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Roulette-focused => The Notepad => Topic started by: onetaste on Nov 02, 10:29 AM 2015

Title: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: onetaste on Nov 02, 10:29 AM 2015
System idea is as easy as 1,2,3...The strike-rate will surprise. You simply continually bet against the dozens sequence of 1,2,3 appearing.You can go for one win per line (3 spins) or on a rolling basis. The strikerate is so high that 1,3,9 will suffice.MOST wins are in first or second spins.

1,3,2---W 2nd spin
2,1,1---W 1st spin
2,3,2 ---W 1st spin
3,1,2---W 1st spin
1,2,1---W 3rd spin

I play at b & M casinos exclusively/..No extensive software tests or anything.Just a simple observation. that dozens appearing 1 then 2 then 3 doesn't happen often and is something that can be taken advantage of. Give it a go. O0
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 02, 10:49 AM 2015
Awesome idea

I can recommend: after 1 or 2 wins switch tables or take a break before the inevitable happens
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: martin on Nov 02, 05:11 PM 2015
onetaste: Flatbet, or any progression?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 02, 05:46 PM 2015
i assume each game is a set of 3 spins

when you win you wait

so if you win at spin 2, dont bet spin 3. wait and bet again at next game set of 3 spins

bet 2-3, then 1-3, then 1-2

so far 1 3 9 seems safe IF you dont push it, 1 or 2 wins and move on to another table or wait

this should be tested thoroughly i think it has potential
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: onetaste on Nov 02, 05:58 PM 2015
yeah,that's right. each 3 spins is a mini-game. if win on 1st or 2nd spin finish the 3 spins virtually.just so your staying on top of the cycle.1,2,3 will come every now and then.but the wins far exceed the few times that happens.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 02, 05:59 PM 2015
Quote from: onetaste on Nov 02, 05:58 PM 2015
yeah,that's right. each 3 spins is a mini-game. if win on 1st or 2nd spin finish the 3 spins virtually.just so your staying on top of the cycle.1,2,3 will come every now and then.but the wins far exceed the few times that happens.

one bet once a day 1 3 9 with $50 chips win or lose leave, i guarantee youd be up at weeks end

not realistic though lol
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: doola on Nov 02, 07:52 PM 2015
TwisterUK posted something very similar to this about 5-6 years ago, it had a really good following from what I read.  It got tweaked quite a bit in the end, but got dropped like most ideas after a time.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: onetaste on Nov 02, 08:08 PM 2015
yeah.it's somewhat based on that.alot of different ideas that can be used when it comes to playing this way.his was a single dozen betting selection.jot down in a similar fashion but bet that the dozen will match the line above.effective as well.especially if wait after a line misses..or simply bet that the line above will not match the next line and so on.i just simplified it to continually betting against 1,2,3.Using a good penthouse could even bet on a rolling basis.... double dozen betting gets old and makes you sweat too much when using a straight prog though.i think why double dozens go by the way side alot.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 02, 08:29 PM 2015
If 1 2 3 happens rarely leveller may be decent or the gr8 progression on a rolling basis
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: ddarko on Nov 02, 09:18 PM 2015

why bet against 1,2,3 ? why not 2,3,1 or 1,1,2 etc etc

Any sequence you bet against has the same odds of happening what makes 1,2,3 so special ?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 02, 09:25 PM 2015
i have tested the first 102 spins of zumma (american since onetaste plays in AC)

102 spins being 34 mini games

i had one mini game loss in the 34 mini games. in all cases 1 3 9 won, except once. question remains, play mini games, or just play on a rolling basis with an ever so slight progression?

bravo onetaste this is a good bet selection i believe. granted this is a small sample size it does have potential. thanks for the new idea.

played as mini games and  1 3 9 prog, + 33 units - 26 units, total gain of +7 units

for what its worth flat betting every spin would have yielded +5 units

playing with $10 chips and $500 bankroll, resetting after a loss at 9 units per dozen back to 1 unit bankroll survived and in plus  :thumbsup:

with a win goal of 5 units you may never see that 3L


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: onetaste on Nov 02, 09:26 PM 2015
ha.good point..easier to keep track of i reckon...and ghost.looks good.thx for testing.as you see most wins are in first and second spins.so could even do 1,3 stop and recover 2,6.the gr8 crossed my mind as well.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 02, 09:47 PM 2015
just want to say arriving one spin early or one spin late would have avoided the 3L. so based on that session it can be considered a rarity. more testing needed.

Edit: computers off now. So ill check tomorrow but i believe that 3L had a 0 or 00. Therefore an insurance break even chip on 0 00 is something to consider
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: doola on Nov 02, 09:56 PM 2015
First quick test using European wheel flat betting, not a bad result.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: doola on Nov 03, 01:13 AM 2015
Second test, another good result flat betting, at least it does not lose big.  I don't recommend playing with a progression.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 03, 06:34 AM 2015
The more i think about this the more i like the idea of playing this with turbo genius 4 number back method

Hitting numbers as an added bonus
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: doola on Nov 03, 08:29 PM 2015
Another set played with leveller progression but only 1 2 4.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 03, 10:54 PM 2015
15 or so airball machines by me

1 mini game on each and leave

Soon enough

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 04, 07:44 PM 2015
just went through 185 spins from smart live as seen on this forum

the pattern 1-2-3 did not happen ONCE, not even once.


therefore i honestly believe with a stop loss and a short session this is a long time winner and it should not be forgotten about. this will pay for many casino lunches for me

my plan: $5 units with progression 1, 3, 9. bankroll $130....several different bankrolls. 2nd one being $10 units, total roll of $260

past few months fun money only. next month im going in with real loot
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Nov 05, 08:47 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Nov 04, 07:44 PM 2015
just went through 185 spins from smart live as seen on this forum

the pattern 1-2-3 did not happen ONCE, not even once.


therefore i honestly believe with a stop loss and a short session this is a long time winner and it should not be forgotten about. this will pay for many casino lunches for me

my plan: $5 units with progression 1, 3, 9. bankroll $130....several different bankrolls. 2nd one being $10 units, total roll of $260

past few months fun money only. next month im going in with real loot

It would be interesting to see how truly rare this pattern is in 10,000 spins.

You could use the following :

1-3-9 (if lose go to next step)

2-6-18 (if lose go to next step)

4-12-36 (if lose go to next step)


........if you had a large enough bankroll.

Another idea would be a 3-line Labby to keep the bets low.....adding lines if the you ended up in Marti territory. :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 05, 09:09 AM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Nov 05, 08:47 AM 2015
It would be interesting to see how truly rare this pattern is in 10,000 spins.

You could use the following :

1-3-9 (if lose go to next step)

2-6-18 (if lose go to next step)

4-12-36 (if lose go to next step)


........if you had a large enough bankroll.

Another idea would be a 3-line Labby to keep the bets low.....adding lines if the you ended up in Marti territory. :thumbsup:

Thats a good idea

My local casino has 15 airball machines. 1 mini game of 3 spins at each

The chances of hitting 1 2 3 pattern on multiple machines is extremely slim i think

Shame on me. I not familiar with labby
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Nick-the-Greek on Nov 05, 10:52 AM 2015
I've been following this thread and FYI put together the attached spread sheet based on ten sessions on Betfair Live from the past few weeks for just under 500 spins. (Please excuse any errors but I've done this manually - next time I'll put together excel formula to work it out automatically).

No monetary values entered yet as I wanted to make sure I had the system right and also highlight some long losing runs of four and five spins which go past your suggested three progression steps - What do you suggest in these situations?

I'm still learning so would appreciate confirmation, comments and guidance?

Many thanks.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Nick-the-Greek on Nov 05, 11:13 AM 2015
Sorry, non-password protected file now attached.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 05, 11:29 AM 2015
Thanks for the results Nick

Not bad

Start after 2 virtual losses is a thought
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: onetaste on Nov 05, 12:59 PM 2015
have another bet selection in the works.post it soon...keep me posted on your testing guys. :D
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 05, 01:04 PM 2015
Quote from: onetaste on Nov 05, 12:59 PM 2015
have another bet selection in the works.post it soon...keep me posted on your testing guys. :D

Lookin forward to it

So far so good with the 1 2 3
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 05, 06:34 PM 2015

noone like columns

but i wonder how "rare" 123 is on columns

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: onetaste on Nov 05, 06:43 PM 2015
ha.was just about to post something regarding that..A,B,C prob as rare as 1,2,3. Every once in a while I bet both at same time using same sequence.If both hit,then win 2 units.If columns hit but not dozens,you only lose 1 unit.So betting against 1 in dozens and against A in columns.I even combined the quads for shitz and giggles and occasionally got all three to sync for a megatron win.but kinda reaching at that point.Columns are a strange bird for some reason..I'd like someone to come out with a straight columns system.I actually kinda dig playing them.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 05, 06:44 PM 2015
Quote from: onetaste on Nov 05, 06:43 PM 2015
ha.was just about to post something regarding that..A,B,C prob as rare as 1,2,3. Every once in a while I bet both at same time using same sequence.If both hit,then win 2 units.If columns hit but not dozens,you only lose 1 unit.So betting against 1 in dozens and against A in columns.I even combined the quads for shitz and giggles and occasionally got all three to sync for a megatron win.but kinda reaching at that point.Columns are a strange bird for some reason..I'd like someone to come out with a straight columns system.I actually kinda dig playing them.

just posted 2 column methods in another thread enjoy
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 05, 07:03 PM 2015
back to this thread

currently looking at 123 for columns

so far better then dozens but wayyyyy too soon to say...need to check a few hundred minimum
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 05, 07:10 PM 2015
can even get crazier

how often does 1 2 3 occur on dozen column dozen

in other words bet:

spin 1) bet 2nd and 3rd dozens
spin 2) bet 1st and 3rd columns
spin 3) bet 1st and 2nd dozens

3 bets  :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: doola on Nov 06, 02:07 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Nov 05, 07:03 PM 2015
currently looking at 123 for columns

so far better then dozens but wayyyyy too soon to say...need to check a few hundred minimum

I have been researching betting on columns for a long long time.  Two of the most common patterns with columns are 123123 and its opposite 321321.

If you get it right, column betting is one of the few ways of betting where you can almost always break even over a set number of spins.

IMO if there were a Holy Grail for Roulette it would be based on columns.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 08, 08:13 PM 2015
Id like to add a suggestion or a tweak to the play for any member here interested in one tastes finding

I thought of this tweak because of the times ive seen a 1 2 3 happen i never saw a 4 loss in a row suffered yet. In other words 1 2 3 then 1 ( 1 2 3 1) have not seen that yet

So the tweak: when u arrive at the table the last spin is your starting point

Example: last spin was 23. 2nd dozen. Pretend that was a virtual loss

In other words you were on step 2 betting the 2nd dozen woldnt show but it did.

So your next bet would be dozen 3 wont show. If lose now bet dozen 1 wont show. If lose now bet dozen 2 wont show. As mentioned expect 1 loss every 60 to 100 spins but by playing THIS way it may be better

So whatever number just hit thats where you start

On a win stop. Sit out for one spin. Next spin is 3, 1st dozen that was virtual and pretend a loss now next bet against dozen 2 showing bettin it wont go 1 2 3. Then if lost bet against dozen 3. Every win stop and wait for next spin as ur virtual loss starting point

I think playing this way will avoid some 1 2 3 losses

I just checked 2 more 185 spin lots. 1 had 1 loss and the other had 2 losses on the original method

Next i will test with this tweak. But not tonight
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 09, 09:13 AM 2015
Tweak 2

Wait for pattern 1,2 2,3 or 3,1 then begin betting against 1 2 3

Wait for one of the above triggers then bet

Example: 3,1 just happened. Now bet against 2. If win wait for next trigger. If lose next bet against 3.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 09, 09:46 AM 2015
Heres a test not by me but by normy2000

4 times in 220 spins 1 2 3 occured. Average once every 60 spins

So this is a constant. Once every 60 spins this will happen

So we have a trigger if u can wait.....

Notice the amount of spins 1 2 3 did not happen

This is 5 hours of play. No need for 1000 spin test
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Normy2000 on Nov 09, 09:56 AM 2015
Here is a larger view.

1 = Win at first step
2 = Win at second step
3 = Win at theird step
4 = Lost progression
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 09, 10:01 AM 2015
Quote from: Normy2000 on Nov 09, 09:56 AM 2015
Here is a larger view.

1 = Win at first step
2 = Win at second step
3 = Win at theird step
4 = Lost progression

Many thanks

From spin 50 to 180 no 1 2 3 pattern ^

I think my tweak will work wonder

Wait for 1,2 2,3 or 3,1 then begin rolling then on a win wait

I hope everyone sees the potential here

You can do 1 3 9 once a day with a larger unit

I mean big stuff here

As u can see with the graphs normy has shown whether its 10 thousand spins or 200 spins 1 2 3 is never followed by 1 2 3

Therefore one can say the HG is to wait for 1 2 3 to occur then bet against it happening again. This is big, no?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RayManZ on Nov 09, 10:52 AM 2015
What is so special about the 123 combo?

321 should be just as rare... And i think all the other combo's are also just as rare.

Why not bet for the last combo not to repeat with your 1 3 9 progression?


Wait for this to happen. Then bet against it with 1 3 9  progression. Less waiting and in theory the same results as 123.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 09, 10:55 AM 2015
Quote from: RayManZ on Nov 09, 10:52 AM 2015
What is so special about the 123 combo?

321 should be just as rare... And i think all the other combo's are also just as rare.

Why not bet for the last combo not to repeat with your 1 3 9 progression?


Wait for this to happen. Then bet against it with 1 3 9  progression. Less waiting and in theory the same results as 123.

Something to consider

Thanks. Ill try it
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RayManZ on Nov 09, 11:17 AM 2015
Did some testing:

66k spins:

123: 831
132: 854
213: 824
231: 807
312: 771
321: 802
111: 774
222: 790
333: 795

123 123: 31
132 132: 35
213 213: 30
231 231: 30
312 312: 26
321 321: 28
111 111: 23
222 222: 22
333 333: 26

So a repeat does happen, but not very often. i did the math and you will be in profit if you are using 1 3 9 progression. Not a great profit but it will be profit. About 100u per combo. So 900units in 66k spins...

It takes 26 wins to recover from a bust. That's alot...Maybe with a huge bankroll you can double the progression on a bust so you'll only need 13 wins?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 09, 11:25 AM 2015
Yea good idea

26 wins to recover is a lot but its also a guarantee. You typically wont see 123 twice within 26 spins so the recovery rate is good

Thats why the best trigger would be 1 2 3 then begin

Good testing sir!

P.s. double to recover in 13 spins is good idea

Also when i do play with real money it will be at my local casino with 15 auto wheels. Im going for one win at each airball machine then leave
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RayManZ on Nov 09, 11:34 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Nov 09, 11:25 AM 2015
Yea good idea

26 wins to recover is a lot but its also a guarantee. You typically wont see 123 twice within 26 spins so the recovery rate is good

Thats why the best trigger would be 1 2 3 then begin

Good testing sir!

P.s. double to recover in 13 spins is good idea

Also when i do play with real money it will be at my local casino with 15 auto wheels. Im going for one win at each airball machine then leave

It's not 26 spins. It's 26 bets. You need 26 bets. You only bet after a combo happened. Like 123. Then bet against 123.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 09, 11:54 AM 2015
Oh well in that case id do 1 3 9 twice win 2 units and move tables or leave.

I was talking about continuous betting but if u mean waiting for 1 2 3 to occur then we should win almost everytime
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 09, 12:01 PM 2015
Another way would be to wait for any 3 combo to repeat. Then bet the next 3 combo wont repeat

So many ways. Sigh.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 09, 01:08 PM 2015
Quote from: Normy2000 on Nov 09, 09:56 AM 2015
Here is a larger view.

1 = Win at first step
2 = Win at second step
3 = Win at theird step
4 = Lost progression

Normy, to avoid the drastic downslide we can bet the 1st two bets. 1 then 3. If lose sit out the 3rd spin and start again at the next set of 3. One taste suggested 1, 3. If lose sit out 3rd spin then do 2,6 on first 2 spins of the next set of 3

We never have to bet step 3 of 9 units. Can be virtual. That graph would be drastically different

There are many ways to make such a sure bet profitable
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 09, 01:26 PM 2015
Does anyone agree that this is a HG or am i just nuts? Be honest
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 09, 01:58 PM 2015
Quote from: RayManZ on Nov 09, 11:17 AM 2015
Did some testing:

66k spins:

123: 831
132: 854
213: 824
231: 807
312: 771
321: 802
111: 774
222: 790
333: 795

123 123: 31
132 132: 35
213 213: 30
231 231: 30
312 312: 26
321 321: 28
111 111: 23
222 222: 22
333 333: 26

So a repeat does happen, but not very often. i did the math and you will be in profit if you are using 1 3 9 progression. Not a great profit but it will be profit. About 100u per combo. So 900units in 66k spins...

It takes 26 wins to recover from a bust. That's alot...Maybe with a huge bankroll you can double the progression on a bust so you'll only need 13 wins?

The math is astonishing. How close it all is...
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Normy2000 on Nov 09, 04:46 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Nov 09, 12:01 PM 2015
Another way would be to wait for any 3 combo to repeat. Then bet the next 3 combo wont repeat

So many ways. Sigh.

A combo of 3 to repeat append aprox. every 2130 spins.
There is 9 of them, 2130/9 = 236.6 spins.

Would you wait (236/50) 4h45 for a trigger? :question:
Not me, because my sessions are aprox. 1h30 max.  8)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 09, 04:53 PM 2015
Quote from: Normy2000 on Nov 09, 04:46 PM 2015
A combo of 3 to repeat append aprox. every 2130 spins.
There is 9 of them, 2130/9 = 236.6 spins.

Would you wait (236/50) 4h45 for a trigger? :question:
Not me, because my sessions are aprox. 1h30 max.  8)

Absolutely. Im with you on that

I wouldnt wait either

Id take advantage of it not repeating as seen here. 30 times in 60 thousand spin. Yousers!!

4 hour wait for a repeat? Thats 4 hours of wins


Ray was onto something. Bet aginst thr past 3. Boom
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Normy2000 on Nov 09, 05:32 PM 2015
Quote from: RayManZ on Nov 09, 10:52 AM 2015
What is so special about the 123 combo?

321 should be just as rare... And i think all the other combo's are also just as rare.

Why not bet for the last combo not to repeat with your 1 3 9 progression?


Wait for this to happen. Then bet against it with 1 3 9  progression. Less waiting and in theory the same results as 123.
I agree here, allready better...
... same 224 spins from SmartLive posted earlier.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Normy2000 on Nov 09, 05:43 PM 2015
Lets try a longer session playing this way, 1436 spins or 28h45  :o

+8 units  :(
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 09, 06:10 PM 2015
Quote from: Normy2000 on Nov 09, 05:32 PM 2015
I agree here, allready better...
... same 224 spins from SmartLive posted earlier.

simulating that the past 3 dozen pattern wont repeat?

judging by that graph one repeat at spin 150 normy?

what we can learn from your graphs, is make a few units and move on to another table or breaktime
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 09, 06:23 PM 2015
i just quickly went through spins 200-300 in american zumma

the previous pattern did not repeat at all

1, 3, 9 won every mini game of 3 spins. of course we stop on a win and wait for the next 3 spin mini game

one condition that we never lost in those 100 spins: a small break even insurance chip on 0

this was simulated as the past 3 spin dozen pattern would not repeat, not against the original 1 2 3 pattern but on the rolling basis that ray suggested. good suggestion ray

good enough for me as i wont stick around for 4 hours, lol
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 09, 07:13 PM 2015
i just went through spins 400 to 600 in zumma

im seeing the previous 3 pattern repeat multiple times...have to re-think that...

i saw 1 1 2 repeat and 1 3 3 repeat

from what im seeing on this, betting against 1 2 3 occuring OR betting against any other set combo occuring may be better?

as ray pointed out choose any, 3 2 1 for example

betting against a static way for a few bets looks better, doesnt have to be 123, can be 3 2 1 or 2 1 3 etc
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Normy2000 on Nov 09, 07:14 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Nov 09, 06:10 PM 2015
simulating that the past 3 dozen pattern wont repeat?

judging by that graph one repeat at spin 150 normy?
For this 224 set yes, only 1 loss, but on the next set of 1436 spins, we have 17 loss, so a repeat every 84.5 spins...

what we can learn from your graphs, is make a few units and move on to another table or breaktime
dunno  :question:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 09, 07:22 PM 2015
here is a 78 spin sample from zumma betting against a 1 2 3 formation (spin 700 american wheel zumma)

green highlight is where we win, and also where we stop and wait for next mini game

each mini game of 3 spins won

mind you, i would not sit for 78 spins, but look at how nice this is........its just.....beautiful

this will surely get me some comped rooms  :twisted: :twisted:

to keep it simple we could just bet that every 3rd spin will not be the 1st dozen with a good ole 1 3 9  :-X

edit: you will see a 0 at a bad time. you WILL see 1, 2, 0 and it will ruin your day, so please insurance chip on zero
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RayManZ on Nov 10, 02:36 AM 2015
Only bet the combo's i gave. 122 is not a good combo. The nine i gave are more rare so you will have better results with it.

Just aim for 10 units daily on a wheel. That should be posible even if you have a bust. And indeed cover the zero. In my results i ignored the zero.

Dont be greedy and be patience and you can make 10 units on a daily basis with this.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 10, 06:31 AM 2015
Quote from: RayManZ on Nov 10, 02:36 AM 2015
Only bet the combo's i gave. 122 is not a good combo. The nine i gave are more rare so you will have better results with it.

Just aim for 10 units daily on a wheel. That should be posible even if you have a bust. And indeed cover the zero. In my results i ignored the zero.

Dont be greedy and be patience and you can make 10 units on a daily basis with this.

Thanks. And i agree

Some of the tests i did betting against 1 2 3 had the same good results betting against 2 3 1.  So changing it up can help avoid the rare loss. Maybe bet against 1 2 3 for a few wins then against 2 3 1 for a few and so on
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Kattila on Nov 10, 07:03 AM 2015
Something to think about :

x is 24 numbers
1  is 12 numbers

Chances to get same after the trigger ?
And how we can get such triggers, is worth to have such trig. ?
Would  be interesting to see some stats about this.






111xxx1 ( here bet against 11xxx)

(i need four 1  for some reason)

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 10, 12:27 PM 2015
Quote from: Kattila on Nov 10, 07:03 AM 2015
Something to think about :

x is 24 numbers
1  is 12 numbers

Chances to get same after the trigger ?
And how we can get such triggers, is worth to have such trig. ?
Would  be interesting to see some stats about this.






111xxx1 ( here bet against 11xxx)

(i need four 1  for some reason)


I have to look into that. A bit confusing at first though. Can you give an example?

Ill test some more tonight, another set against 1 2 3 and maybe a few sets against 2 3 1 and post the results because 2 3 1 looked just as promising

Looking at above chart i made, 2 3 1 did not occur. However, 3 2 1 did.....not saying it occurs more or less but in a group of this amount of spins expect at least one consecutive dozen 3 spin group of:
1 2 3, 2 3 1, or 3 1 2

I cant agree with ray enough, win some units and move tables
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 10, 05:32 PM 2015
Ultimately what id like to do is play with $25 units. Would require $650 bankroll

Two 3 spin mini sessions a day

Profit $50 and leave

Bet against 1 2 3 only twice

If we lost that we should join the unlucky club

If successful bankroll would be doubled in 3 weeks if going 5 days a week

Then move to $50 units

I will attempt this in december and keep you updated

Hey, i can dream right?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 10, 08:21 PM 2015
spin 300 in zumma test

betting against 231 formation

all mini games won

as you can see we saw 1 2 3 ONCE! there it is!

big note here: look at how important the insurance chip is on 0. me? id bet a break even chip, no big chip amounts trying to profit off 0, I mean you can if you want to but this graph shows how important that 0 insurance bet is

such a solid strategy....

if i was at a real wheel live dealer or airball id be DONE at spin #4. I'd win my two units and move on. row 2, and I am out!

see how rare "1 2 3", "2 3 1", "3 1 2" ?? the chances of arriving at the table and one of these happening is 1 in 60-100. good odds. in a 100 spin lot i don't think we will ever see a 1 2 3, 2 3 1, and a 3 1 2 all within the same 100 spin lot. maybe 1 in a million

we can do something along the lines of :
2 mini games against 1 2 3
2 mini games against 2 3 1
2 mini games against 3 1 2

i see dollar signs in my eyes but my wallet is still scared....haunted by past failures

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 10, 09:51 PM 2015
Of the lots ive tested betting against 3 3 1
Hasnt lost once

Not saying it wont lose, just saying i havent seen 331 yet in the tests

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Nov 11, 12:54 PM 2015
Lanky's 6 point divisor not working here ?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 11, 12:56 PM 2015
Quote from: denzie on Nov 11, 12:54 PM 2015
Lanky's 6 point divisor not working here ?

Im sure it would work.

Do you think it is necessary though?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Nov 11, 01:02 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Nov 11, 12:56 PM 2015
Im sure it would work.

Do you think it is necessary though?


I've been doing bit same stuff in the past. And the hit rate is high. But I got my *ss kicked to many times. Just my opinion though.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 11, 01:06 PM 2015
Ill try it
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: muggins on Nov 11, 05:32 PM 2015
I am not a big fan of set pattern betting, but I know lots of others are and it has it's place.  I have come unstuck and had my fingers burnt a few too many times so it makes me a bit apprehensive now.  Always worth a look. 

Good luck with this.  As Tamino always says, use dicipline and know when to leave.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Nov 11, 05:39 PM 2015
Quote from: muggins on Nov 11, 05:32 PM 2015
I am not a big fan of set pattern betting, but I know lots of others are and it has it's place.  I have come unstuck and had my fingers burnt a few too many times so it makes me a bit apprehensive now.

Same here. Even with hit rate being very high. There always those days the losses come to quickly. And the recovery seem to get unreachable. ....

As Steve said....we been twisting and turning methods that are here for years to end up with the same ending.  But never try , never know.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: muggins on Nov 11, 05:45 PM 2015
Quote from: denzie on Nov 11, 05:39 PM 2015
Same here. Even with hit rate being very high. There always those days the losses come to quickly. And the recovery seem to get unreachable. ....

As Steve said....we been twisting and turning methods that are here for years to end up with the same ending.  But never try , never know.

Totally agree, you never know until you try.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 11, 05:49 PM 2015

starting at spin 900 on zumma

78 spins. 26 mini games. approximately 2 hours table time.....

id be done at row 3 and move on

this chart is betting against 1 2 3 formation, green is the win. all mini games won

1 2 3 formation - all games won

2 3 1 formation - 1 game lost, 1st mini game it showed, at that point i know it wouldn't repeat since it happens only 30 times in 60 thousand spins, so id double my bets to recover fast

3 1 2 formation - 1 game lost, quarter of the way down, I wouldn't have seen that though

moral of the story, the formations will happen but its limited to 1 in about 100 spins for each formation

using taminos advice of 20% bankroll win goal you should win 99.999999% of the time if you have discipline, and move on after a few wins

this is not a play every mini game and become rich thing. its more of a 3 to 4 mini game system, win a hundred dollars/euros and leave

HG does not exist, but this is pretty damn close

id also add that if you want to avoid the eventual 26 unit loss of 1 3 9, we can just bet the first 2 steps of each mini game and leave bet 3 (if it gets to that point) as a virtual bet. so if we lose 1, 3 progression STOP and wait for the next mini game. YOU WILL recover faster, much much faster
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 11, 06:28 PM 2015
realistically if i was playing against 1 2 3 with real money and i had the proper bankroll here is how i would play it:

id bet with progression 1 3 9 with $5 units

IF i lost the 1 3 9 progression (which should happen once every 60-200 spins) i would be down $130

now since I am down $130, i know 1 2 3 occuring again would be an extreme and a rarity so I'd aim to win that $130 back fast

I would then move up to $50 units, and in 3 mini games (9 spins) I will be back recovered with profit

I'd only get to that point if I saw 1 2 3 within the 1st 3 mini games. because I would play 2 to 3 mini games MAXIMUM then stop and switch tables or take a break

so my expectations for seeing a 1 2 3 formation are extremely low in the short time I would be there

many ways to do it. take the loss for the day? never bet step 3 of progression? up the unit level to recover quick? take the roulette ball and throw it at the dealer? i dont know....so many ideas can be used for this

help is appreciated!
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 11, 08:03 PM 2015
another lightbulb went off in my head to change things up so the bets aren't static

when arrive at the table

first 3 spin mini game: bet against 1 2 3 on a win wait until next 3 spins

when 3 spin are finished now:

bet against the last 3 formation

so :

bet 1 (mini game #1 of 3 spins) - bet against formation 1 2 3
bet 2 (mini game #2 of 3 spins) - bet against the last 3 formation

bet 1: dozen 2 and 3, then dozen 1 and 3, then dozen 1 and 2, on any win stop and wait until 3 spins is finished
results in those 3 spins were 9, 22, 11
so now mini game #2 we bet against the last 3 formation of 1, 2, 1
bets will be dozens 2 and 3, then dozens 1 and 3, then dozens 2 and 3

simple. easy. wins

the chances of losing 1 2 3 THEN losing a repeat pattern is probably 0.00000000000000002 %  :xd: :xd:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Nov 11, 09:01 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Nov 11, 08:03 PM 2015
another lightbulb went off in my head to change things up so the bets aren't static

when arrive at the table

first 3 spin mini game: bet against 1 2 3 on a win wait until next 3 spins

when 3 spin are finished now:

bet against the last 3 formation

so :

bet 1 (mini game #1 of 3 spins) - bet against formation 1 2 3
bet 2 (mini game #2 of 3 spins) - bet against the last 3 formation

bet 1: dozen 2 and 3, then dozen 1 and 3, then dozen 1 and 2, on any win stop and wait until 3 spins is finished
results in those 3 spins were 9, 22, 11
so now mini game #2 we bet against the last 3 formation of 1, 2, 1
bets will be dozens 2 and 3, then dozens 1 and 3, then dozens 2 and 3

simple. easy. wins

the chances of losing 1 2 3 THEN losing a repeat pattern is probably 0.00000000000000002 %  :xd: :xd:

It appears that the issue is not with the bet selection, but with the progression. The 1-3-9 seems to be a "sudden death" Marti.............I'm sure that GLC has a more effective progression in his arsenal.

This might be a HG, but it needs the right progression.

Even something like a 1-3-9........2-6-18........3-9-27 as different levels might work. Just an idea! :)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 11, 09:19 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Nov 11, 09:01 PM 2015
It appears that the issue is not with the bet selection, but with the progression. The 1-3-9 seems to be a "sudden death" Marti.............I'm sure that GLC has a more effective progression in his arsenal.

This might be a HG, but it needs the right progression.

Even something like a 1-3-9........2-6-18........3-9-27 as different levels might work. Just an idea! :)

Ill figure it out if it kills me
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Nov 11, 10:23 PM 2015
"This might be a HG, but it needs the right progression" >> HG and progression in the same sentence?  :'(

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RFMAXX on Nov 12, 03:48 AM 2015
just another way of play:

do not bet dozens but bet a selection of 12 numbers wheel layout.
total bet 24 singles + zero covered.

had good results so far.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 12, 06:45 AM 2015
Quote from: RFMAXX on Nov 12, 03:48 AM 2015
just another way of play:

do not bet dozens but bet a selection of 12 numbers wheel layout.
total bet 24 singles + zero covered.

had good results so far.

I thought about that

Do you mean cut the wheel into 3 twelve number groups then bet that the previous pattern of the last 3 sectors doesnt repeat?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RFMAXX on Nov 12, 04:12 PM 2015
Or just 12 numbers of your Choice.
Tested it with kimo li Numbers and cant get a loser.
He posted pinwheel xls files month ago for American and European Wheel.
The sequence 3-2-1 Never Happend to me until now. Dont know if its the special pinwheel number selection.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 12, 05:50 PM 2015
Thanks for the tip rfmaxx

Kimo li is easy to find on google images. Ill try and piece together what you just said
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RFMAXX on Nov 12, 05:59 PM 2015
link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=15536.0;attach=17987;image (link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=15536.0;attach=17987;image)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 12, 06:03 PM 2015
I see. So you can bet against 1 2 3 there.....ill have a look

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RFMAXX on Nov 12, 06:19 PM 2015
Try against 321 ;) this is european Wheel. Double 00 is Different
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 12, 06:22 PM 2015
Quote from: RFMAXX on Nov 12, 06:19 PM 2015
Try against 321 ;) this is european Wheel. Double 00 is Different

I have access to euro and american airball so ill have a look at 321 euro
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: GLC on Nov 12, 10:24 PM 2015
I see my name came up in this thread so I thought I'd respond. 

This is just a double dozen bet no matter how you pick the dozens to bet on.  Any of the double dozen progressions posted on this forum will give you the same result.

Some DD progressions are aggressive and you have to have a large bankroll to stay with them because you'll be going in the hole pretty deep.

Others are conservative and you won't need as large of a bankroll but you'll find yourself in the hole for very long periods of time.

I always suggest the Penthouse for double dozens.  112233445566778899etc...  You move 2 steps to the right on a loss and move 1 step to the left on a win.

Here's some progression lines that go from very aggressive to very conservative.  Still 2 to the right on loss and 1 to the left on win.

1 1 3 3 5 5 7 7 9 9 11 11 13 13 15 15 17 17 19 19 21 21 etc...

1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 etc...

1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 etc...

11111 222222 33333 44444 55555 66666 77777 88888 99999 etc...

As a final thought, the 3 step marty is as good as any other progression.  A Marty is a very bad idea only if you don't cap it.  If you cap it at 3 steps, it's not any worse than other progressions.

If this system wins with any progression, it will win with any progression.  Using that logic, it should win with a flat bet as well.

Good Luck to All,


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 13, 01:49 PM 2015
Thanks glc

You are right

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 13, 02:41 PM 2015
Beyond a shadow of a doubt going into the casino and playing against 1 2 3 one time with insurnace on 0 you should be a winner

Maybe hit 3 tables once and leave
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Nov 13, 03:08 PM 2015
How about waiting for 1 of the combinations to repeat, then bet big, like you say.
Now the ?, is the win enough? Go to the next machine,wait for a repeat,bet, win move on.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 13, 03:10 PM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Nov 13, 03:08 PM 2015
How about waiting for 1 of the combinations to repeat, then bet big, like you say.
Now the ?, is the win enough? Go to the next machine,wait for a repeat,bet, win move on.

Notto, that would be ideal. And as ray pointed out on page 4 or 5 almost a sure shot

That way is just about infalliable

The problem is a pattern can take 100 spins before it happens. You may not see 1 2 3, 2 3 1, or 3 1 2 for 60 to 100 spins

Thats why i like the idea of one mini game then switch tables

Ideas welcome
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Nov 13, 03:18 PM 2015
So why not play online? Watch a movie. And go in when it's time.

Or at the casino...have a drink ...walk around...probably many tables...and attack.

PATIENCE  is so important in gambling.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Nov 13, 03:27 PM 2015
when at the touch screen machines, can monitor 3 different games at Aspers MK, so might not have to wait to long. When the knee allows i'll go and have a look.
Aspers MK would have to be evenings only sunday to monday.
But Aspers Westfield London could play afternoons as plenty busy
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Normy2000 on Nov 13, 04:56 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Nov 13, 03:10 PM 2015
The problem is a pattern can take 100 spins before it happens. You may not see 1 2 3, 2 3 1, or 3 1 2 for 60 to 100 spins
Ideas welcome
Yep, 1-2h to wait for these combinations and 4-5h for a repeat.
So i would go for a repeat and bet big, watching 3-4 tables, and playing something else while waiting.
Chance for a trple are not very high i guess.

Just my 2 cents!  :)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 13, 05:14 PM 2015
Yes normy

Most definitely the best way

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 13, 05:33 PM 2015
lets just say if a repeat happened i would go and empty my savings account and go all in

however the short time im at the casino i think the best way for me is in and out

whats the chances of 1 2 3 happening the second you arrive to table? it happens about once every hundred spins...

so if you play one 3 spin mini game then move tables i'd say you have yourself a nice little personal HG

i have upwards of 15 machines at my casino

even with $5 units and $130 bankroll i can leave the casino $75 profit up

i hate to say it but i think 1 3 9 is best for this system

airball decides where it falls with the illusion of a real wheel and ball. however my machines are not rigged. i see people winning thousands on them

besides, would an airball machine avoid my $5 dozens chips while people have $25 chips on numbers....nahhhhh
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Nov 13, 05:52 PM 2015
So in short....

1-2-3 happens once in how many spins ?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 13, 05:53 PM 2015
Quote from: denzie on Nov 13, 05:52 PM 2015
So in short....

1-2-3 happens once in how many spins ?

in 60,000 spins thanks to raymanz

123: 831
132: 854
213: 824
231: 807
312: 771
321: 802
111: 774
222: 790
333: 795

123 123: 31
132 132: 35
213 213: 30
231 231: 30
312 312: 26
321 321: 28
111 111: 23
222 222: 22
333 333: 26

i see 1 2 3 about once every 100 spins
and 123 123 ....31 times in 60,000 spins

ONCE EVERY 1,900 spins you will see 123 123
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Nov 13, 05:57 PM 2015
Can someone back this up with other "personal"wiesbaden"etc" data?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 13, 06:01 PM 2015
Quote from: denzie on Nov 13, 05:57 PM 2015
Can someone back this up with other "personal"wiesbaden"etc" data?

i can back up raymanz data with the copy of american zumma i have. it is accurate

i see 1 2 3 once every 100
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 13, 06:05 PM 2015
onetaste is a modest man

this is his baby

thanks be to him!
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Nov 13, 06:07 PM 2015
That's very impressive!!  I'll keep my eye on it
So this is a lot better than your quads?

OK. Thx onetaste  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 13, 06:08 PM 2015
Quote from: denzie on Nov 13, 06:07 PM 2015
That's very impressive!!  I'll keep my eye on it
So this is a lot better than your quads?

OK. Thx onetaste  :thumbsup:

my quads is a good bet selection as per the wheel

it can win. it can lose. with VL it can win big. i have seen it win flat bet and i have seen it lose flat bet. a multiple alias poster tried to sabotage it.

however i will admit this method by one taste blows it away
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Nov 13, 06:12 PM 2015
Alright.  Thx for your honesty.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 13, 06:19 PM 2015
Quote from: denzie on Nov 13, 06:12 PM 2015
Alright.  Thx for your honesty.

the reason i pushed my quads so hard was 3 nights in a row i left it auto clicker, flat bet on celtic and i was up in profit every morning (on american wheel)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Normy2000 on Nov 13, 06:59 PM 2015
Quote from: Normy2000 on Nov 13, 04:56 PM 2015
... and playing something else while waiting.

Quote from: RouletteGhost on Nov 13, 06:08 PM 2015
my quads is a good bet selection as per the wheel...
... it can win. it can lose. with VL it can win big. i have seen it win flat bet and i have seen it lose flat bet.
Why not this one?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 13, 07:01 PM 2015
yes normy definitely possible

azim plays my quads while he waits for his system to kick in
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Nov 13, 07:03 PM 2015
And his system is.....
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 13, 07:05 PM 2015
Quote from: denzie on Nov 13, 07:03 PM 2015
And his system is.....

he sells it with a bot

but he posted a video playing my quads until his kicked in
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 13, 07:06 PM 2015
when it comes to sellers azim is the only one i trust besides normy who makes bots
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Azim on Nov 13, 11:22 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Nov 13, 07:06 PM 2015
when it comes to sellers azim is the only one i trust besides normy who makes bots

Thanks RG.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 14, 08:38 PM 2015
Today i began my journey

I won $70 today betting against 1 2 3

I used $10 units

Progression was 10, 20, 60 per spot. Progression was to cut losses but not too extreme. The progression breaks even in step 2 and 3

Id win 10 then switch airball machines

Was very easy

The casino had a few airball machines disassembled and they were replaced with another brand

I played euro and american

In my time there i saw 1 2 3 once but it was before i arrived about 10 spins back
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: GLC on Nov 14, 11:12 PM 2015
RG,  I've been looking at this bet within a matrix.  I set up a 3 wide matrix and bet that the middle vertical won't form 1 - 2 - 3.  That means we only get a bet every 3rd spin, but what's the hurry.

So, if our 1st spin is the 3rd dozen we bet on the 2nd and 3rd dozen against a 1st dozen spin for the middle position.  Let's say we get a 1st dozen hit, our matrix will look like this

3 1

If our next 2 spins are the 2nd doz and the 3rd doz, our matrix looks like this

3 1 2

We now bet 3-3 against the 2nd doz showing.  Let's say we get the 1st doz, our matrix is

3 1 2
3 1

That's a win.  If our next 2 dozens are 3 and 3 our matrix ix

3 1 2
3 1 3

Now we bet 1-1 against a 1st doz.  That's a little confusing because it looks like we should be betting against a 2nd doz, but remember that the 1st doz hit above was a win because we were betting against a 2nd dozen.

We just keep betting against this:

3 1 1
2 2 3
1 3 1

As you can see, the middle column creates 1 2 3 which is a loss.

Of course we could bet against any columns or even the diagonals.  A 3 wide matrix isn't special.  We could use a 4 5 6 or 7 or even more if we want more time between bets.

Just an idea that might or might not improve the system.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 15, 11:54 AM 2015
Good idea glc we can test it as a matrix
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 15, 12:18 PM 2015
I only saw 1 2 3 once yesterday between multiple airball machines. Keep in mind arriving one spin before or after and u miss that. So the chances are so low!

solid performer

I owe one tase drinks in AC with my winnings
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: GLC on Nov 15, 02:59 PM 2015
I make these observations just to qualify my previous post.  There's no reason why betting against 1 - 2 - 3 forming is better than betting against 2 - 2 - 2 or 2- 1 - 3 or any other arrangement of dozens.  They're all the same odds.

If you wait until you have a series of say 3 wins in a row of any dozen, then bet against 1-2-3, you might have a better hit rate.  It also means fewer betting opportunities. 

Of course, everything we're suggesting is "gambler's fallacy" but what else is there?

As a thought on the progression, if you lose a 1-1  3-3  9-9 progression, we could go to a 3-3  9-9  27-27  for 7 or 8 wins and then drop back to 1-1  3-3  9-9 to recover the remaining units.  If you lose within the 8 wins at 3-3 9-9 27-27 then you can move to a final progression of 9-9 27-27 81-81 for 8 times and then drop back down.  More risky, but a loss on  the 3rd set of bets should be pretty rare.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Chrisbis on Nov 15, 03:05 PM 2015
Nice Matrix use George! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 16, 08:57 AM 2015
George in the matrix you recommend playing one column only?

So in other words

Bet dozens 2 and 3
3 spins plater bet dozens 1 and 3
3 spins later bet dozens 1 and 2
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: GLC on Nov 16, 11:57 AM 2015
RG,  No.  There's only 2 skips between bets.  So we're betting against 1-2-3 from top to bottom in the center column of the matrix.  The following is an example of a loss.

2 1 3
3 3 2
1 1 2
3 2 2
1 3 2
2 2 1

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 16, 12:02 PM 2015
Quote from: GLC on Nov 16, 11:57 AM 2015
RG,  No.  There's only 2 skips between bets.  So we're betting against 1-2-3 from top to bottom in the center column of the matrix.  The following is an example of a loss.

2 1 3
3 3 2
1 1 2
3 2 2
1 3 2
2 2 1


Ok i understand

I went through some graphs and saw that formation once

Definitely a new way to test it

My hopes are high as i won on the airball machines

I hit top bet in progression twice which scared me though
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: GLC on Nov 16, 12:08 PM 2015
We could use multiple patterns.








It's harder to track, but will get a lot more betting opportunities.

We could also wait until one of the locations shows a virtual loss and then bet against that same pattern forming a second time right after the first time.


Edit, I guess the bottom two are redundant.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: GLC on Nov 16, 12:14 PM 2015
I don't mean to get crazy here but we could also treat each dozen with a separate progression.  So the 1 doz has a bet line.  The 2 doz has a separate bet line.  And the 3 doz has a separate bet line.  This helps keep the bet sizes down.

You can use a penthouse progression for each dozen and any time you reach a new profit reset all lines.

I know it's more complicated and will require pen and paper so maybe not worth the trouble.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 16, 02:01 PM 2015
Im with you on the method of thinking. Ways to improve it absolutely

1 3 9 wins 99 percent of the time. I hope to be in profit before 1 2 3 happens so busting a 1 3 9 wont hurt

The trick is what tamino says, 20 percent profit and STOP
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Nov 16, 02:59 PM 2015
if flat bet 60 spins
40 wins break even
#   1,2,3   DOZ   W/L
20   1   2   w
  4   2   1   w
10   3   1   w
  8   1   1   L
25   2   3   w
  0   3   0   L
19   1   2   w
10   2   1   w
  2   3   1   w
20   1   2   w
35   2   3   w
18   3   2   w
  2   1   1   L
31   2   3   w
  4   3   1   w
21   1   2   w
36   2   3   w
19   3   2   w
  3   1   1   L
19   2   2   L
  0   3   0   L
25   1   3   w
25   2   3   w
  4   3   1   w
22   1   2   w
  2   2   1   w
  6   3   1   w
  0   1   0   L
27   2   3   w
10   3   1   w
33   1   3   w
30   2   3   w
  2   3   1   w
28   1   3   w
17   2   2   L
16   3   2   w
36   1   3   w
  7   2   1   w
36   3   3   L
25   1   3   w
27   2   3   w
35   3   3   L
18   1   2   w
21   2   2   L
  5   3   1   w
35   1   3   w
20   2   2   L
12   3   1   w
13   1   2   w
34   2   3   w
22   3   2   w
32   1   3   w
30   2   3   w
29   3   3   L
20   1   2   w
21   2   2   L
15   3   2   w
29   1   3   w
17   2   2   L
14   3   2   w

45 WINS all rng, could make a living if goes this well
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 16, 03:01 PM 2015
Yes notto its scarey how this works

Expect to see 1 2 3 once an Hour


I say this with certainty. Hundreds and hundreds of zumma spins. Coupled with hundred of live spins. It is just a good method

Notto whats number to left?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: hermbob on Nov 16, 03:20 PM 2015
RG have you abandoned the 2+3 dozen, 1+3 column, 1+2 dozen betting approach that you called a holy grail in the 2.0 thread? Been following that thread and was wondering if there's anything that's come out of your testing on that one...
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Nov 16, 03:23 PM 2015
Is this a recognised method.
Reason, if so then rigged rng will recognise the pattern in time and throw out the losers.

#   1,2,3   DOZ   W/L
  0   1   0   L
20   2   2   L
30   3   3   L
16   1   2   W
30   2   3   W
18   3   2   W
14   1   2   W
  6   2   1   W
  5   3   1   W
24   1   2   W
  1   2   1   W
  2   3   1   W
20   1   2   W
12   2   1   W
32   3   3   L
32   1   3   W
  6   2   1   W
12   3   1   W
14   1   2   W
13   2   2   L
13   3   2   W
  7   1   1   L
23   2   2   L
24   3   2   W
32   1   3   W
  3   2   1   W
29   3   3   L
24   1   2   W
30   2   3   W
18   3   2   W
14   1   2   W
26   2   3   W
23   3   2   W
10   1   1   L
27   2   3   W
24   3   2   W
25   1   3   W
22   2   2   L
16   3   2   W
31   1   3   W
26   2   3   W
30   3   3   L
  9   1   1   L
  3   2   1   W
19   3   2   W
12   1   1   L
29   2   3   W
36   3   3   L
31   1   3   W
33   2   3   W
  7   3   1   W
  0   1   0   L
14   2   2   L
31   3   3   L
30   1   3   W
28   2   3   W
19   3   2   W
13   1   2   W
  9   2   1   W
25   3   3   L

60 spins, 42 wins, again rng from 8.2.15   so if this pattern bet is new,  early days, more testing.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 16, 03:28 PM 2015
Quote from: hermbob on Nov 16, 03:20 PM 2015
RG have you abandoned the 2+3 dozen, 1+3 column, 1+2 dozen betting approach that you called a holy grail in the 2.0 thread? Been following that thread and was wondering if there's anything that's come out of your testing on that one...


I tested it and it turned out to have the same 1 loss on average an hour as the standard betting against 1 2 3 on dozens does

I was just trying to get creative. It works just as good though

Now that u bring it up i will test that more

This method is grailish for sure
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 16, 03:30 PM 2015
Notto id say its pretty recognized. Raymanzz showed it with 60,000 spin statistics. Average 1 out of 75 three spin mini games is a loss. Normy2000 testing fell in line with that as does mine

So if rng begins losing big SOMETHINGS UP
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: ego on Nov 16, 03:36 PM 2015

I make this reply so i can get back and save GLC progression on my windows computer, now i use Ubuntu.
I like this way of progression using levels.

QuoteAs a thought on the progression, if you lose a 1-1  3-3  9-9 progression, we could go to a 3-3  9-9  27-27  for 7 or 8 wins and then drop back to 1-1  3-3  9-9 to recover the remaining units.  If you lose within the 8 wins at 3-3 9-9 27-27 then you can move to a final progression of 9-9 27-27 81-81 for 8 times and then drop back down.  More risky, but a loss on  the 3rd set of bets should be pretty rare.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Nov 16, 03:58 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Nov 16, 03:30 PM 2015
Notto id say its pretty recognized. Raymanzz showed it with 60,000 spin statistics. Average 1 out of 75 three spin mini games is a loss. Normy2000 testing fell in line with that as does mine

So if rng begins losing big SOMETHINGS UP

These 25.4.15 rng
So if rng begins losing big SOMETHINGS UP
26   1   3   W
11   2   1   W
28   3   3   L
19   1   2   W
15   2   2   L
  8   3   1   W
  7   1   1   L
29   2   3   W
33   3   3   L
20   1   2   W
19   2   2   L
31   3   3   L
16   1   2   W
  1   2   1   W
32   3   3   L
17   1   2   W
  8   2   1   W
18   3   2   W
  0   1   0   L
  8   2   1   W
  9   3   1   W
28   1   3   W
15   2   2   L
26   3   3   L
  1   1   1   L
12   2   1   W
  0   3   0   L
  2   1   1   L
16   2   2   L
10   3   1   W
29   1   3   W
25   2   3   W
33   3   3   L
11   1   1   L
22   2   2   L
25   3   3   L
19   1   2   W
13   2   2   L
29   3   3   L
10   1   1   L
34   2   3   W
18   3   2   W
12   1   1   L
12   2   1   W
33   3   3   L
35   1   3   W
18   2   2   L
  1   3   1   W
19   1   2   W
22   2   2   L
30   3   3   L
24   1   2   W
13   2   2   L
33   3   3   L
  3   1   1   L
17   2   2   L
36   3   3   L
  3   1   1   L
  3   2   1   W
32   3   3   L

1,2,3 here twice. only wins 27 of the 60 spins.
But really whilst the above is a record of actual spins iwas not using the method 1,2,3 so can we say rng has it all covered
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 16, 04:03 PM 2015
1 2 3 twice is possible but as we have seen its rare. Very rare

The way i play is 3 spins with 1 3 9 or 1 2 6 for a break even

At any win wait until next 3 spins. If win at 3 units (step 2) sit out the next spin and wait for the next set of 3 spins to begin

On airball saturday i played 1 2 6. So id only profit at 1st level

Won 7 units in an hour so it was a suceess

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: ego on Nov 17, 04:21 AM 2015

RG see it like this, 3 is medium 6 is rare 9 happens once every 100.000 trails 12 happen once or twice during 1 million.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: ego on Nov 17, 05:26 AM 2015

I like Turbo Genius method with GLC progression, get very nice results using it.

1 W .
2 W .
2 W .
3 W .
1 W .
3 W .
1 W .
3 W .
2 W .
3 W .
1 W .
1 W .
2 W .
3 W .
2 W .
1 W .
1 W .
1 W .
3 W .
3 W .
2 W .
2 W .
2 W .
1 W .
2 L .
1 W .
2 W .
1 W .
2 W .
2 L .
2 W .
2 L .
3 W .
3 W .
3 W .
2 W .
2 W .
2 W .
2 L
3 W
3 W
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RFMAXX on Nov 17, 05:30 AM 2015
ego...whats the turbogenius way? thx
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 17, 06:11 AM 2015
Quote from: RFMAXX on Nov 17, 05:30 AM 2015
ego...whats the turbogenius way? thx

Betting that the last 3 dozen formation wont repeat

Betting against the dozen 3 spins back
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: KCIN012 on Nov 17, 08:39 AM 2015
Hi everyone
I have been on this site for a long time and I probable don't contribute very much,
But just a thought, why not wait for dozen 1 and 2 too show then bet dozen 1 and 2.
as by reading the other posts 3 is unlikely to follow.
In the unlikely event that it does wait for dozen 1 and 2 to show again and just do a marty.

just an idea
regards Nick.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 17, 09:02 AM 2015
Do you mean wait for the pattern 1 2 to occur then begin betting against 1 2 3 occuring?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: KCIN012 on Nov 17, 09:04 AM 2015
exactly that simples?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 17, 09:05 AM 2015
Good idea thank you
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: KCIN012 on Nov 17, 09:11 AM 2015
No problem
let me know, if it stands up?
In theory it should, maybe even flat bet hit and run.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 17, 09:13 AM 2015
Cant argue there

This strategy is a dream for hit and run players

With proper bankroll and large units should make steady income
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: KCIN012 on Nov 17, 09:20 AM 2015
And its so simple? (even twocat shouldn't ask too many question)
maybe too simple, but lets put it to the test and see what happens.
Thanks Nick.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 17, 09:43 AM 2015
We can also have the 3 spin mini games as normal

But bet against 1 2 forming. No bet spin 3

1 3 progression. Safer

So when arrive bet against dozen 1. If win great. Sit out the next 2 spins. Bet again next 3 spin mini game

If lose next bet against dozen 2. If win sit out next spin and start over at next 3 spin mini game

If lose no worries we r down 8 units and will recover fast


Dozen 1 shows. Lose
Dozen 3 shows. Win
Sit out 3rd spin

Start again
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: hermbob on Nov 17, 05:36 PM 2015
So do we have a final answer here yet or is everybody still testing? Been following this thread for a while and doing some independent testing on the 1, 3, 9 progression with the 1, 2, 3 dozens approach. Pretty excited about it. Does this method still seem to be the most efficient or is the 1, 3 progression per 3 mini-game series now the front-runner?

By the way, I'm "new" to the forum as a poster, but have been a long time lurker. Nice to meet you guys. :)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 17, 05:45 PM 2015
everyone will always seek a "final" approach

thats the nature of these forums

now matter how you slice it, it is a good method. 99.9% of the time 1 3 9 wins a 3 spin mini game if not in spin 1 or 2.

the variations introduced by the law, GLC, and KCIN012 are all good

but the original post #1 by onetaste is all we really need

sure you can do the 1,3 approach for spin 1 and 2 only, however when i was at the casino saturday i won several of my bets on try #3 so 1,3 wouldnt have cut it. but in most cases it does. please note i saw 1 2 3 pattern once while at the casino saturday between about 10 different airball machines. so it falls in line with all the testing ive done. expect a loser 123 pattern about once an hour.

nice to meet you

p.s. all my testing has been on american. does euro see it more often, i dont know......
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Normy2000 on Nov 17, 05:50 PM 2015
Quote from: hermbob on Nov 17, 05:36 PM 2015
By the way, I'm "new" to the forum as a poster, but have been a long time lurker. Nice to meet you guys. :)
Welcome abord! :-)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: hermbob on Nov 17, 06:08 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Nov 17, 05:45 PM 2015
p.s. all my testing has been on american. does euro see it more often, i dont know......

Are you covering the zeroes? Or just one of the zeroes? None at all?

I've been testing on European with $6 units and throwing a single $1 on the zero. Not sure if that's the right ratios long term, but obviously hitting a zero at any point is welcomed. I immediately count that as a win and wait for the next mini-game whenever that comes.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 17, 06:14 PM 2015
that sounds good to me

the one time i did NOT cover the zero saturday, it hit

i think if u place 6 chips on the dozens, 1 chip on the zero is a good idea....

in many of my tests the 0 insurance bet saved the loss

people will disagree and say it doesnt matter, but i think it does
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: button on Nov 17, 07:04 PM 2015
Quote from: ego on Nov 17, 05:26 AM 2015
I like Turbo Genius method with GLC progression, get very nice results using it.

Quote from: RouletteGhost on Nov 17, 06:11 AM 2015
Betting that the last 3 dozen formation wont repeat

Betting against the dozen 3 spins back

After testing a few thousand spins I didn't have very good results doing it that way.

The 3 spin mini game style performs better and covering the zero (s) is a good idea when getting into the higher levels of progressions.  It depends on the value of units being used I think.  I vaguely remember reading something similar to this previously.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 17, 07:15 PM 2015
Quote from: button on Nov 17, 07:04 PM 2015
After testing a few thousand spins I didn't have very good results doing it that way.

The 3 spin mini game style performs better and covering the zero (s) is a good idea when getting into the higher levels of progressions.  It depends on the value of units being used I think.  I vaguely remember reading something similar to this previously.

turbos way will have long winning streaks and also losing streaks

i agree that betting against 1 2 3 forming is better....i still have not seen it more than once in 100 spins
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 17, 07:32 PM 2015
here is a test i just ran beginning at spin #250 on american zumma

how i play it: if my insurance 0 hits within the 3 spins i wait until the next mini game. because 0 2 3, 1 0 3, 1 2 0, will hurt if we continue and it happens here and again

we have here 25 mini games

i would be done after 4 spins here. 2 mini games and i goto the next table. maybe even ONE. one mini game NEXT table. who knows, who cares just dont stay

in the 25 mini games we had one loss of 1 2 3. ouch. not so bad.

had we arrived one spin earlier or 1 spin later we would have completely avoided that 123

see it is important for the insurance 0. it saved 2 mini games

one game had 0 2 3. big save there, thank you zero. 0 hit. sit out next 2 spins wait for next mini game

once again this test shows expect 1 2 3 once every 75 spins

the question is how to COMPLETELY avoid it

since 1 2 3 will repeat (123123) one time every 2,000 spins (on average) if we hit the 123 and lose the 1 3 9 progression, now we can get aggressive and recover it quickly with larger units.......

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: button on Nov 17, 08:29 PM 2015
So you are betting continously with 3 spin mini games?

This is the unit level I would be using for the 3 spin mini games. 10 30 90, with 1 3 8 as insurance on zero at each level.  This way if the zero hits it is a bonus. 15 25 and 20 profit on each level.  There is obviously an overhead on each win on the dozens as well, but in this case I think it is worth it. 

If you use GLC's progression ideas with the different levels of progression you would need to recaculate the insurance amounts to compensate.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 17, 08:38 PM 2015
Quote from: button on Nov 17, 08:29 PM 2015
So you are betting continously with 3 spin mini games?

This is the unit level I would be using for the 3 spin mini games. 10 30 90, with 1 3 8 as insurance on zero at each level.  This way if the zero hits it is a bonus. 15 25 and 20 profit on each level.  There is obviously an overhead on each win on the dozens as well, but in this case I think it is worth it. 

If you use GLC's progression ideas with the different levels of progression you would need to recaculate the insurance amounts to compensate.

How i play it is this:

When i arrive to table i bet against dozen 1. If i win i sit out the next 2 spins and wait for the next 3 spin "mini game"

If i lose i then immediately bet against dozen 2. If i win i sit out the next spin and wait for the next 3 spin mini game.

If i lose i immediately bet against dozen 3

With 0 i bet just enough to break even. Or a little profit.

How can we improve it?

Lets say we arrive to table and the last decision was dozen 2. Can we start there and bet against 3 1 2 occuring? If we arrive and dozen 1 was the last decision can we use that as a starting point and bet against 2 3 1 occuring.

Should we continuously bet against 1 2 3 with no mini game at all? And on any win whatsoever we start over and bet against dozen 1 again? Bet against 1 lose. Bet against 2 win. Reset. Bet against 1 win. Reset. Bet against 1 lose. Bet against 2 win, reset. Bet against 1. Etc
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Nick-the-Greek on Nov 18, 09:02 AM 2015

I am new to this, however on single zero live online wheels my testing shows 1 - 2 -3 came up 22 times in just under 900 spins which in my mind makes this unprofitable.

I've attached my results - not all instances fall in the '3 mini game' groups but there are enough to worry about hitting them depending on when your mini game starts.

What is also worrying is the number of times 1- 2 -3 -1 -2 comes up as well which makes standard progression for dozens a scary place to play if you took it outside the '3 mini game' model.

It sounds like the non - European wheels are throwing out completely different results which is interesting.

Anyone have any thoughts or comments.


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 18, 09:12 AM 2015
Hey nick

I understand the scary thought of a progression on double dozens.

However saying this is not profitable is incorrect. That will mislead people.

Raymanz tested 66,000 euro spins and
123 showed 831 times

What does that mean? 1 time every 79 spins on average

Normy tested it as well on euro and saw it 1 time every 60 to 200 spins on average. See his graphs in previous pages

I test on american and see on average 1 time every 75 spins. See my previous charts

Not profitable? Re-think that

Play it correctly and its a winner

On every single test i have done, playing 2 mini games and leaving or switching tables is pretty much a guarantee

Test it more and if you like it hopefully you find a way to play it that you like.

Dont sit at the same table long enough to hit a 123. Couple of game and move

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Nick-the-Greek on Nov 18, 09:33 AM 2015
Okay, fair comment RG - my testing has always been based on groups of 50 spins per wheel - I've not tried jumping after a couple of wins. (There is still an element of luck that you don't start a new session just before a 1 - 2 - 3 instance hits.)

My 'unprofitable' comment was based on trying to find a system that can ride these loses whilst playing on the same wheel.


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 18, 09:39 AM 2015
Quote from: Nick-the-Greek on Nov 18, 09:33 AM 2015
Okay, fair comment RG - my testing has always been based on groups of 50 spins per wheel - I've not tried jumping after a couple of wins. (There is still an element of luck that you don't start a new session just before a 1 - 2 - 3 instance hits.)

My 'unprofitable' comment was based on trying to find a system that can ride these loses whilst playing on the same wheel.



We are all smart people here

With a system that fails one time every 70 or so spins im sure we can make it profitable

Only thing thats better then failing every 70 spins is advantage play?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 18, 02:02 PM 2015
I'll put it to you like this

If we cant make a bet selection work that only loses once every 70 spins on average, then there is something VERY wrong

This is gold!

Keep in mind. On a win stop betting. Commence again at next 3 spin mini game

If you win at 3 units betting against dozen 2 stop wait till 3 spin mini game is over then start again
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RFMAXX on Nov 18, 02:14 PM 2015
I still believe a Random or Sector Based Selection of 12/24 Numbers has a higher hitrate. Need to test it.
Also working on a combination with anothrr bet to cut it down to 13 Numbers total. Like last hit was low bet only the high numbers from the Selection.maybe i can program a little tracker in excel. Stay tuned. Very interesting thread!!!
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 18, 02:17 PM 2015
Quote from: RFMAXX on Nov 18, 02:14 PM 2015
I still believe a Random or Sector Based Selection of 12/24 Numbers has a higher hitrate. Need to test it.
Also working on a combination with anothrr bet to cut it down to 13 Numbers total. Like last hit was low bet only the high numbers from the Selection.maybe i can program a little tracker in excel. Stay tuned. Very interesting thread!!!

RFMAXX if you come up with a version like u mentioned on sectors please post it and ill gladly test it

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Nov 18, 03:21 PM 2015
3,  2,  2, 1, 2, 1, 3,  2, 3, 1, 3,  2,  3,  1, 3, 1, 2,  1, 1, 2, 2, 3,  1, 2,  2, 3, 1, 2,  2, 3, 1,  3, 1, 3, 1, 3

Could be an idea to see the distribution of the dozens, would show where the ball is favouring, if favours section 31 to 32, half the 3rd doz are sitting there,if lost 1,2 and hitting here, could be the dreaded 1,2,3
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 18, 03:43 PM 2015
I see notto good point. However your example still wins everytime hehebehe
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Nov 18, 03:59 PM 2015
The above is the wheel layout and the dozen it is in.
As said section 31/32 has half the 3rd dozen plus the zero,  so if the ball is hitting here and going for spin 3, could be why 1, 2, 3 hits

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 18, 04:17 PM 2015
I see what you are saying

Wow i didnt realize that was the wheel layout oops
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 18, 06:39 PM 2015
Quote from: KCIN012 on Nov 17, 08:39 AM 2015
Hi everyone
I have been on this site for a long time and I probable don't contribute very much,
But just a thought, why not wait for dozen 1 and 2 too show then bet dozen 1 and 2.
as by reading the other posts 3 is unlikely to follow.
In the unlikely event that it does wait for dozen 1 and 2 to show again and just do a marty.

just an idea
regards Nick.

here is a test i did with a twist

this is the same sequence i tested last night compliments of KCIN012

the twist:

bet against a pattern completing.
if you have 12 now bet against 3 one time only (betting against 123)
if you have 32 now bet against 1 one time only (betting against a 321)
if you have 21 now bet against 3 one time only (betting against a 213
if you have 23 now bet against 1 one time only (betting against a 231)
along these lines, hope you understand
139 progression
similar idea, no mini games, just straight betting

see attached chart. 139 works. and should always work with this style

why? because we arent just betting against 123 completing we are betting against it repeating ONE TIME and also betting against other sequences completing.

you would have to be Mr. Unlucky if you saw more then 2 sequences completing back to back

this is for straight sequences, not jumbled. 123, 321, 231, 312 etc

edit: looking at the chart i missed a few, might be better off just doing this tweak on 123 and/or 321. my first time testing this way and rushing i noticed i missed many, but you get the idea. bet against 123 and 321 from completing just o make it simpler and forget the other combos

or we can just play the original method:
3 spin mini games, on a win at any point of the 1 39 stop and wait until next 3 spin sequence
game 1- bet against 1 2 3
game 2- bet against 3 2 1

by the way last nights test chart would have all winners and no losers had I alternated the mini games between 123 and 321

my head hurts
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 19, 07:31 AM 2015
A thought. Since 1 2 3 happens every 70 spins on average we can wait for 1 2 and then use a single dozen progression for betting on dozen 3...for those who want a light progression
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: hermbob on Nov 19, 02:28 PM 2015
RG, how's this coming? I see you've posted several different variations to this, but are you still having success with the 1-2-3 pattern and 1-3-9 mini game series?

I am and am still intrigued by this. Maybe it's time to start coming up with bankrolls and buy-in amounts?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 19, 02:39 PM 2015
It holds up great

Im testing other variations but i like the original

I played with $10 units $300 bankroll

After winning 1 or 2 mini games switched tables

I tested european and saw 1 2 3 more then i do on american
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Nov 19, 03:21 PM 2015
why more, perhaps the distribution on 00 wheel is better.
I've asked before, why did they change from the 00 wheel to euro wheel, perhaps the blanc bro's found a fault with the 00,
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 19, 04:05 PM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Nov 19, 03:21 PM 2015
why more, perhaps the distribution on 00 wheel is better.
I've asked before, why did they change from the 00 wheel to euro wheel, perhaps the blanc bro's found a fault with the 00,

Must be due to wheel layout

Unless the spielbank set i saw was an anomaly
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Nick-the-Greek on Nov 20, 10:42 AM 2015

Here are a couple of ways to pick your '3 spin mini bet' that's working well for me at the moment.

Wait for six spins and then bet against the last of those three spins repeating - keep a rolling record and always keep six spins in arrears:-

Spins           1 3 2   3 3 1   1 1 3   2 3 1   2 2 3   3 2 3   1 2 3     

Bet against                       1 3 2   3 3 1   1 1 3   2 3 1   2 2 3   3 2 3   1 2 3                     

Keeping six in arrears all the time makes sure you do not fall foul of the long 'same dozen' runs.

Wait for 1 2 3 to come up and then immediate bet against it happening again.

Hope that helps - if not at least it's food for thought.


- the idea behind the six spin gap is to take into account any long runs of the same dozen taking us out.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Nov 20, 10:50 AM 2015
after a look at the dozen distribution around the 00 wheel you can see 1,2,3 is scattered around the layout,the single 0 layout has 2,1,3 scattered around.
So perhaps the euro we should play 2,1,3
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 20, 10:52 AM 2015
Notto. We think alike. I was thinking maybe another combo would suit euro better.

Lets test 2 1 3 for euro

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Nov 20, 11:25 AM 2015
Are we definitely playing mini games of 3, with L,L stop 1-1,3-3 or go for 9-9
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 20, 11:27 AM 2015
However u are comfortable

When i played saturday i did 1-1 2-2 6-6.
I played all 3 spins of a mini game if i lose the 1st 2
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Nov 20, 12:04 PM 2015
As been mentioned Turbo way seems to hold up if playing mini 3 game.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 20, 12:10 PM 2015
I tried it but I found the previous three repeating more than I had liked

Maybe on European its better

Im curious to see. I mean i wouldnt play it unless i was 100 percent certain. But im curious on a euro wheel betting against last 4 dozen outcomes with 1 3 9 27
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 20, 02:47 PM 2015
More testing must be done on columns

The one time i tested columns A B C happened one time in 100 spins

I will test A B C columns on euro and american this weekend
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: ego on Nov 21, 03:52 AM 2015

Is better to use the past three and bet on a rolling basis with three levels with GLC progression.
12 in a row happens once every 500.000 trails.

In 500.000 trails one dozen hit 13 times and all other 5 location did never reach 12 times in a row - pretty good odds.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 21, 07:31 AM 2015
Quote from: ego on Nov 21, 03:52 AM 2015
Is better to use the past three and bet on a rolling basis with three levels with GLC progression.
12 in a row happens once every 500.000 trails.

In 500.000 trails one dozen hit 13 times and all other 5 location did never reach 12 times in a row - pretty good odds.

Hey ego

Good idea

Which of GLC progressions do you recommend? The one found here in this thread?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Nov 21, 06:36 PM 2015

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Re: The distributions different states ...
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2015, 11:53:58 AM »


Hope in the right place

What is the longest seen or know off the dozens repeating like 1,2,3 1,2,3  or  1,3,2 1,3,2. or same pattern of the  dozens
Could we see the pattern for say max of 9 spins or ?
for got asked this question, did this inspire 1,2,3
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 21, 06:53 PM 2015
Notto. Great minds think alike


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 23, 12:57 PM 2015
Im in contact with a member here

Who will remain nameless

Anyway, profit in the thousands

By doing this

- wait until 1 2 happens then bet against 3 showing

- wait until 3 2 happens then bet against 1 showing

Progression 1 3 9

Said memeber has played many sessions with large units big profits

You guys better look harder at this, it is a HG.

Im not kidding. Look at this!

More testers.......

This will be forgotten and its ashame but you guys better see the gold here!

1 bet after each trigger

YES triggers can and do work. Thats the truth!
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 23, 01:43 PM 2015
If you play with above tweak it is damn near impossible to lose. You will average 1 to 2 triggers an hour

In 60k spins 123 repeats back to back once every 2000 spins so 1 3 9 is full proof. Zero is a MUST


Personally i still practice and play every spin with 1 3 9 against 1 2 3 showing

But if you have time and can wait waiting for 1 2 to happen or 3 2 to happen is very beneficial
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Nov 23, 01:59 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Nov 23, 01:43 PM 2015
If you play with above tweak it is damn near impossible to lose. You will average 1 to 2 triggers an hour

In 60k spins 123 repeats back to back once every 2000 spins so 1 3 9 is full proof. Zero is a MUST


Personally i still practice and play every spin with 1 3 9 against 1 2 3 showing

But if you have time and can wait waiting for 1 2 to happen or 3 2 to happen is very beneficial

American and Euro Wheels?

Will columns work as well?

Thanks! :)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 23, 02:04 PM 2015
American and euro

In my short euro test 1 2 3 showed more then american but the person that messaged me plays euro

I tested columns once and i saw 1 loss in 100 spins so more testing needed because it may be just as good or better

My next several tests will be columns
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: vladir on Nov 23, 02:12 PM 2015
Is it better then 2-1-3 or 1-3-2 ?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Nov 23, 02:16 PM 2015
Rich have you tested it on Albalaha opening 185 screen shot, in real spins
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 23, 02:20 PM 2015
No only american zumma and american wheels

But after work i will

First one in the thread do you mean?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Nov 23, 02:39 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Nov 23, 01:43 PM 2015
If you play with above tweak it is damn near impossible to lose. You will average 1 to 2 triggers an hour

In 60k spins 123 repeats back to back once every 2000 spins so 1 3 9 is full proof. Zero is a MUST


Personally i still practice and play every spin with 1 3 9 against 1 2 3 showing

But if you have time and can wait waiting for 1 2 to happen or 3 2 to happen is very beneficial

23-2 heres trig bet2-3
  4-1 lost 
13-2 trig  bet 1-2
36-3 lost

These are Albalaha screen shot 185 spins from real spins.
But with the prog still win,are we looking to play this as well as the 3 mini game
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 23, 02:43 PM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Nov 23, 02:39 PM 2015
23-2 heres trig bet2-3
  4-1 lost 
13-2 trig  bet 1-2
36-3 lost

These are Albalaha screen shot 185 spins from real spins.
But with the prog still win,are we looking to play this as well as the 3 mini game

Yes. The trigger the person is using is when 1 2 happens bet against 3 ONCE. If 3 2 happens bet against 1 ONCE

Im playing 3 spin mini games myself

Seeing 1 2 3 once every hundred spins the odds are IN MY FAVOR
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Nov 23, 03:00 PM 2015
so next is 9-9
36-3  lost
19-2 is this trig, bet against 1 with 2-3 for 9-9
  3-1 lost

1,2,3 mini game looks better
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Nov 23, 03:09 PM 2015
I like 1,2,3 mini game,playing along side KTF
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RayManZ on Nov 23, 03:11 PM 2015
You play it the wrong way.

Use groups of 3 spins...

3 32 21 <- lost
3 2 12
25 8 30
1 25 1 <- won

sometime later

I would also use a seperate progression for every combo.

12 bet against 3
13 bet against 2
21 bet against 3
23 bet against 1
31 bet against 2
32 bet against 1
11 bet against 1
22 bet against 2
33 bet against 3

So you need 9 bankroll of 26 units... You just need to keep track of what combo lost. So when it comes again you know what to bet.

Just keep the spins in groups of 3 else it wont work like i should.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 23, 03:12 PM 2015
I still need to look at ktf

Im on my phone right now i havent had a second to sit

I need to look at that

Then extensively test this thing on columns

Also id like to try to bet against 1 2 3 on dozens and columns at the same time to see what happens

Bet 1: dozen 2 and 3 / columns B and C
Bet 2: dozen 1 and 3 / columns A and C
Bet 3: dozen 1 and 2 / columns A and B
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 23, 03:22 PM 2015
Quote from: RayManZ on Nov 23, 03:11 PM 2015
You play it the wrong way.

Use groups of 3 spins...

3 32 21 <- lost
3 2 12
25 8 30
1 25 1 <- won

sometime later

I would also use a seperate progression for every combo.

12 bet against 3
13 bet against 2
21 bet against 3
23 bet against 1
31 bet against 2
32 bet against 1
11 bet against 1
22 bet against 2
33 bet against 3

So you need 9 bankroll of 26 units... You just need to keep track of what combo lost. So when it comes again you know what to bet.

Just keep the spins in groups of 3 else it wont work like i should.

I wouldnt say the "wrong" way. But definitely a different way.

I will try this


One bet after each trigger u have mentioned. On loss 1 3 9. However to have 3 losses in a row after 3 triggers. UNLIKELY. Good job
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: KCIN012 on Nov 23, 03:27 PM 2015
I have had a steady climb playing waiting for doz1 ,doz2,then betting against 3 appearing.
On live play.
Also did well on rng until loosers started to appear.
But that's rng.
Live is still climbing  steady.
Not played 3,2, then bet against 1 yet.
Maybe will try later.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Gravydownshirt on Nov 23, 03:28 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Nov 18, 02:02 PM 2015
I'll put it to you like this

If we cant make a bet selection work that only loses once every 70 spins on average, then there is something VERY wrong

This is gold!

Keep in mind. On a win stop betting. Commence again at next 3 spin mini game

If you win at 3 units betting against dozen 2 stop wait till 3 spin mini game is over then start again
You say it loses once in every 70 spins....do you mean once every 23 mini spin sets or once in 210 wheel spins? (70 mini games)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 23, 03:33 PM 2015
Quote from: Gravydownshirt on Nov 23, 03:28 PM 2015
You say it loses once in every 70 spins....do you mean once every 23 mini spin sets or once in 210 wheel spins? (70 mini games)

Anywhere between 50 and 100 spins expect to see 1 2 3 occur

I see it once every 24 mini games or so which is on average 72 spins

I try to limit my exposure in real play. 2 wins switch tables. Debatable if that helps thoufh

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: KCIN012 on Nov 23, 03:36 PM 2015
What are you testing it on RG.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Gravydownshirt on Nov 23, 03:40 PM 2015
This method has to be a loser then if you win 23 units on the 23 winning games but lose 26 units on the 24th game.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 23, 03:49 PM 2015
Quote from: Gravydownshirt on Nov 23, 03:40 PM 2015
This method has to be a loser then if you win 23 units on the 23 winning games but lose 26 units on the 24th game.

If you cannot make a system work that loses one time in 70 spins then maybe roulettes not for you. Or you need to mold your own money managament
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 23, 03:50 PM 2015
Quote from: KCIN012 on Nov 23, 03:36 PM 2015
What are you testing it on RG.

American zumma

American airball

Played real wheel european and american airball with success

Local casino has 3 euro wheels
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: KCIN012 on Nov 23, 04:02 PM 2015
Ok thanks RG
Will have to try American wheel.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 23, 04:03 PM 2015
Quote from: KCIN012 on Nov 23, 04:02 PM 2015
Ok thanks RG
Will have to try American wheel.

Works fine on euro to

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: KCIN012 on Nov 23, 04:07 PM 2015
That's what I'm playing at the moment euro wheel live.
I'm about £70 up since Friday.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 23, 04:07 PM 2015
Quote from: KCIN012 on Nov 23, 04:07 PM 2015
That's what I'm playing at the moment euro wheel live.
I'm about £70 up since Friday.

Just so you know. Your tweak made someone here thousands.....thanks
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Gravydownshirt on Nov 23, 04:14 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Nov 23, 03:49 PM 2015
If you cannot make a system work that loses one time in 70 spins then maybe roulettes not for you. Or you need to mold your own money managament

I could see it working if you could predict exactly when the losing spins were going to occur. Then avoid betting on them....
But you cant so no matter what money management you have the odds are always against.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: KCIN012 on Nov 23, 04:16 PM 2015
Good for them
Is it a forum member?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 23, 04:19 PM 2015
Quote from: KCIN012 on Nov 23, 04:16 PM 2015
Good for them
Is it a forum member?

It is indeed

They bet with 100 euro. After 1 2 against 3 and after 3 2 against 1

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: ddarko on Nov 23, 04:24 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Nov 23, 04:19 PM 2015
It is indeed

They bet with 100 euro. After 1 2 against 3 and after 3 2 against 1

How come not....

After 1 3 against the 2 ?

All these runs have the same chance of hitting & this way he could bet more often ?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RayManZ on Nov 23, 04:36 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Nov 23, 03:22 PM 2015
I wouldnt say the "wrong" way. But definitely a different way.

I will try this


One bet after each trigger u have mentioned. On loss 1 3 9. However to have 3 losses in a row after 3 triggers. UNLIKELY. Good job

Just stay with 9 on 3 losses in a row on a combo. It will recover. I did some tests.

Don't mix your progression with the combo's. That will kill it!
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RayManZ on Nov 23, 04:37 PM 2015
Quote from: ddarko on Nov 23, 04:24 PM 2015
How come not....

After 1 3 against the 2 ?

All these runs have the same chance of hitting & this way he could bet more often ?


Your right! Does not matter what combo you bet. Just dont mix them! One bankroll for every combo!
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: ddarko on Nov 23, 04:39 PM 2015
Quote from: RayManZ on Nov 23, 04:37 PM 2015
Your right! Does not matter what combo you bet. Just dont mix them! One bankroll for every combo!

thxs for replying Ray, Erm.... what does "just don't mix them" mean pls ?

thxs  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RayManZ on Nov 23, 04:46 PM 2015
If combo 213 is a loss.

213 - loss

Now combo 312 shows up
312 - loss

Dont bet 3 units in 312 combo. Its not the same combo. Every combo has it own progression. So just bet 1 unit.

Now 213 shows again.

Bet now 3 units because combo 213 had a loss earlier.

211 - win
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 23, 04:47 PM 2015
Quote from: RayManZ on Nov 23, 04:36 PM 2015
Just stay with 9 on 3 losses in a row on a combo. It will recover. I did some tests.

Don't mix your progression with the combo's. That will kill it!

Couldnt agree more

That 1 in 70 spins hurts

Stay at 9 for 3 games afterwards to recover. And u will recover

If u hit the table at the time 1 2 3 happens youll have to recover

It shouldnt get to that point often if ever

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: ddarko on Nov 23, 04:50 PM 2015
Quote from: RayManZ on Nov 23, 04:46 PM 2015
If combo 213 is a loss.

213 - loss

Now combo 312 shows up
312 - loss

Dont bet 3 units in 312 combo. Its not the same combo. Every combo has it own progression. So just bet 1 unit.

Now 213 shows again.

Bet now 3 units because combo 213 had a loss earlier.

211 - win

Right, so your using a different bankroll for each combination ? Is that correct ?

If so what's the BR (for each combo) and progression, assuming you are using  a progression pls?

Thxs  :thumbsup:


EDIT : I don't know if this is the case but are you betting every spin Ray ?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RayManZ on Nov 23, 04:55 PM 2015
i would suggest a 100 units bankroll for each combo. Just to stay save. Also a safety bet on the zero. Just to cover your bets. It will pay off in the long run.

Use a leveller progression of 1 3 9.

When you hit the 9 just stay on it till it recovers. Shouldn't take that long.

In the test i ran it's a winning method. And if you can play all the 9 combo you don't have to wait long. You could even make it 18 combo if you use the columns too. Same results.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: ddarko on Nov 23, 04:59 PM 2015
Okay thxs for explaining that to me  :thumbsup:

Sooooooo testing wise can we get some stats pls ?

spins tested for

Number of sessions


biggest drawdown

That kinda thing ?

Thxs  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Nov 23, 06:19 PM 2015
Just ran a quick test using about 200 spins from some old Wiesebaden notes :

Using 1-3-9 it loses overall (this is always a bad omen when I can find a loser right out of the gate........seen this too many times)

Totals (123) : -13

Totals (321) : +06

However, it wins with a cancellation system (I used a standard Labouchere line). Largest bet 7-7.

***Note that it loses with the Labby strategy that I've used in the past, so be sure to use a standard line (EX. 1-1 / next bet 2 / 1-1-2-2 / next bet 3....etc)***

Total bets combined = 34

Most losses in a row = 5
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 23, 07:32 PM 2015
Quote from: ddarko on Nov 23, 04:59 PM 2015
Okay thxs for explaining that to me  :thumbsup:

Sooooooo testing wise can we get some stats pls ?

spins tested for

Number of sessions


biggest drawdown

That kinda thing ?

Thxs  :thumbsup:


if u read the pages

i posted several charts i hand tested from zumma

raymazz posted stats on page 4 or 5 i think for 60,000 spins

and you have spielbank ;)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 23, 07:33 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Nov 23, 06:19 PM 2015
Just ran a quick test using about 200 spins from some old Wiesebaden notes :

Using 1-3-9 it loses overall (this is always a bad omen when I can find a loser right out of the gate........seen this too many times)

Totals (123) : -13

Totals (321) : +06

However, it wins with a cancellation system (I used a standard Labouchere line). Largest bet 7-7.

***Note that it loses with the Labby strategy that I've used in the past, so be sure to use a standard line (EX. 1-1 / next bet 2 / 1-1-2-2 / next bet 3....etc)***

Total bets combined = 34

Most losses in a row = 5

what do you mean 5 losses in a row?

that would be a series of 123123123123123.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: ddarko on Nov 23, 07:42 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Nov 23, 07:32 PM 2015
if u read the pages

i posted several charts i hand tested from zumma

raymazz posted stats on page 4 or 5 i think for 60,000 spins

and you have spielbank ;)

Ray's playing a different way no ?

I'd like to know his results  ;)

Your data just showed how many times a certain combination hit in 10,000 spins correct ?

If that is correct, it doesn't tell me the profits or a biggest drawdown does it ?

That's what I'm interested in......

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Nov 23, 07:55 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Nov 23, 07:33 PM 2015
what do you mean 5 losses in a row?

that would be a series of 123123123123123.

I thought that you were only betting for a finish of 1-2 or 3-2 (separate bets).

So the 5 losses were for finishing the sequence, thus losing 5 finishes in a row (also included a zero loss as well).

How are you dealing with a loss such as 1-2-3? Betting for the next spin to be 1 or wait for the next sequence to form?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 23, 08:00 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Nov 23, 07:55 PM 2015
I thought that you were only betting for a finish of 1-2 or 3-2 (separate bets).

So the 5 losses were for finishing the sequence, thus losing 5 finishes in a row (also included a zero loss as well).

How are you dealing with a loss such as 1-2-3? Betting for the next spin to be 1 or wait for the next sequence to form?

oh i understand now i see what you mean


with the original bet against 1 2 3 from occuring i just bet with 1 3 9. on a win i reset to 1 and wait until the next 3 spin mini game

in the event 123 happens id would increase my stakes to recover quickly

im thinking positive as in i just wont hit a 1 2 3

you have to hit the table at exactly the right time
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 23, 08:04 PM 2015
if i had a casino to play with low stakes and not usch high minimums id play with $1 stakes

1 3 9

if lose that (once about 70 spins)


27 81 243

reset back to 1 after 2 wins

but i just cant do that at a $10 minimum per dozen table
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Nov 23, 08:06 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Nov 23, 08:00 PM 2015
oh i understand now i see what you mean


with the original bet against 1 2 3 from occuring i just bet with 1 3 9. on a win i reset to 1 and wait until the next 3 spin mini game

in the event 123 happens id would increase my stakes to recover quickly

im thinking positive as in i just wont hit a 1 2 3

you have to hit the table at exactly the right time

Using that method, then the most losses in a row is 4 (1-2-3-1).
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 23, 08:09 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Nov 23, 08:06 PM 2015
Using that method, then the most losses in a row is 4 (1-2-3-1).

what we are doing is 3 spin sessions

so at any point you win stop and wait until the 3 spins finish

i am interested in raymaz way im going to look into that
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RayManZ on Nov 24, 03:48 AM 2015
Quote from: ddarko on Nov 23, 07:42 PM 2015
Ray's playing a different way no ?

I'd like to know his results  ;)

Your data just showed how many times a certain combination hit in 10,000 spins correct ?

If that is correct, it doesn't tell me the profits or a biggest drawdown does it ?

That's what I'm interested in......


Here the stats from 66k spins. Ignoring the zero because we place a safety bet on it.

Bankroll: 13048
Highest: 13112
Largest down: 153
Bets placed: 21755

Here some stats from a sessions i played on 13 nov. -+ 900 spins.

Bankroll: 184
Highest: 188
Largest down: 53
Bets placed: 287
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: button on Nov 24, 04:30 AM 2015
RayManZ, if I am reading the stats correct in the first test of 66k spins and after placing 21755 bets you are ahead 64 units and in the second test of 900+- spins and placing 287 bets you are ahead 4 units.  Is this flat betting?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RayManZ on Nov 24, 04:35 AM 2015
Not correct. Starting bankroll is 0.

The stats are from the end of the session.

13048units profit on 66k spins.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: button on Nov 24, 05:04 AM 2015
OK, that changes the result a lot, much better.  Was it flat betting or using a progression?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RayManZ on Nov 24, 05:09 AM 2015
just read my posts in this thread. I already posted how i play this.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Kattila on Nov 24, 05:29 AM 2015

Do you want such a bet selection that hit 3 times in row 123 ?
Here we go :

You need to hit 9 different streets , then :

street  / group

3        1
6        2
1        3
11      1
5        2
9        3
4        1
12      2
7        3

Here we have 3 streets in each group so 9 numbers for now,  then add to each
group one street (from the 3 remained/ unhit streets) no matter which where .
Now you have 3 *dozen*  in formation 123/123/123  , bet against 123 again .
Use Leveller ( 1,2,4, 8  )    or ( 1,2,6) .

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 24, 06:02 AM 2015
Quote from: RayManZ on Nov 24, 04:35 AM 2015
Not correct. Starting bankroll is 0.

The stats are from the end of the session.

13048units profit on 66k spins.

I understand how you play. After a win or a loss do you sit out a spin to see what pattern forms or do you continue betting on a rolling basis
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RayManZ on Nov 24, 06:41 AM 2015
play in groups of 3.

32 2 25
8 14 9

So you wait 2 spins to know what to bet.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 24, 06:42 AM 2015
Quote from: RayManZ on Nov 24, 06:41 AM 2015
play in groups of 3.

32 2 25
8 14 9

So you wait 2 spins to know what to bet.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Nov 24, 08:58 AM 2015
Quote from: button on Nov 24, 05:04 AM 2015
OK, that changes the result a lot, much better.  Was it flat betting or using a progression?
Quote from: RayManZ on Nov 24, 05:09 AM 2015
just read my posts in this thread. I already posted how i play this.
Ray is it to much to type your method of betting
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RayManZ on Nov 24, 09:16 AM 2015
Is it to much work to just read a few pages of posts? It's already in here...
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: ddarko on Nov 24, 10:05 AM 2015
thxs for getting back to me Ray  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Nick-the-Greek on Nov 24, 10:06 AM 2015
Hi Ray,
System makes sense to me - one quick question are 'you playing/all your test results' on single or double zero wheels?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 24, 10:18 AM 2015
Quote from: Nick-the-Greek on Nov 24, 10:06 AM 2015
Hi Ray,
System makes sense to me - one quick question are 'you playing/all your test results' on single or double zero wheels?

I assume rays 60 thousand test was euro

Mines american

However ive played both
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Nick-the-Greek on Nov 24, 10:56 AM 2015
Thanks RG.

Are you playing the original 1 2 3 combo or one of Ray's suggested nine?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 24, 10:59 AM 2015
I played once real money

3 spin mini games against 1 2 3

To be honest i havent had time to test rays

Ill be back at it after thanksgiving
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 24, 11:02 AM 2015
I dont want to gamble anymore

I lost enough money in the past

Going forward no more gambling. I must be sure

Thats why i played 1 2 3. I am sure about it. I dont see it as gambling

Im hoping to see good results with rays after this weekend
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Nov 24, 01:32 PM 2015
Celtic casino last night, fun money
Betting against the last 3, flat bet 1st spin only
1 27-3
2 19-2
3 13-2 bet against 3
1 14-2 win
2 23-2
3 26-3 bet against 2
1 30-3 win
2 13-2
3   2-1 bet against 3
1 35-3 lose
2 32-3
3   8-1 bet against 3
1 17-2 win
2 27-3
3 34-3 bet against 2
1   9-1 win
2   7-1
3 32-3 bet against 1
1 30-3 win
2 23-2
3   8-1  bet against 3
1 29-3 lose
2   5-1
3 22-2  bet against 3
1 18-2 win
2   6-1
3 17-2 bet against 2
1   5-1 win
2 32-3
3   5-1 bet against 1
1 11-1 lose
2 18-2
3 36-3 bet against 1
1 13-2 win
2 31-3
3 24-2 bet against 2
1 19-2 lose
2   6-1
3 29-3 bet against 2
1 30-3 win
2 28-3
3 21-2 bet against 3
1 29-3 lose
2   6-1
3 14-2 bet against 3
1   5-1 win
2 33-3
3 20-2 bet against 1
1 18-2 win
2 36-3
3 16-2 bet against 2
1 19-2 lose
2 23-2
3 25-3 bet against 2
1 26-3 win
2   2-1
3 36-3 bet against 3
1 24-2 win
2   3-1
3 31-3
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Nov 24, 02:17 PM 2015
Just ran NH's version on 200 spins from Wiesbaden :

W/L Chart:


W= 38

L = 16

Using standard Labouchere system :

Highest bet = 12 (5-5)

Total : +22 units over 200 spins
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 24, 02:50 PM 2015
So many variations. Head spinning
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 24, 02:56 PM 2015
Betting against 1 2 3 only lose once there notto

More profit and u can get out faster. 20 percent win goal

Out long before 123
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Nov 24, 04:51 PM 2015
Wiesbaden Table #2 - 14.11.2015 #185 Spins


Wins : 43

Losses : 18 (-36 flat betting)

Labouchere Total : +21 units

Highest Bet : 10(5-5)

***Another betting option would be flat betting until behind a certain amount, then increase +1 unit til ahead***
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Nov 24, 05:09 PM 2015
Wiesbaden Table #4 - 14.11.2015 #101 Spins


Wins : 26

Losses : 07 (-14 flat betting)

Flat Total : +12 units

Labouchere Total : +19 units

Highest Bet : 6 (3-3)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 24, 05:23 PM 2015
 What strategy
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Nov 24, 05:30 PM 2015
Wiesbaden Table #5 - 14.11.2015 #312 Spins


Wins : 59

Losses : 39 (-78 flat betting)

Flat Bet : -19 units

Labouchere Total : XXXXXXXRecovers, but swing is way to big (1-70 units)XXXXXXXXXX

Labouchere Fails

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Nov 24, 05:31 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Nov 24, 05:23 PM 2015
What strategy

Same as NH above
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Nov 24, 06:02 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Nov 24, 05:30 PM 2015
Wiesbaden Table #5 - 14.11.2015 #312 Spins


Wins : 59

Losses : 39 (-78 flat betting)

Flat Bet : -19 units

Labouchere Total : XXXXXXXRecovers, but swing is way to big (1-70 units)XXXXXXXXXX

Labouchere Fails

Good evening the Law
in reply 248 you mention +1/-1, in the above W/L would it be a winner,where the 5L's are,next is 4 w's, if you kept going 9 l's and 16 w's
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Nov 24, 06:20 PM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Nov 24, 06:02 PM 2015
Good evening the Law
in reply 248 you mention +1/-1, in the above W/L would it be a winner,where the 5L's are,next is 4 w's, if you kept going 9 l's and 16 w's

Not sure about that, as you could be dropping in anywhere depending on when you approach the table. I would need to see more W/L records to find a particular pattern.

Reply #251 is a good choppy sequence to use as a test. It would not last with the +1/-1 strategy.

The W/L records are the key.........they present overall patterns over long periods of play.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 24, 08:24 PM 2015
you guys are testing this long term on the same table.......

not my style

and it is why i will win

bet. win. move. bet. win. move. bet win take break. bet win move.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 24, 08:34 PM 2015
im going away for thanksgiving so wont be on much

theres been different variations ive wanted to test but havent had time....ill be back at it after the holiday

im going to virginia tomorrow and will be on my way back on friday

chance i will stop at atlantic city friday

if i do ill play the 1 2 3 method and report back

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Nov 25, 02:49 PM 2015
Stating the obvious, this method of bet needs one of the dozens to be dorment to succeed.So is the ? when to start betting. If you sit out 3 mini games and say the 2nd dozen is missing, 9 spins. On the 1st bet we need 2 or 3, so as 2 is quiet the 1st bet is reliant on 3rd doz to win,if 1st doz hits we lose,but if 2nd bet is 1 or 3, 2nd is quiet, so a win.
So is watching how the dozens hit beneficial
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Nov 25, 02:54 PM 2015
......and lets not forget our best friend, the zeros.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Nov 25, 03:41 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Nov 02, 10:49 AM 2015
Awesome idea

I can recommend: after 1 or 2 wins switch tables or take a break before the inevitable happens

I'd recommend what unit you are playing with is your win goal, if using 10 units as soon as your 10 units up STOP, like RG says move on or take a break.

Or better still if your trying to supplement your income,what ever your hourly rate of pay is, when reached stop,do what RG says above.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Nov 25, 04:03 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Nov 24, 06:20 PM 2015
Not sure about that, as you could be dropping in anywhere depending on when you approach the table. I would need to see more W/L records to find a particular pattern.

Reply #251 is a good choppy sequence to use as a test. It would not last with the +1/-1 strategy.

The W/L records are the key.........they present overall patterns over long periods of play.
Hi Law the +1-1 on wis table 5 14.11.15  would lose, but there are places where you can stop and be a winner. Would you be sitting at the table for 312 spins, so as long as +1-1 gets you in front (win goal) then stop.
As always quoted the longer we/you play eventually be a loss
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Turner on Nov 25, 04:46 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Nov 24, 08:24 PM 2015
you guys are testing this long term on the same table.......

not my style

and it is why i will win

bet. win. move. bet. win. move. bet win take break. bet win move.

It makes absolutely no difference

If you take a break, the next number is random
If you don't take a break, the next number is random
If you change tables, the next number is random
If you don't change tables, the next number is random

They are what they say they are. Random
Not based on the last spin, or part of some pattern. Not based on anything apart from being random.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Nov 25, 05:04 PM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Nov 25, 04:03 PM 2015
Hi Law the +1-1 on wis table 5 14.11.15  would lose, but there are places where you can stop and be a winner. Would you be sitting at the table for 312 spins, so as long as +1-1 gets you in front (win goal) then stop.
As always quoted the longer we/you play eventually be a loss

I always look for continuous play, as I think you can make any bet work on hit-and-run (for a while).

I'll run some more tests over the holidays with more patterns to study! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Nov 25, 05:50 PM 2015
Quote from: Turner on Nov 25, 04:46 PM 2015
It makes absolutely no difference

If you take a break, the next number is random
If you don't take a break, the next number is random
If you change tables, the next number is random
If you don't change tables, the next number is random

They are what they say they are. Random
Not based on the last spin, or part of some pattern. Not based on anything apart from being random.

Correct Turner. Think of playing as a piece of string. Its ONE long, never ending piece of string.

No better sections of the string and no worse sections of the string, its the same.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Nov 25, 06:36 PM 2015
Quote from: MrJ on Nov 25, 05:50 PM 2015
Correct Turner. Think of playing as a piece of string. Its ONE long, never ending piece of string.

No better sections of the string and no worse sections of the string, its the same.

Only when you play a part of the string theres going to be good and bad, so the chosen method of play will need to be able to go with the flow,when and if in front, take the profit.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Nov 25, 07:13 PM 2015
Nobody is arguing, if in profit, LEAVE.

The big issue (imo) jumping from table to table helps you out, it does not. It cant really hurt to jump around (again imo) but it won't HELP.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: button on Nov 25, 07:23 PM 2015
I agree with MrJ, if you are going to lose you will, moving tables will not stop that.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 25, 07:25 PM 2015
We are talking about an event that happens on average once every 70 spins and back to back once every 2 thousand spins

Have the time? Wait until it happens then place your bet. You have 1 in a 2000 chance to lose on average

Thats as close as i see us getting to a holy grail on a mechanical system

It IS random

But i still see a benefit in moving table to table. Win. Move tables. Limit exposure
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: marvin on Nov 26, 10:14 AM 2015
try to use kimo li's pinwheel and you will be amazed. out of 1140 live spins i only got 2 1-2-3 WTG! onetaste  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 26, 10:37 AM 2015
Quote from: marvin on Nov 26, 10:14 AM 2015
try to use kimo li's pinwheel and you will be amazed. out of 1140 live spins i only got 2 1-2-3 WTG! onetaste  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Im away for the holiday but i will definitely check later. Thanks!
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: marvin on Nov 26, 10:47 AM 2015
Happy Thanksgiving!
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 26, 10:48 AM 2015
U too if u celebrate!
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 27, 05:04 PM 2015
marvin can you confirm if this is the pinwheel that you used?

1st spin bet against ONE
2nd spin get against TWO
3rd spin bet against THREE

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: marvin on Nov 28, 02:04 AM 2015
yeap! thats the one  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Proofreaders2000 on Nov 28, 03:28 AM 2015
Is there a way to get the chips on the mat faster (w/pinwheel layout)?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: marvin on Nov 28, 06:11 AM 2015
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Nov 28, 03:28 AM 2015
Is there a way to get the chips on the mat faster (w/pinwheel layout)?

aside from the one attached by RG, i dont think so.
after a couple of tries you will get used to it :)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: JahVinci on Nov 29, 01:06 AM 2015
Hi all guys!

First, I feel kinda guilty to all people who contribute to this forum and this thread in particular, so I cannot just be nonparticipant and contribute by myself as well.

1. Out of all strategies this one works the most. Probably closest to so called "Holy Grail".

2. I play on airball roulette, European layout. Coz it is much faster than "normal" one . 1 spin every minute. So it fits me more - not really patient.

3. Betting units 25$ each time. Bankroll 750$

4. I play against 1-2-3 sequence  + against previous sequence. As for "against sequences" here Raymanz did testing 9 main sequences to play against: 123: 831
but in my personal opinion it's better to avoid 111 111,  222 222, 333 333 - happens abnormally often. So I just play 111 123, 222 123, 333 123.

5. Playing session not more than 1 hour. Never bet every spin.

6. So far I did well. Last 3 days won 1200$. Didn't lose single time. Yet.   

PS sorry for english (not my first language) and feel free to ask any questions. You are doing great job here. I have much respect to all of u guys.

Good luck to all.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: marvin on Nov 29, 03:34 AM 2015
good stuff jahvinci!

i agree, 111 222 333 happens 38 times in my 1140 live test spins.

what progression u use? you stop on win and wait for next round?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: JahVinci on Nov 29, 04:34 AM 2015

In your tests it shows that all 9 sequences are pretty close, but from what I saw 111 111, 222 222, 333 333 happen way more often compare to other one. So I'd rather bet 1-2-3 when one of it appears.

Progression is same 1-3-9.  I win most of the spins on my first bet. I guess it was only 2-3 times I got to 9 units bet and won both.

One more important thing, !ALWAYS! safe bet zero. Today I got Mr.Zero on my third step bet and it saved me. Plus I managed to catch "0" 2 more times. So it gave me a good profit. I count 0 win as the game win and just stop.

I prefer to wait for "the best conditions" to bet. If I see that the most of action happens between 1-2 dozen, I prefer do not bet. And yes I play mini games of 3. If it hits on the first step I wait for next 2 numbers and decide bet or not after only.

Columns A-B-C works well as well.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Nick-the-Greek on Nov 29, 08:11 AM 2015
Just wanted to give my feedback here in the UK also betting against the 1 - 2 - 3 in 'three spin mini games' - on Betfair online live Euro wheel my target is 5 units per session and then swap to another table - all going well so far.
Weekends I'm getting about 10 sessions a day in but weekdays only 2 or 3 each day (evenings after work).
1 - 2 - 3 does hit but I then increase my stakes for the next few sessions to re coup quickly.
I've not put anything on zero yet - not needed so far on a single zero wheel but out of interest when you play the 1 - 3 - 9 progression how much are you putting on the zero each time?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 29, 10:46 AM 2015
Quote from: JahVinci on Nov 29, 01:06 AM 2015
Hi all guys!

First, I feel kinda guilty to all people who contribute to this forum and this thread in particular, so I cannot just be nonparticipant and contribute by myself as well.

1. Out of all strategies this one works the most. Probably closest to so called "Holy Grail".

2. I play on airball roulette, European layout. Coz it is much faster than "normal" one . 1 spin every minute. So it fits me more - not really patient.

3. Betting units 25$ each time. Bankroll 750$

4. I play against 1-2-3 sequence  + against previous sequence. As for "against sequences" here Raymanz did testing 9 main sequences to play against: 123: 831
but in my personal opinion it's better to avoid 111 111,  222 222, 333 333 - happens abnormally often. So I just play 111 123, 222 123, 333 123.

5. Playing session not more than 1 hour. Never bet every spin.

6. So far I did well. Last 3 days won 1200$. Didn't lose single time. Yet.   

PS sorry for english (not my first language) and feel free to ask any questions. You are doing great job here. I have much respect to all of u guys.

Good luck to all.

you and I share the exact same thought: this is pretty damn close to a holy grail

the fact that it works on airball is very promising, i had the same results on my local airball machines

how exactly are you playing when you say this: " So I just play 111 123, 222 123, 333 123"
does that mean 1st mini game you bet against 111 occuring, then you bet against 123 from occurring, then you bet against 222 from occuring?

also do you switch machines or stay at the same one?

you are 100% correct about 0. on several occasion you see 1 2 0. dont bet 0? you just lost

good job

thank you!

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Normy2000 on Nov 29, 10:47 AM 2015
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Nov 28, 03:28 AM 2015
Is there a way to get the chips on the mat faster (w/pinwheel layout)?
Google "Roulette Auto-Clicker" (or visit norcosoft.com),
can record and replay 5 bet selections.
Can be use in any casino or with Rx software.   >:D
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Nov 29, 10:52 AM 2015
Question >> Do we call something a HG if it cant be played at a real CASINO?

