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Common interest => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Priyanka on May 27, 04:43 AM 2016

Title: Reddwarf
Post by: Priyanka on May 27, 04:43 AM 2016
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: maestro on May 27, 06:06 AM 2016
i like this quote<“It was previously assumed that planets with masses similar to Earth would be habitable> how ignorant we humans are....once they ask ant what is elephant and ant said this is very big ant..
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: rrbb on May 30, 05:39 AM 2016
"life-in-red-dwarf-systems-may-be-rarer-than-we-thought"  :)

As an amateur stargazer my take on the probabilities of life on red dwarf systems is a strange one...


Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on May 30, 06:54 AM 2016
Quote from: rrbb on May 30, 05:39 AM 2016As an amateur stargazer
I caught the transit of mercury on my Telescope recently. Thought you would like it
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Priyanka on May 30, 07:10 AM 2016
Quote from: Turner on May 30, 06:54 AM 2016
I caught the transit of mercury on my Telescope recently. Thought you would like it
Very nice click there. A hobby I always wanted to but never managed to. 
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Bayes on May 30, 07:14 AM 2016
Reminds me of the member reddrawf who left here a few years ago.  His (or her?) last post is here (link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=9090.0).

Sorry, off-topic.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: rrbb on May 30, 07:20 AM 2016
Quote from: Turner on May 30, 06:54 AM 2016here

Wow, just wow! What kind of telescope do you have?
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Drazen on May 30, 07:43 AM 2016
Quote from: Turner on May 30, 06:54 AM 2016
Thought you would like it

Yes. Wow!

Just out of curiosity. At what distance we are looking at?
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on May 30, 07:44 AM 2016
Quote from: rrbb on May 30, 07:20 AM 2016
Wow, just wow! What kind of telescope do you have?
8" dobsonian. I have a solar filter
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on May 30, 08:29 AM 2016
Quote from: Drazen on May 30, 07:43 AM 2016
Yes. Wow!

Just out of curiosity. At what distance we are looking at?
Not sure what you mean mate.....the magnification is x60
Mercury is about  30millon miles from the sun...sun is 99 million from us

If the earth was a euro coin...suns about a 2 metre circle
Mercury is a pea...similar to the moon (bit bigger)
Mercury looks bigger here cos its closer to earth
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on May 30, 08:34 AM 2016
Quote from: Turner on May 30, 08:29 AM 201630millon miles from the sun.
Wow....i guessed...its 28.5 million
Not a bad guess lol
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 08, 05:56 AM 2016
You guys do realise that the Earth is flat and NASA are having to continue making their photoshop/cgi cover up/hoax more and more elaborate as time goes on since faking the moon landings? 99% of southern hemisphere flights do not exist as direct flights - but require a stop-off at the middle-east - and twice the distance to a globe earth, i.e. there are no short-cuts on the real flat-earth. And all live GPS flight data is censored for the southern hemisphere whilst planes are crossing oceans.

Here's a 1 hour overview on the subject:

Here's a more in-depth 6-hour documentary to "unlearn" Einstein:


Here's what the real Flat Earth looks like as used for the United Nations logo:



Here's how the extension of the real world map might look beyond our perimeter ice walls:


All astronaut actors are Freemasons.


More links here:
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: INTERCEPTOR on Dec 08, 07:06 AM 2016
What about moon and sun are they also flat?  :lol:
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 08, 07:32 AM 2016
Quote from: MumboJumbo on Dec 08, 07:06 AM 2016
What about moon and sun are they also flat?  :lol:
Yep - they are flat discs - the moon can appear upside-down and whatnot depending on which country you are viewing it from at different times, but get this: you never seen an inch towards it's supposed dark-side - you only ever see the same 2D image at all times. It also gives out a colder light than the background shade so is self-luminous instead of reflecting the sun's light.

We are brainwashed that the earth is a globe that rotates extremely fast and at the same time is orbiting the sun in another direction; the whole system is then supposedly moving around a galaxy. But with these simultaneous 3-4 rotations/movements happening at different angles and directions, the stars in the sky - instead of moving in crazy spiral motions or some such as would be expected by the galaxy/globular model - stay in fixed relative positions slowly moving in a circle around the pole star above the North Pole.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: INTERCEPTOR on Dec 08, 07:44 AM 2016
Take a look at the air baloon from distance it also have 2D shape or any other spheric object.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 08, 09:21 AM 2016
Quote from: MumboJumbo on Dec 08, 07:44 AM 2016
Take a look at the air baloon from distance it also have 2D shape or any other spheric object.
Right, so even with the best amateur telescope you have no way of verifying for sure based on just visual sense. All our indoctrination at school has more to do with the people who control the media and introduced the education system and universities in the first place long before we were even born: The Society of Jesus AKA The Jesuits.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 08, 09:53 AM 2016
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Dec 08, 07:32 AM 2016Yep - they are flat discs - the moon
why is the shadow curved then and why does it have a shadow. Why is the shadow different each day?
(looking forward to this answer)
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 08, 10:07 AM 2016
A lot of these questions are all covered in the basics, so I would suggest watching the first 2 links I posted to get an overview of how the flat-earth system works then see what questions remain, if any. The moon is semi-transparent, so during the "phases" stars can sometimes be seen behind the "shadow", etc (if that's what is being referred to).
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 08, 10:33 AM 2016
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Dec 08, 10:07 AM 2016
A lot of these questions are all covered in the basics, so I would suggest watching the first 2 links I posted to get an overview of how the flat-earth system works then see what questions remain, if any. The moon is semi-transparent, so during the "phases" stars can sometimes be seen behind the "shadow", etc (if that's what is being referred to).

no...my question is why the shadow is curved if the moon is flat
a shadow on a ball is curved. dont you know why?

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2016/12/08/temp_669891.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/OlHr)

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2016/12/08/temp_551932.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/O0ex)
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 08, 11:07 AM 2016
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Dec 08, 10:07 AM 2016The moon is semi-transparent
apart from during a total elipse?

how does it know YOU are going to see an eclipse from the Earth and turn semi transparent off?
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 08, 12:11 PM 2016
As I said, you need to watch the documentaries to find out the basics of how the sun and moon work together in the flat-earth system - the basis of Ying and Yang. If you prefer, you can read the ebook here online for free, which the 6 hour documentary is based on:

It's also for sale here on Amazon:

Again, here are the links for the main docus:
link:s://:.youtube.com/watch?v=-RIBO7VB0VE (overview)
link:s://:.youtube.com/watch?v=GhRiLP32qfs (more in-depth; based on the book above)

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 08, 12:57 PM 2016
Well to be honest who cares as long as it dont effect the FOBT.
I'll just say old Dr Brian Cox got in a RAF fighter plane with the pilot,ok, they then set of at whatever top speed it could do, the sun had set, but flying fast than the earth spins, think thats what they said, they caught up with the sun, was not setting anymore, So i'd guess its round.
Turner will know anyway :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 08, 03:01 PM 2016
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Dec 08, 12:11 PM 2016
As I said, you need to watch the documentaries to find out the basics of how the sun and moon work together in the flat-earth system - the basis of Ying and Yang. If you prefer, you can read the ebook here online for free, which the

I wanted to hear your view. You have stated the earth sun and moon are flat so you must believe it.

you are too clever to just believe it because someone said so. You analyse things to death.

I wanted you to explain it in layman's terms. You love explaining things in great detail.

You can answer all my questions if you understand it all, like:

1. Why is it light in Australia right now while its dark in UK if the world is flat?

2. Why isnt the moon see-through during an eclipse.?

3. why is everything round if its flat? There is no reason.

4. If the Earth, Moon and Sun are flat how thick are they?

A mile thick? 110 miles? 2 inches?.

5. Why do we have a magnetic field? The earth has no molten metal center if its flat.

6. Where does lava come from if we have no molten center  and why is it so hot if its flat?

so many questions  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 08, 03:04 PM 2016
Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 08, 12:57 PM 2016Dr Brian Cox got in a RAF fighter plane with the pilot
I saw that, but Brian Cox is probably an alien who escaped from roswell

That whole show was probably CGI.

CGI is ok. No conspiracy involving CGI so you can use it  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 08, 03:16 PM 2016
Surely the biggest question is this:

Why have we never seen this edge, this huge eternal drop into nothingness? Why has it not ever been photographed or filmed by some intrepid band of conspiracy theorist explorers? Or have they, but the world's freemason/NWO/Illuminati/Reptiles/Jesuits/Aliens have had them all killed and banished their mind blowing evidence.... every time. 

Also, do polar bears and penguins keep falling off of it?

Don't you just love Youtube conspiracy theorists....my cousin is one and now he thinks Hitler wasn't all that bad!

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 08, 05:06 PM 2016
Guys, I haven't got time to go through all these questions, but I've provided all the resources to make it easy for you. You need to at least gain an overview first (see first documentary) or better still learn it more in-depth via the 2nd link or ebook. If you've still got any questions after taking in all the evidence - and there is tons of it - then we should address it then. The sample of evidence presented in this topic should have been enough to highlight suspicion and prompt you to explore further the validity of your deepest held beliefs. Again, the quickest and most efficient way to proceed with this is to hit those Youtube links - should answer all your questions and a whole lot more. Really, I've made it as easy as I possibly can for you guys.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 08, 06:35 PM 2016
Let's say we want to travel from Cape Town, Africa to Melbourne, Australia....

it's only 10,000 km! But there are no direct flights... 30 hours minimum via Abudhabi or Qatar!



By Airplane it's TWICE the distance and fuel costs!!!!!


But for good reason....



Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 08, 06:36 PM 2016
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Dec 08, 05:06 PM 2016(see first documentary)

You could of answered my questions rather than post all that.

Watched the first video. Thanks for posting Falkor. This has made this rather mundane topic interesting  :thumbsup:

I cant see this changing my view that the world is a "simple to explain", WYSIWYG place to live and not some convoluted fiction of unbelievable magnitude, like some psychiatric patients reasoning after he stopped taking his meds, (against all professional advice)

What I will say, in fairness to the guy in the first video, he hides the fact he is a total lunatic very well.

The words and logic defy all sane thinking, but physically he looks real normal.

For example, if you watch it with no sound, there is nothing that would concern any good psychiatrist

I will watch the rest tomorrow. :thumbsup:

Falkor..... Do you like playing pool? Did you think it was balls on a table?

Here is what is really happening

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 08, 06:40 PM 2016
QuoteI will watch the rest tomorrow.
You done well to watch the first half. Please finish it when you can.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Badger on Dec 09, 03:47 AM 2016
Perhaps there are not enough people flying South Africa to Australia to make it a profitable venture?

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 09, 05:39 AM 2016
Quote from: Badger on Dec 09, 03:47 AM 2016
Perhaps there are not enough people flying South Africa to Australia to make it a profitable venture?
It's not just that flight affected... it's THOUSANDS - particularly flights involving the most distant points of the flat-earth map. And the GPS data in censored for all southern hemisphere flights.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 09, 06:12 AM 2016
Falkor...I got you a  christmas pressie

Occam's Razor :thumbsup:

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2016/12/09/temp_272289.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/OS29)

For example, if it looks like a ball and acts like a ball....its most probably a ball

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2016/12/09/temp_123655.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/OxrD)
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 09, 06:45 AM 2016
QuoteFor example, if it looks like a ball and acts like a ball....its most probably a ball
What on earth, through your senses or experiences, tells you it's like a ball besides what you learnt at school via authority figures and what you saw on the television in the corner of your living room? To me everything looks flat and feels motionless.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 09, 08:58 AM 2016
call me weird, but I see in 3D because have 2 eyes :o
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 09:23 AM 2016
I used to worry about the stuff falkor  does

I was one time big into conspiracies

Now I have a hands off policy

A "I don't give a fu*k attitude" towards it

One life to live. I'm going to enjoy it and not worry about the UN conspiracies etc etc. I will avoid medicine and gmos to the best of my ability

However I will say one thing. If you think the earth is flat get mental help

If you think satellite photos and NASA photos are CGI fine.

But what about students who sent go pro camera to borderline space. You can see the curvature
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 09, 09:36 AM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 09:23 AM 2016But what about students who sent go pro camera to borderline space. You can see the curvature
That was the peak of his cap got in the way of the lense when he took the photo

see how its curved?

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2016/12/09/temp_148766.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/OMnl)
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 09, 12:16 PM 2016
Guys, I'm very serious about this! You have all been fooled by the powers that be who don't want you knowing the truth about the prison you inhabit. They have a vested interest in making sure you never find out. Again, do watch the documentaries before name-calling.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 12:53 PM 2016
I never name called

I said the earth is not flat and if you really think so then get mental help

All jokes aside, I hold some of the worries you do

But flat earth? High school students showed the curvature with a gopro
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 09, 01:17 PM 2016
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Dec 09, 12:16 PM 2016They have a vested interest in making sure you never find out.

I watched the first video and half the second. Ive seen enough.

Its all very silly and a tad embarrassing to watch.

I would love to have a debate about it, but you seem to shy away from direct discussion.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 03:20 PM 2016
I take some conspiracies very seriously

But the flat earth stuff deligitamizes your cause

So you mean to tell me every celestial body is spherical except for earth? BLOODY RIDICULOUS
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Badger on Dec 09, 03:59 PM 2016
Falkor, have you seen the concave earth theory.

Quote from above : There are six pieces of direct evidence, that I know of, which purport to show that we live inside a concave Earth

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 04:02 PM 2016
Stop it you guys!

The planet is a sphere

The moon. Sun. Stars all other planets are spherical. Why would earth be different?

Making my head hurt
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Badger on Dec 09, 04:14 PM 2016
I haven't read the material that Falkor posted, but
if I sailed from London across the Atlantic and rounded the southern tip of south America and reached India and came back via South Africa, Would I not prove the earth was round?

Surely sailors do that all the time.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 09, 05:15 PM 2016
Quote from: Badger on Dec 09, 04:14 PM 2016
I haven't read the material that Falkor posted, but
if I sailed from London across the Atlantic and rounded the southern tip of south America and reached India and came back via South Africa, Would I not prove the earth was round?

Surely sailors do that all the time.

Badger....lol....you dont have to explain why the earth is a rotating sphere. Its obvious by every movement and event.

Always remember Russell's teapot. The burdon of proof is always on the person making the claim.

We knew all this since Copernicus in 1500AD

500 years on and "bored with reality" fringe lunatics claim a flat earth.


It beggars belief  :o

Disclaimer: This is not a go at Falkor.

I really like him and think he is a great contributor to this forum.....but he said all this lol.

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 05:33 PM 2016
I can level with some of his conspiracy stuff but the flat earth comments sort of delegitimize it
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 09, 07:59 PM 2016
Quote from: Turner on Dec 09, 05:15 PM 2016
Badger....lol....you dont have to explain why the earth is a rotating sphere. Its obvious by every movement and event.

Always remember Russell's teapot. The burdon of proof is always on the person making the claim.

We knew all this since Copernicus in 1500AD

500 years on and "bored with reality" fringe lunatics claim a flat earth.


It beggars belief  :o

Disclaimer: This is not a go at Falkor.

I really like him and think he is a great contributor to this forum.....but he said all this lol.
500 years ago is when the Jesuits took over the Vatican and began globalizing the world following the protestant reformation. They introduced theater and the education system. You should research them a bit as they are now in control of everything behind the curtain and responsible for 500 years of false indoctrination.

Some books:

Their symbol/logo is the all-seeing eye of the providence, which appears in 90% of Hollywood movies/cartoons. Are you familiar with that? Last Hollywood movie I watched was Independence Day 2, and I saw it in there 6 times... I have also communicated with a Jesuit working at Westminster Cathedral, and his website even had the all-seeing eye.

Single proof that the Jesuits are controlling the world via the Freemasons: find the all-seeing eye symbol in 90% of Hollywood movies (always enclosed within a pyramid). Search online for "All-Seeing Eye within Equilateral Triangle, Jesuit Church at Landsberg-am-Lech, Bavaria, Germany". Since the Illuminati were from Bavaria - but the all-seeing eye is being promoted by mostly the Jesuits instead (sometimes the Freemasons) then this shows without a shadow of a doubt that it cannot be the Illuminati who is in control - but the Society of Jesus/Freemasons.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 08:01 PM 2016
Without a doubt there are real conspiracies. Globalism. Eugenics. Etc etc. but this bit ch it's round I promise
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 09, 08:18 PM 2016
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 09:11 PM 2016
If I see one more flat earth hash tag


Is the moon flat?
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 09, 09:22 PM 2016
I can show u multiple GoPro footage that students sent up to the stratosphere showing the earth is round k?
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: ati on Dec 10, 04:35 AM 2016
There are live video feeds from the space, everyone can watch them. The guy in Falkor's video would probably say it's a fish eye lens. :)


The thing is, most people can be convinced of anything. I saw documentaries of the moon landing, and they were all very convincing. Then I saw documentaries claiming that it was a hoax. Those were also very convincing. So I'm not sure what to think, and it doesn't really matter.
Same applies to 9/11, or religions vs evolution, and many other things.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 10, 04:50 AM 2016
Ok falkor.....one step at a time.
One question at a time. Dont refer me to a list of links.
Please answer the question

If the earth is flat....how thick is it?
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Steve on Dec 10, 05:22 AM 2016
Like rg said, there are many real conspiracies. But there are some that are not based on common sense. And are actually irrelevant or unimportant.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 10, 09:22 AM 2016
if the world wasn't round airlines wouldn't cross over the poles to save time
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 10, 11:55 AM 2016
I wish you guys, my fellow citizens, were more alert to propaganda and all the deceptions that exists in this world. Even throughout your own experiences in life it should have been clear a long time ago that the name of the game has always been deception.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 10, 02:42 PM 2016
I can level with the conspiracy theories you post. Some have true merit

But the flat earth argument is stupid

Go buy a good telescope. Look at mars. Spherical and has poles. Look at Jupiter Venus Neptune mercury all spherical. Why would earth be different? We have poles and an equator which wouldn't exist if we were a flat plane floating in space lol

I don't think you are smarter than this, I know you are smarter than this

There some truly screwed up conspiracies that probably have truth. But not this one

Flat earthers need head examinations
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 10, 02:52 PM 2016
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Dec 10, 11:55 AM 2016I wish you guys, my fellow citizens, were more alert to propaganda
I wish you would answer my simple question
How thick is the flat earth
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 10, 03:06 PM 2016
Quote from: Turner on Dec 10, 02:52 PM 2016
I wish you would answer my simple question
How thick is the flat earth

Thick enough to have a layer of magma beneath the crust I hope, otherwise where the hell do volcanoes eruptions spring from? Or maybe they're not real either?
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 10, 03:40 PM 2016
I respect questioning things and conspiracy study

But the flat earth thing gets me going
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 10, 05:09 PM 2016
Quote from: buffalowizard on Dec 10, 03:06 PM 2016
Thick enough to have a layer of magma beneath the crust I hope, otherwise where the hell do volcanoes eruptions spring from? Or maybe they're not real either?

Wonder whats keeping the magma hot? no extreme pressure on a flat earth. Falkor will know. :thumbsup:

Anyhow, it has to be thicker than 7.5 miles because the Russians cut Kolo superdeep borehole in 1989  O0
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 10, 05:10 PM 2016
What's amazing to me is how every celestial object in the universe observed with the hubble is round

Oh, CGI? Fake?

Buy your own scope, you'll see
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 10, 05:34 PM 2016
Quote from: Turner on Dec 10, 05:09 PM 2016Anyhow, it has to be thicker than 7.5 miles because the Russians cut Kolo superdeep borehole in 1989
for what reason Turner, see how old the round/flat planet is? or something more sinister
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 10, 05:41 PM 2016
Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 10, 05:34 PM 2016
for what reason Turner, see how old the round/flat planet is? or something more sinister


Well the Ruskies never reported coming out the other side and seeing stars  :thumbsup:

So it has to be thicker.

(BTW, thanks for not mentioning footie)
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 10, 06:25 PM 2016
I can sense that none of you have bothered watching the documentaries properly even if you claim otherwise... please reconsider - you will not regret freeing yourself from slavery and becoming a real citizen at the same time!

Quote from: falkor2k15 on Dec 08, 05:56 AM 2016
You guys do realise that the Earth is flat and NASA are having to continue making their photoshop/cgi cover up/hoax more and more elaborate as time goes on since faking the moon landings? 99% of southern hemisphere flights do not exist as direct flights - but require a stop-off at the middle-east - and twice the distance to a globe earth, i.e. there are no short-cuts on the real flat-earth. And all live GPS flight data is censored for the southern hemisphere whilst planes are crossing oceans.

Here's a 1 hour overview on the subject:

Here's a more in-depth 6-hour documentary to "unlearn" Einstein:


Here's what the real Flat Earth looks like as used for the United Nations logo:



Here's how the extension of the real world map might look beyond our perimeter ice walls:


All astronaut actors are Freemasons.


More links here:
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 10, 07:08 PM 2016
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Dec 10, 06:25 PM 2016I can sense that none of you have bothered watching the documentaries properly

Are you avoiding my question?

How thick is the flat earth?
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 10, 08:18 PM 2016
Quote from: Turner on Dec 10, 07:08 PM 2016

Are you avoiding my question?

