben's which he published on 15th Feb 2019)
The best way to explain the rules is to follow three strings which I recorded this morning. Follow these strings, they explain everything.... Remember, you need to bet two new numbers every time. In the examples below, string three shows how to handle a repeat.
1st betting string (+6 units)
First spin: #3. Bet numbers 2-4.
Second spin: #18. Bet numbers 2-4, 17-19.
Third spin: #20. Bet numbers 2-4, 17-19, 20-21 (19 was taken, so bet #20)
Fourth spin: #33. Bet numbers 2-4, 17-19, 20-21, 32-34.
Fifth spin: #9. Bet numbers 2-4, 17-19, 20-21, 32-34, 8-10.
Sixth spin: #19. Win = 6 unit profit (See table below).
2nd betting string (-20 units)
First spin: #7. Bet numbers 6-8.
Second spin: #0. Bet numbers 6-8, 1-36.
Third spin: #13. Bet numbers 6-8, 1-36, 12-14.
Fourth spin: #10. Bet numbers 6-8, 1-36, 12-14, 9-11.
Fifth spin: #31. Bet numbers 6-8, 1-36, 12-14, 9-11, 30-32.
Sixth spin: #34. Bet numbers 6-8, 1-36, 12-14, 9-11, 30-32, 33-35.
Seventh spin: #20. Bet numbers 6-8, 1-36, 12-14, 9-11, 30-32, 33-35, 19-21.
Eight spin: #35. It's a hit, but a loss = -20 unit (See table below).
3rd betting string (+6 units)
First spin: #3. Bet numbers 2-4.
Second spin: #11. Bet numbers 2-4, 10-12.
Third spin: #21. Bet numbers 2-4, 10-12, 20-22.
Fourth spin: #17. Bet numbers 2-4, 10-12, 20-22, 16-18.
Fifth spin: #21 (Repeat). Bet numbers 2-3-4, 10-12, 20-21-22, 16-18.
Sixth spin: #12. Win = 6 unit profit (See table below).
If a hit occurs on 2nd spin +34 units
If a hit occurs on 3rd spin +30 units
If a hit occurs on 4th spin +24 units
If a hit occurs on 5th spin +16 units
If a hit occurs on 6th Spin +6 units
If a hit occurs on 7th spin -6 units
If a hit occurs on 8th spin -20 units
If a hit occurs on 9th spin -36 units
If a hit occurs on 10th spin -54 units
If a hit occurs on 11th spin -74 units
If a hit occurs on 12th spin -96 units (This never occurred during the 1000 spin test)
Nice, thanks Jono, I wasn't doing a few of the details you mentioned, will retest. :thumbsup:
Quote from: Mako on Feb 19, 04:19 PM 2019
Nice, thanks Jono, I wasn't doing a few of the details you mentioned, will retest. :thumbsup:
Good luck Mako, I'm worried other people aren't getting good results too. I will use a different roulette simulator next time I run a set of tests. I'm already running a new set of tests, but it's on the same roulette simulator. I won't change halfway through though....
(link::// (link:://
Further analyses of yesterday's chart.
1000 spins consisted of 182 individual betting strings. A hit, either positive or negative, resulted in the end of the string and the start of a new string.
A hit after 2 spins (+34) occurred 11 times (374 units total)
A hit after 3 spins (+30) occurred 29 times (870 units total)
A hit after 4 spins (+24) occurred 26 times (624 units total)
A hit after 5 spins (+16) occurred 35 times (560 units total)
A hit after 6 spins (+6) occurred 19 times (114 units total)
A hit after 7 spins (-6) occurred 28 times (-168 units total)
A hit after 8 spins (-20) occurred 17 times (-340 units total)
A hit after 9 spins (-36) occurred 11 times (-396 units total)
A hit after 10 spins (-54) occurred 4 times (-216 units total)
A hit after 11 spins (-74) occurred 5 times (-375 units total)
A hit after 12 spins (-96) occurred 0 times ( units total)
TABLE OF HITS (Reference)
If a hit occurs on 2nd spin +34 units
If a hit occurs on 3rd spin +30 units
If a hit occurs on 4th spin +24 units
If a hit occurs on 5th spin +16 units
If a hit occurs on 6th Spin +6 units
If a hit occurs on 7th spin -6 units
If a hit occurs on 8th spin -20 units
If a hit occurs on 9th spin -36 units
If a hit occurs on 10th spin -54 units
If a hit occurs on 11th spin -74 units
If a hit occurs on 12th spin -96 units (This never occurred during the 1000 spin test)
Both Bigbroben and Jono1167 have
created systems that win more than lose 8) 8)
(according to their charts)
The question is is it Vaddi's system?
(We may never know.)
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Feb 19, 05:40 PM 2019
Both Bigbroben and Jono1167 have
created systems that win more than lose 8) 8)
(according to their charts)
The question is is it Vaddi's system?
(We may never know.)
Proof, I had you down as a huge contributor too..... More BBB than me anyway, I can't claim the credit (or take the blame!)
Good results on a simulator app are one thing..... Until the results are replicated at a casino, I think we should remain very cautious. Certainly nothing wrong with a healthy dose of skepticism!
Quote from: Mako on Feb 19, 02:43 PM 2019
Quick follow up thought, I really feel that Vaddi didn't mean pairs in terms of the pair list he provided. He wanted us to ignore the deception of the randomized wheel layout, put them back into pair order basically. To me that's always meant that the 0 on the wheel is 0 in Vaddi's list, but the 32 on the wheel is the "1" on his provided list.
And since he mentions going foward, it has to mean going forward on the wheel, not the table, because really who cares about the table layout? Why would that affect anything?
So if the pairs list is the wheel, and the wheel has been randomized by the creator to fool us, in my mind that always meant the real pairs list that Vaddi refers to is this (single 0 wheel):
0 | 32
32 | 15
15 | 19
19 | 4
4 | 21
21 | 2
2 | 25
25 | 17
17 | 34
34 | 6
6 | 27
27 | 13
13 | 36
36 | 11
11 | 30
30 | 8
8 | 23
23 | 10
10 | 5
5 |24
24 | 16
16 | 33
33 | 1
1 |20
20 | 14
14 | 31
31 | 9
9 | 22
22 | 18
18 | 29
29 | 7
7 | 28
28 | 12
12 | 35
35 | 3
3 | 26
26 | 0
So has it provided a superior outcome using wheel pairs instead of table pairs in testing? No. I'm missing whatever secret sauce that everyone else is apparently, as betting wheel pairs hasn't been successful over time for me.
All of this is a guess, but I feel Vaddi gave the pairs list so easily just because it wasn't the actual list. He wanted people to go to the wheel instead.
I like sooo much this idea!! ...Using last four spins..
15 -> 32,19
8 -> 30, 23
14-> 20,31
29-> 18,7
For me these are the pairs..and I think in good results too..
Quote from: Mako on Feb 19, 02:43 PM 2019
Quick follow up thought, I really feel that Vaddi didn't mean pairs in terms of the pair list he provided. He wanted us to ignore the deception of the randomized wheel layout, put them back into pair order basically. To me that's always meant that the 0 on the wheel is 0 in Vaddi's list, but the 32 on the wheel is the "1" on his provided list.
And since he mentions going foward, it has to mean going forward on the wheel, not the table, because really who cares about the table layout? Why would that affect anything?
So if the pairs list is the wheel, and the wheel has been randomized by the creator to fool us, in my mind that always meant the real pairs list that Vaddi refers to is this (single 0 wheel):
0 | 32
32 | 15
15 | 19
19 | 4
4 | 21
21 | 2
2 | 25
25 | 17
17 | 34
34 | 6
6 | 27
27 | 13
13 | 36
36 | 11
11 | 30
30 | 8
8 | 23
23 | 10
10 | 5
5 |24
24 | 16
16 | 33
33 | 1
1 |20
20 | 14
14 | 31
31 | 9
9 | 22
22 | 18
18 | 29
29 | 7
7 | 28
28 | 12
12 | 35
35 | 3
3 | 26
26 | 0
So has it provided a superior outcome using wheel pairs instead of table pairs in testing? No. I'm missing whatever secret sauce that everyone else is apparently, as betting wheel pairs hasn't been successful over time for me.
All of this is a guess, but I feel Vaddi gave the pairs list so easily just because it wasn't the actual list. He wanted people to go to the wheel instead.
Sorry Mako, definitely test these pairs on another 1000 spin sequence. It will be good to compare results.
Quote from: Gitano on Feb 19, 06:31 PM 2019
I like sooo much this idea!! ...Using last four spins..
15 -> 32,19
8 -> 30, 23
14-> 20,31
29-> 18,7
For me these are the pairs..and I think in good results too..
Tested in 5 spins and still winning? :) I wanna buy it.
np Jono1167 :thumbsup:
Test: Mako's Pairs @ Jackpot Capital European
Wheel-Tuesday, February 19,2019 @ 6:53pm CST USA
...8,3,15,21 (newest spin-value)
Bet 8,23 3,26 15,19 21,2 once: 1.) 11(x)-8
Bet 3,26 15,19 21,2 11,30 once: 2.) 27(x)-8
Bet 15,19 21,2 11,20 27,13 once: 3.) 5(x)-8
Bet 21,2 11,20 27,13 5,24 once: 4.) 24(win)+28
Obviously, wheel pairs must be used with wheel, whereas rng nrs are ok for table pairs?
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 19, 08:13 PM 2019
Obviously, wheel pairs must be used with wheel, whereas rng nrs are ok for table pairs?
Apparently you're right Bigbroben.
Mako Pairs didn't work at BV RNG.
Test: Mako Pairs @ Vegas2Web European Wheel-
Tuesday, February 19,2019 @ 7:43pm CST USA
....2,35,32,17 (newest spin-value)
Bet 2,25,35,3,32,15,17,34: 1.) 0(x)-8
Bet 35,3,32,15,17,34,0,32: 2.) 24(x)-8
Bet 32,15,17,34,0,32,24,16: 3.) 4(x)-8
Bet 17,34,0,32,24,16,4,21: 4.) 0(win)+32
Hi all,
why using only the right pairs? I would consider the Left and right pairs! for the newest 4 spins , so it gives 12 #s to bet including the lasts four.
I manually tested for a thousand airball spins (RNG is falsehood :lol:) and it win in the very few next spins!Awesome.. I'llbuild an excel definitively!
:xd: :thumbsup:
New idea :)
Note the newest consecutive High/Low singles.
Bet those two and their respective
Vaddi pairs*until a new trigger emerges.
Stop on a win or after nine consecutive misses.
Example: 21,9,18 (newest spin-value)
Bet 9,10,18,19: 1.) 31(x)-4
Bet 9,10,18,19: 2.) 26(x)-4*
Bet 31,32,26,27: 3.) 35(x)-4
*If three or more consecutive High singles (or
Low singles show) bet the newest two w/Vaddi pairs.
(In the case above bet 26,27,35,36)
v1.1 :)
Note the newest consecutive High/Low singles.
Bet those two and their respective Vaddi pairs
(the same four numbers) for up to nine spins.
Example: 21,9,12 (newest spin-value)
Bet 9,10,12,13 for up to nine spins. Stop on a win.
Test: v1.1 @ Dublinbet European Wheel #1-
Tuesday, February 19,2019 @ 10:43pm CST USA
...4,5 (newest spin-value)
Bet 3,4 & 5,6 for up to nine spins.
1.) 29(x)-4 2.) 5(win)+32
Hi All,
hi BigBroben, I sent to you a PM but the attached is here. :thumbsup:
New idea :)
---*Newest Two High, Newest Two Lows & Zero*---
Bet the newest two High and Low outcomes and Zero.
Repeat steps with each new spin-value.
Stop on a win or after seven consecutive misses.
Example: 21,3,9,12,35 (newest spin-value)
Bet 35,21 & 12,9,0: 1.) 13(x)-5
Bet 35,21 & 13,12,0....
v1.1 :)
----*Newest Two High, Newest Two Lows w/Vaddi pairs*----
Bet the newest two High and Low outcomes w/Vaddi pairs
*Zero counts as a Low outcome
Repeat steps with each new spin value.
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example: 34,15,29,2 (newest spin-value)
Bet 34,35 29,30 2,3 15,16 once: 1.) 5(x)-8
Bet 34,35 29,30 2,3 5,6....
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Feb 19, 02:53 PM 2019
Bigbroben I have a suggestion.
Could you divide your sessions into spins of 50. (Your typical session at a B&M)
You could do eight sessions.
Could, but I'd be suspected of showing only the nice part.
Playing the last 4 +-pairs and add until a hit. Good start, will continue til a 1000 spins.
Could, but I'd be suspected of showing only the nice part.-Bigbroben
You have +111 likes. It's safe to say you're honest.
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 20, 04:42 PM 2019
Could, but I'd be suspected of showing only the nice part.
Playing the last 4 +-pairs and add until a hit. Good start, will continue til a 1000 spins.
Sorry Ben, can you please clarify the rules. That chart has got me excited!
Just one more idea :)
---*First Column Plus Second or Third Column & Zero*---
Procedure: Bet the newest first column, the column number higher and lower & the newest
second or third (whichever is newer) and its higher and lower column number + Zero once.
(Seven numbers in play). Repeat steps with the newest spin-values.
Stop on a win or after five consecutive misses.
Example: 20,7 (newest spin-value)
Bet 17,20,23 & 4,7,10,0 once: 1.) 3(x)-7
Bet 4,7,10 & 6,3,36,0 once: 2.) 25(x)-7
Bet 22,25,28 & 6,3,36,0....
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 20, 04:42 PM 2019
Could, but I'd be suspected of showing only the nice part.
Playing the last 4 +-pairs and add until a hit. Good start, will continue til a 1000 spins.
Sorry Ben, no need to clarify. It's obviously very simple.
Well done on more great work :).
Quote from: jono1167 on Feb 20, 06:23 PM 2019
Sorry Ben, no need to clarify. It's obviously very simple.
Well done on more great work :).
Sorry, but "add until a hit" means add a unit on the progression or add the new number + pairs?
Add new nrs. Both pairs but not the hit nr.
Add the hit nr if both neighbours are full.
But it!s not a method, it's just a test that I'm doing, the second after the first from last week.
Jotting down this idea :)
Procedure: Note the newest two
consecutive Reds or Blacks (whichever is newer).
Bet those two Reds or Blacks and the
respective Vaddi pairs. (four numbers in play).
*If Zero shows bet the newest two outcomes w/Vaddi pairs.
Repeat steps until a new trigger shows.
Stop on a win or after nine consecutive misses.
Example: 21,3,35 (newest spin-value)
Bet 3,4 & 21,22 once: 1.) 2(x)-4
Bet 2,3 & 35,36 once....
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 20, 08:00 PM 2019
Add new nrs. Both pairs but not the hit nr.
Add the hit nr if both neighbours are full.
But it!s not a method, it's just a test that I'm doing, the second after the first from last week.
BigBroben, I'm testing the method I was thinking , 4 numbers and after start betting that 4 + the wheel pairs..12 numbers fix (or 11 or 10) , until hit.... Counting the gaps I discovering that 99% after a large gap the next gap is smaller than previous one, quite sure winner !! tomorrow I will show the graphs or curves for airball spintec. 41 sessions, 9k real spins .. 1287 gaps
Alright, looking ffwd to this, Gitano!
I’m in the process of compiling another 1000 spin test session (following the same rules as explained in previous posts.
I have decided to publish the results of the first 500 spins.
The first 500 spins show another set of very positive results. 500 spins for 590 units of profit. I’m using the same roulette simulator app as I used in the first test.
Please see the attached graph....
(link::// (link:://
Further analyses of the graph.
500 spins consisted of 93 individual betting strings. A hit, either positive or negative, resulted in the end of the string and the start of a new string.
See totals below.
A hit after 2 spins occurred 9 times (306 units total)
A hit after 3 spins occurred 10 times (300 units total)
A hit after 4 spins occurred 11 times (264 units total)
A hit after 5 spins occurred 10 times (160 units total)
A hit after 6 spins occurred 17 times (102 units total)
A hit after 7 spins occurred 16 times (-96 units total)
A hit after 8 spins occurred 6 times (-120 units total)
A hit after 9 spins occurred 10 times (-160 units total)
A hit after 10 spins occurred 4 times (-136 units total)
A hit after 11 spins occurred 0 times
A hit after 12 spins occurred 0 times
On this test, I decided to experiment with a progression. The progression only kicked in on the 9th level. Normally a miss on this level would result in a -36 unit loss, however I introduced a +1 unit progression and this changed to a -16 loss. A miss on the 10th level would result in a 54 unit loss, however with a +2 unit progression, this changed to a -34 loss. Fortunately, I didn’t need to go any further. I’m not sure if it is worth continuing with a progression…. For obvious reasons, it could be risky.
Are there any maths guys who can complete the table below. I just need someone to complete the progressions which I have already started. Sorry, I’m hopeless at maths…. I don’t trust myself to come up with the proper calculations.
The progressions don’t have to produce a profit, they only need to soften the loss.
See below…. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks :)
If a hit occurs on 2nd spin +34 units Progression 0
If a hit occurs on 3rd spin +30 units Progression 0
If a hit occurs on 4th spin +24 units Progression 0
If a hit occurs on 5th spin +16 units Progression 0
If a hit occurs on 6th Spin +6 units Progression 0
If a hit occurs on 7th spin -6 units Progression 0
If a hit occurs on 8th spin -20 units Progression 0
If a hit occurs on 9th spin -36 units / -16 units Progression +1 (2 units total on each number)
If a hit occurs on 10th spin -54 units / -34 units Progression +1 (3 units total on each number)
If a hit occurs on 11th spin -74 units
If a hit occurs on 12th spin -96 units
If a hit occurs on 13th spin -120 units
If a hit occurs on 14th spin -146 units
Hey Jono1167 Vaddi said no progressions in his notes.
Also a session imo should not last more
than 40 spins-after that cut your losses.
(A bot can go 200+ spins, but at a B&M abt 40 spins is the max per session)
*The fewer spins the better bc H.E
*The fewer spins it takes to get in profit the better.
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Feb 20, 08:59 PM 2019
Hey Jono1167 Vaddi said no progressions in his notes.
Also a session imo should not last more
than 40 spins-after that cut your losses.
(A bot can go 200+ spins, but at a B&M abt 40 spins is the max per session)
*The fewer spins the better bc H.E
Hi Proof - I tend to agree. Even a mild progression can quickly spiral out of control. Anyway, the system was actually performing pretty well without a progression....
So you went into prog only 14 times out of 93, right? So 20 spins at 2u and 4 spins at 3u per nr.
Flat would have won alzo, although less.
On my side its not all rosy...
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 20, 09:23 PM 2019
So you went into prog only 14 times out of 93, right? So 20 spins at 2u and 4 spins at 3u per nr.
Flat would have won alzo, although less.
On my side its not all rosy...
Hi Ben
I only started using the progression about a third of the way into the test.
The progression was only used at levels 9 and 10.
Miss at level 9 = 36 unit loss. With progression =16 unit loss.
Miss at level 10 = 54 unit loss. With progression =34 unit loss.
The whole idea of introducing a progression was not to turn a loss into a profit, but to soften the loss....
I'm devastated Ben, I was going to throw in my job after seeing the chart you posted this morning! It is a great idea, I'm sure it can be tweaked....
I feel your method is more stable/balanced. Dont give it up!
The one I'm doing right not is just a second test, nothing refined, and concentrates only on pairs. I get repeaters like crazy sometimes and I'd be right beside...
Anyway, 300 spins now and stable at +139. First test I did went -450 below high and had recovered. Since it was a test I just went on and saw that it held.
Same with this one here. Will continue in odrer to test thouroughly.
P.S. You checked if your numbers went from 0 to 36? Happened to me with Excel once, thought I had it...
Throwing the towel on that one. New lows!
Just pairs is no good, got repeaters dropping often on a short range and I wasn't there.
New idea :)
Note the newest outcome. Which
is dominant High or Low outcomes?
If the Last decision is High (and High is
dominant) bet the last six High outcomes.
If the last decision is Low (and High is
dominant) bet the Vaddi pairs of the High outcomes.
and vice versa
If the last decision is Low (and Low is
dominant) bet the last six Low outcomes.
If the last decision is Low (and High is
dominant) bet the last High Vaddi pairs.
*Max six numbers in play
Example: 21,30,9,34,19,4,26,36 (newest spin-value)
High is dominant. Bet last six High outcomes once: 1.) 3(x)-6
Bet last six High Vaddi pairs: 0,27,20,35,31,22
*Zero is neutral-bet zero either way
Stop on a win or after six consecutive misses.
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 20, 10:26 PM 2019
P.S. You checked if your numbers went from 0 to 36? Happened to me with Excel once, thought I had it...
Sorry, Ben, what did you mean by this? I have to admit, my maths is fairly patchy at the best of times....
I should mention I will test the next 500 spins on a different roulette simulator app.
Steady rising curves are suspicious. When I see these, I know I made an error coding. But if you use an app, I take for granted they've double-checked.
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 20, 11:10 PM 2019
Steady rising curves are suspicious. When I see these, I know I made an error coding. But if you use an app, I take for granted they've double-checked.
That's right, I'm just using a roulette simulator app. All manual. One spin at a time. Old fashioned!
One more for the road :)
Procedure: Track the last 12
spins. Which is dominant, Red or Black?
Locate eight dominant color outcomes and start
from the oldest a stepped Black/Red sequence.
*Zero is neutral. If a zero is present add
it to the stepped sequence either way.
Stop on a win or at a drawdown of -36 units.
Example: 12,3,29,5,35,14,27,1,17,2,34,9 (newest spin-value)
Red is dominant-start the sequence.
Bet #12: 1.) 23(x)-1
Bet 12,3: 2.) 0(x)-2
Bet 12,3,5....
First thought: obviously repeaters need to be taken in considerations, otherwise they kill the game, a circle always need to repeat;
Second : I don't use roulette simulator because I don't play on roulette simulator or rng online, it's too much random; for me the right one is an airball that I consider different from an RNG, and should be better either in a real live roulette..speed live or similar.
Jetbull casino have an airball live for fun without registration.
Question: do you study to beat the roulette at all , or only to win sometime some units ?
Do you study to beat the roulette at all-Gitano or only to win sometime some units ?
Only to win some units. The casinos (at least the online casinos I've played at) won't
let you win too much (they take Live Roulette away) and only allow RNG Roulette.
A little of topic,
But is anyone willing to code a simple system in rx for me?
PM me.
Sorry for disrupting the topic, continu!
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Feb 21, 06:53 AM 2019
Do you study to beat the roulette at all-Gitano or only to win sometime some units ?
Only to win some units. The casinos (at least the online casinos I've played at) won't
let you win too much (they take Live Roulette away) and only allow RNG Roulette.
There are other online casinos with live wheels no? Or are they closing all live wheels???
Not many for US residents. Atm I only have access to two Live wheels.
If I play I try to stay under +50 units/day otherwise I typically lose Live wheel
access (or get banned altogether).
Quote from: Robbert on Feb 21, 07:15 AM 2019
A little of topic,
But is anyone willing to code a simple system in rx for me?
PM me.
Sorry for disrupting the topic, continu!
Ask Ignatus!
Absolutely. Just wanted Robbert to know Ignatus' coding is not free.
Hi, in Europe still have a lot of live wheels online starting from 0.10 eurocents..and rng online starting from 0.01 inside bet..
Regarding the method I want to share a pic with you all for considerations:
Playing last four numbers+ wheel pairs +/-, 12 numbers, until hit.
Considering gaps, between the fifth and the first hit, I've noticed this situation.
As you can see, after a gap >5 ( means waiting four+five without a hit, (wait at less 9 spins)) in the next frame you win with a minor gap than before almost surely.
The awesome fact is that until you did not see a large gap, one not bet nothing.. :smile: so, basically, wait 4 and a hit with a large gap(for example >5), and wait next four spins and is quiet sure it hit in less gap than previous one.
What do you think? Need some patience..
These are eleven sessions with almost 150~200 spins
Mmm, yeah, true most of the time, good observation.
Can you tell how many 1s( hits in 1) and how many 2s you got?
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 21, 09:22 AM 2019
Mmm, yeah, true most of the time, good observation.
Can you tell how many 1s( hits in 1) and how many 2s you got?
here , 41 sessions with # of spins per each session and frame gaps.
Check in vertical.
First session for example has 23 "1" gaps", only 1 seven gaps, 1 eight gaps and 1 ten gaps.
Gitano it's going to take a tracker to play this method.
Quote from: Gitano on Feb 21, 09:08 AM 2019
Hi, in Europe still have a lot of live wheels online starting from 0.10 eurocents..and rng online starting from 0.01 inside bet..
Regarding the method I want to share a pic with you all for considerations:
Playing last four numbers+ wheel pairs +/-, 12 numbers, until hit.
Considering gaps, between the fifth and the first hit, I've noticed this situation.
As you can see, after a gap >5 ( means waiting four+five without a hit, (wait at less 9 spins)) in the next frame you win with a minor gap than before almost surely.
The awesome fact is that until you did not see a large gap, one not bet nothing.. :smile: so, basically, wait 4 and a hit with a large gap(for example >5), and wait next four spins and is quiet sure it hit in less gap than previous one.
What do you think? Need some patience..
These are eleven sessions with almost 150~200 spins
I am sorry Gitano, I am having a little trouble understanding. I think it's a great idea to use the last 4 numbers and their wheel neighbors. I am confused about the gaps part. Are you betting the 12 numbers right away? Or are you waiting four or five spins then play those 12?
Thank yo Gitano
Hi, with the huge Bigbroben's help are producing a tracker that will explain well the method,
Results so far seem to be good for the long run in my opinion, but should be better to play for about 100 spins or less
Gap is the number of spins that after waiting 4 spins, it take to hit one of that 12 numbers. always 12 is better, because could happen that they are 10 or 11, in case of 25,21 for example. the neighbours are 2,25,17 | 4,21,2.
10 ,11, or 12 I think doesn't change a lot the aim of the method, but could increase a little bit the probabilities.
I think however that the dinamically given to the method by betting the pair of the wheel and not the fixed pairs given by math is a good chooise. Thogheter with the study on statistics of the wheel spins .( in terms of gaps alternance for example) one could exploit something and earn gold units. :smile: :thumbsup:
Jotting down my new idea :)
---*Vaddi Pairs, Mirror splits + Zero*---
1/4=31/34: 2/5=32/35: 3/6=33/36
7/10=25/28: 8/11=26/29: 9/12=27/30
13/16=19/22: 14/17=20/23: 15/18=21/24
Procedure: Note the newest spin-value. Bet the two
respective splits & the Vaddi pair's splits once + Zero.
Repeat steps with each new spin-value.
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example: #12 (newest spin-value)
Bet 9/12,27/30 & 13/16,19/22,0: 1.) 35(x)-9
Bet 32/35,2/5 & 33/36,3/6,0....
The big question, is
HOW does Vaddis bet include REPEATERS and NON repeaters?
That is the big Q.
I would forget about Magic numbers and all that nonsense. Simply forget everything about 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 . Its rubbish.
End of that you are at -36.
From the graphs passionrouletta posted, you see ________ bars
that means the bet has to include pauses for tracking.
So question number 2 is ... what are we waiting for?
Good to see you over here Frodo.
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Feb 21, 11:52 AM 2019
Jotting down my new idea :)
---*Vaddi Pairs, Mirror splits + Zero*---
1/4=31/34: 2/5=32/35: 3/6=33/36
7/10=25/28: 8/11=26/29: 9/12=27/30
13/16=19/22: 14/17=20/23: 15/18=21/24
Procedure: Note the newest spin-value. Bet the two
respective splits & the Vaddi pair's splits once + Zero.
Repeat steps with each new spin-value.
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example: #12 (newest spin-value)
Bet 9/12,27/30 & 13/16,19/22,0: 1.) 35(x)-9
Bet 32/35,2/5 & 33/36,3/6,0....
Hi Proof
All of these ideas are great! Have you been able to test them properly? Unless I give up the full-time job, I really don't have hope!
Hopefully other people have been giving these ideas a test.....
Quote from: luckyfella on Feb 19, 12:00 AM 2019
Yo General, 100spins more on top of the earlier 200spins. That's my guessing game. That's the 3segments of 100spins each, just for you :xd: :xd: :xd:
Let Me Win
Are you still playing around with this system? Are you able to share any more results?
Quote from: Frodo on Feb 21, 02:02 PM 2019
The big question, is
HOW does Vaddis bet include REPEATERS and NON repeaters?
That is the big Q.
I would forget about Magic numbers and all that nonsense. Simply forget everything about 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 . Its rubbish.
End of that you are at -36.
From the graphs passionrouletta posted, you see ________ bars
that means the bet has to include pauses for tracking.
So question number 2 is ... what are we waiting for?
I have asked this question multiple times and never have gotten an answer. It appears to be waiting 8 spins, then start betting. He says the max numbers he bets is 8. It does appear that way in the graphs. With all the talk of pairs, I think the hit number in the last 4 spins should always be included.
So what are your options when you include the hit number?
Two table pairs(forward and back number)
One table pair(forward number)
One wheel pair number( the neighbor on wheel forward)
Two wheel pair numbers(both neighbors of hit number from wheel)
In my opinion the best choice is taking the last 4 hit numbers and their two wheel neighbors. So 12 numbers. I did some testing and seem to do well but gave up after it went past 8 spins a few times with no hit. But maybe we can look into it more.
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Feb 21, 11:52 AM 2019
Jotting down my new idea :)
---*Vaddi Pairs, Mirror splits + Zero*---
1/4=31/34: 2/5=32/35: 3/6=33/36
7/10=25/28: 8/11=26/29: 9/12=27/30
13/16=19/22: 14/17=20/23: 15/18=21/24
Procedure: Note the newest spin-value. Bet the two
respective splits & the Vaddi pair's splits once + Zero.
Repeat steps with each new spin-value.
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example: #12 (newest spin-value)
Bet 9/12,27/30 & 13/16,19/22,0: 1.) 35(x)-9
Bet 32/35,2/5 & 33/36,3/6,0....
All of these ideas are great! Have you been able to test them properly?
Unless I give up the full-time job, I really don't have hope!-Jono1167Trying to get around to properly test
everything. Thanks for the compliment. :thumbsup:
This system has performed well according to tests.
(Vaddi Pairs, Mirror Splits+Zero)
Win at Lincoln Casino RNG Real Money
New idea :)
---*Newest Two Dozen Outcomes w/Vaddi Pairs*---
Procedure: Note the newest two dozen outcomes.
Bet those two numbers with a Vaddi pair on each.
*Zero counts as a first dozen outcome.
Repeat steps with each new outcome.
Stop on a win or after nine consecutive misses.
Example: 21,3 (newest spin-value)
Bet 21,22 3,4 once: 1.) 0(x)-4
Bet 0,1 21,22....
One more :)
Note the newest two High and Low outcomes.
If the last decision is High bet the
newest two High numbers w/Vaddi pairs
and vice versa if the last decision is Low.
*Zero is neutral-bet the last two outcomes
if zero is the newest or second newest outcome
with respective Vaddi pairs.
Example: 3,21,7,30 (newest spin-value)
Bet 30,31 & 21,22: 1.) 14(x)-4
Bet 14,15 & 7,8....
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Feb 21, 11:52 AM 2019
Jotting down my new idea :)
---*Vaddi Pairs, Mirror splits + Zero*---
1/4=31/34: 2/5=32/35: 3/6=33/36
7/10=25/28: 8/11=26/29: 9/12=27/30
13/16=19/22: 14/17=20/23: 15/18=21/24
Procedure: Note the newest spin-value. Bet the two
respective splits & the Vaddi pair's splits once + Zero.
Repeat steps with each new spin-value.
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example: #12 (newest spin-value)
Bet 9/12,27/30 & 13/16,19/22,0: 1.) 35(x)-9
Bet 32/35,2/5 & 33/36,3/6,0....
Mirror I think can b for 1 2 = 36. 35 and 1 4 = 36 33 my view only
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 20, 09:23 PM 2019
So you went into prog only 14 times out of 93, right? So 20 spins at 2u and 4 spins at 3u per nr.
Flat would have won alzo, although less.
On my side its not all rosy...
Hi Ben
What software do you use to create the graph? It looks like it was created on your iPhone?
Here an idea (albeit not that glamorous)
Track 20 spins. Do you have at least four repeat singles? If
so bet those repeaters with the Vaddi pair for up to four spins.
If you don't have four repeat singles bet
the newest eight unique singles for up to four spins.
Test: Intertops Red Casino American Wheel-
Friday, February 22,2019 @ 2:40pm CST USA
23,19 (newest spin-value)-20 outcomes collected
Repeat singles: 31,7,1
Bet the last eight unique singles:
Bet 19,23,3,15,28,35,21,4: 1.) 16(x)-8
Bet 23,3,15,28,35,21,4,16: 2.) 25(x)-8
Bet 3,15,28,35,21,4,16,25: 3.) 13(x)-8
Bet 15,28,35,21,4,16,25,13: 4.) 35(win)+28
Here is Track Four for tracking unhits, unique singles, and repeaters.
Test: Dublinbet European Wheel #1-
Friday, February 22,2019 @ 6:30pm CST USA
22,18,0 (newest spin-value)-20 outcomes collected
Repeat singles: 19,22
Bet the newest eight unique singles
Bet 10,8,16,30,21,20,18,0: 1.) 16(win)+28
Quote from: jono1167 on Feb 21, 03:06 PM 2019
Let Me Win
Are you still playing around with this system? Are you able to share any more results?
Played this on the casino floor. :lol:
Ok, another idea that goes more along Vaddi's clues.
What I did was playing the step1 from 1 to 8 nrs and would reset at breakeven or new high.
When there was no hit with 8 nrs, I removed the 9th and added the new one plus the +1 pair. So the next spin would have 9 nrs: 8 hit and 1 unhit. Next would have the last 8 hits plus 2 unhits.
On a hit, I removed the 9th nr (unless it was the one that got hit, then it would be the 8th) and added the pair of the new one. After a few hits you'll see you are not removing the 9th anymore but rather the 8th, 7th, 6th... sort of an inbuilt stop. Ever smaller gaps are required to get closer to the stop, the point where you would put a unit on the new nr but would have to remove it too!
Steps1 were good, got lucky, and the 5 steps 2 all recovered. The last one was quite something, got up to 20 nrs at some point but it made it.
More testing required, of course, will continue.
Wow, the next step2 was intense. Went down real quick. As hits were going, I was removing ever closer numbers until I had to remove the one that just landed, that is, a 1 spin gap on the last nr. Here, nr3.
Decided to stop the step2 even if no new high. Prudent cuz I was playing more than 20 nrs. Went up to 25 early in the step2.
Surprising rise at the end, coincidence or not? To be continued.
I like it, more Vaddiish than others. "LaBomba" not considered here.
"La Bomba" made me money Bigbroben :thumbsup: hats off
La Bomba refered to the " 2u on doubles, 1u.on double or half unit on doubles". This is what you have done? How did you apply it?
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 23, 12:45 AM 2019
Wow, the next step2 was intense. Went down real quick. As hits were going, I was removing ever closer numbers until I had to remove the one that just landed, that is, a 1 spin gap on the last nr. Here, nr3.
Decided to stop the step2 even if no new high. Prudent cuz I was playing more than 20 nrs. Went up to 25 early in the step2.
Surprising rise at the end, coincidence or not? To be continued.
I love the chart Ben! More great work. Please keep posting results.
Quote from: luckyfella on Feb 22, 09:22 PM 2019
Played this on the casino floor. :lol:
Good for you! Let us know if it goes belly-up. 😊
Great work Ben!!! I remember a Vaddi's clues that say if we play more than 18 numbers the system is not accurate, maybe a modification in this direction? And i'm curious about Proof answer for La Bomba!!
I just tested Bigbroben's interpretation of three chips
on five numbers (except I bet a chip on all five numbers)
Re: Bet last decision, the two numbers numerically
less and two numerically higher than last decision.
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Feb 23, 07:05 AM 2019
I just tested Bigbroben's interpretation of three chips
on five numbers (except I bet a chip on all five numbers)
Re: Bet last decision, the two numbers numerically
less and two numerically higher than last decision.
Proof, I can't seem to get the zip file opened. Are you playing 5, then 10 then 15 numbers? What is the max amount of numbers you play? If a number is already covered are you playing the next open number? Thank you Proof.
Just playing five numbers from start to finish.
Stop on a win or after seven consecutive misses.
(Bankroll=35 units per session)
Each new outcome change the bet.
Example: #20 (newest outcome)
Bet 18,19,20,21,22 once: 1.) #2(x)-5
Bet 0,1,2,3,4 once: 2.) #36(x)-5
Bet 34,35,36,0,1 once....
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Feb 23, 11:56 AM 2019
Example: #20 (newest outcome)
Bet 18,19,20,21,22 once: 1.) #2(x)-5
Bet 0,1,2,3,4 once: 2.) #36(x)-5
Bet 34,35,36,0,1 once....
Nice work Proof. This will be straightforward to test.
I'm testing with this bet (La bomba? for me), and Ben rules, seems good!
It's the same that continued.
Ben it's impressive you're doing this all against RNG. It seems like the harder path to me, but for the majority of players who don't have access to local B & M chances or live wheels online, it's their only way.
Proof does real-wheel testing, it's a good balance in the thread. :thumbsup:
Yes, I put it on ''new method's luck''.
I think the way I've done it in this last test is not quite it. The nr count rises quickly to above 18 when a headwind hits. I'll finish this run and will try the same but removing both hit nr and its pair once it's fallen out of the played range.
Losses with 24, 25 nrs are not the best play, and this is what happens with this latest one.
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 23, 07:25 PM 2019
Yes, I put it on ''new method's luck''.
I think the way I've done it in this last test is not quite it. The nr count rises quickly to above 18 when a headwind hits. I'll finish this run and will try the same but removing both hit nr and its pair once it's fallen out of the played range.
Losses with 24, 25 nrs are not the best play, and this is what happens with this latest one.
See what I mean... unhits were hitting but not on the ones I took, many losses with over 20 nrs.
Or, at some point, like Vaddi said, the best profits are in step 1. If step2 just takes forever to recover, ztop it and back to step 1.
This is a test, so I just pushed it until it doesn't do it
Tweak and retry...
Mako I would love to see your ideas on Vaddi :)
Meanwhile there's this:
Procedure: Note the Red and Black
outcomes in the last 12 spins. Which is dominant?
Bet the last three dominant color outcomes with
a Vaddi pair. Repeat steps with the newest dominant color.
*If zero is present in the last three spins bet Zero and #1
along with the two dominant color values and respective pairs.
Stop on a win or after six consecutive misses.
Example: 21,27,32,5,14,13,35,2,30,17,12,19 (newest spin-value)
Red is dominant.
Bet 19,20: 12,13: 30,31: 1.) 2(x)-6
Bet 19,20: 12,13: 30,31: 2.) 3(x)-6
Bet 12,13: 30,31: 3,4: 3.) 0(x)-6
Bet 30,31: 3,4: 0,1....
I see you often consider ECs outcome with your suggestions. Guts feeling, observation, enlightment(!) ?
It's an easy way for me to group numbers. The
binary element allows me to pivot one way or the other.
Test: Dublinbet European Wheel #1-
Saturday, February 23,2019 @ 8:11pm CST USA
...11,34,25,32,4,3,6,34,23,14 (newest spin-value)
Bet 34,35: 23,24: 14,15: 1.) 33(x)-6 2.) 16(x)-6
Bet 23,24: 14,15: 16,17: 3.) 21(x)-6
Bet 14,15: 16,17: 21,22: 4.) 21(win)+30
Test: Intertops Red Casino American Wheel-
Saturday, February 23,2019 @ 8:17pm CST USA
...8,32,32,15,18,10,6,23,32,34,30,28 (newest spin-value)
Bet 30,31: 34,35: 32,33: 1.) 17(x)-6 2.) 30(win)+30
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Feb 23, 09:04 PM 2019
It is possible that some of those who are interested and have had contact with them, have the possibility to receive information or even something detailed about what happens with Vaddis, Dyksexlic and Turbo.
Passion, do you mean what happened with Vaddi himself or his manner of playing?
Ben do you think it's better removing the most recent outcome numbers or the stage 1 beginning outcome numbers to follow the wheel?
What do you mean?
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 23, 09:58 PM 2019
What do you mean?
Do you think it's better to remove the starting 1 thru 8 numbers or drop the freshest numbers and leave the older ones?
You ask me to choose between a gambler's fallacy and another... O0
I'd say to remove the older is better? Because you would miss most of the ones repeating quickly, and I guess it's easier to track, overall a smaller backtrack range.
I did a test a week or two ago to find the statitstics of the position gap of the very first number to hit for a x-time.
Look at the following results, for almost 4000 game starts:
(link::// (link:://
For example, let's take the first number to hit for a third time.
You can see on the left, when it hits for the third time, it had hit on average 6.33 numbers ago ( mostly 6.33 spins ago, unless there was a quick repeater in between). Median: half the time was before 5 spins, other half was it later.
On the right, there were on average 4.43 nrs that had hit twice before the third hitter came. The higher the x-peater, the lesser there were nrs with equal hits.
Position of the first x-peater. Graphically represented:
(link::// (link:://
Serie1 represents how many y-times the first repeater hit x-nrs later.
Serie2: how many y-times the first nr to hit for a third time appeared x-numbers ago.
We see: in 3909 games starts, the first repeater was on position1 ( back-to-back hit) 767 times, so 19.62%
First 3-peater was on position1 493 times, so 12.61%.
It smoothens out as are calculated the stats for ever higher x-peaters.
I guess you could say that a narrow range is more likely to hit fast repeater.
P.S. : But I think the cost for a hit will still hover around 37 units...
One more for the road :)
*These streets go together:
s1-3, s13-15, s25-27
s4-6, s16-18, s28-30
s7-9, s19-21, 31-33
s10-12, s22-24, s34-36
Procedure: Note the newest spin-value.
*If zero shows consider it part of first dozen.
Bet the newest outcome, its Vaddi pair and the
respective other two streets in the group once.
Repeat steps with the newest spin-value.
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example: #20 (newest outcome)
Bet 20,21, s7-9, s31-33 once: 1.) 3(x)-8
Bet 3,4, s13-15, s25-27 once: 2.) 0(x)-8
Bet 0,1, s13-15, s25-27....
Test: Dublinbet European Wheel #1-
Saturday, February 23,2019 @ 9:58pm CST USA
#11 (newest spin-value)
Bet 11,12, 22,23,24, 34,35,36: 1.) 36(win)+28
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 23, 10:50 PM 2019P.S. : But I think the cost for a hit will still hover around 37 units...
thnx for the info.
adding and stacking units to chase out of the hole is the problem I have with Vaddis tips.
Quote from: Gandhi on Feb 23, 11:03 PM 2019
adding and stacking units to chase out of the hole is the problem I have with Vaddis tips.
You are using a progression or you assign different unit values to different number states ( unhit, once hit, double hit)?
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Feb 23, 09:59 PM 2019
I mean that I am willing to help some people who have not judged me and who trust me, with a series of conditions. :thumbsup:
Hi PR! I’m happy to be a part of this! I sent you a PM a couple of weeks back (not sure if you got it) but I am a believer in the vaddi HG
Send me a PM if you want to discuss further :)
One more idea bc why not ;D
These splits go together: Sum=37 mirrors
1/4, 33/36: 2/5, 32/35: 3/6, 31/34
7/10,27/30: 8/11, 26/29: 9/12, 25/28
13/16, 21/24: 14/17, 20/23: 15/18, 19/22
Procedure: Note the newest spin-value
Bet the last decision's split, Vaddi pair-and
the mirror compliment and opposite of Vaddi
pair plus Zero once.
Stop on a win or after five consecutive misses.
Example: #2 (newest outcome)
Bet 2,5,3 & 32,35,34,0 once: 1.) 27(x)-7
Bet 27,30,28 & 7,10,9,0 once: 2.) 20(x)-7
Bet 20,23,21 & 14,17,13,0....
A few days ago I played something like that.
The pair was chosen so that after the repeater appeared, he played him and the first free higher number but only within first dozen. , all within 9 spins gap. This caused that we played a very small number of numbers.
So I played only repeaters showing in 9 gaps cycles, one more thing that I did was not to moving out the pair after the hit, just trigger play through 9 spins, regardless of how many hits it was.
