Hi All,
I’ve always been fascinated by the idea of ‘luck’.
I’ve been practising my ESP using zener cards for a number of years. Nothing serious, just one session every 2 months or so. I would blindly guess, with no meditation, with the hope that the more I practice the better I would get. And I found some general rules, for example, after a lengthy time period off I would normally get the first few correct. It was almost as if my precognition ‘account balance’, for lack of a better word, would be used up in those first few attempts. The prediction rate would then level off back to normal (chance).
Last week, I again attempted the ESP zener cards after approximately 3 months since my last attempt. Again I noticed the same pattern, straight away my predictions were perfect and then levelled off back to chance probability. I then decided to practice some meditation and quieting of my mind before I made a prediction and to my surprise I got it right, I repeated the same technique 5 times and got each one correct in a row. I was shocked. So I took a deep breath, walked away, came back after 10 mins and did the meditation again before I made my predictions. This time I got 2 in a row correct, then I stopped.
After doing the ESP zener card for years I know what to roughly expect, in regard to lucky streaks and this was one of the best performances I have ever had. You could be forgiven in thinking that it was no more than a lucky streak and it was bound to happen at some point in time. But if you add the lucky streak to the method (meditation) I took, then I believe it is beyond a coincidence.
So I searched online for different ways people have used meditation to make predictions. I googled ‘meditation roulette’ and came across this thread link:s://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=15635.210
Initially I thought the thread would be full of skeptics pouring scorn on the concept of using meditation to make predictions, like I had found on other sites. But to my surprise as I read it the original poster (Nowun) seemed to have made good progress on his precog skills over a year or so. Another user (Button) seemed to have success with his techniques. Both also show videos and images proving their claims.
So I thought to myself the proof of the pudding is in the testing. So I went on the focusbliss website and had a go. To my amazement, almost every time I did the meditation it seemed to work (sometimes I would be tired and unfocused and would get chance probability ) and I had doubled my balance from $500 to $1000. I was using the same techniques that Nowun and Button described, no progressions just flat bets on the finals.
The next day, when a good nights sleep had cleared up all the excitement I was feeling. With a sober analytical mind I said to myself ‘maybe yesterday was just a fluke’ and I began to get doubts about my successes. So, I sat down for another session on focusbliss, and again I got the same results. Went from $500 to $700+ using the same technique. This continued for the next 3 days.
I’ve also been reading about remote viewing, which in theory is the same as precognition and clairvoyance. The success rate it seems for the applied precognition project is 54%, considering they have done over 600 trials this is quite amazing, some of their remote viewers are getting around 90% of their predictions correct.
It’s still early days and roulette seems to be one of the best games to display these skills. If we continue to focus our precognition skills on simple flat bets of the numbers in roulette (not colours) then the quality of the precognition will be much higher than a simple binary option currently used in Associative Remote Viewing (ARV).
I’ve noticed that Steve the admin here, has set up software to collect data on the validity of precognition, which I think is phenomenal. This will help greatly in finally uncovering the reality of precognition.
Our culture seems to be overly obsessed with the success of theoretical ‘physics’. To the skeptic layman, if physics says this is not possible then it is impossible, regardless of reality. But they have to remember that reality comes first, science is just our attempt at explaining reality. If reality shows precognition is real then we need to reevaluate our models. Science is subservient to reality, it's not the other way around.
Initially I was also convinced that precog was not entirely possible, simply because I hadn’t seen first hand results and had not seen the research. I was just like any other layman who was told it was all pseudoscience and I didnt need to listen to those crackpots. Now I have seen both, I am convinced that it is real and will be one of the biggest disruptors to several industries.
I’ve now listened and read numerous cases of people claiming to have developed precognition even at later stages of life. To me this shows it is not something people are born with, but can learn and harness for themselves.
The best analogy i can find to compare precognition to, is art. Anyone can paint a great portrait, it just takes practice. Despite this, there are people who still think they can’t draw or paint therefore they don't attempt to try. Anyone of us can today go on an art course and learn the basics from a teacher. Following in the tradition of thousands of years of cumulative artistic knowledge, the teacher can guide the pupil to achieve the same level of skill as them (obviously this depends on how hard the student works). This is what I believe precognition can become, but (and this is a big but), there is no feedback loop for precog other than seeing the results.
To explain it more clearer. I think that any skill we learn requires three things. The thought(will), the physical action and senses to give us feedback which completes the loop. This is also true for mental actions. For example if I told you to draw a square in your mind, you would know that the mental actions you executed were correct because you now see a square in your minds eye.
The problem with precognition is that there is no feedback loop for our mental/precognition thoughts. So it always feels like we are stabbing in the dark. Most attempts to explain the methods have been very vague, simply because we can not describe to others what we can not see. I think all we have are experiences, so we resort to terms like ‘knowing’ or ‘it just feels right’ or gut instinct.
We need a kind of common experiential-vocabulary if they can’t be put into words. I also believe that we have a lot more senses than we think. If we can pick up on these senses, both physical and mental, and develop a more subtle understanding of them, then this would help further precog abilities.
One argument against precognition/telekinesis goes like this. Imagine that at a roulette table there are 4 players. 2 of the players select red and the other 2 select black.
One possible answer is this; if I go back to my art analogy, some people are just better at drawing/painting than others.
It’s been a week since I wrote the above, just didn’t get a chance to post. I’ve been practising non-stop at developing my precog. I’ve tried betvoyager and I’ve been getting some amazing results. I never lose a session on betvoyager now, with a BR of 1000 units I always win on average 50 units when playing with single 1 units. Again this is just flat bet on numbers.
I’ve also managed to consistently get 7 or 8 out of 25 correct on zener cards. This is on various different versions online and as apps.
I aim to get above 10 consistently on zener by the end of this month.
TL;DR - precognition is the real deal, I’m not sure how it works, but it just works.
I've seen and experienced enough to know its real too. But it really takes proper time and dedication.
PS the harder you try, the worse your results will be. Thought blocks the process. I wrote my tips for it somewhere on this forum I think in the "outside the box" area.
Quote from: Steve on Jan 10, 04:06 AM 2018
I've seen and experienced enough to know its real too. But it really takes proper time and dedication.
PS the harder you try, the worse your results will be. Thought blocks the process. I wrote my tips for it somewhere on this forum I think in the "outside the box" area.
You are 100% right, I have been looking into what you wrote on this forum and elsewhere and have gained a lot of insight.
I firmly believe this phenomenon is real and that consciousness is the fundamental reality of existence. It’s been a fascinating few months exploring this and I believe that my abilities can only improve and get stronger as time goes on.
I will post in more detail if anyone is interested in what I have found.
What I find bizarre is that there are so many here wasting their time on systems that will never work in the long run and can never beat the house edge.