How thick is the flat earth?
It's irrelevant!
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 11, 04:14 AM 2016
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Dec 10, 08:18 PM 2016
It's irrelevant!
I know it is....because in any "blind faith" religion, all true facts are irrelevant.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 11, 05:36 AM 2016
If you watched the documentaries then you wouldn't be asking such irrelevant questions - though the deepest level of exploration does happen to covered in the second docu. Anyway, this is about what we can see and feel with our own eyes and other senses and the fact that a small group of oligarchs are controlling the masses via the media and education system - brainwashing us with deceptions about the fundamental nature of our own habitat and universe. NASA is nothing but a Hollywood movie set made for your screen to imprison your mind, and even fool you that you are currently spinning in space on a merry-go-round. It's a higher level of humiliation than even the bible and 9/11, and you don't even know who your real enemies are, but instead want to ridicule people who are trying their best to show you that your whole life has been made a purposeful lie.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 11, 05:54 AM 2016
What we are talking about Falkirk are actual practicable experiments that you or I can observe to work out that the earth is spherical. Lots of people here have been trying to convey this to you.
I'll recount another example which I'd be interested in your response to. When it’s 2 p.m. EST and bright and sunny in New York City, it’s about 12:30 a.m. in New Delhi, India, well into the evening. Because of the Earth’s spherical shape and its rotation around the sun, countries across the world gradually experience the phases of the day as their parts of the planet face the Sun and eventually turn away.

If the Earth were flat and centered around the North Pole, the planet would never experience true night time, considering that the sun’s rays would only have to reach across a flattened surface in order to illuminate the entire planet.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 11, 05:55 AM 2016
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Dec 11, 05:36 AM 2016- brainwashing us with deceptions about the fundamental nature of our own habitat and universe
Im out lol

This needs more than armchair psychiatry
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 11, 06:01 AM 2016
Also the whole "how can we be spinning so fast and not feel it" notion is so easy to test and understand. We do not feel any of this motion because these speeds are constant. The spinning and orbital speeds of Earth stay the same so we do not feel any acceleration or deceleration. You can only feel motion if your speed changes. For example, if you are in a car which is moving at a constant speed on a smooth surface, you will not feel much motion. However, when the car accelerates or when the brakes are applied, you do feel motion.

The stars do not move because they are so many millions of miles away. it's a well known fact that objects closer to us move more clearly. This can be easily demonstrated travelling in a car. Nearby bushes on the roadside rush past us, but mountains 10 miles away don't seem to move at all? Now imagine stars millions of miles away - why should we expect them to be rushing past us in the sky?
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 11, 06:07 AM 2016
I find it so disturbing that people today can have their entire worldview turned upside down by a couple of YouTube documentaries, rather than drawing on common sense and scientific rationale built upon centuries of learned hard work and repeatable evidence. And like Turner, I am out, it's too depressing .
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 11, 06:41 AM 2016
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Dec 11, 05:36 AM 2016but instead want to ridicule people who are trying their best to show you
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 11, 08:58 AM 2016
Quote from: buffalowizard on Dec 11, 05:54 AM 2016
What we are talking about Falkirk are actual practicable experiments that you or I can observe to work out that the earth is spherical. Lots of people here have been trying to convey this to you.
I'll recount another example which I'd be interested in your response to. When it’s 2 p.m. EST and bright and sunny in New York City, it’s about 12:30 a.m. in New Delhi, India, well into the evening. Because of the Earth’s spherical shape and its rotation around the sun, countries across the world gradually experience the phases of the day as their parts of the planet face the Sun and eventually turn away.

If the Earth were flat and centered around the North Pole, the planet would never experience true night time, considering that the sun’s rays would only have to reach across a flattened surface in order to illuminate the entire planet.
How do these experiments tell us the earth is spherical!? It just means that the bigger lights in the sky, i.e. the sun and the moon, have their "spotlight" on different countries at different times. It says nothing about the shape of the surface we walk upon and sail across at greater distances. You only think this means the earth is a globe because you read in a textbook somewhere or saw on TV. It's not through any experiments or observations you have made.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 11, 11:25 AM 2016
Quote from: buffalowizard on Dec 11, 06:01 AM 2016
Also the whole "how can we be spinning so fast and not feel it" notion is so easy to test and understand. We do not feel any of this motion because these speeds are constant. The spinning and orbital speeds of Earth stay the same so we do not feel any acceleration or deceleration. You can only feel motion if your speed changes. For example, if you are in a car which is moving at a constant speed on a smooth surface, you will not feel much motion. However, when the car accelerates or when the brakes are applied, you do feel motion.

The stars do not move because they are so many millions of miles away. it's a well known fact that objects closer to us move more clearly. This can be easily demonstrated travelling in a car. Nearby bushes on the roadside rush past us, but mountains 10 miles away don't seem to move at all? Now imagine stars millions of miles away - why should we expect them to be rushing past us in the sky?
If only you would watch the documentaries... if you are standing on top of a fast moving car and jump straight up in the air the car will leave you behind so that you land on the floor. However, when we leave the surface of the earth nothing moves beneath us. Again, you are not really thinking for yourself, but reciting information that has come to you by way of authority figures who have influenced your trust.

Just watching the documentaries could save us so much time and energy writing back and forth over such basic misconceptions.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Badger on Dec 11, 11:37 AM 2016
"However, when we leave the surface of the earth nothing moves beneath us."

Falkor, that's not true.

Foucault's Pendulum and the Coriolis Force

In 1851, the French physicist Jean Léon Foucault hung a 67-meter pendulum from the dome of the Panthéon to demonstrate the rotation of the earth for the first time.The wire was attached to the ceiling through a universal joint so it could rotate freely about its axis. As the pendulum oscillated, the ground underneath it would rotate slowly, so the trajectory of the weight changed its course as the day progressed.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 11, 12:01 PM 2016
Quote from: Badger on Dec 11, 11:37 AM 2016
"However, when we leave the surface of the earth nothing moves beneath us."

Falkor, that's not true.

Foucault's Pendulum and the Coriolis Force

In 1851, the French physicist Jean Léon Foucault hung a 67-meter pendulum from the dome of the Panthéon to demonstrate the rotation of the earth for the first time.The wire was attached to the ceiling through a universal joint so it could rotate freely about its axis. As the pendulum oscillated, the ground underneath it would rotate slowly, so the trajectory of the weight changed its course as the day progressed.
Try not to get caught up with what you hear about big experiments from scientists and physicists. Remember: the powers that be have a vested interest in keeping the masses contained through textbooks and the media via propaganda. Baring this in mind, how can you verify yourself whether the earth is flat or whether you are moving at high speeds on a spinning globe, around the sun and around the galaxy? Please do not quote other people's supposed high-tech experiments, but explain using your own senses and experiences. You will know the truth when you hear it, so do us a favour and watch the documentaries...
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 11, 12:12 PM 2016
Why would the earth be flat?

Why would they try to make us believe it's round if it wasn't? What's the point in that?
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 11, 12:15 PM 2016
out of curiosity how thick is the ice wall at the perimeter?
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Drazen on Dec 11, 12:17 PM 2016
Out of all conspiracy theories in this world I find most interesting does Priyanka and rrbb have an edge.

Is there a documentary on that somewhere?

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 11, 12:22 PM 2016
Hold on Drazen
i'm now quite worried about the ice wall, if its getting hotter will it melt and all the water drain out
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 11, 12:22 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 11, 12:12 PM 2016
Why would the earth be flat?

Why would they try to make us believe it's round if it wasn't? What's the point in that?
In case you don't know: the world is run by psychopaths, and the police, court judges, bankers and lawyers are all gangsters. So besides control: it's due to their human behaviour from an unhappy childhood... and when you've got all the money in the world and you're already part of the big man's club... but since money doesn't bring happiness, how to relieve inner demons and boost self-importance even further? Answer: deceive people on a massive scale... "look how good we are - we fooled billions of people!" This is a step up from mind games they play with individuals on a daily basis.

Again, check out the first documentary for more info on that - belief in globe in space is about making us all feel insignificant, like we are not special.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 11, 12:26 PM 2016
Quote from: Drazen on Dec 11, 12:17 PM 2016
Out of all conspiracy theories in this world I find most interesting does Priyanka and rrbb have an edge.

Is there a documentary on that somewhere?

Me too! :) The evidence to support this has been discussed exclusively here at this forum. There could be something in it, but there isn't yet enough interest for a book or documentary...
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Drazen on Dec 11, 12:40 PM 2016
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Dec 11, 12:22 PM 2016
but since money doesn't bring happiness

Dear Falkor, when you said this, mayble simply you dont know where to buy ?  ;)
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 11, 12:44 PM 2016
Seriously, Falkor, this sounds like a storyline for 'despicable me 3'.
You actually think that generations of rich men for hundreds of years have gathered (probably in a large dark wood panelled room, around a big table) and chuckle at having duped the world that it is round - for the simple reason that... it makes them chuckle and feel big.
I want you to very seriously look at yourself and consider what you are saying, if indeed you are being serious.
If I am wrong though, I congratulate you at having uncovered these fat old men's marvellously cute decoy, at absolutely no benefit for themselves at all, other than a bit of mutual ego massaging. They could just get a Thai masseuse in for that couldn't they?
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 11, 12:51 PM 2016
over the years i have divulged into conspiracies......bildeberg, bohemian grove, vaccines, fluoridation....ive read it all with open mind

however the flat earth stuff just is not practical.....

1) they have no benefit lying to us about the shape of the earth
2) all celestial object are spherical for the most part
3) we have poles and an equator
4) transpolar flights to save flight time would not exist
5) we are round and tilted, hence one side of the planet is dark while the other is light which proves in rotates......
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 11, 02:55 PM 2016
Quote from: buffalowizard on Dec 11, 12:44 PM 2016
Seriously, Falkor, this sounds like a storyline for 'despicable me 3'.
You actually think that generations of rich men for hundreds of years have gathered (probably in a large dark wood panelled room, around a big table) and chuckle at having duped the world that it is round - for the simple reason that... it makes them chuckle and feel big.
I want you to very seriously look at yourself and consider what you are saying, if indeed you are being serious.
If I am wrong though, I congratulate you at having uncovered these fat old men's marvellously cute decoy, at absolutely no benefit for themselves at all, other than a bit of mutual ego massaging. They could just get a Thai masseuse in for that couldn't they?
Yep - that's the absolute truth that you need to know. So next time you are part of an office meeting and you see your colleagues keeping secrets from all the other staff and having a chuckle at the same time you can then recognise the behaviour and see how it would be magnified in a similar scenario by those corrupted with absolute power.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 11, 03:03 PM 2016
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 11, 03:15 PM 2016


Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 11, 03:18 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 11, 03:03 PM 2016

Proves nothing RG,
Those rascals are obviously just grandsons of the rich Babylonians who just love a prank on a grand scale!
They are all in on it!
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 11, 03:21 PM 2016
Quote from: buffalowizard on Dec 11, 03:18 PM 2016
Proves nothing RG,
Those rascals are obviously just grandsons of the rich Babylonians who just love a prank on a grand scale!
They are all in on it!

was going to say maybe they hacked their go pro lol
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 11, 03:24 PM 2016
heres a real coverup conspiracy

one that i love love love

the disclosure project....run by ex military and government officials, testifying that we ARE being visited

ex NASA officials saying they edited moon pictures to coverup alien space craft

roswell new mexico happened, as per Astronaut Edgar Mitchell

This is not some outlandish conspiracy this is a group of ex government and ex NASA stating this is true

astronaut edgar mitchell not only says roswell was real but we are being visited daily

these "ships" have disabled nukes, military officials went on record stating it. whoever they are do not want us using nukes

this is not some backwards conspiracy with no merit, this is high level people saying this

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 11, 03:29 PM 2016
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 11, 03:42 PM 2016
Quote from: buffalowizard on Dec 11, 03:18 PM 2016
Proves nothing RG,
Those rascals are obviously just grandsons of the rich Babylonians who just love a prank on a grand scale!
They are all in on it!

The elite seem to hold Babylon in special regard. Here is the 2004 European Union poster showing "Blockheads", including 2 guys hugging each other (symbol of homosexuality), except for the baby who has a round head because he's not been indoctrinated yet:


Prior to Brexit the European Union constitution had been signed and declared under a statue of the Pope on the 29th October 2004.
A similar photo showed rest of the European Union presidents lined up behind the camera man either side of an aisle, like soldiers under command of Pope Innocent X (in the background) giving orders. Later they had another photo taken outside with statue of Constantine. Another important place, the Hall of the City Council in Rome, has a full size statue of Constantine.

Babylon was one of the first slave cities, but even going back to Uruk they find it littered with ration bowels.

In the Bible there's a lot of Babylonian and Assyrian rhetoric/propaganda that the Romans used when they invaded Jerusalem and wrote the New Testament, modelling themselves on the previous invaders.


Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Steve on Dec 11, 03:47 PM 2016
I dont doubt they exist.  Im more wondering what types are there and what each of their agendas are.

As for the flat earth thing, im interested to know supporting information but for now there's too much information to support otherwise. Fly high and see the curve. Sail or fly around it. And if it was flat, why does it matter?
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 11, 04:01 PM 2016
It's just plain silly to think the elites would coverup the shape of the earth. Lol.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 11, 04:25 PM 2016
Did you see this particular line from the Babylonian/Assyrian sources as later used by the Romans for satirical purposes?


And what was the name of Jesus' mother? Check out more from this 1st century Roman text (some original Greek words are needed to fully understand):

"193 A huge number died throughout the city by famine amid unspeakable suffering. 194 If even a hint of any kind of food appeared anywhere, war broke out and the dearest friends would fight about it, snatching from each other the slightest means of sustaining life. 195 Unwilling to believe that the dying had no food, the brigands would search them even as they expired in case they had food hidden on their persons and were just faking death. 196 They were gaping with want and went about staggering like mad dogs and reeling against doors like drunks, and in their plight, rushed into the same houses two or three times in the same day. 197 Their hunger was so dire that it made them chew everything, so they gathered what the meanest animals would not touch and made themselves eat them, and in the end they did not baulk even at belts and shoes, and pulled off and gnawed the leather of their shields. 198 Some ate wisps of old hay while others gathered fibres and sold a very small weight of them for four Atticae. 199 But why describe the awfulness of the famine causing them to eat dead things when I am going to relate a fact unparalleled among Greeks or Barbarians, something horrible to speak of it and incredible when heard? 200 I would willingly omit this horror, not to pass on to our descendants something so dreadful, except that there are so many witnesses to it, and besides, my country would hardly thank me for suppressing the hardships endured at this time.
201 On the far side of the Jordan lived a woman named Mary, whose father was Eleazar, from the village of Bethezob, which means the house of Hyssop, distinguished by her family and wealth. With the rest of the people she had fled to Jerusalem and was besieged with them there at this time. 202 The woman's other property, that she had brought with her from Perea and moved to the city, had already been taken. Whatever she had saved and any food she had arranged to keep, had been taken by the guards, who came every day to her house for that purpose. 203 This made the poor woman furious and she frequently cursed them for their thieving. 204 But though provoked to anger at her, none of them would kill her, even out of pity for her plight, and if she found any food, her labours were for others and not for herself, and it had become impossible for her any way to find any more food, while hunger pierced through her bowels and marrow. Her rage flared up beyond the hunger itself and she thought of nothing but her anger and her need, that drove her to an unnatural deed. 205 Snatching up her son, a child sucking at her breast, she said, "Poor infant, why should I save you amid this war and famine and sedition? 206 Under the Romans, if we live we must be slaves, but even before that the famine will destroy us; but the seditious are worst of all. 207 Come then, be my food and and avenging fury to these rebels and a tale to fill out for the world what is lacking in the disaster of the Jews." 208 With these words she killed her son and roasted him and ate half of him and kept the other half hidden. 209 The rebels soon came in soon and smelling the scent of this terrible food, threatened to cut her throat if she did not show them what she had prepared. She replied that she had saved a portion of it for them, and then showed the remnants of the child. 210 As they were seized with horror and amazement and gaped at the sight, she said to them, "This is my own son and it was my own doing! Come, eat of this food, for I have eaten of it myself! 211 Do not be gentler than a woman or more merciful than a mother, but if you are so devout and reject my sacrifice, as I have eaten the first half, let me keep the rest." 212 They went out trembling and horrified and yet had difficulty leaving the rest of that food to the mother. The whole city was soon shocked by this horror and each one trembled at it, as if it had been done by himself. 213 So those suffering of hunger wished to die and those already dead were deemed happy, not having lived to hear or see such woes.
214 Soon this sad example was also told to the Romans, some of whom could not believe it while others were moved to pity, but it roused many of them to a fiercer hatred of our nation.215 Caesar excused himself before God about this matter, saying that he had offered peace and liberty to the Jews, and an amnesty for all their former offences, 216 but that they had chosen revolt over harmony, war over peace, and famine instead of food in plenty. "With their own hands they began to burn down the temple which we have spared up to now, and therefore they deserve to eat such food. 217 This awful act of eating her own child merits the destruction of their whole country, that men ought not to let any city in the world see the sun, where mothers are so fed. 218 But it is the fathers rather than the mothers who should eat such food, since it is they who remain in arms against us, despite woes such as these." 219 As he said this, he reflected on how desperate they must be, and he did not expect such men to return to a sober mind after such sufferings, when they could have avoided them by repenting."

Jesus was sacrificed in the style of a passover lamb, which is first roasted with hyssop displayed above the doors. Hebrews 10 says:
"8First he said, “Sacrifices and offerings, burnt offerings and sin offerings you did not desire, nor were you pleased with them”â€"though they were offered in accordance with the law. 9Then he said, “Here I am, I have come to do your will.” He sets aside the first to establish the second. 10And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all."

It's all just a big joke for the Roman elite to have a chuckle about after they successfully invaded Jerusalem, surrounded it with a wall, laid siege, and starved out the city through famine. That's what prompted them to write the New Testament - to prefigure emperor Titus and his brother Domitian, i.e big them up!


So if you are interested to know how the Vatican first took power long before the Jesuits took over the Vatican then check out this docu:
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 11, 04:35 PM 2016
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2016/12/11/temp_847563.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/OPSf)

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 11, 04:37 PM 2016
I doff my hat to you man...you really are a passionate flat earther, but remember - don't believe all the stories you read - specially if they were  written 2000 years ago
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 11, 04:46 PM 2016
Quote from: buffalowizard on Dec 11, 04:37 PM 2016
I doff my hat to you man...you really are a passionate flat earther, but remember - don't believe all the stories you read - specially if they were  written 2000 years ago
They (the new testament stories) were partially made up and plagiarized by the Romans on founding the Vatican - all for the purpose of having a chuckle and feeding their vanity. The globe-earth 1500 years later was in the same vein. 911 was also a big chuckle for them; that's why they put it in hundreds of movies and cartoons besides the all-seeing eye:

Watch all those clips from cartoons and they tell you what technology they used (Cold Fusion) on 9/11 and they even tell you that they used remote controlled planes - all produced before 2001.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 11, 04:54 PM 2016
The pranks pulled by the elite just go on and on besides the globe earth, new testament (containing every joke you could possibly imagine), and 911...

This Pope, named Otto III, added 300 years to our calendar that never even existed! That's why archaeologists find 9th century layers on top of 7th century layers.


So right now we are living in the 18th century!
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: ati on Dec 11, 04:54 PM 2016
It's round. End of discussion.

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Steve on Dec 11, 05:52 PM 2016
Quote from: ati on Dec 11, 04:54 PM 2016
It's round. End of discussion.


.oO(I'd like to prove the hollow Earth theory there..)

You have to wonder what unfortunate country got the "slums" part, and why. Looks like Afghanistan. Isnt that where Osama was? (allegedly)
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: maestro on Dec 11, 06:29 PM 2016
if earth is flat then why roulette cannot be beatable... :ooh:
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: thelaw on Dec 11, 07:37 PM 2016
Quote from: Turner on Dec 11, 04:35 PM 2016
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2016/12/11/temp_847563.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/OPSf)

How dare you!!!.......I think SkankHunt42 makes some excellent points. :sad2:
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Still on Dec 12, 04:51 AM 2016
Let me guess, the first documentary is about how the world's most cash laden men play games of deception.  Do we watch that one first, before the 6 hour flat earth documentary?

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 12, 06:02 AM 2016
Quote from: Still on Dec 12, 04:51 AM 2016
Let me guess, the first documentary is about how the world's most cash laden men play games of deception.  Do we watch that one first, before the 6 hour flat earth documentary?

I suggest you don't watch either - unless you enjoy sci-fi comedies
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Still on Dec 12, 06:09 AM 2016
Falkor, if I correctly state which is the truth, whether the earth is flat or round, will you disclose to me your winning roulette system?
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 12, 06:09 AM 2016
Guys, it's up to you if you prefer to carry on living the lie, but the proof is all there and it's not not nearly as ambiguous as Priyanka's Random Thoughts. Roulette is unbeatable and the earth is a globe, right? Wrong!
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 12, 06:14 AM 2016
The earth is round. Period.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Still on Dec 12, 06:17 AM 2016
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Dec 12, 06:09 AM 2016
Guys, it's up to you if you prefer to carry on living the lie, but the proof is all there and it's not not nearly as ambiguous as Priyanka's Random Thoughts. Roulette is unbeatable and the earth is a globe, right? Wrong!

I haven't yet disclosed the truth, whether the earth is flat or round, but if I do, will you tell me how roulette can be beaten, other than with a computer in my mouth (or shoe), or other than "remote viewing" (precognition)?
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 12, 06:45 AM 2016
Get a well paid job as a shill instead of trying to beat Roulette - that's what happens to all the top Harvard grad physicists who go looking for careers at NASA.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Still on Dec 12, 06:53 AM 2016
I don't often disclose whether the earth is flat or round, but when I do, I must first know how to beat roulette, other than screening for tilted wheels.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Steve on Dec 12, 07:02 AM 2016
What's wrong with a hidden computer where legal? Or precog if it works?