Being >>     Is there a way to get the chips on the mat faster (w/pinwheel layout)?

Google "Roulette Auto-Clicker" (or visit norcosoft.com),
can record and replay 5 bet selections.
Can be use in any casino or with Rx software.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 29, 10:54 AM 2015
Quote from: MrJ on Nov 29, 10:52 AM 2015
Question >> Do we call something a HG if it cant be played at a real CASINO?

Being >>     Is there a way to get the chips on the mat faster (w/pinwheel layout)?

Google "Roulette Auto-Clicker" (or visit norcosoft.com),
can record and replay 5 bet selections.
Can be use in any casino or with Rx software.


new member jahvinci said the original is close to a HG, the 1 2 3

which can easily be played at a real casino

this is as close as we are going to get to a HG on a mechanical system

you see the results?

original method real casino.....pinwheel variation has to be online...
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Nov 29, 11:08 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Nov 29, 10:54 AM 2015
new member jahvinci said the original is close to a HG, the 1 2 3

which can easily be played at a real casino

this is as close as we are going to get to a HG on a mechanical system

you see the results?

original method real casino.....pinwheel variation has to be online...

The obvious main problem here is the recoup after a loss.

You're now down 26 units, thus you need 26 wins to get even without a progression.

This is all assuming that we're talking about playing through, as opposed to hit-and-run, where most "rare-event" strategies look great.

Perhaps something like +1 after a win till you're ahead with stop-loss built in.........1/3/9.......2/6/18......3/9/27....etc. Just an idea, but I'm sure there's another progression better suited for this W/L record. It seems like anything but a slight progression will tank pretty quickly.

Just my $.02 :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Nov 29, 11:09 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Nov 29, 10:54 AM 2015
new member jahvinci said the original is close to a HG, the 1 2 3

which can easily be played at a real casino

this is as close as we are going to get to a HG on a mechanical system

you see the results?

original method real casino.....pinwheel variation has to be online...

Not saying I agree or disagree with you. Thing is, this thread will die out and in a couple months, new threads will pop up with new thoughts for a good method. The cycle never ends. Makes no difference if this here method makes 50K per week, the idea will die out.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 29, 11:11 AM 2015
Quote from: MrJ on Nov 29, 11:09 AM 2015
Not saying I agree or disagree with you. Thing is, this thread will die out and in a couple months, new threads will pop up with new thoughts for a good method. The cycle never ends. Makes no difference if this here method makes 50K per week, the idea will die out.


well i definitely agree with that

and it is a shame. this is the most simple, best system i have ever seen

but you are right
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 29, 11:13 AM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Nov 29, 11:08 AM 2015
The obvious main problem here is the recoup after a loss.

You're now down 26 units, thus you need 26 wins to get even without a progression.

This is all assuming that we're talking about playing through, as opposed to hit-and-run, where most "rare-event" strategies look great.

Perhaps something like +1 after a win till you're ahead with stop-loss built in.........1/3/9.......2/6/18......3/9/27....etc. Just an idea, but I'm sure there's another progression better suited for this W/L record. It seems like anything but a slight progression will tank pretty quickly.

Just my $.02 :thumbsup:

you are right

the recoup is not fun

the people here that i know are playing this are way up, when the inevitable 123 happens in their sessions they will still be ahead

i think the name of the game here is limit the sessions to 2 or 3 mini games and take a good break or switch tables. which people will say does not matter but i think it does

theres other ways to play it to.....you dont have to bet against 123 every mini games...jahvinci had some good ideas

i hope he elaborates on how exactly he plays hes got my interest

what makes this strategy so special is that the progression works
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Nov 29, 11:16 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Nov 29, 11:11 AM 2015
well i definitely agree with that

and it is a shame. this is the most simple, best system i have ever seen

but you are right

When it happens (and it will), you must have thick skin about it. There have been a few methods I posted that do DAMN well but few talk about. My advice...dont take it personal. Solution? Post less methods, saves you tons of time, trust me.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 29, 11:17 AM 2015
Quote from: MrJ on Nov 29, 11:16 AM 2015
When it happens (and it will), you must have thick skin about it. There have been a few methods I posted that do DAMN well but few talk about. My advice...dont take it personal. Solution? Post less methods, saves you tons of time, trust me.


all credit goes to onetaste here...i just believed in it

im sure your systems are great. i just believe in simplicity and betting right away
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: marvin on Nov 29, 12:34 PM 2015
i actually agree with thelaw,  :'(
the DD is just too huge that it could eat up our previous winnings or more.

RG, if you have time. kindly test this out. its giving me a very very good result so far. been testing this for 3 days now and haven't lost.
This is FLAT BET so the issue that thelaw pointed out will somehow negated.

Against 1:
0, 15-18, 18-21,21-24,20-23,17,13-16,19,27-30,26-29,28-31,34 = 12u
Against 2:
0-2, 4-9(3u), 12,10,30-39,26-29,26-25,34,32-36(2u) = 12u
Against 3:
0-1,3-6,4-8(3u),11,15-18, 18-21,21-24,23,14-17,22 = 12u

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 29, 12:37 PM 2015

on this what are you doing? on spin 1 bet 2 and 3?:
Against 1:
0, 15-18, 18-21,21-24,20-23,17,13-16,19,27-30,26-29,28-31,34 = 12u
Against 2:
0-2, 4-9(3u), 12,10,30-39,26-29,26-25,34,32-36(2u) = 12u
Against 3:
0-1,3-6,4-8(3u),11,15-18, 18-21,21-24,23,14-17,22 = 12u
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: marvin on Nov 29, 12:40 PM 2015
on spin 1 bet "Against 1"
on spin 2 bet "Against 2"
on spin 3 bet "Against 3"
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 29, 01:03 PM 2015
If we play the original 1 2 3 wee expect to lose 1 mini game per 70 to 100 spins

Thats a couple of hours time

Thats why winning and moving tables is important

Also. Im not worried about the draw down

If i play with 10 base unit and lose steps 1 3 9 which i will once every 1 to 2 hours i would then up my base bet to 50 and in 4 mini games im back where i was. And id feel confident doing that because ive NEVER seen 1 2 3 more then once per 100 spins

So i believe drawdown doesnt effect this method because it is so solid

If the bet selection is strong and wins then an aggressive progression will recoup for 4 mini games
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 29, 01:11 PM 2015
If you dont have the bankroll to bet that high this is in my opinion the best way

$1 minimum table. Reputable online casino or air ball

1 3 9 with â,¬1 £1 $1 base bets

You will make $60 £60 â,¬60 an hour

When 1 2 3 comes you will be down $26 â,¬26 £26

So the next mini game up it to $25 â,¬25 £25 units and in 1 mini game you are back in profit

That is the infalliable way to play this

Play small then big for 1 or 2 mini games to recoup. Easy enough with small units

I take paypal donations
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Nov 29, 01:18 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Nov 29, 01:11 PM 2015
If you dont have the bankroll to bet that high this is in my opinion the best way

$1 minimum table. Reputable online casino or air ball

1 3 9 with â,¬1 £1 $1 base bets

You will make $60 £60 â,¬60 an hour

When 1 2 3 comes you will be down $26 â,¬26 £26

So the next mini game up it to $25 â,¬25 £25 units and in 1 mini game you are back in profit

That is the infalliable way to play this

Play small then big for 1 or 2 mini games to recoup. Easy enough with small units

I take paypal donations

25-75-225 - correct? - so we're out 650 units if this fails?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 29, 01:20 PM 2015
If u see 1 2 3 back to back yes

Chances are 1 in a million

Ill take my chances i want to be up 1200 like javinchi
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 29, 01:28 PM 2015
And if you are that worried sit out the next 3 spins to make sure 1 2 3 doesnt happen back to back before u go in with the $25 recovery set

In allllll my testing never saw 1 2 3 broken up more then once within 100 spins and never yet saw 123 123. I say we r safe
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: marvin on Nov 29, 01:28 PM 2015
hahaha its just really too hairy for me man
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 29, 01:33 PM 2015
Ok. On paper it looks like it


Test it. And you will be surprised

Show me 123 123 on a marquee

There is an exception to every rule

Parts of the universe where physics doesnt make sense

So i dont want to hear if it requires a progression it cant work

It can and it will
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: marvin on Nov 29, 02:04 PM 2015
oh.... dont get me wrong man. i am not saying that this one doesn't work. its just i don't have the nerve for this kind of progression.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 29, 02:57 PM 2015
Quote from: marvin on Nov 29, 02:04 PM 2015
oh.... dont get me wrong man. i am not saying that this one doesn't work. its just i don't have the nerve for this kind of progression.

That's understandable
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 29, 04:40 PM 2015
If you see the gold here and play it insurance on 0 is a must

You will see
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Nick-the-Greek on Nov 29, 05:17 PM 2015
As I mentioned earlier this is working well and when 1 - 2 - 3 does hit I raise the stakes to recoup quickly.
No insurance on zero at the moment - what insurance do you suggest on a euro wheel?
The only other thought I had was to change the 1 - 2 - 3 mini game sequence each time so we are not a static target.
So mix it up each time:
1 - 2 - 3
2 - 1 - 1
3 - 2 - 3
Hard to test as these are random selections but in my mind harder to get a match to the three wheel spins rather than sitting on 1 - 2 - 3 which will get a hit eventually.
My thinking behind this is likening it to giving a blind man a gun and asking him to try and shoot you whilst you stand still in a field 100 yards away - is he less likely to hit you if you keep moving position?
Thoughts anyone?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 29, 05:22 PM 2015
thanks nick

are those the only 3 combos you bet against?

and javinchi i hope to hear more .....
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 29, 06:16 PM 2015
Quote from: Nick-the-Greek on Nov 29, 05:17 PM 2015
As I mentioned earlier this is working well and when 1 - 2 - 3 does hit I raise the stakes to recoup quickly.

thats the key

one time every 100 spins on average then recoup fast
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 29, 06:49 PM 2015
dont even have to go drastic

can do $1 units

on your first 1 2 3 loss

up it to $10 units

in 2 mini games you are back
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 29, 07:47 PM 2015
nameless member is up $14,000 with this....
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Nov 29, 08:33 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Nov 29, 07:47 PM 2015
nameless member is up $14,000 with this....

Do you know the exact progression he is using? :question:

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Nov 29, 08:53 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Nov 29, 06:49 PM 2015
dont even have to go drastic

can do $1 units

on your first 1 2 3 loss

up it to $10 units

in 2 mini games you are back

Just ran a quick test using 167 spins from Wiesbaden using these exact rules (did not cover zero-just took it as a hit.....-6 units x 3):

Results :

+ 17 units (includes 3 losses + recovery as outlined above) :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 29, 08:58 PM 2015
Three times 1 2 3 and u have profit

Thats what i like to see!
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Nov 29, 09:12 PM 2015
My only concern at this point would be the overall profit (not a real problem for sure).

If I had covered zero each spin, then I would be wayyyyy down.

So it's looking like less than 10 units per hour on average. :thumbsup:

It might be worth it to actually just restart a 1-2-3 game after a win.....especially with the 10 unit recoup strategy... :question:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 29, 09:16 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Nov 29, 09:12 PM 2015
My only concern at this point would be the overall profit (not a real problem for sure).

If I had covered zero each spin, then I would be wayyyyy down.

So it's looking like less than 10 units per hour on average. :thumbsup:

It might be worth it to actually just restart a 1-2-3 game after a win.....especially with the 10 unit recoup strategy... :question:

Definitely a thought. Instead of waiting for the 3 spins to run out just restart
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 29, 09:19 PM 2015
Lets goto vegas and take em down
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Nov 29, 09:24 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Nov 29, 09:12 PM 2015
My only concern at this point would be the overall profit (not a real problem for sure).

If I had covered zero each spin, then I would be wayyyyy down.

So it's looking like less than 10 units per hour on average. :thumbsup:

It might be worth it to actually just restart a 1-2-3 game after a win.....especially with the 10 unit recoup strategy... :question:

Just ran the same spins using this method (restart after a win).

Results :

+50 units (hit (1-2-3) 6 times + 3 zeros)..........appears to be a much better way to play :thumbsup:

Also, cover zero for recoup x1....x2.....x3 (great insurance)!!!
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 29, 09:27 PM 2015
Ok so when u win start right away betting against 1 no waiting
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 29, 09:36 PM 2015
This method we may wanna keep hush hush. If it gets out the dealers might tell the pit boss and it may be an issue.....

Or am i paranoid
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Proofreaders2000 on Nov 30, 12:05 AM 2015
If any method uses negative progressions they're not worried
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Nov 30, 12:26 AM 2015
Wiesbaden Table #2 - 03.10.2015

167 spins

1-2-3 : 5 times

Zero : 4 times

Totals : -202/+203 = +01 unit (includes 1.2.3 on zeros for recoup spins)

***Personally, I'm seeing too many 1-2-3s pop up.........two of these were within 3 games of each other-including the recoup games. So 1-2-3 loss, then recoup win, recoup win, normal win, then 1-2-3 loss again. I have a bad feeling about this...... :ooh:***
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 30, 12:50 AM 2015
I dont know law. Maybe american wheel layout effects the frequency
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Proofreaders2000 on Nov 30, 01:07 AM 2015
How about a small positive progression:

Win one, bet two units/dozen next step.
Win or lose restart at one unit/dozen.

Win-Target: +2 units or better.  Stop loss: -6 units
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Nick-the-Greek on Nov 30, 04:39 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Nov 29, 05:22 PM 2015
thanks nick

are those the only 3 combos you bet against?

and javinchi i hope to hear more .....

I'm just betting against a 123 combo at the moment but my idea was why not mix it up and change the combo every spin - the three I quoted where just an example - there are 27 combinations (per below) so by using a different one to bet against for each mini spin would you not be extending the odds of matching to the wheel rather than being a sitting target using 123 all the time? I'm happy to be proved wrong.

111   221   331
112   222   332
113   223   333
121   211   311
122   212   312
123   213   313
131   231   321
132   232   322
133   233   323


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: vladir on Nov 30, 05:24 AM 2015
Quote from: Nick-the-Greek on Nov 30, 04:39 AM 2015
I'm just betting against a 123 combo at the moment but my idea was why not mix it up and change the combo every spin - the three I quoted where just an example - there are 27 combinations (per below) so by using a different one to bet against for each mini spin would you not be extending the odds of matching to the wheel rather than being a sitting target using 123 all the time? I'm happy to be proved wrong.

111   221   331
112   222   332
113   223   333
121   211   311
122   212   312
123   213   313
131   231   321
132   232   322
133   233   323


Here is an idea then...
First we have to determine what a session will be (100 spins?). Then we have to test some billions spins to see how many times can the same combo repeat itself in 100 spins. Let's say we come up with 4 maximum(I have no idea, made no such test).

We just start tracking and when we have whitnessed a combo come up 4 times, we start playing against it repeating a 5th time until we reach 100 spins since the first combo appearance.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: ego on Nov 30, 05:46 AM 2015
Quote from: Nick-the-Greek on Nov 30, 04:39 AM 2015
I'm just betting against a 123 combo at the moment but my idea was why not mix it up and change the combo every spin - the three I quoted where just an example - there are 27 combinations (per below) so by using a different one to bet against for each mini spin would you not be extending the odds of matching to the wheel rather than being a sitting target using 123 all the time? I'm happy to be proved wrong.

111   221   331
112   222   332
113   223   333
121   211   311
122   212   312
123   213   313
131   231   321
132   232   322
133   233   323


Thas is what i say Before - but with other Words - play agains't the past Three dozen hits - then you Always play against 27 combinations.
If one Group of Three repeat you will have six in a row.

QuoteHere is an idea then...
First we have to determine what a session will be (100 spins?). Then we have to test some billions spins to see how many times can the same combo repeat itself in 100 spins. Let's say we come up with 4 maximum(I have no idea, made no such test).

We just start tracking and when we have whitnessed a combo come up 4 times, we start playing against it repeating a 5th time until we reach 100 spins since the first combo appearance.

Yes ... how many times can a Group of Three repeat? if you take one dozen it repeat 13 times in a row once during 1 million trails.
So for one group of Three to repeat four to five times would be pretty rare.

One can use GLC progression into Three levels - 1 3 9 and 3 9 27 and 9 27 87
If you play without trigger you will cover 12 in a row and if you start from six you will never lose the hole progression with Three levels as you cover 15 in a row.
The question is how they come back to back and several losing strings during your play.
I have not test this progression - but it looks good.

As we play in the short run so will we maybe never see 13 in a row during our time gambling - but if we are really unlucky we could encounter 13 in a row.

So i been thinking to code this into RX code - but not as system - i would like to code it to show statistics.
That way i can run RX and see how many times one Group repeat during 1 million trails tracking all 27 combinations.

Or do you have other suggestion?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Nick-the-Greek on Nov 30, 08:55 AM 2015
Hi Ego,

Stats would be very helpful - all my testing so far has been from manually recording Betfair live spins and transferring them to Excel - so slow!

My next step is to lean more about Kimo Li and his pinwheel idea - if we can predict more accurately when a 123 combo is due this gives us so much more power of when to bet or when to stop betting.

I'm using singe zero wheels - will your testing be on single or double?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tamino on Nov 30, 09:05 AM 2015
No longer hush hush.  It`s on google  among others.

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Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: martin on Nov 30, 09:56 AM 2015
Main problem of this method (and most of double-dozen methods) is so steep and huge progression. It is very nice and positive that 1-2-3 occurs one time of 100 or even more spins. But what if it occurs? Could we use that terrible 3-times gained stake? 1-3-9 - 27-81-243 ?? Totally crazy.

When we reckon that 1-2-3, 1-2-3 is very rare, we could use 1-3-9 prog., then 7-21-63 for consecutive double wins and we will be back.
But we can't say with any certainty that this will not occur: 1-2-3 (L), 1-2-3 (L), 1-1-1 (W), 1-2-3 (L). Still huge loss.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Nov 30, 10:18 AM 2015
As much as I would like to suggest a milder progression, GLC stated earlier in the thread that it wouldn't make much of a difference long term, and even gave several progressions to use in the place of Marti.

I think that the only way to use this bet selection without enormous risk, would be to flat bet and then increase after a certain point.......making it a grinder method at best.

It could still show profit, but much slower and safer than any progressions jumping bet-to-bet.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 30, 10:57 AM 2015
I respect your opinions

No system is for everybody

But i cant agree that this is a grinder system. Its too good to just be a grinder

If it scares you then play with .25 cents or $1 chips

1 3 9 with $1 chips then when hit 1 2 3 up to $10 chips to recover in 1 mini game

I will continue to take my chance. This is the closest we will ever get to a mechanical system grail type strategy

The fact we see 123 once within 100 spins is astounding.

If it scares u then use very small unit sizes OR wait to 123 happens then GO

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Nov 30, 10:58 AM 2015
Thanks to Denzie for this info (via PM)! :)

I always want transparency, so here it is for everyone to see :

"I'll give you a push in the right direction.
Combo's : 123 - 132 - 213 - 231 - 321 -312
Bet 1 time/trigger( example on 123)
Wait a virtual loss first

123 ----> virtual loss
122 -----> win

And this for all 6 combo's but they have separate progression.
1-3-9 and stay on 9 till recovered.

Or just bet against last 3 that came.
Now bet against that."

Now I have to admit; this appears to be a superior bet to 1-2-3.

Even flat-betting, it looks pretty good. Not perfect.......it can fail, but the W/L record on this is pretty impressive.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: paulee on Nov 30, 10:59 AM 2015
Progressions have a habit of taking your whole bank roll when you least expect it.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 30, 11:03 AM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Nov 30, 10:58 AM 2015
Thanks to Denzie for this info (via PM)! :)

I always want transparency, so here it is for everyone to see :

"I'll give you a push in the right direction.
Combo's : 123 - 132 - 213 - 231 - 321 -312
Bet 1 time/trigger( example on 123)
Wait a virtual loss first

123 ----> virtual loss
122 -----> win

And this for all 6 combo's but they have separate progression.
1-3-9 and stay on 9 till recovered.

Or just bet against last 3 that came.
Now bet against that."

Now I have to admit; this appears to be a superior bet to 1-2-3.

Even flat-betting, it looks pretty good. Not perfect.......it can fail, but the W/L record on this is pretty impressive.

Betting against last 3 as ego pointed out is good

But i had some bad losers so worried me

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Nov 30, 11:09 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Nov 30, 11:03 AM 2015
Betting against last 3 as ego pointed out is good

But i had some bad losers so worried me

If you try the first bet selection, you might be surprised.

I'm not a fan of the last 3........but I think he was referring to the following :


233 (virtual loss)

212 (actual win)

Still pretty risky, which is why I like the first selection. You're placing bets all over the place........one might be 2 spins after your pattern......while another might be 20 spins after. :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 30, 11:14 AM 2015
Will test this evening thanks for sharing
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: atlantis on Nov 30, 11:50 AM 2015
"I'll give you a push in the right direction.
Combo's : 123 - 132 - 213 - 231 - 321 -312

I play the 1-2-3 when it shows (in any combo) as above and stop after first bet whether win or lose. EG:

2 - 132 combo so play 1-1 on d2 and d3
2 - won 1                                                     +1
3 - 213 combo so play 1-1 on d1 and d3
3 - won 1                                                     +2
2 - 312 combo so play 1-1 on d1 and d2
3 - lost 2                                                      +0
   - 123 combo so play 2-2 on d2 and d3
3 - won 2                                                      +2
1 - 321 combo so play 1-1 on d2 and d3
2 - won 1                                                      +3
3 - 123 combo so play 1-1 on d2 and d3
2 - won 1                                                      +4
1 - 321 combo so play 1-1 on d1 and d2
2 - won 1                                                      +5

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 30, 01:01 PM 2015
Atlantis thats playing the opposite of the dozen 3 spins back dvery 3 spins?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: vladir on Nov 30, 01:06 PM 2015
Quote from: ego on Nov 30, 05:46 AM 2015
Thas is what i say Before - but with other Words - play agains't the past Three dozen hits - then you Always play against 27 combinations.
If one Group of Three repeat you will have six in a row.

Yes ... how many times can a Group of Three repeat? if you take one dozen it repeat 13 times in a row once during 1 million trails.
So for one group of Three to repeat four to five times would be pretty rare.

One can use GLC progression into Three levels - 1 3 9 and 3 9 27 and 9 27 87
If you play without trigger you will cover 12 in a row and if you start from six you will never lose the hole progression with Three levels as you cover 15 in a row.
The question is how they come back to back and several losing strings during your play.
I have not test this progression - but it looks good.

As we play in the short run so will we maybe never see 13 in a row during our time gambling - but if we are really unlucky we could encounter 13 in a row.

So i been thinking to code this into RX code - but not as system - i would like to code it to show statistics.
That way i can run RX and see how many times one Group repeat during 1 million trails tracking all 27 combinations.

Or do you have other suggestion?


I have a sugestion, based on the (limmited) test's I made, the killer sequences where usually from sequences with 1 or 2 dozens (things like 112, 313, 222, 333,etc... seem to be common killers for this). However the most I found of 123 was 12312312[2] (win on the last 2, it did not repeat a 3rd time)

So, my sugestion is to bet every spin against the last shown 3 distinct consecutive dozen combo (wich can be 123,132,213,231,312,321).  On a loss, use the proposed GLC progression.until on a new + ...or loss on the 3rd level of progression.

In other words, if I have 123, I start betting against 123 forming again every spin until a new combo of 3 unique numbers appears, then I drop the 123 and I use the new combo instead. Example:

223311123 (first 3 different dozens in a row, so from now on we play against 123)
113321 (321 shows, so now we drop 123, and start betting against 321 showing again)
2223312 (312 shows, so this is our new bet) and so on...

I would like to see a test on this.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Nov 30, 01:44 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Nov 30, 10:58 AM 2015
Thanks to Denzie for this info (via PM)! :)

I always want transparency, so here it is for everyone to see :

"I'll give you a push in the right direction.
Combo's : 123 - 132 - 213 - 231 - 321 -312
Bet 1 time/trigger( example on 123)
Wait a virtual loss first

123 ----> virtual loss
122 -----> win

And this for all 6 combo's but they have separate progression.
1-3-9 and stay on 9 till recovered.

Or just bet against last 3 that came.
Now bet against that."

Now I have to admit; this appears to be a superior bet to 1-2-3.

Even flat-betting, it looks pretty good. Not perfect.......it can fail, but the W/L record on this is pretty impressive.

A bit of further testing......still too many misses for my taste (flat betting) :sad2:

Definitely better to use only combos of 1-2-3 (2-1-3, 3-2-1, etc), but still difficult to pull ahead......
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 30, 02:26 PM 2015
Test after test on american i see 1 2 3 once every 70 to 100 spins

I dunno about you guys but when it comes to roulette im not askin for much more. Ill make it work

I plan to goto mt airy casino who has $3 airball and use $2 units. This way when 1 2 3 happens i can up the units and recover quick

Im confident i wont see 123123 cause i havent yet on american wheel

I did see 123 occur more on euro the results are much different on american as nottophammer pointed out 231 i think it was may be befter for euro go a few pages back to read what he said
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Nov 30, 02:42 PM 2015
Whilst playing your desired combo,keep looking to see if a dozen is sleeping, if using 123, wouldn't it be good to see 1st doz sleeping,you would win every 1st spin till it awakes. The sleeping bit is the ?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Nov 30, 02:55 PM 2015
would this work, have 3 banks,1st bank would be playing 1,2,3, B2 playing 2,3,1 and B3 playing 3,1,2

B1     B2     B3
  1       2       3
  2       3       1
  3       1       2
  1       2             Now zero would be a loss, how to  bet zero? 
                          when lose up the units to your chosen way.
                          COULD WE PLAY THIS WAY,                       
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Nov 30, 02:59 PM 2015
When a bank is plus stop betting that bank, eventually all three banks should get plus, just the zero
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Nov 30, 05:05 PM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Nov 30, 02:55 PM 2015
would this work, have 3 banks,1st bank would be playing 1,2,3, B2 playing 2,3,1 and B3 playing 3,1,2

B1     B2     B3
  1       2       3
  2       3       1
  3       1       2
  1       2             Now zero would be a loss, how to  bet zero? 
                          when lose up the units to your chosen way.
                          COULD WE PLAY THIS WAY,                     

Here is an example of the W/L record for this system (flat betting) :





***If you cut out the first line, then we only have to make 1-3 instead of 1-3-9 to make a profit***
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Nov 30, 05:30 PM 2015
Full W/L record for 170 spin game :


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 30, 06:09 PM 2015
you guys are looking a little to deep

im not going to sit at a table for 170 spins

im lookin for 1 win per table. with 1 loser every 70 spins of course it works
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 30, 06:41 PM 2015
here is a test I just ran from spin 830 something in american zumma

this is a holy grail....thats my story and im sticking to it

this is 26 mini games....78 live wheel spins with no 123 instance....that is why i am not worried about hitting the occasional 123...i will already be in profit and if not i will recover FAST

and the law... your idea of on any win reset and start betting against 123 again without waiting for the 3 spins to be up makes a LOT more profit and faster...so you can get in and out...a continuous bet against 1 2 3 occurring and reset back to betting against 123 on ANY win without sitting out spins and waiting for the next mini game is definitely something to consider if you want to get out fast

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Nov 30, 07:06 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Nov 30, 06:41 PM 2015
here is a test I just ran from spin 830 something in american zumma

this is a holy grail....thats my story and im sticking to it

this is 26 mini games....78 live wheel spins with no 123 instance....that is why i am not worried about hitting the occasional 123...i will already be in profit and if not i will recover FAST

and the law... your idea of on any win reset and start betting against 123 again without waiting for the 3 spins to be up makes a LOT more profit and faster...so you can get in and out...a continuous bet against 1 2 3 occurring and reset back to betting against 123 on ANY win without sitting out spins and waiting for the next mini game is definitely something to consider if you want to get out fast

If it's the Grail (american Wheel only), then I look forward to you hearing your war stories when you return with your winnings!!! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 30, 07:13 PM 2015
i dont know man

i cant look at that chart i just posted and not see a grail......
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Nov 30, 07:19 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Nov 30, 07:13 PM 2015
i dont know man

i cant look at that chart i just posted and not see a grail......

The only problem with this system is that it lends itself to bad luck hitting you like a sledgehammer......I'm willing to bet there's a less risky progression that's still effective.

Having said that.......I do think that the bet selection might be the best we have available without some serious tracking, so with a bit of luck, you might be able to turn this into a winner long term! :)

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Nov 30, 07:20 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Nov 30, 07:19 PM 2015
The only problem with this system is that it lends itself to bad luck hitting you like a sledgehammer......I'm willing to bet there's a less risky progression that's still effective.

Having said that.......I do think that the bet selection might be the best we have available without some serious tracking, so with a bit of luck, you might be able to turn this into a winner long term! :)

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Nov 30, 09:38 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Nov 30, 06:41 PM 2015
here is a test I just ran from spin 830 something in american zumma

this is a holy grail....thats my story and im sticking to it

this is 26 mini games....78 live wheel spins with no 123 instance....that is why i am not worried about hitting the occasional 123...i will already be in profit and if not i will recover FAST

and the law... your idea of on any win reset and start betting against 123 again without waiting for the 3 spins to be up makes a LOT more profit and faster...so you can get in and out...a continuous bet against 1 2 3 occurring and reset back to betting against 123 on ANY win without sitting out spins and waiting for the next mini game is definitely something to consider if you want to get out fast

Just a heads up.......using a standard Labouchere progression = +17 units (highest bet 5-5) :thumbsup:

This might be the more conservative approach, as a 1-2-3 will not kill your bankroll! :)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Nov 30, 10:49 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Nov 30, 12:26 AM 2015
Wiesbaden Table #2 - 03.10.2015

167 spins

1-2-3 : 5 times

Zero : 4 times

Totals : -202/+203 = +01 unit (includes 1.2.3 on zeros for recoup spins)

***Personally, I'm seeing too many 1-2-3s pop up.........two of these were within 3 games of each other-including the recoup games. So 1-2-3 loss, then recoup win, recoup win, normal win, then 1-2-3 loss again. I have a bad feeling about this...... :ooh:***
Wiesbaden Table #2 - 03.10.2015 - 167 spins

Labouchere Total : +33 units (highest bet 8-8)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 01, 06:38 AM 2015
Better reeults with that progression

When i played live 2 saturdays ago i played 1 2 5

Break even progression

I only profited on step 1

Made 7 units
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Nick-the-Greek on Dec 01, 07:38 AM 2015
These are my latest test results - online live single zero wheels:

885 spins
Win 105 units (using 1 3 9 progression)
Win 103 units (using 1 3 3 progression - much less scary if you get a bad run)
Five 1 2 3 combos (* see note)

Let us assume each spin takes 1 minute = 14.75 hours of play
103 units at say £10/$10 per unit = £1030/$1030
Hourly rate of approx. £70/$70!
Someone check my maths please!!!!!!

Most of the combos win within spins one or two so by dropping the progression from 1 3 9 down to 1 3 3 it does not make much difference to the units won.

* Note:
Out of the 885 spins 1 2 3 actually came up 20 times!
However only five of these fell inside the 3 spin combos. This might be a point worth checking if you are running automated tests as your results may show a high total number of 1 2 3 combos rather than how many times they fall in your 3 spin mini game.

Very small sample I know but using the lower risk progression I'm gaining more confidence in this system that all the others I've tried.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 01, 07:42 AM 2015
Quote from: Nick-the-Greek on Dec 01, 07:38 AM 2015
These are my latest test results - online live single zero wheels:

885 spins
Win 105 units (using 1 3 9 progression)
Win 103 units (using 1 3 3 progression - much less scary if you get a bad run)
Five 1 2 3 combos (* see note)

Let us assume each spin takes 1 minute = 14.75 hours of play
103 units at say £10/$10 per unit = £1030/$1030
Hourly rate of approx. £70/$70!
Someone check my maths please!!!!!!

Most of the combos win within spins one or two so by dropping the progression from 1 3 9 down to 1 3 3 it does not make much difference to the units won.

* Note:
Out of the 885 spins 1 2 3 actually came up 20 times!
However only five of these fell inside the 3 spin combos. This might be a point worth checking if you are running automated tests as your results may show a high total number of 1 2 3 combos rather than how many times they fall in your 3 spin mini game.

Very small sample I know but using the lower risk progression I'm gaining more confidence in this system that all the others I've tried.

Very nice nick

Yes 10 units about 70 an hour

I like the 1 3 3 good job on that

Is this euro?

Im noticing 1 2 3 occurrence much greater on euro

I notice euro has 123 every 50 spins when on american its closer to 70 to 100

20 times in 880 spins roughly 1 in 50

Im glad you see the gold here

Im sure steve and the moderators laugh at us for thinking this type of thing works lol
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Nick-the-Greek on Dec 01, 07:59 AM 2015
Yes, euro wheel.

I'm playing online for real money every night for 10p units at the moment in batches of five mini games - then stop and move to another table.

Bank is increasing slowly and as confidence grows I'll double the unit stake each time inline with a 2% 'bank to stake' ratio.

The 1 3 3 progression takes a huge amount of pressure off as the recoup time is reduced from 26 wins down to 14 - much more realistic, especially if you increase the stakes during the recoup games.

Lots of other progressions have been suggested by others, however I'm going to stick with this one for a while and see how it pans out over a longer period of time as it's so easy to get knocked off track and you end up trying everything but not actually achieving solid results.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 01, 08:26 AM 2015
Nick if your casinos offer american try it

With insurance on 0/00

If im using $10 units ill put $1 ins on 0 and 00
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 01, 10:11 AM 2015
Quote from: Nick-the-Greek on Dec 01, 07:38 AM 2015
These are my latest test results - online live single zero wheels:

885 spins
Win 105 units (using 1 3 9 progression)
Win 103 units (using 1 3 3 progression - much less scary if you get a bad run)
Five 1 2 3 combos (* see note)

Let us assume each spin takes 1 minute = 14.75 hours of play
103 units at say £10/$10 per unit = £1030/$1030
Hourly rate of approx. £70/$70!
Someone check my maths please!!!!!!

Most of the combos win within spins one or two so by dropping the progression from 1 3 9 down to 1 3 3 it does not make much difference to the units won.

* Note:
Out of the 885 spins 1 2 3 actually came up 20 times!
However only five of these fell inside the 3 spin combos. This might be a point worth checking if you are running automated tests as your results may show a high total number of 1 2 3 combos rather than how many times they fall in your 3 spin mini game.

Very small sample I know but using the lower risk progression I'm gaining more confidence in this system that all the others I've tried.


I would say that the 1-3-3 is the superior progression thus far with this bet selection. :thumbsup:

How are you handling the zeros? Do you count them as part of the mini-game, or keep betting as if they don't exist?

Ex #1 : 1.2.0 (mini game complete-counts as a full loss)


Ex #2 : 1.2.0.x (making an extra bet to ignore zero)

Thanks, and great work from you and RG!!! :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 01, 10:17 AM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 01, 10:11 AM 2015
I would say that the 1-3-3 is the superior progression thus far with this bet selection. :thumbsup:

How are you handling the zeros? Do you count them as part of the mini-game, or keep betting as if they don't exist?

Ex #1 : 1.2.0 (mini game complete-counts as a full loss)


Ex #2 : 1.2.0.x (making an extra bet to ignore zero)

Thanks, and great work from you and RG!!! :thumbsup:

Always insurance on zero. I do a break even insurance unit

1 0 3 will hurt!
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Nick-the-Greek on Dec 01, 10:29 AM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 01, 10:11 AM 2015
I would say that the 1-3-3 is the superior progression thus far with this bet selection. :thumbsup:

How are you handling the zeros? Do you count them as part of the mini-game, or keep betting as if they don't exist?

Ex #1 : 1.2.0 (mini game complete-counts as a full loss)


Ex #2 : 1.2.0.x (making an extra bet to ignore zero)

Thanks, and great work from you and RG!!! :thumbsup:

Thanks for your comments - I'm playing euro wheels so zero's have not caused too much upset so far (not needed an insurance bet) and I included them in the 3 spin mini games.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 01, 10:39 AM 2015
Quote from: Nick-the-Greek on Dec 01, 10:29 AM 2015
Thanks for your comments - I'm playing euro wheels so zero's have not caused too much upset so far (not needed an insurance bet) and I included them in the 3 spin mini games.


Just ran this on some spins from Wiesbaden, and ended -08 after 170 spins using 1-3-3 (no zero insurance).

One possible way to deal with this is to use a different progression for recoup after a loss (i had 4 full losses on this chart).

So after a loss, we could jump to 3 units (or more if you like) and use a Labouchere standard line (cancellation system) for a much or as little as we like to recoup (more conservative is better). Ex: We just lost 14 units on a 1-2-3 game, then started a Labouchere line to recoup 3(x3) wins. Then a total loss only costs us 5 units.

In that same game mentioned above, we would have been +28 units. :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 01, 11:16 AM 2015
I must be the slowest guy on this forum, that after 25 pages I still don't understand how this works.

Let me see if I can understand.

What I don't know about this if you play on one dozen or two dozen but this is how I see it:

spin 1: 3 red (1st dozen)
spin 2: 13 black (2nd dozen)

Now we bet on dozen 1 and 2 since we play against 1 2 3?

spin 3: 1 red (1st dozen) WIN

If spin 3 would be let say 36 red we make the same bet (1st and 2nd dozen) with a progression?

Maybe you can fill in the gap where I'm wrong or maybe tell me how you would play on those three spin, which is one mini game, right?

Sorry if I'm ignorant, being my first post and all, although I've been a long time lurker. ;)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 01, 11:19 AM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 01, 11:16 AM 2015
I must be the slowest guy on this forum, that after 25 pages I still don't understand how this works.

Let me see if I can understand.

What I don't know about this if you play on one dozen or two dozen but this is how I see it:

spin 1: 3 red (1st dozen)
spin 2: 13 black (2nd dozen)

Now we bet on dozen 1 and 2 since we play against 1 2 3?

spin 3: 1 red (1st dozen) WIN

If spin 3 would be let say 36 red we make the same bet (1st and 2nd dozen) with a progression?

Maybe you can fill in the gap where I'm wrong or maybe tell me how you would play on those three spin, which is one mini game, right?

Sorry if I'm ignorant, being my first post and all, although I've been a long time lurker. ;)

Spin 1. Bet dozens 2 and 3
If lose
Spin 2. Bet dozens 1 and 3
If lose
Spin 3. Bet dozens 1 and 2

On any win wait until the 3 spin mini game is done

If you win at spin 2 sit out next spin and wait for next mini game

If win at spin 1 sit out next 2 spins and wait for next mini game
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 01, 01:14 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 01, 11:19 AM 2015
Spin 1. Bet dozens 2 and 3
If lose
Spin 2. Bet dozens 1 and 3
If lose
Spin 3. Bet dozens 1 and 2

Is this from my example or is it how you always play your mini games?

Oh by the way, about the progression. I would never use 1, 3 and 9. Not even 1, 3 and 3.

This is what I use when playing on two dozen from previous strategies I've used:

We say that we have 1000 units and we start bet 10 on each dozen, which is 20 units.

So let say we bet on 1 and 2 dozen.

3rd dozen came up so we lost, then we bet 10 on each dozen again only that we now have 15 in memory. If we win we bet 15 units on each dozen. We win again and
we back were we started with 5 units in profit. Example:

D1 D2
10 10 W                       
10 10 L  (15 memory) 
10 10 L  (20 memory) 
10 10 W                       
20 20 L (25 memory)   
20 20 W                       
25 25 W (20 memory)
20 20 W (15 memory)
15 15 L  (20 memory)
15 15 W                       
20 20 W (15 memory) 
15 15 W (10 memory) 
10 10 W and we're back with profit
D1 D2 = Any dozen you played on.

You could also change the progression anytime you want. If you have a draw down of 400 units (600 left) and work your way up to say, 950, then change the progression
to some smaller units or start from 10 again.

The good thing about this progression is even if you loose several times, you can almost everytime come back and since this strategy have a series of wins from previous
example, this should work fine.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 01, 01:24 PM 2015
This system will not work without a progression.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 01, 01:41 PM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 01, 01:14 PM 2015
Is this from my example or is it how you always play your mini games?

Oh by the way, about the progression. I would never use 1, 3 and 9. Not even 1, 3 and 3.

This is what I use when playing on two dozen from previous strategies I've used:

We say that we have 1000 units and we start bet 10 on each dozen, which is 20 units.

So let say we bet on 1 and 2 dozen.

3rd dozen came up so we lost, then we bet 10 on each dozen again only that we now have 15 in memory. If we win we bet 15 units on each dozen. We win again and
we back were we started with 5 units in profit. Example:

D1 D2
10 10 W                       
10 10 L  (15 memory) 
10 10 L  (20 memory) 
10 10 W                       
20 20 L (25 memory)   
20 20 W                       
25 25 W (20 memory)
20 20 W (15 memory)
15 15 L  (20 memory)
15 15 W                       
20 20 W (15 memory) 
15 15 W (10 memory) 
10 10 W and we're back with profit
D1 D2 = Any dozen you played on.

You could also change the progression anytime you want. If you have a draw down of 400 units (600 left) and work your way up to say, 950, then change the progression
to some smaller units or start from 10 again.

The good thing about this progression is even if you loose several times, you can almost everytime come back and since this strategy have a series of wins from previous
example, this should work fine.

GlC has written extensively about this type of bet referring to the "memory" as "banks". Just a modified version of a Labouchere.

Ultimately, you are just delaying the inevitable possibility of a loss. There is a whole blog on this subject - google search targetbetting blogspot. I have a thread on here outlining and testing it. It can run out of control like anything else.

If you check back earlier in this thread, you will see several suggestions in a post from GLC for more conservative betting.

Some of these methods take far too long to get back into profit, thus becoming a grinder system.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 01, 02:15 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 01, 01:41 PM 2015
GlC has written extensively about this type of bet referring to the "memory" as "banks". Just a modified version of a Labouchere.

Ultimately, you are just delaying the inevitable possibility of a loss. There is a whole blog on this subject - google search targetbetting blogspot. I have a thread on here outlining and testing it. It can run out of control like anything else.

If you check back earlier in this thread, you will see several suggestions in a post from GLC for more conservative betting.

Some of these methods take far too long to get back into profit, thus becoming a grinder system.

Ok, I will. Didn't knew there was a thread about this type of progression. Thanks alot.

Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 01, 11:19 AM 2015
Spin 1. Bet dozens 2 and 3
If lose
Spin 2. Bet dozens 1 and 3
If lose
Spin 3. Bet dozens 1 and 2

Is this from my example or is it how you always play your mini games?

I never got an answer on this, so forgive me for asking again.

I got one more question, though. *sigh*

When you play one mini game, after the three spins, the mini game is over and you start a new mini game right after the three spins. Do you think of the mini game as a continuation from the previous spin or do you think of it as a totally new game? Or do you wait a few spins before starting the new mini game?

Sorry to trouble you guys and thanks alot for your help. ;)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 01, 02:48 PM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 01, 02:15 PM 2015
Ok, I will. Didn't knew there was a thread about this type of progression. Thanks alot.

I never got an answer on this, so forgive me for asking again.

I got one more question, though. *sigh*

When you play one mini game, after the three spins, the mini game is over and you start a new mini game right after the three spins. Do you think of the mini game as a continuation from the previous spin or do you think of it as a totally new game? Or do you wait a few spins before starting the new mini game?

Sorry to trouble you guys and thanks alot for your help. ;)

A mini game is max 3 spins

Anytime u win STOP and wait for the 3 spins to finish then start again

If u win on spin 3 u immediately start again

If u dont understand this then fly to long island and ill have to show u in person.

Theres no way else i can say it

Edit: look at my charts. When u see green STOP then wait until next row
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 01, 02:56 PM 2015
I got it. Thanks alot.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 01, 02:57 PM 2015
Just ran a quick sequence from Wiesbaden - Table #2 18.11.2015 #159 spins





4 full losses in 159 spins............Just be aware.........this is still a volatile bet selection. :ooh:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 01, 02:58 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 01, 02:57 PM 2015
Just ran a quick sequence from Wiesbaden - Table #2 18.11.2015 #159 spins





4 full losses in 159 spins............Just be aware.........this is still a volatile bet selection. :ooh:

Makes sense. U will see 123 on euro roughly every 50 spins. 4 times within 200 spins

American zumma has it once every 100.......
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 01, 05:52 PM 2015
i notice my smites keep rising

certain people here dislike when i talk about working systems....
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 01, 05:55 PM 2015
first few pages of thread raymanzz posted this

euro wheel

average of 123 every 80 spins

important note props to nottophammer for this: 231 may be the euro version of 123 on american

THELAW and NICKTHEGREEK maybe test betting against 231 on euro....and 312....personally i like 312 you sare still betting against a rightward motion


66k spins:

123: 831
132: 854
213: 824
231: 807
312: 771
321: 802
111: 774
222: 790
333: 795

123 123: 31
132 132: 35
213 213: 30
231 231: 30
312 312: 26
321 321: 28
111 111: 23
222 222: 22
333 333: 26
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 01, 06:06 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 01, 05:55 PM 2015
first few pages of thread raymanzz posted this

euro wheel

average of 123 every 80 spins

important note props to nottophammer for this: 231 may be the euro version of 123 on american

THELAW and NICKTHEGREEK maybe test betting against 231 on euro....and 312....personally i like 312 you sare still betting against a rightward motion

Quick test on two Euro tables shows about one 2-3-1 every 80 spins as predicted :thumbsup:

3-1-2 showed 3 times in 320 spins as opposed to 4 with 2-3-1.....
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 01, 06:12 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 01, 06:06 PM 2015
Quick test on two Euro tables shows about one 2-3-1 every 80 spins as predicted :thumbsup:

ya know.......i have ALWAYS said 2 things

1) the holy grail is simple
2)the holy grail is playing the dozens
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 01, 06:16 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 01, 06:06 PM 2015
Quick test on two Euro tables shows about one 2-3-1 every 80 spins as predicted :thumbsup:

3-1-2 showed 3 times in 320 spins as opposed to 4 with 2-3-1.....

312 average of 85 spins before it shows on euro

so should be just as good

maybe 123 isnt the euro wheel answer


i think the best way to play this is large units and limit to 2 mini games
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 01, 09:29 PM 2015
Nick if you test further id love to see your results betting against 2 3 1 or 3 1 2 on the euro wheel

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Nick-the-Greek on Dec 02, 04:47 AM 2015
Hi Rich,

Another successful online euro wheel evening yesterday - managed 2 x 5 sessions (so a total of only 30 spins) and left 10 units up.

This time I swapped tables after every 3 spin combo and used the 1 3 3 progression.

Time is against me at the moment so I'll see what I can do over this weekend testing wise on the 231 and 312 combos you mentioned - as I mentioned before I would prefer to actually play the 123 combo using low value stakes for longer rather than chop and change other combinations - it builds confidence with the basic system and we can then fine tune for extra profit once we know it is a stable system.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Nick-the-Greek on Dec 02, 05:50 AM 2015
Okay, curiosity got the better of me and I couldn't resist a quick revamp of my spread sheet to check the hit rate for the 312 combo.

Same 885 spins test as before:
312 hit a total of 24 times (123 hit 19 times)
312 hit the 3 spin combo 11 times (123 hit 5 times)

What a difference - not even worth recalculating the units won/lost!

Still a very small sample so it may even itself out over a larger test - one thing to note is these spin sessions are in batches of about 50 and currently when I'm playing for real online I'm jumping from table to table for each 3 spin combo.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 06:36 AM 2015
Quote from: Nick-the-Greek on Dec 02, 04:47 AM 2015
Hi Rich,

Another successful online euro wheel evening yesterday - managed 2 x 5 sessions (so a total of only 30 spins) and left 10 units up.

This time I swapped tables after every 3 spin combo and used the 1 3 3 progression.

Time is against me at the moment so I'll see what I can do over this weekend testing wise on the 231 and 312 combos you mentioned - as I mentioned before I would prefer to actually play the 123 combo using low value stakes for longer rather than chop and change other combinations - it builds confidence with the basic system and we can then fine tune for extra profit once we know it is a stable system.


You are doing well

I will assume you have made 26 or more units with this

When you hit 123 you can do one of two things

You can accept the loss because you are still up
You can up your unit size on the next mini game and win at least half of the units you lost back (or all if you want)

In the future it may be worth it to check out 231 on the euro wheel. Im surprised at the 312 result
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Nick-the-Greek on Dec 02, 07:42 AM 2015
I started with a £20 bankroll using 10p stakes a few weeks ago and then double up to 20p stakes when it reached £30 - bankroll is now £36. Not huge sums of money but in my mind it is the principle that needs to be checked and focused on at this early stage rather than trying to immediately produce a secondary, big bucks, income.

I cannot always play each day but when I do my goal is to achieve five units per session - usually play more over a weekend.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 07:46 AM 2015
Quote from: Nick-the-Greek on Dec 02, 07:42 AM 2015
I started with a £20 bankroll using 10p stakes a few weeks ago and then double up to 20p stakes when it reached £30 - bankroll is now £36. Not huge sums of money but in my mind it is the principle that needs to be checked and focused on at this early stage rather than trying to immediately produce a secondary, big bucks, income.

I cannot always play each day but when I do my goal is to achieve five units per session - usually play more over a weekend.


Very cool

Once you exceed 26 units and then 52 units profit then you are home free with 1 3 9. Or 1 3 3 whatever u use
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 09:53 AM 2015
In response to your secondary big bucks statement.

I'm definitely going to make this a several hundred per week earner

When i get a chance ill look at albahalas past spin thread from smart live and test betting against 2 3 1 for euro wheels

Remember we still have to test this on columns ABC. I believe jahvinci did?

Im curious to see stats betting against ABC
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 02, 11:07 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 09:53 AM 2015
In response to your secondary big bucks statement.

I'm definitely going to make this a several hundred per week earner

When i get a chance ill look at albahalas past spin thread from smart live and test betting against 2 3 1 for euro wheels

Remember we still have to test this on columns ABC. I believe jahvinci did?

Im curious to see stats betting against ABC

Has anyone considered dividing the wheel in thirds, and then labeling them sectors 1-2-3........then use the system?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 11:10 AM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 02, 11:07 AM 2015
Has anyone considered dividing the wheel in thirds, and then labeling them sectors 1-2-3........then use the system?

Someone mentioned it havent tried yet
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 11:51 AM 2015
For euro id be curious on betting against ABC columns sequence
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 02, 03:15 PM 2015
OK. :twisted:

Here is the way that I would officially play this system :

1) 1-3-9 progression on standard 1-2-3 bet selection (insurance on zeros if you bet above 10 units base)

2) Hit-and-run max 3-5 games

3) Money Management : Labouchere system

Ex. You need to win 26 games (units)

So if you lose 26 units, then stay at 1 unit base to try and win it back....

If you lose the next 26 units (now 52 total), then increase units size to 2 units with the same goal of 26 games (your line will look like this : 1-1(2 unit bet))

If you lose then the next bet is 3 units......or if you win your next bet is 1 unit again

........another option is to increase bet for 2 spins after a 1-2-3 loss with no more than 5x your base unit :thumbsup:

Bankroll : 1000 units :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 03:31 PM 2015
Another pointer i received through a PM:

Continuously bet. On a win reset back to betting against 1

So when u win restart betting against 123 do not wait for the 3 spins to expire

This makes the hit and run happen faster and more units faster
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 02, 03:34 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 03:31 PM 2015
Another pointer i received through a PM:

Continuously bet. On a win reset back to betting against 1

So when u win restart betting against 123 do not wait for the 3 spins to expire

This makes the hit and run happen faster and more units faster

Doesn't that put you at risk for more 1-2-3 showing up?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 03:36 PM 2015
Maybe, maybe not. Havent really tested it that way yet

But the person said it hasnt failed

Euro wheel.....

Bet against 123 any win restart 123 any win restart 123
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 04:18 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 02, 03:34 PM 2015
Doesn't that put you at risk for more 1-2-3 showing up?

Also you will hit your target unit FAST. You will be 4 units up before 3 mini games would typically finish. In and out fast

1 2 3 would have to hit within 6 spins to lose big

Its in and out hit and run way

If you play the normal way 3 mini games is 9 spins if you play continuous reset back to 123 on a win then youll reach target way before 3 mini games

3 mini games profit 3 units normally. Continuous play 3 units profit before 2 normal mini games is up. Its faster

This way you have to hit 123 within 6 spins to lose

Wheras normally it would be 9

Less exposure
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 02, 04:27 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 04:18 PM 2015
Also you will hit your target unit FAST. You will be 4 units up before 3 mini games would typically finish. In and out fast

1 2 3 would have to hit within 6 spins to lose big

Its in and out hit and run way

If you play the normal way 3 mini games is 9 spins if you play continuous reset back to 123 on a win then youll reach target way before 3 mini games

3 mini games profit 3 units normally. Continuous play 3 units profit before 2 normal mini games is up. Its faster

I see your point, but one of my Wiesbaden sets has 8 (1-2-3) full losses (another has 6 in 167 spins) in 167 spins........one has 3 full 1-2-3 losses in  12 spins....this would be my worry. :ooh:

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tacwell on Dec 02, 04:47 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Nov 23, 03:33 PM 2015
Anywhere between 50 and 100 spins expect to see 1 2 3 occur

I see it once every 24 mini games or so which is on average 72 spins

This is where I see a potential problem, you're winning 1 unit every 3 spins, which equals 24 units every 72 spins, and you're loosing 26 units every 72 spins (on average), which leaves us at -2 units. That's without the 0/00 insurance, which I assume will lose the house edge percentage over time.

thelaw's testing with Labouchere MM will hopefully overcome this.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 04:51 PM 2015
Quote from: Tacwell on Dec 02, 04:47 PM 2015
This is where I see a potential problem, you're winning 1 unit every 3 spins, which equals 24 units every 72 spins, and you're loosing 26 units every 72 spins (on average), which leaves us at -2 units. That's without the 0/00 insurance, which I assume will lose the house edge percentage over time.

thelaw's testing with Labouchere MM will hopefully overcome this.

Yes. In a way you are right

But if you wait for a 123 then start you will be in profit still when 123 finally does bite

Also i think hit and run is better. Stay for 6 spins and move on. Limit exposure

Also to consider is 123 may not be best for euro. Look at 231

I think we are smart enough to make something work that only fails every 50 to 100 spins

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 05:39 PM 2015
ive posted about half a dozen charts.....most of them had ONE 123 loss within 26 mini games and 1 or 2 had no losses...

this is by far the best system i have EVER seen

its really all we can ask for to be honest

but keep in mind all my major testing done on american wheels and zumma.....no euro......euro 123 instances may be much greater...therefore take this particular principle and see what works on EURO where you dont have 8 123 instances in 160 spins.....find THE WAY

THE WAY may be betting against columns ABC on euro....it may be betting against 231....who knows....ill do a euro test shortly on 231 and post it
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 02, 05:47 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 04:51 PM 2015
Yes. In a way you are right

But if you wait for a 123 then start you will be in profit still when 123 finally does bite

Also i think hit and run is better. Stay for 6 spins and move on. Limit exposure

Also to consider is 123 may not be best for euro. Look at 231

I think we are smart enough to make something work that only fails every 50 to 100 spins


The only problem with hit-and-run is that it can't be fully tested.

So I would argue that a hit-and-run can never be a true Grail in the traditional sense.

Not to mention the looming sledgehammer that is several losses back to back..........bankroll destroyer!!! >:D

However, looking at this from a standpoint of losing full games, while focusing on bankroll strategy, might be a winner! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 05:50 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 02, 05:47 PM 2015
The only problem with hit-and-run is that it can't be fully tested.

So I would argue that a hit-and-run can never be a true Grail in the traditional sense.

Not to mention the looming sledgehammer that is several losses back to back..........bankroll destroyer!!! >:D

However, looking at this from a standpoint of losing full games, while focusing on bankroll strategy, might be a winner! :thumbsup:


i havent seen any, not a single 123 back to back yet

it will happen but so rare its light getting struck by lightning
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 06:00 PM 2015
i tried something different

this is a european wheel test

it is smart live numbers from this forum under live spins so it is real wheel results

had 231 twice and 312 twice.....cant say if this is common because this is first test

had 123 once....maybe no matter how u slice the cake they will hit about the same it just depends when you arrive at the wheel?

so you can see the 123 231 and 312 patterns on the chart

notice there is NO 321.....going the opposite way....interesting

so betting against 321 wins all games on this chart....that is what i have highlighted in green
another bet won every game on this chart as well....betting against the previous 3

is betting against previous 3 on euro a good bet? may be......i will attach the chart twice...one chart against 321 one chart against the previous 3...looks like previous 3 opposite and 321 is a good euro bet on this wheel lets see if it continues

ego suggest bet against the previous dozen formation with a GLC progression...he is on point here, that is a good chart

you cannot just bet the opposite of the dozen 3 back, that will eat you alive....play it in 3 spin mini games...after 3 spins bet the opposite of the last formation, on a win, wait for the 3 spins to finish then play again.....no continuous play for that....i think the key to betting against previous formation is on a win dont bet against the previous 3 until that specific 3 spin set is expired....so if you lose the 1st bet but win the 2nd, sit out the next spin (3rd spin) then start again

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 06:05 PM 2015
now time to test columns.......geesh

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 02, 06:33 PM 2015
Two quick tests of betting against past 3 spins = 1 full loss in 330 spins!!! :thumbsup:

This seems too easy......... :question:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 06:35 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 02, 06:33 PM 2015
Two quick tests of betting against past 3 spins = 1 full loss in 330 spins!!! :thumbsup:

This seems too easy......... :question:

very nice

i tested betting against 3 spins back...total failure

must be played in 3 spin mini games, if win on spin 1, then sit out the following 2 spins before betting against the previous 3 again!

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 02, 06:40 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 06:35 PM 2015
very nice

i tested betting against 3 spins back...total failure

must be played in 3 spin mini games, if win on spin 1, then sit out the following 2 spins before betting against the previous 3 again!

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

That's exactly how I tested it... :thumbsup:

Also, anytime a zero popped up, I skipped the next mini-game.......this was much cleaner! :twisted:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 06:42 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 02, 06:40 PM 2015
That's exactly how I tested it... :thumbsup:

Also, anytime a zero popped up, I skipped the next mini-game.......this was much cleaner! :twisted:

ego said it was a good way to play...maybe thats the euro answer
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 02, 06:44 PM 2015
It should be noted that betting against the last 3 spins on dozens is pretty low hanging fruit as far as Roulette goes.

This should concern all of us, as it just seems wayyyyyyy too easy.

So my questions is - What's the catch??? :question:

What is our unfair advantage?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 06:46 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 02, 06:44 PM 2015
It should be noted that betting against the last 3 spins on dozens is pretty low hanging fruit as far as Roulette goes.

This should concern all of us, as it just seems wayyyyyyy too easy.

So my questions is - What's the catch??? :question:

What is our unfair advantage?

i dont know but for about 3 years now i have been saying the holy grail is probably very very simple and we just dont see it....one taste opened up an entire new way of thinking
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 06:48 PM 2015
here is an american wheel test on 123

im uploading it to show betting against previous 3

ignore the greens

this is strictly betting against previous 3....how glorious

every single row is a win! and more then halfway down all on the 1st bet
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Turner on Dec 02, 06:51 PM 2015
28 pages and still going.

Good on ya Onetaste
& RG  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 06:52 PM 2015
Quote from: Turner on Dec 02, 06:51 PM 2015
28 pages and still going.

Good on ya RG  :thumbsup:

i refuse to let an idea this good fade into the night

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 06:54 PM 2015

just went through ALL of my 123 american testing charts

betting against previous 3 suffered NOT ONE loss...NOT A SINGLE one

now lets not kid ourselves a dozen will repeat 6 times in a row....but.....stillll........
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 02, 06:57 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 06:54 PM 2015

just went through ALL of my 123 american testing charts

betting against previous 3 suffered NOT ONE loss...NOT A SINGLE one

If this is the grail.........we're all going to feel like morons!  :sad2: :sad2: :sad2:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 06:59 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 02, 06:57 PM 2015
If this is the grail.........we're all going to feel like morons!  :sad2: :sad2: :sad2:

yea just went through 468 spins.....no loss betting against previous 3....and i mean not ONE
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 07:01 PM 2015
spoke to soon

i had 323 and 323 back to back

the good news?

took almost 600 spins to get

significantly better odds then 1 in 100       123

if its 1 in 600 boy oh boyyyyyyy
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 02, 07:02 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 06:59 PM 2015
yea just went through 468 spins.....no loss betting against previous 3....and i mean not ONE

Sounds like that's the pattern to beat......... :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 07:03 PM 2015
will continue to test this........

looks like ego was onto something

i have to stop posting and go play

that 4k Samsung TV wont buy itself
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 07:25 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 02, 07:02 PM 2015
Sounds like that's the pattern to beat......... :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

i dont want to get too excited too fast

too soon

but having 123 show every 50 to 100 spins and then having the previous 3 take about 500-600 spins to repeat makes it a better bet.....but too soon to tell...however statistically i went from seeing 123 in every 100 spin test to NOT seeing this in every test

so very very promising
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 07:36 PM 2015
this from raymanz (as long as no mistakes were made) will shed some light

"66k spins:

123 123: 31
132 132: 35
213 213: 30
231 231: 30
312 312: 26
321 321: 28"

what this means is that these particular combos happening back to back will happen on average ONCE every 2200 spins  :xd: :xd:

so yea....makes sense for this to work
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 02, 07:37 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 07:25 PM 2015
i dont want to get too excited too fast

too soon

but having 123 show every 50 to 100 spins and then having the previous 3 take about 500-600 spins to repeat makes it a better bet.....but too soon to tell...however statistically i went from seeing 123 in every 100 spin test to NOT seeing this in every test

so very very promising

Spielbank: Wiesbaden : Table #2 03.01.2015 # 139 spins

Zero Appearance : 3

Previous 3 spin Pattern Appearance : 01

Total Flat Betting : +15 units
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 07:45 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 02, 07:37 PM 2015
Spielbank: Wiesbaden : Table #2 03.01.2015 # 139 spins

Zero Appearance : 3

Previous 3 spin Pattern Appearance : 01

Total Flat Betting : +15 units

flat betting

not bad

any plus flat betting double dozens is amazing

139 spins is 46 mini games

+46 units with 1 3 9

i test like you....but i place insurance on 0....BUT if a 0 shows in a 3 spin mini game i sit out the next 3 like u suggested

so if this happens:

1 2 2
1 0 2

i do not lose.....insurance on 0
then next 3 no bet

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: GLC on Dec 02, 07:55 PM 2015
I remember a system Turbo posted on his now defunct web site.  I don't remember the name of it, but it was betting against the last four dozens repeating back to back.  1-1; 3-3; 9-9; 27-27.  It did pretty well, but remember, this is a martingale.  You can win steadily for a very long time missing the losing series.  But unless you're just lucky, you're going to hit losers.  And of course math says that there's just enough losing runs vs winning runs to end up minus 2.7%

I'm not trying to throw water on the fire, just squirt a slight mist on it.

Remember, you're in quicksand territory.

Good Luck.  I hope you tiptoe through the tulips long enough to get that $4K for your TV.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 07:59 PM 2015
Quote from: GLC on Dec 02, 07:55 PM 2015
I remember a system Turbo posted on his now defunct web site.  I don't remember the name of it, but it was betting against the last four dozens repeating back to back.  1-1; 3-3; 9-9; 27-27.  It did pretty well, but remember, this is a martingale.  You can win steadily for a very long time missing the losing series.  But unless you're just lucky, you're going to hit losers.  And of course math says that there's just enough losing runs vs winning runs to end up minus 2.7%

I'm not trying to throw water on the fire, just squirt a slight mist on it.

Remember, you're in quicksand territory.

Good Luck.  I hope you tiptoe through the tulips long enough to get that $4K for your TV.


of course

always a risk

preliminary test stages as of now

all of my charts passed the test except for 1 which had one repeat
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 02, 08:02 PM 2015
Spielbank: Wiesbaden : Table #3 03.01.2015 # 227 spins

Zero Appearance : 9

Previous 3 spin Pattern Appearance : 03 (in one instance literally 121-121-121-the other was isolated)

Total Flat Betting : -18 units
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: JahVinci on Dec 02, 08:05 PM 2015
IMO combinations that have repeating numbers in it shouldn't be played - ex. 121, 333, 112, etc.

123 123
132 132
213 213
231 231
312 312
321 321

this 6 are the main one.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 08:07 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 02, 08:02 PM 2015
Spielbank: Wiesbaden : Table #3 03.01.2015 # 227 spins

Zero Appearance : 9

Previous 3 spin Pattern Appearance : 03 (in one instance literally 121-121-121-the other was isolated)

Total Flat Betting : -18 units

flat betting will not work

because if we play 6 mini games and they all win on the 3rd spin, we wont profit
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 02, 08:10 PM 2015
Quote from: JahVinci on Dec 02, 08:05 PM 2015
IMO combinations that have repeating numbers in it shouldn't be played - ex. 121, 333, 112, etc.

123 123
132 132
213 213
231 231
312 312
321 321

this 6 are the main one.

#139 Spins = 6/0 (W/L)

#227 Spins = 13/0
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 02, 08:14 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 08:07 PM 2015
flat betting will not work

because if we play 6 mini games and they all win on the 3rd spin, we wont profit

Sorry about that.....I was using 1-3-9, not flat betting :wink:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 08:16 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 02, 08:14 PM 2015
Sorry about that.....I was using 1-3-9, not flat betting :wink:

perhaps me not seeing a 3 repeat for 600 spins was straight luck
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 08:39 PM 2015
if u go back to all the charts i posted in this thread a 3 repeat occured one time


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 09:06 PM 2015
try this

when you see one of the following bet it will not repeat


plenty of betting opportunities, PLENTY

and all ive seen so far winning

Jahvinci is playing only against these 6 and doing well

I had 323 repeat. Its not on this list
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 02, 09:26 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 09:06 PM 2015
try this

when you see one of the following bet it will not repeat


plenty of betting opportunities, PLENTY

and all ive seen so far winning

Jahvinci is playing only against these 6 and doing well

I had 323 repeat. Its not on this list

Just keep in mind you might be waiting 17+ spins for to come around :ooh:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 09:30 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 02, 09:26 PM 2015
Just keep in mind you might be waiting 17+ spins for to come around :ooh:

Well look at some spins i didnt see many long waits
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 02, 09:41 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 09:30 PM 2015
Well look at some spins i didnt see many long waits

just checked nearly 500 spins and only 25 bets........so roughly 1 bet every 20 spins......so 1 loss kills nearly 10hrs of work :ooh:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 10:00 PM 2015
At this point we may looking too deep into it

We arent going to play over 100 spins or 50 spins for that matter at a table

Im getting PMs from people making money against 123 and making money against previous 3 so i think we might be overthinking this

Tomorrow im going to do tests with these theories based on columns and see if colums are better or worse then dozens

But we got something here

No matter what method we create there will be losers

I think we have in our favor that if we play 3 mini games at a table seeing 123 is slim. We are testing 100s of spins proving to ourselves 123 happens etc etc. We know it will but tons of money to be made with this
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 02, 10:24 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 10:00 PM 2015
At this point we may looking too deep into it

We arent going to play over 100 spins or 50 spins for that matter at a table

Im getting PMs from people making money against 123 and making money against previous 3 so i think we might be overthinking this

Tomorrow im going to do tests with these theories based on columns and see if colums are better or worse then dozens

But we got something here

No matter what method we create there will be losers

I think we have in our favor that if we play 3 mini games at a table seeing 123 is slim. We are testing 100s of spins proving to ourselves 123 happens etc etc. We know it will but tons of money to be made with this

I agree to a point.......

GLC's warning was apt as this type of betting can kill a bankroll fast.

Perhaps looking at a combination of hit-and-run + a more conservative betting approach would be wise. Look at it as a long game........profit over 100s of spins.

Practically speaking, it is highly-improbable that the 1-2-3 bet selection hasn't been tried many times, and we have yet to see someone come out publicly with proof of a profit. (not difficult-just show a payout receipt) :question:

.....not saying it can't work, but if something seems to good to be true.......... :ooh:

Once again..........what is our unfair advantage against this bet selection?

Hit-and-Run Bet Selection + Conservative Progression + Long-Game Money Management (like the Labouchere) :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 02, 10:31 PM 2015
I tried the system at Celtic with fun money and I'm impressed about this just to see how far I can go without a loss. This is great.

Unfortunatly, I got a full loss after 66 spins, playing against previous 3 spins with insurance on zero, european wheel.

Before I lost I won on the first spin everytime (!) exept one. A dealer change changed the whole outcome.

It's funny how a dealer change can change a winning streak like this.

I attached the file so you can look at it if you want.

Just wanted to share my short experiment with this. Congrats on a great system.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 10:33 PM 2015
Thanks guys for testing

Celescliff thats what i was seeing. Most wins 1st try. Scary how good it is

Ill be back tomorrow

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tacwell on Dec 03, 04:47 AM 2015
Some 123 sequence test results:

Bet selection is to wait for 1st and 2nd dozen to appear consecutively then bet against the 3rd dozen, using 1-3-9 negative progression.
On a winning bet we reset the progression and start again, on a losing bet we increase progression and wait for next occurrence of the 12 sequence.
After losing on the 3rd stage of the progression we reset back to 1. No insurance bet on 0.

Starting bank was 2500, betting with a unit value of 5. I stopped after 2000 bets placed in each test. The spins are from live wheel results I downloaded a few years ago.

My results files are attached for anyone interested. If you find an error please let me know.

Set 1
Bets Placed: 2000
Bets Won: 1291
Bets Lost: 709
Spins: 18895
End Bank: 895
Lowest Bank: 365

Set 2
Bets Placed: 2000
Bets Won: 1315
Bets Lost: 685
Spins: 19115
End Bank: 2145
Lowest Bank: 1705

Set 3
Bets Placed: 2000
Bets Won: 1276
Bets Lost: 724
Spins: 19230
End Bank: 1080
Lowest Bank: 820

I should also mention these spin results are from a European wheel.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tacwell on Dec 03, 05:26 AM 2015
Same as above using 231 sequence

Set 1
Bets Placed: 2000
Bets Won: 1312
Bets Lost: 688
Spins: 18771
End Bank: 2300
Lowest Bank: 1955

Set 2
Bets Placed: 1924
Bets Won: 1213
Bets Lost: 711
Spins: 18188
End Bank: 0
Lowest Bank: 0

Set 3
Bets Placed: 2000
Bets Won: 1316
Bets Lost: 684
Spins: 18890
End Bank: 1280
Lowest Bank: 1095

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: NextYear on Dec 03, 06:21 AM 2015
Hi Tacwell, which software you use for testing?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Nick-the-Greek on Dec 03, 06:25 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 02, 10:00 PM 2015
At this point we may looking too deep into it

We arent going to play over 100 spins or 50 spins for that matter at a table

Im getting PMs from people making money against 123 and making money against previous 3 so i think we might be overthinking this

Tomorrow im going to do tests with these theories based on columns and see if colums are better or worse then dozens

But we got something here

No matter what method we create there will be losers

I think we have in our favor that if we play 3 mini games at a table seeing 123 is slim. We are testing 100s of spins proving to ourselves 123 happens etc etc. We know it will but tons of money to be made with this

Unless a new system proves itself to be 100% profitable from day one, changes and variations of play are quickly volunteered and the original idea is diluted within a matter of days - please don't get me wrong as I'm certainly not knocking all the great input that comes through this forum but sometimes you need to step back and give the original idea a chance to shine. 

Thousands of historical spins prove that multiple '123 combos' will always be just around the corner but by playing for a limited number of spins or jumping from table to table for each '3 spin combo' they can be avoided in the short term - long term may be a different story......................watch this space!

This system is a hard one to test as the play method is hit and run so the only true way to find out if it works is to play for real money using low value stakes as it is all about timing (what time you join a table/how long you stay and do you wait for a trigger or play immediately).

Happy testing.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 06:43 AM 2015
Quote from: Tacwell on Dec 03, 04:47 AM 2015
Some 123 sequence test results:

Bet selection is to wait for 1st and 2nd dozen to appear consecutively then bet against the 3rd dozen, using 1-3-9 negative progression.
On a winning bet we reset the progression and start again, on a losing bet we increase progression and wait for next occurrence of the 12 sequence.
After losing on the 3rd stage of the progression we reset back to 1. No insurance bet on 0.

Starting bank was 2500, betting with a unit value of 5. I stopped after 2000 bets placed in each test. The spins are from live wheel results I downloaded a few years ago.

My results files are attached for anyone interested. If you find an error please let me know.

Set 1
Bets Placed: 2000
Bets Won: 1291
Bets Lost: 709
Spins: 18895
End Bank: 895
Lowest Bank: 365

Set 2
Bets Placed: 2000
Bets Won: 1315
Bets Lost: 685
Spins: 19115
End Bank: 2145
Lowest Bank: 1705

Set 3
Bets Placed: 2000
Bets Won: 1276
Bets Lost: 724
Spins: 19230
End Bank: 1080
Lowest Bank: 820

I should also mention these spin results are from a European wheel.

2000 spins. 700 123 sequences? No thats not right. Recheck your tests. Thats 666 mini games

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tacwell on Dec 03, 06:46 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 06:43 AM 2015
2000 spins. 700 123 sequences? No thats not right. Recheck your tests. Thats 666 mini games

Hi RG. Where do you see 2000 spins? The lowest number of spins is 19230 in those tests. 2000 is the number of bets placed.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tacwell on Dec 03, 06:48 AM 2015
Quote from: nextyear on Dec 03, 06:21 AM 2015
Hi Tacwell, which software you use for testing?


Hi nextyear

I wrote a simple desktop application to use for testing, I code a new function for each system I want to test.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 06:49 AM 2015
So 20000 spins is 6,666 mini games

If your numbers are right you saw 123 an average of every 9 mini games

6'666 divided by 700


Every 28 spins. Every 9 mini games.

Not once. Not twice. 6 different sets?! No way.

About 3 people testing euro not in this thread PMing me never saw anything like that

One of the most important things i learned from Mr. J is not to trust a member who tests a system negatively who is brand new and has less then 50 posts. Something doesnt smell right. I dont need to say that though, people know
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tacwell on Dec 03, 06:57 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 06:49 AM 2015
So 20000 spins is 6,666 mini games

If your numbers are right you saw 123 an average of every 9 mini games

6'666 divided by 700


Every 28 spins. Every 9 mini games.

I think you're misunderstanding the bet selection, I'm waiting for 12 to show before betting against the the 3rd dozen, so many spins occur between bets being placed. When 12 appears, the "bets placed" counter gets incremented and the bet is placed. If it's a win the win counter is incremented and if not the loss counter is incremented as well as the progression. 
So the 123 sequence occurred once for every loss, e.g. in the first test the sequence it occurred 709 times in 18895 spins.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 06:58 AM 2015
Quote from: Tacwell on Dec 03, 06:57 AM 2015
I think you're misunderstanding the bet selection, I'm waiting for 12 to show before betting against the the 3rd dozen, so many spins occur between bets being placed. When 12 appears, the "bets placed" counter gets incremented and the bet is placed. If it's a win the win counter is incremented and if not the loss counter is incremented as well as the progression. 
So the 123 sequence occurred once for every loss, e.g. in the first test the sequence occurred 709 times in 18895 spins.

Impossible. 123 every 9 mini games on 3 separate 20000 spin test


Ill never understand why people join and just try to trash a system with fake results

Under 5 posts. Geesh

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tacwell on Dec 03, 07:06 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 06:58 AM 2015
Impossible. 123 every 9 mini games on 3 separate 20000 spin test


Take some time to understand what you're looking at. There's a total of 3149 mini games for the first test. I'm not betting on every mini game, only on the 3rd part of the mini game, so if the first dozen comes up, there's no bet, if a 1 comes up again, that's your mini game complete, but with no bets, so it's not counted as a win or lose.
So 18895/3 = 3149. Of those 3149 mini games 2000 qualified for bets, and of those 2000 bets, the 123 sequence completed 709 times. Perfectly plausible.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 07:08 AM 2015
Quote from: Tacwell on Dec 03, 07:06 AM 2015
Take some time to understand what you're looking at. There's a total of 3149 mini games for the first test. I'm not betting on every mini game, only on the 3rd part of the mini game, so if the first dozen comes up, there's no bet, if a 1 comes up again, that's your mini game complete, but with no bets, so it's not counted as a win or lose.
So 18895/3 = 3149. Of those 3149 mini games 2000 qualified for bets, and of those 2000 bets, the 123 sequence completed 709 times. Perfectly plausible.

2000 bets. 700 times 123

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tacwell on Dec 03, 07:10 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 06:58 AM 2015
Impossible. 123 every 9 mini games on 3 separate 20000 spin test


Ill never understand why people join and just try to trash a system with fake results

Under 5 posts. Geesh

I'm providing test results, which you can use, or not, who said anything about trashing? I don't have share these tests, I'm providing value to your thread. I would have posted the results if they were positive too. So no more testing then.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 07:11 AM 2015
Quote from: Tacwell on Dec 03, 07:10 AM 2015
I'm providing test results, which you can use, or not, who said anything about trashing? I don't have share these tests, I'm providing value to your thread. I would have posted the results if they were positive too. So no more testing then.

I appreciate testing

But what u just posted is so far off the cuff

You didnt see this 1 time. U saw it on 6 different sets

Either u have cruel intentions OR u tested wrong because what u saw is impossible
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tacwell on Dec 03, 07:15 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 07:08 AM 2015
2000 bets. 700 times 123


Well that's why i attached the test result files, go through them and see where it's possibly going wrong. betting against the 3rd dozen coming up 2000 times and losing 700 times is perfectly in line with the realm of probability, so very probable not impossible.

And this is just testing, not negative testing. If the results are not what you expect to see it doesn't make it negative testing.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 07:17 AM 2015
Quote from: Tacwell on Dec 03, 07:15 AM 2015
Well that's why i attached the test result files, go through them and see where it's possible going wrong. betting against the 3rd dozen coming up 2000 times and losing 700 times is perfectly in line with the realm of probability, so very probable not impossible.

And this is just testing, not negative testing. If the results are not what you expect to see it doesn't make it negative testing.

What you claim to have is impossible

123 will not happen every 9 mini games on 3 different 20000 spin tests

U said the exact quote another member did who had under 50 posts and left.....
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tacwell on Dec 03, 07:32 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 07:17 AM 2015
What you claim to have is impossible

123 will not happen every 9 mini games on 3 different 20000 spin tests

It's not impossible at all, we're betting on the 3rd dozen not to show, what are the odds of that? 2/3, which means 1/3 chance of losing, regardless of whether the preceding spins show dozens 1 or 2 or not. And what is 2000 / 709? 2.8 - expected average would be 3, so pretty close to the expected result I'd say.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 07:33 AM 2015
Quote from: Tacwell on Dec 03, 07:32 AM 2015
It's not impossible at all, we're betting on the 3rd dozen not to show, what are the odds of that? 2/3, which means 1/3 chance of losing, regardless of whether the preceding spins show dozens 1 or 2 or not. And what is 2000 / 709? 2.8 - expected average would be 3, so pretty close to the expected result I'd say.

Of about 5 people testing heavily on euro. You are the only one with such claims

I am skeptical. And i am skeptical in my own right. You are new. Dont take it personal its the internet.

But i dont believe your results
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 07:36 AM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 02, 10:31 PM 2015
I tried the system at Celtic with fun money and I'm impressed about this just to see how far I can go without a loss. This is great.

Unfortunatly, I got a full loss after 66 spins, playing against previous 3 spins with insurance on zero, european wheel.

Before I lost I won on the first spin everytime (!) exept one. A dealer change changed the whole outcome.

It's funny how a dealer change can change a winning streak like this.

I attached the file so you can look at it if you want.

Just wanted to share my short experiment with this. Congrats on a great system.

This evening im goong to look heavier into this

Your results are very close to what i saw

Id like to test the against last 3 principle on columns as well

Celescliff looking forward to more tests from u :)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tacwell on Dec 03, 07:41 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 07:33 AM 2015
Of about 5 people testing heavily on euro. You are the only one with such claims

I am skeptical. And i am skeptical in my own right. You are new. Dont take it personal its the internet.

But i dont believe your results

That's ok RG, I also don't believe everything I read on the internet. If you or anyone else is making money with the system then continue using it, but if at some point the winnings stop and you start taking losses, revert back to testing, maybe take a look at my results and make some tweaks to improve the system, instead of blindly believing in it and losing all your previous winnings and your bank roll.

I've been where you are now, believing I'd found a grail of some sort, more than once, with forex trading and sports betting, and the only thing that saved me from losing a fortune was being able to run simulated tests.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 09:00 AM 2015
Below i have some pointers from a long term member who chooses to post sparingly but sends me pointers. Shared with permission. He is nice enough to share his successes with me

QuoteRG - just to clarify my plays. I only play for 1 win on 1 2 3 (& with my tests all the D's hit @ L1) so on any Dozen win I RUN to another table & play the same way with the Columns A B C, win on that & RUN again & play the 1 2 3 then the C's then the D's & so on.

Always resetting back to the start & therefore all the L1 bets are bet on the 2nd & 3rd positions. Lose go to L2 & bets as you know better than I are the 1st & 3rd, lose again & the bets are on the 1st & 2nd positions no matter if it's D's or C's.

In my test earlier today 9 bets won at L1 & only 1 needed & won at L2. Almost perfect.

This is something to consider. Play against 123 then next table play against ABC
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 03, 11:26 AM 2015
Not a bad idea. Just made a really short and quick test during coffee break at work. I didn't change the table though.  Notice what happens after
a short dealer change again. I would have lost if I was betting on the dozens. Dealer change is a nightmare but
5 wins out of 5. :)

I will test more with this when I get home from work.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 11:34 AM 2015
Very cool

We have to see if this trend continues with columns

Going to test betting against ABC column sequence and bet against previous 3 columns

In your example betting against 123 and ABC won
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 11:58 AM 2015
Curious to see how long we can go before the previous 3 columns repeat
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 03, 12:01 PM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Nov 20, 10:50 AM 2015
after a look at the dozen distribution around the 00 wheel you can see 1,2,3 is scattered around the layout,the single 0 layout has 2,1,3 scattered around.
So perhaps the euro we should play 2,1,3

After some plays using 2,1,3 it became clear not the combo to play. The last 4 days been using 1,3,2 much better, ( but you could use a combo of your choice really)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 12:06 PM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 03, 12:01 PM 2015
After some plays using 2,1,3 it became clear not the combo to play. The last 4 days been using 1,3,2 much better, ( but you could use a combo of your choice really)

Notto u have been testing this for awhile

In any instance did u have any indication that 123 will show once every 9 mini games? And if so do you think it could happen in 3 different 20,000 spin sets? Because ive been testing this since day one and the most ive seen 123 is once every 50 on euro


Also check out betting against previous 3. Results VERY promising
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Dec 03, 12:07 PM 2015
Any combo have the same ODDS
I will post results soon
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 12:09 PM 2015
Quote from: Orochi on Dec 03, 12:07 PM 2015
Any combo have the same ODDS
I will post results soon

Orochi what results will you be posting?
Instances of 123 sequenecs? Or against previous 3? Dozens or columns? Lol
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Dec 03, 12:11 PM 2015
1 2 3
1 3 2
2 1 3
3 1 2
3 2 1

1 2 3 1 2 3
1 3 2 1 3 2
2 1 3 2 1 3
3 1 2 3 1 2
3 2 1 3 2 1

2 Millions spins soo far
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 03, 12:13 PM 2015
Its something the law said and ray.
Been using 1,3,2 for the mini game, but wait for part of the combo to lose. Not gone beyond 4, 1,3,9,27 over the last 4 days,also not seen 1,3,2/1,3,2
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 12:14 PM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 03, 12:13 PM 2015
Its something the law said and ray.
Been using 1,3,2 for the mini game, but wait for part of the combo to lose. Not gone beyond 4, 1,3,9,27 over the last 4 days,also not seen 1,3,2/1,3,2

This is good news notto good luck

123 is the american wheel answer

Not the euro answer

Too many 123 on euro
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tacwell on Dec 03, 12:22 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 12:06 PM 2015
Notto u have been testing this for awhile

In any instance did u have any indication that 123 will show once every 9 mini games? And if so do you think it could happen in 3 different 20,000 spin sets? Because ive been testing this since day one and the most ive seen 123 is once every 50 on euro


Also check out betting against previous 3. Results VERY promising

RG if you'd read my test description you'd know that my "mini games" all start with the "12" sequence in the 123 tests, if the above tests by nottophammer are done using mini games starting with the first spin (2 in his case) then they won't be comparable to my tests. Maybe this is where you're getting confused.
I was waiting for the second dozen to hit after the first dozen to start the "mini game".
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 12:24 PM 2015
Quote from: Tacwell on Dec 03, 12:22 PM 2015
RG if you'd read my test description you'd know that my "mini games" all start with the "12" sequence in the 123 tests, if the above tests by nottophammer are done using mini games starting with the first spin (2 in his case) then they won't be comparable to my tests. Maybe this is where you're getting confused.
I was waiting for the second dozen to hit after the first dozen to start the "mini game".

Ok. But you still saw a 123 sequence 700 times in 20000 spins
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tacwell on Dec 03, 12:26 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 12:24 PM 2015
Ok. But you still saw a 123 sequence 700 times in 20000 spins

Yes, it will be interesting to see nottophammer's final results.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 12:33 PM 2015
Quote from: Tacwell on Dec 03, 12:26 PM 2015
Yes, it will be interesting to see nottophammer's final results.

This thread is too good

Ill leave it with that i just dont believe the results because you only have about 10 posts. Too many people testing. If u saw 1 in 9 being 123 someone would have picked up on it by now. You saw it in 3 20000 spin sets

I dont buy it

Instead of arguing which i hate ill just say i dont believe you
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tacwell on Dec 03, 12:33 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 12:24 PM 2015
Ok. But you still saw a 123 sequence 700 times in 20000 spins

Actually "123" and "120" as I wasn't covering the 0 as i said in the description.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tacwell on Dec 03, 12:35 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 12:33 PM 2015
This thread is too good

Ill leave it with that i just dont believe the results because you only have about 10 posts. Too many people testing. If u saw 1 in 9 being 123 someone would have picked up on it by now. You saw it in 3 20000 spin sets

I dont buy it

Instead of arguing which i hate ill just say i dont believe you

Like I said, that's ok if you don't believe me. Every spin is in those files I attached, so if you feel up to it you can scroll through and see the losing bets and see if my calculations are correct.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 12:37 PM 2015
The law? Nottophammer? The people private messaging me but not posting here? Anyone see 123 every 10 mini games? Anyone?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tacwell on Dec 03, 12:40 PM 2015
Quote from: Tacwell on Dec 03, 12:35 PM 2015
Like I said, that's ok if you don't believe me. Every spin is in those files I attached, so if you feel up to it you can scroll through and see the losing bets and see if my calculations are correct.

The files I used for the spins are actually from this site, I googled the file names and found them here:
link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=3844.0 (link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=3844.0)

The 3 I used were
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 12:44 PM 2015
Ok well its null And void

I apologize

This is rng u tested

rng does not count

Rng doesnt behave like a wheel

Even if it is random

I knew something was up
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Dec 03, 12:45 PM 2015
See the results of the simulations:

any sequence have 1,12% of probability to appear 1 time in 99 spins.

1 in 90 spins

1 2 3                  can appear max 7 times in 99 spins, extreme rare event
1 2 3 1 2 3         can appear max 2 times in 99 spins, extreme rare event
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 12:49 PM 2015
Quote from: Orochi on Dec 03, 12:45 PM 2015
See the results of the simulations:

any sequence have 1,12% of probability to appear 1 time in 99 spins.

1 in 90 spins

1 2 3                  can appear max 7 times in 99 spins, extreme rare event
1 2 3 1 2 3         can appear max 2 times in 99 spins, extreme rare event

Thanks orichi

Makes sense.

Can you test ameican at all?

Most i saw was 2 in 100 spins

Extreme rare event as u stated is 7 times in 99. Thats less then 1 in 10. So his results of 1 in 9 in three 20k spin tests must be rubbish

No way did he have an extreme rare event 700 times per 20k spin samples LOL
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Dec 03, 12:53 PM 2015
i wheel test in american wheel, running 10 millions spins test for better accuracy for the european wheel, them i will swap for american.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tacwell on Dec 03, 12:55 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 12:49 PM 2015
Thanks orichi

Makes sense.

Can you test ameican at all?

Most i saw was 2 in 100 spins

Extreme rare event as u stated is 7 times in 99. Thats less then 1 in 10. So his results of 1 in 9 in three 20k spin tests must be rubbish

Also include the 0 in the results, eg, 120 which is also a losing bet if not covering the 0.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 12:56 PM 2015
Quote from: Tacwell on Dec 03, 12:55 PM 2015
Also include the 0 in the results, eg, 120 which is also a losing bet if not covering the 0.

Please use real spins. Not RNG. EVER
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tacwell on Dec 03, 12:58 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 12:56 PM 2015
Please use real spins. Not RNG. EVER

Quote from: iggiv on May 05, 10:01 PM 2011
single zero -- yes, from real german casinos.
double zero generated by RNG, but very unbiased and powerful one, from random.org

Seriously man, the above quote is from the original poster on that thread regarding the files. The files I used were single zero files. Who is trashing who here? If there's an error in my files show me where it is, and i'll fix it and rerun the tests.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 12:59 PM 2015
Quote from: Tacwell on Dec 03, 12:58 PM 2015
Seriously man, the above quote is from the original poster on that thread regarding the files. The files I used were single zero files. Who is trashing who here? If there's an error in my files show me where it is, and i'll fix it and rerun the tests.

An extreme rare event you saw happen many multiple times in multiple 20k sets

What u tested i believe was random.org

Not possible
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Dec 03, 01:03 PM 2015
maybe is playing wrong way

this is the way i test it

im testing bet's only the math numbers
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tacwell on Dec 03, 01:09 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 12:59 PM 2015
An extreme rare event you saw happen many multiple times in multiple 20k sets

What u tested i believe was random.org

Not possible

I can't prove beyond what the original poster said, so it is a possibility I suppose.
Anyway, enjoy the emotional whirlpool that is the holy grail. You're in good and proper. First warning sign is thoughts of the possibility of finally finding the grail, second warning sign is planning what you're going to do with the money you're going to win, third warning sign is discounting negative results without further analysis. It's a tough ride man. It's all you can think about day and night.

I've done what I can here. Enjoy your 4k television.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Dec 03, 01:14 PM 2015
i don't know how u test it ! u did something wrong

1,12% of probability in my test against 10,5% in tour test !?!?!?!

in my test

2.101.986 spins

combination 1 2 3 appear 7.816 times it makes 1,1160% is 1/90 spins


combination 1 2 3 appear 1 times ever 90 spins
combination 1 2 3 appear 2 times ever 157 spins

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 01:15 PM 2015
Quote from: Orochi on Dec 03, 01:03 PM 2015
maybe is playing wrong way

this is the way i test it

Yes what we r doing is separating 3 spins into mini games

Either betting against 123 sequence from occuring or betting against previous 3. On any win wait until the 3 spins expire then start again. If win on step 1 sit out next 2 if win on step 2 sit out next 1

Just beginning to dabble in columns now...
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 01:16 PM 2015
Quote from: Tacwell on Dec 03, 01:09 PM 2015
I can't prove beyond what the original poster said, so it is a possibility I suppose.
Anyway, enjoy the emotional whirlpool that is the holy grail. You're in good and proper. First warning sign is thoughts of the possibility of finally finding the grail, second warning sign is planning what you're going to do with the money you're going to win, third warning sign is discounting negative results without further analysis. It's a tough ride man. It's all you can think about day and night.

I've done what I can here. Enjoy your 4k television.

Until someone with more then 15 forums posts confirms your results i call them either false or RNG

You match the criteria of someone who is a past poster reincarnated who seeks to deligtamize a system

Your focus is here only
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 01:31 PM 2015
Quote from: Orochi on Dec 03, 01:14 PM 2015
i don't know how u test it ! u did something wrong

1,12% of probability in my test against 10,5% in tour test !?!?!?!

in my test

2.101.986 spins

combination 1 2 3 appear 7.816 times it makes 1,1160% is 1/90 spins


combination 1 2 3 appear 1 times ever 90 spins
combination 1 2 3 appear 2 times ever 157 spins

Good results. Falls in line with most

Thanks for the test
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: ddarko on Dec 03, 01:41 PM 2015
Quote from: Orochi on Dec 03, 01:14 PM 2015
combination 1 2 3 appear 1 times ever 90 spins

there are 9 combinations correct ?


& Orochi testing shows 123 hits once every 90 spins, that's EXACTLY what it should hit !!!!!

So where is you edge/advantage pls RG ? I just don't see it.......

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 01:43 PM 2015
Quote from: ddarko on Dec 03, 01:41 PM 2015
there are 9 combinations correct ?


& Orochi testing shows 123 hits once every 90 spins, that's EXACTLY what it should hit !!!!!

So where is you edge/advantage pls RG ? I just don't see it.......


Betting against 123 occuring is a good bet selection.....thats how i see it.....

Do you agree based on the charts ive posted and the tests you see here?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: ddarko on Dec 03, 01:48 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 01:43 PM 2015
Betting against 123 occuring is a good bet selection.....thats how i see it.....

Do you agree based on the charts ive posted and the tests you see here?

Considering ANY of the 9 combinations all have the same chance to hit (approx 1/90 spins) I fall to see why 123 is superior.....

Looking at some of the posts I guess it's possible for some reason it's different on the American wheel.....

If 123 was winning flat betting then there maybe an edge but as you have stated a few pages it cannot be played
without a progression.

So, at the moment I fail to see an edge, sorry..... :-[

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 01:57 PM 2015

I do see an advantage

With such a high win rate sometimes a progression makes sense
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 01:59 PM 2015
This is roulette

An unbeatable game in the long term

Therefore i REALLY like something that i can win 89 out of 90 times

Does it get better?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 03, 02:19 PM 2015
in reply 482
Orochi test.
The 1,3,2 hit straight away,but i said wait for 1 of the 3 minispins to lose then bet, so we had 1 lose, bet against 3 lose 1-1, bet against 2 lose 3-3, bet against 1 9-9 win.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RFMAXX on Dec 03, 02:27 PM 2015
Betting that the last sequence of 3 will not repeat seems the best bet selection according orochis graph.
So wait for three spins an bet against it. Will do test more with pinwheel Numbers.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 02:44 PM 2015
Quote from: RFMAXX on Dec 03, 02:27 PM 2015
Betting that the last sequence of 3 will not repeat seems the best bet selection according orochis graph.
So wait for three spins an bet against it. Will do test more with pinwheel Numbers.

I had scarey good results betting against previous 3

Of all my 123 testing charts only 1 chart had a 3 dozen repeat. 1 loss in 600 spins
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: ddarko on Dec 03, 02:44 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 01:57 PM 2015

I do see an advantage

With such a high win rate sometimes a progression makes sense

Okay RG, I will leave you too it   :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 03, 02:47 PM 2015
What about betting against the following pattern :


Surely......this must be a rare event :question:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 03:01 PM 2015
Quote from: ddarko on Dec 03, 02:44 PM 2015
Okay RG, I will leave you too it   :thumbsup:


I just dont see it getting better

Some of the best players use progressions with good bet selections

I consider this a good bet selection
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 03, 03:48 PM 2015
This is during my lunch break. I start to like betting against dozen and colums. :)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 03:55 PM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 03, 03:48 PM 2015
This is during my lunch break. I start to like betting against dozen and colums. :)

Good results

I like

Ill test some in 2 hours

This may be better then betting against123. Because against 123 i always have 1 loss in 100 spins. This isnt the case with this new way. This can go hundreds of spins before a loss. By then we have profit

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 03, 04:01 PM 2015
Yes RG nice and simple
1,3,2 holding up well against some aspers numbers.
#   doz  seq   w/l
18   2   1   w   
11   1   3   w   
2   1   2   w   
13   2   1   w   
32   3   3   l   bet now as 3 lost in mini group
35   3   2   w   w  now wait till another loss
32   3   1   w   
2   1   3   w   
26   3   2   w   
34   3   1   w   
24   2   3   w   
22   2   2   l   lose here but the group has  won
19   2   1   w   
34   3   3   l   bet here
33   3   2   w   win  now wait for another mini group to have a loss
23   2   1   w   
17   2   3   w   
30   3   2   w   
14   2   1   w   
35   3   3   l   
10   1   2   w   w
2   1   1   l   
24   2   3   w   w
9   1   2   w   
1   1   1   l   
11   1   3   w   w
17   2   2   l   
6   1   1   l   
33   3   3   l   l
25   3   2   w   w
13   2   1   w   
27   3   3   l   
6   1   2   w   w
6   1   1   l   
11   1   3   w   w
36   3   2   w   
5   1   1   l    lose  now bet against 3
35   3   3   l   l   lose  1-1 now bet  against 2
13   2   2   l   l   lose  3-3 now bet  against 1
35   3   1   w   win  9-9
5   1   3   w   
32   3   2   w   
8   1   1   l   
19   2   3   w   w
26   3   2   w   
33   3   1   w   
32   3   3   l   
29   3   2   w   w
16   2   1   w   
2   1   3   w   
8   1   2   w   
31   3   1   w   
25   3   3   l   
13   2   2   l   l
32   3   1   w   w
20   2   3   w   
30   3   2   w   
36   3   1   w   
20   2   3   w   
21   2   2   l   
4   1   1   l   
22   2   3   w   w

1 mini group of 1,3,2  (5,35,13, 35)  but there is a 1,2,3 as well (8,19,26,33) and 1 out of sequence
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Dec 03, 04:10 PM 2015
In cycles of 99 spins:

123 123 appear ratio is 1/900

The 9 patterns possible all have the same odds playing 123123 or 321321 is the same.

This makes 0,1111% probability.

This apply to next playing sample:

Spin.1. - DZ1
Spin.2. - DZ2
Spin.3. - DZ3


Spin.4. - DZ2,DZ3
Spin.5. - DZ1,DZ3
Spin.6. - DZ1,DZ2


Always bet the 3 previous pattern block of 3 last dozen.

28. DZ3
3. DZ1
17. DZ2

34. DZ3 (betting DZ1,2) L
14. DZ2 (betting DZ2,3) W
18. DZ2 no bet

6. DZ1 (betting DZ1,2) W
7. DZ1 no bet
31. DZ3 no bet


READ 3 spins block,
BET next max next 3 spins stop at win


In attach is tracking sample sheet

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RFMAXX on Dec 03, 04:28 PM 2015
Can someone Provide an excel tracker? Want to Test real duisburg spins...1 Month.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 04:42 PM 2015
Quote from: Orochi on Dec 03, 04:10 PM 2015
In cycles of 99 spins:

123 123 appear ratio is 1/900

The 9 patterns possible all have the same odds playing 123123 or 321321 is the same.

This makes 0,1111% probability.

This apply to next playing sample:

Spin.1. - DZ1
Spin.2. - DZ2
Spin.3. - DZ3


Spin.4. - DZ2,DZ3
Spin.5. - DZ1,DZ3
Spin.6. - DZ1,DZ2


Always bet the 3 previous pattern block of 3 last dozen.

28. DZ3
3. DZ1
17. DZ2

34. DZ3 (betting DZ1,2) L
14. DZ2 (betting DZ2,3) W
18. DZ2 no bet

6. DZ1 (betting DZ1,2) W
7. DZ1 no bet
31. DZ3 no bet


READ 3 spins block,
BET next max next 3 spins stop at win


In attach is tracking sample sheet

Little confused. You are betting against 123 and against the previous 3?

Nevermind. I understand

This way of play is proving itself and is most definitely worthy of a progression

The loss will come but we should be in profit and recovery should be easy

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 04:52 PM 2015
Orochi let me say your example on how to play is spot on

Good explanation
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Dec 03, 04:55 PM 2015
The stats that i post maybe are wrong i need to analize formulas again.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tacwell on Dec 03, 05:36 PM 2015
Quote from: ddarko on Dec 03, 01:41 PM 2015
there are 9 combinations correct ?


& Orochi testing shows 123 hits once every 90 spins, that's EXACTLY what it should hit !!!!!

So where is you edge/advantage pls RG ? I just don't see it.......


Hi ddarko

If any specific sequence of 3 dozens hits once every 90 spins i do see an advantage in betting against that.
If we look at the odds of it hitting on a euro wheel, 12/37 = 0.324 for one dozen, therefore 0.324 * 0.324 * 0.324 = 0.034 for the sequence which is 3.4 percent, so 90 * 0.034 is 3.06, which is where I see the advantage.
Also, winning 1 unit every 3 spins and loosing 26 units every 90 spins leaves us 3 units up.
I could be off though, it is the early hours of the morning here.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 05:38 PM 2015
Just tested from spin 210 in american Zumma

first chart is betting against 1 2 3 sequence

second chart is betting against the previous 3

green is the win and where i stop and wait for the 3 to end and then begin again

i really like the against previous 3......

no 123 loss which is an anomaly, on the american wheel i usually have at least 1 sequence of 123 in a test

the no repeat i expected...most wins straight away

betting against previous 3 consistently looks much more stable...such a beautiful chart for that with no losses.....

this is such an easy way to win a few units fast and move on

with such consistent results i dont know how anyone can trash this i just dont get it...just be happy and make money with it

I would like to reiterate that i have tested about 8 different 75 spin charts, roughly 200 mini games.....and only had ONE 3 dozen sequence repeat from previous 3.....1 3 9 successful on all and most on first bet.....

if everyone played this at the casinos they would have a problem

there is absolutely no reason not to place a small insurance chip on 0
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: ddarko on Dec 03, 05:57 PM 2015

My point was kinda why 123 instead of any of the other combinations.....

Why is 123 so special from the others ?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 05:58 PM 2015
Quote from: ddarko on Dec 03, 05:57 PM 2015

was point was kinda why 123 instead of any of the other combinations.....

Why is 123 so special from the others ?


its not that its so special...

its the basis for a simple system

its the basis for a new way of thinking

and it makes money

i know several up thousands of dollars with it....
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 06:04 PM 2015
some words from someone winning with betting against 1 2 3 and then betting against ABC

and its what I have been saying!!!!!!

1st up I never lost a L3 bet & they only hit twice so that's OK because when they hit the balance was at +100 units, so if a L3 had of lost it would pretty much put the betting back to square 1 but lady luck saw it hang there & keep on building the profit.   L2 bets hit 10 times & L1 wins came in 38 times.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: ddarko on Dec 03, 06:11 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 05:58 PM 2015
its not that its so special...

its the basis for a simple system

its the basis for a new way of thinking

and it makes money

i know several up thousands of dollars with it....

If you do wish to find out if 123 is special, run all 9 combinations from one set of spins....

see what differences there are, then run more n more spins & single or double zero etc etc  :thumbsup:

Also RG, through no fault of your own, this thread has a lot of different ways of playing 123. As it looks like you getting close
to playing this for real & regularly, why not start some new threads where ppl can leave their results regarding the
specific method of playing that you state in the 1st post ?

That way it will be a bit clearer for ppl ? Only a thought not a criticism..... :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 06:14 PM 2015
Quote from: ddarko on Dec 03, 06:11 PM 2015
If you do wish to find out if 123 is special, run all 9 combinations from one set of spins....

see what differences there are, then run more n more spins & single or double zero etc etc  :thumbsup:

Also RG, through no fault of your own, this thread has a lot of different ways of playing 123. As it looks like you getting close
to playing this for real & regularly, why not start some new threads where ppl can leave their results regarding the
specific method of playing that you state in the 1st post ?

That way it will be a bit clearer for ppl ? Only a thought not a criticism..... :thumbsup:


i agree

so many variations

many people are probably confused

the main thoughts are

-bet against 1 2 3 formation on dozens
-bet against A B C formation on columns

new thought

-bet against previous 3 (see all my charts in this thread to see how damn successful this is)

always in 3 bet spurts, when win wait for 3 spins to expire

i keep saying ill simulate columns, but eh....why...no need
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: ddarko on Dec 03, 06:20 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 06:14 PM 2015

-bet against previous 3 (see all my charts in this thread to see how damn successful this is)

always in 3 bet spurts, when win wait for 3 spins to expire

I know that has been tried before & failed.... I cannot remember the name of the thread but I know it's been tried before.

Maybe not Dozens & Columns maybe not the wait for 3 spins to expire bit. So with those variables changed who knows?


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 06:22 PM 2015
Quote from: ddarko on Dec 03, 06:20 PM 2015
I know that has been tried before & failed.... I cannot remember the name of the thread but I know it's been tried before.