My winrate on MPR is 1.14 and that says a lot considering the expected winrate is around 0.97.
It’s been 5 months and precognition really does still work.
Quote from: precogmiles on May 12, 06:47 AM 2018
I will post in more detail if anyone is interested in what I have found.
Sure! Go ahead!
Do you believe it works better in the physical world where there are real people and real wheel, and you'd be close to whatever they ''emit'', or would it be the same with online also, even if it's rng?
Well, i can show you All some numbers Who will Most of the Time, and it is Most of the Time not Always, Who will follow eachother in a spin Window of 12-21 spins. Most of the Time.
These numbers can be 4 or 2. But it is Most about luck No precognition.
Test for yourself.
When number 4 Comes, Most of the Time number 4 or number 7 Will come shortly after!!!!! Most of the Time :lol:
Quote from: Bigbroben on May 12, 06:51 AM 2018
Sure! Go ahead!
Do you believe it works better in the physical world where there are real people and real wheel, and you'd be close to whatever they ''emit'', or would it be the same with online also, even if it's rng?
It will work just as well with both real life and rng. The only time this will not work is when you have a house that is determined for you not to win. After a while you will be able to feel when the system is rigged against you.
To be frank, I've spent so much time and energy that I will not give my method away for free. But what I can give you are resources to help you get started on your journey;
look into the following;
Hermeticism (original ancient Egyptian part, not kybalion )
Quantum mind - penrose and hameroff
Dean radin - anything from ions (Institute of Noetic Sciences)
Remote viewing - farsight institute, marty rosenblatt, Paul H smith, russel targ
Garret moddel
Rupert sheldrake
Stephan A. Schwartz
Patanjalis yoga sutras
Yoga techniques especially breathing techniques
Meditation techniques
Henry Sugar (The imhrat khan part of the story)
Monroe institute - hemi sync
Nei Gong
I've come up with my own particular method based on these ideas and my own investigations. That list alone will save you months of researching. The truth of precognition is somewhere in that list, I'll leave the rest for you to figure out.
In regards to roulette. my only advice would be that it is a lot easier to predict areas than numbers.
Quote from: precogmiles on May 12, 09:23 AM 2018
It will work just as well with both real life and rng. The only time this will not work is when you have a house that is determined for you not to win. After a while you will be able to feel when the system is rigged against you.
To be frank, I've spent so much time and energy that I will not give my method away for free. But what I can give you are resources to help you get started on your journey;
look into the following;
Hermeticism (original ancient Egyptian part, not kybalion )
Quantum mind - penrose and hameroff
Dean radin - anything from ions (Institute of Noetic Sciences)
Remote viewing - farsight institute, marty rosenblatt, Paul H smith, russel targ
Garret moddel
Rupert sheldrake
Stephan A. Schwartz
Patanjalis yoga sutras
Yoga techniques especially breathing techniques
Meditation techniques
Henry Sugar (The imhrat khan part of the story)
Monroe institute - hemi sync
Nei Gong
I've come up with my own particular method based on these ideas and my own investigations. That list alone will save you months of researching. The truth of precognition is somewhere in that list, I'll leave the rest for you to figure out.
In regards to roulette. my only advice would be that it is a lot easier to predict areas than numbers.
Oh no, here we go again :yawn:
Quote from: jekhb76 on May 12, 08:49 AM 2018
Well, i can show you All some numbers Who will Most of the Time, and it is Most of the Time not Always, Who will follow eachother in a spin Window of 12-21 spins. Most of the Time.
These numbers can be 4 or 2. But it is Most about luck No precognition.
Test for yourself.
When number 4 Comes, Most of the Time number 4 or number 7 Will come shortly after!!!!! Most of the Time :lol:
Individual groups of roulette system numbers, that have a common connection with each other. Simply put, It seems some roulette numbers always have a friend, who they like to hang out with, sometimes they will drop, one after the other. Other times they will be slightly distant. But on the whole, they are pretty good roulette buddies.
If you think i'm nuts. Well some of you already do :smile: Run a few sample tests on Random.org and Tell me if i'm still nuts! :lol:
Now if we can only come up with a 2 number progression for 300+ spins, we've got ourselfs a HG :lol:
0 & 32 :thumbsup:
Quote from: Steve on Jan 10, 04:06 AM 2018
PS the harder you try, the worse your results will be. Thought blocks the process.
I've seen this happen alot. Usually when I first walk up to the table I now get the first number that comes to mind, and have a very good success rate. But the more I "study" the number and think about it the worse the results.
This might explain why I have so much success when playing in fun mode. What I call fun mode, I mean not playing a system...just playing what I feel like without having to think
Quote from: ZERO on May 12, 11:06 AM 2018
0 & 32 :thumbsup:
Actualy, the friends of Zero are #0,#10,#20,#30.
When you See one of these come by, bet on All four of them ! :thumbsup:
Here's an whole day at the casino worth of numbers for you. From one of my playing days last week.
0 bet 0,10,20,30
20 HIT
0 bet 0,10,20,30
10 HIT
20 bet 0,10,20,30
30 HIT
0 bet 0,10,20,30
30 bet
10 HIT
10 bet
20 HIT
20 bet
20 HIT
10 bet
20 HIT
0 bet
30 HIT
0 bet
30 HIT
0 bet
10 bet
30 HIT
30 bet
10 HIT
10 bet
10 bet
10 HIT
0 bet
20 HIT
30 bet
0 bet
20 HIT
0 bet
10 bet
30 HIT
13 & 31
Quote from: Bigbroben on May 12, 12:24 PM 2018
13 & 31
Almost correct Ben, you forgot #28.
It's #13,#28,#31 :thumbsup:
Quote from: Scarface on May 12, 11:10 AM 2018
I've seen this happen alot. Usually when I first walk up to the table I now get the first number that comes to mind, and have a very good success rate. But the more I "study" the number and think about it the worse the results.
This might explain why I have so much success when playing in fun mode. What I call fun mode, I mean not playing a system...just playing what I feel like without having to think
Yes, the cognitive logical mind becomes an obstacle to feeling or knowing which the right choice will be. Try to calm your mind and let your worries go, especially worries about money. You will eventually see your results improve.
The way...
Quote from: Mortagon on May 13, 01:57 AM 2018
For the hierarchy of cognition
The battle between thought and revelation
„The struggle between thought and revelation is a fight for humanization and deification!“
What language is this ?
Bulgarian ? I can’t understand it sorry
Can you post it in English
Quote from: Roulettebeater on May 13, 08:52 AM 2018
What language is this ?
Bulgarian ? I can’t understand it sorry
Can you post it in English
Use translate google.
Quote from: Mortagon on May 14, 03:42 AM 2018
Use translate google.
Angry man!
why didn’t you post it in English?
Nobody understood that !