The casino has unfair payouts and prey on many people trying to pay debts. What's wrong with beating then at their own game?
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Still on Dec 12, 07:16 AM 2016
Quote from: Steve on Dec 12, 07:02 AM 2016
What's wrong with a hidden computer where legal? Or precog if it works?

The casino has unfair payouts and prey on many people trying to pay debts. What's wrong with beating then at their own game?

Nothing wrong with those just preferences...and the three ways I named are the known ways.  I had to list them because, before I divulge whether the earth is flat or round, I am hoping falkor can tell me something I don't know, like how to beat roulette using a system of bet selection or something.  I didn't want falkor to trick me into revealing whether the earth is flat or round, only to be told to stick a computer up my a--. 

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 12, 07:38 AM 2016
Sometimes (as I have shown) schools will send go pros up to the stratosphere to borderline space. The photos show a sphere

Can you prove to me the earth is flat falkor?

You seem smart enough to do what high school students do. Send a camera up there. It's cheap enough. Show me the earth is flat. I want to see.

Also explain this to me: why would every observable body be spherical except for earth

Elite 1- the earth is flat
Elite 2- tell them it's round
Elite 1- why?
Elite 2- because
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 12, 07:38 AM 2016
Leave the shutter open on a camera and you get this. I have done it myself. Seen it for my self.

Whats causing it Falkor?

Are the stars pin pricks in a giant rotating disc sat on a giant celestial record player, no doubt held up by turtles sat on each others backs?

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2016/12/12/temp_553642.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/Oqlr)

The world is really a flat plate supported on the back of a giant tortoise." The scientist gave a superior smile before replying, "What is the tortoise standing on?" "You're very clever, young man, very clever", said the old lady. "But it's turtles all the way down!"
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 12, 08:20 AM 2016
Guys, energy is being wasted. Again, here are the links... everything you need to know is here... don't let authority figures pull the wool over your eyes.

link:s://:.youtube.com/watch?v=-RIBO7VB0VE (overview)
link:s://:.youtube.com/watch?v=GhRiLP32qfs (more in-depth; based on the book below)


Exploitation begins in the family home with emotional blackmail; the dogmatic media; schools and unis with it's false indoctrination and dazzling equations to explain reality; the office with it's mind games; lawyers, courts and legalese; and the restaurants where the waiters bring you a spoon when you ask for a folk or restrict your menu choice. Do not be a slave to increasing property prices! It all starts with understanding human behaviour, the capitalist pyramid, secret societies, and how we've all been lied to about basic things like the spinning ball earth. You need to know when a game is being played. You were born an original, so don't die a copy.

This Facebook group has closer to 11,000 members than 10,000 members! How long before you wake up?
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 12, 08:28 AM 2016
I am awake. I follow conspiracy theories closely

From geoengineering up

But the earth thing is a no go
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 12, 08:55 AM 2016
He has no explanation as to why the earth is flat other than links
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: ati on Dec 12, 10:59 AM 2016
Are we seriously discussing this? :) Yes, I have watched the video, and I still find it ridiculous.
I've also watched videos proving the Earth is sphere, and they make a lot more sense.

Just take the experience with the stars Turner suggested above. The stars will turn counterclockwise if you watch them from the north, and clockwise from the south. Same applies to clouds.
Also, the night sky looks different from the north and from the south. Tell me how is that possible if you travel on a flat surface... Claiming that we should feel the Earth rotating....so ridiculous. It's rotating at a constant speed, every day is exactly 23 hours 56 minutes and 4.1 seconds. You don't feel any force traveling at constant speed. Meh, I have to get back to work.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 12, 11:14 AM 2016
I am hearing a lot of ignorant questions from members who claim to have seen the documentaries - yet if they had really watched it and concentrated on the evidence presented there in - they wouldn't be asking these kinds of questions since they are all covered. This is what leads to straw man attacks: people criticise things that are either irrelevant or already addressed. 
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 12, 11:19 AM 2016
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 12, 01:20 PM 2016
I would say that this thread has run its course.

Let the rich carry on duping us that our planet is a big orange

Falkor, you can't say we haven't tried...
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Still on Dec 12, 02:27 PM 2016
I will watch the links but first need to read the book of Mormon as I've been told I need to read it first and then pray to know if it's the truth.  Should take about 80 hours. 

And then!  Then I'm going to be doing a big big major test on the flat earth theory.  I'll be using my own senses  sans  TV, texts, cameras, and authority figures.  Don't close this thread till I've done this huge test and will report on all the details of the results in detail.

I'm not taking Turner's time elapse picture in place of my own senses because anybody can take a picture like that and put it on the internet to con-troll us. 

So wait for the big test and check back here daily for results, and be sure to hit the like button and subscribe to my channel..

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 12, 03:07 PM 2016
Quote from: Still on Dec 12, 02:27 PM 2016I'm not taking Turner's time elapse picture in place of my own senses
Of course. Where possible, verify by personal experience.

Obviously, I didnt make that image, but I have made star trails with a camera years ago.

Also, the Earth isn't a sphere, but an oblate spheroid

Thought I would stick that in the mix  :thumbsup:

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2016/12/12/temp_362554.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/O8PK)
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: 3Nine on Dec 12, 03:44 PM 2016
Quote from: buffalowizard on Dec 12, 01:20 PM 2016I would say that this thread has run its course.

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 12, 03:45 PM 2016
Flat earth doesn't explain difference in daylight on different parts of the globe

And many other things

I'm very very disappointed that falkor is a flat earther

Just like that I can't take him seriously.

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Drazen on Dec 12, 03:47 PM 2016
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Dec 12, 11:14 AM 2016
I am hearing a lot of ignorant questions from members who claim to have seen the documentaries - yet if they had really watched it and concentrated on the evidence presented there in - they wouldn't be asking these kinds of questions since they are all covered.

It is really funny how you think Falkor and how much energy you put into this.. Why are those documentaries you pointed to excluded from being decpetieve in any way, opposite of all other which are showing/proving that Earth is not flat?

But maybe you can send weather balloon with a simple camera and find the answer?

This reminds me on one situation I had a few years back. My girlfriend accused me for cheating and she told me she has seen me in the mass with other girl kissing. (I wasnt even in the same town that night) So I told her: Dont trust to your eyes, trust me!  :lol:

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 12, 07:19 PM 2016
real conspiracies: geo-engineering, vaccine injury coverup, GMO food harm, water fluoridation, life outside this planet, globalism, destroying the middle class, big pharma puts profit over health, cancer, disease

fake conspiracies: lizard people, flat earth
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 13, 03:40 AM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 12, 03:45 PM 2016
Flat earth doesn't explain difference in daylight on different parts of the globe

And many other things
That's because you haven't watched the documentaries!! So how would you know other than what authority figures - who have a keen interest in controlling every aspect of your life - have told you about the pear-shaped earth?
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 13, 05:00 AM 2016
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Dec 13, 03:40 AM 2016pear-shaped earth
Oblate spheroid  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 13, 05:37 AM 2016
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 13, 05:43 AM 2016
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 13, 05:58 AM 2016
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Dec 13, 05:37 AM 2016

you said the moon is see through??? doesnt look to be in your picture does it?

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 13, 06:49 AM 2016
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Dec 13, 05:37 AM 2016

Believe it or not Falkor, but the universe is a large enough place so that highly inprobable coincidences can and do occur.

If we look at the universe as a whole, looking at hundreds of billions of solar systems, it would be pretty astonishing if none of them did contain a planet whose satellite, for a small part of its history, was the 'right' size to cause a solar eclipse. Of course, all that part of its history that was spent closer to the earth than now it blocked out the sun more effectively, didn't it? And right now it doesn't offer a complete block even when there is a full eclipse. So what of it?

This is like bumping into someone you know who lives on the opposite side of the planet in some third place that neither of you knew the other was going to. Given all the millions of potential opportunities for coincidence that we encounter each day it would be absolutely astonishing if some of them didn't result in coincidence from time to time. We note when the coincidence happens, not the billions of times it doesn't. The same is true for all the things going on in the universe. Picking on one coincidence (and an entirely temporary one at that) out of all the events is meaningless.

Thinking (as some appear to do) that it's all about us and is evidence of design are achieving the mammoth intellectual feat of ignoring several hundred million galaxies containing several hundred million suns, that have nothing to do with us at all. Perhaps they'd like to take all the evidence into account.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 13, 07:12 AM 2016
Let's talk about coincidences then between the New Testament and the official 1st century Roman history of the region, starting with this example...

I want to show you just what kind of deceptions the Vatican are capable of achieving over the masses. Is it a coincidence that both these 1st century texts describe the Jews being encircled with a wall (by the Romans)? Alternatively:
1) One book was influenced by the other
2) Both books were written by the same author or team
3) Both books were influenced by a (lost) third source

So far... do you see this as coincidence or design? (just based on 1 example to begin with)
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 13, 07:17 AM 2016
If you really believe the earth is flat then what happens when you fly east and end up at the same point?

Is the earth flat but two sided?
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 13, 07:30 AM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 13, 07:17 AM 2016
If you really believe the earth is flat then what happens when you fly east and end up at the same point?

Is the earth flat but two sided?
Mr. FAQ, can you please watch the documentary that is trying to warn you from one honest citizen to another about your life being hijacked...?
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 13, 07:33 AM 2016
I will watch it this weekend

Not because I believe it

But I need to see what you think this
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 13, 07:36 AM 2016
Splendid, splendid.... Buddha bless you, RG!  :thumbsup:  O0
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 13, 07:46 AM 2016
Quote from: Turner on Dec 13, 05:58 AM 2016you said the moon is see through??? doesnt look to be in your picture does it?


In all the excitement, you forgot to answer my question. What you like???
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 13, 07:50 AM 2016
Now here's a conspiracy

The disclosure project has ex NASA officials that testified the far side of the moon has alien structures

Yes. Sounds insane.

But they have said it

Karl wolf

Not tin foil hat stuff this was actually testified
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 13, 08:07 AM 2016
Quote from: Turner on Dec 13, 07:46 AM 2016

In all the excitement, you forgot to answer my question. What you like???
I'll give you a £10 voucher for every question you've asked that doesn't get answered by you watching the 6 hour documentary (or reading the book) at some point during this festive season; how does that sound? I can't be any fairer than that; can I?  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 13, 08:23 AM 2016
Currently, the best digital camera with the world's longest optical zoom lens is the Nikon P900, so do check out all these short Youtube clips:

Here's a good one...
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: INTERCEPTOR on Dec 13, 08:35 AM 2016
Hey Falkor can I ask you something? What is your age?
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 13, 08:55 AM 2016
Quote from: MumboJumbo on Dec 13, 08:35 AM 2016
Hey Falkor can I ask you something? What is your age?
In earth years? 35 + 9 months
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 13, 09:05 AM 2016
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Dec 13, 08:07 AM 2016I can't be any fairer than that; can I?

yes you can

Answer that one question. Why is the moon no longer see thru in an eclispe.

Its rediculous to keep quoting links.

If someone asks me directions, I dont give them google maps link

If someone asks me the time, I dont give them a link to grenwich website
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 13, 09:14 AM 2016
Conspiracy theorists are guilty of a sort of gullibility, and also a sort of close-mindedness. Because they are close-minded, it is almost impossible to argue with them. Use evidence to call them out for their errant beliefs, and they’ll counter that you’re gullible and close-minded. Stalemate.

Falkor, this quote is for you my friend: “It feels good to be the wise old goat in a flock of sheep.”

And Turner, seeing as you're not getting an answer about the eclipse: flat earthers believe there must also be an invisible "antimoon" that obscures the moon during lunar eclipses. In other words, they can't really explain it, hence the very woolly responses.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 13, 09:30 AM 2016
Quote from: buffalowizard on Dec 13, 09:14 AM 2016flat earthers believe there must also be an invisible "antimoon
o-kkk-aayyy  :o

Thanks Buff :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 13, 09:35 AM 2016
Turner, you first need to understand the basics about the earth, moon and sun in the flat earth model that is only recently starting to be understood by a new breed of amateur scientists who have escaped the clutches of our oligarchy to expose their conspiracy to deceive the masses for 500 years+ as per the bible and it's 2,000+ years of deception. You cannot run before you can walk. What you are trying to do is find one observation that you feel could save a dying myth in the face of newly emerging evidence that paid scientists - though there are some whistle-blowers - either haven't told us or choose to conceal behind ever increasing far-fetched concepts with complex mathematical formulas about, say, the velcro properties of gravity, that purport to describe reality - yet go against our basic experiences and common sense. This isn't about looking for one smoking gun or satisfying one curiosity here and there. This is about going back to school from the beginning since having our births registered was the very first mistake we made before we had our first vaccination even, joined the Jesuit school and later graduated (becoming "gradually indoctrinated") after taking out a student loan that we can't pay off and being fooled that we would leave uni with a 3 figure salary. Small wonder the world has become a nation of zombies.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Scarface on Dec 13, 09:52 AM 2016
None of this matters anyway.  There's a very good possibility reality is an illusion anyway.  We're all living in a simulation  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 13, 10:00 AM 2016
Quote from: Scarface on Dec 13, 09:52 AM 2016
None of this matters anyway.  There's a very good possibility reality is an illusion anyway.  We're all living in a simulation  :thumbsup:
It does matter because we need to protect ourselves whilst we are here - so that's why we don't stop to think when crossing the road (safely) because we are confident in ourselves to judge the gaps between traffic, the distance to the other side of the road, and any obstacles that may be in our path that could cause us to trip over; we can rely on our own common sense to see and feel what is real and know when we are being deceived or discouraged! We do not need emotionless psychos, the media or the bible to run our lives with hocus pocus, thank you very much... DO NOT under any circumstances empower these egomaniacs who are always unhappy.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 13, 11:08 AM 2016
The fact that oblate spheroid has to be defended in 2016 is absolutely fu cking mind boggling.

Scar face may be onto something though
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 13, 11:19 AM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 13, 11:08 AM 2016
The fact that oblate spheroid has to be defended in 2016 is absolutely fu cking mind boggling.

Scar face may be onto something though
So if you journeyed to the north pole at the edge of the earth's axis wouldn't you spin faster and faster as you approached towards the "spinning-top" till you are just spinning around in a circle on the same spot? Wouldn't you get dizzy up there? So you can see how crazy the globe earth theory sounds and how clever the oligarchs are for deceiving the masses for so long? Let's hope come this weekend that you will consider terminating your contract with the oligarchs to continually feed and supply their ego with your mind and soul.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 13, 11:37 AM 2016
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Dec 13, 11:19 AM 2016So if you journeyed to the north pole at the edge of the earth's axis wouldn't you spin faster and faster as you approached towards the "spinning-top" till you are just spinning around in a circle on the same spot
you spin round once a day at the pole, once a day at the equator. Thats what a day is  :o

the centre axis isnt rotatin faster is it ?  oh my
stick a pencil through an apple and spin.

lol....its very basic
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 13, 11:43 AM 2016
Quote from: Turner on Dec 13, 11:37 AM 2016
you spin round once a day at the pole, once a day at the equator

the centre axis isnt rotatin faster is it ?  oh my
stick a pencil through an apple and spin.

lol....its very basic
Your thinking and testing is too basic more like? Even the earth's core is meant to be spinning faster than the earth's surface according to what reaches us via the media.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 13, 12:01 PM 2016
According to the globe earth theory it should be spinning faster at the equator and slower at the north pole. My bad.  :-[  :P
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 13, 12:02 PM 2016
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Dec 13, 11:19 AM 2016
So if you journeyed to the north pole at the edge of the earth's axis wouldn't you spin faster and faster as you approached towards the "spinning-top" till you are just spinning around in a circle on the same spot? Wouldn't you get dizzy up there?

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 13, 12:03 PM 2016
Turner, just give up mate. However frustrating it may be, there simply is no reasoning with him. The whole flat earth doctrine is based only on that which you can see. Therefore if the horizon looks flat, then the world must be flat right? Simple.
Well, yes it is simple, IN THE SAME WAY THAT LENNIE FROM OF MICE AND MEN WAS SIMPLE. It is essentially anti-science, because it flies in the face of evidence and experimentation.

If someone says, 'but this was proved in 1878 in a very famous test' the response is, 'were you there? did you see it? it was faked by masons' It's as if these very paranoid individuals wish to undermine all these great scientific REPEATABLE discoveries as fraudulent, which is highly offensive really!

Other than pesudo-scientific 6th form youtube videos, what evidence do you have?

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Normy2000 on Dec 13, 12:18 PM 2016
Hey guys, if you put all that energy and time on roulette, you would definitely have found the holy grail...   8)
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 13, 12:29 PM 2016
In the 70s we sent out 2 probes that have exited oue Solar system I believe this year

Snapped photos of planets as it crossed them

In the 90s we sent two rovers to mars. As you know, mars is an oblate spheroid which can be confirmed with your telescope. These rovers took pictures. No issue with rotation
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 13, 12:35 PM 2016
RG, no point trying mate because the stock reply is "FAKE" Every photo ever taken from orbit is fake mate!

Just imagine the resources needed to cover that up! It would cost more than the entire space program! How ironic
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 13, 12:43 PM 2016
Quote from: buffalowizard on Dec 13, 12:35 PM 2016
RG, no point trying mate because the stock reply is "FAKE" Every photo ever taken from orbit is fake mate!

Just imagine the resources needed to cover that up! It would cost more than the entire space program! How ironic
Yeah, and if we were living thousands of years ago then you would be one of the slaves working on the Great Pyramid of Giza!
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 13, 01:04 PM 2016
The only proof you need that earth is round is different lengths of daylight depending where you are and the fact one side of the planet is dark when one is light

That's it
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: ati on Dec 13, 02:01 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 13, 01:04 PM 2016
The only proof you need that earth is round is different lengths of daylight depending where you are and the fact one side of the planet is dark when one is light

That's it
It's all controlled by this guy.

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 13, 02:08 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 13, 01:04 PM 2016
The only proof you need that earth is round is different lengths of daylight depending where you are and the fact one side of the planet is dark when one is light

That's it
Let's come back to that after you've watched the docu...
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 13, 02:17 PM 2016
Blimey, can you imagine if everyone went 500 years back in terms of intelligence?
No porn tubes for a start ...
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 13, 03:15 PM 2016
I can tell by your long drawn out roulette posts that you are a smart person

How you got wrapped up in flat earth boggles me mind.

Please tell me you do not believe in the David icke lizard people.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 13, 03:25 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 13, 03:15 PM 2016
I can tell by your long drawn out roulette posts that you are a smart person

How you got wrapped up in flat earth boggles me mind.

Please tell me you do not believe in the David icke lizard people.

Smartness and ignorance can unfortunately share the same bath.
There are scientists and astrophysicists out there who are creationists for goodness sake!
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Steve on Dec 13, 03:27 PM 2016
Quote from: buffalowizard on Dec 13, 02:17 PM 2016No porn tubes for a start ...

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 13, 04:28 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 13, 03:15 PM 2016
I can tell by your long drawn out roulette posts that you are a smart person

How you got wrapped up in flat earth boggles me mind.

Please tell me you do not believe in the David icke lizard people.
He was probably told to say that in order to confuse people by mixing the truth with lies. They are allowed to do that so long as nobody talks about the Jesuits then the elite are safe. The alternative media and the truth movement are mostly under the control of the elite too. They cannot have it completely one-sided - all part of the deception. Even the RT news channel is controlled by the elite to give people the illusion that the media isn't completely biased. That's why Dr. Steven Jones appears in all the early 911 truth documentaries talking about thermite, but actually he was the one who came up with the Cold Fusion technology - based on Tesla - that brought down the twin towers. So, basically, the actual individual scientist/perpetrator behind 911 was the main star of all 911 truth documentaries.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 16, 07:46 AM 2016
Falkor. Eat your heart out

Private group sent a bloody fu cking pie into space. Clearly spherical planet beneath

Ya see falkor, an elaborate hoax like this couldn't work. Now we have private companies. And we have private companies doing space tourism up to the stratosphere

Flat earth is a hoax

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 16, 08:08 AM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 16, 07:46 AM 2016
Falkor. Eat your heart out

Private group sent a bloody fu cking pie into space. Clearly spherical planet beneath

Ya see falkor, an elaborate hoax like this couldn't work. Now we have private companies. And we have private companies doing space tourism up to the stratosphere

Flat earth is a hoax

LOL...yes indeed.

Falkor, you have to think about this carefully .

Is the pie being used to hoodwink people into thinking the earth is a globe or....(here, the sane mind kicks in)... is the video about sending a pie into space, and what the camera picks up isnt spurious but just what it records.

The pie company arnt in on the deception are they?

Everyone is in on it apart from you?

Start worrying now lol
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 16, 08:59 AM 2016
I shall leave my funniest discovery about the flat earth myth till last. Ready? Comfy? Here goes.

They believe that NASA has (I presume many thousands of) guards stationed around the giant icy rim-edge of earth, stopping people (I assume) from committing suicide by leaping off the edge, taking photos, videos etc. Now what poor sod is going to apply for that gig? !

"Hey I thought I was going to help build rockets!"

"Er no, sorry, we're putting you on the Antarctic Rim, which happens to be the edge of the flat earth and you are to shoot anyone you see on site"

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 16, 10:24 AM 2016
Buff....lol...what are they actually falling off and towards? They should, in theory, be able to just walk around the edge.