First, I played in sessions with hit target and stop lose.
But I wanted to check if there is any advantage in selection in a long session.
I played one 1000 spins sesion and the result was negative
My new idea :)
Note the newest Red outcome and the newest Black
outcome. Bet those two and their respective Vaddi pairs.
*If zero shows bet the newest two
outcomes and their respective pairs,
Stop on a win or after nine consecutive misses.
Example: 21,35 (newest spin-value)
Bet 21,22 & 35,36: 1.) 0(x)-4
Bet 0,1 & 35,36....
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 23, 10:50 PM 2019
You ask me to choose between a gambler's fallacy and another... O0
I'd say to remove the older is better? Because you would miss most of the ones repeating quickly, and I guess it's easier to track, overall a smaller backtrack range.
I did a test a week or two ago to find the statitstics of the position gap of the very first number to hit for a x-time.
Look at the following results, for almost 4000 game starts:
(link::// (link:://
For example, let's take the first number to hit for a third time.
You can see on the left, when it hits for the third time, it had hit on average 6.33 numbers ago ( mostly 6.33 spins ago, unless there was a quick repeater in between). Median: half the time was before 5 spins, other half was it later.
On the right, there were on average 4.43 nrs that had hit twice before the third hitter came. The higher the x-peater, the lesser there were nrs with equal hits.
Position of the first x-peater. Graphically represented:
(link::// (link:://
Serie1 represents how many y-times the first repeater hit x-nrs later.
Serie2: how many y-times the first nr to hit for a third time appeared x-numbers ago.
We see: in 3909 games starts, the first repeater was on position1 ( back-to-back hit) 767 times, so 19.62%
First 3-peater was on position1 493 times, so 12.61%.
It smoothens out as are calculated the stats for ever higher x-peaters.
I guess you could say that a narrow range is more likely to hit fast repeater.
P.S. : But I think the cost for a hit will still hover around 37 units...
micro analysis, superb,
Quote from: Elite on Feb 24, 01:16 PM 2019
micro analysis, superb,
Yes, quite impressive Ben, always enjoy your data dumps. :thumbsup:
A digital dictionary of information. Props.
The challenge is to take those "words" and make complete
thoughts. That is what creating an effective system is all about.
New idea :)
---*Last Three Unique singles "Pivot" system*---
Procedure: Note the last
three outcomes. Are they unique?
Qualifier: Which of the last two outcomes is
Higher, the decision before last or the last decision?
If the last decision is numerically Higher bet the last three
outcomes and the next Higher respective number once.
If the decision before last is numerically Higher than the last decision bet the last three
outcomes and the numerically respective lower number on all three outcomes once.
Repeat steps for each new spin-value.
Stop on a win or after six consecutive misses.
Example: 21,34,5 (newest spin-value)-three unique singles
#34,5-the two numbers are descending.
Bet 21,20: 34,33: 5,4 once: 1.) 17(x)-6
#5,17-the two numbers are ascending.
Bet 34,35: 5,6: 17,18 once....
Hi proof. We have to consider 24/8 and 12/4 also. Repeaters average if average got achieved what we have to look next.. My view is if 12/4. We hit 2 then we need to reset.. As if 2 hits within 12 numbers. We will b in profit...
When do repeaters hit in average.. That point too.. After 4 numbers how they connect each other and based on drop numbers to predict sleepers./ future in that case if we do reset cycle then we will always different kind cycle.. Some hits repeater early and some hits repeaters after 14 spins... Based on falling numbers accordingly bets need to adjusted to get benefit with in 24 spins... My view only
Thanks for that Elite. I will look at it.
Test: Dublinbet European Wheel #1-
Sunday, February 24,2019 @ 8:42pm CST USA
...6,27,17 (newest spin-value)-descending
Bet 6,5: 27,26: 17,16: 1.) 17(win)+30
Test: Intertops Red Casino American Wheel-
Sunday, February 24,2019 @ 8:49pm CST USA
...20,4,30 (newest spin-value)-ascending
Bet 20,21: 4,5: 30,31: 1.) 31(win)+30
I tried pairing chart in xls. 1 3 5 in top row and 2 4 6 etc in below row with colours black red. Pairing I got is same as Modi same line. While vaadi pairs sits in next row.. Vaadi pair is for sleeper.. Modi pair is for single to double..... Let's do more analyze keeping balance in mind
0 excluded... If zero map to 1.i m analysing if out of balance cycle how to take advantage as per vad.he uses 24/ 8 and 12/4 for this
Repeater gameplay fails if out of balance cycle.. As per vaadi if it happens he take advantage..... Gosh..... This I guess missing in our gameplay. With balance cycle 12/4 and 24/8 repeater gameplay wins. It looses only if balance out..... I guess time to find pigeons in their holes...and pigeons live together.. My thought only
What about if pigeon fly from same nest.... Or its neighbour fly first.... 2nd case more need to test... Pigeons gave to come back their nest.. Some early some later... What about friendly ones........testing...
Inspired by Elite just now :)
Track until you have eight
consecutive unique singles. (qualifier)
Bet the last decision in a stepped sequence.
Stop on a win or after eight consecutive misses.
Example: 21,3,0,4,17,34,7,19 (newest spin-value)-qualifier
Bet #19: 1.) 28(x)-1
Bet 19,28: 2.) 15(x)-2
Bet 19,28,15....
:In this case u will miss near repeaters.. Friend. What about putting few bets in start of cycles... May b some cycles u hit in 4 range two times.... And profit for the day...
37 spin cycle always a roller coaster... Testing ur patience. Skill.. With utmost difficulty... Wide range of patterns.. Near misses..repeater misses one number range. with solid gameplay need to cope with that..and follow what the wheel does. It will always b thrill... No matter how strong ur strategy.ultimate goal is a profit either minimal....greed destroy... Things... Cool things and before diving again in cycle remember it can b more difficult than before. Fresh mind.... Required .. Longer gameplay will make ur mind slow in decision.. So whatever profit u ve it's better than.. U loose all my view only
I have completed another 500 spins using the system described earlier in this thread. It looks like it's come un-stuck (badly). Very deflating... I guess this is why we test systems thoroughly.
If anyone is using this system based on earlier results, please proceed with extreme caution.
Nevertheless I'm going to push on for another 500 spins to see if it can recover. On a positive note, I'm collecting a fair bit of data as I go.
(link::// (link:://
Further analyses of the graph.
500 spins consisted of 81 individual betting strings. A hit, either positive or negative, resulted in the end of the string and the start of a new string.
See totals below.
A hit after 2 spins occurred 4 times (136 units total)
A hit after 3 spins occurred 10 times (300 units total)
A hit after 4 spins occurred 7 times (168 units total)
A hit after 5 spins occurred 10 times (160 units total)
A hit after 6 spins occurred 17 times (102 units total)
A hit after 7 spins occurred 7 times (-42 units total)
A hit after 8 spins occurred 9 times (-180 units total)
A hit after 9 spins occurred 10 times (-360 units total)
A hit after 10 spins occurred 7 times (-376 units total)
A hit after 11 spins occurred 0 times
A hit after 12 spins occurred 1 time (-96 units total)
My last two gameplay longer sessions and I did mistake ultimately I stop with one unit profit and in third session I able to make it 100... This all in three days 3 sessions.. And both of equal sessions I was up to 80 units. I hope u got my point to enjoy.
Repeaters range were out of balance and very few repeaters.. I able to cope that with neighbours... 12/4 and 24/8 is it valid for neighbour too one thought to test case if repeaters not coming.. Only that case for this
Quote from: jono1167 on Feb 25, 12:10 AM 2019
I have completed another 500 spins using the system described earlier in this thread. It looks like it's come un-stuck (badly). Very deflating... I guess this is why we test systems thoroughly.
If anyone is using this system based on earlier results, please proceed with extreme caution.
Nevertheless I'm going to push on for another 500 spins to see if it can recover. On a positive note, I'm collecting a fair bit of data as I go.
(link::// (link:://
Further analyses of the graph.
500 spins consisted of 81 individual betting strings. A hit, either positive or negative, resulted in the end of the string and the start of a new string.
See totals below.
A hit after 2 spins occurred 4 times (136 units total)
A hit after 3 spins occurred 10 times (300 units total)
A hit after 4 spins occurred 7 times (168 units total)
A hit after 5 spins occurred 10 times (160 units total)
A hit after 6 spins occurred 17 times (102 units total)
A hit after 7 spins occurred 7 times (-42 units total)
A hit after 8 spins occurred 9 times (-180 units total)
A hit after 9 spins occurred 10 times (-360 units total)
A hit after 10 spins occurred 7 times (-376 units total)
A hit after 11 spins occurred 0 times
A hit after 12 spins occurred 1 time (-96 units total)
Hi Juno very deep analysis... Ranges u shared are repeater ranges? If so what happens after 12 spins... For these ranges
Here another thought 24 / 8=3. U ve average 8 repeaters if u get 3 using 8 numbers single sequence... U are in no profit no loss.. So for profit u ve to hit 4 out of 8 repeaters... 50 percent accuracy u in profit/ edge.... So avg profit 25 single unit and with 10units it's 250 within 24 spins or 20 minutes this I think vad referring for a cycle...
We go for 100 units profits in single cycle causing loss using 1 unit...what to do after first cycle... Break point as per bad vad 😅 ...chillout/break and start fresh cycle....i do start 4 no. With low bets allowed and go to base bet 1 or 2 units as per game stats after 4 spins
Quote from: Elite on Feb 25, 12:49 AM 2019
Hi Juno very deep analysis... Ranges u shared are repeater ranges? If so what happens after 12 spins... For these ranges
Hi Elite
Here are the rules for the system.
First spin: #3. Bet numbers 2-4.
Second spin: #18. Bet numbers 2-4, 17-19.
Third spin: #20. Bet numbers 2-4, 17-19, 20-21 (19 was taken, so bet #20)
Fourth spin: #33. Bet numbers 2-4, 17-19, 20-21, 32-34, etc....
Continue until you get a hit. Re-set, start again.
It was doing really well until this last 500 spin session.
You're not betting for repeats in this system, you're betting on the neighbors of the most recent hit number.
The table just represents what happens when you get a hit (or miss) For instance, a hit after seven spins will result in a -6 unit loss. Most hits occur in the 3-9 spin range. I have only ever gone as far as 12 levels once.
If a hit occurs on 2nd spin +34 units
If a hit occurs on 3rd spin +30 units
If a hit occurs on 4th spin +24 units
If a hit occurs on 5th spin +16 units
If a hit occurs on 6th Spin +6 units
If a hit occurs on 7th spin -6 units
If a hit occurs on 8th spin -20 units
If a hit occurs on 9th spin -36 units
If a hit occurs on 10th spin -54 units
If a hit occurs on 11th spin -74 units
If a hit occurs on 12th spin -96 units
If a hit occurs on 13th spin -120 units
If a hit occurs on 14th spin -146 units
Thanks Elite. Suggestions / improvements are welcome :).
Quote from: Elite on Feb 25, 12:55 AM 2019
Here another thought 24 / 8=3. U ve average 8 repeaters if u get 3 using 8 numbers single sequence... U are in no profit no loss.. So for profit u ve to hit 4 out of 8 repeaters... 50 percent accuracy u in profit/ edge.... So avg profit 25 single unit and with 10units it's 250 within 24 spins or 20 minutes this I think vad referring for a cycle...
One more point. I think with 3 hits also can lead to profit... As we removed last number on each hit.... Strength in system..... With low accuracy than 50 percent still can lead to. Profit
Quote from: jono1167 on Feb 25, 01:14 AM 201912
This system u capturing singles out of 37 numbers ....ok got the idea tq
Before going into cycle. Tighten ur seat belt. And ready for a free thrill ride... May b it's feeling like sitting on a hot oven.... Now it's up many cycles in a day.... 😀😈 easy win will urge u to play more while tough cycles will blow your mind but at the end of cycles result will b same.. 24/8...36/12
Another important point.. Casino are more smarter than players. Their data analyser will not b ayk tracker.. It will b big data... My thought can see more thrill... Than expected
Those fcking bastards can go any limit to save their profit.. Either it's one unit or1k .
Quote from: Elite on Feb 25, 03:11 AM 2019
Those fcking bastards can go any limit to save their profit.. Either it's one unit or1k .
Lol! Savage! Technically speaking we are deemed “fcking bastards†by the casinos too! 😂
Quote from: Turkish4 on Feb 25, 07:12 AM 2019
Lol! Savage! Technically speaking we are deemed “fcking bastards†by the casinos too! 😂
hahha yes u right :)
there is a difference, if i m showing someone to play and win, with each bet good luck, if good luck comes then what issue with that..
either they must promote come here to loose , if they cannot bear some one winning, or if they honest they should be fair ....rejecting bets, like a kids, like a beggar house, using magic balls, like a street joker , i m going to feel pity on those fcking bastards, :)
cutting black jack deck half way, using their own expert shuffler ,, what u expect to win, there, :) may b youtube videos enough to see the outcome, else all up to u , every one has his own point of view, in short , casino never want a level play field and they will never allow this ..
i dont udnerstand where vaadi gone, may b in some casino he win too much and then instead of game change they change him ........... lolzzz
I read stories how cansino spot card counters, hiring private detectives, and then what happens to them , so not take casino easy, they are real bastards and can go to any limit ,, it money business. what problems if i m counting card numbers, any thing bad, card is in front of me why i cannot read its number, so here u can see what they want,
wtg Elite :thumbsup:
Elite1: A Four-Unique Accumulator System
Procedure: Track the last four outcomes. Are they uniques?
(If there is a repeat number within the
four outcomes only consider the uniques)
Bet the four unique singles once.
If miss track for four new unique singles, repeat steps.
Stop on a win or after nine consecutive misses.
Example: 12,3,0,23 (newest spin-value)
Bet 12,3,0,23 once: 1.) 15(x)-4
...9,33,21 (newest spin-value)
Bet 15,9,33,21 once....
play with first number, with minimal bet unit, if repeat happens within 4 u still in very good profit with low bets, keep with 4 until u think there is some charm to get hit then follow the max number limit . othr 2nd way , to wait for first 4 uniques, then analyse how they connect any thing easy to udnerstand based on that, or just follow and ride in cycle, once in, THERE IS NO WAY OUT without profit or loss :). and each cycle will give different experience, sometime very easy hits some time very hard , ..check point must be when to stop...
for 2nd approach, wait for 4 unique u ve to analyse how they fall on table, based on that u ve to decide to go with pairing or not etc, so startup can be with 8 or after first 8 ,,, depends how sharpen mind pick up the future number falls. and things are not so easy once in, many ups and down, that will make your boredom away with free thrilling movie experience :)
i will share my yesterday experience,, continuous cycle by cycle by very few repeaters 30 numbers out in 37 spins , 32 numbers out in 37 spins,,,,,28 numbers out in 37 spins, repeater falling ranges too far and after first repeater 2nd coming very late....that was ....terrible experience, but at the end, with all these , i able to make 100 units at the end of 3rd cycle ,,mean continuous play around 2 hours, but in between i made mistake also . so i think, a lot to improve, and need lot more practice, far away from pro play till now
I'll look at it Elite, but right now your first suggestion is on fire! 8)
Test: Elite1 @ Dublinbet European Wheel #1-
Monday, February 25,2019 @ 6:36am CST USA
...1,16,12,3 (newest spin-value)-qualifier four uniques collected
Bet 1,16,12,3 once: 1.) 0(x)-4
...17,15,27 (newest spin-value)
Bet 0,17,15,27 once: 2.) 34(x)-4
...1,35,21 (newest spin-value)
Bet 34,1,35,21 once: 3.) 5(x)-4
...14,7,7,3,18 (newest spin-value)
Bet 5,14,3,18 once: 4.) 3(win)+32
Test: Elite1 @ Intertops Red Casino American
Wheel-Monday, February 25,2019 @ 7:46am CST USA
....9,8,0,19 (newest spin-value)-qualifier four uniques collected
Bet 9,8,0,19 once: 1.) 0(win)+32
awsome wins, use prediction power also, with number combinations, to predict sleepers, i just now played one sessions, 52 units within 12 spins, i thought better to stop instead of going in roller coaster :)
for 4 qualifiers i remove one and add one , like that, and go to sleepers and pairs also, based on how number falls.
Quote from: jono1167 on Feb 25, 01:14 AM 2019
Hi Elite
Here are the rules for the system.
First spin: #3. Bet numbers 2-4.
Second spin: #18. Bet numbers 2-4, 17-19.
Third spin: #20. Bet numbers 2-4, 17-19, 20-21 (19 was taken, so bet #20)
Fourth spin: #33. Bet numbers 2-4, 17-19, 20-21, 32-34, etc....
Continue until you get a hit. Re-set, start again.
It was doing really well until this last 500 spin session.
You're not betting for repeats in this system, you're betting on the neighbors of the most recent hit number.
The table just represents what happens when you get a hit (or miss) For instance, a hit after seven spins will result in a -6 unit loss. Most hits occur in the 3-9 spin range. I have only ever gone as far as 12 levels once.
If a hit occurs on 2nd spin +34 units
If a hit occurs on 3rd spin +30 units
If a hit occurs on 4th spin +24 units
If a hit occurs on 5th spin +16 units
If a hit occurs on 6th Spin +6 units
If a hit occurs on 7th spin -6 units
If a hit occurs on 8th spin -20 units
If a hit occurs on 9th spin -36 units
If a hit occurs on 10th spin -54 units
If a hit occurs on 11th spin -74 units
If a hit occurs on 12th spin -96 units
If a hit occurs on 13th spin -120 units
If a hit occurs on 14th spin -146 units
Thanks Elite. Suggestions / improvements are welcome :).
It would be interesting, if you still have the data, to include targeting see just if or how (much?) repeaters would have floated this bad stretch above water. As Vaddi said, if sleepers hit, you're there; if repeaters hit, you're there. So if it's bad for either, it should be good for the other. But how much better? Enough to float the system? Hmmm
Thanks for your testing.
24 hours in a day, 8 hours of sleep.
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 25, 12:19 PM 2019
24 hours in a day, 8 hours of sleep.
Does that mean 16 hours looking for the wobbly wheel
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Feb 25, 12:14 PM 2019
It must be understood that it is 24/8 ...
What is 24/8?
Say all the ideas that you can think of what is 24/8
Roulette passion
Bet 8 numbers three times = 24?
Bet 24 numbers eight times = suicide?
8 units laid to cover 24 nrs,
This is a fun game! Could go on all week with dozens of combinations.
Erm does anyone know the answer ?
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Feb 25, 12:14 PM 2019
It must be understood that it is 24/8 ...
What is 24/8?
Say all the ideas that you can think of what is 24/8
Roulette passion
24 spins 8 numbers.
8 spins 24 numbers.
3 numbers for 8 spins.
8 numbers for 3 spins.
8 numbers plus two neighbors for each number.
3 repeaters 8 times.
3 cycles of 8.
wait for 8 non repeaters 3 times.
24 - 8 = 16
24+8 = 32
that's all I could think of quickly and I'm sure the same if not more than the average 8 year old child. :twisted:
Number 8 covered with 24 units ?
In all seriousness though, what is the point in this exercise , unless someone is going to say "yes thats the way! You got it!"
Bet 8 and 24 , 824 times in a row ?
I was to say 8 repeaters in 24 spis, but it's more like 6...
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Feb 25, 02:08 PM 2019
Think of something easier ...
what is 8 of 24?
what is 4 of 12?
What can you see in the marquee? how do we incorporate the pairings ??
If you can not understand what is 24/8 and 12/4, you will not be able to advance ...
They are divisible by 3?
I knew my E in Maths would come in useful someday!
Do we bet 3 x 8 numbers = 4 pairs
Followed by 3 x 4 numbers = 2 pairs?
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Feb 25, 02:08 PM 2019
Think of something easier ...
what is 8 of 24?
what is 4 of 12?
What can you see in the marquee? how do we incorporate the pairings ??
If you can not understand what is 24/8 and 12/4, you will not be able to advance ...
2/3 of the marquee being repeats and 1/3 being singles?
Quote from: Turkish4 on Feb 25, 02:54 PM 2019
2/3 of the marquee being repeats and 1/3 being singles?
This would be awesome!
My try:
8 groups of three p-/nr/p+
24=8 streets
12=4 streets.
I don't think you are playing each street that comes out. Maybe you have to balance the streets. If that makes any sense.
Quote from: Irish88 on Feb 25, 03:21 PM 2019
24=8 streets
12=4 streets.
I don't think you are playing each street that comes out. Maybe you have to balance the streets. If that makes any sense.
Nice Irish!
how to incorporate the pairings....pairings of streets?
something like this? here's first set i grabbed off sheer luck like all these methods start off as!!
(Edit amounts to street level, as I counted it as straight ups - you get the picture!)
7 bet streets 10,11,7,8 for 6 spins
11 win +24
10 bet 4,5,10,11
1 loss -12
7 bet 5,6,7,8
7 win +18
12 bet 6,7,12,1
7 win +18
1 bet 5,6,1,2
1 win +42
3 bet 8,9,3,4
7 loss +6
5 bet 2,3,5,6
6 win +12
5 bet 8,9,5,6
9 win +48
9 bet 7,8,9,10
8 win +72
6 bet 4,5,6,7
5 win +102
4 bet 7,8,4,5
8 win +102
3 bet 8,9,3,4
9 win +120
2 bet 12,1,2,3 (have to go back one here)
2 win +144
1 bet 7,8,1,2
7 win +162
3 bet 11,12,3,4
3 win +168
3 bet 4,5,3,2
3 win +192
3 bet 11,12,3,4
12 win +192
8 bet 4,5,8,9
4 win +210
6 bet 10,11,6,7 etc..
Quote from: Still on Feb 25, 11:00 AM 2019
It would be interesting, if you still have the data, to include targeting see just if or how (much?) repeaters would have floated this bad stretch above water. As Vaddi said, if sleepers hit, you're there; if repeaters hit, you're there. So if it's bad for either, it should be good for the other. But how much better? Enough to float the system? Hmmm
Thanks for your testing.
Hi Still
I'll complete this next lot of 500 spins and then post some combined data.
So far I have completed 2000 spins.
1st test - 1000 spins + 931 units
2nd test - 500 spins + 591 units
3rd test - 500 spins - 112 units
Although I was disappointed with yesterdays 500 spin test, it actually isn't that bad. Put into context with the first two successful tests, it actually doesn't look that bad. It's not like it completely blew up....
So far there is a combined total profit of 1,410 units of profit from 2000 spins. Anyway, I'll keep going with this next lot of 500 spins.
By the way, I was hoping to continue on from the end of yesterdays test series, however I put my phone in to flight mode and the Roulette Simulator session reset itself. Therefore, I have started the next lot of 500 spins from scratch.
By the way Still, Ben achieved great results when he tested a method pretty much identical to this one. He recorded 1000 spins and ended up with 900 units of profit.
Quote from: buffalowizard on Feb 25, 02:16 PM 2019
Do we bet 3 x 8 numbers = 4 pairs
Followed by 3 x 4 numbers = 2 pairs?
Most likely 3 groups by 4 numbers ,4 numbers on doubles ,4 numbers on singles (+),4 numbers on singles (-).
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Feb 25, 12:14 PM 2019
It must be understood that it is 24/8 ...
What is 24/8?
Say all the ideas that you can think of what is 24/8
Roulette passion
On average you get a repeat single every eight spins.
Quote from: buffalowizard on Feb 25, 02:09 PM 2019
They are divisible by 3?
I knew my E in Maths would come in useful someday!
Every 3 spins there is either a repeat or a pairing? 😉
Another shot at this:
I think the bet selection has to be a multiple of both of these.
So that would be 1,2,3,4,6 or 12 (number of chips)
Eight could be half of four.
A single repeats on average every eight
spins and Vaddi's focus is on repeaters.
So I'm thinking bet the three (or four)
repeat singles starting at spin 25.
One of the four numbers should hit in nine spins.
One of the three numbers should hit in 12 spins.
Test: "Repeater Theory" @ Dublinbet European
Wheel #1-Monday, February 25,2019 @ 7:17pm CST USA
Collect 24 spin-values: 23,30,4,33,20,29,11,21,30,13,12,
11,23,36,33,8,28,8,19,19,26,29,6,27 (newest spin-value)
Repeat singles: 8,11,19,23,29,20,33 (seven uniques)-Magic Number?
Bet 8,11,19,23,29,20,33 until a win or a drawdown of -36 units.
1.) 33(win)+29
Test: "Repeater Theory" @ Intertops Red Casino American
Wheel-Monday, February 25,2019 @ 7:37pm CST USA
22,00,22,29 (newest spin-value)-24 spin-values collected
Repeat singles: 16,17,22,00
Bet 16,17,22,00 for up to nine spins.
Stop on a win or after nine consecutive misses.
1.) 10(x)-4 2.) 16(win)+32
Here is Track Four software to track unhits, unique singles, repeaters.
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Feb 25, 07:13 PM 2019
Another shot at this:
I think the bet selection has to be a multiple of both of these.
So that would be 1,2,3,4,6 or 12 (number of chips)
Eight could be half of four.
A single repeats on average every eight
spins and Vaddi's focus is on repeaters.
So I'm thinking bet the three (or four)
repeat singles starting at spin 25.
One of the four numbers should hit in nine spins.
One of the three numbers should hit in 12 spins.
I have been trying something similar to this. I would track 25 spins and note down the repeats and bet on them.
It worked well for a few days and one day I had a nightmare (almost 500 units down). The repeats I was betting on went cold and new repeats came up which I ended up adding on and on. I didn’t use any progression just kept betting one unit on each number each time.
I console myself by saying I entered during the wrong time of the 37 spin cycle 😂
24/8=3 can be play 8 singles Max. and 3 sleepers Max in whole cycle.. Another can in 24 spins repeaters can be around 8.. And 3 repeaters will b withing 8 range.... In 24 spins 3 wins make u equal balance and 4 hits on profit... Or start with 4 numbers and 3 neighbours.. On each number drop.. Remove neighbour and replace with new drop. Until 7 reach and after that on 8 spin play last 7 number and last number pair and so on until 24... Hope to hear something valuable from passion... Passion hint like smoke.. Nothing visible...
:i mean smoke and mirror :love:
Holy grail search journey attach
Here we go :thumbsup:
Procedure: Track the last 12 outcomes.
Do you see at least two repeat singles?
If so, bet the last four outcomes each
spin for up to nine spins. Stop on a win.
If you see only one repeat single or less bet
respectively one less the last four outcomes each spin.
Stop on a win or after nine consecutive misses.
12,20,0,35,20,34,16,34,19,0,29,11 (newest spin-value)
Bet 19,0,29,11 once: 1.) 30(x)-4
Bet 0,29,11,30 once....
Example two: (one repeat single or less)
...12,35,4,33,0,12,16,17,29,36,4,23 (newest spin-value)
Bet 28,35,3,22 once: 1.) 7(x)-4
Bet 35,3,22,6 once....
Test: Dublinbet European Wheel #1-
Monday, February 26,2019 @ 11:49pm CST USA
...36,30,29,19,33,30,31,8,35,32,29 (newest spin-value)
*Two repeaters show within 12
outcomes. Bet last four spin-values each spin.
Bet 8,35,32,29: 1.) 26(x)-4
Bet 35,32,29,26: 2.) 23(x)-4
Bet 32,29,26,23: 3.) 23(win)+32
Test: Intertops Red Casino American Wheel-
Monday, February 26,2019 @ 11:56pm CST USA
...23,7,25,36,30,28,11,1,20,4,8,12 (newest spin-value)
No repeat singles present. Bet
less one the last four outcomes.
Bet 19,3,7,11: 1.) 25(x)-4
Bet 3,7,11,24: 2.) 25(x)-4
Bet 3,7,11,24: 3.) 0(x)-4
Bet 7,11,24,36: 4.) 20(x)-4
Bet 11,24,36,19: 5.) 11(win)+32
@proof u ve so many patterns to bet U can beat RNG :smile:
Thanks for the compliment Elite. RNGs aren't worth the time though.
24/8 =3 so many thoughts received. Who will confirm which one suitable.... I think it's math questions so here my solutiin
24= 8*3
1/3= 8/24
1/3= 1/3
Solved.... 🙌🙌🍹🍹🍹🍹🍹
36/12=3. Why not this as basis.... May b passion can explain
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 25, 03:06 PM 2019
This would be awesome!
My try:
8 groups of three p-/nr/p+
What mean this bro
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Feb 26, 05:38 AM 2019
Here you have said something that is what I mean! :thumbsup:
Passion,, my mistake I gave so many options. How to play pairing... U give clue very upper man.. Give something valuable.. 6th sense created whole new thread for basic spins and assist in getting info along with ayktracker. I hope as an experienced player we can hear something valuable from you .
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Feb 26, 05:38 AM 2019
Here you have said something that is what I mean! :thumbsup:
Haha now I’m even more confused 😂
Hope to hear basics without any contractual terms :love:
Quote from: Turkish4 on Feb 26, 06:01 AM 2019
Haha now I’m even more confused 😂
Yes man. I also not sure What does that .as per him one full one half. What to do with that😇
Quote from: Elite on Feb 26, 06:28 AM 2019
Yes man. I also not sure What does that .as per him one full one half. What to do with that😇
I’m guessing that PR means is that no matter which way you look at it.. vaddi is the only grail :)
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Feb 26, 07:31 AM 2019
Vaddis uses the pairing to hunt the hits faster and in case of not being positive, to include much more!
Dyksexlic does exactly the same, but hunting only repetitions, so I come to think that they are the same person or that both reached the same point and vaddis try to reach further.
On the other hand, everything is based on the same law, including that of Turbo, but he takes advantage of it in a different way.
Well elite, if you already know that 24/8 you know what it is, now knowing that, how do you take advantage of it? Start to try things ...
Vaddis said that it could be done from the beginning or to have more precision wait for 8 no? This does not make you think?
PR :thumbsup:
Does anybody have a link to dyksexlic or turbo for me to read up? :)
I’m still not too sure on 24/8 though PR. My belief is that 24 represents the doubles/repeats and the 8 is the magic number/balance/numbers you bet on.
Quote from: Elite on Feb 26, 04:07 AM 2019
24/8 =3 so many thoughts received. Who will confirm which one suitable.... I think it's math questions so here my solutiin
24= 8*3
1/3= 8/24
1/3= 1/3
Solved.... 🙌🙌🍹🍹🍹🍹🍹
Are we talking about the law of the third here? People seem to indicate that something has to happen.
24 numbers land
12 doubles land
13 unhit
2:1 ratio
Is all this based on the law of the third?
Quote from: Irish88 on Feb 26, 07:51 AM 2019
Are we talking about the law of the third here? People seem to indicate that something has to happen.
24 numbers land
12 doubles land
13 unhit
2:1 ratio
Is all this based on the law of the third?
That’s what I feel.
You get 12 doubles (which makes 24 numbers)
12 singles
12 no hits
But there are of course times where doubles become triples in the 36 spin cycle.
So it’s about catching the singles and the singles that turn into doubles.
Quote from: Turkish4 on Feb 26, 08:11 AM 2019
That’s what I feel.
You get 12 doubles (which makes 24 numbers)
12 singles
12 no hits
But there are of course times where doubles become triples in the 36 spin cycle.
So it’s about catching the singles and the singles that turn into doubles.
GUT ?? :xd: :xd:
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Feb 26, 07:31 AM 2019
Vaddis uses the pairing to hunt the hits faster and in case of not being positive, to include much more!
Dyksexlic does exactly the same, but hunting only repetitions, so I come to think that they are the same person or that both reached the same point and vaddis try to reach further.
On the other hand, everything is based on the same law, including that of Turbo, but he takes advantage of it in a different way.
Well elite, if you already know that 24/8 you know what it is, now knowing that, how do you take advantage of it? Start to try things ...
Vaddis said that it could be done from the beginning or to have more precision wait for 8 no? This does not make you think?
PR :thumbsup:
Passion.. Vaadi mentioned strongly that number should not exceed 9. So u mean include more pairs and less doubles but within 9 number range? Now really my mind more blank and I forgot what I learned also
Last 4 spins has no repeats. You start betting with those 4 numbers and their pair number. So you start with 8 numbers. As each number comes out you add the new number and pair number, so you go from 8,10,12,14,16. If you get no hit in this process start back at the last 4 numbers and their pair number and repeat process. Just an idea. I know people say only 8 numbers but others say it can go to 16.
The idea here is you usually get a repeat by the 8th spin. If you look at the breakdown above once a number goes past 8 position on the marquee you are dropping it. You are betting the number eight times. Except for the first four you are immediately starting with. There can be no repeats in last 4. Again just an idea.
Quote from: Gitano on Feb 26, 08:18 AM 2019GUT ?? :xd: :xd:
Yes; But you have to see how you arrive at the crossing
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Feb 26, 07:31 AM 2019
Vaddis uses the pairing to hunt the hits faster and in case of not being positive, to include much more!
Dyksexlic does exactly the same, but hunting only repetitions, so I come to think that they are the same person or that both reached the same point and vaddis try to reach further.
On the other hand, everything is based on the same law, including that of Turbo, but he takes advantage of it in a different way.
Well elite, if you already know that 24/8 you know what it is, now knowing that, how do you take advantage of it? Start to try things ...
Vaddis said that it could be done from the beginning or to have more precision wait for 8 no? This does not make you think?
PR :thumbsup:
There not the same person..
Beats me even now after all this time that everyone thinks you actually know it..
If repeats aren’t happening what else is likely to happen..
If pairing is happening do they come in a run..? Repeats main percentage comes from a pairs onwards same for pairing onwards from repeats
Dyslexic need a massive bankroll
Vaddis does not ..big bankroll is needed to catch his repeat inside cycle
Quote from: Turkish4 on Feb 26, 07:37 AM 2019
Does anybody have a link to dyksexlic or turbo for me to read up? :)
I’m still not too sure on 24/8 though PR. My belief is that 24 represents the doubles/repeats and the 8 is the magic number/balance/numbers you bet on.
Dyk link:s://
Quote from: Elite on Feb 26, 04:07 AM 2019
24/8 =3 so many thoughts received. Who will confirm which one suitable.... I think it's math questions so here my solutiin
24= 8*3
1/3= 8/24
1/3= 1/3
Solved.... 🙌🙌🍹🍹🍹🍹🍹
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
O0: now i decided i will do what wheel will do,
(link::// (link:://
This I tried 1st 4 #’s with pairs. 1st #15, its pair going forward on mat and its pair going forward on wheel. If the #, like here #14 I bet the pair going forward on mat but bet going backwards on the side 5-26; so you could say going forward from the zero; both sides.
Good start; so should I have stopped?
Okay so carried on to spin 37, last time in profit spin 31. At spin 37; -2930 units. So General how am I going to get out of vaddi’s hole?
The game started 10/10. So 10+15=25; so at spin 40 we should have 25 non-hits. Spin 37, there was 25 non-hits. So by spin 60 we usually have 30 non-hits.
So I bet the 12 remaining non-hit and made the mistake of not going 3 units for spin 40 and was back to start of -2930 units. So I carried on using the bookies prog: I use.
At spin 60 we’ve had 30 non-hit and still in hole, but spin 63 win with still available 9 spins too bet.
Out the hole General all down to average and not one pocket to0 many.
(link::// (link:://
Quote from: Elite on Feb 26, 01:05 PM 2019
O0: now i decided i will do what wheel will do,
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Quote from: nottophammer on Feb 26, 01:09 PM 2019
(link::// (link:://
This I tried 1st 4 #’s with pairs. 1st #15, its pair going forward on mat and its pair going forward on wheel. If the #, like here #14 I bet the pair going forward on mat but bet going backwards on the side 5-26; so you could say going forward from the zero; both sides.
Good start; so should I have stopped?
Okay so carried on to spin 37, last time in profit spin 31. At spin 37; -2930 units. So General how am I going to get out of vaddi’s hole?
The game started 10/10. So 10+15=25; so at spin 40 we should have 25 non-hits. Spin 37, there was 25 non-hits. So by spin 60 we usually have 30 non-hits.
So I bet the 12 remaining non-hit and made the mistake of not going 3 units for spin 40 and was back to start of -2930 units. So I carried on using the bookies prog: I use.
At spin 60 we’ve had 30 non-hit and still in hole, but spin 63 win with still available 9 spins too bet.
Out the hole General all down to average and not one pocket to0 many.
(link::// (link:://
350 euro on 20? killer system man
If I would like to design a system with implemented element as law of third and think that neighbours on #1 are #0 and #2,than I would rather look for a roulette wheel with numbers placed in arithmetical order : 1,2,3.....36,0.,not random as on European or American roulette wheel.
Quote from: Kan@am@ on Feb 26, 01:24 PM 2019
If I would like to design a system with implemented element as law of third and think that neighbours on #1 are #0 and #2,than I would rather look for a roulette wheel with numbers placed in arithmetical order : 1,2,3.....36,0.,not random as on European or American roulette wheel.
as per dyclylic theory
It means that I took random words and turned them into ORDERED words.
Turning 'RANDOM' into 'ORDER' is what you are TRYING to do when you place a bet in roulette.
The roulette wheel is 'RANDOM', and the roulette table is 'ORDER'...
Hope this helps.
gosh, any idea if u got tell me also :)
When I look at the real wheel I see #20 and #33 next to the #1.When I look at the roulette table I see #0 and #2 next to the #1.and at the casino croupier is not turning roulette table .Any time I see him/her turning something it will be the wheel .
Quote from: Kan@am@ on Feb 26, 02:06 PM 2019
When I look at the real wheel I see #20 and #33 next to the #1.When I look at the roulette table I see #0 and #2 next to the #1.and at the casino croupier is not turning roulette table .Any time I see him/her turning something it will be the wheel .
Totally agreed with you Kanam, I 'm testing in statistical way, a method, sessions of
8 numbers.. 4 spins I'm waiting and next fours spins I bet the 4 spun + the wheel pairs...
I'm posting the results of another 500 spins. This test reverted to the usual positive results.
503 spins for 466 units of profit. All flat bet.
Please see the attached graph.
(link::// (link:://
I modified the rules slightly for this test. In past tests, when a repeat came up, I placed a unit on the repeated number as well as a unit on an earlier number. This has now changed.
For the procedure, please follow this example.
First spin: #7. Bet numbers 6-8.
Second spin: #18. Bet numbers 6-8, 17-19.
Third spin: #24. Bet numbers 6-8, 17-19, 23-25.
Fourth spin: #7 (repeat). Bet numbers 5-6-8-9, 17-19, 23-25.(#7 repeated. In the past I would have placed a unit on #7 and #18. This time I am placing the units on the two outside numbers of the repeater. Hopefully the example explains everything).
Breakdown of the data.
503 spins consisted of 89 individual betting strings. A hit, either positive or negative, resulted in the end of the string and the start of a new string.
See totals below.
A hit after 2 spins occurred 4 times (136 units total)
A hit after 3 spins occurred 11 times (330 units total)
A hit after 4 spins occurred 15 times (360 units total)
A hit after 5 spins occurred 17 times (272 units total)
A hit after 6 spins occurred 16 times (96 units total)
A hit after 7 spins occurred 9 times (-36 units total)
A hit after 8 spins occurred 7 times (-140 units total)
A hit after 9 spins occurred 5 times (-180 units total)
A hit after 10 spins occurred 4 times (-216 units total)
A hit after 11 spins occurred 2 times (-148 units total)
A hit after 12 spins occurred 0 times
A hit after 13 spins occurred 0 times
A hit after 14 spins occurred 0 times
Can anyone else see the potential for a progression here? My idea is that you would only begin the progression at level 10. The idea of the progression would not be to go for profit, but just to nullify the losses. If you nullified the losses at levels 10 and 11, you would have walked away 830 units of profit for 503 spins.
In this test, the progression would only have been used on levels 10 and 11. In all my testing (2500 spins) I have only gone to level 12 once. It has never progressed beyond level 12.
Tomorrow morning I will post the combined results of the 2500 spin test series so far. If anyone else has a go at this, please share your results.
Quote from: Gitano on Feb 26, 04:52 PM 2019
Totally agreed with you Kanam, I 'm testing in statistical way, a method, sessions of 8 numbers.. 4 spins I'm waiting and next fours spins I bet the 4 spun + the wheel pairs...
I am testing the same way Gitano. Let us know how it goes for you. Good luck.
Quote from: jono1167 on Feb 26, 05:14 PM 2019
I'm posting the results of another 500 spins. This test reverted to the usual positive results.
503 spins for 466 units of profit. All flat bet.
Please see the attached graph.
(link::// (link:://
I modified the rules slightly for this test. In past tests, when a repeat came up, I placed a unit on the repeated number as well as a unit on an earlier number. This has now changed.
For the procedure, please follow this example.
First spin: #7. Bet numbers 6-8.
Second spin: #18. Bet numbers 6-8, 17-19.
Third spin: #24. Bet numbers 6-8, 17-19, 23-25.
Fourth spin: #7 (repeat). Bet numbers 5-6-8-9, 17-19, 23-25.(#7 repeated. In the past I would have placed a unit on #7 and #18. This time I am placing the units on the two outside numbers of the repeater. Hopefully the example explains everything).
Breakdown of the data.
503 spins consisted of 89 individual betting strings. A hit, either positive or negative, resulted in the end of the string and the start of a new string.
See totals below.
A hit after 2 spins occurred 4 times (136 units total)
A hit after 3 spins occurred 11 times (330 units total)
A hit after 4 spins occurred 15 times (360 units total)
A hit after 5 spins occurred 17 times (272 units total)
A hit after 6 spins occurred 16 times (96 units total)
A hit after 7 spins occurred 9 times (-36 units total)
A hit after 8 spins occurred 7 times (-140 units total)
A hit after 9 spins occurred 5 times (-180 units total)
A hit after 10 spins occurred 4 times (-216 units total)
A hit after 11 spins occurred 2 times (-148 units total)
A hit after 12 spins occurred 0 times
A hit after 13 spins occurred 0 times
A hit after 14 spins occurred 0 times
Can anyone else see the potential for a progression here? My idea is that you would only begin the progression at level 10. The idea of the progression would not be to go for profit, but just to nullify the losses. If you nullified the losses at levels 10 and 11, you would have walked away 830 units of profit for 503 spins.
In this test, the progression would only have been used on levels 10 and 11. In all my testing (2500 spins) I have only gone to level 12 once. It has never progressed beyond level 12.
Tomorrow morning I will post the combined results of the 2500 spin test series so far. If anyone else has a go at this, please share your results.
Bloody good going Jono, well done. Are you using RS for those tests and graphs?
Quote from: buffalowizard on Feb 26, 06:59 PM 2019
Bloody good going Jono, well done. Are you using RS for those tests and graphs?
Correct Buffalo, I was originally using a roulette app on my phone, however, I have changed to RS. I like the way it creates the graph as you go.
I'll post the combined data from 2500 spins tomorrow morning. Plenty more testing still to do.
Thanks Buffalo
Testing Jono's way, hope I got it right. Could someone figure out the profit/loss of this?