Maybe not Dozens & Columns maybe not the wait for 3 spins to expire bit. So with those variables changed who knows?



thats the thing

i dont think its ever been tested in 3 spin mini games before

only on a rolling basis...which WILL fail

i have tested over 600 spins (over 200 mini games).....playing the mini game way I have had 1 repeat....charts are here in thread

look at past 3, bet against it. if win on spin 1, sit out next 2 spins, if win on spin 2, sit out next spin, if win on spin 3, bet next spin

several posters, i think buffalo wizard and turbo both had something similar on a rolling basis.....doesnt work....mini games, much different...NOTHING AGAINST either of them...i think buffalowizard has GREAT ideas
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: ddarko on Dec 03, 06:27 PM 2015
Well maybe, that makes the difference then, honestly hitting & running to another table doesn't.

Pls if you are going to play this get at least 10,000 placed bets tested & see where the land lies.....

Like I stated earlier I will now leave you to it  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 06:28 PM 2015
Quote from: ddarko on Dec 03, 06:27 PM 2015
Well maybe, that makes the difference then, honestly hitting & running to another table doesn't.

Pls if you are going to play this get at least 10,000 placed bets tested & see where the land lies.....

Like I stated earlier I will now leave you to it  :thumbsup:



and i think im over 10,000 with all the members that tested it not in this thread, and those who have...similar situations....with the exception of the new guy who i believe used RNG or is an imposter...hard to tell these days

orochi explains well:

"Always bet the 3 previous pattern block of 3 last dozen.

28. DZ3
3. DZ1
17. DZ2

34. DZ3 (betting DZ1,2) L
14. DZ2 (betting DZ2,3) W
18. DZ2 no bet

6. DZ1 (betting DZ1,2) W
7. DZ1 no bet
31. DZ3 no bet


READ 3 spins block,
BET next max next 3 spins stop at win


In attach is tracking sample sheet"
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 06:52 PM 2015
$650 bankroll
$25 chips
3 mini games a day
$75 profit
5 days a week
$375 a week
$1500 a month

totally feesible

attached chart says show me the money. as u can see betting on a rolling basis loses. must be mini games in sets of 3. win? now wait until 3 spins are up. max wait? 2 spins. big deal

i switch tables after a win because then it would take too long........i can win, goto next table, win goto next table

look at row 2. we have a win in column one. sit out the next 2 spins. no bets until it gets to next row

celescliff look at this chart...we have very similar results
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 07:04 PM 2015
heres why i think this is working

1) we have a 66% chance of winning when betting 2 dozens
2) we are betting against a pattern, which is rare to repeat

so we are combining a 66% chance of winning with betting against a repeat which does not happen often which increases the chances

as other members suggested can we divide the wheel into twelves and use the same principle? why? its easier to lay 2 chips then to lay 24
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 03, 08:28 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 06:52 PM 2015

celescliff look at this chart...we have very similar results

Looks good. Really promising. During your tests, how often do the third bet come in?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 08:35 PM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 03, 08:28 PM 2015
Looks good. Really promising. During your tests, how often do the third bet come in?

Most wins 1st and 2nd. Rarely on 3rd

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 08:50 PM 2015
The more i test the more i see more 1st and 2nd column wins against previous 3 then against 123

Betting against previous 3 is stable
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 03, 08:54 PM 2015
Just ran a few quick tests with the following :

Bet Against :

....then restart with 1-2-3 again followed by 2-1-3...etc

It like a constant moving target!

This is the best that I've seen so far......showed profit using 1-3-9 progression on all games :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 08:57 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 03, 08:54 PM 2015
Just ran a few quick tests with the following :

Bet Against :

....then restart with 1-2-3 again followed by 2-1-3...etc

It like a constant moving target!

This is the best that I've seen so far......showed profit using 1-3-9 progression on all games :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Played as standard mini game? On a win wait for 3 spins to end then start again?

So if win on 2nd spin of game 1 sit out 3rd spin and then bet against 213?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 03, 09:00 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 08:57 PM 2015

Played as standard mini game? On a win wait for 3 spins to end then start again?

So if win on 2nd spin of game 1 sit out 3rd spin and then bet against 213?

Correct....played as full mini-game and wait after a win if necessary...

You quickly realize that you have to hit just the right combo for this to fail (1 out of 5). :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 09:06 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 03, 09:00 PM 2015
Correct....played as full mini-game and wait after a win if necessary...

You quickly realize that you have to hit just the right combo for this to fail (1 out of 5). :thumbsup:

Makes sense. Because we static bet 123 hoping we wont hit it

This way constatly switching it up we would have to be spot on

Good tweek
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 03, 09:12 PM 2015
Wiesbaden Table #2 31.10.2015 #158 spins

Using moving 1-2-3(x5) Method

Losses : -01 (-26 units if using 1-3-9 progression)

Wins : +48

Total : +22 units

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 03, 09:16 PM 2015
Wiesbaden Table #3 03.01.2015 #227 spins

Using moving 1-2-3(x5) Method

Losses : 00 (00 units if using 1-3-9 progression)

Wins : +75

Total : +75 units
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 03, 09:18 PM 2015
Wiesbaden Table #2 03.01.2015 #139 spins

Using moving 1-2-3(x5) Method

Losses : 00 (00 units if using 1-3-9 progression)

Wins : +46

Total : +46 units
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 09:18 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 03, 09:16 PM 2015
Wiesbaden Table #3 03.01.2015 #227 spins

Using moving 1-2-3(x5) Method

Losses : 00 (00 units if using 1-3-9 progression)

Wins : +75

Total : +75 units


U just tested 3 big sets and had 1 loss

174 mini games
173 wins
1 loss

Thats what u just had

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 03, 09:52 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 09:18 PM 2015

U just tested 3 big sets and had 1 loss

174 mini games
173 wins
1 loss

Thats what u just had

Correct :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 03, 10:05 PM 2015
Wiesbaden Table #2 01.08.2015 #188 spins

Using moving 1-2-3(x5) Method

Losses : -01 (-26 units if using 1-3-9 progression)

Wins : +62

Total : +36 units

237 mini games
235 wins
2 losses

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: tonowen on Dec 03, 10:59 PM 2015
wow! betting previous 3 is on of the best system i've ever tried, but could you suggest me if it hits 0 ?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 03, 11:38 PM 2015
Ok, last for today, and still no loss!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 03, 11:42 PM 2015
Quote from: tonowen on Dec 03, 10:59 PM 2015
wow! betting previous 3 is on of the best system i've ever tried, but could you suggest me if it hits 0 ?

Yes, it's great. :)

Look at the picture I attached at row 10, column H. I got a 0 there, and I won it since I bet on that as an insurance. If a zero comes up track a three spin mini game and start again.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 03, 11:54 PM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 03, 11:42 PM 2015
Yes, it's great. :)

Look at the picture I attached at row 10, column H. I got a 0 there, and I won it since I bet on that as an insurance. If a zero comes up track a three spin mini game and start again.

Yes if 0 comes sit out the next 3 spin mini game

Next 3 spins no bet

And its ok cause we have insurance on 0

Best ive seen to
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: tonowen on Dec 04, 12:08 AM 2015
Thanks, suppose my progression is 100-300-900. How much to bet 0 ?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: ptzelepis on Dec 04, 01:28 AM 2015
Sorry guys.....I got mixed up......what is the best for euro so far ?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RFMAXX on Dec 04, 03:04 AM 2015
and what is 1-2-3(x5) Method?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 04, 06:22 AM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 03, 08:54 PM 2015
Just ran a few quick tests with the following :

Bet Against :

....then restart with 1-2-3 again followed by 2-1-3...etc

It like a constant moving target!

This is the best that I've seen so far......showed profit using 1-3-9 progression on all games :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

@ rfmaxx
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Dec 04, 06:29 AM 2015
Dont find any advantage in the math results,
and done some tests with diferent play styles bets and all fail in long-run.

Sorry RG. I was hoping this could lead to someting different.

I remember that this method was tested before in "johnlegend" hit and run systems.

Sry, cant help anyone with this, i came to a dead end.

This is no beter than other methods found in this forum.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 04, 06:45 AM 2015
Quote from: tonowen on Dec 03, 10:59 PM 2015
wow! betting previous 3 is on of the best system i've ever tried, but could you suggest me if it hits 0 ?

Yea seems to be. Over 600 spins all good. 1 loss.  If 0 shows no problem. Insurance chips

But sit out the next mini game

Doing that i havent suffered a loss except for 1 mini game 323 323
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 04, 06:49 AM 2015
Quote from: ptzelepis on Dec 04, 01:28 AM 2015
Sorry guys.....I got mixed up......what is the best for euro so far ?

Its all decent

The law tweaked it to a X5 see his post.  He was able to dramatically increase wins from betting static against 123

And betting against previous 3. See my chart or celes chart on how to play it

The previous 3 is proving to be a solid money maker with few losses. Not to be played on a rolling basis like the past failure systems. Must be played in mini game sets. On a rolling basis like how john legend played i believe, it failed.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: wiggy on Dec 04, 07:10 AM 2015
I tested 30 games which is nothing...but.....it did win all 30 and most of them on the first go.
What I like is how you use the combination of 123 in it's different guises because many times you will get at least two of the same dozen in any three spins. So it has to find a 123 and also in the exact order for the set you are playing against to beat you.

Here are my results.

123-222 (w)
213-331 (w)
312-331 (lw)
231-321 (w)
321-123 (w)

123-311 (w)
213-323 (w)
312-231 (w)
231-323 (w)
321-112 (w)

123-111 (lw)
213-132 (w)
312-311 (llw)
231-211 (lw)
321-112 (w)

123-323 (w)
213-221 (lw)
312-321 (lw)
231-223 (lw)
321-111 (w)

123-212 (w)
213-121 (w)
312-212 (w)
231-312 (w)
321-311 (lw)

123-232 (w)
213-311 (w)
312-222 (w)
231-332 (w)
321-121 (w)

Reading some of the posts on this thread is funny. There is no H.G. Just find a method that can make you a few quick bucks and go and enjoy dinner or a show. This is one of those where I would play until the first loss or until I made enough to pay for the dinner or show. It's all gambling at the end of the day. Well done to all those who made a positive contribution in this thread.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 04, 07:16 AM 2015
Quote from: wiggy on Dec 04, 07:10 AM 2015
I tested 30 games which is nothing...but.....it did win all 30 and most of them on the first go.
What I like is how you use the combination of 123 in it's different guises because many times you will get at least two of the same dozen in any three spins. So it has to find a 123 and also in the exact order for the set you are playing against to beat you.

Here are my results.

123-222 (w)
213-331 (w)
312-331 (lw)
231-321 (w)
321-123 (w)

123-311 (w)
213-323 (w)
312-231 (w)
231-323 (w)
321-112 (w)

123-111 (lw)
213-132 (w)
312-311 (llw)
231-211 (lw)
321-112 (w)

123-323 (w)
213-221 (lw)
312-321 (lw)
231-223 (lw)
321-111 (w)

123-212 (w)
213-121 (w)
312-212 (w)
231-312 (w)
321-311 (lw)

123-232 (w)
213-311 (w)
312-222 (w)
231-332 (w)
321-121 (w)

Reading some of the posts on this thread is funny. There is no H.G. Just find a method that can make you a few quick bucks and go and enjoy dinner or a show. This is one of those where I would play until the first loss or until I made enough to pay for the dinner or show. It's all gambling at the end of the day. Well done to all those who made a positive contribution in this thread.

Thanks wiggy

Yes thelaws tweak is cool

When minds come together and tweak good things like this happen

I still like 123 but the law variation and betting against previous 3 is proving to be more stable

Also. U tested properly. Im testing sets of 75. Testing long term millions doesnt mean much

Against previous 3 is so good its scarey. But it must be tested and played properly

What makes laws so successful is whats the chances we will choose the exact sequence. We probably wont. So it wins as u have shown
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 04, 09:11 AM 2015
So here is where I stand with this method:

It works well, but I'm assuming that I have a sledgehammer waiting to smash my bankroll.

So bet the 1-2-3(x5) "Moving Target" method with 1-3-9 progression. I would play 5 mini-games and then move to another table.

Then on a loss (-26 units) we use Labouchere Money Management.***note that this is the key.....MM will win long-term, not bet selection***

Bankroll: 520 units (allows for 20 losses of base)

One final note: I'm not sure that we're going to get any more random than this, so Progression + Money Management are the actual HG :thumbsup:

GLC.....if you see this post, and can add any tweaks, I would love to get your opinion......Thanks! :)

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 04, 09:15 AM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 04, 09:11 AM 2015
So here is where I stand with this method:

It works well, but I'm assuming that I have a sledgehammer waiting to smash my bankroll.

So bet the 1-2-3(x5) "Moving Target" method with 1-3-9 progression. I would play 5 mini-games and then move to another table.

Then on a loss (-26 units) we use Labouchere Money Management.***note that this is the key.....MM will win long-term, not bet selection***

Bankroll: 520 units (allows for 20 losses of base)

One final note: I'm not sure that we're going to get any more random than this, so Progression + Money Management are the actual HG :thumbsup:

GLC.....if you see this post, and can add any tweaks, I would love to get your opinion......Thanks! :)

You're "moving target" way is simply working amazing. So is previous 3.....
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 04, 09:26 AM 2015
What you did was take a new way of thinking and applied it very well
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 04, 09:38 AM 2015
I will add:

No need to search for the loser. The loser will come its inevitable in roulette

The point is are we in profit before the 1 in 100 hits

No need to test 1 million spins. 100 to 200 spin sets are sufficient

If we want to make a few units a day with this it is almost a guarantee
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: tonowen on Dec 04, 11:47 AM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 04, 09:11 AM 2015
So here is where I stand with this method:

It works well, but I'm assuming that I have a sledgehammer waiting to smash my bankroll.

So bet the 1-2-3(x5) "Moving Target" method with 1-3-9 progression. I would play 5 mini-games and then move to another table.

Then on a loss (-26 units) we use Labouchere Money Management.***note that this is the key.....MM will win long-term, not bet selection***

Bankroll: 520 units (allows for 20 losses of base)

One final note: I'm not sure that we're going to get any more random than this, so Progression + Money Management are the actual HG :thumbsup:

GLC.....if you see this post, and can add any tweaks, I would love to get your opinion......Thanks! :)

Could you explain how to use Labouchere for dozens and columns bet?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 04, 12:47 PM 2015
The law,

The losses are so infrequent and so spread out on your new way and the previous 3 way that when we do hit a loser we should still be in profit. And if not we can up the units and recover faster

Use a small small small base unit say $1. On a loss up it to $10 and recover in 1 or 2 mini games

There is a member who is testing live wheel. No thousands, millions spins nonsense. Real life play

He is well in profit where if he loses 1 3 9 it wouldnt hurt at all

Alternating between 123 dozens and ABC columns

So when the loss comes he can take it and still be profit or just up the unit for 1 or 2 mini games

I said this many times in this thread: we are smart enough to make a system work that fails one time every couple of hundred spins

Your moving target is perfect for that. Of COURSE we will hit a loss

Either way i just dont see a mechanical system being any better

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 04, 03:44 PM 2015
With me testing hundreds of spins with no loss

Wiggy testing about 100 with no loss

Celes testing many with no loss

And the law testing hundreds of spins some with no loss

I cant understand why this isnt more popular
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 04, 04:01 PM 2015
perhaps the sun square has attracted them again.
RG out with the old carving knife (wife), whilst waiting nipped in the bookies,looked at the last 11 spins off the 1,3,2 grouping,the last 2 groups the 1 lost, so had 1 spin to get the 4 groups done.  pushed the button 1 lost,so should have bet the 3 to lose, 1 came, so waited. next group started again the 1 lost so this time i bet the 3 would lose for 5-5 and duely won my fiver.

RG i'd say this is your cash cow
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 04, 04:07 PM 2015

Try the laws variation

Moving target

You will be pleasently surprised
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: ddarko on Dec 04, 04:09 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 04, 03:44 PM 2015
I cant understand why this isnt more popular

What is a surprise to me is how come onetaste hasn't posted since page1 ?

Bit strange....... :o

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 04, 04:10 PM 2015
Quote from: ddarko on Dec 04, 04:09 PM 2015
What is a surprise to me is how come onetaste hasn't posted since page1 ?

Bit strange....... :o


I believe he said he was taking a break for some months
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: ddarko on Dec 04, 04:12 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 04, 04:10 PM 2015
I believe he said he was taking a break for some months

Surely somebody has told how this thread has grown & grown no ?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 04, 04:13 PM 2015
I saw onetatse reading this thread the day before yesterday
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 04, 04:15 PM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 04, 04:01 PM 2015
perhaps the sun square has attracted them again.
RG out with the old carving knife (wife), whilst waiting nipped in the bookies,looked at the last 11 spins off the 1,3,2 grouping,the last 2 groups the 1 lost, so had 1 spin to get the 4 groups done.  pushed the button 1 lost,so should have bet the 3 to lose, 1 came, so waited. next group started again the 1 lost so this time i bet the 3 would lose for 5-5 and duely won my fiver.

RG i'd say this is your cash cow

Hey notto

Forgive me. Sometimes i dont understand what you are saying


But i hope sun square hasnt attracted anyone lol

I read it again. I understand what u r saying.
Very good friend
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 04, 04:44 PM 2015
Quote from: tonowen on Dec 04, 11:47 AM 2015
Could you explain how to use Labouchere for dozens and columns bet?

So a full loss is 26 units.......then we start a line :

1(represents 26 units)

If we lose, then our line is 1-1 (52 units)-so next bet is 2 unit base bet....

If we win, then we've recouped our 26 unit loss, so we start over....

Every loss = just add first and last number on the line for new bet :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 04, 04:45 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 04, 12:47 PM 2015
The law,

The losses are so infrequent and so spread out on your new way and the previous 3 way that when we do hit a loser we should still be in profit. And if not we can up the units and recover faster

Use a small small small base unit say $1. On a loss up it to $10 and recover in 1 or 2 mini games

There is a member who is testing live wheel. No thousands, millions spins nonsense. Real life play

He is well in profit where if he loses 1 3 9 it wouldnt hurt at all

Alternating between 123 dozens and ABC columns

So when the loss comes he can take it and still be profit or just up the unit for 1 or 2 mini games

I said this many times in this thread: we are smart enough to make a system work that fails one time every couple of hundred spins

Your moving target is perfect for that. Of COURSE we will hit a loss

Either way i just dont see a mechanical system being any better
I am just being conservative as I firmly believe that there is a sequence just around the corner to kill a Marti.... :ooh:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 04, 04:51 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 04, 04:45 PM 2015
I am just being conservative as I firmly believe that there is a sequence just around the corner to kill a Marti.... :ooh:

With real money i play a break even. So i only win on step 1

Progression is 1 2 6

Its perfect for betting against previous 3 because most wins are on step 1 see my chart
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 04, 04:54 PM 2015
In about 1 hour will post 4 tests

One against previous 3
One moving target

It will be from american zumma

Then i will do the same for euro from smart live

Total of 4 tests
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tacwell on Dec 04, 05:11 PM 2015
Quote from: ddarko on Dec 04, 04:09 PM 2015
What is a surprise to me is how come onetaste hasn't posted since page1 ?

Bit strange....... :o

Maybe he tested with millions of spins instead of hundreds.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: wiggy on Dec 04, 05:44 PM 2015
Quote from: wiggy on Dec 04, 07:10 AM 2015
I tested 30 games which is nothing...but.....it did win all 30 and most of them on the first go.
What I like is how you use the combination of 123 in it's different guises because many times you will get at least two of the same dozen in any three spins. So it has to find a 123 and also in the exact order for the set you are playing against to beat you.

Here are my results.

123-222 (w)
213-331 (w)
312-331 (lw)
231-321 (w)
321-123 (w)

123-311 (w)
213-323 (w)
312-231 (w)
231-323 (w)
321-112 (w)

123-111 (lw)
213-132 (w)
312-311 (llw)
231-211 (lw)
321-112 (w)

123-323 (w)
213-221 (lw)
312-321 (lw)
231-223 (lw)
321-111 (w)

123-212 (w)
213-121 (w)
312-212 (w)
231-312 (w)
321-311 (lw)

123-232 (w)
213-311 (w)
312-222 (w)
231-332 (w)
321-121 (w)

Reading some of the posts on this thread is funny. There is no H.G. Just find a method that can make you a few quick bucks and go and enjoy dinner or a show. This is one of those where I would play until the first loss or until I made enough to pay for the dinner or show. It's all gambling at the end of the day. Well done to all those who made a positive contribution in this thread.

A lot of the W's seem to appear on the first or second bet.

My W/L results were as follows.


The biggest gap there where you wouldn't have 2 consecutive wins was 3 bets.

So my MM would be to use a parlay bet where you are looking for 2 consecutive wins.

Here are the details including the 9 levels.

1) a.  4. 00 = 4x1. 00 win 6. 00 lose 4. 00
b.  6. 00 = 4x1. 50 win 9. 00 lose 4. 00

2) a.  8. 00 = 4x2. 00 win 12. 00 lose 12. 00
b.  12. 00 = 4x3. 00 win 18. 00 lose 12. 00

3) a.  16. 00 = 4x4. 00 win 24. 00 lose 28. 00
b.  24. 00 = 4x6. 00 win 36. 00 lose 28. 00

4) a.  24. 00 = 4x6. 00 win 36. 00 lose 52. 00
b.  36. 00 = 4x9. 00 win 54. 00 lose 52. 00

5) a.  44. 00 = 4x11. 00 win 66. 00 lose 96. 00
b.  66. 00 = 4x16. 50 win 99. 00 lose 96. 00

6) a.  80. 00 = 4x20. 00 win 120. 00 lose 176. 00
b.  120. 00 = 4x30. 00 win 180. 00 lose 176. 00

7) a.  144. 00 = 4x36. 00 win 216. 00 lose 320. 00
b.  216. 00 = 4x54. 00 win 324. 00 lose 320. 00

8} a.  260. 00 = 4x65. 00 win 390. 00 lose 580. 00
b.  390. 00 = 4x97. 50 win 585. 00 lose 580. 00

9) a.  480 = 4x120. 00 win 720. 00 lose 1060. 00
b.  720. 00 = 4x180. 00 win 1080. 00 lose 1060. 00

total bankroll needed 1060. 00

I will go through my wins and losses again and show what levels got reached.

w (won at level 1.)
l (lost at level 1.)
w (won at level 2.)
w (won at level 1.)
w (won at level 1.)
w (won at level 1.)
l (lost at level 1.)
w (won at level 2.)
l (lost at level 1.)
l (lost at level 2.)
l (lost at level 3.)
w (won at level 4.)
l (lost at level 1.)
l (lost at level 2.)
l (lost at level 3.)
w (won at level 4.)
w (won at level 1.)
w (won at level 1.)
l (lost at level 1.)
w (won at level 2.)
w (won at level 1.)
w (won at level 1.)

It's a hefty bankroll required but would be pretty much bombproof unless you were really unlucky. Any win at a level results in a profit and then you would reset back to level 1. The stakes may need to be slightly adjusted depending on betting restrictions in your area.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 04, 05:53 PM 2015
here it is


not a single loss

I am not the smartest man here. nor do i claim to be. BUT I am smart enough to call something good when its good! nor do i claim it cannot lose. what I do claim is the wins will outweigh the losses.

1st chart, betting against previous 3

2nd chart, The Law's moving target

The Law, if you haven't done so yet, stand up and pat yourself on the back...because it is good

if naysayers come, do not take their word....test for YOURSELF to make a determination. we are approaching 40 pages, naysayers are enroute. so test yourselves. people will come and say it fails long term but the only holder of such claims should be YOURSELVES. If its doing good for YOU then go by that

thanks to all

these charts represent a series from the American Zumma...26 mini games ---- 78 spins

I cannot explain it but we are all experiencing majority of wins in column 1....WHY?!?!?!

what separates this from the other failed previous attempts is that its mini games and not rolling.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 04, 06:15 PM 2015
wiggy....you said dinner and a show? hehehehe how about many dinners and many shows

p.s. betting against previous 3 mini game is still proving to be superior as far as stability goes

this puppy is stellar
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 04, 06:35 PM 2015
in those 26 groups i see a 1,2,3. But dont see 1,3,2. so would 1,3,2 be the euro combo?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 04, 06:40 PM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 04, 06:35 PM 2015
in those 26 groups i see a 1,2,3. But dont see 1,3,2. so would 1,3,2 be the euro combo?

yes 123 happened once....which is expected

will happen once every 50 to 100 spins

this was using american wheel numbers so not sure

i strictly bet against previous 3 and the law tweak in those 2 tests. green is the win in the mini game
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: wiggy on Dec 04, 06:41 PM 2015
Another quick test.

123-323 (w)
213-123 (w) level 1 win.
312-221 (w)
231-213 (lw)
321-133 (w) level 2 win.

123-323 (w)
213-112 (w) level 1 win.
312-313 (llw)
231-223 (lw)
321-321 (lll)

123-222 (w)
213-121 (w) level 7 win.
312-313 (llw)
231-213 (lw)
321-313 (lw)

123-221 (w) level 5 win.
213-331 (w)
312-221 (w) level 1 win.
231-313 (w)
321-323 (lw)

123-332 (w) level 2 win.
213-233 (lw)
312-132 (w) level 2 win.
231-311 (w)
321-231 (w) level 1 win.

123-221 (w)
213-122 (w) level 1 win.
312-123 (w)
231-123 (w) level 1 win.
321-311 (lw)

123-221 (w) level 2 win.
213-121 (w)
312-222 (w) level 1 win.
231-111 (w)
321-113 (w) level 1 win.

34 wins vs 1 loss playing 11-33-99
14 wins vs 0 loss playing 9 level parlay progression.

I will play this live over the weekend. Not sure which progression I will use yet. I will probably chicken out and use the 11-33-99 although to be fair to it, it's cheaper and looks like it produces the goods even with the odd loss here and there.

Thanks guys for sharing.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 04, 06:45 PM 2015
Quote from: wiggy on Dec 04, 06:41 PM 2015
Another quick test.

123-323 (w)
213-123 (w) level 1 win.
312-221 (w)
231-213 (lw)
321-133 (w) level 2 win.

123-323 (w)
213-112 (w) level 1 win.
312-313 (llw)
231-223 (lw)
321-321 (lll)

123-222 (w)
213-121 (w) level 7 win.
312-313 (llw)
231-213 (lw)
321-313 (lw)

123-221 (w) level 5 win.
213-331 (w)
312-221 (w) level 1 win.
231-313 (w)
321-323 (lw)

123-332 (w) level 2 win.
213-233 (lw)
312-132 (w) level 2 win.
231-311 (w)
321-231 (w) level 1 win.

123-221 (w)
213-122 (w) level 1 win.
312-123 (w)
231-123 (w) level 1 win.
321-311 (lw)

123-221 (w) level 2 win.
213-121 (w)
312-222 (w) level 1 win.
231-111 (w)
321-113 (w) level 1 win.

34 wins vs 1 loss playing 11-33-99
14 wins vs 0 loss playing 9 level parlay progression.

I will play this live over the weekend. Not sure which progression I will use yet. I will probably chicken out and use the 11-33-99 although to be fair to it, it's cheaper and looks like it produces the goods even with the odd loss here and there.

Thanks guys for sharing.

thank you for the legitimate test

happy winnings this weekend
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: wiggy on Dec 04, 06:47 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 04, 06:15 PM 2015
wiggy....you said dinner and a show? hehehehe how about many dinners and many shows

RG, It feels great to get excited again about putting a good plan into action. I can't wait to try it out.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 04, 06:52 PM 2015
Quote from: wiggy on Dec 04, 06:47 PM 2015
RG, It feels great to get excited again about putting a good plan into action. I can't wait to try it out.  :thumbsup:

when you play live perhaps use small units so that if the 1 in 100 loss comes and you hapen to hit it you can up the units and recoup quick

good luck
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 04, 06:59 PM 2015
Quote from: wiggy on Dec 04, 06:41 PM 2015
Another quick test.

123-323 (w)
213-123 (w) level 1 win.
312-221 (w)
231-213 (lw)
321-133 (w) level 2 win.

123-323 (w)
213-112 (w) level 1 win.
312-313 (llw)
231-223 (lw)
321-321 (lll)

123-222 (w)
213-121 (w) level 7 win.
312-313 (llw)
231-213 (lw)
321-313 (lw)

123-221 (w) level 5 win.
213-331 (w)
312-221 (w) level 1 win.
231-313 (w)
321-323 (lw)

123-332 (w) level 2 win.
213-233 (lw)
312-132 (w) level 2 win.
231-311 (w)
321-231 (w) level 1 win.

123-221 (w)
213-122 (w) level 1 win.
312-123 (w)
231-123 (w) level 1 win.
321-311 (lw)

123-221 (w) level 2 win.
213-121 (w)
312-222 (w) level 1 win.
231-111 (w)
321-113 (w) level 1 win.

34 wins vs 1 loss playing 11-33-99
14 wins vs 0 loss playing 9 level parlay progression.

I will play this live over the weekend. Not sure which progression I will use yet. I will probably chicken out and use the 11-33-99 although to be fair to it, it's cheaper and looks like it produces the goods even with the odd loss here and there.

Thanks guys for sharing.
Wiggy are these euro spins, lots of 1,2,3 combos, as said to RG is 1,3,2 the combo for euro wheel, only see it once
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: wiggy on Dec 04, 07:07 PM 2015

The dozens on the left are what I am playing against which are variants of 123 and the dozens on the right are what appeared. Yes, it's euro spins.

You are right. Only one set of 1,3,2 appeared. Out of the 35 sets on the right, 27 had a double in them. That's what I like about the moving target idea with the 1,2,3 variations.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 04, 07:13 PM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 04, 06:59 PM 2015
Wiggy are these euro spins, lots of 1,2,3 combos, as said to RG is 1,3,2 the combo for euro wheel, only see it once

Slowly getting away form static betting a set

These tweaks are superior
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 04, 07:38 PM 2015
Warning : Danger!!! Danger!!!

Wiesbaden Table #3 03.01.2015 #293 spins

Using moving 1-2-3(x5) Method

Losses : 05 (130 units if using 1-3-9 progression)

Wins : +92

Total : -38 units

***2 of these full losses were within 8 games of each other***

This sequence also kills Labouchere Money Management dead :sad2: :sad2: :sad2:

This is the type of sequence that I was afraid of while using Marti............
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 04, 07:43 PM 2015
Try that same sequence

But against previous 3
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 04, 07:47 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 04, 07:43 PM 2015
Try that same sequence

But against previous 3

Tried the previous 3 before, but had very poor results......this does appear to be a superior bet, but that sledgehammer is always waiting..... :ooh:

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 04, 07:49 PM 2015
Its ok

No worries

We have tested this enough to know its good

Plus we wont be at a table long enough to have 5 losses.

We are in and out

I will continue to test

The law all your tests were positive. This test is minus 38 units. You would still be positive if you add all your tests up. Keep going

This test was minus 38. Take that away from  your other tests you are still positive
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 04, 07:54 PM 2015
334 mini games


7 losses

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 04, 07:57 PM 2015

Lets recap

You had

As per your prior tests on moving targets:

-38 (97 mini games. 5 lost) most recent test

So you would still be way up

Secondly the 5 losses in last test were not back to back. Therefore if using small unit size you could have upped the units on next mini game to recoup quickly

So two ways to play
1. Large units play 2 games quit
2. Small units on a loss raise units and recoup quickly

We have to be able to deal with a mini game loss effectively. They are going to happen

So for example if playin $1 chips and lose a mini game next mini game use $10.

No problems. Only solutions

Your most recent test was 97 mini games. 5 lost. In real life play you would have experienced only 1 of those losses. 293 spins is a long time!

Think about that. In a prior test you had 1 loss and still won big. Same would have happened here. You arent sticking around for 5 losses. Thats a long time
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 04, 08:03 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 04, 07:57 PM 2015

Lets recap

You had


So you would still be way up

Secondly the 5 losses in last test were not back to back. Therefore if using small unit size you could have upped the units on next mini game to recoup quickly

So two ways to play
1. Large units play 2 games quit
2. Small units on a loss raise units and recoup quickly

At this point, I think the best bet is to just use the 1-3-9 Marti and hope for the best (also use hit-and-run).

I wish that I could get behind a recoup strategy, but just 1 wrong game and we're have a huge hole to get out of moving forward.... :question:

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 04, 08:04 PM 2015
I edited the post theres more lol
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 04, 08:09 PM 2015
Keep testing law see what happens.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 04, 08:14 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 04, 07:57 PM 2015

Lets recap

You had

As per your prior tests on moving targets:

-38 (97 mini games. 5 lost) most recent test

So you would still be way up

Secondly the 5 losses in last test were not back to back. Therefore if using small unit size you could have upped the units on next mini game to recoup quickly

So two ways to play
1. Large units play 2 games quit
2. Small units on a loss raise units and recoup quickly

We have to be able to deal with a mini game loss effectively. They are going to happen

So for example if playin $1 chips and lose a mini game next mini game use $10.

No problems. Only solutions

Your most recent test was 97 mini games. 5 lost. In real life play you would have experienced only 1 of those losses. 293 spins is a long time!

Think about that. In a prior test you had 1 loss and still won big. Same would have happened here. You arent sticking around for 5 losses. Thats a long time

I see your point, but I've seen the wheel rear it's ugly head at the worst time.......so I would probably just stick to the 1-3-9.

At this point, it's either : go for solid wins using 1-3-9 over 100s of spins, or risk losing big with a recoup strategy.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 04, 08:17 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 04, 08:14 PM 2015
I see your point, but I've seen the wheel rear it's ugly head at the worst time.......so I would probably just stick to the 1-3-9.

At this point, it's either : go for solid wins using 1-3-9 over 100s of spins, or risk losing big with a recoup strategy.

If you dont see a back to back loss. Which u havent. Then recoup will work. Use next mini game to recoup

Only time recoup wont work is if u see a back to back loss

Slim to none

In your tests have u seen back to back?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 04, 08:22 PM 2015
The way we will play in real life. Real table. Real dealer. It will win
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 04, 08:24 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 04, 08:17 PM 2015
If you dont see a back to back loss. Which u havent. Then recoup will work. Use next mini game to recoup

Only time recoup wont work is if u see a back to back loss

Slim to none

In your tests have u seen back to back?

Not yet, but keep in mind, we also didn't expect 5 losses so close together.

I've seen too many systems fail when someone says-"but what are the chances this could happen?". If we used a 10x recoup bet, then we could be on the hook for 260 units........that's a bankroll killer! >:D

I prefer to look at 100s or 1000s of spins and find a profit without the risk of killing my bankroll.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 04, 08:29 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 04, 08:24 PM 2015
Not yet, but keep in mind, we also didn't expect 5 losses so close together.

I've seen too many systems fail when someone says-"but what are the chances this could happen?". If we used a 10x recoup bet, then we could be on the hook for 260 units........that's a bankroll killer! >:D

I prefer to look at 100s or 1000s of spins and find a profit without the risk of killing my bankroll.

5 losses in 293 spins is not a killer

We have a bet selection thats the best on this forum
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 04, 09:00 PM 2015
Wiesbaden : Table #4 07.02.2015

First 10 spins :

2-9-19       against 123     Win

13-7-33     against 213     Loss

33-11-19   against 312     Loss

.............this is what I was afraid of......... :sad2:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 04, 09:30 PM 2015
Every test ive done against previous 3 has been a winner except for1
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 04, 09:34 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 04, 09:30 PM 2015
Every test ive done against previous 3 has been a winner except for1

Can't say that I've had the same luck...... :ooh:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: amk on Dec 04, 09:55 PM 2015
Havent read the entire thread.

But this concept will only fail longterm. Betting against 1,2,3 dozen formation we are using a progression of 26 units total. The pattern 1,2,3 will occur on average once every 27 patterns (3x3x3=27). So win 26 times in a row +26 then the 27th game will lose so +26 -26 = 0

I think the only way any method will win longterm is by playing it for a short amount of time then never again.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 04, 09:57 PM 2015
Just had a thought :

What about combining a rare event with a rare event.

So you wait for 2 of the same dozen to hit, then bet against the next 3 spins with the corresponding 1-2-3 patern.


2 (now bet using a 2-1-3 or 2-3-1)
3 (win)
3 (now bet using 3-2-1 or 3-1-2)
1 (win)

This allows us to use two strategies at once. :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 04, 10:06 PM 2015
Beginning to realize i post for no reason

This game will always lose. No matter what. The key is overcoming the loss

You find a teriffic bet selection where you can overcome a loss and its still not good enough

We find a bet selection that wins a lot

Not good enough

Whats the point

Every good thread has the same fate after 500 posts

No matter the winning method people will come and give reasons why it wont win long term

The fate of this thread was inevitable

Im going to use these principles and win

You will not find bet selecetions with better hit rates then those in this thread

Still not good enough

Why are you all here? To find reasons why a method cannot work? Stop that bullshit. Find a way to MAKE IT WORK, not give excuses why it cant

Does negativity drive you?

MAKE IT WORK. Make the damn method work. Stop testing a million spins

Go and win for christs sake

Is this a forum of excuses or a forum of minds that seek to make something good work

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: amk on Dec 04, 10:07 PM 2015
Just trying to help RG.

We find roulette interesting thats why I am here. Would never get negative only realistic.

I think the moving target should be the method we play not just a moving target within one method.

There are hundreds of methods on different forums. Play them all only once for a short time then never again.

The 1,2,3 concept was looked at extensively with CODE 4 (4 wide pattern 1,2,3,3 ect in all forms instead of 1,2,3), PATTERN BREAKER etc etc

CODE 4 will 100% fail longterm, but I am willing to gamble that I can win 100? units with it, but then never play the method again.

All methods when tested "longterm" will have many stretches were they win above average. When we start playing a method or testing a method and it is winning nicely we feel confident that we can play this method for years to come but this is not realistic unless it has been tested over a vast amount of spins and proven without a doubt to be so.

I think 90% of the time we play or test a method for the first time it will do just fine over ?500 spins perhaps ?2000 but inevitably wins and losses will average out, this is the name of the game.

I am just saying play a method for a short amount of time or until you lose a certain amount then never play the method again.

I think we might just come out ahead.

If anything, as you say, at least we are playing : )
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tacwell on Dec 04, 10:43 PM 2015
Quote from: amk on Dec 04, 09:55 PM 2015
Havent read the entire thread.

But this concept will only fail longterm. Betting against 1,2,3 dozen formation we are using a progression of 26 units total. The pattern 1,2,3 will occur on average once every 27 patterns (3x3x3=27).

Yet when we provide test data to back this up we get told our results are impossible and our tests are rubbish and we're only here to discredit his winning system.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 04, 11:27 PM 2015
Good luck
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: GLC on Dec 05, 12:17 AM 2015

We don't mean to discourage you, just trying to caution you from making the same mistake our friend Le_Chiffre did.  He got carried away and lost most of his hard earned money.  Money he couldn't afford to lose.  It saddened me unbelievably.  That's why I'm always urging members to be cautious with their systems.  If you think out posts are just negative silliness, then please take them with a grain of salt.  Some of us have been frustrated by systems gone bad so many times, that we no longer have your enthusiasm.

We all wish you the best of luck on this system.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 12:24 AM 2015
Look at our charts

If you dont believe in it just look at the charts
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: ego on Dec 05, 04:34 AM 2015
GLC you make a very important and good Point.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 05, 04:43 AM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 04, 09:00 PM 2015
Wiesbaden : Table #4 07.02.2015

First 10 spins :

2-9-19       against 123     Win

13-7-33     against 213     Loss why not rebet 213 whats the count for back to back

33-11-19   against 312     Loss

.............this is what I was afraid of......... :sad2:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Drazen on Dec 05, 05:46 AM 2015
Quote from: GLC on Dec 05, 12:17 AM 2015
We all wish you the best of luck on this system.

Dear George you couldnt said it better.

There is no luck in this game I am afraid. This dream here for some will only become mathematical certainty.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 05, 06:13 AM 2015
Quote from: Drazen on Dec 05, 05:46 AM 2015
Dear George you couldnt said it better.

There is no luck in this game I am afraid. This dream here for some will only become mathematical certainty.

This dream here for some will only become mathematical certainty.

Note the word some
Math is always there but not necessarily going to bite you on your arse.
To get to the moon, math, the suspension bridge,math.
So when you math boys going to produce the fomula to beat roulette.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tacwell on Dec 05, 06:20 AM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 05, 06:13 AM 2015
So when you math boys going to produce the fomula to beat roulette.
That's pretty tough considering Einstein declared it impossible.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 05, 06:30 AM 2015
yes and Hawking would as well.
But if you are lucky, (math probaly work that out as well)the sledge hammer Law talks of, you might never meet. I have a friend who is so lucky, and i mean lucky, he probaly never meet the sledge hammer from hell.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Drazen on Dec 05, 06:39 AM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 05, 06:13 AM 2015
So when you math boys going to produce the fomula to beat roulette.

You already have it in GUT. Shouldnt that be enough?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tacwell on Dec 05, 06:40 AM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 05, 06:30 AM 2015
yes and Hawking would as well.
But if you are lucky, (math probaly work that out as well)the sledge hammer Law talks of, you might never meet. I have a friend who is so lucky, and i mean lucky, he probaly never meet the sledge hammer from hell.
Yeah just stay within positive deviation and you'll be fine. That sledge hammer is waiting for you just south of negative standard deviation.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 05, 07:00 AM 2015
Quote from: Drazen on Dec 05, 06:39 AM 2015

You already have it in GUT. Shouldnt that be enough?
yes play that thanks to Winkel. but its nice to  see people still trying to find a bet, (KISS)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 08:04 AM 2015
Look at the attached chart

I have seen this not once. Not twice. But over 20 times

If im expected to believe this is no good i am not that naive

Im not abandoning something because a few people say it will fail long term

I have about 20 charts like this

Id be a fool to give up on it

Much money to be made

Ill leave the thread with that

20 charts of not one single loss

Ill take my chances
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tacwell on Dec 05, 08:26 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 08:04 AM 2015
Look at the attached chart

I have seen this not once. Not twice. But over 20 times

If im expected to believe this is no good i am not that naive

Im not abandoning something because a few people say it will fail long term

I have about 20 charts like this

Id be a fool to give up on it

Much money to be made

Ill leave the thread with that

20 charts of not one single loss

Ill take my chances

Interestingly if you were still playing against 123 you would have lost twice on that chart.
Good luck RG, no one said you mustn't play your system, potential hazards were simply pointed out, with that information anyone reading the thread can make an informed decision as to whether they want to use this system or not.
Keep your discipline, stop when you lose, keep emotions at bay, and you should be ok.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 08:37 AM 2015
Quote from: Tacwell on Dec 05, 08:26 AM 2015
Interestingly if you were still playing against 123 you would have lost twice on that chart.
Good luck RG, no one said you mustn't play your system, potential hazards were simply pointed out, with that information anyone reading the thread can make an informed decision as to whether they want to use this system or not.
Keep your discipline, stop when you lose, keep emotions at bay, and you should be ok.

Any and all methods will have hazards

The chart had one 123 mini game sequence. Which as ive been saying is expected. 1 in 100 for 00 wheels

123 does not effect me because id use small units then up my units on the next mini game to recoup

To make a method successful we have to stay sharp.

If you know of a better hit rate bet selection im all ears

With a hit rate like this we can overcome the occassional loss..i know about 5 people who are winning big and are choosing not to post

If i was playing 123 and hit one 123 sequence in 100 spins and couldnt overcome or make it work then id quit roulette
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tacwell on Dec 05, 10:22 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 08:37 AM 2015
If you know of a better hit rate bet selection im all ears

With a hit rate like this we can overcome the occassional loss..i know about 5 people who are winning big and are choosing not to post

If i was playing 123 and hit one 123 sequence in 100 spins and couldnt overcome or make it work then id quit roulette
IF the average hit rate was one in a hundred we could all be rich. You only think it's 1/100 because to refuse to acknowledge long term tests which show the mean, your short term tests are above the mean and will eventually average out. To believe otherwise is to believe in magic, which I don't.
Your bet selection is no better than continuously betting any 2 dozens, so you may as well bet on dozen 1 and 2 every spin, it will eventually end up the same. To believe otherwise is also believing in magic.  It's not difficult to work it out.

So play your system, but don't tell everyone else that they must ignore negative test results and that a sequence will hit one out of a hundred times.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 10:27 AM 2015
Quote from: Tacwell on Dec 05, 10:22 AM 2015
IF the average hit rate was one in a hundred we could all be rich. You only think it's 1/100 because to refuse to acknowledge long term tests which show the mean, your short term tests are above the mean and will eventually average out. To believe otherwise is to believe in magic, which I don't.
Your bet selection is no better than continuously betting any 2 dozens, so you may as well bet on dozen 1 and 2 every spin, it will eventually end up the same. To believe otherwise is also believing in magic.  It's not difficult to work it out.

So play your system, but don't tell everyone else that they must ignore negative test results and that a sequence will hit one out of a hundred times.

I didnt say ignore test results

I said the thread is passing 40 pages

Historically when that happens people with under 50 posts come and post negative results

So what i suggested is that people test on their own and go based on their own results

Looking at the test results of those in this thread by the people that have posted, this is NOT the same as betting any 2 dozens

Money talks and bullshit walks. Lots of people talkin. And you are doin a lot of walkin.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 10:41 AM 2015
3 people i know of playing against 123 and winning

they say the name of the game is short sessions

my advice to those playing against 123 sequence

use small unit size. say $1
on a mini game loss up the unit size to $10 and recoup the units in the next 2 mini games

we have guys here playing online with 10p...so it wont break the bank....if someone is playing with 10p, they can surely play a 139, then on the occasional loss X10 the chip size for 6 spins

seeing 123 and then 123 back to back is such an extreme rarity i dont think we have seen it yet in live play but on thousand spin simulations we have seen it sporadically. so somewhat safe to recoup immediately after.

this is roulette, have to take chances

i think the new way of thinking is a major step in the right direction

if those messaging me can come in this thread and speak id be grateful

also the law had many successful positive tests.....why he let one session of -38 get him down is beyond me....he had 6 positive sessions prior
besides we arent sitting for 300 spins....so its a moot point...we will never see the 5 losses
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 05, 10:53 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 10:27 AM 2015
I didnt say ignore test results

I said the thread is passing 40 pages

Historically when that happens people with under 50 posts come and post negative results

So what i suggested is that people test on their own and go based on their own results

Looking at the test results of those in this thread by the people that have posted, this is NOT the same as betting any 2 dozens

Money talks and bullshit walks. Lots of people talkin. And you are doin a lot of walkin.
Love this reply RG.
Now I've not long got back from Bookies using rng now my aim was to play the 8 machines, 4 in each shop,H+R, to win a pound. Why a pound, 1-1,3-3,9-9, 27-27, can not bet anymore as be betting more than the max £100.00
Now i was being clever keeping track from the last 11 spins on the screen in my head should have took the old clip board, but the target of a pound from each machine was reached. As said to Ken behind the counter should have used £5 units, but as said must use a pound only, unless go to B+M.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 10:56 AM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 05, 10:53 AM 2015
Love this reply RG.
Now I've not long got back from Bookies using rng now my aim was to play the 8 machines, 4 in each shop,H+R, to win a pound. Why a pound, 1-1,3-3,9-9, 27-27, can not bet anymore as be betting more than the max £100.00
Now i was being clever keeping track from the last 11 spins on the screen in my head should have took the old clip board, but the target of a pound from each machine was reached. As said to Ken behind the counter should have used £5 units, but as said must use a pound only, unless go to B+M.

thanks nottophammer....the machines are rng machine or airball? if rng please be careful.....

whats happening with the thread now should not upset me. it is expected after 40 pages
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 05, 10:59 AM 2015
So test on rng success.
Went back to Corals played the same way but continued betting when the trig came, even staying at the same machine betting against 1,3,2 the 46 spins made £3.60 in 20 mins plus 2 zeros where no insurance, so a good method
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 11:00 AM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 05, 10:59 AM 2015
So test on rng success.
Went back to Corals played the same way but continued betting when the trig came, even staying at the same machine betting against 1,3,2 the 46 spins made £3.60 in 20 mins plus 2 zeros where no insurance, so a good method

id agree with that statement, a good method

notto....im glad you found a 123 variation that is working better on euro

since you are on it now, maybe try a few mini games against previous 3, and try a few mini games using these same principles but on columns....if you wish....might work well as it is for me

someone is playing the 123 dozen, on a win switches machines then does ABC column
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 05, 11:04 AM 2015
just rng

whilst waiting to get on a machine that had not played was watching Jamie lose his money, even watching his spins using 1,3,2 could have won on his spins,dont think he liked the comments,like i'd be betting 1,2 this spin or 1,3
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 11:05 AM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 05, 11:04 AM 2015
just rng

whilst waiting to get on a machine that had not played was watching Jamie lose his money, even watching his spins using 1,3,2 could have won on his spins,dont think he liked the comments,like i'd be betting 1,2 this spin or 1,3

when i was in ireland, i was in CORK

there were tiny little casinos with a few machines...is that bookies?

the reason i say be careful with RNG is that even if it IS random and fair it still wont behave like a real roulette wheel so betting patterns like 132 may not work
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: ddarko on Dec 05, 11:17 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 10:41 AM 2015
use small unit size. say $1
on a mini game loss up the unit size to $10 and recoup the units in the next 2 mini games

is $1 the minimum for dozens at the B&M casino you play at RG ?

saying bet 10 times you initial stake sounds better to recoup as I'm fairly sure most ppl's minimum
at a B&M casino for outside bets would $5/£5/â,¬5  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 11:18 AM 2015
Quote from: ddarko on Dec 05, 11:17 AM 2015
is $1 the minimum for dozens at the B&M casino you play at RG ?

saying bet 10 times you initial stake sounds better to recoup as I'm fairly sure most ppl's minimum
at a B&M casino for outside bets would $5/£5/â,¬5  :thumbsup:


was directed to those paying 10p online...........which many many do
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 05, 11:22 AM 2015
Bookmakers are shops where you can bet on Football,Horses,greyhounds and play egm's, which have reels like rainbow richies,poker and of course various Roulette games.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 11:32 AM 2015
i havent been testing euro

but here is a quick test

1st chart is against previous 3 pattern repeating
2nd chart is betting against 132 as you suggest nottophammer

both positive.

the same as betting any 2 dozen? i think not

i will add this to my positive charts

at this point they are piling up

note: 25 mini games. 75 spins. STILL a LOT....we wont be there that long....no million spin nonsense. a smooth session. no loss.

one thing to point out, against previous 3 is so stable, STILL...rarely gets to third column. what separates it from other failed attempts is its not on a rolling basis, its mini games. i have has one mini game loss on betting against previous 3 in about 1000 spins now. if you see all my charts most previous 3 wins are column 1 and 2....very stable

tacwell tells me not to tell members 1 in 100....why? thats what im seeing....reporting what im seeing....testing....no reason to deceive anyone, im not selling anything

notto your 132 is proving itself....123 shows more on euro, 132 does not
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 05, 11:59 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 11:32 AM 2015
i havent been testing euro

but here is a quick test

1st chart is against previous 3 pattern repeating
2nd chart is betting against 132 as you suggest nottophammer

both positive.

the same as betting any 2 dozen? i think not

i will add this to my positive charts

at this point they are piling up

note: 25 mini games. 75 spins. STILL a LOT....we wont be there that long....no million spin nonsense. a smooth session. no loss.

one thing to point out, against previous 3 is so stable, STILL...rarely gets to third column. what separates it from other failed attempts is its not on a rolling basis, its mini games. i have has one mini game loss on betting against previous 3 in about 1000 spins now. if you see all my charts most previous 3 wins are column 1 and 2....very stable

tacwell tells me not to tell members 1 in 100....why? thats what im seeing....reporting what im seeing....testing....no reason to deceive anyone, im not selling anything

notto your 132 is proving itself....123 shows more on euro, 132 does not

If those charts are the norm, then you could just bet the first column(on your chart-not roulette table) using a Labouchere.

The labouchere only needs a 2-to-1 win ratio to stay profitable. :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: INTERCEPTOR on Dec 05, 12:00 PM 2015
What about snake eyes 0 0 on bad run? or triple snake 0 0 0 ?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 12:03 PM 2015
Quote from: MumboJumbo on Dec 05, 12:00 PM 2015
What about snake eyes 0 0 on bad run? or triple snake 0 0 0 ?

always insurance on 0

just enough to cover a loss
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 12:04 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 05, 11:59 AM 2015
If those charts are the norm, then you could just bet the first column(on your chart-not roulette table) using a Labouchere.

The labouchere only needs a 2-to-1 win ratio to stay profitable. :thumbsup:

definitely a thought

i cannot explain why but most wins for betting against previous 3 are in the 1st and 2nd columns....it makes no sense to me....why not the 3rd??

its a sign of stability
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 05, 12:09 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 12:04 PM 2015
definitely a thought

i cannot explain why but most wins for betting against previous 3 are in the 1st and 2nd columns....it makes no sense to me....why not the 3rd??

its a sign of stability

See....now this is a great place to start!

We begin with a stable long-term bet selection with a stop-loss or fail-safe (switching tables or implement MM).

Then if we lose our first bank, then we hit it with something like the Labouchere MM strategy as discussed in prior posts.

The point here is that the initial bet selection is going to lose.........

......but we can use MM to get back in profit. :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 12:11 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 05, 12:09 PM 2015
See....now this is a great place to start!

We begin with a stable long-term bet selection with a stop-loss or fail-safe (switching tables or implement MM).

Then if we lose our first bank, then we hit it with something like the Labouchere MM strategy as discussed in prior posts.

The point here is that the initial bet selection is going to lose.........

......but we can use MM to get back in profit. :thumbsup:


i dont want to beat a dead horse but ill repeat what i have been saying
back to back losses are so extraordinarily rare that we can just UP the unit size following a loss and recoup immediately

ive never seen it.....back to back that is....so when it does happen the profits will more then outweigh it
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 05, 12:14 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 12:11 PM 2015

i dont want to beat a dead horse but ill repeat what i have been saying
back to back losses are so extraordinarily rare that we can just UP the unit size following a loss and recoup immediately

What happens if you hit the two-in a row that I showed in the chart?

I Know...I know......what are the chances?......but what about that 260 unit loss?......Ouch! :sad2:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 12:16 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 05, 12:14 PM 2015

What happens if you hit the two-in a row that I showed in the chart?

I Know...I know......what are the chances?......but what about that 260 unit loss?......Ouch! :sad2:

well what ARE the chances...youd have to hit the table at EXACTLY the right time

ive hand tested over 1000 spins in excel and havent seen it once.......BUT it WILL happen.....by then the profit outweighs it]

people playing this right now arent sticking around for losses...
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 05, 12:19 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 12:16 PM 2015
well what ARE the chances...youd have to hit the table at EXACTLY the right time

ive hand tested over 1000 spins in excel and havent seen it once.......BUT it WILL happen.....by then the profit outweighs it]

people playing this right now arent sticking around for losses...

I might not agree with you, but I do understand.

Many people play systems that win long-term, as they dodge the sledgehammer.

I tend to be a pessimist because of the "improbable" runs that I see during testing............like the 5 losses in 300 spins, or the 2 losses in a row.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 12:20 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 05, 12:19 PM 2015
I might not agree with you, but I do understand.

Many people play systems that win long-term, as they dodge the sledgehammer.

I tend to be a pessimist because of the "improbable" runs that I see during testing............like the 5 losses in 300 spins, or the 2 losses in a row.

im not seeing either

when i do you will know about it because im posting the charts
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 05, 12:34 PM 2015
What about the one element called luck, as mentioned some posts back i've a mate who is lucky,when i say lucky i mean lucky.
if we're running behind for the train from footie and he's with us you bet the train is still there. playing footie you get injured out for weeks,him no chance out for a game. He's just lucky Sledge hammer not for him.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 12:36 PM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 05, 12:34 PM 2015
What about the one element called luck, as mentioned some posts back i've a mate who is lucky,when i say lucky i mean lucky.
if we're running behind for the train from footie and he's with us you bet the train is still there. playing footie you get injured out for weeks,him no chance out for a game. He's just lucky Sledge hammer not for him.

check out the chart on previous page

i tested your 132
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tacwell on Dec 05, 12:39 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 12:04 PM 2015
definitely a thought

i cannot explain why but most wins for betting against previous 3 are in the 1st and 2nd columns....it makes no sense to me....why not the 3rd??

its a sign of stability
Seriously? You're betting on two thirds of the wheel and you can't explain why most wins come in the first two???
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 12:41 PM 2015
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 12:45 PM 2015
Quote from: Tacwell on Dec 05, 12:39 PM 2015
Seriously? You're betting on two thirds of the wheel and you can't explain why most wins come in the first two???

ok tacwell. ok. you are the poster child as to what arrives once past 40 pages

lots of people here testing and having positive results. goto another thread?

-6 smites not enough. need more
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 01:16 PM 2015

he is another test i just ran on european wheel smart live numbers betting against 132
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 05, 01:18 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 11:32 AM 2015
i havent been testing euro

but here is a quick test

1st chart is against previous 3 pattern repeating
2nd chart is betting against 132 as you suggest nottophammer

both positive.

the same as betting any 2 dozen? i think not

i will add this to my positive charts

at this point they are piling up

note: 25 mini games. 75 spins. STILL a LOT....we wont be there that long....no million spin nonsense. a smooth session. no loss.

one thing to point out, against previous 3 is so stable, STILL...rarely gets to third column. what separates it from other failed attempts is its not on a rolling basis, its mini games. i have has one mini game loss on betting against previous 3 in about 1000 spins now. if you see all my charts most previous 3 wins are column 1 and 2....very stable

tacwell tells me not to tell members 1 in 100....why? thats what im seeing....reporting what im seeing....testing....no reason to deceive anyone, im not selling anything

notto your 132 is proving itself....123 shows more on euro, 132 does not
yes nice chart
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 01:22 PM 2015
wiggy i know you played the laws 123 X5 variation today

here is actual euro numbers and how we would have done...(page 2 albahala smart live)

All mini games won. most on first bet. only one time did it reach 3rd bet and it won

another solid variation for sure

looking forward to your results

Actuals / Bet against

213 / 123   W
313 / 213   W
121 / 312   W
321 / 231   W
232 / 321   W
331 / 123   W
121 / 213   W
331 / 312   LW
223 / 231   LW
333 / 321   LW
311 / 123   W
223 / 213   LW
232 / 312   W
331 / 231   W
323 / 321   LLW
212 / 123   W
321 / 213   W
112 / 312   W
213 / 231   LW
331 / 321   LW
311 / 123   W
111 / 213   W
122 / 312   W
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 01:26 PM 2015
wise words

"Also I think you should push the H & R testing issue more = the time factor involved & the difference between multiple wheels VS. single long string results. They most certainly are 2 completly different animals. "
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 05, 01:28 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 01:16 PM 2015

he is another test i just ran on european wheel smart live numbers betting against 132

Lot of first round wins here..........perhaps a parlay? :question:

4 in a row nets us around 7 units :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 01:36 PM 2015
I am thinking about testing on lines

But can be too dangerous

Not sure yet

6 lines

Bet against 123456 or something like that :twisted:

Bad idea. Never mind
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 05, 01:38 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 01:36 PM 2015
I am thinking about testing on lines

But can be too dangerous

Not sure yet

6 lines

Bet against 123456 or something like that :twisted:

Wonder how often they hit in order? 1-2-3-4-5-6 :question:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 05, 01:58 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 01:36 PM 2015
I am thinking about testing on lines

But can be too dangerous

Not sure yet

6 lines

Bet against 123456 or something like that :twisted:

Bad idea. Never mind

Gut is one of the best methods.
So Keep working on this, remember KISS keep it short and sweet
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 05, 02:06 PM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 05, 01:58 PM 2015
Gut is one of the best methods.
So Keep working on this, remember KISS keep it short and sweet


I have a quick question....

If Winkel's GUT works so well, then why don't we see anyone posting long-term success with that method?

I have been openly critical of Winkel because of this very issue........what am I missing here?

Thanks! :)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Proofreaders2000 on Dec 05, 02:11 PM 2015
If you're looking for system makers TurboGenius I hear
is good.  Mr. J has an excellent rep.  and so does Turner. 

Also look up Katilla  :)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 05, 02:52 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 05, 02:06 PM 2015

I have a quick question....

If Winkel's GUT works so well, then why don't we see anyone posting long-term success with that method?

I have been openly critical of Winkel because of this very issue........what am I missing here?

Thanks! :)
Gut, good ?. Now people who tried to play the Gut method probaberly used a computer tracker and to me you need to use my paper tracker. It shows how the trot is going,by this i mean you can see 0x's hitting and if a 1x has stopped the trot.
At the end of the day if you play to Winkels rules which i dont, you would not have spent any money untill the crossing comes, this is where you need to see the trot. Shall i carry on, you never know the professor himself might come in, he aint helping me in £540.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 05, 02:55 PM 2015
14 viewing £540 now and only 1 reply, Math people seem only want to pull you apart, so RG keep it short and sweet. In then out like a burglar,LOL
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tacwell on Dec 05, 03:57 PM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 05, 11:22 AM 2015
Bookmakers are shops where you can bet on Football,Horses,greyhounds and play egm's, which have reels like rainbow richies,poker and of course various Roulette games.
Yeah bookmakers are where you go to punt positive EV. They have FOBTs to catch punters chasing fantasies.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 04:00 PM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 05, 02:55 PM 2015
14 viewing £540 now and only 1 reply, Math people seem only want to pull you apart, so RG keep it short and sweet. In then out like a burglar,LOL


132 held on all euro tests. If a loss comes still ahead

Thanks for your backing here.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 04:24 PM 2015
Ive never tested any method on this forum that had the win streaks these things do

123 X5 is special to. Math guys can say what they will
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 04:30 PM 2015
Normy2000 is using the same principle i have said in nexus thread

Use small units. On a loss increase unit size to recover

When losses are isolated it works
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 06:06 PM 2015
The law have u done any further 123 X5 testing?

I tested 2 sets of 75 spins all winners

Definitely good for a few mini games then stop
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 05, 06:41 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 06:06 PM 2015
The law have u done any further 123 X5 testing?

I tested 2 sets of 75 spins all winners

Definitely good for a few mini games then stop

Not yet.....as soon as I saw the 2 losses in a row right after the 5 losses in one game, that was it for me. :ooh:

I'll probably do a few more tests to try to get to 1000 games and see how it stands up when I get some time.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: bigtim08 on Dec 05, 06:56 PM 2015
Been following this post for the last week or so, looks very interesting results.
So I have been manually testing it against some of my passed numbers from the casino, as I record all spins while I play.
In about 250  mini games it only lost twice.

But both losses where on triple repeats such as 222 followed by 222.
Did anyone else experience this loss pattern more than others?
If so we could just skip playing a triple pattern

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 06:57 PM 2015
just did 26 mini games

american zumma

moving target...............speaks for itself

my personality type is to continuously justify something...thats my flaw....when i know something is good i will harp and harp and harp....

this sequence also beats previous 3....
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 06:57 PM 2015
Quote from: bigtim08 on Dec 05, 06:56 PM 2015
Been following this post for the last week or so, looks very interesting results.
So I have been manually testing it against some of my passed numbers from the casino, as I record all spins while I play.
In about 250  mini games it only lost twice.

But both losses where on triple repeats such as 222 followed by 222.
Did anyone else experience this loss pattern more than others?
If so we could just skip playing a triple pattern

same here....i had 2 random losses betting against previous 3........but not in 250 spins it was about 1000

you did good....in this game if we can only suffer two losses every 250 spin we are golden
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 05, 06:59 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 06:57 PM 2015
just did 26 mini games

american zumma

moving target...............speaks for itself

my personality type is to continuously justify something...thats my flaw....when i know something is good i will harp and harp and harp....

this sequence also beats previous 3....

Look at all of those first round finishes! :love:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 06:59 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 05, 06:59 PM 2015
Look at all of those first round finishes! :love:


betting against any sequence always has 3rd bet wins

i cannot explain why betting against previous 3 rarely makes it to the 3rd bet thats why i say its more stable

there more to it then what meets the eye....

66% chance of winning COMBINED with betting the pattern wont repeat
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 07:03 PM 2015
Quote from: bigtim08 on Dec 05, 06:56 PM 2015
Been following this post for the last week or so, looks very interesting results.
So I have been manually testing it against some of my passed numbers from the casino, as I record all spins while I play.
In about 250  mini games it only lost twice.

But both losses where on triple repeats such as 222 followed by 222.
Did anyone else experience this loss pattern more than others?
If so we could just skip playing a triple pattern

if you like the principles in this thread...try 123, try the laws variation, and try against the previous 3 to see which one you like the most
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 05, 07:14 PM 2015
Anyone tested to skip the third bet? 8 units is much less painful than 26. Just a thought.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 07:16 PM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 05, 07:14 PM 2015
Anyone tested to skip the third bet? 8 units is much less painful than 26. Just a thought.

Absolutely. I think betting only the first 2 bets of a mini game is genius. Lose 1st bet. Then bet 2nd. Win or lose sit out third spin

Makes reouping that much better

Winning on 3rd spin has proven to be much rarer then 1st or 2nd.

So if using 1 euro or dollar and lose, up to 10 euro or dollars next mini game and bam all your profit is back next mini game

That way is successful on all my charts where we bet 1st and 2nd if lose both UP the units next mini game

Very nice
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 08:51 PM 2015
"Cause the house always wins. Play long enough, you never change the stakes. The house takes you. Unless, when that perfect hand comes along, you bet big, then you take the house."

Play long enough, millions of spins the house takes you

Go in with a spectacular bet selection. Then get out quick. And you will always win.

When the perfect hand comes along is when we sit down and bet against previous 3. Stay long enough? You will LOSE

Use the principles in this thread coupled with short sessions and you WILL COME AHEAD i promise you that. if you stay 300 spins then you are asking for the sledgehamma
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: GLC on Dec 06, 12:55 AM 2015
RG and fellow members, here's a very safe progression method for double dozens that's a slight twist on Lanky's 6 point divisor.  It's like the very opposite of a martingale.

Instead of starting out with 6/6, we start out with 1/6.  Nothing special about the six, it could be any number.  All the 1/6 means is that we're trying to win 1 unit in 6 attempts.  If we lose a bet, we add the number of units lost on that bet to the dividend (1 in this case) and add 1 to the divisor.  If we win a bet, we subtract the number of units won from the dividend and subtract 1 from the divisor.  When the dividend is zero, you've won your unit.  Reset.

Example:  Let's start with 1/3 meaning that we're trying to win 1 unit in bets and we're playing double dozen bets.  1 divided by 3 is 1 or less (always round up) so we bet 1-1 on our 2 dozens.  A win and we've reached our goal and can reset.  But if we lose, we lose 2 units which are added to the 1 and we have 3/4.  Remember we have to add a bet to the divisor.  Now we have to win 3 units in 4 bets.  3 divided by 4 is still 1 or less so again we bet 1-1 on our dozens.  Let's say we get a win.  That means we win 1 unit which we subtract from the 3 and we also subtract 1 from the 4 giving us 2/3 for our equation.  It means that now we must win 2 units in 3 bets.  Another win leaves us with 1/2.  A loss gives us 3/3.  A win = 2/2.  A loss gives us 4/3.  Oops 4/3 is more than 1 but less that 2 so we must bet 2 units on each dozen.  Another loss and our equation is 8/4.  This is another 2 unit bet which gives us 6/3.  Another 2 unit bet with a win gives us 4/2.  Another 2 unit win gives us 2/1 and a final 2 unit win gives us 0/0 which means we won our 1 unit.

This can be a grinder of all grinders, but it can also reach some pretty large bets.  Any time your bets get too large for your comfort, just add 1 or more to the divisor and it will bring your bet size down quite a bit.  It also means you are increasing the number of bets to reach your win goal, so be prepared to play for a little longer.

I've had nothing but good luck with this bet progression method.  Can it get out of hand?  Of course.  But if you're willing to stay with it, you can keep adding numbers to the divisor.  What will cause you to lose is if you get so deep in the hole that you have too large a number of bets to win you're target that it will take days to pull out ahead, so to speak.  At any point you can just take a loss and start a new attack.

Think about it and tell me what you think?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 06, 01:12 AM 2015
Quote from: GLC on Dec 06, 12:55 AM 2015
RG and fellow members, here's a very safe progression method for double dozens that's a slight twist on Lanky's 6 point divisor.  It's like the very opposite of a martingale.

Instead of starting out with 6/6, we start out with 1/6.  Nothing special about the six, it could be any number.  All the 1/6 means is that we're trying to win 1 unit in 6 attempts.  If we lose a bet, we add the number of units lost on that bet to the dividend (1 in this case) and add 1 to the divisor.  If we win a bet, we subtract the number of units won from the dividend and subtract 1 from the divisor.  When the dividend is zero, you've won your unit.  Reset.

Example:  Let's start with 1/3 meaning that we're trying to win 1 unit in bets and we're playing double dozen bets.  1 divided by 3 is 1 or less (always round up) so we bet 1-1 on our 2 dozens.  A win and we've reached our goal and can reset.  But if we lose, we lose 2 units which are added to the 1 and we have 3/4.  Remember we have to add a bet to the divisor.  Now we have to win 3 units in 4 bets.  3 divided by 4 is still 1 or less so again we bet 1-1 on our dozens.  Let's say we get a win.  That means we win 1 unit which we subtract from the 3 and we also subtract 1 from the 4 giving us 2/3 for our equation.  It means that now we must win 2 units in 3 bets.  Another win leaves us with 1/2.  A loss gives us 3/3.  A win = 2/2.  A loss gives us 4/3.  Oops 4/3 is more than 1 but less that 2 so we must bet 2 units on each dozen.  Another loss and our equation is 8/4.  This is another 2 unit bet which gives us 6/3.  Another 2 unit bet with a win gives us 4/2.  Another 2 unit win gives us 2/1 and a final 2 unit win gives us 0/0 which means we won our 1 unit.

This can be a grinder of all grinders, but it can also reach some pretty large bets.  Any time your bets get too large for your comfort, just add 1 or more to the divisor and it will bring your bet size down quite a bit.  It also means you are increasing the number of bets to reach your win goal, so be prepared to play for a little longer.

I've had nothing but good luck with this bet progression method.  Can it get out of hand?  Of course.  But if you're willing to stay with it, you can keep adding numbers to the divisor.  What will cause you to lose is if you get so deep in the hole that you have too large a number of bets to win you're target that it will take days to pull out ahead, so to speak.  At any point you can just take a loss and start a new attack.

Think about it and tell me what you think?


Hey GLC,

This is exactly what this method needed. Much appreciated! :thumbsup:

In your experience, what's a good bankroll for this progression to cover the "out of hand" moments?

Thanks! :)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Dec 06, 01:18 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 05, 08:51 PM 2015
"Cause the house always wins. Play long enough, you never change the stakes. The house takes you. Unless, when that perfect hand comes along, you bet big, then you take the house."

Play long enough, millions of spins the house takes you

Go in with a spectacular bet selection. Then get out quick. And you will always win.

When the perfect hand comes along is when we sit down and bet against previous 3. Stay long enough? You will LOSE

Use the principles in this thread coupled with short sessions and you WILL COME AHEAD i promise you that. if you stay 300 spins then you are asking for the sledgehamma

RG you are wrong, hit and run will catch u same day.
I could see 2/3 losses several times in 90 spins in my chart numbers from my local casino.
I play almost every day at the casino, and like to test new methods.
Tested this one low stakes 4 times playing around 100 spins per day, and it fail.

If u want the 4k$ TV try your luck.

To me hit and run = gambler luck
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: wiggy on Dec 06, 08:48 AM 2015
Hello RG and all.

I will need to split this into two posts because it's long. The first post is my results from a casino visit which were unfortunately not very good and the second post is possibly a solution.

I will list the results including the wins and losses for the 11-33-99 progression and also for my 9 level parlay MM.

123-311 w
213-231 lw
312-123 w  level2
231-222 lw
321-323 llw

123-213 w  level4
213-213 lll
312-312 lll
231-211 lw
321-123 w  level8

123-222 w
213-233 lw
312-113 w  level2
231-211 lw
321-322 llw

123-323 w  level4
213-232 lw
312-321 lw
231-212 lw
321-232 w  level4

123-333 w
213-332 w  level1
312-132 w
231-211 lw
321-211 w  level2

123-321 w
213-113 w  level1
312-312 lll
231-322 w
321-311 lw

123-122 llw
213-313 w  level7
312-221 w
231-213 lw
321-212 w  level2

123-132 lw
213-211 llw
312-321 lw
231-131 w  level5
321-232 w

That comes to +37 for the wins and -78 for the 3 losses giving a total of -41.

Seeing a double loss was a bit of a shock, but that's what can happen. I tried to work out the odds of it and I think it's around 720/1. So I should be proud I hit it on games 6 and 7.  ;D

Anyway, that's the bad news!! Some good news in the next post.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 06, 09:25 AM 2015
Quote from: wiggy on Dec 06, 08:48 AM 2015
Hello RG and all.

I will need to split this into two posts because it's long. The first post is my results from a casino visit which were unfortunately not very good and the second post is possibly a solution.

I will list the results including the wins and losses for the 11-33-99 progression and also for my 9 level parlay MM.

123-311 w
213-231 lw
312-123 w  level2
231-222 lw
321-323 llw

123-213 w  level4
213-213 lll
312-312 lll
231-211 lw
321-123 w  level8

123-222 w
213-233 lw
312-113 w  level2
231-211 lw
321-322 llw

123-323 w  level4
213-232 lw
312-321 lw
231-212 lw
321-232 w  level4

123-333 w
213-332 w  level1
312-132 w
231-211 lw
321-211 w  level2

123-321 w
213-113 w  level1
312-312 lll
231-322 w
321-311 lw

123-122 llw
213-313 w  level7
312-221 w
231-213 lw
321-212 w  level2

123-132 lw
213-211 llw
312-321 lw
231-131 w  level5
321-232 w

That comes to +37 for the wins and -78 for the 3 losses giving a total of -41.

Seeing a double loss was a bit of a shock, but that's what can happen. I tried to work out the odds of it and I think it's around 720/1. So I should be proud I hit it on games 6 and 7.  ;D

Anyway, that's the bad news!! Some good news in the next post.

3 total losses

What i would do is

Use small units. Then increase unit size to recoup. Many many many more wins

Im a believer in stay 3 to 4 games then leave. You stayed a long time
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 06, 09:35 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 06, 09:25 AM 2015
3 total losses

What i would do is

Use small units. Then increase unit size to recoup. Many many many more wins

Perhaps it would be wise to move to another table after a loss if you a using a Marti..... :thumbsup:

If not, as I warned many times on this thread, the sledgehammer awaits........ >:D >:D >:D
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: wiggy on Dec 06, 09:36 AM 2015
So I had a good think about it all last night and suddenly remembered about a progression I had read about last year in a book which was a type of rise and fall progression. I have modified it a bit and did some testing with this bet selection and it works really well.

First of all, I will list the steps of the rise and fall progression.

1) 1
2) 1
3) 1
4) 1
5) 1
6) 2
7) 2
9) 2
10) 3
11) 3
12) 3
13) 4
14) 4
15) 5
16) 5
17) 6
18) 7
19) 8
20) 9
21) 10
22) 11
23) 12
24) 14
25) 16
26) 18
27) 20
28) 22
29) 25
30) 28
31) 30
32) 32
33) 35
34) 40
35) 45

The steps go up to 46 in the book.

I think this was originally designed for even chance but it can still be used for the double dozens.
What I do is start at 1 and bet 2x1 on the two dozens I want to play. Go up one step on any loss. Now the difference compared to the original way of playing is that I don't drop back a step. I will just stay on the same level on a win until I am back in profit. This bet selection does throw up a lot of wins and consecutively as well, so it does the job.

I will use the same results as on my previous post and show how it took 44 spins to get into profit.
You will also notice that I reset if I get back to break even.

1) step1 2x1 w +1. reset.
2) step1 2x1 l -2 (-1 total)
3) step2 2x1 w +1 (level total) reset.
4) step1 2x1 w +1 (+1 total) reset.
5) step1 2x1 l -2 (-1 total)
6) step2 2x1 w +1 (level total) reset.
7) step1 2x1 l -2 (-2 total)
8} step2 2x1 l -2 (-4 total)
9) step3 2x1 w +1 (-3 total)
10) step3 2x1 w +1 (-2 total)
11) step3 2x1 l -2 (-4 total)
12) step4 2x1 l -2 (-6 total)
13) step5 2x1 l -2 (-8 total)
14) step6 2x2 l -4 (-12 total)
15) step7 2x2 l -4 (-16 total)
16) step8 2x2 l -4 (-20 total)
17) step9 2x2 l -4 (-24 total)
18) step10 2x3 w +3 (-21 total)
19) step10 2x3 w +3 (-18 total)
20) step10 2x3 w +3 (-15 total)
21) step10 2x3 l -6 (-21 total)
22) step11 2x3 w +3 (-18 total)
23) step11 2x3 w +3 (-15 total)
24) step11 2x3 l -6 (-21 total)
25) step12 2x3 w +3 (-18 total)
26) step12 2x3 l -6 (-24 total)
27) step13 2x4 l -8 (-32 total)
28) step14 2x4 w +4 (-28 total)
29) step14 2x4 w +4 (-24 total)
30) step14 2x4 l -8 (-32 total)
31) step15 2x5 w +5 (-27 total)
32) step15 2x5 l -10 (-37 total)
33) step16 2x5 w +5 (-32 total)
34) step16 2x5 l -10 (-42 total)
35) step17 2x6 w +6 (-36 total)
36) step17 2x6 w +6 (-30 total)
37) step17 2x6 w +6 (-24 total)
38) step17 2x6 w +6 (-18 total)
39) step17 2x6 w +6 (-12 total)
40) step17 2x6 l -12 (-24 total)
41) step18 2x7 w +7 (-17 total)
42) step18 2x7 w +7 (-10 total)
43) step18 2x7 w +7 (-3 total)
44) step18 2x7 w +7 (+4 total) reset.

So it managed to navigate through a tricky spell and come out with a profit. The drawdown was never huge either. The worst was -42. This one could be worth having a good look at along with the bet selection.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 06, 09:37 AM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 06, 09:35 AM 2015
Perhaps it would be wise to move to another table after a loss if you a using a Marti..... :thumbsup:

If not, as I warned many times on this thread, the sledgehammer awaits........ >:D >:D >:D

Exactly. With 720 to 1 odds chances very slim to have back to back in 3 to 4 mini games

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 06, 09:39 AM 2015
Quote from: wiggy on Dec 06, 09:36 AM 2015
So I had a good think about it all last night and suddenly remembered about a progression I had read about last year in a book which was a type of rise and fall progression. I have modified it a bit and did some testing with this bet selection and it works really well.

First of all, I will list the steps of the rise and fall progression.

1) 1
2) 1
3) 1
4) 1
5) 1
6) 2
7) 2
9) 2
10) 3
11) 3
12) 3
13) 4
14) 4
15) 5
16) 5
17) 6
18) 7
19) 8
20) 9
21) 10
22) 11
23) 12
24) 14
25) 16
26) 18
27) 20
28) 22
29) 25
30) 28
31) 30
32) 32
33) 35
34) 40
35) 45

The steps go up to 46 in the book.

I think this was originally designed for even chance but it can still be used for the double dozens.
What I do is start at 1 and bet 2x1 on the two dozens I want to play. Go up one step on any loss. Now the difference compared to the original way of playing is that I don't drop back a step. I will just stay on the same level on a win until I am back in profit. This bet selection does throw up a lot of wins and consecutively as well, so it does the job.

I will use the same results as on my previous post and show how it took 44 spins to get into profit.
You will also notice that I reset if I get back to break even.

1) step1 2x1 w +1. reset.
2) step1 2x1 l -2 (-1 total)
3) step2 2x1 w +1 (level total) reset.
4) step1 2x1 w +1 (+1 total) reset.
5) step1 2x1 l -2 (-1 total)
6) step2 2x1 w +1 (level total) reset.
7) step1 2x1 l -2 (-2 total)
8} step2 2x1 l -2 (-4 total)
9) step3 2x1 w +1 (-3 total)
10) step3 2x1 w +1 (-2 total)
11) step3 2x1 l -2 (-4 total)
12) step4 2x1 l -2 (-6 total)
13) step5 2x1 l -2 (-8 total)
14) step6 2x2 l -4 (-12 total)
15) step7 2x2 l -4 (-16 total)
16) step8 2x2 l -4 (-20 total)
17) step9 2x2 l -4 (-24 total)
18) step10 2x3 w +3 (-21 total)
19) step10 2x3 w +3 (-18 total)
20) step10 2x3 w +3 (-15 total)
21) step10 2x3 l -6 (-21 total)
22) step11 2x3 w +3 (-18 total)
23) step11 2x3 w +3 (-15 total)
24) step11 2x3 l -6 (-21 total)
25) step12 2x3 w +3 (-18 total)
26) step12 2x3 l -6 (-24 total)
27) step13 2x4 l -8 (-32 total)
28) step14 2x4 w +4 (-28 total)
29) step14 2x4 w +4 (-24 total)
30) step14 2x4 l -8 (-32 total)
31) step15 2x5 w +5 (-27 total)
32) step15 2x5 l -10 (-37 total)
33) step16 2x5 w +5 (-32 total)
34) step16 2x5 l -10 (-42 total)
35) step17 2x6 w +6 (-36 total)
36) step17 2x6 w +6 (-30 total)
37) step17 2x6 w +6 (-24 total)
38) step17 2x6 w +6 (-18 total)
39) step17 2x6 w +6 (-12 total)
40) step17 2x6 l -12 (-24 total)
41) step18 2x7 w +7 (-17 total)
42) step18 2x7 w +7 (-10 total)
43) step18 2x7 w +7 (-3 total)
44) step18 2x7 w +7 (+4 total) reset.

So it managed to navigate through a tricky spell and come out with a profit. The drawdown was never huge either. The worst was -42. This one could be worth having a good look at along with the bet selection.


Thats what im talking about

Id never stick around for that many spins but good job for finding a way. Thats what its all about. Saying it wont work is weak. You did the opposite!
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 06, 09:41 AM 2015
Quote from: wiggy on Dec 06, 08:48 AM 2015
Hello RG and all.

I will need to split this into two posts because it's long. The first post is my results from a casino visit which were unfortunately not very good and the second post is possibly a solution.

I will list the results including the wins and losses for the 11-33-99 progression and also for my 9 level parlay MM.

123-311 w
213-231 lw
312-123 w  level2
231-222 lw
321-323 llw

123-213 w  level4
213-213 lll
312-312 lll
231-211 lw
321-123 w  level8

123-222 w
213-233 lw
312-113 w  level2
231-211 lw
321-322 llw

123-323 w  level4
213-232 lw
312-321 lw
231-212 lw
321-232 w  level4

123-333 w
213-332 w  level1
312-132 w
231-211 lw
321-211 w  level2

123-321 w
213-113 w  level1
312-312 lll
231-322 w
321-311 lw

123-122 llw
213-313 w  level7
312-221 w
231-213 lw
321-212 w  level2

123-132 lw
213-211 llw
312-321 lw
231-131 w  level5
321-232 w

That comes to +37 for the wins and -78 for the 3 losses giving a total of -41.

Seeing a double loss was a bit of a shock, but that's what can happen. I tried to work out the odds of it and I think it's around 720/1. So I should be proud I hit it on games 6 and 7.  ;D

Anyway, that's the bad news!! Some good news in the next post.
I wonder about these results, just seems funny 1,2,3 shows followed by 2,2,2 twice, then 1,3,2 shows followed by 2,1,1 twice.
Probably just Notto making something out of nothing
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 06, 09:42 AM 2015
40 mini games. 3 lost. MM reigns
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 06, 09:45 AM 2015
Quote from: wiggy on Dec 06, 09:36 AM 2015
So I had a good think about it all last night and suddenly remembered about a progression I had read about last year in a book which was a type of rise and fall progression. I have modified it a bit and did some testing with this bet selection and it works really well.

First of all, I will list the steps of the rise and fall progression.

1) 1
2) 1
3) 1
4) 1
5) 1
6) 2
7) 2
9) 2
10) 3
11) 3
12) 3
13) 4
14) 4
15) 5
16) 5
17) 6
18) 7
19) 8
20) 9
21) 10
22) 11
23) 12
24) 14
25) 16
26) 18
27) 20
28) 22
29) 25
30) 28
31) 30
32) 32
33) 35
34) 40
35) 45

The steps go up to 46 in the book.

I think this was originally designed for even chance but it can still be used for the double dozens.
What I do is start at 1 and bet 2x1 on the two dozens I want to play. Go up one step on any loss. Now the difference compared to the original way of playing is that I don't drop back a step. I will just stay on the same level on a win until I am back in profit. This bet selection does throw up a lot of wins and consecutively as well, so it does the job.

I will use the same results as on my previous post and show how it took 44 spins to get into profit.
You will also notice that I reset if I get back to break even.

1) step1 2x1 w +1. reset.
2) step1 2x1 l -2 (-1 total)
3) step2 2x1 w +1 (level total) reset.
4) step1 2x1 w +1 (+1 total) reset.
5) step1 2x1 l -2 (-1 total)
6) step2 2x1 w +1 (level total) reset.
7) step1 2x1 l -2 (-2 total)
8} step2 2x1 l -2 (-4 total)
9) step3 2x1 w +1 (-3 total)
10) step3 2x1 w +1 (-2 total)
11) step3 2x1 l -2 (-4 total)
12) step4 2x1 l -2 (-6 total)
13) step5 2x1 l -2 (-8 total)
14) step6 2x2 l -4 (-12 total)
15) step7 2x2 l -4 (-16 total)
16) step8 2x2 l -4 (-20 total)
17) step9 2x2 l -4 (-24 total)
18) step10 2x3 w +3 (-21 total)
19) step10 2x3 w +3 (-18 total)
20) step10 2x3 w +3 (-15 total)
21) step10 2x3 l -6 (-21 total)
22) step11 2x3 w +3 (-18 total)
23) step11 2x3 w +3 (-15 total)
24) step11 2x3 l -6 (-21 total)
25) step12 2x3 w +3 (-18 total)
26) step12 2x3 l -6 (-24 total)
27) step13 2x4 l -8 (-32 total)
28) step14 2x4 w +4 (-28 total)
29) step14 2x4 w +4 (-24 total)
30) step14 2x4 l -8 (-32 total)
31) step15 2x5 w +5 (-27 total)
32) step15 2x5 l -10 (-37 total)
33) step16 2x5 w +5 (-32 total)
34) step16 2x5 l -10 (-42 total)
35) step17 2x6 w +6 (-36 total)
36) step17 2x6 w +6 (-30 total)
37) step17 2x6 w +6 (-24 total)
38) step17 2x6 w +6 (-18 total)
39) step17 2x6 w +6 (-12 total)
40) step17 2x6 l -12 (-24 total)
41) step18 2x7 w +7 (-17 total)
42) step18 2x7 w +7 (-10 total)
43) step18 2x7 w +7 (-3 total)
44) step18 2x7 w +7 (+4 total) reset.

So it managed to navigate through a tricky spell and come out with a profit. The drawdown was never huge either. The worst was -42. This one could be worth having a good look at along with the bet selection.


This is certainly more conservative than the standard Marti, but I would suggest checking out GLC's modified divisor progression as a better alternative.

The question with this progression is : "what sequence will tank it!".

-41 units is not horrible considering the number of losses that you had in such a short period! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 06, 09:47 AM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 06, 09:41 AM 2015
I wonder about these results, just seems funny 1,2,3 shows followed by 2,2,2 twice, then 1,3,2 shows followed by 2,1,1 twice.
Probably just Notto making something out of nothing

What should really blow your mind is how 2 separate members have found a back-to-back loss in such a short period of time! :question:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 06, 09:51 AM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 06, 09:45 AM 2015
This is certainly more conservative than the standard Marti, but I would suggest checking out GLC's modified divisor progression as a better alternative.

The question with this progression is : "what sequence will tank it!".

-41 units is not horrible considering the number of losses that you had in such a short period! :thumbsup:

The solution is play 2 to 4 mini games and move on
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 06, 09:54 AM 2015
But if i've done it right the results on right are the actual spins. so i copied them in single order for 120 spins. As you can see i stopped at 60 spins.
I would flat bet every spin against 1,3,2 and be out after 3 spins, Like it RG.
If play the 60 spins, 60*2= 120.  45 wins 45*3=135   +15

Lets see what 2nd group of 60 produce
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 06, 09:57 AM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 06, 09:54 AM 2015
But if i've done it right the results on right are the actual spins. so i copied them in single order for 120 spins. As you can see i stopped at 60 spins.
I would flat bet every spin against 1,3,2 and be out after 3 spins, Like it RG.
If play the 60 spins, 60*2= 120.  45 wins 45*3=135   +15

Lets see what 2nd group of 60 produce

You love that 132. As you should. Its good

Id do 139 against 132 and then move on after 2 to 4 mini games
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 06, 10:19 AM 2015
Do we have any hard set rules yet.

Me, the b+m 40 mile away and as for London 50, so it makes more sense, Tacwell, to visit the FOBT, where i could visit over 40 machines,where we only want to win a unit.
Tacwell, if you know anything about staking on fobt's, you know to start with £1, 1-1,as the last bet would be 27-27,so never start on 5-5.
its like the bet on singles .20p .40p., now we should be able to go 1.20,but no the sneaky f*****s take you straight to £2.00
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 06, 10:27 AM 2015
The 2nd set of 60 spins we would win the unit and be on to the next fobt,in a new shop.Some shops are even next door to each other. Saturdays little test, eh Hugh,won on all 8 machines,and weekends the shops are busier
Even if you played the whole 60 spins flat bet,you win 41 spins.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 06, 10:31 AM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 06, 10:27 AM 2015
The 2nd set of 60 spins we would win the unit and be on to the next fobt,in a new shop.Some shops are even next door to each other. Saturdays little test, eh Hugh,won on all 8 machines,and weekends the shops are busier
Even if you played the whole 60 spins flat bet,you win 41 spins.

You got the right idea
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Turner on Dec 06, 10:39 AM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 06, 09:35 AM 2015
Perhaps it would be wise to move to another table after a loss if you a using a Marti..... :thumbsup:

If not, as I warned many times on this thread, the sledgehammer awaits........ >:D >:D >:D


Everyone has a view, and mine is no better than anyone elses....however

A table produces random numbers, and to move to another table isnt to reset your personal numbers from the last table, its just to play the next random number.

Its not Bananas, where they vary slightly in ripeness or size, even though they are all Bananas

Its a random number. It has no distinguishing features from any other.

What  do you think?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 06, 10:44 AM 2015
Quote from: Turner on Dec 06, 10:39 AM 2015

Everyone has a view, and mine is no better than anyone elses....however

A table produces random numbers, and to move to another table isnt to reset your personal numbers from the last table, its just to play the next random number.

Its not Bananas, where they vary slightly in ripeness or size, even though they are all Bananas

Its a random number. It has no distinguishing features from any other.

What  do you think?

I agree 100%, but I was giving my opinion on a hit-and-run strategy, which I don't personally play.

I always test playing through as I want to get hit with the sledgehammer and learn how to survive............that's my definition of a HG! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 06, 10:46 AM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 06, 10:44 AM 2015
I agree 100%, but I was giving my opinion on a hit-and-run strategy, which I don't personally play.

I always test playing through as I want to get hit with the sledgehammer and learn how to survive............that's my definition of a HG! :thumbsup:

Spot on

P.s. using small units thrn upping the unit after a loss is a sure way.......the back to back loss is rare
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 06, 10:50 AM 2015
Quote from: Turner on Dec 06, 10:39 AM 2015

Everyone has a view, and mine is no better than anyone elses....however

A table produces random numbers, and to move to another table isnt to reset your personal numbers from the last table, its just to play the next random number.

Its not Bananas, where they vary slightly in ripeness or size, even though they are all Bananas

Its a random number. It has no distinguishing features from any other.

What  do you think?
Hold on it does have  distinguishing features, its part of a dozen, its a colour, its in a column, and gives members info, Like Kattila said
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 06, 12:11 PM 2015
So this looks like a disaster in set 2. But flat bet the 60 spins and you get 41 wins. Like allgood politicans we can make it look good.
Take the 1st 10 spins flat bet  20 units out only 12 units back ???, but keep going, next 10 spins 20 units out, look 27 units back,only 1 unit down. now next 10 spins 20 out 24 back, so plus 3, we only want 1 unit of what ever size you want,then on to next machine or live wheel, where i believe these #'s came from,Wiggy
But you win the 1 unit on spin 1, so like RG in/then off :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 06, 12:13 PM 2015
heres the sheet
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 06, 12:18 PM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 06, 12:11 PM 2015
So this looks like a disaster in set 2. But flat bet the 60 spins and you get 41 wins. Like allgood politicans we can make it look good.
Take the 1st 10 spins flat bet  20 units out only 12 units back ???, but keep going, next 10 spins 20 units out, look 27 units back,only 1 unit down. now next 10 spins 20 out 24 back, so plus 3, we only want 1 unit of what ever size you want,then on to next machine or live wheel, where i believe these #'s came from,Wiggy
But you win the 1 unit on spin 1, so like RG in/then off :thumbsup:

Go for 2 to 4 wins and move on

Any mechanical strategy we create will fail in the long run

The key is a bet selection that is so solid we can get in and out with a quick profit. Thats why i dont test a zillion spins

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 06, 12:58 PM 2015
Those 2 60spin sheets show flat bet is ok, a long the piece of string as been mentioned,theres a place to bail out with 1 unit.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 06, 01:02 PM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 06, 12:58 PM 2015
Those 2 60spin sheets show flat bet is ok, a long the piece of string as been mentioned,theres a place to bail out with 1 unit.

Very good

I played real money once using these principles

Played progression 1 2 6

Only win on step 1 rest break even

Switch airball machines on win. I have over 10 airball machines

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 06, 01:04 PM 2015
in daily live spin data i've never left page1 showimg the 185 captures. So i've gone to page 3 reply 31, 4 spins play 1,3,2 win 1unit, off we go
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 06, 01:10 PM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 06, 01:04 PM 2015
in daily live spin data i've never left page1 showimg the 185 captures. So i've gone to page 3 reply 31, 4 spins play 1,3,2 win 1unit, off we go


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: GLC on Dec 06, 04:12 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 06, 01:12 AM 2015
Hey GLC,

This is exactly what this method needed. Much appreciated! :thumbsup:

In your experience, what's a good bankroll for this progression to cover the "out of hand" moments?

Thanks! :)

TheLaw,  I haven't played this system using this progression idea and I, unfortunately, don't have time since everything I do is by hand.  It's a very versatile method because if you want to make it more aggressive, you can add an extra unit on each loss.  This will get you back to profit with fewer wins, but larger bets.  If you are having a very bad loss to win ratio, you can add more to your divisor and then when you have a good run, you can add more to your dividend.

Each person who likes this idea should  test it for themselves so they determine how it performs and how much they want to risk on it.  It'll take some time and in the end, you may not like and will scrap the idea.  It's just an option to the martingale progression.

This bet method can be played on any bet location, e.c.s, dozens, lines, splits or multiples of these like 5 lines or 11 streets etc...

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: hermbob on Dec 06, 04:38 PM 2015
Tales from the field...

I've been following this thread for weeks now (made a couple posts in the early going as well), doing independent testing of betting against 1, 2, 3 (continuously, re-setting after a win and not sitting out the remainder of the mini-game) using the 1-3-9 progression. Been having FANTASTIC results testing it this way, so today I finally decided to take it for a spin at a real casino that's about an hour and 15 minutes up the road. I just got home from said trip.

Anyway, I get there and sit down at the Roulette Evolution table, of which there are two at this particular casino. The plan was to win 4 units, go on over to the next Roulette Evolution table, win 4 more units, and skedaddle on home. 8 units will more than cover my gas money. So I proceed to play with $10 units. I win the first 3 spins, get up 3 units and just need 1 more...and then it happens. 1, 2, 3 right in a row. I figure that was just bad timing, hey it'll happen to everybody at some point...my time just happened to be sooner than everybody else's.

So, licking my wounds, I get up and head to the other table. I literally play ONLY 3 spins...you guessed it...no wins, straight 1, 2, 3, right in a row AGAIN. Bam, I'm done.

Summary:  9 spins, 2 sledgehammers, -49 units (-$500) in about 15 minutes. It took me more time to walk from table 1 to table 2 than it did to lose my two sequences.

Once in a blue moon flash of bad luck? Perhaps....but looks like it's back to the drawing board for me. Guess I'll check out this bet selection playing with a Labby or look in to GLC's recently posted progression.

I do believe that the right answer (perhaps naively, perhaps not) lies with playing the dozens, and I do believe in this bet selection, but it CAN happen. It's just whether it WILL happen to you while you happen to be sitting at the table. In my case, I seem to have a knack of testing progressions, figuring out something that works in testing, and having it immediately blow up on the first run at the casino.

I know people gamble for a living, and I do believe the HG is out there. Perhaps we're close. I look forward to seeing what finally comes of this thread...
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 06, 05:11 PM 2015
if i had been you i would have back tracked the marquee with the combo of choice,just out of curiosity to see how the combo was doing. You might have seen it not doing anygood and gone to the other table
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: keepontryin on Dec 06, 05:29 PM 2015
take a look at 3 reversal...........i should have posted it here
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 06, 07:18 PM 2015
Quote from: hermbob on Dec 06, 04:38 PM 2015
Tales from the field...

I've been following this thread for weeks now (made a couple posts in the early going as well), doing independent testing of betting against 1, 2, 3 (continuously, re-setting after a win and not sitting out the remainder of the mini-game) using the 1-3-9 progression. Been having FANTASTIC results testing it this way, so today I finally decided to take it for a spin at a real casino that's about an hour and 15 minutes up the road. I just got home from said trip.

Anyway, I get there and sit down at the Roulette Evolution table, of which there are two at this particular casino. The plan was to win 4 units, go on over to the next Roulette Evolution table, win 4 more units, and skedaddle on home. 8 units will more than cover my gas money. So I proceed to play with $10 units. I win the first 3 spins, get up 3 units and just need 1 more...and then it happens. 1, 2, 3 right in a row. I figure that was just bad timing, hey it'll happen to everybody at some point...my time just happened to be sooner than everybody else's.

So, licking my wounds, I get up and head to the other table. I literally play ONLY 3 spins...you guessed it...no wins, straight 1, 2, 3, right in a row AGAIN. Bam, I'm done.

Summary:  9 spins, 2 sledgehammers, -49 units (-$500) in about 15 minutes. It took me more time to walk from table 1 to table 2 than it did to lose my two sequences.

Once in a blue moon flash of bad luck? Perhaps....but looks like it's back to the drawing board for me. Guess I'll check out this bet selection playing with a Labby or look in to GLC's recently posted progression.

I do believe that the right answer (perhaps naively, perhaps not) lies with playing the dozens, and I do believe in this bet selection, but it CAN happen. It's just whether it WILL happen to you while you happen to be sitting at the table. In my case, I seem to have a knack of testing progressions, figuring out something that works in testing, and having it immediately blow up on the first run at the casino.

I know people gamble for a living, and I do believe the HG is out there. Perhaps we're close. I look forward to seeing what finally comes of this thread...

Hey hermbob. Try 132 for euro. Me and nottophammer had success with that on euro wheels

Good luck and thanks for the results

Lots of good ideas in this thread. But at the end of the day its about luck. Will it hit the second u start to play?

Im continuously testing against previous 3. But i see you said you dont play the mini game but you reset and start over on a win. If you decide to play against previous 3 sequence dont do that, only play it in mini games. Most wins are in column 1. So play that the mini game way if you choose to play it. What separates this from past failures is not playing on a rolling basis. Sets of 3 only

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 06, 09:52 PM 2015
Did great today. I've had best success by first betting against the last three dozen and then betting against the last three columns next mini game.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 06, 10:45 PM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 06, 09:52 PM 2015
Did great today. I've had best success by first betting against the last three dozen and then betting against the last three columns next mini game.

I'm seeing nearly 3/4 first round wins...... :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 06, 11:09 PM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 06, 09:52 PM 2015
Did great today. I've had best success by first betting against the last three dozen and then betting against the last three columns next mini game.

Celescliff. Awesome results. Our results are very similar. As law points out many 1st and 2nd wins. Rarely 3rd. Good news there

I have not tested columns really. But i should

You are the 2nd person i know of playing 123 then ABC then 123 then ABC.

Closest we are going to get to a HG on a mechanical system
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Dec 06, 11:20 PM 2015
Who is "we", just curious.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 06, 11:23 PM 2015
Quote from: MrJ on Dec 06, 11:20 PM 2015
Who is "we", just curious.


"We" is whoever uses it.....
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RFMAXX on Dec 07, 08:58 AM 2015
i still think grassroots played with pinwheel numbers is a winner...since testing, no loser
with 3,2,1. of course...3,2,1 shows...but then i bet against and it recovers every time.
i need an excel tracker to test more spins...i test it by hand.
normy...can you make this excel fully automated? ;)
will do more tests of course.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 07, 09:28 AM 2015
Quote from: RFMAXX on Dec 07, 08:58 AM 2015
i still think grassroots played with pinwheel numbers is a winner...since testing, no loser
with 3,2,1. of course...3,2,1 shows...but then i bet against and it recovers every time.
i need an excel tracker to test more spins...i test it by hand.
normy...can you make this excel fully automated? ;)
will do more tests of course.

Awesome results. I have yet to test pinwheel....i feel like its harder to throw down 24 chips?

I would hand test as you are. Its more real world compatible
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 07, 09:35 AM 2015
Quote from: RFMAXX on Dec 07, 08:58 AM 2015
i still think grassroots played with pinwheel numbers is a winner...since testing, no loser
with 3,2,1. of course...3,2,1 shows...but then i bet against and it recovers every time.
i need an excel tracker to test more spins...i test it by hand.
normy...can you make this excel fully automated? ;)
will do more tests of course.

How many spins total have you tested this?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 07, 10:14 AM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 07, 09:35 AM 2015
How many spins total have you tested this?

If im not mistaken we are throwin down 24 chips?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 07, 10:27 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 07, 10:14 AM 2015
If im not mistaken we are throwin down 24 chips?

I meant total spins (100-1000)....
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 07, 11:39 AM 2015
The law

I think we should test these principles (123, 123 X5, and aginst previous 3) on columns as well?

Celescliff has much success against previous 3 on columns it seems
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 07, 11:58 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 07, 11:39 AM 2015
The law

I think we should test these principles (123, 123 X5, and aginst previous 3) on columns as well?

My concern would be diminishing returns.........unless we have some evidence that the added columns provide a superior bet.

So far (based on my limited testing) I think :

-the simple 1-2-3 is too risky

-the simple Marti 1-3-9 is too risky

-the Moving Target 1-2-3 appears to be more stable, but still too risky with a simple Marti

-the previous 3 looks good initially, but shows major repeating patterns long-term, unless we skip certain bets (like 111-222-333)-I saw this in my previous tests yeas ago where the last 3 dozens strategy took some very hard hits

-GLC's reverse Divisor progression appears to be the safest bet by far for this type of betting

Options moving forward :

+ Combo dozens + Columns (only if it shows a better hit rate)

+ Bet first round only (although statistically this should be no better than round 2 or round 3)-perhaps each round is a separate continuous game (ex. all 1st rounds = continuous game)

+ Solid MM strategy
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: wiggy on Dec 07, 12:16 PM 2015

I have started a seperate thread entitled ''different bet selection ideas for the 11-33-99 progression''

I came up with an idea for the streets and didn't want to stray of the dozens path that is going on in this thread.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 07, 12:16 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 07, 11:58 AM 2015
My concern would be diminishing returns.........unless we have some evidence that the added columns provide a superior bet.

So far (based on my limited testing) I think :

-the simple 1-2-3 is too risky

-the simple Marti 1-3-9 is too risky

-the Moving Target 1-2-3 appears to be more stable, but still too risky with a simple Marti

-the previous 3 looks good initially, but shows major repeating patterns long-term, unless we skip certain bets (like 111-222-333)-I saw this in my previous tests yeas ago where the last 3 dozens strategy took some very hard hits

-GLC's reverse Divisor progression appears to be the safest bet by far for this type of betting

Options moving forward :

+ Combo dozens + Columns (only if it shows a better hit rate)

+ Bet first round only (although statistically this should be no better than round 2 or round 3)-perhaps each round is a separate continuous game (ex. all 1st rounds = continuous game)

+ Solid MM strategy

I agree with most of that

But i dont agree that its "too risky"

If played with good MM its one of the least risky methods ive ever seen

To add to moving forward- try columns alone no dozens. Try nottos 132 on euro
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 07, 12:26 PM 2015
Do people test 1,3,2 on euro or just 1,2,3.
Now never really bothered looking over 00 wheel, know you see say 1 by 00 opposite end 0 2, so both 1's.
So if we look from 2 up to 8 we see the combo 1,2,3  can be placed 6 times, so opposite must be the same, 1 to 7. Can this help 1,2,3 combo.