I am also working on enhancing my psychic abilities and use them to make money. I tried it last year, but gave up after a short while. Two weeks ago I started to take it seriously again. I've been meditating about one and a half hours every day, but my results with games are quite random. Once I'm able to win 80+ units in less than 10 spins, the next day I don't hit a single number for 15-20 spins, betting 3-4 numbers per spin. I may start a blog thread in the future to share my experiences.
There is a big confusion when it comes to precognition. I couldn't find a straight answer anywhere, but after a lot of research, I came to the conclusion that one does not see the future but rather creates it. That's why those advanced psychics who have a strong enough energy field, usually don't need to spend minutes focusing and trying to "see the future", their mind picks a future and can instantly make it happen.
Even on the roulette warriors youtube channel, Sandra commented once that seeing and creating the future is essentially the same thing. Also, in the inner Vegas workshops lead by Joe Gallenberger, the participants don't try to see the outcome of the next dice roll, they are consciously try to create their own desired future.
Quote from: ati on May 14, 05:51 AM 2018
I am also working on enhancing my psychic abilities and use them to make money. I tried it last year, but gave up after a short while. Two weeks ago I started to take it seriously again. I've been meditating about one and a half hours every day, but my results with games are quite random. Once I'm able to win 80+ units in less than 10 spins, the next day I don't hit a single number for 15-20 spins, betting 3-4 numbers per spin. I may start a blog thread in the future to share my experiences.
There is a big confusion when it comes to precognition. I couldn't find a straight answer anywhere, but after a lot of research, I came to the conclusion that one does not see the future but rather creates it. That's why those advanced psychics who have a strong enough energy field, usually don't need to spend minutes focusing and trying to "see the future", their mind picks a future and can instantly make it happen.
Even on the roulette warriors youtube channel, Sandra commented once that seeing and creating the future is essentially the same thing. Also, in the inner Vegas workshops lead by Joe Gallenberger, the participants don't try to see the outcome of the next dice roll, they are consciously try to create their own desired future.
I remember you from the 'Remote Viewing Roulette Numbers' thread. You should definitely have continued. It works 100%, you just need to put in the hours.
Search for "John Kruth at Monroe Institute on Rhine: Oldest Parapsychology Lab in USA" on youtube and at minute 44:00 he talks about the 'Mouse Ether Experiments' which shows the 'linger effect'. Two mice are put to sleep using anaesthesia and healers are told to pray for one of the mice to wake up sooner than the other. The mouse that received healing wakes up before the mouse that didn't receive healing. Initially they thought it was the act of healing itself, but it turns out that the effect seemed to be on the aluminium foil that the mouse was placed on when the healing occurs.
It is neither about seeing or creating the future. Something else is at work. I believe my understanding is getting closer to the truth of what is required to do precognition perfectly.
If anyone thinks I am talking nonsense have a look at my MPR winrate and my position in the leaderboard table (link:://:.rouletteplayers.org/leaderboard) . I've had 838 spins and I've still manged to get a winrate of 1.14 when the expected winrate is 0.97 .
For the naysayers I challenge you to use your systems and get similar results.
Thanks for your comment. Did you continue to experiment with zener cards after your post in January? If so, what were your results?
I've only tried it two times, first I got 8/25 correct, 2 days later I tried again and only got 4/25 correct. I used different techniques during these two trials. During the first attempt I was focusing on the screen until I started to see a shape forming, the second time I just quieted my mind, looked at the cards and picked one without thinking or focusing.
The problem is that I probably tried to "see" roulette numbers too many times and those are somewhat burned into my brain, because when I was focusing on the screen to "see" the next zener card symbol, I still saw mostly numbers.
Quote from: ati on May 14, 03:24 PM 2018
Thanks for your comment. Did you continue to experiment with zener cards after your post in January? If so, what were your results?
I've only tried it two times, first I got 8/25 correct, 2 days later I tried again and only got 4/25 correct. I used different techniques during these two trials. During the first attempt I was focusing on the screen until I started to see a shape forming, the second time I just quieted my mind, looked at the cards and picked one without thinking or focusing.
The problem is that I probably tried to "see" roulette numbers too many times and those are somewhat burned into my brain, because when I was focusing on the screen to "see" the next zener card symbol, I still saw mostly numbers.
These days, I get about 10/25 and 11/25 on a single attempt. This however requires a lot of energy and I feel exhausted by the end of the 25 cards.
If I take a short break after each attempt by best score has been 13/25 . It takes longer but I get better results.
Getting 7s and 8s is a default now.
With zener cards It is about KNOWing the answer.
Feel that you KNOW the answerRemember it is always easier to predict areas than numbers or shapes on cards. << BIG HINT (remember the linger effect)
You can easily use zener cards to help you get better at roulette. Make you practise getting them correct in a row. For example getting 4 cards correct in a row is better than getting 4 cards correct over 12 attempts.
You should create that blog. It would be fascinating to read. I've also attempted those two types of zener card experiments and it is interesting to see someone else also doing trail and error experiments to determine what works best.
Have you tried any other ESP tests?
No I haven't tried other tests. Maybe a year ago, but I don't remember. I did try other casino games though, like wheel of fortune, casino war, BJ.
Just finished an hour meditation, and gave it a try, I scored 6/25 this time. If anyone interested link:://fledglingpsychic.com/esptest.php
Quote from: ati on May 14, 05:17 PM 2018
No I haven't tried other tests. Maybe a year ago, but I don't remember. I did try other casino games though, like wheel of fortune, casino war, BJ.
Just finished an hour meditation, and gave it a try, I scored 6/25 this time. If anyone interested link:://fledglingpsychic.com/esptest.php
Thanks that’s a good test. I just got 9/25 on my first attempt. Just focused on correct in green, I didn’t rush through and selected wherever area I felt the KNOWING.
I didn’t spend an hour meditating. Then again maybe the hours and hours of practice I have spent trying to twist, turn and calm my mind have made it easier.
If anyone has not seen it this is NoWun's youtube channel where he uses precognition on roulette
How much more evidence do people need?
Quote from: ati on May 14, 05:17 PM 2018
Just finished an hour meditation, and gave it a try, I scored 6/25 this time. If anyone interested link:://fledglingpsychic.com/esptest.php
Have you had any luck since?
Quote from: precogmiles on May 15, 03:34 PM 2018How much more evidence do people need?
only when the General thumbs up (link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/05/16/temp_850247.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/spkfa)
Notto, you are like a flat Earther having a stab at round Earthers, but you dont know it.
Quote from: precogmiles on May 16, 06:00 PM 2018
Have you had any luck since?
These are all my test results so far with the cards
I noticed that most of my hits come after the 15th attempt, and most of the time it's the star symbol. I have the worst results with the wave symbol.