8 BET 7,9
36 7,9,35,1
36 7,9,34,35,1,2
11 7,9,34,35,1,2,10,12
36 7,9,33,34,35,1,2,3,10,12
22 7,9,33,34,35,1,2,3,10,12,21,23
3 BET 2,4
26 2,4,25,27
13 BET 12,14
0 12,14,36,1
27 12,14,36,1,26,28
16 12,14,36,1,26,28,15,17
15 BET 14,16
19 14,16,18,20
8 14,16,18,20,7,9
10 14,16,18,20,7,9,8,11
17 14,16,18,20,7,9,8,11,15,19
35 14,16,18,20,7,9,8,11,15,19,34,36
28 14,16,18,20,7,9,8,11,15,19,34,36,27,29
23 14,16,18,20,7,9,8,11,15,19,34,36,27,29,22,24
3 14,16,18,20,7,9,8,11,15,19,34,36,27,29,22,24,2,4
22 BET 21,23
12 21,23,11,13
10 21,23,11,13,9,12
20 21,23,11,13,9,12,19,22
6 21,23,11,13,9,12,19,22,5,7
25 BET 24,26
35 BET 34,36
21 34,36,20,22
28 BET 27,29
8 27,29,7,9
18 27,29,7,9,17,19
18 27,29,7,9,17,19,16,20
11 27,29,7,9,17,19,16,20,10,12
31 27,29,7,9,17,19,16,20,10,12,30,32
2 27,29,7,9,17,19,16,20,10,12,30,32,1,3
24 BET 23,25
19 23,25,18,20
12 23,25,18,20,11,13
2 23,25,18,20,11,13,1,3
29 23,25,18,20,11,13,1,3,28,30
-- -- --
16 23,25,18,20,11,13,1,3,28,30,15,17
5 BET 4,6
0 4,6,36,1
3 4,6,36,1,2,5
14 4,6,36,1,2,5,13,15
29 4,6,36,1,2,5,13,15,28,30
9 4,6,36,1,2,5,13,15,28,30,8,10
26 BET 25,27
14 25,27,13,15
21 25,27,13,15,20,22
32 25,27,13,15,20,22,31,33
29 25,27,13,15,20,22,31,33,28,30
8 25,27,13,15,20,22,31,33,28,30,7,9
32 BET 31,33
25 31,33,24,26
32 31,33,24,26,30,34
-- -- --
13 31,33,24,26,30,34,12,14
15 31,33,24,26,30,34,12,14,13,16
20 31,33,24,26,30,34,12,14,13,16,19,21
2 31,33,24,26,30,34,12,14,13,16,19,21,1,3
36 31,33,24,26,30,34,12,14,13,16,19,21,1,3,35,0
18 31,33,24,26,30,34,12,14,13,16,19,21,1,3,35,0,17,20
22 BET 21,23
1 21,23,0,2
25 21,23,0,2,24,26
7 21,23,0,2,24,26,6,8
11 21,23,0,2,24,26,6,8,10,12
18 21,23,0,2,24,26,6,8,10,12,17,19
25 21,23,0,2,24,26,6,8,10,12,17,19,22,26
-- -- --
10 BET 9,11
0 9,11,36,1
27 9,11,36,1,26,28
10 9,11,36,1,26,28,8,12
23 9,11,36,1,26,28,8,12,22,24
23 9,11,36,1,26,28,8,12,22,24,21,25
11 BET 10,12
28 10,12,27,29
13 10,12,27,29,12,14
31 10,12,27,29,12,14,30,32
2 10,12,27,29,12,14,30,32,1,3
-- -- --
22 10,12,27,29,12,14,30,32,1,3,21,23
7 BET 6,8
1 6,8,0,2
21 6,8,0,2,20,22
34 6,8,0,2,20,22,33,35
8 BET 7,9
1 7,9,0,2
-- -- --
6 7,9,0,2,5,8
26 7,9,0,2,5,8,25,27
16 7,9,0,2,5,8,25,27,15,17
31 7,9,0,2,5,8,25,27,15,17,30,32
11 BET 10,12
0 10,12,36,1
15 10,12,36,1,14,16
32 10,12,36,1,14,16,31,33
2 10,12,36,1,14,16,31,33,0,3
11 10,12,36,1,14,16,31,33,0,3,9,13
7 10,12,36,1,14,16,31,33,0,3,9,13,6,8
30 BET 29,31
14 29,31,13,15
0 29,31,13,15,36,1
32 29,31,13,15,36,1,30,33
-- -- --
14 29,31,13,15,36,1,30,33,13,16
2 29,31,13,15,36,1,30,33,13,16,0,3
5 29,31,13,15,36,1,30,33,13,16,0,3,4,6
16 BET 15,17
3 15,17,2,4
6 15,17,2,4,5,7
33 15,17,2,4,5,7,32,34
8 15,17,2,4,5,7,32,34,6,9
26 15,17,2,4,5,7,32,34,6,9,25,27
27 BET 26,28
-- -- --
7 26,28,6,8
10 26,28,6,8,9,11
21 BET 20,22
26 20,22,25,27
24 20,22,25,27,23,26
17 20,22,25,27,23,26,16,18
9 BET 8,10
27 8,10,26,28
-- -- --
15 8,10,26,28,14,16
2 8,10,26,28,14,16,1,3
2 8,10,26,28,14,16,1,3,0,4
24 8,10,26,28,14,16,1,3,0,4,23,25
30 8,10,26,28,14,16,1,3,0,4,23,25,29,31
18 BET 17,19
30 BET 29,31
13 29,31,12,14
23 29,31,12,14,22,24
7 BET ON 6,8
0 6,8,36,1
-- -- --
6 BET ON 5,7
14 5,7,13,15
13 BET ON 12,14
2 12,14,1,3
15 12,14,1,3,13,16
24 12,14,1,3,13,16,23,25
5 12,14,1,3,13,16,23,25,4,6
32 12,14,1,3,13,16,23,25,4,6,31,33
17 12,14,1,3,13,16,23,25,4,6,31,33,15,18
17 12,14,1,3,13,16,23,25,4,6,31,33,15,18,11,19
34 12,14,1,3,13,16,23,25,4,6,31,33,15,18,11,19,32,35
9 12,14,1,3,13,16,23,25,4,6,31,33,15,18,11,19,32,35,8,10
14 WIN ON 10TH
25 BET ON 24,26
17 24,26,16,18
-- -- --
1 24,26,16,18,0,2
22 24,26,16,18,0,2,21,23
14 24,26,16,18,0,2,21,23,13,15
35 BET ON 34,36
33 34,36,32,35
22 34,36,32,35,21,23
29 34,36,32,35,21,23,28,30
33 34,36,32,35,21,23,28,30,31,0
26 34,36,32,35,21,23,28,30,31,0,25,27
15 34,36,32,35,21,23,28,30,31,0,25,27,14,16
-- -- --
30 BET ON 29,31
0 29,31,36,1
18 29,31,36,1,17,19
28 29,31,36,1,17,19,27,30
12 29,31,36,1,17,19,27,30,11,13
23 29,31,36,1,17,19,27,30,11,13,22,24
15 BET ON 14,16
0 BET ON 36,1
8 36,1,7,9
5 36,1,7,9,4,6
17 36,1,7,9,4,6,16,18
-- -- --
10 36,1,7,9,4,6,16,18,9,11
22 36,1,7,9,4,6,16,18,9,11,21,23
15 36,1,7,9,4,6,16,18,9,11,21,23,14,17
12 36,1,7,9,4,6,16,18,9,11,21,23,14,17,10,13
27 BET ON 26,28
22 26,28,21,23
29 26,28,21,23,27,30
0 BET ON 36,1
13 36,1,12,14
8 36,1,12,14,7,9
4 BET ON 3,5
18 3,5,17,19
-- -- --
22 BET ON 21,23
2 21,23,1,3
17 21,23,1,3,16,18
30 21,23,1,3,16,18,29,31
7 21,23,1,3,16,18,29,31,6,8
14 BET ON 13,15
33 13,15,32,34
3 13,15,32,34,2,4
22 BET ON 21,23
25 21,23,24,26
13 21,23,24,26,12,14
34 21,23,24,26,12,14,33,35
-- -- --
24 BET ON 23,25
19 23,25,18,20
24 23,25,18,20,22,26
21 23,25,18,20,22,26,20,24
30 BET ON 29,31
22 29,31,21,23
28 29,31,21,23,27,30
32 29,31,21,23,27,30,31,33
0 29,31,21,23,27,30,31,33,36,1
0 29,31,21,23,27,30,31,33,36,1,35,2
3 BET ON 2,4
29 2,4,28,30
-- -- --
6 2,4,28,30,5,7
16 BET ON 15,17
7 15,17,6,8
21 15,17,6,8,20,22
24 BET ON 23,25
22 23,25,21,24
6 23,25,21,24,5,7
32 23,25,21,24,5,7,31,33
9 BET ON 8,10
17 8,10,16,18
35 8,10,16,18,34,36
17 8,10,16,18,34,36,15,19
25 BET ON 24,26
33 24,26,32,34
-- -- --
0 BET ON 36,1
8 BET ON 7,9
19 7,9,18,20
15 7,9,18,20,14,16
1 7,9,18,20,14,16,0,2
18 BET ON 17,19
0 17,19,36,1
33 BET ON 32,34
16 32,34,15,17
33 32,34,15,17,31,35
25 32,34,15,17,31,35,24,26
4 32,34,15,17,31,35,24,26,3,5
-- -- --
36 32,34,15,17,31,35,24,26,3,5,33,0
7 32,34,15,17,31,35,24,26,3,5,33,0,6,8
11 32,34,15,17,31,35,24,26,3,5,33,0,6,8,10,12
18 32,34,15,17,31,35,24,26,3,5,33,0,6,8,10,12,16,19
30 32,34,15,17,31,35,24,26,3,5,33,0,6,8,10,12,16,19,29,36
30 32,34,15,17,31,35,24,26,3,5,33,0,6,8,10,12,16,19,29,36,28,1
34 WIN ON 11TH
7 BET ON 6,8
13 6,8,12,14
23 6,8,12,14,22,24
13 6,8,12,14,22,24,11,15
9 6,8,12,14,22,24,11,15,7,10
30 6,8,12,14,22,24,11,15,7,10,29,31
13 6,8,12,14,22,24,11,15,7,10,29,31,9,15
20 6,8,12,14,22,24,11,15,7,10,29,31,9,15,19,21
-- -- --
30 6,8,12,14,22,24,11,15,7,10,29,31,9,15,19,21,28,32
2 6,8,12,14,22,24,11,15,7,10,29,31,9,15,19,21,28,32,1,3
22 WIN ON 10TH
11 BET ON 10,12
23 BET ON 22,24
10 22,24,9,11
0 22,24,9,11,36,1
-- -- --
27 22,24,9,11,36,1,26,28
2 22,24,9,11,36,1,26,28,1,3
7 22,24,9,11,36,1,26,28,1,3,6,8
8 BET ON 7,9
35 7,9,34,36
15 7,9,34,36,14,16
11 7,9,34,36,14,16,10,12
27 BET ON 26,28
0 26,28,36,1
21 26,28,36,1,20,22
21 26,28,36,1,20,22,19,23
9 26,28,36,1,20,22,19,23,8,10
-- -- --
Quote from: buffalowizard on Feb 26, 07:50 PM 20198 BET 7,9
Well done Buffalo - I had you down for about 102 units of profit.
688 units profit minus 586 units loss = 102 units.
Roughly 300 spins and 100 units profit sounds correct.
Thanks for testing, guys. It takes time...
Quote from: Kan@am@ on Feb 26, 02:06 PM 2019
When I look at the real wheel I see #20 and #33 next to the #1.When I look at the roulette table I see #0 and #2 next to the #1.and at the casino croupier is not turning roulette table .Any time I see him/her turning something it will be the wheel .
HI Kanam,
I think logic behind for table is, on roulette wheel numbers are random to us.but table numbers are random to wheel.So as wheel playing random game to us we playing random game to wheel. Balance. point, my view only
Quote from: Kan@am@ on Feb 26, 02:06 PM 2019
When I look at the real wheel I see #20 and #33 next to the #1.When I look at the roulette table I see #0 and #2 next to the #1.and at the casino croupier is not turning roulette table .Any time I see him/her turning something it will be the wheel .
This is correct. If you want to pair numbers think of numbers that are close together on the wheel, not necessarily numerically. But numbers like 28 & 29 , 8 & 10 , 2 & 4 are both close numerically and on the wheel.
Then you want to see what the previous number was and what the spin direction was and what the rotor speed was.
For example if he spins 28 from the 13 area with clockwise ball, he's a better chance of spinning 29 from the same area with clockwise ball and similar rotor speed if you think his rotors and balls are very consistent. Also one or two pin game with consistent scatters are needed.
But it's not because 29 follows 28 numerically. They are just tags for pockets in the same area. You could call them A and B, and the principle is the same.
Basically, a very crude form of DS, but if you are pairing numbers, may as well have some logic behind it.
I did some testing on betting just neighbours as well and found out that sometimes there is no hit for about 15-17 times .These unlucky streaks will take you very deep don't with your bank.
Quote from: Firefox on Feb 27, 12:36 AM 2019
This is correct. If you want to pair numbers think of numbers that are close together on the wheel, not necessarily numerically. But numbers like 28 & 29 , 8 & 10 , 2 & 4 are both close numerically and on the wheel.
Then you want to see what the previous number was and what the spin direction was and what the rotor speed was.
For example if he spins 28 from the 13 area with clockwise ball, he's a better chance of spinning 29 from the same area with clockwise ball and similar rotor speed if you think his rotors and balls are very consistent. Also one or two pin game with consistent scatters are needed.
But it's not because 29 follows 28 numerically. They are just tags for pockets in the same area. You could call them A and B, and the principle is the same.
Basically, a very crude form of DS, but if you are pairing numbers, may as well have some logic behind it.
I’ve though about this as well. You’re basically left with
So you can structure your bets:
Zero-spiel (bet one chip on 26, one chip on 0/3, one chip on 32/32, one chip on 12/15)
Tiers (bet one chip on 30, one chip on 8/11, half a chip on 23 and 36)
Lastly one chip on 7, one chip on 28/29, half chip on 12/18
Just means you’re focusing on 7,26,30 and if they don’t come then you suffer in the Long run
today session, starting 301units , finsih 392..max reach 435(point stop or reset but mistake) max low is 277 . spins played 27
all lst 5 sessions. in one week
1st session=start 200 finish 252 (max reach 278)
2nd=start 200 finsih 201 max reach 280
3rd =start 200 finish 201 max reach 282
4th= start 240 finsih 301 . max reach 305
5th =start 301 finsih 392 max reach 435
base units .50 to 2 based on gameflow
@Turkish 4 It can relate to any two numbers close together on the wheel including a repeater.
Say for example 0 comes up twice in 5 spins. The first time the previous winning number was 10. The second time the previous winning number was 24. Both times they were clockwise spins, both times rotor speed was 3.5 secs per rev. So we know next time he is spinning from the bottom of the wheel 0 or neighbours are worthy of being on our list. We can wait till he throws the rotor and clock the speed to see if it's around 3.5 before betting.
However, if the first time zero won, the previous winner was 22 with cw rotor of 4 secs, and second time previous winner was 2 with acw rotor of 3 seconds then the fact that zero repeated was just random.
So by all means have it on the list if that's the system, but in this case it's pretty arbitrary. The point being unless you watch the dealer and record what he's doing, you're not taking advantage of any possible reasons for repeats. Sometimes repeats will be just random, but sometimes there's common reasons behind them.
Some dealers are def worth watching in this respect, while others are so random, one may as well not bother to record any aspects of their spins.
HI Passion thanks for info, hope to hear more on 24/8 ,12/3 and pairing, is pairing should be sequencial or how , thanks man
Quote from: jono1167 on Feb 26, 05:14 PM 2019
Breakdown of the data.
See totals below.
A hit after 2 spins occurred 4 times (136 units total)
A hit after 3 spins occurred 11 times (330 units total)
A hit after 4 spins occurred 15 times (360 units total)
A hit after 5 spins occurred 17 times (272 units total)
A hit after 6 spins occurred 16 times (96 units total)
A hit after 7 spins occurred 9 times (-36 units total)
A hit after 8 spins occurred 7 times (-140 units total)
A hit after 9 spins occurred 5 times (-180 units total)
A hit after 10 spins occurred 4 times (-216 units total)
A hit after 11 spins occurred 2 times (-148 units total)
A hit after 12 spins occurred 0 times
A hit after 13 spins occurred 0 times
A hit after 14 spins occurred 0 times
Would be fun to see the proportion of +pair vs. -pair...
Quote from: jono1167 on Feb 26, 09:36 PM 2019Well done Buffalo - I had you down for about 102 units of profit.
688 units profit minus 586 units loss = 102 units.
Roughly 300 spins and 100 units profit sounds correct.
Hmm. I've got BF down for 506 on that run.
2 7 238
3 7 210
4 9 216
5 5 80
6 10 60
7 6 -24
8 1 -20
9 2 -72
10 2 -108
11 1 -74
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 27, 01:35 PM 2019Would be fun to see the proportion of +pair vs. -pair...
can you give a short example for +pair , -pair ?
Quote from: Still on Feb 27, 02:14 PM 2019Hmm. I've got BF down for 506 on that run.
2 7 238
3 7 210
4 9 216
5 5 80
6 10 60
7 6 -24
8 1 -20
9 2 -72
10 2 -108
11 1 -74
BuffaloWizard's "Win on spin 1" is the same as Jono's "Win after two spins". So it got a little confusing. New calculations show a +200 units on that same run, in about 300 spins, with a high of 300 units.
5 6 6
2 30 36
4 16 52
9 -54 -2
5 6 4
1 34 38
2 30 68
7 -20 48
6 -4 44
6 -4 40
9 -54 -14
7 -20 -34
6 -4 -38
6 -4 -42
4 16 -26
6 -4 -30
7 -20 -50
7 -20 -70
6 -4 -74
3 24 -50
4 16 -34
7 -20 -54
1 34 -20
3 24 4
2 30 34
2 30 64
10 -74 -10
5 6 -4
7 -20 -24
6 -4 -28
1 34 6
8 -36 -30
3 24 -6
3 24 18
2 30 48
5 6 54
3 24 78
4 16 94
4 16 110
6 -4 106
3 24 130
3 24 154
4 16 170
4 16 186
2 30 216
1 34 250
4 16 266
2 30 296
11 -74 222
10 -74 148
1 34 182
6 -4 178
4 16 194
5 6 200
Quote from: Still on Feb 27, 02:44 PM 2019
BuffaloWizard's "Win on spin 1" is the same as Jono's "Win after two spins". So it got a little confusing. New calculations show a +200 units on that same run, in about 300 spins, with a high of 300 units.
Good work Still. I was quite confused but I decided to go with the lesser figure.
Sorry, I should clarify, after a win, I always put through a blank spin, get the result and then commence betting. The 'blank spin' I count as spin one. A win on spin two means +34 units etc....
See table below
If a hit occurs on 2nd spin +34 units
If a hit occurs on 3rd spin +30 units
If a hit occurs on 4th spin +24 units
If a hit occurs on 5th spin +16 units
If a hit occurs on 6th Spin +6 units
If a hit occurs on 7th spin -6 units
If a hit occurs on 8th spin -20 units
If a hit occurs on 9th spin -36 units
If a hit occurs on 10th spin -54 units
If a hit occurs on 11th spin -74 units
If a hit occurs on 12th spin -96 units (Never gone past spin 12)
If a hit occurs on 13th spin -120 units (Never occurred)
If a hit occurs on 14th spin -146 units (Never occurred)
Quote from: jono1167 on Feb 26, 09:36 PM 2019
Well done Buffalo - I had you down for about 102 units of profit.
688 units profit minus 586 units loss = 102 units.
Yikes. Newest correction: 178 units as it looks like BW went up to 12 steps that i had not figured in the lookup table yet. A high of 296.
Quote from: Herby on Feb 27, 02:19 PM 2019
can you give a short example for +pair , -pair ?
Ok, 14 hits. Put 1u on 13 and 15. How often is it 15 (pair+), how often is it 13 ( pair-) that hits?
2505 spins with a profit of 1,845 units.
(link::// (link:://
18 Feb - 1000 spins with a profit of +927 units. All flat bet.
20 Feb - 500 spins with a profit of +590 units. (Experimented briefly with progression to nullify losses)
25 Feb - 502 spins for -138 loss. All flat bet.
27 Feb - 503 spins for 466 units of profit. All flat bet.
A hit after 2 spins occurred 28 times (+34)
A hit after 3 spins occurred 60 times (+30)
A hit after 4 spins occurred 59 times (+24)
A hit after 5 spins occurred 72 times (+16)
A hit after 6 spins occurred 69 times (+6)
A hit after 7 spins occurred 60 times (-6)
A hit after 8 spins occurred 39 times (-20)
A hit after 9 spins occurred 36 times (-36)
A hit after 10 spins occurred 19 times (-54)
A hit after 11 spins occurred 7 times (-74)
A hit after 12 spins occurred 1 time (-96)
A hit after 13 spins occurred 0 times (-120)
A hit after 14 spins occurred 0 times (-146)
The figures above reveal most hits occur between spins 3 and 8. Can this be exploited?
The results so far are encouraging. Even the failed game wasn't a complete disaster, it was only a 138 unit loss. This has easily been offset by the wins. I will be worried if I record a 600 - 700 unit loss over 500 spins.
Back to testing......
Quote from: jono1167 on Feb 27, 04:17 PM 2019The figures above reveal most hits occur between spins 3 and 8. Can this be exploited?
Ask Nimo about his old drinking vessel spins 1-10 believe he said easy 100 units
Quote from: jono1167 on Feb 27, 04:17 PM 2019
2505 spins with a profit of 1,845 units.
(link::// (link:://
18 Feb - 1000 spins with a profit of +927 units. All flat bet.
20 Feb - 500 spins with a profit of +590 units. (Experimented briefly with progression to nullify losses)
25 Feb - 502 spins for -138 loss. All flat bet.
27 Feb - 503 spins for 466 units of profit. All flat bet.
A hit after 2 spins occurred 28 times (+34)
A hit after 3 spins occurred 60 times (+30)
A hit after 4 spins occurred 59 times (+24)
A hit after 5 spins occurred 72 times (+16)
A hit after 6 spins occurred 69 times (+6)
A hit after 7 spins occurred 60 times (-6)
A hit after 8 spins occurred 39 times (-20)
A hit after 9 spins occurred 36 times (-36)
A hit after 10 spins occurred 19 times (-54)
A hit after 11 spins occurred 7 times (-74)
A hit after 12 spins occurred 1 time (-96)
A hit after 13 spins occurred 0 times (-120)
A hit after 14 spins occurred 0 times (-146)
The figures above reveal most hits occur between spins 3 and 8. Can this be exploited?
The results so far are encouraging. Even the failed game wasn't a complete disaster, it was only a 138 unit loss. This has easily been offset by the wins. I will be worried if I record a 600 - 700 unit loss over 500 spins.
Back to testing......
Maybe only bet between 3 spins and 7 spins as they are the most active.?
Quote from: buffalowizard on Feb 27, 04:48 PM 2019
Maybe only bet between 3 spins and 7 spins as they are the most active.?
It would be worth testing Buffalo. See below.
Spin 1: No Bet
Spin 2: -2
Spin 3: -6
Spin 4: -12
Spin 5: -20
Spin 6: -30
Spin 7: -42
Quitting after 7 spins is an automatic -42 loss. However, sticking around a bit longer isn't necessarily a guarantee of success. Eg, a win after 10 spins is a 54 unit loss.
Thanks Notto, we'll track down Mako. He always very helpful :).
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Feb 27, 05:34 PM 2019
[quote author = Elite link = topic = 15824.msg223740 # msg223740 date = 1551283308]
HI Passion thanks for info, hope to hear more on 24/8, 12/3 and pairing, is pairing should be sequential or how, thanks man
[/ quote]
You already know what is 24/8 and 12/4 right?
Now you know that and he says you look at the marquee, the marquee has 8-12 numbers right?
So in 12 turns, for example, do we know what happens? And in 24? And in 36?
Because vaddis talks about even turns 4-8-12-24-36.
Has he fixed you ... 4-12, 8-24, 12-36?
I just want you to see it for there, because even some who believe they are doing vaddis do not, they only found balance in a complete cycle, but the marquee is only 12 ...
Law of the third
24 numbers land
12 doubles
12/13 unhits
The marquee holds 12 numbers (I think it's actually 16 where I play) One half of the numbers that will theoretically hit or close too. Are you implying just to start with the 12 numbers on the board?
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Feb 27, 05:34 PM 2019
[quote author = Elite link = topic = 15824.msg223740 # msg223740 date = 1551283308]
HI Passion thanks for info, hope to hear more on 24/8, 12/3 and pairing, is pairing should be sequential or how, thanks man
[/ quote]
You already know what is 24/8 and 12/4 right?
Now you know that and he says you look at the marquee, the marquee has 8-12 numbers right?
So in 12 turns, for example, do we know what happens? And in 24? And in 36?
Because vaddis talks about even turns 4-8-12-24-36.
Has he fixed you ... 4-12, 8-24, 12-36?
I just want you to see it for there, because even some who believe they are doing vaddis do not, they only found balance in a complete cycle, but the marquee is only 12 ...
I’m not sure if I really get this 24/8 and 12/4 but here goes.
The marquee that I play on holds 12 numbers so for every 12 numbers:
4 numbers are repeats
4 numbers are new singles
That being said at the start of the cycle it’ll mostly be new numbers with the possibility of 1 or 2 repeats in the first 12. The repeats should come in the spins 13-36.
So hence if you see 8 numbers without a repeat you start stage 1 hoping to catch the repeat. But when that fails you start betting either the vaddi table pair or the wheel pair?
Question is does the pair target repeats or new singles? My Guess is that it would be targeting repeats? Because if not you would be hitting repeats in stage 1
So do you bet the pairs if the first four numbers on the marquee is +/- 1 of a number currently shown or that appeared before?
4 on repeaters and 4 on singles.
hit on repeater - bet 2 on repeaters and 6 on singles
hit on repeater - bet 1 on repeaters and 7 on singles.
the same applies to the hits on singles.
basically adjustments made after each hit on repeater or single.
while testing I made over 1000 units than reached -200 and didn't had a profit in 8 spin cycles of 37 spins.According to Vaddis instructions profit should be made mach earlier.
Hope this info will help .
After analyzing 12 outcomes at first glance
only four of the 12 repeated in the next 24 spins.
Which brings me to this:
You could do a waker of the 12 outcomes on a marquee. When any of the 12 shows
again bet those numbers (and add each new repeat single from that 12 as they show).
Stop on a win or a drawdown of -36 units.
Test: "Waker Repeater Theory" @ Intertops Red Casino
American Wheel-Wednesday, February 27,2019 @ 10:08pm CST USA
(newest spin-value)-the 12 numbers
Track until one (or more) of the 12 above
numbers repeat. Bet that number continuously.
Stop on a win or after a drawdown of -36 units.
...13,26 (trigger)
Bet #26: 1.) 36(x)-1 2.) 33(x)-1 3.) 33(x)-1
4.) 22(x)-1*new trigger number
Bet 26,22: 5.) 7(x)-2 6.) 35(x)-2 7.) 21(x)-2
8.) 3(x)-2 9.) 3(x)-2 10.) 30(x)-2
11.) 1(x)-2 12.) 22(win)+34
Quote from: jono1167 on Feb 27, 02:59 PM 2019Good work Still. I was quite confused but I decided to go with the lesser figure.
Sorry, I should clarify, after a win, I always put through a blank spin, get the result and then commence betting. The 'blank spin' I count as spin one. A win on spin two means +34 units etc....
i now have Buffalo Wizards demonstration of your system in an Excel sheet and it looks like it reached 170 units with a high of 247 over 314 spins. It appears my sheet is working correctly, so if people just want to post some Wiesbaden spins, i can process them pretty quickly. No more need for manual testing this one. I just have to figure out how to get charts from my online Microsoft Office to this website. If you still have your spin data and want to post them up in a text document, i'll double check everything.
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Feb 27, 05:34 PM 2019
[quote author = Elite link = topic = 15824.msg223740 # msg223740 date = 1551283308]
HI Passion thanks for info, hope to hear more on 24/8, 12/3 and pairing, is pairing should be sequential or how, thanks man
[/ quote]
You already know what is 24/8 and 12/4 right?
Now you know that and he says you look at the marquee, the marquee has 8-12 numbers right?
So in 12 turns, for example, do we know what happens? And in 24? And in 36?
Because vaddis talks about even turns 4-8-12-24-36.
Has he fixed you ... 4-12, 8-24, 12-36?
I just want you to see it for there, because even some who believe they are doing vaddis do not, they only found balance in a complete cycle, but the marquee is only 12 ...
You gave very good thoughts... Thank you Friend .i will do think more... Hope you keep giving your thoughts .Passion.🍹
Hi Friends... I m still in because I believe there can be something more powerful.even tired and blank mind as
u can see my last gameplay results I can say that minimal benefit is by luck ..
If I summarised vaadi system... It's
based in improved accuracy. Using 7 or 8...
only thing left is how he achieved that. Based on pairing singles doubles.. Etc.... Thanks for everyone who give valuable inputs .6th sense. Passion roulette. Bigbro Ben. Proof read Irish.. My little knowledge is all because of you and this forum..... Steve tq
Quote from: Still on Feb 28, 02:56 AM 2019
i now have Buffalo Wizards demonstration of your system in an Excel sheet and it looks like it reached 170 units with a high of 247 over 314 spins. It appears my sheet is working correctly, so if people just want to post some Wiesbaden spins, i can process them pretty quickly. No more need for manual testing this one. I just have to figure out how to get charts from my online Microsoft Office to this website. If you still have your spin data and want to post them up in a text document, i'll double check everything.
Great work Still. Hopefully people can send through spin data. I would be really interested to see a lot more results. We’ve only just scraped the surface with testing.
Please share results when you get them. I’m sure there will be some bad sessions on the horizon.
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Feb 27, 05:34 PM 2019
[quote author = Elite link = topic = 15824.msg223740 # msg223740 date = 1551283308]
HI Passion thanks for info, hope to hear more on 24/8, 12/3 and pairing, is pairing should be sequential or how, thanks man
[/ quote]
You already know what is 24/8 and 12/4 right?
Now you know that and he says you look at the marquee, the marquee has 8-12 numbers right?
So in 12 turns, for example, do we know what happens? And in 24? And in 36?
Because vaddis talks about even turns 4-8-12-24-36.
Has he fixed you ... 4-12, 8-24, 12-36?
I just want you to see it for there, because even some who believe they are doing vaddis do not, they only found balance in a complete cycle, but the marquee is only 12 ...
HI passion, if able to see in those range spins will vaadi system will be completed or will still need more ?
Nice work Still. Here is yesterday's table 2 at Wiesbaden.
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
Quote from: Kan@am@ on Feb 27, 09:09 PM 2019
4 on repeaters and 4 on singles.
hit on repeater - bet 2 on repeaters and 6 on singles
hit on repeater - bet 1 on repeaters and 7 on singles.
the same applies to the hits on singles.
basically adjustments made after each hit on repeater or single.
while testing I made over 1000 units than reached -200 and didn't had a profit in 8 spin cycles of 37 spins.According to Vaddis instructions profit should be made mach earlier.
Hope this info will help .
Vaadi said, if doubles are dropping you are there, if singles are dropping you are there, but as per above, if doubles are dropping we are moving to singles, and if singles are dropping we are moving to doubles,
Quote from: Elite on Feb 28, 09:21 AM 2019
Vaadi said, if doubles are dropping you are there, if singles are dropping you are there, but as per above, if doubles are dropping we are moving to singles, and if singles are dropping we are moving to doubles,
yes, but doubles and singles are still there .you never go less then one left on doubles or singles.
What if you did the stepped process with the wheel neighbors? One you get to 16 numbers, if it misses you drop the furthest back pair. So you are betting 16 numbers till a new high or break even. Then reset.
American wheel
7-play 11-20
13-play 1-36
I have been testing this way and it seems to do well. I am just thinking about how Vaddi says bet each number 8 times. So once it reaches the 9th position on the marquee you drop that number pair.
Piggybacking on Irish88's Idea
Note the newest spin-value.
Bet the last decision spin-value and its Vaddi pair. If miss,
bet the last bet and the current outcome + its Vaddi pair.
Repeat steps until win or drawdown of -30 units.
Example: #30 (newest spin-value)
Bet 30,31: 1.) 5(x)-2
Bet 30,31,5,6: 2.) 12(x)-4
Bet 30,31,5,6,12,13....
Ok I ran another test of 1000 spins, only betting 8 nrs. Never more, flat.
Step1 as a start and always step1 on breakeven or new high. The good runs on step1 are paying.
Once the 8nr-no hit is reached, I let roll, delete the older, add the new. On a hit, I removed the nr and played the +1 neighbour, or the -1 if it was taken already.
There was once that the recovery did not make it, although almost (540 whereas the high was 569). Probably should have resumed to step 1 then since it had been a long step2. And it slowly slided down.
Working right now on some tuning, but still interesting with only max 8 nrs.
Quote from: buffalowizard on Feb 28, 08:58 AM 2019Nice work Still. Here is yesterday's table 2 at Wiesbaden.
Ok thanks for the data. Those 142 spins settled at -180 with a low of -208.
It does seem to help a little to cut off betting after 7-9 steps. That would have settled these spins at around -130, and would have helped the previous set up to +219.
These 142 spin results however do appear to be within the expected drawdown parameters going by some of Jono's results.
Quote from: buffalowizard on Feb 28, 08:58 AM 2019Nice work Still. Here is yesterday's table 2 at Wiesbaden.
Ok, so i went ahead and used RANDBETWEEN() data from Excel just to test this and i examined 33,000 spins for a total sum of 378, or 3.6 units per 314 spin session (105 sessions). This was where i was cutting off betting after 8 steps, because when i started testing the 12 steps it appeared to be random for the first 3k spins or ten sessions. The good news, if any, is that based on the volume of betting going into it, there should be a loss of 5,000 units for these 33k spins (based on total volume x 2.7% house edge). So maybe there's something to this, and maybe it could be used for comps.
You guys are doing such great work in this thread lately, can't thank you enough for all of your efforts. Very interesting to say the least, it feels to me that the approach on the whole is closer than we've ever been because for once the more analytical members are staying focused on what David actually said instead of going off on wild tangents.
It's actually made me a bit concerned that one of you already HAS gotten to 90%+ of the central idea at play in his method and possibly have disqualified it due to testing with RNG-based numbers.
If you're using Excel as your base test platform, make sure you're doing it with numbers you're inputting from downloaded spins from single tables, single wheels, single days.
I always just use Spielbank Duisburg spins as they're easy to get, but so long as you know the source of the spins you can use any: link:s://
The General also is a great source of spins, particularly 00-Wheel spins from single tables, single days at American casinos, feel free to contact him as he's happy to provide them (shocking to some of you I'm sure, but he's always willing to help destroy fallacy systems, which is what he considers all of these endeavors... :twisted:).
If you're using RS as your base testing platform, or the high quality of's RNG, I'm not sure how you're ever going to get the result you're after. It's all about the wheel to me, has nothing to do with the table, and all of the table hints in Vaddi's thread were just one of the false paths he installed to protect the method.
The pairs, the splits, everything he details, is about the wheel. The table is an artificial construct, it has no impact on play, which is why no street or quad or line or split-based table method has ever been talked about as being a grail by the "celebrity" posters (Vaddi, Turbo, Dyksexlic, 6th-Sense, etc).
The few people I know who ARE winning with real money over an extended period of time are not using table-based methods, all of them utilize whatever the wheel is showing them at that particular moment to determine their play.
Keep up the great work here, it's so interesting to see how all of your sharp minds are approaching a single problem. Love it! :love:
Quote from: Still on Feb 28, 12:50 PM 2019Ok, so i went ahead and used RANDBETWEEN() data from Excel just to test this and i examined 33,000 spins for a total sum of 378, or 3.6 units per 314 spin session (105 sessions). This was where i was cutting off betting after 8 steps, because when i started testing the 12 steps it appeared to be random for the first 3k spins or ten sessions. The good news, if any, is that based on the volume of betting going into it, there should be a loss of 5,000 units for these 33k spins (based on total volume x 2.7% house edge). So maybe there's something to this, and maybe it could be used for comps.
I did 16k more RandBetween() spins with 12 steps and get an average loss of -32 units per 314 spin session (51 sessions). The loss should be about 48 units per the total betting volume in each session. So it doesn't appear that more steps (12) are better than 8 steps, which gains 3.6 units per session over 151 sessions, whereas it too should lose about 48 units per session.
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Feb 28, 01:16 PM 2019
When you have a margin of 12 holes, 4 unique, play those 4 unique and their 4 paired, you will be playing 8 in a space of 12, 4 only that can repeat and 4 not left, that can come out.
Of 24, then the same but with 8 and of 36 the same but with 12.
I'm saying too much guys, I've probably said the most important thing to open everyone's mind, surely many will continue to say that I do not contribute anything, but I just contributed more than all the clues that are given in this forum, only with this comment.
I know they're going to get it, I just ask that the one who gets it, do not follow it openly in the forum but hundreds of people will know, whatever they discover they can talk about with me.
This is good, like it.
No one is going to say you're not contributing if you post actual information that can be tested like the above. It's the other stuff, posting very vague comments with nothing but a small spin count chart that irritates people and makes them question your credibility.
Lately you're made an effort to provide more actual information about what you personally believe the method to encompass, and that's much better than your previous help. Keep it up. :)
Quote from: Mako on Feb 28, 01:05 PM 2019It's actually made me a bit concerned that one of you already HAS gotten to 90%+ of the central idea at play in his method and possibly have disqualified it due to testing with RNG-based numbers.
Could be. With RNG for example, with a neighbors system (betting each side of the last spin), the distribution of numbers between 0 and 36 is different than on the wheel. For example, on the wheel, a numerical incremental neighbor is actually located almost somewhere on the other side of the wheel, distributing bets more spread out around the wheel. With RNG neighbors, the bets are localized around the last numbers, not really distributed evenly around the distance between 0 and 36.
One possible solution, if this is the problem, is to set up look up tables that help distribute bets (between 0 and 36) more like you'd see on a wheel. My lookup tables are currently set to spread out bets as numerical neighbors, which may be an entirely different bird.
Edited couple of corrections.
(link::// (link:://
wheel layout
Quote from: 6th-sense on Feb 28, 02:37 PM 2019
1 million live spins..too big to upload so you will have to download
Quote from: Irish88 on Feb 28, 09:56 AM 2019
What if you did the stepped process with the wheel neighbors? One you get to 16 numbers, if it misses you drop the furthest back pair. So you are betting 16 numbers till a new high or break even. Then reset.
American wheel
7-play 11-20
13-play 1-36
I have been testing this way and it seems to do well. I am just thinking about how Vaddi says bet each number 8 times. So once it reaches the 9th position on the marquee you drop that number pair.
I like this idea Irish. I will test it on the weekend.
Good luck placing 8 unique and their pairs from the wheel to the actual mat. What happens when a pocket is already taken, and the next pocket has been taken to; you'll lose count where you are.
4 unique and pairs is okay but 8 and pairs good luck
Quote from: Still on Feb 28, 11:57 AM 2019
Ok thanks for the data. Those 142 spins settled at -180 with a low of -208.
It does seem to help a little to cut off betting after 7-9 steps. That would have settled these spins at around -130, and would have helped the previous set up to +219.
These 142 spin results however do appear to be within the expected drawdown parameters going by some of Jono's results.
Still and Buffalo
142 spins for -180 loss is within the boundaries of my test on the 25th of February (chart below). This system does give losses. However, as long as the losses aren't too catastrophic... Hopefully the wins compensate for the losses..... This remains to be seen. As I said yesterday, we've only scraped the surface with the testing.
We can keep experimenting with small improvements / tweaks. For example, I like Irish's idea of going with a max of eight pairs.
(link::// (link:://
It's like playing granps on the wheel; the 9 numbers to be bet from the wheel are to be placed on true position on mat gets hectic with 30 seconds
I have been testing many variations with wheel neighbors.
Flat, progressions, two wheel neighbors and four wheel neighbors. Can’t get anything to work consistently. Usually get off to a very good start and then fail.
So I expect some of the tests done here to go the same way.
Only thing is I tested with Rx Rng.
Now to re-do all my test with real spin data.
Thanks for the spins 6th will be a great help.
Quote from: Still on Feb 28, 12:50 PM 2019
Ok, so i went ahead and used RANDBETWEEN() data from Excel just to test this and i examined 33,000 spins for a total sum of 378, or 3.6 units per 314 spin session (105 sessions). This was where i was cutting off betting after 8 steps, because when i started testing the 12 steps it appeared to be random for the first 3k spins or ten sessions. The good news, if any, is that based on the volume of betting going into it, there should be a loss of 5,000 units for these 33k spins (based on total volume x 2.7% house edge). So maybe there's something to this, and maybe it could be used for comps.
Sorry Still, were you making a profit of 3.6 units every 314 spins? Is that correct?
Quote from: jono1167 on Feb 28, 02:53 PM 2019Still and Buffalo
142 spins for -180 loss is within the boundaries of my test on the 25th of February (chart below). This system does give losses. However, as long as the losses aren't too catastrophic... Hopefully the wins compensate for the losses..... This remains to be seen. As I said yesterday, we've only scraped the surface with the testing.
We can keep experimenting with small improvements / tweaks. For example, I like Irish's idea of going with a max of eight pairs.
Ok i did another test on 32,000 spins over 105 sessions of 314 spins each using RandBetween(0,36) in Excel. But this time i shifted my lookup tables to try to mimic wheel action by picking the next bets with an 18 number phase shift. In theory this would more evenly distribute the next bets (on the sleepers) between 0 and 36.
This test resulted almost identical to the prior test. An average gain of 3.47 units per 314 spin session for a total sum of 364. This, again, is with 8 steps, where betting stops after the 8 steps and a few ghost spins go by to see when to start again. Again, this test should have lost about 5000 units.
So perhaps there is more power in the number of steps/bets than in picking the location of the next bet on sleepers.
Just to be clear, this test does not include singles (betting on numbers already hit). It only bets on sleepers relative to what numbers have already hit.
Quote from: jono1167 on Feb 28, 03:03 PM 2019Sorry Still, were you making a profit of 3.6 units every 314 spins? Is that correct?
That is correct. See similar results from similar test in my prior post. 3.47 units gain per 314 spins...105 sessions altogether both tests. Should lose about 48 units per 314 spins, just averaging the numbers i've seen for that stat.
Quote from: Still on Feb 28, 03:11 PM 2019
Ok i did another test on 32,000 spins over 105 sessions of 314 spins each using RandBetween(0,36) in Excel. But this time i shifted my lookup tables to try to mimic wheel action by picking the next bets with an 18 number phase shift. In theory this would more evenly distribute the next bets (on the sleepers) between 0 and 36.
This test resulted almost identical to the prior test. An average gain of 3.47 units per 314 spin session for a total sum of 364. This, again, is with 8 steps, where betting stops after the 8 steps and a few ghost spins go by to see when to start again. Again, this test should have lost about 5000 units.
So perhaps there is more power in the number of steps/bets than in picking the location of the next bet on sleepers.
Just to be clear, this test does not include singles (betting on numbers already hit). It only bets on sleepers relative to what numbers have already hit.
Really interesting data Still..... something to think about.
I'm going to test a few more ideas this weekend to see what happens. Hopefully some more experienced members than me can check out your data and give us their opinion.
Thanks for all the testing / feedback Still - it's appreciated.
Quote from: Mako on Feb 28, 01:05 PM 2019
You guys are doing such great work in this thread lately, can't thank you enough for all of your efforts. Very interesting to say the least, it feels to me that the approach on the whole is closer than we've ever been because for once the more analytical members are staying focused on what David actually said instead of going off on wild tangents.
It's actually made me a bit concerned that one of you already HAS gotten to 90%+ of the central idea at play in his method and possibly have disqualified it due to testing with RNG-based numbers.
If you're using Excel as your base test platform, make sure you're doing it with numbers you're inputting from downloaded spins from single tables, single wheels, single days.
I always just use Spielbank Duisburg spins as they're easy to get, but so long as you know the source of the spins you can use any: link:s://
The General also is a great source of spins, particularly 00-Wheel spins from single tables, single days at American casinos, feel free to contact him as he's happy to provide them (shocking to some of you I'm sure, but he's always willing to help destroy fallacy systems, which is what he considers all of these endeavors... :twisted:).
If you're using RS as your base testing platform, or the high quality of's RNG, I'm not sure how you're ever going to get the result you're after. It's all about the wheel to me, has nothing to do with the table, and all of the table hints in Vaddi's thread were just one of the false paths he installed to protect the method.
The pairs, the splits, everything he details, is about the wheel. The table is an artificial construct, it has no impact on play, which is why no street or quad or line or split-based table method has ever been talked about as being a grail by the "celebrity" posters (Vaddi, Turbo, Dyksexlic, 6th-Sense, etc).
The few people I know who ARE winning with real money over an extended period of time are not using table-based methods, all of them utilize whatever the wheel is showing them at that particular moment to determine their play.
Keep up the great work here, it's so interesting to see how all of your sharp minds are approaching a single problem. Love it! :love:
Hi Mako
Notto said to ask you about your old drinking vessel spins 1-10, believe he said easy 100 units....
Something you can help us out with?