Now the euro wheel placement is bit  a different.
If you start at 31 up to 32, marked 3 you'll see 1=4,3=6,2=2 so a good section if doz2 is sleeping and croupier is stuck in this section.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 07, 12:35 PM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 07, 12:26 PM 2015
Do people test 1,3,2 on euro or just 1,2,3.
Now never really bothered looking over 00 wheel, know you see say 1 by 00 opposite end 0 2, so both 1's.
So if we look from 2 up to 8 we see the combo 1,2,3  can be placed 6 times, so opposite must be the same, 1 to 7. Can this help 1,2,3 combo.

Now the euro wheel placement is bit  a different.
If you start at 31 up to 32, marked 3 you'll see 1=4,3=6,2=2 so a good section if doz2 is sleeping and croupier is stuck in this section.

Original poster is in the US. So the bet against 123 is designed for american wheel

I found 123 hits much more frequent on euro

If u see all my charts in this thread 123 on american is like 1 in 100

Gut feeling tells me to test columns....
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 07, 12:41 PM 2015
A bit untidy and low on ink.

you can see how close 1,2,3 are
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 07, 01:10 PM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 06, 09:52 PM 2015
Did great today. I've had best success by first betting against the last three dozen and then betting against the last three columns next mini game.

Prime example why you test for yourself and dont listen when people say "sorry it fails long term"

Do your own thing

Love seeing your charts
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 07, 01:19 PM 2015
Quick Update:

Just ran a few tests using GLC's suggested progression.

Although it works pretty well, it can turn into a major grind........possibly taking hours to fully recoup a major bad run. This is the one major drawback with any conservative approach. This is why I abandoned the original Divisor Method; it technically never loses..........just takes too long to get back to even.

I would say that the Divisor Method is perfect for anyone looking to play roulette as a business long-term. Tedious........but you can squeeze out a few units per hour consistently. :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 07, 01:21 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 07, 01:19 PM 2015
Quick Update:

Just ran a few tests using GLC's suggested progression.

Although it works pretty well, it can turn into a major grind........possibly taking hours to fully recoup a major bad run. This is the one major drawback with any conservative approach. This is why I abandoned the original Divisor Method; it technically never loses..........just takes too long to get back to even.

I would say that the Divisor Method is perfect for anyone looking to play roulette as a business long-term. Tedious........but you can squeeze out a few units per hour consistently. :thumbsup:

Shame on me. Shame on me

As a major promoter of lankys matrix i still dont grasp the divisor.   
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: jbudd32 on Dec 07, 01:37 PM 2015
Quote from: RFMAXX on Dec 07, 08:58 AM 2015
i still think grassroots played with pinwheel numbers is a winner...since testing, no loser
with 3,2,1. of course...3,2,1 shows...but then i bet against and it recovers every time.
i need an excel tracker to test more spins...i test it by hand.

normy...can you make this excel fully automated? ;)
will do more tests of course.

Great Results. I am wondering on why the  Pin Wheel Numbers were picked in that order. As there are not equal amounts in each dozen.

I picked out 3 sets of 12 numbers with each having 4 numbers in each dozen.
I have memorised them completely so throwing down 12 chips or 24 is a breeze now. When a number comes i know Exactly which set it is in.
Sets tend to repeat fairly often so thats my plan of attack,
But after reading all this post, i am looking at The Grass Root method and mini games using my own Sets of 12.

Interesting stuff so far.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 07, 01:41 PM 2015
Quote from: jbudd32 on Dec 07, 01:37 PM 2015
Great Results. I am wondering on why the  Pin Wheel Numbers were picked in that order. As there are not equal amounts in each dozen.

I picked out 3 sets of 12 numbers with each having 4 numbers in each dozen.
I have memorised them completely so throwing down 12 chips or 24 is a breeze now. When a number comes i know Exactly which set it is in.
Sets tend to repeat fairly often so thats my plan of attack,
But after reading all this post, i am looking at The Grass Root method and mini games using my own Sets of 12.

Interesting stuff so far.


The only negative to playing pinwheel way is we have to lay 24 chips in short time!
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: jbudd32 on Dec 07, 02:01 PM 2015
True.... Depends in which wheel or casino your playing at online. Some sites have an option where you can save bets... Upto maybe 4 or 6. Which is great.
If in casino, it shouldnt be a problem, i can get 24 chips down in 30 seconds.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: jbudd32 on Dec 07, 02:13 PM 2015
Such a shame Dublinbet took the saved bet feature away. But still its no sweat.

In a Nutshell the Grass Roots idea is betting on the last two Dozen/Columns
What if there are repeaters, do you look the furthest back to find other Dozen?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 07, 02:17 PM 2015
On my airball machines i can get 24 down. Its tough but i can.

Sometimes the touchscreens are weird and when you press a chip down it gets put on the number next to it which is frustrating. For example you will touch the center of #3 and the chip goes on #2. Faulty screens

I also have 30 seconds.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: jbudd32 on Dec 07, 02:22 PM 2015
Yeh frustrating for sure, touch screens can be a pain, do you only play Airball?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 07, 02:24 PM 2015
Quote from: jbudd32 on Dec 07, 02:22 PM 2015
Yeh frustrating for sure, touch screens can be a pain, do you only play Airball?

Yea my local casino is strictly touch screen airball. More touchscreens malfunction then not so i like playing dozens on them

There are some video roulette machines with a big 80 inch TV but i avoid the rng
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 07, 02:59 PM 2015
In terms of betting against 123 i think playing 1 mini game on dozens then next mini game on columns is a great idea

123 happens back to back very rarely so its good for recouping

Very rare to see 123 dozens then immediately 123 columns? Chances are slim to none?

If using low chip values we can up the chip value on any mini game loss on the following mini game to recoup

See celescliff chart. Alternating between dozens and columns. Genius? A great way to apply grassroots

We can also play this way against previous 3
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: jbudd32 on Dec 07, 03:28 PM 2015
Great Results again, will have to give this a Whirl.

When you say 1-2-3, they can be in any order? Like 3-2-1 or 2-1-3 etc??

I have seen a fair amount of back to back 1-2-3 not neccesssarily in that order but have seen it a lot (european Wheel)

I Remember seeing a thread on another site, the system was called Project X by Amrik, was a massive thread, i worked out What his betting triggers were and it was actually looking for the 1-2-3 combo. His trigger was waiting for 2 dozens or columns to stop repeating,
So 15,16,31..... Or 2,2,3 in Dozens terms, then you would bet on the sequence actually becoming 2,3,1... So betting in single Dozens.
Interesting concept and great to see this thread doing the opposite.

Maybe something in it? Not sure, but i'm very interested in this thread so am Locked Down in Test Mode.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 07, 03:34 PM 2015
Quote from: jbudd32 on Dec 07, 03:28 PM 2015
Great Results again, will have to give this a Whirl.

When you say 1-2-3, they can be in any order? Like 3-2-1 or 2-1-3 etc??

I have seen a fair amount of back to back 1-2-3 not neccesssarily in that order but have seen it a lot (european Wheel)

I Remember seeing a thread on another site, the system was called Project X by Amrik, was a massive thread, i worked out What his betting triggers were and it was actually looking for the 1-2-3 combo. His trigger was waiting for 2 dozens or columns to stop repeating,
So 15,16,31..... Or 2,2,3 in Dozens terms, then you would bet on the sequence actually becoming 2,3,1... So betting in single Dozens.
Interesting concept and great to see this thread doing the opposite.

Maybe something in it? Not sure, but i'm very interested in this thread so am Locked Down in Test Mode.

We are litet betting against 123

spin 1 Bet dozen 2 and 3
Spin 2 bet dozen 1 and 3
Spin 3 bet dozen 1 and 2

That simple

Variations are
-bet against 132
-bet against previous 3
-alternate between dozens and columns 2 members doing that 1 not posting in this thread

Go through the whole thread and ignore the BS
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 07, 03:39 PM 2015
Quote from: jbudd32 on Dec 07, 03:28 PM 2015
Great Results again, will have to give this a Whirl.

When you say 1-2-3, they can be in any order? Like 3-2-1 or 2-1-3 etc??

I have seen a fair amount of back to back 1-2-3 not neccesssarily in that order but have seen it a lot (european Wheel)

I Remember seeing a thread on another site, the system was called Project X by Amrik, was a massive thread, i worked out What his betting triggers were and it was actually looking for the 1-2-3 combo. His trigger was waiting for 2 dozens or columns to stop repeating,
So 15,16,31..... Or 2,2,3 in Dozens terms, then you would bet on the sequence actually becoming 2,3,1... So betting in single Dozens.
Interesting concept and great to see this thread doing the opposite.

Maybe something in it? Not sure, but i'm very interested in this thread so am Locked Down in Test Mode.

Try 1,3,2
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: jbudd32 on Dec 07, 03:45 PM 2015
Yep Gotcha, thats what i thought, was just checking.

Cut The BS Drop The Bassline. Ha.

Ok, alternating is a Great idea so am now testing Dozens and Columns.
Also with My Set of 12 numbers.
Decent Results

I had earlier been betting only on 3rd
So 3-2.... Now bet on 3-2.


Mini games like you say but only on the 3rd result. Great Results Also.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 07, 05:55 PM 2015

just did a test...american zumma starting at spin 210

Warning: european wheel may have different results....so for euro maybe 132 and ACB

this test was the same number set betting against 123 dozen formation and ABC column formation

all mini games won the 139

what astonished me was all dozen bets won on the first try

so one mini game of 3 spins bet against 123 dozens. on any win stop and wait for 3 spins to finish, then bet against ABC column formation. alternate the mini games...dozens/columns/dozens/columns etc

on the chart we had one ABC, but that ABC just so happened to hit when i was betting on a dozen mini game....so worst case scenario this series had 1 loss...BUT I did not hit it

if someone comes here and says the method will not work be VERY speculative....and test yourself...these are real numbers i can prove....

Alternating may provide stability

american wheel anomaly....more center column hits? lots of B's???????????????

time to decorate the tree
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 07, 07:44 PM 2015
quick little gander at a european wheel marquee

no 123 on dozens...no abc on columns....what a time to be alive for a quick in and out
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 07, 07:46 PM 2015
quicky american session.....dozen 3 decided to go bye bye
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 08, 12:42 AM 2015
Yet another test, because I love making them. :) I've decided that I will skip the third bet. In this test I had two losses but since I only bet the first two, those two losses went me down 8 unit each which is okay. I decided to quit when I was at +40 units.

Thank you so much for this. This is a winner, folks.  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 08, 06:05 AM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 08, 12:42 AM 2015
Yet another test, because I love making them. :) I've decided that I will skip the third bet. In this test I had two losses but since I only bet the first two, those two losses went me down 8 unit each which is okay. I decided to quit when I was at +40 units.

Thank you so much for this. This is a winner, folks.  :thumbsup:

Betting againt previous 3?

As you have shown 2 losses dont matter when the bet selection is superior

Good work

Next im going to test alternating between dozens and colums as we are doing now. 1 mini game against 123. 1 mini game against previous 3. Alternating between dozens and columns

Mini game 1. Against 123 dozens
Mini game 2. Against previous 3 columns
Mini game 3. Against previous 3 dozens
Mini game 4. Against ABC columns

Lets see how full proof we can make this
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 08, 07:37 AM 2015
Yes against previous 3 dozens first mini game and against columns second.  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 08, 07:52 AM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 08, 07:37 AM 2015
Yes against previous 3 dozens first mini game and against columns second.  :thumbsup:

Thanks for testing. Keep it comin lol

Happy winnings
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 08, 09:35 AM 2015
-this is the longest ive tested a strategy with positive results

-only method ive seen where others have the same results

-going on thousands of spins

-losses easy to overcome

-variations have similar results. A very sound new way of thinking
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: hermbob on Dec 08, 11:23 AM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 08, 07:37 AM 2015
Yes against previous 3 dozens first mini game and against columns second.  :thumbsup:

So let me make sure I've got this right...you're betting 1, 3 against previous 3 dozens (although you'll never be making a 3rd bet), win or lose wait for the mini-game of 3 to finish....then start over and bet 1, 3 against previous 3 columns (although you'll never be making a 3rd bet), win or lose wait for the mini-game of 3 to finish and back to dozens.

I got that right?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 08, 11:42 AM 2015
Quote from: hermbob on Dec 08, 11:23 AM 2015
So let me make sure I've got this right...you're betting 1, 3 against previous 3 dozens (although you'll never be making a 3rd bet), win or lose wait for the mini-game of 3 to finish....then start over and bet 1, 3 against previous 3 columns (although you'll never be making a 3rd bet), win or lose wait for the mini-game of 3 to finish and back to dozens.

I got that right?

Sorry to answer for him

But yes he is. Ive been following his charts

I play the entire 3 spins he does not. Most wins are on 1st and 2nd spins so it works for him

He strictly plays against previous 3

I do against previous 3 and against 123 sequence
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: tonowen on Dec 08, 11:45 AM 2015
Hey guys, i think this is the best system until i found this score while i was testing against previous 3

2 2 2
2 2 2
1 1 2
1 1 2
1 1 2

can't imagine if i bet with the real money   :-\
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 08, 11:48 AM 2015
Quote from: tonowen on Dec 08, 11:45 AM 2015
Hey guys, i think this is the best system until i found this score while i was testing against previous 3

2 2 2
2 2 2
1 1 2
1 1 2
1 1 2

can't imagine if i bet with the real money   :-\


Thats why i think if you play against previous 3 alternating between dozens and columns as celes is doing is a must.

How many spins did you test?

I think one of the best ways to apply grassroots is betting against 123 sequence alternating between dozens and columns each mini game
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: tonowen on Dec 08, 12:05 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 08, 11:48 AM 2015

Thats why i think if you play against previous 3 alternating between dozens and columns as celes is doing is a must.

How many spins did you test?

I think one of the best ways to apply grassroots is betting against 123 sequence alternating between dozens and columns each mini game

Around 300 spins, but i saw only 2 losses.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 08, 12:16 PM 2015
Quote from: tonowen on Dec 08, 12:05 PM 2015
Around 300 spins, but i saw only 2 losses.

Sounds about right

Try the original bet against 123 but alternate mini games between dozens and columns. And your jaw just may drop

Edit: maybe 132 ACB for euro
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 08, 06:11 PM 2015
american zumma test

starting at 2nd set of 100

100% win rate. i DO NOT claim all sessions will be this good...we will have some where in 25 to 30 mini games we will have 2 to 4 losses...but enough look like this to warrant a winning system

27 mini games = 81 spins.....not that id stay that long, 2 to 4 mini games im done

betting against 123 and ABC alternating each mini game between dozens and columns

ABC showed one time, at a time we werent betting on it....if we had we would have suffered 1 loss...no big deal...

please look at this chart and see how important insurance on 0 is...without it we would have lost a couple of games see 023 and 0BC on first 2 mini games. insurance on 0/00 is vital

dont tell me this isn't a winning system

rarely does it make it to the 3rd bet.......   :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

the thread will dwindle....i will continue to test to bump it back up every few days...i will not let it die
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 08, 09:59 PM 2015
Tomorrow will test the same alternating style but with

Minigame 1. Against 123 dozen
Minigame 2. Against previous 3 columns
Minigame 3. Against previous 3 dozens
Minigame 4. Against ABC columns

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 08, 10:36 PM 2015
Looking forward to it. Decided to play a quite short session with real money this time on Betfair. Not the best session with two losses but atleast it went +7 in the end.  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Dec 08, 10:46 PM 2015
So based on playing at an ACTUAL CASINO (40 spins per hour), what kind of a NET profit am I looking at with $15 units?......and because I like all the proper stats, we'll say, I play six hours per visit.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 08, 10:54 PM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 08, 10:36 PM 2015
Looking forward to it. Decided to play a quite short session with real money this time on Betfair. Not the best session with two losses but atleast it went +7 in the end.  :thumbsup:

2 losses again. Not bad

Try upping the units after a mini game loss to recoup some lost units then go back to your base unit after a mini game or 2
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 08, 10:58 PM 2015
Quote from: MrJ on Dec 08, 10:46 PM 2015
So based on playing at an ACTUAL CASINO (40 spins per hour), what kind of a NET profit am I looking at with $15 units?......and because I like all the proper stats, we'll say, I play six hours per visit.


40 spins per hour

13 mini games

15 a unit

$195 an hour if in the 40 spins no loss

But you may hit a loss or 2 you will have to overcome

This isnt a mr J method. Its 24 numnebers and includes a progression. Not your style?

Look at my american zumma test charts

Depending on method you play. ?? Theres a few variations. Should do well
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: tonowen on Dec 08, 11:08 PM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 08, 10:36 PM 2015
Looking forward to it. Decided to play a quite short session with real money this time on Betfair. Not the best session with two losses but atleast it went +7 in the end.  :thumbsup:

Why you lost only 8 units in each loss? Did you bet 1-3?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: hermbob on Dec 08, 11:18 PM 2015
If there is anybody out there playing any of these "grassroots" methods for real money and succeeding (American or Euro) please shoot me a private message. Thanks!  :D
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 08, 11:19 PM 2015
Quote from: tonowen on Dec 08, 11:08 PM 2015
Why you lost only 8 units in each loss? Did you bet 1-3?

No I don't bet the third bet, so instead of 26 units in a full loss, I only loose 8.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 06:40 AM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 08, 11:19 PM 2015
No I don't bet the third bet, so instead of 26 units in a full loss, I only loose 8.

Sine you are playing only 1 3 i can suggest on a loss doing 3 9 on next mini game to recoup fast :)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 08:41 AM 2015
Quote from: hermbob on Dec 08, 11:18 PM 2015
If there is anybody out there playing any of these "grassroots" methods for real money and succeeding (American or Euro) please shoot me a private message. Thanks!  :D

Or better yet.......post

Almost 5 people playing and winning and not posting.........


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tacwell on Dec 09, 10:16 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 08:41 AM 2015
Or better yet.......post

Almost 5 people playing and winning and not posting.........

LOL! What is "almost 5 people" RG? 4 people winning and 1 breaking even?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 10:21 AM 2015
Quote from: Tacwell on Dec 09, 10:16 AM 2015
LOL! What is "almost 5 people" RG? 4 people winning and 1 breaking even?

4 and a half

I talk to half a person

Checked my PMs. 4 people

For whatever reason do not post publically. Used to though.....

1 person using a tweak i dont have permission to share....but hey thats how it goes
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tamino on Dec 09, 11:12 AM 2015
Quote from: MrJ on Dec 08, 10:46 PM 2015
So based on playing at an ACTUAL CASINO (40 spins per hour), what kind of a NET profit am I looking at with $15 units?......and because I like all the proper stats, we'll say, I play six hours per visit.


Mr J,

$ 15 units require a bankroll of # 3,600.-- to yield  a net profit  of $ 720 ( No Guarantee)
Lucky if you yield $ 300.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 09, 11:13 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 06:40 AM 2015
Sine you are playing only 1 3 i can suggest on a loss doing 3 9 on next mini game to recoup fast :)

I will test that. I'm also going to test another thing I got in a private message.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 11:20 AM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 09, 11:13 AM 2015
I will test that. I'm also going to test another thing I got in a private message.

Celes IF you can and if you wish try american. The extra 0 doesnt effect this system and in my opinion this is working better on american wheels

All my charts you see are mainly american #s. The wheel acts different

I know some online euro casinos offer it

Or just keep doing what you are doing you are doing well

I know someone playing similar to you bouncing between dozens and columns but against 123 not previous 3. But he bounces between many different wheels every game. Doesnt stay at same wheel


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Drazen on Dec 09, 12:06 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 11:20 AM 2015
Celes IF you can and if you wish try american. The extra 0 doesnt effect this system and in my opinion this is working better on american wheels

Sir, you have my bow.

Advising to play game with higher house edge is one hell of advice!

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 12:08 PM 2015
Quote from: Drazen on Dec 09, 12:06 PM 2015
Sir, you have my bow.

Advising to play game with higher house edge is one hell of advice!


I advise that he tests it and decides for himself.

I advise that people test for themselves and draw their own conclusions.

When playing certain methods one wheel may be better then the other. With insurance on 0 it doesnt really matter
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Drazen on Dec 09, 12:49 PM 2015
QuoteWhen playing certain methods one wheel may be better then the other. With insurance on 0 it doesnt really matter

Only one wheel, should be said.

For me it is sad that you cant grasp basic principle in this game and you are preaching here this and that. So you just cover zero(s) and you solved problem of losing by HE? I mean really?   :'(  :-[
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 12:51 PM 2015
Quote from: Drazen on Dec 09, 12:49 PM 2015
Only one wheel, should be said.

For me it is sad that you cant grasp basic principle in this game and you are preaching here this and that. So you just cover zero(s) and you solved problem of losing by HE? I mean really?   :'(  :-[

Who said that?

I never said i solved the HE

What i and others have said about grassroots method is that 0 insurance is a must

Because we will see 023 or A0C which would be a loss

So whats your problem?

On my tests 0 insurance was the difference between 2 losses and 0 losses.

Its not as easy as "basic principle" as you said. Nothing is black and white

Drazen if you want to help fine. But dont put words into my mouth
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Drazen on Dec 09, 01:05 PM 2015
Sir, I don't have a problem here. But the ones who are playing martingale will have, be in no doubt. (Actually any progression, sooner or later) One guy here already lost 500$  :sad2: Isnt that enough?

Even without zero(s) wins and losses will get equal comparing to the odds you bet. When you add zeros it means you are getting even more losses then you will get wins to equal things.

You and some people here who are playing are totally blinded and so surprisingly dismissed nasty variance that will happen and wipe you all.

So why this benevolent advice can not be understood as my help, but as non saying and being negative?

You said you are testing it. Well I say to you, you are not testing it right. Ask someone to writtte you simulation and shows what will be in the end. No matter what tweak you could use.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 01:08 PM 2015
Quote from: Drazen on Dec 09, 01:05 PM 2015
Sir, I don't have a problem here. But the ones who are playing martingale will have, be in no doubt. (Actually any progression, sooner or later) One guy here already lost 500$  :sad2: Isnt that enough?

Even without zero(s) wins and losses will get equal comparing to the odds you bet. When you add zeros it means you are getting even more losses then you will get wins to equal things.

You and some people here who are playing are totally blinded and so surprisingly dismissed nasty variance that will happen and wipe you all.

So why this benevolent advice can not be understood as my help, but as non saying and being negative?

You said you are testing it. Well I say to you, you are not testing it right. Ask someone to writtte you simulation and shows what will be in the end. No matter what tweak you could use.

Can you explain how i am testing incorrectly?

Im testing in 70 to 100 spin lots all yielding the same results
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Drazen on Dec 09, 01:17 PM 2015
Please don't quote any post when it is first behind you are referring to. Only  if you are maybe referring to some specific part or sentence in it. That way you are saving forum/threads space and it looks more readable. And it is pure logic. How many times I have to say this for gods sake?

You are testing it manually so it means you need enormous amount of time for proper test. You need at least few hundreds of thousands tested triggers (not only spins) to be sure.

As of course you didn't done that much by now, and you are calling this best method ever, sure earner and all else in that context. Having said all the above, that is not correct.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 01:18 PM 2015
Quote from: Drazen on Dec 09, 01:17 PM 2015
Please don't quote any post when it is first behind you are referring to. Only  if you are maybe referring to some specific part or sentence in it. That way you are saving forum/threads space and it looks more readable. And it is pure logic. How many times I have to say this for gods sake?

You are testing it manually so it means you need enormous amount of time for proper test. You need at least few hundreds of thousands tested triggers (not only spins) to be sure.

As of course you didn't done that much by now, and you are calling this best method ever, sure earner and all else in that context. Having said all the above, that is not correct.


So you believe a test needs to be in hundreds of thousands

I do not believe that

Its ok  to disagree

Im approcahing 2000 mechanical hand tested spins of real numbers. Im satisfied
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Turner on Dec 09, 01:21 PM 2015
If (and when he did) Drazen commented in one of my posts I would listen. Of course he isn't on his own, but is one of a few people here who know what they are talking about.

Of course it makes a difference on US wheel compared to Euro. About 2·7% HE difference.

Maths isn't being negative. It's reality. I havnt tested this idea like I havnt tested putting my hand in a lions mouth using 1000 lions and a range of other Big Cats.
No need
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 01:23 PM 2015
Quote from: Turner on Dec 09, 01:21 PM 2015
If (and when he did) Drazen commented in one of my posts I would listen. Of course he isn't on his own, but is one of a few people here who know what they are talking about.

Of course it makes a difference on US wheel compared to Euro. About 2·7% HE difference.

Maths isn't being negative. It's reality. I havnt tested this like I havnt tested putting my hand in a lions mouth using 1000 lions and a range of other Big Cats.
No need

The people that are testing it are having good results

Of course people will say dont test it because math says it will fail

But i dont buy that because its working

Or we can just say we cant win and close the forum down?

If when a method is found and many people test with success then peope say we cant beat the math then whats the point of posting strategies.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Drazen on Dec 09, 01:28 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 01:18 PM 2015
Its ok  to disagree

Im approcahing 2000 mechanical hand tested spins of real numbers. Im satisfied

So you quoted the whole previous post again.

Yes it is perfectly fine to disagree about something while at the same time having fair and polite discussion  :thumbsup:

But what is not fine is not to distance yourself from claiming some method is winning without proper and factual test. Actually even encourage and let people participate in it with real money.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Turner on Dec 09, 01:31 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 01:23 PM 2015

Or we can just say we cant win and close the forum
God no!
It's just this idea has most likely been around 100 years.
Casinos are still here last time I looked
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 01:44 PM 2015
Quote from: Drazen on Dec 09, 01:28 PM 2015
So you quoted the whole previous post again.

Yes it is perfectly fine to disagree about something while at the same time having fair and polite discussion  :thumbsup:

But what is not fine is not to distance yourself from claiming some method is winning without proper and factual test. Actually even encourage and let people participate in it with real money.

I am all for a polite discussion

The only thing im encouraging people to do is test this thing and form their own conclusions which they are

Its not fair and polite to say "why cant you grasp something" thats an insult and thats why i got defensive
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Turner on Dec 09, 01:46 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 11:20 AM 2015

The wheel acts different
Sounds like I am picking at you but seriously I'm not

You can't say this without proof. I don't believe it does from proof of testing. Why do you believe it does?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 01:48 PM 2015
Quote from: Turner on Dec 09, 01:46 PM 2015
Sounds like I am picking at you but seriously I'm not

You can't say this without proof. I don't believe it does from proof of testing. Why do you believe it does?

They have to act different. They are positioned differently. Dozens are spread out differently so different patterns will arise

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 01:55 PM 2015
I find it hard to believe that everyone testing is testing wrong because they arent testing hundreds of thousands drazen.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Dec 09, 01:58 PM 2015
I think enough is enough, i saw someone winning 830â,¬ than loosing 1800â,¬ playing this way.

See the test for yourserf !!!

Just go to analyzer sheet! than press "clear" and then "simulate"

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: hermbob on Dec 09, 02:07 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 01:44 PM 2015
The only thing im encouraging people to do is test this thing and form their own conclusions which they are

To be fair (and I'm not picking on you or blaming you for anything...I certainly made my own decisions and I got my ass kicked because of it)...you're doing much more than this.

You have called this a holy grail. Several times. You started a different thread about a different bet selection and called it a holy grail too. You've called several variations of "grassroots" holy grails. You've boasted about the $4k tv's you'll be buying with your winnings because this is a holy grail.

Hell, I'm not even sure what the final decision is in terms of bet selection. Or for which wheel. I'd love to know. But the A.D.D. in this thread is getting a bit tiresome. Every time we start testing one and call it a holy grail...it's, "wait a minute, this new one is a holy grail!" If we've labeled so many things holy grails, why can't we pick one and formally define it, with bankroll/buy-in requirements, etc.

Unfortunately, I'm now living proof that this does fail. It can fail spectacularly. See my previous post a few pages back. Perhaps I made some mistakes. Or perhaps it just happened to fail early for me, and if I were to play long enough I'd recoup everything. Perhaps it wouldn't. But the bottom line is that calling something (actually, SO MANY THINGS) a holy grail so many times when plain logic says it can't be is foolish and leads people to get excited about something they shouldn't be getting excited about...at least until it's finally fleshed out. I should have known better.

Bottom line is that bet selection/MM is somewhat in line with a martingale it seems. Martingales work great....until they don't. It's a good thing that the marty is capped though....but variance will eventually come in to play and there will be a losing stretch...or stretches, that eats in to your bankroll or puts you well in to the red. It's just whether or not you'll be LUCKY enough to be well ahead by then and can withstand such a scenario.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not giving up on this, and we could very well be on to something here. I just can't let the comment that "all you're doing is encouraging people to test" go. I think tempering the spastic excitement a bit and honing in on what exactly we're doing, might a good thing for this thread and for all of us moving forward.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 02:07 PM 2015
Quote from: Orochi on Dec 09, 01:58 PM 2015
I think enough is enough, i saw someone winning 830â,¬ than loosing 1800â,¬ playing this way.

See the test for yourserf !!!

Just go to analyzer sheet! than press "clear" and then "simulate"

Playing which way?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: keepontryin on Dec 09, 02:14 PM 2015
rg maybe you can explain one more time the best way to play grassroots as you see it now
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Still on Dec 09, 02:16 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 01:18 PM 2015
Im approcahing 2000 mechanical hand tested spins of real numbers. Im satisfied

That would be about what Ignatus does within first couple days of a new idea, but with charts, and without all the fanfare.  Here, 100 spins, a week of hype.  A few dollars down, promises to journal about more dollars down, but instead another 100 spins and a week of advice on the merits of various tweaks, tested at the rate of about 100 a week. 

If you have one loss in 100 spins, then yes, you will win this game.  Even every 80 spins, you win.  72 spins is break-even.  Without math, there must be much more than 5000 spins to determine the expected frequency of this, if this is a phenomenon that breaks out of maths paradigms. 

Someone did post 60k of spins data, from which celescliff deduced that if you bet against the last three to repeat, you are always betting against a much rarer event with the same money.  Logically, that is the way to go then, but you have drug your feet on it, somehow glued to the magic of 1-2-3 on American wheels, walking from one air-ball machine to the next after a few spins or a couple of wins. 

It has reached a point where i've been tempted to start a parody/satire thread in the humor section titled Stressboots - 1,2,3  A doozy idea.

Celescliff's tests are the only content left here, but even then, the number of spins is not near enough what it needs to be for serious play.  I played for fun at a local B&M last night and dropped 8 units ($8 dollars) in 13 mini-games (about 40 spins), with two 8 unit losses, avoiding one 26 unit loss.   Indicative, but not conclusive. 

  Maybe you could spend less time on youtube inviting wholesale gamber/entertainers to this forum, and more on working up an Excel sheet based on 5000 spins from any trusted source you choose.   Whenever in doubt, just ask, what would Ignatus do in this situation? 

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Turner on Dec 09, 02:18 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 01:48 PM 2015
They have to act different. They are positioned differently. Dozens are spread out differently so different patterns will arise

"they have to act different" isnt proof my friend.

Test 1000000 spins euro and US

See how many times dozens hit. It will be roughly same give or take 50 or so.
Same for both wheels. Only difference is they pay you less on US wheel 2.7% less. Thats it.

You cant justify something by saying "they have to act differently"

You really cant.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 02:29 PM 2015
Few misconceptions about what im doing

1. Im trying to help

2. Im not saying this is the GRAIL. Im saying this is grailish based on what im SEEING

3. Relax on me. Ive spent many hours testing this.

4. I only say its grailish because ive hand tested up to 2000 spins from zumma and its been a great success. You guys see my charts in this thread? I keep seeing that. Ive never tested a method this long with this much suceess. Why wouldnt i promote it? You have seen my charts! You dont test thousands of spins successfully then put it on the back burner and say its just another method.

5. Others have the same results

Out of all the methods ive tested on this forum this method has the largest win streak out of any method ive seen here. Show me a better one? Im all ears/eyes

Its all about how its played. As a straight marty it can fail. Has to be played smart

Most of you saying it can fail and will fail probably havent tested the variations for yourselves? Just speculating?

Ill leave it here
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 02:34 PM 2015
Quote from: Still on Dec 09, 02:16 PM 2015
That would be about what Ignatus does within first couple days of a new idea, but with charts, and without all the fanfare.  Here, 100 spins, a week of hype.  A few dollars down, promises to journal about more dollars down, but instead another 100 spins and a week of advice on the merits of various tweaks, tested at the rate of about 100 a week. 

If you have one loss in 100 spins, then yes, you will win this game.  Even every 80 spins, you win.  72 spins is break-even.  Without math, there must be much more than 5000 spins to determine the expected frequency of this, if this is a phenomenon that breaks out of maths paradigms. 

Someone did post 60k of spins data, from which celescliff deduced that if you bet against the last three to repeat, you are always betting against a much rarer event with the same money.  Logically, that is the way to go then, but you have drug your feet on it, somehow glued to the magic of 1-2-3 on American wheels, walking from one air-ball machine to the next after a few spins or a couple of wins. 

It has reached a point where i've been tempted to start a parody/satire thread in the humor section titled Stressboots - 1,2,3  A doozy idea.

Celescliff's tests are the only content left here, but even then, the number of spins is not near enough what it needs to be for serious play.  I played for fun at a local B&M last night and dropped 8 units ($8 dollars) in 13 mini-games (about 40 spins), with two 8 unit losses, avoiding one 26 unit loss.   Indicative, but not conclusive. 

  Maybe you could spend less time on youtube inviting wholesale gamber/entertainers to this forum, and more on working up an Excel sheet based on 5000 spins from any trusted source you choose.   Whenever in doubt, just ask, what would Ignatus do in this situation? 


I didnt drag my feet on it

I did many tests against previous 3....and i like it.......

Good on him for winning with it

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: hermbob on Dec 09, 02:37 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 02:29 PM 2015
Few misconceptions about what im doing

1. Im trying to helpappreciate that, so let's hone in what exactly "grassroots" will be moving forward

2. Im not saying this is the GRAIL. Im saying this is grailish based on what im SEEING yea, you are; you have said that it is, several times..."folks this is a HG"

3. Relax on me. Ive spent many hours testing this. testing what? which variation? which bet selection is better than the other? is 1, 3 better than 1, 3, 9?

4. I only say its grailish because ive hand tested up to 2000 spins from zumma and its been a great success. You guys see my charts in this thread? I keep seeing that. Ive never tested a method this long with this much suceess. Why wouldnt i promote it? You have seen my charts! You dont test thousands of spins successfully then put it on the back burner and say its just another method. again, which bet selection are we choosing and running from with all these charts?

5. Others have the same results yea, and there's about 50 variations of bet selection and MM; how is anything conclusive when this is the case?

Out of all the methods ive tested on this forum this method has the largest win streak out of any method ive seen here. Show me a better one? Im all ears/eyes again, this is great, but logic says that this WILL work...until it doesn't. i'm sure you're experienced enough to have this logic in mind based on past results

Its all about how its played. As a straight marty it can fail. Has to be played smart not even sure what this means exactly

Most of you saying it can fail and will fail probably havent tested the variations for yourselves? Just speculating? unfortunately, i have; and i lost. a lot

Ill leave it here can't wait to see where this thread goes from here
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Dec 09, 03:07 PM 2015
"like I havnt tested putting my hand in a lions mouth using 1000 lions and a range of other Big Cats.
No need" >>> OMG I almost fell off my chair.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Dec 09, 03:07 PM 2015
Playing against previous 3 dozens u have the bets odds.

The expected lost always be 1 in 44 spins, and this dont include zero.

How could u possible win in long term !?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Dec 09, 03:10 PM 2015
@RG >> You have to learn the lesson I did years ago. Post your method (idea) and thats that, let it be. No titles of HG etc.

Post it...done...move on.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 03:11 PM 2015
Quote from: MrJ on Dec 09, 03:10 PM 2015
@RG >> You have to learn the lesson I did years ago. Post your method (idea) and thats that, let it be. No titles of HG etc.

Post it...done...move on.


Yes. I see.

I dont understand why member still personally attacked me and said why dont i test on excell instead of inviting youtube entertainers. Those youtube roulette vids are funny. What we cant have some fun either? Shit
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Dec 09, 03:29 PM 2015
(lol) My opinion (most won't like it), f**k public testing, let the people interested in the method test it for themselves. That'll be the day I test something for someone else. Post your idea and go grab a beer, your "job" is done.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Turner on Dec 09, 03:31 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 03:11 PM 2015
Yes. I see.

I dont understand why member still personally attacked me and said why dont i test on excell instead of inviting youtube entertainers. Those youtube roulette vids are funny. What we cant have some fun either? Shit

RG, for me as a long term member, not as a MOD, I think you are OK. Just...kinda...dont turn up at the party dressed as Big Bird when it isnt fancy dress and expect people to say nothing.

Take Kens advice. Its worth it. No big HG hullabaloo .Just post calmly.

Take stills advice, back claims up with compelling evidence (like saying American wheel acts differently)

I dont know if that helps (it was meant too)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tacwell on Dec 09, 03:36 PM 2015
Geez finally! Now that you've escaped the whirlwind and landed face first on terra firma, stand up, check your wallet, dust yourself off and continue the quest. And watch out for the warning signs next time.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 04:03 PM 2015
Quote from: Tacwell on Dec 09, 03:36 PM 2015
Geez finally! Now that you've escaped the whirlwind and landed face first on terra firma, stand up, check your wallet, dust yourself off and continue the quest. And watch out for the warning signs next time.

Continue the quest?

Im not leaving this method. No way. This is it for me. You act as if ive lost and need to brush myself off. Lol. Im doing fine with this. My wallet has grown with this new way of thinking.


You've seen mine and others test charts. Why on earth would i have to stand up and brush myself off

Ive posted enough tests that show we have something big here. Up to the forum members what theyll do with the information
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tacwell on Dec 09, 04:18 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 04:03 PM 2015
Continue the quest?

Im not leaving this method. No way. This is it for me. You act as if ive lost and need to brush myself off. Lol. Im doing fine with this. My wallet has grown with this new way of thinking.

Ok then, dive back in, but might I suggest opening a new thread, with the intention of testing and looking for improvements, and not making definitive conclusions based on inconclusive short term testing? Or post your rules regarding testing in the first post, i.e. no long term testing or only 25 spins or something?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 04:19 PM 2015
Complete post edit:

No point in me going back and forth actually

The method works for me. I promoted it and all its tweaks. Its a winner

Those who will utilize it will utilize it. Most staying silent behind the wings.

Those who say it fails will continue to do so as if my charts mean nothing. The people saying this most likely havent tested it

Wasted time for me.

Going forward ill post my results

For new readers

-short sessions
-small chip size
-have bankroll for one recovery mini game after a loss
-different variations - bet against 123 dozens or ABC columms or play in conjunction alternating each mini game - bet against previous 3 alternating betweens dozens and columns
-test for yourself to draw your own conclusions
-with me being as truthful as possible ive tested by hand about 2000 spins and nothing but success god as my witness
-show me a better method? Say it fails then show me a method that works better. I bet you cannot

Celescliff. You are one of the few posting charts if you could share future tests id be grateful and curious
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Turner on Dec 09, 05:19 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 04:03 PM 2015

Ive posted enough tests that show we have something big here.

"We" dont have something big here. You believe there's something big here.

Theres a massive difference, I am afraid.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 05:22 PM 2015
Quote from: Turner on Dec 09, 05:19 PM 2015
"We" dont have something big here. You believe there's something big here.

Theres a massive difference, I am afraid.

How many times have you tested against 123? Against 123 and abc alternating? Against previous 3? Number of times please. Post your tests and number sets.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 09, 05:24 PM 2015
RG, do you think if I tested this through 1 million spins that it would result in a profit at the end?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Turner on Dec 09, 05:29 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 05:22 PM 2015
How many times have you tested against 123? Against 123 and abc alternating? Against previous 3? Number of times please. Post your tests and number sets.

Now you do sound like Ignatus.

I dont need to test it. Its exactly the same as many, many "bet against the pattern" Ideas.

I have years of experience and that experience tells me its no different.

If you knew anything about betting double dozens, you would know that they are an accident waiting to happen.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 05:33 PM 2015
Quote from: Turner on Dec 09, 05:29 PM 2015
Now you do sound like Ignatus.

I dont need to test it. Its exactly the same as many, many "bet against the pattern" Ideas.

I have years of experience and that experience tells me its no different.

If you knew anything about betting double dozens, you would know that they are an accident waiting to happen.


here is what I KNOW.

I know in 66,000 spins all pattern show back to back on average 30 times, 1 in 2000 per pattern...which somehow works out to 1 in 44

lines up to my testing.....as i see it once in my 75 spin sets

so what i do know is that in the realm of roulette which is impossible to beat that helps the player a lot, and if played smart profit can be made
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Turner on Dec 09, 05:34 PM 2015
Quote from: Turner on Dec 09, 05:29 PM 2015
Now you do sound like Ignatus.

I dont need to test it. Its exactly the same as many, many "bet against the pattern" Ideas.

I have years of experience and that experience tells me its no different.

If you knew anything about betting double dozens, you would know that they are an accident waiting to happen.

Also, the burdon of proof is on you, not those who dont believe it. Go look up "Russells Teapot"
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 05:35 PM 2015
Quote from: Turner on Dec 09, 05:34 PM 2015
Also, the burdon of proof is on you, not those who dont believe it. Go look up "Russells Teapot"

i have a sense of having to prove....antyone on the internet can say something doesnt work

but dont insult me when i spent hours making these charts (see attachment)

i have about 20 of these! very few losses...so how do "WE" not have anything?

look at the chart. all mini games won. how do we not have a nice method?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Turner on Dec 09, 05:36 PM 2015
RG....Dont post it again. I keep deleting it
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Turner on Dec 09, 05:39 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 05:35 PM 2015
i have a sense of having to prove....antyone on the internet can say something doesnt work

but dont insult me when i spent hours making these charts (see attachment)

i have about 20 of these! very few losses...so how do "WE" not have anything?

look at the chart. all mini games won. how do we not have a nice method?

Who is insulting you? Steer clear of DD betting, thats all I am saying. Its a killer.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 05:40 PM 2015
nothing to see here...

im being told it cant work by a guy who says not to quote because if you don't quote the threads easier to read   :ooh:

but imagine a world where my post of truth gets deleted while falkor can (for the 2nd year in a row) state he has a grail that makes millions but leaves breadcrumbs and he isnt deleted
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 05:46 PM 2015
Quote from: keepontryin on Dec 09, 02:14 PM 2015
rg maybe you can explain one more time the best way to play grassroots as you see it now

the BEST way to apply it?

i dont know because i am seeing the same across the board

if i had to choose I would say against previous 3. in mini games. alternating between dozens and columns JUST as celescliff is doing
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 06:14 PM 2015
see marquee....123 bets suited for hit and run....very rarely will you arrive and play 2 mini games just as 123 hits....another marquee of no 123...as most are
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RayManZ on Dec 09, 06:16 PM 2015
Ok i did some coding + testing. Sorry no fancy graphs just the results.

I only did 123 on euro wheel. The other patterns like 132 213 231 312 and 321 show the same results.

For 66k spins:

123: 2213 times
1231: 682 times
12312: 221 times
123132: 66 times

So my advice:

1. Only bet one time after a pattern.
2. Wait for a pattern to end. 123123 is not a new bet! 123 is still repeating and back to back to back does happen!
3. You can use any 12 numbers you like for a pattern. Pinwheel, dozens or columns. All similar results in my tests.
4. All the pattern show similar results.

I don't know what the W/L ratio is on the first bet so i can't recommand any good progression. But as you can see i will win flat bet. It's not much but if you track every pattern of the dozens and columns. you have 12 posible betting options.

Good luck!
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RayManZ on Dec 09, 06:19 PM 2015
Forgot one more thing. Cover the zero as a win! I will pay off.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 06:21 PM 2015
Quote from: RayManZ on Dec 09, 06:16 PM 2015
Ok i did some coding + testing. Sorry no fancy graphs just the results.

I only did 123 on euro wheel. The other patterns like 132 213 231 312 and 321 show the same results.

For 66k spins:

123: 2213 times
1231: 682 times
12312: 221 times
123132: 66 times

So my advice:

1. Only bet one time after a pattern.
2. Wait for a pattern to end. 123123 is not a new bet! 123 is still repeating and back to back to back does happen!
3. You can use any 12 numbers you like for a pattern. Pinwheel, dozens or columns. All similar results in my tests.
4. All the pattern show similar results.

I don't know what the W/L ratio is on the first bet so i can't recommand any good progression. But as you can see i will win flat bet. It's not much but if you track every pattern of the dozens and columns. you have 12 posible betting options.

Good luck!

2200 times in 66,000 spins

important note: not all of those 2200 123's would make you lose

some will be


see that? 123 showed but the 1 started in 1st mini game and the 23 happened in the 2nd mini game

so the 123 pattern will not always be


it will often be


see that?

1 starts in mini game one following a 2 then 3 in next mini game

then 123123 66 times, 1 in a thousand....so that has a lot of merit

thanks ray, thanks for posting something of substance and not just saying it fails etc etc. thats what we need. you could have put 50,000 123 and id still say thank you

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 06:23 PM 2015
Quote from: RayManZ on Dec 09, 06:19 PM 2015
Forgot one more thing. Cover the zero as a win! I will pay off.


we dont want to not bet 0 then see

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RayManZ on Dec 09, 06:32 PM 2015
You don't seem to understand how i would be betting.

I would not bet like you. Every mini game.

Why not? Because it does not work in the longrun. Yes hit n run maybe. But that's a gamble. If you look at the stats i posted what i suggest works the best.

Wait for a pattern (3 unique dozens) in a groups of 3. No rolling! Stick to 3!

When you get a pattern:


Pattern: 123!

BET: Dozen 2 and 3

Next number: 16
Win on units!

Wait to spins to complete the group of 3


O wait new pattern! 213

BET dozen 1 and 3

Number 16 again
Lose 2 units

Wait 2 spins


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: wiggy on Dec 09, 06:34 PM 2015
Thanks for posting that picture up RG. I just went over to Celtic Casino and I can play on the 00 wheel from here in the UK as well. It's the first one I know about which I have access to. I can now give my splits idea a go along with them second column numbers as well. Cheers.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 06:36 PM 2015
Quote from: RayManZ on Dec 09, 06:32 PM 2015
You don't seem to understand how i would be betting.

I would not bet like you. Every mini game.

Why not? Because it does not work in the longrun. Yes hit n run maybe. But that's a gamble. If you look at the stats i posted what i suggest works the best.

Wait for a pattern (3 unique dozens) in a groups of 3. No rolling! Stick to 3!

When you get a pattern:


Pattern: 123!

BET: Dozen 2 and 3

Next number: 16
Win on units!

Wait to spins to complete the group of 3


O wait new pattern! 213

BET dozen 1 and 3

Number 16 again
Lose 2 units

Wait 2 spins


i like the tweak a lot

betting against previous 3 ONLY when the previous 3 are all unique?

i agree, no rolling whatsoever....all in groups of 3....rolling is what killed others
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 06:37 PM 2015
Quote from: wiggy on Dec 09, 06:34 PM 2015
Thanks for posting that picture up RG. I just went over to Celtic Casino and I can play on the 00 wheel from here in the UK as well. It's the first one I know about which I have access to. I can now give my splits idea a go along with them second column numbers as well. Cheers.  :thumbsup:

1- test fun money first, they give you 1,000 fake money
2- test yourself take noone word for it

good luck

p.s. what was the 2nd column split idea?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RayManZ on Dec 09, 06:41 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 06:36 PM 2015
i like the tweak a lot

betting against previous 3 ONLY when the previous 3 are all unique?

That's right! If my math is correct you will win in the long run flatbet.

66k spins: 2213 Bets placed, 682 bets lost. 682 x 2 = 1364 units lost. But 1531 units won.

With a good progression. Like lanky divisor i could work perfectly.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 06:42 PM 2015
Quote from: RayManZ on Dec 09, 06:41 PM 2015
That's right! If my math is correct you will win in the long run flatbet.

66k spins: 2213 Bets placed, 682 bets lost. 682 x 2 = 1364 units lost. But 1531 units won.

With a good progression. Like lanky divisor i could work perfectly.

just quickly went through 2 of my charts on columns and dozens....only when 3 unique came in a row bet against....worked perfectly

i think its because the chances are low for the ball to hit 3 unique dozens in a row and then do it again in the same exact pattern

good one
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 09, 06:44 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 04:19 PM 2015
Complete post edit:

Celescliff. You are one of the few posting charts if you could share future tests id be grateful and curious

And I will. The test wont be as frequent as before but I post my test as often as I can. :)

I enjoy this system and I like testing different tweaks and strategies, and as long as I'm enjoying it, I'm going to play it.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: wiggy on Dec 09, 06:49 PM 2015
The second column idea is in your other thread. I noticed that 10 of the 12 second column numbers are in a 15 pocket section at the bottom of the wheel. Most of the split numbers are also directly opposite each other on the 00 wheel. There may be some mileage in all that using a combined strategy.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 06:52 PM 2015
Quote from: wiggy on Dec 09, 06:49 PM 2015
The second column idea is in your other thread. I noticed that 10 of the 12 second column numbers are in a 15 pocket section at the bottom of the wheel. Most of the split numbers are also directly opposite each other on the 00 wheel. There may be some mileage in all that using a combined strategy.

yes.....the 2nd column on american wheel is clustered....i notice in many sets column "B" reigns king.....

i guess its the same as picking any cluster of 12 on the wheel...good luck with the tests
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 06:58 PM 2015
Quote from: RayManZ on Dec 09, 06:32 PM 2015
You don't seem to understand how i would be betting.

I would not bet like you. Every mini game.

Why not? Because it does not work in the longrun. Yes hit n run maybe. But that's a gamble. If you look at the stats i posted what i suggest works the best.

Wait for a pattern (3 unique dozens) in a groups of 3. No rolling! Stick to 3!

When you get a pattern:


Pattern: 123!

BET: Dozen 2 and 3

Next number: 16
Win on units!

Wait to spins to complete the group of 3


O wait new pattern! 213

BET dozen 1 and 3

Number 16 again
Lose 2 units

Wait 2 spins


for more betting opportunities play columns to
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 07:00 PM 2015
oh and ray...this can be played in 3 ways at the same time...


divide the wheel into blocks of 12

when 3 unique, bet against that same pattern....   8) 8)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 07:04 PM 2015
Quote from: ego on Nov 30, 05:46 AM 2015
Thas is what i say Before - but with other Words - play agains't the past Three dozen hits - then you Always play against 27 combinations.
If one Group of Three repeat you will have six in a row.

Yes ... how many times can a Group of Three repeat? if you take one dozen it repeat 13 times in a row once during 1 million trails.
So for one group of Three to repeat four to five times would be pretty rare.

One can use GLC progression into Three levels - 1 3 9 and 3 9 27 and 9 27 87
If you play without trigger you will cover 12 in a row and if you start from six you will never lose the hole progression with Three levels as you cover 15 in a row.
The question is how they come back to back and several losing strings during your play.
I have not test this progression - but it looks good.

As we play in the short run so will we maybe never see 13 in a row during our time gambling - but if we are really unlucky we could encounter 13 in a row.

So i been thinking to code this into RX code - but not as system - i would like to code it to show statistics.
That way i can run RX and see how many times one Group repeat during 1 million trails tracking all 27 combinations.

Or do you have other suggestion?


wise words

wise poster

word is hes a genius with math.....so there ya go.....

ray your idea might just be a bombshell
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 09, 07:06 PM 2015
Quote from: RayManZ on Dec 09, 06:32 PM 2015
You don't seem to understand how i would be betting.

I would not bet like you. Every mini game.

Why not? Because it does not work in the longrun. Yes hit n run maybe. But that's a gamble. If you look at the stats i posted what i suggest works the best.

Wait for a pattern (3 unique dozens) in a groups of 3. No rolling! Stick to 3!

When you get a pattern:


Pattern: 123!

BET: Dozen 2 and 3

Next number: 16
Win on units!

Wait to spins to complete the group of 3


O wait new pattern! 213

BET dozen 1 and 3

Number 16 again
Lose 2 units

Wait 2 spins


OK, RG........This is what you've been searching for as you hold on to this idea for dear life!!!

Now we're getting down to an actual statistically advantages set of bets for long-term wins.

With a good progression, this should basically be an investment strategy................boring but effective!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 07:07 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 09, 07:06 PM 2015
OK, RG........This is what you've been searching for as you hold on to this idea for dear life!!!

Now we're getting down to an actual statistically advantages set of bets for long-term wins.

With a good progression, this should basically be an investment strategy................boring but effective!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

what i was looking for was substance

not "know it alls" saying it cant and wont work with no testing charts, while we are sitting here testing which is what the forum is for

ego, and ray bring up very good points.....it is a very very good tweak

the law we will make this thing work
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: ddarko on Dec 09, 07:14 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 07:04 PM 2015
word is hes a genius with math.....so there ya go.....

He's a genius who bet's AP & is looking for a break even method to use while he clocks wheels.....

That's on the off chance I have the right guy  :-X

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 07:16 PM 2015
Quote from: ddarko on Dec 09, 07:14 PM 2015
He's a genius who bet's AP & is looking for a break even method to use while he clocks wheels.....

That's on the off chance I have the right guy  :-X


he did say that math wise betting against previous 3 has merit...at least thats what i got....
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: ddarko on Dec 09, 07:18 PM 2015
Well assuming he is a man of his word, let's see what those million spins show ?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 07:20 PM 2015
Quote from: ddarko on Dec 09, 07:18 PM 2015
Well assuming he is a man of his word, let's see what those million spins show ?


i think for the average player who plays an hour at the casino betting against previous 3 is terrific....
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: ddarko on Dec 09, 07:22 PM 2015
What do you mean by average player ?


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 07:24 PM 2015
Quote from: ddarko on Dec 09, 07:22 PM 2015
What do you mean by average player ?


i guess someone who plays as a hobby
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 09, 07:28 PM 2015
Quote from: RayManZ on Dec 09, 06:32 PM 2015

Wait for a pattern (3 unique dozens) in a groups of 3. No rolling! Stick to 3!

When you get a pattern:


Pattern: 123!

BET: Dozen 2 and 3

Next number: 16
Win on units!

Wait to spins to complete the group of 3


O wait new pattern! 213

BET dozen 1 and 3

Number 16 again
Lose 2 units

Wait 2 spins


Very interesting! I will test this with both dozens and columns.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 09, 07:35 PM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 09, 07:28 PM 2015
Very interesting! I will test this with both dozens and columns.

This will require a conservative progression, or risk the Bankroll Sledgehammer that we've seen with the Martingale!!! >:D

Perhaps the divisor method is the safest after all........ :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 07:41 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 09, 07:35 PM 2015
This will require a conservative progression, or risk the Bankroll Sledgehammer that we've seen with the Martingale!!! >:D

Perhaps the divisor method is the safest after all........ :thumbsup:

we went from betting against previous 3 to betting against previous 3 only when the previous 3 are unique

so we have to test test test to see how often previous 3 will repeat when unique

i have nothing left in me, i will test tomorrow

Heres where we can start

We can look at our previous 3 charts. And see if any of our mini game losses were after a unique. If the answer is NO then we look damn good!
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 07:55 PM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 08, 10:36 PM 2015
Looking forward to it. Decided to play a quite short session with real money this time on Betfair. Not the best session with two losses but atleast it went +7 in the end.  :thumbsup:


You made a short test

It lost twice

You ended +7

Whats the good news?

The 2 mini game losses you had were both after a non unique. Therefore raymanz tweak won all mini games on your test because you would not have bet those 2 losers

All uniques won on your test. Bingo was his name-o

Go back to your charts you posted here. The reds turned green ;)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Buffster on Dec 09, 09:33 PM 2015
Haven't read the entire thread so if this has been thought of then please ignore

If last three dozen are same (3,3,3) bet other 2 dozens with 1,3,9 progression
If last three dozen has 1 repeater ( 2,1,2 ) bet unhit dozen with 1,1,2,3,4,6,9,14,21 progression
If last three dozen are different (1,2,3) bet furthest dozen (1 in this case ) with 1,1,2,3,4,6,9,14,21 progression
If a 0 shows up ignore that line and get three new dozens

Hope this helps

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Buffster on Dec 10, 02:06 AM 2015
Here's a session with the rules stated in my previous post. As you can see I busted out of a (1,3,9) progression within my first 10 spins. Continued playing up to 500 spins. This is the result of that session. Playing $5.00 units


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 10, 06:34 AM 2015
Hey buffster

Very interesting

Im not into betting 1 dozen because i saw one dozen sleep 13 times the other day, but i will look into it

Graph looks nice
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 10, 06:47 AM 2015
I have a single dozen idea that profited well across my testing charts

It utilizes the single dozen progression you have posted and it is played in mini games of 3

Each bet we bet 1 dozen

Spin 1. Dozen 1
Spin 2. Dozen 2
Spin 3. Dozen 3

At any win wait for the 3 spins to finish unless you have won on spin 3 then immediately restart.

We are betting for dozen 1 to fall in column 1, or dozen 2 to fall into column 2, or dozen 3 to fall into column 3

I never got passed step 6 of progression

Since you win more betting on one dozen we dont have to stick around too long
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: KCIN012 on Dec 10, 07:12 AM 2015
I think we are going off track again
This is a different system.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 10, 07:13 AM 2015
You are right. It is

Im just trying to avoid making new threads so i just put it here if its related
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: keepontryin on Dec 10, 08:33 AM 2015
hey rg isnt this what i had suggested earlier wait for 2 different doz to show then bet the 3rd dozen to come out is not unique.....if it is and we lose ....the next 3 spins should be a lock.....according to the stats .....you had mentioned you were going to test but i see you never did.......to bad.....your right a bit slow but a great investment strategy
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 10, 08:58 AM 2015
Quote from: keepontryin on Dec 10, 08:33 AM 2015
hey rg isnt this what i had suggested earlier wait for 2 different doz to show then bet the 3rd dozen to come out is not unique.....if it is and we lose ....the next 3 spins should be a lock.....according to the stats .....you had mentioned you were going to test but i see you never did.......to bad.....your right a bit slow but a great investment strategy

Yes similar idea

What ray suggested is bet against previous 3 ONLY when the previous 3 are unique

So if the previous 3 are
231 we then bet against the 231 sequence

Based on thr 66 thousand spin stats and the math of it ego explained it is the best bet here probably?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 10, 10:37 AM 2015
Quote from: Buffster on Dec 10, 02:06 AM 2015
Here's a session with the rules stated in my previous post. As you can see I busted out of a (1,3,9) progression within my first 10 spins. Continued playing up to 500 spins. This is the result of that session. Playing $5.00 units



What was your highest bet on the other progressions and did you ever end one early if you were ahead in other areas? :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 10, 11:07 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 07:55 PM 2015

You made a short test

It lost twice

You ended +7

Whats the good news?

The 2 mini game losses you had were both after a non unique. Therefore raymanz tweak won all mini games on your test because you would not have bet those 2 losers

All uniques won on your test. Bingo was his name-o

Go back to your charts you posted here. The reds turned green ;)

Yeah I saw and it looks very promising! :) I will test this tonight when I get back home from work.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 10, 11:56 AM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 10, 11:07 AM 2015
Yeah I saw and it looks very promising! :) I will test this tonight when I get back home from work.

It creates less betting opporunites but if playin dozs and cols at same time should have a good number of bets
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 10, 01:17 PM 2015
I played these 2 games before the Gut game,1 in corals, 2 in paddy power.
Game 1 tracked in head also bet when Ktf showed. Used doz then col. won £12.60.

Game 2 thought i'd use the bottom bit. Anyway made £11.00.

The Gut game was in ladbrokes, was tracking on another sheet grassroots,but i had to drop it as the Trot in Gut was showing to bet the >1x's.

Rich it went well so keep at it.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 10, 01:21 PM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 10, 01:17 PM 2015
I played these 2 games before the Gut game,1 in corals, 2 in paddy power.
Game 1 tracked in head also bet when Ktf showed. Used doz then col. won £12.60.

Game 2 thought i'd use the bottom bit. Anyway made £11.00.

The Gut game was in ladbrokes, was tracking on another sheet grassroots,but i had to drop it as the Trot in Gut was showing to bet the >1x's.

Rich it went well so keep at it.

Thanks notto. For sure

the negativity yesterday effected me not one bit

Thanks for testing buddy

Keep winning
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 10, 02:40 PM 2015
RG cuz you asked. ...I'll post.

RaymanZ was right. Been playing this already a bit longer. Soooo...

We bet against previous 3 . We only bet the first spin of each minigame . On a hit we sit the next 2 spins out. On a loss we sit the next 2 spins out. We only bet if the previous 3 are unique.  Progression : FLAT. It's a grinder but no crazy progression.

BR : 30 units
Win goal : 10 units
Stop loss : 30 units
If I'm down -10 then I double my bet.
If your units is let's say 100â,¬/$ cover 0

Didn't lost YET.

1 2 2 no bet
2 3 1 next spin I bet doz 1 and 3
1 1 1 won. No bet for next game
1 2 3 next spin I bet doz 2 and 3
3 2 2 won . No bet for next game

RG I'm sorry but a negative progressions always kicks your *ss. Flat or positive progression is the way. Or as here a very mild one.

Switching tables will not help. It makes you feel like it's  safer but it doesn't change much.

Hit n run = you got hit in the face and now we run coz we not wanna second punch. That's what I think anyway.  Lol

And 0 or 00 does make a difference for sure.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 10, 02:43 PM 2015
Quote from: denzie on Dec 10, 02:40 PM 2015
RG cuz you asked. ...I'll post.

RaymanZ was right. Been playing this already a bit longer. Soooo...

We bet against previous 3 . We only bet the first spin of each minigame . On a hit we sit the next 2 spins out. On a loss we sit the next 2 spins out. We only bet if the previous 3 are unique.  Progression : FLAT. It's a grinder but no crazy progression.

BR : 30 units
Win goal : 10 units
Stop loss : 30 units
If I'm down -10 then I double my bet.
If your units is let's say 100â,¬/$ cover 0

Didn't lost YET.

1 2 2 no bet
2 3 1 next spin I bet doz 1 and 3
1 1 1 won. No bet for next game
1 2 3 next spin I bet doz 2 and 3
3 2 2 won . No bet for next game

RG I'm sorry but a negative progressions always kicks your *ss. Flat or positive progression is the way. Or as here a very mild one.

Switching tables will not help. It makes you feel like it's  safer but it doesn't change much.

Hit n run = you got hit in the face and now we run coz we not wanna second punch. That's what I think anyway.  Lol

And 0 or 00 does make a difference for sure.

So how much are you up and what's your biggest draw-down so far?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 10, 04:30 PM 2015
Quote from: denzie on Dec 10, 02:40 PM 2015
RG cuz you asked. ...I'll post.

RaymanZ was right. Been playing this already a bit longer. Soooo...

We bet against previous 3 . We only bet the first spin of each minigame . On a hit we sit the next 2 spins out. On a loss we sit the next 2 spins out. We only bet if the previous 3 are unique.  Progression : FLAT. It's a grinder but no crazy progression.

BR : 30 units
Win goal : 10 units
Stop loss : 30 units
If I'm down -10 then I double my bet.
If your units is let's say 100â,¬/$ cover 0

Didn't lost YET.

1 2 2 no bet
2 3 1 next spin I bet doz 1 and 3
1 1 1 won. No bet for next game
1 2 3 next spin I bet doz 2 and 3
3 2 2 won . No bet for next game

RG I'm sorry but a negative progressions always kicks your *ss. Flat or positive progression is the way. Or as here a very mild one.

Switching tables will not help. It makes you feel like it's  safer but it doesn't change much.

Hit n run = you got hit in the face and now we run coz we not wanna second punch. That's what I think anyway.  Lol

And 0 or 00 does make a difference for sure.

Thanks for speaking out

Betting against previous 3 fairs well. This tweak just makes it better

This tweak of only when previous 3 are unique is looking like a very nifty way to beat the random roulette wheel

You'd have to very very unlucky to lose this way

My charts dont lose on it.

Glad it hasnt lost yet for u
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 10, 04:46 PM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 10, 01:17 PM 2015
I played these 2 games before the Gut game,1 in corals, 2 in paddy power.
Game 1 tracked in head also bet when Ktf showed. Used doz then col. won £12.60.

Game 2 thought i'd use the bottom bit. Anyway made £11.00.

The Gut game was in ladbrokes, was tracking on another sheet grassroots,but i had to drop it as the Trot in Gut was showing to bet the >1x's.

Rich it went well so keep at it.

Against 132 on dozens and columns? Which grassroots?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 10, 06:36 PM 2015
In game1 was betting against the doz and col. not every mini game as some times i was betting on the field,like betting for the 1st 10 to repeat at spin 53, a £1.80 bet, come in when chipped up nice.
game 2 watched for a unique in either like the 3,2,1 and the a,c,b bet both and won. At spin 36 i started to bet the 1st 19 to hit,took 5 to come in total bet was £43 also was covered the last 3 unique 1,3,2 c,b,a, I'd bet 1,1,2,3,10 on the field 1-1doz and 1-1 col, the accumalitive total was £73 returned 78. lookiing back now risky as before the 22,29,23 and the 10 all previous 19
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 13, 03:53 AM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 10, 02:43 PM 2015
So how much are you up and what's your biggest draw-down so far?

It's still early to talk numbers.
14 sessions played. 14 won (140u)
DD I'm not really have. Did go in my double bets a few time. But mostly I don't need to go there. It's amazing how many hits on our first bet.

But as I said it's still early. Will see what the future brings. So far So good
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 13, 06:45 AM 2015
Quote from: denzie on Dec 13, 03:53 AM 2015
It's still early to talk numbers.
14 sessions played. 14 won (140u)
DD I'm not really have. Did go in my double bets a few time. But mostly I don't need to go there. It's amazing how many hits on our first bet.

But as I said it's still early. Will see what the future brings. So far So good

You can talk the talk or you can walk the walk. Walking the walk is much better

140u awesome

I love seeing positive results and positive tests

Gives me a feeling of gratification that i wasnt wasting my time
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 14, 03:46 AM 2015
21 sessions played and won. Anyone playing this way ?

For some reasons the columns have more hits on second spin. I stopped playing them.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: button on Dec 14, 07:20 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 13, 06:45 AM 2015
I love seeing positive results and positive tests

Gives me a feeling of gratification that i wasnt wasting my time

I don't think you were ever wasting your time with this type of method RG. Similar methods have been on this board for years, they just aren't instant "millionaire" systems/methods so they eventually get abandoned just like all the other slow earners.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 14, 07:34 AM 2015
Quote from: button on Dec 14, 07:20 AM 2015
I don't think you were ever wasting your time with this type of method RG. Similar methods have been on this board for years, they just aren't instant "millionaire" systems/methods so they eventually get abandoned just like all the other slow earners.

Thanks button.

Ill be gome for awhile take care. And that remote viewing is impressive. Good luck

Hocus pocus or not if it works keep at it
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tamino on Dec 14, 12:20 PM 2015
The way I see the 1 23 it is not hocus pocus but a realistic bet selection  not based on  any previous   results or  math. Its now  in my tool box of several 2 dozen systems.

Play at your own risk .

Nathan Detroit.

Thanks  to RG for  keeping up  this thread.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 14, 12:26 PM 2015
Quote from: denzie on Dec 10, 02:40 PM 2015
RG cuz you asked. ...I'll post.

RaymanZ was right. Been playing this already a bit longer. Soooo...

We bet against previous 3 . We only bet the first spin of each minigame . On a hit we sit the next 2 spins out. On a loss we sit the next 2 spins out. We only bet if the previous 3 are unique.  Progression : FLAT. It's a grinder but no crazy progression.

BR : 30 units
Win goal : 10 units
Stop loss : 30 units
If I'm down -10 then I double my bet.
If your units is let's say 100â,¬/$ cover 0

Didn't lost YET.

1 2 2 no bet
2 3 1 next spin I bet doz 1 and 3
1 1 1 won. No bet for next game
1 2 3 next spin I bet doz 2 and 3
3 2 2 won . No bet for next game

RG I'm sorry but a negative progressions always kicks your *ss. Flat or positive progression is the way. Or as here a very mild one.

Switching tables will not help. It makes you feel like it's  safer but it doesn't change much.

Hit n run = you got hit in the face and now we run coz we not wanna second punch. That's what I think anyway.  Lol

And 0 or 00 does make a difference for sure.
180 spins 60 mini games 3 oppotunities w,L,w
Do you stop on 1st win, start again later,1st win start again ?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 15, 02:20 AM 2015
That's correct Notto...

Are these real data ? ( 60 minigames with only 3 bets)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 15, 05:11 AM 2015
Rng spins in ladbrokes on 1/12/2015
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 15, 07:00 AM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 15, 05:11 AM 2015
Rng spins in ladbrokes on 1/12/2015

That means if you wait the first 2 spins of each minigame. ...and bet for a repeat on the third spin...........I think you know the rest right?  ;)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 15, 05:48 PM 2015
Quote from: Tamino on Dec 14, 12:20 PM 2015
The way I see the 1 23 it is not hocus pocus but a realistic bet selection  not based on  any previous   results or  math. Its now  in my tool box of several 2 dozen systems.

Play at your own risk .

Nathan Detroit.

Thanks  to RG for  keeping up  this thread.

you welcome tamino

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 16, 06:31 AM 2015
Quote from: denzie on Dec 15, 02:20 AM 2015
That's correct Notto...

Are these real data ? ( 60 minigames with only 3 bets)
Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 15, 05:11 AM 2015
Rng spins in ladbrokes on 1/12/2015
Quote from: denzie on Dec 15, 07:00 AM 2015
That means if you wait the first 2 spins of each minigame. ...and bet for a repeat on the third spin...........I think you know the rest right?  ;)
Just got some time  Den to look over some more old rng spins, to good to be true

1   6   1   
2   30   3   
3   6   1   w
4   16   2   
5   14   2   
6   24   2   nb
7   30   3   
8   29   3   
9   33   3   nb
10   7   1   
11   16   2   
12   3   1   w
13   3   1   
14   18   2   
15   2   1   w
16   25   3   
17   6   1   
18   5   1   w
19   22   2   
20   21   2   
21   10   1   nb
22   22   2   
23   25   3   
24   19   2   w
25   15   2   
26   3   1   
27   24   2   w
28   2   1   
29   14   2   
30   15   2   w
31   19   2   
32   11   1   
33   14   2   w
34   35   3   
35   34   3   
36   22   2   nb
37   7   1   
38   19   2   
39   19   2   w
40   3   1   
41   12   1   
42   9   1   nb
43   20   2   
44   4   1   
45   10   1   w
46   33   3   
47   29   3   
48   33   3   nb
49   7   1   
50   8   1   
51   15   2   nb
52   31   3   
53   24   2   
54   34   3   w
55   36   3   
56   6   1   
57   35   3   w
58   17   2   
59   23   2   
60   19   2   nb
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 16, 06:45 AM 2015
Live spins Aspers MK
1   33   3   
2   2   1   
3   18   2   L
4   12   1   
5   13   2   
6   29   3   L
7   25   3   
8   4   1   
9   26   3   W
10   15   2   
11   21   2   
12   20   2   NB
13   8   1   
14   16   2   
15   12   1   W
16   34   3   
17   9   1   
18   18   2   L
19   30   3   
20   20   2   
21   30   3   W
22   7   1   
23   14   2   
24   12   1   W
25   13   2   
26   22   2   
27   12   1   NB
28   29   3   
29   21   2   
30   35   3   W
31   20   2   
32   23   2   
33   19   2   NB
34   34   3   
35   2   1   
36   16   2   L
37   7   1   
38   16   2   
39   21   2   W
40   25   3   
41   19   2   
42   4   1   L
43   33   3   
44   20   2   
45   32   3   W
46   24   2   
47   3   1   
48   14   2   W
49   0   0   
50   29   3   
51   13   2   NB
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 16, 06:48 AM 2015

What you are doing right there is when having 2 unique dozens in a row betting those 2 dozens, betting the 3rd spin wont be unique from those 2

It is a good way to play. But be careful

Be ready with a recovery roll

You will see about 5 unique per hour ex. 321

Be ready for 5 losses every 50 to 100 spins

Good for hit and run?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 16, 07:33 AM 2015
31 -4 bet 3/1
22-1 bet 2/1
1-16 bet 1/2
1-6 bet 1/choose one
32-22 bet 3/2
12-0 bet 1/ choose one
Etc....all flat.

You had 3 bets in 60 minigames. ...go look them again and count your profit.
You might like it  :)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 16, 02:28 PM 2015
Looks good, very promising indeed. I will test this this week, with flat aswell.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: ptzelepis on Dec 16, 03:31 PM 2015
Quote from: denzie on Dec 16, 07:33 AM 2015
31 -4 bet 3/1
22-1 bet 2/1
1-16 bet 1/2
1-6 bet 1/choose one
32-22 bet 3/2
12-0 bet 1/ choose one
Etc....all flat.

You had 3 bets in 60 minigames. ...go look them again and count your profit.
You might like it  :)

Maybe I'm a little stupid sorry...but I don't understand the above.....can you please explain ?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 16, 05:26 PM 2015
Quote from: ptzelepis on Dec 16, 03:31 PM 2015
Maybe I'm a little stupid sorry...but I don't understand the above.....can you please explain ?

31 -4 bet 3/1                   31 = 3rd dozen, 4 = 1 Dozen so you bet 1 and 3 dozen
22-1 bet 2/1                    22 = 2nd dozen, 1 = 1 Dozen so you bet the 2 and 1 dozen
1-16 bet 1/2                    1   = 1st dozen, 16 = 2nd Dozen so you bet the 1 and 2 dozen               
1-6 bet 1/choose one      1   = 1st dozen, 6 = 1st dozen aswell so you bet 1st dozen and then choose a dozen you want to play on this bet
32-22 bet 3/2                  32 = 3rd dozen, 22 = 2nd Dozen so you bet 3 and 2 dozen
12-0 bet 1/ choose one   12 = 1st dozen, 0 = zero so you bet 1st dozen and then choose a dozen you want to play on this bet
Etc....all flat.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 16, 09:05 PM 2015
Ok, I took this for a spin today. This wasnt a very good session.

The tests is identical. The BR mirrors my currency (SEK) 1000 is a little more than 100$. I was playing 50 (little more than 5$) on the dozens and 5 (0.5$) as an insurance (50+50+5).

I first tested a way I thought of while at work, and that was only to play against the three dozen but only play on the first bet.

I also tested with the same numbers to play the way denzie described but I didn't test how it went if I choosed a dozen when I got 2 of the same dozen and also a dozen if zero came up. Sorry denzie, don't look at the end result because your test wasn't fair, since I didn't apply all the rules. I will test it later with your rules applied.

The true test here was to see how it went with flat bet, and I must say that flat bet is the best in my opinion. This test shows that you can come back quite easy if you choose to bet flat, and not use any progression. The end result in this test showed that 1-3-9, 1-3-3 or 1-3-6 could be very dangerous.

I will do some more testing this week.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 16, 10:48 PM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 16, 09:05 PM 2015

I also tested with the same numbers to play the way denzie described but I didn't test how it went if I choosed a dozen when I got 2 of the same dozen and also a dozen if zero came up. Sorry denzie, don't look at the end result because your test wasn't fair, since I didn't apply all the rules. I will test it later with your rules applied.

The true test here was to see how it went with flat bet, and I must say that flat bet is the best in my opinion. This test shows that you can come back quite easy if you choose to bet flat, and not use any progression. The end result in this test showed that 1-3-9, 1-3-3 or 1-3-6 could be very dangerous.

I will do some more testing this week.


I've took a quick look. My way should get + 10 . It's important to apply the "rules" correct. Looking good  :thumbsup:

As I said earlier. ..only FLAT or positive progression.  All negatives will fail. Even with a very high hit rate.

What I do here is double my bets after -10. If I'm at -30 stop. It's not our day so we better stop. It can be a grind sometimes but hey.....
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: psimoes on Dec 17, 05:25 AM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 16, 06:31 AM 2015
Just got some time  Den to look over some more old rng spins, to good to be true

1   6   1   
2   30   3   
3   6   1   w
4   16   2   
5   14   2   
6   24   2   nb
7   30   3   
8   29   3   
9   33   3   nb
10   7   1   
11   16   2   
12   3   1   w
13   3   1   
14   18   2   



Hi notto. For testing, I think the tracking should start at different points in time as well, to make sure that wasn't just a lucky run. Like, what would happen if you arrived one spin "too late" at the table?

1   6   1   
2   30   3   START HERE
3   6   1   w
4   16   2   L
5   14   2   
6   24   2   nb
7   30   3   NB
8   29   3   
9   33   3   nb
10   7   1   NB
11   16   2   
12   3   1   w
13   3   1   W
14   18   2   

1   6   1   
2   30   3   
3   6   1   w START HERE
4   16   2   
5   14   2   W
6   24   2   nb
7   30   3   
8   29   3   W
9   33   3   nb
10   7   1   
11   16   2   L
12   3   1   w
13   3   1   
14   18   2   NB

ETC :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 17, 06:47 AM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 16, 09:05 PM 2015
Ok, I took this for a spin today. This wasnt a very good session.

The tests is identical. The BR mirrors my currency (SEK) 1000 is a little more than 100$. I was playing 50 (little more than 5$) on the dozens and 5 (0.5$) as an insurance (50+50+5).

I first tested a way I thought of while at work, and that was only to play against the three dozen but only play on the first bet.

I also tested with the same numbers to play the way denzie described but I didn't test how it went if I choosed a dozen when I got 2 of the same dozen and also a dozen if zero came up. Sorry denzie, don't look at the end result because your test wasn't fair, since I didn't apply all the rules. I will test it later with your rules applied.

The true test here was to see how it went with flat bet, and I must say that flat bet is the best in my opinion. This test shows that you can come back quite easy if you choose to bet flat, and not use any progression. The end result in this test showed that 1-3-9, 1-3-3 or 1-3-6 could be very dangerous.

I will do some more testing this week.

Playing "your way" you should do at least the 1st 2 bets. Skip 3rd bet. Progression 1, 2 for break even? On a loss on 1,2 increase chip value for recoup as you can be confident with this bet selection.  Looking at "your way" on this test and using 1,2 cuts your losses in half from 6 losses to 3 losses and none of the losses would have been back to back. Using 1,2 then the next trigger upping the units for recoup would have been successful. Food for thought

On denzies way you should lose on average 5 times every hour so use proper money management

On denzies way u did 26 mini games and i see 6 reds. Looks about right. But played by his rules you had a few more wins. Playing denzies id say pull put when up several units dont stay too long

I have been testing every night and continue to see 5 to 6 unique dozen patterns per hour

Thelaw's moving target should not be overlooked
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 17, 11:18 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 17, 06:47 AM 2015
Playing "your way" you should do at least the 1st 2 bets. Skip 3rd bet. Progression 1, 2 for break even? On a loss on 1,2 increase chip value for recoup as you can be confident with this bet selection.  Looking at "your way" on this test and using 1,2 cuts your losses in half from 6 losses to 3 losses and none of the losses would have been back to back. Using 1,2 then the next trigger upping the units for recoup would have been successful. Food for thought

On denzies way you should lose on average 5 times every hour so use proper money management

On denzies way u did 26 mini games and i see 6 reds. Looks about right. But played by his rules you had a few more wins. Playing denzies id say pull put when up several units dont stay too long

I have been testing every night and continue to see 5 to 6 unique dozen patterns per hour

Thelaw's moving target should not be overlooked

I called it "my way" because I didn't know what else to call it, since everyone seems to use different strategies and progression of your system.  :thumbsup:

This was a test to see how far I could get with the spins I downloaded from weisbaden spielbank. I would have probably stopped playing with real money with denzies way when I was at 1315 since I had 3 no bets after that and when I was over 200 profit on the way I played it.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 17, 11:24 AM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 17, 11:18 AM 2015
I called it "my way" because I didn't know what else to call it, since everyone seems to use different strategies and progression of your system.  :thumbsup:

This was a test to see how far I could get with the spins I downloaded from weisbaden spielbank. I would have probably stopped playing with real money with denzies way when I was at 1315 since I had 3 no bets after that and when I was over 200 profit on the way I played it.

I didnt mean anything by quoting it. I did that so noone would be confused between that and denzies

Keep on keepin on  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 17, 09:32 PM 2015
Quote from: denzie on Dec 16, 07:33 AM 2015
31 -4 bet 3/1
22-1 bet 2/1
1-16 bet 1/2
1-6 bet 1/choose one
32-22 bet 3/2
12-0 bet 1/ choose one
Etc....all flat.

You had 3 bets in 60 minigames. ...go look them again and count your profit.
You might like it  :)

So anyone tried it? I did about 200 spins (+/-70 minigames) and I've won pretty easily.  All Flat. Didn't need to double up. I'm not good in making charts. But it would go up and down but slightly moving north East.

If anyone tried pls let me know. Maybe I'm just lucky.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 18, 03:27 AM 2015
Quote from: psimoes on Dec 17, 05:25 AM 2015
Hi notto. For testing, I think the tracking should start at different points in time as well, to make sure that wasn't just a lucky run. Like, what would happen if you arrived one spin "too late" at the table?

1   6   1   
2   30   3   START HERE
3   6   1   w
4   16   2   L
5   14   2   
6   24   2   nb
7   30   3   NB
8   29   3   
9   33   3   nb
10   7   1   NB
11   16   2   
12   3   1   w
13   3   1   W
14   18   2   

1   6   1   
2   30   3   
3   6   1   w START HERE
4   16   2   
5   14   2   W
6   24   2   nb
7   30   3   
8   29   3   W
9   33   3   nb
10   7   1   
11   16   2   L
12   3   1   w
13   3   1   
14   18   2   NB

ETC :thumbsup:
If you want to check out all 60 spins  psimoes  go to rng spins UK bookies in
Real Roulette Spins. :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 18, 07:02 AM 2015
Quote from: denzie on Dec 17, 09:32 PM 2015
So anyone tried it? I did about 200 spins (+/-70 minigames) and I've won pretty easily.  All Flat. Didn't need to double up. I'm not good in making charts. But it would go up and down but slightly moving north East.

If anyone tried pls let me know. Maybe I'm just lucky.

I will try this hopefully tonight or in the next couple of days.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 18, 12:00 PM 2015
Couldn't wait so I took tested 99 spins during lunch break at work.

I tested first to see how things went if you didn't double it which went okay, but I should have double for less grinding. I double two bets later on which went great. :)

I would probably have quit at row 21 or 22, if I played with real money. Besides not double at the beginning, I think I applied the rules correctly.

Anyway, +55 units. :) Will test this more later.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 18, 12:46 PM 2015
where you get 2-2- ?  how do you chose the other dozen to bet
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 18, 01:01 PM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 18, 12:46 PM 2015
where you get 2-2- ?  how do you chose the other dozen to bet

I often choose dozen if it hasn't come up last. When I test I download spins from weisbaden spielbank and then I shrink down notepad so I can only see 1 number. That way I can't predict what number comes next. Like the pictures I attached. So when I get 2-2 like the pictures and 3 came before those 2 I choose to bet 1.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: tonowen on Dec 18, 11:27 PM 2015
I don't know why this always happen to me. I tested bet against previous 3 almost 2 weeks and i saw only 2 losses.
I decided to bet with the real money, but i saw 6 losses in only 100 spins and the latest loss was 3 times in a row!!

2 3 2
2 3 2
2 3 2
2 3 2

Is there anyone have a good result when betting with the real money?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 19, 06:39 AM 2015
Quote from: tonowen on Dec 18, 11:27 PM 2015
I don't know why this always happen to me. I tested bet against previous 3 almost 2 weeks and i saw only 2 losses.
I decided to bet with the real money, but i saw 6 losses in only 100 spins and the latest loss was 3 times in a row!!

2 3 2
2 3 2
2 3 2
2 3 2

Is there anyone have a good result when betting with the real money?

If you like playing against previous 3 checkout the raymanz tweak thread.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 19, 11:38 AM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 18, 12:00 PM 2015
Couldn't wait so I took tested 99 spins during lunch break at work.

I tested first to see how things went if you didn't double it which went okay, but I should have double for less grinding. I double two bets later on which went great. :)

I would probably have quit at row 21 or 22, if I played with real money. Besides not double at the beginning, I think I applied the rules correctly.

Anyway, +55 units. :) Will test this more later.

this is a good tweak. props to denzie. i think ive mentioned it before, and someone else did to but denzie made it take off

the only was for it to lose is to have a lot of uniques, and we know that just doesnt happen

i would only play it if the first 2 were unique, i wouldnt play if it was


denzies way
my triggers are:

I re-did celescliff test, this time with my tweak of Denzie's way. I would only bet when the 1st two were unique from one another, 0 disqualified.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 19, 12:18 PM 2015
And betting against previous 3 when unique won them all. No reds. Only green
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 19, 09:24 PM 2015
for the hit and run crowd and believers ONLY, not for the math guys. Million spin testers need not apply:

Bet against 123. The original grassroots idea on rolling basis. No mini games

Get in. Get out

4 unit win goal

Bet against 1. If win bet against 1 again
When lose bet against 2. Lose again bet against 3. Original method as author intended

On ANY win reset immediately betting against 1. No mini games at all

We want to be in and out within about 10 spins or less

Only way to lose is for 123 to hit you immediately

To recap: bet against 1 2 3 on any win reset immediately

Insurance on 0 is not an option. Its like brushing your teeth, you just do it. Dont do it? Then dont complain when 103 happens

This roulette thing is random. Fight random and do it fast
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 20, 05:09 AM 2015
So far , still good. Pretty solid.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 20, 05:11 AM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 18, 12:00 PM 2015
Couldn't wait so I took tested 99 spins during lunch break at work.

I tested first to see how things went if you didn't double it which went okay, but I should have double for less grinding. I double two bets later on which went great. :)

I would probably have quit at row 21 or 22, if I played with real money. Besides not double at the beginning, I think I applied the rules correctly.

Anyway, +55 units. :) Will test this more later.

Now we're talking  ;)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: GLC on Dec 20, 10:25 AM 2015
Just some thoughts for viewer's consideration.

If this system is one you like and feel comfortable playing at 1-1; 2-2; 6-6 or 1-1; 3-3; 9-9, if you can afford it why not play for 1-1; 4-4; 13-13?  This is a Grand Martingale for double dozens.  You win 1 unit if you win the first bet.  You win 2 units if you win the 2nd bet and you win 3 units if you win the 3rd bet.  Believe me, if 1-1; 2-2; 6-6 works, then for just a little more investment and no more risk you can win at a much faster rate.

Also, if this works  with a 3 step marty, and you can afford it, it will work just as well with a 4 step or 5 step marty.  You could bet 1-1; 3-3; 9-9; 27-27 and have many, many fewer losses.  For those with really deep pockets, a 6 step marty will let you bet against dozen pattern 1  2 3 1 2 3.  How often does that happen? 

Of course these change suggestions don't affect the performance of the system, they just give you larger wins or more wins between losses, on average.

Whatever you decide on, don't risk more than you can afford.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 20, 02:48 PM 2015
Quote from: GLC on Dec 20, 10:25 AM 2015
Just some thoughts for viewer's consideration.

If this system is one you like and feel comfortable playing at 1-1; 2-2; 6-6 or 1-1; 3-3; 9-9, if you can afford it why not play for 1-1; 4-4; 13-13?  This is a Grand Martingale for double dozens.  You win 1 unit if you win the first bet.  You win 2 units if you win the 2nd bet and you win 3 units if you win the 3rd bet.  Believe me, if 1-1; 2-2; 6-6 works, then for just a little more investment and no more risk you can win at a much faster rate.

Also, if this works  with a 3 step marty, and you can afford it, it will work just as well with a 4 step or 5 step marty.  You could bet 1-1; 3-3; 9-9; 27-27 and have many, many fewer losses.  For those with really deep pockets, a 6 step marty will let you bet against dozen pattern 1  2 3 1 2 3.  How often does that happen? 

Of course these change suggestions don't affect the performance of the system, they just give you larger wins or more wins between losses, on average.

Whatever you decide on, don't risk more than you can afford.


Will be playing online at 5 dimes and will take this advice
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 20, 04:35 PM 2015
Each one of us prefers his progression. But for me flat is the way to go. Can't seem to lose. It will. I know.

I get +10 each session. I even get + 15 each session. That's a bit more then 10-20% of our BR.  ;)

Still not sure what to think but again. ...so far so very good. 

Flat Flat Flat
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 21, 03:06 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Nov 09, 01:26 PM 2015
Does anyone agree that this is a HG or am i just nuts? Be honest

I just found this thread and I can't figure out how it mechanically works.

Are you waiting for a 1,2 ?  Or just starting from the last result, in which case
all you are doing is betting against the last dozen.

As an example, from Nick the greeks data on page two,

The results go  (for discussion) Take a look.

w    2
l        2        Guess we bet 1,2, against a 3?   
w    2           Not sure how we make up a bet
l        1        Still not sure
w        1        Somehow we win. Guess against a 2
w        2        But here we also win. Would we be betting AGAINST a 2?
w        3

Doesn't seem to be any consistency.

Here is the original system example on page one.

1,3,2---W 2nd spin
They start after the first spin ONLY because it’s a “1” betting against a “2”?

2,1,1---W 1st spin
A new series starts?  Based on what?  The “2” in the first row not being a “3”?

2,3,2 ---W 1st spin
3,1,2---W 1st spin
1,2,1---W 3rd spin

Am *I* nutz? I don't see the flow in these examples.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 21, 03:25 PM 2015
Hi mogul397

its a 3 spin mini game using 1,2,3  on 1st spin you bet against doz 1 , so bet is 2,3 if lose  next spin bet against 2  bet 1,3
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 21, 04:47 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Nov 02, 09:25 PM 2015
i have tested the first 102 spins of zumma (american since onetaste plays in AC)

102 spins being 34 mini games

i had one mini game loss in the 34 mini games. in all cases 1 3 9 won, except once. question remains, play mini games, or just play on a rolling basis with an ever so slight progression?

bravo onetaste this is a good bet selection i believe. granted this is a small sample size it does have potential. thanks for the new idea.

played as mini games and  1 3 9 prog, + 33 units - 26 units, total gain of +7 units

for what its worth flat betting every spin would have yielded +5 units

playing with $10 chips and $500 bankroll, resetting after a loss at 9 units per dozen back to 1 unit bankroll survived and in plus  :thumbsup:

with a win goal of 5 units you may never see that 3L


Kind of another example that I don't get. You didn't write the numbers from page 102,
but at least it is traceable

So here is what I have. I am guessing for the start. My assumption is that somehow
you are always looking at the last result and betting against the NEXT higher on
in a circular pattern. But I can't tell.

2                  w         Bet against 3 after 2?
1                  w         Bet again against 3 after 2?
1                  w         Bet against 2 after 1?
2                  --
3                  w
3                  w
2                  w
3                  --
1                  w
3                  w
1                  w
3                  --

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 21, 05:15 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Nov 02, 09:25 PM 2015
i have tested the first 102 spins of zumma (american since onetaste plays in AC)

102 spins being 34 mini games

i had one mini game loss in the 34 mini games. in all cases 1 3 9 won, except once. question remains, play mini games, or just play on a rolling basis with an ever so slight progression?

bravo onetaste this is a good bet selection i believe. granted this is a small sample size it does have potential. thanks for the new idea.

played as mini games and  1 3 9 prog, + 33 units - 26 units, total gain of +7 units

for what its worth flat betting every spin would have yielded +5 units

playing with $10 chips and $500 bankroll, resetting after a loss at 9 units per dozen back to 1 unit bankroll survived and in plus  :thumbsup:

with a win goal of 5 units you may never see that 3L


Kind of another example that I don't get. You didn't write the numbers from page 102,
but at least it is traceable

So here is what I have. I am guessing for the start. My assumption is that somehow
you are always looking at the last result and betting against the NEXT higher on
in a circular pattern. But I can't tell.

2                  w         Bet against 3 after 2?
1                  w         Bet again against 3 after 2?
1                  w         Bet against 2 after 1?
2                  --         NB?  If so, why?  Double 1's?
3                  w         Betting for no 3. Would be a loss.
3                  w         Bet for no 1?
2                  w         Bet for no 1 AGAIN?
3                  --         NB?   Why?
1                  w         Bet for no 1?  LOSS???
3                  w          No 2
1                  w          No 1?   LOSSS?
3                  --

I don't get it.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 21, 05:27 PM 2015
You bet against dozen sequence 123 in 3 spin mini games. When you win you wait until next mini game

Thats it

Expect to lose 1 to 2 times an hour on american. More losses on euro. Due to wheel layout 123 is much more common on euro

The dashes werent no bet as u put it. I used dashes to separate the mini games

Just the tip of the ice berg

Opens up the doorway to a new way of thinking

Even if it isnt the best, people can chime in and help and tweak and have epiphanies. Ya know, sometimes people forget what the forums for

But how it goes is after 40 pages the negative people get a strong hold and its downhill from there

Then we find ourselves either at square 1, or the smart ones go and win with it

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 21, 07:37 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 21, 05:27 PM 2015
You bet against dozen sequence 123 in 3 spin mini games. When you win you wait until next mini game

Thats it

Expect to lose 1 to 2 times an hour on american. More losses on euro. Due to wheel layout 123 is much more common on euro

The dashes werent no bet as u put it. I used dashes to separate the mini games

Just the tip of the ice berg

Opens up the doorway to a new way of thinking

Even if it isnt the best, people can chime in and help and tweak and have epiphanies. Ya know, sometimes people forget what the forums for

But how it goes is after 40 pages the negative people get a strong hold and its downhill from there

Then we find ourselves either at square 1, or the smart ones go and win with it

Thanks RG.  I'm getting it a bit more.

But as I look at page 102 of zumma I get

"2,2,1" and "1,2,3"

In your results from page 1 I see "w w w"  "w w w".....


1) I see a win on the first set of 3, but an immediate loss on the second set,
but no record of a loss in your test.  And

2) You do have "w w w"   "w w w".. As if you are playing every spin.
They are all in 3's.  If you were playing sessions of 3, you would have
one result from each group.

Kind of threw me and knocked the wind out of my sales to see a loss
right away.

Am I right about the example? Or what do I see wrong?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 21, 08:05 PM 2015
the test you are citing is the first 102 spins of american zumma

i bet every single time against 123 pattern, no stopping, just against 1 then 2 then 3. I did it this way to see if there was ALWAYS a W within 3 spins. if there was then I knew 1 3 9 would work. One time it did not work, see the LLL

how some of us ended up doing it going forward was mini games of 3

walk up to table
spin 1- bet against dozen 1, if win sit out next 2 spins
spin 2- bet against dozen 2, if win sit out next spin
spin 3- bet against dozen 3, if win bet immediately against dozen 1

if I had ONE W within 3 spins i knew i was home free with 1 3 9, insurance on 0 of course, always...as i see a lot of 103,  no good if you aren't on zero to

i tested the bajeebus out of this

my findings (on american wheel):
-123 occurs one time every 75 spins or so (it occurs more sometimes, but only on rolling basis, in set mini games of 3 it does not)
-if you wait for 123 to occur then bet against it, go big
-a unique dozen formation averages 5 to 6 times every 100 spins

do not gamble with money you cannot afford to, because 123123 will happen every 2200 spins or so :)

at the end of the day this is roulette and every strategy will have losses.....but i think this is the best double dozens bet selection on this forum.....well, ONE of the best

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Nick-the-Greek on Dec 22, 06:02 AM 2015
Here is my latest update since hitting a bad sequence using this system a few weeks ago (just betting against 123).

I've tweaked this and now keep betting against the previous unique 3 spin mini game.

These are the unique mini games that I bet against:


So, I don't initially start betting until one of these sequences shows itself in a 3 spin mini game - I then keep betting against it (in 3 spin mini games) until another one shows and then I switch and keep betting against that one until another one appears........etc. etc.

If the first/second bet wins let the mini game play out without any further betting.
If the third bet loses stop and start again from scratch at another table.

Progression is 1-3-9, however I might now try 1-4-13 to help build the bank more quickly (thank you GLC for the suggestion).

All going well so far using Euro live online wheels.

Please test this before you use real cash - I'm still testing with real cash but only use 10p stakes with a starting bank of £20, when the bank reaches £30 I double the stakes to 20p and when I reach £40 I double again to 40p.

I usually play for short periods of time and aim to increase the bank by 5% then call it a day.

It's a grind, however no big losses yet - I hope to play more during the Christmas holidays when a full time job doesn't get in the way!!

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 06:47 AM 2015
Quote from: Nick-the-Greek on Dec 22, 06:02 AM 2015

So, I don't initially start betting until one of these sequences shows itself in a 3 spin mini game - I then keep betting against it (in 3 spin mini games) until another one shows and then I switch and keep betting against that one until another one appears........etc. etc.

If the first/second bet wins let the mini game play out without any further betting.
If the third bet loses stop and start again from scratch at another table.

Progression is 1-3-9, however I might now try 1-4-13 to help build the bank more quickly (thank you GLC for the suggestion).

All going well so far using Euro live online wheels.


I wish i had a 20 cents option. 1 dollar is the absolute minimum for me on 5 dimes and 10 dollars on airball

If i could play 20 cents i coul use a 2 step progression. Oh well

At the end of the day roulette is gambling and still requires some luck. So only money u can affore to lose
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 22, 07:41 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 21, 08:05 PM 2015
the test you are citing is the first 102 spins of american zumma

i bet every single time against 123 pattern, no stopping, just against 1 then 2 then 3. I did it this way to see if there was ALWAYS a W within 3 spins. if there was then I knew 1 3 9 would work. One time it did not work, see the LLL

how some of us ended up doing it going forward was mini games of 3

walk up to table
spin 1- bet against dozen 1, if win sit out next 2 spins
spin 2- bet against dozen 2, if win sit out next spin
spin 3- bet against dozen 3, if win bet immediately against dozen 1

if I had ONE W within 3 spins i knew i was home free with 1 3 9, insurance on 0 of course, always...as i see a lot of 103,  no good if you aren't on zero to

i tested the bajeebus out of this

my findings (on american wheel):
-123 occurs one time every 75 spins or so (it occurs more sometimes, but only on rolling basis, in set mini games of 3 it does not)
-if you wait for 123 to occur then bet against it, go big
-a unique dozen formation averages 5 to 6 times every 100 spins

do not gamble with money you cannot afford to, because 123123 will happen every 2200 spins or so :)

at the end of the day this is roulette and every strategy will have losses.....but i think this is the best double dozens bet selection on this forum.....well, ONE of the best

My bad, RG.  I read PAGE 102, as I often grab the book and turn to random pages.

BTW, what are the other double dozen systems that are as good or
better than this?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 07:45 AM 2015
Quote from: mogul397 on Dec 22, 07:41 AM 2015
My bad, RG.  I read PAGE 102, as I often grab the book and turn to random pages.

BTW, what are the other double dozen systems that are as good or
better than this?

This tweak. Not my idea. So i wont take credit for it

Look at the unique dozen sequences nick posted above

Whenever you see one of those bet against it

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 22, 07:52 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 07:45 AM 2015
This tweak. Not my idea. So i wont take credit for it

Look at the unique dozen sequences nick posted above

Whenever you see one of those bet against it

It's funny that you mention that. I was thinking about this kind of
variation last night. And what I was thinking about was taking,
say, the columb numbers (1,2,3) and using that as the template
for the next bet series, to create a moving target.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 22, 08:20 AM 2015
Yeah, the more I think this thing through, flat play
on this series of 3 betting is just a loss.

The only time you make money is when you hit the
first one.  After that you're already recovering from
the 2 unit losses from the 1st or 2nd losses.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 22, 08:21 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 06:47 AM 2015

I wish i had a 20 cents option. 1 dollar is the absolute minimum for me on 5 dimes and 10 dollars on airball

If i could play 20 cents i coul use a 2 step progression. Oh well

At the end of the day roulette is gambling and still requires some luck. So only money u can affore to lose

Where you from RG? I never saw 20 cents.

I'm lucky to find $5.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 08:24 AM 2015
Longest island in america.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Drazen on Dec 22, 08:31 AM 2015
Quote from: mogul397 on Dec 22, 07:41 AM 2015
BTW, what are the other double dozen systems that are as good or
better than this?

For such amount of comprehension here, you can try to play against 3 of the same dozen in a row.

Dont ask me why  8)

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 08:44 AM 2015
Quote from: Drazen on Dec 22, 08:31 AM 2015
For such amount of comprehension here, you can try to play against 3 of the same dozen in a row.

Dont ask me why  8)


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Drazen on Dec 22, 08:53 AM 2015
Yes RG. Have you tried to observe that?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 08:56 AM 2015
Quote from: Drazen on Dec 22, 08:53 AM 2015
Yes RG. Have you tried to observe that?


Many more wins then losses for sure

But murphys law.

When i plant myself at the table rest assured 111111111 will happen

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Drazen on Dec 22, 09:03 AM 2015
Well 9 of the same dozens in a row would mean only two levels in your progression scheme. As I saw you are ready to go 3 more beyond that? You are ready to bring Fort Knox to the casino, so whats the problem  ::) Hehe
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 22, 09:05 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 08:56 AM 2015

Many more wins then losses for sure

But murphys law.

When i plant myself at the table rest assured 111111111 will happen


The dozen 1 is just balancing out, happens on live as it does on RNG. Also as you sit down you dont know how the balance of the dozens are
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 22, 02:47 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Nov 09, 01:26 PM 2015
Does anyone agree that this is a HG or am i just nuts? Be honest

RG, I've been grazing through this thread trying to come up with some
closure.  Since way back you seem to have good confidence in it.

If that hasn't changed, would you be willing to share/repeat EXACTLY
what you do now, and if you still feel this way?


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 03:14 PM 2015
I played once real money

Against 123. Won 7 units and stopped.

Want to read a fantastic tweak?
Look under notepad. Grassroots raymanz tweak thread

Read norieles story

Against previous 3 when unique

Ill say more later. At work
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 22, 04:32 PM 2015
For those who interested. ....my flat tweak performing very good.

Just try it
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 22, 05:26 PM 2015
If you don't want to flat bet then here's a thought.

You bet like denize described but here's the tweak:

2 3 bet 2 3 with 1 unit on each dozen (plus insurance)

1 come up so we got 2 3 1, that's a loss.

next dozen,

2 1 bet 2 1 with 3 unit on each dozen (plus insurance)

3 come up so we got 2 1 3, another loss.

next dozen,

1 2 bet 1 2 with 6 unit (or 3 or 9) on each dozen (plus insurance)

1 come up so we got 1 2 1, that's a win.

3 unique dozen come up rarely but it happens from time to time. but how often have you guys seen 3 in a row?

Just a thought.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 05:46 PM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 22, 05:26 PM 2015
If you don't want to flat bet then here's a thought.

You bet like denize described but here's the tweak:

2 3 bet 2 3 with 1 unit on each dozen (plus insurance)

1 come up so we got 2 3 1, that's a loss.

next dozen,

2 1 bet 2 1 with 3 unit on each dozen (plus insurance)

3 come up so we got 2 1 3, another loss.

next dozen,

1 2 bet 1 2 with 6 unit (or 3 or 9) on each dozen (plus insurance)

1 come up so we got 1 2 1, that's a win.

3 unique dozen come up rarely but it happens from time to time. but how often have you guys seen 3 in a row?

Just a thought.

I havent seen 2 in a row yet let alone 3

2 can and will happen as some have seen it

3 times? 2 times 1 in 2200 so 3 is probably like 1 in 20k

If i could play with .10 to .20 id have a field day

Damn my local casino. So greedy. $10 minimum PER DOZEN. During the day...
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Dec 22, 06:01 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 05:46 PM 2015
I havent seen 2 in a row yet let alone 3

2 can and will happen as some have seen it

3 times? 2 times 1 in 2200 so 3 is probably like 1 in 20k

If i could play with .10 to .20 id have a field day

Damn my local casino. So greedy. $10 minimum PER DOZEN. During the day...

....but if this is a SURE THING, who cares if its a $10 min?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 22, 06:04 PM 2015
I will look at my previous test later  when i get back home from work.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 06:12 PM 2015
Quote from: MrJ on Dec 22, 06:01 PM 2015
....but if this is a SURE THING, who cares if its a $10 min?



Knowing the loss CAN happen

Murphys law

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 22, 06:23 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 06:12 PM 2015

Knowing the loss CAN happen

Murphys law

There's something to that. I've been in both camps. To be honest
almost 100% of my casino time is taking records.  More often than
not I don't make a single bet. I walk in with my notebook and not
a dime in my pocket.