Falkor still hasnt told me how thick it is  ::)
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 16, 10:28 AM 2016
I'm not taking stabs at falkor

Someone posted this video on facebook and I just couldn't not share it here
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 16, 10:37 AM 2016
Flat earthers should be the first to do space tourism to the stratosphere

Paid for with taxpayer money
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 17, 07:27 PM 2016
: Holy Grail (Cup - fourth center of Kundalini)

Does this have anything to do with a flat earth
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 17, 07:29 PM 2016
Go on you irons
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 19, 07:38 PM 2016
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 20, 05:03 AM 2016
Did you watch it? Here's another good one...

Why put up with lies any longer? I catch out liers all the time. They feel absolutely no guilt.

Still think the Earth is a spinning ball?  :lol:
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 20, 06:09 AM 2016
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Dec 20, 05:03 AM 2016Still think the Earth is a spinning ball?
no I dont, I know it is.

Dont need an insane, convoluted mess to explain a very simple process.

The simple explanation will do fine.

You still havnt told me how thick the flat earth is.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 20, 07:52 AM 2016
im sorry Falkor but you're going to have to give a better reason for this whole deception, other than "they want more money"

If they want an extra few billion, they would raise taxes by a few pennies, NOT create an impossible labyrinth of lies the scale of which defies all reasoning and reality.

So, my question is: WHY go to these ridiculous lengths?
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 20, 09:30 AM 2016
It's not money. They want to be guardians of truth. And they are quite amused to think they are the only ones going around who know the earth is flat whilst all the sheep, i.e. you lot, their slaves, go around like programmed zombies and are too arrogant and gullible to be convinced that you've been fooled. Even Barack Obama has a laugh about the Flat Earth from time to time...
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 20, 09:48 AM 2016
The flat earth theory is not practical

As technology advances and private companies venture up, drones, balloons, etc it is proven to be a sphere by any common man

I fear for you man

Of all the practical conspiracy theories this one is just, stupid..... sorry to say

I won't defend it anymore I am finished
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 20, 09:55 AM 2016

Are there Flat Earth Society members all around the globe?
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 20, 10:05 AM 2016
Sun moon planets stars round. Earth randomly for no rhyme or reason is flat. Kill me
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 20, 10:27 AM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 20, 10:05 AM 2016
Sun moon planets stars round. Earth randomly for no rhyme or reason is flat. Kill me, BANGdid i miss
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 20, 10:54 AM 2016
Well in the next 50 years or so, the truth will out, once space travel becomes commercial and hopefully Falkor himself will be around to see it with his own eyes. Or will he still think that it's all just an elaborate rollercoaster ?! At what point do you start to actually believe stuff?
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 20, 11:41 AM 2016
Did you know that 70% of Extra Virgin Olive Oil sold in supermarkets is fake refined oil - probably mixed with vegetable oil?

Search Google for more info about the Olive Oil scam... there are many articles.

Did you know that all Stevia "natural" sweeteners sold in supermarkets contain less than 1% Stevia and instead 99% artificial sweetener?

These are only some of the many conspiracy theories that have turned out to be true during our time.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 20, 11:52 AM 2016
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Dec 20, 11:41 AM 2016
Did you know that 70% of Extra Virgin Olive Oil sold in supermarkets is fake refined oil - probably mixed with vegetable oil?

Search Google for more info about the Olive Oil scam... there are many articles.

Did you know that all Stevia "natural" sweeteners sold in supermarkets contain less than 1% Stevia and instead 99% artificial sweetener?

These are only some of the many conspiracy theories that have turned out to be true during our time.

stop changing the subject

how thick is the flat earth? <<<<<< a question asked 8 times
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 20, 12:15 PM 2016
So some random make of vegetable oil turns out to be different - well hey that proves that people would dupe us into believing the earth is round!

It's the logical conclusion...
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 20, 12:42 PM 2016
Trader Joe's certified organic olive oil
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 20, 12:59 PM 2016
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 20, 01:07 PM 2016
Man I used to be like u

Can't enjoy life like that

Eat as clean as possible. Stay away from meds.  Enjoy life.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 20, 01:53 PM 2016
There's always been scandals - I wouldn't call them conspiracies because that's for the paranoid. We had horse meat in lasagnes over here a few years ago.

Doesn't make the 'argument' of a flat earth any more legitimate I'm afraid!
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 21, 03:25 AM 2016
But it teaches you what people in power are capable of: they have disregard for the masses in terms of what products reach supermarket shelves and what products are tested for safety/authenticity. The olive oil scam was exposed by an independent lab, yet the products continue to be sold in supermarkets. And once you guys are on your deathbed you will find that nurses and many friends/relatives will also turn a blind eye. All they care about is their salary and exerting power/self-importance, hence the capacity for much bigger vanity projects like 911 and the globular earth.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 21, 03:32 AM 2016
This is what happens in the UK once a utility company has your bank account details and starts taking extra money out of your account due to misrepresentation or some other money matter. They then apply to "secret courts" that don't deal with money matters in order to get a warrant then they arrive at your address with the police and a locksmith; basically, the authorities, including the goods/service providers, the police, and the courts are all part of the same gang, and many high court judges are Freemasons.

Still not seeing a pattern yet?
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 21, 03:51 AM 2016
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Dec 21, 03:32 AM 2016Still not seeing a pattern yet?
mild Schizophrenia?
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 21, 05:53 AM 2016
Quote from: Turner on Dec 21, 03:51 AM 2016
mild Schizophrenia?
Turner, I take it you've never had any dealing with bailiffs before? Surely monetary matters shouldn't be left to gangsters, hence the judicial system is corrupt.

I do not have Schizophrenia* since my paranoia is justified, and I don't yet hear any voices in my head nor do I experience any magical thinking or delusions - only the true nature of reality as fed through my senses. Do you believe in horror scopes or religion for example? Science is just another cult/conjuration controlled by the elite.

*Your ad hominem attack is expected from somebody experiencing Cognitive Dissonance - not to mention responses of ridicule. Priyanka experienced exactly the same thing when he/she claimed Roulette could be beaten - but I guarantee that despite all the evidence presented in this topic, due to the nature of the conspiracy, even the most ardent skeptics/truth-seekers will turn out to be hypocrites.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 21, 06:06 AM 2016
It was a joke....and if it offended you, I apologise.

As much as I will "never" convince you any different, you wont do the same with me.

I am reading a book called Suspicious Minds: Why We Believe Conspiracy Theories by Rob Brotherton

You wont read it...I know, anymore than I will watch the lunatic links you keep providing.

What you dont probably realise is the perpetrators of these theories cant make it in the real world because they are up against clever people

So they go left of field to attract attention. They get their day in the sun because there are lots of gullable people around.

Cults and sects do exactly the same thing.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 21, 06:28 AM 2016
It's easy to make statements and then retract them afterwards. Likewise, for all the false assumptions you would have made during your lifetime - only to have been tipped off by an innocent messenger - no doubt you would have attacked him and then simply apologized afterwards. This could be after somebody attempted to spike your drink or something. But what if you are wrong about the globular earth, Turner? How could you improve as a person..?
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 21, 07:19 AM 2016
If you and the other members of your society just put in £1 each then you could easily afford a drone and a camera and all meet up to launch your purchase. There, you would see proof - either way - before your eyes!

But the fact is, you don't want to see the proof- the reality. You would rather belong to an elitist club where you can smugly pretend to know more than everyone else does because it makes you feel clever and that there is more to the world than there really is.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 21, 07:27 AM 2016
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Dec 21, 06:28 AM 2016
It's easy to make statements and then retract them afterwards. Likewise, for all the false assumptions you would have made during your lifetime - only to have been tipped off by an innocent messenger - no doubt you would have attacked him and then simply apologized afterwards. This could be after somebody attempted to spike your drink or something. But what if you are wrong about the globular earth, Turner? How could you improve as a person..?

LOL....and now the Straw Man routine.

I didnt come into this post and say the Earth is round like a ball.

You have the Russells Teapot argument.

The burdon of proof is firmly on you.

I dont have to prove anything. You have to prove the Earths flat.

You havnt. Someone else saying it on Youtube isnt proof.

Good luck with that one.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 21, 07:28 AM 2016
" But what if you are wrong about the globular earth, Turner? How could you improve as a person..? "

The real world doesn't operate through 'what ifs', there is only 'what is'

When you see the truth - as would be so easy to do if you had the inclination - then I hope you would feel a huge weight lifting off your shoulders. 
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 21, 07:29 AM 2016
Quote from: buffalowizard on Dec 21, 07:28 AM 2016The real world
The rub
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 21, 08:22 AM 2016
Youtube and the like are the only "alternative media" to what we have been brainwashed with since birth, hence all the evidence for the flat earth as well as the nature of the programmed lies I gathered and accumulated via several Youtube links featuring several independent researchers in my earlier reply to this topic, including other tidbits proving the psychological warfare that you are all currently being subjected to.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 21, 08:34 AM 2016
Don't forget: I also provided you all with the PDF link to the book. Not one of you has yet responded to the hundreds of evidence presented, hence nobody has bothered watching the videos or doing research of their own. Here's another video titled "200 proofs the earth is not a spinning ball":

So rather than asking rhetorical questions why not respond to the 200 pieces of evidence directly? Again, this is not a joke - but a very serious case of mind control being perpetrated against humanity.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 21, 09:05 AM 2016
This thread has actually gotten me physically sick

I haven't had a bad cold in years

This thread pops up, boom I'm sick

I'm sure this is the cause

I was going to watch the documentary. I am open to conspiracy theories and documentaries.

But I won't waste hours of my life on flat earth when it's been proven to be a sphere and you are too stubborn to believe otherwise

It actually pisses me off debating this


Think of what you are saying. Everything in space is a sphere except frisbee earth?

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 21, 09:15 AM 2016
RG, you've only been told it's been proven after first being taught to trust authority figures as telling you the truth.

Nothing in space is spherical. There is no space... don't you get it. We just have the flat earth up to the point of the firmament and what might lie beyond the perimeter ice walls as hinted by what was published in the Hawaiian newspaper I provided a link for, etc. Thickness and depth hasn't yet been observed beyond what the Flat Earth researchers noted about those drills carried out below the surface.

Sorry it makes you feel sick - but unfortunately it's necessary: true knowledge will heal you and make you stronger than ever, but you need to embrace it.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 21, 09:24 AM 2016
There's no space?

What about the high school students who sent a balloon and GoPro up?

Please tell me this is a joke
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 21, 09:28 AM 2016
Aristotle noticed that during lunar eclipses (when the Earth’s orbit places it directly between the Sun and the Moon, creating a shadow in the process), the shadow on the Moon’s surface is round. This shadow is the Earth’s, and it’s a great clue on the spherical shape of the Earth. So I am sorry if you have already answered this one Falkor, but why is the earth's clearly curved shadow cast on the moon?

Secondly If you stick a stick in the ground, it will produce a shadow. The shadow moves as time passes (which is the principle for ancient Shadow Clocks). If the world had been flat, then two sticks in different locations would produce the same shadow:

But they don’t. This is because the earth is round, and not flat. Because the Earth is round, sticks placed at distant locations will throw shadows of different lengths. Eratosthenes used this principle to calculate the circumference of the Earth quite accurately. Thoughts?
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 21, 09:31 AM 2016
Falkor is basically saying that all history is false, every pioneer was a fraud, every leader was in on it, every scientific experiment was made up and we should believe him and him only. Isn't this how religions start?
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 21, 09:32 AM 2016
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Dec 21, 09:15 AM 2016Nothing in space is spherical. There is no space.

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2016/12/21/temp_434539.gif) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/U40a)
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 21, 09:42 AM 2016
Quote from: buffalowizard on Dec 21, 09:31 AM 2016
Falkor is basically saying that all history is false, every pioneer was a fraud, every leader was in on it, every scientific experiment was made up and we should believe him and him only. Isn't this how religions start?
No, I am saying that all the figures you know about are puppets of the elite for the media weapon pointed at you. The real pioneers you never hear about, except Tesla (unless you bothered to read the list of moon craters that represent Jesuit scientists)
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 21, 09:46 AM 2016
Check out all the links I posted and at least watch the documentaries! NASA and space is nothing but a Hollywood studio set for your TV screens and media reports/publications using CGI and Photoshop before they used silver foil and scotch tape to fake the moon landings, etc.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 21, 09:47 AM 2016
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 21, 09:50 AM 2016
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 21, 09:52 AM 2016
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Dec 21, 09:47 AM 2016
The sun doesnt orbit the earth lol
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 21, 09:57 AM 2016
Turner, have you seen this short clip already?  :xd:
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 21, 10:00 AM 2016
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Dec 21, 09:57 AM 2016
Turner, have you seen this short clip already?  :xd:

11 seconds in and Saturn is nearer to the Sun than Jupiter. I stopped.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 21, 10:14 AM 2016
Youtube has a lot to answer for
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 21, 10:15 AM 2016
Sure Turner, but that's not the main point of the video; just because every movie has goofs in it doesn't mean you stop watching it. However, I can see you've been a diligent student to mainstream education system without any flexibility to stray away from the enforced conformity. If only you put that much effort into researching the flat earth then you could produce even better videos than the amateurs. It's easy to "split hairs" at any scientist or amateur - but the key thing is being able to see the bigger picture.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 21, 10:21 AM 2016

A real theory being explored by scientists is that our three dimensional world is a hologram produced by our brains and consciousness

That's a real theory being explored by the science community

A flat earth enclosed in ice walls is just stoopid man!!

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 21, 10:26 AM 2016
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Dec 21, 10:15 AM 2016just because every movie has goofs in it doesn't mean you stop watching it
its about credibility. How can they know what they are talking about if they put Saturn closer?

I gonged them :thumbsup:

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2016/12/21/temp_216228.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/U7CF)
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 21, 11:34 AM 2016
Off topic but is a daft one anyway.
Turner will you be down for the FA cup? could meet in Aspers casino, couple of beers well in my case 1. If yes you wont get in with a city shirt, no football stuff allowed, okay.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 21, 12:37 PM 2016
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 21, 12:49 PM 2016
I don't understand the point of the meme. Is the image on the left a close up of an old floor board ?
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 21, 01:09 PM 2016
Because sending out two voyagers in the 70s with audio and video encrypted on a gold disc was just an elaborate hoax
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 21, 01:20 PM 2016
Why is there no evidence for The Edge ? The world needs proof or else its mere speculation
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 21, 03:10 PM 2016
Quote from: buffalowizard on Dec 21, 01:20 PM 2016
Why is there no evidence for The Edge ? The world needs proof or else its mere speculation
It's all there in the docus and the pdf book I linked to.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 21, 03:48 PM 2016
When I was on a cruise other ships would disappear into the HORIZON

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 21, 04:01 PM 2016
Quote from: buffalowizard on Dec 21, 12:49 PM 2016I don't understand the point of the meme. Is the image on the left a close up of an old floor board ?
no answer again I guess.

I can answer. Ive looked at Jupiter through my 8" Dobsonian telescope. It looks likes the right image.

Not sure how "they" changed that live viewing in my garden so I was fooled lol. I saw its moons move over 3 weeks too

Or did I ?

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2016/12/21/temp_748113.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/UiRs)
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 21, 04:14 PM 2016
His meme is comparing a Nikon camera to NASA telescopes

Karl wolf. NASA. Moon. Google it.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 21, 05:38 PM 2016
Ok so the Nikon camera isn't as good as a NASA satellite, or as good as Turners piece of kit either... still don't get it
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 21, 08:58 PM 2016
Here's what somebody else saw with Turner's kit:

It's just a blob with a few more dots?

Remember: the flat earth theory states that NASA lied to us by using CGI and Photoshop since faking the moon landings. So the point of the experiment is that we are trying to test independently of NASA to see if we can observe a comparable image to what they have published via the media. And as I said before Nikon has the most powerful optical zoom and has already proven the flat earth by seeing objects 26 miles+ into the distant horizon where those objects should be out of view due to supposed curvature of the Earth.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 21, 08:59 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 21, 03:48 PM 2016
When I was on a cruise other ships would disappear into the HORIZON

Yeah, and you haven't watched the docus...
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 22, 03:34 AM 2016
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Dec 21, 08:58 PM 2016It's just a blob with a few more dots?

stop living in Youtube land

Get a telescope. Look at the moon. Look at Jupiter.

Those images were crap. I can see the red spot and several bands. Its awesome.

Try it Falkor. The real world, that is.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 22, 04:53 AM 2016
he won't Turner, because it feels special being part of a group that knows such a BIG secret.

There's so many simple and cheap experiments one could conduct to prove the earth is a sphere. The two stick method would do the job, just phone someone in another country and ask them what the shadow looks like at the same time as yours.

But will any of these backwards fellows do them ?
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 22, 05:10 AM 2016
Buff and Turner
Theres the humber suspension bridge, now our tutor said each of the towers is up right/vertical to plumb. He said that if you measure the base and top, the top measure is bigger due to the curve of the earth. So that would make them out of plumb/vertical
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 22, 06:32 AM 2016
Quote from: Turner on Dec 22, 03:34 AM 2016
stop living in Youtube land

Get a telescope. Look at the moon. Look at Jupiter.

Those images were crap. I can see the red spot and several bands. Its awesome.

Try it Falkor. The real world, that is.
Youtube land, i.e. the alternative media, is better than watching the biased mainstream media IMO. However, it's clear that you are under total control via the latter. As for the red spot... NASA needed inspiration from somewhere for their Photoshop jobs, but I just doubt we will ever get to see it any clearer than the best telescopes that we currently have access to as amateurs, and it seems all celestial objects have a static appearance if not with more fuzzier faded lighting on closer magnification. Again, the point of the whole flat earth is that NASA cannot be trusted. We may not be able to verify much of the distant objects in the sky, but we can at least verify the moon image always remains static as well as ground based observations where no curvature is observed contrary to what has been propagated from the elite through their media and educational system.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 22, 08:28 AM 2016
Again, avoiding the main points. Get a telescope and see jupiters spot for yourself. Hell, go to an observatory and see the very obvious spherical shape of the planets in the sky.
Failing that get a drone and see the earths curve. Surely you are intrigued to see proof for your hypotheses, and to disprove 99.9% of the populations belief? Go out and DO IT... then send us the findings!
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 22, 08:39 AM 2016
Using YouTube as your magic wand of wisdom is nothing short of delusional. It's like me showing you Lord of the Rings on DVD and saying that it's real!

Science documentaries can be backed up and proved again and again in any lab in the world - your wild theories cannot. Therefore, you will always be in the minority. But then, that's exactly where you want to be.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 08:41 AM 2016
You are under total control of the bat shit alternative media spewing the flat earth lie

When you talk about control look in the mirror
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 08:53 AM 2016
Again. Don't get me wrong. Alternative media uncovers a lot. Most my news is alternative

But the flat earth comes from the crackpots.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 22, 08:54 AM 2016
Alternative music is always seen as cooler than mainstream music right?

So you believe everything you see on YouTube Falkor, what about hollow earth? Concave earth? I suppose these lunatics have some very persuasive videos too?

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RayManZ on Dec 22, 09:10 AM 2016
Case Closed: link:s://youtu.be/ikmOGqA7R7A
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 22, 09:43 AM 2016
Quote from: RayManZ on Dec 22, 09:10 AM 2016
Case Closed: link:s://youtu.be/ikmOGqA7R7A
Those guys are probably shills... no way have they seen any space stations or satellites... remember, NASA is such a big conspiracy that there are people working full time on this to keep it going. Forget what people claim to have seen... what can we feel and observe with our own senses and technologies that we have access to? So go ahead and ask your relatives to buy you a Nikon P900 this Christmas, so you can confirm that there is no curvature. Or ask them to book you a plane flight from one side of the flat earth to the other and note there are no shortcuts.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 22, 09:56 AM 2016
Sorry to say Falkor, but amateur astronomers are busting your theory up all over the place!
As technology gets even better and cheaper, the flat earthers will have no where to hide
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RayManZ on Dec 22, 10:25 AM 2016
You can do the ship trick yourself... Did you watch the video. A ship sails of to the horizon. The further it gets the less you see from the bottom of the ship. I live next to a harbor and i see the every day... I just aim my telescoop to the horizon and follow the ship. I just looks like it's diving in the sea.

Also. The long range gun thing. Any comments on that? I watched your video's but i can't find a anwser for that.

The big thing i have against a flat earth is why? All the other theories about olive oil or whatever do have one thing in common. Money. Is only NASA in on it? Are all the pilots in on it? What about all the private space companies? Elon Musk? SpaceX?

Maybe you should do some research on the people that are making those flat earth videos. Whats their background? Do they know what they talk about?