Quote from: 6th-sense on Feb 28, 02:40 PM 2019
1 million live spins..too big to upload so you will have to download
Thanks for the Wiesbaden spins. So far, over the 900 or so spins i've looked at, each of three sessions has lost, but within tolerances of my Rng tests. So this could turn around. But 900 spins in, it appears to me the direction is the same as the RNG tests. I need to find an efficient way to load these in.
Here's an idea:
Procedure: Note the newest spin-value.
Bet the newest spin-value, the number
numerically higher, and a column number on either side.
Repeat steps with each new spin-value.
Stop on a win or after six consecutive misses.
*If Zero shows bet 3,36,33 & 0,1,2
Example: #21 (newest spin-value)
Bet 18,21,24 & 19,22,25 once
#7 (newest spin-value)
Bet 4,7,10 & 5,8,11....
Quote from: jono1167 on Feb 28, 03:31 PM 2019
Hi Mako
Notto said to ask you about your old drinking vessel spins 1-10, believe he said easy 100 units....
Something you can help us out with?
Nimo came up with that one, it's good too, you just need to Keep The Faith as you play. What Notto is referring to in his mention of it is a cut-down version that Nimo plays for the first ten spins. Here's the original: link:s://
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Feb 28, 04:11 PM 2019
Here's an idea:
Procedure: Note the newest spin-value.
Bet the newest spin-value, the number
numerically higher, and a column number on either side.
Repeat steps with each new spin-value.
Stop on a win or after six consecutive misses.
*If Zero shows bet 3,36,33 & 0,1,2
Example: #21 (newest spin-value)
Bet 18,21,24 & 19,22,25 once
#7 (newest spin-value)
Bet 4,7,10 & 5,8,11....
The hit-rate is better the other way:
Note the newest spin-value.
Bet the newest spin-value,
the number numerically lower,
and a column number on either side of both respectively.
Repeat steps with each new spin-value.
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Feb 28, 05:02 PM 2019Bet the newest spin-value, the number numerically lower,
I just finished another test of 33,000 spins over 105 sessions of 314 each.
In this test it was similar to my two previous, going 8 steps high, but this time i bet on the latest spin value plus the number numerically
In this test the average loss was 47.35 units per 314 spins, remarkably close to my estimate of exactly how much each session should lose, when the total betting volume is subject to house edge. Again, this is with RandBetween(0,36) in Excel.
Since a previous test indicated that it should not matter what the next sleeper is chosen, this test should also be valid for choosing a sleeper numerically
lower than the latest spin.
Anyway, this test showed me that trying to catch repeats early in the cycle, sacrificing bets on sleepers, appears to follow house edge, whereas just betting on sleepers alone, up to 8 steps, has so far appeared to offset the house 2.7% by it's own 2.7% for breakeven.
This is not the same as what you are suggesting exactly, the difference being the other two bets on sleepers in the columns.
Quote from: 6th-sense on Feb 28, 02:22 PM 2019
6th do you have any american wheel spins? would appreciate.
Guys, i think there are 2 clues from Vaddi that have insufficient attention.
:: 0 and 1 are the numbers that give balance to your bet
:: if you play over 18 numbers a system it's not accurate.
I'm trying with 0 and 1 always covered.
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Feb 28, 01:16 PM 2019
[quote author = Elite link = topic = 15824.msg223792 # msg223792 date = 1551361710]
HI passion, if able to see in those range will the system be completed or will it still need more?
[/ quote]
When you have a margin of 12 holes, 4 unique, play those 4 unique and their 4 paired, you will be playing 8 in a space of 12, 4 only that can repeat and 4 not left, that can come out.
Of 24, then the same but with 8 and of 36 the same but with 12.
I'm saying too many guys, I've probably said the most important thing to open everyone's mind, surely many will continue to say that I do not contribute anything, but I just contributed more than all the clues that are given in this forum, only with this comment.
I know they're going to get it, I just ask that the one who gets it, do not follow it openly in the forum but hundreds of people will know, whatever they discover they can talk about with me.
Pasión Ruleta :thumbsup:
Passion thanks for valuable info, much appreciated
Quote from: 6th-sense on Feb 28, 02:15 PM 2019
(link::// (link:://
wheel layout
HI 6th sense , is this layout needs to match with real spin and can get benefit from that tq?
this is a picture of the wheel just put into a table layout..this is the layout on the right side of ayks tracker ..i asked for this to be put top of that tracker is T for table side and W for wheel side...this picture is the reference for that..
Quote from: nichedelico on Mar 01, 09:26 AM 2019
Guys, i think there are 2 clues from Vaddi that have insufficient attention.
:: 0 and 1 are the numbers that give balance to your bet
:: if you play over 18 numbers a system it's not accurate.
I'm trying with 0 and 1 always covered.
:) i dont think so friend
Playing the usual way again.
500 spins, 82 units profit. Flat bet. (84 betting strings).
Not the greatest game, but still....
I’m looking for a game with a 500 plus unit loss. It hasn’t happened yet.
Maybe time to start testing new ideas.
(link::// (link:://
New idea :)
Track for eight consecutive unique singles. Bet the Vaddi pair for
all eight for four spins, changing the bet with each new spin-value.
Example: 21,3,19,34,7,2,23,0 (newest spin-value)
Bet 22,4,20,35,8,3,24,1: 1.) 16(x)-8
Bet 4,20,35,8,3,24,1,17....
Thats a good one Proof, I'd be curious to see how it goes.
Quote from: jono1167 on Mar 01, 04:39 PM 2019
Playing the usual way again.
500 spins, 82 units profit. Flat bet. (84 betting strings).
Not the greatest game, but still....
I’m looking for a game with a 500 plus unit loss. It hasn’t happened yet.
Maybe time to start testing new ideas.
Jono, by any chance, did you notice something when the major downslopes happened? Like repeaters hitting like crazy, or landing always 1 nr further than you played, or anything?
By observation there is usually one repeat single in a set of 12 outcomes.
That said, it looks like the repeater Even Chance attributes are the focus.
Example: 12,3,24,12 (newest spin-value)-Red,Low,Even
So look for a repeat single among the opposite uniques: Black, High, Odd
So a bet may look like this:
Two chips on the twice hit single, and a
bet on the last six newest unique singles.
Changing the bet with each new spin-value.
Maybe a half-chip on the opposite
repeater attributes of the unique singles.
Alright two units on the twice hit repeater and a Vaddi pair
and the two newest uniques and their respective Vaddi pairs.
(seven numbers in play)
Quote from: Bigbroben on Mar 02, 12:07 AM 2019
Jono, by any chance, did you notice something when the major downslopes happened? Like repeaters hitting like crazy, or landing always 1 nr further than you played, or anything?
You said it Ben. The downslopes coincided with repeaters hitting like crazy.
When repeaters started happening, all momentum was lost.
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Mar 02, 01:05 AM 2019
Alright two units on the twice hit repeater and a Vaddi pair
and the two newest uniques and their respective Vaddi pairs.
(seven numbers in play)
So far so good in early tests...
Test: Intertops Red Casino American Wheel-
Saturday, March 2,2019 @ 12:18am CST USA
Track the last 12 outcomes (or at least
until you see the newest repeat single.)
28,20,27,0,14,17,23,2,33 (newest spin-value)
Bet two chips on #28, one chip on 29, 2, 3, 33, 34: 1.) 20(x)-7
Bet two chips on #28, one chip on 29, 33, 34, 20, 21: 2.) 29(win)+29
Quote from: Bigbroben on Mar 01, 11:59 PM 2019
Thats a good one Proof, I'd be curious to see how it goes.
It stayed in the red until the 12th
spin (in which there was a small profit).
The marquee outcomes started repeating a lot
and only betting the Vaddi pair you miss a lot of hits.
I am looking at the idea abt two repeat singles, with two numerically before
and after respectively and last decision with a Vaddi pair (eight numbers in play)
Example: 0,23,9,34,23,17,36,34 (newest spin-value)
Bet 23,22,24: 34,33,35: 36,0: 1.) 20(x)-8
Bet 23,22,24: 34,33,35: 20,21....
Quote from: Elite on Mar 01, 02:40 PM 2019
:) i dont think so friend
Two screen from the forum clues.
The first one
Quote from: nichedelico on Mar 02, 11:15 AM 2019
Two screen from the forum clues.
o/1 is for example,u can see real spins and verify how many times 01 comes...there is no hot or cold numbers ,,vadi also mentioned
Quote from: 6th-sense on Feb 28, 02:15 PM 2019
(link::// (link:://
wheel layout
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
I played here the +/- pairs. Trigger is when 4 numbers aren't close one to another so it would take 8 nrs to fill the 4x 2pairs, so when a neighbour hit is " due" (gambler's fallacy at its best), or actually when the nrs are too well spread appart.
Add the 2 new pairs on a miss, or the nr plus a pair if one is already taken, or the nr if both pairs are filled.
Lots of members and 30 guests! Thanks for watching!
400 spins, new high at 565u.
Quote from: Bigbroben on Mar 02, 09:24 PM 2019
I played here the +/- pairs. Trigger is when 4 numbers aren't close one to another so it would take 8 nrs to fill the 4x 2pairs, so when a neighbour hit is " due" (gambler's fallacy at its best), or actually when the nrs are too well spread appart.
Add the 2 new pairs on a miss, or the nr plus a pair if one is already taken, or the nr if both pairs are filled.
What is the gap betweenâ€the nrs are too well spread apart ?â€.
3 or more. If 22 then 24 appears, they only have a gap of 2, so they'd have 23 in common.
My new idea :)
Procedure: Note the newest outcome.
What dozen is it in? *Zero counts as first dozen.
Bet the last decision, the newest same dozen outcome
and both respective Vaddi pairs? (four numbers in play)
Repeat steps with the newest spin-values.
Stop on a win or after nine consecutive misses.
Example: 12,19,0,35,17,2,31,19,23,7,28 (newest spin-value)
Bet 28,29 & 31,32: 1.) 3(x)-4
Bet 3,4 & 7,8: 2.) 0(x)-4
Bet 0,1 & 3,4....
Test: Dublinbet European Wheel #1-
Saturday, March 2,2019 @ 11:06pm CST USA
...1,31,17,18,0,31,12 (newest spin-value)
Bet 1,2 & 12,13: 1.) 13(win)+32
Test: Intertops Red Casino American Wheel-
Saturday, March 2,2019 @ 11:13pm CST USA
...16,34,0,1,13 (newest spin-value)
Bet 16,17 & 13,14: 1.) 7(x)-4
Bet 7,8 & 1,2: 2.) 9(x)-4
Bet 9,10 & 7,8: 3.) 16(x)-4
Bet 16,17 & 13,14: 4.) 36(x)-4
Bet 36,0 & 34,35: 5.) 35(win)+32
Using unit of 10
betting spins 1-4 as singles 5-8; last 4 singles and pair forward and back, if not new high bet the last 4 singles+pair+1/2 chip
(link::// (link:://
Quote from: nottophammer on Mar 03, 11:01 AM 2019
Using unit of 10
betting spins 1-4 as singles 5-8; last 4 singles and pair forward and back, if not new high bet the last 4 singles+pair+1/2 chip
(link::// (link:://
Notto just want to make sure I have this right. So you take the last 4 numbers out, and bet just those 4 numbers for spins 5-8? You are not adding the new numbers as they come out? Then if no hit, bet the same 4 and their pair numbers? Wheel or mat? If no new high bet the last 4 out and pairs but I am confused about the +1/2 chip? You mean a progression?
Sorry just want to make sure. I think you are onto something here. I have actually played something similar with decent results. Thank you Notto.
What's a picture worth
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Job done :thumbsup:
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Like this Notto ?
36 trigger 4
24 L
17 L
17 L
13 L now bet same 4 PLUS pairs
18 L
18 L
11 W rebet
- - -
10 trigger 4
26 L
28 L
9. L
7. L bet 4 plus pairs
11 W
11 bet last 4
13 L
20 L
33 L
33 L bet their pairs as well
28 L
6 L
- - -
14 L
3. W
No Buff
(link::// (link:://
Bet the 1st 4 singles; #24 lands; now drop the #12 and bet the 4 singles 5,15,36,24 and the mat parings.
Now when the 1st 17 landed, you would bet the #17 and its pairs, but the #16 is taken, keep going back till you get an empty #; the #13, you can go forward to the #18
2nd #17 lands and win.
singles 1,2,3,4 =10 units spent the 2 bets of 12 units,24 so +2
going on with Buff's #'s
(link::// (link:://
Nice win; rest.
Quote from: nottophammer on Mar 03, 11:01 AM 2019
Using unit of 10
betting spins 1-4 as singles 5-8; last 4 singles and pair forward and back, if not new high bet the last 4 singles+pair+1/2 chip
(link::// (link:://
Hi Notto
I've been following your charts over the past couple of days. When I know what I'm doing I'll start testing too.
Keep up the great work Notto! :)
Quote from: Bigbroben on Mar 02, 09:55 PM 2019
400 spins, new high at 565u.
Awesome chart Ben and a great conversion rate. The chart shows you waiting for triggers.... When I'm sure of the rules I'll give this a test too.
Cheers Ben
Saint Steve 9 little spins and another 6 spins; yes i don't need to know what millions of spins do.
(link::// (link:://
Well Saint Steve that little 9 spins or should i say 38 spins; not 38 million spins
(link::// (link:://
Keep up on your phone sales pitch
Quote from: nottophammer on Mar 03, 04:02 PM 2019
Keep up on your phone sales pitch
You should change that account's avatar to a picture of a 2000-era flip phone with a roulette wheel on its screen...
Quote from: nottophammer on Mar 03, 04:02 PM 2019
Well Saint Steve that little 9 spins or should i say 38 spins; not 38 million spins
(link::// (link:://
Keep up on your phone sales pitch
Love the charts Notto! I think I've got the rules. Thanks for explaining. I'll start testing in a couple of days. I'm halfway through a test series at the moment, a few modifications to the original system I was trailing a few days ago.
Certainly no shortage of good ideas at the moment :). Keep up the good work everyone.
Quote from: jono1167 on Mar 03, 04:34 PM 2019
Certainly no shortage of good ideas at the moment :). Keep up the good work everyone.
You said it, my to-do list is long atm. Two months ago there was nothing on it, wasn't anything worth testing. :twisted:
Vaddi's 1% possibly is he played his system on a bot.
Otherwise how could he play such intricate
methods, like Jono's or Bigbroben's without error.
I looked at Dublinbet Live Wheel #1. There were
moments where it allowed five seconds to place bets.
Over at Intertops Live Wheel they offer as little as eight seconds.
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goes with the above
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(link::// (link:://
Last go for now.
So bet the opening 4 spins for 100 units; bet the last 4 singles and mat pairings. Win on spin 8. With Bank roll still minus; bet the last 4#’s and pairings, win on spin 12. If lost the bet here, I would have bet the last 4 #’s, plus the mat pairings and then placed splits on the 4 singles. But the bet won.
Carried on; using this type of betting, new high, at spin 18.
Spin once for number to start betting the above procedure.
The last 5 spins where difficult to lay, as the #’s show 16-23-15-22; the 4 singles, now too lay the pairings. You can see #16, you can go forward to #17; but going back the #15 is taken, so #14. Then the #15 going forward you go to #18, going backwards you end on #13.
The same aggro for #’s 22-23. Spin; drop the 16 and pairings but still having to find pockets further than just next door, for the 23-15-22-25.
You see the bet above.
But remember R-sim is there just for us to win
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Mar 03, 12:25 AM 2019
My new idea :)
Procedure: Note the newest outcome.
What dozen is it in? *Zero counts as first dozen.
Bet the last decision, the newest same dozen outcome
and both respective Vaddi pairs? (four numbers in play)
Repeat steps with the newest spin-values.
Stop on a win or after nine consecutive misses.
Example: 12,19,0,35,17,2,31,19,23,7,28 (newest spin-value)
Bet 28,29 & 31,32: 1.) 3(x)-4
Bet 3,4 & 7,8: 2.) 0(x)-4
Bet 0,1 & 3,4....
Win at Lincoln Casino :thumbsup:
Combining multiple ideas I played yesterday with variable bet amounts and successful..
Almost 3 hours play .. Starting 200 units. Max reach 845 units stop at 716 units
Few mistakes I did is if balance higher than before. I didn't reset few times
If neighbours not hitting then I covered numbers towards empty areas also.. Irrespective of marquee.. My view is we need a hit either from sleepers. Pairs or b in profit and reset.... Bets.and manage in 8 numbers. If more number covered and not hit then not easy to recoup losses.. My target numbers having amount little more.. So if got hit. Recoup loss quickly
Person S spins in basic topic.
(link::// (link:://
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Saint Steve job done. Just 6 spins
they are the mat; thanks thou.
Now using the betting from yesterday, off to a good start. Then the stretch come. Got to using splits on the last 4 and the pairings.
But like Vaddi said you get back.
(link::// (link:://
Now i was going to stop at spin 26, but Saint Steve would come out with his usual bullshit. So i carried on and won my money, part of the millions coming.
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Mar 04, 05:44 AM 2019
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
The same happens on the mat, it is not necessary to complicate with the cylinder ...
Thanks passion for your ideas. Hope to hear further
play another session
starting balance =58
max reach =104
stop =104
varaible methods combination, but similar as posted here in this forum by many ,,,especially , 6th sence and passion..
Vaddi said it was very important that there were no repeats in the last set of spins. I am also starting to think there can't be any pairs in the last 4 spins. I have been doing some testing and getting very high hit rate when the last 4 spins have no connection to each other. In other words 4 stand alone numbers in the last 4 spins. I have been then playing the numbers and +1/-1 pair from the mat after the 4 spins. Just an idea.
New idea :)
---*Backdoor Vaddi*---
Procedure: Track the last 12 outcomes.
Look at the 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th outcomes.
Bet one number less of those four outcomes.
Adjust the bet with each new spin-value.
Stop on a win or after nine consecutive misses.
...12,3,9,18,27,3,17,36,1,22,16,8 (newest spin-value)
Bet 0,21,15,7 once: 1.) 19(x)-4
Bet 35,0,21,15 once....
Test: Dublinbet European Wheel #1-
Monday, March 4,2019 @ 7:43pm CST USA
...7,34,6,11,0,23,26,13,16,7,13,7 (newest spin-value)
Bet 6,33,5,10: 1.) 28(x)-4
Bet 33,5,10,36: 2.) 19(x)-4
Bet 5,10,36,22: 3.) 18(x)-4
Bet 10,36,22,25: 4.) 25(win)+32
Test: Intertops Red Casino American Wheel-
Monday, March 4,2019 @ 7:55pm CST USA
...2,30,13,27,11,28,0,33,19,0,18,28 (newest spin-value)
Bet 1,29,12,26: 1.) 00(x)-4
Bet 29,12,26,10: 2.) 11(x)-4
Bet 12,26,10,27: 3.) 0(x)-4
Bet 26,10,27,36: 4.) 35(x)-4
Bet 10,27,36,32: 5.) 2(x)-4
Bet 27,36,32,18: 6.) 18(win)+32
Sorry, I had to fix the example :thumbsup:
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Mar 04, 05:56 PM 2019
New idea :)
---*Backdoor Vaddi*---
Procedure: Track the last 12 outcomes.
Look at the 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th outcomes.
Bet one number less of those four outcomes.
Adjust the bet with each new spin-value.
Stop on a win or after nine consecutive misses.
...12,3,9,18,27,3,17,36,1,22,16,8 (newest spin-value)
Bet 11,2,8,17: 1.) 13(x)-4
Bet 2,8,17,26....
March 4,2019 @ 8:34pm CST USA
Numbers 0-37 in play (American Wheel)
...7,20,30,25,31,25,34,8,22,5,32,16 (newest spin-value)
Bet 6,19,29,24: 1.) 11(x)-4
Bet 19,29,24,30: 2.) 30(win)+32
I’ve been testing this out past few days.
Magic number 8. When there are no repeats in 8 spins I start stage 1. First number drops, I bet 1 chip. Second number drops, I bet 1 chip on it and the previous number.
Some lucky hits in the beginning. Then it went to obviously 8 chips. I followed the rules and dropped the furthest number in my 8 and replaced it with the new one.
I purposely didn’t buy any table/wheel pairs just to see what would happen.
Two days of profit of roughly 200-300 units but a loss of 800 units today. What I noticed that there were times when table pairs would hit but more often wheel pairs would hit. There were too many times it hit a wheel neighbour which was supremely frustrating.
My thoughts brought me to la bomba. Should we bet one chip on repeats and half a chip on the wheel neighbours of the most recent four spins?
Works out to max 12 units per spin. Sometimes less because in your 8 numbers you could have 0-26 so you’d only place half a chip on 32 and 3
The other frustrating part was the minute you’d drop a number from your 8 numbers it appears 🥵
Or do you place half a chip on the 8 numbers and one full chip on wheel neighbours of the most recent 4 spins?
A test playing the last four and then the numbers beside on table. Easy to test, but take some time doing it manual. Like Notto did. Don't know if the amount of units is the same. I just put 1 unit on each number. It seem to go up and down, but not climbing and not going down very deep? So if you just go for a win and then leave? BBB did something similar. Guess it was betting the last four four times or only the last four?
Quote from: Turkish4 on Mar 05, 10:49 AM 2019
I’ve been testing this out past few days.
Magic number 8. When there are no repeats in 8 spins I start stage 1. First number drops, I bet 1 chip. Second number drops, I bet 1 chip on it and the previous number.
Some lucky hits in the beginning. Then it went to obviously 8 chips. I followed the rules and dropped the furthest number in my 8 and replaced it with the new one.
I purposely didn’t buy any table/wheel pairs just to see what would happen.
Two days of profit of roughly 200-300 units but a loss of 800 units today. What I noticed that there were times when table pairs would hit but more often wheel pairs would hit. There were too many times it hit a wheel neighbour which was supremely frustrating.
My thoughts brought me to la bomba. Should we bet one chip on repeats and half a chip on the wheel neighbours of the most recent four spins?
Works out to max 12 units per spin. Sometimes less because in your 8 numbers you could have 0-26 so you’d only place half a chip on 32 and 3
The other frustrating part was the minute you’d drop a number from your 8 numbers it appears 🥵
This is why Vaddi suggested : then doubles dropping you are there,then singles dropping you are there,and you need a system to capitalize on it.
Quote from: Kan@am@ on Mar 05, 02:18 PM 2019
This is why Vaddi suggested : then doubles dropping you are there,then singles dropping you are there,and you need a system to capitalize on it.
Question is:
Is it really wheel neighbours or the vaddi table pairs?
And do you only put 1chip on the 8 to catch doubles and half a chip on pairs?
Or do you put half a chip on the 8 for doubles and a full chip on the pairs?
Quote from: Turkish4 on Mar 05, 02:33 PM 2019
Question is:
Is it really wheel neighbours or the vaddi table pairs?
And do you only put 1chip on the 8 to catch doubles and half a chip on pairs?
Or do you put half a chip on the 8 for doubles and a full chip on the pairs?
He never mentioned anything about wheel pattern ,but he mentioned to put one unit on double and one on single or one between.1/2 on each .It clearly suggest to use pairs.He also said that in his system "single must drop before double.Isnt it means that bets should be made on two neighbour until double shows up?.
One ship on doubles, half chip on doubles mentioned as an optional choice of betting.
Quote from: boyd30 on Mar 05, 01:33 PM 2019
A test playing the last four and then the numbers beside on table. Easy to test, but take some time doing it manual. Like Notto did. Don't know if the amount of units is the same. I just put 1 unit on each number. It seem to go up and down, but not climbing and not going down very deep? So if you just go for a win and then leave? BBB did something similar. Guess it was betting the last four four times or only the last four?
There are so many ways that I tested! I did this one: + and - pairs of last 4 nrs, add until a hit, reset. The result was really good on the first test and average on the second, if I remember well.
What if it's a unit on the split of hit nrs? When a split hits: if it's a repeater, slide to 1u on the unhit, if its a new hit nr, remove the unit or leave it on both nrs?
Will try.
Quote from: Bigbroben on Mar 05, 03:06 PM 2019
There are so many ways that I tested! I did this one: + and - pairs of last 4 nrs, add until a hit, reset. The result was really good on the first test and average on the second, if I remember well.
What if it's a unit on the split of hit nrs? When a split hits: if it's a repeater, slide to 1u on the unhit, if its a new hit nr, remove the unit or leave it on both nrs?
Will try.
Looks like an idea.
Quote from: jono1167 on Mar 02, 01:10 AM 2019
You said it Ben. The downslopes coincided with repeaters hitting like crazy.
When repeaters started happening, all momentum was lost.
After chatting with Ben last Saturday, we realized that the appearance of repeats was slowing the momentum of this system. We noticed the dips in the chart generally seemed to coincide with the appearance of repeats. To refresh your memory, under the original system rules, all hits were left blank. Only to +1/-1 neighbors were covered.
I personally ran 3,000 test spins and never recorded a catastrophic loss. The wins easily covered the small loss which did occur.
For the next test series I decided to cover the hit numbers as well as +1/-1 on either side. Initially it was working beautifully. After the first 540 spins I was +800 units. Unfortunately over the next 450 spins there was a big correction and everything leveled out. Please see the attached chart.
A great start and then very underwhelming.....
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Quote from: jono1167 on Mar 05, 03:21 PM 2019
After chatting with Ben last Saturday, we realized that the appearance of repeats was slowing the momentum of this system. We noticed the dips in the chart generally seemed to coincide with the appearance of repeats. To refresh your memory, under the original system rules, all hits were left blank. Only to +1/-1 neighbors were covered.
I personally ran 3,000 test spins and never recorded a catastrophic loss. The wins easily covered the small loss which did occur.
For the next test series I decided to cover the hit numbers as well as +1/-1 on either side. Initially it was working beautifully. After the first 540 spins I was +800 units. Unfortunately over the next 450 spins there was a big correction and everything leveled out. Please see the attached chart.
A great start and then very underwhelming.....
(link::// (link:://
Now imagine spin #540 being your first bet in that session.
Quote from: Kan@am@ on Mar 05, 02:18 PM 2019
This is why Vaddi suggested : then doubles dropping you are there,then singles dropping you are there,and you need a system to capitalize on it.
But he also said you won't be able to catch all repeats..
Quote from: Kan@am@ on Mar 05, 03:32 PM 2019
Now imagine spin #540 being your first bet in that session.
Exactly, starting at spin #540 you spend the next 450 spins in the negative. You finally quit with a 394 unit loss. System busted!
This is why we test :).
Time to put Notto's system through its paces....
Quote from: Gandhi on Mar 05, 03:46 PM 2019
But he also said you won't be able to catch all repeats..
if you bet 4 or 8 on doubles than you obviously won't catch all doubles.If you bet only on 4 doubles ,then you will get 4 hits in average in one 37 spin cycle.
It might be ok though to give different values to reps, unhits, hits. Playing the hit nr and both pairs at equal values is pretty much like playing mobile streets, which is not the aim here.
If reporting to the real wheel, most splits have their ''pairs''. Look at 0,32,15, for example, diametrally opposed to 16,33,1.
Say 32 is a repeater, you could I guess put a unit on 32 (or 32/33?) and 1u on 15/16, so you're taking advantage of sector bias (if any) and unhits.
Or 12/13: 35/36 on one side, 27/28 on the other, although not exactly opposite.
Vaddis original scheme was applied to real wheel and maybe the unit/half-unit can ba applied to real wheel splits neighbouring the repeater. A few nrs don't have this easy split setup, but most of them.
I guess, unless Rs's random is flawed and giving the player an better output than it should, I guess a real wheel's results might be better than just random when conditions are good.
What is your answer to the crazy scientist's question? How do you do it?
Hi Passion.
I am already red it in the past for about 10 times.
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Mar 05, 05:25 PM 2019
He says:
Think in terms of even numbers 4-8-12-24-36
4 is the beginning, right? Then comes 8-12 ...
12/4 ...
24/8 ...
12/36 ..
Does not it make you think to start with 4 numbers?
If 2 comes out, he says he plays 2 and 3.
How to predict future results after 4 turns?
I do not know if you understand what I mean, but it goes by there.
I’m still confused over this.. could you help us out passion with some more guidance please? 🙏
Because if vaddi said it’s easy and straightforward but it seems so complex 🧐
With Passion and the newest info presented, here goes :)
Procedure: Track the newest four unique singles.
Bet those four and their Vaddi pairs once.
If miss, track four new unique singles and repeat steps.
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example: 12, 34, 7, 25 (newest spin-value)-qualifer
Bet 12, 13: 34, 35: 7, 8: 25, 26 once: 1.) 0(x)-8
...13, 21, 18 (qualifier)
Bet 0, 1: 13, 14: 21, 22: 18,19....
Test: Dublinbet European Wheel #1-
Tuesday, March 5,2019 @ 7:33pm CST USA
...5, 21, 16, 31 (newest spin-value)
*four unique singles collected-qualifier
Bet 5, 6, 21, 22, 16, 17, 31, 32: 1.) 28(x)-8
...31, 22, 2 (qualifier)
Bet 28, 29, 31, 32, 22, 23, 2, 3: 2.) 26(x)-8
...3,15,10 (qualifier)
Bet 26, 27, 3, 4, 15, 16, 10, 11: 3.) 16(win)+28
Test: Intertops Red Casino American Wheel-
Tuesday, March 5,2019 @ 8:02pm CST USA
...24, 18, 7, 36 (newest spin-value)
*four unique singles collected-qualifier
Bet 24, 25, 18, 19, 7, 8, 36, 0/00: 1.) 20(x)-8
...3, 8, 7 (qualifier)
Bet 20, 21, 3, 4, 8, 9, 7, 6: 2.) 29(x)-8
...16, 3, 26 (qualifier)
Bet 29, 30, 16, 17, 3, 4, 26, 27: 3.) 3(win)+28
March 5,2019 @ 8:22pm CST USA
*Numbers 0-37 used (American Wheel)
...7, 20, 0, 26 (newest spin-value)
*four unique singles collected-qualifier
Bet 7, 8, 20, 21, 0, 1, 26, 27: 1.) 34(x)
...16, 28, 2 (qualifier)
Bet 34, 35, 16, 17, 28, 29, 2, 3: 2.) 16(win)
is it possible for each number out, you are playing 4 numbers? So 7 comes out, you play 6,7,8,9. 12/4=3. Maybe 3 sets of 4 numbers. 1/3 of the table. It gets a very high hit rate within 4 spins. I am just not sure if you should reset after a loss of 4 spins or play last 3 sets of 4. Just been testing on RS and having very good results. Just a thought.
The incorporating of 4 numbers seems to go with the back to basics also. As you see the stand alone numbers expand.
Following on from some of Passions advice, I have been experimenting with some new ideas. For this you need to utilize the tracker.
You start by putting through eight spins. (5,3,33,33,14,12,32,13) Enter these into the tracker (see below).
(link::// (link:://
"Follow the wheel". What is the tracker telling you to do...?
Bet 2,3,4,5,6, 11,12,13,14,15 31,32,32,34 (33 has already been hit twice) - LOSE #23 hits.
Add 23 to the tracker.
(link::// (link:://
Bet 2,3,4,5,6, 11,12,13,14,15 22,23,24 31,32,32,34 (33 has already been hit twice) - WIN #13 hits.
Stop and reset the tracker.
Enter the last eight numbers into the tracker. (13,23,13,32,12,14,33,33)
Bet 11,12,14,15 (13 has hit twice) 22,23,24 31,32,34 (33 has hit twice) - LOSE #10 hits.
Add 10 to the tracker.
(link::// (link:://
Bet 9,10,11,12,14,15 (13 has hit twice) 22,23,24 31,32,34 (33 has hit twice) WIN #12 hits.
After a win, always stop and reset the tracker.
Very early days, so testing only.....
(link::// (link:://
Quote from: jono1167 on Mar 06, 04:05 PM 2019
Following on from some of Passions advice, I have been experimenting with some new ideas. For this you need to utilize the tracker.
You start by putting through eight spins. (5,3,33,33,14,12,32,13) Enter these into the tracker (see below).
"Follow the wheel". What is the tracker telling you to do...?
Bet 2,3,4,5,6, 11,12,13,14,15 31,32,32,34 (33 has already been hit twice) - LOSE #23 hits.
Add 23 to the tracker.
Bet 2,3,4,5,6, 11,12,13,14,15 22,23,24 31,32,32,34 (33 has already been hit twice) - WIN #13 hits.
Stop and reset the tracker.
Enter the last eight numbers into the tracker. (13,23,13,32,12,14,33,33)
Bet 11,12,14,15 (13 has hit twice) 22,23,24 31,32,34 (33 has hit twice) - LOSE #10 hits.
Add 10 to the tracker.
Bet 9,10,11,12,14,15 (13 has hit twice) 22,23,24 31,32,34 (33 has hit twice) WIN #12 hits.
After a win, always stop and reset the tracker.
Very early days, so testing only.....
You're covering repeats where you can and the =1/-1s....
You do or you don't cover repeaters?
Quote from: Bigbroben on Mar 06, 04:20 PM 2019
You do or you don't cover repeaters?
Absolutely, covering the repeats. Start by putting through eight spins - 5, 3, 33, 33, 14, 12, 32, 13. Enter these into the tracker (see below).
(link::// (link:://
Following the tracker, place your bets.
Bet #s 2,3,4,5,6 11,12,13,14,15 31,32,34 (I'm not covering #33 because it has hit twice). You are covering 13 numbers in total.
# 23 hits and I lose. Enter #23 into the tracker.
(link::// (link:://
Bet #s 2,3,4,5,6, 11,12,13,14,15 22,23,24 31,32,34 (33 has already been hit twice) -
WIN #13 hits.
Always stop and reset the tracker after a win.
Very early days Ben...... See if it works for you.
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Mar 05, 08:31 PM 2019
With Passion and the newest info presented, here goes :)
Procedure: Track the newest four unique singles.
Bet those four and their Vaddi pairs once.
If miss, track four new unique singles and repeat steps.
Stop on a win or after four consecutive misses.
Example: 12, 34, 7, 25 (newest spin-value)-qualifer
Bet 12, 13: 34, 35: 7, 8: 25, 26 once: 1.) 0(x)-8
...13, 21, 18 (qualifier)
Bet 0, 1: 13, 14: 21, 22: 18,19....
You still have forgot, about the lessons of the past? By millions of trials, most repeats come within the first 8 spins,? so, now we know that?...IF we want to play "repaters" we can focus on this simple fact? Either "Flatbet" (i have already coded a repaters program,in RX, FLATBET, for the last 8 numbers?) What else you need then,? Progression? I did that one too? with the last 7 numbers?... yes?
So? ..still you "do not believe" well? i did this for fun, for me, it's all for the fun, for the entertainment, for the joy and passion of the roulette-game, that i love<3
so, this is a "demonstraion" (played with 1u bets) of the Last 8 numbers played with a progression Line (1,3,9,27,81)
Crazy, you may say? No? I say, Because? IF you put the Stoploss/wingoal at -500/+500, the progression really doesn't matter? in the End, what matters, IS how much you win/lose-ratio, and from my first testings now (Live-spins)... 4/5 Live-sessions were winners?..But, then I haven't calculated on the Total BR needed ....(for the progression it may be alittle higher than 500u (?) in this example/demonstration, idk...perhaps some math-guy, can calculate on this.....anyway,'s the RX-code, and 5 Live-sessions (charts)... cheers O0
RX-Code "Last 8"+Progression
System "Last 8 FLATBET v4"
//(copyright) ignatus 2019
method "main"
while starting a new session
Set List [1,3,9,27,81] to Record "progression" Data
Set List [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] to Record "Number Bet" Data
while on each spin
copy last Number to Record "last1" layout
IF Record "50 Spins Counter" layout index = 50
Stop session
If total inside bets count = 8 each
clear Record "last8" layout
add 1 on Record "progression" Data Index
Put 1 on Record "Numbers Bet" Data Index
if any number bet won each
clear Record "last8" layout
Put 1 on Record "progression" Data Index
put 1 on Record "Number Bet" Data Index
//Put 1 on Record "Numbers Bet" Data Index
If Record "last8" layout list lost each time
//add 1 on Record "progression" Data Index
add 1 on Record "Number Bet" Data Index
Put 100% of Record "progression" Data to Record "last8" layout list
//add 1 on Record "progression" Data Index
If total inside bets count = 0 each
Put 1 on Record "progression" Data Index
Put 100% of Record "progression" Data to Record "last8" layout list
If Record "progression" Data Index >
Record "progression" Data Count
clear Record "last8" layout
Put 1 on Record "progression" Data Index
Put 1 on Record "Numbers Bet" Data
Track last Number for 8 spins to
Record "last8" layout
if total bankroll >= 500 each time
stop session
if total bankroll <= -500 each time
stop session
Track last Number for 50 spins to
Record "50 Spins Counter" layout
Quote from: ignatus on Mar 06, 06:26 PM 2019
So? ..still you "do not believe" well? i did this for fun, for me, it's all for the fun, for the entertainment, for the joy and passion of the roulette-game, that i love<3
so, this is a "demonstraion" (played with 1u bets) of the Last 8 numbers played with a progression Line (1,3,9,27,81)
Crazy, you may say? No? I say, Because? IF you put the Stoploss/wingoal at -500/+500, the progression really doesn't matter? in the End, what matters, IS how much you win/lose-ratio, and from my first testings now (Live-spins)... 4/5 Live-sessions were winners?..But, then I haven't calculated on the Total BR needed ....(for the progression it may be alittle higher than 500u (?) in this example/demonstration, idk...perhaps some math-guy, can calculate on this.....anyway,'s the RX-code, and 5 Live-sessions (charts)... cheers O0
RX-Code "Last 8"+Progression
System "Last 8 FLATBET v4"
//(copyright) ignatus 2019
method "main"
while starting a new session
Set List [1,3,9,27,81] to Record "progression" Data
Set List [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] to Record "Number Bet" Data
while on each spin
copy last Number to Record "last1" layout
IF Record "50 Spins Counter" layout index = 50
Stop session
If total inside bets count = 8 each
clear Record "last8" layout
add 1 on Record "progression" Data Index
Put 1 on Record "Numbers Bet" Data Index
if any number bet won each
clear Record "last8" layout
Put 1 on Record "progression" Data Index
put 1 on Record "Number Bet" Data Index
//Put 1 on Record "Numbers Bet" Data Index
If Record "last8" layout list lost each time
//add 1 on Record "progression" Data Index
add 1 on Record "Number Bet" Data Index
Put 100% of Record "progression" Data to Record "last8" layout list
//add 1 on Record "progression" Data Index
If total inside bets count = 0 each
Put 1 on Record "progression" Data Index
Put 100% of Record "progression" Data to Record "last8" layout list
If Record "progression" Data Index >
Record "progression" Data Count
clear Record "last8" layout
Put 1 on Record "progression" Data Index
Put 1 on Record "Numbers Bet" Data
Track last Number for 8 spins to
Record "last8" layout
if total bankroll >= 500 each time
stop session
if total bankroll <= -500 each time
stop session
Track last Number for 50 spins to
Record "50 Spins Counter" layout
Nice Ignatus. Simple but effective.
I also like the concept of the repeater hitting again within the 37 spin cycle.
Quote from: jono1167 on Mar 06, 06:49 PM 2019
Nice Ignatus. Simple but effective.
I also like the concept of the repeater hitting again within the 37 spin cycle.
Thanks.. :) Well? a 37-spin cycle, cut that down into "Last 8 cycles" That would be 8+8+8+8+8=40 Spins ...With the progressionline (1,3,9,27,81)... +1 step, for each lost "Last 8 numbers-cycle" chances that no repeater happens within these 8*5 cycles are..? calculate on that..etc...yes.. O0
Good to see ya posting IG
Now those 40 spins.
in spins 1-10 average says 1 repeat, the spins 11-40, so 30 spins average shows repeats are 3,5,7; so 15 repeats and 15 singles.
But BBB says it's only average. Then go to spin 60 and on average it's 30 repeats and 30 non-hit. So peeps should look to 3,5,7
Quote from: nottophammer on Mar 06, 07:54 PM 2019
Good to see ya posting IG
Now those 40 spins.
in spins 1-10 average says 1 repeat, the spins 11-40, so 30 spins average shows repeats are 3,5,7; so 15 repeats and 15 singles.
But BBB says it's only average. Then go to spin 60 and on average it's 30 repeats and 30 non-hit. So peeps should look to 3,5,7
Alright, :) thx notto! O0
Hi Ignatius thanks for that rxcoded repeater system!
I tried to RX a similar system by BBB posted on page 149. He played 4 numbers plus the - and + neighbors on the table.. And the table neighbors where which I got stuck.. Does RX has a way to do this.
I only get across wheel neighbors which are defined by span function.
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Mar 05, 05:25 PM 2019Does not it make you think to start with 4 numbers?
If 2 comes out, he says he plays 2 and 3.
How to predict future results after 4 turns?
If you have 4
different numbers the probability for
any repeater in the next 4 numbers is 40.7 %.
The probability for
any repeater after that is 10.17 %.
"If 2 comes out, he says he plays 2 and 3." ???
There is no natural connection between the numbers ( in roulette) , so you could make any artificial connection you like.
What IF?
What if we don't need Vaddi. What if we don't need his/her clues?
What if we look at the table and see the rounded up integers:
37/4=9.25 4 spins spaces of max 10
37/8=4.62 8 spaces of max 5
37/12=3.08 12 spaces of max 4
37:24= 1.54 24 spaces of max 2
37:37=1 37 surprise surprise!
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
First 4 numbers
How convenient!
What if all we need is to look at the spaces between the numbers that hit.
What IF you bet the numbers above expectation(2+hits) and the spaces around them a/p the above matrix?
Where will you be at the end of the 37 spin cycle?:)
Quote from: Frodo on Mar 07, 05:08 AM 2019What if we look at the table and see the rounded up integers:
Good idea, but the topic here is ...
Quote from: Herby on Mar 07, 05:14 AM 2019
Good idea, but the topic here is ...
To persevere. To be relentless. To think outside the box. To never give up..
Quote from: Frodo on Mar 07, 05:08 AM 2019What IF you bet the numbers above expectation(2+hits) and the spaces around them a/p the above matrix?
I dont't get what you mean with "numbers above expectation". Can you give an example please.
I already programmed your idea ...
Quote from: Herby on Mar 07, 05:22 AM 2019
I dont't get what you mean with "numbers above expectation". Can you give an example please.
I already programmed your idea ...
In a 37 spin cycle, 1 hit= expected value for the individual numbers. Anything above that 2, 3,, 4.... In the same cycle. 2+.
Here's a sample of 37 spins cycle from the mighty
All numbers in this cycle are at least at the expected value(1hit).
Those above it(repeaters):#20(2 hits) , #23(3 hits) etc are ABOVE expectation.
Thanks Frodo,
I got it.
You had 2 different dimensions (I think) in your post above. This was 1 dimension too much for me. :xd:
No worries
Imagine a hypercube.37 at the power of 37 :)
Fact: you will never ever ever ever see a 37 number cycles without a repeat. Never. Ever!
Fact: you will never ever ever ever see a 37 cycle with 13 continuous spaces between 2 hit numbers. Never ever ever ever. Never ever!
Fact: you will nevrer ever ever see a number repeat 37 times in a 37 spin cycle. Never ever!
1 million cycles of 37 spins
2 hit 100%
3 hit 98.405% times
4 hit 50.990% times
5 hit 10.939% times
6 hit 1.599% times
7 hit 0.192% times
1 million cycles of 74 spins
3 hit 100%
4 hit 99.982% times
5 hit 90.1054% times
6 hit 45.47% times
7 hit 13.78% times
8 hit 3.22% times
9 hit 0.637% times
1 million cycles of 111 spins
4 hit 100%
5 hit 99.9998% times
6 hit 98.277% times
7 hit 73.8% times
8 hit 34.35% times
9 hit 11.587% times
10 hit 3.301% times
11 hit 0.812% times
1 million cycles of 148 spins
5 hit 100%
6 hit 100%
7 hit 99.693% times
8 hit 88.718% times
9 hit 55.022% times
10 hit 24.392% times
11 hit 8.699% times
12 hit 2.753% times
13 hit 0.7899% times
1 million cycles of 185 spins
7 hit 100%
8 hit 99.938% times
9 hit 95.324% times
10 hit 71.416% times
11 hit 38.747% times
12 hit 16.700% times
13 hit 6.194% times
14 hit 2.090% times
15 hit 0.637% times
I don't know about millions of cycles. But this one cycle performs perfect.