But in the past, when I make a decision, I know what I'm going to
do and how. One time I was ramping up at a craps table and
made an $800 line bet.  It came out OK. But when I "lock and load",
it's time to do business. Win or lose. That doesn't happen much.

But at a $5 table, with 1,3,9 (if you choose), that adds up to a
decent session.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 06:26 PM 2015
Quote from: mogul397 on Dec 22, 06:23 PM 2015
There's something to that. I've been in both camps. To be honest
almost 100% of my casino time is taking records.  More often than
not I don't make a single bet. I walk in with my notebook and not
a dime in my pocket.

But in the past, when I make a decision, I know what I'm going to
do and how. One time I was ramping up at a craps table and
made an $800 line bet.  It came out OK. But when I "lock and load",
it's time to do business. Win or lose. That doesn't happen much.

But at a $5 table, with 1,3,9 (if you choose), that adds up to a
decent session.

I can say ive been there

Having solid strategies before fail

I spend 99 percent time testing 1 percent playing

Ive played with this grassroots crap now for many thousands of spins and its very good. Real wheel spins. No rng (sorry notto), and no 1 million spins. Real world celtic live wheel spins and zumma

But im still nervous to go in

When i won 7 units ($70) 3 of the bets won on attempt 3. Nerve racking

If i had to goto war with roulette, this would be my special forces
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Dec 22, 06:28 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 06:12 PM 2015

Knowing the loss CAN happen

Murphys law

So then the POINT of this method is what? Why drive tomorrow? You could crash and exit this world.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 06:29 PM 2015
Quote from: MrJ on Dec 22, 06:28 PM 2015
So then the POINT of this method is what? Why drive tomorrow? You could crash and exit this world.


What do you mean whats the point?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 22, 06:35 PM 2015
Made a quick look at my previous tests with this tweak and of all the test I've done only 1 full loss but that loss i could get. I would still be in profit.  :thumbsup: will test this more in depth tonight or in the next couple of days being christmas and all.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 06:36 PM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 22, 06:35 PM 2015
Made a quick look at my previous tests with this tweak and of all the test I've done only 1 full loss but that loss i could get. I would still be in profit.  :thumbsup: will test this more in depth tonight or in the next couple of days being christmas and all.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Dec 22, 06:42 PM 2015
Along the same lines......I remember a couple years ago, I played a decent method until the roof collapsed. Played ONE number progression... 1-130, $3,600 on a loss. First, I kept track of every number hit until I had one left unhit. It took around five hours til I got down to one unhit (every number continues to be recorded until I decide to leave). Then, start the progression. So its around 250 spins PLUS the 130, 380 total !!!

Made nice profits for MANY MANY days.

YEP.....(still remember, #33)....the 33 never did hit. Lost $3,600. So yes, ANYTHING bad can happen with roulette, no question about it.


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 06:46 PM 2015
Quote from: MrJ on Dec 22, 06:42 PM 2015
Along the same lines......I remember a couple years ago, I played a decent method until the roof collapsed. Played ONE number progression... 1-130, $3,600 on a loss. First, I kept track of every number hit until I had one left unhit. It took around five hours til I got down to one unhit (every number continues to be recorded until I decide to leave). Then, start the progression. So its around 250 spins PLUS the 130, 380 total !!!

Made nice profits for MANY MANY days.

YEP.....(still remember, #33)....the 33 never did hit. Lost $3,600. So yes, ANYTHING bad can happen with roulette, no question about it.


In laymens terms: i wouldnt have the balls to do that.

Ive done similar with 3 DS
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Dec 22, 06:46 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 06:29 PM 2015
What do you mean whats the point?

If something is a *SURE THING* (or close to it, I believe the Holy Grail term has been used here)....rarely loses, there should be no talk of too high of a min. bet.

I could even go further. If you do not live close to a casino....MOVE close to a casino, even if its a 400 mile move. With a HG, why would you not move?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 22, 06:47 PM 2015
Hey RG,

Might want to think about adding a running tally of wins/losses at this point.....as well as an update on the method with all current tweaks.

We're now 63 pages into this thread, with very little to show for it so far.............JL's Pattern breaker was 89 pages, and we all know how that ended.

At 63 pages we should be seeing many public claims of winning if this system is solid for long-term play, as the system itself is pretty easy to execute. I'm seeing members here and there claim wins, but there needs to be some consistency moving forward, or this thread will die out like all the others.

You've done a great job thus far brain-storming the 1-2-3 idea, so now it's time to follow-through.

You've got a winning system............let's see it in action.

I personally would love to see this method succeed!
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Dec 22, 06:49 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 06:46 PM 2015
In laymens terms: i wouldnt have the balls to do that.

Ive done similar with 3 DS

....but I FELT, it was a SURE THING, so I did it. Had some damn good days before I lost.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 06:51 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 22, 06:47 PM 2015
Hey RG,

Might want to think about adding a running tally of wins/losses at this point.....as well as an update on the method with all current tweaks.

We're now 63 pages into this thread, with very little to show for it so far.............JL's Pattern breaker was 89 pages, and we all know how that ended.

At 63 pages we should be seeing many public claims of winning if this system is solid for long-term play, as the system itself is pretty easy to execute. I'm seeing members here and there claim wins, but there needs to be some consistency moving forward, or this thread will die out like all the others.

You've done a great job thus far brain-storming the 1-2-3 idea, so now it's time to follow-through.

You've got a winning system............let's see it in action.

I personally would love to see this method succeed!
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Hey law

Checkout noreiles story in the other thread

That is a success story. 30 sessions. 1 thousand spins before he had a unique repeat.

The against unique is best tweak so far

Thanks for positivity
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 22, 06:52 PM 2015
.......just one more note:

I tend to leave the majority of testing to the creator of the system, as I did with all of the systems that I have presented.

The same goes for any tweaks..........I personally wait until that person runs it for a while, then look for any updates. This is for long-term testing only. :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Dec 22, 06:52 PM 2015
@RG >> Just thought of this. What is YOUR personal BR for this method?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 06:53 PM 2015
Quote from: MrJ on Dec 22, 06:52 PM 2015
@RG >> Just thought of this. What is YOUR personal BR for this method?


$10 chips. 100 units

Or i can deposit to 5 dimes and play $1 chips
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tamino on Dec 22, 06:59 PM 2015
Playing 2 dozens  no  matter with which  method is always relaxing as long  as one knows when to get up.You are always  playing with 14 numbers no matter which way you try to slice the mustard   there will always be  14  numbers  against you.

Enjoy this system as long as you are  happy with it I have enjoyed playing  dozens  for the past 34 years.

Play at your own risk as  you cannot  always be a winner.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 07:18 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 22, 06:47 PM 2015

At 63 pages we should be seeing many public claims of winning if this system is solid for long-term play, as the system itself is pretty easy to execute. I'm seeing members here and there claim wins, but there needs to be some consistency moving forward, or this thread will die out like all the others.

public claims? i wish. there are several people PMing me positive results but wont post

one persons said its because they dont want to deal with naysayers, only like minded people

anyway.....OH LOOK another smite. my smite counter goes up, for NO reason......i still havent hit my target of 20 smites.....personally id like to see the smite, karma thing removed....its so stupid....too many babies/keyboard warriors and way too many wise guys and not enough people doing what the forums designed for. thats why i get fed up.

when a member can make 2 to 3 different accounts, just to look like more than 1 are testing negatively and just so they can give multiple smites is a forum flaw.....
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 07:24 PM 2015
how do i know for sure the smite thing is a bunch of BS is TAMINO got one. for what? a whining keyboard warrior
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 22, 07:27 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 07:18 PM 2015
public claims? i wish. there are several people PMing me positive results but wont post

one persons said its because they dont want to deal with naysayers, only like minded people

anyway.....OH LOOK another smite. my smite counter goes up, for NO reason......i still havent hit my target of 20 smites.....personally id like to see the smite, karma thing removed....its so stupid....too many babies/keyboard warriors and way too many wise guys and not enough people doing what the forums designed for. thats why i get fed up.

when a member can make 2 to 3 different accounts, just to look like more than 1 are testing negatively and just so they can give multiple smites is a forum flaw.....

........remember........some people hated Conor McGregor before the Aldo fight..............and now 3 winners called him out after Saturday's fights.

His response...........

"Line them up on their knees with their hands out. I want them to beg me."

It's good to be King!!!:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 07:30 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 22, 07:27 PM 2015
........remember........some people hated Conor McGregor before the Aldo fight..............and now 3 winners called him out after Saturday's fights.

His response...........

"Line them up on their knees with their hands out. I want them to beg me."

It's good to be King!!!:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

i love that guy

prime example of loving haters

speaking of connor, watch this and try not to pi** yourself

link:s://:.youtube.com/watch?v=LY7r-DwtjD8 (link:s://:.youtube.com/watch?v=LY7r-DwtjD8)

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Dec 22, 07:41 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 07:24 PM 2015
how do i know for sure the smite thing is a bunch of BS is TAMINO got one. for what? a whining keyboard warrior

I invite everyone to smite me, who cares? I'm not here to make friends.

My job is to kick some casino a**, nothing more.

Make my sacrifices with this game mean something !!

Pay bills, have some Asian fun, do some home testing, eat steak, post when I can and dont take crap from others. I'm number one and that's that.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 07:42 PM 2015
Quote from: MrJ on Dec 22, 07:41 PM 2015

Pay bills, have some Asian fun, do some home testing, eat steak, post when I can and dont take crap from others. I'm number one and that's that.


well. cant argue with that. at all.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 08:03 PM 2015
Off the top of my head. If I am wrong, correct me.

Original by OneTaste

Bet against 123 in mini games of 3. on any win sit out and wait for the spins to expire then go again

Tweak By RayManz

Bet against previous 3 when unique

Tweak By TheLaw

bet against previous 3, moving target. bet against 1 sequence, then the next, etc

Tweak By Noreilles

Bet against previous 3 when unique on dozens and columns, then immediately after on the opposite. example. if unique dozen sequence comes up such as 231, we will bet against 231 then the next mini game bet against column formation B (2), C (3), A (1) and vice versa, see raymanz tweak thread for this amazing success story

231 occured. bet against 231. On any win sit out let the 3 spins expire then bet against BCA column formation from occuring

Tweak By Denzie

IF 21 happens bet 2 and 1 ONCE. IF 22 happens bet 2 and dozen of your choice. Mini games of 3

Tweak By RouletteGhost (THE ABSOLUTE BEST, just kidding, it isn't)

Bet against a unique formation from occuring only when the 1st 2 in a mini game are unique

Triggers are:

12 then bet 12
13 then bet 13
21 then bet 21
23 then bet 23
31 then bet 31
32 then bet 32

AMK way from long time ago which is close to grassroots ideas

bet against the OPPOSITE of the previous 4. if 3121 bet against 1213


my brain is hurting me

THIS is how it is done.

If I am missing one, which I probably am, do not be offended. This was all off the top of my head.



as well as an update on the method with all current tweaks.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 22, 08:47 PM 2015
Quote from: denzie on Dec 22, 04:32 PM 2015
For those who interested. ....my flat tweak performing very good.

Just try it

Can you show an example?  I didn't do exhaustive tests, but the way
I see it, if you play 3 spin sessions then many of them will have a loss
on the 1st and/or 2nd spin, losing 2-4 units even if you will the last one.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 08:50 PM 2015
Quote from: mogul397 on Dec 22, 08:47 PM 2015
Can you show an example?  I didn't do exhaustive tests, but the way
I see it, if you play 3 spin sessions then many of them will have a loss
on the 1st and/or 2nd spin, losing 2-4 units even if you will the last one.

denzies tweak is 3rd spin only. bet the 3rd spin only. then sit out next 2 spins. then go again
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 22, 09:06 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 06:26 PM 2015
I can say ive been there

Having solid strategies before fail

I spend 99 percent time testing 1 percent playing

Ive played with this grassroots crap now for many thousands of spins and its very good. Real wheel spins. No rng (sorry notto), and no 1 million spins. Real world celtic live wheel spins and zumma

But im still nervous to go in

When i won 7 units ($70) 3 of the bets won on attempt 3. Nerve racking

If i had to goto war with roulette, this would be my special forces

What is grassroots craps?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 22, 09:12 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 06:53 PM 2015
$10 chips. 100 units

Or i can deposit to 5 dimes and play $1 chips

Hey RG.  Earlier I asked about the specifics of what you settle on
for a method of playing this from your testing. You said you were
at work and would explain it later.  Could you do that now?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 09:18 PM 2015
Quote from: mogul397 on Dec 22, 09:12 PM 2015
Hey RG.  Earlier I asked about the specifics of what you settle on
for a method of playing this from your testing. You said you were
at work and would explain it later.  Could you do that now?


all the variations are pretty good

i like betting against previous 3 when unique



any of those appear bet against them...its slow

nick the greek suggested betting against a unique when it comes, then continue to bet against it in mini games of 3 until a new trigger shows

that is my #1 idea right now

ultimately id play them 1 after the other all then hit and run....
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 22, 09:24 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 08:50 PM 2015
denzies tweak is 3rd spin only. bet the 3rd spin only. then sit out next 2 spins. then go again

I was asking how YOU had tested it and had it ready to play (you only
played once) and how you bet.  flat. Progression.  And if so, what

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 09:27 PM 2015
Quote from: mogul397 on Dec 22, 09:24 PM 2015
I was asking how YOU had tested it and had it ready to play (you only
played once) and how you bet.  flat. Progression.  And if so, what

i have thousands of spins in testing charts in this thread and in the raymanz tweak thread

139 progression

i tested it ALLLLL ways and posted the charts here

testing against 3 when unique is ALMOST bullet proof.....

this method(s) is NOT for math guys who think roulette is unbeatable. it is not for people who believe in AP. and it is not for people who think there is no benefit because it is the same as betting any 2 dozens.

i dont know how else to answer your question

the thread is long but if u want to see tests theres a lot
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 09:34 PM 2015
im just gonna leave this rigggghhhhht here. but of course we'd bet the OPPOSITE as AMK suggests

link:://:.gamblersglen.com/cgi-bin/teemz/teemz.cgi?board=_master&action=opentopic&topic=1617&forum=Roulette_Archive_2005 (link:://:.gamblersglen.com/cgi-bin/teemz/teemz.cgi?board=_master&action=opentopic&topic=1617&forum=Roulette_Archive_2005)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 23, 05:37 AM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 22, 05:26 PM 2015
If you don't want to flat bet then here's a thought.

You bet like denize described but here's the tweak:

2 3 bet 2 3 with 1 unit on each dozen (plus insurance)

1 come up so we got 2 3 1, that's a loss.

next dozen,

2 1 bet 2 1 with 3 unit on each dozen (plus insurance)

3 come up so we got 2 1 3, another loss.

next dozen,

1 2 bet 1 2 with 6 unit (or 3 or 9) on each dozen (plus insurance)

1 come up so we got 1 2 1, that's a win.

3 unique dozen come up rarely but it happens from time to time. but how often have you guys seen 3 in a row?

Just a thought.

Very good tweak. But then I would use the parlay for double dozens. If you should hit that rare loss....well it's just peanuts then.
Good thinking mate  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 23, 06:41 AM 2015
Quote from: denzie on Dec 23, 05:37 AM 2015
Very good tweak. But then I would use the parlay for double dozens. If you should hit that rare loss....well it's just peanuts then.
Good thinking mate  :thumbsup:

This is exactly how ive been testing this tweak. Works very well

One problem. Triggers can take time
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 23, 06:46 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 08:03 PM 2015
Off the top of my head. If I am wrong, correct me.

Original by OneTaste

Bet against 123 in mini games of 3. on any win sit out and wait for the spins to expire then go again

Tweak By RayManz

Bet against previous 3 when unique

Tweak By TheLaw

bet against previous 3, moving target. bet against 1 sequence, then the next, etc

Tweak By Noreilles

Bet against previous 3 when unique on dozens and columns, then immediately after on the opposite. example. if unique dozen sequence comes up such as 231, we will bet against 231 then the next mini game bet against column formation B (2), C (3), A (1) and vice versa, see raymanz tweak thread for this amazing success story

231 occured. bet against 231. On any win sit out let the 3 spins expire then bet against BCA column formation from occuring

Tweak By Denzie

IF 21 happens bet 2 and 1 ONCE. IF 22 happens bet 2 and dozen of your choice. Mini games of 3

Tweak By RouletteGhost (THE ABSOLUTE BEST, just kidding, it isn't)

Bet against a unique formation from occuring only when the 1st 2 in a mini game are unique

Triggers are:

12 then bet 12
13 then bet 13
21 then bet 21
23 then bet 23
31 then bet 31
32 then bet 32

AMK way from long time ago which is close to grassroots ideas

bet against the OPPOSITE of the previous 4. if 3121 bet against 1213


my brain is hurting me

THIS is how it is done.

If I am missing one, which I probably am, do not be offended. This was all off the top of my head.


Forgot this one

Tweak By Nick-The-Greek

When a unique dozen formation shows, bet against it in mini games of 3. Sit out on a win until mini game expires. Then begin again. Same as raymanz tweak but we dont stop. We keep going with that trigger.

Play against that unique dozen formation until a new one appears, then bet against that one continuously until a new one appears.

I like this one. Less waiting. Win goal faster

Last day of work. 4 day weekend. Yes.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Nick-the-Greek on Dec 23, 07:00 AM 2015
Thanks for the mention RG.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 23, 10:23 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 23, 06:46 AM 2015
Forgot this one

Tweak By Nick-The-Greek

When a unique dozen formation shows, bet against it in mini games of 3. Sit out on a win until mini game expires. Then begin again. Same as raymanz tweak but we dont stop. We keep going with that trigger.

Play against that unique dozen formation until a new one appears, then bet against that one continuously until a new one appears.

I like this one. Less waiting. Win goal faster

Last day of work. 4 day weekend. Yes.

Is it CASINO TIME??????
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 23, 10:37 AM 2015
Quote from: mogul397 on Dec 23, 10:23 AM 2015
Is it CASINO TIME??????

Will probably make my way to some airball at resorts world. 20 minite to 30 minute drive depending on JFK airport traffic

Ive yet to try the steakhouse there. Maybe ill treat myself. Win 7 units. Go eat. Then win another 7 units like last time
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 23, 11:10 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 23, 06:41 AM 2015
This is exactly how ive been testing this tweak. Works very well

One problem. Triggers can take time

Huh? Why? We bet every 3th spin.  On a loss he goes in the progression.

Or as I would do it with parlay. ..

These probably the best way to play it. I find it very hard to lose. Very very hard.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 23, 11:13 AM 2015
Quote from: denzie on Dec 23, 11:10 AM 2015
Huh? Why? We bet every 3th spin.  On a loss he goes in the progression.

Or as I would do it with parlay. ..

These probably the best way to play it. I find it very hard to lose. Very very hard.

I meant waiting 2 uniques then betting 3rd spin can take time

Your way is every 3 spins. I got confused for a second

Your way:

12 bet 12
22 bet 2 and dozen or you choice
13 bet 13

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 23, 11:44 AM 2015

2 0 bet 2 and choose one

All flat. But a few parlay and reset to 1u works great too. 1-1 win ...2-2 win ...3-3 win and reset to 1-1.

Up to each preference.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 23, 06:39 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 09:18 PM 2015
all the variations are pretty good

i like betting against previous 3 when unique



any of those appear bet against them...its slow

nick the greek suggested betting against a unique when it comes, then continue to bet against it in mini games of 3 until a new trigger shows

that is my #1 idea right now

ultimately id play them 1 after the other all then hit and run....

I was looking at this idea, and it almost begs to consider betting
the single dozen that MATCH the pattern.  Way easier on the bank
and nerves...
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 23, 06:42 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 09:27 PM 2015
i have thousands of spins in testing charts in this thread and in the raymanz tweak thread

139 progression

i tested it ALLLLL ways and posted the charts here

testing against 3 when unique is ALMOST bullet proof.....

this method(s) is NOT for math guys who think roulette is unbeatable. it is not for people who believe in AP. and it is not for people who think there is no benefit because it is the same as betting any 2 dozens.

i dont know how else to answer your question

the thread is long but if u want to see tests theres a lot

RG, the ideas in this (and other threads) have been all over the place.
Can I encourage you to give more detail than "the raymanz tweak thread
", or even post links when you do?

Quite often I, and other posters are looking for complete thought packages
that we don't have to spend 15 minutes researching, if it all doesn't
come to mind. It would be helpful.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 23, 06:44 PM 2015
scroll 10 posts up from this very post

and your idea has merit

bet the 3rd spin only when the other 2 are unique that the 3rd will be unique

single dozen progression

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Dec 23, 06:47 PM 2015
Quote from: mogul397 on Dec 23, 06:42 PM 2015
RG, the ideas in this (and other threads) have been all over the place.
Can I encourage you to give more detail than "the raymanz tweak thread
", or even post links when you do?

Quite often I, and other posters are looking for complete thought packages
that we don't have to spend 15 minutes researching, if it all doesn't
come to mind. It would be helpful.


Even though I would not play this, I do agree. My idea..... RG could start a new thread, posting the rock solid rules and any of the variations. After that, myself or any mod can then LOCK it. That way, it doesn't get like 30 pages out of control or something?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 23, 06:48 PM 2015
Quote from: MrJ on Dec 23, 06:47 PM 2015
Even though I would not play this, I do agree. My idea..... RG could start a new thread, posting the rock solid rules and any of the variations. After that, myself or any mod can then LOCK it. That way, it doesn't get like 30 pages out of control or something?


im not going to do it now. this weekend ill make a very nice thing that you can lock....but my posts 11 UP is not good enough?

merry xmas ken
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 23, 06:49 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 23, 06:41 AM 2015
This is exactly how ive been testing this tweak. Works very well

One problem. Triggers can take time

And actually, as I'm thinking about it, seeing failures on this
trigger CREATES the trigger for the earlier patterns of 3
unique results.  So there you go. Lead from one right into
the next.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 23, 06:50 PM 2015
Quote from: mogul397 on Dec 23, 06:49 PM 2015
And actually, as I'm thinking about it, seeing failures on this
trigger CREATES the trigger for the earlier patterns of 3
unique results.  So there you go. Lead from one right into
the next.

i said that weeks ago haha

if you say one fails then the other cannot fail.......good all around
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Dec 23, 06:51 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 23, 06:48 PM 2015
im not going to do it now. this weekend ill make a very nice thing that you can lock....but my posts 11 UP is not good enough?

merry xmas ken

No thats cool, just trying to help out.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 23, 06:52 PM 2015
Quote from: MrJ on Dec 23, 06:51 PM 2015
No thats cool, just trying to help out.


i agree with a new topic of rules....but for ALL please see reply #961

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 23, 06:54 PM 2015
Quote from: denzie on Dec 23, 11:10 AM 2015
Huh? Why? We bet every 3th spin.  On a loss he goes in the progression.

Or as I would do it with parlay. ..

These probably the best way to play it. I find it very hard to lose. Very very hard.

I don't get this "bet every 3rd spin" thing. Seems like  BS to me.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 23, 06:56 PM 2015
Quote from: mogul397 on Dec 23, 06:54 PM 2015
I don't get this "bet every 3rd spin" thing. Seems like  BS to me.

what do you mean?

you said bet for the 3rd to be unique right?

so in mini games of 3 bet 3rd spin......??????
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 23, 07:00 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 23, 06:48 PM 2015
im not going to do it now. this weekend ill make a very nice thing that you can lock....but my posts 11 UP is not good enough?

merry xmas ken

RG I think that the post, 11 up, is a good attempt at a summary. But it
is a collection of all the ideas. It certainly is good.

My mind is drawn back to what I said about using it to bet
the single dozen (2-1) in this patterns as strong. You certainly
aren't getting out of control with it like a double dozen.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 23, 07:01 PM 2015
bottom line is this.

i have done more explaining of grassroots and its tweaks then anyone has in the history of this board for any method. to the point that people have said enough is enough and want me to shut the hell up.

i have explained rules. tested until my eyeballs bled. i think i need a new keyboard because the keys " 1, 2, and 3" are worn out

see post reply # 961

i have done a lot..... read the raymanz tweak thread in notepad

READ Noreilles story on page 5!!

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 23, 07:02 PM 2015
Quote from: mogul397 on Dec 23, 07:00 PM 2015
RG I think that the post, 11 up, is a good attempt at a summary. But it
is a collection of all the ideas. It certainly is good.

My mind is drawn back to what I said about using it to bet
the single dozen (2-1) in this patterns as strong. You certainly
aren't getting out of control with it like a double dozen.

if that tweak is something you want to test and you like and it works for you then awesome

i tested that exact tweak that you just explained with success...it works
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 23, 07:04 PM 2015
Quote from: mogul397 on Dec 23, 06:54 PM 2015
I don't get this "bet every 3rd spin" thing. Seems like  BS to me.

First you better read the thread so you not need to ask all these questions. Second you should try this BS and see how it wins flatbet. 

And there's no difficult math involved . So everyone understand.

Open your eyes...and see how long you need to wait for a unique minigame. It's long? Yep , so you know what to do.

Read first...then try...then ask in that order.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 23, 07:05 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 23, 07:02 PM 2015
if that tweak is something you want to test and you like and it works for you then awesome

i tested that exact tweak that you just explained with success...it works

Niiiiiiiiccccee!!!!  Thank you for your work and confirmation....

More stuff to stare at at 2AM with blood shod eyes.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 23, 07:10 PM 2015
Quote from: denzie on Dec 23, 07:04 PM 2015
First you better read the thread so you not need to ask all these questions. Second you should try this BS and see how it wins flatbet. 

And there's no difficult math involved . So everyone understand.

Open your eyes...and see how long you need to wait for a unique minigame. It's long? Yep , so you know what to do.

Read first...then try...then ask in that order.

Yes sir.

I will only say that, once is a while, you can look at the same thing,
like the negative of a picture and not recognize it. That is what
I was doing.

I will write that 100 zillion times, like the magician on "frosty the snowman"
to get off the naughty list.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 23, 08:01 PM 2015
Did great with denzie's method, but with a new type of progression I must test more with before I post about it. It could be a little grindy if you have several losses in a row but not much, just little. And several losses in a row rarely happens with grassroots. Just a chart for now.

Merry christmas!

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 23, 08:08 PM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 23, 08:01 PM 2015
Did great with denzie's method, but with a new type of progression I must test more with before I post about it. It could be a little grindy if you have several losses in a row but not much, just little. And several losses in a row rarely happens with grassroots. Just a chart for now.

Merry christmas!

Results are as expected

Merry christmas celes

How are you playing?

Only when unique?

12 bet 12
22 bet 2 and dozen of your choice?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 23, 09:02 PM 2015
Good progression by the way

The double dozen drawdown in your graph is minimal

Good job utilizing a progression that wipes roulettes face on the floor

I do not believe and will never belive when people say progressions are useless
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 23, 10:45 PM 2015
For the progression guys ONLY who are currently playing this

Progression idea:

1 3 3

Any win there stay at that level

Lose all 3? Aw shucks
Now goto

3 9 27
Stay there until even. Will take 5 mini games to get even

Lose both? Well damn thats 1 in a few thousand

How to avoid?

Play more than 1 tweak

Against 123
Against previous 3
Denzies tweak.

The basic run of the mill progression is tough cause we arent betting every spin.
Have to get aggressive

Roulette is aggressive

Mini games of 3. Not rolling. Use chart like ive posted
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 24, 06:29 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 23, 08:08 PM 2015
Results are as expected

Merry christmas celes

How are you playing?

Only when unique?

12 bet 12
22 bet 2 and dozen of your choice?

I did a little different and not bet on 22 11 33 00 only bet on 12 13 21 23 31 32 with a little different labouchere. It works really well since i'm only bet on the last bet and since grassroot has many wins in a row i don't have to grind very often. I will post how i do it if further test is successful.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 24, 10:02 AM 2015
OK. So I made the whimsical, but true comment a few posts ago about
how we can get confused looking at something, like looking at the negative
of a picture. I remember decades ago talking to someone online
(Jim Ferr if you know him) about a method of selecting bets.  It looked
like Einsteins theory.  "Go back to this, step forward, add 2"  Whatever.
After presenting this to him at one point  he responded, "isn't that just
playing the "next to last decision"? 

It was.

So we have....

Tweak By RouletteGhost (THE ABSOLUTE BEST, just kidding, it isn't)

Bet against a unique formation from occuring only when the 1st 2 in a mini game are unique

Triggers are:

12 then bet 12
13 then bet 13
21 then bet 21
23 then bet 23
31 then bet 31
32 then bet 32

All this is, is playing 2 dozen by playing the "last two dozen".

This is no comment or slam against you, RG.  I was eating this up.
Then last night, in bed, I thought of this.

The reason it is a problem is the fact that my last BIG TEAR where
I actually went to the casino once a day to test it (now it's 3 exits down)
I thought that *I* found the holy grail.

And I was winning (on paper) handily. I was playing a labby. For a half
hour on paper. And after 5-10 quite nice sessions it went sour. And the
interesting thing was that it went CONSISTANTLY sour for 3 trips.
In a big way. And really burst my bubble.  This was early fall.

Since then I had an ankle operation on Oct 9th and am still non weight
bearing. So I'm here all the time.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 24, 10:05 AM 2015
Quote from: mogul397 on Dec 24, 10:02 AM 2015
OK. So I made the whimsical, but true comment a few posts ago about
how we can get confused looking at something, like looking at the negative
of a picture. I remember decades ago talking to someone online
(Jim Ferr if you know him) about a method of selecting bets.  It looked
like Einsteins theory.  "Go back to this, step forward, add 2"  Whatever.
After presenting this to him at one point  he responded, "isn't that just
playing the "next to last decision"? 

It was.

So we have....

Tweak By RouletteGhost (THE ABSOLUTE BEST, just kidding, it isn't)

Bet against a unique formation from occuring only when the 1st 2 in a mini game are unique

Triggers are:

12 then bet 12
13 then bet 13
21 then bet 21
23 then bet 23
31 then bet 31
32 then bet 32

All this is, is playing 2 dozen by playing the "last two dozen".

This is no comment or slam against you, RG.  I was eating this up.
Then last night, in bed, I thought of this.

The reason it is a problem is the fact that my last BIG TEAR where
I actually went to the casino once a day to test it (now it's 3 exits down)
I thought that *I* found the holy grail.

And I was winning (on paper) handily. I was playing a labby. For a half
hour on paper. And after 5-10 quite nice sessions it went sour. And the
interesting thing was that it went CONSISTANTLY sour for 3 trips.
In a big way. And really burst my bubble.  This was early fall.

Since then I had an ankle operation on Oct 9th and am still non weight
bearing. So I'm here all the time.

any method can go sour

this is not just betting the previous 2 dozens.

this is playing the previous 2 dozens ONLY when unique in mini games of 3

no 22 33 11 etc

we see a straight unique about 5 mini games per 100 spins

afterall, if this was a HUGE failure THEN betting AGAINST uniques would be the way to go wouldnt it? (as in the original 123)

if betting that the unique will not finish of

then betting against the uniques would win

here is a short test, if u see a color thats a trigger. red loss, green win

Celescliff is this how you played? see chart
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 24, 10:11 AM 2015
just posted in a couple of posts the recording did in corals using AMK method but over 3 spins. Very successful
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 24, 10:13 AM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 24, 10:11 AM 2015
just posted in a couple of posts the recording did in corals using AMK method but over 3 spins. Very successful

AMK way does good with 3 spins. its the same as betting against previous 3. heres a chart i tested on that
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 24, 10:59 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 24, 10:05 AM 2015
any method can go sour

this is not just betting the previous 2 dozens.

this is playing the previous 2 dozens ONLY when unique in mini games of 3

no 22 33 11 etc

we see a straight unique about 5 mini games per 100 spins

afterall, if this was a HUGE failure THEN betting AGAINST uniques would be the way to go wouldnt it? (as in the original 123)

if betting that the unique will not finish of

then betting against the uniques would win

here is a short test, if u see a color thats a trigger. red loss, green win

Celescliff is this how you played? see chart

1)  First of all I find these charts that get created a little confusing.
I could just be inept. When I was looking back at your old posts.
I THINK that A and B are the 1st two of the 3.

2) Not sure I see the exact value of constructing it in the group of
3's. I could say the obvious that it doesn't matter statistically.
And I could be wrong.  I'll look some more.

But like I said, I was on a TEAR for a week. Then it went south.
And the Important part of that story is the thing went CONSISTANTLY
bad for 3 days.  What a killer.

3) I really enjoy this approach and am enjoying working on it with
everyone. I still am going to look closer at the idea of betting on dozen
the way we talked about.

4) Looks like everyone has the day off. I have EVERY day off :-\ :-[

Have a merry and happy and great Christmas everyone.

And more importantly a happy and PROSPEROUS new year.

"live long and prosper"..

"me and mine........ you and yours".
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 24, 11:07 AM 2015
Im out for the day

Last minute shopping

Then calamari, scallops and other fish on the christmas eve menu

Merry xmas everyone
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Dec 24, 12:31 PM 2015
I'll spend Christmas the same way as every past one.....testing roulette methods at home!!

I love it.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 24, 12:33 PM 2015
Quote from: MrJ on Dec 24, 12:31 PM 2015
I'll spend Christmas the same way as every past one.....testing roulette methods at home!!

I love it.


my families italian, so they wont stand for that LOL
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Dec 24, 12:36 PM 2015
The highest I got at Celtic Casino was 18K (fun money). Remember, they start you out with 1K.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 24, 03:45 PM 2015
Almost family time. Wanted to make one more post

For those of you who are testing the different grassroots variations by now you know how powerful it can be. Whether its the original or any of its tweaks

I will say why i think that is

Well, for one we have a 66% chance of winning every spin. Does not change everytime we bet. Past spins have no effect

So why are those testing having such good results?

I have a theory

Roulette is random. Its hard for the wheel to spit out a set pattern time after time after time

123 123 123 has the same chance as happening everytime but will it? No

We are betting against a fixed sequence, which is beneficial when you are at war with random

Will it lose. Yes. Will you win more then lose. Yes.

What i think is happening is we have a 66% chance of winning every spin BUT we are combining that with betting against fixed patterns. Whether it be denzies tweak or any of them.

So the 66% is coupled with the fact the wheel will not spit out the same fixed pattern everytime. Which i think raises from 66% but thats debatable.

Thats why its successful

After the holiday i will test AMK. Even i will not play 1 3 9 27 but i will see what i can do with it

When your chances are more then half and you have the bankroll and you have fixed patterns on YOUR side you wil prevail, i believe

Dont use 139. Use something that you personally are comfortable with

For me thats 1 3 9 then 3 9 27 for recovery. But never just 1 3 9 27. GLC is the man for that department

So to recap why i think people are seeing success: 66% chance COUPLED with the fact the wheel will not spit out fixed patterns

You dont have to agree. This is directed to those playing it.


P.s. want to add. We arent betting every spin either. Mini games of 3 spins. Win on spin 1 or 2? Wait for that 3 spin sequence to finish before beginning again? Win at spin 2 sit out next spin. You get the idea. Also depends on your trigger and style. Rolling basis is a no no slap on da wrist

2 win
3 sit out
1 win
2 sit out
3 sit out
2 win
3 sit out
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 24, 05:50 PM 2015
Well said.

Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 24, 10:05 AM 2015

Celescliff is this how you played? see chart

That's how I play it. And with the way I bet after loss, I would be in profit looking at that chart.  :thumbsup:

Sometime you can wait a while for a trigger but not for too long. I'm thinking about adding columns aswell for more triggers.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 24, 07:43 PM 2015
New chart played with same rules. Like I said, it could be a little grindy, but this is a glimpse of grassroots true potential that you can come back even when on a loosing streak. This chart would have looked better if i followed denzie's rules completley. I will test this with the other rules applied, to bet on 11 22 33 00 aswell. But overall, even at -30, +305 units.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 24, 08:20 PM 2015

I LOVE seeing that. I dont know how people do not see the light here

"This is a glimpse of grassroots true potential"

Im 8 beers in buddy merry christmas!
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 25, 01:47 PM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 24, 07:43 PM 2015
New chart played with same rules. Like I said, it could be a little grindy, but this is a glimpse of grassroots true potential that you can come back even when on a loosing streak. This chart would have looked better if i followed denzie's rules completley. I will test this with the other rules applied, to bet on 11 22 33 00 aswell. But overall, even at -30, +305 units.  :thumbsup:

So a total of -200+ draw-down.........so maybe a stop-loss or win of 300 units? :question:

Also, this would probably not be classified as a grinder method, as it produces roughly 1 unit per spin with a reasonable bank. Most grinder methods that I have seen posted produce a few units per hour.

Thanks so much for the graphs...........remember, graphs carry a huge amount of weight on these boards.........keep up the great work!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Dec 25, 04:24 PM 2015
"as it produces roughly 1 unit per spin" >> Is that 1 unit per spin PLAYED or 1 unit per spin overall?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 25, 04:43 PM 2015
Quote from: MrJ on Dec 25, 04:24 PM 2015
"as it produces roughly 1 unit per spin" >> Is that 1 unit per spin PLAYED or 1 unit per spin overall?


I assume overall  :ooh:(just going from chart above +300 units in 350 spins)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 25, 10:05 PM 2015
A bit of a grind. Maybe

Easily remedied by increased chip amounts. Play with 25 win a few leave

So solid at this point who cares. Guaranteed loot.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 25, 10:11 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 25, 01:47 PM 2015

Thanks so much for the graphs...........remember, graphs carry a huge amount of weight on these boards.........keep up the great work!  :thumbsup:

Courtesy of Raymanz and normy2000 from beginnig of thread

QuoteWhy not bet for the last combo not to repeat with your 1 3 9 progression?


Wait for this to happen. Then bet against it with 1 3 9  progression. Less waiting and in theory the same results as 123.

What amazes me is all the graphs of people testing head north eastward. NONE trend south


Thats why for any new readers its important to test yourself

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 25, 10:19 PM 2015
Ok, three more before i go to bed.

The first uses the same spins as the second graph I uploaded, but with columns added, so more bets on that one.

The second and third graph follows denzies rules, but with the "progression" I use. Will upload some longer sessions later on.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 25, 10:23 PM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 25, 10:19 PM 2015
Ok, three more before i go to bed.

The first uses the same spins as the second graph I uploaded, but with columns added, so more bets on that one.

The second and third graph follows denzies rules, but with the "progression" I use. Will upload some longer sessions later on.

What were you playing on first one?

And with denzies unique only or did 22 qualify?


P.s. good one denzie
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 25, 10:29 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 25, 10:23 PM 2015
What were you playing on first one?

And with denzies unique only or did 22 qualify?


P.s. good one denzie

The first one I played dozen and columns but only 12 13 21 23 31 32.

The other two was denzie's rule completley. In other words like the first graph but including 11 22 33 00 aswell but without columns.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 25, 10:30 PM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 25, 10:29 PM 2015
The first one I played dozen and columns but only 12 13 21 23 31 32.

The other two was denzie's rule completley. In other words like the first graph but including 11 22 33 00 aswell but without columns.

Wow. Wasnt expecting that. 1St graph looks like many uniques occured on columns. Something to think about

Looks like denzies idea isnt too shabby
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 26, 04:40 AM 2015
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Dec 26, 09:10 AM 2015
Hello everyone!!

I have been lurking on this board for a while now. And I have found that this is an amazing community!!

I am not a  big roulette enthusiast. I am more trying to find the Holy Grail on the Baccarat table.

But the Grassroot thread really got my attention. And I would like to contribute little bit about it.

I have been playing the Raymanz Tweek for a few days and I am 67 units over. Its the first method yet that has brought me steady profit.

I play online on  a site that offers many tables, so after a win, I switch tables. I dont know if it really change something but….

I have read the entire thread, but I dont think that this has been thought of.

I was wondering something, according to Normy2000:

“A combo of 3 to repeat append aprox. every 2130 spins.
There is 9 of them, 2130/9 = 236.6 spins.”


123 123
321 321


I was wondering, what are the odds of 3 times of them happening:

123 123 123
321 321 321


What is the odds of ANY 3 dozens happening 3 times? Like:

222 222 222
133 133 133
321 321 321
112 112 112
333 333 333


What if we would wait for two sets of 3 same and then bet BIG against the set happening a third time?

I know it can be a little long to wait but for those of us who plays online, you can do something else at the same time.

In one of the game I played lately, there was this suite: 223 223 and then 212.

Just my little contribution.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 26, 09:58 AM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 24, 10:11 AM 2015
just posted in a couple of posts the recording did in corals using AMK method but over 3 spins. Very successful

What's "AMK"?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tamino on Dec 26, 10:16 AM 2015
AMK?  Could be the opposite  of BNL. 
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 26, 10:25 AM 2015
Quote from: Tamino on Dec 26, 10:16 AM 2015
AMK?  Could be the opposite  of BNL.


AMK is a member.

I was refering to AMK's opposite system
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 26, 10:58 AM 2015
Quote from: MrJ on Dec 24, 12:31 PM 2015
I'll spend Christmas the same way as every past one.....testing roulette methods at home!!

I love it.


Sorry to hear that.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 26, 11:06 AM 2015
Quote from: SimonZed1 on Dec 26, 09:10 AM 2015
Hello everyone!!

I have been lurking on this board for a while now. And I have found that this is an amazing community!!

I am not a  big roulette enthusiast. I am more trying to find the Holy Grail on the Baccarat table.

But the Grassroot thread really got my attention. And I would like to contribute little bit about it.

I have been playing the Raymanz Tweek for a few days and I am 67 units over. Its the first method yet that has brought me steady profit.

I play online on  a site that offers many tables, so after a win, I switch tables. I dont know if it really change something but….

I have read the entire thread, but I dont think that this has been thought of.

I was wondering something, according to Normy2000:

“A combo of 3 to repeat append aprox. every 2130 spins.
There is 9 of them, 2130/9 = 236.6 spins.”


123 123
321 321


I was wondering, what are the odds of 3 times of them happening:

123 123 123
321 321 321


What is the odds of ANY 3 dozens happening 3 times? Like:

222 222 222
133 133 133
321 321 321
112 112 112
333 333 333


What if we would wait for two sets of 3 same and then bet BIG against the set happening a third time?

I know it can be a little long to wait but for those of us who plays online, you can do something else at the same time.

In one of the game I played lately, there was this suite: 223 223 and then 212.

Just my little contribution.


Welcome to the forum Simon

happy to hear of the success

raymanz tweak does take some time but it is a very nice way to make money. 67 units in a few days is amazing

what the math says is what I see. and this is also based on raymanz 66 thousand spin test

-there are 6 uniques 123 132 213 232 312 321
-you will see 5 to 6 uniques per 100 spins'
-you will see each unique repeat ex. 123123 every 2200 spins
-divide 2200 spin by 6 different uniques, expect a unique to repeat one time every 350 spins on average

these are statistics. so we might see 3 uniques repeat quickly, or we may never see it, or it might happen right on time. no telling with roulette

system requirement: insurance on 0, enjoy playing 24 numbers, have no problem with progression. LOL. so many people are disqualified off the bat

if you waited for a unique to repeat ex. 123123 or 231231 then went big you would PROBABLY win. If you played roulette for a living and waited all day for it and went big then it may work.

i am not sure how often a unique repeats 3 times in a row, but i have NOT seen it. one member saw 123 123 103. CLOSE, but no cigar, MUST bet 0

how did you play raymanz tweak? wait for a unique 3 then bet against? dozens only or columns to?

"Its the first method yet that has brought me steady profit." same here in my tests

I am trying to get more bets in rather then wait for the unique. Nick thegreek tweaked it where when you see a unique, play against that unique in each mini game continuously until a new unique trigger shows then play that one.

I myself have thought of betting against any dozen formation that repeats whether it is unique or not while waiting for the unique trigger

thanks and welcome

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Dec 26, 11:22 AM 2015
Quote from: mogul397 on Dec 26, 10:58 AM 2015
Sorry to hear that.

Nope, I got a TON of roulette items taken care of. Not to mention, another movie of course.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 26, 11:25 AM 2015
Quote from: MrJ on Dec 26, 11:22 AM 2015
Nope, I got a TON of roulette items taken care of. Not to mention, another movie of course.


i just got the harry potter set. watched first one last night. im behind
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 26, 12:33 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 24, 03:45 PM 2015
Almost family time. Wanted to make one more post

For those of you who are testing the different grassroots variations by now you know how powerful it can be. Whether its the original or any of its tweaks

I will say why i think that is

Well, for one we have a 66% chance of winning every spin. Does not change everytime we bet. Past spins have no effect

So why are those testing having such good results?

I have a theory

Roulette is random. Its hard for the wheel to spit out a set pattern time after time after time

123 123 123 has the same chance as happening everytime but will it? No

We are betting against a fixed sequence, which is beneficial when you are at war with random

Will it lose. Yes. Will you win more then lose. Yes.

What i think is happening is we have a 66% chance of winning every spin BUT we are combining that with betting against fixed patterns. Whether it be denzies tweak or any of them.

So the 66% is coupled with the fact the wheel will not spit out the same fixed pattern everytime. Which i think raises from 66% but thats debatable.

Thats why its successful

After the holiday i will test AMK. Even i will not play 1 3 9 27 but i will see what i can do with it

When your chances are more then half and you have the bankroll and you have fixed patterns on YOUR side you wil prevail, i believe

Dont use 139. Use something that you personally are comfortable with

For me thats 1 3 9 then 3 9 27 for recovery. But never just 1 3 9 27. GLC is the man for that department

So to recap why i think people are seeing success: 66% chance COUPLED with the fact the wheel will not spit out fixed patterns

You dont have to agree. This is directed to those playing it.


P.s. want to add. We arent betting every spin either. Mini games of 3 spins. Win on spin 1 or 2? Wait for that 3 spin sequence to finish before beginning again? Win at spin 2 sit out next spin. You get the idea. Also depends on your trigger and style. Rolling basis is a no no slap on da wrist

2 win
3 sit out
1 win
2 sit out
3 sit out
2 win
3 sit out

Before you get too excited about winning 66% of the time, remember,
you lose twice as much on a loss. Please review my earlier post about
my experience. Not with this specifically, but playing variations of "last two",
and using a labby.  Worked magically like I'm reading here. Then failed.
3 consecutive times. THAT was the rub. The consecutive times after
being on a pink cloud. Makes me not so sorry I kept testing it before
real play. Cause progression losses in this league can be devastating.

Can I ask a simple point of clarification?  The terminology here gets
a little  mixed up.

Please remind me exactly of what the "classic grass roots" method is.
Which variant (or not) exactly.

Also, what "AMK" means.....


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 26, 12:36 PM 2015
@celescliff. ...what is that progression? 
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 26, 12:38 PM 2015
Quote from: mogul397 on Dec 26, 12:33 PM 2015
Before you get too excited about winning 66% of the time, remember,
you lose twice as much on a loss. Please review my earlier post about
my experience. Not with this specifically, but playing variations of "last two",
and using a labby.  Worked magically like I'm reading here. Then failed.
3 consecutive times. THAT was the rub. The consecutive times after
being on a pink cloud. Makes me not so sorry I kept testing it before
real play. Cause progression losses in this league can be devastating.

Can I ask a simple point of clarification?  The terminology here gets
a little  mixed up.

Please remind me exactly of what the "classic grass roots" method is.
Which variant (or not) exactly.

Also, what "AMK" means.....


norielles is pretty far up read his story in raymanz thread. now go one page back and read what simon has to say. you have norielles and simon with the same success story playing raymaz tweak

goto page 1 and read the original

AMK - previous 4 then bet against the opposite
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 26, 12:40 PM 2015
Quote from: SimonZed1 on Dec 26, 09:10 AM 2015
Hello everyone!!

I have been lurking on this board for a while now. And I have found that this is an amazing community!!

I am not a  big roulette enthusiast. I am more trying to find the Holy Grail on the Baccarat table.

But the Grassroot thread really got my attention. And I would like to contribute little bit about it.

I have been playing the Raymanz Tweek for a few days and I am 67 units over. Its the first method yet that has brought me steady profit.

I play online on  a site that offers many tables, so after a win, I switch tables. I dont know if it really change something but….

I have read the entire thread, but I dont think that this has been thought of.

I was wondering something, according to Normy2000:

“A combo of 3 to repeat append aprox. every 2130 spins.
There is 9 of them, 2130/9 = 236.6 spins.”


123 123
321 321


I was wondering, what are the odds of 3 times of them happening:

123 123 123
321 321 321


What is the odds of ANY 3 dozens happening 3 times? Like:

222 222 222
133 133 133
321 321 321
112 112 112
333 333 333


What if we would wait for two sets of 3 same and then bet BIG against the set happening a third time?

I know it can be a little long to wait but for those of us who plays online, you can do something else at the same time.

In one of the game I played lately, there was this suite: 223 223 and then 212.

Just my little contribution.


im going to the casino tomorrow to play some $20 minimum airball....deciding what method to play, hit and run 123? denzies tweak? grind out raymanz way? i dunno
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 26, 04:03 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 26, 12:40 PM 2015
im going to the casino tomorrow to play some $20 minimum airball....deciding what method to play, hit and run 123? denzies tweak? grind out raymanz way? i dunno

What I make of this can of worms is from post #739.

Flat bet.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 26, 04:12 PM 2015
Quote from: mogul397 on Dec 26, 04:03 PM 2015
What I make of this can of worms is from post #739.

Flat bet.

739 is what i see every test
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Dec 26, 04:17 PM 2015
Page 50, just trying to help.

link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=16172.735 (link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=16172.735)

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 26, 04:22 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 26, 04:12 PM 2015
739 is what i see every test

Meaning that that is the core strategy?  And the one you've tested most?

I also look at just betting single dozen being the same, also according to
the same setup of 3 rows.  I have not done a lot of testing, but I would
suggest playing every spin til 3 losses in a row. Then wait to see one win
and continue to play every spin til 3 losses in a row.

You can me a lot more aggressive with a progression when you get
paid 2-1.

Just a thought.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 26, 04:28 PM 2015
Quote from: MrJ on Dec 26, 04:17 PM 2015
Page 50, just trying to help.

link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=16172.735 (link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=16172.735)


Which reply # or conversation?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 26, 04:34 PM 2015
Quote from: mogul397 on Dec 26, 04:28 PM 2015
Which reply # or conversation?

he linked it because thats where post 739 is where celes did that test
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 26, 04:40 PM 2015
Mogul I want to make sure you understand the original, where it all originated.

see the attached chart

we are NOT betting every single spin

this is the original bet against 123 where it ALL started

see row 1. we bet against dozen 1, we win. now sit out the next 2 spins.
go down to row 2, bet against dozen 1, win. sit out next 2 spins.

goto row 5. we bet against 1, LOSE, now we up it to 3 units per dozen and bet against dozen 2, we WIN. sit out the next spin and dont bet again until row 6

wherever you see a GREEN color we stop betting that row. yes a progression. a 139 progression. dont like it? well then maybe 1 3 3 and grind....either way this is a progression system and ive been saying maybe its not for everyone

when i played for real money i played 1 2 5 progression. that means in a mini game i only win spin 1, but less risk. i made 7 units in 1 hour. will i everytime? NO. i WILL lose. I REPEAT I WILL LOSE. but money management can be applied to such a sure fire system.

have the time? chillin at home nothing to do bored? play raymanz tweak. WAIT for a unique dozen pattern ( 123 132 213 231 312 321) and bet against it, have even more time to spare? wait for a unique to repeat THEN bet against it, then laugh all the way to the bank

everyone's different

if the strategy is not for you or you do not believe in progressions or triggers then MOVE ON. not you mogul, just in general

i expect more Simon to be joining in the coming days, at least I HOPE the lurkers come out.....
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 26, 05:03 PM 2015
and mogul

AMK chimed in on the raymanz tweak thread

he said his strategy wins just as good

take last 4 dozens


now bet against the opposite with 1 3 9 27

bet against 3123

any win sit out and wait for the 4 to expire, then site out the NEXT 4 and wait for another 4 dozend to come then bet against the opposite.

bet against

bet against
1 - win here
2 -sit out
2 - sit out
2 - sit out
2 - sit out
2 - sit out
3 - sit out
bet against

when you do not play on a rolling basis and play in sets and sit out 1 set in between beautiful things happen
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 26, 05:10 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 26, 05:03 PM 2015
and mogul

AMK chimed in on the raymanz tweak thread

he said his strategy wins just as good

take last 4 dozens


now bet against the opposite with 1 3 9 27

bet against 3123

any win sit out and wait for the 4 to expire, then site out the NEXT 4 and wait for another 4 dozend to come then bet against the opposite.

bet against

bet against
1 - win here
2 -sit out
2 - sit out
2 - sit out
2 - sit out
2 - sit out
3 - sit out
bet against

when you do not play on a rolling basis and play in sets and sit out 1 set in between beautiful things happen

This sudden death Marti strategy is wayyyyy too risky............an absolute bankroll destroyer!!!

We've already seen several instances where an improbable pattern has popped-up..........why not stick to the more conservative bets??? :question:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 26, 05:13 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 26, 05:10 PM 2015
This sudden death Marti strategy is wayyyyy too risky............an absolute bankroll destroyer!!!

We've already seen several instances where an improbable pattern has popped-up..........why not stick to the more conservative bets??? :question:

I Agree with You

Was just stating AMKs strategy

Much better MM can be used
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 26, 06:20 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 26, 04:40 PM 2015
Mogul I want to make sure you understand the original, where it all originated.

see the attached chart

we are NOT betting every single spin

this is the original bet against 123 where it ALL started

see row 1. we bet against dozen 1, we win. now sit out the next 2 spins.
go down to row 2, bet against dozen 1, win. sit out next 2 spins.

goto row 5. we bet against 1, LOSE, now we up it to 3 units per dozen and bet against dozen 2, we WIN. sit out the next spin and dont bet again until row 6

wherever you see a GREEN color we stop betting that row. yes a progression. a 139 progression. dont like it? well then maybe 1 3 3 and grind....either way this is a progression system and ive been saying maybe its not for everyone

when i played for real money i played 1 2 5 progression. that means in a mini game i only win spin 1, but less risk. i made 7 units in 1 hour. will i everytime? NO. i WILL lose. I REPEAT I WILL LOSE. but money management can be applied to such a sure fire system.

have the time? chillin at home nothing to do bored? play raymanz tweak. WAIT for a unique dozen pattern ( 123 132 213 231 312 321) and bet against it, have even more time to spare? wait for a unique to repeat THEN bet against it, then laugh all the way to the bank

everyone's different

if the strategy is not for you or you do not believe in progressions or triggers then MOVE ON. not you mogul, just in general

i expect more Simon to be joining in the coming days, at least I HOPE the lurkers come out.....

Well first of all when I look at the chart, unless my head is completely up my ass,
it is wrong.  The first few green results are losses. If you are betting for the
opposite to come in.

The 739 post showed quite a good profit after flat betting.  I disagree with you
that the progression is necessary. Not because of that.  But when I get
philosophical about gambling and why/how we ALWAYS lose, one of
the couple reasons is that we chase losses HARD with progressions that
will eventually get us.  And the thing about it is, that it's like a magnet.
Like some practical joke where you look one way and say "I won't do this or
that" and with the other hand just do it.

That's not to say that I'm against progressions. But the nature of the system
tells you what the system can bear. And to lay 1-2 odds and always try to
stay ahead or get out of a hole is suicide.

In all reality it's the money management that helps keep you alive. I gave my
real life example, on paper, of how it collapsed. I was sad that day. Thought
I was onto something.. And walked out saying, "oh well".
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 26, 06:30 PM 2015
Quote from: mogul397 on Dec 26, 06:20 PM 2015
Well first of all when I look at the chart, unless my head is completely up my ass,
it is wrong.  The first few green results are losses.

No. Betting AGAINST 123. If you cant understand that someone else will have to explain it

Look at the chart again. Against 123.  :yawn:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 26, 06:37 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 26, 04:40 PM 2015
Mogul I want to make sure you understand the original, where it all originated.

see the attached chart

we are NOT betting every single spin

this is the original bet against 123 where it ALL started

see row 1. we bet against dozen 1, we win. now sit out the next 2 spins.
go down to row 2, bet against dozen 1, win. sit out next 2 spins.

goto row 5. we bet against 1, LOSE, now we up it to 3 units per dozen and bet against dozen 2, we WIN. sit out the next spin and dont bet again until row 6

wherever you see a GREEN color we stop betting that row. yes a progression. a 139 progression. dont like it? well then maybe 1 3 3 and grind....either way this is a progression system and ive been saying maybe its not for everyone

when i played for real money i played 1 2 5 progression. that means in a mini game i only win spin 1, but less risk. i made 7 units in 1 hour. will i everytime? NO. i WILL lose. I REPEAT I WILL LOSE. but money management can be applied to such a sure fire system.

have the time? chillin at home nothing to do bored? play raymanz tweak. WAIT for a unique dozen pattern ( 123 132 213 231 312 321) and bet against it, have even more time to spare? wait for a unique to repeat THEN bet against it, then laugh all the way to the bank

everyone's different

if the strategy is not for you or you do not believe in progressions or triggers then MOVE ON. not you mogul, just in general

i expect more Simon to be joining in the coming days, at least I HOPE the lurkers come out.....


Here again

See chart


"Mogul I want to make sure you understand the original, where it all originated.

see the attached chart

we are NOT betting every single spin

this is the original bet against 123 where it ALL started

see row 1. we bet against dozen 1, we win. now sit out the next 2 spins.
go down to row 2, bet against dozen 1, win. sit out next 2 spins.

goto row 5. we bet against 1, LOSE, now we up it to 3 units per dozen and bet against dozen 2, we WIN. sit out the next spin and dont bet again until row 6"

If i take the time out please read it.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 26, 06:59 PM 2015
Quote from: denzie on Dec 26, 12:36 PM 2015
@celescliff. ...what is that progression?

It's not really a progression, more of a target betting. It's a modified version of labouchere. I'm currently testing this so I will post all the detail how I bet if this is still successful.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 26, 07:02 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 26, 06:37 PM 2015

Here again

See chart


"Mogul I want to make sure you understand the original, where it all originated.

see the attached chart

we are NOT betting every single spin

this is the original bet against 123 where it ALL started

see row 1. we bet against dozen 1, we win. now sit out the next 2 spins.
go down to row 2, bet against dozen 1, win. sit out next 2 spins.

goto row 5. we bet against 1, LOSE, now we up it to 3 units per dozen and bet against dozen 2, we WIN. sit out the next spin and dont bet again until row 6"

If i take the time out please read it.

Another approach would be against 1-2-3 betting 1,2,3

Win on first      = +01

Win on second = +00

Win on third     =  -03

Total loss         =  -12

More of a grind, but much safer.
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 26, 07:53 PM 2015
This was the worst so far, but it's understandable since I had many repeaters this time. More then I've seen before. (four repeaters in a row)

3   1   1
3   1   1
1   2   2
1   2   1
2   3   1 <
3   2   1 <
1   2   3 <
1   3   2 <
1   1   1
3   3   1
2   2   2
0   3   3
1   2   1
2   2   3
3   2   1 <
1   3   1
1   1   2
1   3   2 <
1   1   1
1   2   3 <
2   1   3 <
2   1   3 <
3   1   3
3   2   1 <
0   1   0
3   2   1 <
1   2   2
3   1   1
3   2   1 <
2   3   1 <
3   2   2
1   3   3
1   1   3
1   1   3
1   2   3 <
2   1   0
3   3   3
3   2   0
3   1   2 <
2   3   1 <
3   1   3
2   2   3
2   2   1
1   3   3
2   3   2
1   3   1
1   1   1
3   1   0
2   1   2
3   0   3
2   1   3 <
2   1   1
3   1   3
2   3   2
2   1   2
3   3   3
1   2   1

But atleast I pulled it through. :)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Dec 26, 08:12 PM 2015
You guys just aint getting it. You were at -350 and you would of quit (as you should or even sooner?), which means, you would NOT of "pulled through".

In line with my 27 threads regarding testing.
You cant look at a chart *AFTERWARDS* and say....see, see this is great news !!

The chart (or testing) has to be in line with ACTUAL PLAYING CONDITIONS of what YOU WOULD DO IN *REAL* SITUATIONS OF PLAYING !!!!!!

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 26, 08:14 PM 2015
Quote from: MrJ on Dec 26, 08:12 PM 2015
You guys just aint getting it. You were at -350 and you would of quit (as you should or even sooner?), which means, you would NOT of "pulled through".

In line with my 27 threads regarding testing.
You cant look at a chart *AFTERWARDS* and say....see, see this is great news !!

The chart (or testing) has to be in line with ACTUAL PLAYING CONDITIONS of what YOU WOULD DO IN *REAL* SITUATIONS OF PLAYING !!!!!!


Thats why i test only 75 spins. See chart

This is great for in and out
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 26, 08:16 PM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 26, 07:53 PM 2015
This was the worst so far, but it's understandable since I had many repeaters this time. More then I've seen before. (four repeaters in a row)

3   1   1
3   1   1
1   2   2
1   2   1
2   3   1 <
3   2   1 <
1   2   3 <
1   3   2 <
1   1   1
3   3   1
2   2   2
0   3   3
1   2   1
2   2   3
3   2   1 <
1   3   1
1   1   2
1   3   2 <
1   1   1
1   2   3 <
2   1   3 <
2   1   3 <
3   1   3
3   2   1 <
0   1   0
3   2   1 <
1   2   2
3   1   1
3   2   1 <
2   3   1 <
3   2   2
1   3   3
1   1   3
1   1   3
1   2   3 <
2   1   0
3   3   3
3   2   0
3   1   2 <
2   3   1 <
3   1   3
2   2   3
2   2   1
1   3   3
2   3   2
1   3   1
1   1   1
3   1   0
2   1   2
3   0   3
2   1   3 <
2   1   1
3   1   3
2   3   2
2   1   2
3   3   3
1   2   1

But atleast I pulled it through. :)

Holy crap. So many uniques

Raymanz tweak went wild in a good way. !!

Bet against unique when it happens. ALWAYS

Betting against unique lost one time only. As expected.

Wherever you had the arrow. Money

213 repeated one time. Easily overcome

Row 6 id be done and out see ya lata alligater
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 26, 08:23 PM 2015
Celes. Go back to page 50. Look at ur test

Decide if u liked playing that way.

Cause man, that was a solid tweak
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 26, 08:33 PM 2015
Each and every mini game won

Max step in progression: 2

Put a note of humor on it

Now im no roulette expert. BUT if you go 75 spins with no loss id say hey thats a good system. Progression or not......(3 step progression)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 26, 08:44 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 26, 08:23 PM 2015
Celes. Go back to page 50. Look at ur test

Decide if u liked playing that way.

Cause man, that was a solid tweak

I really did, and I think I'm going to test it later on some more. :)
Quote from: MrJ on Dec 26, 08:12 PM 2015
You guys just aint getting it. You were at -350 and you would of quit (as you should or even sooner?), which means, you would NOT of "pulled through".

In line with my 27 threads regarding testing.
You cant look at a chart *AFTERWARDS* and say....see, see this is great news !!

The chart (or testing) has to be in line with ACTUAL PLAYING CONDITIONS of what YOU WOULD DO IN *REAL* SITUATIONS OF PLAYING !!!!!!


If I were to play for real then I would have quit ALOT sooner. I've been testing a target betting with this and I want to see if you could come back even if you have a very bad session such as this one. Also, I'm downloading my spins, and I use every spin in that file for that day. Do people really want to see how long I would actually play or to test and see if this works for more than 50 <  spins?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Dec 26, 08:45 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 26, 08:14 PM 2015
Thats why i test only 75 spins. See chart

This is great for in and out

Its not the number of spins but rather, the BR amount you are willing to lose at the CASINO or (I cant believe I'm saying it), some RNG rip-off place. Even with a small BR. We'll say $150.

You promise yourself, if it gets down to $30 (you lost 120), you quit. It makes NO DIFFERENCE, 75 spins. Now, transfer my example to a TRUE SITUATION, testing and real play has to *BE THE SAME*.

If your BR for casino play is only $150 (I'm not insulting that), if you got down to $30 (testing), YOU ARE DONE, you lost with THAT particular chart. Not every chart, THAT particular chart.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 26, 08:50 PM 2015
Quote from: MrJ on Dec 26, 08:45 PM 2015
Its not the number of spins but rather, the BR amount you are willing to lose at the CASINO or (I cant believe I'm saying it), some RNG rip-off place. Even with a small BR. We'll say $150.

You promise yourself, if it gets down to $30 (you lost 120), you quit. It makes NO DIFFERENCE, 75 spins. Now, transfer my example to a TRUE SITUATION, testing and real play has to *BE THE SAME*.

If your BR for casino play is only $150 (I'm not insulting that), if you got down to $30 (testing), YOU ARE DONE, you lost with THAT particular chart. Not every chart, THAT particular chart.


All systems have losing charts

Just because you like 2 to 4 numbers doesnt mean this method has no merit

This method just does not fit your way of play

Which is fine

I have tested many of thousands of spins with success on original 123 grassroots. That is 24 numbers. I will pick that all day over 2 to 4 numbers. Why? HIT AND RUN
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Dec 26, 08:52 PM 2015
"If I were to play for real then I would have quit ALOT sooner" >> OMG !!!!

Sooner? So you guys still dont get it? Then the testing charts have to be even less than I thought. Another thing, because all of our BRs are not the same.....guess what that means? ......come on, you can do it......it means DIFFERENT results for every person reading the charts !!! The person with the $200 BR will not have the same results as the guy with the 3K BR. The chart stats would of wiped the $200 guy out long before the 3K guy regardless of WHERE the chart ends up.

I want somebody to play this with a 2K BR. You cant lose, its a HG.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 26, 08:54 PM 2015
Quote from: MrJ on Dec 26, 08:52 PM 2015
"If I were to play for real then I would have quit ALOT sooner" >> OMG !!!!

Sooner? So you guys still dont get it? Then the testing charts have to be even less than I thought. Another thing, because all of our BRs are not the same.....guess what that means? ......come on, you can do it......it means DIFFERENT results for every person reading the charts !!! The person with the $200 BR will not have the same results as the guy with the 3K BR. The chart stats would of wiped the $200 guy out long before the 3K guy regardless of WHERE the chart ends up.

I want somebody to play this with a 2K BR. You cant lose, its a HG.


Why are u being a jerk. To deter lurkers?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 26, 09:01 PM 2015
Tomorrow im going to post many tests. Short tests. Like a casino visit

Zumma page numbers cited. Against 123

21 spin sets

Since you wanna fault everyone for testing long sessions. Which i see nothing wrong with

If you dont post tests you should NOT criticize
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Dec 26, 09:02 PM 2015
(I'm leaving soon, dont worry, birthday party for a friend).

This is all I'm asking/saying.....you have used the word TESTING a lot in your last few posts. I also test and I encourage it.

QUESTION.....is your testing (BR, spins, stop loss etc.) the exact SAME way as you have played or plan on playing? Thats all I'm asking!! If you lost $400 testing...well...you would not of lost $400 playing cause you would not of risked $400. See where I'm going with this?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 26, 09:04 PM 2015
Quote from: MrJ on Dec 26, 09:02 PM 2015
(I'm leaving soon, dont worry, birthday party for a friend).

This is all I'm asking/saying.....you have used the word TESTING a lot in your last few posts. I also test and I encourage it.

QUESTION.....is your testing (BR, spins, stop loss etc.) the exact SAME way as you have played or plan on playing? Thats all I'm asking!! If you lost $400 testing...well...you would not of lost $400 playing cause you would not of risked $400. See where I'm going with this?


All im saying is dont fault people for testing long sessions if you dont post tests yourself

Tomorrow i will post many real casino visit tests. 21 spin test sessions.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 26, 09:07 PM 2015
I say test long sessions. This way we can see if the system goes southeast or if it was just a blip on the radar and goes back northeast.


REAL life of course much shorter

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Dec 26, 09:10 PM 2015
"Since you wanna fault everyone for testing long sessions" >> I never said that.

I said, TRY and make sure it lines up with actual PLAYING conditions, thats what I said.

Listen RG, I'm only trying to help (and Turbo). You dont see it and thats ok, I understand and the best part, I lose nothing if you ignore my posts. 

I like analogies.....lets say I was gonna take up the hobby of stamp collecting.

Am I gonna listen to the 19 year old or the 65 year old (I'm 47) who has been doing it for over 50 years?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Dec 26, 09:16 PM 2015
 "if you dont post tests yourself" >> Oh I can but they would be useless to most. Why?

My BR for testing/playing is much higher. I can sustain a 2K drop and keep on playing, can you?

No, so if my test results would end up in the positive, according to you, your results would be the SAME as mine (WTF?)

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Dec 26, 09:16 PM 2015
Hello RouletteGhost! Thanks for the warm welcome!!

Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 26, 11:06 AM 2015
how did you play raymanz tweak? wait for a unique 3 then bet against? dozens only or columns to?

Well the way I play it is this: I get on the table, note the last 10 spins, wait for a unique 3 then bet against. If won, I stop and change table. Here is an example of one of today's play:

Last ten spin: 1112311222
New spins: 231 (here are my 3 uniques!)
Following spins: 22 (lost 1st, won on second)

It then ends for this table. I move to a new table. One win per table. As you say... HIT & Run! (The online casino where I play has so many tables from different part of the world that I dont only change tables, but I change countries....)

I always protect the zero.

I use the 1,3,9 progression. Usually playing  units on the zero and 5,15,45 on the dozens. I still have a little difficulties managing the zero with the progressive bets. In my 67 units gain I have hit the zero once for a whooping 15 units gain in one spin!! :-O

Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 26, 11:06 AM 2015
I am trying to get more bets in rather then wait for the unique. Nick thegreek tweaked it where when you see a unique, play against that unique in each mini game continuously until a new unique trigger shows then play that one.

Nice tweek. I would need to test this one. I am more of the patient kind of guy. I prefer quality over quantity. And since my goal is to make one big bet, I prefer to wait for the right moments. I dont plan to make a living out of it. Just would like to bring the Girlfriend on a nice vacation once a year. I also dont want to get barred from Online Casinos. I want to stay "under the radar" so to speak.

Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 26, 11:06 AM 2015
I myself have thought of betting against any dozen formation that repeats whether it is unique or not while waiting for the unique trigger

I really need to test that a lot more. That is a way that really is close to my style of play. I am testing Roulette Xtreme right now. Great piece of software! I might buy it as a christmas gift from me to me with my latest roulette incomes.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Dec 26, 09:23 PM 2015
link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=2969.150 (link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=2969.150) << Good example, from Dec 23rd, post 156.

So even though I came out ahead, I marked it down (in my notebook) as a loss even though, my BR was higher. (another WTF?) Like the post said, in a REAL SITUATION, the casino dealer never would of came out. My testing has to be 100% truthful or I'll screw myself over at the casino.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 26, 09:33 PM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 26, 07:53 PM 2015
This was the worst so far, but it's understandable since I had many repeaters this time. More then I've seen before. (four repeaters in a row)

3   1   1
3   1   1
1   2   2
1   2   1
2   3   1 <
3   2   1 <
1   2   3 <
1   3   2 <
1   1   1
3   3   1
2   2   2
0   3   3
1   2   1
2   2   3
3   2   1 <
1   3   1
1   1   2
1   3   2 <
1   1   1
1   2   3 <
2   1   3 <
2   1   3 <
3   1   3
3   2   1 <
0   1   0
3   2   1 <
1   2   2
3   1   1
3   2   1 <
2   3   1 <
3   2   2
1   3   3
1   1   3
1   1   3
1   2   3 <
2   1   0
3   3   3
3   2   0
3   1   2 <
2   3   1 <
3   1   3
2   2   3
2   2   1
1   3   3
2   3   2
1   3   1
1   1   1
3   1   0
2   1   2
3   0   3
2   1   3 <
2   1   1
3   1   3
2   3   2
2   1   2
3   3   3
1   2   1

But atleast I pulled it through. :)

Damn that's a though one. I got around -6 units here flat. What is still ok in my book. Good to see how it goes when the rfh comes. So far still very good.

remember we can't win every session.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 26, 09:47 PM 2015
Quote from: SimonZed1 on Dec 26, 09:16 PM 2015
Hello RouletteGhost! Thanks for the warm welcome!!

Well the way I play it is this: I get on the table, note the last 10 spins, wait for a unique 3 then bet against. If won, I stop and change table. Here is an example of one of today's play:

Last ten spin: 1112311222
New spins: 231 (here are my 3 uniques!)
Following spins: 22 (lost 1st, won on second)

It then ends for this table. I move to a new table. One win per table. As you say... HIT & Run! (The online casino where I play has so many tables from different part of the world that I dont only change tables, but I change countries....)

I always protect the zero.

I use the 1,3,9 progression. Usually playing  units on the zero and 5,15,45 on the dozens. I still have a little difficulties managing the zero with the progressive bets. In my 67 units gain I have hit the zero once for a whooping 15 units gain in one spin!! :-O

Nice tweek. I would need to test this one. I am more of the patient kind of guy. I prefer quality over quantity. And since my goal is to make one big bet, I prefer to wait for the right moments. I dont plan to make a living out of it. Just would like to bring the Girlfriend on a nice vacation once a year. I also dont want to get barred from Online Casinos. I want to stay "under the radar" so to speak.

I really need to test that a lot more. That is a way that really is close to my style of play. I am testing Roulette Xtreme right now. Great piece of software! I might buy it as a christmas gift from me to me with my latest roulette incomes.


Good job. You will do very well

Glad to have a poster like you

Will talk tomorrow for sure
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 26, 10:05 PM 2015
Quote from: SimonZed1 on Dec 26, 09:16 PM 2015
Hello RouletteGhost! Thanks for the warm welcome!!

Well the way I play it is this: I get on the table, note the last 10 spins, wait for a unique 3 then bet against. If won, I stop and change table.


You will win this way. A unique repeats once every 250 to 350 spins. So the odds are in your favor

Good luck
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Dec 26, 10:11 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 26, 09:47 PM 2015
Good job. You will do very well

Glad to have a poster like you

Will talk tomorrow for sure

Thanks! Here is a little test example from my method of 3 any dozens followed by 3 of the same dozens than bet against that 3 dozens.

This test is made using real wheel spins.

Ok some are gonna say that I made only 20 units in 271 spins, which, at 1 spin a minute, account for 4 1/2 hour of play. But if those units were not 1$ units like the one i use but 10$ units, I would have made 200$ in 4 1/2 hour.... Way more than what I make in an 8 hour day job shift...

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: NextYear on Dec 27, 03:55 AM 2015
The online casino where I play has so many tables from different part of the world that I dont only change tables, but I change countries....

Which Casino would that be?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 27, 06:58 AM 2015
Quote from: SimonZed1 on Dec 26, 10:11 PM 2015
Thanks! Here is a little test example from my method of 3 any dozens followed by 3 of the same dozens than bet against that 3 dozens.

This test is made using real wheel spins.

Ok some are gonna say that I made only 20 units in 271 spins, which, at 1 spin a minute, account for 4 1/2 hour of play. But if those units were not 1$ units like the one i use but 10$ units, I would have made 200$ in 4 1/2 hour.... Way more than what I make in an 8 hour day job shift...


So you wait for example  231 231 and now bet against it? Hoping not to see another 231 ?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 27, 07:01 AM 2015
I've played my tweak all morning but with a parlay 1-1 , 1-1 , 2-2 , 3-3 , 4-4 stop and reset.
Actually it worked very smooth.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 27, 09:19 AM 2015
GO GETEM' RG!!! :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 27, 09:21 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 26, 06:37 PM 2015

Here again

See chart


"Mogul I want to make sure you understand the original, where it all originated.

see the attached chart

we are NOT betting every single spin

this is the original bet against 123 where it ALL started

see row 1. we bet against dozen 1, we win. now sit out the next 2 spins.
go down to row 2, bet against dozen 1, win. sit out next 2 spins.

goto row 5. we bet against 1, LOSE, now we up it to 3 units per dozen and bet against dozen 2, we WIN. sit out the next spin and dont bet again until row 6"

If i take the time out please read it.

Sorry RG. I understand it. Thanks for explaining it. My brain is just so
"off to the races" with different variations I can't reel it in.

Good luck today.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 27, 10:28 AM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 26, 07:02 PM 2015
Another approach would be against 1-2-3 betting 1,2,3

Win on first      = +01

Win on second = +00

Win on third     =  -03

Total loss         =  -12

More of a grind, but much safer.
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Thanks for laying down "the law".  This may not be perfect, but
it's in the right direction.

You don't wanna live like THIS, I hope.......

link:s://:.youtube.com/watch?v=Phl82D57P58 (link:s://:.youtube.com/watch?v=Phl82D57P58)

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 27, 10:31 AM 2015
Quote from: MrJ on Dec 26, 08:12 PM 2015
You guys just aint getting it. You were at -350 and you would of quit (as you should or even sooner?), which means, you would NOT of "pulled through".

In line with my 27 threads regarding testing.
You cant look at a chart *AFTERWARDS* and say....see, see this is great news !!

The chart (or testing) has to be in line with ACTUAL PLAYING CONDITIONS of what YOU WOULD DO IN *REAL* SITUATIONS OF PLAYING !!!!!!


W W  K D  (What would Ken do?)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 27, 10:33 AM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 26, 07:53 PM 2015
This was the worst so far, but it's understandable since I had many repeaters this time. More then I've seen before. (four repeaters in a row)

3   1   1
3   1   1
1   2   2
1   2   1
2   3   1 <
3   2   1 <
1   2   3 <
1   3   2 <
1   1   1
3   3   1
2   2   2
0   3   3
1   2   1
2   2   3
3   2   1 <
1   3   1
1   1   2
1   3   2 <
1   1   1
1   2   3 <
2   1   3 <
2   1   3 <
3   1   3
3   2   1 <
0   1   0
3   2   1 <
1   2   2
3   1   1
3   2   1 <
2   3   1 <
3   2   2
1   3   3
1   1   3
1   1   3
1   2   3 <
2   1   0
3   3   3
3   2   0
3   1   2 <
2   3   1 <
3   1   3
2   2   3
2   2   1
1   3   3
2   3   2
1   3   1
1   1   1
3   1   0
2   1   2
3   0   3
2   1   3 <
2   1   1
3   1   3
2   3   2
2   1   2
3   3   3
1   2   1

But atleast I pulled it through. :)

I'm not sure I get how you're betting. Surely you had more than
one chance to win (lose) each time, and I see other repeaters.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 27, 10:39 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 26, 08:23 PM 2015
Celes. Go back to page 50. Look at ur test

Decide if u liked playing that way.

Cause man, that was a solid tweak

I have another "tweak". It could just be a thought. Or bullshit.
But I feel like, from the results I remember, it might have merit.

Play for the result of the last outcome. Now mind you (RG) yes
I may be exhibiting "continuous play" thinking.. But when I was
working on looking for the repeat dozens, you would get 2-3 in a row
that "lost". Sometimes many more. In other words they cluster.

I haven't ground this though into the ground. But I'd appreciate it if
some others thought about it and give it some mental tests.
"going with the flow" more in terms of wins/ losses.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 27, 10:41 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 26, 08:33 PM 2015
Each and every mini game won

Max step in progression: 2

Put a note of humor on it

Now im no roulette expert. BUT if you go 75 spins with no loss id say hey thats a good system. Progression or not......(3 step progression)

Why does it say on the chart "this method sucks"?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 27, 01:48 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 26, 09:04 PM 2015
All im saying is dont fault people for testing long sessions if you dont post tests yourself

Tomorrow i will post many real casino visit tests. 21 spin test sessions.

I don't see why he's skeptical if he's the global moderator of this group.

All good luck to you RG, and I'm VERY interested in seeing your results.
All posted long hand....  (And your winning report).
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 27, 01:54 PM 2015
Quote from: MrJ on Dec 26, 09:10 PM 2015
"Since you wanna fault everyone for testing long sessions" >> I never said that.

I said, TRY and make sure it lines up with actual PLAYING conditions, thats what I said.

Listen RG, I'm only trying to help (and Turbo). You dont see it and thats ok, I understand and the best part, I lose nothing if you ignore my posts. 

I like analogies.....lets say I was gonna take up the hobby of stamp collecting.

Am I gonna listen to the 19 year old or the 65 year old (I'm 47) who has been doing it for over 50 years?


I'm 59, and started with a small book my cousin gave me when I was
about 22 about gambling.  At one point I had accumulated the daily
race results from the newspaper for TWO YEARS. When that was my focus.
My focus had to do with all practical things.  Access was one. I lived in
Lowell MA.  Right by New Hampshire.  They opened AC.  I did my first
casino visit there. Went to Mohegan sun once just to see. Often went on
a Sat morn before a crowd. Or after work.

Moved to Franklin Ma. RI boarder. They opened Twin River.  My father in law
went every Friday. Finally, this year, Plainridge.   3 exits down Rt 495.
So when I get hot on testing something I can drive there in 15 min.
No cash. Just notebook. They have "airball"? which is physical wheel
with real ball.  $3 min..  $1500 max. Quite a spread.  It's what I've
dreamed of my whole life.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 27, 02:09 PM 2015
Quote from: mogul397 on Dec 27, 10:33 AM 2015
I'm not sure I get how you're betting. Surely you had more than
one chance to win (lose) each time, and I see other repeaters.

I play denzie's way. Only on the last bet.

If 1 2 come up I bet 1 2.

If 2 2 come up I play 2 + choose a dozen.

If 1 0 I play 1 + chooze a dozen.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 27, 07:20 PM 2015
I know RG isn't going to like this. But as I graze over past pages and
presentations of variations on the method, it was a work in progress.
People usually present what they do in the context of what was being talked
about at the time. And also post charts.

When I go back and read. And look at the charts, my brain tries to
evaluate what I see based on present knowledge, when the example
being given is just thrown out there based on what that person is
knowing, or what is in vogue at the time.

So my head explodes and I spend all this time trying to attach the
methodology that I can dig up for that person or that time, instead of
the people just giving a short blurb of an explanation about what they
are doing in that particular test.

I know this won't happen when RG comes back tonight/tomorrow and
presents all his data. He'll rubber stamp the particular approach he used
clearly, so we'll all know for sure why his trip was so profitable.


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Dec 27, 07:37 PM 2015
Quote from: mogul397 on Dec 27, 07:20 PM 2015
I know RG isn't going to like this. But as I graze over past pages and
presentations of variations on the method, it was a work in progress.
People usually present what they do in the context of what was being talked
about at the time. And also post charts.

When I go back and read. And look at the charts, my brain tries to
evaluate what I see based on present knowledge, when the example
being given is just thrown out there based on what that person is
knowing, or what is in vogue at the time.

So my head explodes and I spend all this time trying to attach the
methodology that I can dig up for that person or that time, instead of
the people just giving a short blurb of an explanation about what they
are doing in that particular test.

I know this won't happen when RG comes back tonight/tomorrow and
presents all his data. He'll rubber stamp the particular approach he used
clearly, so we'll all know for sure why his trip was so profitable.


This is not a rip on RG but he'll probably take it as such. I think his BIGGER goal is to convince others rather than, go out and stake a claim for himself (if its possible). I told him before....I have been there many times. What he wants (and won't get) is a crusade by his side, maybe a holiday named after him? He wants more involvement (as did I) and more members singing praises (as did I).

I have posted a few methods were I was *SHOCKED* it did not take off like wild fire. My solution? Laugh my a** off and post less. He takes it personal. He's a hard worker with this game, I will give him that much. As I said, when you have a holy grail (not my words), the sky is the limit and nothing can get in your way, not even a day job.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 27, 07:56 PM 2015
Quote from: MrJ on Dec 27, 07:37 PM 2015
This is not a rip on RG but he'll probably take it as such. I think his BIGGER goal is to convince others rather than, go out and stake a claim for himself (if its possible). I told him before....I have been there many times. What he wants (and won't get) is a crusade by his side, maybe a holiday named after him? He wants more involvement (as did I) and more members singing praises (as did I).

I have posted a few methods were I was *SHOCKED* it did not take off like wild fire. My solution? Laugh my a** off and post less. He takes it personal. He's a hard worker with this game, I will give him that much. As I said, when you have a holy grail (not my words), the sky is the limit and nothing can get in your way, not even a day job.


I think the one piece of this that all of these threads are missing is continuous updates of win/loss totals.

If I see that someone posted a method and then nobody responded or updated the thread, I just assume that the method eventually tanked unless they post updates.

This is the real problem with this forum in general; we have yet to see a member claiming continuous profit over a long period of time with any form of proof (receipts are easy to show). I assume if someone had such a method that was posted here, they would update everyone on their current winnings. "Current winnings : $135,000 (11,000 units) as of today with a total of 10,500 spins played"

Instead we get members who claim wins, but want to keep their method secret............great idea for a forum. :sad2:

.....and then then the excuses just roll in........"not giving it away"........"you must earn it".......all the while, the owner of the forum spends his time on computers to beat the game. So why would he risk being arrested if he had access to a winning system? :question: :question: :question:

If anyone has a winning method, then post updates, or expect everyone to assume the worst.

Anyone should be able to test a method, and post those results...........this ain't rocket-science...........if a method works, then it works........period!!! :sad2: :sad2: :sad2:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Dec 27, 08:09 PM 2015
Two issues >> and I'll repeat it as many times as needed. Posting test results are fine as long as they would MATCH UP with real conditions at a casino. Being down $3,400 (testing) and finishing with a profit of $270 is NOT a REAL LIFE CASINO SITUATION. In your head....."GREAT RESULTS WITH THAT TESTING" but in reality, you lost.

Second, (you did touch on this) proof of a good day at the casino? So a person says they won $850 with method "X", how do we know? Even posting a receipt, where is the PROOF it came from a roulette game and method "X"?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 27, 08:26 PM 2015
Quote from: MrJ on Dec 27, 08:09 PM 2015
Two issues >> and I'll repeat it as many times as needed. Posting test results are fine as long as they would MATCH UP with real conditions at a casino. Being down $3,400 (testing) and finishing with a profit of $270 is NOT a REAL LIFE CASINO SITUATION. In your head....."GREAT RESULTS WITH THAT TESTING" but in reality, you lost.

Second, (you did touch on this) proof of a good day at the casino? So a person says they won $850 with method "X", how do we know? Even posting a receipt, where is the PROOF it came from a roulette game and method "X"?


#1 - I agree 100%

#2 - Not perfect, but it's the best proof that we have along with the method posted publicly for everyone to see and test. So if someone posted a method that they claimed won them $2500 per day at the tables, and it tanks in testing by other members, then it's pretty clear they're just trolling.

This should be a wake-up call to everyone that we need a higher standard for posting and testing, and threads need to be openly criticized and/or ignored to weed out the bullsh*t. We should all find it insulting that after thousands of posts, we appear to be no closer to a practical method to beat the game. Anyone who claims otherwise needs to put up or shut-up!!! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RayManZ on Dec 27, 08:42 PM 2015
So you want others to do all the work? Keeping you up 2 date with all their results? You just pick the best method and fly away? Maybe you should contribute more? Start testing? Most casino's have a fun mode. Just start testing any method you like and maybe you will find your holy grail.

I don't see why someone who is winning constantly should keep posting updates. I know i won't. I will be living my life and have fun. I really won't care if you demand more proof of winnings. It's not my loss. It's yours...
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 27, 08:44 PM 2015
Quote from: MrJ on Dec 27, 07:37 PM 2015
This is not a rip on RG but he'll probably take it as such. I think his BIGGER goal is to convince others rather than, go out and stake a claim for himself (if its possible). I told him before....I have been there many times. What he wants (and won't get) is a crusade by his side, maybe a holiday named after him? He wants more involvement (as did I) and more members singing praises (as did I).

I have posted a few methods were I was *SHOCKED* it did not take off like wild fire. My solution? Laugh my a** off and post less. He takes it personal. He's a hard worker with this game, I will give him that much. As I said, when you have a holy grail (not my words), the sky is the limit and nothing can get in your way, not even a day job.


Well that's why  I mention it. It's not a jab, but he was getting understandably
impatient with me flailing around. But it's hard to track a moving target.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 27, 08:54 PM 2015
Quote from: MrJ on Dec 27, 08:09 PM 2015
Two issues >> and I'll repeat it as many times as needed. Posting test results are fine as long as they would MATCH UP with real conditions at a casino. Being down $3,400 (testing) and finishing with a profit of $270 is NOT a REAL LIFE CASINO SITUATION. In your head....."GREAT RESULTS WITH THAT TESTING" but in reality, you lost.

Second, (you did touch on this) proof of a good day at the casino? So a person says they won $850 with method "X", how do we know? Even posting a receipt, where is the PROOF it came from a roulette game and method "X"?


Ken, I agree with everything you said. Maybe about RG wanting a cheering section.
About the unrealistic aspect of simulated results.

That is why I beat my drum all the time. We all know what meaningful test results
involve. Betting method and stake method. Simple enough. Anything without that
is useless.

And then you read and listen and get the admission, "I never played live". Or
"only once".

More than once I shut the door on all this as futile, as you sort of preach. Then
I come back for fun. But there are some habits of humanity or nature that must
be broken, like the suicidal neg progression and the NEED to recoup losses in
one swing.

Can't keep all this straight in my head this time, though.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 27, 08:54 PM 2015
Quote from: RayManZ on Dec 27, 08:42 PM 2015
So you want others to do all the work? Keeping you up 2 date with all their results? You just pick the best method and fly away? Maybe you should contribute more? Start testing? Most casino's have a fun mode. Just start testing any method you like and maybe you will find your holy grail.

I don't see why someone who is winning constantly should keep posting updates. I know i won't. I will be living my life and have fun. I really won't care if you demand more proof of winnings. It's not my loss. It's yours...

This is a standard line from those who don't actually have any winning method - "I will be living my life and have fun. I really won't care if you demand more proof of winnings. It's not my loss. It's yours...".......

This is a forum..........where we share ideas.......so we can create something called progress......which is standing on the shoulders of giants!!!

If you're going to be withholding then why come here at all??? :question:

I've said this time and time again:

This is why we don't have a winning method. Because some members would rather play games than beat the game!!! :sad2: :sad2: :sad2:

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 27, 08:58 PM 2015
Quote from: RayManZ on Dec 27, 08:42 PM 2015
So you want others to do all the work? Keeping you up 2 date with all their results? You just pick the best method and fly away? Maybe you should contribute more? Start testing? Most casino's have a fun mode. Just start testing any method you like and maybe you will find your holy grail.

I don't see why someone who is winning constantly should keep posting updates. I know i won't. I will be living my life and have fun. I really won't care if you demand more proof of winnings. It's not my loss. It's yours...

IT's not the matter of the work or the results. It's the matter of making a complete report,
if you're going to make one.

The fact that you're typing shows intent.  So stop all the smug innuendos and
be clear about what you ARE doing. Instead of leaving parts out and leaving
a back door.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 27, 09:09 PM 2015
Dont break raymanz balls

He made the best tweak to date and tested 66k spins and posted the results

His tweak is a winner

If you choose not to test it thats your effin problem

Bet against previous 3 when unique



See one of those? then bet against it

Playing dozens and columns you will get about 10 betting opportunities per hour. On average you will lose every 250 to 350 spins as thats how often a uniqie repeats

Dont like it? Dont play it
Dont believe in it? Oh well
Dont want to read the raymanz tweak thread? Tough luck to ya cause you wont find better. Have better? Show me

Each uniqie repeats every 2000 spins -- 6 uniques thats roughly every 300 spins you see a unique repeat.  Want to find better? GOOD LUCK. Buy a roulette computer then
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 27, 09:18 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 27, 09:09 PM 2015
Dont break raymanz balls

He made the best tweak to date and tested 66k spins and posted the results

His tweak is a winner

If you choose not to test it thats your effin problem

Bet against previous 3 when unique



See one of those? then bet against it

Playing dozens and columns you will get about 10 betting opportunities per hour. On average you will lose every 250 to 350 spins as thats how often a uniqie repeats

Dont like it? Dont play it
Dont believe in it? Oh well
Dont want to read the raymanz tweak thread? Tough luck to ya cause you wont find better. Have better? Show me

Each uniqie repeats every 2000 spins -- 6 uniques thats roughly every 300 spins you see a unique repeat.  Want to find better? GOOD LUCK. Buy a roulette computer then

Sounds good!

So I assume we won't be hearing from Raymanz any more on this forum, as he has the HG  (let's just say a consistent winning method)

So why are we all still trying other methods when the HG is right in front of us??? :question:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Dec 27, 09:19 PM 2015
Quote from: thelaw on Dec 27, 08:54 PM 2015
This is a standard line from those who don't actually have any winning method - "I will be living my life and have fun. I really won't care if you demand more proof of winnings. It's not my loss. It's yours...".......

This is a forum..........where we share ideas.......so we can create something called progress......which is standing on the shoulders of giants!!!

If you're going to be withholding then why come here at all??? :question:

I've said this time and time again:

This is why we don't have a winning method. Because some members would rather play games than beat the game!!! :sad2: :sad2: :sad2:

I can not nor will I try to speak for all that do not post/share "decent" methods (notice I didn't say Holy Grail).

In a perfect world, yes, lets all share... A & B+ methods but with me, I have seen too much BS over the years. Answer this please....why would I "share" with certain people such as....the "you cant win" crowd so stop trying, the AP (cough) goofs, the unregistered folks, the members that contribute little, the members that will use it, make some money and I'll never hear a fu***n word of thanks etc. etc. etc.

So why again would I SHARE with them?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Dec 27, 09:22 PM 2015
Hello Denzie! I have been following your posts with great interest!!

Quote from: denzie on Dec 27, 06:58 AM 2015
So you wait for example  231 231 and now bet against it? Hoping not to see another 231 ?

Well, yes and no. I don't wait for uniques to repeat. I wait for any repeats. It could be something like:

221 221
332 332
113 113

I got 333 333 in my last game…! Then I bet that the serie won't repeat a third time. Then, when won, I switch tables. Yes I know, it is time consuming, but I prefer to make one big bet than a series of smaller bets.

I was thinking about something today, according to RG, a unique repeats once every 250 to 350 spins. Neat. But I am very curious to know about the number of spins a unique would repeat 3 times. It is probably a lot… So we could do something like this:

Wait for a unique to come up. Bet against the unique from repeating with smaller regular bet.
If the unique repeats and you lose, bet the number of units lost on the last bet that it will not repeat a third time. This would be some kind of recovery bet. It will be a big bet, but your chance to win it should be big also.

Gotta test that...

Just another idea.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 27, 09:32 PM 2015
Quote from: MrJ on Dec 27, 09:19 PM 2015
I can not nor will I try to speak for all that do not post/share "decent" methods (notice I didn't say Holy Grail).

In a perfect world, yes, lets all share... A & B+ methods but with me, I have seen too much BS over the years. Answer this please....why would I "share" with certain people such as....the "you cant win" crowd so stop trying, the AP (cough) goofs, the unregistered folks, the members that contribute little, the members that will use it, make some money and I'll never hear a fu***n word of thanks etc. etc. etc.

So why again would I SHARE with them?


I understand where you're coming from, but this is a forum after all, so sharing information is part of being involved in this endeavor. If someone doesn't want to share, then let's identify them with something like a "visitor" status label instead of a member; that way, we can separate those who are all-in, vs those just searching for a good conversation.

My major gripe with members who don't share, is that it's an easy way to troll the forum by saying essentially: "I have found the answer, but I'm not sharing it", which is fine, but then, why continue to post? Not to mention the fact that we're talking about an easy sizable income for the rest of one's life...........that's a bold claim!

Great claims require great evidence. :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: keepontryin on Dec 27, 09:37 PM 2015
ok ok .......heres a thought...if  you want a little more action why not look for uniques that are also going vertically up and down.....lets test......
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Dec 27, 09:41 PM 2015
I knew I forgot something. The other BIG reason, if I personally put in hundreds, if not thousands of hours, failed relationships because roulette was more important, testing until I fell asleep at my desk, losing THOUSANDS of dollars at the casino. All for something great in the end (through my own trial & error...blood, sweat & tears).

All that sacrifice and then start a thread, giving it away? Not me brother.

I do agree with you though, a person should not talk s**t on how they have a HG, they are the best roulette player in the world and BTW, "dont ask me for help".

I agree, those members are borderline up for a ban.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: ddarko on Dec 27, 09:44 PM 2015
the above is against the forum's rules is it not ?

Has anybody ever been banned for breaking those rules ?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 27, 09:47 PM 2015
Quote from: MrJ on Dec 27, 09:41 PM 2015
I knew I forgot something. The other BIG reason, if I personally put in hundreds, if not thousands of hours, failed relationships because roulette was more important, testing until I fell asleep at my desk, losing THOUSANDS of dollars at the casino. All for something great in the end (through my own trial & error...blood, sweat & tears).

All that sacrifice and then start a thread, giving it away? Not me brother.

I do agree with you though, a person should not talk s**t on how they have a HG, they are the best roulette player in the world and BTW, "dont ask me for help".

I agree, those members are borderline up for a ban.


.........but I thought that is what we were all doing here. Putting in time to beat the game.

So now it's every man for himself? :question:

That doesn't exactly sound like a forum......  :ooh:

Perhaps I've been mistaken all along.......
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Dec 27, 09:52 PM 2015
Well so much for my idea.

Got 211 211 211 tonight which brought me down a lot... So any 3 dozens can repeat 3 times.

Will have to test more... ;-)

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 27, 10:08 PM 2015
Simon here ya go

link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=16320.0 (link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=16320.0)

I cant try any harder then i already have thelaw. Unless i put on a tuxedo and arrive at your house in a limo with women in bikinis giving presentations of all these tweaks
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Dec 27, 10:13 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 27, 10:08 PM 2015
Simon here ya go

link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=16320.0 (link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=16320.0)

Yeah. Thanks! Already read that thread... Just wanted to test something else.... I am trying Raymanz right now with my 3rd unique recovering bet. Can bring me down too.. Maybe not... Well see...

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 27, 10:14 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 27, 10:08 PM 2015
Simon here ya go

link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=16320.0 (link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=16320.0)

I cant try any harder then i already have thelaw. Unless i put on a tuxedo and arrive at your house in a limo with women in bikinis giving presentations of all these tweaks

Sounds good!

Can't wait to hear about your winnings using Raymanz tweak.........I assume that's the one you used! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Dec 27, 10:16 PM 2015
Quote from: ddarko on Dec 27, 09:44 PM 2015
the above is against the forum's rules is it not ?

Has anybody ever been banned for breaking those rules ?


I think yes. Who or when I really dont know.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Dec 27, 10:34 PM 2015
Well, I guess this is my last post for the night. Gonna go get a few units online and then go to bed.

Here is a little test of 120 spins with the Raymanz tweek and my 3rd sequence recovery tweek.

As you can see on the graph, I got 11333 than 231 and then again 231 for a loss. I bet against another 231 with enough chips to recover the previous loss and got 323. So I was back in the game...

The rest is about 2 hours of play online with live dealers at one spin every minute or so.

Will test more. Too tired now...


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 27, 10:36 PM 2015
Quote from: SimonZed1 on Dec 27, 10:34 PM 2015
Well, I guess this is my last post for the night. Gonna go get a few units online and then go to bed.

Here is a little test of 120 spins with the Raymanz tweek and my 3rd sequence recovery tweek.

As you can see on the graph, I got 11333 than 231 and then again 231 for a loss. I bet against another 231 with enough chips to recover the previous loss and got 323. So I was back in the game...

The rest is about 2 hours of play online with live dealers at one spin every minute or so.

Will test more. Too tired now...


You saw a unique repeat? Awesome trigger
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Dec 27, 10:41 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 27, 10:36 PM 2015
You saw a unique repeat? Awesome trigger

Yeah, and it got me down 140 units....  :o

Good thing I recovered... So no 3x3 uniques yet....

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 27, 10:43 PM 2015
Quote from: SimonZed1 on Dec 27, 10:41 PM 2015
Yeah, and it got me down 140 units....  :o

Good thing I recovered... So no 3x3 uniques yet....


140 units? Thats quite the progression


Id b down 26 units.

Then id increase unit size to recover quick
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Dec 27, 10:47 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 27, 10:43 PM 2015
140 units? Thats quite the progression


Id b down 26 units.

Then id increase unit size to recover quick

Yeah well I go 5$ on the dozens and 1$ on the Zero with a 1,3,9 progression....

When I say units, I mean $....

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 27, 10:48 PM 2015
Quote from: SimonZed1 on Dec 27, 10:47 PM 2015
Yeah well I go 5$ on the dozens and 1$ on the Zero with a 1,3,9 progression....

When I say units, I mean $....


Oh ok sorry
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Dec 27, 10:50 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 27, 10:48 PM 2015
Oh ok sorry

Should have specified... Where I play online the minimum is 1 unit on the zero and on the dozens, but to protect the zero, I have to put more on the dozens if I want to get a profit out of it.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Dec 27, 10:50 PM 2015
Quote from: SimonZed1 on Dec 27, 10:41 PM 2015
Yeah, and it got me down 140 units....  :o

Good thing I recovered... So no 3x3 uniques yet....


So if you played it at a CASINO and was "down" 140 units, would you of kept on playing? For around 90% of the people here, no is the answer. So you would not of ended in the plus.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Dec 27, 10:56 PM 2015
Quote from: MrJ on Dec 27, 10:50 PM 2015
So if you played it at a CASINO and was "down" 140 units, would you of kept on playing? For around 90% of the people here, no is the answer. So you would not of ended in the plus.


Yes, beacose I have the BR for it, and many other losses.

I know I am gambling. I know I can loose. I am willing to take that risk. This money is disposable money. And I am not gambling with the money for baby's new pair of shoes.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 27, 11:03 PM 2015
Quote from: SimonZed1 on Dec 27, 10:56 PM 2015
Yes, beacose I have the BR for it, and many other losses.

I know I am gambling. I know I can loose. I am willing to take that risk. This money is disposable money. And I am not gambling with the money for baby's new pair of shoes.


Good answer

This isnt cookie cutter

I wouldnt play if i couldnt take a 140 swing

This is an unbeatable game

For love of the game and passion we create systems and money management

It is a hobby. Not one size fits all. People have different styles. Period

People have a hobby for creating and testing strategies. If they want to test 3 spins or hundreds of spins let them

Math guys and "you cant win" guys ruin it for hobbyists and makes this place no fun

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Dec 27, 11:05 PM 2015
Quote from: SimonZed1 on Dec 27, 10:56 PM 2015
Yes, beacose I have the BR for it, and many other losses.

I know I am gambling. I know I can loose. I am willing to take that risk. This money is disposable money. And I am not gambling with the money for baby's new pair of shoes.


Hey thats cool, you and I are part of the *10%*....the rest, not so sure.

Not to mention, unless the unit sizes are .05 apiece.......
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Dec 27, 11:11 PM 2015
Quote from: MrJ on Dec 27, 11:05 PM 2015
Not to mention, unless the unit sizes are .05 apiece.......

Could be. Thats why I use the word units and not dollars. But I usually dont play less than high society chips...  :wink:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: thelaw on Dec 27, 11:11 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 27, 11:03 PM 2015
Good answer

This isnt cookie cutter

I wouldnt play if i couldnt take a 140 swing

This is an unbeatable game

For love of the game and passion we create systems and money management

It is a hobby. Not one size fits all. People have different styles. Period

People have a hobby for creating and testing strategies. If they want to test 3 spins or hundreds of spins let them

Math guys and "you cant win" guys ruin it for hobbyists and makes this place no fun

"This is an unbeatable game

For love of the game and passion we create systems and money management

It is a hobby. Not one size fits all. People have different styles. Period

People have a hobby for creating and testing strategies." - RG

Well, it's been fun!

Best of luck to everyone. :thumbsup:

Last post on this thread.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Dec 27, 11:19 PM 2015
@RG >>> You did it again. You post (regarding this method) 2 different things >> This is an unbeatable game AND you have the Holy Grail.  :-\  I'm confused.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Dec 27, 11:23 PM 2015
Quote from: SimonZed1 on Dec 27, 11:11 PM 2015
Could be. Thats why I use the word units and not dollars. But I usually dont play less than high society chips...  :wink:

Lets not confuse UNIT sizes, testing compared to unit sizes at a CASINO.

I agree, if we are using unit sizes of .0001 then sure, we could afford to lose 546,511,097,054 units.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 27, 11:27 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 27, 09:09 PM 2015
Dont break raymanz balls

He made the best tweak to date and tested 66k spins and posted the results

His tweak is a winner

If you choose not to test it thats your effin problem

Bet against previous 3 when unique



See one of those? then bet against it

Playing dozens and columns you will get about 10 betting opportunities per hour. On average you will lose every 250 to 350 spins as thats how often a uniqie repeats

Dont like it? Dont play it
Dont believe in it? Oh well
Dont want to read the raymanz tweak thread? Tough luck to ya cause you wont find better. Have better? Show me

Each uniqie repeats every 2000 spins -- 6 uniques thats roughly every 300 spins you see a unique repeat.  Want to find better? GOOD LUCK. Buy a roulette computer then

So how did you do today?  You went to the casino, right?