I'm really openminded. Heck, I play roulette, keep winning, while i'm staring at a blank piece of paper waiting till i see a number. You can't explain that at all. Nobody can. But i do win and so do many others who play this way.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 22, 10:30 AM 2016
I wish you guys would watch the docus... if only... :/
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 11:13 AM 2016
Why watch? The flat earth theory has been debunked by private citizens

You refuse to acknowledge the college projects that send cameras up to the stratosphere

You are literally a prisoner to this ridiculous theory and I feel sorry for you

Stop killing brain cells.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 22, 11:20 AM 2016
It's called brainwashed RG,

flat out, stone cold, bona fide, gold standard, unabridged, unadulterated brainwashing. Poor sod
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 22, 12:02 PM 2016
Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 22, 05:10 AM 2016
Buff and Turner
Theres the humber suspension bridge, now our tutor said each of the towers is up right/vertical to plumb. He said that if you measure the base and top, the top measure is bigger due to the curve of the earth. So that would make them out of plumb/vertical
I love this. Right up my street :thumbsup:
This is clever proof
Thanks Notto
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 12:12 PM 2016
I want to know what makes the alternative media conspiracy site source so much more of a better source than actual proof

Boggles me mind.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 02:04 PM 2016
What is it about your sources that receives your stamp of approval falkor?
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 02:39 PM 2016
Thinking that everything that happens is a conspiracy with crisis actors is a mental disorder by the way 
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 22, 02:40 PM 2016
It's ok guys, I reckon he's slowly  coming back to his senses  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 22, 02:56 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 02:04 PM 2016
What is it about your sources that receives your stamp of approval falkor?
The Jesuits, Freemasons and symbolism. The Flat Earth only makes true sense when you have studied all other conspiracy theories and joined many dots as I have. But understanding human behaviour still tops them all - since it explains everything that involves humans, including conspiracies.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 03:47 PM 2016
If the earth was flat, the space tourism industry and companies like virgin galactic would have been sabotaged.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 03:52 PM 2016
A seat to space with Virgin Galactic and membership of the Future Astronaut community requires the full price of US$250,000 to be paid as an up front deposit.

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 03:54 PM 2016
When people go up as tourists what are you going to say then?
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 22, 04:02 PM 2016
They're all in on it RG, the whole kapoodle. It's all one big cover up.
Richard Branson and Musk are filthy rich, therefore they are evil and are rolling on the floor in laughter at how foolish we all are thinking the earth is round! Hahaha
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 04:23 PM 2016
Yup all in cahoots

He will say the tourist ship windows are ultra real OLED screens showing a round planet
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 05:42 PM 2016
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Dec 08, 05:56 AM 2016
You guys do realise that the Earth is flat and NASA are having to continue making their photoshop/cgi cover up/hoax more and more elaborate as time goes on since faking the moon landings? 99% of southern hemisphere flights do not exist as direct flights - but require a stop-off at the middle-east - and twice the distance to a globe earth, i.e. there are no short-cuts on the real flat-earth. And all live GPS flight data is censored for the southern hemisphere whilst planes are crossing oceans.

Here's a 1 hour overview on the subject:

Here's a more in-depth 6-hour documentary to "unlearn" Einstein:


Here's what the real Flat Earth looks like as used for the United Nations logo:



Here's how the extension of the real world map might look beyond our perimeter ice walls:


All astronaut actors are Freemasons.


More links here:


Transpolar flights exist to save time and fuel

You say no shortcuts of a flat earth

Explain the cold polar regions. They would randomly exist?
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 05:43 PM 2016
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Dec 08, 07:32 AM 2016
Yep - they are flat discs - the moon can appear upside-down and whatnot depending on which country you are viewing it from at different times, but get this: you never seen an inch towards it's supposed dark-side - you only ever see the same 2D image at all times. It also gives out a colder light than the background shade so is self-luminous instead of reflecting the sun's light.

We are brainwashed that the earth is a globe that rotates extremely fast and at the same time is orbiting the sun in another direction; the whole system is then supposedly moving around a galaxy. But with these simultaneous 3-4 rotations/movements happening at different angles and directions, the stars in the sky - instead of moving in crazy spiral motions or some such as would be expected by the galaxy/globular model - stay in fixed relative positions slowly moving in a circle around the pole star above the North Pole.

All celestial bodies are flat discs?
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 08:04 PM 2016

You said they are flat dics

Why would you think this
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 22, 08:13 PM 2016
Please advise. I meant discs not dics
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Still on Dec 23, 01:16 AM 2016
Falkor, just because Turner voted to remain in the EU doesn't mean he's in cahoots with the MSM.  And even if it does, it doesn't mean his telescope is faulty!

I've heard you use the term we are "special"...and following the RayManz  link, I heard another flat earther emphasize that term, all the while talking  about the deceptions of the devil.

Alas, this is your downfall...as it is the downfall of the proverbial Lucifer.

Man (kind) is the fallout of the desire to be special.  Everybody is infected with the desire. To the degree we can resist the temptation, to that degree the proverbial devil and it's deceptions must loosen it's  grip on our mind.. 

A long time ago, I identified this desire to be central to man's apparent existence, everything else orbiting around the man.  And I identified the Catholic Church's flat earth science some  centuries ago as motivated by the desire to be special, it having long since abandoned Christ to serve the agenda of Christ's opposition.

For those who don't know, there isn't anything special about Christ, as Christ exists in a world/reality in which all living beings are perfect, and perfectly equal.  Whereas in this world, not much of anything is truly equal to anything else, not even snowflakes.  This all derives from the desire to be special, which is what motivates the exhibition of all that is unequal.

Inequality is synonymous with iniquity, which must separate itself from equality (Christ), in order to be special.  And this is the history of our separation from truth and reality.

So, by using this term "special", as if it were a good thing, you've betrayed your standing to those of us well versed in the etymology of deception. 

You are not standing on solid philosophical ground. 

Whether round or flat, the earth is a deception.  You strengthen that deception when you promulgate this false dichotomy. 

This knowledge does make me special...technically speaking.  But the difference between you and me is it is no longer my driving force.

And so, it's not so easy to decieve me.

If I was forced to pick which of two illusions was truest, round or flat, first I remind myself I don't have to pick between what does not exist in reality  (in the world of Christ).

  Then, in order to circumnavigate, i come down in favor of round, as the consensus illusion that works best for everybody who will eventually escape the temptation of special existence.

Indeed, there is not much special about conforming to the consensus (illusion ).  The alternative is to be special, and fall for delusion.

I am not surprised your trusted sources include priests.

I would not expect your trusted sources to be the same as other flat earther sources (the bible), as then, you would not be special.

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 23, 08:29 AM 2016
Falkor also made the flight argument.

In the Southern Hemisphere there is a lack of direct flights

That's because 90 percent of the population is in the northern hemisphere. Flights over Antarctica don't even need to exist

However now there are direct flights from Australia to Latin America so there goes that flat earthers argument
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 23, 08:31 AM 2016
I read stills comment

Trying to understand what he himself believes

But it seems to me religion was a tool to control

So much misinformation in religion be it Christianity Islam Judaism.

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Still on Dec 23, 01:36 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 23, 08:31 AM 2016
I read stills comment

Trying to understand what he himself believes

But it seems to me religion was a tool to control

So much misinformation in religion be it Christianity Islam Judaism.

I define priestcraft as the control of the largest number people with the smallest police force.  That is accomplished with appeals to a certain kind of god authority.  Get into people's heads and they will obey, and even volunteer taxes to the priest class. Deception is effective that way, and many feel it is necessary given man's dispositions.  Governments use similar tactics but need bigger police forces, as they are often missing the god authority factor ever since "devine right" of kings has been questioned.  Democracies still see deception on a mass scale, as mass media tries to get a majority to fall in line.

Deception is the first phase of force and/or war.  It's true that truth is the first casualty of war.  It's the least costly if it works, so it's efficient.  Before forcing people to do things, you always try to decieve them. 

So, not cooincidently, the first sentence in the bible is a lie.  By the time you get to the tree of the knowledge of good/evil, you've already been bitten by the snake if you fell for the first sentence.

Personally, I believe in "Christ", which is a meaningless word until you realize it means "reality" as described and promulgated by such personalities as Jesus.  If "Christ" is the "truth" it implies everything else is a "lie". 

A synonym for lie is "illusion", or something you see based upon some self deception.  Self deceptions are fueled by beliefs...including anything you can imagine.  This induces the mind to make your imaginations "come true", or to become "reality".

This is how the universe of planets, plants and animals comes about.  At the core of it is a belief in being special.  Then a "world" appears to justify/verify the belief.  In this way, "faith" (belief) is indeed the "substance" of all things material. 

Only in a material world can anything be special.  Indeed, in such a world, everything is special, which is the whole point.

This theme is FORCED by imagination upon reality (Christ), and transforms reality (Christ) into something completely different...by mechanisms and machinations of the mind.  Generally, if you believe it you will see it. 

In reality (Christ), everything is "alive", and every living being is the same. So nothing and no one is special.  As you can imagine, being special destroys such a reality (Christ), causing it to "fall" into all manner of degenerate manifestations of magic.  Fantastic beasts...all special.

Getting into the mechanics, what makes anything special?  Number one, you need "diversity", where everything is different than everything/anything else.  This can only be accomplished in a material world, such as what we see.  Diversity is where "separation" is introduced into the equation. To be diverse, everything must by separated from everything else. 

This is how/why being special separates itself from reality (Christ) and makes its own reality  (Christ) in a world entirely based upon imagination and faith.  Such a world is a religion.  As such, it is officially anti-reality (Christ).  What drives it, faith in specialness, is THE anti-Christ.

This world, this religion, is constantly being maintained by what I'll call "priests".  These are designated authority figures who will assure you that such a world is real, legitamate, and even "good".

The very first sentence of the Bible assures you such a world is real, legitamate and "good".  But "good" is a term belonging only to Christ (reality).  In so many ways, such a world steals the attributes of Christ (reality) and appropriates them to itself.  If it could, it would completely replace Christ (reality) with its own...indeed, with its own special self.

This is a better understanding of the term "the anti-Christ".  It is a "self" that appropriates all of Christ's  (reality's) attributes to itself,  but displays them in a completely different way, so as to be special.  As such, the entire material world is an anti-self, as well as the faith and imagination that drives it.

Note well, a material world is made "in the image" of what is good (Christ). Translation, it is made in the imagination of an anti-self that appropriates what is good to itself, distorts it, and this is what the priests call "god" or "God" .  Such gods are a distorted good (Christ), missing the essential ingredients that make Christ (Reality) what it is. 

Priests serve to constantly reinforce faith in such gods and it's material world.  Without such constant maintainance, the world would dissappear.  Without faith, material worlds dissappear because, as already mentioned, they are manifestations faith-magic to begin with, conjured up with statements of intent, such as "so mote it be" or "let there be light".

Being and light are attributes of Christ, and don't need to be improved through change.  Statements such as "so mote it be", or "let there be light" imply that these need to be changed, or did not exist before. In such ways, Christ is transformed into a material world, via magic, into some grotesque mockery.  Now, for light, we have burning hot bombs we call "the sun", or "stars".  These are all bombs that will either implode or explode, destroying anything that depended upon them...or had faith in them. 

In so many ways, the magic if faith+imagination makes a mockery of all that is good (Christ-Reality).

In such a world, priests and pagans maintain a false dichotomy, as if they disagreed with one another. Behind the scenes, they all have faith in the sanctity of a material world...that it is real...and worth preserving/maintaining.

Again, if you withdraw faith in such a world, it dissapears.

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 23, 01:49 PM 2016
Quote from: Still on Dec 23, 01:36 PM 2016
I define priestcraft as the control of the largest number people with the smallest police force.  That is accomplished with appeals to a certain kind of god authority.  Get into people's heads and they will obey, and even volunteer taxes to the priest class. Deception is effective that way, and many feel it is necessary given man's dispositions.  Governments use similar tactics but need bigger police forces, as they are often missing the god authority factor ever since "devine right" of kings has been questioned.  Democracies still see deception on a mass scale, as mass media tries to get a majority to fall in line.

Deception is the first phase of force and/or war.  It's true that truth is the first casualty of war.  It's the least costly if it works, so it's efficient.  Before forcing people to do things, you always try to decieve them. 

So, not cooincidently, the first sentence in the bible is a lie.  By the time you get to the tree of the knowledge of good/evil, you've already been bitten by the snake if you fell for the first sentence.

Personally, I believe in "Christ", which is a meaningless word until you realize it means "reality" as described and promulgated by such personalities as Jesus.  If "Christ" is the "truth" it implies everything else is a "lie". 

A synonym for lie is "illusion", or something you see based upon some self deception.  Self deceptions are fueled by beliefs...including anything you can imagine.  This induces the mind to make your imaginations "come true", or to become "reality".

This is how the universe of planets, plants and animals comes about.  At the core of it is a belief in being special.  Then a "world" appears to justify/verify the belief.  In this way, "faith" (belief) is indeed the "substance" of all things material. 

Only in a material world can anything be special.  Indeed, in such a world, everything is special, which is the whole point.

This theme is FORCED by imagination upon reality (Christ), and transforms reality (Christ) into something completely different...by mechanisms and machinations of the mind.  Generally, if you believe it you will see it. 

In reality (Christ), everything is "alive", and every living being is the same. So nothing and no one is special.  As you can imagine, being special destroys such a reality (Christ), causing it to "fall" into all manner of degenerate manifestations of magic.  Fantastic beasts...all special.

Getting into the mechanics, what makes anything special?  Number one, you need "diversity", where everything is different than everything/anything else.  This can only be accomplished in a material world, such as what we see.  Diversity is where "separation" is introduced into the equation. To be diverse, everything must by separated from everything else. 

This is how/why being special separates itself from reality (Christ) and makes its own reality  (Christ) in a world entirely based upon imagination and faith.  Such a world is a religion.  As such, it is officially anti-reality (Christ).  What drives it, faith in specialness, is THE anti-Christ.

This world, this religion, is constantly being maintained by what I'll call "priests".  These are designated authority figures who will assure you that such a world is real, legitamate, and even "good".

The very first sentence of the Bible assures you such a world is real, legitamate and "good".  But "good" is a term belonging only to Christ (reality).  In so many ways, such a world steals the attributes of Christ (reality) and appropriates them to itself.  If it could, it would completely replace Christ (reality) with its own...indeed, with its own special self.

This is a better understanding of the term "the anti-Christ".  It is a "self" that appropriates all of Christ's  (reality's) attributes to itself,  but displays them in a completely different way, so as to be special.  As such, the entire material world is an anti-self, as well as the faith and imagination that drives it.

Note well, a material world is made "in the image" of what is good (Christ). Translation, it is made in the imagination of an anti-self that appropriates what is good to itself, distorts it, and this is what the priests call "god" or "God" .  Such gods are a distorted good (Christ), missing the essential ingredients that make Christ (Reality) what it is. 

Priests serve to constantly reinforce faith in such gods and it's material world.  Without such constant maintainance, the world would dissappear.  Without faith, material worlds dissappear because, as already mentioned, they are manifestations faith-magic to begin with, conjured up with statements of intent, such as "so mote it be" or "let there be light".

Being and light are attributes of Christ, and don't need to be improved through change.  Statements such as "so mote it be", or "let there be light" imply that these need to be changed, or did not exist before. In such ways, Christ is transformed into a material world, via magic, into some grotesque mockery.  Now, for light, we have burning hot bombs we call "the sun", or "stars".  These are all bombs that will either implode or explode, destroying anything that depended upon them...or had faith in them. 

In so many ways, the magic if faith+imagination makes a mockery of all that is good (Christ-Reality).

In such a world, priests and pagans maintain a false dichotomy, as if they disagreed with one another. Behind the scenes, they all have faith in the sanctity of a material world...that it is real...and worth preserving/maintaining.

Again, if you withdraw faith in such a world, it dissapears.


I hope you write for a living

That's some good writing skills
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 23, 01:52 PM 2016
So to summarise in laymans terms...

Flat Earth is pure bull$hit?
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 23, 01:55 PM 2016
Falkor ignores the go pros in the atmosphere because he knows it's proof
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Still on Dec 23, 02:21 PM 2016
Quote from: buffalowizard on Dec 23, 01:52 PM 2016
So to summarise in laymans terms...

Flat Earth is pure bull$hit?

I see it as twice removed from reality, while round planets are once removed from reality.  The farther one moves from reality, the more dangerous it gets.  I really don't think you want to get on a plane with a pilot who believes in a flat earth.

Anything removed from reality is bull $hit.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Still on Dec 23, 03:18 PM 2016
Quote from: buffalowizard on Dec 23, 01:52 PM 2016
So to summarise in laymans terms...

Flat Earth is pure bull$hit?

Round planets is like stepping in bull $hit. 

Flat planets is like eating bull $hit.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Kattila on Dec 23, 04:39 PM 2016
People, begin to get used to the idea that we are just a farm for others. They even literally eat us, and took us vital energies, our negative emotions also are food for they , fear, frustration, sadness, hatred, envy, emotions that they intentionally causing to us.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: denzie on Dec 23, 04:48 PM 2016
Seriously?   :yawn:

Now I understand why they laugh at GF.
Somebody should stop smoking that ganja asap.  ::)
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 23, 05:05 PM 2016
Quote from: denzie on Dec 23, 04:48 PM 2016
Seriously?   :yawn:

Now I understand why they laugh at GF.
Somebody should stop smoking that ganja asap.  ::)

Hmmm....Christs and people farms.

too complicated.

Its a simple world.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Still on Dec 23, 05:27 PM 2016
Quote from: Turner on Dec 23, 05:05 PM 2016
Hmmm....Christs and people farms.

too complicated.

Its a simple world.

Actually the world of Christ (reality) is simpler. A world built upon diversity is more complicated.  Only for that reason is explaining about the world of Christ (reality) complicated.

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 23, 05:29 PM 2016
A regular guy with a go pro

Stop this nonsense. Stop it now

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 23, 05:32 PM 2016
Regular guy. Part 2

Look at that sphere

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 23, 05:35 PM 2016

Prove to us it is flat

Buy a go pro and do this

Few hundred dollars. Worth it right?
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 23, 06:41 PM 2016
Quote from: Still on Dec 23, 05:27 PM 2016
Actually the world of Christ (reality) is simpler. A world built upon diversity is more complicated.  Only for that reason is explaining about the world of Christ (reality) complicated.

Why would you need a Christ to see?. Its one step too far. Open your eyes and observe reality.

We need to move with the times. No need to visit old ideas like Jesus and Flat earths.

No need for devolution. Yes its trendy. Yes its cool and most of all, its key to the peoples favorite pastime. Nostalgia.

Nostalgia aint what it used to be lol  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Still on Dec 24, 01:03 AM 2016
Quote from: Turner on Dec 23, 06:41 PM 2016
Why would you need a Christ to see?. Its one step too far. Open your eyes and observe reality.

We need to move with the times. No need to visit old ideas like Jesus and Flat earths.

No need for devolution. Yes its trendy. Yes its cool and most of all, its key to the peoples favorite pastime. Nostalgia.

Nostalgia aint what it used to be lol  :thumbsup:

So you are maintaining the faith that makes a material world like this "real". 

But as I've said, that is as much a religion as any other faith. 

What binds so many disparate faiths together is this agreement that this world is real, or is the real one among a list of other possibilities, certainly more real than any reality Jesus tried to describe, which is not considered relevant...even by Christians.

Christians generally insist this world is as real as any world that their God might live in.  The point is, they are still interested in "keeping it real", as much or more than the proverbial heaven.

Statements insisting this world is real are not much different from the statements of intent which manifest it to begin with...and simply indicate ongoing loyalty.  Such statements carry no weight in the reality Jesus tried to describe...nor with me.

All occupants of this world have such a faith, such loyalty.  No surprise there. And it would be a miracle if you opened up your mind to the reality I am trying to describe.

Not sure what you mean why we need Christ to see, as I did not discuss that. 

As I've said, Christ is reality, and cannot be seen with eyeballs. 

Knowledge provides its own kind of sight and that knowledge comes only from Christ...as there is no knowledge in this world. 

With knowledge, one can see Christ, the same as seeing reality. 

The opposite of, and substitute for knowledge is faith. 

Faith is a gross mockery of knowledge, and is all man has.  By faith, man sees the world he wants to see. The general consensus is round planets, but if you wanted only to see flat planets, that may well manifest...FOR YOU...but not necessarily for anyone else.  Faith is like that, able to blind you to reality by providing you with all the evidence you want or need to convince you that what you wish for is now the reality. So, faith is deceiving as it manifests imagination into "reality".

For those who can see Christ, they cannot also see "this world", as reality and imagination are incompatible and cannot coexist. And so, to them, what YOU see is irrelevant nostalgia that does not exist and is no longer needed if it ever was.

This is not about being hip or cool. 

While Christianity may be irrelevant nostalgia, what I'm saying will still be relevant 2000 years down the strange road of "time".

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 24, 04:11 AM 2016
Still, I don't know if it is lost in translation somewhat, but I'm not understanding your position. At times it sounds as if you are bashing religion and Jesus , and at other parts you sound like you embrace Christ and this other reality that only Christ seers can perceive. It's a little confusing to humble earth dwellers sorry
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 24, 08:38 AM 2016
You want to see truth?

Smoke DMT
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 24, 12:36 PM 2016
Quote from: buffalowizard on Dec 24, 04:11 AM 2016
Still, I don't know if it is lost in translation somewhat, but I'm not understanding your position. At times it sounds as if you are bashing religion and Jesus , and at other parts you sound like you embrace Christ and this other reality that only Christ seers can perceive. It's a little confusing to humble earth dwellers sorry

im not the only one

maybe in simplistic terms he can explain what he believes
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Still on Dec 24, 03:16 PM 2016
Quote from: buffalowizard on Dec 24, 04:11 AM 2016
Still, I don't know if it is lost in translation somewhat, but I'm not understanding your position. At times it sounds as if you are bashing religion and Jesus , and at other parts you sound like you embrace Christ and this other reality that only Christ seers can perceive. It's a little confusing to humble earth dwellers sorry

I'll try to explain. Might take some time and a couple of posts.  Will try to have an answer by/for Christmas.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 24, 07:18 PM 2016
Quote from: Still on Dec 24, 03:16 PM 2016
I'll try to explain. Might take some time and a couple of posts.  Will try to have an answer by/for Christmas.