Generals bucket of KFC ( KTF ) +55.
Vaddi spins 1-4 no repeat. So bet last 4 singles 3,24,11,23 and their mat pairing; win
(link::// (link:://
Quote from: Frodo on Mar 07, 05:52 AM 2019Imagine a hypercube.37 at the power of 37 :)
37^37 = 10555134955777783414078330085995832946127396083370199442517 :sad2:
= 1.05551*10^58
Calculation can be done.
Imagination ... I'm working on it :wink:
Possibilities for 37 different outcomes in 37 spins:
37 ! = 13763753091226345046315979581580902400000000 = 1.37638*10^43 O0
Quote from: Herby on Mar 07, 06:10 AM 2019
37^37 = 10555134955777783414078330085995832946127396083370199442517 :sad2:
= 1.05551*10^58
Calculation can be done.
Imagination ... I'm working on it :wink:
Possibilities for 37 different outcomes in 37 spins:
37 ! = 13763753091226345046315979581580902400000000 = 1.37638*10^43 O0
1.37638*10^43 / 1.05551*10^58 = size(nucleus) / size(atom)
Can it be just betting the last 12 numbers on the marquee? Doesn't really explain the pairs. If it drops off the marquee you drop that number and add new number? So in other words just betting the 12 numbers 1-12 on the marquee?
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Mar 07, 09:31 AM 2019
I know it is difficult to see what vaddis does, but it is difficult because it is so simple, because it seems that it can not be so easy.
I know Jun is playing 24/8 because that's what usually works faster, but that requires control since a marquee does not have 24 numbers.
I know that sixth sense will have found a variation of how the numbers and gaps are placed within a roulette cycle, but that is not vaddis, although he has very good results and I am very happy for him, because the a given with another way to win.
But neither Jun, nor sixth sense have vaddis.
And I find it very bad and ugly, what Jun did to Kanam, because he could have told him what he does.
If Jun I charge â,¬ 5000 to Kanam, I for having the original form of vaddis .... Hehehe.
But I will not, I'm working to create a program for people to play and give me commissions, which I think will be more fair for both parties.
But the program is not necessary, I could play alone and earn my money and disappear.
But I think it's a good idea that people can at least make money with me even if they have to give me commissions, because at least they will have benefits and they will not have to keep breaking their heads with looking for a way to win.
Well I think I will talk to my trusted programmer and I will reveal vaddis and then I will verify that everything is correct and try to give the opportunity to people who need to earn money giving me commissions, so I will not have to reveal the form, nor charge a lot to anyone and I can make people win and at the same time give me my commissions.
When everything is ready, I'll let you know.
Roulette Passion :thumbsup:
It’s all about repeats unhits and unique Sergio..not just numbers and gaps (link::// (link:://
6-th - sense .If you refined original Vaddi method can you confirm that it exist .
Kanam it was pretty crap what jun did to you...that example he gave everyone that time on predictive numbers wasn’t hard to was just working how to profit flatbetting..
It goes up and down that’s why he said you may as well quit when ahead because that’s it..everything is a balance up and down..
Now Sergio may think he’s got it and thinks I don’t but I’ve gone further than that
On Skype Sergio is always wanting to know my version of vaddis and wants to swap but I won’t and I’ve told him I prefer my method ..
Saying that Sergio is now convinced he has it
It’s all the way you look at things
Sergio may have found something but if he does what he intends to do it’ll be easy to reverse engineer it..especially anyone who uses ayks tracker
I’ve told him this
Seriously don’t be caught up at the beginning to win think of the longer term ..all the methods here and ideas you should have a good idea what works and what doesn’ need to adapt to the situation..all hardened testers should see the swings
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Mar 07, 09:31 AM 2019
I know it is difficult to see what vaddis does, but it is difficult because it is so simple, because it seems that it can not be so easy.
I know Jun is playing 24/8 because that's what usually works faster, but that requires control since a marquee does not have 24 numbers.
I know that sixth sense will have found a variation of how the numbers and gaps are placed within a roulette cycle, but that is not vaddis, although he has very good results and I am very happy for him, because the a given with another way to win.
But neither Jun, nor sixth sense have vaddis.
And I find it very bad and ugly, what Jun did to Kanam, because he could have told him what he does.
If Jun I charge â,¬ 5000 to Kanam, I for having the original form of vaddis .... Hehehe.
But I will not, I'm working to create a program for people to play and give me commissions, which I think will be more fair for both parties.
But the program is not necessary, I could play alone and earn my money and disappear.
But I think it's a good idea that people can at least make money with me even if they have to give me commissions, because at least they will have benefits and they will not have to keep breaking their heads with looking for a way to win.
Well I think I will talk to my trusted programmer and I will reveal vaddis and then I will verify that everything is correct and try to give the opportunity to people who need to earn money giving me commissions, so I will not have to reveal the form, nor charge a lot to anyone and I can make people win and at the same time give me my commissions.
When everything is ready, I'll let you know.
Roulette Passion :thumbsup:
Passion .i hope to see some more clues to work on it. Software.... I m good....
..all the methods here and ideas you should have a good idea what works and what doesn’ need to adapt to the situation..all hardened testers should see the swings
Hi sixth sense.... So adopt with gameplay is key?single doubles and sleeper count too?
Quote from: 6th-sense on Mar 07, 11:47 AM 2019
Kanam it was pretty crap what jun did to you...that example he gave everyone that time on predictive numbers wasn’t hard to was just working how to profit flatbetting..
It goes up and down that’s why he said you may as well quit when ahead because that’s it..everything is a balance up and down..
Now Sergio may think he’s got it and thinks I don’t but I’ve gone further than that
On Skype Sergio is always wanting to know my version of vaddis and wants to swap but I won’t and I’ve told him I prefer my method ..
Saying that Sergio is now convinced he has it
It’s all the way you look at things
Sergio may have found something but if he does what he intends to do it’ll be easy to reverse engineer it..especially anyone who uses ayks tracker
I’ve told him this
Seriously don’t be caught up at the beginning to win think of the longer term ..all the methods here and ideas you should have a good idea what works and what doesn’ need to adapt to the situation..all hardened testers should see the swings
I don't care much about Junscessorhands system ,I care about my money that he scammed from me.In Canada on airball maximum bet on inside numbers limited to 100$.His system required to bet 16 and 8.Average profit from the session is 60 units.Well,in best case scenario I can make 300$.I make it at work not doing much.Obviesly he do not have original Vaddis system.He made something up by using law of third.This is it.Also I thing that only handful of people really refined the original version of the system.Everyone else had an ideas inspired by Vaddis post ,but if system than works its fine.
Quote from: Elite on Mar 07, 12:03 PM 2019
..all the methods here and ideas you should have a good idea what works and what doesn’ need to adapt to the situation..all hardened testers should see the swings
Hi sixth sense.... So adopt with gameplay is key?single doubles and sleeper count too?
It all and I mean all comes down to unhit unique and repeats ...
Obviously some sleepers sleep and some go to unique..then to repeat...turbo old saying it has to start from something
You all know unique can’t keep hitting and you all know repeats can’t keep hitting nor unhits’s one or the other ..
And sometimes a combination of don’t have to be right all the time but know your shit..
Think beyond a profit in the 1st instant..know your stuff ..don’t progress it leads to ruin and get off god damn rs spins and ..they are flawed use real data with dealer changes I used to always see most cases of on ayk tracker 1st number out in a ds usually tend to be the repeats when I use to 1st test not the case in real data
The biggest issue in refining any system is thought about profit.6-th sense is right .Do not thing about profit while resolving probability problems.
Testing like Jono did. Last 8 plus the numbers beside. First down, then up but then it planned out. This way you get both hits and unhits. It's many numbers, but I don't think it's a good idea? It's too many numbers.
Quote from: Kan@am@ on Mar 07, 12:45 PM 2019
The biggest issue in refining any system is thought about profit.6-th sense is right .Do not thing about profit while resolving probability problems.
That must be one of the most excellent post I’ve read in a while
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Here's an idea I don't know anybody thought of before? I noticed a pairnumber often comes up with any number soon again. So if it's for example 12,13 close to each other bet them up to 18 times flatbet. Isn't it more logic to bet on hit numbers?
I continued and the upgoing curve turned down. Not bad, but not good enough.
Quote from: boyd30 on Mar 07, 02:26 PM 2019
I continued and the upgoing curve turned down. Not bad, but not good enough.
Good work Boyd. Come up with ideas and test them. We're looking and learning.....
Quote from: jono1167 on Mar 06, 04:33 PM 2019
Absolutely, covering the repeats. Start by putting through eight spins - 5, 3, 33, 33, 14, 12, 32, 13. Enter these into the tracker (see below).
(link::// (link:://
Following the tracker, place your bets.
Bet #s 2,3,4,5,6 11,12,13,14,15 31,32,34 (I'm not covering #33 because it has hit twice). You are covering 13 numbers in total.
# 23 hits and I lose. Enter #23 into the tracker.
(link::// (link:://
Bet #s 2,3,4,5,6, 11,12,13,14,15 22,23,24 31,32,34 (33 has already been hit twice) -
WIN #13 hits.
Always stop and reset the tracker after a win.
Very early days Ben...... See if it works for you.
Sorry Guys, this idea hasn't held up for me. I'm thinking about some improvements/modifications. I will post anything which I have success with....
Quote from: Irish88 on Mar 07, 10:16 AM 2019
Can it be just betting the last 12 numbers on the marquee? Doesn't really explain the pairs. If it drops off the marquee you drop that number and add new number? So in other words just betting the 12 numbers 1-12 on the marquee?
Thanks irish88, very interesting! :), it's easy to code in RX,.. i will try this one! :) (just post what i coded in RX now...This code can be modified to any other Negative or positive progression and also numbers bet can be you got the frame now,, we can test what works the best..) cheers O0
This one (Last 7 numbers-cycle, played with a Negative progressionline).
RX code "Repeater / Last 7 v.6"System "Repeater / Last 7 v6"
//(copyright) ignatus 2019
method "main"
while starting a new session
put 0 to Record "Highest Bankroll" Data
Set List [1,2,4,7,13,27,60]
to Record "progression" Data
Set List [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] to Record "Number Bet" Data
while on each spin
copy last Number to Record "last1" layout
if any number bet won each
if Bankroll >= Record "Highest Bankroll" Data
clear Record "Hotnumbers" Layout
clear Record "Highest Bankroll" Data
put 100% Bankroll to Record "Highest Bankroll" Data
clear Record "last8" layout
put 1 on Record "progression" Data Index
put 1 to Record "Number Bets" Data Index
Put 100% of Record "progression" data to Record "last8" Layout list
clear Record "last8" layout
add 1 on Record "progression" Data Index
put 1 to Record "Number Bets" Data Index
Put 100% of Record "progression" data to Record "last8" Layout list
If total inside bets count >= 7 each
clear Record "last8" layout
add 1 on Record "progression" Data Index
Put 1 on Record "Numbers Bet" Data Index
If Record "last8" layout list lost each time
Put 100% of Record "progression" data to Record "last8" Layout list
add 1 on Record "Number Bet" Data Index
Put 100% of Record "progression" Data to Record "last8" layout list
If total inside bets count = 0 each
Put 1 on Record "progression" Data Index
Put 100% of Record "progression" Data to Record "last8" layout list
If Record "progression" Data Index >
Record "progression" Data Count
clear Record "last8" layout
Put 1 on Record "progression" Data Index
Put 1 on Record "Numbers Bet" Data
Track last Number for 8 spins to
Record "last8" layout
if total bankroll >= 10000 each time
stop session
if total bankroll <= -5000 each time
stop session
Track last Number for 50 spins to
Record "50 Spins Counter" layout
Juns just waited 24spins and bet the repeats plus their wheel neighbors.
Quote from: Gandhi on Mar 07, 03:14 PM 2019
Juns just waited 24spins and bet the repeats plus their wheel neighbors.
"bet the repeats plus their wheel neighbours"- which have relations to the previous 24 spins.
Quote from: Gandhi on Mar 07, 03:14 PM 2019
Juns just waited 24spins and bet the repeats plus their wheel neighbors.
I can code this later also, right now, i've tried the simple "Last 12-numbers Repeater"..i'll post it in betselection now, we can work/test this later, ok thanks :thumbsup:
Quote from: jono1167 on Mar 07, 02:33 PM 2019
Good work Boyd. Come up with ideas and test them. We're looking and learning.....
Thanks Jono! Yes, we do :thumbsup:
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Mar 07, 04:23 PM 2019
Quote from: 6th-sense on Mar 07, 11:47 AM 2019
The one of vaddis does not need any control in ayks neither in paper nor pencil, only to observe the marquee.
I've been barking up the wrong tree with the tracker.... Simplicity is the key.....
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Mar 07, 06:34 PM 2019
I'm glad Jono, anything you want to comment for pm, if you want ...
I’ve PM you a few times but no reply :(
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Mar 07, 06:34 PM 2019
I'm glad Jono, anything you want to comment for pm, if you want ...
Thanks Passion, too many questions...! I’ve got to say, I’m baffled at the moment....
With 12 numbers what to do.. Divide into 4 groups and choose 4 doubles and 3 singles¿ tq
I have more ideas to test about this. So Vaddis is not finished.
Pay attention to what Sergio is saying, it must be kept simple. David meant it when he said your kid could do it once trained, pen and paper aren't necessary, etc.
So it's the marquee, and adapting to the marquee on a spin by spin basis moving forward. I don't have it, don't mean to imply that I do, but if it's not simple to do then it's the wrong path.
Sucks that ayk's tracker is gone by the way, Gordon was smart to get him to code a private non-internet-based version for him...pain in the ass to test various methods manually now.
Quote from: Mako on Mar 08, 01:54 PM 2019
Sucks that ayk's tracker is gone by the way, Gordon was smart to get him to code a private non-internet-based version for him...pain in the ass to test various methods manually now.
Hi Mako
This tracker is still available. Is this the one you mean....?
Quote from: jono1167 on Mar 08, 02:41 PM 2019
Hi Mako
This tracker is still available. Is this the one you mean....?
Thanks buddy, it was the V8 version, the one Gordon had him do with the detailed breakdown of wheel/table locations in the right side box. I looked for it on the github address but couldn't find it, maybe he has it there somewhere.
I see all trackers have gone except the basic one..
Hi, sorry for the downtime. All trackers should be up in next 30 min. Bplaced is deactivating the Webspace, If I don't login for 3 months. If I find the time, I'll up all trackers on git and Google. Cheers
BTW Mako, all my trackers are downloadable for everyone for offline usage. Just look for a software to crawl a page.
Thanks ayk ..I’ve got original
And v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 and even nottys u did for him and v8 even though I thought I didn’t have that one it was under a different name..all downloaded webpages in my mediafire upload section in case you croak it
Nice work. But you graph show flat lines, so you are waiting for spins, not necessarily a problem, but it can skew date. How many spins have you tried?
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Mar 11, 06:22 AM 2019
(link::// (link:://
how do you make jumps of 80 with 1 chips? (flat bet) ?
Quote from: plolp on Mar 11, 07:03 AM 2019
how do you make jumps of 80 with 1 chips? (flat bet) ?
I think it'S 3 hits back to back.
I presume 12/4 = 4 repeaters and 8 neighbours.
Quote from: ayk on Mar 10, 03:37 AM 2019
Hi, sorry for the downtime. All trackers should be up in next 30 min. Bplaced is deactivating the Webspace, If I don't login for 3 months. If I find the time, I'll up all trackers on git and Google. Cheers
BTW Mako, all my trackers are downloadable for everyone for offline usage. Just look for a software to crawl a page.
Oh thank god, doing the work manually was making me want to switch to Baccarat... :twisted:
Thanks so much for your effort ayk, really appreciated. :love:
In 8 balls we can have 3 variants of events:
1. All numbers with empty blocks.
2. Numbers connected in pairs.
3. There was a replay.
But what this can lead to, I do not know ...
Quote from: Person S on Mar 11, 02:30 PM 2019
In 8 balls we can have 3 variants of events:
1. All numbers with empty blocks.
2. Numbers connected in pairs.
3. There was a replay.
But what this can lead to, I do not know ...
perhaps in case of event 1- keep tracking
in case 2 - bet on repeats
in case 3 -bet on pairs
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Mar 11, 06:22 AM 2019
Has someone been watching what happens in 8 balls?
How do the numbers connect? how can you take advantage? they have to pay attention to the last 8 and start to investigate what the connections are, how they can be taken advantage of and little by little they will give with vaddis, I assure you!
What do you think is 12/4?
When you come to vaddis, you will see how simple it is and how it happens continuously, I keep improving every day, I have improved to such an extent that I found something better than the one of vaddis, something that happens continuously in the game and that almost always hits in 4- 8 balls
To give you an idea, I will put a graph of those that you do not like any, because they are only graphics, but it is a real permanence and is playing with 1euro chips, without progression, playing only 8 numbers, reptilian for some they speak that they are 16, they are only 8 numbers!
passion roulette
Hi Passion... What to look in 8 spins. Any clues.... If 8 numbers with with one neighbour ? 8 numbers with one repeat... 8 unique numbers? I also see patterns but still not able to finalize... .and 12/4 means what.. ? Hope to hear basics .tq
Vaddi said that the wheel is sometimes out of balance and sometimes its balanced. Anyone know what he exactly meant by that?
As for the pairing numbers.
In the 37 back to basics thread CHT posted this,
6-th sense, great stuff with solid explanation you post here.
I used ayk tracker as well to study the hits distribution. I will contribute when I find the time.
Anyway what I was looking at is if 13 hit, 4,24, 34 plus 13 normally follows to hit updated for the last 3 pockets. That's how I played to produce the roulettesimulator graphs. Take a look.
So can the pair numbers mean that you bet the hit number and all the of the numbers of the +1?
Now bet 7,8,18,28
I am wondering if the last 4 numbers are unique
This means the wheel is balanced?
This is unbalanced? You have two 7s.
Maybe what he meant by no repeats in the spins is just the numbers 0-9.
Just throwing this out there.
Not sure,
We should consider nrs not as nrs per se but rather as a convenient way of identifying the pocket. Why would 8,18 and 28 appear after a nr ending with ''7'' appears more often? They're just ''names''.
I think it has more to do with their positions on the wheel.
Quote from: Kan@am@ on Mar 11, 02:47 PM 2019
perhaps in case of event 1- keep tracking
in case 2 - bet on repeats
in case 3 -bet on pairs
Well, this will be a bet on the trend. And this is unreliable.
If all this can be packaged for 8 spins, we get the Sacred Stone, but HOW ??? I do not know either...
For example, if you play with the Ike tracker, we are unlikely to see that all 8 numbers will fall at the same distance.
Usually they are a little attracted to each other ... Or scattered randomly, but not at an even distance ... It's just an observation!
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Mar 11, 06:22 AM 2019
Has someone been watching what happens in 8 balls?
How do the numbers connect? how can you take advantage? they have to pay attention to the last 8 and start to investigate what the connections are, how they can be taken advantage of and little by little they will give with vaddis, I assure you!
What do you think is 12/4?
When you come to vaddis, you will see how simple it is and how it happens continuously, I keep improving every day, I have improved to such an extent that I found something better than the one of vaddis, something that happens continuously in the game and that almost always hits in 4- 8 balls
To give you an idea, I will put a graph of those that you do not like any, because they are only graphics, but it is a real permanence and is playing with 1euro chips, without progression, playing only 8 numbers, reptilian for some they speak that they are 16, they are only 8 numbers!
The one of Vaddis does not need any control in ayks neither in paper nor pencil, only to observe the marquee.
passion roulette
I've been thinking about this over the last few days.... I'm a visual person, so the most logical thing to do is to lay things out visually.
To start with, 8 numbers in the marquee.
(link::// (link:://
I x repeat (#4)
4 x Black
4 x Red
2 x odd (Only 2 odd, this could provide an opportunity)
6 x even
4 x high
4 x low
How do these numbers look on the mat?
(link::// (link:://
Visually what stands out?
There has already been one repeat in eight spins. This is above what is expected. I would not bet for any more repeats.
The hit numbers are clustered into three areas. The 'clusters' are separated by areas which have not been hit. Could these un-hit areas be generally classed as neighbors?For the sake of balance, it could be worth doing the following....
(link::// (link:://
I also realized what Jun does.He scam people for their money.
Luck of the Irish posted this awhile back. Most of us of course have seen this many times.
Any chance this is relevant at all? Just betting positions 5-12 on the marquee? You seem intent that the positions on the marquee are very important.
I have run a 30 million single zero RNG test, 361 086 games (whenever a number repeats, a new session is started)
2 9799
3 19199
4 26712
5 33099
6 36817
7 38117
8 37424
9 34613
10 30241
11 25616
12 20579
13 15855
14 11481
15 8103
16 5429
17 3428
18 2057
19 1187
20 665
21 372
22 165
23 79
24 35
25 10
26 3
27 0
28 1
Irish, are these the number of time a repeater came at spin X?
If you played from spin 5 to 12, you would play from 5 to 12 nrs?
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Mar 11, 08:51 PM 2019
I think I just realized what Jun does, it's similar to vaddis covering more and the trigger to enter is similar to that of vaddis, what Jun did not realize is that vaddis does something very similar to the one but reducing to 8 numbers... :lol:
(link::// (link:://]
Passion, you got from 0 to 110u in 5 hits at the beginning. That is 22 per hit, so playing 14nrs. Right?
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Mar 11, 09:52 PM 2019
You sent me a private information about something interesting, that's what I sent Jun not?
When we can talk on Skype and I explain what Jun does, but he was the scammer and I will be the one who will give you his way of playing, but we have to talk.
12/4 is what.. Passion
4 8 12 24 36.
It 36 and not 37. So it's about payout, not the numbers.
Bet 4 nrs for 3 spins, costs 12.
Bet 4nrs and 4 pairs for 3 spins, costs 24.
Bet 4 nrs and 2 pairs, costs 36.
Or 8nrs 3 spins, 24
12 nrs 3 spins, 36.
Quote from: Bigbroben on Mar 11, 10:52 PM 2019
4 8 12 24 36.
It 36 and not 37. So it's about payout, not the numbers.
Bet 4 nrs for 3 spins, costs 12.
Bet 4nrs and 4 pairs for 3 spins, costs 24.
Bet 4 nrs and 2 pairs, costs 36.
Or 8nrs 3 spins, 24
12 nrs 3 spins, 36.
Bigrobin ..yes that is possible tq
So after 8. Spins bet 3 times with 4 numbers.... Here we now at 12 spins and in case of loose. 12 units and if win it's 24 units. Profit.... If 24 units then divide by 8 = 3 ...4 units bet next 3 spins... Seems it's relate with bet management...
Juns just waited 24spins and bet the repeats plus their wheel neighbors.
So maybe Vaddi and Passion play like Kanam said in another thread get 4 repeats and bet them plus their two wheel neighbors. 12/4
Passion said he found better strategy.... But he not provided much clues..because he not want free tips to give
I ve one idea. Let's put first 8 spins in tracker and then open another tracker and insert next 4 spins and compare both To analyse what continouly happening... It need some testing effort.... If 3 repeats happen then what behaviour after that.... If no repeat what behaviour after that for next 4 spins etc.... May b step by step we go to find a good system.. Two brains better than one. But here we have many friends.. So let's put effort together and design a better system.... I m ready for any assistance. In testing... Any scanrio
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Mar 11, 09:52 PM 2019
You sent me a private information about something interesting, that's what I sent Jun not?
When we can talk on Skype and I explain what Jun does, but he was the scammer and I will be the one who will give you his way of playing, but we have to talk.
This is great.At least 5K did not got waisted on scammer.
Odds will not change... I hope all these systems based on probability theory and deviation exists
Quote from: Bigbroben on Mar 11, 10:15 PM 2019
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Mar 11, 08:51 PM 2019
I think I just realized what Jun does, it's similar to vaddis covering more and the trigger to enter is similar to that of vaddis, what Jun did not realize is that vaddis does something very similar to the one but reducing to 8 numbers... :lol:
(link::// (link:://]
Passion, you got from 0 to 110u in 5 hits at the beginning. That is 22 per hit, so playing 14nrs. Right?
Can you please answer this, Passion?
Quote from: Bigbroben on Mar 13, 09:01 AM 2019Passion, you got from 0 to 110u in 5 hits at the beginning. That is 22 per hit, so playing 14nrs. Right?
Also looks like there is a trigger, something Vaddi did not talk much about. Passion's trigger here looks to go as many as 20 spins, but looks to average 8 spins. I did not know Vaddi had a trigger to enter.
Katilla made a post using the stats of Luck of the Irish repeats. He stated the way he played was if there was no repeat in positions 4-11 or 5-10 on the marquee he played those numbers. He seemed to indicate he was having some success with it. He stated later on he played when there were no repeats "in the zone".
Here is his quote
Base your game on this , one of the best events .
Quote from Luckoftheirish member :
I have run a 30 million single zero RNG test, 361 086 games (whenever a number repeats, a new session is started)
2 9799
3 19199
4 26712
5 33099
6 36817
7 38117
8 37424
9 34613
10 30241
11 25616
12 20579
13 15855
14 11481
15 8103
16 5429
17 3428
18 2057
19 1187
20 665
21 372
22 165
23 79
24 35
25 10
26 3
27 0
28 1
** end
From 4 to 11 , or from 5 to 10 is the *zone * . Win flat bet long term is a dream.
I recommend attack the zone but don t bet each spin, for example wait few spins
without the zone or without few positions from the zone , also can add few (3) hot
numbers to the bet. Progression possitive. Many others ways to play the zone(for ex splits)
Start posting 1000 spin graphs, we'll see the trend better. Its too easy to run 100 spins and be above zero still. If you can achieve 1000 spins and show a continuous positive trend, it will be more credible.
I could post this graph here but it will not prove that an upward trend will continue. It's too short. Please, post a few 1000 spin graphs, which will reduce the possibilities of cherry picking good-looking stuff. We'll then see what is the long term tendencia of your balls. I believe you, but I want to see it.
Is vaddis just wait 8 uniques then bet for a first repeat because thats the most common zone for a first repeat?
Dont forget guys, there is good money to be made with the step1.
Step2 , what we're scrambling about, is just a recovery process.
Step 1 means quick wins with high edge.
Quote from: Bigbroben on Mar 14, 08:03 AM 2019
Dont forget guys, there is good money to be made with the step1.
Step2 , what we're scrambling about, is just a recovery process.
Step 1 means quick wins with high edge.
Is step one posted here somewhere?
You bet last nr, then 2 last nrs, then 3 last, until 8 nrs, which will cost 36u if failed to hit in 8 spins (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8)
Maths show you'll get on average a hit on or before 8 spins 65% of times.
we're talking about Vaddi's method. This is what he's doing. Until 8 if the magic nr is 8, or any other nr if it'S another one. If step1 fails, go to step2.
(link::// (link:://
If bankroll is back to even or in profit, back to step1.
(link::// (link:://
So, yeah, this is what Vaddi is/was doing.
Has anyone tested a large sample of just 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 ? Flat bet. Surely it would have large downswings. Of -36 losses? And it wouldn't end + long term right
Maths say you should lose on average 0.65u per hit.
If all averages are happening.
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Mar 14, 10:25 AM 2019
No, it's not that, if it had been that easy, we would have discovered it all the first days.
Vaddis is easy, but it requires a lot of practice and many different ideas to come up with.
from your graphs we see that you are playing anywhere from 12 to 16 nrs, right?
Bet after 8 uniques.
If u miss bet after 9 uniques.etc?
Bet 1+2+3 etc if u get hit. Remove the repeater and keep going until u lose all 8 bets. Then repeat :thumbsup:
Quote from: Bigbroben on Mar 14, 08:31 AM 2019
You bet last nr, then 2 last nrs, then 3 last, until 8 nrs, which will cost 36u if failed to hit in 8 spins (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8)
Maths show you'll get on average a hit on or before 8 spins 65% of times.
Thank you for the reply.
How many times on average will u get -36 in a a large sample. And does virtual misses help
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Mar 14, 10:38 AM 2019
That's how Jun plays, vaddis only plays with 8!
Jun knows very well what he does, but he did not realize that there is a better way to do it with 8 and that it gives very good results, both are good forms!
But he can play with the one of vaddis with the form that Jun does, but playing to catch the ones that do not come out and the ones repeated !! in this way it becomes a GREAT HG !!!
Before verifying vaddis, I had an idea that happened constantly in 8 balls and I found a form that yi designed itself and that this gave amazing results if done correctly!
I hope that all of you who have been there for as many years as me, can find the HG !!! EVERY BET FLAT !!!
Passion Roulette
If something always happened in 8 balls wouldn't your graphs not even have dips in it?
wait 4spins then bet those numbers and add each new number til eight, once you reach eight bet those 8 for four spins, after those four spins if no hit recycle the oldest four from your bet with the newest four for another four spins and continue the process til profit?
Quote from: Gandhi on Mar 14, 01:16 PM 2019
wait 4spins then bet those numbers and add each new number til eight, once you reach eight bet those 8 for four spins, after those four spins if no hit recycle the oldest four from your bet with the newest four for another four spins and continue the process til profit?
Hi Gandhi,
i thought exactly the same but it think he just choses 4 number (uniques) and their pair number. Then bet these numbers 8 times. Reset/Retrack on hit or 8 following misses.
Quote from: Anastasius on Mar 14, 11:26 AM 2019
How many times on average will u get -36 in a a large sample. And does virtual misses help
I already had run such a test, I think. It always comes down to the portion of the portion, or a fractal behaviour, would I say.
So if 65% on the runs are hitting on or before 8, then 35% will not. For practical reasons let's say 2/3 and 1/3.
So to the question '' how many losses in a row'', the answer is:
2/3 will be one loss in row because after a loss odds are still 2/3 to hit
2/9 will be 2 in row (2/3 of the 1/3 left);
2/27 will be 3 in row (2/3 of the 1/9 left);
2/81 will be 4 in row (2/3 of the 1/27 left);
so on.
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Mar 14, 02:10 PM 2019downs
Hi passion I was not expecting. But you giving good thoughts... But I not understand... How 8 or 4 numbers relationship can be used for future prediction... Any number can repeat in any spin.. ?
So there is this post by Vaddi
To demonstrate how deep my thinking has gone, let me ask this question?
Based on what I've said about balance and connected numbers (based on the pairs table) ...
How could you use already landed numbers to 'predict' numbers that are likely to land next?
Now, that is the kind of mad-scientist question that leads to the grail.
No, you can't precisely predict which number will land next, but there's a way to get as close as you possibly can.
Please don't try to answer this question. I'm just throwing it out there. But it has do with observing how numbers connect to each other after every 4 spins, based on the pairs table.
I have also been reading about the pigeon hole idea. So what happenes in 4 spins if there is no zero. A dozen has repeated. It is said a dozen will appear five times in 13 spins. Maybe after 4 spins, and a dozen has repeated this is where you start. You take the two hit numbers and add their pair number. You bet up to 4 pairs within that dozen. 12/4=3
Based on averages. 24 hits, 12 doubles, 13 unhits. That comes out to 8 hits per dozen and 4 unhits per dozen.
24/8 maybe you are working within 2 dozens.
Quote from: Elite on Mar 15, 03:23 AM 2019
Hi passion I was not expecting. But you giving good thoughts... But I not understand... How 8 or 4 numbers relationship can be used for future prediction... Any number can repeat in any spin.. ?
Exactly. Past patterns are useless for predicting future ones on their own. Particularly useless are patterns of blacks and red, or dozens, or patterns based on numerical facts of the numbers eg 10 follows 9 or 5,15,25, and 35 pockets are somehow connected. Since the numbers are just tags for pockets, trying to explain their arithmetical significance is crazy.
Unless you can identify a valid physical reason why certain numbers are hit, then your prediction is doomed to fail long term. Certain numbers ocurring together or more frequently is almost always to do with sectors on the wheel being hit
eg 15,19,4,21,2,25,17 cw ball and 26,3,35,12,28,7,28 acw ball
There are valid physical reasons why this should sometimes occur. By all means try to jump on these patterns, but try to understand why this is happening, based on rotor speed, drop off points and scatter.
Otherwise when the pattern shifts you will not have a clue why, or where to go next, if you are not looking at the wheel and realising what is changing.
Hi folks :thumbsup:
I have been working on this idea-a twist on the one to
eight stepped sequence at the beginning of Vaddi system
-----*Last Decision Sector Stepped Sequence System*-----
Procedure: Note the newest spin-value. Bet
that number and two neighbors on either side once.
If that bet misses bet the newest spin-value with two
neighbors on each side-and the decision before last outcome.
If win end session. Otherwise bet the newest spin-value with two neighbors
on either side stepped sequence. Stop on a win or after nine numbers miss.
Example: #3 (newest spin-value) European Wheel
Bet 12,35,3,26,0 once: 1.) 14(x)-5
Bet 1,20,14,31,9,3 once: 2.) 18(x)-6
Bet 9,22,18,29,7,14,3 once: 3.) 16(x)-7
Bet 5,24,16,33,1,18,14,3 once....
Bankroll requirement: 35 units per session
You could then continue with the five-number
last decision sector and the newest four outcomes.
Example: 3,5,30,14,9 (newest spin-value)
Bet 14,31,9,22,28,14,30,5,3: 1.) 15(x)-9
Bet 0,32,15,19,4,9,14,30,5: 2.) 33(x)-9
Bet 20,1,33,16,24,15,9,14,30....
One small tweak:
Bankroll suggestion: 31 units
Procedure: Note the newest spin-value. Bet
that number and two neighbors on either side once.
Continue to bet that sector and each
new spin-value in a stepped progression.
Stop on a win or after nine numbers miss.
Example: 0 (newest spin-value)
Bet 3,26,0,32,15 once: 1.) 4(x)-5
Bet 3,26,0,32,15,4 once: 2.) 25(x)-6
Bet 3,26,0,32,15,4,25 once: 3.) 21(x)-7
Bet 3,26,0,32,15,4,25,21....
Procedure: Note the newest spin-value. Bet that
number and three neighbors on either side once.
Continue to bet that sector and each
new spin-value in a stepped progression.
Stop on a win or after nine numbers miss twice.
Example: #12 (newest spin-value) European Wheel
Bet 29,7,28,12,35,3,26 once: 1.) 11(x)-7
Bet 29,7,28,12,35,3,26,11 once: 2.) 0(x)-8
Bet 29,7,28,12,35,3,26,11,0 once: 3.) 36(x)-9
Bet 29,7,28,12,35,3,26,0,36....
Getting some good results :thumbsup:
Test: Version1.2 @ Dublinbet European
Wheel #1-Friday, March 16,2019 @ 11:42pm CDT USA
...#4 (newest spin-value)
Bet 32, 15, 19, 4, 21, 2, 25: 1.) 34(x)-7
Bet 32, 15, 19, 4, 21, 2, 25, 34: 2.) 4(win)+29
Test: Version 1.2 @ Dublinbet European
Wheel #1-Friday, March 16,2019 @ 11:49pm CDT USA
#36 (newest spin-value)
Bet 6, 27, 13, 36, 11, 30, 8: 1.) 27(win)+29
Test: Version 1.2 @ Intertops Red Casino American
Wheel-Friday, March 16,2019 @ 11:49pm CDT USA
#13 (newest spin-value)
Bet 27, 00, 1, 13, 36, 24, 3: 1.) 16(x)-7
Bet 27, 00, 1, 13, 36, 24, 3, 16: 2.) 22(x)-8
Bet 27, 00, 1, 13, 36, 24, 3, 16, 22: 3.) 22(win)+27
Why play a 00 wheel when single 0 is available?
Why play a 00 wheel when single 0 is available?-Steve H
This is for B&M American casino bettors.
They have a 00 at my cas. I wanna spit on it every time i walk past it :P
Bigbroben, you did a test that always stayed in plus. I don't remember if you were betting on last four or last four and their neighbours on both side (on the carpet?) or if it was just the neighbours on both sides of last four? It had a dip, but went up again never came into minus. Did you continue the test?
there were a few tests I did. But you know, I'm a bee, a triple-B: I go from idea to idea, testing/tasting them and then going again.
But I reckon, I should have tested again a few of those for consistency.
Look from pages 115 to 125: there are a few around there.
Quote from: Anastasius on Mar 16, 02:56 AM 2019They have a 00 at my cas.
At mine too. :thumbsup:
But not on the wheel. :xd:
Thank you Bigbroben! I found the chart. It was the test playing pairs on last 4 numbers. I will test it also to see how it goes.
This seems to just go down in a hole. Not uplifting and time consuming doing it manually.
Quote from: boyd30 on Mar 16, 11:23 AM 2019
This seems to just go down in a hole. Not uplifting and time consuming doing it manually.
If you can’t beat the outside bets how in the world would you start to beat the inside .beyond me.
Quote from: Winner on Mar 16, 11:32 AM 2019
If you can’t beat the outside bets how in the world would you start to beat the inside .beyond me.
Single nrs can be put in relation to physical places on the wheel and then try gain with some sector betting. The possible interconnection between 37 nrs are way higher than with 2 ECs.
As opposed to ECs, that are, especially Red and Black, arbitrary caracteristics given to arbitrary nrs on the mat.
Bref, it's easier to aplly straight-up nrs to the real wheel than with ECs.
Quote from: Winner on Mar 16, 11:32 AM 2019If you can’t beat the outside bets how in the world would you start to beat the inside .
Show me to win with inside bets and I show you to win with outside bets.
Quote from: Herby on Mar 16, 01:02 PM 2019
Show me to win with inside bets and I show you to win with outside bets.
I don’t need you to show me how to win with outside I’ve already done it thanks.
Quote from: Winner on Mar 16, 11:32 AM 2019If you can’t beat the outside bets how in the world would you start to beat the inside .beyond me.
Could it be you mixed something up with your sentence above ? :wink:
Quote from: Herby on Mar 16, 02:06 PM 2019
Could it be you mixed something up with your sentence above ? :wink:
Not at all you need to beat the outside before the inside.
Quote from: Bigbroben on Mar 16, 11:41 AM 2019
Single nrs can be put in relation to physical places on the wheel and then try gain with some sector betting. The possible interconnection between 37 nrs are way higher than with 2 ECs.
As opposed to ECs, that are, especially Red and Black, arbitrary caracteristics given to arbitrary nrs on the mat.
Bref, it's easier to aplly straight-up nrs to the real wheel than with ECs.
Bet the number on the inside that already have come out according to your even money bet and walla that’s how you win inside .
Quote from: boyd30 on Mar 16, 11:23 AM 2019
This seems to just go down in a hole. Not uplifting and time consuming doing it manually.
Yes, nothing goes up forever! I think I was lucky in the test. But they might hint to something. Dunno
Just a thought:
A nr hits (or repeat). Play it, next spin: both neighbours (3 nrs), next spin, the nr plus 2nrs on each side (5 nrs), then 7, then 9, then 11. Stop?
one of the mucking about days.
will post results and thoughts in that thread.
Here's a test I did playing "vaddi" using a trigger. After a neighbour within two bets I bet all numbers inclusive the neighbours up to 8 spins. Was good in the beginning therefore I continued but dropped a bit later. That's how it usually goes.
A couple of other charts. Don't remember if I posted these before?
Another chart.
Last chart was betting the last 4 plus the neighbours four times and then start with new numbers. The other above was picking always the last 4 continously.
Can someone test this vaddis tweak:
1. Wait 8 unique numbers. Place one bet on them. If miss . Re set.
2. On the next string of 8 unique they must be unique and also unique from the last string of 8 .
3. Continue to cycle waiting for 8 uniques that are also unique from only the last string of 8 uniques where u placed a bet.
4. Flat bet.
Certainly someone can.
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Mar 19, 10:09 PM 2019
I still can not understand how many of those who study vaddis, do not know what they do ...
You have to start to understand the basics, otherwise you will not know what you are doing.
the base of the grail.
Work on the different ideas that can occur about this.
I wish I knew what 12/4 really meant :)
There have been so many ideas!
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Mar 19, 10:09 PM 2019
I still can not understand how many of those who study vaddis, do not know what they do ...
You have to start to understand the basics, otherwise you will not know what you are doing.
the base of the grail.
Work on the different ideas that can occur about this.
HI passion if you can explain then better for us, or if u intersted to earn, then my suggestion is u can play with players account on 50% profit, tq
Quote from: Elite on Mar 20, 05:11 AM 2019
HI passion if you can explain then better for us, or if u intersted to earn, then my suggestion is u can play with players account on 50% profit, tq
All I remember from reading the moneymaker thread was that the pairings took care of singles and doubles.
This is my understanding (hopefully you guys here can either confirm/help me out!)
12/4: the 4 represents the repeats or the doubles. In Essence you have 2 numbers that repeat in the 12 spins. The remaining 8 numbers are 4 pairs since there are 2 numbers in each pair.
24/8: 4 repeats and 8 pairs in 24 spins
36/12: 6 repeats and 12 pairs in 24 spins
So how do you bet 8 chips to balance all that? My Guess is as good as anybody’s but my feel is that it’s skewed to pairings than actual repeats (ie la Bomba of 1/2 chip per doubles, 1 chip per doubles)
Early on many of the great guys here tested vaddi pairs with some degree of success. Perhaps that’s where it starts with a little tweak? I don’t know. It’s fun testing out but obviously not fun with continuous losses! :)
And I always keep finding myself going back to what vaddi said that the numbers connect after every 4 spins. Does that mean the top 4 of the marquee or after the top 4 of the marquee (ie spin 5 to 8)
And the last bit about how he says 8 numbers for doubles + singles strategy
or only 4 numbers for doubles-only strategy. This has to point at some point where you feel he has skewed his bet to focus on purely doubles if he’s betting only 4 numbers. Because when doubles are dropping, singles are not.
Was the vaddis grail created in neverland by peter pan by any chance
what is the source of the nrs you use to create your graphs on Rx? Is it internal RNG, is it imported nrs from a real wheel, or else?
Quote from: Anastasius on Mar 19, 01:47 AM 2019
Can someone test this vaddis tweak:
1. Wait 8 unique numbers. Place one bet on them. If miss . Re set.
2. On the next string of 8 unique they must be unique and also unique from the last string of 8 .
3. Continue to cycle waiting for 8 uniques that are also unique from only the last string of 8 uniques where u placed a bet.
4. Flat bet.
Interesting system Anastasius. Now I can only manual so a couple of hundred spins might not give a good picture. The waiting time to place a bet for the second time can be long. Usually there is some connection from the first 8 spins to the next 8, the big question is how to take the advntage of that? You can see 17-18 uniques in row and more I guess. If you wait for sixten uniques in row and start a marty it can be a HG. Still it would cost a lot I think.
Quote from: boyd30 on Mar 20, 01:07 PM 2019
Interesting system Anastasius. Now I can only manual so a couple of hundred spins might not give a good picture. The waiting time to place a bet for the second time can be long. Usually there is some connection from the first 8 spins to the next 8, the big question is how to take the advntage of that? You can see 17-18 uniques in row and more I guess. If you wait for sixten uniques in row and start a marty it can be a HG. Still it would cost a lot I think.
I did code this yesterday. There was like 4-5 betting opportunities in 500 spins. Overall slightly negative outcome.
I did not save the file.
Quote from: Bigbroben on Mar 20, 01:11 PM 2019
I did code this yesterday. There was like 4-5 betting opportunities in 500 spins. Overall slightly negative outcome.
I did not save the file.
Good Bigbroben! It saves a lot of time when you can code.
Even if I changed it to be 7, 6, 5 or qhatever instead of 8, same. More bets but equally negative.
Never marty after 16 spins boyd 30"
It will inevitably go to 31 uniques or higher and slam u.
Just be patient 8 is the most common amount of single uniques firstly. Then using uniques that are uniques from the last bet is just made up by me.
Just be patient with 8 and unique from last and then devise a progression softer than the marty .. like 10x one unit then 9x 2 units and go back like 5 steps on a win and one step forward on losses (my point is anything softer than a marty cause ull lose heaps at some point in a row)
Broben in your tests what are thr max anount of misses before a win for uniques of the uniques 8 numbers?
Cause u test huge samples.