Quote from: ati on May 17, 01:19 AM 2018
These are all my test results so far with the cards
I noticed that most of my hits come after the 15th attempt, and most of the time it's the star symbol. I have the worst results with the wave symbol.
What method are you using to get those result. Are you relying only on the hour long meditation, or do you try and visualise each card?
I’ve also noticed that I get the best results at the start of the test. One technique I have found is to use a kind of gamblers fallacy towards the end, where by you convince yourself that the previous 10 cards were all wrong and you are due the correct card. This seems to work well, which makes me think that belief is the most important element in precognition.
If you have the google play store search for apps to improve your esp and intuition. You can play these all day long. This will help to get the mileage in. I think you will need at least 1000 hours of predicting (excluding meditation) practice before you begin to sense within yourself what you need to do to get the correct card.
You should also try this game link:s://psychicscience.org/esp3.aspx at gives to the total as you play.
You can do it. If I can so can, you just keep practicing.
I always meditated beforehand. I believe it's important, especially as a beginner, because mediation is the key to raise our energy and develop psychic powers.
Most of the time I try to visualize, staring at a blank sport and waiting for a shape to appear. This seem to be working for many people. Although I'm not very good at it, it's very hard to focus without thinking and I see all kind of very blurry shapes and numbers constantly morphing. Other times I just try to pick one card without thinking.
Thanks for the link I will try it, and I've also downloaded a mobile app. I try not to overdo the tests, I want to feel that I'm ready and can fully focus on the task, so the results will be less random. Also, I've read that the strong focus makes the mind tired, so it may not be wise to do dozens of tests each day.
Quote from: ati on May 17, 12:50 PM 2018
I always meditated beforehand. I believe it's important, especially as a beginner, because mediation is the key to raise our energy and develop psychic powers.
Most of the time I try to visualize, staring at a blank sport and waiting for a shape to appear. This seem to be working for many people. Although I'm not very good at it, it's very hard to focus without thinking and I see all kind of very blurry shapes and numbers constantly morphing. Other times I just try to pick one card without thinking.
Thanks for the link I will try it, and I've also downloaded a mobile app. I try not to overdo the tests, I want to feel that I'm ready and can fully focus on the task, so the results will be less random. Also, I've read that the strong focus makes the mind tired, so it may not be wise to do dozens of tests each day.
That’s an interesting approach. Good luck with it. Keep us updated with progress, I would love to see your success.
My view is slightly different, I see this ability more like an art form or skill you need to strengthen it through practice and not just theory (meditation). Meditation gives you the theoretical understanding of the laws and principles. But you need to put the mileage in to see what methods produce the best results.
Have tried hemisync?
Anyway, keep up the good work. You will see good results 100%.
I tried hemi sync, but only the focus 10. I usually search for binaural beats on youtube, and listen to the ones I like. Most of the time I do a one hour meditation to activate the 7 main chakras.
This morning I had a good session with the cards. I felt that my focus was strong, and in the beginning I chose the correct card 4 times in a row. I was at 5/10 hits when I became overly confident, or nervous, and lost my focus. I failed to guess the next eight and my final result was 8/25. It took about 20 minutes.
Once I become more confident and see a definite improvement with my skills, I will post more. I just don't want to waste anyone's time with seemingly random results.
Do you also play for real money? I played before approx. 50 sessions of 1 cent real money roulette, but I could only break even.
Quote from: ati on May 19, 06:26 AM 2018
I tried hemi sync, but only the focus 10. I usually search for binaural beats on youtube, and listen to the ones I like. Most of the time I do a one hour meditation to activate the 7 main chakras.
This morning I had a good session with the cards. I felt that my focus was strong, and in the beginning I chose the correct card 4 times in a row. I was at 5/10 hits when I became overly confident, or nervous, and lost my focus. I failed to guess the next eight and my final result was 8/25. It took about 20 minutes.
Once I become more confident and see a definite improvement with my skills, I will post more. I just don't want to waste anyone's time with seemingly random results.
Do you also play for real money? I played before approx. 50 sessions of 1 cent real money roulette, but I could only break even.
I never want to play for real money unless I have my precognition skills so good I am 100% guaranteed to win.
Lately I have been been investigating the phenomenon of telekinesis.
There are some videos on youtube of people who can authentically perform telekinesis repeatably and very well.
Also watch videos of Nina kulagina, Jean-Pierre Girard and John Chang (dynamo jack)
With that much evidence I really don't know how anyone can deny this anymore.
I believe by understanding the mechanism of telekinesis this can help me improve my precognitive skills. Some PK/TK practitioners claim they didn't need to meditate to develop this ability and some claim they got this through meditation. I don't know which is true. But someone like Nina kulagina could read numbers and shapes off a board without using her eyes, and she has never meditated (not in the traditional Buddhist sense). Same is true for Master Jiang.
All of my research points to yoga and taoism (yin and yang). If I can get a better understanding of these philosophies I'll be able to take my skills to the next level.
I'm really excited by this awakening to the truth. I will be taking a break from this site for a while so I can concentrate on my skills.
Here is something to really blow your mind, this guy is doing real levitation!
See you in a few months, and good luck.
Awesome! Good luck to you as well.
I know some of these, I'm subscribed to Trebor's channel.
I also experiment with PK, I have a piece of tinfoil on top of standing match, so it can spin freely. I can make it spin with my energy, sometimes both ways, but whenever I cover it with a thick glass container, it never moves. But I'm sure it's not my breath or body heath that makes it spin. Otherwise I would not be able to change the spinning direction and there are days when I can barely make it move.
I'm still practicing with zener cards, I have a couple of 8/25 hits, but so far never above that. I also have a 1/25 :) That was after a very stressful day. My total average is currently 5.28/25 which is above the statistical average so I'm happy with this.
Quote from: precogmiles on May 31, 07:26 PM 2018
I'm really excited by this awakening to the truth.
Quote from: Mortagon on Jun 01, 01:57 AM 2018
„Insight is life's eye!“
„The paradigm of the Sixth Root Race is for us to bring God out of man!“
Quote from: ati on Jun 01, 01:59 AM 2018I have a couple of 8/25 hits, but so far never above that
I have to correct myself, just scored 11! :thumbsup:
Now whether it does or doesn't, I don't care as averages is fine. But here's the but
A Nimo qote
The problem of doing billions of random checks with software is you take out the human brain out of the equation. The human brain can account for items that a computer simulation cant.
So if we think about it, the subconscious mind is watching taking all in, if you've watched the wheel for thousands of spins, could the subconscious mind be reading the present game, be able to take in ball movements, so giving you, those who some how link into the subconscious mind, be able to see the pocket thats coming.
I've been playing on different formats and for some reason know the number coming on odd occasions, but why? i've even said to mrs Notto, i just knew it was going to be that number, but for no reason why this happens, you know you get that feeling but don't react to it, think to yourself why didn't i cover it.