Cool....will look forward to that. :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 24, 07:38 PM 2016
we'll see what your faith,religon and anything else you believe in, when that big space ship turns up and  >:D
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 29, 06:59 PM 2016

I have confession to make

Planetary bodies are cylindrical and wrapped in plastic

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 30, 06:08 AM 2016
Guys, you can all spot a con-man on the streets... why can't you spot a con-man politician on your TV screens???
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 30, 07:12 AM 2016
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Dec 30, 06:08 AM 2016
Guys, you can all spot a con-man on the streets... why can't you spot a con-man politician on your TV screens???

Why can't YOU spot the thousands of glaring flaws in your embarrassing belief
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 30, 09:15 AM 2016
The thing is with technology today you have private citizens that have flown around the earth world


If it was 200 years ago you would have more of a chance
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 30, 09:21 AM 2016
Antarctica is not an ice wall holding in water either lol

People have flown around the world north to south across the poles

"A Pilot from Fredericksburg, Virginia, has flown around the world in a single-engine airplane on a route down the eastern side of the Americas, over the South Pole, across the Pacific Ocean, up the West Coast of the U.S. to Alaska, over the North Pole, and home.

Followers tagged along on social media and an online flight tracker as Bill Harrelson, 68, completed his journey with a landing back where he started in Kinston, North Carolina, the afternoon of Jan. 21. The final leg capped a 24-day adventure that will allow him to claim a speed record that his team said "shatters" a 1987 mark set by Richard D. Norton."
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 30, 09:27 AM 2016
He was in on it and so were all the people following him

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 30, 01:23 PM 2016
Look at these fkin muppets....adding a second onto world time because the rotation of the earth slows..... just to cover up the fact that the earths flat
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 30, 01:44 PM 2016
You gotta admit, they really do cover all bases !
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 30, 02:10 PM 2016
Falkor, your direct ancestors and family lineage definitely had a hand in galileos house arrest and persecution.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 30, 02:54 PM 2016
I just fkcin love this

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 30, 02:59 PM 2016
Quote from: Turner on Dec 30, 01:23 PM 2016
Look at these fkin muppets....adding a second onto world time because the rotation of the earth slows..... just to cover up the fact that the earths flat
Everything is just a game... next time you in a restaurant watch the reaction of the waiter's face when you ask him "you could have brought the bread before the main course"... he will go into an evil chuckle... muahahahahaha! Again, you will figure out human behaviour and how the world works by the time you reach your deathbed, but first you will experience tougher times, the death of relatives, betrayals, and land grabs. And one day you will admit my warning to you was something you should have taken heed of: you guys have all been taken for a ride. By then it will be too late to regret a wasted life. So here's my last warning to you all... all money is created out of thin air by the elite, and they do not have to labour for it... the one dollar bill has the Jesuit symbol on it to tell you who is in control - the same symbol you find in practically every Hollywood movie by celebrities who are living shorter lives than WWF wrestlers! Talk about showbiz... did you know that the first Nazi office was located in 59 Broadway, Manhattan, USA before their HQ moved to a purpose built building in Germany. You know that Henry Ford financed all engines in Nazi ground vehicles? The western industrialists built the Nazi war machine, which led to the concentration camp industry that the media was fully aware of yet did not report. Every concentration camp has a double barb-wired fence, a watchtower and a railroad, otherwise it can't be called a concentration camp. Those railroads in all concentration camps, including at auschwitz, all came by way of the US of A. And once they had killed off all the Jews, using poisonous gas made in USA and exported to new Nazi territory, they then founded Israel in 1948! Guys, if you've still not figured it out, just take a look at the clothing worn for portraits of all royal families from around the globe in the past 500 years - even the rulers of Russia... they all donned clothing with Vatican symbolism. The Vatican has controlled the known world for the past 2,000 years - and their Jesuit military arm is what completed their globalization of the (flat) earth in the last 500. It's no a brainer... every movie of the 1930s and 1940s tells you the reality of World War 2, including those by Alfred Hitchc***. There's more than 300 movies and cartoons that tell us about 911. For the last time you guys need to wake up... you haven't got a bloody clue that you are all dealing with psychopaths. And there's less than 1/50 people out there who are honest and decent. You are all part of a psychological game and yet you do not know it - nor have the foggiest - even when you are being tipped off about it. Don't wait to learn the hard way - do some bloody research into what I am telling ya'll.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 30, 03:03 PM 2016
Quote from: Turner on Dec 30, 02:54 PM 2016
I just fkcin love this


Obvious photoshop job by the Freemasons innit lol
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Dec 30, 03:04 PM 2016
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Dec 30, 02:59 PM 2016next time you in a restaurant watch the reaction of the waiter's face when you ask him "you could have brought the bread before the main course"... he will go into an evil chuckle... muahahahahaha!

okayyyy  :o
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 30, 03:25 PM 2016
Falkor I'm with you on that

I know the bildebergs and I know what you speak of. I get those conspiracies and the control

But the earth is round
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 30, 03:47 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 30, 03:25 PM 2016
Falkor I'm with you on that

I know the bildebergs and I know what you speak of. I get those conspiracies and the control

But the earth is round
That's only because you became a slave and was told by your overlords that the earth is round. So it's nothing but blind faith...
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 30, 03:52 PM 2016
The point is: they aren't just lying to you about the globe earth - they are lying to you about just about every god damn thing.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 30, 04:02 PM 2016

They lie to us about gmos vaccines fluoridation health medicine etc etc

The earth is proven by everyday people to be round
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 30, 11:51 PM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 30, 04:02 PM 2016

They lie to us about gmos vaccines fluoridation health medicine etc etc

The earth is proven by everyday people to be round
How do you know they are everyday people you can trust? The truth movement is infested with hired opposition who have jobs making fake videos for the media outside of working for NASA studios. That's why the elite are called the Illuminati instead of the Jesuits working through the Freemasons.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 30, 11:52 PM 2016
Not everyone is paid off shills.

People have flown the planet with private jets.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 31, 06:31 AM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Dec 30, 11:52 PM 2016
Not everyone is paid off shills.

People have flown the planet with private jets.
It's only what you've heard through the media. You never flew that private jet - nor did your dad or uncle - so is hardly anything to hinge a case on.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 31, 06:57 AM 2016
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Dec 31, 06:31 AM 2016
It's only what you've heard through the media. You never flew that private jet - nor did your dad or uncle - so is hardly anything to hinge a case on.

Do you believe anything that you cannot see?
Do you think everyone else in the world are holograms - is rouletteghost a robot? Is there such a thing as gas? Can't see it, so it must be false. Can't see bacteria - must be made up.

Human senses are very much overrated. Read any optical illusion book and your brain will fail you quicker than you can say "NASA guard the ice perimeter"
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Dec 31, 12:10 PM 2016
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 31, 12:30 PM 2016
That's very basic stuff falkor

Firstly the stars you see are only about .4 percent of our galaxy alone. Everything else is incredibly far away. Very vast

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Still on Dec 31, 01:29 PM 2016
Proof the earth is round.

And don't tell me this was photoshopped by NASA.

Meanwhile, I still plan to explain myself, as there are several more days left in the twelve days of Christmas.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 31, 02:49 PM 2016
I hope that whatever your views are include planetary bodies being spherical
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 31, 03:03 PM 2016
i find it crazy that falkor has said "have you flown the globe or father or uncle"

but he ignores the school science projects that send gopros to space which is all the proof you need

he has dodged that point everytime

here are some cub scouts that did it

dont ignore this point anymore please

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 31, 03:05 PM 2016
what about the bloke who went up in  a balloon and a go pro

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 31, 03:08 PM 2016
falkor look two posts up

what the cub scouts did

its cheap

prove to us it is flat

do it, send one up
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: buffalowizard on Dec 31, 04:57 PM 2016
There are so many cheap ways for these people to prove to themselves but they refuse - and go silent.

It's nice being in a small club thinking that everyone else is sooo wrong.

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Dec 31, 08:26 PM 2016
As the world celebrates 2017 at different hours across the planet I can only things......this is a flat planet. Right
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Jan 06, 05:52 AM 2017

The Globe Earth is the 2nd greatest achievement in the history of civilization that began with central authority, architecture and writing. But the elite's best achievement was undoubtedly with the Aztec empire and death culture, where the masses queued up in 2 mile long lines x 4 to have their heart pulled out, head decapitated and willingly led to their own deaths over the edge of a pyramid down onto a picture of a naked woman. More than 40,000 people were killed in this way whilst the ruling elite and priests would have had a nice chuckle over their achievement before documenting it and celebrating over a rack of skulls.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 06, 07:19 AM 2017
The earth is round

Has been proven by school science projects with go pro camera by Cub scouts all the way up to high school projects

Unless they are in on it and doctored the footage

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Jan 31, 11:15 AM 2017
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Jan 31, 10:27 AM 2017
And that's how you responded to the countless evidences I provided for the flat earth - you "repeat" (no pun intended) what the cult leaders tell you without evaluating the actual evidence. When they are exposed they simply try to cover it up more and more rather than say "you got me there - my deception failed and I've been caught out", so the fantasies get peddled more and more to the point where there's now CGI Mars rovers, and spreadsheets winning on rare events to try to cover up fallacies about repeats. So the only winners in the end are the egos, and the rest of us have to suffer.
Quote from: rouletteKEY on Jan 31, 11:01 AM 2017
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2017/01/31/temp_518150.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/YwhL)
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jan 31, 10:57 AM 2017
I happen to believe in NASA. Mars rovers are not CGI

Do you know what the real conspiracy is? NASA ex employees admitting to airbrushing certain photos to cover up evidence of extra terrestrial life especially airbrushing moon structures.

Your conspiracy is just nothing more than a load of bullshit
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: amk on Jan 31, 02:23 PM 2017

The reason why you are hearing about the flat earth is because the ruling psychopaths (less than 1%) want the 99% to be utterly confused by what to believe and not to believe on the internet. The news is not going to give you the truth. You have to find it yourself. So how is a beginner, somebody just awakening going to know the difference between the flat earth trollers and the 911 truthers??

If people who are unawake get a very simple explanation of the 911 facts from a rational person (not the news facts) it is easy to see what happened but these same unawake people would be completely turned off by this same rational person if they started saying the earth is flat and would thus throw into question the simple 911 facts perhaps even dismiss them.

My father was a fighter pilot, flew F-104 Star Fighters went close to 90,000 feet, he said he saw the curvature of the earth. Am I suppose to think he lied to me all my life because he knows the earth is flat? HA

One of these flat earth troller website/videos said that there were no direct flight between Sydney and South Africa (Cape Town Johannesburg) I found 8 see how many you can find.

Yes, its definitional a internet of smoke an mirrors but the truth is in there. Takes many many hours of research to see part of the truth not just a video here and there.

These are called psyops, confuse and lead the public away from the truth or better said lead them to what you want them to believe......
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: amk on Jan 31, 02:40 PM 2017
That being said : )

Whether the world is flat or round doesnt really "matter". Reality is a holographic projection, a dream if you will. Its like saying the earth was flat or round for that matter in your dream. Neither is was relevant for you were in a dream.

That is why the mass consciousness is so important, it creates the dream landscape we are in. Heck, if everyone on the earth truly believe that the earth was flat it most likely would become flat. Thats why it is so important for everyone to visualize a peaceful earth and exactly the reason why the news etc keeps fear and terror on its menu.

Getting back to roulette Reddwarf said he had a winning system and then never posted again. Anybody have ideas about what system he used?
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: praline on Jan 31, 03:17 PM 2017
Priyanka have an idea.

1. a session must be short as not to be pulled in by statistics so to speak
2. a strict definition of what a number cycle is must be found
3. the "waiting for a win event" game must be avoided at all costs
4. progressions can only be used once a winning method has been found
5. playing just 1 method is not going to cut it
6. Einsteins definition of insanity must be remembered and revered at all times ("Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results"

Thats all that we know from him.
And a tik-tak-toe pdf
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: praline on Jan 31, 03:19 PM 2017
Also we know what is NOT hismethod
1. waiting for an event you need to win
2. guessing or predicting numbers
3. progression
4. waiting for a trigger
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Jan 31, 04:03 PM 2017
Quote from: amk on Jan 31, 02:40 PM 2017Getting back to roulette Reddwarf said he had a winning system
AMK....the post is about Red dwarf stars actually....loosely lol
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Jan 31, 04:59 PM 2017
Quote from: amk on Jan 31, 02:23 PM 2017

The reason why you are hearing about the flat earth is because the ruling psychopaths (less than 1%) want the 99% to be utterly confused by what to believe and not to believe on the internet. The news is not going to give you the truth. You have to find it yourself. So how is a beginner, somebody just awakening going to know the difference between the flat earth trollers and the 911 truthers??

If people who are unawake get a very simple explanation of the 911 facts from a rational person (not the news facts) it is easy to see what happened but these same unawake people would be completely turned off by this same rational person if they started saying the earth is flat and would thus throw into question the simple 911 facts perhaps even dismiss them.

My father was a fighter pilot, flew F-104 Star Fighters went close to 90,000 feet, he said he saw the curvature of the earth. Am I suppose to think he lied to me all my life because he knows the earth is flat? HA

One of these flat earth troller website/videos said that there were no direct flight between Sydney and South Africa (Cape Town Johannesburg) I found 8 see how many you can find.

Yes, its definitional a internet of smoke an mirrors but the truth is in there. Takes many many hours of research to see part of the truth not just a video here and there.

These are called psyops, confuse and lead the public away from the truth or better said lead them to what you want them to believe......
Er, where to begin...  Psychopathy is way more than 1%, but the media would never publish such figures and discourage us learning about true psychology/anthropology since they are the masters at it, which enables them to maintain control over the masses. But people need less than half the traits of a psycho to have the capacity for deception and mind games.

There are hired opposition and shills planted everywhere to try to control the truth movement too. How to tell the difference? Well, you need to study many disciplines: psychology, history, architecture, symbolism as well as the many conspiracy theories that exist in general. You will then see the trees among the forest and what's binding everything together. The best starting place is with the invention of Christianity and the foundation of the Vatican since all conspiracies branch out from their on-going efforts at maintaining total control.

It's not too difficult to get from 911 to the flat earth if you are willing to go down the rabbit hole?

It sounds suspicious that your father would have even thought about the curvature of the earth when dog fighting since the globe always been an accepted fact and not many thought to question it. Perhaps his memory is hazy from all the circular maneuvers he would have been carrying out. Next time you personally fly take a look out of the window and snap a photo - also ask the pilot about the gyroscope in the c***pit.

QuoteOne of these flat earth troller website/videos said that there were no direct flight between Sydney and South Africa (Cape Town Johannesburg) I found 8 see how many you can find.
That's a record! Somebody found about 6 before. You beat them with your 8! But it's mainly 1 company that offers those supposed southern hemisphere flights actually - no doubt hired by the same people producing those wonderful CGI graphics and robot mock ups for continuing the on-going space propaganda programs. The elite will do everything to ensure they remain in power - 8 flight advertisements is a minor. However, they wouldn't be able to remedy the thousands of flights that prove the Flat Earth. So you need to be way more alert at just what they are capable of. You know Steven Jones of 911 Truth? Well, he's the physicist who actually came up with the technology that brought down the twin towers. So you need to know when a game is being played. People have ordered those QA flights only to get cancelled and forced to take a long haul instead...
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 31, 05:14 PM 2017
Flat earth is not only ridiculous it is also embarrassing

Normal every day people have gone higher know if it's at the stratosphere to prove it

Science project go Pro camera on a balloon proves it

It's so stupid and ridiculous my brain can't wrap itself around it
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jan 31, 05:15 PM 2017
Falkor says "supposed" Southern Hemisphere flights

Shows how disconnected he is

Everyone do yourselves a favor don't spend hours reading his 1 million word long posts because this guy is nuts

Why don't you discuss a conspiracy theory with merit that's somewhat believable like NASA blurring out images to conceal structures.

A few fries short of a happy meal

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Jan 31, 06:09 PM 2017
Quote from: amk on Jan 31, 02:40 PM 2017
That being said : )

Whether the world is flat or round doesnt really "matter". Reality is a holographic projection, a dream if you will. Its like saying the earth was flat or round for that matter in your dream. Neither is was relevant for you were in a dream.

That is why the mass consciousness is so important, it creates the dream landscape we are in. Heck, if everyone on the earth truly believe that the earth was flat it most likely would become flat. Thats why it is so important for everyone to visualize a peaceful earth and exactly the reason why the news etc keeps fear and terror on its menu.

Getting back to roulette Reddwarf said he had a winning system and then never posted again. Anybody have ideas about what system he used?
It matters for many reasons... the elite has taken control of your mind and you need to get it back again. They know exactly the shape of the world and they are using it as a weapon against you via the media. And they aren't just lying to you - you are having to lick their feet in the process - it's a total humiliation that turns most of us into slaves unless you have what it takes to overcome it instead of being confused to the point where you can longer trust your own self judgement. Read up about this form of psychological manipulation:

Also, do you know the Sun newspaper? The genuine map of the flat-earth made it there yesterday...

Here it is in front of Barack Obama:

The UN logo uses the flat earth! Do you recognise the "feathers" around the outside? Check out the Freemason's uniform...
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: praline on Jan 31, 06:10 PM 2017
Quote from: Turner on Jan 31, 04:03 PM 2017AMK....the post is about Red dwarf stars actually....loosely lol
Actually, the discussion is about stars, but topic was started because of user reddwarf...
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: praline on Jan 31, 06:15 PM 2017
Can somebody explain me, why people that can't find a solution to a "problem" for years are more appreciated then people with same knowledge but less time spent on that "problem"???
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: amk on Feb 01, 01:39 PM 2017
Dear falkor2k15,

It is great to hear someone theories so passionately about reality.

Does it matter if the world is flat or round?

Either way the Creator created it.

A flat Earth is just as mind boggling as a round earth.

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Feb 01, 03:05 PM 2017
It doesn't matter whether round or flat - what matters is that the oligarchs have mind controlled 99% of the population using psychological warfare and weaponised anthropology, to turn us into slaves, control how we think, and fool us about the true nature of reality and our habitat.

Which creator are you referring to? If it's the God of the Old Testament or New Testament - Yahweh/El - then unfortunately he's another false deity promoted by the elite using the same ancient technique as that used on 911 and with the globe earth. All religions are man-made for the purpose of control and total domination.

Have faith in your own self rather than any divine being, and explore that it's not man-made first before you consider it divine.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: amk on Feb 01, 08:07 PM 2017
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Feb 02, 05:07 PM 2017
When I leave work now it's daylight out still due to the globe tilting towards spring time

Totally a sign of a flat earth
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Feb 02, 05:49 PM 2017
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Feb 02, 05:07 PM 2017
When I leave work now it's daylight out still due to the globe tilting towards spring time

Totally a sign of a flat earth
(gets smaller the further away the sun goes out of perspective as it's not really that far away)
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Feb 02, 05:55 PM 2017
It doesn't get smaller. What the hell man?

It doesn't get further away

Iya daylight somewhere else right now
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Feb 02, 06:06 PM 2017
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Feb 02, 05:55 PM 2017
It doesn't get smaller. What the hell man?

It doesn't get further away

Iya daylight somewhere else right now
We'll have to agree to differ then on what our eyes are seeing during sunset...
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Feb 02, 06:14 PM 2017
how can you say it gets further away when i can call a friend on the west coast after it sets here and they are seeing no change in size
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Feb 02, 06:20 PM 2017
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Feb 02, 06:26 PM 2017
YOU KNOW my position.

NASA knowingly airbrushes photos to hide structures

this was declassified

all you have to do is watch the disclosure project testimonies of ex employees who were declassified

yes they photoshop

but you take it beyond that....
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Feb 03, 08:11 AM 2017
Someone attached a GoPro to a rocket

Falkor we need an apology on behalf of your misinformation efforts

I'm beginning to think you are a misinformation agent

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Feb 03, 08:19 AM 2017
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Feb 03, 08:53 AM 2017
Were those videos you found on the first page of results for globe earth? You need to be more alert...

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Feb 03, 08:56 AM 2017
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Feb 02, 06:20 PM 2017

How do you know what it should look like? Have you stood on the moon?, or are you taking someone else's view (like you are saying we are)

Hmmmm....perhaps its day on the moon. I cant see stars in the day on earth either. :thumbsup:

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2017/02/03/temp_889788.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/YQHU)

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Feb 03, 09:05 AM 2017
If a private citizen attaches a GoPro to a balloon and it shows the curvature of the earth, and falkor still doesn't believe it, then it's a lost cause and I must leave the debate.

That was a run on sentence. I never said English was my strong subject.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Feb 03, 11:08 AM 2017
Ok. So the GoPro symbol in the video had the UN symbol and that is fu cking weird.

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Feb 03, 11:41 AM 2017
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Feb 03, 11:08 AM 2017
Ok. So the GoPro symbol in the video had the UN symbol and that is fu cking weird.
You don't know what you're dealing with... better to not get involved.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Feb 03, 12:21 PM 2017
Ok. So since it's possible, is there a reason you haven't sent a GoPro up?
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Feb 03, 04:02 PM 2017
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Feb 03, 06:29 PM 2017
New documentary - very good!
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Feb 03, 06:55 PM 2017
That symbol could be a coincidence

It's used often

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Feb 03, 07:09 PM 2017
The Hollywood movie industry is totally controlled by the Freemasons acting on behalf of the Jesuits as I already explained. Symbols like the above and the all-seeing eye are exclusively theirs and their acting authorities.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Feb 03, 07:16 PM 2017
Must be why Hollywood hates trump he's anti establishment
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Feb 03, 07:25 PM 2017
This documentary looks pretty good as well..