If u play manually if flat bet until u see losses amount cause there will be lots and pm me how many losses in a row if u ever test manually and see max losses in row
Dont use real money if u can.
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Mar 20, 07:22 AM 2019to
I can imagine that you have good ideas... Passion Roulette killer ;😀... Hope to see some info .. E. G what happen in 8 spins... Based on that follow the wheel?
Quote from: Turkish4 on Mar 20, 07:29 AM 2019
All I remember from reading the moneymaker thread was that the pairings took care of singles and doubles.
This is my understanding (hopefully you guys here can either confirm/help me out!)
12/4: the 4 represents the repeats or the doubles. In Essence you have 2 numbers that repeat in the 12 spins. The remaining 8 numbers are 4 pairs since there are 2 numbers in each pair.
24/8: 4 repeats and 8 pairs in 24 spins
36/12: 6 repeats and 12 pairs in 24 spins
So how do you bet 8 chips to balance all that? My Guess is as good as anybody’s but my feel is that it’s skewed to pairings than actual repeats (ie la Bomba of 1/2 chip per doubles, 1 chip per doubles)
Early on many of the great guys here tested vaddi pairs with some degree of success. Perhaps that’s where it starts with a little tweak? I don’t know. It’s fun testing out but obviously not fun with continuous losses! :)
And I always keep finding myself going back to what vaddi said that the numbers connect after every 4 spins. Does that mean the top 4 of the marquee or after the top 4 of the marquee (ie spin 5 to 8)
And the last bit about how he says 8 numbers for doubles + singles strategy
or only 4 numbers for doubles-only strategy. This has to point at some point where you feel he has skewed his bet to focus on purely doubles if he’s betting only 4 numbers. Because when doubles are dropping, singles are not.
I am also not sure exactly... Your info better tq
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Mar 20, 07:22 AM 2019
You have to keep working and see it in a different way, have different ideas, I said it is very simple, there are all the steps to follow in your information, but you have to see it in different ways, not different ideas, but see it in different ways and ideas .
What I understand is after 37 spins a 24 numbers came and 6 to 8 must b in order.
Just an idea, last 4 single numbers, cover them, their forward table neighbours (backward if forward is already covered) and the carrè.
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Mar 21, 10:21 AM 2019
How I told you on Skype, you're on the right track and that's because you're working as many of us do in this forum, others are just asking for everything on a platter.
Keep working and little by little you will see it better and when to enter and why ... :thumbsup:
so what i understand is everything is dynamic based on how number connects, there is no static way of betting to win is it?
Any new idea
Ok I'll try :thumbsup:
Procedure: Look for either ascending or
descending numbers back-to-back on the Marquee.
Which is dominant?
(The back-to-back ascending or descending)
Bet the minority of the two (last
four plus ascending or descending)
Example: 12, 13, 0, 29, 8, 17, 31, 30, 7, 19, 34, 35 (newest spin-value)
Ascending beats descending in this case, so
Bet the newest four outcomes with a +1 on the last four outcomes
(in this case bet 35, 36, 34, 33, 19, 20, 7, 8 once: 1.) 0(x)-8
Bet 34, 35, 19, 20, 7, 8, 0,1....
Test: Intertops Red Casino American Wheel-
Tuesday, March 26,2019 @ 11:05am CDT USA
...3,28,14,13,34,24,35,4,15,2,24 (newest spin-value)
Bet 4, 3, 15, 14, 2,1, 24, 23: 1.) 28(x)-8
Bet 15, 14, 2, 1, 24, 23, 28, 27: 2.) 18(x)-8
Bet 2, 1, 24, 23, 28, 27, 18, 17: 3.) 24(win)+28
Version1.1 The opposite has the better hit-rate.
Procedure: Look for either ascending or
descending numbers back-to-back on the Marquee.
Which is dominant?
(The back-to-back ascending or descending)
Whichever is dominant, bet the opposite
along with the newest four outcomes.
3, 28, 14, 13, 34, 24, 35, 4, 15, 2, 24 (newest spin-value)
Since back-to-back descending numbers are
dominant bet the opposite of the last four outcomes.
Bet 4, 5, 15, 16, 2, 3, 24, 25 once: 1.) 0(x)-8
Bet 15, 16, 2, 3, 24, 25, 0, 1 once....
*One more tweak. Bankroll
suggestion is 128 units. Play until in profit.
Test: Version1.2 @ Dublinbet European Wheel
#1-Tuesday, March 26,2019 @ 9:50pm CDT USA
...0,13,21,23,14,15,10,23,9,20 (newest spin-value)
[Bet last four outcomes with a descending (Vaddi -1) counterpart]
Bet 20, 19, 9, 8, 23, 22, 10, 11:
1.) 34(x)-8
Bet 23, 22, 9, 8, 20, 19, 34, 33:
2.) 10(x)-8
Bet 9, 8, 20, 19, 34, 33, 10, 9:
3.) 29(x)-8
Bet 20, 19, 34, 33, 10, 9, 29, 28:
4.) 36(x)-8
Bet 34, 33, 10, 9, 29, 28, 36, 35:
5.) 34(win)+28
Bet 10, 9, 29, 28, 36, 35, 34, 33:
6.) 26(x)-8
Bet 29, 28, 36, 35, 34, 33, 26, 25:
7.) 30(x)-8
Bet 36, 35, 34, 33, 26, 25, 30, 29:
8.) 24(x)-8
Bet 34, 33, 26, 25, 30, 29, 24, 23:
9.) 29(win)+28
Bet 26, 25, 30, 29, 24, 23, 29, 28:
10.) 23(win)+28
*Another tweak.
A trigger can show up to within four spins.
Example: 0,24,19,1-trigger
So if the majority is ascending or descending triggers.
Bet the minority.
Test: Intertops Red Casino American Wheel-
Wednesday, March 27,2019 @ 1:32am CDT USA
...0,9,23,36,20 (newest spin-value)-descending trigger
Bet 20, 21, 36, 0, 23, 24, 9, 10:
1.) 31(x)-8
Bet 36, 0, 23, 24, 9, 10, 31, 32:
2.) 6(x)-8
Bet 23, 24, 9, 10, 31, 32, 6, 7:
3.) 19(x)-8
Bet 20, 21, 31, 32, 6, 7, 19, 18:
4.) 21(win)+28
*Another tweak :) Version1.5
Procedure: Look for either ascending or
descending spin-values within five spins.
Example: 2,34,17,1, 9 (newest spin-value)
Bet the newest four outcomes and the Vaddi +1 counterpart.
(If the number numerically higher has a chip
bet the number numerically lower respectively.)
Example: (from above) 2,34,17,1,9 (newest spin-value)
Bet 9, 10, 1, 2, 17, 18, 34, 35: 23(x)-8
Bet 1, 2, 17, 18, 34, 35, 23, 24....
Test: Version1.5 @ Jackpot Capital Casino American
Wheel-Wednesday, March 27,2019 @ 11:21am CDT USA
...16,2,12,25,17,11 (newest spin-value)
Bet 12, 13, 25, 26, 17, 18, 11, 10: 1.) 29(x)-8
Bet 25, 26, 17. 18, 11, 12, 29, 30: 2.) 5(x)-8
Bet 17, 18, 11, 12, 29, 30, 5, 6: 3.) 6(win)+28
Test: Version 1.5 @ Vegas2Web Casino European
Wheel-Wednesday, March 27,2019 @ 11:40am CDT USA
...8,27,12,11 (newest spin-value)
Bet 11, 10, 12, 13, 27, 28, 8, 9: 1.) 28(win)+28
Test: Version1.5 @ Jackpot Capital Casino European
Wheel-Wednesday, March 27,2019 @ 12:08pm CDT USA
...4,34,8,35 (newest spin-value)
Bet 4, 5, 34, 33, 8, 9, 35, 36: 1.) 17(x)-8
Bet 34, 33, 8, 9, 35, 36, 17, 18: 2.) 3(x)-8
Bet 8, 9, 35, 36, 17, 18, 3, 4: 3.) 30(x)-8
Bet 35, 36, 17, 18, 3, 4, 30, 31: 4.) 1(x)-8
Bet 17, 18, 3, 4, 30, 31, 1, 2: 5.) 13(x)-8
Bet 3, 4, 30, 31, 1, 2, 13, 14: 6.) 31(win)+28
Bet 30, 31, 1, 2, 13, 14, 31, 32: 7.) 1(win)+28
Is there anybody from the old money maker forum here that spoke to vaddi before?
what i understand Vaadi system, is numbers come in random , but at the end they will be in order, so you have to design a system which is not random but its in order ....Simple logic... ++ when numbers will be in order, soon or late, that depends on how numbers connect after every 4 spins, this need careful observation of how number conect e.g if 22, 26,24 if such type of numbers connections come then most probably, order will b not soon
For me personally I can't believe that certain people are having success with Vaddi-inspired methods of play using carpet neighbors.
I really expected it to rely on wheel neighbors, to catch dealers who were unintentionally hitting sectors repeatedly, or another mechanic that produced a higher hit rate than expected due to external factors (defective wheel, VB, etc, without tracking. Just lucking into it due to following wheel neighbors basically).
But Ben and Jono have done solid testing otherwise, large scale, and carpet neighbors, even with RNG, have produced some tentative results. :thumbsup:
Aren't we all here to find the Grail?
Bigbroben and Jono have made favorable
contributions. Where is yours Mako?
Frankly I would like to see this thread
die. Why continue enticing people?
btw @PassionRuletta: those silly systems have made me money.
(I also await your next puzzle)
Quote from: Mako on Mar 31, 08:13 PM 2019
For me personally I can't believe that certain people are having success with Vaddi-inspired methods of play using carpet neighbors.
I really expected it to rely on wheel neighbors, to catch dealers who were unintentionally hitting sectors repeatedly, or another mechanic that produced a higher hit rate than expected due to external factors (defective wheel, VB, etc, without tracking. Just lucking into it due to following wheel neighbors basically).
But Ben and Jono have done solid testing otherwise, large scale, and carpet neighbors, even with RNG, have produced some tentative results. :thumbsup:
Hi Mako! I still think carpet neighbours has a bit of a legit claim to be part of the vaddi system. Some areas match up between the mat and the wheel.
0/32 - 1/33
1/20 - 2/21
2/25 - 3/26
6/27 - 7/28
7/29 - 30/8
9/22 - 10/23
12/35 - 13/36
24/16 - 25/17
You can see that they line up next to each other on the wheel but are considered vaddi pairs.
Quote from: Turkish4 on Mar 31, 09:23 PM 2019
Hi Mako! I still think carpet neighbours has a bit of a legit claim to be part of the vaddi system. Some areas match up between the mat and the wheel.
0/32 - 1/33
1/20 - 2/21
2/25 - 3/26
6/27 - 7/28
7/29 - 30/8
9/22 - 10/23
12/35 - 13/36
24/16 - 25/17
You can see that they line up next to each other on the wheel but are considered vaddi pairs.
That is true. If splits are to be thrown in the recipe, these nrs/alignments are to be considered.
Tests can look good for a few hundred/thousand spins: they show potential. Still, sims I run can be resilient like crazy, giving 4-5% edge for tens of thousands of spins, flat, but all of sudden something shifts and it sinks.
Should we call a HG if a test shows better than -2.7% after a million spin? It's better than random, but can always be blamed on luck.
Variance can last stunningly long on different tests, enough to be tempted to shout Eureka. But most likely this would be a too early call, for half an hour and 10000 cycles later it can be back to expected loss.
Here is for example a test result I'm running right now, 1053 games down the road,so maybe 30000 spins.
(link::// (link:://
Could stop right there, start a new thread, say ''I wish I could share openly Roulette Grail'', shoot a few lines, comments, mysteries, yell: '' See you in a million dollars'' and head to the casino.
Vaddi had NOT made a million dollars yet when he published his clues. Maybe he had been onto it for a few years, max, this would hardly be a thousand days or game starts. Too early to call, according to variance behavior. If he's making about 1u per spin, and putting no more than 8 units on the board, that is +10-15% edge. This can happen for a few thousand spins, I have seen tests doing so. It can change for the next few thousand spins and even out.
Will let my test run for a while and will show results.
4000 runs overall:
(link::// (link:://
Glad I didn't become a guru to anyone, I'd have to lie about how great my system is and keep it mystical.
As you said, open your "Almost HG" thread and just publish the first 900 spins.
Then do a few more runs. Ignore the ones that go negative and publish the good ones!
Quote from: Bigbroben on Mar 31, 10:24 PM 2019
4000 runs overall:
(link::// (link:://
Glad I didn't become a guru to anyone, I'd have to lie about how great my system is.
Nice test.
Some people lose sense of perspective that roulette is
Vaddi, like everything else, is a suckers fantasy. Telling it as it is. Have fun with the graphs.
Hahah I always love reading your posts! Always make me chuckle! I think there has to be some trigger or some point of entry for Vaddi.
I recall reading on the money maker thread that "It becomes so easy that you can play at anytime" but i dont think that is necessarily true. As your tests point out, there are times where it just goes downhill and fast. Even for me, I have experienced 20 spins where i didn't get a repeat within the 8 spin radius and my banroll went to zilch very quickly.
Quote from: Turkish4 on Mar 31, 10:35 PM 2019
Hahah I always love reading your posts! Always make me chuckle! I think there has to be some trigger or some point of entry for Vaddi.
I recall reading on the money maker thread that "It becomes so easy that you can play at anytime" but i dont think that is necessarily true. As your tests point out, there are times where it just goes downhill and fast. Even for me, I have experienced 20 spins where i didn't get a repeat within the 8 spin radius and my banroll went to zilch very quickly.
Yeah, Vaddi is a tough riddle because we don’t know of anyone that’s managed to pin it it down. Gordon and a few others have managed to do well adding a few of the core principals to other methods of play though, enough to where even if they’re not 100% they’re close enough.
Last year I tested tens of thousands of real world spins on wheel neighbors, their forward pairs, and splitting (betting a forward pairing of a number that’s already shown), trying to see if any of the individual pieces of the Vaddi puzzle could be isolated. As Ben mentioned, some of the tests showed long runs of success, but ultimately were close enough to EV that I didn’t feel they were anything close to being reliable winners.
Splits always arrived late in cycles though, often enough that just going after them using a progression had above +EV results for long periods. Playing them starting after spin 24 or so to arrive before spin 37 did extremely well. It was strong during extended tests, so much so that I though it might be something that could be built on, but occasionally a cycle would go by without a hit and the session would lose and examining the “why†of the failure didn’t lead to any additional clues. Trail went cold...
Still fun to waste time on the mystery...real or not. :thumbsup:
The search continues.
Quote from: Mako on Apr 01, 05:28 AM 2019Still fun to waste time on the mystery...real or not. :thumbsup:
The search continues.
Better to waste your time, instead of hitting the bottle
Quote from: nottophammer on Apr 01, 05:45 AM 2019
Better to waste your time, instead of hitting the bottle
Words written with gold.
Quote from: Mako on Apr 01, 05:28 AM 2019
Yeah, Vaddi is a tough riddle because we don’t know of anyone that’s managed to pin it it down. Gordon and a few others have managed to do well adding a few of the core principals to other methods of play though, enough to where even if they’re not 100% they’re close enough.
Last year I tested tens of thousands of real world spins on wheel neighbors, their forward pairs, and splitting (betting a forward pairing of a number that’s already shown), trying to see if any of the individual pieces of the Vaddi puzzle could be isolated. As Ben mentioned, some of the tests showed long runs of success, but ultimately were close enough to EV that I didn’t feel they were anything close to being reliable winners.
Splits always arrived late in cycles though, often enough that just going after them using a progression had above +EV results for long periods. Playing them starting after spin 24 or so to arrive before spin 37 did extremely well. It was strong during extended tests, so much so that I though it might be something that could be built on, but occasionally a cycle would go by without a hit and the session would lose and examining the “why†of the failure didn’t lead to any additional clues. Trail went cold...
Still fun to waste time on the mystery...real or not. :thumbsup:
The search continues.
You guys are so gullible that it's scary ::)
A word of advice... don't try and help the Nigerian prince if you receive his email.
(link::// (link:://
Quote from: nottophammer on Apr 01, 05:45 AM 2019
Better to waste your time, instead of hitting the bottle
Hey now, who says I'm not hitting the bottle...helps the testing go by faster...and the results get better the more you drink! :love:
Quote from: Bigbroben on Mar 31, 10:06 PM 2019
That is true. If splits are to be thrown in the recipe, these nrs/alignments are to be considered.
Tests can look good for a few hundred/thousand spins: they show potential. Still, sims I run can be resilient like crazy, giving 4-5% edge for tens of thousands of spins, flat, but all of sudden something shifts and it sinks.
Should we call a HG if a test shows better than -2.7% after a million spin? It's better than random, but can always be blamed on luck.
Variance can last stunningly long on different tests, enough to be tempted to shout Eureka. But most likely this would be a too early call, for half an hour and 10000 cycles later it can be back to expected loss.
Here is for example a test result I'm running right now, 1053 games down the road,so maybe 30000 spins.
(link::// (link:://
Could stop right there, start a new thread, say ''I wish I could share openly Roulette Grail'', shoot a few lines, comments, mysteries, yell: '' See you in a million dollars'' and head to the casino.
Vaddi had NOT made a million dollars yet when he published his clues. Maybe he had been onto it for a few years, max, this would hardly be a thousand days or game starts. Too early to call, according to variance behavior. If he's making about 1u per spin, and putting no more than 8 units on the board, that is +10-15% edge. This can happen for a few thousand spins, I have seen tests doing so. It can change for the next few thousand spins and even out.
Will let my test run for a while and will show results.
Great post and good job testing. :thumbsup: I was about to post a similar statement regarding Vaddi. If you go look at the older thread he posted in he was quick to talk about the grail and treating the casino like an ATM after one month but then you could tell he was still changing the ideas of the system. So why would you be changing it if it was always winning?
At the end of the day it boils down to timing. When do you enter to buy for repeats? Or when do you enter to buy the pairings?
I think most of us are in agreement that singles hit first then doubles will follow. And that there must be roughly 12 doubles in a 37 spin cycle. The only question is when do you enter?
It’s like if you’re playing stocks/shares/forex/commodities, when is the right time to buy/sell
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 08, 08:36 AM 2019
Say you have these nrs:
16 24 1 29 19 28 16 ( new). 16 repeated.
Play 16.
16 24 1 29 19 28 16 30
Play 16 24
16 24 1 29 19 28 16 30 22
Play 16 24 1
16 24 1 29 19 28 16 30 22 16
16 hit again. Win
Play 16
16 30 22 31
Play 16 30
16 30 22 31 22 ( missed 22 but it's ok, can't catch all repeaters)
Play 16 30 22
16 30 22 31 22 29
Play 16 30 22 31
16 30 22 31 22 29 25
Play 16 30 22 31 29
16 30 22 31 22 29 25 33
Play 16 30 22 31 29 25
16 30 22 3122 29 25 33 23
Play 16 30 22 31 29 25 33
16 30 22 31 22 29 25 33 23 22
22 hits, win.
Play 22
22 29 25 33 23 22 28
Play 22 29
That's how I interpreted ''Follow the wheel''. Played and added nrs until a hit, did not stop at 8 or any amount of nrs.
Luck? Still to be proven wrong!
Just for fun I've tried this again. But instead of stopping on first hit I let the nrs ''catch back''. Meaning: if there is a gap of 8 nrs between a repeating nr, and every spin adding a new nr as explained above, eventually, after 7 hits I'd be the adding the last nr out. It sorts of ''catch up''...
Anyway, the game was fun.
Quote from: Bigbroben on May 27, 12:49 AM 2019
Just for fun I've tried this again. But instead of stopping on first hit I let the nrs ''catch back''. Meaning: if there is a gap of 8 nrs between a repeating nr, and every spin adding a new nr as explained above, eventually, after 7 hits I'd be the adding the last nr out. It sorts of ''catch up''...
Anyway, the game was fun.
Great to see you back Ben. You always bring good ideas to the table :).
Quote from: Bigbroben on May 27, 12:49 AM 2019
Just for fun I've tried this again. But instead of stopping on first hit I let the nrs ''catch back''. Meaning: if there is a gap of 8 nrs between a repeating nr, and every spin adding a new nr as explained above, eventually, after 7 hits I'd be the adding the last nr out. It sorts of ''catch up''...
Anyway, the game was fun.
Didn't quite understand the difference here between the prior method. Would appreciate more details so i might be able to test this myself.
Irish 88
Pairings, you might be better to take the 1st profit; clear the #'s and off you go again.
Hi all,
I have been looking at this topic and think the number Vaddi plays could be between 7 and 9 changes depending on pairings, eg: last 3 numbers are 18,18,19 you can only bet 18,19,20
Could be wrong, do you think he plays both pairs or the one to the right?
and what does 24/8=3 mean I wonder?
Sooo confusing, what a riddle
8 numbers --> 1 double line x2 and pigeonhole principle (7 integer) and..... :thumbsup:
The reason it's a riddle is because it's designed to be like that so people can laugh at you trying to solve something a troll posted many years ago already.
Quote from: Korg on Jul 30, 09:11 PM 2019
8 numbers --> 1 double line x2 and pigeonhole principle (7 integer) and..... :thumbsup:
Gitano and Jono
G if 8 is the magic number. I'll leave it there
Quote from: Still on May 28, 07:24 AM 2019
Didn't quite understand the difference here between the prior method. Would appreciate more details so i might be able to test this myself.
I too want to test this too can you do an example please
I noticed someone posted that out of 42 spins, 66.6 per cent would be doubles. Someone else said that out of 37 spins there would be 12 to 14 doubles. Well, using 42 spins the total permutations would be 37 spins to the 42 power, which is 7.31 to 10 to the 65th. A tremendous high number, but proving mathematically that getting, for instance, 42 reds in a row or 42 number 3's in a row, or any 37 numbers in a row, are all mathematically even in the odds. So I believe my best chance of winning is betting a progression on an even bet. Though this loses in the long run, in the short run I can win around 80 per cent of the time.
I'm trying to contact ayk, but he doesn't seem to visit the forum anymore.
Can anyone help me contact him?
Please message me if you have his email, thank you.
Quote from: Richard Meisel on Apr 07, 02:13 PM 2020I noticed someone posted that out of 42 spins, 66.6 per cent would be doubles. Someone else said that out of 37 spins there would be 12 to 14 doubles. Well, using 42 spins the total permutations would be 37 spins to the 42 power, which is 7.31 to 10 to the 65th. A tremendous high number, but proving mathematically that getting, for instance, 42 reds in a row or 42 number 3's in a row, or any 37 numbers in a row, are all mathematically even in the odds. So I believe my best chance of winning is betting a progression on an even bet. Though this loses in the long run, in the short run I can win around 80 per cent of the time.
I have been playing a long time repeaters and i still play.
I will give you my long experiance on repeaters.
It is right that in 37 spins there are on average 24 unique and 13 double numbers.
In details :
numbers probability
17 0.05%
18 0.28%
19 1.17%
20 3.60%
21 8.39%
22 14.84%
23 19.93%
24 20.47%
25 15.92%
26 9.41%
27 4.16%
28 1.36%
29 0.33%
30 0.05%
My method of playing is waiting for many unique numbers to appear e.g. 18 unique out of 20 spins
So, based on the average I expect during the 17 spins 6 unique and 11 repeats, which means if i play the numbers that they have already hit,at the next 17 spins Il have 11 wins and 6 loses.
In most of cases I win even if there are 25 or 26 uniques in 37 spins with a very soft progression.
But I have faced situations with 28 and 29 unique numbers.
So if i have in 20 spins 18 uniques, and if there will be a situation of 29 uniques in 37 spins appear, on the next 17 spins , i will have 11 uniques and 6 repeats. Which means I will have 11 loses and 6 wins. Keep in mind that after 24 number betting we don't have an E/C chances because we bet on 24 or 25 or 26 numbers to win 1/3 of our betting. And if we reach betting 27-29 numbers we need a very agressive progression which we cannot afford.
So far i have 90% winning sessions
But when I face too many unique numbers at least half of my winnings are gone
Quote from: Kav on May 13, 06:09 AM 2020
I'm trying to contact ayk, but he doesn't seem to visit the forum anymore.
Can anyone help me contact him?
Please message me if you have his email, thank you.
Kav do you need a coder for rx? I sent you a pm
Quote from: huskerdu on May 13, 06:43 AM 2020
I have been playing a long time repeaters and i still play.
I will give you my long experiance on repeaters.
It is right that in 37 spins there are on average 24 unique and 13 double numbers.
In details :
numbers probability
17 0.05%
18 0.28%
19 1.17%
20 3.60%
21 8.39%
22 14.84%
23 19.93%
24 20.47%
25 15.92%
26 9.41%
27 4.16%
28 1.36%
29 0.33%
30 0.05%
My method of playing is waiting for many unique numbers to appear e.g. 18 unique out of 20 spins
So, based on the average I expect during the 17 spins 6 unique and 11 repeats, which means if i play the numbers that they have already hit,at the next 17 spins Il have 11 wins and 6 loses.
In most of cases I win even if there are 25 or 26 uniques in 37 spins with a very soft progression.
But I have faced situations with 28 and 29 unique numbers.
So if i have in 20 spins 18 uniques, and if there will be a situation of 29 uniques in 37 spins appear, on the next 17 spins , i will have 11 uniques and 6 repeats. Which means I will have 11 loses and 6 wins. Keep in mind that after 24 number betting we don't have an E/C chances because we bet on 24 or 25 or 26 numbers to win 1/3 of our betting. And if we reach betting 27-29 numbers we need a very agressive progression which we cannot afford.
So far i have 90% winning sessions
But when I face too many unique numbers at least half of my winnings are gone
This one is a waste of time.. We have tried this 5-6 years Ago. This was the theory behind Andruchi system. I am sure somewhere in the Holy Grail by Winkel started bymyself is his excel file and password provided thanks to Thomas.
Have a look at it.
Quote from: Azim on May 13, 10:42 PM 2020
This one is a waste of time.. We have tried this 5-6 years Ago. This was the theory behind Andruchi system. I am sure somewhere in the Holy Grail by Winkel started bymyself is his excel file and password provided thanks to Thomas.
Have a look at it.
Where is the excel file? i haven't found
I read vaadi clues ,,and what I understand I did coded and tested,,, but not worth,, it's for sure Vaadi system not works,,, vaadi or any his colleague, or now also no one claims,, any system works,,, If any one have better logic,, I can code and test,,,, in short time
Quote from: d80 on May 14, 07:30 PM 2020
Where is the excel file? i haven't found
Hello here it is...
Check this out:
Procedure: Note the newest outcome. Bet that number and one number higher.
If those two miss, bet those two again and the new outcome and one number higher.
If those four miss bet those four and the new outcome and one number higher.
If those six miss bet those four and the new outcome and one number higher.
If those eight miss bet the newest four and one number higher on all four.
Continue to bet the newest four and one number higher until in profit.
Bankroll suggestion: 96 total units
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on May 16, 05:43 PM 2020
Check this out:
Procedure: Note the newest outcome. Bet that number and one number higher.
If those two miss, bet those two again and the new outcome and one number higher.
If those four miss bet those four and the new outcome and one number higher.
If those six miss bet those four and the new outcome and one number higher.
If those eight miss bet the newest four and one number higher on all four.
Continue to bet the newest four and one number higher until in profit.
Bankroll suggestion: 96 total units
Did you test this on rx if it is working or only claiming that it is working?
Test: BetPhoenix European Wheel-
Saturday, May 16,2020 @ 5:00pm CDT USA
#10 (newest spin-value)
Bet 10, 11: 1.) 24(x)-2
Bet 10, 11, 24, 25: 2.) 27(x)-4
Bet 10, 11, 24, 25, 27, 28: 3.) 15(x)-6
Bet 10, 11, 24, 25, 27, 28, 15, 16: 4.) 3(x)-8
Bet 24, 25, 27, 28, 15, 16, 3, 4: 5.) 32(x)-8
Bet 27, 28, 15, 16, 3, 4, 32, 33: 6.) 8(x)-8
Bet 15, 16, 3, 4, 32, 33, 8, 9: 7.) 28(x)-8
Bet 3, 4, 32, 33, 8, 9, 28, 29: 8.) 11(x)-8
Bet 32, 33, 8, 9, 28, 29, 11, 12: 9.) 9(win)+28
Bet 32, 33, 28, 29, 11, 12, 9, 10: 10.) 12(win)+28
Did you test this on rx if it is working or only claiming that it is working?
This is an educated guess.
Test: BetPhoenix American Wheel-
Sunday, May 17,2020 @ 5:38am CDT USA
*Uses the Vaddi paring list and
00, 0 pair when double-zero shows.
#10 (newest outcome)
Bet 10, 11: 1.) 8(x)-2
Bet 10, 11, 8, 9: 2.) 3(x)-4
Bet 10, 11, 8, 9, 3, 4: 3.) 00(x)-6
Bet 10, 11, 8, 9, 3, 4, 00, 0: 4.) 30(x)-8
Bet 8, 9, 3, 4, 00, 0, 30, 31: 5.) 26(x)-8
Bet 3, 4, 00, 0, 30, 31, 26, 27: 6.) 00(win)+28
Bet 3, 4, 30, 31, 26, 27, 00, 0: 7.) 16(x)-8
Bet 30, 31, 26, 27, 00, 0, 16, 17: 8.) 9(x)-8
Bet 26, 27, 00, 0, 16, 17, 9, 10: 9.) 10(win)+28
Test: Vegas2Web European Wheel #1-
Sunday, May 17,2020 @ 9:11am CDT USA
#4 (newest spin-value)
Bet 4, 5: 1.) 22(x)-2
Bet 4, 5, 22, 23: 2.) 12(x)-4
Bet 4, 5, 22, 23, 12, 13: 3.) 23(win)+30
Test: Vegas2Web American Wheel-
Sunday, May 17,2020 @ 9:16am CDT USA
*Uses the Vaddi paring list and
00, 0 pair when double-zero shows.
#15 (newest spin-value)
Bet 15, 16: 1.) 29(x)-2
Bet 15, 16, 29, 30: 2.) 31(x)-4
Bet 15, 16, 29, 30, 31, 32: 3.) 25(x)-6
Bet 15, 16, 29, 30, 31, 32, 25, 26: 4.) 33(x)-8
Bet 29, 30, 31, 32, 25, 26, 33, 34: 5.) 36(x)-8
Bet 31, 32, 25, 26, 33, 34, 36, 0: 6.) 24(x)-8
Bet 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 0, 24, 25: 7.) 00(x)-8
Bet 31, 32, 33, 34, 24, 25, 00, 0: 8.) 24(win)+28
Bet 31, 32, 33, 34, 0, 00, 24, 25: 9.) 32(win)+28
Test: BetPhoenix European Wheel-
Sunday, May 17,2020 @ 2:06pm CDT USA
#0 (newest spin-value)
Bet 0, 1: 1.) 28(x)-2
Bet 0, 1, 28, 29: 2.) 29(win)+32
Test: BetPhoenix American Wheel-
Sunday, May 17,2020 @ 2:09pm CDT USA
#36 (newest spin-value)
Bet 36, 0: 1.) 15(x)-2
Bet 36, 0, 15, 16: 2.) 27(x)-4
Bet 36, 0, 15, 16, 27, 28: 3.) 0(win)+30
Test: Vegas2Web European Wheel #6-
Tuesday, May 19,2020 @ 8:20am CDT USA
...5, 27, 15 (newest spin-value)
Bet 15, 16: 1.) 6(x)-2
Bet 15, 16, 6, 7: 2.) 32(x)-4
Bet 15, 16, 6, 7, 32, 33: 3.) 14(x)-6
Bet 27, 28, 6, 7, 32, 33, 14, 15: 4.) 32(win)+28
Test: Vegas2Web American Wheel-
Tuesday, May 19,2020 @ 8:26am CDT USA
...12, 25, 23 (newest spin-value)
Bet 23, 24: 1.) 14(x)-2
Bet 23, 24, 14, 15: 2.) 33(x)-4
Bet 23, 24, 14, 15, 33, 34: 3.) 17(x)-6
Bet 23, 24, 14, 15, 33, 34, 17, 18: 4.) 17(win)+28
*Just had my first loss. Dealer spun the rotor
fast and ball constantly over 17 revolutions.
Test: BetPhoenix American Wheel-
Tuesday, May 19,2020 @ 8:56am CDT USA
Session total: -96 units
Test: BetPhoenix European Wheel-
Tuesday, May 19,2020 @ 9:16am CDT USA
...21, 12, 29, 28 (newest spin-value)
Bet 28, 29: 1.) 22(x)-2
Bet 28, 29, 22, 23: 2.) 31(x)-4
Bet 28, 29, 22, 23, 31, 32: 3.) 24(x)-6
Bet 28, 29, 22, 23, 31, 32, 24, 25: 4.) 26(x)-8
Bet 22, 23, 31, 32, 24, 25, 26, 27: 5.) 12(x)-8
Bet 31, 32, 24, 25, 26, 27, 12, 13: 6.) 11(x)-8
Bet 31, 32, 24, 25, 26, 27, 11, 12: 7.) 11(win)+28
Bet 31, 32, 24, 25, 26, 27, 11, 12: 8.) 10(x)-8
Bet 24, 25, 26, 27, 12, 13, 10, 11: 9.) 23(x)-8
Bet 26, 27, 12, 13, 10, 11, 23, 24: 10.) 23(win)+28
*Just had another loss on an American Wheel.
Apparently it only works consistently on European Wheels.
Test: Vegas2Web American Wheel-
Tuesday, May 19,2020 @ 9:50am CDT USA
Session total: -96 units
Test: Vegas2Web European Wheel #1-
Tuesday, May 19,2020 @ 10:22am CDT USA
#30 (newest spin-value)
Bet 30, 31: 1.) 6(x)-2
Bet 30, 31, 6, 7: 2.) 12(x)-4
Bet 30, 31, 6, 7, 12, 13: 3.) 23(x)-6
Bet 30, 31, 6, 7, 12, 13, 23, 24: 4.) 15(x)-8
Bet 6, 7, 12, 13, 23, 24, 15, 16: 5.) 16(win)+38
*Wow, perfect score on European Wheels
Test: BetPhoenix European Wheel-
Tuesday, May 19,2020 @ 11:57am CDT USA
...11, 35, 28 (newest spin-value)
Bet 28, 29: 1.) 3(x)-2
Bet 28, 29, 3, 4: 2.) 14(x)-4
Bet 28, 29, 3, 4, 14, 15: 3.) 1(x)-6
Bet 28, 29, 3, 4, 14, 15, 1, 2: 4.) 10(x)-8
Bet 3, 4, 14, 15, 1, 2, 10, 11: 5.) 1(win)+28
Test: Vegas2Web European Wheel #2-
Tuesday, May 19,2020 @ 12:04pm CDT USA
...21, 7, 30 (newest spin-value)
Bet 30, 31: 1.) 20(x)-2
Bet 30, 31, 20, 21: 2.) 19(x)-4
Bet 7, 8, 30, 31, 19, 20: 3.) 30(win)+30
*Just had my first European Wheel loss. :q
Test: BetPhoenix European Wheel-
Tuesday, May 19,2020 @ 4:15pm CDT USA
Session total: -92 units
Proofreader quality not quantity anyway just wanted to give a little encouragement to those of you who have given up the search. t I ve discovered discovered Vaddis bet.
As far as i can remember nobody on this thread even came close including proofreader2000 :twisted:
The bet is so simple, you wouldnt belive it as he said you can choose to play 4 or 8 numbers. Pairings are relevant but they are only a part of the bet.
The whole bet is a formula and once you figure it out you can play non stop
The downside is you never make more than 50 units it goes up and down, thats why he was suggesting playing high value unit bets such as 10$
So take care and good luck if you decide to carry on searching
Ps. The most important thing in this formula is to follow the wheel no matter what!!!!
quality not quantity-Rulet
I was going on limited information and hoping someone
would build on those ideas (if I were on the right track.)
atm I have a theory abt law of the third:
Note the newest four separate outcomes.
Bet one number higher and lower one each once.
Repeat steps with each new outcome. Stop when in profit.
Example: 12, 9, 14, 0 (newest spin-value)
Bet 11, 13, 8, 10, 13, 15, 36, 1: 1.) 15(x)-8
...9, 14, 0, 15 (newest)
Bet 8, 10, 13, 15, 36, 1, 14, 16....
Bankroll suggestion: 128 total units
Quote from: Rulet on Mar 02, 04:01 PM 2021
Proofreader quality not quantity anyway just wanted to give a little encouragement to those of you who have given up the search. t I ve discovered discovered Vaddis bet.
As far as i can remember nobody on this thread even came close including proofreader2000 :twisted:
The bet is so simple, you wouldnt belive it as he said you can choose to play 4 or 8 numbers. Pairings are relevant but they are only a part of the bet.
The whole bet is a formula and once you figure it out you can play non stop
The downside is you never make more than 50 units it goes up and down, thats why he was suggesting playing high value unit bets such as 10$
So take care and good luck if you decide to carry on searching
Ps. The most important thing in this formula is to follow the wheel no matter what!!!!
Just wait for no repeats or pairs in your magic number and then when they appear play them out till a win or break even?
Note the newest four separate outcomes.
Bet one number higher and lower one each once.
Repeat steps with each new outcome. Stop when in profit.
Example: 12, 9, 14, 0 (newest spin-value)
Bet 11, 13, 8, 10, 13, 15, 36, 1: 1.) 15(x)-8
...9, 14, 0, 15 (newest)
Bet 8, 10, 13, 15, 36, 1, 14, 16....
Bankroll suggestion: 128 total units
"Seek and you shall find" (Matthew 7:7-requesing God bless this effort)
Paper Test: BetPhoenix American Wheel-
Sunday, April 26,2021 @ 10:59pm CDT USA
...00, 6, 20, 26 (newest spin-value)
Bet 1, 36, 5, 7, 19, 21, 25, 27: 1.) 30(x)-8
Bet 5, 7, 19, 21, 25, 27, 29, 31: 2.) 5(win)+28
Paper Test: BetPhoenix European Wheel-
Sunday, April 26,2021 @ 11:03pm CDT USA
...36, 23, 4, 22 (newest spin-value)
Bet 35, 0, 22, 24, 3, 5, 21, 23: 1.) 22(win)+28
Paper Test: BetPhoenix American Wheel-
Sunday, April 26,2021 @ 11:04pm CDT USA
...5, 16, 1, 27 (newest spin-value)
Bet 4, 6, 15, 17, 0, 2, 26, 28: 1.) 2(win)+28
Paper Test: BetPhoenix European Wheel-
Sunday, April 26,2021 @ 11:06pm CDT USA
...22, 9, 1, 14 (newest spin-value)
Bet 21, 23, 8, 10, 0, 2, 13, 15: 1.) 16(x)-8
Bet 8, 10, 0, 2, 13, 15, 15, 17: 2.) 19(x)-8
Bet 0, 2, 13, 15, 15, 17, 18, 20: 3.) 25(x)-8
Bet 13, 15, 15, 17, 18, 20, 24, 26: 4.) 13(win)+28
Paper Test: BetPhoenix American Wheel-
Sunday, April 26,2021 @ 11:11pm CDT USA
...17, 20, 20, 22, 4 (newest spin-value)
Bet 16, 18, 19, 21, 21, 23, 3, 5: 1.) 21(win)+56
Paper Test: BetPhoenix European Wheel-
Sunday, April 26,2021 @ 11:14pm CDT USA
...13, 32, 25, 25, 30 (newest spin-value)
Bet 12, 14, 31, 33, 24, 26, 29, 31: 1.) 29(win)+28
Paper Test: BetOnline American Wheel Black-
Sunday, April 26,2021 @ 11:17pm CDT USA
...11, 20, 19, 3 (newest spin-value)
Bet 10, 12, 19, 21, 18, 20, 2, 4: 1.) 34(x)-8
Bet 19, 21, 18, 20, 2, 4, 33, 35: 2.) 2(win)+28
Is there any reason why a number should hit
just because it's beside a number which has?
Can't imagine why it should since all numbers
have an equal chance at every spin.
Ideas anyone?
Is there a reason a broken wheel should be there for some junk to get some penny?while everyone knows about shit wheel strategy.
I got a better option for these junk wheel people. We all know someday someone will drop some coin from their pocket unconsciously. Wait for that day and pick it up from the street.
Is there any reason why a number should hit
just because it's beside a number which has?-Ross
My reasoning (gambler's fallacy) is law of the third. You have three
numbers, one will hit twice, one will hit once and the other won't hit at all.
That said, the strategy is one of the numbers besides the hit number will hit.
Paper Test: BetOnline American Wheel Black-
Monday, April 26,2021 @ 6:04pm CDT USA
...29, 19, 17, 27 (newest spin-value)
Bet 28, 30, 18, 20, 16, 18, 26, 28: 1.) 25(x)-8
Bet 18, 20, 16, 18, 26, 28, 24, 26: 2.) 5(x)-8
Bet 16, 18, 26, 28, 24, 26, 4, 6: 3.) 8(x)-8
Bet 26, 28, 24, 26, 4, 6, 7, 9: 4.) 28(win)+28
Paper Test: BetPhoenix European Wheel-
Monday, April 26,2021 @ 6:10pm CDT USA
...35, 19, 1, 16 (newest spin-value)
Bet 34, 36, 18, 20, 0, 2, 15, 17: 1.) 16(x)-8
Bet 34, 36, 18, 20, 0, 2, 15, 17: 2.) 1(x)-8
Bet 34, 36, 18, 20, 0, 2, 15, 17: 3.) 18(win)+28
Paper Test: BetOnline American Wheel Black-
Monday, April 26,2021 @ 6:14pm CDT USA
...11, 28, 25, 14 (newest spin-value)
Bet 10, 12, 27, 29, 24, 26, 13, 15: 1.) 18(x)-8
Bet 27, 29, 24, 26, 13, 15, 17, 19: 2.) 24(win)+28
vaddis holy grail what a croc of shit
so easy to teach but a 1,000 adults cant crack it know why ?? because its BULLSHIT
That's the challenge BigMoney. How do you turn lemons into lemonade?
hi proofreaders
first of all we need a lemon ....VADDIS IS A DUCK ....QUACK QUACK.
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Apr 26, 07:27 PM 2021My reasoning (gambler's fallacy) is law of the third.
Makes me wonder if you understand the meaning of "fallacy"
since you seem to think a fallacy is a good basis for playing roulette.
Makes me wonder if you understand the meaning of "fallacy" since
you seem to think a fallacy is a good basis for playing roulette.-Ross
I know what it means. While "Law of the third" does not
guarantee a win, it could occur frequently enough to be profitable.
The truth is I don't know if it will win the next game or not.
Based on the past tests I posted imo it is
worth at least a 'penny-ante' real money test.
*I ended two sessions early.
Works better on Live European Wheels
Paper Test: BetOnline American Wheel Black-
Wednesday, April 28,2021 @ 5:17am CDT USA
Session total: -56 units
Paper Test: BetPhoenix American Wheel-
Wednesday, April 28,2021 @ 5:52am CDT USA
Session total: -56 units
Paper Test: BetPhoenix American Wheel-
Wednesday, April 28,2021 @ 4:18pm CDT USA
...21, 14, 31, 32, 32 (newest spin-value)
Bet 20, 22, 13, 15, 30, 32, 31, 33: 1.) 15(win)+28
Paper Test: BetPhoenix European Wheel-
Wednesday, April 28,2021 @ 4:20pm CDT USA
...26, 15, 24, 31 (newest spin-value)
Bet 25, 27, 14, 16, 23, 25, 30, 32: 1.) 29(x)-8
Bet 14, 16, 23, 25, 30, 32, 28, 30: 2.) 1(x)-8
Bet 23, 25, 30, 32, 28, 30, 0, 2: 3.) 10(x)-8
Bet 30, 32, 28, 30, 0, 2, 9, 11: 4.) 8(x)-8
Bet 28, 30, 0, 2, 9, 11, 7, 9: 5.) 35(x)-8
Bet 0, 2, 9, 11, 7, 9, 34, 36: 6.) 1(x)-8
Bet 0, 2, 9, 11, 7, 9, 34, 36: 7.) 0(win)+28
Bet 7, 9, 34, 36, 0, 2, 1, 36: 8.) 3(x)-8
Bet 34, 36, 0, 2, 1, 36, 2, 4: 9.) 32(x)-8
Bet 0, 2, 1, 36, 2, 4, 31, 33: 10.) 32(x)-8
Bet 0, 2, 1, 36, 2, 4, 31, 33: 11.) 10(x)-8
Bet 1, 36, 2, 4, 31, 33, 9, 11: 12.) 2(win)+28
Bet 2, 4, 31, 33, 9, 11, 1, 3: 13.) 13(x)-8
Bet 31, 33, 9, 11, 1, 3, 12, 14: 14.) 4(x)-8
Bet 9, 11, 1, 3, 12, 14, 3, 5: 15.) 6(x)-8
Bet 1, 3, 12, 14, 3, 5, 5, 7: 16.) 26(x)-8
Bet 12, 14, 3, 5, 5, 7, 25, 27: 17.) 12(win)+28
Bet 3, 5, 5, 7, 25, 27, 11, 13: 18.) 21(x)-8
Bet 5, 7, 25, 27, 11, 13, 20, 22: 19.) 10(x)-8
Bet 25, 27, 11, 13, 20, 22, 9, 11: 20.) 11(win)+64
Paper Test: BetPhoenix European Wheel-
Wednesday, April 28,2021 @ 6:19pm CDT USA
Session total: -72 units
Quote from: Rulet on Mar 02, 04:01 PM 2021
Proofreader quality not quantity anyway just wanted to give a little encouragement to those of you who have given up the search. t I ve discovered discovered Vaddis bet.