So yes it might be possible, like the earth is flat and the moon landings didn't happen, NAH just mucking about
Quote from: ati on Jun 01, 01:59 AM 2018
Awesome! Good luck to you as well.
I know some of these, I'm subscribed to Trebor's channel.
I also experiment with PK, I have a piece of tinfoil on top of standing match, so it can spin freely. I can make it spin with my energy, sometimes both ways, but whenever I cover it with a thick glass container, it never moves. But I'm sure it's not my breath or body heath that makes it spin. Otherwise I would not be able to change the spinning direction and there are days when I can barely make it move.
I'm still practicing with zener cards, I have a couple of 8/25 hits, but so far never above that. I also have a 1/25 :) That was after a very stressful day. My total average is currently 5.28/25 which is above the statistical average so I'm happy with this.
Have you thought about restarting your PK practice? I haven't got the ability to move objects under glasses yet. But at the moment I don't care if it 80% wind and 20% PK. With enough practice I will get it to 99% PK and 1% wind. If these guys can do it so can I. And I WILL!
Quote from: ati on Jun 01, 03:56 AM 2018
I have to correct myself, just scored 11! :thumbsup:
Wow that's nice. good job on the meditation and practice, keep it up.
I just tried link:://fledglingpsychic.com/esptest.php and got 8/25 and 10/25.
One bit of advice, Remember that feeling of getting the cards right, one after another, when you just got the 11/25. Believe you will get that feeling on every attempt you try. cultivate that feeling and believe.
I do admit to more than a passing interest in the topic of precognition.
Could any of the more advanced students here please give an opinion on some of my thoughts on the subject?
In the physical world, they say that if you can't push aside a dead weight with one foot then you should not attempt to pick it up. With this in mind, do you believe it's more worthwhile to focus on outcome prediction , or outcome protection?
So as to say, do you try to pull an outcome into line with your selection, or protect a selection by pushing away that which is out of line?
Or are both these techniques of equal merit?
I'm trying to think outside the outside box here.
I do not think that precognition has to do anything with pushing or pulling a particular outcome.
It is more about you becoming sensitive and open to a particular outcome and become aligned with its flow. Letting it unfold and tap into it.
It is helpful to approach it open to learning playfully rather then controlling
Thanks Kairomancer,
I suppose I hold more hope for telekinesis than precognition.
Well for real wheels anyway.
Quote from: Taotie on Jun 10, 06:32 PM 2018
Thanks Kairomancer,
I suppose I hold more hope for telekinesis than precognition.
Well for real wheels anyway.
I think either are good options, practice both if you can.
Quote from: nottophammer on Jun 01, 10:06 AM 2018
Now whether it does or doesn't, I don't care as averages is fine. But here's the but
A Nimo qote
The problem of doing billions of random checks with software is you take out the human brain out of the equation. The human brain can account for items that a computer simulation cant.
So if we think about it, the subconscious mind is watching taking all in, if you've watched the wheel for thousands of spins, could the subconscious mind be reading the present game, be able to take in ball movements, so giving you, those who some how link into the subconscious mind, be able to see the pocket thats coming.
I've been playing on different formats and for some reason know the number coming on odd occasions, but why? i've even said to mrs Notto, i just knew it was going to be that number, but for no reason why this happens, you know you get that feeling but don't react to it, think to yourself why didn't i cover it.
So yes it might be possible, like the earth is flat and the moon landings didn't happen, NAH just mucking about
Yes, this is true. And it becomes even more obvious when you listen to those hunches and intuitions. Its been proven that the more you practice the more intuitive you get. It happens in all walks of life.
precognition is just taken that gut feeling and instinct to the next level.
Intuition has probably helped my game more than any system. I normally play a repeaters system. But when things aren't working, trusting my gut to make changes. Not just knowing what to bet. But knowing when I need to make a change...bet selection, wagers, system, whatever. Or trusting my gut to know to keep going on positive progressions when things are going good.
Quote from: Scarface on Aug 01, 07:59 PM 2018
Intuition has probably helped my game more than any system. I normally play a repeaters system. But when things aren't working, trusting my gut to make changes. Not just knowing what to bet. But knowing when I need to make a change...bet selection, wagers, system, whatever. Or trusting my gut to know to keep going on positive progressions when things are going good.
This is the really interesting. Because it seems this is the missing ingredient for those who promote repeater systems. Even mr j talks about it on numerous occasions.
If precog is what is making certain people win and not their systems. It makes me wonder if precog can be an be used with an even simpler system such as martingale.
Ever tried precog / intuition with martingale?
Quote from: precogmiles on Aug 03, 02:12 PM 2018
Ever tried precog / intuition with martingale?
Yes, I've trusted my intuition at times when it comes to progressions. Especially positive progression
Just to give you guys an update;
It's been 8 months since I've started this journey. The longer it continues the more convinced I am that this phenomena is real.
Recently I have been practising with the guys at psiresearch.com . I have been using their tests to chart my progress becuase they store daily results and everything is public. I've also been amazed at the abilities of a few users on that site, especially a guy called Jason21, who has been scoring consistently high for over a month.
The more I research the more I understand that it takes time and practice and that I have a long way to go before I am at the level I wish to be.
There is a method to this, it is not simply guessing. Guessing gives you chance probability whereas using the method gives above chance results.
The most important take away points are;
1. Calm your mind
2. Become more sensitive to energies
I might disappear for a few months but I'll be lurking around, ready to answer any questions.
Quote from: precogmiles on Aug 13, 06:09 PM 2018
Just to give you guys an update;
It's been 8 months since I've started this journey. The longer it continues the more convinced I am that this phenomena is real.
Recently I have been practising with the guys at psiresearch.com . I have been using their tests to chart my progress becuase they store daily results and everything is public. I've also been amazed at the abilities of a few users on that site, especially a guy called Jason21, who has been scoring consistently high for over a month.
The more I research the more I understand that it takes time and practice and that I have a long way to go before I am at the level I wish to be.
There is a method to this, it is not simply guessing. Guessing gives you chance probability whereas using the method gives above chance results.
The most important take away points are;
1. Calm your mind
2. Become more sensitive to energies
I might disappear for a few months but I'll be lurking around, ready to answer any questions.
What's your pct rate at MPR
Congrats on your success precogmiles! Keep us updated. I've read of experiments that suggest that intuition can be now measured, and are stronger with results that cause a emotional response. I believe there is something to this.
Quote from: precogmiles on Aug 13, 06:09 PM 2018I have a long way to go before I am at the level I wish to be.
Throw in $$$ you are gazillion miles further than you think.
Quote from: precogmiles on Aug 13, 06:09 PM 2018
Just to give you guys an update;
It's been 8 months since I've started this journey. The longer it continues the more convinced I am that this phenomena is real.