RG, you need to start from the beginning... with the invention of Christianity and the foundation of the Vatican.

You know that Christianity was created by the Romans as a joke, right? You know the Son of Man is Titus? We covered that during the millionaire's system...



Let me know once you understand then we can move onto to the dark ages and how the Roman Empire stills rules us today under the Popes...
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Feb 03, 08:00 PM 2017
If there's is truth to this all I say is they need beer
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Still on Feb 04, 04:10 AM 2017
Here, David Seaman, who reports a lot on the  pizza-pedo-gate scandal, offers an opinion on flat earthers. Seems flat earthers are muddying the waters by noticeably injecting b.s. into a more serious report on pedophilia.

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Feb 04, 04:29 AM 2017
Falkor....I really feel sorry for you.
You are never going to be happy or find peace.
Flat earths..popes and  jewish conspiracies
Man oh man  :o
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Still on Feb 04, 04:34 AM 2017
About a week ago there were multiple press releases reporting on the latest scientific discoveries suggesting that our universe is a holograph. We've heard that before, but this time they are saying the illusion of 3D is derived from 2D, that is, from a FLAT dimension, like a movie screen...or a roulette wheel.



Maybe that will satisfy flatkor2015. 
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: wiggy on Feb 04, 04:43 AM 2017
This flat earth bollocks is out there to make people think conspiracy theorists are absolutely nuts. It serves a purpose.

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Feb 04, 04:56 AM 2017
Quote from: Still on Feb 04, 04:10 AM 2017
Here, David Seaman, who reports a lot on the  pizza-pedo-gate scandal, offers an opinion on flat earthers. Seems flat earthers are muddying the waters by noticeably injecting b.s. into a more serious report on pedophilia.

It's the other way around: Pedophilia is a distraction against the real issues: who is actually running the governments, enslaving you, with WWF puppets like Donald Trump, who are all lifetime actors, imposing increasing property prices, taxes, student loan debts, and breaking down the family, etc.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Still on Feb 04, 05:30 AM 2017
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Feb 04, 04:56 AM 2017
It's the other way around: Pedophilia is a distraction against the real issues: who is actually running the governments, enslaving you, with WWF puppets like Donald Trump, who are all lifetime actors, imposing increasing property prices, taxes, student loan debts, and breaking down the family, etc.
It seems you just injected b.s. into a more serious probe into pedophilia...and how that ties into a governmental swamp that Trump plans to drain.

I heard 70 names will be arrested next week, including 30 Democrats, some of whom are household names.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Feb 04, 05:36 AM 2017
Guys, you understand this, right?  :question: (see the bit I added in green)


The Jews must pray for the Romans to free their demons from within, i.e. their rebellious spirit, otherwise they will end up experiencing convulsions just prior to becoming corpses.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Feb 04, 05:42 AM 2017
1933: Hitler claims on April 26th that he is only doing to the Jews what the Catholic Church has already done to them for 1600 years.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Still on Feb 04, 05:42 AM 2017
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Feb 04, 05:36 AM 2017

The Jews must pray for the Romans to free their demons from within, i.e. their rebellious spirit, otherwise they will end up experiencing convulsions just prior to becoming corpses.

Was talking about pedophelia, but if you want to talk about necrophelia  instead, ok.

Meanwhile, why don't you give proper credit to the author of this theory of "the Flavian Signature"?


Did you want us to think it was your idea?
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Still on Feb 04, 05:52 AM 2017
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Feb 04, 05:42 AM 2017
1933: Hitler claims on April 26th that he is only doing to the Jews what the Catholic Church has already done to them for 1600 years.

What is your point? Other than to distract from some other point?

That the Catholic Church manufactured 100% of the Jesus narrative, and that Jesus was not even a historical person/personality?
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Feb 04, 05:54 AM 2017
Quote from: Still on Feb 04, 05:42 AM 2017
Was talking about pedophelia, but if you want to talk about necrophelia  instead, ok.

Meanwhile, why don't you give proper credit to the author of this theory?

I posted the documentary many times here - not sure how many people have bothered watching it though:

The above lays the theory/foundation, but since then half that credit goes to me for building on that foundation twofold and correcting many old mistakes; what I posted above is mostly my work because the majority are too lazy to research these things, like the flat earth, for which I posted all the documentaries and info to get people started... that's the only way people will realise that they have been programmed and enslaved is to give a bit of time to important things that matter instead of tuning into the media to hear about pedophilia.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Feb 04, 06:01 AM 2017
Quote from: Still on Feb 04, 05:52 AM 2017
What is your point? Other than to distract from some other point?

That the Catholic Church manufactured 100% of the Jesus narrative, and that Jesus was not even a historical person/personality?
I thought that was obvious? Providing context to the Roman Catholics and Jews through the Gospel comparison with the Jewish war and how hundreds of years later Hitler was still doing the same thing - even referencing the past 1600 years. Why do I have to explain this? Why wasn't it already clear? I'm not distracting... it's all poignantly related.

Sure the Catholics 100% manufactured it, but Jesus was based loosely on the lead rebel of the Jewish War. But you have to realise who the first Catholics were: they were all members of the Flavian family.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Feb 04, 06:05 AM 2017
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Feb 04, 05:54 AM 2017programmed and enslaved
describes you to a tee

What you need in your life Falkor, to ensure stability and happiness with a feeling of well-being is to use this phrase much more often in your life.

Perhaps it was my fault: perhaps Its me who is wrong.

(instead of blaming everyone and everything else all the time  :thumbsup:)
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Still on Feb 04, 06:28 AM 2017
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Feb 04, 06:01 AM 2017
I thought that was obvious? Providing context to the Roman Catholics and Jews through the Gospel comparison with the Jewish war and how hundreds of years later Hitler was still doing the same thing - even referencing the past 1600 years. Why do I have to explain this? Why wasn't it already clear? I'm not distracting... it's all poignantly related.

Sure the Catholics 100% manufactured it, but Jesus was based loosely on the lead rebel of the Jewish War. But you have to realise who the first Catholics were: they were all members of the Flavian family.

While that's the first I've heard the Flavian Emps started the "Catholic Church" themselves, as themselves, I don't completely dismiss the "Flavian Signature" theory.  But to start such a documentary with multiple claims that Jesus was not even a historical figure (breathing like anyone else) is as shortsighted and dishonest detective work as the "documentary" "Zeitgeist".  Again, it seems you are interested in muddying the waters on that score. 

First of all, you say the Jesus character was based on a Jewish rebel leader of the Jewish war (s) fought by Vespasian and/or Titus.  As if that's the first anyone heard about Jesus.  But "Christians" , and theyre stories, were already well established in Rome in Nero's time, which was 54 to 68. We know this, in part, as Nero scapegoated Christians for things like the burning of Rome.

You've got the cart before the horse.

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Feb 04, 06:50 AM 2017
Quote from: Still on Feb 04, 06:28 AM 2017
While that's the first I've heard the Flavian Emps started the "Catholic Church" themselves, as themselves, I don't completely dismiss the "Flavian Signature" theory.  But to start such a documentary with multiple claims that Jesus was not even a historical figure (breathing like anyone else) is as shortsighted and dishonest detective work as the "documentary" "Zeitgeist".  Again, it seems you are interested in muddying the waters on that score. 

First of all, you say the Jesus character was based on a Jewish rebel leader of the Jewish war (s) fought by Vespasian and/or Titus.  As if that's the first anyone heard about Jesus.  But "Christians" , and theyre stories, were already well established in Rome in Nero's time, which was 54 to 68. We know this, in part, as Nero scapegoated Christians for things like the burning of Rome.

You've got the cart before the horse.
The Flavians as the first popes and relatives is covered in Caesar's Messiah documentary and book. The Flavian Signature is now at least twice as big thanks to my research; that also helps shed light on how the messianic movement was handed over to the Romans from the king of the Jews (loosely a role-model for the Jesus character) and his two sidekicks: Simon (Peter) and John. You have to follow the dual Flavian Signature story to find out how this happened. Jesus was 90% made up to prefigure Titus - but based loosely on previous deities, prophets and kings - as a composite character. Rabbinic Judaism was also begun by the Flavians at this time.

About the time of Nero... "Christians" referred to the messianic (Christos) movement, i.e. the search for a messiah by the Jews to save them as promoted by the previous ruling elite: the Maccabees using the Old Testament with additional material (i.e. see Dead See Scrolls). Roman Christianity was not established till the next dynasty of emperors. Also, the Flavians had backdated the story of Jesus by 40 years, so what their historians wrote about a Christ movement during the time of Nero could have been an attempt to fill in the gaps and cover up the conspiracy - if they were even referring to the Roman Christians, that is, which I doubt they probably were. You see, all the historians writing about the messianic movement at the time of Nero were all Flavian historians working for the Flavian court under Flavian payroll - at least 3 of them, including Suetonius. Domitian even commissioned him to write Suetonius Domitian to work in conjunction with the book of Revelation and the epistles of Paul for creating jokes about masturbation, castration and homosexual attacks among others. Here's a quote:

"Suetonius describes Christians and I believe Dio of course also does too. This is the group you have as sort of the historians who are describing Roman Christianity prior to 73 or perhaps say 80 when the gospels would have been written. But there is one really interesting thing that links all of those historians together â€" Suetonius, Josephus, Tacitus, and Dio â€" the people who talk about this character Jesus Christ and about Christians. They are all Flavian court historians, every one. And every one of them also took the position that the Jewish messianic prophecies foresaw not a Jew but the Flavian Caesar. Every one of them recorded that insane and incredible concept."
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RayManZ on Feb 04, 06:52 AM 2017
Could we please just let this thread die in peace? It was a really good couple of weeks with no nonsense or propaganda from both sides, but it seems it was just silense before the storm.

I don't even read this anymore. Whats the point? Maybe we are all stupid? maybe falkor? Who cares? Its a wast of all of our time. Just be the best person you can be and don't focus on what other people think or do. Stop wasting your time.

You all could have had a winning roulette method by now but you rather put all your time and effort in other people instead of investing in yourself.

I really hope this is the last post in this thread and we all just let it die in peace.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Still on Feb 04, 07:19 AM 2017
Quote from: RayManZ on Feb 04, 06:52 AM 2017
Could we please just let this thread die in peace? It was a really good couple of weeks with no nonsense or propaganda from both sides, but it seems it was just silense before the storm.

I don't even read this anymore. Whats the point? Maybe we are all stupid? maybe falkor? Who cares? Its a wast of all of our time. Just be the best person you can be and don't focus on what other people think or do. Stop wasting your time.

You all could have had a winning roulette method by now but you rather put all your time and effort in other people instead of investing in yourself.

I really hope this is the last post in this thread and we all just let it die in peace.

Can I have the time back that I wasted reading this post?

Let people draw the salient points as they wish, and learn as they can. 

Maybe people want to take a break from roulette and spreadsheets and think about something else...maybe even something more important?

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Still on Feb 04, 08:04 AM 2017
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Feb 04, 06:50 AM 2017
The Flavians as the first popes and relatives is covered in Caesar's Messiah documentary and book. The Flavian Signature is now at least twice as big thanks to my research; that also helps shed light on how the messianic movement was handed over to the Romans from the king of the Jews (loosely a role-model for the Jesus character) and his two sidekicks: Simon (Peter) and John. You have to follow the dual Flavian Signature story to find out how this happened. Jesus was 90% made up to prefigure Titus - but based loosely on previous deities, prophets and kings - as a composite character. Rabbinic Judaism was also begun by the Flavians at this time.

About the time of Nero... "Christians" referred to the messianic (Christos) movement, i.e. the search for a messiah by the Jews to save them as promoted by the previous ruling elite: the Maccabees using the Old Testament with additional material (i.e. see Dead See Scrolls). Roman Christianity was not established till the next dynasty of emperors. Also, the Flavians had backdated the story of Jesus by 40 years, so what their historians wrote about a Christ movement during the time of Nero could have been an attempt to fill in the gaps and cover up the conspiracy - if they were even referring to the Roman Christians, that is, which I doubt they probably were. You see, all the historians writing about the messianic movement at the time of Nero were all Flavian historians working for the Flavian court under Flavian payroll - at least 3 of them, including Suetonius. Domitian even commissioned him to write Suetonius Domitian to work in conjunction with the book of Revelation and the epistles of Paul for creating jokes about masturbation, castration and homosexual attacks among others. Here's a quote:

"Suetonius describes Christians and I believe Dio of course also does too. This is the group you have as sort of the historians who are describing Roman Christianity prior to 73 or perhaps say 80 when the gospels would have been written. But there is one really interesting thing that links all of those historians together â€" Suetonius, Josephus, Tacitus, and Dio â€" the people who talk about this character Jesus Christ and about Christians. They are all Flavian court historians, every one. And every one of them also took the position that the Jewish messianic prophecies foresaw not a Jew but the Flavian Caesar. Every one of them recorded that insane and incredible concept."

It's been a while since I studied the Flavian Signature theory, and have not actually read the book Ceasar's Messiah....so I can't tell where the theory leaves off and you start to interject your own spin to wash the historical Jesus from the face of the earth. 

Your narrative, which you say was mainstreamed in the Flavian era, conflates the historicity of Jesus way beyond Occam's razor.

Before getting into the details, I simply want to observe that while a flat earth theory muddy's the water on pedophilia research, your Flavian butchery  bloody's the water on historicity (of Jesus) research.

I want to point out that, according to David Seaman, many of the same people into pedo are into "light" from the angel of light itself, Lucifer, and call themselves aptly, Illuminati. 


I'm guessing anyone into the light of the Illuminati would be interested in any theory-as-fact that completely erases the historicity of Jesus from the face of the earth. 

I'm sure it is just a cooincidence, as I'm sure there are many atheists who are NOT interested in using children who may subscribe to, and continue to develop theses kinds of narratives.  But I gotta wonder who or what controls their minds.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Feb 04, 08:04 AM 2017
Quote from: wiggy on Feb 04, 04:43 AM 2017
This flat earth bollocks is out there to make people think conspiracy theorists are absolutely nuts. It serves a purpose.

Bingo. There's real theories that have merit

This discredits that

I'm telling you: disclosure project and NASA image photoshopping. It's declassified.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Feb 04, 08:37 AM 2017
Still, unfortunately every passage in the Gospels is Roman propaganda - it's comparable to DNA evidence of a very high quality that proves the Flavian invention of Christianity.

The truth movement has been muddied with names like "The Illuminati" for people who instinctively know they are being oppressed but without knowing the details of their oppressor's true identity.

Did you read in the Gospels the story about the 12-year old girl who was on her period? (2 translations below)

23-Oct: Fall of Gamala: The Jews of Gamala witheld the siege until a tower collapsed. Titus, who had returned, furious at the losses the Romans had suffered in his absence, took two hundred chosen cavalry and some infantry with him and quietly entered the city. Many faced up to Titus and were killed. Blood ran down the slopes of the city. Vespasian joined his son in battle. The Romans managed to reach the Jews up high and many fell to their deaths. Two daughters escaped because they lay concealed from the rage of the Romans. (JW 4.62-83)





The Romans are killing the Jews whilst trying to ascend the citadel, and a flow of blood is running down the slopes, including from one of their daughters (subject to this suffering not just at age 12 â€" but throughout her life). The Jews being killed initially are those pressing against Titus, yet the daughter barely touches his cloak causing a violent demonic wind that, figuratively speaking, suddenly pushes the Romans up to the citadel to finish off the remainder of Jews. Once all are killed then the bleeding stops so to speak, including the first daughter who is then healed after coming out of hiding (the reason He says "Who touched me?"). A second daughter is thought to be dead; however, the child is not dead but asleep â€" “they escaped because when the city was taken they lay concealed from the rage of the Romans”. The first daughter caused the “demonic wind” because, according to Leviticus (much Roman satire is based on the Jews' own texts!), she is said to be “unclean” and cannot make contact with anyone: others can press up to Titus and suffer individual deaths, but in exaggerating the uncleanliness of the Jews, the daughter (unclean her entire life!) barely touches his cloak and causes a “demonic wind” â€" enough to force Titus up towards the Citadel to kill the majority of remaining Jews, thereby completing the fall of Gamala. But the Romans’ rage is considered milder still, for many Jews threw themselves and their families down the precipices, into the valley beneath the citadel. The daughter’s faith in the Romans healed the uncleanliness that was affecting her and other children by finishing off the dying Jews who had caused so much blood.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Still on Feb 04, 09:15 AM 2017
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Feb 04, 08:37 AM 2017
Still, unfortunately every passage in the Gospels is Roman propaganda - it's comparable to DNA evidence of a very high quality that proves the Flavian invention of Christianity.

The truth movement has been muddied with names like "The Illuminati" for people who instinctively know they are being oppressed but without knowing the details of their oppressor's true identity.

Did you read in the Gospels the story about the 12-year old girl who was on her period? (2 translations below)

23-Oct: Fall of Gamala: The Jews of Gamala witheld the siege until a tower collapsed. Titus, who had returned, furious at the losses the Romans had suffered in his absence, took two hundred chosen cavalry and some infantry with him and quietly entered the city. Many faced up to Titus and were killed. Blood ran down the slopes of the city. Vespasian joined his son in battle. The Romans managed to reach the Jews up high and many fell to their deaths. Two daughters escaped because they lay concealed from the rage of the Romans. (JW 4.62-83)

So you've conflated the story of a woman who bled for 12 years, with a 12 year old girl who had just died, and come up with an amalgamated composite 12 year old girl with a period.  Then you compare that composite to a passage out of Josephus' history of Titus in which none of the circumstances bear any resemblance. Then you'ld like us to believe that the different/conflicting stories of the woman/girl  bleeding/dying as well as the complimentary story of Titus were written and "backdated" by the self same cadre of historians in the service of a post-Nero Flavian court?

And you don't think this example of your analytical powers completely disqualifies you as an honest detective?

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Feb 04, 09:27 AM 2017
Quote from: Still on Feb 04, 09:15 AM 2017
So you've conflated the story of a woman who bled for 12 years, with a 12 year old girl who had just died, and come up with an amalgamated composite 12 year old girl with a period.  Then you compare that composite to a passage out of Josephus' history of Titus in which none of the circumstances bear any resemblance. Then you'ld like us to believe that the different/conflicting stories of the woman/girl  bleeding/dying as well as the complimentary story of Titus were written and "backdated" by the self same cadre of historians in the service of a post-Nero Flavian court?

And you don't think this example of your analytical powers completely disqualifies you as an honest detective?
Nope - and I'll tell you why... there is a lot of deliberate resemblance in terms of shared verbatim, phrases, names, locations and concepts throughout the dual narrative, and all these stories between the gospels and Jewish war all happen to be in sequence akin to DNA evidence. Both sides are needed to make proper sense - often with additional links to the Old Testament that the Romans were referencing when creating the satire.

Here's an excerpt from the sequential Flavian Signature:
Physician heal thyselfJW 3.323-331Luke 4:16-30
Heaven and HellJW 3.340-360Matthew 4:13-16(+17)
Demoniac at Capernaum + Migdal/TaricheaJW 3.399-402Luke 4:31-37Mark 1:21-28
The city that recognized the saviour JW 3.457-461Luke 4:38-41Matthew 8:14-17Mark 1:29-34
The Christ that preached the gospelJW 3.470,503Luke 4:42-44Matthew 4:23-25Mark 1:35-39
Fishing for men at the sea of Galilee part 1JW 3.483-527Luke 5:1-11Matthew 4:18-22Mark 1:16-20
Fishing for men at the sea of Galilee part 2JW 3.528-529Luke 5:12-16Matthew 8:2-4Mark 1:40-45
Get up and walk or sins are forgiven?JW 3.532-539Luke 5:17-26Matthew 9:2-8Mark 2:1-12
Compassion rather than sacrifice for sinnersJW 4.30-38Luke 5:27-32Matthew 9:9-13Mark 2:13-17
Broken through lack of food & essentialsJW 4.49-59Luke 5:33-39Matthew 9:14-17Mark 2:18-22
Daughters of Jairus/Jacimus part 1JW 4.70-83Luke 8:43-48Matthew 9:20-22Mark 5:25-34
Daughters of Jairus/Jacimus part 2JW 4.70-83Luke 8:41-56Matthew 9:18-26Mark 5:22-43
Demons speak out through human offering part 1JW 4.84-98Matthew 9:27-31
Demons speak out through human offering part 2JW 4.84-98Matthew 9:32-34
Keep the holy Sabbath/Right Hand part 1JW 4.92-104Luke 6:1-5Matthew 12:1-8Mark 2:23-28
Keep the holy Sabbath/Right Hand part 1JW 4.92-104Luke 6:6-11Matthew 12:9-14Mark 3:1-6
Tolerance of tyre and sidon over galilee JW 4.104-105Matthew 12:15-21Mark 3:7-12

More here:
Monuments to lost men over lost wivesJW 5.156-171Matthew 19:1-12Mark 10:1-12
Sharp exit for rich priests entering the kingdomJW 5.222-237Luke 18:15-30Matthew 19:13-30Mark 10:13-31
On duty to keep watch until chosenJW 5.238-247Matthew 20:1-16
Luke 18:31-34Matthew 20:17-19Mark 10:32-34
The sons of Zebedee, Simon and his ten chiefsJW 5.248-257Matthew 20:17-28Mark 10:35-45
Luke 18:35-43Matthew 20:29-34Mark 10:46-52
How to build a tower part 2JW 5.258-265Luke 19:1-28
Luke 19:11-27
Triumphal entrance/stones cry out + encircleJW 5.266-274Luke 19:28-44Matthew 21:1-17(+18-19)Mark 11:1-11
Encircled with a wall + Drive out the thievesJW 5.499+560-564Luke 19:45-48Mark 11:12-18
Lifeless desert without trees or fruitJW 5-6.567-008Matthew 21:19-22Mark 11:19-26
The CornerstoneJW 6.54-92Luke 20:1-19Matthew 21:23-22:14Mark 11:27-12:12
Mount of Olives CaptureJW 6.157-163Luke 20:20-26Matthew 22:15-22Mark 12:13-17
God of the Dead and LivingJW 6.177-192Luke 20:27-40Matthew 22:23-33Mark 12:18-27
Son of Mary who was a Human Passover Lamb part 1JW 6.193-219Matthew 22:34-40Mark 12:28-34
Son of Mary who was a Human Passover Lamb part 2JW 6.193-219Luke 20:41-44Matthew 22:41-46Mark 12:35-37
Doomsday part 1JW 6.?-271-316-?Luke 20:45-47Matthew 23:1-39Mark 12:38-40
?JW 6.?-271-316-?Luke 21:1-4Mark 12:41-44
Doomsday part 2JW 6.?-271-316-?Luke 21:5-36(+37+38)Matthew 24:1-25:46Mark 13:1-37

And here:
Purple clothing concealing deformitiesJW 7.132-152Matthew 27:27-30Mark 15:16-19
Criminals led to deathJW 7.153-157Luke 23:26-32Matthew 27:31-32Mark 15:20-21
The real king of the Jews part 1JW 7.178-209Luke 23:33-43Matthew 27:33-44Mark 15:22-32
The real king of the Jews part 2JW 7.178-209Luke 23:44-46Matthew 27:45-50Mark 15:33-37
Eleazar's speechJW 7.320-387Luke 23:45-49Matthew 27:51-56Mark 15:38-41
Three crucified one survivesLifeLuke 23:50-56Matthew 27:57-66Mark 15:42-47
Seeking the living one at MasadaJW 7.389-406Luke 24:1-12Matthew 28:1-15Mark 16:1-11
Doubt in their Lord's identity part 1JW 7.416-418Luke 24:13-34Mark 16:12-14
Doubt in their Lord's identity part 2JW 7.416-418Luke 24:36-43
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Feb 04, 02:29 PM 2017
Man....what an utter waste of a (clearly) intelligent mind  :o
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Feb 04, 03:12 PM 2017
Quote from: Turner on Feb 04, 02:29 PM 2017
Man....what an utter waste of a (clearly) intelligent mind  :o
But the Flat Earth and Christianity are only, like, the biggest conspiracies of all-time!  ::)
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: DoctorSudoku on Feb 05, 10:27 AM 2017
This is the second time I am making this request. I would like to read about your theory of human behavior -- the one that you wrote or typed on a single A4 sheet of paper.