Do you have a trip report?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 27, 11:30 PM 2015
Happy to see the yacking stopped. So back to this grassroots. ...

Originally playing against  123 did great. Till it kicked my profits in half. So I stopped. Cuz it loses on the long run. It is what it is. But hey it did make me some nice money. Switching tables really really really changes nothing. It's in the hands of luck only. In and out is same. Luck.

Then the unique. ..they did great also. Again till you sit down on the wrong moment. And of course the waiting is bit long .

Columns is a big no for me.

So currently I play my tweak with very great success and tiny dd. It's one of the best methods I play with low risk.Flat or parlay.

One more thing about the unique. ..we not got many betting opportunity so when that progression of 11 33 99 loses....how many hours we need to recover?  Double the stakes?  Damn another bust. ...you know what I try to say?

I can't say it enough. ..FLAT OR PARLEY. 

RG...how your casino trip went?

Simon...your idea ain't bad mate. Just be careful with "BIG" bets cuz you think now it should be safe. Roulette is a b*tch.

Again flat or parlay. Again Onetaste and RG thx for promoting this.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 27, 11:32 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 27, 09:09 PM 2015
Dont break raymanz balls

He made the best tweak to date and tested 66k spins and posted the results

His tweak is a winner

If you choose not to test it thats your effin problem

Bet against previous 3 when unique



See one of those? then bet against it

Playing dozens and columns you will get about 10 betting opportunities per hour. On average you will lose every 250 to 350 spins as thats how often a uniqie repeats

Dont like it? Dont play it
Dont believe in it? Oh well
Dont want to read the raymanz tweak thread? Tough luck to ya cause you wont find better. Have better? Show me

Each uniqie repeats every 2000 spins -- 6 uniques thats roughly every 300 spins you see a unique repeat.  Want to find better? GOOD LUCK. Buy a roulette computer then

I keep looking for the actual post of the tweak.  Can't find it.
He talks about a pinwheel a lot. Not sure what that is.

What post # are you referring to?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 28, 01:24 AM 2015
You need glasses  :yawn:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: NextYear on Dec 28, 01:58 AM 2015
@ Mogul
link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=16390.new;topicseen#new (link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=16390.new;topicseen#new)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 28, 06:08 AM 2015
Quote from: MrJ on Dec 27, 11:19 PM 2015
@RG >>> You did it again. You post (regarding this method) 2 different things >> This is an unbeatable game AND you have the Holy Grail.  :-\  I'm confused.


It is my own HG

It wins enough for me to consider it that

It meets MY criteria. so thats that
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 28, 06:10 AM 2015
Quote from: denzie on Dec 27, 11:30 PM 2015

Again flat or parlay. Again Onetaste and RG thx for promoting this.

Too good not to, lol
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 28, 06:16 AM 2015
I received a PM from someone who has made literally thousands of dollars playing against 123 and 321 dozens and columns

Bigger unit size

Says he wont post because of the negativity

Said hed rather talk in PM with like minded people who seek to make the method better rather then spend days trying to prove it is crap

So you know who you are, good job being anti what the forum is for and making people not post

Part of message shared with permission

See where being jacka**es gets? This guy makes good money with some tweaks of grassroots but wont post because of know it alls and the you cant win crowd,who probably havent tested any of these tweaks one bit but just wants to chime in

So instead of this guy joining in to make it better hes silent
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Drazen on Dec 28, 06:36 AM 2015
@ RouletteGhost

May I ask what do you think here real problem is with "math boys", who are also usually considered to be naysayer about almost any method?

Do you think the way this is proposed to be played actually cannot be simulated in a right way so any negative longterm tests are not conducted in a right way? You think computer simulation is not the best way to do that?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 28, 06:39 AM 2015
Quote from: Drazen on Dec 28, 06:36 AM 2015
@ RouletteGhost

May I ask what do you think here real problem is with "math boys", who are also usually considered to be naysayer about almost any method?

Do you think the way this is proposed to be played actually cannot be simulated in a right way so any negative longterm tests are not conducted in a right way? You think computer simulation is not the best way to do that?


Long term testing. No way

But you are a math guy. That is what you do. So you will say most methods fail

So what you guys should do is come and say it will fail and then move on and lets us keep at it. In my opinion

If strategy hobbyists wanted BS we would goto wizard of vegas forum

Mind you, i have many PMs of guys winning big with grassroots principles. So a long term test means nothing to me. Does not reflect actual visits

If i choose a grassroots tweak and walk upto a table and play if for a few spins chances are im going to win. Long term testing shows oh look a loss here and a loss there

Im not stupid. I know it can lose. With proper progression and strategy we can make it work. I know that because people are

So if you dont like it dont play it. We now know who disagrees with it.

So no nevativity here. Move on to another method (not you particularly just anyone who disagrees with it) and let us keep at it. I enjoy seeing tests and success stories. Keep it clean

Not THAT hard

Then maybe we will have lurkers post.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Drazen on Dec 28, 06:53 AM 2015
I understand.

Computer simulations can be used quite widely and almost any hypothesis can be coded and simulated. Why do you think casino visits cannot be simulated in a way that such test reflects correct and factual results? Where lies the difference then?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 28, 06:54 AM 2015
Quote from: Drazen on Dec 28, 06:53 AM 2015
I understand.

Computer simulations can be used quite widely and almost any hypothesis can be coded and simulated. Why do you think casino visits cannot be simulated in a way that such test reflects correct and factual results? Where lies the difference then?

I dont know. I can speculate though. I believe in hit and run. Most dont
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Drazen on Dec 28, 07:26 AM 2015
So what hit and run means to you? How much absence of play is enough to be considered running away?

Hit and run is perfectly fine with me and lets say that really means something (difference) in results. Why there wouldn't be a validate way to test that through computer simulation?

I am thinking about this. You take some X number of spins or triggers played you think it will be enough for one visit, then skip certain amount of spins (which would be spun while you are not in the casino) and then continue the process like that? Could that for example be closer to simulating hit and run?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Dec 28, 09:39 AM 2015
Quote from: denzie on Dec 27, 11:30 PM 2015

I can't say it enough. ..FLAT OR PARLEY. 

Simon...your idea ain't bad mate. Just be careful with "BIG" bets cuz you think now it should be safe. Roulette is a b*tch.


Yes you are right on this one. I have been doing some maths all morning and the 1,3,9 is definitely not the solution. Now that we are starting to have a good bet selection method, I guess it's time to spend more time on money management. I will have to try a few things.


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 28, 09:51 AM 2015
My style is

1 2 5

Lighter. Break even. Only profit on 1st bet

Worked for me. But everyone has own style
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Dec 28, 09:55 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 28, 09:51 AM 2015
My style is

1 2 5

Lighter. Break even. Only profit on 1st bet

Worked for me. But everyone has own style

I`m really starting to think if something like some type of cancellation or Fibonacci would work with something like this... Hmmm.....

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 28, 10:16 AM 2015
Quote from: SimonZed1 on Dec 28, 09:55 AM 2015
I`m really starting to think if something like some type of cancellation or Fibonacci would work with something like this... Hmmm.....

Sounds good

I play mini games of 3

So i set my progression for that


111 mini game
111 new mini game
111 new mini game

I treat each one independently and i dont play on a rolling basis

Against previous 3 shown below. Not the best idea. It loses at times

Good for hit and run maybe

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RayManZ on Dec 28, 10:20 AM 2015
Some stats about the pinwheel grassroot.

In the past i kept track of all the spins i played at a live casino. I found them today on my harddrive and decided to do some quick tests.

If you would play the original grassroot method. So betting against 123 i would win. In all the tests combined the combination 321 works the best on the casino i played.

13-11-2015: +108 units
14-11-2015: +81 units
16-11-2015: +115 units
17-11-2015: +13 units
18-11-2015: +110 units
19-11-2015: +92 units

So betting against 321 with a 1 3 9 progression would make a nice daily profit. So nothing fancy. Just bet against 321 of the pinwheel.

1 = pinwheel 1 and 4
2 = pinwheel 2 and 5
3 = pinwheel 3 and 6

total: 297
123: 9
132: 14
213: 7
231: 11
312: 6
321: 7

total: 216
123: 5
132: 8
213: 6
231: 6
312: 12
321: 5

total: 277
123: 13
132: 10
213: 8
231: 12
312: 4
321: 6

total: 309
123: 10
132: 11
213: 13
231: 9
312: 8
321: 11

total: 299
123: 9
132: 9
213: 6
231: 8
312: 15
321: 7

total: 281
123: 15
132: 13
213: 12
231: 16
312: 9
321: 7

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 28, 10:26 AM 2015
Quote from: RayManZ on Dec 28, 10:20 AM 2015
Some stats about the pinwheel grassroot.

In the past i kept track of all the spins i played at a live casino. I found them today on my harddrive and decided to do some quick tests.

If you would play the original grassroot method. So betting against 123 i would win. In all the tests combined the combination 321 works the best on the casino i played.

13-11-2015: +108 units
14-11-2015: +81 units
16-11-2015: +115 units
17-11-2015: +13 units
18-11-2015: +110 units
19-11-2015: +92 units

So betting against 321 with a 1 3 9 progression would make a nice daily profit. So nothing fancy. Just bet against 321 of the pinwheel.

1 = pinwheel 1 and 4
2 = pinwheel 2 and 5
3 = pinwheel 3 and 6

total: 297
123: 9
132: 14
213: 7
231: 11
312: 6
321: 7

total: 216
123: 5
132: 8
213: 6
231: 6
312: 12
321: 5

total: 277
123: 13
132: 10
213: 8
231: 12
312: 4
321: 6

total: 309
123: 10
132: 11
213: 13
231: 9
312: 8
321: 11

total: 299
123: 9
132: 9
213: 6
231: 8
312: 15
321: 7

total: 281
123: 15
132: 13
213: 12
231: 16
312: 9
321: 7

Thank you so much for the stats

Anyone have american pinwheel?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Dec 28, 10:30 AM 2015
Quote from: RayManZ on Dec 28, 10:20 AM 2015

So betting against 321 with a 1 3 9 progression would make a nice daily profit. So nothing fancy. Just bet against 321 of the pinwheel.

1 = pinwheel 1 and 4
2 = pinwheel 2 and 5
3 = pinwheel 3 and 6

Very nice!! I am very curious about this Pinwheel thing but cant find any information anywhere about it. Can someone give me a lead to where I can find info and those pinwheel??


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 28, 10:33 AM 2015
link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=16390.0 (link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=16390.0)

One: 14: 32,25,36,5,14,7,4,6,8,33,22,35
Two: 25: 15,17,11,24,31,28,21,27,23,1,18,3
Three: 36: 19,34,30,16,9,12,2,13,10,20,29,26
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RayManZ on Dec 28, 10:36 AM 2015
link:://:.kimoliroulette.com/ (link:://:.kimoliroulette.com/)

And just use google: Kimo Li pinwheel or just kimo li. You will get many usefull hits.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Dec 28, 10:37 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 28, 10:33 AM 2015
link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=16390.0 (link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=16390.0)

Maybe I haven't drinked enough coffee this morning... Still dont get it... what are the numbers 14,25,36 means in front of the series?

14: 32,25,36,5,14,7,4,6,8,33,22,35
25: 15,17,11,24,31,28,21,27,23,1,18,3
36: 19,34,30,16,9,12,2,13,10,20,29,26


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 28, 10:38 AM 2015
I think you can ignore that

14 is pinwheel 1

25 is 2

36 is 3
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Dec 28, 10:38 AM 2015
Quote from: RayManZ on Dec 28, 10:36 AM 2015
link:://:.kimoliroulette.com/ (link:://:.kimoliroulette.com/)

And just use google: Kimo Li pinwheel or just kimo li. You will get many usefull hits.

Thanks!! I had googled it but... didnt find anything interested...

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RayManZ on Dec 28, 10:47 AM 2015
I will try to explain. It's a bit hard because english is not my first language but i will try.

You see i make groups like dozens? Bet against 321.

Group 1 = pinwheel 1 and 4
Group 2 = pinwheel 2 and 5
Group 3 = pinwheel 3 and 6

Now look at the EU roulette wheel. Divide the wheel in six sectors:

Sector 1: 32 15 19 4 21 2

Pinwheel 1 is every first number of every sector: 32,25,36,5,14,7

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 28, 11:12 AM 2015
I found another progression which was quite interesting and will look into some more and thats hermes progression on double dozen.

On this short test I played using denzie's way (betting the 3rd bet only) and waited for a unique again. (12 13 21 23 31 32)

We first bet 1 1, if we loose we bet 2 2, if we loose again we bet 4 4 and stick with 4 4 until we're in profit and go back to betting 1 1. Same with 2 2.

I will test this some more and show and see how this works.

I like the pinwheel method also, and will test it later this week.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 28, 11:13 AM 2015
dont know how grassroots does. But 12 unique did just fine
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 28, 11:16 AM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 28, 11:12 AM 2015
I found another progression which was quite interesting and will look into some more and thats hermes progression on double dozen.

On this short test I played using denzie's way (betting the 3rd bet only) and waited for a unique again. (12 13 21 23 31 32)

We first bet 1 1, if we loose we bet 2 2, if we loose again we bet 4 4 and stick with 4 4 until we're in profit and go back to betting 1 1. Same with 2 2.

I will test this some more and show and see how this works.

I like the pinwheel method also, and will test it later this week.

Thats called the leveller progression

Great utilization of it on 3rd bet only denzies way


The only way to lose big denzies way is if there are a lot of uniques. Unlikely. Great for good MM
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 28, 11:33 AM 2015
@celescliff. ..the leveller should work just fine. Although my feeling tells me it's more of a grind. Cuz I double my bets at -10.

Did you try a parlay already?

The best thing to do is test each way with the same spins. Then we know
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 28, 12:05 PM 2015
Quote from: denzie on Dec 28, 11:33 AM 2015
@celescliff. ..the leveller should work just fine. Although my feeling tells me it's more of a grind. Cuz I double my bets at -10.

Did you try a parlay already?

The best thing to do is test each way with the same spins. Then we know

Maybe it is, we'll see. :)

No, I haven't yet. Could make a test for it with the same spins.

How far do you go with the parlay? 1 1 2 2 3 3 and reset?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 28, 12:37 PM 2015
Quote from: denzie on Dec 28, 01:24 AM 2015
You need glasses  :yawn:

Like the ones in your picture?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 28, 12:41 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 28, 06:16 AM 2015
I received a PM from someone who has made literally thousands of dollars playing against 123 and 321 dozens and columns

Bigger unit size

Says he wont post because of the negativity

Said hed rather talk in PM with like minded people who seek to make the method better rather then spend days trying to prove it is crap

So you know who you are, good job being anti what the forum is for and making people not post

Part of message shared with permission

See where being jacka**es gets? This guy makes good money with some tweaks of grassroots but wont post because of know it alls and the you cant win crowd,who probably havent tested any of these tweaks one bit but just wants to chime in

So instead of this guy joining in to make it better hes silent

Don't know if this is clear or not, but I'm not negative.

Not sure if I need to read further, but I'm still waiting for the trip
report.  Forgive me if it's there later than this.

I can only read one word at a time. (And at that, only one letter).
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 28, 12:48 PM 2015
Quote from: nextyear on Dec 28, 01:58 AM 2015
@ Mogul
link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=16390.new;topicseen#new (link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=16390.new;topicseen#new)

Thanks.  For all the fanfare it's interesting to note that by
reply #17 in there he says "this does not work".
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 28, 01:08 PM 2015
Quote from: SimonZed1 on Dec 28, 09:55 AM 2015
I`m really starting to think if something like some type of cancellation or Fibonacci would work with something like this... Hmmm.....

I'll repeat what I said earlier for you Simon. Last tear I went on was to
play "last two dozens" with a labby. I made a variation where, after
2 losses I switched to last and 3rd back, and back again. It worked like
a charm for a few trips (on paper). Then it fell apart and lost 3
consecutive times. It was that last time that put the nail in the coffin.

I think the 1,2,5 thing might be a better direction.

I'll say more on this in a later post.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 28, 01:15 PM 2015
Quote from: RayManZ on Dec 28, 10:47 AM 2015
I will try to explain. It's a bit hard because english is not my first language but i will try.

You see i make groups like dozens? Bet against 321.

Group 1 = pinwheel 1 and 4
Group 2 = pinwheel 2 and 5
Group 3 = pinwheel 3 and 6

Now look at the EU roulette wheel. Divide the wheel in six sectors:

Sector 1: 32 15 19 4 21 2

Pinwheel 1 is every first number of every sector: 32,25,36,5,14,7

A couple of things.

I don't know who's on here, but I'll NEVER see a euro wheel. So it's out.

Also, weather regular or rng, it is betting 2/3 of the table with
single bets (if I see this right) and would be logistically impossible
for time to place bets.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 28, 01:19 PM 2015
Still waiting for RG trip report from his casino trip
yesterday. And all I see is silence.

I remember when the internet was new, and you sent email.
And received some. And on some level you had the silly thought
that by not responding to the email it meant that you didn't get it.

Well here we go.  "Money".  "Mouth"..... put one where the other is.
This is, like, the 4th time I've mentioned it, and RG is playing that
"silence" hand.

A) Did you not actually go as you said you would?
b) Did you go...... And what happened..

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 28, 01:21 PM 2015
Quote from: mogul397 on Dec 28, 01:19 PM 2015
Still waiting for RG trip report from his casino trip
yesterday. And all I see is silence.

I remember when the internet was new, and you sent email.
And received some. And on some level you had the silly thought
that by not responding to the email it meant that you didn't get it.

Well here we go.  "Money".  "Mouth"..... put one where the other is.
This is, like, the 4th time I've mentioned it, and RG is playing that
"silence" hand.

A) Did you not actually go as you said you would?
b) Did you go...... And what happened..

Man. You are a riot

I did not get to go

I did things instead

Can you stop now
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 28, 01:33 PM 2015
Quote from: mogul397 on Dec 28, 01:19 PM 2015
Still waiting for RG trip report from his casino trip
yesterday. And all I see is silence.

I remember when the internet was new, and you sent email.
And received some. And on some level you had the silly thought
that by not responding to the email it meant that you didn't get it.

Well here we go.  "Money".  "Mouth"..... put one where the other is.
This is, like, the 4th time I've mentioned it, and RG is playing that
"silence" hand.

A) Did you not actually go as you said you would?
b) Did you go...... And what happened..
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 28, 02:49 PM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 28, 12:05 PM 2015
Maybe it is, we'll see. :)

No, I haven't yet. Could make a test for it with the same spins.

How far do you go with the parlay? 1 1 2 2 3 3 and reset?

1-1 , 1-1 , 2-2 , 3-3 , 4-4 reset
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 28, 02:51 PM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 28, 11:13 AM 2015
dont know how grassroots does. But 12 unique did just fine

oops forgot the slips
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 28, 02:54 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 28, 01:21 PM 2015
Man. You are a riot
Can you stop now

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 28, 03:27 PM 2015
Quote from: denzie on Dec 28, 02:49 PM 2015
1-1 , 1-1 , 2-2 , 3-3 , 4-4 reset

OK, so here we go again.  Wearing my glasses now.

Wondering about the parlay.  So if I bet 1 unit on 2 dozen and win,
I get 1 unit.  How do I "parlay" that after a win?  Do I add an
additional unit so that BOTH dozen has 2 units?  If I only
bet 1 unit again, it is not a parlay.....

And that continues for 2-2  3-3  4-4..
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 28, 03:59 PM 2015
 denzie, not trying to trip you up, but bet slip 1 circled. How would you handle the last 6 mini games, lets presume you lose the 0-1-2
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 28, 04:00 PM 2015
It's a double dozen parlay.

1-1 , 1-1 , 2-2 , 3-3 , 4-4 , 5-5 , 8-8 , 12-12 , 18-18 , 27-27 , etc...

Now I wouldn't take it this far. But I'm sure you'll see how it works. Thx to GLC

Although many times I get very close to 10 steps and beyond.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 28, 04:04 PM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 28, 03:59 PM 2015
denzie, not trying to trip you up, but bet slip 1 circled. How would you handle the last 6 mini games, lets presume you lose the 0-1-2

Can you give it in 3 spin minigame pls?
I'm not really understand your slips.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 28, 04:06 PM 2015
Quote from: denzie on Dec 28, 04:00 PM 2015
It's a double dozen parlay.

1-1 , 1-1 , 2-2 , 3-3 , 4-4 , 5-5 , 8-8 , 12-12 , 18-18 , 27-27 , etc...

Now I wouldn't take it this far. But I'm sure you'll see how it works. Thx to GLC

Although many times I get very close to 10 steps and beyond.  :thumbsup:

So when your at -10 you go 5-5, 8-8, 12-12 and so on? I want to make sure when I test your method this week that it's at accurate as possible.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 28, 04:15 PM 2015

16-2     we'll presume you chose 3rd





Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 28, 04:20 PM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 28, 04:06 PM 2015
So when your at -10 you go 5-5, 8-8, 12-12 and so on? I want to make sure when I test your method this week that it's at accurate as possible.  :thumbsup:

No you got me bit wrong.  My main way is flat 1-1 till I get +10. Stop.

If I get many unique and I get -10 then I double my bets to 2-2 till I'm break even.

BR 30 units
Win goal 10 units.


For the parlay I start with 1-1 , 1-1 , 2-2 , 3-3 , 4-4 stop and reset. If we win we get 11 units. If we lose then we lose 2 units.


Now the combo :
Flat 1-1 till +10 and stop. Or many unique came and where -10. Then we start our parlay instead of just double to 2-2
Cuz we got many losses (probably clustered) then our repeaters will come.

Also br 30 units
Win goal +10

I hope is clear
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 28, 04:25 PM 2015
Quote from: denzie on Dec 28, 04:20 PM 2015
No you got me bit wrong.  My main way is flat 1-1 till I get +10. Stop.

If I get many unique and I get -10 then I double my bets to 2-2 till I'm break even.

BR 30 units
Win goal 10 units.


For the parlay I start with 1-1 , 1-1 , 2-2 , 3-3 , 4-4 stop and reset. If we win we get 11 units. If we lose then we lose 2 units.


Now the combo :
Flat 1-1 till +10 and stop. Or many unique came and where -10. Then we start our parlay instead of just double to 2-2
Cuz we got many losses (probably clustered) then our repeaters will come.

Also br 30 units
Win goal +10

I hope is clear

Clear for me. Thanks
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 28, 04:26 PM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 28, 04:15 PM 2015

0-0(no bet)
16-2(2-1)     we'll presume you chose 3rd




30-3 (3-1)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RayManZ on Dec 28, 04:33 PM 2015
i think you're reading it wrong.

First number is the spin. Second number is the dozen.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 28, 04:37 PM 2015
That's why I didn't understand it. Sorry I play them horizontal. ...wait I'll redo them
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 28, 04:40 PM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 28, 04:15 PM 2015
28-3 bet 1-2 .... -2

16-2 bet 1-2 ....-1

27-3 bet 2-1 .... -3

28-3 bet 1-2.....-5

12-1 bet 3-2 ......-7

30-3 bet 2-3 .....-6

This is actually look like a rfh. But we're not even close to our 30u bust.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 28, 04:49 PM 2015
I said in the 2nd mini game you chose 3rd doz so you lose, this gets to -10, do you parley next time, not trying to find fault, just seemed a good chance for a demo
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 28, 04:54 PM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 28, 04:49 PM 2015
I said in the 2nd mini game you chose 3rd doz so you lose, this gets to -10, do you parley next time, not trying to find fault, just seemed a good chance for a demo

Then the total would be -9.
Cuz that last minigame we start our parlay at 1-1 ...

My apologies for misunderstanding   :-\
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 28, 04:58 PM 2015
Quote from: denzie on Dec 28, 04:20 PM 2015
No you got me bit wrong.  My main way is flat 1-1 till I get +10. Stop.

If I get many unique and I get -10 then I double my bets to 2-2 till I'm break even.

BR 30 units
Win goal 10 units.


For the parlay I start with 1-1 , 1-1 , 2-2 , 3-3 , 4-4 stop and reset. If we win we get 11 units. If we lose then we lose 2 units.


Now the combo :
Flat 1-1 till +10 and stop. Or many unique came and where -10. Then we start our parlay instead of just double to 2-2
Cuz we got many losses (probably clustered) then our repeaters will come.

Also br 30 units
Win goal +10

I hope is clear

Ok, so it's three strategies, then? first is flat to +10 and stop second is parlay to +11 and stop and third is flat but if -10 we use parlay to +10 and stop.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 28, 04:59 PM 2015
heres the rest of the games on sheet 2







6-1       i stopped here as the 12th unique won here

hope the parley gets the win
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 28, 05:02 PM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 28, 04:58 PM 2015
Ok, so it's three strategies, then? first is flat to +10 and stop second is parlay to +11 and stop and third is flat but if -10 we use parlay to +10 and stop.

It are 3 different strategies. I play them all. Up to my feeling. Best is you test all 3 each time with the same spins. Then we know what's most profitable. But so far they all work.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 28, 05:06 PM 2015
Quote from: denzie on Dec 28, 05:02 PM 2015
It are 3 different strategies. I play them all. Up to my feeling. Best is you test all 3 each time with the same spins. Then we know what's most profitable. But so far they all work.

Alright, then, will do. :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 28, 05:09 PM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 28, 04:59 PM 2015
heres the rest of the games on sheet 2

32-3 bet 2-3 ....-8

6-1 bet 2-3 .....-10...reset parlay

32-3 bet 1-3...-9 /bet 1-2 ....-12

31-3 bet 3-1 ...-8 / bet 1-2 ....-14

7-1 bet 3-1 ....-6/ bet 3-2 .....-16

33-3 bet 1-3 ....-3/ bet 1-3 -15

6-1       i stopped here as the 12th unique won here

hope the parley gets the win
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 28, 05:09 PM 2015
Yes Den you can kind of get a feel as the numbers come.
on the 1st slip you can see its giving unique, but you know when you change it'll change, best see if you can ride it out.

If you play each result like 35 was 1st spin,so bet against 3, 2 came, win, if you carry on +1/-1, it comes out a winner.

Does it happen every time, who knows, perhaps celescliff could test it.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 28, 05:10 PM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 28, 05:06 PM 2015
Alright, then, will do. :thumbsup:

Big thx. Much appreciated.  :)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tamino on Dec 28, 05:31 PM 2015
As long as one plays the 0/00 wheel  there iis nothing to fear. All 2 dozen combinations  are strong within themselves.

No comment on the single wheel combos.

Nathan Detroit
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 28, 05:36 PM 2015
Here is 2 tests

To be honest I cannot remember if it is American Zumma or European smart live, dont know, dont care but i think it was zumma

The first chart is against previous 3 only when unique. 1 3 9 progression on FIRST BET ONLY of each mini game is something to consider. MOST wins are spin 1 or 2 of each mini game. want less risk? bet 1 unit, if lose wait until next mini game trigger then do 3 etc. would be very unlucky to have 3 unique mini games have the 1st spin repeat 3 times in a row. To clarify what i mean, when you have a unique and you bet against it just bet 1st spin win or lose. wait for next trigger, then do it again first bet only

The second chart is NickTheGreeks tweak, meaning: when a unique shows, bet against that unique continuously until a new unique shows, then bet against that unique continuously until another unique shows. I like it, I love it. most wins 1st column.

i think the 2 charts prove that this is a good strategy? its longer then my play, id be done row 5 or 6....

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 28, 05:56 PM 2015
or COURSE it can and will lose at times.

but those 2 charts show you what we are dealing with. a solid method.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 28, 07:09 PM 2015
A continue of the last chart, this time 300 spins. Using the leveling strategy by hermes.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 28, 07:15 PM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 28, 07:09 PM 2015
A continue of the last chart, this time 300 spins. Using the leveling strategy by hermes.

triggers only?



celes looking back to your OLD testing charts when you first got started, hermes leveller would have been very successful on the 1st bet only of each mini game. when you were testing against previous 3 comes to mind

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 28, 07:21 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 28, 07:15 PM 2015
triggers only?



celes looking back to your OLD testing charts when you first got started, hermes leveller would have been very successful on the 1st bet only of each mini game. when you were testing against previous 3 comes to mind


Yes triggers only.

Great!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 28, 07:38 PM 2015
Quote from: mogul397 on Dec 28, 03:27 PM 2015
OK, so here we go again.  Wearing my glasses now.

Wondering about the parlay.  So if I bet 1 unit on 2 dozen and win,
I get 1 unit.  How do I "parlay" that after a win?  Do I add an
additional unit so that BOTH dozen has 2 units?  If I only
bet 1 unit again, it is not a parlay.....

And that continues for 2-2  3-3  4-4..

it is painful watching you try to denounce method(s) without understanding them in the 1st place.

read and understand it all first. THEN denounce it all.

if you are a slow learner im not trying to make fun or be mean to you. just please TRY to read and read and read again.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 28, 07:58 PM 2015
2 more. I have a stop loss at 40 units (400).
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Noreilles on Dec 28, 09:27 PM 2015
Quote from: SimonZed1 on Dec 28, 09:39 AM 2015

Yes you are right on this one. I have been doing some maths all morning and the 1,3,9 is definitely not the solution. Now that we are starting to have a good bet selection method, I guess it's time to spend more time on money management. I will have to try a few things.

For my part, I use a shortened Fibo (start 1-2-3 instead of the usual 1-1-2-3) and on my 1st win after one or more loss, I parlay the win (if I'm at step 3 or more). With my budget, I use the Fibo 1-2-3-5-8-13, and like I said I parlay the 1st win after a loss(es), if I win it's back to 1 unit, otherwise next step in the Fibo.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tomla021 on Dec 28, 09:29 PM 2015
pretty clever noreilles!!
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 28, 09:33 PM 2015
Ok, I tested the parlay method, denzie. Maybe I didn't do it right, so I give you the chart, spins and balance for you to look at.

P = Parlay

Stop at +10 (100)

              Information       P
3 1 3 1
1 2 2 1
1 1 2 Bet 3 2
3 3 1 Bet 1 1
3 1 1 1
2 1 1 2
3 1 2 3
2 2 1 Bet 3 1
3 2 3 1
2 3 1 1
1 1 2 Bet 2 1
3 1 3 1
2 3 2 2
2 3 3 3
1 3 1 Reset 4
3 3 3 Bet 2 1
2 2 3 Bet 1 1
1 1 3 Bet 2 1
2 2 2 Bet 1 1
1 3 3 1
1 1 1 Bet 2 2
3 3 1 Bet 2 3
1 2 3 1
3 2 2 1
2 1 2 1
2 1 0 Insurance 2
1 3 3 3
1 2 2 Reset 4
1 3 2 1
2 2 2 Bet 1 1
2 2 3 Bet 1 1
1 3 3 1
1 1 3 Bet 2 1
3 2 2 1
3 2 2 1
3 2 1 2
1 2 1 1
1 2 2 1
3 3 1 Bet 1 2
2 1 3 3
3 2 2 1
3 1 1 1
2 3 2 2
1 1 3 Bet 3 3
1 1 3 Bet 3/Reset 4
1 3 3 1
3 3 2 Bet 2 1
2 1 3 2
2 1 2 1
2 2 2 Bet 3 1
1 3 2 2
2 1 1 1
2 3 1 1
3 3 2 Bet 2 1
2 3 2 1
3 3 3 Bet 1 2
2 3 2 3
1 1 1 Bet 3/Reset 4
3 3 2 Bet 2 1
3 3 2 Bet 1 1
2 3 2 1
0 2 1 Bet 1 1
1 1 2 Bet 2 2


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 28, 09:46 PM 2015
Same spin with the way I play. Stop at +10 (100).

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 28, 09:50 PM 2015
Awesome that you test and graph

My mind is spinning on how i want to play next visit at B & M
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 28, 10:58 PM 2015
Quote from: denzie on Dec 28, 05:09 PM 2015

How is this supposed to be a good thing?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Azim on Dec 28, 11:23 PM 2015
Don't want to be a party popper.

Look at the layout of the dozens on the wheel and make an educated decision as to which 2 dozens your money has to be lost on?

Good luck all.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 29, 04:38 AM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 28, 09:33 PM 2015
Ok, I tested the parlay method, denzie. Maybe I didn't do it right, so I give you the chart, spins and balance for you to look at.

P = Parlay

Stop at +10 (100)

              Information       P
3 1 3 1
1 2 2 1
1 1 2 Bet 3 2
3 3 1 Bet 1 1
3 1 1 1
2 1 1 2
3 1 2 3
2 2 1 Bet 3 1
3 2 3 1
2 3 1 1
1 1 2 Bet 2 1
3 1 3 1
2 3 2 2
2 3 3 3
1 3 1 Reset 4
3 3 3 Bet 2 1
2 2 3 Bet 1 1
1 1 3 Bet 2 1
2 2 2 Bet 1 1
1 3 3 1
1 1 1 Bet 2 2
3 3 1 Bet 2 3
1 2 3 1
3 2 2 1
2 1 2 1
2 1 0 Insurance 2
1 3 3 3
1 2 2 Reset 4
1 3 2 1
2 2 2 Bet 1 1
2 2 3 Bet 1 1
1 3 3 1
1 1 3 Bet 2 1
3 2 2 1
3 2 2 1
3 2 1 2
1 2 1 1
1 2 2 1
3 3 1 Bet 1 2
2 1 3 3
3 2 2 1
3 1 1 1
2 3 2 2
1 1 3 Bet 3 3
1 1 3 Bet 3/Reset 4
1 3 3 1
3 3 2 Bet 2 1
2 1 3 2
2 1 2 1
2 2 2 Bet 3 1
1 3 2 2
2 1 1 1
2 3 1 1
3 3 2 Bet 2 1
2 3 2 1
3 3 3 Bet 1 2
2 3 2 3
1 1 1 Bet 3/Reset 4
3 3 2 Bet 2 1
3 3 2 Bet 1 1
2 3 2 1
0 2 1 Bet 1 1
1 1 2 Bet 2 2

29 ...1-1 (1)/1-1 (1)/1-1 (1)
18 ...1-1(2)/1-1(2)/1-1 (2)
20 ...1-1(3)/2-2 (4)/1-1 (3) Choose 2nd cuz dominant
99 ...1-1 (4)/3-3 (7)/1-1 (4) Choose 1st cuz also dominant.
3 ... 1-1 (5)/4-4 (11stop)/1-1 (5)
7 ...1-1 (6)/1-1 (1)/1-1 (6)
9 ... 1-1 (7)/1-1 (2)/1-1 (7)
15 ...1-1 (8)/2-2 (4)/1-1 (8)
34 ...1-1 (6)/1-1 (-2)/1-1 (6) Choose 2nd cuz my feel telling me it's still dominant. Not lol
20 ...1-1 (7)/1-1 (-1)/1-1 (7)
11 ...1-1 (8)/1-1 (0)/1-1 (8)
99 ...1-1 (9)/2-2 (2)/1-1 (9)
28 ...1-1 (10stop)/3-3 (5)/1-1 (10 stop)
17 etc...... I got +10 on all 3

First was flat and double after -10/ second parlay/ third was the combo
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 29, 04:40 AM 2015
Oops the  8) should be 8.

And I think 99 suppose to be 9 ?
Anyway you get the point  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 29, 05:07 AM 2015
Quote from: denzie on Dec 29, 04:40 AM 2015
Oops the  8) should be 8.

And I think 99 suppose to be 9 ?
Anyway you get the point  :thumbsup:
No sorry 99 is dealer change. Rx named it, not me.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 29, 07:33 AM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 28, 07:58 PM 2015
2 more. I have a stop loss at 40 units (400).

Which method?  It's getting confusing. We should name them.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 29, 07:35 AM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 29, 05:07 AM 2015
No sorry 99 is dealer change. Rx named it, not me.

Oooooi pfff  :-[

Anyway you get the point right?  Test several tweaks with the same spins.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 29, 07:36 AM 2015
Quote from: denzie on Dec 29, 07:35 AM 2015
Oooooi pfff  :-[

Anyway you get the point right?  Test several tweaks with the same spins.

Thats exactly what ive been doing with the charts i post

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 29, 07:38 AM 2015
Quote from: Noreilles on Dec 28, 09:27 PM 2015
For my part, I use a shortened Fibo (start 1-2-3 instead of the usual 1-1-2-3) and on my 1st win after one or more loss, I parlay the win (if I'm at step 3 or more). With my budget, I use the Fibo 1-2-3-5-8-13, and like I said I parlay the 1st win after a loss(es), if I win it's back to 1 unit, otherwise next step in the Fibo.

Can you give a clear example pls ?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 29, 07:52 AM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 28, 09:33 PM 2015
Ok, I tested the parlay method, denzie. Maybe I didn't do it right, so I give you the chart, spins and balance for you to look at.

P = Parlay

Stop at +10 (100)

              Information       P
3 1 3 1
1 2 2 1
1 1 2 Bet 3 2
3 3 1 Bet 1 1
3 1 1 1
2 1 1 2
3 1 2 3
2 2 1 Bet 3 1
3 2 3 1
2 3 1 1
1 1 2 Bet 2 1
3 1 3 1
2 3 2 2
2 3 3 3
1 3 1 Reset 4
3 3 3 Bet 2 1
2 2 3 Bet 1 1
1 1 3 Bet 2 1
2 2 2 Bet 1 1
1 3 3 1
1 1 1 Bet 2 2
3 3 1 Bet 2 3
1 2 3 1
3 2 2 1
2 1 2 1
2 1 0 Insurance 2
1 3 3 3
1 2 2 Reset 4
1 3 2 1
2 2 2 Bet 1 1
2 2 3 Bet 1 1
1 3 3 1
1 1 3 Bet 2 1
3 2 2 1
3 2 2 1
3 2 1 2
1 2 1 1
1 2 2 1
3 3 1 Bet 1 2
2 1 3 3
3 2 2 1
3 1 1 1
2 3 2 2
1 1 3 Bet 3 3
1 1 3 Bet 3/Reset 4
1 3 3 1
3 3 2 Bet 2 1
2 1 3 2
2 1 2 1
2 2 2 Bet 3 1
1 3 2 2
2 1 1 1
2 3 1 1
3 3 2 Bet 2 1
2 3 2 1
3 3 3 Bet 1 2
2 3 2 3
1 1 1 Bet 3/Reset 4
3 3 2 Bet 2 1
3 3 2 Bet 1 1
2 3 2 1
0 2 1 Bet 1 1
1 1 2 Bet 2 2


Thought i'd see how the 1st12 unique would do on celescliffs numbers, where the dealer change 99 i could work out whether they were a particular doz. Later could not so just ommited that spin.     + £252
1   32   1   
2   4   2   
3   29   3   
4   7   4   
5   23   5   
6   18   6   
7   5   7   
8   10   8   
9   20   9   
10   30   10   
11   31   11   
12   29   x   
13   11   12   
14   30   1   w +24
15   3   2   
16   6   3   
17   18   4   
18   7   5   
19   3   x   
20   27   6   
21   9   7   
22   21   8   
23   13   9   
24   15   10   
25   19   11   
26   2   12   
27   34   1   L
28   21   2   w  +12
29   27   3   
30   20   4   
31   33   5   
32   6   6   
33   11   7   
34   7   8   
35   18   9   
36   29   10   
37   30   11   
38   3   12   
39   28   1   L
40   21   2   L
41   33   3   w  +24
42   17   4   
43   20   5   
44   35   6   
45   34   7   
46   2   8   
47   29   9   
48   27   10   
49   2   x   
50   29   x   
51   32   11   
52   36   12   
53   16   1   L
54   14   2   L
55   33   3   w  +24
56   5   4   
57   5   x   
58   29   5   
59   20   6   
60   19   7   
61   21   8   
62   1   9   
63   36   10   
64   25   11   
65   4   12   
66   12   1   L
67   4   2   w  +12
68   36   3   
69   31   4   
70   11   5   
71   10   6   
72   16   7   
73   34   8   
74   32   9   
75   22   10   
76   13   11   
77   22   x   
78   11   x   
79   23   12   
80   13   1   w  +24
81   3   2   
82   99   x   
83   0   3   
84   6   4   
85   27   5   
86   32   6   
87   4   7   
88   14   8   
89   13   x   
90   12   9   
91   31   10   
92   15   11   
93   14   x   
94   24   12   
95   17   1   L
96   14   2   w  +12
97   18   3   
98   31   4   
99   7   5   
100   30   6   
101   35   7   
102   12   8   
103   2   9   
104   27   10   
105   32   11   
106   16   12   
107   23   1   L
108   99   x   x
109   33   2   L
110   22   3   L
111   13   4   L
112   31   5   L
113   13   x   L
114   9   6   L
115   12   7   w  +24
116   14   8   
117   14   x   
118   7   9   
119   19   10   
120   24   11   
121   30   12   
122   35   1   L
123   2   2   L
124   13   3   w  +24
125   3   4   
126   27   5   
127   31   6   
128   15   7   
129   18   8   
130   27   9   
131   1   10   
132   9   11   
133   17   12   
134   27   1   w  +24
135   24   2   
136   2   3   
137   99   x   
138   6   4   
139   27   x   
140   12   5   
141   12   x   
142   29   6   
143   9   7   
144   25   8   
145   25   x   
146   30   9   
147   31   10   
148   22   11   
149   14   12   
150   11   1   L
151   27   2   w  +12
152   18   3   
153   8   4   
154   13   5   
155   14   6   
156   14   x   
157   22   7   
158   5   8   
159   32   9   
160   19   10   
161   23   11   
162   6   12   
163   4   1   L
164   99   x   x
165   13   2   w  +12
166   28   3   
167   4   x   
168   35   4   
169   28   x   
170   13   x   
171   18   5   
172   28   x   
173   16   6   
174   26   7   
175   27   8   
176   30   9   
177   18   x   
178   35   x   
179   14   10   
180   4   x   
181   12   11   
182   99   x   
183   5   12   
184   26      w  +24
185   26      
186   16      
187   30      
188   35      
189   22      
190   22      
191   34      
192   22      
193   0      
194   24      
195   3      
196   6      
197   15      
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 29, 08:12 AM 2015
Quote from: denzie on Dec 28, 05:09 PM 2015

From reply 1175.  The quote did not copy through.

At the risk of looking stupid again. And someone explain what
the difference is in the two columbs of play in that list?  They
certainly come out different.

And BTW, FYI, the quote was a botch, but notice that I specified
what I was talking about rather than jusr referring to it, leaving
the work to you?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 29, 08:29 AM 2015
Quote from: denzie on Dec 29, 07:33 AM 2015
Which method?  It's getting confusing. We should name them.

So you finally see my point?

I'm not the brightest bulb on the tree, but discussion about
unspecified things is impossible.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 29, 08:43 AM 2015
@notto. ... what exactly are you doing?  Or can you give the reply nr?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 29, 08:49 AM 2015
Mogul. Copy and paste what u do not understand and i will try to help you
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 29, 09:10 AM 2015
Quote from: denzie on Dec 29, 08:43 AM 2015
@notto. ... what exactly are you doing?  Or can you give the reply nr?

If its regarding reply 1200. I used the numbers celescliff posted to see whether 12 unique numbers  would win.
As soon as the 12 win, collect the next 12 unique
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 29, 10:36 AM 2015
Quote from: denzie on Dec 29, 04:38 AM 2015
First was flat and double after -10/ second parlay/ third was the combo

Referring to reply 1193.

Let me see if what I see is correct. Looks like Denzie is on track
with the method here.

1) Play mine games of 3. When dozen 1 and 2 are unique you bet
1 unit on each of them for the 3rd spin.
2) You wait for the next setup and do the same.
3)  You stop when you win +10 or lose -30 stop loss.
4) If you win two in a row,  you go to parlay mode. You take
the 2 units that you've won and add it and make 2-2 bets.
Take those 2 units and parlay to 3-3. And so on til you win +10.
5) If you are down -10 units you increase your base bet to 2 units.
Not sure how this effects the parlay thing.

Is this correct? That's all I am asking here.

The only other question I might have is that the examples (which
I don't entirely follow) seem to get wins of 24 units here and there
and add up to hundreds. Not sure what is going on there.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 29, 11:14 AM 2015
Quote from: denzie on Dec 29, 07:35 AM 2015
Oooooi pfff  :-[

Anyway you get the point right?  Test several tweaks with the same spins.

I get the point.  :thumbsup:

Quote from: denzie on Dec 29, 07:33 AM 2015
Which method?  It's getting confusing. We should name them.

Agreed, it's getting more and more confusing. The chart was from the way I play it with level progression 1-1 2-2 4-4 and stick to 4-4 til in profit.

I'm really thinking about making an excel tutorial where 1 sheet is from each tweak that has been shared to the public. So one sheet is named denzie, another sheet is named rouletteghost, thelaw, celescliff, raymanz, nick-the-greek, amk and so on. When it's done, maybe onetaste could post it in the first page and if we have another tweak, we add it in the excel file. Just to keep things more organized.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 29, 11:19 AM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 29, 07:52 AM 2015
Thought i'd see how the 1st12 unique would do on celescliffs numbers, where the dealer change 99 i could work out whether they were a particular doz. Later could not so just ommited that spin.     + £252
1   32   1   
2   4   2   
3   29   3   
4   7   4   
5   23   5   
6   18   6   
7   5   7   
8   10   8   
9   20   9   
10   30   10   
11   31   11   
12   29   x   
13   11   12   
14   30   1   w +24
15   3   2   
16   6   3   
17   18   4   
18   7   5   
19   3   x   
20   27   6   
21   9   7   
22   21   8   
23   13   9   
24   15   10   
25   19   11   
26   2   12   
27   34   1   L
28   21   2   w  +12
29   27   3   
30   20   4   
31   33   5   
32   6   6   
33   11   7   
34   7   8   
35   18   9   
36   29   10   
37   30   11   
38   3   12   
39   28   1   L
40   21   2   L
41   33   3   w  +24
42   17   4   
43   20   5   
44   35   6   
45   34   7   
46   2   8   
47   29   9   
48   27   10   
49   2   x   
50   29   x   
51   32   11   
52   36   12   
53   16   1   L
54   14   2   L
55   33   3   w  +24
56   5   4   
57   5   x   
58   29   5   
59   20   6   
60   19   7   
61   21   8   
62   1   9   
63   36   10   
64   25   11   
65   4   12   
66   12   1   L
67   4   2   w  +12
68   36   3   
69   31   4   
70   11   5   
71   10   6   
72   16   7   
73   34   8   
74   32   9   
75   22   10   
76   13   11   
77   22   x   
78   11   x   
79   23   12   
80   13   1   w  +24
81   3   2   
82   99   x   
83   0   3   
84   6   4   
85   27   5   
86   32   6   
87   4   7   
88   14   8   
89   13   x   
90   12   9   
91   31   10   
92   15   11   
93   14   x   
94   24   12   
95   17   1   L
96   14   2   w  +12
97   18   3   
98   31   4   
99   7   5   
100   30   6   
101   35   7   
102   12   8   
103   2   9   
104   27   10   
105   32   11   
106   16   12   
107   23   1   L
108   99   x   x
109   33   2   L
110   22   3   L
111   13   4   L
112   31   5   L
113   13   x   L
114   9   6   L
115   12   7   w  +24
116   14   8   
117   14   x   
118   7   9   
119   19   10   
120   24   11   
121   30   12   
122   35   1   L
123   2   2   L
124   13   3   w  +24
125   3   4   
126   27   5   
127   31   6   
128   15   7   
129   18   8   
130   27   9   
131   1   10   
132   9   11   
133   17   12   
134   27   1   w  +24
135   24   2   
136   2   3   
137   99   x   
138   6   4   
139   27   x   
140   12   5   
141   12   x   
142   29   6   
143   9   7   
144   25   8   
145   25   x   
146   30   9   
147   31   10   
148   22   11   
149   14   12   
150   11   1   L
151   27   2   w  +12
152   18   3   
153   8   4   
154   13   5   
155   14   6   
156   14   x   
157   22   7   
158   5   8   
159   32   9   
160   19   10   
161   23   11   
162   6   12   
163   4   1   L
164   99   x   x
165   13   2   w  +12
166   28   3   
167   4   x   
168   35   4   
169   28   x   
170   13   x   
171   18   5   
172   28   x   
173   16   6   
174   26   7   
175   27   8   
176   30   9   
177   18   x   
178   35   x   
179   14   10   
180   4   x   
181   12   11   
182   99   x   
183   5   12   
184   26      w  +24
185   26      
186   16      
187   30      
188   35      
189   22      
190   22      
191   34      
192   22      
193   0      
194   24      
195   3      
196   6      
197   15      

Raymanz  you could be right, just bet 3 times 12,12,24 if lose be minus 48, so the above would still be up
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Dec 29, 11:20 AM 2015
Can someone resume the tweaks. I will post excel tracker / tester for all them.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 29, 11:38 AM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 29, 11:14 AM 2015
I get the point.  :thumbsup:

Agreed, it's getting more and more confusing. The chart was from the way I play it with level progression 1-1 2-2 4-4 and stick to 4-4 til in profit.

I'm really thinking about making an excel tutorial where 1 sheet is from each tweak that has been shared to the public. So one sheet is named denzie, another sheet is named rouletteghost, thelaw, celescliff, raymanz, nick-the-greek, amk and so on. When it's done, maybe onetaste could post it in the first page and if we have another tweak, we add it in the excel file. Just to keep things more organized.

Agreed. I plan on making a PDF file with all the tweaks and explanations and posting it after new years.

I will start a blog and post my trip reports

My bankroll isnt as healthy as id like it to be hence the delay

Tonight im planning on something like this:

Table 1 - bet against 123. Win leave table

Table 2 - wait for unique. Bet against it. Win. Leave table

Table 3 - bet against 321. Win. Leave table

Table 4 - AMK opposite

This is what im feeling for later

Denzies tweak maybe table 5. Not sure yet.

4 unit win goal

$20 units

Breakeven progression. 1 2 5

I was going to start a blog with trip reports but im not too popular here lately so ill just post them here in this thread
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: ddarko on Dec 29, 11:46 AM 2015
You have a blog space over at betselection.cc, why not post them there ?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 29, 11:52 AM 2015
Quote from: ddarko on Dec 29, 11:46 AM 2015
You have a blog space over at betselection.cc, why not post them there ?


Not as busy. But thanks for noticing

Have any mehods or tests to post yet for any method? Or any trip report? Or roulette related talk?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: ddarko on Dec 29, 11:57 AM 2015
No, of course not  ;) still testing away trying to solve the puzzle.....

Ppl tend to get in a huff at my questions, so I'm going to stop asking them for a while at least.....

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 29, 11:58 AM 2015
Quote from: ddarko on Dec 29, 11:57 AM 2015
No, of course not  ;) still testing away trying to solve the puzzle.....

Ppl tend to get in a huff at my questions, so I'm going to stop asking them for a while at least.....


No huff here. Just askin if you had anything. Yet

Ive always been a good judge of wise a** questions by the way


Imagine a forum of only posters like you. LMAO
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: ddarko on Dec 29, 12:02 PM 2015
there is, a private forum full of fair minded, knowledgeable, intelligent ppl working as a unit
to solve the puzzle  ;)

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 29, 12:04 PM 2015
Quote from: ddarko on Dec 29, 12:02 PM 2015
there is, a private forum full of fair minded, knowledgeable, intelligent ppl working as a unit
to solve the puzzle  ;)



Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 29, 12:28 PM 2015
Ok let's make a list. What we got so far?

Onetaste 123
RaymanZ uniques
Celescliff leveller
Denzies flat
Denzies parlay

.... just quote and fill in pls....
We could post our spins and see which one makes profit. Or we need a private chat? Not sure what's best. Cuz maybe other's are tired of seeing grass everywhere
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: ddarko on Dec 29, 12:35 PM 2015
Perhaps start a testing thread for each method ?

Strict method of play, followed by testing.....

No of spins/No of bets/highest & low drawdown/ graphs etc etc

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 29, 12:42 PM 2015
That's an option. I've got 3 already  :wink:

Let's hear what the creators and guys who helped say
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 29, 12:46 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 29, 11:38 AM 2015
Agreed. I plan on making a PDF file with all the tweaks and explanations and posting it after new years.

I will start a blog and post my trip reports

My bankroll isnt as healthy as id like it to be hence the delay

Tonight im planning on something like this:

Table 1 - bet against 123. Win leave table

Table 2 - wait for unique. Bet against it. Win. Leave table

Table 3 - bet against 321. Win. Leave table

Table 4 - AMK opposite

This is what im feeling for later

Denzies tweak maybe table 5. Not sure yet.

4 unit win goal

$20 units

Breakeven progression. 1 2 5

I was going to start a blog with trip reports but im not too popular here lately so ill just post them here in this thread

RG, for whatever it's worth, I think you're a good guy. I'm all for crashing
heads and ideas and working to a goal. That's all I'm here for.

Although, in looking at the "karma" rating (which I just noticed recently
cause I was trying to see what options were available on the forum),
I notice you had -15 and now it's -16. I didn't do any of them.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: ddarko on Dec 29, 12:49 PM 2015
Quote from: denzie on Dec 29, 12:42 PM 2015
That's an option. I've got 3 already  :wink:

Let's hear what the creators and guys who helped say

Just trying to cut down on "all the grass" here.....

Suggestions are limited to "creators and guys who helped" ?

Fine, yet again I will go away.....


BTW how goes that Parlay Bet Denize ?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 29, 12:52 PM 2015
Quote from: ddarko on Dec 29, 12:49 PM 2015

BTW how goes that Parlay Bet Denize ?

North , thx for asking  ;)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: ddarko on Dec 29, 01:00 PM 2015
Quote from: denzie on Dec 29, 12:52 PM 2015
North , thx for asking  ;)

Congratulations  ;)

Yet your testing the grassroots plus tweaks as well.

Guess you cannot have enough winning systems......

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 29, 01:02 PM 2015
I get your sarcasm.  But I still prefer a method that doesn't involve hours and hours. But you probably know that.

So back on topic Mr afro
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 29, 01:05 PM 2015
Quote from: mogul397 on Dec 29, 12:46 PM 2015

Although, in looking at the "karma" rating (which I just noticed recently
cause I was trying to see what options were available on the forum),
I notice you had -15 and now it's -16. I didn't do any of them.

Not too worried about that anymore

Just internet keyboard warriors. Probably multiple alias posters

Remember. Misery loves company.

When people see someone posting and engaging heavily, if that person is a hater because they dont have the will to test and post themselves, then they will hate. aka smite

Doesnt bother me anymore i welcome it. Shows im doing something right

Guarantee half the smites are from jealousy

I want to have 20 by 4PM

At the end of the day we are here for the same reason. Smite me for posting tests and tweaking and being in this 100% ?? Im cool with it

Haters gon' hate
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: ddarko on Dec 29, 01:18 PM 2015
Quote from: denzie on Dec 29, 01:02 PM 2015
So back on topic Mr afro

fair enough, final point......

you say you don't wish to play hours & hours, but a couple of these tweaks have v v v few bets per hour.

So I'm sure you can cross off some of them, and focus your testing on those others  :thumbsup:


@RG I think 3 maybe 4 of your smites are me, honest to God it's somebody else that's got it in for
you smite-wise.......

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 29, 01:21 PM 2015
Quote from: ddarko on Dec 29, 01:18 PM 2015

@RG I think 3 maybe 4 of your smites are me, honest to God it's somebody else that's got it in for
you smite-wise.......

Lol. Really its ok. Have at it

I just find it hilarious you gloat that you have inteliigent group of friends brainstorming yet you come here to ask wise as* questions. Bored?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RFMAXX on Dec 29, 01:38 PM 2015
I can contribute excel tracker for pinwheel and columns for all tweaks....Original over to denzie, amk and so on...but maybe we wait for orochi...his software and Trackers are very good. Loved the mst.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: ddarko on Dec 29, 01:41 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 29, 01:21 PM 2015
I just find it hilarious you gloat that you have inteliigent group of friends brainstorming yet you come here to ask wise as* questions. Bored?

I wasn't gloating, you laughed at the thought of a "forum full of posters like me"

We won't be "awesome" until we crack it.

Hope Springs Eternal......

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Dec 29, 01:42 PM 2015
Just think with me, give me the answer,

What is the probability of a dozen hit 6 times in a row ?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 29, 01:43 PM 2015
Quote from: ddarko on Dec 29, 01:41 PM 2015
I wasn't gloating, you laughed at the thought of a "forum full of posters like me"

We won't be "awesome" until we crack it.

Hope Springs Eternal......


You come here with a dwindle of hope you may find it. Thats the only reason. However you dont contribute. A leech. A freeloader. A peasant.

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 29, 01:52 PM 2015
Quote from: Azim on Dec 28, 11:23 PM 2015
Don't want to be a party popper.

Look at the layout of the dozens on the wheel and make an educated decision as to which 2 dozens your money has to be lost on?

Good luck all.

It's "pooper".  So what's the answer?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: ddarko on Dec 29, 01:55 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 29, 01:43 PM 2015
You come here with a dwindle of hope you may find it. Thats the only reason. However you dont contribute. A leech. A freeloader. A peasant.

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

I doubt I will find here but after all I'm not looking for it here.....

Sticks & Stones dude, you can name call all you wish......

I won't come down to that level.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 29, 01:56 PM 2015
Quote from: ddarko on Dec 29, 01:55 PM 2015
I doubt I will find here but after all I'm not looking for it here.....

Sticks & Stones dude, you can name call all you wish......

I won't come down to that level.


You take the subtle "im just asking questions" approach. Clever
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Dec 29, 02:33 PM 2015
Quote from: Orochi on Dec 29, 01:42 PM 2015
Just think with me, give me the answer,

What is the probability of a dozen hit 6 times in a row ?

The aswer is:

(12/37)*(12/37)*(12/37)*(12/37)*(12/37)*(12/37) = 0,0011637967 = 0,1163796728% 

Approximately equal: 1/860


Now let's check the probability of lossing betting the basic Grassroot (against last 3 dozens, or last 3 uniques dozens...... math speaking it is all the same odds no matter u do switch from dozen to collumns or wait for uniques...etc)

Probability of Unique Dozen Appear in Unique Pattern 3,2,1

(12/37)*(12/37)*(12/37) = 0,0341144651 = 3,4114465086%

Approximately equal: 1/29


What i recommend

Maybe is smarter to track for 6 block of spins and if the 1st block of 3 dozen match the same of the 2nd block u got a pattern.
Then bet against it.



How to bet this is the most difficult part, need to find the best option:

a) double dozen parlay  1-1 , 1-1 , 2-2 , 3-3 , 4-4 , 5-5

b)  Fibo 1-2-3-5-8-13

Parlay the win (if at step 3 or more). Parlay the 1st win after a loss(es), if I win it's back to 1 unit, otherwise next step in the Fibo.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: ddarko on Dec 29, 02:33 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 29, 01:56 PM 2015
You take the subtle "im just asking questions" approach. Clever

I'm mulling about taking a break from asking questions.

Ppl seem to get miffed by them.....

I think I will leave them to work it out for themselves  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 29, 02:37 PM 2015
Quote from: Orochi on Dec 29, 02:33 PM 2015
The aswer is:

(12/37)*(12/37)*(12/37)*(12/37)*(12/37)*(12/37) = 0,0011637967 = 0,1163796728% 

Approximately equal: 1/860


Now let's check the probability of lossing betting the basic Grassroot (against last 3 dozens, or last 3 uniques dozens...... math speaking it is all the same odds no matter u do switch from dozen to collumns or wait for uniques...etc)

Probability of Unique Dozen Appear in Unique Pattern 3,2,1

(12/37)*(12/37)*(12/37) = 0,0341144651 = 3,4114465086%

Approximately equal: 1/29


What i recommend

Maybe is smarter to track for 6 block of spins and if the 1st block of 3 dozen match the same of the 2nd block u got a pattern.
Then bet against it.



How to bet this is the most difficult part, need to find the best option:

a) double dozen parlay  1-1 , 1-1 , 2-2 , 3-3 , 4-4 , 5-5

b)  Fibo 1-2-3-5-8-13

Parlay the win (if at step 3 or more). Parlay the 1st win after a loss(es), if I win it's back to 1 unit, otherwise next step in the Fibo.

Thank you!
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 29, 02:50 PM 2015
Orochi. 1/29 you will see a unique like 321. So when you see a unique bet against it?


Now bet against 321 for 3 spins stopping on a win

Your math says

A unique LIKE 321

1 out of 29

So whats chances of

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Dec 29, 03:01 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 29, 02:50 PM 2015
Orochi. 1/29 you will see a unique like 321. So when you see a unique bet against it?


Now bet against 321 for 3 spins stopping on a win

Your math says

A unique LIKE 321

1 out of 29

So whats chances of


Let me explain clear

To appear:


The odds will be  1 out 860

But imagine that in 3 spins u get


The odds to get again 3,2,1 will be 1 out of 29
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 29, 03:09 PM 2015
Quote from: Orochi on Dec 29, 03:01 PM 2015

Let me explain clear

To appear:


The odds will be  1 out 860

But imagine that in 3 spins u get


The odds to get again 3,2,1 will be 1 out of 29

Thank you

So if i see a unique i will take my chances and bet against that unique

I understand what you say with 1 out of 860 but really 1 out of 29

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 29, 03:20 PM 2015
Quote from: Orochi on Dec 29, 03:01 PM 2015

To appear:


The odds will be  1 out 860


In your opinion if you see a unique is it good to bet against with 1 out of 860?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 29, 03:27 PM 2015
Enough mind games and yakking.  Thx.

Soooo.can we team up ? Those who are interested can write or pm. Let's get busy.

I wanna test all our tweaks. Many together is better then one. all with the same spins. Nice and organised.  Any suggestions. .....
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RFMAXX on Dec 29, 03:29 PM 2015
I am in denzie
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Dec 29, 03:31 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 29, 03:20 PM 2015

In your opinion if you see a unique is it good to bet against with 1 out of 860?

U dont need a unique.

U see a sequence like

3,2,1 3,2,1


2,1,1 2,1,1

Bet against it!

It can be in columms or dozens
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 29, 03:32 PM 2015
Keep em coming. So you probably good with the pinwheel?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 29, 03:37 PM 2015
I'm in also. :)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MoneyT101 on Dec 29, 03:38 PM 2015
We should make game rules..

Like one of the rules i go by is that I only play 60 spins at a time.  Thats about an hours play at airball

If im up around spin 54 I just sit out and watch the rest of the spins until 60
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Dec 29, 03:38 PM 2015
Guys any ideias for a bet selection to apply for 6 bet levels?

Example against : 3,2,1,3,2,1 ?!?

U need to go 6 levels to be 1/860 chance of lost

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 29, 03:42 PM 2015
If we have strict rules to follow (BR, number of spins and so on) people can get started. I'm at work now so my test will come later but that doesn't matter, as long as its coming. :)

I will play my levelling.

So what rules should we apply?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RFMAXX on Dec 29, 03:47 PM 2015
Rules? No airball, no rng.
The perms from Duisburg are free to Download.
If we use the Same Numbers, the result is much more comparable.
Sadly Duisburg Casino spins are euro Wheel results. Not good for all the Players here with no Access to Euro wheels.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 29, 03:49 PM 2015
Quote from: RFMAXX on Dec 29, 03:47 PM 2015
Rules? No airball, no rng.
The perms from Duisburg are free to Download.
If we use the Same Numbers, the result is much more comparable.
Sadly Duisburg Casino spins are euro Wheel results. Not good for all the Players here with no Access to Euro wheels.

My airball shows uniques as it should.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 29, 03:53 PM 2015
Quote from: RFMAXX on Dec 29, 03:47 PM 2015
Rules? No airball, no rng.
The perms from Duisburg are free to Download.
If we use the Same Numbers, the result is much more comparable.
Sadly Duisburg Casino spins are euro Wheel results. Not good for all the Players here with no Access to Euro wheels.

Ofcourse no rng. :)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 29, 03:55 PM 2015

You are very smart

One more question

Whats difference of betting against 321 after seeing




Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MoneyT101 on Dec 29, 04:02 PM 2015
Interesting live game to test

22   6   5       2   1   1
34   33   16       3   3   2
35   7   24       3   1   2
29   11   26       3   1   3
29   8   4       3   1   1
19   36   7       2   3   1
27   26   22       3   3   2
27   28   28       3   3   3
35   0   0       3   0   0
28   6   13       3   1   2
4   35   22       1   3   2
19   3   35       2   1   3
33   24   27       3   2   3
10   34   27       1   3   3
0   36   10       0   3   1
27   24   18       3   2   2
14   32   3       2   3   1
31   36   18       3   3   2
30   23   24       3   2   2
28   8   22       3   1   2
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 29, 04:05 PM 2015
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Dec 29, 04:02 PM 2015
Interesting live game to test

22   6   5       2   1   1
34   33   16       3   3   2
35   7   24       3   1   2
29   11   26       3   1   3
29   8   4       3   1   1
19   36   7       2   3   1
27   26   22       3   3   2
27   28   28       3   3   3
35   0   0       3   0   0
28   6   13       3   1   2
4   35   22       1   3   2
19   3   35       2   1   3
33   24   27       3   2   3
10   34   27       1   3   3
0   36   10       0   3   1
27   24   18       3   2   2
14   32   3       2   3   1
31   36   18       3   3   2
30   23   24       3   2   2
28   8   22       3   1   2

All winners against uniques. Good one
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Dec 29, 04:13 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 29, 03:55 PM 2015

You are very smart

One more question

Whats difference of betting against 321 after seeing





Look this way:

A) Dozen 1 hit 3 times in a row
A) Dozen 1 hit 6 times in a row

Where u prefer to bet? Where u have the best chances of winning betting against dozen 1?!
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 29, 04:18 PM 2015
Quote from: Orochi on Dec 29, 04:13 PM 2015
Look this way:

A) Dozen 1 hit 3 times in a row
A) Dozen 1 hit 6 times in a row

Where u prefer to bet? Where u have the best chances of winning betting against dozen 1?!

So do past spins matter. YES
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Dec 29, 04:22 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 29, 04:18 PM 2015
So do past spins matter. YES

If u can bet after 1,3,2 1,3,2 appear the odds of lossing will be the same as dozen 1 hit 12 times in a row

Betting 2,1 / 1,2 / 3,1 / 2,1 / 1,2 / 3,1

like i said 6 bets

Change of loosing:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 29, 04:25 PM 2015
Quote from: Orochi on Dec 29, 04:22 PM 2015
If u can bet after 1,3,2 1,3,2 appear the odds of lossing will be the same as dozen 1 hit 12 times in a row

Ok sounds good to me

What about just


Then bet against 132 after seeing it once

One in 860 times you will lose? As per the math
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Dec 29, 04:32 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 29, 04:25 PM 2015
Ok sounds good to me

What about just


Then bet against 132 after seeing it once

One in 860 times you will lose? As per the math

Wrong, 1/29 since u virtual w8 for 132 to appear.

U need to bet 1,3,2 1,3,2 to get 1/860 odds.

Other example: u waiting and tracking u get


If u bet against 1,3,2 pattern in the next 3 spins the chance of lossing are 1/256
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 29, 04:48 PM 2015
Hmmm a parlay could work or Noreilles his tweak as you said
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 29, 05:29 PM 2015
Quote from: Orochi on Dec 29, 04:32 PM 2015
Wrong, 1/29 since u virtual w8 for 132 to appear.

U need to bet 1,3,2 1,3,2 to get 1/860 odds.

Other example: u waiting and tracking u get


If u bet against 1,3,2 pattern in the next 3 spins the chance of lossing are 1/256


Bet against that. 1 in 29 lose

Bet against that 1 in 860. Gotcha
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Noreilles on Dec 29, 06:45 PM 2015
I'm in also, I'll test my way (play after 3 uniques doz or col, then bet same positions on col or doz, with my MM). I will be back home tomorrow, so in 24h I'll be able to start then.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 29, 06:47 PM 2015
Quote from: Noreilles on Dec 29, 06:45 PM 2015
I'm in also, I'll test my way (play after 3 uniques doz or col, then bet same positions on col or doz, with my MM). I will be back home tomorrow, so in 24h I'll be able to start then.

En route to casino now. Airball

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 29, 06:51 PM 2015
Dont forget  to track the 12 unique, like raymanz said bet for 3 spins 12,12,24
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 29, 06:53 PM 2015
Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 29, 06:51 PM 2015
Dont forget  to track the 12 unique, like raymanz said bet for 3 spins 12,12,24

Ill have a baccarat card and i will track

But i plan hit and run

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 29, 07:33 PM 2015
Here's a new idea that I thought of.

I was sitting back, watching the deadliest catch, sipping coffee,
thinking about everyone I love here.

And I thought, "What about seeing a result and betting the next 3 that
a different dozen appear."? Or wait for 2 dozen and play against 3.

Simple thought. But a 1,3,9 loses 28 units on a loss. I figure you'd hit
more than that playing that way. How many long streaks are there?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 29, 07:43 PM 2015
Quote from: mogul397 on Dec 29, 07:33 PM 2015

I was sitting back, watching the deadliest catch, sipping coffee,
thinking about everyone I love here.

I think I like you now that made me laugh out loud

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: onetaste on Dec 29, 09:37 PM 2015
Just thought i'd poke my head in and get a briefing on the new tweaks and such. What's good with ya fellas? 
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 29, 09:41 PM 2015
Trip report. From casino parking lot on my cell phone

Overall: success. Won $137. For some thats 10 units for others thats 1 unit

What i did: all airball. Against 123. Id walk up to table bet dozens 2 and 3. If lose 1 and 3. If lose 1 and 2.

Used a break even progression.

I saw something tonight that makes me re-think airball. The ball landed. Then in a weird way rolled over into the other pocket. Maybe im paranoid or maybe it was a magnet. I dont know

I was up $100 using $10 units. It took time because on spin 2 or 3 i only broke even

$100 wasnt enough for me. I said hey lets change it up.

So then i bet against 231. Guess what happened. 231 happened. This is when the ball made the weird manuever that seemed impossible into pocket next to it. It landed on 6. This was the last step of 231. I was down to $100 (this time i was using larger units)

I was very upset that i had "lost"

Out of frustration i spread $10 chips out. Hit. Win $360

Then i went to another machine and bet against 123. Did that until i got up to 400.

Went to electronic blackjack. Hit blackjack immediately.

Then i was out

This is what i hate about small units. You prolong your exposure.

This is why tamino says 20% win goal. Sigh

Need to use larger units asap so i can be in and out. Because had i been playing with $25 id be done in 15 minutes 4 units bye bye. $10 unit 20% isn't worth it

Small units with large win goal is too much exposure

Got pictures for mogul

My advice. 20% win goal and this method is safe.

Also, i made sure i saw 123 on history board which was my goal anyway. It was on all of them and two times it was twice
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Dec 29, 10:37 PM 2015
Quote from: denzie on Dec 29, 03:27 PM 2015
Enough mind games and yakking.  Thx.

Soooo.can we team up ? Those who are interested can write or pm. Let's get busy.

I wanna test all our tweaks. Many together is better then one. all with the same spins. Nice and organised.  Any suggestions. .....

Yeah. I'm ready for it. Is there a way to start a private thread? I have a website and a blog, I could install a Simple Machines board or a wiki on it if people that produce results are interested in collaboration. 

Too bad we may have to do that but I am a little bit tired of trying to find the good posts thru the other not-interesting posts.

Just let me know.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: JahVinci on Dec 29, 10:39 PM 2015
Do it.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Dec 29, 10:43 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 29, 09:41 PM 2015
Overall: success. Won $137. For some thats 10 units for others thats 1 unit

Wow! That is just too freaking hot!!

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 29, 10:46 PM 2015
Quote from: SimonZed1 on Dec 29, 10:43 PM 2015
Wow! That is just too freaking hot!!


My sarcasm detector just peaked
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Dec 29, 10:48 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 29, 10:46 PM 2015
My sarcasm detector just peaked

No, really mean it...  :ooh:

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 29, 11:14 PM 2015
Quote from: SimonZed1 on Dec 29, 10:37 PM 2015
Yeah. I'm ready for it. Is there a way to start a private thread? I have a website and a blog, I could install a Simple Machines board or a wiki on it if people that produce results are interested in collaboration. 

Too bad we may have to do that but I am a little bit tired of trying to find the good posts thru the other not-interesting posts.

Just let me know.

Im proud to be the one who has had this happen for a second time. Lol

A good idea cannot be stopped
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 29, 11:46 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 29, 07:43 PM 2015
I think I like you now that made me laugh out loud


How so?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Drazen on Dec 30, 02:58 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 29, 09:41 PM 2015
Out of frustration i spread $10 chips out. Hit. Win $360

What does this means? You placed your bets somewhere else randomly?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Turner on Dec 30, 06:04 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 29, 09:41 PM 2015
Out of frustration i spread $10 chips out. Hit. Win $360

I'm with Drazen. This shows you are out of control. It also shows that the system doesnt present a superior bet selection which is less than the house edge

Listen RG, take my advice or leave it.

You are on nearly 3000 posts. I have seen this many times

You are desperate to try roulette as you think its beatable with some idea that has been around for 100 years (Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea)

It takes more.

You think you can walk in the lions cage and you have a plan to not be his next meal.

Even lion handlers with 40 years experience still push the food through the bars with a big stick

I think you will fall badly and lose a lot of money if you carry on with your current attitude to roulette.

No offence intended. Just think.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 30, 06:46 AM 2015
Actually i won 10 units flawlessly using the original as author intended grassroots

Which was about double my win goal so i overstayed my welcome

I wanted more so i decided to change my betting

At that point i lost

Then i won it back and then i got back to 10 units profit using the original grassroots idea

I only brought 1/4th my roulette bankroll to the casino.

I had a good time

New airball machines with nice leather and touch pads

Thanks for the advice but grassroots is a good staking plan (and its variations)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Turner on Dec 30, 06:49 AM 2015
fair enough. None of us listen I guess. All my knowledge is from experience. Mostly bad.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Dec 30, 06:54 AM 2015
Later i will post a concept betting selection for this, when i get back from work.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 30, 07:09 AM 2015
Quote from: Orochi on Dec 30, 06:54 AM 2015
Later i will post a concept betting selection for this, when i get back from work.

Look forward to i will be back tonight

This time 5 unit win goal no MATTER WHAT
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Drazen on Dec 30, 08:08 AM 2015
Quote from: Turner on Dec 30, 06:49 AM 2015
All my knowledge is from experience. Mostly bad.
Guys can I kindly ask few replies on this. I think it is really interesting question for this thread.

I often wonder did people who are hating math guys for being negative on forums ever wondered if at least one of them EVER so bravely stepped out of his own comfort zone and try to play some method/system for real, despite all negative computer simulations of his, to see whether it can be significant difference in results when putting real money to the table?

I think it would be enough only one math guy with such experience to get a ground for shutting up all possible naysayers.

I never heard: hey I am a math guy but all math sucks here. Don't trust it and just go play for real.

So 2 possible bets:

1. Either not even one math guy did not neglected his simulations and went to play for real.

2. All his math theory really meets the practice sooner or later, no matter what he tried


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 30, 08:24 AM 2015
Quote from: Drazen on Dec 30, 08:08 AM 2015
Guys can I kindly ask few replies on this. I think it is really interesting question for this thread.

I often wonder did people who are hating math guys for being negative on forums ever wondered if at least one of them EVER so bravely stepped out of his own comfort zone and try to play some method/system for real, despite all negative computer simulations of his, to see whether it can be significant difference in results when putting real money to the table?

I think it would be enough only one math guy with such experience to get a ground for shutting up all possible naysayers.

I never heard: hey I am a math guy but all math sucks here. Don't trust it and just go play for real.

So 2 possible bets:

1. Either not even one math guy did not neglected his simulations and went to play for real.

2. All his math theory really meets the practice sooner or later, no matter what he tried



Cant get around the math of roulette. It is what it is

Thats why i believe betting against fixed patterns. It is hard for a random entitiy to spit out fixed patterns

See orochis post

For the wheel to do
Three times in a row is 1 in over 800.

Thats not bad odds for an unbeatable game
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 30, 08:37 AM 2015
Quote from: Drazen on Dec 30, 02:58 AM 2015
What does this means? You placed your bets somewhere else randomly?

I think that's exactly what happened. He was falling apart, made
a "hail mary" bet, and got lucky. So he pulled himself out of

I'll give RG credit though. Nice trip report.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 30, 08:44 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 30, 06:46 AM 2015
Actually i won 10 units flawlessly using the original as author intended grassroots

Which was about double my win goal so i overstayed my welcome

I wanted more so i decided to change my betting

At that point i lost

Then i won it back and then i got back to 10 units profit using the original grassroots idea

I only brought 1/4th my roulette bankroll to the casino.

I had a good time

New airball machines with nice leather and touch pads

Thanks for the advice but grassroots is a good staking plan (and its variations)

RG, I'm glad you won, and glad you gave a truthful trip report.
But he is right. At some point you have to not slip into "fun mode",
and treat it like a business. Not that having fun is bad.

I quit drinking 14 years ago.  A ways before that, when I went to the casino
I would not drink while there. I would get plastered later. (Not my best
memories). That is not an example of good discipline. But I WAS able
to compartmentalize my behavior.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 30, 08:49 AM 2015
Quote from: Drazen on Dec 30, 08:08 AM 2015
Guys can I kindly ask few replies on this. I think it is really interesting question for this thread.

I often wonder did people who are hating math guys for being negative on forums ever wondered if at least one of them EVER so bravely stepped out of his own comfort zone and try to play some method/system for real, despite all negative computer simulations of his, to see whether it can be significant difference in results when putting real money to the table?

I think it would be enough only one math guy with such experience to get a ground for shutting up all possible naysayers.

I never heard: hey I am a math guy but all math sucks here. Don't trust it and just go play for real.

So 2 possible bets:

1. Either not even one math guy did not neglected his simulations and went to play for real.

2. All his math theory really meets the practice sooner or later, no matter what he tried



I think that people who hate the math guys hate them because they are disruptive.
I look at gambling play like a wave pool. So you jump in for the ride one way or
the other. All the water stays in the pool. And that shorter term approach is
what people who believe you can win use.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 30, 08:56 AM 2015
Quote from: mogul397 on Dec 30, 08:37 AM 2015
I think that's exactly what happened. He was falling apart, made
a "hail mary" bet, and got lucky. So he pulled himself out of

I'll give RG credit though. Nice trip report.

I deviated. Thats why

I played the original as in post #1

After winning 10 units i decided to change the bet. Then i lost

Placed a savior bet which worked.  Then continued with the original and got back my 10 units profit. See post 1 thats what i did

I had fun
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Dec 30, 09:03 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 30, 08:56 AM 2015
I had fun

I think it is all resumed in those 3 words. Nothing else matter. That is why we all do it. Maths, no maths... Odds, no odds... At the end It does not really matter. As long as we are having fun.

We are not trying to find the cure for cancer here. Just to have fun trying to win at an unbeatable game.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 30, 09:12 AM 2015
Quote from: SimonZed1 on Dec 30, 09:03 AM 2015
I think it is all resumed in those 3 words. Nothing else matter. That is why we all do it. Maths, no maths... Odds, no odds... At the end It does not really matter. As long as we are having fun.

We are not trying to find the cure for cancer here. Just to have fun trying to win at an unbeatable game.

Yeah, but leaving ahead facilitates that.  Leaving a loser doesn't. My whole life
I've said that "it hurts more to lose $10 then it feels good to win $10".
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 30, 09:20 AM 2015
Quote from: SimonZed1 on Dec 30, 09:03 AM 2015
I think it is all resumed in those 3 words. Nothing else matter. That is why we all do it. Maths, no maths... Odds, no odds... At the end It does not really matter. As long as we are having fun.

We are not trying to find the cure for cancer here. Just to have fun trying to win at an unbeatable game.

Excatly. Im not using my bill money or rent money

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Dec 30, 09:22 AM 2015
Quote from: mogul397 on Dec 30, 09:12 AM 2015
My whole life
I've said that "it hurts more to lose $10 then it feels good to win $10".

If it hurts then dont gamble. Beacose you will lose. You cant always win.

I dont get tattoos beacose it hurt more thant it feel good after. I dont eat whole jalapenos beacose it hurt more that it taste good, I dont put chlorine bleach in my eyes beacose it hurt more than...... whatever....!

I gamble beacose I know and I have accepted that I can and that I will loose. I prefer to loose trying with a method than winning just from pure luck. The day I am gonna feel bad loosing, I will stop gambling and go back playing Monopoly.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Dec 30, 09:57 AM 2015
That being said....there are still people who win more than they lose.  Even if one day it's starting to go downhill. If they stop at 50 or more % pure profit. They stop as a winner.

I can play soccer for 30 years and I'll probably never get pro. Doesn't mean that others can't.  But best if I'm a pro that I stop on my prime. No need to hurt myself and leave in shame
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 30, 11:08 AM 2015
Quote from: SimonZed1 on Dec 30, 09:22 AM 2015
If it hurts then dont gamble. Beacose you will lose. You cant always win.

I dont get tattoos beacose it hurt more thant it feel good after. I dont eat whole jalapenos beacose it hurt more that it taste good, I dont put chlorine bleach in my eyes beacose it hurt more than...... whatever....!

I gamble beacose I know and I have accepted that I can and that I will loose. I prefer to loose trying with a method than winning just from pure luck. The day I am gonna feel bad loosing, I will stop gambling and go back playing Monopoly.

Well that is, in fact, why 99.99/100ths of my play is analysis. Even my 10 or so
trips last fall were on paper.  Yes, I made a couple discretionary $5 bets.
But I made several, what I called "suicide runs" to AC decades ago and didn't
make a single bet.  I drank and that's it. (A "suicide run" was the day bus run
from Mass to AC. Cost $40 then. You got $10 in drink voucher and $10 in play voucher.
Get on bus at 7AM. Arrive 3PM. Leave 11PM.  Get home 7AM next day. Hence
"suicide run"). But it cost me $20 and I got $10 drinks. And I would walk up
to some table and make two $5 bets on something. Usually BJ, which I don't play.

The hope and idea is to find a medium that is easy on the nerves to make
some pocket money or stay even.  NOT a stupid progression to give me a heart
attack and go bust. Unless the selection method is good enough to justify it.
I can go most every day now. For a few hours. Nice to earn a meal or gas or
something more than losing money.

But I HAVE gone in with $1000 and played my strategy. Largest bet I ever made
was $800, and I parlayed up to that. Know those pictures of the excited mugs on
gambling pictures? I was king of that one day. I had the dice and parlayed my
pass line up to that. People were screaming with excitement. The box man
kept pushing all my chips DELIBERATELY to me each win.

If there was anything in my life that taught me that they FEAR a parlay, that was it.
But the excitement was electric. If/when I do that, I do EXACTLY what I planed to do.
Win or lose.  When I put my money out, I know what my intention is, and go with it.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Dec 30, 12:40 PM 2015
Mogul what parlay progression are u using?

I find this parlay progression for double dozen by GLC, than can be the best fit bet selection for this method.

Our progression is:

3-3; 4-4
6-6; 7-7
10-10; 15-15
18-18; 27-27

If we lose all 6 attempts, we will be down 186 units.

Trigger :

Example: 3,2,1,3,2,1 is on the board

The odds of appearing again is 1 out 860

So, bet against 3,2,1,3,2,1 until your win goal is reach !
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 30, 12:46 PM 2015
Quote from: Orochi on Dec 30, 12:40 PM 2015
Mogul what parlay progression are u using?

I find this parlay progression for double dozen by GLC, than can be the best fit bet selection for this method.

Our progression is:

3-3; 4-4
6-6; 7-7
10-10; 15-15
18-18; 27-27

If we lose all 6 attempts, we will be down 186 units.

Trigger :

Example: 3,2,1,3,2,1 is on the board

The odds of appearing again is 1 out 860

So, bet against 3,2,1,3,2,1 until your win goal is reach !

Orochi. To wait for a unique to hit back to back can take a LONG time

I THINK its better to wait for a unique and just bet against it

Last night i never saw a unique repeat. I saw plenty of 3 dozen uniques like 123 and none repeated back to back. Saw 123, 231, 321 a few times. No repeats

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 30, 12:53 PM 2015
Quote from: Orochi on Dec 30, 12:40 PM 2015
Mogul what parlay progression are u using?

I find this parlay progression for double dozen by GLC, than can be the best fit bet selection for this method.

Our progression is:

3-3; 4-4
6-6; 7-7
10-10; 15-15
18-18; 27-27

If we lose all 6 attempts, we will be down 186 units.

Trigger :

Example: 3,2,1,3,2,1 is on the board

The odds of appearing again is 1 out 860

So, bet against 3,2,1,3,2,1 until your win goal is reach !

I'm finding that I'm skeptical to almost everything now.  You have two

1) Bet selection. It's like dodging a bullet, but like I said recently,
if you find, say, 123123 and see 123 again, betting against the 2nd 123
might not be bad.

2) Staking method. Well unless you have a solid bet selection method it's
stupid to bet a crazy progression. I like flat or parlay, like Denzie.

3) The thought that I just came up with (which is off track to this specific
method) is wait for 2 dozen in a row and bet different ONCE. Then wait
for the next 2 of the same dozen and bet different ONCE. You are not
betting against a 4th or 5th or 10th. You are betting parallel. Like how many
runs of dozens can there be? This is just my latest thought from last night.
I ran through some zumma pages and it seems to work with dozens and
columbs.  But I like how it feels.

For this case a 1,3,9 progression might not be bad.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 30, 12:56 PM 2015
Quote from: Orochi on Dec 30, 12:40 PM 2015
Mogul what parlay progression are u using?

I find this parlay progression for double dozen by GLC, than can be the best fit bet selection for this method.

Our progression is:

3-3; 4-4
6-6; 7-7
10-10; 15-15
18-18; 27-27

If we lose all 6 attempts, we will be down 186 units.

Trigger :

Example: 3,2,1,3,2,1 is on the board

The odds of appearing again is 1 out 860

So, bet against 3,2,1,3,2,1 until your win goal is reach !

RG didn't say if he was betting flat. Or I just forget. Do you know Izak? He's
a system guy from Canada. One time he told me to play in my head and
just "make up selections".  The point being if you do that that the selections
you WAG (wild ass guess), work out to about the same as a set selection.
Just keeping the target moving.

Like playing a number in the lottery for years. That number may NEVER come out.
But a quick pick at least has the random chance.

We try to fashion the future based on the past. It can't be done reliably.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 30, 12:58 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 30, 12:46 PM 2015
Orochi. To wait for a unique to hit back to back can take a LONG time

I THINK its better to wait for a unique and just bet against it

Last night i never saw a unique repeat. I saw plenty of 3 dozen uniques like 123 and none repeated back to back. Saw 123, 231, 321 a few times. No repeats


I opened zumma last night and right off saw 231 231...
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 30, 01:04 PM 2015
Quote from: mogul397 on Dec 30, 12:58 PM 2015
I opened zumma last night and right off saw 231 231...

Ok. And you will

NOW, go through the next few pages, the following spins and tell me if you see another unique repeat. You'll see that every 300 spins or so.

Most likely another unique wont repeat close to it. Check
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Dec 30, 01:10 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 30, 01:04 PM 2015
Ok. And you will

NOW, go through the next few pages, the following spins and tell me if you see another unique repeat. You'll see that every 300 spins or so.

Most likely another unique wont repeat close to it. Check

RG u dont need unique dozens, just watch for double pattern in 6 spins


3,3,3 3,3,3
1,2,2 1,2,2
1,2,3 1,2,3
3,2,2 3,2,2

Etc.... remember the odds of appearing unique like 3,2,1 3,2,1 are the same as 1,1,1 1,1,1 appearing
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Dec 30, 01:25 PM 2015
"remember the odds of appearing unique like 3,2,1 3,2,1 are the same as 1,1,1 1,1,1 appearing" >>
100% correct.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Dec 30, 02:00 PM 2015
Same quick test in RX


10      1
19      2
34      3
6      1
21      2
30      3

Them bet against them to make 20units profit, it took me 48 spins. Máx Progression 3-3; 4-4
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 30, 02:02 PM 2015
Quote from: Orochi on Dec 30, 02:00 PM 2015
Same quick test in RX


10      1
19      2
34      3
6      1
21      2
30      3

Them bet against them to make 20units profit, it took me 48 spins. Máx Progression 3-3; 4-4

Thanks for the tips. When i have a day to spend i will try it

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Dec 30, 02:14 PM 2015
Other bet mode that deserve a test is based on topic: link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=15778.0 (link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=15778.0)

Start at level 3

level lost       down to
-----------       ----------
2                    1
3                    1
4                    2
5                    3
6                    4
7                    3
8                    3

Important rule for level 8.....a win OR loss, down to level 3 (level 8 i call the "jackpot" or win goal !)


1 -> 1.3.9
2 -> 2.6.18
3 -> 3.9.27
4 -> 4.12.36
5 -> 5.15.45
6 -> 6.18.54
7 -> 7.21.63
8 -> 8.24.72

Thanks to MrJ  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 30, 02:19 PM 2015
Quote from: Orochi on Dec 30, 02:14 PM 2015
Other bet mode that deserve a test is based on topic: link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=15778.0 (link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=15778.0)

Start at level 3

level lost       down to
-----------       ----------
2                    1
3                    1
4                    2
5                    3
6                    4
7                    3
8                    3

Important rule for level 8.....a win OR loss, down to level 3 (level 8 i call the "jackpot" or win goal !)


1 -> 1.3.9
2 -> 2.6.18
3 -> 3.9.27
4 -> 4.12.36
5 -> 5.15.45
6 -> 6.18.54
7 -> 7.21.63
8 -> 8.24.72

Thanks to MrJ  :thumbsup:



Need a 2nd job for bankroll. Lol
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Dec 30, 03:04 PM 2015
RG read the post related and u understand the basics.

U risk 39 units at start level 3 to win 33units at level 8

If u win 5 times u hit the "jackpot"

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 30, 03:07 PM 2015
Quote from: Orochi on Dec 30, 03:04 PM 2015
RG read the post related and u understand the basics.

U risk 39 units at start level 3 to win 33units at level 8

If u win 5 times u hit the "jackpot"


Apologies. Will read thoroughly after work
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 30, 03:45 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 30, 01:04 PM 2015
Ok. And you will

NOW, go through the next few pages, the following spins and tell me if you see another unique repeat. You'll see that every 300 spins or so.

Most likely another unique wont repeat close to it. Check

I get what you're saying, but what is your point?  To stumble onto one
(in real play) and then say "ah ha, it's water under the dam".

Part of the point of the problem is the balance of laying odds bet instead of
taking them. It gets expensive very fast. And that is the trade off.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 30, 03:47 PM 2015
Quote from: Orochi on Dec 30, 01:10 PM 2015
RG u dont need unique dozens, just watch for double pattern in 6 spins


3,3,3 3,3,3
1,2,2 1,2,2
1,2,3 1,2,3
3,2,2 3,2,2

Etc.... remember the odds of appearing unique like 3,2,1 3,2,1 are the same as 1,1,1 1,1,1 appearing

yeah, but you'd wait hours to see that.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 30, 03:48 PM 2015
Quote from: Orochi on Dec 30, 02:00 PM 2015
Same quick test in RX


10      1
19      2
34      3
6      1
21      2
30      3

Them bet against them to make 20units profit, it took me 48 spins. Máx Progression 3-3; 4-4

Not sure what I'm looking at. You put down one series of 123123 and then have
a whole chart based on many bets. I don't see you getting many bets out of
one occurance.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 30, 03:58 PM 2015
Quote from: Orochi on Dec 30, 02:14 PM 2015
Other bet mode that deserve a test is based on topic: link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=15778.0 (link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=15778.0)

Start at level 3

level lost       down to
-----------       ----------
2                    1
3                    1
4                    2
5                    3
6                    4
7                    3
8                    3

Important rule for level 8.....a win OR loss, down to level 3 (level 8 i call the "jackpot" or win goal !)


1 -> 1.3.9
2 -> 2.6.18
3 -> 3.9.27
4 -> 4.12.36
5 -> 5.15.45
6 -> 6.18.54
7 -> 7.21.63
8 -> 8.24.72

Thanks to MrJ  :thumbsup:

I read this and the post and I don't understand what it is saying to do.

Bet selection 2 single numbers? How is the bet progression??  Like greek.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Dec 30, 04:50 PM 2015


1 -> 1.3.9
2 -> 2.6.18
3 -> 3.9.27
4 -> 4.12.36
5 -> 5.15.45
6 -> 6.18.54
7 -> 7.21.63
8 -> 8.24.72   <*<*<*<* This isn't mine and to be CLEAR, up on a win and down on a loss is not a progression. Moving UP ON LOSSES is a negative progression.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Dec 30, 07:21 PM 2015
The rules are in each level up on a win, down on a loss is no progression there.

A) down 2 levels if u loss at levels 3,4,5,6.
B) down to level 1 if u loss at level 2.
C) down to level 3 if u loss at levels 7,8.
D) if u loss level 1 just look for other pattern to bet.
E) starting level is 3.

Inside each level there is a 3 step progression. U only need to win one step of the progression to get to the next level.

Win goal = reach level 8 and get a win.


1 -> 1.3.9
2 -> 2.6.18
3 -> 3.9.27
4 -> 4.12.36
5 -> 5.15.45
6 -> 6.18.54
7 -> 7.21.63
8 -> 8.24.72


level lost       down to
-----------       ----------
2                    1
3                    1
4                    2
5                    3
6                    4
7                    3
8                    3

I was clear or any doubt!?

Tomorrow i post a sample, atm going to sleep.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 30, 07:27 PM 2015
Quote from: Orochi on Dec 30, 07:21 PM 2015
The rules are in each level up on a win, down on a loss is no progression there.

A) down 2 levels if u loss at levels 3,4,5,6.
B) down to level 1 if u loss at level 2.
C) down to level 3 if u loss at levels 7,8.
D) if u loss level 1 just look for other pattern to bet.
E) starting level is 3.

Inside each level there is a 3 step progression. U only need to win one step of the progression to get to the next level.

Win goal = reach level 8 and get a win.

I was clear or any doubt!?

Tomorrow i post a sample, atm going to sleep.

I dont know about anyone else. But with proper bankroll this is a great MM technique for the grassroots tweaks

UP on a win. Cant beat it

Small win goal. Done faster. I appreciate your posts
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Dec 30, 07:37 PM 2015
Quote from: mogul397 on Dec 30, 03:47 PM 2015
yeah, but you'd wait hours to see that.

Can take awhile, but i usually stay 4 hours at the casino and u going to see normally 2/3 bet situations if u track both dozens and columns.

It the way i look at it, seeing on a single night hitting 6 times in a row twice the same dozen. Never seen it live. U have to be very unlucky.

But 1/39 u gonna be catch easy. I've seen people with greed that win 300â,¬ on night than lost 500â,¬ on the next day.

Playin 10â,¬-10â,¬ 30â,¬-30â,¬ 90â,¬-90â,¬
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 30, 07:43 PM 2015
Quote from: Orochi on Dec 30, 07:21 PM 2015
The rules are in each level up on a win, down on a loss is no progression there.

A) down 2 levels if u loss at levels 3,4,5,6.
B) down to level 1 if u loss at level 2.
C) down to level 3 if u loss at levels 7,8.
D) if u loss level 1 just look for other pattern to bet.
E) starting level is 3.

Inside each level there is a 3 step progression. U only need to win one step of the progression to get to the next level.

Win goal = reach level 8 and get a win.


1 -> 1.3.9
2 -> 2.6.18
3 -> 3.9.27
4 -> 4.12.36
5 -> 5.15.45
6 -> 6.18.54
7 -> 7.21.63
8 -> 8.24.72


level lost       down to
-----------       ----------
2                    1
3                    1
4                    2
5                    3
6                    4
7                    3
8                    3

I was clear or any doubt!?

Tomorrow i post a sample, atm going to sleep.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 30, 07:45 PM 2015
Quote from: Orochi on Dec 30, 07:37 PM 2015
Can take awhile, but i usually stay 4 hours at the casino and u going to see normally 2/3 bet situations if u track both dozens and columns.

It the way i look at it, seeing on a single night hitting 6 times in a row twice the same dozen. Never seen it live. U have to be very unlucky.

But 1/39 u gonna be catch easy. I've seen people with greed that win 300â,¬ on night than lost 500â,¬ on the next day.

Playin 10â,¬-10â,¬ 30â,¬-30â,¬ 90â,¬-90â,¬

I have went through zumma here and there. I havent seen a unique repeat more then twice

I saw

Never ever ever

In zumma a unique repeat is very rare enough. 231231 is not very often

I see something like this often though


123 123. Rare. 112 112 not rare. See?

Uniques HAVE to be different. If the math says no difference then maybe its beyond math
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Dec 30, 07:49 PM 2015
Make a simulation in RX a u see no diference in uniques. This is my advice.

At my local casino i have been seen uniques enough to break you down.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 30, 07:53 PM 2015
Quote from: Orochi on Dec 30, 07:49 PM 2015
Make a simulation in RX a u see no diference in uniques. This is my advice.

At my local casino i have been seen uniques enough to break you down.

Unique same one back to back like
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 30, 07:54 PM 2015
My airball pops out things like 212 212 often. So maybe i will take your advice and bet on any formation repeat

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Dec 30, 07:56 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 30, 07:54 PM 2015
My airball pops out things like 212 212 often. So maybe i will take your advice and bet on any formation repeat


Have no time to check on those, this a pic of same sample spins of my local casino.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 30, 08:25 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 30, 07:54 PM 2015
My airball pops out things like 212 212 often. So maybe i will take your advice and bet on any formation repeat


When you say airball, that is the mechanical wheel that automatically
spins the ball around on a real wheel?

Also, sometimes as I said before, if you use a fixed target sooner or later
it will get hit.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 30, 08:35 PM 2015
Quote from: mogul397 on Dec 30, 08:25 PM 2015
When you say airball, that is the mechanical wheel that automatically
spins the ball around on a real wheel?

Also, sometimes as I said before, if you use a fixed target sooner or later
it will get hit.

yes, real ball and wheel but bets on a screen. loop hole for my state. last night it did something weird, i would swear a magnet took the ball....to be debated

TheLaw, may he RIP with grassroots thread, devised a very nice grassroots tweak which i liked very much and have nothing but good to say about him other then he demands too much

his tweak is called moving target

each mini game is separate mini games of 3

bet against
then 213
then 312
then 231
then 321.

stop on any win and wait for the spins to expire then attack next group. chart attached.

you see mogul no fixed target here

see chart

1st row, bet against 123 with 1 3 9 prog. win on step 3.
2nd row, bet against 213, 1st spin wins, sit out next 2 spins.
3rd row, bet against 312, win on step 1, sit out next 2 spins. so on and so forth

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 30, 08:57 PM 2015
Quote from: Orochi on Dec 30, 07:56 PM 2015
Have no time to check on those, this a pic of same sample spins of my local casino.

Orochi, I charted the 1st 75 spins of your actual caisno spins attachment from your casino

The green arrow represents a UNIQUE mini game

The green dots indicate where the exact dozen formation repeated the following mini game. As you can see the 3 dozen repeat was NOT a unique....my theory??!!!!

None of the uniques (green arrows) repeated. If I played my way (raymanz tweak), winning all around. 7 triggers, 7 wins.

I stopped at the 1st 75 spins because that far exceeds my stay

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 30, 09:07 PM 2015
Would be nice with a tracker for this. Could be easy to miss 3 uniques two in a row if you don't have mini games.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 30, 09:16 PM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 30, 09:07 PM 2015
Would be nice with a tracker for this. Could be easy to miss 3 uniques two in a row if you don't have mini games.

for the online guys yes probably would be very good

im not a tracker person...i just do a few by hand on a baccarat card lol and in google docs....

if my government would make online gaming legal i WOULD

my only option is 5dimes........ $1 minimum
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Dec 30, 11:01 PM 2015
I havent posted some testing report lately. Here is one before I go to bed.

This is RayManZ tweak but betting on the 1st bet only with a progression of 1-3-9. I have read about this on the forum...

There was 180 real casino spins (about 3 hours with live dealers online). I got 8 1st bet winners and 5 loosers. No 2 losers in a row that would have brought me to the 3rd stage. Will test some more.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 30, 11:03 PM 2015
Quote from: SimonZed1 on Dec 30, 11:01 PM 2015
I havent posted some testing report lately. Here is one before I go to bed.

This is RayManZ tweak but betting on the 1st bet only with a progression of 1-3-9. I have read about this on the forum...

There was 180 real casino spins (about 3 hours with live dealers online). I got 8 1st bet winners and 5 loosers. No 2 losers in a row that would have brought me to the 3rd stage. Will test some more.

1st bet only is a good bet. Less risk. Less exposure. And to lose 3 in a row with raymanz tweak this way would be EXTREMELY unlucky

I DONT have that kinda patience but its damn good
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Dec 30, 11:07 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 30, 11:03 PM 2015
1St bet only is a good bet. Less risk. Less exposure. And to lose 3 in a row with raymanz tweak this way would be EXTREMELY unlucky

I DONT have that kinda patience but its damn good

Thats what I am trying to do, lose 3 in a row... That big spike around the 90th spin is when I hit the zero....

For now its mostly win, lose, win, lose, win, lose... with a win,win in all of this.

Gonna go test a little bit of Moving Target betting!
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Dec 30, 11:46 PM 2015
Ok, here is a preliminary report of TheLaw moving target Grassroots

- 12 mini games played.
- 12 won, 0 loss.
- 9 won on first bet.
- 2 won on second bet.

A lot of units won in a very short period of time! (about 30 min online).

In the 12 mini games I got 213 213. And the 3rd target to be played was the second one (213)!!

Going to bed now.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 30, 11:54 PM 2015
 :thumbsup: O0 8)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 31, 07:51 AM 2015
This block from real spins. How much could you make betting against the last dozen span, every spin for the 185 spins,  Me £200.00
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 31, 10:39 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 30, 08:57 PM 2015
Orochi, I charted the 1st 75 spins of your actual caisno spins attachment from your casino

The green arrow represents a UNIQUE mini game

The green dots indicate where the exact dozen formation repeated the following mini game. As you can see the 3 dozen repeat was NOT a unique....my theory??!!!!

None of the uniques (green arrows) repeated. If I played my way (raymanz tweak), winning all around. 7 triggers, 7 wins.

I stopped at the 1st 75 spins because that far exceeds my stay

Looking at your chart I found three more uniques. How do you guys track? Use a tracker?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 31, 10:44 AM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 31, 10:39 AM 2015
Looking at your chart I found three more uniques. How do you guys track? Use a tracker?

Because i track uniques in mini games of 3 only. If it goes into next row doesnt count


So if 1 starts on row one then 2 and 3 is row 2 i dont consider that a unique. Different mini games. Thats why this is so succesfful for me

The 132 132 you have is not in each its own mini game. So thats not a loss for me

I track in rows. Each independent
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Dec 31, 11:00 AM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 31, 10:44 AM 2015
Because i track uniques in mini games of 3 only. If it goes into next row doesnt count


So if 1 starts on row one then 2 and 3 is row 2 i dont consider that a unique. Different mini games. Thats why this is so succesfful for me

The 132 132 you have is not in each its own mini game. So thats not a loss for me

I track in rows. Each independent

Me too. Just wanted to know how others that track 3 unique 2 in a row regardless of a mini game or not track, since you could easily miss one.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 31, 11:24 AM 2015
Oh ok i understand
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Dec 31, 12:32 PM 2015
Quote from: celescliff on Dec 31, 10:39 AM 2015
Looking at your chart I found three more uniques. How do you guys track? Use a tracker?

The red or green dots are the triggers is not so hard at all to have those,

Tracking in block of 3 spins or rolling is the same. The only diference is that u get more bet chances. I tested that.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 31, 01:34 PM 2015
Quote from: Orochi on Dec 31, 12:32 PM 2015
The red or green dots are the triggers is not so hard at all to have those,

Tracking in block of 3 spins or rolling is the same. The only diference is that u get more bet chances. I tested that.

Whats the flaw betting after the green arrows? That it wont repeat
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Dec 31, 01:50 PM 2015
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 30, 11:03 PM 2015
1st bet only is a good bet. Less risk. Less exposure. And to lose 3 in a row with raymanz tweak this way would be EXTREMELY unlucky

I DONT have that kinda patience but its damn good

There might be a lesson here.  Does your brain record tendencies that it sees
from hours of crunching numbers?

Well I was playing with that looking for 2 do in a row I was talking about. And then
I began to see areas where there were a lot of longer runs.