Recently I have been practising with the guys at psiresearch.com . I have been using their tests to chart my progress becuase they store daily results and everything is public. I've also been amazed at the abilities of a few users on that site, especially a guy called Jason21, who has been scoring consistently high for over a month.
The more I research the more I understand that it takes time and practice and that I have a long way to go before I am at the level I wish to be.
There is a method to this, it is not simply guessing. Guessing gives you chance probability whereas using the method gives above chance results.
The most important take away points are;
1. Calm your mind
2. Become more sensitive to energies
I might disappear for a few months but I'll be lurking around, ready to answer any questions.
Don't relax, don't calm your mind.
A relaxed state merely make you suggestible and more likely to believe that you've stumbled upon something that works. It's the wrong direction. It works best in an irritable state and when you're in pain. The best effects involve heavy irritation from hot peppers, and possibly even mace.
Sriracha sauce is particularly effective in large quantities and is mild enough not to completely destroy your gut. Anything that exploits
capsaicin. Even wasabi. (Don't go messing around with mace without careful supervision.)
Hear me out..
Sometime ago i've tried putting my head near a microwave for several hours to improve my precognition but just right then while I was practicing... a spider suddenly came down and bit me on my hand!!!
First I thought ah no big deal, but then the next day I woke up I felt completely different. Mentally and physically stronger in someway.
So I headed to the casino and tried to play some roulette. And every time just before the dealer spins the ball I can sense and see where it's going to drop in slo-mo!! I was like wtf is this voodoo magic. After a while I've won millions of euro's, I've decided to call my system : The SpiderSense©
Nothing beats home brewed mescaline. I recommend San Pedro Cactus, as it's easy to access enough for a good pot of brew, and relatively simple to prepare.
Seriously, five good cups of this shit and you can make the ball dance the Tango for you if you want.
No bull, you will be amazed at the results. If you want the *free* recipe just PM me.
Quote from: Moxy on Aug 13, 10:15 PM 2018
What's your pct rate at MPR
I’ve explained that here link:s://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=20484.0
Win rate of 1.16 with 1400 spins
That is across 3 account. One betting high, one betting low and the other before the game was reset.
Quote from: Scarface on Aug 13, 10:19 PM 2018
Congrats on your success precogmiles! Keep us updated. I've read of experiments that suggest that intuition can be now measured, and are stronger with results that cause a emotional response. I believe there is something to this.
Thank you. Interesting, there is much to learn in this field. Any links to research would be appreciated.
Also mushrooms help to improve precognitive skills. We call them shrooms, paddos or truffels in Holland.
They bring you almost into this subconscious state/trance, it's incredible. Mix in with a tiny bit of LSD and you have a 99.9 % winrate.
Quote from: The General on Aug 14, 02:01 AM 2018
Don't relax, don't calm your mind.
A relaxed state merely make you suggestible and more likely to believe that you've stumbled upon something that works. It's the wrong direction. It works best in an irritable state and when you're in pain. The best effects involve heavy irritation from hot peppers, and possibly even mace. Sriracha sauce is particularly effective in large quantities and is mild enough not to completely destroy your gut. Anything that exploits capsaicin. Even wasabi. (Don't go messing around with mace without careful supervision.)
Quote from: junscissorhands on Aug 14, 03:14 AM 2018
Hear me out..
Sometime ago i've tried putting my head near a microwave for several hours to improve my precognition but just right then while I was practicing... a spider suddenly came down and bit me on my hand!!!
First I thought ah no big deal, but then the next day I woke up I felt completely different. Mentally and physically stronger in someway.
So I headed to the casino and tried to play some roulette. And every time just before the dealer spins the ball I can sense and see where it's going to drop in slo-mo!! I was like wtf is this voodoo magic. After a while I've won millions of euro's, I've decided to call my system : The SpiderSense©
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Quote from: junscissorhands on Aug 14, 03:31 AM 2018
Also mushrooms help to improve precognitive skills. We call them shrooms, paddos or truffels in Holland.
They bring you almost into this subconscious state/trance, it's incredible. Mix in with a tiny bit of LSD and you have a 99.9 % winrate.
Personally I think everyone should have there right to experiment with mind altering/enhancing states. Putting a blanket ban on certain drugs makes us lose a great window into reality.
Alcohol is fine for the powers that be because it numbs our consciousness, and they can tax it. But other drugs that have the potential to enhance our consciousness are banned.
They want us to be zombies in their materialistic worldview deny the greater reality.
We've got shrooms growing close to my place through winter, gold tops.
I still prefer the san pedro for enhancing precognitive abiliity.
Lsd in small portions and quantities have proven to enhance. So it's a fact.
Quote from: junscissorhands on Aug 14, 05:16 AM 2018
Lsd in small portions and quantities have proven to enhance. So it's a fact.
Micro LSD doses are a hot research thing right now, tons of uses, from PTSD treatment to anti-anxiety attacks.
Pretty cool to have something that was maligned for so long actually be proven to be beneficial.
Exactly micro portions lsd mixed with noopept is even better.
Mako, you know your stuff. Kudos.
Very unformative, taotie. Love the hammock.
I know what im doing tonight.. so much catching up to do. Lots of videos..
Quote from: Mako on Aug 15, 02:42 PM 2018
Pretty cool to have something that was maligned for so long actually be proven to be beneficial.
Wow, an explanation for my ability to beat Roulette. I celebrated the end of legal LSD by going to High School on the last day of it. It was the real Owsley Stanley; link:s://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Owsley_Stanley , LSD too. That was in fact a real strange day too. Maybe the school was warned of students in the school district going for a completely legal trip on school grounds. So the 4th period class decided to play the 'Flight of the Phoenix' film that in fact took 2 hours to show. I was hooked. I stayed for the full two hours. A thing like that never happened before or ever happened again after that at that school.
Well it is High School.
So I’m here with another update. Boy oh boy, this is turning into an amazing journey. I have finally developed a system that can give me above average results consistently.
Previously, while I was mostly successful, there were times I would get below average results. I can now gruntee my results will have a base result above average. With this in place it gives me the ability to generate a few exceptional results that are well above average.
What I have also learnt is that our materialist world view is completely wrong. It is exactly similar to flat earthers or people who believed the earth goes around the sun. I say this not to ridicule but to make clear how certain I know that there is something beyond the physical material world at play.
Now I look back, I regret wasting my life believing in a materialist worldview. I could have spent my time and energy doing something that actually worked like precog or pk. If it took me only 9 months to develop true precog abilities, can you imagine what I could be doing now if I practiced this from childhood.
My current aim is to investigate how I can generate those higher scores more consistently now that I have a rough grasp of how things work.
I also had my first true precog dream the night before a football match. I predicted the exact score and even the method the goal was scored.