Start a thread about it. This is a serious request.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Feb 05, 12:01 PM 2017
I'm with turner

Obviously you are one intelligent person

But your line of thinking is insane

But you are smart that cannot be denied

What a wasted mind

You probably could have been an Astro physicist or something
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Feb 07, 05:10 AM 2017
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Feb 03, 08:53 AM 2017
Were those videos you found on the first page of results for globe earth? You need to be more alert...


Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Feb 07, 06:36 AM 2017
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Feb 07, 07:01 AM 2017
That video doesn't prove anything you have to be in the stratosphere to see the curve

You are concerning me
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Feb 07, 07:35 AM 2017
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Feb 07, 07:01 AM 2017
That video doesn't prove anything you have to be in the stratosphere to see the curve

You are concerning me
But it's meant to curve 8 inches per mile like this...
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Feb 07, 07:40 AM 2017
The flat earth theory is not something that can be taken seriously

Private citizens can prove otherwise

For a few hundred bucks

Let's talk about the black NASA program. How only 10% of what they do is public. Let's talk about how structures are airbrushed. Let's talk about the mars monolith. Let's talk about how there are 12 dimensions
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Feb 07, 08:22 AM 2017
Astronauts buzz aldrin on mars moon monolith "who put that there?"

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Feb 07, 03:12 PM 2017
Knock knock

Whose there?

Moon phases. Yea I totally debunk flat earth.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Feb 08, 07:42 AM 2017
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Feb 08, 07:50 AM 2017
Things are different in a vacuum falkor

When you are in an airplane going 500mph I'm sure you can take clear images, I have.

Try it from a plane. Try it from a train. No issues. You are ridiculous
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Feb 10, 12:24 PM 2017

Check Will Smith at 4 min 4 secs - excerpt taken from Men in Black
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Feb 10, 12:28 PM 2017
Yes. And now we know otherwise

Great movie
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Feb 10, 01:58 PM 2017
Please address the ridiculousness of your Hubble meme.

How it scientifically holds no merit. One thing at a time

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Feb 10, 03:49 PM 2017
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Feb 10, 04:26 PM 2017
Not that you will care, but I am done in this thread.

The earth is a sphere

It's taking your mind off other true conspiracies

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Feb 10, 04:51 PM 2017
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Feb 10, 04:26 PM 2017The earth is a sphere

oblique spheroid  :thumbsup:

of course. He even knows that, but would get no attention from saying "hey guys, the earth is an oblique spheroid"
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: DoctorSudoku on Feb 10, 10:42 PM 2017
Quote from: Turner on Feb 10, 04:51 PM 2017
oblique spheroid  :thumbsup:

of course. He even knows that, but would get no attention from saying "hey guys, the earth is an oblique spheroid"

Did Falkor ever answer your question as to how thick this flat earth is?
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Feb 11, 04:52 AM 2017
This video is much shorter... just check this out...
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Turner on Feb 11, 04:54 AM 2017
Quote from: DoctorSudoku on Feb 10, 10:42 PM 2017

Did Falkor ever answer your question as to how thick this flat earth is?
Dr. S
He never replies to any question I post.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: nottophammer on Feb 11, 06:25 AM 2017
He needs your help now on the math of when a number 32,32 appears twice in a row; that was discussed along time ago. :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Feb 11, 12:06 PM 2017
Quote from: Turner on Feb 11, 04:54 AM 2017
Dr. S
He never replies to any question I post.

I don't know what he is.

But how can you spend so much time writing long posts then not discuss

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Feb 12, 03:09 PM 2017
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Still on Apr 02, 11:51 PM 2017

Even if this guy is CIA, still made me laugh when I wasn't in the mood to laugh.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Apr 03, 04:57 AM 2017
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Apr 03, 09:21 AM 2017
So shaq thinks the earth is flat

He's an idiot to

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Apr 03, 11:42 AM 2017
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Still on Apr 03, 12:50 PM 2017
It would be more believable if Charles Barkley said it. But Charles is NOT saying it.

Don't forget that Tim Tebow is a Christian.

Shaq's (Sham's) problem is he's played on a few too many "flat" basketball courts, and got a "baset ball jones". 

That's why you can't see the Nike Swoosh on Shaq's shoes when he's on the other end of the court.

More important than what any of these Prima Donna's think is what Tila Tequila thinks.  She was a ball earth  skeptic till she decided to give up her vanity.

Here she is explaining how she was able to give up her vanity:

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Apr 03, 02:36 PM 2017
I think Eddie bravo is cool and funny

But when talked about flat earth he is an idiot

Listening to his "science" to back it up he sounds half retarded.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Still on Apr 03, 02:55 PM 2017
Everybody should watch Tila Tequila give up her vanity.  Its live streamed, she answers questions from fans live, and only takes 35 minutes of your life.

Wait, what's this?

30 minutes in she mentions flat earth is real?

Looks like the edit option is expired so I can't take it down.

Well, maybe she didn't give up her vanity after all, and is still a ball earth skeptic.

Either that or you can watch your tax dollars hard at work.

Now I don't know what to think of Tim Tebow who has the same initials: T.T.

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Apr 03, 03:25 PM 2017
Why is it fine for 911 to be an inside job - yet the earth has to be a globe?? Which conspiracy affected humanity the most? Both are featured in scores of Hollywood movies and cartoons, and we all know who controls that industry... same people who print your money.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Still on Apr 03, 04:08 PM 2017
Your doing it all wrong.

Youre only supposed to mention flat earth with every other thing you want to discredit.

Let's say you want to discredit the bible, or all bible believers like Tim Tebow.

Then what you do is say you are a bible believer, like Tila Tequila, but then, 20 minutes into a spiritual rant, mention something briefly about a flat earth being real.

That way, you can not only discredit the bible and Tim Tebow, but all things spiritual at the same time.

It probably only cost the CIA $500 for T.T. (titi) to put up that one video. Well within taxpayer funded budget.

But you do it wrong.  You say Jesus wasn't born, and then, 20 minutes into a Jesus wasn't born rant, you say something about a flat earth being real, and you don't even get paid for it!

So to bring you up to speed, the connection between Trump and Russia is REAL.

So don't say anything about Trump/Russia and flat earth in the same rant, or you will be wasting CIA payer money!

The way you do it proves Jesus was born!

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Still on Apr 03, 04:43 PM 2017
Of course I'm joshing about a Trump/Russia connection being as REAL as the CIA wants everyone to believe right now.

If that connection is real, then the Thomas Jefferson connection is real too, since it was Thomas Jeffersons Secretary of State, Seward, which bought Alaska from Russia for the price of a refrigerator. 

So now America is connected with Russia through Alaska, which is like a third cousin, fourth removed.

The CIA wants us to believe 9-11 was some itinerant Arabs with box-cutters.  So, they go to every "Truther" site, and troll every video put up as a "Truther" who also is trying to expose the "ball earth hoax". 

That discredits all 9-11 researchers who have concluded it was an inside job.

By carrying this combined narrative forward, you carry water for the CIA, without getting paid for it.

Meanwhile. I don't think Tila Tequila gave up her vanity, or the $500 the CIA probly gave her to put up that rediculous video.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Still on Apr 03, 05:09 PM 2017
There are probly a lot of 9-11 researchers who have concluded it was an inside job. 

Not all of them (maybe half?) believe it was pulled off by, let's say, the Illuminati, a lying bunch of oligarchs who pull all the strings.

The other half, who do believe this, can also be hooked into the flat earth narrative THROUGH THAT SAME VANITY. This way they manage to discredit maybe half of all 9-11 researchers, and by proxy, 100% of the effort to tell the truth about 9-11.

By the time 90% of the people figure out the truth about 9-11,  90% of flat earthers will figure out the flat earth was CIA too. 

But by that time all the CIA ops who pushed both narratives will have collected their pensions, spent it drinking fine wine, and died on a sphere earth.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Still on Apr 03, 05:44 PM 2017
On the other hand, maybe Tila Tequila did give up her vanity, and spent the other 35 minutes of that rediculous vid mocking the vanity of everyone who believes anything she says.

It's hard to argue it's not vain to believe its pleases god to occasionally test the faith of believers by putting voices in thier heads that tell them to tie up their son, knife him, and burn the body. 

A nation, half of whom might believe this is ok because it's in a book called the bible, deserves to be laughed at, if it can't laugh at itself.

So I'm torn, wondering if the CIA is a domestic enemy, or whether it is actually doing a service.

The problem, I think, is the CIA doesn't really know the truth either, and all its truths are as political as anybody else's truths.

Yes, the people are stupid.

Yes, CIA ops are getting a big laugh, and share a few laughs too.

But should the taxes of the stupid people pay for the laughs of the political people?

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Steve on Apr 04, 02:02 AM 2017
Quote from: Still on Apr 02, 11:51 PM 2017

Even if this guy is CIA, still made me laugh when I wasn't in the mood to laugh.

1. I suspect these are fake subtitles. It works the same way if they're speaking German.

2. I am still occasionally coming into material about flat Earth. This is much more widespread than I thought. And I'm in awe of how profoundly blind these "flat Earthers" are. I mean they take one observation and misunderstand it, and call it proof. Then they do it to many other observations and call it conclusive proof. It's like I'm in the twilight zone. I find it hard to believe so many people can be so stupid. Not just stupid. Gullible. Uneducated. Blind.

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Steve on Apr 04, 02:04 AM 2017
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Apr 03, 04:57 AM 2017

And he is part of the "club". But way down the levels.

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2017/04/04/temp_982542.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/3nVg)
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Steve on Apr 04, 02:17 AM 2017
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Apr 03, 11:42 AM 2017

And the guy in that video is a moron too. He cites incorrect observations. Like the small boat video we've all seen.... that's not even near far enough away. Thats' all these flat Earthers have given as proof . . . just incorrect junk.


So for it is all a damn clear hoax or deliberate distraction from issues that matter.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Still on Apr 04, 04:47 AM 2017
Yes, could be fake subtitles on that laugher. 

The author definitely had opinions where all this b.s. is coming from.

My feeling is whatever rogue elements in the unelected politicized  deep state alphabet agencies that gave us the "official story" on 9-11,  are also giving us these additional layers of stupidity to cover for it, and test the limits of propaganda for future dark ops. 

Even before Vault 7, I have felt the whole CIA concept is prone to domestic mischief, and really represents ongoing warfare toward every other nation in the world.

I would look in that direction before I would chase rabbits down even more globalist entities of dubious existence.  We at least know the CIA exists, and mischief is its chief mission.

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Taotie on Apr 04, 05:51 AM 2017
it's better like this..

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Taotie on Apr 04, 05:57 AM 2017
and how do you explain this?

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Steve on Apr 04, 06:46 AM 2017
The original:

Id love to hire that guy. Great work ethic.

Taotie, i suspect its cgi from the cia.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Still on Apr 04, 03:28 PM 2017

Today I get a prank phone call from someone pretending to represent several insurance companies, and or has the ability to save me some money on rates.  Starts asking questions, as if I'm shopping for insurance, legal questions like, have you had continous insurance for past year? Of course, I'm happy to report YES. Then he wants to know my insurance company, which is where I start asking him questions like who is he.  He repeats his stupid little spiel and then asks again, more pointedly, who my company is. 

I said, "My insurance company is...none of your business."

That's when he pushes a button to trigger a laugh track. 

Then he says, "Are you still there?"

I'm, "No I'm not here"

He triggered the canned laugh again and hung up.

Later, when I went to access the Internet on my phone, my browser was opened to a page from the IRS:


The only thing I have done recently that is out of ordinary is I have installed automatic phone call recording, and have commented here with several buzz words that could easily qualify for one of thier stupid scans of Internet traffic.


Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Still on Apr 04, 03:42 PM 2017
Quote from: Taotie on Apr 04, 05:57 AM 2017
and how do you explain this?

The "turtles all the way down" thing comes from Eastern teachings about the origins of a material world.  It's meant to be a kind of facetious statement that is laughable and makes no sense. 

So too, the Genesis and maintenance of a material world, round or flat,  is laughable and makes no sense...can never be explained adequately upon any well reasoned foundation. 

This teaching comes more from "advaita" traditions of teachings, which means "non-dual". Non dual states that only reality exists, that it is formless, and nothing else exists.

  Hence, a material world of forms does not exist, hence it's origens/genesis/maintenance cannot be explained with any definite substance.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Priyanka on Apr 04, 03:48 PM 2017
Most of the discussions that we have in this forum are "anavastha". It's all turtles all the way down.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Steve on Apr 04, 06:41 PM 2017
Still, I used to play along with phone calls like that. Now I promptly give them two words and hang up.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Priyanka on Apr 04, 06:43 PM 2017
Quote from: Steve on Apr 04, 06:41 PM 2017
Still, I used to play along with phone calls like that. Now I promptly give them two words and hang up.
Today someone called me from HMRC asking to confirm my personal details before talking further. Normally I would say it without any hesitation. But something said me don't. I hung up thinking I would call them back. How nice was it. I called HMRC and they said no one called. Wow. 
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Steve on Apr 04, 07:09 PM 2017
I got a call from the "tax office" saying I needed to pay some tax debt. I immediately said I know they're scamming and should **** off. She then asked if I would like to be directed to their head office. I agreed then the call was directed to what appeared to be the real number of the tax office. Two problems with that:

1. A redirected call can be intercepted, and would allow the scammers to get real personal details.

2. The redirect could have been to a fake number, but just with audio recordings from the real tax office.

I just hung up. I'm sure these scammers trick many people. I find it amazing that there are call centers full of people who know they are scamming people.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Steve on Apr 04, 07:15 PM 2017
Even if you get mail with a phone number to call about an issue like health insurance or whatever, dont automatically assume it is legit. You need to find the real number on the real website with SSL (link:s) then call it. Some of these scammers are clever.

I had a girlfriend once. She constantly had mail hanging out of her mail box. I warned her someone could do something with stolen mail. She thought it was just being paranoid. But eventually someone had created a phone account in her name and was making expensive calls. There's heaps of stuff that can happen like this if you arent careful and aware of the pathetic loopholes.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Still on Apr 04, 09:52 PM 2017
Quote from: Priyanka on Apr 04, 03:48 PM 2017
Most of the discussions that we have in this forum are "anavastha". It's all turtles all the way down.

Not to be confused with "anathema" which means flat earth all the way accross.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Still on Apr 04, 09:54 PM 2017
Quote from: Steve on Apr 04, 06:41 PM 2017
Still, I used to play along with phone calls like that. Now I promptly give them two words and hang up.

Later I thought of better things to say like, "I pay $10 a month for full coverage. If you can save me a dollar a month I'll give you my social security number now". 
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Steve on Apr 04, 11:25 PM 2017
Yeah I used to play with them a bit. Like when they called pretending to be Microsoft Support telling me about how to fix a problem on my PC. It was fun to a degree. But in the end I just wasted my own time. If they called at the right time when I had spare time, and was bored, I'd be happy to play along again.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Still on Apr 05, 12:37 AM 2017
Quote from: Steve on Apr 04, 11:25 PM 2017
Yeah I used to play with them a bit. Like when they called pretending to be Microsoft Support telling me about how to fix a problem on my PC. It was fun to a degree. But in the end I just wasted my own time. If they called at the right time when I had spare time, and was bored, I'd be happy to play along again.

Once, a friend's computer was taken over and reverted to factory specs or something.  He uses it for business, engineering, and all his files are locked up.  I helped him search the Internet for solutions and found a tech site that promised to take care of it.  My friend paid $100 up front, from a credit card, and gave them control of his computer through remote desktop.  We watched the guy work. But he worked so fast could not see what he's doing.  Few  minutes later,  and a reboot,  he's done and computer back to normal.  They tried to up sell him on something else but he decided to quit while he was lucky.  Yes, very lucky indeed.  I always wondered how these guys knew how to fix it so fast...wondered if they were both arsons and firefighters.  Seems they positioned themselves to come up on a Google search when specific error messages or symptoms were searched.

Something else, I never had this issue till I set Chrome browser to always open the same pages when it closes.  This allows hackers to lock up the browser with an unethical kind of page that won't let it free until you call a number and pay something.  I figured out you can get out of it by Control-Alt-Delete to the Task Manager, and close the last Chrome page to open.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Steve on Apr 05, 12:45 AM 2017
Sounds like you have a browser redirect virus. It's a hack to a particular file that's not too hard to fix.

Also your friend probably had "ransomware": link:s://:.microsoft.com/en-us/security/portal/mmpc/shared/ransomware.aspx - Its when they encrypt files in directories like photos and documents, and you need to pay a random for them to decrypt them. In any case you should never have anything too sensitive on a pc connected to the internet unless essential. All my important files are on multiple hard encrypted hard disks.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: Steve on Apr 05, 12:53 AM 2017
Also anti virus software doesnt give 100% protection. Nowhere near it. In fact for months I had a virus on my pc that disguised itself as Bitdefender anti-virus (supposedly the best protection). For months I saw what I thought the anti virus software was running and protecting me. Then using alternate softwarr to run scans, I found it was actually a keylogger getting my passwords and who knows what else. When looking into the application that run, I found there was no record of it anywhere on the Internet. So it was a custom hack that nobody else on the internet had reported. Was there any use of stolen passwords by someone trying to steal money? Nope. So why would they run a keylogger on my pc for months then not take financial advantage of it?

I don't know for sure, but I suspect it was not an ordinary hacker. At the time i was conversing a lot with the US Department of Energy regarding the Searl effect generator, and sharing a lot of information with energy technology developers. One of my roles was arranging funding for projects with an associate in Singapore. But I was also in possession of a Rover vehicle converted to run on a form of near-free energy. Basically I suspect it was an element of the government like ASIO spying on me. Really its not paranoia, considering what I was involved with and the fact that it was clearly a custom hack.

There is no real privacy unless you go completely off the grid. But then you'd be homeless and living an eve harder life.
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: falkor2k15 on Apr 07, 05:32 AM 2017
Remote controlled planes and 911 government conspiracy predicted 6 months before 911!

Learn this technique first re: 911 then you can check all the movies and cartoons about the flat earth...
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: RouletteGhost on Apr 14, 07:16 PM 2017
due to the CURVATURE of the GLOBE earth, the skyline of Torono Canada from NY can only be half seen

Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: praline on May 03, 01:40 PM 2023
Somebody like stars and others just beer


Yes my dear
It makes you fly

Its a bliss its clear
sailing in that high

takes away all your fear
u wont lie

you are not here
you wanna reach the sky

you will not drop a tear
because you dont want to cry

you wanna just cheer
for this wonderful thing sigh

when it is near
you feel the third eye

it is sincere
until you die

Oh yes its the BEER
oh my my my
Title: Re: Reddwarf
Post by: praline on May 03, 01:52 PM 2023
Btw. Is there anybody who is working for the VMware? I heard they are producing the greatest beer in the whole los angeles