Perhaps the tweak has embedded in it screening for the times when the
results are choppier.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 31, 03:09 PM 2015
Been working hard on this. Need a break. New years eve at a hotel. 5 hour open bar and 5 course meal. Hilton

Back tomorrow
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 31, 04:36 PM 2015
orochi ill leave off with this

i reposted the chart

the green arrows indicate a UNIQUE formation

i THINK, i could be wrong but i THINK betting in mini games like this decreases the chances of the next mini game unique dozen formation repeating. i always see unique dozen repeats but spread out between 2 mini games

NOT like this

rare for me

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Jan 01, 01:18 AM 2016
Ok, here is a continuing report of TheLaw moving target Grassroots

- 23 mini games played.
- 21 won, 2 loss.
- 14 won on first bet.
- 4 won on second bet.
- 3 won on third bet.

A lot of units lost in a very short period of time!

I was still using the 1-3-9 progression, and I always tought that it was a bad idea. I still think it since my BR took a good plunge down the hole.

If it continues like this, it shows that it wins more on the first bet than it lose the first. Doing 1-3-9 on the 1st only is still not a good idea since I got 4 win in a row on the second or third bet. So I would still have lost.

If I would have bet flat on the 1st only, I would be in the positive. I will have to keep testing and to see if a cancellation, parlay or some kind of Fibonacci would optimize the method.

Still, will need more testing.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 01, 01:40 AM 2016
Flat. First only. Key.
These methods win on 1st bet more then any other
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Master T on Jan 01, 06:41 AM 2016
Hi Guys..
I've found this forum & thread 4 days ago and have been lurking in the background trying to catch up on the 88 odd pages (now 90). I've made it to page 50 or so at many stages I wanted to post a message but wanted to get the the end incase someone has already covered it in the 50 odd pages left to read ;D.

This system is by far the most simplistic and easy system to understand, I'm a big fan of RG , the law and all the positive poster who made the effort to do testing and tweaks posting it up. RG thanks for keep this thread alive, if you didn't it would of faded into the background and I would have never seen it. 

Those other members who disagree, it's fair to say all system will fail... the MATHS is always there, the casino will always have the edge.. I find commenting on saying if I tested this system over 1 million spins will I still be ahead? fair to say if you did that to any system you won't be.. the LAW of AVERAGES will always catch up to you. RG has stressed its a quick 2-4 mini games and then you to a new table or walk out with your profits.. if you sit there for a few thousand more spins of course you'll lose it all back =).

This is awesome thread and I will try and post up some of my live results in the near future..
yAh to my first post.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Jan 01, 08:58 AM 2016
By far parlay is the most stable way to bet, against 6 block pattern. I dont cover zero at all.

Search for a pattern

3,3,1 3,3,1
1,2,3 1,2,3
1,1,1 1,1,1

Them bet against them until your goal. Rolling style no need to wait for mini games of 3.
I advice 20 units goal.
If u get another pattern when ur playing switch your bets against new pattern.
It can be play on dozen, columns or both at the same time (my style)
Use the full progression or limit to stage 7 mininum (66 units risk). RECOMMENDED TO USE THIS ONE. UNTIL FURTHER TESTS.

With odd of lossing 1 out 860. You need to be very unlucky to loose.

PARLAY progression is:

3-3; 4-4
6-6; 7-7
10-10; 15-15
18-18; 27-27

Test it and let me know the results.

🌎 Happy New Year 🌎
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Jan 01, 09:17 AM 2016
Quote from: Orochi on Jan 01, 08:58 AM 2016
By far parlay is the most stable way to bet, against 6 block pattern. I dont cover zero at all.

Search for a pattern

3,3,1 3,3,1
1,2,3 1,2,3
1,1,1 1,1,1

Them bet against them until your goal. Rolling style no need to wait for mini games of 3.
I advice 20 units goal.
If u get another pattern when ur playing switch your bets against new pattern.
It can be play on dozen, columns or both at the same time (my style)
Use the full progression or limit to stage 7 mininum (66 units risk). RECOMMENDED TO USE THIS ONE. UNTIL FURTHER TESTS.

With odd of lossing 1 out 860. You need to be very unlucky to loose.

PARLAY progression is:

3-3; 4-4
6-6; 7-7
10-10; 15-15
18-18; 27-27

Test it and let me know the results.

🌎 Happy New Year 🌎

Hello Orochi,

If I understand this well, you wait for any pattern to repeat, then continousely bet against it until another repeat appear.
Something like this:

1,2,2,1,3,2,1, "221 221"

Then start betting agaist 221 like: 221 221 221 221 221 etc... until you get anoter repeat like 332 332.

You dont stop and wait for a mini game of 3 to finish. You bet every spin, and you use the winning parlay progression of:
3-3; 4-4
6-6; 7-7
10-10; 15-15
18-18; 27-27
until a lose when you go back to 1-1

Is that it?

Thanks and Happy New Year to you too and everybody here on the board.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Jan 01, 09:44 AM 2016
U need to find a 6 block pattern:



After RED (1,2,2,1,2,2) our pattern start betting against it!

Our bets will be:
2,3 / 1,3 / 1,3 / 2,3 / 1,3 / 1,3

Just keep betting that away if win or loose until the goal is reach!
If u get other 6 block pattern switch the bet against it.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 01, 11:08 AM 2016
Quote from: Master T on Jan 01, 06:41 AM 2016
Hi Guys..
I've found this forum & thread 4 days ago and have been lurking in the background trying to catch up on the 88 odd pages (now 90). I've made it to page 50 or so at many stages I wanted to post a message but wanted to get the the end incase someone has already covered it in the 50 odd pages left to read ;D.

This system is by far the most simplistic and easy system to understand, I'm a big fan of RG , the law and all the positive poster who made the effort to do testing and tweaks posting it up. RG thanks for keep this thread alive, if you didn't it would of faded into the background and I would have never seen it. 

Those other members who disagree, it's fair to say all system will fail... the MATHS is always there, the casino will always have the edge.. I find commenting on saying if I tested this system over 1 million spins will I still be ahead? fair to say if you did that to any system you won't be.. the LAW of AVERAGES will always catch up to you. RG has stressed its a quick 2-4 mini games and then you to a new table or walk out with your profits.. if you sit there for a few thousand more spins of course you'll lose it all back =).

This is awesome thread and I will try and post up some of my live results in the near future..
yAh to my first post.

Thanks for the nice words. If orochi believes in part of it, that tells me something

I almost stopped a few times when the negativity came after page 40 but i decided not to stop

Why would i stop? Every which way i test it in short spurts comes out a winner.

Thank you!

The edge is always there. Cant beat it. But we can find ways to beat it temporarily? Or at least win temporarily

Believe me this wheel can spit out 231 231 231 however its rare
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 01, 11:30 AM 2016
Orochi. Thanks for all your tips

A big help

I make one suggestion. Bet 0

Someone saw

"Its the same as betting 20"
when you are beting against a fixed dozen pattern it isnt. Because 0 isnt part of a dozen. So cover it :)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 01, 11:38 AM 2016
Quote from: Orochi on Jan 01, 09:44 AM 2016
U need to find a 6 block pattern:



After RED (1,2,2,1,2,2) our pattern start betting against it!

Our bets will be:
2,3 / 1,3 / 1,3 / 2,3 / 1,3 / 1,3

Just keep betting that away if win or loose until the goal is reach!
If u get other 6 block pattern switch the bet against it.

3 things.

1) I still wonder how long you would have to wait to see/find these patterns.
Any way you slice it, you're going for small units and it becomes not worth it.

2) Having said that, then why not just pick whatever 6 spin pattern just happened
and use this logic?  They should all be conceptually the same. So jump in,
identify what just happened, and bet against it.

3) How do you plan on banking a 6 bet betting spree on 2 dozens?
A 1,3,9,27 is 4 and about the outside edge that people are willing
to consider.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 01, 11:40 AM 2016
Quote from: mogul397 on Jan 01, 11:38 AM 2016

3) How do you plan on banking a 6 bet betting spree on 2 dozens?
A 1,3,9,27 is 4 and about the outside edge that people are willing
to consider.

1 or 2 pages back orochi posted a progression
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Jan 01, 12:19 PM 2016
Quote from: mogul397 on Jan 01, 11:38 AM 2016
3 things.

1) I still wonder how long you would have to wait to see/find these patterns.
Any way you slice it, you're going for small units and it becomes not worth it.

2) Having said that, then why not just pick whatever 6 spin pattern just happened
and use this logic?  They should all be conceptually the same. So jump in,
identify what just happened, and bet against it.

3) How do you plan on banking a 6 bet betting spree on 2 dozens?
A 1,3,9,27 is 4 and about the outside edge that people are willing
to consider.

1) is not so hard to find those, yesterday found 3 in less than 60 spins. Just could make 450â,¬ playing both dozens & columns, my max progression was 10-10 units in my case 100â,¬-100â,¬
2) maybe is the same, but i prefer for now 2 simetric blocks of 3.
3) progression is a parlay

This is my paper tracker a little messy after midnight of the New Year
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 01, 12:40 PM 2016
Nice paper tracker lol. At casino i use baccarat card

I see triggers then i see winners

231 bba? You wrote then at the start. Why? Because those were the 2 triggers u had?

Also i notice there were a few uniques. None repeated
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Jan 01, 01:17 PM 2016
Quote from: Orochi on Jan 01, 08:58 AM 2016

PARLAY progression is:

3-3; 4-4
6-6; 7-7
10-10; 15-15
18-18; 27-27


Started testing it.. Nice results so far.

Are you using a winning progression or a losing progression?

I am actually testing it with going up the ladder when winning, but do you use your progression when winning or when losing?

Do you bet flat when winning and going up when you lose a bet or the other way?

How do you handle the zero? Do you stop your betting when you get one and wait for another 2x3 or do you continue as usual and just count it as a loss?

In a test I got 3,2,1,0,3,2,1. I started the 3,2,1 betting even if I had a zero in the middle. Is that ok?



Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 01, 01:56 PM 2016
Since orichi waits for a repeat then bets against it ex. 231231 now bet against 231

What people can do if they wish is simply bet against previous 3. With a small unit size. 1 3 9 progression with quarters. If you lose that means the previous 3 repeated like 232 232.

Playing with quarters you would be down $6.50 if lost

Now since you lost of course you have orochis trigger

Now bet 1 3 9 progresion against against 232 with $6.50 units....

Many more bet opportunities. More wins.

NOT recommended for big boy unit size

1 in 860 chance of winning with $175 bankroll

.25/.25, .75/.75, 2.25/2.25

If lose that series

6.50/6.50, 19.50/19.50, 58.50/58.50

Playing orichis genius way but every mini game we play against previous 3. If we lose that means we have orichis trigger and we bet the 6.50 units

Heres how i look at it: play against previous 3 with tiny units. Winning as much as possible, then orochis trigger kicks in on a loss and we increase unit size. Money management

Step 1- Bet against previous 3
Step 2- If lose now you have orochis trigger
Step 3- Go big

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 01, 02:48 PM 2016
Quote from: Orochi on Jan 01, 12:19 PM 2016
1) is not so hard to find those, yesterday found 3 in less than 60 spins. Just could make 450â,¬ playing both dozens & columns, my max progression was 10-10 units in my case 100â,¬-100â,¬
2) maybe is the same, but i prefer for now 2 simetric blocks of 3.
3) progression is a parlay

This is my paper tracker a little messy after midnight of the New Year

"1) is not so hard to find those, yesterday found 3 in less than 60 spins. Just could make 450â,¬ playing both dozens & columns, my max progression was 10-10 units in my case 100â,¬-100â,¬"

To add to my last post

You see 3 repeats within 60 spins. Thats 3 triggers

Thats 17 mini games where betting against previous 3 wins and 3 mini games lose (60 spins 20 mini games)

Then when you lose (3 times) you have your trigger

Thats all mini games won with my tweak

Only way to lose is a triple repeat
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 01, 04:18 PM 2016
Quote from: Orochi on Jan 01, 12:19 PM 2016
1) is not so hard to find those, yesterday found 3 in less than 60 spins. Just could make 450â,¬ playing both dozens & columns, my max progression was 10-10 units in my case 100â,¬-100â,¬
2) maybe is the same, but i prefer for now 2 simetric blocks of 3.
3) progression is a parlay

This is my paper tracker a little messy after midnight of the New Year

OK, I'm not trying to be a hard ass. Really.  Do you have a zumma book?
If so, can you pick some random pages that show it?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 01, 04:23 PM 2016
Quote from: mogul397 on Jan 01, 04:18 PM 2016
OK, I'm not trying to be a hard ass. Really.  Do you have a zumma book?
If so, can you pick some random pages that show it?

Im not trying to be a hard ass. But some of us are working hard on this

You have zumma? I know you do. So go for it. Rip that sucker out and test it.

You can guide a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

Orochi posted by hand on paper like 10 sheets of real spins a couple pages back mogul.......

Post 1323. Page 89. I give him a lot of Credit for that
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 01, 04:42 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 01, 02:48 PM 2016
"1) is not so hard to find those, yesterday found 3 in less than 60 spins. Just could make 450â,¬ playing both dozens & columns, my max progression was 10-10 units in my case 100â,¬-100â,¬"

To add to my last post

You see 3 repeats within 60 spins. Thats 3 triggers

Thats 17 mini games where betting against previous 3 wins and 3 mini games lose (60 spins 20 mini games)

Then when you lose (3 times) you have your trigger

Thats all mini games won with my tweak

Only way to lose is a triple repeat

So at that hit rate, what would your unit size be?  3 units per hour?

what's the take?  And is that enough?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Jan 01, 05:20 PM 2016
Quote from: SimonZed1 on Jan 01, 01:17 PM 2016

Started testing it.. Nice results so far.

Are you using a winning progression or a losing progression?

I am actually testing it with going up the ladder when winning, but do you use your progression when winning or when losing?

Do you bet flat when winning and going up when you lose a bet or the other way?

How do you handle the zero? Do you stop your betting when you get one and wait for another 2x3 or do you continue as usual and just count it as a loss?

In a test I got 3,2,1,0,3,2,1. I started the 3,2,1 betting even if I had a zero in the middle. Is that ok?



This is not valid, i say it must be 2 simetric blocks of 3.
Progression when loosing.
I dont cover zero, if hit count as a loss, i play in single zero wheel.
I keep betting against the trigger until my goal!
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Jan 01, 05:26 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 01, 12:40 PM 2016
Nice paper tracker lol. At casino i use baccarat card

I see triggers then i see winners

231 bba? You wrote then at the start. Why? Because those were the 2 triggers u had?

Also i notice there were a few uniques. None repeated

Triggers in RED
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 01, 05:59 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 01, 04:23 PM 2016
Im not trying to be a hard ass. But some of us are working hard on this

You have zumma? I know you do. So go for it. Rip that sucker out and test it.

You can guide a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

Orochi posted by hand on paper like 10 sheets of real spins a couple pages back mogul.......

Post 1323. Page 89. I give him a lot of Credit for that

You have the quote wrong. It's "You can lead a horse to water, but
you can't make him THINK".

I had no problem asking someone to justify their statement. I to a lot of
work as well. I just don't trouble people with it. I work it out.
I have muscle memory of what I have seen for decades in number.
You do too, and you have statistics to show how many hundreds or
thousands of spins. I imagine the statistic for this is similar. So the
point is that I won't find them.

It's not like I looked and said "gollie gee. Look at all those set ups" and threw
a bone on the floor here.  And after you agree, you might agree that winning
3 bets and hour at a $5 bet level isn't compelling.

But to go back to the first subject I remember a HG group where you lead people
down bunnie trails. Even if you had to lie to keep them. Now this thread that
seems to never end with a hard conclusion about what "works".

So is this a case of the pot calling the kettle black?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 01, 06:03 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 01, 04:23 PM 2016
Im not trying to be a hard ass. But some of us are working hard on this

You have zumma? I know you do. So go for it. Rip that sucker out and test it.

You can guide a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

Orochi posted by hand on paper like 10 sheets of real spins a couple pages back mogul.......

Post 1323. Page 89. I give him a lot of Credit for that

BTW, taking out a cell phone and posting a picture of scribble doesn't show much
effort. When I post results I type them in so they are clear. THAT is work.
I could post NOTEBOOKS of pages and pages of actual casino play..

FYI, historically I do not remember a SINGLE example of you posting any
actual play results. Not one. In fact I can remember more times that you said
you were going to play, didn't play, and didn't even report that.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 01, 06:13 PM 2016
Orochi. Another thought. Rarely do we win on the 3rd spin

Most wins are 1st or 2nd try

Never have i seen a win on 3rd spin happen twice in a row after a trigger

So my idea now is

Bet against previous 3. 1st two spins only with a 1 3 progression

Next mini game bet against that same trigger this time with a 1 3 with larger units


221 happens
Bet against 221. 1st 2 spins only
221 shows, lost 1st 2 spins. Now we have your trigger
Next bet against 221 again 1st 2 spins only

Something like this

$1, $3
If lose next mini game
$8, $24

Should work just fine. Using this method i havent seen a win on 3rd try twice in a row. They are isolated. Id consider it safe

Less risk cutting it off at 2 tries

In every test i have done, The law has done, Celescliff has done. All 3rd bet win attempts are isolated

So based on the thousands of spins i have seen its safe
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 01, 06:24 PM 2016
Quote from: mogul397 on Jan 01, 05:59 PM 2016
Now this thread that
seems to never end with a hard conclusion about what "works".

This thread is in the notepad

Forum definition steve has written for the notepad as seen on homepage:

"The Notepad
Write down your ideas and discuss new concepts."

So we are doing EXACTLY what its designed for. discussing a new concept. aka "grassroots"

If you cannot keep up, or if you do not like it, this goes for you and anyone else: leave the thread. And go make a better thread.

Cause a lot of us are learning

Also i will add by me keeping this thread up has caused new members to join and post. So thats that.

If you want clear conclusions the NOTEPAD is not for you

I dont care if we hit 1 million pages and i hit 1 million posts

You cried for a trip report in 5 posts. I provided a trip report

Now u want me to post real spin results from the casino

I posted endless charts from zumma tests.

I enjoy testing and tweaking and reading other tweaks.

I dont want to argue with u but these r things u need to hear

If i ran into you in a CT or MA casino id buy you a beer though

Also. You keep referencing my HG group. So im gonna put this out in the open once and for all. I made a private group at the request of members here to discuss a Lanky matrix. I was asked to do so, so we can talk openly without negativity. I banned you because you didnt get it and made several different threads doing what you are doing here. I asked you to keep it in one thread but you kept making new threads bashing it. It was my group. I didnt have to give you a platform to bash it. I invited you to be nice. I didnt make a forum to keep it a secret. About 40 people from here enjoyed it. So thats that. To this day you dont understand the lanky matrix. I stoped playing it because a trigger takes hours.  The time i spent on that thing i didnt need to read threads from you bashing it. So you had to go.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Jan 01, 06:40 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 01, 06:24 PM 2016

If you cannot keep up, or if you do not like it, this goes for you and anyone else: leave the thread. And go make a better thread.

I still dont understand why people keep reading and replying to posts from people who just dont care about what we do and dont have anything better to do than to post here. There are certain people here on the forum that I simply dont read their replies and go right over them. I work a lot and have only the energy and time to focus on the main subject and to focus on the positive posts on the main subject.

These people just want attention. And do not provide anything else. Just stop replying to these posts. And they might simply go away get attention somewhere else.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 01, 06:43 PM 2016
Quote from: SimonZed1 on Jan 01, 06:40 PM 2016
I still dont understand why people keep reading and replying to posts from people who just dont care about what we do and dont have anything better to do than to post here. There are certain people here on the forum that I simply dont read their replies and go right over them. I work a lot and have only the energy and time to focus on the main subject and to focus on the positive posts on the main subject.

These people just want attention. And do not provide anything else. Just stop replying to these posts. And they might simply go away get attention somewhere else.

Well you are right
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Jan 01, 06:52 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 01, 06:13 PM 2016
Orochi. Another thought. Rarely do we win on the 3rd spin

Most wins are 1st or 2nd try

Never have i seen a win on 3rd spin happen twice in a row after a trigger

Indeed. I have seen the same thing on my testing. I wonder how we could exploit this.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Jan 01, 06:55 PM 2016
Another idea that have crossed my mind a few days ago is that I wonder if there are any correlation with other parts of the layout and wheel when we get something like 1,2,3,1,2,3... What I mean is I wonder if there is something else that could warn us of a possibility of a repeat.... Like the law of the third or something else....just an idea....
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 01, 07:11 PM 2016
Quote from: SimonZed1 on Jan 01, 06:55 PM 2016
Another idea that have crossed my mind a few days ago is that I wonder if there are any correlation with other parts of the layout and wheel when we get something like 1,2,3,1,2,3... What I mean is I wonder if there is something else that could warn us of a possibility of a repeat.... Like the law of the third or something else....just an idea....

Split wheel into 3 groups of 12. Label them 1 2 3

Wait for a unique. Bet against it.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 01, 07:41 PM 2016
here is an old zumma test on dozens and columns i have used before

betting against previous 3

but using orochis principle when you have a repeat continue to bet against it

alternating between dozens and columns

went smooth all wins on 1st and 2nd except 1....

see row 23. CBA then CBB. its a loss cause i only bet 1st 2.

so now i do NOT alternate back to dozens. i wait for the mini game to expire then i bet against CBA again 1st two attempts only.

progression does not get deep with only a 1 3, just raise unit size for 2nd attempt on row 24. we may see CBA CBA but another CBA after unlikely

so after the loss, bet original trigger again and we only have 1 out of 860 chance of losing

Not the same as betting against previous 3. Because on a loss on the next mini game we bet the SAME trigger we lost on. Well that kinda makes sense sorta i guess. Hope ya get it

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 01, 08:25 PM 2016
To add to above post

We can bet FIRST BET ONLY of each mini game

1 3 9 progression

Against previous 3

To lose that would be EXTREMELY rare

Looking at ALL charts from myself and celes NO loss
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Jan 01, 08:36 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 01, 08:25 PM 2016
To add to above post

We can bet FIRST BET ONLY of each mini game

1 3 9 progression

Against previous 3

To lose that would be EXTREMELY rare

Looking at ALL charts from myself and celes NO loss

Actually testing this. Will post results soon. No loss. Got close but... No loss.

I'm testing too many thing at the same time... I dont know on what to put more time. Everything is giving interesting results. I particularly like Moving Target... I can feel there is something in this.... Getting interesting results.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 01, 08:38 PM 2016
Quote from: SimonZed1 on Jan 01, 08:36 PM 2016
Actually testing this. Will post results soon. No loss. Got close but... No loss.

Highest i got was 2nd step

Bet every mini game against the previous 3 with first be only
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Jan 01, 08:41 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 01, 08:38 PM 2016
Highest i got was 2nd step

Bet every mini game against the previous 3 with first be only

Still testing with 1-3-9? On all your tests?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 01, 08:43 PM 2016
Quote from: SimonZed1 on Jan 01, 08:41 PM 2016
Still testing with 1-3-9? On all your tests?

Most. And 1 3 3

And flat. 1st bet only. Win goal 2 units. Safe for big units ya know?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Jan 01, 08:47 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 01, 08:43 PM 2016
Most. And 1 3 3

And flat. 1st bet only. Win goal 2 units. Safe for big units ya know?

Thats what i'm looking for. I am not in the US. I can play anywhere online. I am looking for one big safe bet and i'm out.

Has all this ever been tested on RNG?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 01, 08:49 PM 2016
I think if we bet against previous 3 first bet only flat betting may be good

Maybe even progression of 1 2. Break even on win on 2nd if it gets to that

Use large units. 2 unit goal

Bet every 3 spins. Flat bet. Against the dozen 3 back
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Jan 01, 08:53 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 01, 08:49 PM 2016
I think if we bet against previous 3 first bet only flat betting may be good

Maybe even progression of 1 2. Break even on win on 2nd if it gets to that

Use large units. 2 unit goal

That is why I was waiting for lets say: 123 123 and bet against 123. I wanted it to be a safe bet. But the wheel still can make 123 123 123....

I already saw 112 112 112 this week... If I wait for 123 123 123  (or other single combo) I can wait a while....

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Jan 01, 09:09 PM 2016
RG look at this, 2 losses against uniques in just 15 spins, the way u track in minigames of 3.

6 looses if playing rolling style against unique.

Think again before going for 1.3.9 progression. STOP martingale progression it is a DEAD HORSE on this system.

I test it and it fail BIG !!!

And pls stop making more tweaks, u not going no where!

triggers here, w8 there, bet 1st, 2st, bla bla bla ( u are just avoid the loss for awhile)

Im trying to help but  a bit tired of ppl going of track.
If u wanna get same chances of winning try to use PARLAY progression vs 6 block bet uniques.

TEST IT and let me know.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Jan 01, 09:19 PM 2016
Quote from: Orochi on Jan 01, 09:09 PM 2016
RG look at this, 2 losses against uniques in just 15 spins, the way u track in minigames of 3.


Quote from: Orochi on Jan 01, 09:09 PM 2016

And pls stop making more tweaks, u not going no where!

triggers here, w8 there, bet 1st, 2st, bla bla bla ( u are just avoid the loss for awhile)

Im trying to help but  a bit tired of ppl going of track.

Agreed, we are simply going nowhere with all these tweeks. We have to focus on one way to play and find the way to get rid of the progression.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 01, 09:28 PM 2016
Dont be upst with the tweaks

I WILL test your block of 6 at casino tomorrow. It is solid.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Jan 01, 09:43 PM 2016
In the attach i show to all my test files in Excel.

Soo take your own conclusions.

TRACKER + test files

in ANALYZER sheet  just press clear than simulate for long-run test
in MAIN sheet press "F9" to refresh data
be sure to enable macro content for running the tests
u can change the progression values

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 01, 10:13 PM 2016
Quote from: Orochi on Jan 01, 09:43 PM 2016
In the attach i show to all my test files in Excel.

Soo take your own conclusions.

TRACKER + test files

in ANALYZER sheet  just press clear than simulate for long-run test
in MAIN sheet press "F9" to refresh data
be sure to enable macro content for running the tests
u can change the progression values

Many thanks from me

Thanks for your work
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 01, 11:32 PM 2016
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Jan 02, 06:12 AM 2016
Quote from: SimonZed1 on Jan 01, 06:55 PM 2016
Another idea that have crossed my mind a few days ago is that I wonder if there are any correlation with other parts of the layout and wheel when we get something like 1,2,3,1,2,3... What I mean is I wonder if there is something else that could warn us of a possibility of a repeat.... Like the law of the third or something else....just an idea....

How about keep score of how dozens are hitting, Say 1stdoz 10,2nddoz 10, 3rddoz 4, you'll have watched or played 24 spins or 8 mini games of 3.

If betting against 1,2,3 with 3 quiet,surely you'd win your game,even if one game is 3,3,3  and 3 thats your 4, 3's done, win.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: keepontryin on Jan 02, 07:45 AM 2016
orochi thanks for your findings......i have concluded the same many pages ago....but i do not wish to deflate anyones dreams.......i do wish orochi that you have a deeper look at the 9 number system .....i have had luck... maybe your exstensive attitude towards testing may bring you the same......all in all i still hope we all find what were looking for and like i say keepontryin......i am a pen and paper guy but i do like the stop loss and take profit approach.....its more like investing then gambling.....
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 02, 08:06 AM 2016
Have you seen a block of 6 repeat yet orochi?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: psimoes on Jan 02, 09:19 AM 2016
Dudes, while betting against 221221 or whatever seems like a sane idea, just keep in mind 331331 has the same chance of appearing (and repeating) as 233331, or 112231, or whatever.

Betting on a rolling basis against the last sixth dozen to appear has therefore the same effect. The key to its success seems the parlay progression that will stand until L6. L4falls often when betting 24 numbers. L6 not so, but you know what happens when it happens.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Jan 02, 10:17 AM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 02, 08:06 AM 2016
Have you seen a block of 6 repeat yet orochi?

Yes a have seen
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Jan 02, 10:19 AM 2016
Quote from: psimoes on Jan 02, 09:19 AM 2016
Dudes, while betting against 221221 or whatever seems like a sane idea, just keep in mind 331331 has the same chance of appearing (and repeating) as 233331, or 112231, or whatever.

Betting on a rolling basis against the last sixth dozen to appear has therefore the same effect. The key to its success seems the parlay progression that will stand until L6. L4falls often when betting 24 numbers. L6 not so, but you know what happens when it happens.

Yesterday i have seen at my local casino 1st dozen hit 9 times in a row. I was betting against 1,1,3 guess what happen?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Jan 02, 11:14 AM 2016
Soon, soon.....it may even take a couple months but you'll realize the very thing I was getting slammed for (being negative), this won't work. No triggers and no progressions. You'll get it, soon.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 02, 11:24 AM 2016
Quote from: Orochi on Jan 01, 08:58 AM 2016

With odd of lossing 1 out 860. You need to be very unlucky to loose

PARLAY progression is:

3-3; 4-4
6-6; 7-7
10-10; 15-15
18-18; 27-27

Just to clarify. Because im going today

When you get your trigger 6 block

For example
223 223

You then bet against that from occuring again with the parlay progression but only going up to next level on a win then quitting when win goal hit. Stay at 1-1 then after a win bet 2-2 against that same pattern?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Jan 02, 11:40 AM 2016
Quote from: MrJ on Jan 02, 11:14 AM 2016
Soon, soon.....it may even take a couple months but you'll realize the very thing I was getting slammed for (being negative), this won't work. No triggers and no progressions. You'll get it, soon.


I was betting against 1,1,3

1 L - 1-1
1 L - 2-2
1 W - 3-3
1 L - 4-4
1 L - 6-6
1 W - 7-7

New Trigger 1,1,1 1,1,1

1 L - 10-10
1 L - 15-15
1 L - 18-18
3 W - 27-27
1 L - 33-33
O L - 49-49
2 W - 60-60
2 W - 90-90

Damm nightmare, but i won!

But i going to risk it again?! DAMN NO !!!! Lesson learn. I start with 10â,¬-10â,¬. If i lost how much it cost me !?!? To get 10â,¬ profit.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tamino on Jan 02, 11:42 AM 2016

Reference to Orochi.

This is   in essence the "UP and PULL" method.  Always  taking a profit   on the way up and pulling  some of it..

Good MM I must say.

But Old Hat if  you follow  Patrick.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 02, 11:43 AM 2016
Quote from: Orochi on Jan 02, 11:40 AM 2016
I was betting against 1,1,3

1 L - 1-1
1 L - 2-2
1 W - 3-3
1 L - 4-4
1 L - 6-6
1 W - 7-7

New Trigger 1,1,1 1,1,1

1 L - 10-10
1 L - 15-15
1 L - 18-18
3 W - 27-27
1 L - 33-33
O L - 49-49
2 W - 60-60
2 W - 90-90

Damm nightmare, but i won!

But i going to risk it again?! DAMN NO !!!! Lesson learn. I start with 10â,¬-10â,¬. If i lost how much it cost me !?!? To get 10â,¬ profit.

Ok i understand

Im going to have to play a watered down version

Only risking $300 with $10 units

I also will play a recreational for fun column method

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 02, 11:49 AM 2016
Quote from: Orochi on Jan 02, 11:40 AM 2016
I was betting against 1,1,3

1 L - 1-1
1 L - 2-2
1 W - 3-3
1 L - 4-4
1 L - 6-6
1 W - 7-7

New Trigger 1,1,1 1,1,1

1 L - 10-10
1 L - 15-15
1 L - 18-18
3 W - 27-27
1 L - 33-33
O L - 49-49
2 W - 60-60
2 W - 90-90

Damm nightmare, but i won!

But i going to risk it again?! DAMN NO !!!! Lesson learn. I start with 10â,¬-10â,¬. If i lost how much it cost me !?!? To get 10â,¬ profit.

I know a lot of people wont like this. You probably wont either

But if i saw 113 then 113 again. Id bet against it with 139.  In your example it won on 3rd bet

Then you had
111. Win on 3rd
111. Win on 3rd again

I like the element of risk

This is gambling after all. using disopsable money

So no need to hear one day it will come

No matter what its GAMBLING. Whether you bet 2 numbers or 34 numbers
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Interstate89 on Jan 02, 12:18 PM 2016
Would it be "more safe" to play a sequence with all 3 dozens involved?

A sequence with 113 113 can mean that 2 can be a big sleeper and 1 goes for a streak. Then we have 111 111 and 1 goes for streak and we play against it? Pretty dangerous to go against a streak like that.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 02, 12:20 PM 2016
Quote from: Interstate89 on Jan 02, 12:18 PM 2016
Would it be "more safe" to play a sequence with all 3 dozens involved?

A sequence with 113 113 can mean that 2 can be a big sleeper and 1 goes for a streak. Then we have 111 111 and 1 goes for streak and we play against it? Pretty dangerous to go against a streak like that.

Thats why i pushed beting against a unique so hard

Ryamanz twek

Only triggers are


The math says 123 and 122 are the same

My tests over thousands of spins do not reflect they are the same though

In my world betting against a unique sequence is better

See raymanz tweak grassroots thread :)

Hence why playing against 123 hit and run works so well
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Jan 02, 02:32 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 02, 12:20 PM 2016
Thats why i pushed beting against a unique so hard

Ryamanz twek

Only triggers are


The math says 123 and 122 are the same

My tests over thousands of spins do not reflect they are the same though

In my world betting against a unique sequence is better

See raymanz tweak grassroots thread :)

Hence why playing against 123 hit and run works so well

SRY u are wrong! I will post the test excel file following Ryamanz tweak. And again see for yourself!
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Jan 02, 03:47 PM 2016
raymanz tweak grassroots
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 02, 05:14 PM 2016
looks very good to me. no losses

no unique repeated in any of those mini games
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 02, 06:36 PM 2016
Priyanka says

QuoteHow many of us have wondered why a few systems always work well at the start and then the graphs grow towards the south? If you are not one of those who has experienced this, then you have not played enough roulette. The law of large numbers always catches up. This is why when some one tests thousands of spins, you always get a southward graph. So what is the issue? Your playing sessions are not short enough to stay ahead of the curve for forseeable future.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RFMAXX on Jan 02, 06:40 PM 2016
hi orochi,

checked your trackers...sorry to say...there are a lot of mistakes which affect the result.

see attached pic...raymanz tweak. 3 uniques, but no bet. so there are two wins missing.

the other trackers made these mistakes as well.
anyway...thanks for testing.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 02, 06:46 PM 2016
Quote from: RFMAXX on Jan 02, 06:40 PM 2016
hi orochi,

checked your trackers...sorry to say...there are a lot of mistakes which affect the result.

see attached pic...raymanz tweak. 3 uniques, but no bet. so there are two wins missing.

the other trackers made these mistakes as well.
anyway...thanks for testing.

on orichis excel sheet of raymanz tweak every single trigger resulted in a win.....every single one.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RFMAXX on Jan 02, 06:52 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 02, 06:46 PM 2016
on orichis excel sheet of raymanz tweak every single trigger resulted in a win.....every single one.


jep...something went wrong with the formulas....keep tracking with my own tracker.

see you rg ;)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 02, 06:53 PM 2016
i copied and pasted orochis excel spread sheet of raymanz tweak

i hate to say it. but i guess if you think THIS is bad then you havent tried 80 percent of the "systems" on this forum

I HAVE NEVER seen a win rate like the one with raymanz tweaks.......

-102 spins
-9 triggers
-9 wins

1st chart is orochis excel ray test
2nd chart is mine from zumma

what do ya know? each trigger resulted in a mini game win


edit: make that 12 wins on the first chart. 3 triggers were missed, each results in a win, as expected

the rules:

-take a chart 3 wide or a baccarat card.
-write the dozens that come from left to right. 3 results. then go down the next row
-when you have a unique formation such as 123, 132, 213, 231, 312, 321, in a single row, bet against it in the next row
-i use a 1 3 9 progression so a win on any of the 3 attempts is profit. i used to do 1 2 5 but to grindy.
-very rare to see a unique repeat. you will see it. if you think you will not see it then dont play it.
- long term testing is no good, aim for a few units within 2 hours time and be out.
- my advice if you play online with LOW unit size. bet against previous 3 each go, stopping on a win until the next row. have a recovery bank increase chip size for a loss, which is where orochis trigger of a repeat kicks in (ex. 223 223)...when you have a unique increase unit size on next mini game and bet against it.

im going to let the thread die now

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Jan 02, 08:10 PM 2016
-102 spins
-9 triggers
-9 wins

1st chart is orochis excel ray test
2nd chart is mine from zumma

what do ya know? each trigger resulted in a mini game win

>>>>> Two questions. I'm not reading every page again.

With 102 spins and 9 triggers, does that mean one game is played every 11 spins? (if yes, what do you do the other 10 spins?)

and,  "each trigger resulted in a mini game win" >> Are you basing a HG on 9/9?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Orochi on Jan 02, 08:15 PM 2016
Quote from: RFMAXX on Jan 02, 06:40 PM 2016
hi orochi,

checked your trackers...sorry to say...there are a lot of mistakes which affect the result.

see attached pic...raymanz tweak. 3 uniques, but no bet. so there are two wins missing.

the other trackers made these mistakes as well.
anyway...thanks for testing.



raymanz let me know if it follow all the rules.

Have a doubt in the bellow image, if u bet those or not, cause they are more than 2 in a row
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 02, 08:16 PM 2016
Quote from: MrJ on Jan 02, 08:10 PM 2016

and,  "each trigger resulted in a mini game win" >> Are you basing a HG on 9/9?


9/9 ? No way

Ive tested thousands of spins with raymanz tweak. All winners. Proof is in the pudding

You wait for a trigger. Whatever you do in 10 spins is upto you. Another system? Nothing?

Why would you assume i call it my personal HG because of 9 wins when you KNOW i have posted tons of test charts

If you are willing to send me your personal casino past spins ill gladly chart it to see how it performs....with ths tweak

Tested over 2000 zumma spins with this tweak. And real wheel. And smart live. And celtic

You know ive tested a lot. 9/9...phst
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 02, 08:26 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 02, 08:16 PM 2016
9/9 ? No way

Ive tested thousands of spins with raymanz tweak. All winners. Proof is in the pudding

You wait for a trigger. Whatever you do in 10 spins is upto you. Another system? Nothing?

Why would you assume i call it my personal HG because of 9 wins when you KNOW i have posted tons of test charts

If you are willing to send me your personal casino past spins ill gladly chart it to see how it performs....with ths tweak

Tested over 2000 zumma spins with this tweak. And real wheel. And smart live. And celtic

You know ive tested a lot. 9/9...phst

But STILL no actual trip report.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Jan 02, 08:29 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 02, 08:16 PM 2016
9/9 ? No way

Ive tested thousands of spins with raymanz tweak. All winners. Proof is in the pudding

You wait for a trigger. Whatever you do in 10 spins is upto you. Another system? Nothing?

Why would you assume i call it my personal HG because of 9 wins when you KNOW i have posted tons of test charts

If you are wiing to send me your personal casino past spins ill gladly chart it to see how it performs....with ths tweak

I'm an hourly kind of guy. I think (please correct me) air ball is around 50 spins per hour?

I do know, an actual wheel is around 40 spins per hour (based on how busy). So I'll be cool, we'll say 50. So 5 wins per hour, ASSUMING no losses but again, I'll be cool, no losses.

It would have to be based on UNIT SIZE, correct? I believe you said, two hours for YOU, then leave, dont expose yourself. (your words). So, we'll say 10 wins (assuming no losses). Thats not factoring in, drive time, to and from the casino. Some people DRIVE 2.5 hours to get to one.

10 wins...your unit size has to be decent and not "chump change" or it isn't worth it. Years back at GG, someone posted a thread (cant remember who or the method name) of their HG. The author also posted, it was unplayable but....still a HG. We (myself included) tested and tested the hell out of this thing, it truely held up.

Bottom line was, it made around $2.65 per hour, based on 40 spins per hour. QUESTION >> Is that still a HG?

Thats a great poll question (lol), I'm really getting into this poll stuff.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 02, 08:33 PM 2016
Quote from: MrJ on Jan 02, 08:29 PM 2016
I'm an hourly kind of guy. I think (please correct me) air ball is around 50 spins per hour?

I do know, an actual wheel is around 40 spins per hour (based on how busy). So I'll be cool, we'll say 50. So 5 wins per hour, ASSUMING no losses but again, I'll be cool, no losses.

It would have to be based on UNIT SIZE, correct? I believe you said, two hours for YOU, then leave? (your words). So, we'll say 10 wins (assuming no losses). Thats not factoring in, drive time. To and from the casino. Some people DRIVE 2.5 hours to get to it.

10 wins...your unit size has to be decent and not "chump change" or it isn't worth it. Years back at GG, someone posted a thread (cant remember who or the method name) of their HG. The author also posted, it was unplayable but....still a HG. We (myself included) tested and tested the hell out of this thing, it truely held up.

Bottom line was, it made around $2.65 per hour, based on 40 spins per hour. QUESTION >> Is that still a HG?

Thats a great poll question (lol), I'm really getting into this poll stuff.


$10 units. $100 in 2 hours easy. The math shows and the actuals show roughly 5 triggers an hour. However you can add columns and double the triggers

Like you stated i also have tested the hell out of this thing. It holds up as you say.

I think 5 bets an hour is playable. 10 if you add columns

You test a strategy and say it held up. I test this strategy it holds up. Good stuff

Mr j. Can you do me a favor. Seriously

Take a chart 3 wide. Wait for a unique formation. Bet against it. Test it. Please.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Jan 02, 08:35 PM 2016
"It holds up as you say" >> To be CLEAR, I meant the unplayable method at GG years back.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 02, 08:36 PM 2016
Quote from: MrJ on Jan 02, 08:35 PM 2016
"It holds up as you say" >> To be CLEAR, I meant the unplayable method at GG years back.


I know what u meant

Do me a favor. Seriously. Test this.

Like u see it in my chart

While you play your methods just track this for the hell of it. And you will see
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 02, 08:44 PM 2016
Reply # 1410

Zumma test

See 2nd chart with the green

9 triggers between dozens and columns in 75 spins

Mini games only not rolling
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Jan 02, 08:48 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 02, 08:36 PM 2016
I know what u meant

Do me a favor. Seriously. Test this.

Like u see it in my chart

While you play your methods just track this for the hell of it. And you will see

Not insulting you (but you'll take it as such), I dont play 24 numbers and I dont do progressions.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 02, 08:50 PM 2016
Quote from: MrJ on Jan 02, 08:48 PM 2016
Not insulting you (but you'll take it as such), I dont play 24 numbers and I dont do progressions.


Fair enough

I respect that

Well. You can play it virtually while you play your strategy. Just to see why im promoting it

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Jan 02, 09:08 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 02, 08:50 PM 2016
Fair enough

I respect that

Well. You can play it virtually while you play your strategy. Just to see why im promoting it

Leads me to my other question, why promote it? Please, not the usual goofy answer, we're all one big team!! Out to kick casino a** !!!!

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 02, 09:10 PM 2016
Id perfer to just let the thread die. 95 pages. Whoever learned from it did already. Im going to exit the thread now.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 02, 09:10 PM 2016
Quote from: MrJ on Jan 02, 09:08 PM 2016
Leads me to my other question, why promote it? Please, not the usual goofy answer, we're all one big team!! Out to kick casino a** !!!!


Isnt that what the forums for

Test. show results. Promote a winner

Or do i have that wrong
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Jan 02, 09:21 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 02, 09:10 PM 2016
Isnt that what the forums for

Test. show results. Promote a winner

Or do i have that wrong

Not saying you're wrong, I'm only asking. People do it in different ways.

Myself? My preference...I post it and if you dont like the method, I won't lose sleep over it. Like I said, everyone is different though. Ken needs to worry about Ken.

RG needs to worry about RG etc.

POST....make some money at the casino....everyone else? Good luck.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 02, 09:25 PM 2016
Quote from: MrJ on Jan 02, 09:21 PM 2016
Not saying you're wrong, I'm only asking. People do it in different ways.

Myself? My preference...I post it and if you dont like the method, I won't lose sleep over it. Like I said, everyone is different though. Ken needs to worry about Ken.

RG needs to worry about RG etc.

POST....make some money at the casino....everyone else? Good luck.


When people test wrong or dont test at all and do nothing but inject negativity i have to counter it

Because it hurts the point.  And causes a few people to join but NOT post and only contact me via PM because they were turned off by the negativity

One guy up big with a variation. Wont post though. Only PM.

So it needs to change. If people disagree or dont like it goto another thread. Thats how i feel

When someone posts a method i leave it alone if i dont test it

If you disagree then post a test with proof of actual spins and show why it doesnt work.  Because there are people posting tests
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Jan 02, 11:17 PM 2016
Quote from: Orochi on Jan 02, 11:40 AM 2016
I was betting against 1,1,3

1 L - 1-1
1 L - 2-2
1 W - 3-3
1 L - 4-4
1 L - 6-6
1 W - 7-7

New Trigger 1,1,1 1,1,1

1 L - 10-10
1 L - 15-15
1 L - 18-18
3 W - 27-27
1 L - 33-33
O L - 49-49
2 W - 60-60
2 W - 90-90

Damm nightmare, but i won!

But i going to risk it again?! DAMN NO !!!! Lesson learn. I start with 10â,¬-10â,¬. If i lost how much it cost me !?!? To get 10â,¬ profit.

BINGO, this is my point. You won but in reality, its a big NO for the next time. Its not a playable situation for your nerves.

SOLUTION? >> Again, for most players, lower the unit size (I have no issue with that). Less risk and less sweaty palms. The down side?...ok we won but because of the lower units, is it NOW worth the time?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: keepontryin on Jan 03, 10:07 AM 2016
rg.........relax......no ones a pain each has there own take to this system ...or systems..... or method .....or strategy........its changed hands so much it seems to some as we keep going around and around and around.........as i say keepontryin
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 03, 09:59 PM 2016
Quote from: MrJ on Jan 03, 09:57 PM 2016
We are all friends (I think).....lets take a breath. I always wondered about locking a thread for 24 hours, just to cool off?

Ken  (GO PACK GO !!!!!) 3 damn points at the half? My team sucks this year, hate to say it.

i have work tomorrow after 4 days off. have to deal with the public at a car dealership. i am nothing more then annoyed
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Jan 03, 10:06 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 03, 09:59 PM 2016
i have work tomorrow after 4 days off. have to deal with the public at a car dealership. i am nothing more then annoyed

You mean your job?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 03, 10:06 PM 2016

which i would like to replace with 2 hours a day at casino
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: psimoes on Jan 04, 03:46 PM 2016
One thing I´d like to point out: only the actual bets should count as "real spins" when testing. If some method  only recommends to place a bet every 10 spins or so, you can´t say something like " still going strong after 2000 spins" when in fact it´s only holding for 200.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 05, 06:11 PM 2016
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Jan 05, 09:16 PM 2016
I offered this before.....start a new thread with the exact rules (copy/paste if needed) of the various ways to play it. I can then lock this.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 06, 10:35 PM 2016
Original poster, post #1 evidentally has the right idea in mind

All i believed from the beginning was that this is a good idea to build from

Grabbed this from a lotto site

Quote"DON'T COUNT ON  1-2-3-4-5
It's the absolute worst number combina-tion to play in any lottery drawing. "It's guaranteed not to win," says Howard. Not only are these digits all at the tail end of the number spectrum, but the odds that consecutive numbers will ever be drawn are slim to none. Yet, it's the most popularly played number set. "Even after my 25 years of preaching against it, they (lottery retailers) still must sell 20,000 tickets every drawing with that combination," she says."

using the above quote, is it beyond the realm of possibility that dividing the wheel into 6 number groups (6 groups of 6 equals 36) and betting that they will not hit in order 1 2 3 4 5 6

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Jan 06, 11:35 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 06, 10:35 PM 2016
Original poster, post #1 evidentally has the right idea in mind

All i believed from the beginning was that this is a good idea to build from

Grabbed this from a lotto site

using the above quote, is it beyond the realm of possibility that dividing the wheel into 6 number groups (6 groups of 6 equals 36) and betting that they will not hit in order 1 2 3 4 5 6

To make it easier for betting, what about the DS's, 1-6? Either one bet or 3 splits.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 07, 11:40 AM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 06, 10:35 PM 2016
Original poster, post #1 evidentally has the right idea in mind

All i believed from the beginning was that this is a good idea to build from

Grabbed this from a lotto site

using the above quote, is it beyond the realm of possibility that dividing the wheel into 6 number groups (6 groups of 6 equals 36) and betting that they will not hit in order 1 2 3 4 5 6

I agree. It's like a lot of things where you have to stop, and reset your thinking. And go back to
the original premise.  I like the original 123. And I think that fashioning a method where you lean in
a direction of more hits, and not too much money risk is a better place for a method that you can
play without blood pressure meds.

I think that placing the loss in a position of "less likely" is a good one. In accordance with what Ken
has been saying about not fooling yourself with a notebook of results, but real ones that you can
deal with in reality.

And this last one about the 1,2,3,4,5,6 thing has merit. Prerhaps fodder for the new thread where
we can rip each other apart for 100 pages.  It's really a masochistic thing here in the forum. Like
hockey used to be. Nothing better than a good brawl.

Anyway, I can't speak to statistics, but it almost does seem like a winner to just sit and play against
a 1,2,3, and take the occasional 28 unit loss. Maybe something like double your unit after a loss for
some recoup, figuring that lightning won't strike twice in the same place.

But again, embracing the "unlikely".

(See you in the next thread. Who's going to start it?)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 07, 12:50 PM 2016
Quote from: mogul397 on Jan 07, 11:40 AM 2016

Anyway, I can't speak to statistics, but it almost does seem like a winner to just sit and play against
a 1,2,3, and take the occasional 28 unit loss. Maybe something like double your unit after a loss for
some recoup, figuring that lightning won't strike twice in the same place.

But again, embracing the "unlikely".

(See you in the next thread. Who's going to start it?)

That is what i promoted. Actually you just paraphrased what i had said a few times

The fact is playing against 1 2 3 with a 1 3 9 we will lose. No doubt we will hit a 123

It has shown to work hit and run. Also ive seen pages in zumma that do not have a single 123 at all. Ive yet to see 123123. Havent seen it yet.

A 66k spin test had 123 repeat back to back (123 123) 31 times. Thats roughly every 2000 spins. 2 separate casino visits i wont 7 units and then 10 units playing this way. With money i can afford to lose of course.

So if that is good enough for an individual player then yes you can play against 123 then when lose increase the 139 unit size

Everyones different.

But for me if i had the bankroll

Id do 10 10, 30 30, 90 90
If lose
          50 50, 150 150, 450 450
IF I HAD THAT KIND OF MONEY TO THROW AROUND. i said many times this should work wonders for very small unit sIze. penny players. Would be very small risk.

Will i win a lot. Probably. Will i hit 123123. Eventually.......and it will hurt

But food for thought for hit and run. The chances of 123123 happening immediately are as slim as me and you being best buds. So it is "safe" in my opinion

Have free time like yourself? Wait for a 123 then begin

No need for any negative remarks from anyone. These are my thoughts.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 08, 10:21 AM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 07, 12:50 PM 2016
That is what i promoted. Actually you just paraphrased what i had said a few times

The fact is playing against 1 2 3 with a 1 3 9 we will lose. No doubt we will hit a 123

It has shown to work hit and run. Also ive seen pages in zumma that do not have a single 123 at all. Ive yet to see 123123. Havent seen it yet.

A 66k spin test had 123 repeat back to back (123 123) 31 times. Thats roughly every 2000 spins. 2 separate casino visits i wont 7 units and then 10 units playing this way. With money i can afford to lose of course.

So if that is good enough for an individual player then yes you can play against 123 then when lose increase the 139 unit size

Everyones different.

But for me if i had the bankroll

Id do 10 10, 30 30, 90 90
If lose
          50 50, 150 150, 450 450
IF I HAD THAT KIND OF MONEY TO THROW AROUND. i said many times this should work wonders for very small unit sIze. penny players. Would be very small risk.

Will i win a lot. Probably. Will i hit 123123. Eventually.......and it will hurt

But food for thought for hit and run. The chances of 123123 happening immediately are as slim as me and you being best buds. So it is "safe" in my opinion

Have free time like yourself? Wait for a 123 then begin

No need for any negative remarks from anyone. These are my thoughts.
This is very true. But why does it have to be 123?  Why not just whatever pattern
of 3 that just happened.

As to the 123 or 123123, the "loss" would have to be in sync with the outcome.
You would literally have to not bet that exact spin. You might start the series
1-2 before or after the "1". Which is likely.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 08, 10:31 AM 2016
Quote from: mogul397 on Jan 08, 10:21 AM 2016
This is very true. But why does it have to be 123?  Why not just whatever pattern
of 3 that just happened.

You meam against previous 3?

With the correct money management it may be a winner

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 08, 08:05 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 08, 10:31 AM 2016
You meam against previous 3?

With the correct money management it may be a winner


Yes, I think that was one of the middle tweaks for the moving target.
The idea being that now you have many chances.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Proofreaders2000 on Jan 08, 09:53 PM 2016
I just tried Raymanz' tweak. (bet against the last
three)-at Sun Palace wheel (Grande Vegas) real money.

Won four times in a row, then it tanked on the fifth attempt.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 08, 10:02 PM 2016
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Jan 08, 09:53 PM 2016
I just tried Raymanz' tweak. (bet against the last
three)-at Sun Palace wheel (Grande Vegas) real money.

Won four times in a row, then it tanked on the fifth attempt.

Thats not raymanz tweak

Bet against previous 3......when unique only is the proper way.

Number 1 issue here. Not testing properly.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Proofreaders2000 on Jan 08, 11:23 PM 2016
Bet against previous 3--RG

I did just that (three unique dozens)

It took about two hours to wait for all five
triggers.  I played the last two legs of the system.
I'm thinking it's a better 'one session' system/day.

Bet moderate to heavy for one session only, leave.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 09, 04:05 AM 2016
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Jan 08, 11:23 PM 2016
Bet against previous 3--RG

I did just that (three unique dozens)

It took about two hours to wait for all five
triggers.  I played the last two legs of the system.
I'm thinking it's a better 'one session' system/day.

Bet moderate to heavy for one session only, leave.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 09, 10:22 AM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 09, 04:05 AM 2016

That's rough. So you hit an identical repeat of the unique pattern?
What betting method?  Progression?

I have to say I can't get out of my head what RG said somewhere. Somehow
you can test something to DEATH and finally, when you're money is on the
table you get screwed. Like the table knows you showed up. It can feel that

The reason I poked in was I had a thought. And I suppose this thought isn't worth much.
But maybe. I was thinking about watching the patterns (unique or something I haven't
thought of) from not the last one, but the one before, and using it. My logic (if
there can be any) would be that there are trends in the data, and doing that
MIGHT keep you out of the trend path. Don't know. Just an idea.

As far as the uniques, Not sure if you were waiting for a unique lock step with the
grid of 3's. I tend to look for them asynchronous. Just the unique pattern no matter
how it happens. But like I said, perhaps a different trigger from an earlier one.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 09, 10:24 AM 2016
as you can see all wins

a loss at 139 would hurt and would require increasing chip size for recovery

not for anyone with scared money of course

must find MM
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 09, 05:33 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 09, 10:24 AM 2016
as you can see all wins

a loss at 139 would hurt and would require increasing chip size for recovery

not for anyone with scared money of course

must find MM
How do you make those charts.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 09, 05:54 PM 2016

Google drive

Google sheets

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 09, 06:16 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 09, 05:54 PM 2016

Google drive

Google sheets

Zumma. Pg 78.  First try.

No uniques on the dozens.  Spin322 on columbs

0 B A
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 09, 06:23 PM 2016

Always cover 0

I have said many times in this thread we can see:


0 is not part of any dozen

So for this method insurance on 0 is a must

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 10, 09:59 AM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 09, 06:23 PM 2016

Always cover 0

I have said many times in this thread we can see:


0 is not part of any dozen

So for this method insurance on 0 is a must

It's not clear to me how much that helps. Or if it just makes
you feel better. I continued and hit another loss on the columbs
on pg 80.   B A C B A C.  So either way it was a bust.

While I was testing it, I was kind of watching play for MATCHING
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Jan 10, 12:34 PM 2016
I honestly feel....which dozens you play and when you play them, makes NO difference.

To be fair, it kind of makes me look inconsistent. I play certain numbers (2-4) for certain reasons.

Is my style of betting the SAME as dozens? Perhaps.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: onetaste on Jan 10, 02:37 PM 2016
We're almost there i think.. :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 10, 02:46 PM 2016
Quote from: MrJ on Jan 10, 12:34 PM 2016
I honestly feel....which dozens you play and when you play them, makes NO difference.

To be fair, it kind of makes me look inconsistent. I play certain numbers (2-4) for certain reasons.

Is my style of betting the SAME as dozens? Perhaps.


I made a long reply to this and it got lost.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Jan 10, 02:49 PM 2016

Your not suggesting foul play :ooh:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 11, 09:17 AM 2016
Quote from: MrJ on Jan 10, 12:34 PM 2016
I honestly feel....which dozens you play and when you play them, makes NO difference.

To be fair, it kind of makes me look inconsistent. I play certain numbers (2-4) for certain reasons.

Is my style of betting the SAME as dozens? Perhaps.


No.  A dozen is 12.  2-4 is 2-4... :P :D
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 11, 09:25 AM 2016
Quote from: nottophammer on Jan 10, 02:49 PM 2016

Your not suggesting foul play :ooh:

Beats me...... disappeared.
Anyway, what I thought was that it doesn't seem like it's too hard to lose by getting
the exact match of 3 with this. That supports the earlier tweak of that 123123 thing.

If you want to go in this direction, I think that picking something like 123 and betting against it
is probably as good or better than a lot of things. Or jumping around.

What I notice is that there are themes in the data.  And some of the themes involve stuff like
repetition vs uniques. So when you wait for the unique you are targeting a time period when
they are coming that way.

Also being restricted to only 3 before catastrophe is bad. It doesn't seem too hard to be
hitting the single dozens, and that is a lot more manageable money management. A progression
and the like. Either way there is no guarantee. But it always seems, like what I mention about
trends, that we seek out the exact type trend that will kill us.

I think that you need to be betting all the time somehow to be making the units, and not just
hit or miss. Because that is just wasting time.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 11, 09:29 AM 2016
Quote from: mogul397 on Jan 11, 09:25 AM 2016
Beats me...... disappeared.
Anyway, what I thought was that it doesn't seem like it's too hard to lose by getting
the exact match of 3 with this. That supports the earlier tweak of that 123123 thing.

If you want to go in this direction, I think that picking something like 123 and betting against it
is probably as good or better than a lot of things. Or jumping around.

What I notice is that there are themes in the data.  And some of the themes involve stuff like
repetition vs uniques. So when you wait for the unique you are targeting a time period when
they are coming that way.

Also being restricted to only 3 before catastrophe is bad. It doesn't seem too hard to be
hitting the single dozens, and that is a lot more manageable money management. A progression
and the like. Either way there is no guarantee. But it always seems, like what I mention about
trends, that we seek out the exact type trend that will kill us.

I think that you need to be betting all the time somehow to be making the units, and not just
hit or miss. Because that is just wasting time.

As orochi pointed out 123123 is as good a trigger as 233233

Do i agree? No

Why do i not agree? A random entity wont produce consecutive results often

Thats why when it comes to the grassroots tweaks betting against previous 3 when unique only is top of my list

If i see 213 you better belive im betting against that sucker. Will i lose? At times. Maybe one out of 300 spins as the math says

You show me 123 123 123. Find it in zumma
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 11, 09:03 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 11, 09:29 AM 2016
As orochi pointed out 123123 is as good a trigger as 233233

Do i agree? No

Why do i not agree? A random entity wont produce consecutive results often

Thats why when it comes to the grassroots tweaks betting against previous 3 when unique only is top of my list

If i see 213 you better belive im betting against that sucker. Will i lose? At times. Maybe one out of 300 spins as the math says

You show me 123 123 123. Find it in zumma

Well part of what I was suggesting (maybe it was in the post that got lost) is that it seems like
when you  find a certain tendency (like uniques) that that is what is happening a lot.
So it seems like the chance is greater that the unique will repeat. In the larger pool of
saying that things are clustering or repeating.

I remember, back in my Mr C craps days when I was tracking tables, it seemed like
I could predict the next number. Or pick at roulette. I actually did it a few times.
Can I define what I saw or felt? Not exactly. But it doesn't hurt to be aware of it.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Celticknits on Jan 12, 02:25 AM 2016

I thought you had mentioned it before but I cannot find it so please excuse me for asking but would you please tell me what unit of 0/00 insurance you suggest in each of the 1 3 9 stage3s of betting?

I stumbled ontop this website by accident about a week ago and because of this system suggestion and your inputs I decided this was a great place to be.

I have been using the system discussed on this thread for European and American roulette online and in a brick and mortar casino 5 minutes from my house.
So far I am up about $200.00 on $5 and $10 bets.

I cannot agree more on  your statements about money management and self discipline.
On my $5 bets I quit after winning $20 and on the $10 bets once I have hit $50.

I get a laugh from the other players that ask why I am leaving after only about 1/2 hour of play and I just tell them that I have made 20% on my bankroll and it is time to go. They do not get it and when I ask how they are doing they all said that they were down and trying to recoup their losses.

Patience and discipline are needed whther people believe it or not.

Again, Thank you and all of the other knowledgable people on this forum and please let me know about the 0/00 insurance levels.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 12, 06:37 AM 2016
Quote from: Celticknits on Jan 12, 02:25 AM 2016

I thought you had mentioned it before but I cannot find it so please excuse me for asking but would you please tell me what unit of 0/00 insurance you suggest in each of the 1 3 9 stage3s of betting?

I stumbled ontop this website by accident about a week ago and because of this system suggestion and your inputs I decided this was a great place to be.

I have been using the system discussed on this thread for European and American roulette online and in a brick and mortar casino 5 minutes from my house.
So far I am up about $200.00 on $5 and $10 bets.

I cannot agree more on  your statements about money management and self discipline.
On my $5 bets I quit after winning $20 and on the $10 bets once I have hit $50.

I get a laugh from the other players that ask why I am leaving after only about 1/2 hour of play and I just tell them that I have made 20% on my bankroll and it is time to go. They do not get it and when I ask how they are doing they all said that they were down and trying to recoup their losses.

Patience and discipline are needed whther people believe it or not.

Again, Thank you and all of the other knowledgable people on this forum and please let me know about the 0/00 insurance levels.

Hey welcome

The only thing i mentioned was a break even chip

Not looking to profit off 0 (for me anyway) just enough so that if 321 happens and i bet against 321 and 301 happens im not up the creek without a paddle

0 is not part of a dozen so it can hurt the method. Besides what harm is done doing it?

Roulette is pretty unbeatable. So grassroots opened my eyes to a new way of thinking: bet against the wheel spitting out fixed patterns

Which tweak are you using? Or is it the original from post 1 courtesy of onetaste?

Glad you have won. Ive played against 123 twice hit and run. Won both times. Rest has been practice sessions

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Celticknits on Jan 12, 10:21 AM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 12, 06:37 AM 2016
Hey welcome

The only thing i mentioned was a break even chip

Not looking to profit off 0 (for me anyway) just enough so that if 321 happens and i bet against 321 and 301 happens im not up the creek without a paddle

0 is not part of a dozen so it can hurt the method. Besides what harm is done doing it?

Roulette is pretty unbeatable. So grassroots opened my eyes to a new way of thinking: bet against the wheel spitting out fixed patterns

Which tweak are you using? Or is it the original from post 1 courtesy of onetaste?

Glad you have won. Ive played against 123 twice hit and run. Won both times. Rest has been practice sessions



I understand. I too was only looking to break even on the dreaded '0' showing up.

I am not using a tweak per se but do bet after any sequence of 123 showing ie. 123 132 213 231 etc....
I also bet 2 columns at a time during the 123 betting round so you can see why I was interested in the insurance chip issue.

I was an avid Blackjack player but the time involved at the tables is a heck of a lot longer for me than it is for roulette.
I can count cards but with continuous shufflers and other rule restrictions on blackjack these days the player advantage dwindles ie. the house advantage % goes up, so I decided to give roulette a try.

I am fairly new to roulette but love the mathematics behind it.
With a 5%+ plus house advantage on roulette  the hit and run method is the only way to go in my opinion.

Thank you for answering my question.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 12, 10:26 AM 2016
Quote from: Celticknits on Jan 12, 10:21 AM 2016


I understand. I too was only looking to break even on the dreaded '0' showing up.

I am not using a tweak per se but do bet after any sequence of 123 showing ie. 123 132 213 231 etc....
I also bet 2 columns at a time during the 123 betting round so you can see why I was interested in the insurance chip issue.

I was an avid Blackjack player but the time involved at the tables is a heck of a lot longer for me than it is for roulette.
I can count cards but with continuous shufflers and other rule restrictions on blackjack these days the player advantage dwindles ie. the house advantage % goes up, so I decided to give roulette a try.

I am fairly new to roulette but love the mathematics behind it.
With a 5%+ plus house advantage on roulette  the hit and run method is the only way to go in my opinion.

Thank you for answering my question.

No problem

Blackjack intrigued me at one point.

Because playing with basic strategy drops house edge to .5%

So i was convinced a progression would work

I was wrong lol
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Celticknits on Jan 12, 11:23 AM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 12, 10:26 AM 2016
No problem

Blackjack intrigued me at one point.

Because playing with basic strategy drops house edge to .5%

So i was convinced a progression would work

I was wrong lol

I laughed at your statement regarding a progression betting system on blackjack and am reminded or the number of times I have seen individuals lose small fortunes using the Martingale system.
If you can card count and can find a game with liberal rules ie 1-2 deck games, surrender offered, doubling after splitting, no continuous shufflers etc you can actually have an advantage over the house. These blackjack games are few and far between these days and involve a lot of travel expense from where I live.

I was intrigued by roulette primarily because of the shorter playing times and when I stumbled on to the 123 system I decided to give it a try.
So far......So good.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 12, 12:01 PM 2016
I was thinking of using mr majiks MM with blackjack basic strategy.

It requires 1 back to back win within 12 decisions
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Celticknits on Jan 12, 12:59 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 12, 12:01 PM 2016
I was thinking of using mr majiks MM with blackjack basic strategy.

It requires 1 back to back win within 12 decisions

Uh Huh!!!!!!!!!!
All I can say is DANGER DANGER DANGER!!!!!!

I have tried dozens of these methods but in the long run flat betting has always proven best.
One of the issues if you increase your bet to make up for past losses is that you may hedge on splitting and doubling down which will cost you if you don't follow through.

Here's an idea:
Pick a wager amount and multiply it by 30.
This is your BR.
I also use this BR amount as my stop limit but sometimes will quit if I lose 50-75% of it.
Play your flat bet amount until you see a 20% profit.
The ups and downs if you are playing perfect basic strategy can go on for hours with this, or, you can reach your profit level in 3 minutes.

There again you should always set a stop and profit limit in any gambling activity in my opinion.
Greed will KILL you.

Anyways, message me if you want any blackjack information as I do not want to be accused of using this roulette forum for blackjack.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Jan 12, 11:50 PM 2016
Quote from: Celticknits on Jan 12, 12:59 PM 2016

I have tried dozens of these methods but in the long run flat betting has always proven best.

Have you tried (edit) System? It's the only blackjack system I use. Although I dont play blackjack for real money it's a system that makes the game a lot more interesting and a lot more fun!.


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: NextYear on Jan 13, 05:59 AM 2016
Quote from: Celticknits on Jan 12, 12:59 PM 2016
Anyways, message me if you want any blackjack information as I do not want to be accused of using this roulette forum for blackjack.

If you have something useful, just show us.
Whatever can make money (?), black&white jack...
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 13, 12:02 PM 2016
Quote from: nextyear on Jan 13, 05:59 AM 2016
If you have something useful, just show us.
Whatever can make money (?), black&white jack...

How about we stick to roulette here. I have no interest in BJ.

Anyway, it looks to me like there is no definitive "method" going on except to guess
at your picks and make 1,3,9 progression bets.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Jan 13, 12:14 PM 2016
Quote from: mogul397 on Jan 13, 12:02 PM 2016
How about we stick to roulette here. I have no interest in BJ.

Anyway, it looks to me like there is no definitive "method" going on except to guess
at your picks and make 1,3,9 progression bets.

No, you don't guess your picks.

The original "method" is to bet against 123. The other tweaks are to bet against other unique patterns, such as 213, 321, 231 etc.

Other progressions besides 1,3,9 have been presented aswell.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tamino on Jan 13, 12:41 PM 2016
Betting dozens on a 0/00 wheel in any form or manner does not require too much brain power even  with  half the brain tied behind ones back.

Experience my dear Watson.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 13, 01:18 PM 2016
Quote from: celescliff on Jan 13, 12:14 PM 2016
No, you don't guess your picks.

The original "method" is to bet against 123. The other tweaks are to bet against other unique patterns, such as 213, 321, 231 etc.

Other progressions besides 1,3,9 have been presented aswell.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 13, 01:25 PM 2016
Even with a .5% HE progression fails in BJ

At least roulette has many variables so you can bet against rarer patterns

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Celticknits on Jan 13, 11:53 PM 2016
Here's a MM idea I have been playing with that seems to work every time for this betting method.

1.) Wait until the 1 2 3 sequence, or a variant, shows up

2.) Use a straight Marty on only ONE of the Dozens ... I was usually selecting the last dozen to show up in the sequence
Keep betting that same dozen with the Marty progression until you win.
Don't forget the 0/00 IB once your bet gets high enough to warrant it

If the 1st bet is low (say $1) you can run with this same Dozen for 7 times before you get into serious money and remember this is single dozen is paying 2:1

I have not yet seen a loss with this.......Yet

So far this has been my HG and I have to say I was never using the Marty before because of the table limits.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Celticknits on Jan 14, 12:08 AM 2016
Quote from: Celticknits on Jan 13, 11:53 PM 2016
Here's a MM idea I have been playing with that seems to work every time for this betting method.

1.) Wait until the 1 2 3 sequence, or a variant, shows up

2.) Use a straight Marty on only ONE of the Dozens ... I was usually selecting the last dozen to show up in the sequence
Keep betting that same dozen with the Marty progression until you win.
Don't forget the 0/00 IB once your bet gets high enough to warrant it

If the 1st bet is low (say $1) you can run with this same Dozen for 7 times before you get into serious money and remember this is single dozen is paying 2:1

I have not yet seen a loss with this.......Yet

So far this has been my HG and I have to say I was never using the Marty before because of the table limits.


Just to update it appears that the safest dozen to use is the 2nd in the sequence.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 14, 06:35 AM 2016
Quote from: Celticknits on Jan 13, 11:53 PM 2016
Here's a MM idea I have been playing with that seems to work every time for this betting method.

1.) Wait until the 1 2 3 sequence, or a variant, shows up

2.) Use a straight Marty on only ONE of the Dozens ... I was usually selecting the last dozen to show up in the sequence
Keep betting that same dozen with the Marty progression until you win.
Don't forget the 0/00 IB once your bet gets high enough to warrant it

If the 1st bet is low (say $1) you can run with this same Dozen for 7 times before you get into serious money and remember this is single dozen is paying 2:1

I have not yet seen a loss with this.......Yet

So far this has been my HG and I have to say I was never using the Marty before because of the table limits.



123 shows

Now bet dozen 2 only until a hit

312 shows

Now bet dozen 1 only until a hit

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Celticknits on Jan 14, 09:07 AM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 14, 06:35 AM 2016

123 shows

Now bet dozen 2 only until a hit

312 shows

Now bet dozen 1 only until a hit



You got it but ........
after more testing I am not sure which one of the Dozens would be best and I have also made the following mods because of this:

A.)  Use a $108 BR
B.)  Add $1 IB on each bet of the Euro wheel
C.)  Only proceed to the 5th level of the Marty for a maximum possible loss of $36 (includes insurance bets)

With the insurance bets you will get the following profit on each win...... Even,  $2,  $3,  $6,  $13 and should the 0 hit your session profit has been met.

A $108 BR will sustain you for up to 3 sessions.

Remember only play to a 20% profit and then get out.
Greed will kill you.

The only thing now is to see if there is a way to calculate which of the 3 Dozens would be best to use as a starting point because if you are putting an IB on each one and the first one hits a lot you will only break even. This is why I changed the selected initial Dozen to the second in the set.

All of my testing, so far, has been done online and only on the Euro wheel.

Good Luck


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Celticknits on Jan 14, 10:14 AM 2016
Quote from: Celticknits on Jan 14, 09:07 AM 2016

With the insurance bets you will get the following profit on each win...... Even,  $2,  $3,  $6,  $13 and should the 0 hit your session profit has been met.
The only thing now is to see if there is a way to calculate which of the 3 Dozens would be best to use as a starting point because if you are putting an IB on each one and the first one hits a lot you will only break even.

I should have waited until I had my first coffee to post the previous data.
I made a mistake in my initial calculations for the 1st bet.
You will actually gain $1 and not just break even.
Sorry about that.


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 14, 10:17 AM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 13, 01:25 PM 2016
Even with a .5% HE progression fails in BJ

At least roulette has many variables so you can bet against rarer patterns


I'm not a card person. But the reason I like roulette, and other games like craps, is that
you can bet either side. With BJ it's only one side.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tamino on Jan 14, 12:11 PM 2016
Just like John Patrick  ,  the old pro gambler, advises to stay away from BJ. He recommends playing roulette or craps instead . Nuff said..
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 14, 12:14 PM 2016

Thats why i dont listen to the "math cats"

Math says blackjack basic strategy should be better then any other game .5% house edge is the best around

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tamino on Jan 14, 12:50 PM 2016
At J.P  we call the Mathboyzz.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 14, 01:11 PM 2016
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Jan 14, 01:16 PM 2016
At the WoV board, its called a......mathlete.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 14, 01:21 PM 2016
I hate that board

Noones friendly

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Jan 14, 01:25 PM 2016
Heading to the casino, have a good day on the boards.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 14, 01:38 PM 2016
I work for a living

So im at work

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tamino on Jan 14, 02:47 PM 2016
Life as a  a  professional gambler is not to be envied. It`s a tough one.  I prefer the  recreational aspect of the games. A casino trip  now and then to a location of my choice.

Enjoy the recreation but gamble like a pro with one foot always pointed towards the door.Jujst give it a thought what that means.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 14, 03:19 PM 2016
One foot towards the door

When i play that was i leave up

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tamino on Jan 14, 03:48 PM 2016
If one  is on an air junket different rules  are  in place when you must leave. The  limo to the plane  does not wait whether or not you are up or down.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 14, 04:09 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 14, 01:21 PM 2016
I hate that board

Noones friendly

I am....  And BTW, speaking of friendly, it's the 100th page.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!! :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Turner on Jan 14, 05:46 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 14, 01:38 PM 2016
I work for a living

So im at work


unfortunately? Surely, you mean fortunately

"I work for a living" is the most sensible thing you said in your 3000 posts.

You wont put in a hard days graft to have the Boss come over and tell you you lost and wont get a dime...will you?

When ND says he prefers the recreational aspect, I fully understand what he means.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Jan 14, 08:57 PM 2016
Soooo, just so I understand.....there are a couple different versions to this in terms of the BEST way to play. Of those people playing (their way), I assume you all are kicking casino a** with this, correct?

Meaning, "It can't lose"....(in the long run, correct?)

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 14, 10:19 PM 2016
Quote from: MrJ on Jan 14, 08:57 PM 2016
Soooo, just so I understand.....there are a couple different versions to this in terms of the BEST way to play. Of those people playing (their way), I assume you all are kicking casino a** with this, correct?

Meaning, "It can't lose"....(in the long run, correct?)


How'd 'jew do today Mr J?  And what method did you play?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Jan 14, 10:48 PM 2016
I did decent, played around 5 hours. I played a 2-3 number method (not posted), $100 units, net was $5,280 on the head. Minus $400 tip.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 14, 10:52 PM 2016
Sounds like a good method to post for us peasants to read and play
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Jan 14, 11:01 PM 2016
Too many rules, too few numbers, too much discipline, too many questions, a decent size BR (but not necessary), not enough "thank yous", too many lurkers  etc etc etc etc etc.


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 15, 09:55 AM 2016
Quote from: MrJ on Jan 14, 10:48 PM 2016
I did decent, played around 5 hours. I played a 2-3 number method (not posted), $100 units, net was $5,280 on the head. Minus $400 tip.


So if I understand, you bet individual numbers.  2-3. For $100 on each. I get that. Not for nothin'
the $5K doesn't look quit so impressive wrapped in that. One win is $3500, so you're up a couple

Decades ago I met online a guy named victor. His method was to wait for 5 1st columb in a row, and
then bet the other two (2 and 3) for $500 each. From there it seemed like watching lady luck and
he'd end up losing $10K or winning 10-15K. Similar thing.. But he claimed to do well. That works
well where you can sit at the end of the table for the columbs.

He said he had a $200K "War chest".
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 15, 09:57 AM 2016
Quote from: MrJ on Jan 14, 11:01 PM 2016
Too many rules, too few numbers, too much discipline, too many questions, a decent size BR (but not necessary), not enough "thank yous", too many lurkers  etc etc etc etc etc.


When you go, does your cleavage attract a lot of attention?  Distract the dealer?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tamino on Jan 15, 10:15 AM 2016
The one with the cleavage is  his secret weapon standing right next  to  Mr. J

Ditto for my Beretta as an equalizer.

It`s not what you see but what you think you see.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 15, 10:17 AM 2016
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Jan 15, 12:39 PM 2016
Quote from: mogul397 on Jan 15, 09:55 AM 2016
So if I understand, you bet individual numbers.  2-3. For $100 on each. I get that. Not for nothin'
the $5K doesn't look quit so impressive wrapped in that. One win is $3500, so you're up a couple

Decades ago I met online a guy named victor. His method was to wait for 5 1st columb in a row, and
then bet the other two (2 and 3) for $500 each. From there it seemed like watching lady luck and
he'd end up losing $10K or winning 10-15K. Similar thing.. But he claimed to do well. That works
well where you can sit at the end of the table for the columbs.

He said he had a $200K "War chest".

A) I wouldn't play any method with the word WAIT in it.

B) Yep, almost two units but I get a nice profit with +2 units, thats why the higher bets. Now take another person with $5 units, is +$350 ok? I dont know, maybe. The higher my chip value is, the LESS number of hits I need. (and hence, higher the risk)

I only played this nine times at the casino but at least 200 hours of testing at home. 2/9 were losing days, all playing $100 units and before tipping >>


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Jan 15, 01:36 PM 2016
I've put 22 days of KTF in Jackpot Joy.
Its not lost yet, but it will.
Like you hundreds of hours testing, but i've posted.

So my ? to you is why have you only played such a good winning idea 9 times, is it possibly that you think the RFH is coming.

Why not post the 2-3 number idea, is it that it will be tested over millions of spins and then told it tanks. Who cares as long as you know its playable thats all that matters
Totally agree testing should be tested how you will play in actual play. Test it for 5hours of actual playtime, not 20 hours,  if the RFH is going to get you,it will get you at some point in that 5 hours.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 15, 02:12 PM 2016
Quote from: MrJ on Jan 15, 12:39 PM 2016
A) I wouldn't play any method with the word WAIT in it.

B) Yep, almost two units but I get a nice profit with +2 units, thats why the higher bets. Now take another person with $5 units, is +$350 ok? I dont know, maybe. The higher my chip value is, the LESS number of hits I need. (and hence, higher the risk)

I only played this nine times at the casino but at least 200 hours of testing at home. 2/9 were losing days, all playing $100 units and before tipping >>



I like the methodology. The kind of thing, as I've suggested before, that you have
your ducks in order, and go in locked and loaded, and implement it.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 15, 02:28 PM 2016
Quote from: nottophammer on Jan 15, 01:36 PM 2016
I've put 22 days of KTF in Jackpot Joy.
Its not lost yet, but it will.
Like you hundreds of hours testing, but i've posted.

So my ? to you is why have you only played such a good winning idea 9 times, is it possibly that you think the RFH is coming.

Why not post the 2-3 number idea, is it that it will be tested over millions of spins and then told it tanks. Who cares as long as you know its playable thats all that matters
Totally agree testing should be tested how you will play in actual play. Test it for 5hours of actual playtime, not 20 hours,  if the RFH is going to get you,it will get you at some point in that 5 hours.

Cause he's had enough of 100 page threads and chicken shit arguments instead of thoughtful
discussion.  Maybe he'll point us in the right direction with a pm.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 15, 02:29 PM 2016
Quote from: mogul397 on Jan 15, 02:28 PM 2016
Cause he's had enough of 100 page threads and chicken shit arguments instead of thoughtful
discussion.  Maybe he'll point us in the right direction with a pm.

Gimme a break

If 100 page threads bothered him he wouldnt be a mod. Get real

Its a forum. Deal wit it

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Jan 15, 04:09 PM 2016
"So my ? to you is why have you only played such a good winning idea 9 times" >> Its not 9 times and I stopped. Its 9 times so far. If my Packers win tomorrow, I'm playing again on Sunday. I won't be focused enough to play if they lose, trust me. Christmas party tonight. Not doing the "hint" stuff, might as well ban me. I HATE the hint s**t (that almost rhymed). I have a casino 15 minutes away BUT have been taking the drive......going to other casinos, for a reason.


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tamino on Jan 15, 04:09 PM 2016
Betting  3 numbers s an acquired art. Not every house painter is a Dali or a Picasso.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Jan 15, 04:14 PM 2016
Actually....most of the time its 2 numbers.

3 numbers is only after a hit. You never take your chip(s) off a winning number for AT LEAST one spin.

My longest time (so far) playing this was 14 hours. I could of quit earlier but with a loss.

Lets move on to a different subject.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 15, 04:41 PM 2016
14 hours. How many breaks?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Jan 15, 05:16 PM 2016
?? NONE ??

Bathroom, thats it. I play to win, the food can wait.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Jan 15, 05:21 PM 2016
Quote from: MrJ on Jan 15, 04:14 PM 2016
Actually....most of the time its 2 numbers.

3 numbers is only after a hit. You never take your chip(s) off a winning number for AT LEAST one spin.

My longest time (so far) playing this was 14 hours. I could of quit earlier but with a loss.

Lets move on to a different subject.


This was great the other day....I was playing the 1 & 7.

The 7 hits, so now the 1 & 7 (again) and I think the 33. Three in a row, 7, 1, 1.
10K in three spins.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: wiggy on Jan 15, 05:26 PM 2016
Quote from: MrJ on Jan 15, 05:16 PM 2016

Bathroom, thats it.


I remember watching a tv programme and they were saying that some of the heavy duty slot jockey's don't even go to the bathroom. They wear diapers so they don't have to leave the machine. 
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 15, 05:31 PM 2016
Quote from: wiggy on Jan 15, 05:26 PM 2016
I remember watching a tv programme and they were saying that some of the heavy duty slot jockey's don't even go to the bathroom. They wear diapers so they don't have to leave the machine.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tamino on Jan 15, 06:08 PM 2016
Ditto for some  Chinese  table players . They won`t go to the restroom they are afraid to Pee  their  luck  away. Also heard about craps players  doing it right under table .

Awful  conditions... Those are  stories from US casinos not from Macau. I heard it`s worse  there.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 15, 07:24 PM 2016
Quote from: Tamino on Jan 15, 06:08 PM 2016
Ditto for some  Chinese  table players . They won`t go to the restroom they are afraid to Pee  their  luck  away. Also heard about craps players  doing it right under table .

Awful  conditions... Those are  stories from US casinos not from Macau. I heard it`s worse  there.

Ive never seen anything like this before lol

One day id love to gamble in singapore though. Looks beautiful
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Az_MAX on Jan 16, 03:31 AM 2016
Hey guys,

What about bet against the unique will happen in the 3rd dozen? For example,

2-1 bet on 1-2 that 3rd dozen will not happen

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Az_MAX on Jan 16, 03:40 AM 2016
Had just testing in airball:
117 spins.
25 betting situations: 19 wins, 6 losses.
Just flat betting.
+ 7 at the end

2-2 no bet. next dozen is 2nd.
2-1 bet on 1-2. next dozen is 2nd. Win
2-3 bet on 2-3. next dozen is 3rd. Win


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 16, 03:46 AM 2016

Someone i know of is playing this exact way and it is very successful with a positive progression

They dont post anymore because of the stupid negativity in the thread. When people disagree with a method they attack it with silly questions so i stopped contributing to it because its easier to just use it to make money then it is to defend it. Seeing posts like yours though means my jobs done. I successfully got the point across of the grassroots idea to those with open minds. Still speak to some players on the side regarding it which is better for me because im not here dealing with crap, instead we are making it better.

Glad you found that tweak. it works well in a 3 wide matrix as oppopsed to rolling

Only way it can lose is if there are many unique patterns like 231. Which wont happen

I've tested it thoroughly and successfully

12 bet 12
13 bet 13
21 bet 21
23 bet 23
31 bet 31
32 bet 32

Ive also tweaked a 3 wide matrix using a similar idea that i have not seen lose yet. Im debating on posting it because sometimes posting an idea here is more trouble then its worth

Welcome to the forum
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Az_MAX on Jan 16, 05:26 AM 2016
Thanx RG,

Yeah, Betting on 2 dozen with progressive can kill your BR, cause sometimes shit happens.

During this testing i faced with 4 consecutive losses. 4 uniques in a row. That's why i prefer flat betting. Maybe another one progression will be better, but not Marty.

I also faced with 123123.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 16, 05:46 AM 2016
Positive prog after a win.

with this you will have win streaks and you wont have to wait for them or very minimal waiting.

Flat bet then on a win (probably first attempt) increase chip size. Within a short amount of time you hit a nice streak with this bet selection and the positive prog will explode the BR

You will have 3 to 10 mini games in a row no uniques frequently. Capitalize on that
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Az_MAX on Jan 16, 08:11 AM 2016
Have another live airball test

Betting against 3rd dozen will create a unique.
90 spins, 17 betting situations, 13 wins, 4 losses.
Flat betting ends with +5 units

Test these with the progression non-agressive progression: 1-1,2-2,3-3,4-4
Ends with +8 units

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 16, 08:43 AM 2016
Quote from: Az_MAX on Jan 16, 08:11 AM 2016
Have another live airball test

Betting against 3rd dozen will create a unique.
90 spins, 17 betting situations, 13 wins, 4 losses.
Flat betting ends with +5 units

Test these with the progression non-agressive progression: 1-1,2-2,3-3,4-4
Ends with +8 units


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: blueman on Jan 16, 10:55 AM 2016
Hello everyone- Bvnz roulette before 10 minutes, columns formation cab cab cab c. 300 e bye, bye..... I'm going to cry. :sad2:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 16, 11:02 AM 2016
Ouch. Money management?

Cab happened then you bet against cab?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Jan 16, 11:02 AM 2016
Quote from: blueman on Jan 16, 10:55 AM 2016
Hello everyone- Bvnz roulette before 10 minutes, columns formation cab cab cab c. 300 e bye, bye..... I'm going to cry. :sad2:

Columns have way more unique repeaters than dozens. Sorry for your loss.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: ozon on Jan 16, 11:11 AM 2016
He played the RNG,, what he could expect.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 16, 11:18 AM 2016
Quote from: ozon on Jan 16, 11:11 AM 2016
He played the RNG,, what he could expect.

I just realized that. Good point

He wasnt playing roulette he was only playing a computer game online
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: blueman on Jan 16, 11:19 AM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 16, 11:02 AM 2016
Ouch. Money management?

Cab happened then you bet against cab?

Happened CAB - start betting and play against . Then roulette throws (CAB) + CAB CAB C  = I m out of money. Of course, I was playing some kind of marti. :o
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: celescliff on Jan 16, 11:26 AM 2016
Quote from: blueman on Jan 16, 11:19 AM 2016
Happened CAB - start betting and play against . Then roulette throws (CAB) + CAB CAB C  = I m out of money. Of course, I was playing some kind of marti. :o

AND rng. Stop with both.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: blueman on Jan 16, 11:36 AM 2016
Quote from: ozon on Jan 16, 11:11 AM 2016
He played the RNG,, what he could expect.
Hm,hm, - sorry, but there is more -yesterday the BVNZ same RNG I played a parlay on black and came out in sequence 12 black. Very nice day, too RNG, or computer game. Shit happens :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 16, 12:02 PM 2016
Quote from: blueman on Jan 16, 11:36 AM 2016
Hm,hm, - sorry, but there is more -yesterday the BVNZ same RNG I played a parlay on black and came out in sequence 12 black. Very nice day, too RNG, or computer game. Shit happens :thumbsup:

I wish u success

Be careful with rng. It isnt a wheel
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Celticknits on Jan 16, 12:16 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 16, 12:02 PM 2016
I wish u success

Be careful with rng. It isnt a wheel

In your post #1270 you showed the attached picture

Being new to roulette my my ? is this RNG


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 16, 12:19 PM 2016
Quote from: Celticknits on Jan 16, 12:16 PM 2016
In your post #1270 you showed the attached picture

Being new to roulette my my ? is this RNG


That is airball

airburst shoots the ball around the wheel (real wheel and ball) the machine can determine where the ball falls but when the machine is full it doesn't act strange

The results of the air ball whell match zumma

Only time im skeptical is when the machine is empty

Others have said the same thing

Ive seen big money wins on these things

Perfect if you dont want to deal with a dealer and can write down on a playing card without being questioned

If the table is full the machine will not avoid my $10 chips on the dozens
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Jan 16, 12:28 PM 2016
I've read a couple posts regarding the BRAKE for the wheel.

The wheel has to stop somehow so that everything starts fresh (AFTER the ball is in the pocket), I have no issue with that. Somebody implied the brake went on in order for the ball to land in a certain spot/section, I'm not sure thats accurate. Also, do you notice, the wheel switches direction with every spin, clockwise then counter.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 16, 12:36 PM 2016
Quote from: MrJ on Jan 16, 12:28 PM 2016
I've read a couple posts regarding the BRAKE for the wheel.

The wheel has to stop somehow so that everything starts fresh (AFTER the ball is in the pocket), I have no issue with that. Somebody implied the brake went on in order for the ball to land in a certain spot/section, I'm not sure thats accurate. Also, do you notice, the wheel switches direction with every spin, clockwise then counter.



I know of an advantage player

He told me some airball wheels are biased. On some you can see the last 500 spins what numbers hit most

Do this over the course of a few weeks take a picture of that screen once a day

See if a certain sector has more hits
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Jan 16, 12:38 PM 2016
Casino today RG?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 16, 12:39 PM 2016
I wish

my friend moved into a new house I've been helping with the flooring and stuff
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Celticknits on Jan 16, 12:41 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 16, 12:19 PM 2016

Only time im skeptical is when the machine is empty

If the table is full the machine will not avoid my $10 chips on the dozens


Thank you.

What do you mean by empty or full machines?
Are you referring to the number of players?

Also what do you mean that the machine will not avoid your $10 chips?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 16, 12:44 PM 2016
Quote from: Celticknits on Jan 16, 12:41 PM 2016

Thank you.

What do you mean by empty or full machines?
Are you referring to the number of players?

Also what do you mean that the machine will not avoid your $10 chips?


I mean number of players. Full table

If the machine is indeed avoiding bets it has a hard time when the machine is full and chips are literally everywhere

Its going to avoid $25 on a number not $10 on a dozen of it does avoid bets

However i did see an asian woman hit $25 on a number 3 times in a row on airball

I asked her strategy. She said "i just know"
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Celticknits on Jan 16, 12:50 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 16, 12:44 PM 2016
I mean number of players. Full table

If the machine is indeed avoiding bets it has a hard time when the machine is full and chips are literally everywhere

Its going to avoid $25 on a number not $10 on a dozen of it does avoid bets

However i did see an asian woman hit $25 on a number 3 times in a row on airball

I asked her strategy. She said "i just know"


Thank you again.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 16, 12:53 PM 2016
This is just speculation

I do not know exactly how the air ball works

all I know is it acts like a real wheel when its full and it does weird things when you're the only one there
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Jan 16, 12:56 PM 2016
"I asked her strategy. She said "i just know"" >>> I get this a lot OR whats your secret?

STANDARD ANSWER: Just getting lucky I suppose (lol). I NEVER, NEVER, NEVER answer properly.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Jan 16, 02:35 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 16, 12:44 PM 2016
I mean number of players. Full table

If the machine is indeed avoiding bets it has a hard time when the machine is full and chips are literally everywhere

Its going to avoid $25 on a number not $10 on a dozen of it does avoid bets

However i did see an asian woman hit $25 on a number 3 times in a row on airball

I asked her strategy. She said "i just know"
Remote Viewing
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Celticknits on Jan 17, 12:43 AM 2016
Quote from: MrJ on Jan 16, 12:56 PM 2016
"I asked her strategy. She said "i just know"" >>> I get this a lot OR whats your secret?

STANDARD ANSWER: Just getting lucky I suppose (lol). I NEVER, NEVER, NEVER answer properly.



I have been on this forum for less than a week now but I have to say there is a lot of negativity here, and a lot of it is coming from you.

I have seen on several occasions where you have been asked for your marvelous 2 number method and you have either ignored the request or tried to change the topic.
I am new to roulette, but not gambling, and after I saw your comment here about 'NEVER ANSWERING PROPERLY' to an individual requesting information on their bet selection method I have to wonder what it is that you could possibly contribute to any thread about roulette that would be worthwile.

In another thread you started earlier today the comments between yourself and another member got quite heated.
I would have sent this post to that thread but the 'Quote' and 'Reply' buttons have been disabled so that further comments could not be made, so, after remembering your comment above I was left with no choice but to post here.

I came to this forum to learn and in less than a week there are a few members that seem to be quite knowledgeable and willing to share their thoughts and ideas but there are also a lot of other members that act just plain rude and ignorant.
Shouldn't you, as a moderator, be doing something about this?


-Mark Twain-  'Sometimes it is best to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt'
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 17, 05:57 AM 2016

Just because they are mods that doesnt mean they should trash ideas like its their way or the highway.

Dont like an idea? Well its not the mods job to be condescending

Im out of here

PM only from now on

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Az_MAX on Jan 17, 03:39 PM 2016
Just have another idea. We have 18 dozen format variations (non-zero):
111, 211, 311
112, 212, 312
113, 213, 313
121, 221, 321
122, 222, 322
123, 223, 323
131, 231, 331
132, 232, 332
133, 233, 333

Why not just bet against one of these 18 variation randomly? For example, sit on the table and bet against 332 will happen. And after 3 spins occurs, bet against 221 or 121.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 17, 06:00 PM 2016
Quote from: Celticknits on Jan 17, 12:43 AM 2016


I have been on this forum for less than a week now but I have to say there is a lot of negativity here

I came to this forum to learn and in less than a week there are a few members that seem to be quite knowledgeable and willing to share their thoughts and ideas but there are also a lot of other members that act just plain rude and ignorant.

Major issue is that 2 of the main moderators turner and mr j are lately shooting down any method that doesnt align with their way of thinking

Like they are some sort of roulette masters

Its old and im tired of it

We know what and how they think yet they interject into threads to state some negative crap

Thats why i wont be posting my thoughts anymore

The posters with multiple aliases being rude were easy to deal with

But with mods turning into the wizard of vegas forum types its just no fun anymore

No matter what they say this does work hit and run but it isnt 2 numbers so they speak negatively about it

It is what it is

I am now a lurker and private messenger only

Mr J said he received multiple messages about me. So? From who? People not contributing ANYTHING? Most likely

So freakin old at this point.

Another example was i posted about scratchoffs in 'off topic' inquiring about odds of different games and how they are different at the same price points and turner had a wise a*s remark. For what?

The moderators here do a lot of talking and not what they should be doing. Oh well. Until guys like falkor are deleted, as far as im concerned you are a bad moderator for not deleting a scammer who tried to suck a lot of money from people in the past. 

Hey mr j and turner might as well delete the notepad sub section since any idea sharing you guys will blast anyway

P.S. In the first post of Mr Js 4 number method he said he was hesitant to post it because of naysayers. How does it feel to be on the other side of the fence cause thats him now. Funny how that works.

This was a good thread and going in the right direction until the idiocy came.

Im not alone. Trust me.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Turner on Jan 17, 08:00 PM 2016
Nice job you did on me there Rick
I thought Ive been very helpfull on PM with you. You've asked me a lot of questions and Ive taken a lot of time to reply politely.
Sorry I dont like newbie naive ideas that Ive seen a million times
Are you going to do the old "I'm leaving" then keep coming back in routine.
Thats a classic . :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 17, 08:03 PM 2016
I think you are good guys

My post is strictly business
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Turner on Jan 17, 08:07 PM 2016
Fair enough
You obviously know best
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 17, 08:10 PM 2016

YOU obviously know best

Thats the thinking hurting the forum and preventing people from positng ideas which ill never do again
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Celticknits on Jan 17, 09:21 PM 2016
Quote from: Turner on Jan 17, 08:00 PM 2016

Sorry I dont like newbie naive ideas that Ive seen a million times


As a newbie to roulette I am insulted and resent your statement and I am suprised to see a mod with that attitude.
New blood usually adds new thoughts, ideas and vitality to any entity, including forums.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 17, 09:32 PM 2016
Quote from: Celticknits on Jan 17, 09:21 PM 2016

As a newbie to roulette I am insulted and resent your statement and I am suprised to see a mod with that attitude.
New blood usually adds new thoughts, ideas and vitality to any entity, including forums.


Not allowed here anymore apparently

The demise of the forum
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Wally Gator on Jan 17, 11:00 PM 2016
Seems this is a common theme here for years.  Some stay and some open up their own forums, many just fade away or stop posting.  It's unfortunate that such immaturity prevails.  Debates are healthy.  Making personal comments or thwarting someone's initiative is inappropriate and unprofessional.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Az_MAX on Jan 18, 12:20 AM 2016
Guys, let's debate concerning the topic and ideas.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Az_MAX on Jan 18, 01:44 AM 2016
Gonna play today for real money
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Turner on Jan 18, 02:45 AM 2016
Quote from: Celticknits on Jan 17, 09:21 PM 2016

As a newbie to roulette I am insulted and resent your statement and I am suprised to see a mod with that attitude.
New blood usually adds new thoughts, ideas and vitality to any entity, including forums.

Bit dramatic.... but mabe I dont like what the new editor has done with one of my favotite newspapers
Times change
All music sounds the same to me nowerdays but the kids are loving it...just my age I guess.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Nick-the-Greek on Jan 18, 05:06 AM 2016
Quote from: Az_MAX on Jan 18, 01:44 AM 2016
Gonna play today for real money

Good luck - I'd be very interested in your real money results - I do most of my testing with a small starting bank of £20 and 10p bets, if a system works then the bets increase inline with the bank - you can run millions of past or simulated spins to get an initial idea about a new system, however nothing replaces playing with your own hard earned cash!

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Nick-the-Greek on Jan 18, 05:14 AM 2016
Quote from: Wally Gator on Jan 17, 11:00 PM 2016
Seems this is a common theme here for years.  Some stay and some open up their own forums, many just fade away or stop posting.  It's unfortunate that such immaturity prevails.  Debates are healthy.  Making personal comments or thwarting someone's initiative is inappropriate and unprofessional.

100% agree - best move is to ignore the 'energy stealers', they are everywhere and not just on this forum.
What they hate most is when the people they are trying to include in their negativity don't respond to their comments.
PM's have their place but we don't want this form going' underground' so please keep posting and just ignore the comments that you feel are trying to drag us down - they will soon get the message and move on.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Az_MAX on Jan 18, 05:37 AM 2016
Just finish online playing, here is results:

51 spins, betting against D3 will create a unique with non-agressive parlay progression:
10 betting situations, 6 wins, 4 losses. Total + 2 units

The same game, 51 spins, bet against randomly chosen unique pattern (I chose  1-3-2), parlay prog  :
17 betting situations, 13 wins at the first bet, 3 wins at second bet, 1 lose (0-1-1, lose on zero) Total + 11

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tacwell on Jan 18, 06:05 AM 2016
Quote from: Celticknits on Jan 17, 12:43 AM 2016

I came to this forum to learn and in less than a week there are a few members that seem to be quite knowledgeable and willing to share their thoughts and ideas but there are also a lot of other members that act just plain rude and ignorant.
Shouldn't you, as a moderator, be doing something about this?

Try reading through this thread from the beginning and you'll see who's been rude and ignorant. The mods have extremely patient imo, and allowed it to continue for too long, and now you're seeing the results. Someone is unable to handle constructive criticism and takes it as a personal attack. This will continue until this thread is closed.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Turner on Jan 18, 06:08 AM 2016
Quote from: Tacwell on Jan 18, 06:05 AM 2016
Try reading through this thread from the beginning and you'll see who's been rude and ignorant. The mods have extremely patient imo, and allowed it to continue for too long, and now you're seeing the results. Someone is unable to handle constructive criticism and takes it as a personal attack. This will continue until this thread is closed.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Nick-the-Greek on Jan 18, 06:43 AM 2016
Quote from: Az_MAX on Jan 17, 03:39 PM 2016
Just have another idea. We have 18 dozen format variations (non-zero):
111, 211, 311
112, 212, 312
113, 213, 313
121, 221, 321
122, 222, 322
123, 223, 323
131, 231, 331
132, 232, 332
133, 233, 333

Why not just bet against one of these 18 variation randomly? For example, sit on the table and bet against 332 will happen. And after 3 spins occurs, bet against 221 or 121.

Choosing one of the 27 variations to bet against after every mini spin does give you a time advantage as you are not such a 'static target' as betting against 1 2 3 all the time, however the run from hell will turn up eventually so the key to winning with this system is money management and there are suggestions on this thread how to build up your bank to deal with this hit when it occurs.

You can also cut the variations down to 6 'unique' sequences which also works well:


100+ page thread it a lot to read through, however you will find all these ideas and comments already posted.


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Az_MAX on Jan 18, 07:04 AM 2016
Yes, thank you Nick-the-Greek.

What if, we chose randomly from that 6 unique for which one of them to bet for the next 3 spins. And then again chose another one for next 3 spins. And again etc.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Nick-the-Greek on Jan 18, 07:33 AM 2016
The 'moving target' idea does work, however it is still down to 'luck' that you join the table at the right time and build up enough in the bank to ride the RFH when it hits.

Out of interest where are you playing and single or double zero wheels?

I've just started playing/testing at CelticCasino.com on their double zero wheel as the 1 2 3 sequence does not hit as many times as a euro wheel - must be the wheel layout!
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Az_MAX on Jan 18, 09:10 AM 2016
Quote from: Nick-the-Greek on Jan 18, 07:33 AM 2016
The 'moving target' idea does work, however it is still down to 'luck' that you join the table at the right time and build up enough in the bank to ride the RFH when it hits.

Out of interest where are you playing and single or double zero wheels?

I've just started playing/testing at CelticCasino.com on their double zero wheel as the 1 2 3 sequence does not hit as many times as a euro wheel - must be the wheel layout!

I'am playing single zero wheel.

Just played auto-wheel(airball) with real money and have those results:

5 uniques ! I played against 1-3-2 unique all time with parlay progression + 9 units.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Celticknits on Jan 18, 11:17 AM 2016
Quote from: Nick-the-Greek on Jan 18, 05:14 AM 2016
100% agree - best move is to ignore the 'energy stealers', they are everywhere and not just on this forum.
What they hate most is when the people they are trying to include in their negativity don't respond to their comments.
PM's have their place but we don't want this form going' underground' so please keep posting and just ignore the comments that you feel are trying to drag us down - they will soon get the message and move on.

Well said.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: iggiv on Jan 18, 11:42 AM 2016
RG, we talked about Falkor. So far he is not trying to sell so we are not in rush. You see there is no rule like ban anyone who had bad behaviour before. Matters what he is doing now. So basically everyone here knows what he can be up to. He publishes something so what. As long as we can't see visible attempts to scam. As it happened a year ago. When he does he'll be kicked out of here. And he knows it too.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: iggiv on Jan 18, 11:45 AM 2016
RG, it's nothing easier than judging mods who you don't like. And it's up to you what you wanna do. As I am concerned I have never tried to shut your ideas and your freedom of speech right.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 18, 01:02 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 15, 05:31 PM 2016

Not into slots. Never was. They're like lottery tickets.  Income tax  on people who are bad
at math.

But I do know, they can be prime real estate, once you get one.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 18, 01:06 PM 2016
Quote from: Az_MAX on Jan 16, 03:40 AM 2016
Had just testing in airball:
117 spins.
25 betting situations: 19 wins, 6 losses.
Just flat betting.
+ 7 at the end

2-2 no bet. next dozen is 2nd.
2-1 bet on 1-2. next dozen is 2nd. Win
2-3 bet on 2-3. next dozen is 3rd. Win


We forget (as people who initially advertised it and left. Probably cleaning up)
about the flat bet.  Seems to make the most sense.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 18, 01:11 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 16, 05:46 AM 2016
Positive prog after a win.

with this you will have win streaks and you wont have to wait for them or very minimal waiting.