As far as i can remember nobody on this thread even came close including proofreader2000 :twisted:
The bet is so simple, you wouldnt belive it as he said you can choose to play 4 or 8 numbers. Pairings are relevant but they are only a part of the bet.
The whole bet is a formula and once you figure it out you can play non stop
The downside is you never make more than 50 units it goes up and down, thats why he was suggesting playing high value unit bets such as 10$
So take care and good luck if you decide to carry on searching
Ps. The most important thing in this formula is to follow the wheel no matter what!!!!
Hi Rulet.Do you bet for next 4 spins or continiously untill hit?Thanks.
Maybe the trick is to follow the wheel in different ways rather than dropping the last outcome and playing the newest?
Anyway the 24/8 thing could it be 8 repeats in 24 spins likewise 12/4 4 repeats in 12 spins?
12 repeats in 36 spins so every 3 spins there should be a repeat on average?
Don’t know , confused
But we know it doesn’t work like that don’t we?
There’s no way of knowing when the repeats are going to happen.
That’s probably why you have to follow the wheel?
We also know following the wheel in the way he described dropping oldest playing the newest doesn’t always work, agreed?
So we must focus on following the wheel in different ways?
What if you played a set of numbers for a specific number of spins?
Maybe the trick is to follow the wheel in different ways rather than dropping the last outcome and playing the newest?
Anyway the 24/8 thing could it be 8 repeats in 24 spins likewise 12/4 4 repeats in 12 spins?
12 repeats in 36 spins so every 3 spins there should be a repeat on average?
Don’t know , confused
Your sentence underlined. 24 spins, 8 repeats.
Now, the roulette tracker thread. Ayk; did the notto tracker of his own back. But if you watched multiple sets of 60 spins, you would eventually see in groups of 10 spins, where repeats hit.
You would find that the average would be 1-3-5-7 and 30.
So, 30 spins would have on average 9 spins.
What if you played a set of numbers for a specific number of spins?
Again, underlined what you suggest.
Now if the 1st 10 has 1 repeat, providing it hit on spin 8 or before you would have Vaddi. But if hits after, say hits spin 10, you’d be minus.
What would you do next, knowing there’s potentially 3 repeats coming in next 10 spins? And the next 10 spins another 5 repeats.
So, try this. Use unit of 1 on the 1st 10 spins; you’ll need a repeat by spin 7, 8 to breakeven. Now if you get the 1st 10 spins, no repeat, you bet the next 10 spins, where hopefully you get 3 repeats at units of 2. If the repeat hits and is from 1st 10; bet the 2 units on the repeat number, will now have 3 units. This might be a Turbo hot number! Carry on till you have bet 20 spins. If profit is gained stop and re-set. If you have to carry on; now use 4 units. Any number that repeats add the 4 units, again this number could be a Turbo hot number!!
Alarm bells should be ringing, it’s using a Marty.
Now go to R-sim and try, not MPR as you’ll get a freeze or extra numbers sometimes.
Using unit of 5
See repeat on 10 and 4 repeats in 20 spins. Average
The 1-3-5-7and 30 shows on airball rng live, General gormless supplied 30'330 live spins and that average shows.
3 repeats, is #18 going to get hotter? who knows, perhaps ask Turbo or get 80'000 phone
Notto thanks for all that info much appreciated and I think your methodology has much similarities with Vaddis teachings with a slight difference as he didn’t advocate using progression.
And another important thing is not to solely rely on repeaters on their own in order to create a balanced strategy.
I mean if you do enough testing I m sure one can come up with a strategy based on what I have written.
Quote from: bigmoney on Apr 27, 12:41 AM 2021
vaddis holy grail what a croc of shit
so easy to teach but a 1,000 adults cant crack it know why ?? because its BULLSHIT
I disagree with your analogy of shit in a croc, lol
That’s the case until you discover it
Vaddi was a genius
Are there really 37 outcomes. No one is in there reading some great info.
Quote from: RFMAXX on Aug 20, 08:25 AM 2015
copying things together...
Ok ...
General guidelines and more tips:
Let's assume that 10 is the maximum of numbers that you will bet on.
Stage 1) Begin single sequence to X numbers (where X represents the maximum numbers that you will bet on)
You enter casino and the number ...
13 has just dropped. Place your unit chip on it. (1 unit in total)
30 drops instead. Now place a unit on 13 and 30 (2 units total)
17 drops instead. Now place a unit on 13, 30, and 17 (3 units total)
13 drops. You win and make a profit.
Because you are in profit and because you have not reached your X number limit of 10, you will continue the process all over again, by placing a unit chip on your last dropped number, which is 13. You will continue this process of betting on every number that drops.
Now, as I've said, "The X number is important" and it's not 10 .
As another clue, I suggest that you create a stepping sequence (like above) wherein if you hit the last number in that sequence, you will break even.
If you use 10, you will have 10 numbers on the table if you reach your 10-number limit. And, if the ball lands on that last set of 10, you'll make a small loss and the funny thing is that 10 numbers doesn't improve accuracy over the lower, perfect X number.
Stage 2)
If you do not make a hit within the first stage, that means that you have bet X times on X numbers. That is 10 spins, 10 numbers, no hits.
So, you might have something like this:
36 (The last number dropped)
19 (part of your 10-number X group)
14 (part of your 10-number X group)
25 (part of your 10-number X group)
17 (part of your 10-number X group)
31 (part of your 10-number X group)
13 (part of your 10-number X group)
0 (part of your 10-number X group)
3 (part of your 10-number X group)
22 (part of your 10-number X group)
2 (part of your 10-number X group)
At this point, your set of 10 didn't come up. And the last number that landed is 36.
So, the idea is to bet on every number that the wheel spits out, but you want to always place a limit on how much you place on the table. Betting on 10 numbers is a waste, so find that magic X number.
From this point onward you will bet on 10 numbers (or the X number when you discover it).
But, this is what you do:
Knock the #2 off the bottom so that your new 10-set bet selection now becomes ...
36 (part of your new 10-number X group)
19 (part of your new 10-number X group)
14 (part of your new 10-number X group)
25 (part of your new 10-number X group)
17 (part of your new 10-number X group)
31 (part of your new 10-number X group)
13 (part of your new 10-number X group)
0 (part of your new 10-number X group)
3 (part of your new 10-number X group)
22 (part of your new 10-number X group)
If the next spin hits one of your X numbers, then great! But, you must check to see if you have increased your bankroll above what you started with at Stage 1.
If you are in profit above where your bankroll was when you started with at Stage 1, then go back to Stage 1 and place a unit chip on the last number that made you win.
If you are not in profit at this point in Stage 2, then continue playing your X-number blocks (in this example: 10) by knocking off the bottom number and adding the number that landed.
So, let's say #31 landed (you win) and your bankroll is below the level when you first placed your first single unit at Stage 1. In this case, ...
... you'll only bet on 9 numbers. ;) Why? You're following the pattern and spins of the wheel. The wheel is telling you that you're accurate so you need to lay out less on the table:
You're thinking in terms of number of numbers and number of spins.
So, we now have ...
31 (The last number dropped)
36 (part of your new 10-number X group)
19 (part of your new 10-number X group)
14 (part of your new 10-number X group)
25 (part of your new 10-number X group)
17 (part of your new 10-number X group)
31 (part of your new 10-number X group)
13 (part of your new 10-number X group)
0 (part of your new 10-number X group)
3 (part of your new 10-number X group)
22 (part of your new 10-number X group)
Looking at the 10 last spins, you now only need to bet on 9 by knocking off #22 and adding #31. But, of course, #31 is slap bang in the middle of your X number set (it's not at the bottom, where you would knock it off).
Of course, if you discover the X number, sometimes you end up betting on lower numbers than 9, while making hits.
Once your bankroll is in profit above what you started with at the first placing of your first-stage single chip, then start the first-stage single chip process all over again.
Another aspect you can observe and experiment with, is multiple 37-spin cycles, starting from Stage 1 + Stage 2, as described in this post.
All the best.
- Vaddi
P.S.: Should have added the following:
If you break even when one of your numbers hit, then go back and start Stage 1 all over again.
Which means, if at any stage ... let's say your bankroll was $1200 and it went down, and then you get a hit that takes you back to $1200, you would re-start Stage 1 and bet on the number that just hit.
So, why did pairings appear, when the above is all you need.
Jay, when we get say 16 non-hits and are dropping the last all the time, How you going to get back to starting bank-roll? If 16 have hit, there'd be no win and -100.
So, now the riddle of pairings would be added. If 8 spins has lost, drop the 1st and add the pairings, 8 #'s has now become 16 #'s.
It looks like BIGMONEY is right. Unless you can decifer the riddles.
Come on guys ...
You're sitting on a goldmine!
What's the tiny 1 percent missing element?
I want to see how good the roulette veterans are on this forum.
I want to see the deep-thinking roulette players who have been playing for years.
What's missing guys?
The system wins, but how can you guarantee it?
- Vaddi
Pairings are there to guarantee winning as we all know repeaters will let you down at some point.
Hey guys :)
I want to take a shot at Vaddi (again)...
-----*Newest Two High outcomes vs Two Low Outcomes w/Zeros*-----
Note the newest outcome, is it High or Low?
Bet the newest two High outcomes if the last decision is High and
vice-versa if Low. Bet also the next higher and Lower numbers respectively.
Repeat steps with each outcome.
Stop when in profit.
Example: 23, 15, 9, 31 (newest spin-value)
Bet 22, 23, 24 & 30, 31, 32, 0: 1.) 2(x)-7
Bet 8, 9, 10 & 1, 2, 3, 0....
Bankroll suggestion: 140 total units
Paper Test: BetPhoenix American Wheel-
Saturday, May 1,2021 @ 7:21am CDT USA
...30, 16, 12, 17, 00, 20 (newest spin-value)
Bet 29, 30, 31 & 19, 20, 21, 0, 00: 1.) 23(x)-8
Bet 19, 20, 21 & 22, 23, 24, 0, 00: 2.) 26(x)-8
Bet 22, 23, 24 & 25, 26, 27, 0, 00: 3.) 27(win)+28
Paper Test: BetPhoenix European Wheel-
Saturday, May 1,2021 @ 7:28am CDT USA
...5, 9, 36, 24, 23, 26 (newest spin-value)
Bet 22, 23, 24 & 25, 26, 27, 0: 1.) 4(x)-7
Bet 8, 9, 10 & 3, 4, 5, 0: 2.) 17(x)-7
Bet 3, 4, 5 & 16, 17, 18, 0: 3.) 14(x)-7
Bet 16, 17, 18 & 13, 14, 15, 0: 4.) 35(x)-7
Bet 25, 26, 27 & 34, 35, 36, 0: 5.) 20(x)-7
Bet 34, 35, 36 & 19, 20, 21, 0: 6.) 1(x)-7
Bet 13, 14, 15 & 36, 1, 2, 0: 7.) 36(win)+29
Bet 19, 20, 21 & 35, 36, 1, 0: 8.) 0(win)+29
Paper Test: BetPhoenix American Wheel-
Saturday, May 1,2021 @ 7:58am CDT USA
...34, 29, 18, 8 (newest spin-value)
Bet 33, 34, 35 & 28, 29, 30, 0, 00: 1.) 8(win)+28
Paper Test: BetPhoenix European Wheel-
Saturday, May 1,2021 @ 8:03am CDT USA
...34, 6, 8, 0, 7, 35, 4, 7 (newest spin-value)
Bet 3, 4, 5 & 6, 7, 8, 0: 1.) 10(x)-7
Bet 6, 7, 8 & 9, 10, 11, 0: 2.) 11(win)+29
Paper Test: BetPhoenix American Wheel-
Saturday, May 1,2021 @ 12:07pm CDT USA
...20, 7, 29, 16 (newest spin-value)
Bet 6, 7, 8 & 15, 16, 17, 0, 00: 1.) 8(win)+28
Paper Test: BetPhoenix European Wheel-
Saturday, May 1,2021 @ 12:08pm CDT USA
...2, 29, 33, 25, 20, 20, 32, 4 (newest spin-value)
Bet 1, 2, 3 & 3, 4, 5, 0: 1.) 7(x)-7
Bet 3, 4, 5 & 6, 7, 8, 0: 2.) 18(x)-7
Bet 6, 7, 8 & 17, 18, 19, 0: 3.) 31(x)-7
Bet 31, 32, 33 & 30, 31, 32, 0: 4.) 4(x)-7
Bet 17, 18, 19 & 3, 4, 5, 0: 5.) 29(x)-7
Bet 30, 31, 32 & 28, 29, 30: 6.) 30(win)+65
I'm not interested in this system but here you have my 2 cents.
Magic number as you say Jay is 8 coz 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 +7 + 8 = 36
If you fail the 8 bets you'll be -36 and you start over again with a new set of numbers (1+2+3,etc) if you have a hit in step 3 then you win 30 chips.
You play seeking a repeat inside this ladder of 8 steps.
Just having a boring day so that's my guess.
If this was discussed beforehand have my apologizes. I havent read the thread.
Quote from: carvigno on May 01, 01:36 PM 2021
I'm not interested in this system but here you have my 2 cents.
Magic number as you say Jay is 8 coz 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 +7 + 8 = 36
If you fail the 8 bets you'll be -36 and you start over again with a new set of numbers (1+2+3,etc) if you have a hit in step 3 then you win 30 chips.
You play seeking a repeat inside this ladder of 8 steps.
Just having a boring day so that's my guess.
If this was discussed beforehand have my apologizes. I havent read the thread.
Why do you think its vaddis system? are you have tested it ? vaddis too say at pairs numbers... 0/1 1/2 2/3 etc
*Kinda tinkering with this puzzle
-----*Eight Uniques Singles Builder System*-----
Bet each new single outcome. Bet the last bet also/
Example: #3 (newest outcome)
Bet #3: 1.) 20(x)-1
Bet 3, 20...
If eight unique singles miss, bet those same eight until a hit.
If hit (and not in profit) remove the hit
number and add that number's respective pair.
**Assuming the special number is eight**
Example: 23, 4, 9, 31, 6, 0, 16, 28
(balance -36 units)
Bet 23, 4, 9, 31, 6, 0, 16, 28: 9.) 28(win)+28
Bet 23, 4, 9, 31, 6, 0, 16, 29
Another tweak, (trying to figure out that missing 0.5%)
-----*Last Four Outcomes and Less One Number*-----
Note the last four outcomes. Bet those four
and one respective number less each, once.
Repeat steps with each spin. Stop when in profit.
Bankroll suggestion: 160 total units
Paper Test: BetPhoenix American
Wheel-Friday, May 7,2021 @ 7:36pm CDT USA
...10, 24, 2, 31 (newest spin-value)
Bet 10, 9, 24, 23, 2, 1, 31, 30: 1.) 32(x)-8
(in case of 31, 32 outcomes, the bet is 31, 30 & 32, 33)
Bet 24, 23, 2, 1, 31, 30, 32, 33: 2.) 5(x)-8
Bet 2, 1, 31, 30, 32, 33, 5, 4: 3.) 1(win)+28
Paper Test: BetPhoenix European Wheel-
Friday, May 7,2021 @ 7:41pm CDT USA
...15, 20, 13, 8 (newest spin-value)
Bet 15, 14, 20, 19, 13, 12, 8, 7: 1.) 30(x)-8
Bet 20, 19, 13, 12, 8, 7, 30, 29: 2.) 33(x)-8
Bet 13, 12, 8, 7, 30, 29, 33, 32: 3.) 24(x)-8
Bet 8, 7, 30, 29, 33, 32, 24, 23: 4.) 23(win)+28
Paper Test: BetPhoenix American
Wheel-Friday, May 7,2021 @ 7:47pm CDT USA
...7, 20, 20, 24, 10 (newest spin-value)
Bet 7, 6, 20, 19, 24, 23, 10, 9: 1.) 5(x)-8
Bet 20, 19, 24, 23, 10, 9, 5, 4: 2.) 7(x)-8
Bet 24, 23, 10, 9, 5, 4, 7, 6: 3.) 23(win)+28
I just had a massive "Paper" Loss on American Wheels, so Live European Wheels only.
Paper Test: BetPhoenix European Wheel-
Friday, May 7,2021 @ 8:46pm CDT USA
...0, 4, 30, 7 (newest spin-value)
Bet 0, 36, 4, 3, 30, 29, 7, 6: 1.) 35(x)-8
Bet 4, 3, 30, 29, 7, 6, 35, 34: 2.) 35(win)+28
Paper Test: BetPhoenix European Wheel-
Friday, May 7,2021 @ 8:52pm CDT USA
...25, 10, 11, 29 (newest spin-value)
(because of outcomes 10, 11 the bet is 10, 9, 11, 12)
Bet 25, 24, 10, 9, 11, 12, 29, 28: 1.) 25(win)+28
Paper Test: BetPhoenix European Wheel-
Friday, May 7,2021 @ 8:54pm CDT USA
...11, 29, 25, 20 (newest spin-value)
Bet 11, 10, 29, 28, 25, 24, 20, 19: 1.) 15(x)-8
Bet 29, 28, 25, 24, 20, 19, 15, 14: 2.) 17(x)-8
Bet 25, 24, 20, 19, 15, 14, 17, 16: 3.) 12(x)-8
Bet 20, 19, 15, 14, 17, 16, 12, 11: 4.) 16(win)+28
*A tweak on the singles builder portion of Vaddi's
-----*Plus One, Plus Single Builder System*-----
Procedure: Note the newest outcome. Bet the next number higher.
If win, end session. Otherwise, repeat bet and add the new trigger number.
Repeat steps until in profit or eight numbers miss.
If eight numbers miss (and still not in profit) remove the oldest
of the singles and add the newest trigger (eight numbers in play).
Stop when in profit.
Bankroll suggestion: 160 total units
Paper Test: BetPhoenix European Wheel-
Saturday, May 8,2021 @ 8:10pm CDT USA
#33 (newest spin-value)
Bet #34: 1.) 4(x)-1
Bet 34, 5: 2.) 31(x)-2
Bet 34, 5, 32: 3.) 25(x)-3
Bet 34, 5, 32, 26: 4.) 12(x)-4
Bet 34, 5, 32, 26, 13: 5.) 33(x)-5
Bet 34, 5, 32, 26, 13, 34: 6.) 20(x)-6
Bet 34, 5, 32, 26, 13, 34, 21: 7.) 33(x)-7
Bet 34, 5, 32, 26, 13, 34, 21, 34: 8.) 14(x)-8
Bet 5, 32, 26, 13, 34, 21, 34, 15: 9.) 13(win)+28
Bet 32, 26, 13, 34, 21, 34, 15, 14: 10.) 12(x)-8
Bet 26, 13, 34, 21, 34, 15, 14, 13: 11.) 32(x)-8
Bet 13, 34, 21, 34, 15, 14, 13, 33: 12.) 34(win)+64
Paper Test: BetPhoenix American Wheel-
Sunday, May 9,2021 @ 6:40pm CDT USA
#13 (newest spin-value)
Bet #14: 1.) 7(x)-1
Bet 14, 8: 2.) 35(x)-2
Bet 14, 8, 36: 3.) 7(x)-3
Bet 14, 8, 36, 8: 4.) 34(x)-4
Bet 14, 8, 36, 8, 35: 5.) 18(x)-5
Bet 14, 8, 36, 8, 35, 19: 6.) 00(x)-6
Bet 14, 8, 36, 8, 35, 19, 1: 7.) 2(x)-7
Bet 14, 8, 36, 8, 35, 19, 1, 3: 8.) 29(x)-8
Bet 8, 36, 8, 35, 19, 1, 3, 30: 9.) 2(x)-8
Bet 36, 8, 35, 19, 1, 3, 30, 3: 10.) 8(win)+28
Bet 8, 35, 19, 1, 3, 30, 2, 9: 11.) 23(x)-8
Bet 35, 19, 1, 3, 30, 2, 9, 24: 12.) 0(x)-8
Bet 19, 1, 3, 30, 2, 9, 24, 1: 13.) 00(x)-8
Bet 1, 3, 30, 2, 9, 24, 1, 1: 14.) 30(win)+28
Bet 3, 30, 2, 9, 24, 1, 1, 31: 15.) 35(x)-8
Bet 30, 2, 9, 24, 1, 1, 31, 36: 16.) 24(win)+28
Luck of the Irish; great job.
This is a test I did in November. I tested over 1 million single zero RNG spins and got this:
2 3210
3 6251
4 9017
5 10906
6 12398
7 12852 from here the chances are smaller; the lenght does not happen so often.
8 12454 your 8 #'s have lost, What do you do now?
9 11478
10 10007
11 8619
12 6845
13 5243
14 3857
15 2730
16 1816 if you had bet the 1st 8#'s, but doubled the unit to 2 and bet spins 9-16 at unit of 1. The unique is slowing
17 1128
18 687
19 355
20 246
21 96
22 61
23 29
24 16 you would have bet spins 1-8 @ 4unit and spins 9-16 @ unit of 2. spins 17-24 @ unit of 1
25 5
26 3 something would have repeated. Yes it might only have a unit of 1.
27 0
28 0
29 0
30 0
31 0
32 0 you would have bet spins 1-8 @ 8unit and spins 9-16 @ unit of 4. spins 17-24 @ unit of 2 & 25- 32 @ unit of 1
33 0
34 0
35 0
36 0
The most unique numbers in a row was 25 (The 26 means it hit on the 26th spin, so 25 unique numbers in a row) and this happened only 3 times.
Random org the best according to GLOAT; General gormless.
out of 120 numbers. Would it win?
The green are doubled.
I've done 1st 60. Be betting for non-hits
2nd group of 60 spins.
Quote from: nottophammer on May 10, 05:54 AM 2021
out of 120 numbers. Would it win?
The green are doubled.
May I ask a question? At line 14 how are you betting? So you lose the eight step process. You have the eight numbers highlighted in green and 15 hits. You put two units on the first eight numbers, then one unit on any number that came out after the first eight numbers? What if 15 hit which had only one unit on it? Would you still go back to the original step process?
Thank you
Irish 88
hope this helps,
Thank you Notto,
I think I got it. Just ran a game, +120 units in 55 spins.
great result. I had some more spins and wrote some more.
Should i reset and start a new group of 8 or double and use unit of one as the next 8 numbers come. Might get that new high.
Needs more testing. is there a better progression or flatbet?
+600 units in 270 spins. It can get volatile at times. I had a 300 unit drawdown when I had about 24 numbers in play. I had only 2 hits in like 20 spins. But you can definitely see how it will reach a new high at some point. Looks good Notto. Thank you for explaining. Just worry about the drawdown but like I said it always seems to come back.
Yes test and some more.
+1000 units in 560 spins. Big drawdown after not getting a repeat in the first 16 spins. Like I said it always seems to come back to a new high. Just wish we could avoid the large drawdown when doubling after you miss the first eight or 16 spins.
Quote from: Irish88 on May 10, 10:12 AM 2021Just wish we could avoid the large drawdown when doubling after you miss the first eight or 16 spins.
Is it Michael; have you tried 10 spins. 40 spins usually get the 1-3-5-7; so 1-2-4-8 for 40 spins. Instead of 1-2-4-8-16 for 40 spins.
I tried this as shown in the J-peg
As above in J-pg 14
had to drop last and increase to 2 units.
That's me done. I'll leave it with you.
Been on the joke, MPR
I thought Vaddi said no progressions in the instructions.
Rulet said "Vaddi pairs" are part of the bet, but what is the logic for it.
From my experience Live wheels 'behave peculiar' progressing bets.
That 0.05% of the missing instructions would be quite helpful.
Yesterday at 12:20 PM; This idea don't work.
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on May 10, 03:49 PM 2021Rulet said "Vaddi pairs" are part of the bet, but what is the logic for it.
Hi proof
I'm not a fan of Vaddi bet.
Did it not start with follow the wheel?
Start betting for a win before 8 or breakeven.
Then the pairs got added. Is it the mat for pairing? Is it not follow what the wheel is doing. So, why the mat come into it?
As long as we don't have 18 or more consecutive, it does ok.
Notto, a progression of four units with the
eight step process would be minimum 360 units.
Even then that progression won't guarantee a win.
According to Vaddi's instructions the
bankroll requirement would be around 100 units.
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on May 11, 09:14 AM 2021
Notto, a progression of four units with the
eight step process would be minimum 360 units.
Even then that progression won't guarantee a win.
According to Vaddi's instructions the
bankroll requirement would be around 100 units.
Proof Sometime i have my doubt if this Vaddis system really exist.. Vaddis has proven that his system works or him only say it works? this is the problem... we not know if this system really exist.Its only at a puzzle.
Quote from: d80 on May 11, 09:44 AM 2021Proof Sometime i have my doubt if this Vaddis system really exist.. Vaddis has proven that his system works or him only say it works? this is the problem... we not know if this system really exist.Its only at a puzzle.
Exactly d80.
Is it a follow the wheel and then pairs got thrown in that is using the mat.
As BIG MONEY said croc of shit.
At least Chief of the Riddlers; Turbo, gives something that you can work on.
Proof, sometime I have my doubt if this Vaddi's system really exist.. Vaddi's has proven that his system works
or him only say it works? this is the problem... we not know if this system really exist. Its only at a puzzle.-d80
It's a very time-consuming puzzle that doesn't appear to
bear fruit. Notto seems to have found a way on this however.
Hey guys, I found these postings on web archive and it gives some interesting insights to Vaddi's train of thought and maybe there is the possibility to contact him to give us some more information about his "Holy Grail".
These postings:
Hi Vaddi,
I think "Holy Grail 'it's a great system.
Please,we all can help each. It's definitely not going to put the casinos out of business and it's not going to ruin them if can simply use it and not sell it.
Could you explain in a little more detail - please?
Can you give us a few more tips to help us move forward?
To all good luck and happy winnings :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
what are the rules so that a system must be defined holly grail?
Quote from: gianfrancopierino on May 17, 10:24 AM 2021
what are the rules so that a system must be defined holly grail?
Here's some. GUT, KTF, WTF.
Most of the others on here you need to decifer the riddles.
This one starts as a wheel method. Then bet last 8. Then you get thrown in pairing from the mat.
Good luck with that.
Then if you are really brain dead like Chief of the GLOATS; the General, look for a wobbly wheel. Good luck with that
i hear that rage is sign of superior intelligence... error 404...
Quote from: gianfrancopierino on May 17, 11:32 AM 2021i hear that rage is sign of superior intelligence... error 404..
Nice one. ***** stars.
You are definitely becoming a GLOAT. You'll be joining the likes of roulette-bleater
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on May 12, 10:34 AM 2021It's a very time-consuming puzzle that doesn't appear to
bear fruit. Notto seems to have found a way on this however.
Proof; thought I’d give it a go.
Remember the #32 was already there.
Looking at the numbers (starting at #32)
Number 19 would be a win with the stairstep +15.
Then a drawdown of -108 units, then net wins of +63 and +45 you
break even or does the progression increase win or lose (until in plus).
Looking at the marquee (just speculation at this point) it
might work to bet the repeater and Vaddi pair continuously.
Example: 23, 0, 15, 12, 23 (newest outcome)
Bet 23, 24 continuously
didn't work :q Notto's still looks good though
The "Magic number" may
consist of two bets from the last two outcomes.
Bet two lower and higher the last decision and
one higher/lower on the decision before last.
Stop when in profit.
Example: 34, 15 (newest spin-value)
Bet 33, 34, 35 & 13, 14, 15, 16, 17: 1.) 0(x)-8
Bet 14, 15, 16 & 35, 36, 0, 1, 2....
Bankroll suggestion: 96 total units
Paper Test: BetPhoenix American Wheel-
Friday, May 21,2021 @ 8:23pm CDT USA
...9, 14 (newest spin-value)
Bet 8, 9, 10 & 12, 13, 14, 15, 16: 1.) 21(x)-8
Bet 13, 14, 15 & 19, 20, 21, 22, 23: 2.) 22(win)+28
Paper Test: BetPhoenix European Wheel-
Friday, May 21,2021 @ 8:26pm CDT USA
...2, 17 (newest spin-value)
Bet 1, 2, 3 & 15, 16, 17, 18, 19: 1.) 23(x)-8
Bet 16, 17, 18 & 21, 22, 23, 24, 25: 2.) 18(win)+28
Paper Test: BetOnline American Wheel Black-
Sunday, May 23,2021 @ 7:47pm CDT USA
...29, 15 (newest spin-value)
Bet 28, 29, 30 & 13, 14, 15, 16, 17: 1.) 18(x)-8
Bet 14, 15, 16 & 16, 17, 18, 19, 20: 2.) 28(x)-8
Bet 17, 18, 19 & 26, 27, 28, 29, 30: 3.) 28(win)+28
Paper Test: BetPhoenix European Wheel-
Sunday, May 23,2021 @ 7:52pm CDT USA
...14, 5 (newest spin-value)
Bet 13, 14, 15 & 3, 4, 5, 6, 7: 1.) 4(win)+28
Paper Test: BetPhoenix American Wheel-
Sunday, May 23,2021 @ 7:54pm CDT USA
...30, 33 (newest spin-value)
Bet 29, 30, 31 & 31, 32, 33, 34, 35: 1.) 13(x)-8
Bet 32, 33, 34 & 11, 12, 13, 14, 15: 2.) 26(x)-8
Bet 12, 13, 14 & 24, 25, 26, 27, 28: 3.) 20(x)-8
Bet 25, 26, 27 & 18, 19, 20, 21, 22: 4.) 6(x)-8
Bet 19, 20, 21 & 4, 5, 6, 7, 8: 5.) 22(x)-8
Bet 5, 6, 7 & 20, 21, 22, 23, 24: 6.) 0(x)-8
Bet 21, 22, 23 & 35, 36, 0/00, 1, 2: 7.) 36(win)+28
Bet 36, 0/00, 1 & 34, 35, 36, 0/00, 1: 8.) 4(x)-8
Bet 35, 36, 0/00 & 2, 3, 4, 5, 6: 9.) 4(win)+28
Bet 35, 36, 0/00 & 2, 3, 4, 5, 6: 10.) 25(x)-8
Bet 3, 4, 5 & 23, 24, 25, 26, 27: 11.) 21(x)-8
Bet 24, 25, 26 & 19, 20, 21, 22, 23: 12.) 35(x)-8
Bet 20, 21, 22 & 33, 34, 35, 36, 0/00: 13.) 10(x)-8
Bet 34, 35, 36 & 8, 9, 10, 11, 12: 14.) 36(win)+28
Bet 9, 10, 11 & 34, 35, 36, 0/00, 1: 15.) 28(x)-8
Bet 35, 36, 0/00 & 26, 27, 28, 29, 30: 16.) 15(x)-8
Bet 27, 28, 29 & 13, 14, 15, 16, 17: 17.) 15(win)+28
Paper Test: BetPhoenix American Wheel-
Monday, May 24,2021 @ 5:28pm CDT USA
...00, 13 (newest spin-value)
Bet 36, 0/00, 1 & 11, 12, 13, 14, 15: 1.) 4(x)-8
Bet 12, 13, 14 & 2, 3, 4, 5, 6: 2.) 13(win)+28
Paper Test: BetOnline American Wheel Black-
Monday, May 24,2021 @ 5:31pm CDT USA
...34, 3 (newest spin-value)
Bet 33, 34, 35 & 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: 1.) 00(x)-8
Bet 2, 3, 4 & 35, 36, 0/00, 1, 2: 2.) 28(x)-8
Bet 36, 0/00, 1 & 26, 27, 28, 29, 30: 3.) 30(win)+28
Paper Test: BetPhoenix European Wheel-
Monday, May 24,2021 @ 5:35pm CDT USA
...14, 7 (newest spin-value)
Bet 13, 14, 15, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9: 1.) 17(x)-8
Bet 6, 7, 8 & 15, 16, 17, 18, 19: 2.) 23(x)-8
Bet 16, 17, 18 & 21, 22, 23, 24, 25: 3.) 31(x)-8
Bet 22, 23, 24 & 29, 30, 31, 32, 33: 4.) 15(x)-8
Bet 30, 31, 32 & 13, 14, 15, 16, 17: 5.) 3(x)-8
Bet 14, 15, 16 & 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: 6.) 2(win)+28
Bet 2, 3, 4 & 0, 1, 2, 3, 4: 7.) 11(x)-8
Bet 1, 2, 3 & 9, 10, 11, 12, 13: 8.) 2(win)+28
Hello to all roulette specialists.
When searching
for answers
about Vaddi's mystery,
I find this system "The Holy Grail by Turbo" which obviously has something similar to the Vaddis Holly Grail.
Please everyone
to compare and examine the parallels of both systems.
Maybe that can help us further.
The system as follows :
system "The Holy Grail by Turbo"
* System by Turbogenius *
Rx-ed by St0rm0r
Step 1 ) Record 37 spins.
Step 2 ) Begin betting 1 unit on a number that has the least amount of hits.
Step 3 ) Play this number flat betting 1 unit for 37/38 spins.
Step 3a ) You have a win, remove this number. The other bets remain until
37/38 spins have passed.
Step 3b ) You have no win after 37/38 spins have passed.
You increase the bet +1 and play that
same number flat for the next cycle of 37/38 spins as well as the next number
with the least amount of hits.
method "main"
// section 1: do this once
while starting new session
call "init"
// section 2: do the tracking
track last number for 1 time record"last N"layout
call "update hits"
add 1 record"#spins"data
// section 3: act on a loss
if net < 0
if record"#spins"data = record"numbers"layout count
put 0 record"#spins"data
add 1 record"how many"data
call "get number to play"
add 1 record"pro"data
// section 4:act on a win
if net > 0
subtract 1 record"how many"data
if record"how many"data < 1
put 1 record"how many"data
put 1 record"pro"data
put 0 record"#spins"data
call "get number to play"
// section 5:act when not qualified
if flag "qualified" false
if record"#spins"data = record"numbers"layout count
call "get number to play"
set flag "qualified" true
put 0 record"#spins"data
// section 6:act when qualified
if flag "qualified" true
put 100% record"pro"data record"play number"layout list
// subroutines
method "init"
input dropdown "Wheel type:
1:= single zero
2:= double zero" record"Wheel"data
if record"Wheel"data = 1
load single wheel
copy list [number 0, number 1, number 2, number 3,number 4,number 5,number 6,
number 7,number 8,number 9,number 10,number 11,number 12,number 13,number 14,
number 15,number 16,number 17,number 18,number 19,number 20,number 21,number 22,
number 23,number 24,number 25,number 26,number 27,number 28,number 29,number 30,
number 31,number 32,number 33,number 34,number 35,number 36] to record"numbers"layout
set list [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] record"hits"data
load double wheel
copy list [number 00,number 0, number 1, number 2, number 3,number 4,number 5,number 6,
number 7,number 8,number 9,number 10,number 11,number 12,number 13,number 14,
number 15,number 16,number 17,number 18,number 19,number 20,number 21,number 22,
number 23,number 24,number 25,number 26,number 27,number 28,number 29,number 30,
number 31,number 32,number 33,number 34,number 35,number 36] to record"numbers"layout
set list [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] record"hits"data
put 1 record"pro"data
put 1 record"how many"data
set flag "qualified" false
put 0 record"#spins"data
method "update hits"
put 1 record"numbers"layout index
loop until record"numbers"layout = record"last N"layout
add 1 record"numbers"layout index
put 100% record"numbers"layout index record"hits"data index
add 1 record"hits"data
method "get number to play"
clear record"play number"layout
put 0 record"run"data
duplicate record"hits" record"check"
loop until record"run"data = record"how many"data
put 999999 record"min"data
put 1 record"check"data index
loop until record"check"data index > record"check"data count
if record"check"data < record"min"data
put 100% record"check"data record"min"data
add 1 record"check"data index
put 1 record"check"data index
loop until record"check"data = record"min"data
add 1 record"check"data index
put 999999 record"check"data
put 100% record"check"data index record"numbers"layout index
copy record"numbers"layout record"play number"layout
add 1 record"play number"layout index
add 1 record"run"data
that's matingale, using pleins instead of colors will result the same but 37 times longer
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on May 12, 10:34 AM 2021
Proof, sometime I have my doubt if this Vaddi's system really exist.. Vaddi's has proven that his system works
or him only say it works? this is the problem... we not know if this system really exist. Its only at a puzzle.-d80
It's a very time-consuming puzzle that doesn't appear to
bear fruit. Notto seems to have found a way on this however.
Been trying top3 , Turbo. Didn't make it.
So, try the Vaddi martingale.
Sheet to left is 9 games
sheet to right is 10 games.
20 consecutive games.
Don't use bigger than 1 unit when starting.
Used 5 here and gets a bit hairy if you go past 24 spins; unless you have big bank
20 games
Proof-Been trying top3 , Turbo. Didn't make it.
So, try the Vaddi martingale.-Notto
I like those graphs Notto, but a 350 unit bankroll is a little high atm.
*I have this idea:
First, bet the last decision single once.
If miss, bet the last decision and
one number higher, one number lower.
If miss again, bet the last decision,
two numbers higher, two numbers lower.
If miss a third time, bet the last decision,
three numbers higher, three numbers lower.
If miss again, bet the last decision,
four numbers higher, four numbers lower.
If miss again, bet the last decision,
five numbers higher, five numbers lower.
Stop on a win or after 11 numbers in play miss.
Bankroll suggestion: 36 units
*A small tweak to the above idea
Start with a three-number bet instead of one single.
Bet the last decision, one
number higher and one number lower.
If miss again, bet the last decision,
two numbers higher, two numbers lower.
If miss a third time, bet the last decision,
three numbers higher, three numbers lower.
If miss again, bet the last decision,
four numbers higher, four numbers lower.
If miss again, bet the last decision,
five numbers higher, five numbers lower.
Stop on a win or after 11 numbers in play miss.
Bankroll suggestion: 35 units
Paper Test: BetPhoenix American Wheel-
Saturday, June 12,2021 @ 7:53pm CDT USA
#31 (newest spin-value)
Bet 30, 31, 32: 1.) 13(x)-3
Bet 11, 12, 13, 14, 15: 2.) 4(x)-5
Bet 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7: 3.) 14(x)-7
Bet 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18: 4.) 17(win)+29
Paper Test: BetPhoenix European Wheel-
Saturday, June 12,2021 @ 7:59pm CDT USA
#16 (newest spin-value)
Bet 15, 16, 17: 1.) 14(x)-3
Bet 12, 13, 14, 15, 16: 2.) 5(x)-5
Bet 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8: 3.) 23(x)-7
Bet 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27: 4.) 28(x)-9
Bet 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33: 5.) 26(win)+25
Paper Test: BetPhoenix American Wheel-
Saturday, June 12,2021 @ 8:04pm CDT USA
#12 (newest spin-value)
Bet 11, 12, 13: 1.) 9(x)-3
Bet 7, 8, 9, 10, 11: 2.) 31(x)-5
Bet 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34: 3.) 21(x)-7
Bet 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25: 4.) 25(win)+27
Start with a three-number bet instead of one single.
Bet the last decision, one
number higher and one number lower.
If miss again, bet the last decision,
two numbers higher, two numbers lower.
If miss a second time, bet the last decision,
three numbers higher, three numbers lower.
If miss again, bet the last decision,
four numbers higher, four numbers lower.
If miss again, bet the last decision,
five numbers higher, five numbers lower.
Stop on a win or after 11 numbers in play miss.
Bankroll suggestion: 35 units
Paper Test: BetPhoenix American Wheel-
Saturday, June 12,2021 @ 7:53pm CDT USA
#31 (newest spin-value)
Bet 30, 31, 32: 1.) 13(x)-3
Bet 11, 12, 13, 14, 15: 2.) 4(x)-5
Bet 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7: 3.) 14(x)-7
Bet 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18: 4.) 17(win)+27
Paper Test: BetPhoenix European Wheel-
Saturday, June 12,2021 @ 7:59pm CDT USA
#16 (newest spin-value)
Bet 15, 16, 17: 1.) 14(x)-3
Bet 12, 13, 14, 15, 16: 2.) 5(x)-5
Bet 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8: 3.) 23(x)-7
Bet 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27: 4.) 28(x)-9
Bet 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33: 5.) 26(win)+25
Paper Test: BetPhoenix American Wheel-
Saturday, June 12,2021 @ 8:04pm CDT USA
#12 (newest spin-value)
Bet 11, 12, 13: 1.) 9(x)-3
Bet 7, 8, 9, 10, 11: 2.) 31(x)-5
Bet 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34: 3.) 21(x)-7
Bet 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25: 4.) 25(win)+27
Paper Test: BetPhoenix European Wheel-
Sunday, June 13,2021 @ 3:38pm CDT USA
#11 (newest spin-value)
Bet 10, 11, 12: 1.) 5(x)-3
Bet 3, 4, 5, 6, 7: 2.) 5(win)+31
Paper Test: BetOnline American Wheel Black-
Sunday, June 13,2021 @ 3:41pm CDT USA
Session total: -35 units
Paper Test: BetPhoenix European Wheel-
Sunday, June 13,2021 @ 3:47pm CDT USA
#31 (newest spin-value)
Bet 30, 31, 32: 1.) 28(x)-3
Bet 26, 27, 28, 29, 30: 2.) 13(x)-5
Bet 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16: 3.) 22(x)-7
Bet 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26: 4.) 29(x)-9
Bet 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34: 5.) 32(win)+25
Paper Test: BetPhoenix American Wheel-
Sunday, June 13,2021 @ 3:54pm CDT USA
#20 (newest spin-value)
Bet 19, 20, 21: 1.) 17(x)-3
Bet 15, 16, 17, 18, 19: 2.) 20(x)-5
Bet 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23: 3.) 21(win)+29
Paper Test: BetPhoenix European Wheel-
Sunday, June 13,2021 @ 3:59pm CDT USA
#14 (newest spin-value)
Bet 13, 14, 15: 1.) 33(x)-3
Bet 31, 32, 33, 34, 35: 2.) 26(x)-5
Bet 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29: 3.) 13(x)-7
Bet 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17: 4.) 2(x)-9
Bet 34, 35, 36, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7: 5.) 0(win)+25
Paper Test: BetPhoenix American Wheel-
Sunday, June 13,2021 @ 4:05pm CDT USA
#23 (newest spin-value)
Bet 22, 23, 24: 1.) 00(x)-3
Bet 35, 36, 00, 0, 1: 2.) 30(x)-5
Bet 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33: 3.) 34(x)-7
Bet 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 0, 00: 4.) 6(x)-9
Bet 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11: 5.) 3(win)+25
could it be waiting 14 numbers then bet on all non hit and last 4 double or 6 double? can somone test this pls
To all whom are interested in finding the answer to Vaddi's (David) riddle, I'm here to ensure you THERE IS ONE! and yeh, I found it...
I signed up here couple of years ago after finding the forum, tried everything, could NOT find the answer back then and gave up on it eventually.
2 weeks ago I remembered it and gave it another go and I succeeded.