I feel I have definitely levelled up. I am tired of having to prove my abilities to skeptics so I really do not care who believes me. I won’t attempt to demonstrate things anymore.
reading and watching old posts and videos about this phenomenon makes me smile because everyone seems to be pointing in the same direction. It was not clear when I started but by practice it is starting to make sense now.
good luck to you all. :thumbsup:
Quote from: precogmiles on Sep 16, 05:56 PM 2018
So I’m here with another update. Boy oh boy, this is turning into an amazing journey. I have finally developed a system that can give me above average results consistently.
Previously, while I was mostly successful, there were times I would get below average results. I can now gruntee my results will have a base result above average. With this in place it gives me the ability to generate a few exceptional results that are well above average.
What I have also learnt is that our materialist world view is completely wrong. It is exactly similar to flat earthers or people who believed the earth goes around the sun. I say this not to ridicule but to make clear how certain I know that there is something beyond the physical material world at play.
Now I look back, I regret wasting my life believing in a materialist worldview. I could have spent my time and energy doing something that actually worked like precog or pk. If it took me only 9 months to develop true precog abilities, can you imagine what I could be doing now if I practiced this from childhood.
My current aim is to investigate how I can generate those higher scores more consistently now that I have a rough grasp of how things work.
I also had my first true precog dream the night before a football match. I predicted the exact score and even the method the goal was scored.
I feel I have definitely levelled up. I am tired of having to prove my abilities to skeptics so I really do not care who believes me. I won’t attempt to demonstrate things anymore.
reading and watching old posts and videos about this phenomenon makes me smile because everyone seems to be pointing in the same direction. It was not clear when I started but by practice it is starting to make sense now.
good luck to you all. :thumbsup:
Thanks very much precog. I still think this is the best thread on the board. I had a precog dream a couple weeks ago. Unfortunately it was a nightmare and i had to wake up. Over the next couple weeks the picture became more clear and nearly all details have transpired. I hope this is the part where i wake up now. Keep us updated. Oh, and if you can point to the post that describes your current practice, that would be great.
Thanks again.
Quote from: Still on Sep 16, 07:02 PM 2018
Thanks very much precog. I still think this is the best thread on the board. I had a precog dream a couple weeks ago. Unfortunately it was a nightmare and i had to wake up. Over the next couple weeks the picture became more clear and nearly all details have transpired. I hope this is the part where i wake up now. Keep us updated. Oh, and if you can point to the post that describes your current practice, that would be great.
Thanks again.
I hope your nightmare is over. The strange thing is that all the information you need is already on this and other threads.
When you are learning a new skill for the first time the single most important thing is to practice. The first part of my technique is PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE, then you will begin to understand what 'knowing' and 'calming the mind' mean.
I found these exercises interesting.
I watched the video, I can't seem to remote view around that guys stomach! lol
This breathing method really helps me to focus.
Quote from: RayManZ on Oct 04, 03:54 AM 2018
This breathing method really helps me to focus.
Great video! very useful technique.
Another update.
Its been another amazing month. I've definitely made more progress and for the first time I feel that I finally have a theoretical basis to the practical method.
I can comfortably get above average score in any forced choice test. zener cards, Black or Red, Dozens . I can do this for anything up to 10 choices.
I find it way too easy now.
The feeling is amazing to actually have this ability is probably one of the best experiences of my life.
Quote from: precogmiles on Oct 10, 05:21 PM 2018I find it way too easy now.
The feeling is amazing to actually have this ability is probably one of the best experiences of my life.
Well done, keep practicing, never stop, but also don't get over confident.
Quote from: nowun on Oct 10, 10:39 PM 2018
Well done, keep practicing, never stop, but also don't get over confident.
Thanks nowun, I appreciate the encouragement. You were the one that inspired me to take this seriously. I am so glad I did, it’s completely changed the way I see the world.
Quote from: precogmiles on Oct 11, 02:32 AM 2018
Thanks nowun, I appreciate the encouragement. You were the one that inspired me to take this seriously. I am so glad I did, it’s completely changed the way I see the world.
That's great. You should be able to forget about roulette now and go lead a noble life, lifting the human consciousnesses for the betterment of our race.
Quote from: precogmiles on Oct 10, 05:08 PM 2018
Great video! very useful technique.
I know Ramtha has also a breathing routine. I think it all comes down to the same point.
- Increasing focus.
- got more o2 in the blood.
- make your body way more alkaline.
I think this is a major part of the precog game. Since i'm doing this i just keep on winning on the first spins.
I don't know all the scientific details but if your blood is more alkaline you can go deeper into your brain and that is exactly what you want. Somewhere deep inside your brain you know what is going to happen. So you just need a way to get there and you need the focus the get there.
This super simple breathing method and candle focus will just do that. Then just start doing. The numbers will show but you will need to learn how to read them.
A perfect way is to keep a log. Just write down what you see and write down what spin you got.
Yes it is real. I think if you do this daily you will be able to win within 3 months.
What about bad days ?
How do they look like?
Quote from: Taotie on Oct 11, 03:48 AM 2018
That's great. You should be able to forget about roulette now and go lead a noble life, lifting the human consciousnesses for the betterment of our race.
O0 :smile:
I wish peace and prosperity to everyone!! :thumbsup: And I hope people wish me the same!!
Quote from: RayManZ on Oct 11, 04:25 AM 2018
I know Ramtha has also a breathing routine. I think it all comes down to the same point.
- Increasing focus.
- got more o2 in the blood.
- make your body way more alkaline.
I think this is a major part of the precog game. Since i'm doing this i just keep on winning on the first spins.
I don't know all the scientific details but if your blood is more alkaline you can go deeper into your brain and that is exactly what you want. Somewhere deep inside your brain you know what is going to happen. So you just need a way to get there and you need the focus the get there.
This super simple breathing method and candle focus will just do that. Then just start doing. The numbers will show but you will need to learn how to read them.
A perfect way is to keep a log. Just write down what you see and write down what spin you got.
Yes it is real. I think if you do this daily you will be able to win within 3 months.
Some great advice. I really like how you are experimenting with different techniques. Really happy it is working for you! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Just leaving this here for future readers and to keep progress reports together.
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/10/12/source44b13.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/TTTm7)
500 spins and 1.314 winrate.
This is the result of my test for precognition and progression on MPR.
Betting 25 units on a dozen.
Using a negative Fibonacci progression.
Quote from: precogmiles on Oct 13, 07:43 AM 2018
Just leaving this here for future readers and to keep progress reports together.
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/10/12/source44b13.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/TTTm7)
500 spins and 1.314 winrate.
This is the result of my test for precognition and progression on MPR.
Betting 25 units on a dozen.
Using a negative Fibonacci progression.
That's just not significant.
The secret to success.
No candles.
No meditation.
No relaxation.