Flat bet then on a win (probably first attempt) increase chip size. Within a short amount of time you hit a nice streak with this bet selection and the positive prog will explode the BR

You will have 3 to 10 mini games in a row no uniques frequently. Capitalize on that

A little off topic, but this was the direction I had been heading with craps. Just
parlay wins. It's exciting. And it puts you on the winning side of what would
be that "catastrophe", that is supposedly elusive, but ends up happening easier
that you think.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 18, 01:13 PM 2016
Quote from: Az_MAX on Jan 16, 08:11 AM 2016
Have another live airball test

Betting against 3rd dozen will create a unique.
90 spins, 17 betting situations, 13 wins, 4 losses.
Flat betting ends with +5 units

Test these with the progression non-agressive progression: 1-1,2-2,3-3,4-4
Ends with +8 units

Thanks Az max. I love your (or anyones) trip reports.  I am in a cast now and someday
won't be.. As I watch and study all this, maybe I'm dodging a bullet and will end up at
a place of comfort in a betting strategy.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 18, 01:17 PM 2016
Quote from: blueman on Jan 16, 10:55 AM 2016
Hello everyone- Bvnz roulette before 10 minutes, columns formation cab cab cab c. 300 e bye, bye..... I'm going to cry. :sad2:

When my father in law was alive and I'd go to twin rivers with him on a Friday, I never really bet.
But one day he just handed me $40. I figured, what the heck. I'll do a 3 step neg prog and see
how it goes.   $5   $10  $20. = $35.  Lost first try.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 18, 01:52 PM 2016
Quote from: MrJ on Jan 16, 12:28 PM 2016
I've read a couple posts regarding the BRAKE for the wheel.

The wheel has to stop somehow so that everything starts fresh (AFTER the ball is in the pocket), I have no issue with that. Somebody implied the brake went on in order for the ball to land in a certain spot/section, I'm not sure thats accurate. Also, do you notice, the wheel switches direction with every spin, clockwise then counter.


Real dealers change the wheel direction too.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 18, 01:53 PM 2016
Quote from: MrJ on Jan 16, 12:38 PM 2016
Casino today RG?


You didn't go?  Packers lost?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 18, 01:54 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 16, 12:39 PM 2016
I wish

my friend moved into a new house I've been helping with the flooring and stuff

Is that you or your friend?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 18, 01:56 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 16, 12:53 PM 2016
This is just speculation

I do not know exactly how the air ball works

all I know is it acts like a real wheel when its full and it does weird things when you're the only one there

That is a good reason to avoid methods that walk a thin line with a short progression to disaster.
It only has to THINK about avoiding you.  And you're done.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 18, 02:05 PM 2016
Quote from: Az_MAX on Jan 18, 01:44 AM 2016
Gonna play today for real money

I'll be anxiously waiting the report.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Az_MAX on Jan 18, 03:22 PM 2016
First of all i choose to play auto-wheel (airball). Took 421 spins from this automated wheel(i collected them in excel file). Then calculated how much uniques dozen are coming and which ones. Then i choose 2 of them which are less likely to be drop according to the calculations. 132 and 321.
Decided to bet against them but randomly. For example, bet against 321 and if 321 happens bet against 132. And bet against 3rd dozen will create an unique. I used parlay progression. Played 135 spins, + 41 units. Winner, winner, chicken dinner!
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Jan 18, 04:23 PM 2016
Quote from: Az_MAX on Jan 18, 03:22 PM 2016
First of all i choose to play auto-wheel (airball). Took 421 spins from this automated wheel(i collected them in excel file). Then calculated how much uniques dozen are coming and which ones. Then i choose 2 of them which are less likely to be drop according to the calculations. 132 and 321.
Decided to bet against them but randomly. For example, bet against 321 and if 321 happens bet against 132. And bet against 3rd dozen will create an unique. I used parlay progression. Played 135 spins, + 41 units. Winner, winner, chicken dinner!

Could you post those spins, i'd like to check against Jackpot Joy airball. If you look in Jackpot joy you'll see at 40th spin its close to 15 non hit,hit in spins 11-40
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Az_MAX on Jan 18, 04:34 PM 2016
Quote from: nottophammer on Jan 18, 04:23 PM 2016
Could you post those spins, i'd like to check against Jackpot Joy airball. If you look in Jackpot joy you'll see at 40th spin its close to 15 non hit,hit in spins 11-40
Yeah sure, i can post these 421 spins here. Do you have any forum tags to post spins properly?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Jan 18, 04:46 PM 2016
could you post the excel file, as for tags no idea
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 18, 04:50 PM 2016
Quote from: Turner on Jan 18, 06:08 AM 2016

I want the thread to set some kind of record.
I'm still talking about the method.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 18, 04:53 PM 2016
Quote from: Nick-the-Greek on Jan 18, 06:43 AM 2016
Choosing one of the 27 variations to bet against after every mini spin does give you a time advantage as you are not such a 'static target' as betting against 1 2 3 all the time, however the run from hell will turn up eventually so the key to winning with this system is money management and there are suggestions on this thread how to build up your bank to deal with this hit when it occurs.

You can also cut the variations down to 6 'unique' sequences which also works well:


100+ page thread it a lot to read through, however you will find all these ideas and comments already posted.


So call me a "koolaid drinker", but there's something that I like about the rotating pattern.
Maybe I believe that it's harder to hit.

But my thinking has been drawn back against the idea of playing a 1,3,9 progression. Too risky.
The flat betting seems more workable. 

How does that fit in with this idea?  Or does it?  When you bounce back and forth between
betting schemes the money part also needs to be discussed.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Az_MAX on Jan 18, 04:53 PM 2016
Ok, Please find attached excel
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 18, 04:55 PM 2016
Quote from: Az_MAX on Jan 18, 09:10 AM 2016
I'am playing single zero wheel.

Just played auto-wheel(airball) with real money and have those results:

5 uniques ! I played against 1-3-2 unique all time with parlay progression + 9 units.

With what selection?  There are a lot of uniques in there.  Are you only betting the 3rd spin?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Az_MAX on Jan 18, 04:58 PM 2016
Quote from: mogul397 on Jan 18, 04:53 PM 2016
So call me a "koolaid drinker", but there's something that I like about the rotating pattern.
Maybe I believe that it's harder to hit.

But my thinking has been drawn back against the idea of playing a 1,3,9 progression. Too risky.
The flat betting seems more workable. 

How does that fit in with this idea?  Or does it?  When you bounce back and forth between
betting schemes the money part also needs to be discussed.
Yes 139 progression is too risky to play. Only flat betting or parlay, and they works good if you have patience and strong discipline.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Az_MAX on Jan 18, 05:00 PM 2016
Quote from: mogul397 on Jan 18, 04:55 PM 2016
With what selection?  There are a lot of uniques in there.  Are you only betting the 3rd spin?
I just selected 132 and 321 and bet against them. And also bet against 3rd spin create unique.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 18, 11:58 PM 2016
Quote from: Az_MAX on Jan 18, 05:00 PM 2016
I just selected 132 and 321 and bet against them. And also bet against 3rd spin create unique.

What I notice is that, to make any gain, you have to win all 3 flat bets in a series of 3
if you win 2, you break even, and 1, you lose 3, etc.  It's not a rosy picture, unless I misunderstand.

In testing I almost am persuaded to bet the other odd dozen.  2-1.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Az_MAX on Jan 19, 12:24 AM 2016
Just wait for another 3 dozens . To be in plus you just need a winning series which is often happens.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Az_MAX on Jan 19, 04:53 AM 2016
Just played again airball 27 spins +19.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 19, 06:53 AM 2016
Quote from: Az_MAX on Jan 19, 04:53 AM 2016
Just played again airball 27 spins +19.

Is this right?  Pg 147 zumma.  Betting against 132  Flat betting.

133  L L W
221  W W W
332  WLL
111 LWW
131 LLW
221 WWW
333 WLW
321 WWW
133 LLW
211 WWW

20 W  8 L   +4 units. :ooh: :ooh: :ooh:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Jan 19, 07:59 AM 2016
aren't you betting 2*3=6*10=60
133  L L W         
221  W W W
332  WLL
111 LWW
131 LLW
221 WWW
333 WLW
321 WWW
133 LLW
211 WWW
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Nick-the-Greek on Jan 19, 09:08 AM 2016
Quote from: mogul397 on Jan 19, 06:53 AM 2016
Is this right?  Pg 147 zumma.  Betting against 132  Flat betting.

133  L L W
221  W W W
332  WLL
111 LWW
131 LLW
221 WWW
333 WLW
321 WWW
133 LLW
211 WWW

20 W  8 L   +4 units. :ooh: :ooh: :ooh:

Flat betting against the sequence 132 would give you 20 wins and 10 loses so +10 units.

To keep sane and to slow the advance of grey hairs and wrinkles I prefer flat betting which can be a grind and it does show some sessions at a loss but my bank is up overall.

It is still all about the 'luck' of hitting the table at the right time to build up the bank before the RFH - IMHO.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Az_MAX on Jan 19, 09:15 AM 2016
Quote from: mogul397 on Jan 19, 06:53 AM 2016
Is this right?  Pg 147 zumma.  Betting against 132  Flat betting.

133  L L W
221  W W W
332  WLL
111 LWW
131 LLW
221 WWW
333 WLW
321 WWW
133 LLW
211 WWW

20 W  8 L   +4 units. :ooh: :ooh: :ooh:

I bet only D1 and D2 against 132/321. And D3 against unique. Using parlay progression.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Celticknits on Jan 19, 10:46 AM 2016
Quote from: Nick-the-Greek on Jan 19, 09:08 AM 2016

It is still all about the 'luck' of hitting the table at the right time to build up the bank before the RFH - IMHO.


So true.
Greed or chasing losses is also a good BR killer.
If you have a method that works for you stick to it and do not deviate and remember there will be a loss at some point.
I only expect a maximum of 20% BR profit per session and so far so good but sometimes when I seem to be on a roll it is so hard to follow the plan.
I cannot remember the last time I saw any MM system for roulette that expected a higher BR profit margin.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Jan 19, 11:41 AM 2016
Quote from: nottophammer on Jan 19, 07:59 AM 2016
aren't you betting 2*3=6*10=60
133  L L W         
221  W W W
332  WLL
111 LWW
131 LLW
221 WWW
333 WLW
321 WWW
133 LLW
211 WWW

1st line 1,3,3 using 1,3,2  yes L,L,W  stakes 2+2+2=6

so 10 lines =60
20W = 20*3=60    +0
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 19, 02:09 PM 2016
Quote from: Nick-the-Greek on Jan 19, 09:08 AM 2016
Flat betting against the sequence 132 would give you 20 wins and 10 loses so +10 units.

To keep sane and to slow the advance of grey hairs and wrinkles I prefer flat betting which can be a grind and it does show some sessions at a loss but my bank is up overall.

It is still all about the 'luck' of hitting the table at the right time to build up the bank before the RFH - IMHO.


A loss is 2 units.  So 10 losses (x 2) - 20 units won. Break even.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 19, 02:40 PM 2016
Quote from: nottophammer on Jan 19, 11:41 AM 2016
1st line 1,3,3 using 1,3,2  yes L,L,W  stakes 2+2+2=6

so 10 lines =60
20W = 20*3=60    +0

I don't understand what math you're using.  2L (-2),  2L  (-4),   2W (Win 1 unit)  -3.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 19, 02:45 PM 2016
Quote from: Az_MAX on Jan 19, 09:15 AM 2016
I bet only D1 and D2 against 132/321. And D3 against unique. Using parlay progression.

Is the parlay progression, 1 (win 1u),  1 (win 1u 2 total), 2 (win 2 total), 3 (win 3 total),
4 (Win 4 total)?

So 1,1,2,3,4? And when do you stop?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Az_MAX on Jan 19, 05:28 PM 2016
Quote from: mogul397 on Jan 19, 02:45 PM 2016
Is the parlay progression, 1 (win 1u),  1 (win 1u 2 total), 2 (win 2 total), 3 (win 3 total),
4 (Win 4 total)?

So 1,1,2,3,4? And when do you stop?
Dont increase when win.
1-1 and if win continue bet 1-1 until loss happens. Then bet 2-2 , if win return to 1-1 if lose go to 3-3. and etc
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 19, 08:46 PM 2016
Quote from: Az_MAX on Jan 19, 05:28 PM 2016
Dont increase when win.
1-1 and if win continue bet 1-1 until loss happens. Then bet 2-2 , if win return to 1-1 if lose go to 3-3. and etc

That's dangerous
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 20, 10:39 AM 2016
Quote from: mogul397 on Jan 19, 08:46 PM 2016
That's dangerous

Here's an idea that popped into my head. Not sure it's better, or if you need
another idea.

Just play against one dozen.  Like against 3.  It's easier to wrap your brain around.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 20, 01:13 PM 2016
I have a weird question. How many "global moderators" are there in this
forum.  Every so often I look at the profile on the left, and seems like
every time I do, it's a global moderator.

Seems strange.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tamino on Jan 20, 01:19 PM 2016

That`s why everyone behaves. The forum of Law and order.   Hehehe.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Turner on Jan 20, 02:46 PM 2016
Quote from: mogul397 on Jan 20, 01:13 PM 2016
I have a weird question. How many "global moderators" are there in this
forum.  Every so often I look at the profile on the left, and seems like
every time I do, it's a global moderator.

Seems strange.

4 Mods
Myself, Iggiv, Mr J and Colbster.

Steve is the Admin and owns the forum
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: blueman on Jan 20, 05:58 PM 2016
Tonight I played in BVNZ against the first of the three numbers. Light martingale. And behold as roulette threw ?!
ex.- 233 next i play against 2 (1-3)
goodbye my money :sad2:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 20, 07:57 PM 2016
Quote from: Turner on Jan 20, 02:46 PM 2016
4 Mods
Myself, Iggiv, Mr J and Colbster.

Steve is the Admin and owns the forum

Not for nothin',   I had noticed the karma ratings a while ago. Mine was
about even at zero. Since then I've gone to light speed and am +6/-1.
Almost as popular as you!!!!

(Not sure which one Steve is)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 20, 08:00 PM 2016
Quote from: blueman on Jan 20, 05:58 PM 2016
Tonight I played in BVNZ against the first of the three numbers. Light martingale. And behold as roulette threw ?!
ex.- 233 next i play against 2 (1-3)
goodbye my money :sad2:

May I join your group? (Blueman group?)  There's only one of you here, and
you need 3.

Anyway, are you saying that those are your actual results and you bet against
the first one each time?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: blueman on Jan 21, 01:21 AM 2016
Last night was the "water in the ears", so only now I see - the real results even worse. Here is exactly like it was. I bet after two of the same starting number.
Here are but lightly roasted later I was burned! :lol:
I love that game! :love:
P.S. I'm sorry for my English- google
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Az_MAX on Jan 21, 01:30 AM 2016
blueman, i don't fully understand how did you bet, but using Martingale will kill your BR.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Turner on Jan 21, 04:57 AM 2016
Quote from: mogul397 on Jan 20, 07:57 PM 2016
Not for nothin',   I had noticed the karma ratings a while ago. Mine was
about even at zero. Since then I've gone to light speed and am +6/-1.
Almost as popular as you!!!!

(Not sure which one Steve is)

lol....I dont feel very popular at the moment...

Steve is quite easy to spot. His name on the forum is "Steve"  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: blueman on Jan 21, 05:10 AM 2016
Quote from: Az_MAX on Jan 21, 01:30 AM 2016
blueman, i don't fully understand how did you bet, but using Martingale will kill your BR.

I'm waiting to get two of the same number of vertical front of the line (always the first number of the 3 in a row). When i have two of the same bet in the third row i bet against a range.
Now I play against 2 (play 1-3 dozen)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: blueman on Jan 21, 05:17 AM 2016
Fu.king martingale, I know. I have to be disciplined and control greed. :embarrassed:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: NextYear on Jan 21, 05:25 AM 2016
Aha, I was looking horizontaly and it didn't seem tragic...
Sorry for losing (welcome to club  :))!
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Az_MAX on Jan 21, 05:48 AM 2016
Quote from: blueman on Jan 21, 05:17 AM 2016
Fu.king martingale, I know. I have to be disciplined and control greed. :embarrassed:
Try to use my way on betting against unique.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: blueman on Jan 21, 06:12 AM 2016
Thanks guys :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 21, 06:33 AM 2016
Internet. RNG. You will lose and continue to lose. Play actual roulette. Not a computer game. For christs sake.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Jan 21, 06:54 AM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 21, 06:33 AM 2016
Internet. RNG. You will lose and continue to lose. Play actual roulette. Not a computer game. For christs sake.

I dont agree £41.40 yesterday on rng.
Today airball Jackpot joy, is that really live, ball being blown, air possibly blown against ball to slow it down, Ausguy posts about cammegh cheating wheel.

As Lucylou asked is it paranoia that the casino cheats you,do they really need to cheat.

Look at JJ today some of them repeats, you say to your self no way, but then you find a snap shot of a marquee in a B+M showing the same. A member said they end up the same in the long run, its the speed you can play rng at that could be why you think they cheated you, you've lost your B/R in no time.

The one thing playing RNG is not to be there to long, me no more than 60 spins, if i go over that, it then seems to go south and its hard to stay in plus, wow am i getting paranoid.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 21, 07:03 AM 2016
Im talking about internet rng. Not your b and m
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Jan 21, 08:02 AM 2016
when i'm on the old RNG i'm watching KTF, 12 unique and grass roots, if i remember and see a column hit twice in one of the 18's, then i'll play the opposite 18 on EC after a few spins if the 18 has not hit. Wow if i was female i could do more,LOL.

Anyway the grass bit, i'll look and see what its at,see if a dozen has hit for say 3 spins,quick look along the marquee showing last 11 spins,look at the mat on my record sheet try to see if a particular doz is sleeping, have another spin,if the same dozen hits then start 1-1,if it lost up 2-2,lost up 3-3, if win,i'd now rebet the 3-3,if that wins look at the B/R on the screen,if still in profit,look at the other bets,maybe go back to 1-1 on grass.

Do any of you use multi methods or do you stick to the one method
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Nick-the-Greek on Jan 21, 08:19 AM 2016
I only play online one system at a time - never been to B+M!

If you are looking for triggers then playing more than one system makes sense giving you more opportunities to bet - although I still can't fully get my head around past spins influencing future results apart from general probability rules.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: NextYear on Jan 21, 08:32 AM 2016
Quote from: nottophammer on Jan 21, 08:02 AM 2016
... i'll play the opposite 18 on EC after a few spins if the 18 has not hit. Wow if i was female i could do more, LOL.

Sorry, don't get a joke....
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Jan 21, 08:36 AM 2016
They are better at multitasking
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Jan 21, 08:39 AM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 21, 06:33 AM 2016
Internet. RNG. You will lose and continue to lose. Play actual roulette. Not a computer game. For christs sake.


Let them play RNG if they want to play rng!


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Jan 21, 08:44 AM 2016
Quote from: Nick-the-Greek on Jan 21, 08:19 AM 2016
I only play online one system at a time - never been to B+M!

If you are looking for triggers then playing more than one system makes sense giving you more opportunities to bet - although I still can't fully get my head around past spins influencing future results apart from general probability rules.


Yes try to look for triggers,as you say more chances to bet and some will say lose.
Past spins
When you started today was anything due, yes, 37 numbers due. Gut you'd be tracking the cycle, unlike the great Winkel,who waits for the crossing, i use the trot to bet, whether on 0x'1x or >1x,  so past spins are used
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Jan 21, 09:08 AM 2016
Haven't followed this topic properly since page 70/71.
If you have your 3 spins lets say 11,09,34 so doz 1,1,3. Has betting what the 1st spin and 3rd spin are for the next 3 spins so you'd be betting doz 1 and 3.

Has it been looked at
Todays Jackpot joy's 60 spins every group of 3 spins wins,betting 1st and 3rd spin of min group of 3. Was today just 1st look luck
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Nick-the-Greek on Jan 21, 09:24 AM 2016
The system I'm currently using is flat betting against the unique combination 123 on a rolling basis - so you bet on every spin. I've tried 1 3 9 progression which does have a great success rate but it is not how I want to play - I'd rather risk less and take more time to build up the bank - although it can be a grind.

It's been working well for me on live online 0/00 wheels, however there is always an element of luck as to when you join the table - the run from hell is out there, it is all about not being at the table when it hits.

The other option I'm thinking of trying is changing the unique combination to bet against after every 3 spins - this makes us a sort of moving target.

Insurance on the zero's is very important and in fact I recently won more on the zero's hitting that the dozens - they were hitting every 10 - 12 spins!

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on Jan 21, 09:45 AM 2016
A few years ago on RNG i had 8 zeros in 80 spins and didn't win on all of them,then again a number of years back again on RNG 189 spins no zero, now days its 60spins or less, move on
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: blueman on Jan 21, 10:15 AM 2016
Quote from: nottophammer on Jan 21, 06:54 AM 2016
I dont agree £41.40 yesterday on rng.
Today airball Jackpot joy, is that really live, ball being blown, air possibly blown against ball to slow it down, Ausguy posts about cammegh cheating wheel.

As Lucylou asked is it paranoia that the casino cheats you,do they really need to cheat.

Look at JJ today some of them repeats, you say to your self no way, but then you find a snap shot of a marquee in a B+M showing the same. A member said they end up the same in the long run, its the speed you can play rng at that could be why you think they cheated you, you've lost your B/R in no time.

The one thing playing RNG is not to be there to long, me no more than 60 spins, if i go over that, it then seems to go south and its hard to stay in plus, wow am i getting paranoid.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Turner on Jan 21, 10:27 AM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 21, 06:33 AM 2016
Internet. RNG. You will lose and continue to lose. Play actual roulette. Not a computer game. For christs sake.

Just because they are mods that doesnt mean they should trash ideas like its their way or the highway.

Dont like an idea? Well its not the mods job to be condescending

Whats the difference with what you just said?

Im out of here

PM only from now on

Doesnt look like it
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 21, 10:49 AM 2016
Quote from: Turner on Jan 21, 10:27 AM 2016
Just because they are mods that doesnt mean they should trash ideas like its their way or the highway.

Dont like an idea? Well its not the mods job to be condescending

Whats the difference with what you just said?

Im out of here

PM only from now on

Doesnt look like it

Whats the difference? What i said was factual

Online rng is a scam. I can tell you that by seeing bluemans actual "spins"

Dont you have someone else to "moderate"

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 21, 10:50 AM 2016
Fu*k the pissing match

Delete my account
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Turner on Jan 21, 11:03 AM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 21, 10:50 AM 2016
Fu*k the pissing match

Delete my account

Calm down for Petes sake

You dont want your account deleted, you like posting here. You have just gone a bit wobbly recently.

We all do it.

Just stop "avin a go" and accept some wont like what you post. Many do like it.

Think about it....you are welcome here. :thumbsup:

and yes, saying you were leaving and havnt done was sarcastic...sorry
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 21, 12:25 PM 2016
Quote from: blueman on Jan 21, 05:10 AM 2016
I'm waiting to get two of the same number of vertical front of the line (always the first number of the 3 in a row). When i have two of the same bet in the third row i bet against a range.
Now I play against 2 (play 1-3 dozen)

That list of first result almost seems impossible.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 21, 12:30 PM 2016
Quote from: Turner on Jan 21, 10:27 AM 2016
Just because they are mods that doesnt mean they should trash ideas like its their way or the highway.

Dont like an idea? Well its not the mods job to be condescending

Whats the difference with what you just said?

Im out of here

PM only from now on

HA!!!!!! :wink: :sad2: :yawn:

Doesnt look like it
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 21, 12:56 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 21, 10:49 AM 2016
Whats the difference? What i said was factual

Online rng is a scam. I can tell you that by seeing bluemans actual "spins"

Dont you have someone else to "moderate"

The point was that you said you weren't coming back.

And you did. (come back)

Great to have you hear anyway.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: blueman on Jan 21, 01:01 PM 2016
Quote from: mogul397 on Jan 21, 12:25 PM 2016
That list of first result almost seems impossible.

I know my friend, I know. That's why I played martingale and finished in shock.  :o

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MoneyT101 on Jan 21, 01:15 PM 2016
Quote from: blueman on Jan 21, 01:21 AM 2016
Last night was the "water in the ears", so only now I see - the real results even worse. Here is exactly like it was. I bet after two of the same starting number.
Here are but lightly roasted later I was burned! :lol:
I love that game! :love:
P.S. I'm sorry for my English- google

I had a similar game playing RNG.  dozen 2 repeated in row 1 about 7 times
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 21, 01:30 PM 2016
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Jan 21, 01:15 PM 2016
I had a similar game playing RNG.  dozen 2 repeated in row 1 about 7 times

On 2 separate occasions very very close together blueman has shown RNG sesions with extreme 1st column repeats

Writing the dozens left to right in threes means this : every 3 Spins dozen 2 will show

Can it happen? Sure. Does it? No

I can show you dozens of charts, i havent seen it on real wheel

It is a RNG thing. Im telling you right now rng can be true fair rng BUT will not act like a real wheel

Do not play on Bet voyager and expect real wheel results

MoneyT has seen it as well as you see above my post

I can see it happening on real wheel but not like this so quickly and then AGAIN
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Turner on Jan 21, 01:50 PM 2016
Do you play real wheel or airball
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MoneyT101 on Jan 21, 04:31 PM 2016
You guys want to know whats even more suspicious with my rng play.

The same dozens hit in the first column back to back about 7+ times...what made it weird was that each and every time it was the same line(numbers 13-18)

I was to busy playing against the pattern 123 so i was happy i was winning,  but i wish i had caught on to that pattern early on  :twisted:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 21, 06:11 PM 2016
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Jan 21, 04:31 PM 2016
You guys want to know whats even more suspicious with my rng play.

The same dozens hit in the first column back to back about 7+ times...what made it weird was that each and every time it was the same line(numbers 13-18)

I was to busy playing against the pattern 123 so i was happy i was winning,  but i wish i had caught on to that pattern early on  :twisted:

I only see these types on RNG

Quote from: Turner on Jan 21, 01:50 PM 2016
Do you play real wheel or airball

i play airball and real wheel

all testing done on real wheel and zumma

what bothers me about rng is this:

if i write dozens left to right as they show in rows of 3 i never get


when i say i never get that i mean a whole column of straight 2s. thats an rng thing

for the same dozen to hit every 3 spins ONCE, ok i get it, coincidence. twice....hmmmm...three times! must be the rng
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: blueman on Jan 22, 01:29 AM 2016
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Jan 21, 04:31 PM 2016
You guys want to know whats even more suspicious with my rng play.

The same dozens hit in the first column back to back about 7+ times...what made it weird was that each and every time it was the same line(numbers 13-18)

I was to busy playing against the pattern 123 so i was happy i was winning,  but i wish i had caught on to that pattern early on  :twisted:

That reminds me -a month ago, BVNZ, 3 dozen out 9 times in a row and all 9 red. I've played in red. :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 22, 11:47 AM 2016
Quote from: blueman on Jan 22, 01:29 AM 2016
That reminds me -a month ago, BVNZ, 3 dozen out 9 times in a row and all 9 red. I've played in red. :thumbsup:

I'm getting tired of hearing about the whole RNG thing.  You know, if you
think it's fixed (and giving repeats) then play for repeats. Probably should
have a system looking for that anyway.

I always thought it was funny when people talk about playing a martingale
on red/black and losing. I watched a wheel marquis once a very long time ago.
Two younger girls were doing it. Chased the "opposite" (red or black).
And I got to watch FREE!!!!!!!!! All the while hoping against hope for them.

Never did it, but one time or another saw it.

But the argument never changes that, maybe mid stream in the martingale
you can switch betting, and fool it.

Results are results.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 23, 11:47 AM 2016
i said i was leaving out of frustration

i found a lot of what happened was ME. arguing pointlessly.

i have come to terms with on the internet people will disagree. people will attack. people will pretend to be different posters under different aliases due to being psychos.

i wont leave, i will just post less. and if someone disagrees? oh well who cares. i wont feed into it anymore. its pointless. ill say what i need to say and move on. dont like my test or strategy? i will say COOL

grassroots is being played successfully and its spawns. people dont like grassroots or disagree with it, well thats fine, they play their own methods.

i had a falling out with Mr. J which was NOT all me. i asked about another board so i can read, and his response was "why you have a HG"....that wasnt called for and it was an annoying comment. he only believes in 2 to 4 number methods so he chimes in here (without reading it) to say it wont work, or why should it work. i responded. it was pointless for me to respond because thats what we call a LOSE LOSE situation. anything that isnt 4 numbers or less is a lose lose iwth him. i should have known better. turner and Mr j will never buy into a method like this, so instead of engage i should have ignored and just went on my merry way.

i think those 2 are good guys. ive spoken to them privately. no problem there. but professional moderator wise, they can do a better job, and i stand by that
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: NextYear on Jan 23, 11:50 AM 2016
RG, how are things with snow?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 23, 11:55 AM 2016
Quote from: nextyear on Jan 23, 11:50 AM 2016
RG, how are things with snow?

getting hammered. forecasted to get over 2 feet. 40 miles per hour wind. and coastal flooding.

you are in europe so: 61 centimeters of snow, 64 kph wind, and 121 centimeters above normal seas
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: NextYear on Jan 23, 12:20 PM 2016
And try to have fun (but carefully)...
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Celticknits on Jan 23, 12:24 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 23, 11:47 AM 2016


i wont leave, i will just post less. and if someone disagrees? oh well who cares. i wont feed into it anymore. its pointless. ill say what i need to say and move on. dont like my test or strategy? i will say COOL



Glad to hear this news.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Celticknits on Jan 23, 02:26 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 23, 11:55 AM 2016
getting hammered. forecasted to get over 2 feet. 40 miles per hour wind. and coastal flooding.

you are in europe so: 61 centimeters of snow, 64 kph wind, and 121 centimeters above normal seas


Had to laugh.
I live in rural Canada and we do get occasions where we will have 1 meter snowfalls basically overnight.
30cm (1foot) snowfalls are common here.
That is why I have a 12HP snowblower.
The attached picture shows the first snowfall of the year for me on my sheltered sundeck.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 23, 02:32 PM 2016
awesome! i happen to like the snow

i wont move south.

its funny it has been warm here all winter. no all of a sudden a 3 foot blizzard? crazy.....id rather 6 inches per week then 3 feet at once
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Turner on Jan 23, 03:50 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 23, 02:32 PM 2016
...id rather 6 inches per week then 3 feet at once
Thats what she said last night
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 23, 03:52 PM 2016
Quote from: Turner on Jan 23, 03:50 PM 2016
Thats what she said last night

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jan 24, 10:50 AM 2016
Quote from: Turner on Jan 23, 03:50 PM 2016
Thats what she said last night

I'm sorry for that.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: blueman on Feb 06, 03:39 AM 2016
Greeting Grassroots fans , today BVNZ on dozens - 312 312 312 32!? I have not played Martingale ( Thanks Tamino)! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Feb 06, 10:04 AM 2016
If you want to play this I would suggest playing it on roulette itself.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: blueman on Feb 06, 10:56 AM 2016
I'm sorry but I do not understand what you mean?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Feb 06, 11:02 AM 2016
well BVNZ is RNG right?

I am not saying it is rigged....it is probably fair (i hope)

what I am saying is it wont behave like a real wheel because it is software

so you may see


and that wouldnt surprise me
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: blueman on Feb 06, 11:39 AM 2016
 Thanks RG! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Drazen on Feb 08, 03:56 AM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Feb 06, 11:02 AM 2016
well BVNZ is RNG right?

I am not saying it is rigged....it is probably fair (i hope)

what I am saying is it wont behave like a real wheel because it is software

Well you cant have it both ways.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Mar 01, 06:26 PM 2016
just went through 1,000 spins like the nutjob i am

here is what I found

dozen sequence 123 followed a 1 only 2 times in that 1,000 spin sample

happened twice

trigger is dozen 1, when dozen 1 shows, then bet against 123

happening twice in 1,000 spins is MUCH better then 123 happening by itself 10-20 times in the same sample

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Mar 01, 06:29 PM 2016
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Mar 01, 06:36 PM 2016
hey what can i say

i thought about it on car ride home so i checked
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Rourke on Mar 02, 01:19 AM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Mar 01, 06:26 PM 2016
just went through 1,000 spins like the nutjob i am

here is what I found

dozen sequence 123 followed a 1 only 2 times in that 1,000 spin sample

happened twice

trigger is dozen 1, when dozen 1 shows, then bet against 123

happening twice in 1,000 spins is MUCH better then 123 happening by itself 10-20 times in the same sample


Hi RouletteGhost

Why is that better than 123 happening by itself 10-20 times in the sample? If it only happens 10-20 times during a 1.000 spins, you are still a winner by far :-)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Mar 02, 06:45 AM 2016
Using a 1 3 9 progression against 1 2 3 it is hard to catch up if you lose it

So im looking for better bet opportunities

123 following a sequence of 1s is much rarer

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Mar 02, 06:48 AM 2016
Betting against any dozen sequence thats unique is a damn good bet


Only triggers are above. See that bet against it when u see it

Rourke go thru some old spins tell me how many times u see one of the abkve repeat
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Rourke on Mar 02, 07:47 AM 2016
I agree RouletteGhost, betting against a sequence of dozens or colums is a damn good bet.

However... I think your trigger is too long. I prefer betting against the previous 2 dozens or columns. Like 1,2 or 2,2 etc. and then switching between dozens and columns.

I use the same progression as you.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Mar 02, 08:06 AM 2016
I like the idea. Keep the progression capped at 1 3

Easier to recoup
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Willie on Mar 02, 11:29 AM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Mar 01, 06:26 PM 2016
just went through 1,000 spins like the nutjob i am

here is what I found

dozen sequence 123 followed a 1 only 2 times in that 1,000 spin sample

happened twice

trigger is dozen 1, when dozen 1 shows, then bet against 123

happening twice in 1,000 spins is MUCH better then 123 happening by itself 10-20 times in the same sample

Nice tweak to the original grassroots, how many % betting opportunity you got roughly in those 1000 spins
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Mar 02, 11:30 AM 2016
Quote from: Willie on Mar 02, 11:29 AM 2016
Nice tweak to the original grassroots, how many % betting opportunity you got roughly in those 1000 spins

Anytime you see dozen 1 show. Many many many times
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Willie on Mar 02, 11:36 AM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Mar 02, 11:30 AM 2016

Anytime you see dozen 1 show. Many many many times

:thumbsup: cool..
I think similar hitrate would be after 1 shows up and betting that it doesn't complete to 123 and then start again with a 1.. So basically betting against 2,3,1 after we see a 1
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Mar 02, 12:11 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Mar 02, 11:30 AM 2016

Anytime you see dozen 1 show. Many many many times

Do 10k spins RG.... let us know  :)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: JahVinci on Mar 30, 01:20 AM 2016
So does anyone still playing it? :) I am 30k$ up with Grassroots. It's pretty much as KTF all you need to know is just when to jump in and you are ready to go. Plus some practice will be good as well ;)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Willie on Mar 30, 01:31 AM 2016
Quote from: JahVinci on Mar 30, 01:20 AM 2016
So does anyone still playing it? :) I am 30k$ up with Grassroots. It's pretty much as KTF all you need to know is just when to jump in and you are ready to go. Plus some practice will be good as well ;)

:ooh: what's your win goal for a session
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: JahVinci on Mar 30, 01:49 AM 2016
Initial goal is 1000$ with 2000$ br, but if session goes hard I am fine to leave with less, like 300-500$.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Mar 30, 02:12 AM 2016
Quote from: JahVinci on Mar 30, 01:20 AM 2016
So does anyone still playing it? :) I am 30k$ up with Grassroots. It's pretty much as KTF all you need to know is just when to jump in and you are ready to go. Plus some practice will be good as well ;)

How you play it ? Rng ? Live online?  B&M ?
Average time for a session?   :)

Those who play it are scared to post. You get shot down at the spot lately
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: JahVinci on Mar 30, 02:19 AM 2016
1. I play against unique Dozens (1-2-3, 3-2-1), Columns (A-B-C, C-B-A). I don't bet every spin. Makes no sense for me.
2. European wheel
3. Airball roulette
4. Real casino
5. Martingale:  50-50, 200-200, 700-700
6. Safe bet zero: 5, 20, 50
7. Average session time: 1.5-2 hours
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Mar 30, 02:28 AM 2016
And when you jump in ?  1-2-3 comes...now bet against it ?

3-2-2 comes. ..now bet against it ..etc

personally I play this only if I see for example 2-1-1 -2-1-1 .... now I start.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: JahVinci on Mar 30, 02:42 AM 2016
Maybe I explained wrong, but I play only 1-2-3, 3-2-1 and A-B-C, C-B-A. I don't like repeaters at all. I saw 1-2-2 and similar combinations up to 3-4 times in a row (1-2-2-1-2-2-1-2-2-1-2-2, etc. ). The only time I go against repeaters it's when column or dozen hits 5 times in a row (so far no losses yet).

On my roulette you can see trends. So I go against this trends. Let's say that last 2-3 mini games it hits dozens 1 and 2 only so betting against sequence 1-2-3 in this case kinda suicide imo. Coz it's more likely to happen. I prefer to bet 3-2-1 in this case. Same when dozen 3 and 2 dominate, I prefer bet 1-2-3, not 3-2-1. Similar idea for columns.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Mar 30, 06:24 AM 2016
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Mar 30, 06:33 AM 2016
I think i understand. You have explained it to me once before

Can you give an example of where you would bet against 123 occuring and 321?

Trigger example
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Mar 30, 08:28 AM 2016
In other words: give me an example where you would say ok lets bet against 123 now

Much appreciated.

The idea that triggers do not mean anything i think is a farce, IF the trigger is rare.....
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: JahVinci on Mar 30, 10:06 AM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Mar 30, 08:28 AM 2016
In other words: give me an example where you would say ok lets bet against 123 now

Much appreciated.

The idea that triggers do not mean anything i think is a farce, IF the trigger is rare.....

here is part from my session yesterday  where I simply avoided 1-2-3:

9 32 30 | 12 13 22 | 8 5 13 | 14 23 1 | 16 12 35 | 10 7 11 | 1 24 27 | 24 9 18 | 20 18 16 | 17 29 7 | 27 18 29 | etc.

So normally I just come to casino write down 20 numbers that hit before (it shows on the screen) divide mini games of 3, check dozens and columns. So in the example I gave before just check columns that hit before 1-2-3 combination hits (highlighted with red).

Writing the above numbers as dozens:

1 3 3 | 1 2 2 | 1 1 2 | 2 2 1 | 2 1 2 | 1 1 1 | 1 2 3 | 2 1 2 | 2 2 2 | 2 3 1 | 3 2 3 | etc.

So just look at it. Starting from first 1 3 3 mini game it switches to dozens 1 and 2. Why would you even try to bet in this case against sequence 1-2-3 to happen? Coz as for me it is most likely that 1-2-3 will happen there and boom! 1-2-3 happened. I was betting against 3-2-1 during that trend - won all. After that you can see that trend switched to dozens 2, 3 and was up for like next 12 spins. I was betting there against 1-2-3 - won all as well. I play the same way with columns. I don't bet every spin. I wait for the most favorable conditions. I think it's better to miss chance to win than lose.

There are other factors should be taken into account - hot  numbers, cold numbers, part of the wheel that hits the most, less.

I tried it not only here in my casino in S.Korea. I played in Macau as well - Holidays Inn Hotel casino, Hard Rock Hotel Casino. 4 days 2 hour sessions in the morning. Covered all my and gf costs for trip - 3000$ total for both of us.

I can call it luck once or twice, but I am up a lot.

It is a great system. Just need to learn when to jump in. See that conditions that favor you, because if you will play like machine against machine you will have no chances.   
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Nick-the-Greek on Mar 30, 10:41 AM 2016
All makes sense JV - well done.

I still dabble with this strategy (and KTF) online a few times a week when I have the time and it has paid well but my stakes are no where near as high as yours - I select a different unique each time (123, 132, 231, 213, 312, 321) with 1 - 3 - 9 progression. Session ends when I've selected all six uniques   - usually win first or second spin and has only bust a few times using casino money so bank is up overall.

Thanks for sharing.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: JahVinci on Mar 30, 08:13 PM 2016

I tried to use other unique combinations as well, but didn't work well for me and couldn't figure out "proper betting time" as I did for 1-2-3, 3-2-1.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Mar 30, 08:47 PM 2016
Quote from: JahVinci on Mar 30, 10:06 AM 2016
here is part from my session yesterday  where I simply avoided 1-2-3:

9 32 30 | 12 13 22 | 8 5 13 | 14 23 1 | 16 12 35 | 10 7 11 | 1 24 27 | 24 9 18 | 20 18 16 | 17 29 7 | 27 18 29 | etc.

So normally I just come to casino write down 20 numbers that hit before (it shows on the screen) divide mini games of 3, check dozens and columns. So in the example I gave before just check columns that hit before 1-2-3 combination hits (highlighted with red).

Writing the above numbers as dozens:

1 3 3 | 1 2 2 | 1 1 2 | 2 2 1 | 2 1 2 | 1 1 1 | 1 2 3 | 2 1 2 | 2 2 2 | 2 3 1 | 3 2 3 | etc.

So just look at it. Starting from first 1 3 3 mini game it switches to dozens 1 and 2. Why would you even try to bet in this case against sequence 1-2-3 to happen? Coz as for me it is most likely that 1-2-3 will happen there and boom! 1-2-3 happened. I was betting against 3-2-1 during that trend - won all. After that you can see that trend switched to dozens 2, 3 and was up for like next 12 spins. I was betting there against 1-2-3 - won all as well. I play the same way with columns. I don't bet every spin. I wait for the most favorable conditions. I think it's better to miss chance to win than lose.

There are other factors should be taken into account - hot  numbers, cold numbers, part of the wheel that hits the most, less.

I tried it not only here in my casino in S.Korea. I played in Macau as well - Holidays Inn Hotel casino, Hard Rock Hotel Casino. 4 days 2 hour sessions in the morning. Covered all my and gf costs for trip - 3000$ total for both of us.

I can call it luck once or twice, but I am up a lot.

It is a great system. Just need to learn when to jump in. See that conditions that favor you, because if you will play like machine against machine you will have no chances.   

thanks jahvinci
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Mar 30, 09:47 PM 2016
Quote from: JahVinci on Mar 30, 10:06 AM 2016
here is part from my session yesterday  where I simply avoided 1-2-3:

9 32 30 | 12 13 22 | 8 5 13 | 14 23 1 | 16 12 35 | 10 7 11 | 1 24 27 | 24 9 18 | 20 18 16 | 17 29 7 | 27 18 29 | etc.

So normally I just come to casino write down 20 numbers that hit before (it shows on the screen) divide mini games of 3, check dozens and columns. So in the example I gave before just check columns that hit before 1-2-3 combination hits (highlighted with red).

Writing the above numbers as dozens:

1 3 3 | 1 2 2 | 1 1 2 | 2 2 1 | 2 1 2 | 1 1 1 | 1 2 3 | 2 1 2 | 2 2 2 | 2 3 1 | 3 2 3 | etc.

So just look at it. Starting from first 1 3 3 mini game it switches to dozens 1 and 2. Why would you even try to bet in this case against sequence 1-2-3 to happen? Coz as for me it is most likely that 1-2-3 will happen there and boom! 1-2-3 happened. I was betting against 3-2-1 during that trend - won all. After that you can see that trend switched to dozens 2, 3 and was up for like next 12 spins. I was betting there against 1-2-3 - won all as well. I play the same way with columns. I don't bet every spin. I wait for the most favorable conditions. I think it's better to miss chance to win than lose.

There are other factors should be taken into account - hot  numbers, cold numbers, part of the wheel that hits the most, less.

I tried it not only here in my casino in S.Korea. I played in Macau as well - Holidays Inn Hotel casino, Hard Rock Hotel Casino. 4 days 2 hour sessions in the morning. Covered all my and gf costs for trip - 3000$ total for both of us.

I can call it luck once or twice, but I am up a lot.

It is a great system. Just need to learn when to jump in. See that conditions that favor you, because if you will play like machine against machine you will have no chances.   

Very interesting!! So grassroots just switched from a System to a Method!!

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: JahVinci on Mar 30, 10:23 PM 2016
Quote from: SimonZed1 on Mar 30, 09:47 PM 2016
Very interesting!! So grassroots just switched from a System to a Method!!


I guess so. Because from what I saw for the last 4 months I play it if you will play every spin and mechanically, just no chances. We are not obliged to bet every spin. So why not use it in our favor. It's our advantage over house edge.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Apr 01, 03:06 PM 2016
Credit goes to ATI:

, I've check the same thing on 100k live spins.
These are the stats for the 123 dozen pattern.

123 - 3397 times
123 1 - 1041 times
123 12 - 339 times
123 123 - 126 times
123 123 1 - 43 times
123 123 12 - 16 times
123 123 123 - 8 times
123 123 123 1 - 2 times
123 123 123 12 - 2 times
123 123 123 123 - 0 times
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Apr 08, 11:41 PM 2016
Quote from: JahVinci on Mar 30, 10:23 PM 2016
I guess so. Because from what I saw for the last 4 months I play it if you will play every spin and mechanically, just no chances. We are not obliged to bet every spin. So why not use it in our favor. It's our advantage over house edge.

I have won a bit with Grassroots without ever busting. But it actually is mechanical. I really like your idea and will test it this weekend.

When you say that you also take in consideration hot, cold numbers and wheel sectors, what exactly are you looking for?



Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Apr 08, 11:43 PM 2016
jahvinci is doing well

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Apr 09, 12:01 AM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Apr 01, 03:06 PM 2016
Credit goes to ATI:

, I've check the same thing on 100k live spins.
These are the stats for the 123 dozen pattern.

123 - 3397 times
123 1 - 1041 times
123 12 - 339 times
123 123 - 126 times
123 123 1 - 43 times
123 123 12 - 16 times
123 123 123 - 8 times
123 123 123 1 - 2 times
123 123 123 12 - 2 times
123 123 123 123 - 0 times

Nice info RG! Thanks!!

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Apr 09, 06:41 PM 2016
Pretty interesting stuff. Here is a little preliminary testing. Let me know if I am doing it right or not.

323 / 231 / 321 / 301 / 312 / 231 / 111 / 122 / 322 / 211 / 123 / 323 / 112 / 232 /

123 / 322 / 002 / 212 / 221 / 111 / 221 / 322 / 110 / 323 / 113 / 232 / 230 /
                                                      +1     +1
233 / 322 / 331 / 121 / 123 / 031 /
          +1     +1

Number in bold are the games I watched beacose of a 1-2 or 2-3 dominant games. The games in bold and underlined are the ones I actually bet on. The number above those in bold are the series from which I bet against. The +1 under is the units won.

Let me know what you think about it and if I am on the right track.

I was wondering, what do you do if you get 3 minigames where you have only the 1st and 3rd dozens? Do you bet against something? What about the Zero? How do you count it when it appear in a minigame?


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Apr 09, 07:57 PM 2016
Quote from: JahVinci on Mar 30, 10:06 AM 2016
here is part from my session yesterday  where I simply avoided 1-2-3:

9 32 30 | 12 13 22 | 8 5 13 | 14 23 1 | 16 12 35 | 10 7 11 | 1 24 27 | 24 9 18 | 20 18 16 | 17 29 7 | 27 18 29 | etc.

So normally I just come to casino write down 20 numbers that hit before (it shows on the screen) divide mini games of 3, check dozens and columns. So in the example I gave before just check columns that hit before 1-2-3 combination hits (highlighted with red).

Writing the above numbers as dozens:

1 3 3 | 1 2 2 | 1 1 2 | 2 2 1 | 2 1 2 | 1 1 1 | 1 2 3 | 2 1 2 | 2 2 2 | 2 3 1 | 3 2 3 | etc.

So just look at it. Starting from first 1 3 3 mini game it switches to dozens 1 and 2. Why would you even try to bet in this case against sequence 1-2-3 to happen? Coz as for me it is most likely that 1-2-3 will happen there and boom! 1-2-3 happened. I was betting against 3-2-1 during that trend - won all. After that you can see that trend switched to dozens 2, 3 and was up for like next 12 spins. I was betting there against 1-2-3 - won all as well. I play the same way with columns. I don't bet every spin. I wait for the most favorable conditions. I think it's better to miss chance to win than lose.

There are other factors should be taken into account - hot  numbers, cold numbers, part of the wheel that hits the most, less.

I tried it not only here in my casino in S.Korea. I played in Macau as well - Holidays Inn Hotel casino, Hard Rock Hotel Casino. 4 days 2 hour sessions in the morning. Covered all my and gf costs for trip - 3000$ total for both of us.

I can call it luck once or twice, but I am up a lot.

It is a great system. Just need to learn when to jump in. See that conditions that favor you, because if you will play like machine against machine you will have no chances.   

So from this part of you post,,,,

1 3 3 | 1 2 2 | 1 1 2 | 2 2 1 | 2 1 2 | 1 1 1 | 1 2 3 | 2 1 2 | 2 2 2 | 2 3 1 | 3 2 3 | etc.

So just look at it. Starting from first 1 3 3 mini game it switches to dozens 1 and 2. Why would you even try to bet in this case against sequence 1-2-3 to happen? Coz as for me it is most likely that 1-2-3 will happen there and boom! 1-2-3 happened. I was betting against 3-2-1 during that trend - won all. After that you can see that trend switched to dozens 2, 3 and was up for like next 12 spins. I was betting there against 1-2-3 - won all as well. I play the same way with columns. I don't bet every spin. I wait for the most favorable conditions. I think it's better to miss chance to win than lose.

I don't get what you are saying.  You point out the "1 2 3".  Somehow you are betting
against "3-2-1" up to that point?  I don't see the logic or how 3-2-1 relates to the 1-2-3.
You talk about the trends like you know they will happen. And also like you actually bet
them every spin. The whole paragraph is confusing.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Apr 09, 08:25 PM 2016
Thread killa inbound
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Apr 09, 08:43 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Apr 09, 08:25 PM 2016
Thread killa inbound

Lol. I'm so confused....  >:D


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Apr 09, 08:56 PM 2016
Quote from: SimonZed1 on Apr 09, 08:43 PM 2016
Lol. I'm so confused....  >:D


I completely understood what you said. I dont comprehend his confusion
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Apr 09, 11:07 PM 2016
Quote from: JahVinci on Mar 30, 02:19 AM 2016
5. Martingale:  50-50, 200-200, 700-700

If I play with a bankroll like that and loose, I'm gonna shoot myself in the head!!  :wink:

For now, I'm playing with 0.10$ units... And I'm having a lot of fun with this!


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Apr 10, 11:07 AM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Apr 09, 08:25 PM 2016
Thread killa inbound

LOL.  Really. That got a bellie laugh.

But either way, splain it.  Looks like alphabet soup to me.

On a spin by spin basis, point out what you would bet, or not bet,
and why.  (Killer........)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Apr 10, 11:08 AM 2016
Quote from: SimonZed1 on Apr 09, 08:43 PM 2016
Lol. I'm so confused....  >:D


I think a "WTF" is called for. But not with the usual meaning
that the forum has.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Apr 10, 11:15 AM 2016
To clarify

1 3 3 | 1 2 2 | 1 1 2 | 2 2 1 | 2 1 2 | 1 1 1 | 1 2 3 | 2 1 2 | 2 2 2 | 2 3 1 | 3 2 3 | etc.

So just look at it. Starting from first 1 3 3 mini game it switches to dozens 1 and 2. Why would you even try to bet in this case against sequence 1-2-3 to happen? Coz as for me it is most likely that 1-2-3 will happen there and boom! 1-2-3 happened. I was betting against 3-2-1 during that trend - won all. After that you can see that trend switched to dozens 2, 3 and was up for like next 12 spins. I was betting there against 1-2-3 - won all as well. I play the same way with columns. I don't bet every spin. I wait for the most favorable conditions. I think it's better to miss chance to win than lose.

Looking back at the results, WITHOUT the benefit of hindsight, he's talking about writing
down 20 results.  But then, somehow, he's referring to those same 20 results as his
rational for betting 3-2-1   BEFORE he was able to see the data to tell him that.

What is also funny, is that magically a 1-2-3 turns up.  Which is on the rarer side.
It sound more like low hanging fruit for a 1-2-3 to turn up, then against it.

There is no actual logic anywhere.

"Hey look RG. The lottery # today was 1-2-3!!!!!!  (I was going to play that.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Apr 10, 11:26 AM 2016
So here's how the whole thing plays out.

1) I'm going to make a judgement based on some data that hasn't happened yet.
I'm going to assume that it has a lot of 1's and 2's (I guess :question:).

2) Based on this hypothetical information I'm going to say that I should bet
against 3-2-1. On what basis, I don't know....... :yawn:

3)  But LOOK!!!!!! :smile:!!!  Somehow in this small sample the ACTUAL
pattern I wanted to avoid turns up!!!! :P     "1-2-3".

4) When I see "1-2-3", I guess I figure that lightning doesn't strike twice in
the same place. So I switch to betting against it!!!! :sad2: :sad2: :sad2: :sad2:

5)  Oh, BTW, I don't bet every spin.  But somehow I was winning all of them,
while spinning this logical web. Dodging bullets.  All of what? If you are packaging
things in groups of 3 that only allows you 1 bet out of 3. And (supposedly  :twisted: :twisted:)
You were waiting those first 20 spins that you knew would happen. So you can't
count those.

(Unless it's convenient to your argument).

And NO RG. I'm not drunk.  Sober 14 years.  Maybe a good excuse for you to
not stop.........
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: JahVinci on Apr 10, 11:39 AM 2016
Quote from: mogul397 on Apr 10, 11:26 AM 2016
So here's how the whole thing plays out.

1) I'm going to make a judgement based on some data that hasn't happened yet.
I'm going to assume that it has a lot of 1's and 2's (I guess :question:).

2) Based on this hypothetical information I'm going to say that I should bet
against 3-2-1. On what basis, I don't know....... :yawn:

3)  But LOOK!!!!!! :smile:!!!  Somehow in this small sample the ACTUAL
pattern I wanted to avoid turns up!!!! :P     "1-2-3".

4) When I see "1-2-3", I guess I figure that lightning doesn't strike twice in
the same place. So I switch to betting against it!!!! :sad2: :sad2: :sad2: :sad2:

5)  Oh, BTW, I don't bet every spin.  But somehow I was winning all of them,
while spinning this logical web. Dodging bullets.  All of what? If you are packaging
things in groups of 3 that only allows you 1 bet out of 3. And (supposedly  :twisted: :twisted:)
You were waiting those first 20 spins that you knew would happen. So you can't
count those.

(Unless it's convenient to your argument).

And NO RG. I'm not drunk.  Sober 14 years.  Maybe a good excuse for you to
not stop.........

Geez, so much hate.  Why do you even bother so much if it "has no logic"? Close the thread and never get back here. Easy.

With this "no logic" I am 34k$ up currenlty. Today morning win - 780$.   
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Apr 10, 12:01 PM 2016
Quote from: JahVinci on Apr 10, 11:39 AM 2016
Geez, so much hate.  Why do you even bother so much if it "has no logic"? Close the thread and never get back here. Easy.

With this "no logic" I am 34k$ up currenlty. Today morning win - 780$.

He doesnt realize that simonzed was showing the results and explaining what he was playing based on what he was seeing

There were many 1s and 2s so he was playing against 321

Not even worthy of a response
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Apr 10, 12:22 PM 2016
Id like to master the favorable conditions where we should bet against 123 or 321
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: The General on Apr 10, 01:49 PM 2016
Have you tried playing while wearing a green shirt?  It will probably win more if you wear a green shirt.  If that doesn't work, then try the blue one.  Yes, the blue one should work.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Apr 10, 01:53 PM 2016
Quote from: The General on Apr 10, 01:49 PM 2016
Have you tried playing while wearing a green shirt?  It will probably win more if you wear a green shirt.  If that doesn't work, then try the blue one.  Yes, the blue one should work.

Personally I found the color of the shirt has minor influence

If you really want to make a difference the shoe laces have to be tied in two knots and prior to each spin you have to tap your forehead. They will look at you funny but you'll be winning.

There was a time I would clockwise turn the chair but it never helped.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Apr 10, 02:56 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Apr 10, 01:53 PM 2016
Personally I found the color of the shirt has minor influence

If you really want to make a difference the shoe laces have to be tied in two knots and prior to each spin you have to tap your forehead. They will look at you funny but you'll be winning.

There was a time I would clockwise turn the chair but it never helped.

I found out with time that when I have an erection, I win more than the usual. That's why I always watch Pr0n when playing roulette....

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Apr 10, 03:01 PM 2016
Here are the results for my morning session.

232 / 223 / 132 / 331 / 132 / 322 / 313
Bab  cbb    cbb  cca   caa   aab   cba

123 / 222 / 121 / 212 / 331 / 112 / 233 / 322
Baa  cbc   cac   abc   bab   acc   ccb   bac

331 / 223 / 213 / 312 / 132 / 222 / 123 / 221
Cbc  ccc   bbc   bcb   bcc   cbc   baa   abb

+7 units.

As usual, the bold are the one I observe, the Bold Underlined are the one I bet on., This time, I tried dozens and columns.


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Apr 10, 03:01 PM 2016
Quote from: SimonZed1 on Apr 10, 02:56 PM 2016
I found out with time that when I have an erection, I win more than the usual. That's why I always watch Pr0n when playing roulette....


:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

With a blue shirt on
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Apr 10, 10:16 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Apr 10, 12:01 PM 2016
He doesnt realize that simonzed was showing the results and explaining what he was playing based on what he was seeing

There were many 1s and 2s so he was playing against 321

Not even worthy of a response

What you fail to see is that he was "playing" those results
as they occurred, then using them to determine strategy.

It was also interesting how that run was like a MAGNET to the
1-2-3 that we hope to avoid.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Apr 10, 10:19 PM 2016
Quote from: JahVinci on Apr 10, 11:39 AM 2016
Geez, so much hate.  Why do you even bother so much if it "has no logic"? Close the thread and never get back here. Easy.

With this "no logic" I am 34k$ up currenlty. Today morning win - 780$.

What unit size? The size that is too much for most peoples taste here?

And oh. How did you play?  Did you miss my question?  The reason there may seem
to be hate is that, as usual, people ignore defining the actual method and make
general claims of success.

Like RG said about the "thread killer", follows the continuation of the "ambiguous
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Apr 10, 10:19 PM 2016
Quote from: SimonZed1 on Apr 10, 03:01 PM 2016
Here are the results for my morning session.

232 / 223 / 132 / 331 / 132 / 322 / 313
Bab  cbb    cbb  cca   caa   aab   cba

123 / 222 / 121 / 212 / 331 / 112 / 233 / 322
Baa  cbc   cac   abc   bab   acc   ccb   bac

331 / 223 / 213 / 312 / 132 / 222 / 123 / 221
Cbc  ccc   bbc   bcb   bcc   cbc   baa   abb

+7 units.

As usual, the bold are the one I observe, the Bold Underlined are the one I bet on., This time, I tried dozens and columns.


simon i get the gist of what you and jahvinci are doing

i dont quite 100% grasp in what case it is best to bet against 123 or 321 for example
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Apr 10, 10:21 PM 2016
Quote from: mogul397 on Apr 10, 10:19 PM 2016
What unit size? The size that is too much for most peoples taste here?

And oh. How did you play?  Did you miss my question?  The reason there may seem
to be hate is that, as usual, people ignore defining the actual method and make
general claims of success.

Like RG said about the "thread killer", follows the continuation of the "ambiguous

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Apr 10, 10:22 PM 2016
Quote from: The General on Apr 10, 01:49 PM 2016
Have you tried playing while wearing a green shirt?  It will probably win more if you wear a green shirt.  If that doesn't work, then try the blue one.  Yes, the blue one should work.

That's "generally" true.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Apr 10, 10:31 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Apr 10, 10:21 PM 2016

Very funny, but I've never seen it mentioned about playing 3x for
other 2 dozen. And it appears as if that's what's going on.
3x flat bet?  If that's a silver platter then......

Was always 1-3-9. Or 1st win.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Apr 10, 10:31 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Apr 10, 10:21 PM 2016

BTW, you're supposed to take the cover off.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Apr 10, 10:33 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Apr 10, 10:19 PM 2016
simon i get the gist of what you and jahvinci are doing

i dont quite 100% grasp in what case it is best to bet against 123 or 321 for example

So you agree it wasn't explained and you don't get it?  Good.

Well I "understand" what he's "trying" to do with the 1-2-3 thing as well.
And I don't get that either.

Si I guess we're on common ground.  Go get you're silver platter.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Apr 10, 10:38 PM 2016
Quote from: mogul397 on Apr 10, 10:33 PM 2016
So you agree it wasn't explained and you don't get it?  Good.

Well I "understand" what he's "trying" to do with the 1-2-3 thing as well.
And I don't get that either.

Si I guess we're on common ground.  Go get you're silver platter.

I don't know what to say anymore. Have a good night.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Apr 10, 11:05 PM 2016
Quote from: mogul397 on Apr 10, 10:16 PM 2016
What you fail to see is that he was "playing" those results
as they occurred, then using them to determine strategy.

Actually, no. These are the results from my LIVE game. This is the log of an actual session that I played.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: KTFPissa on Apr 11, 03:23 AM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Apr 10, 10:19 PM 2016
simon i get the gist of what you and jahvinci are doing

i dont quite 100% grasp in what case it is best to bet against 123 or 321 for example
It is a bit confusing i agree. Can either Jahvinci or Simon explain a little bit more.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Apr 11, 06:27 AM 2016

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: KTFPissa on Apr 11, 06:47 AM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Apr 11, 06:27 AM 2016

Seems to be trending.  :P ::)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Apr 11, 06:49 AM 2016
Quote from: SimonZed1 on Apr 10, 11:05 PM 2016
Actually, no. These are the results from my LIVE game. This is the log of an actual session that I played.

I think most of us knew that..... :twisted:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Apr 12, 01:23 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Apr 11, 06:27 AM 2016


Just a guess, but I'm going to brace myself for a deluge of well documented
posts of everyones real play results and winnings!!!!!  It's the only logical
thing that can happen when everyone is completely clear on how to play and win!!!!!!

This is exciting.

(Of course, if it doesn't happen, then I'll have to wonder. And will have to ask about it.)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Apr 12, 01:29 PM 2016
Quote from: mogul397 on Apr 12, 01:23 PM 2016
Just a guess, but I'm going to brace myself for a deluge of well documented
posts of everyones real play results and winnings!!!!!  It's the only logical
thing that can happen when everyone is completely clear on how to play and win!!!!!!

This is exciting.

(Of course, if it doesn't happen, then I'll have to wonder. And will have to ask about it.)


The thing is there is no way to play set in stone

Jahvinci and simonzed took grassroots and formatted it to win for themselves

Its simple. Simon for example if he sees many 1s and 2s he plays against 321 for example. He didnt curve fit that he posted an actual session and what he was betting at that time based on the outcomes he was seeing

Its nothing set in stone

Jahvinci has tweaked grassroots according to his style

Sometimes there is no exact rules

Grassroots is betting against 123. If you wish make it work for you....

Im afraid you have a lot of questions but those playing with grassroots bave tweaked it for themselves. Think a little man!!!!!

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Apr 12, 09:21 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Apr 12, 01:29 PM 2016

The thing is there is no way to play set in stone

Jahvinci and simonzed took grassroots and formatted it to win for themselves

Exactly. I took Grassroots and I made my own Tweak with the second bet only when 1st bet win with the progression from hell bla bla bla... And for me, it works. It's very slow, but after 1500 spins, I got no loosing sessions.

I took KFT and WTF and made something of my own. I dont understand the trot and backcount and everything (well, actually I understand them but just dont see the point.) and I made it work for me but using something else, The law of the third. Got burned once. But now I know why. Because of greed. My first method was working well and I changed it. I learned something.

Roulette methods are like Lego blocks. You can buy a set that makes a Fire Truck. But if it dont fits you, you can take the same building blocks and make it into something that fits you better.

People trying to find something that is just plug-n-play will never win. The best way to go it just to try to find your own way to play, and then, only then, you are going to win.


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: onetaste on May 12, 05:32 AM 2016
been off the board for a good minute.reading through some of the tweaks on the now crowned method def has my brain cells turning.i'm trying wiggle it all into focus.there's excitement brewing in my mind but i havent got it all formulated yet if that makes sense. O0   props to the tweakers.have a few simple tweaks of my own that id love to get feed back on soon.simplicity and patience are golden with this one. cheers.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: PeaBea65 on May 20, 03:31 PM 2016
Is this one still being played or has it just fallen in a heap?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: bleep24 on May 31, 07:07 AM 2016
Looks like it has fallen by the wayside.  I do not know why as it is a very good system.  Stop looking for the HG and use the best of what is available.  This system has 116 pages of comments (mostly positive)How many comments do you need?   I hope by posting this it will resuscitate the patient.  I play alternating double dozens/columns to mix things up a bit and less waiting.  It will not avoid inevitable loss but as Tesco says `Every little helps`   (for those who do not know who Tesco is:  it is a large supermarket chain in many countries.    I am using 1 - 3 - 9 and taking loss (Have had very few) but I quite like the idea of ramping up stakes after a loss for a fast recovery.  The statistics seem to be well in our favour against repeating 1 2 3`s.  For all those that qualify: take my advice and VOTE LEAVE in the UK EU referendum on JUNE 23rd.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on May 31, 07:28 AM 2016
Quote from: bleep24 on May 31, 07:07 AM 2016
Looks like it has fallen by the wayside.  I do not know why as it is a very good system.  Stop looking for the HG and use the best of what is available.  This system has 116 pages of comments (mostly positive)How many comments do you need?   I hope by posting this it will resuscitate the patient.  I play alternating double dozens/columns to mix things up a bit and less waiting.  It will not avoid inevitable loss but as Tesco says `Every little helps`   (for those who do not know who Tesco is:  it is a large supermarket chain in many countries.    I am using 1 - 3 - 9 and taking loss (Have had very few) but I quite like the idea of ramping up stakes after a loss for a fast recovery.  The statistics seem to be well in our favour against repeating 1 2 3`s.  For all those that qualify: take my advice and VOTE LEAVE in the UK EU referendum on JUNE 23rd.

It is good if played properly

Hit and run. Not static

I tested this extensively

Its not that it is not good, its that 1 loss takes awhile to recover

Ideas bleep?

Yes 123 is not likely to be followed by 123 it is "rare"

Can wait for 123123 then go in but that trigger takes awhile......
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on May 31, 08:35 AM 2016
Quote from: bleep24 on May 31, 07:07 AM 2016For all those that qualify: take my advice and VOTE LEAVE in the UK EU referendum on JUNE 23rd.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: The General on May 31, 12:59 PM 2016
QuoteYes 123 is not likely to be followed by 123 it is "rare"

123 is just as likely to follow it as 231, 333, 222, 111.  Furthermore, there's no reason to wait for 123.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on May 31, 01:06 PM 2016
Quote from: The General on May 31, 12:59 PM 2016
123 is just as likely to follow it as 231, 333, 222, 111.  Furthermore, there's no reason to wait for 123.


Never knew that

Thank god for you. Otherwise who would open my eyes.

I only do 1 2 3 on tuesdays between 6 and 7 pm. Otherwise I do 2 3 1

Occasionally on a west wind I will play 3 2 1
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: praline on May 31, 01:11 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on May 31, 01:06 PM 2016

Never knew that

Thank god for you. Otherwise who would open my eyes.

I only do 1 2 3 on tuesdays between 6 and 7 pm. Otherwise i do 2 3 1

Occasionally on a west wind I will play 3 2 1

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Turner on May 31, 02:07 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on May 31, 01:06 PM 2016Occasionally on a west wind
Dont ever pull a face when the wind blows. If it changes direction, your face will stay that way.
My mum told me when I was a kid...so its true
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on May 31, 02:17 PM 2016
Quote from: Turner on May 31, 02:07 PM 2016
Dont ever pull a face when the wind blows. If it changes direction, your face will stay that way.
My mum told me when I was a kid...so its true

Pull face must be the british way of saying "making a face"
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on May 31, 02:23 PM 2016
wow , they say that in the UK too ? it must be true  :o
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: JSG240592 on May 31, 04:12 PM 2016
Quote from: onetaste on Nov 02, 10:29 AM 2015
System idea is as easy as 1,2,3...The strike-rate will surprise. You simply continually bet against the dozens sequence of 1,2,3 appearing.You can go for one win per line (3 spins) or on a rolling basis. The strikerate is so high that 1,3,9 will suffice.MOST wins are in first or second spins.

1,3,2---W 2nd spin
2,1,1---W 1st spin
2,3,2 ---W 1st spin
3,1,2---W 1st spin
1,2,1---W 3rd spin

I play at b & M casinos exclusively/..No extensive software tests or anything.Just a simple observation. that dozens appearing 1 then 2 then 3 doesn't happen often and is something that can be taken advantage of. Give it a go. O0

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on May 31, 04:38 PM 2016
Quote from: JSG240592 on May 31, 04:12 PM 2016


It is an interesting topic. As long as it stays  unhijacked by blabbering "know it alls"
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: nottophammer on May 31, 05:57 PM 2016
A rare visit walked straight into 1,2,3
Aspers mk 27.05.16

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on May 31, 06:19 PM 2016
Quote from: nottophammer on May 31, 05:57 PM 2016
A rare visit walked straight into 1,2,3
Aspers mk 27.05.16



the cardinal rule has been broken

and it was a tuesday between 6 and 7!
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: PeaBea65 on May 31, 09:16 PM 2016
Have you made your millions with this yet RG?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on May 31, 10:11 PM 2016
Since I hate taking decisions, I use Random.org to decide for me which sequence to play against.


Just hit Again! to get a new sequence!! Neat!! No decisions to take!! Perfect for a lazy guy like me!! And that's real Random vs Random!

I use also this one:


And I take the lines with 3 different dozens.


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on May 31, 10:51 PM 2016
Thays actually cool. How often would the rng guess the next sequence.....

Not often enough where id play a single dozen. Put it that way

Cool idea and something id do for fun with low denomination amounts
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: JSG240592 on Jun 02, 07:08 PM 2016
I'm assuming as this thread is still going that this system hasn't come un stuck as of yet? I havnt done any testing as I am testing something different at the minute but this is 100% next on my list. I think playing either Dozens or Columns wouldn't make much difference as they both hold 3/1 odds. Could we not play both Dozens and columns at the same time?  This way when/if you do lose you will only lose 1unit


Column 2,3 & Dozen 2,3

Column 1,3 & Dozen 1,3

Column 1,2 & Dozen 1,2

If either the un played column or dozen hits on the specified spin the we lose 1u but if we win the spin we win 2u

Let's say we are playing with 10u chips

Dozens only- stake 20u
win 10u
Lose 20u

Column and Dozen-stake 40u
Win 20u
Lose 10u
LOSE 40u

If 1st spin was Dozen 2 and column 3 then we would play

Dozen 1,2
Column 2,3

I hope what I have written is understandable? And feedback would be good
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: JSG240592 on Jun 03, 08:54 AM 2016
Quote from: JSG240592 on Jun 02, 07:08 PM 2016
I'm assuming as this thread is still going that this system hasn't come un stuck as of yet? I havnt done any testing as I am testing something different at the minute but this is 100% next on my list. I think playing either Dozens or Columns wouldn't make much difference as they both hold 3/1 odds. Could we not play both Dozens and columns at the same time?  This way when/if you do lose you will only lose 1unit


Column 2,3 & Dozen 2,3

Column 1,3 & Dozen 1,3

Column 1,2 & Dozen 1,2

If either the un played column or dozen hits on the specified spin the we lose 1u but if we win the spin we win 2u

Let's say we are playing with 10u chips

Dozens only- stake 20u
win 10u
Lose 20u

Column and Dozen-stake 40u
Win 20u
Lose 10u
LOSE 40u

If 1st spin was Dozen 2 and column 3 then we would play

Dozen 1,2
Column 2,3

I hope what I have written is understandable? And feedback would be good

Is NOT following on from my last comment. Just looking to clear this up as no doubt this issue has already been discussed.

If a mini game is 3spins and we are ending a mini game after a win (A win is only ever 1unit) and watching the remaining spin/s virtually, Then we would need 26 winning mini games to every 1 losing mini game. Mini game lose of 3step progression (1,3,9) = total lose of -26units

3spins per mini game x 26 mini games = 78spins.

I am sure people can see what I am getting at. This needs to be played continually in order to out way lose with profits.

If I enter the table and the last dozen to show was Dozen 2 do I bet that Dozen 3 wont be out next or do I enter with a 'clean slate' and bet against 1,2,3?

If I bet against 1,2,3. Which means for the first spin I am betting Dozens 2 and 3. Lets says Dozen 2 shows. Could I start the 1,2,3. Betting trail again straight away? This way your making the most of every spin.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jun 03, 09:11 AM 2016
Yes. That is the issue

A loss may not happen so often but it requires 26 wins to recover

Thats why i wait for unique then bet against the unique repeating

123123123 does not happen often at all and u actually may never see that
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: tuddilue on Jun 03, 01:37 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jun 03, 09:11 AM 2016
Yes. That is the issue

A loss may not happen so often but it requires 26 wins to recover

Thats why i wait for unique then bet against the unique repeating

123123123 does not happen often at all and u actually may never see that
I read your other thread here:
Have you tried GLC suggestions with 123123123?
His suggestions with your sequence should be really powerful,  or what do you think?
- Tuddilue
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jun 03, 02:27 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on May 31, 07:28 AM 2016
It is good if played properly

Hit and run. Not static

I tested this extensively

Its not that it is not good, its that 1 loss takes awhile to recover

Ideas bleep?

Yes 123 is not likely to be followed by 123 it is "rare"

Can wait for 123123 then go in but that trigger takes awhile......

I'm just coming off a run of trying to formulate something with a single dozen.
And my head hurts.

It's good to see and hear that something is still holding water and that
people are using it.

116 pages?  Well I like to see at least 120.............. :sad2: :sad2: :sad2: :sad2:

Anyway RG, the thought/idea that comes into my head about the "123123", is
wrapped up somewhere in the thought of saying that if you don't march lockstep
with the triple pattern, then you will be out of it.

Like if you see "123" then you skip one or two spins and continue to play. Or
pick another pattern other than 123.  Of course the first 123 would have gotten
you. But you ONLY have to be one off to fix that. I know that I have effectively
said nothing. But like I said, my head hurts. Skipped my daily (lately) 1/2 hour
casino run to think.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jun 03, 03:06 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on May 31, 01:06 PM 2016

Never knew that

Thank god for you. Otherwise who would open my eyes.

I only do 1 2 3 on tuesdays between 6 and 7 pm. Otherwise I do 2 3 1

Occasionally on a west wind I will play 3 2 1

Not to worry. I've got your back RG. I'm always here for you.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jun 03, 03:35 PM 2016
Quote from: mogul397 on Jun 03, 03:06 PM 2016
Not to worry. I've got your back RG. I'm always here for you.

I'm blessed.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: vladir on Jun 03, 07:14 PM 2016
Has anyone coded this?
If yes, can someone test it with this betting (havent read the 118 pages, sorry if someone sugested anything like it already ) :

Bet levels:
level 0 - [1-3-9]
level 1 - [2-6-18]
level 2 - [3-9-27]
... (as much levels as bankroll allows)

Now, we start at lvl 0 and play until a loss.
On a loss, we go up a lvl.
We play at current lvl until one of the following happens :
a) - we are at a new high bankroll (the moment we are, we reset to lvl 0)
b) - we win 26 consecutive attacks at current lvl (drop back a lvl)
c) - we lose (in this case we go up a lvl)

If you try it, share your results. Thanks!

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jun 03, 07:17 PM 2016
Quote from: vladir on Jun 03, 07:14 PM 2016
Has anyone coded this?
If yes, can someone test it with this betting (havent read the 118 pages, sorry if someone sugested anything like it already ) :

Bet levels:
level 0 - [1-3-9]
level 1 - [2-6-18]
level 2 - [3-9-27]
... (as much levels as bankroll allows)

Now, we start at lvl 0 and play until a loss.
On a loss, we go up a lvl.
We play at current lvl until one of the following happens :
a) - we are at a new high bankroll (the moment we are, we reset to lvl 0)
b) - we win 26 consecutive attacks at current lvl (drop back a lvl)
c) - we lose (in this case we go up a lvl)

If you try it, share your results. Thanks!

hey vladir

i had the exact same idea earlier in the thread

see attached post

1 3 9. on a loss increase unit size to recover fast....

things in this thread got derailed...

this was a normal for me

see the lack of 123 in the mini games?

i had a great time testing

always use money you can afford to lose
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: vladir on Jun 03, 08:15 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jun 03, 07:17 PM 2016
hey vladir

i had the exact same idea earlier in the thread

see attached post

1 3 9. on a loss increase unit size to recover fast....

things in this thread got derailed...

this was a normal for me

see the lack of 123 in the mini games?

i had a great time testing

always use money you can afford to lose

Nice, and for how much spins did you test that may I ask?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jun 03, 08:15 PM 2016

not many losses
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jun 03, 10:33 PM 2016
Quote from: vladir on Jun 03, 07:14 PM 2016
Has anyone coded this?
If yes, can someone test it with this betting (havent read the 118 pages, sorry if someone sugested anything like it already ) :

Bet levels:
level 0 - [1-3-9]
level 1 - [2-6-18]
level 2 - [3-9-27]
... (as much levels as bankroll allows)

Now, we start at lvl 0 and play until a loss.
On a loss, we go up a lvl.
We play at current lvl until one of the following happens :
a) - we are at a new high bankroll (the moment we are, we reset to lvl 0)
b) - we win 26 consecutive attacks at current lvl (drop back a lvl)
c) - we lose (in this case we go up a lvl)

If you try it, share your results. Thanks!

I still wonder if it isn't a good idea to only play 1,3 and absorb the smaller
loss of 8 units.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: atlantis on Jun 04, 02:17 PM 2016
Hi mogul397,

Maybe this doz/col tracker software from VLS can help?


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jun 04, 02:18 PM 2016
Quote from: vladir on Jun 03, 07:14 PM 2016
Has anyone coded this?
If yes, can someone test it with this betting (havent read the 118 pages, sorry if someone sugested anything like it already ) :

Bet levels:
level 0 - [1-3-9]
level 1 - [2-6-18]
level 2 - [3-9-27]
... (as much levels as bankroll allows)

Now, we start at lvl 0 and play until a loss.
On a loss, we go up a lvl.
We play at current lvl until one of the following happens :
a) - we are at a new high bankroll (the moment we are, we reset to lvl 0)
b) - we win 26 consecutive attacks at current lvl (drop back a lvl)
c) - we lose (in this case we go up a lvl)

If you try it, share your results. Thanks!

Tried it

Worked well

After a 3 step loss i recovered quickly

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jun 04, 07:25 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jun 04, 02:18 PM 2016
Tried it

Worked well

After a 3 step loss i recovered quickly


I took a page of RNG data from the link Simon left today and played on paper.
Just used each row of 3 for play till I won or lost.
It sucked.

After 4 wins I hit the 3rd bet twice in a row and then a loss.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jun 04, 07:27 PM 2016
And 1,2,3 came out the 2nd set of 3 in a row.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jun 04, 07:37 PM 2016
Quote from: mogul397 on Jun 04, 07:25 PM 2016
I took a page of RNG data from the link Simon left today and played on paper.
Just used each row of 3 for play till I won or lost.
It sucked.

After 4 wins I hit the 3rd bet twice in a row and then a loss.

Luckily you have the freedom to leave this strategy and never look back.

You saw 123123123, better go play lotto cowboy.

I have posted thousands of sets from zumma in this very thread in excel charts, 123123123 i have never seen once, Pinocchio.

maybe I am wrong on the assumption, can you post the number set?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jun 04, 07:44 PM 2016
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jun 04, 07:48 PM 2016
what amazes me is on ALL my zumma tests a loss on 123 using a 1 3 9 progression ALWAYS recovered without upping the unit size

amazed by that
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: bleep24 on Jun 05, 03:52 AM 2016
Mogul must be the unluckiest guy on the planet.  No matter what system it is he always manages to find losing streaks.  If it is on RNG then I can well believe it but I only play `live` as RNG experiences are the pits.  I would suggest to Mogul he try playing 1,2,3 dozens followed by 1,2,3 columns.  Also after a 1,2,3 loss stop playing for 5 or 6 spins.  I have only experienced a few 1.2.3 in my limited playing of this but it is so easy to play and there are that many variations (tweaks) that can be applied to suit all players and there should not be many losses overall.
Grassroots 1,2,3 should definitely be in every players tool-box.
I have not tried it but playing +1/-1 in theory should work owing to the high level of winning spins.
We could also play dozens/columns at same time having 2 separate banks. 
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jun 05, 08:50 AM 2016
Quote from: bleep24 on Jun 05, 03:52 AM 2016
Mogul must be the unluckiest guy on the planet.  No matter what system it is he always manages to find losing streaks.  If it is on RNG then I can well believe it but I only play `live` as RNG experiences are the pits.  I would suggest to Mogul he try playing 1,2,3 dozens followed by 1,2,3 columns.  Also after a 1,2,3 loss stop playing for 5 or 6 spins.  I have only experienced a few 1.2.3 in my limited playing of this but it is so easy to play and there are that many variations (tweaks) that can be applied to suit all players and there should not be many losses overall.
Grassroots 1,2,3 should definitely be in every players tool-box.
I have not tried it but playing +1/-1 in theory should work owing to the high level of winning spins.
We could also play dozens/columns at same time having 2 separate banks.


And he did test it on rng. Explains a lot
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jun 06, 07:31 AM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jun 04, 07:37 PM 2016
Luckily you have the freedom to leave this strategy and never look back.

You saw 123123123, better go play lotto cowboy.

I have posted thousands of sets from zumma in this very thread in excel charts, 123123123 i have never seen once, Pinocchio.

maybe I am wrong on the assumption, can you post the number set?

Not so fast Bubameister.

So what I did (if it wasn't clear) was I generated a random set of data from
Simons generator that he posted in reply 1747

And I played off that for my bet choices. Not just a vanilla 123.

Here are the picks from the generator (hard to read cause I was
crossing them off)

3   2   1   
1   2   2
1   3   3
2   2   2
2   1   3
1   1   2
1   1   1
2   2   3
2   3   1
3   3   2

(Stopped there)

Actual spins.  (I went to a new row after a win)

6B 36R
5R  18R
13B 4B 22B (win on 3rd)
11B 00 7R  (Win on 3rd)
7R 11B 5R  Loss. Played against 1st dozen 3 times that row.

So I'm not on a zumma rant. Since it seems like there might be
some method to the tap dance of working around and avoiding
different choices, the RNG from Simon seemed as goog as any.

Going twice to the 3rd bet and then losing, made body parts pucker.

And you will notice (going by "3's") that the 2nd set of 3
numbers from the actual wheel were "1 2 3".  "5R, 18R, and 25R".

So the attack came from many directions.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jun 06, 08:07 AM 2016
Maybe it's "booba meister"
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jun 06, 08:11 AM 2016
Im closing on a house tomorrow

Hard wood floors thursday


Cousins wedding

Roulette has to go bye bye for now
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jun 06, 08:23 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jun 06, 08:11 AM 2016
Im closing on a house tomorrow

Hard wood floors thursday


Cousins wedding

Roulette has to go bye bye for now

It's great that a car salesman can afford his own house.

I knew a woman in her 70's who worked at McDonalds
waching dishes.  She bought a brand new Hyundai Elantra.

I said, "what a country we live in. An old woman who washes
dishes can afford a brand new car".
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jun 06, 08:26 PM 2016
Quote from: mogul397 on Jun 06, 08:23 PM 2016
It's great that a car salesman can afford his own house.

I knew a woman in her 70's who worked at McDonalds
waching dishes.  She bought a brand new Hyundai Elantra.

I said, "what a country we live in. An old woman who washes
dishes can afford a brand new car".

#1 - You are obviously some kind of an ass hole

#2 - I am not a car salesman

#3 - I know car salesman who make 6 figures, by the way. Should not be so quick to judge people

Good for the woman working at McDonalds. Not everyone can be as fortunate as you and somehow make it through life with the mental capacity of "I don't get it"

Want to help me paint?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tamino on Jun 06, 08:39 PM 2016

Best  wishes   on the occasion of home ownership.

Nathan Detroit
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jun 06, 08:40 PM 2016
Quote from: Tamino on Jun 06, 08:39 PM 2016

Best  wishes   on the occasion of home ownership.

Nathan Detroit

I am closing at 3PM tomorrow and the closing costs are still a mystery, LOL

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jun 06, 08:52 PM 2016
lookin at this for the basement

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tomla021 on Jun 06, 10:55 PM 2016
good luck on the house RG
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: ewarwoowar on Jun 07, 03:22 AM 2016
Yes, good luck RG
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jun 07, 11:14 AM 2016
Quote from: Tomla021 on Jun 06, 10:55 PM 2016
good luck on the house RG

You mean that he IS "the house"? 
Don't need luck for that.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jun 07, 11:16 AM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jun 06, 08:26 PM 2016
#1 - You are obviously some kind of an ass hole

#2 - I am not a car salesman

#3 - I know car salesman who make 6 figures, by the way. Should not be so quick to judge people

Good for the woman working at McDonalds. Not everyone can be as fortunate as you and somehow make it through life with the mental capacity of "I don't get it"

Want to help me paint?

And of course I'll help you paint. Send me your address.
And I'll look forward to losing money to you on your new wheel!!!!
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jun 07, 11:19 AM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jun 06, 08:26 PM 2016
#1 - You are obviously some kind of an ass hole

#2 - I am not a car salesman

#3 - I know car salesman who make 6 figures, by the way. Should not be so quick to judge people

Good for the woman working at McDonalds. Not everyone can be as fortunate as you and somehow make it through life with the mental capacity of "I don't get it"

Want to help me paint?

I'll tell you a true story about car sales.

Back the year gas went to $4 I got solicited to sell cars. Looked like
scam but was actual email from a large local dealer.

Long story short, they "hired" 3 groups of 10 of us in a dealership where
the core was 10 salesmen.

Of course, with the $4 gas and 30 extra salesmen we were all gone in
2 months.  That's the short version of the story.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jun 07, 11:23 AM 2016
Quote from: mogul397 on Jun 06, 07:31 AM 2016
Not so fast Bubameister.

So what I did (if it wasn't clear) was I generated a random set of data from
Simons generator that he posted in reply 1747

And I played off that for my bet choices. Not just a vanilla 123.

Here are the picks from the generator (hard to read cause I was
crossing them off)

3   2   1   
1   2   2
1   3   3
2   2   2
2   1   3
1   1   2
1   1   1
2   2   3
2   3   1
3   3   2

(Stopped there)

Actual spins.  (I went to a new row after a win)

6B 36R
5R  18R
13B 4B 22B (win on 3rd)
11B 00 7R  (Win on 3rd)
7R 11B 5R  Loss. Played against 1st dozen 3 times that row.

So I'm not on a zumma rant. Since it seems like there might be
some method to the tap dance of working around and avoiding
different choices, the RNG from Simon seemed as goog as any.

Going twice to the 3rd bet and then losing, made body parts pucker.

And you will notice (going by "3's") that the 2nd set of 3
numbers from the actual wheel were "1 2 3".  "5R, 18R, and 25R".

So the attack came from many directions.

Interesting that RG can talk about his house and job in the roulette forum.
And take the time to call me an "asshole".

But give no recognition to my response post to his own comment.........

And who's the asshole. I keep joking about you being a car salesman. You said
you worked at a car dealership. But NEVER do you correct me and tell me
what you REALLY do!!!!! Maybe if I had correct information I wouldn't guess.

But one thing is for sure. Even if "roulette has to go away", and your house and
painting, and all, you will tip your hand to the fact that, with all that, you made it
back here to see this response.

And you should be painting.....
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tamino on Jun 07, 11:53 AM 2016
...........and the TRUTH shall make you free.

Never has there been more bull shit thrown by so few.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Jun 07, 12:03 PM 2016
Quote from: mogul397 on Jun 06, 07:31 AM 2016

Here are the picks from the generator (hard to read cause I was
crossing them off)

3   2   1   
1   2   2
1   3   3
2   2   2
2   1   3
1   1   2
1   1   1
2   2   3
2   3   1
3   3   2

(Stopped there)

For fun, try playing only lines with 3 differents dozens. I would not play all these combinations. In this sequence I would have played against the first one (3,2,1) and my next mini game would have been the 5th line (2,1,3) after that, the line before the last one (2,3,1) etc....

Try it. Just for fun. Dont bet your entire retirement funds on this one. It's not a HG. It's just for fun. As all other "systems".


Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tamino on Jun 07, 12:22 PM 2016
SimonZed1 pulled the plug of this 123 charade.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: JSG240592 on Jun 07, 02:34 PM 2016
Its disappointing that the last few pages of this thread have been childish, What is the outcome of this strategy?.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: bleep24 on Jun 07, 05:20 PM 2016
Hi all,

This seemed so full of promise and it becomes spoilt by too many tweaks.  And what to tweaks make - twits.

Forget generator etc. They are no better  a choice than just sticking with vanilla 1 2 3.  Perhaps alternate dozens and columns.  You have as much chance either way.   

VOTE LEAVE in the referendum.  I have at least 20 reasons for leaving and not one for staying.  So stick that in your pipe Cameron.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: SimonZed1 on Jun 08, 08:38 PM 2016
Quote from: JSG240592 on Jun 07, 02:34 PM 2016
Its disappointing that the last few pages of this thread have been childish, What is the outcome of this strategy?.

It fails. As just all of this site so-called "strategies".

1,2,3 or 3,2,1 or 3,3,1 or anything else, it all fails in the end.

Play it for fun if you want. All that it is is that it is more fun than doing some mindless betting on mindless random numbers.

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jun 08, 09:07 PM 2016
Quote from: SimonZed1 on Jun 07, 12:03 PM 2016
For fun, try playing only lines with 3 differents dozens. I would not play all these combinations. In this sequence I would have played against the first one (3,2,1) and my next mini game would have been the 5th line (2,1,3) after that, the line before the last one (2,3,1) etc....

Try it. Just for fun. Dont bet your entire retirement funds on this one. It's not a HG. It's just for fun. As all other "systems".


Well to be honest for me to actually play ANYTHING with real money, I have to test it
in a real application. At the wheel (real, airball, or RNG). Part of that has to do with
muscle memory at the wheel. Once the decisions begin to fly, my concentration wanders.

Any time I DO play for real (seldom) I bring the cash, have the plan, play the plan, and stop.

To the point though, it does seem like when you are getting "chop" (change of results,
like 1,3,2,3,1,2 kind of thing) that that ends up being the profile of the wheel results then,
I would almost use it as a signal to stay away from a rolling bet choice like 1,2,3.
As I think about it, it might be a good time to play against 3,3,3 or something, while
the results are chopping.

What do you think of this thinking?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Jun 08, 09:10 PM 2016
My other real thought is that it may be more manageable to play only
a 1,3 progression. Not so difficult a situation when you only lose 8 units
on a loss.

Keep the reigns tight on these martingales. (Yes, I said the word again. Kind of
snuck up on everyone that it's a martingale)

Or try the EC version.  5 step is $160.  Can you guess the next 5 EC in a row?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Aug 04, 09:00 AM 2016
Put them in a 3 wide matrix
1-2 ... bet 1/2 
2-3 ... bet 2/3
1-1 ... no bet
3-1 ... bet 3/1
2-2 ... no bet
0-1 ... no bet

But first measure the average variance (for example play virtual till a dd of -10 then begin). If you test this you will see it goes up and down to eventually lose at the HE. Find the point where it goes up on average and begin.

Variance can be measured. There will always be rare events. But if you don't use a negative progression you should be ok  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: MrJ on Aug 04, 11:28 AM 2016
Quote from: SimonZed1 on Jun 08, 08:38 PM 2016
It fails. 

1,2,3 or 3,2,1 or 3,3,1 or anything else, it all fails in the end.

Play it for fun if you want. 

Yes, correct !!

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: denzie on Aug 04, 12:31 PM 2016
Quote from: MrJ on Aug 04, 11:28 AM 2016
Yes, correct !!


Of course it does if you play like that  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: sturrock on Aug 15, 02:29 PM 2016
Still one of the best systems on here if played right  >:D
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: tuddilue on Aug 15, 04:01 PM 2016
Quote from: sturrock on Aug 15, 02:29 PM 2016
Still one of the best systems on here if played right  >:D
A lot of different way to play it. How do you play it?
- Tuddilue
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Aug 15, 04:05 PM 2016
Triggers make it the best. Proper triggers

People dont like to talk about that
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Aug 15, 04:10 PM 2016
Triggers make people triggered

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: sturrock on Aug 16, 03:18 AM 2016
Hi Tuddilue,
I play it lots of ways, As RG says wait for  triggers to come along, And don't be gready.
I have not lost with this since it has been posted!!!!!  :twisted:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: tuddilue on Aug 16, 11:42 AM 2016
Quote from: sturrock on Aug 16, 03:18 AM 2016
Hi Tuddilue,
I play it lots of ways, As RG says wait for  triggers to come along, And don't be gready.
I have not lost with this since it has been posted!!!!!  :twisted:
Ok thanks for the response!
Which triggers? I will go back in the thread and reread..
Thanks again
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Aug 16, 11:44 AM 2016
A trigger for me would be doz 1 2 3 now bet against it. Losses will be very minimal
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: tuddilue on Aug 16, 12:43 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Aug 16, 11:44 AM 2016
A trigger for me would be doz 1 2 3 now bet against it. Losses will be very minimal
Aha thanks RouletteGhost!
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Aug 16, 04:46 PM 2016
Quote from: sturrock on Aug 15, 02:29 PM 2016
Still one of the best systems on here if played right  >:D

Not really. I got 3 losses in a row when I tested/played.
One a real loss.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Aug 16, 04:47 PM 2016
Quote from: tuddilue on Aug 16, 12:43 PM 2016
Aha thanks RouletteGhost!

Lots of different triggers i guess play whatever way you like

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: mogul397 on Aug 16, 04:51 PM 2016
Quote from: sturrock on Aug 15, 02:29 PM 2016
Still one of the best systems on here if played right  >:D

As a matter of fact, for a method looking for something seldom hit, it
probably wouldn't be a bad method to do a 3 step parlay.  Look for
3, 2-1 wins in a row......
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: sturrock on Aug 17, 03:33 AM 2016
Dear All 

I play 123, 132, 213, 231, 312, 321 then 2 VL  then play with a 1,4,19 prog  never lost yet, But you are waiting quite a time before this happens zzzzzzzz

This is the best one to play

  Play every spin and bet Doz  2/3  then  1/3 then  1/2  repeat till ten units up 1,3,9 prog
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Aug 17, 07:44 AM 2016
Quote from: sturrock on Aug 17, 03:33 AM 2016
Dear All 

I play 123, 132, 213, 231, 312, 321 then 2 VL  then play with a 1,4,19 prog  never lost yet, But you are waiting quite a time before this happens zzzzzzzz

This is the best one to play

  Play every spin and bet Doz  2/3  then  1/3 then  1/2  repeat till ten units up 1,3,9 prog

What VL are you looking for


The 2nd part looks like you are playing the original as in against a 1 2 3 scenario with a 10 unit goal
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: sturrock on Aug 17, 09:16 AM 2016
Hi RG,
I wait for 1 2 3 / 1 2 then bet the 3rd doz won't show I play this with all the combinations Slow but safe With 1/4/19 Prog :thumbsup:

and you are right I also just play 2/3  1/3  1/2   over and over till up 10 units You can flat bet this but I go1/3/9 as very safe. So playing both at the same time works well

(Also play green just in case)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Aug 17, 09:43 AM 2016
Quote from: sturrock on Aug 17, 09:16 AM 2016
Hi RG,
I wait for 1 2 3 / 1 2 then bet the 3rd doz won't show I play this with all the combinations Slow but safe With 1/4/19 Prog :thumbsup:

and you are right I also just play 2/3  1/3  1/2   over and over till up 10 units You can flat bet this but I go1/3/9 as very safe. So playing both at the same time works well

(Also play green just in case)

Playing 12312 then against 3 one time

If lose wait for enxt trigger thrn up the units

You will just about always win but that trigger takes a long time lol
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: gorki on Aug 17, 09:54 AM 2016
Quote from: sturrock on Aug 17, 03:33 AM 2016
Dear All 

I play 123, 132, 213, 231, 312, 321 then 2 VL  then play with a 1,4,19 prog  never lost yet, But you are waiting quite a time before this happens zzzzzzzz
playtech live spin
25   3     
23   2     
18   2   
34   3   
33   3   
16   2   
28   3   
8   1   
20   2   3&1   L
26   3   1&2   L
5   1   2&3   L.......2x1
18   2   3&1   L.....2x4
30   3   1&2   L.....2x19    prog  never lost yet?
35   3   2&3   W
25   3     
1   1     
21   2   
33   3   
17   2   
27   3   
28   3   
23   2   
1   1   
30   3   
18   2   
31   3 
32   3   
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: RouletteGhost on Aug 17, 09:58 AM 2016
Quote from: gorki on Aug 17, 09:54 AM 2016
playtech live spin
25   3     
23   2     
18   2   
34   3   
33   3   
16   2   
28   3   
8   1   
20   2   3&1   L
26   3   1&2   L
5   1   2&3   L.......2x1
18   2   3&1   L.....2x4
30   3   1&2   L.....2x19    prog  never lost yet?
35   3   2&3   W
25   3     
1   1     
21   2   
33   3   
17   2   
27   3   
28   3   
23   2   
1   1   
30   3   
18   2   
31   3 
32   3

Never jump right in

Triggers! Lol
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: onetaste on May 03, 10:47 PM 2017
reading back trough this oldie...with patience and the right triggers,grassroots or a version thereof is the best "system" there is.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Rewster88 on May 04, 01:29 AM 2017

Ever tought about a kind of positive progression on this since the hitrate is pretty good?

Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: DoctorSudoku on May 30, 12:02 PM 2018

This venerable old thread deserves a BIG BUMP.

:twisted:   :twisted:
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Ross on May 30, 04:15 PM 2018
Here's a silly programme which I wrote instead
of doing what I was supposed to be doing.

Does nothing but list the occurrences of the
27 possible combinations of 1,2 and 3.

I'm not even going to put a pic.  Try it just for fun.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: smallie on Sep 12, 04:53 PM 2018
Hello sorry to bump up this thread but i am new to this forum and read almost all 80 plus pages with interest. May i ask if any of the posters (if they are still active on this forum) still use this strategy and how they find it overall? i have tried it a few times and it does win most of the time. i do like the idea of betting against the previous dozen but i wait for a trigger (i.e 1 2 3 then i wait for 1 to appear and bet against 2nd dozen)
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Thanatos on Sep 13, 06:21 PM 2018
Might be one or two of them lurling from time to time i guess.

Its a good thread thought, lots of good information in there. The 1,2,3 unlikeliness, pitting random vs random (continally changing sets betting against 2,1,3 then 3,2,1 etc.) ,progressions and set length. Best thing i got from the thread was that its kinda pointless betting into long progression .. even if its a set of 3, betting more than twice is just pointless as you rarely hit the third bet anyway so no 1, 3, 9, 27 ..not even 1,3, 9 just the 1,3.

I dont play the 3 set, 1,2,3 or dozens anymore, but i do play double columns from time to time using the best advice ive gotten on double dozen/columns so far: i think it was GLC who mentioned it a handfull of years ago that you should never bet after a loss. So that what i do now. Just playing against the coldest column.  On a win i play continually play down like 15, 8, 4, 2 (sometimes steeper its not set in stone) .. On first loss (aka lets say i lost at 2) i wait for a virtual win and reset up & bets 15 .. if this "first bet" also looses i wait again for a new virtual win and bet 45 (or sometimes smaller like 40 or 35 if im much ahead). If i loose this bet (it happens but very rarely) i either reset again to 15 or walk away.

Quite a bit of a grind like 3 steps forward then 2 back all the time, but after an hour there is usually a nice little profit. Also i do keep an eye on the column stats, so if the coldest column suddenly becomes the hottest its time for a change, however i rarely change columns more than once every half hour. Of cause i cant see no reason why this wouldnt work with double dosens its just because i see long streaks often on dosens at my local wheel, where as columns seem to be more random & smaller streaks.
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: poluvolo on Sep 17, 11:16 AM 2018
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Tekunda on Sep 17, 03:29 PM 2018
Thanatos, how do you determine the coldest column?
At an online casino, they give you the columns and dozens strength percentage wise, but what method do you use in a b&m casino to determine the coldest one?
Title: Re: Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea
Post by: Thanatos on Sep 18, 06:38 PM 2018
Quote from: Tekunda on Sep 17, 03:29 PM 2018
How do you determine the coldest column?
At an online casino, they give you the columns and dozens strength percentage wise, but what method do you use in a b&m casino to determine the coldest one?
I definately dont have a "magic" way of choosing the right cold column, but it thankfully do seem not to matter too much because of the way its played. Aka since we never bet after a loss and wait for a virtual win we dont fall into the trap on betting into a streak. Like lets say column 3 is the cold column but suddenly becomes super hot, then it usually streaks like 13333212 where "bad" column is in a streak. That is usually how a column peak over the 33% and its usually short termed & temporary.  Even if the "bad" column goes crazy for a bit longer so even the dealer notices it like 23333113333321333313333312 or 1231322332123331311322 we manage to pull ahead.

Analyzing the "death" pattern is always a good idea and in this case its like 131313 (where 3 is the bad column) in the shortest version. Not gonna lie and pretend this pattern cant happen as the wheel can produce anything.However do note that in just 6 spins the "bad" column need a 50%+ hitrate (a very short time) & usually means that to actually hit this pattern with the "streaks" the column need a very noticable higher 70%+ hitrate, So basicly a giant red flag in myface that its time to change columns.

So in a real brick & mortar casino id probably choose a quick trigger, like looking at the last 10 spins & choose to bet the 2 most hot ones, untill it later on becomes "flag" time.

Oh and i have had a bit of theory of changing up the "death" pattern so instead of always waiting for virtual win (after a loss), then mix up things waiting 2 virtual wins sometimes. Aka instead 131313 then 13113113 or 1311313 or 1313113 etc. etc. Of cause this is a bit longer patterns (slower wins) but might be safer as instead playing a pattern untill it finally shows, then mixing up the pattern. Then again you can argue that it dosnt matter or is even worse.

Quote from: poluvolo on Sep 17, 11:16 AM 2018

Sure  ;)

Europe table:
Column 1 (c1): 1,4,7,10, 13 ..
Column 2 (c2):2,5,8,11,14 ..
Column 3 (c3): 3,6,9,12,15 ..

Looking at the table stats we happen to choose column 1 & 2 to bet on, aka we bet against column 3.

We bet initially 2x 15 units.
13 (c1)     2x15     +15      +15 (We won the first spin +15, we put aside part of the winning/ "regression" so next we bet 2x 4 units)

4 (c1)     2x4     +4     +19 (we won the bet, next we bet 2x 2 units)

23 (c2)    2x2     +2     +21 (we won the betnext we bet 2x 1unit)

28 (c1)     2x1    +1     +22 (we won the bet, next we bet 2x unit as you cant go lower)

9 (c3)     2x1      -2     +20 (we lost the bet, so no next bet, we wait for a virtual win)

18 (c3)     -      -     +20 (virtual loss, no bet, we wait again)

11 (c2)     -     -     +20 (virtual win, so now we "reset" & bet 2x 15 units)

29 (c2)     2x15    +15     +35 (we won the bet, next we bet 2x 4 units)

3 (c3)      2x4     -8     +27 (we lost the bet, no bet, )

33 (c3)    -      -     +27 (virtual loss, no bet)

36 (c3)     -     -     +27 (virtual loss, no bet)

10 (c1)     -     -     +27 (virtual win, so we reset & bet 2x 15 units)

12 (c3)     2x15    -30     -3 (Loss, so no bet & we wait for virtual win).

2 (c2)     -     -     -3 (virtual win, so next bet is 2x 40 units).

34 (c1)   2x40    40  +37 (we won, next bet is 2x4 units)


Probably got inspired by the EC "mazimum betting strategy" aka basicly go down units on a win & go up units on a loss. Definately want to point out that the progression steps arnt set in stone, like if im ahead & the wheel is kind to me i may regress down 15, 12, 9, 6, 3, 2, 1. But if its a grinding pain to barely win i may chicken out and go 15, 30 or even 15, 25 and hope that the 66%-ish hitrate will finally catch up. The main thing to take away from this i guess is that the short column streaks tend to take up the major part of the columns hitrate, so if you play to avoid it then the 2 remaining columns hitrate should prevail in  the long run.