I am not going to post here again, and I am simply writing to share my insights:
- it is everything Vaddi says
- it is the holy grail as it wins in waves (all the clues are in the main forum, so I'm not going to repeat them)
- the whole thing is described by Vaddi and I must admit that is well put together (even the 1% is there), but you need to build it up step by step.
I want to thank 6TH SENSE because his words were enlightening during our 2-3 messages couple of years back although I'm not sure if he remembers (my access was voided due to inactivity I guess and I have no record of my past conversations here).
Last but not least, I want to thank Vaddi for taking the time, although I never got the chance to talk to the man himself, so this is my thank you note to him.
wish you all the best and please don't waste your time listening to others, a bit of curiosity would do miracles finding this.
Hey guys :) I have this idea.
Procedure: Note the newest two High and Low outcomes.
If the newest outcome is High, bet the second newest High
outcome, four numbers ahead and four numbers behind.
Repeat steps with each new spin.* (If zero shows wait one spin.)
Stop when in profit.
Example: 23, 14, 0, 29 (newest spin-value)
Bet 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 once: 1.) 2(x)-9
...23, 14, 0, 29, 2 (newest outcome)
Bet 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18....
*If the trigger number is less than #4 or Higher than #32 the
new bet will include zero and opposite High/Low numbers.
Example: 23, 3, 9 (newest)
Bet 36, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7....
Bankroll suggestion: 108 total units
Quote from: maxiss on Sep 17, 05:47 PM 2021
To all whom are interested in finding the answer to Vaddi's (David) riddle, I'm here to ensure you THERE IS ONE! and yeh, I found it...
I signed up here couple of years ago after finding the forum, tried everything, could NOT find the answer back then and gave up on it eventually.
2 weeks ago I remembered it and gave it another go and I succeeded.
I am not going to post here again, and I am simply writing to share my insights:
- it is everything Vaddi says
- it is the holy grail as it wins in waves (all the clues are in the main forum, so I'm not going to repeat them)
- the whole thing is described by Vaddi and I must admit that is well put together (even the 1% is there), but you need to build it up step by step.
I want to thank 6TH SENSE because his words were enlightening during our 2-3 messages couple of years back although I'm not sure if he remembers (my access was voided due to inactivity I guess and I have no record of my past conversations here).
Last but not least, I want to thank Vaddi for taking the time, although I never got the chance to talk to the man himself, so this is my thank you note to him.
wish you all the best and please don't waste your time listening to others, a bit of curiosity would do miracles finding this.
Only just seen this today,,Yep I remember you and what i told you ..
Well done
Quote from: maxiss on Sep 17, 05:47 PM 2021
- it is everything Vaddi says
- it is the holy grail as it wins in waves (all the clues are in the main forum, so I'm not going to repeat them)
- the whole thing is described by Vaddi
Be careful about guy who talking about clues, there is no Vaddi holy grail, why are people so naive?
*So far, so good with this one.
Procedure: Note the newest two High and Low outcomes.
If the newest outcome is High, bet the second newest High
outcome, four numbers ahead and four numbers behind.
Same if the newest outcome is Low.
Repeat steps with each new spin.* (If zero shows wait one spin.)
Stop when in profit.
Paper Test: BetPhoenix European Wheel-
Wednesday, November 10,2021 @ 5:45pm CST USA
...11, 32, 21 (newest spin-value)
Bet 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36: 1.) 32(win)+27
Paper Test: BetOnline Black American Wheel-
Wednesday, November 10,2021 @ 5:48pm CST USA
...31, 4, 4, 1, 25, 26 (newest spin-value)
Bet 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29: 1.) 19(x)-9
Bet 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30: 2.) 28(win)+27
Paper Test: BetPhoenix European Wheel-
Wednesday, November 10,2021 @ 5:51pm CST USA
...32, 5, 11, 17, 5, 3, 21 (newest spin-value)
Bet 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36: 1.) 8(x)-9
Bet 36, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7: 2.) 13(x)-9
Bet 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12: 3.) 34(x)-9
Bet 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25: 4.) 25(win)+27
Bet 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 0, 1: 5.) 1(win)+27
Paper Test: Bet Online Black American Wheel-
Wednesday, November 10,2021 @ 5:58pm CST USA
...26, 15, 9, 31, 28 (newest spin-value)
Bet 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35: 1.) 27(win)+27
Paper Test: BetPhoenix European Wheel-
Wednesday, November 10,2021 @ 6:01pm CST USA
...25, 1, 20, 7, 3, 1 (newest spin-value)
Bet 36, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7: 1.) 24(x)-9
Bet 16, 17, 18, 29, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24: 2.) 20(win)+27
Paper Test: BetPhoenix American Wheel-
Wednesday, November 10,2021 @ 6:03pm CST USA
...11, 0, 33, 24, 36, 36, 3, 25, 00, 31 (newest spin-value)
Bet 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29: 1.) 10(x)-9
Bet 36, 0/00, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7: 2.) 15(x)-9
Bet 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14: 3.) 7(win)+27
Paper Test: BetPhoenix European Wheel-
Wednesday, November 10,2021 @ 6:08pm CST USA
...5, 26, 12, 23 (newest spin-value)
Bet 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30: 1.) 22(win)+27
live wheel
*Can't sleep, so here is another shot at this...
Procedure: Note the newest outcome. Bet that
single, four numbers ahead and four numbers behind.
If miss, bet the same bet again-and again until a hit. At
that point, bet the new trigger with four numbers ahead and behind.
Stop when in profit.
Example: #13 (newest spin-value)
Bet 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17: 1.) 0(x)-9
Bet 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17: 2.) 5(x)-9
Bet 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17: 3.) 25(x)-9
Bet 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17: 4.) 9(win)+27
(new trigger)
Bet 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13....
Bankroll suggestion: 108 total units
Paper Test: BetPhoenix European Wheel-
Thursday, November 25,2021 @ 1:13am CST USA
#16 (newest spin-value)
Bet 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20: 1.) 23(x)-9
Bet 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20: 2.) 12(win)+27
Paper Test: BetPhoenix American Wheel-
Thursday, November 25,2021 @ 1:16am CST USA
#23 (newest spin-value)
Bet 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27: 1.) 15(x)-9
Bet 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27: 2.) 36(x)-9
Bet 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27: 3.) 20(win)+27
Paper Test: BetPhoenix European Wheel-
Thursday, November 25,2021 @ 1:20am CST USA
#13 (newest spin-value)
Bet 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17: 1.) 13(win)+27
Paper Test: BetPhoenix American Wheel-
Thursday, November 25,2021 @ 1:21am CST USA
#18 (newest spin-value)
Bet 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22: 1.) 22(win)+27
Paper Test: BetPhoenix European Wheel-
Thursday, November 25,2021 @ 1:23am CST USA
#31 (newest spin-value)
Bet 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35: 1.) 12(x)-9
Bet 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35: 2.) 33(win)+27
Paper Test: BetPhoenix American Wheel-
Thursday, November 25,2021 @ 1:25am CST USA
#7 (newest spin-value)
Bet 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11: 1.) 30(x)-9
Bet 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11: 2.) 5(win)+27
Paper Test: BetPhoenix European Wheel-
Thursday, November 25,2021 @ 1:29am CST USA
#15 (newest spin-value)
Bet 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19: 1.) 5(x)-9
Bet 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19: 2.) 2(x)-9
Bet 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19: 3.) 9(x)-9
Bet 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19: 4.) 5(x)-9
Bet 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19: 5.) 17(win)+27
Bet 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21: 6.) 8(x)-9
Bet 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21: 7.) 0(x)-9
Bet 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21: 8.) 21(win)+27
Bet 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25: 9.) 8(x)-9
Bet 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25: 10.) 1(x)-9
Bet 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25: 11.) 19(win)+27
Paper Test: BetPhoenix American Wheel-
Thursday, November 25,2021 @ 1:42am CST USA
#11 (newest spin-value)
Bet 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15: 1.) 6(x)-9
Bet 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15: 2.) 3(x)-9
Bet 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15: 3.) 3(x)-9
Bet 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15: 4.) 00(x)-9
Bet 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15: 5.) 1(x)-9
Bet 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15: 6.) 15(win)+27
Bet 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19: 7.) 16(win)+27
Paper Test: BetPhoenix American Wheel-
Thursday, November 25,2021 @ 8:58am CST USA
#32 (newest spin-value)
Bet 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36: 1.) 8(x)-9
Bet 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36: 2.) 16(x)-9
Bet 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36: 3.) 24(x)-9
Bet 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36: 4.) 31(win)+27
Bet 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35: 5.) 31(win)+27
Paper Test: BetPhoenix European Wheel-
Thursday, November 25,2021 @ 9:04am CST USA
#21 (newest spin-value)
Bet 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25: 1.) 22(win)+27
didn't work :q
Did someone ever mentioned this?
I found this on a website about PHP posted by CHT. Thanks CHT!
11. If you pick five numbers from the integers 1 to 8, then two of them must add up to nine.
Every number can be paired with another to sum to nine. In all, there are four such pairs: the numbers 1 and 8, 2 and 7, 3 and 6, and lastly 4 and 5.
Each of the five numbers belongs to one of those four pairs. By the pigeonhole principle, two of the numbers must be from the same pairâ€"which by construction sums to 9.
Vaddis talked about pairs right?
If can change the numbers to roulette.
36 number. 13 pairs.
How many unique numbers do we need before we have a pair?
Luckyfella very recently on the GF website mentioned that the Vaddi pairs goes as such
Notice they all add up to 36. Also each pairing refers to the 1-8, 2-7, 3-6, 4-5 pairing mentioned above.
For instance
1 and 35…1=1 35….3+5=8 The 1 and 8
Not sure if this is helpful or how you would apply it
1 8 numbers…1,35,8,28,10,26,17,19
2 7 numbers…2,34,7,29,11,25,16,20
3 6 numbers…3,33,6,30,12,25,15,21
4 5 numbers…4,32,5,31,13,23,14,22
9 numbers 0,36,9,27,18
Again no clue if this is means anything.
Another idea to mull over....
Procedure: Note the two newest column outcomes.
Bet the previous column single with four ahead and four behind once.
Repeat steps until in profit.
*If zero shows, bet 33, 34, 35, 36, 0 (or 0/00), 1, 2, 3, 4 once.
Example: 23, 4 (newest spin-value)-two different columns
Bet 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27: 1.) 36(x)-9
Bet 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9: 2.) 15(x)-9
same column bet previously hit column single
Bet 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8....
Bankroll suggestion: 108 total units
Live European Wheels only
The above didn't work, but this
upcoming idea imo looks good (for the new year) :)
-----*Last Three Non-Zero Outcomes System*-----
Procedure: Note the newest three non-zero outcomes. Bet
those three with one higher and lower single respectively on each.
Repeat steps with the newest three outcomes until in profit.
Example: 23, 9, 17 (newest spin-value)
Bet 22, 23, 24: 8, 9, 10: 16, 17, 18: 1.) 25(x)-9
[last three outcomes: 9, 17, 25 (newest spin-value)]
Bet 8, 9, 10: 16, 17, 18: 24, 25, 26: 2.) 0(x)-9
(in case of zero showing, re-bet the last bet)
Bankroll suggestion: 150 total units
Paper Test: BetPhoenix European Wheel-
Thursday, January 7,2022 @ 7:56pm CST USA
...35, 14, 34 (newest spin-value)
*overlapping bets are allowed
Bet 34, 35, 36: 13, 14, 15: 33, 34, 35: 1.) 7(x)-9
Bet 13, 14, 15: 33, 34, 35: 6, 7, 8: 2.) 27(x)-9
Bet 33, 34, 35: 6, 7, 8: 26, 27, 28: 3.) 8(win)+27
Paper Test: BetPhoenix American Wheel-
Saturday, January 8,2022 @ 3:03pm CST USA
...34, 5, 30 (newest spin-value)
Bet 33, 34, 35, 4, 5, 6, 29, 30, 31: 1.) 2(x)-9
Bet 4, 5, 6, 29, 30, 31, 1, 2, 3: 2.) 9(x)-9
Bet 29, 30, 31, 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10: 3.) 1(win)+27
Paper Test: BetPhoenix European Wheel-
Saturday, January 8,2022 @ 3:06pm CST USA
...24, 8, 19 (newest spin-value)
Bet 23, 24, 25, 7, 8, 9, 18, 19, 20: 1.) 15(x)-9
Bet 7, 8, 9, 18, 19, 20, 14, 15, 16: 2.) 5(x)-9
Bet 18, 19, 20, 14, 15, 16, 4, 5, 6: 3.) 10(x)-9
Bet 14, 15, 16, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11: 4.) 11(win)+27
Bet 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 10, 11, 12: 5.) 2(x)-9
Bet 9, 10, 11, 10, 11, 12, 1, 2, 3: 6.) 6(x)-9
Bet 10, 11, 12, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7: 7.) 15(x)-9
Bet 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 14, 15, 16: 8.) 29(x)-9
Bet 5, 6, 7, 14, 15, 16, 28, 29, 30: 9.) 7(win)+27
Bet 14, 15, 16, 28, 29, 30, 6, 7, 8: 10.) 8(win)+27
Paper Test: BetPhoenix American Wheel-
Saturday, January 8,2022 @ 3:59pm CST USA
...28, 7, 16 (newest spin-value)
Bet 27, 28, 29, 6, 7, 8, 15, 16, 17: 1.) 7(win)+27
Paper Test: BetPhoenix European Wheel-
Saturday, Jaunary 8,2022 @ 4:01pm CST USA
...16, 0, 0, 13, 9 (newest spin-value)
Bet 15, 16, 17, 12, 13, 14, 8, 9, 10: 1.) 27(x)-9
Bet 12, 13, 14, 8, 9, 10, 26, 27, 28: 2.) 33(x)-9
Bet 8, 9, 10, 26, 27, 28, 32, 33, 34: 3.) 34(win)+27
Paper Test: BetPhoenix American Wheel-
Saturday, Jaunary 8,2022 @ 4:06pm CST USA
...24, 22, 8, 00 (newest spin-value)
Bet 23, 24, 25, 21, 22, 23, 7, 8, 9: 1.) 21(win)+27
Paper Test: BetPhoenix European Wheel-
Saturday, January 8,2022 @ 4:25pm CST USA
...18, 2, 19 (newest spin-value)
Bet 17, 18, 19, 1, 2, 3, 18, 19, 20: 1.) 27(x)-9
Bet 1, 2, 3, 18, 19, 20, 26, 27, 28: 2.) 29(x)-9
Bet 18, 19, 20, 26, 27, 28, 28, 29, 30: 3.) 23(x)-9
Bet 26, 27, 28, 28, 29, 30, 22, 23, 24: 4.) 5(x)-9
Bet 28, 29, 30, 22, 23, 24, 4, 5, 6: 5.) 30(win)+27
Bet 22, 23, 24, 4, 5, 6, 29, 30, 31: 6.) 34(x)-9
Bet 4, 5, 6, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35: 7.) 33(win)+27
Paper Test: Jackpot Wheel European Live-
Saturday, January 8,2022 @ 7:06pm CST USA
...31, 29, 6 (newest spin-value)
Bet 30, 31, 32, 28, 29, 30, 5, 6, 7: 1.) 16(x)-9
Bet 28, 29, 30, 5, 6, 7, 15, 16, 17: 2.) 33(x)-9
Bet 5, 6, 7, 15, 16, 17, 32, 33, 34: 3.) 33(win)+27
Bonus Test: Random.Org
Min=0: Max=37 (American Wheel)
Saturday, January 8,2022 @ 7:10pm CST USA
...13, 6, 14 (newest spin-value)
Bet 12, 13, 14, 5, 6, 7, 13, 14, 15: 1.) 28(x)-9
Bet 5, 6, 7, 13, 14, 15, 27, 28, 29: 2.) 16(x)-9
Bet 13, 14, 15, 27, 28, 29, 15, 16, 17: 3.) 35(x)-9
Bet 27, 28, 29, 15, 16, 17, 34, 35, 36: 4.) 15(win)+27
Bet 15, 16, 17, 34, 35, 36, 14, 15, 16: 5.) 17(win)+27
This is first post from Vaddi and he writes please look , maybe can help:
He writes:
This is my first post in this forum. And I hope that I can provide some
value. :-)
First, I would like to request the development of a script for RSS Pro.
Here we go ...
How long would it take to develop a script based on the following?
And how much would it cost?
You login to a Playtech casino and you use the program to automatically
spin the roulette wheel a specific number of times at high speed. Let's
say 24 times.
The following numbers come up:
2 (3 times), 1, 5, 36, 9 (2 times), 17, 25 (3 times), 6, 11, 13 (4 times),
8, 23 (5 times).
The program then generates a statistics table with sortable headings:
Ascending/ Ascending/
Descending) Descending)
#0 - 36 Occurrences
0 0
1 1
2 3
3 0
4 0
5 1
6 1
7 0
8 1
9 2
10 0
11 1
12 0
13 4
14 0
15 0
16 0
17 1
18 0
19 0
20 0
21 0
22 0
23 5
24 0
25 3
26 0
27 0
28 0
29 0
30 0
31 0
32 0
33 0
34 0
35 0
36 1
The program should allow you to input any number of spins you want
to generate.
In addition to spinning the wheel automatically, the program will also allow
the manual input of numbers.
I look forward to receiving your expert advice.
Another Vaddi's Post that was earlier in that thread, this is right after the system was brought to attention and Printer asked how it was played.
Hi ,Here's how I tested at Dublinbet:
Firstly, I ignored the landed numbers that were already on the marquee and simply watched the live spins.
I watch first live spin and then bet on that number. So if first number is #1, I place a bet on #1.If #1 misses, I bet on #1 again, plus the new number that just landed. So, you are now betting on two numbers.
a) You continue that pattern until you reach 9 numbers on the table.
When you reach 9 numbers on the table you will bet on all 9 numbers, but you will place 2 units on those 9 numbers. If you miss, then you add the new number to make 10 numbers to bet. And you double-up again. So, now you are betting on 10 numbers with 4 units placed on each of those ten numbers.
You can test adding one more number each time (at spin 9+) and doubling-up to see where it goes.
b) If you win at any stage, you start from scratch: Observe wheel, then bet on new number, then two numbers, then three numbers etc. ... as above.
Vaddi chim's in again...
I can only provide guidelines for you to figure out the modifications I've made, because I don't want the casinos being able to access the full details from any source. It's just too risky.
So, the next best thing is to present guidelines, which are ...
Use Webcliff's exact repeaters method of play, but replace his Martingale progression with your own custom progression.
As a guideline for progression construction: if you are using $1 units, your custom progression should ensure that your original bankroll is NOT reduced by more than $55 at any stage of your progression, whenever a repeat number hits.
Bet on ONLY 10 numbers even if your progression is long.
If you have figured it out correctly, you will be able to play non-stop and cream your profits off the top each time that you're ahead of the casino.
To make this method even more powerful:Start betting only when all the last 10 numbers landed are different from one another.Here's an interesting statistic that applies to this consistent winning repeater method:On average, there will be 6 numbers that will repeat at least twice within 37 spins.
And Vaddi again...
Hi ,Seems you've figured out your own good progression. That's great!I've fine-tuned the method even further by betting on only 9 numbers instead of 10, which has led to creating the tightest most optimized low-risk progression I could ever create for the system.Also tried 8 numbers; not as accurate as 9 and 10 numbers though.10 numbers: impressive.9 numbers: even better.I'm playing live wheels and continue to get fantastic results! My RNDE manual script has made it a real pleasure playing the method. However, it would be interesting to use your automated script for a blitz test on RNG.I tried testing your script when I first downloaded it some time ago, but I was getting an error message which I think relates to currency and decimal configuration on my PC. Would need Silver to look into the matter.Happy winnings.
Here is what we noticed after reading this thread. :)
Vaddi started off playing sleepers till this came across the board. His method must have been close to the one he suggested we practice. i.e. Look for 14,15,16,17 Non-hits in a 37 spin cycle and play those number up to 2 times and if not hit track again. :)
Once this method suggested by 'Webbcliff', came across his lap it became a central piece to his "GRAIL" :)
This method by 'Webbcliff' was also noted to be used in the "Spin 4 Profit" software...back in the day. :)
Vaddi tried this system and then used a small progression. The first one he stated plainly
and that was to go up the step process to 8 and then double on 9 and maybe number 10.I Don't remember. :)
However he goes on to state that he created a progression where his bankroll would
not have been down by $55 dollars at any point when he got a hit on his number.
So basically we could say it never went over 90$. So with 36 on the first 8 numbers that leaves 54 dollars
to spread over the remaining progressions but I assumed he meant a rolling basis.
Do anyone have an idea of how he would accomplish this?
Also I noticed that he stated he tried to play with 8 numbers and 10 numbers but 9, was the sweet spot.
Did he change his mind? Or have we found the perfect repeater range with simply the IDEA of breaking even on a hit is the purpose?
Also I noticed that he stated he used his Number Data Extractor software to help him. I am guessing
he was calculating the number of numbers as this was what I gleam from his statements about 5 cycles.
As all I can readily gather is that all numbers generally come in around 5 cycles.
Although there must be other patterns akin to 185 spins. :)
So we know he used triggers. it wasn't a rolling bet. At least he stated that was the best way.
In this post he suggests waiting for 10 numbers with no repeats in them to begin play. ???
Does any of this spark any idea's for anybody else?
10 numbers to bet with progression, man you are doomed.....
Sorry, this is post from Vaddy
When a number has hit twice on 8 balls its hit rate is 2/8= 1/4 and when it hits on the 16 ball its hit rate is 2/16= 1/8.
Factors 4-8, those are the most frequent rep ranges between 8-ball and 16-ball.
This is one of the things that vaddis discovered in testing him.
There is more behind all this, just leaving my two cents for people to wake up, because they have been sleeping for years.
Hector :thumbsup:
Didn't the magic number 8 get mentioned,
And why did pairings get thrown in
As another clue, I suggest that you create a stepping sequence (like above) wherein if you hit the last number in that sequence, you will break even.
As the Bago said over at GF. So, 8
Again, from RFMAXX page 1.
Because you are in profit and because you have not reached your X number limit of 10, you will continue the process all over again, by placing a unit chip on your last dropped number, which is 13. You will continue this process of betting on every number that drops.
Now, as I've said, "The X number is important" and it's not 10 .
So, not number 10.
Vaddi was like the General on a fishing expediton
I'll post an image, the image is about 60 spins.
The spins are posted by Ignatus, live German spins.
Look at spins 1-10
The question is when does that 1st repeat happen; where on average?
Have you seen luck of the Irish data on this forum?
This is a test I did in November. I tested over 1 million single zero RNG spins and got this:
2 3210
3 6251
4 9017
5 10906
6 12398
7 12852
8 12454
9 11478
10 10007
11 8619
12 6845
13 5243
14 3857
15 2730
16 1816
17 1128
18 687
19 355
20 246
21 96
22 61
23 29
24 16
25 5
26 3
27 0
28 0
29 0
30 0
31 0
32 0
33 0
34 0
35 0
36 0
The most unique numbers in a row was 25 (The 26 means it hit on the 26th spin, so 25 unique numbers in a row) and this happened only 3 times.
Can you see
NOTTO can i have that 1 million on txt document if its easy for you?
you sure thats a 1 million spin test? number counts add up to 120299...or am i reading it wrong
120300 !!! Right
wow; even the General aka DSAA can get this.
How about 1'004'251
How many times did 25 numbers repeat on 26th spin? 3
So, 78 spins
Quote from: nottophammer on Jan 18, 12:31 PM 2022
wow; even the General aka DSAA can get this.
How about 1'004'251
How many times did 25 numbers repeat on 26th spin? 3
So, 78 spins
aha the penny has dropped
So, do people always understand what's posted.
Another post of luck of the Irish
Here are some great stats from a poster called Teorulte
I thought they were relevant to Colbsters post
I ran about 500 000 cycles of 37 spins and came up with the following:
(Number on left is number of unique numbers and next number is how many times a spin cycle had exactly that many unique numbers in the test)
37 spin cycle:
15 1
16 12
17 202
18 1417
19 6020
20 18309
21 41304
22 73951
23 98780
24 102814
25 80164
26 47276
27 20934
28 6706
29 1685
30 349
31 35
32 5
Is this not law of the third or as DSAA would say flaw of the third
So, there's the 24
So, Jpeg Vaddi 20000
Do you see what happens on average in 1st 10 spins.
Quote from: nottophammer on Jan 18, 01:20 PM 2022
So, do people always understand what's posted.
Another post of luck of the Irish
Here are some great stats from a poster called Teorulte
I thought they were relevant to Colbsters post
I ran about 500 000 cycles of 37 spins and came up with the following:
(Number on left is number of unique numbers and next number is how many times a spin cycle had exactly that many unique numbers in the test)
37 spin cycle:
15 1
16 12
17 202
18 1417
19 6020
20 18309
21 41304
22 73951
23 98780
24 102814
25 80164
26 47276
27 20934
28 6706
29 1685
30 349
31 35
32 5
Is this not law of the third or as DSAA would say flaw of the third
So, there's the 24
Is this actually unique left at the end of cycle ...with repeat counted numbers not included?
6th this is luck of the Irish data; posted by Turner.
So, he says about 500’000 cycles. 23 of the starting 37 hit in a cycle of 37 spins. Also 24 hit in a cycle of 37. Again 25 of the starting 37 hit in a cycle of 37 spins.
Now if you add 98780 cycles +102’814+80164=281’758 cycles of the 500’000 cycles.
To me that 24 is Lott and 23 and 25 is close enough, so over half the cycles get or close enough to the Lott.
There’s 1 cycle that had only 15 of the starting 37. Also 5 cycles had 32 of the starting 37.
Make what you want of the two sets of data.
I only posted the 1’000’000 spin data as you can see that 7 unique hit the most with 8th spin the repeat. Vaddi?
Then betting the 8 is breakeven?
So, of the 20’000 German live spins; 41 games had no repeat in 10 spins. 9-8-7-6 = 72 games with 1 or more repeating number.
One game had 3 repeats and one had 4 repeats. But the games with 9; 1 repeat was 48 games, more than 10/10 no repeat.
Even the bloke known as DSAA or the General with his 10'330 live spins gives same results, 9/10 happens more.
But is it spin 10 or spin 8
Guys Vaddi talking about a formula in their postings, regarding balance.
What do you think?
In a post (Wish I could openly share Roulette Grail)
he writes: :ooh: ::) :thumbsup:
I wish I could openly share my roulette grail. However, I'll provide some clues:
- You need to make inside bets
- You MUST bet on a set of numbers that consist of less than 10 numbers (I won't give the exact number. When you discover this number, it creates perfect balance on each 37-spin rotation)
- Those numbers that you select must be consistently selected from the top of the marquee
- Here's the genius killer aspect of the GRAIL to figure out: How do you make sure that you hit every single number that comes up on the roulette wheel?
- Think in terms of hits and what the roulette wheel MUST do: "It MUST hit repeats". But, how do the repeats perform in relation to the singles?
For the most part: every 37 spin results in ...
24 hits = 14 singles + 10 doubles
Once you discover the grail, you won't need to visit forums any more or buy roulette software.
You don't even need pen and paper. Simply look at the first set of numbers on the marquee. Although, I do like using my software to watch the beauty of how the numbers fall.
Once you discover the grail, you would be able to spend 5 minutes explaining it to a 10-year-old and if he/she is allowed to play, he/she would make a killing.
BTW, let me emphasize: THIS IS ALL FLAT BETTING.
I'm posting this because I hate to see players barking up the wrong tree and struggling.
Thinking about odds is irrelevant. It's about how the singles and repeats fall.
Once you discover the grail, you'll be thinking:
"No f*ing way. It can't be this simple!" But, it is that simple!
I can't share the simple formula because it would be shared like crazy and the casinos would scrap the game entirely. I'm serious. No joke.
You can't blame me for that can you?
You can't blame me for holding onto a simple formula that guarantees riches.
Figure out the grail and quit your day job and live a life of relaxation.
I do hope this post helps to positively change the fortunes of those players who can read between the lines and discover that virtually everything said about roulette is nothing more than smoke and mirrors.
Einstein would have been proud of this roulette solution, which is so elegant; so simple.
All the best.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2013, 09:57:33 AM by Vaddi »
Next postig from Vaddis :
General guidelines and more tips:
Let's assume that 10 is the maximum of numbers that you will bet on.
Stage 1) Begin single sequence to X numbers (where X represents the maximum numbers that you will bet on)
You enter casino and the number ...
13 has just dropped. Place your unit chip on it. (1 unit in total)
30 drops instead. Now place a unit on 13 and 30 (2 units total)
17 drops instead. Now place a unit on 13, 30, and 17 (3 units total)
13 drops. You win and make a profit.
Because you are in profit and because you have not reached your X number limit of 10, you will continue the process all over again, by placing a unit chip on your last dropped number, which is 13. You will continue this process of betting on every number that drops.
Now, as I've said, "The X number is important" and it's not 10 .
As another clue, I suggest that you create a stepping sequence (like above) wherein if you hit the last number in that sequence, you will break even.
If you use 10, you will have 10 numbers on the table if you reach your 10-number limit. And, if the ball lands on that last set of 10, you'll make a small loss and the funny thing is that 10 numbers doesn't improve accuracy over the lower, perfect X number.
Stage 2)
If you do not make a hit within the first stage, that means that you have bet X times on X numbers. That is 10 spins, 10 numbers, no hits.
So, you might have something like this:
36 (The last number dropped)
19 (part of your 10-number X group)
14 (part of your 10-number X group)
25 (part of your 10-number X group)
17 (part of your 10-number X group)
31 (part of your 10-number X group)
13 (part of your 10-number X group)
0 (part of your 10-number X group)
3 (part of your 10-number X group)
22 (part of your 10-number X group)
2 (part of your 10-number X group)
At this point, your set of 10 didn't come up. And the last number that landed is 36.
So, the idea is to bet on every number that the wheel spits out, but you want to always place a limit on how much you place on the table. Betting on 10 numbers is a waste, so find that magic X number.
From this point onward you will bet on 10 numbers (or the X number when you discover it).
But, this is what you do:
Knock the #2 off the bottom so that your new 10-set bet selection now becomes ...
36 (part of your new 10-number X group)
19 (part of your new 10-number X group)
14 (part of your new 10-number X group)
25 (part of your new 10-number X group)
17 (part of your new 10-number X group)
31 (part of your new 10-number X group)
13 (part of your new 10-number X group)
0 (part of your new 10-number X group)
3 (part of your new 10-number X group)
22 (part of your new 10-number X group)
If the next spin hits one of your X numbers, then great! But, you must check to see if you have increased your bankroll above what you started with at Stage 1.
If you are in profit above where your bankroll was when you started with at Stage 1, then go back to Stage 1 and place a unit chip on the last number that made you win.
If you are not in profit at this point in Stage 2, then continue playing your X-number blocks (in this example: 10) by knocking off the bottom number and adding the number that landed.
So, let's say #31 landed (you win) and your bankroll is below the level when you first placed your first single unit at Stage 1. In this case, ...
... you'll only bet on 9 numbers. Wink Why? You're following the pattern and spins of the wheel. The wheel is telling you that you're accurate so you need to lay out less on the table:
You're thinking in terms of number of numbers and number of spins.
So, we now have ...
31 (The last number dropped)
36 (part of your new 10-number X group)
19 (part of your new 10-number X group)
14 (part of your new 10-number X group)
25 (part of your new 10-number X group)
17 (part of your new 10-number X group)
31 (part of your new 10-number X group)
13 (part of your new 10-number X group)
0 (part of your new 10-number X group)
3 (part of your new 10-number X group)
22 (part of your new 10-number X group)
Looking at the 10 last spins, you now only need to bet on 9 by knocking off #22 and adding #31. But, of course, #31 is slap bang in the middle of your X number set (it's not at the bottom, where you would knock it off).
Of course, if you discover the X number, sometimes you end up betting on lower numbers than 9, while making hits.
Once your bankroll is in profit above what you started with at the first placing of your first-stage single chip, then start the first-stage single chip process all over again.
Another aspect you can observe and experiment with, is multiple 37-spin cycles, starting from Stage 1 + Stage 2, as described in this post.
All the best.
- Vaddi
P.S.: Should have added the following:
If you break even when one of your numbers hit, then go back and start Stage 1 all over again.
Which means, if at any stage ... let's say your bankroll was $1200 and it went down, and then you get a hit that takes you back to $1200, you would re-start Stage 1 and bet on the number that just hit.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2013, 05:31:07 PM by Vaddi »
Quote from: ombrerico on June 01, 2013, 05:05:23 PM
My dear Vaddi, thanks to your generous kindness and genius will be able to create Harvest Grail, or should call Harvest Vaddi? In honor of Genius Vaddi. Cool
Ornery Vaddi the Grail is discovered by you even long-term winner, and gathering all the tips you gave us, is only a matter of time and many test so Harvest discover what sequence of numbers that can win in the long term and there is only joy.
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 = 36 This must be the secret number
Now all I need is to Harvest 100 000 test cycles 37 and see if there is increasing profit or everything ends as always in balance.
Thank Vaddi
Yep, I see that little magic number that is smaller than 10. And, just look at how it's perfectly placed in relation to posts about break-even. That position is absolutely perfect in that sequence of numbers. Absolutely perfect. Smiley
Here's another thought: each 37-spin cycle is never the same, and each 37-spin cycle produces its own dominant numbers. That's why there is no such thing as hot numbers per se. Smiley Because all numbers eventually become "hot numbers" in their own respective 37-spin cycle, so as to maintain long-term equilibrium of all the numbers over time.
- Vaddi
Vaddi Yes, I can test with Live Roulette.
Maybe also work with rng, but at least it works in Live is a miracle in our lives.
I'm a little confused with the three phases of the grail.
1st Phase bet 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8
if you lose
2nd Phase bet block of 8 numbers following upgrade
3rd Phase decrease a bet block number 7 following upgrade
What is the time to move from phase 2 to phase 3?
When we stop betting phase 3?
The 3 phases must occur within 37 spins?
When done 37 spins we start phase 1? Huh?
Vaddi Text;:
If you are betting on 8 numbers and they are not hit, then you would remove the oldest number in your 8-set and add the number that just landed. So, you are changing your 8-number by one number after each wheel spin.
That means that each number of your 8-number set is placed 8 times on the table.
There are only two phases:
* 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 (stepped sequence)
* 8-blocks
For 8-blocks example: say you miss all 8 of ...
Let's say that the last number landed that missed your 8-set is 20.
Then your next 8-bet is ...
If you now get a hit on 12, your next 8-bet is ...
However, in this 8-set, you have the same #12, appearing twice, so you actually bet on ...
12, 20, 2, 7, 9, 16, 3 = 7 numbers
So, before you start playing, you look at your bankroll and make a note of the amount.
You begin at the beginning: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8. If you increase your bankroll or break even at this stage, you go back to the 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 process and place a single bet on the last landed number that made you win or break even.
If you lose the 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 process, you are then at the block stage as described previously:
Also, if you break even or increase your bankroll at the block stage in comparison to what your bankroll was at the 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 stage, then go back to 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 where you will begin all over again by placing a single chip on the last landed number.
The 37-spin cycle is not of the greatest importance as such, because you can play the system for long period sessions. However, you should make a profit within 185 spins.
Also, for your own knowledge and understanding, it's a good idea to see how your bankroll performs every 37 spins (= 37 bets in terms of single and group bets) and up to the range of 185 spins (= 185 bets in terms of single and group bets).
Of course, 185 = 37 x (5 cycles)
I've played up to 296 spins (8 cycles) and discovered that doing so is a waste of time because better and faster profits are within 24 - 74 spins.
I would say keep the spins below 185 = (5 cycles). You don't have to go this far as a regular occurrence.
But, as you can appreciate, you need to test these things personally.
Hope that helps.
- Vaddi
« Last Edit: June 02, 2013, 12:48:46 AM by Vaddi »
Vaadi gave 3 systems, first 10 numbers,, repeaters, it failed, then 2nd Holy grail, as posted above, that also failed, and 3rd is La Bomba, variation of 2nd system, after that we don't know what happened,,
You have not pasted the pairings idea.
More-no; google roulette simulator. There you can see players winning games and more often than not, losing games.
Just hit the more button in their game history page and you'll see the stream of numbers played.
You can see Vaddi idea's and see it does not hit enough.
thank you very much for your hints.
I accidentally found this posting by Vaddi
and thought that might help with the search for an answer.
You write I have to "Just hit the more button in their game history page and you'll see the stream of numbers played",
do you mean in this forum?
Many thanks :thumbsup:
No, you will have to google and ask for roulette simulator.
It's better than the one on RF forum.
Hello nottophammer,
I feel very lucky to have received your thoughtful advice.
Thank you for your kindness and time in helping me to navigate this situation.
Your wisdom was exactly what we needed here in the forum!
Thanks !!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
hi guys, :thumbsup:
surely here in forum everyone is looking for answer to Vaddi's Holy Grail.
I can't understand something.
The well-known forum member PASSION RULETA who studied Vaddis
Holy Grail and knows the answer writes the following in an explanation for Vaddis:
"This is the complete knowledge about vaddis, the only thing that would
be missing would be how to mix the two states to win as vaddis says,
although I really think I know how it does, but playing both states
is played at too many or it's really not out of all defined.
.........I don't think I have to say anything else, I think this makes it very clear.
I'm studying the way to play both states as I mention edintitated in the base,
but if I do that, I end up playing the same numbers as looking at the last 37 spins,
so it's playing a lot of numbers and it's the same .
Why does he say
"It could be 6 turns or even less, but I've done tests and it's not profitable",
differently in forums he writes that the system is good
and makes secrets of it?
Quote from: moreno on Jan 25, 06:31 PM 2022
hi guys, :thumbsup:
surely here in forum everyone is looking for answer to Vaddi's Holy Grail.
I can't understand something.
The well-known forum member PASSION RULETA who studied Vaddis
Holy Grail and knows the answer writes the following in an explanation for Vaddis:
"This is the complete knowledge about vaddis, the only thing that would
be missing would be how to mix the two states to win as vaddis says,
although I really think I know how it does, but playing both states
is played at too many or it's really not out of all defined.
.........I'm studying the way to play both states as I mention edintitated in the base, but if I do that, I end up playing the same numbers as looking at the last 37 spins, so it's playing a lot of numbers and it's the same.
The only option of playing both states would be to further reduce the turns to watch.
It could be 6 turns or even less, but I've done tests and it's not profitable, I was right Jun.
Well I think with this to be clear and when I can I will make videos for you to see it!
Why does he say
"It could be 6 turns or even less, but I've done tests and it's not profitable",
differently in forums he writes that the system is good
and makes secrets of it?
Quote from: moreno on Jan 25, 07:13 PM 2022
Hello moreno.I have too studied vaddis..but i m not sure if this system really exist.Because Vaddis never show any result or proof.
Vaddis tips is very confuse because not is only mix the 2 states..Vaddis too say for observe how the pairs numbers connect at each 4 spins ..
Okay, I don’t think Vaddi is a winning method; solely because using 1st 8 spins does not win enough, even after seeing Luck of the Irish’s data.
I don’t think Gordon or Sergio really have Vaddi.
If you carry on with the blocks of 8 numbers, again, doesn’t win enough. That’s my thoughts.
So, I’m sitting indoors with my legs up, as I’m having an RA flare, that’s what GP and consultant say. Ankle and right knee are giving me gip.
Okay, here’s some thoughts on using pairings.
You see the mat has it’s 3 groups of 12 numbers, the dozens. You observe 4 spins. If you have 4 spins and have all 3 dozen in the 4 spins, bet the 4 numbers with their pairing, going forward and backwards.
You bet 3 times, changing the numbers as you spin.
If you win, watch next 4 spins, if one of the dozens is missing keep spinning until all 3, dozens are in the 4 spins.
If you lose 3 spins of betting; up to you if you carry on with a 12 number progression.
reminds me of grandpaa's way a little.
Well close to the 185 spins.
Good graph Notto, but Vaddi also said no progressions.
Hello Proof
I think from the few previous posts, that members/readers can see I'm not a fan of the Vaddi method.
I spent some time yesterday and the pairings still has to many numbers or pockets as aka: General will spout, against you.
But nothing ventured nothing gained.
Here just gained more proof for me to just use ROTT; or as Herbie says use your "gamblers intelligence"
Try to see how over 40 spins, the known to me, 1-3-5-7=16 repeats, you can make decisions on whether to bet for repeats or non-hits.
Here is an idea :)
Procedure: Start by betting the last decision outcome and its pair.
Example: #30 (newest outcome)
Bet 30,31: 1.) 13(x)-2
Bet that last two numbers and the newest trigger together.
Bet 30, 31, 13, 14: 2.) 6(x)-4
Again bet the last four numbers and the newest trigger together.
Bet 30, 31, 13, 14, 6, 7: 3.) 0(x)-6
And the last bet of this series, the last six numbers and the new trigger.
Bet 30, 31, 13, 14, 6, 7, 0, 1: 4.) 19(x)-8
If none of those hit, start over with the last decision.
Bet 19, 20....
Quote from: moreno on Jan 22, 08:31 PM 2022
Guys Vaddi talking about a formula in their postings, regarding balance.
What do you think?
Formula he gave later , 12/4=3 and 24/8=3.
12/4 =3 is base.,its knowable fact which no one can mess up,,here is true explabation
Divide 36 nbers in 9 blocks, and put 12 unique nbers in that block,u will get 3 blocks having 2 nbers each, 9 blocks will come if we have one block of 4 nber,
Quote from: Elite on Feb 16, 03:46 AM 2022
12/4 =3 is base.,its knowable fact which no one can mess up,,here is true explabation
Divide 36 nbers in 9 blocks, and put 12 unique nbers in that block,u will get 3 blocks having 2 nbers each, 9 blocks will come if we have one block of 4 nber,
Hello mean 36numbers /9 blocks =4 ?? How you will have 3 blocks with 2 numbers?? can give me a example?
enter 12 nbers in 9 blocks, u can do this on paper
12 unique nbers entered in nine blocks of 4, result will b 3 having two nbers, this is 12/4=3, and six having 1 number, this is extreme case,with 12 unique, and this rise to balance nmber greater than 6 and less than 9,
Example, 9 nbers drop and we put 9 in 9 blocks , now what about reaming 3 nvers, it will go in blocks having already 1 nber, so 3 blocks will have 2 6 will have 1. Now situation is , 6 blocks having 6 nners and 3 blocks having 6 nvers, double and single 50 50 '6+6 =12 nvers
Law of third, 12 doubles , 12 singles in 36. So above case was with 12 ,, if we expand it to 2 times or 3 timesstill it will b same, two times case 24/8=3, , 48/16=3, 96/32=3
I had a gap playing 9 nr for 12 round and there must more higher gaps .. How you will play that bet?
May I try?
Bet last decision as Vaddi said in the beginning.
Example: #1 (newest)
Bet #1: 1.) 33(x)-1
Bet 1, 33: 2.) 4(x)-2
Bet 1, 33, 4...
If eight total numbers miss, just bet those same eight continuously
and change the last decision with each spin. (nine numbers in play)
If one of the eight uniques hits, bet the pair number and continue.
Bankroll suggestion: 180 units
As far as law of third, Vaddi imo was focusing on unique outcomes.
The challenge is to make it playable, profitable (and time friendly).
Bank roll, 12 * is numbers to bet .e.g
8 nbers*12=96 . how that will process is ,12/4=3,, e.g with, 8 , we loose 4 times, and it happens ,3 times, e.g, 8, loss, 8 loss,8 loss, 8 loss, repeat this process again, then again, 3 times,total
Same for profit, 12*8 =96. Exit point, a balance system will leads to 0 in long run, with out exit points, its waste of time, its my view only,,
Quote from: 6th-sense on Nov 10, 04:58 AM 2021
Only just seen this today,,Yep I remember you and what i told you ..
Well done
Hi 6th-sense
Can i ask what you said to him ? Maybe it could enlightening us too :)
8 numbers for doubles + 4 numbers for singles///it's a vaddi system
But that's half the way there.
In roulette everything is much simpler) :thumbsup:
Hey, has anyone been able to decode Vaddi's hints and found the HG yet?
I am guessing that is why this have quiet down?
Just asking, because........
Vaddis holy grail is dogshit
Doesnt exist
You are the one dude!!