The secret is sriracha and the bacteria in it. Unless you can down around 32 ounces in an hour or so you're not going to get the effect. Don't try it if you have any kind of allergies.
Each time you look at the future, you change it subtly. It's a probability of several possible outcomes.
The secret is to exploit the repulsive effect.
Predict your number, know it's going to hit. When the ball hits, it will impact closely, but it's going to bounce away from your number... because of the repulsive effect and because you're observing it!. Exploit the effect.
Predict a number that's five or six pockets in front of your number, stay focused on it, and then actually bet the numbers in the direction of ball bounce away from your prediction.
If your lips aren't stained red orange then you've not consumed enough sriracha. The bottles must be at least two months old and kept at room temperature or you will kill the bacteria.
In case anyone didnt realize, general is not being serious. This is his ass side.
Quote from: Steve on Oct 13, 06:42 PM 2018
In case anyone didnt realize, general is not being serious. This is his ass side.
There's a non-ass side? :thumbsup:
There is. Just dont feed the ass side or it swells.
Quote from: The General on Oct 13, 05:10 PM 2018
That's just not significant.
I challenge you to get the same results in your first attempt.
Quote from: RayManZ on Oct 11, 04:25 AM 2018
I know Ramtha has also a breathing routine. I think it all comes down to the same point.
- Increasing focus.
- got more o2 in the blood.
- make your body way more alkaline.
I think this is a major part of the precog game. Since i'm doing this i just keep on winning on the first spins.
I don't know all the scientific details but if your blood is more alkaline you can go deeper into your brain and that is exactly what you want. Somewhere deep inside your brain you know what is going to happen. So you just need a way to get there and you need the focus the get there.
This super simple breathing method and candle focus will just do that. Then just start doing. The numbers will show but you will need to learn how to read them.
A perfect way is to keep a log. Just write down what you see and write down what spin you got.
Yes it is real. I think if you do this daily you will be able to win within 3 months.
Have you had any luck with this method?
Quote from: precogmiles on Oct 11, 02:32 AM 2018Thanks nowun, I appreciate the encouragement. You were the one that inspired me to take this seriously. I am so glad I did, it’s completely changed the way I see the world.
Hi precog, thanks for your contributions. This post goes back to last October, almost five months ago. How many months did you practice before you started seeing satisfactory results?
Quote from: Still on Mar 27, 03:09 PM 2019
Hi precog, thanks for your contributions. This post goes back to last October, almost five months ago. How many months did you practice before you started seeing satisfactory results?
I would say it took me a good nine months of serious practice to see real results.
Initially I had a lot of belief this was true but the results were hit and miss. Some days I would perform really well and other days would be very bad.
I was practising for hours everyday, mostly with zener cards occasionally with roulette (test simulation). After around 9 months of regular practice I could consistently get it right (score above average) once I followed the process.
In the last 6 months I've spent time refining the process and understanding the theoretically and esoteric under pinning of how and why this works. Once I have a working theory then I can perfect this, without a solid theory I feel it is more like an art form than a science.
Good Luck!!
Quote from: Taotie on Mar 27, 05:10 AM 2019
Mock all you like :thumbsup: and keep playing your systems.
I'm not totally closed to the idea of paranormal activity. I think it will become more prevalent in the future as human brains develop over time.
What does give it a bad press is fake practitoners. I've seen people doing it on You Tube and they'll say something like "I see a 1 or 2" ... well there are a lot of roulette numbers with 1 or 2 in them. You've got a 1 in 3 chance almost, with 2 alone.
Same with the medium who addresses an Audience of 300 and says "does the name David or James mean anything to anyone?" Bound to get lots of hits.
It would be nice to strip away the conjouring and the forgery from what can actually be achieved. Unfortunately with the internet, and the money to be made from fake viral videos, I don't see that happening any time soon.
Quote from: Firefox on Mar 27, 04:52 PM 2019
I'm not totally closed to the idea of paranormal activity. I think it will become more prevalent in the future as human brains develop over time.
What does give it a bad press is fake practitoners. I've seen people doing it on You Tube and they'll say something like I see a 1 or 2.... well there are a lot of numbers with 1 or 2 in them. You've got a 1 in 3 chance almost, with 2.
Same with the medium who addresses an Audience of 300 and says "does the name David or James mean anything to anyone?" Bound to get lots of hits.
It would be nice to strip away the conjouring and the forgery from what can actually be achieved. Unfortunately with the internet and the money to be made from fake viral videos, I don't see that happening any time soon.
Human brain developed 😂 first off it can be done second you won’t win like you say loooog term because the psychic phenomena is not meant for gambling emotions get in the the way that’s why Andrew always loses 😂
But what Miles is saying is that you have to get into a certain state of mind to increase success. Strip away gambling emotions. If you can get an edge for a handful of spins, you don't need to do it for longer. Take profit and then you have time to relax and recoup.
Also I don't see what Andre has to with it. Ok you're having a spat with him. People don't want to see it paraded in every forum topic.
Quote from: Firefox on Mar 27, 04:52 PM 2019
I'm not totally closed to the idea of paranormal activity. I think it will become more prevalent in the future as human brains develop over time.
What does give it a bad press is fake practitoners. I've seen people doing it on You Tube and they'll say something like "I see a 1 or 2" ... well there are a lot of roulette numbers with 1 or 2 in them. You've got a 1 in 3 chance almost, with 2 alone.
Same with the medium who addresses an Audience of 300 and says "does the name David or James mean anything to anyone?" Bound to get lots of hits.
It would be nice to strip away the conjouring and the forgery from what can actually be achieved. Unfortunately with the internet, and the money to be made from fake viral videos, I don't see that happening any time soon.
All I can say is if you had told me 5 years ago that I would be able to do this 5 years later I would have laughed in your face. I was as much of a skeptic as anyone else. The fact is that I CAN do this now, I experience this reality everyday.
It is only natural that you have videos online faking this ability. In a way this is good for us precogs and those that have abilities that seems paranormal, since we it allows us to use our abilities and not have to disclose how.
I navigate my way around life now by listening to my gut. I trust my decisions more now.
Quote from: Firefox on Mar 27, 05:05 PM 2019
But what Miles is saying is that you have to get into a certain state of mind to increase success. Strip away gambling emotions. If you can get an edge for a handful of spins, you don't need to do it for longer. Take profit and then you have time to relax and recoup.
Also I don't see what Andre has to with it. Ok you're having a spat with him. People don't want to see it paraded in every forum topic.
Yes, emotions are things that get in the way of winning for most beginners. After a while I learnt how to deal with emotions, by both meditation and also by physical techniques, such as simply stopping after a loss, taking a break and resuming later on. There are other techniques to deal with emotions , but the best one is to simply learn to meditate on the bigger picture.
When you have the ability to win as much money as you want, and you know this for a FACT, All worries about money disappear.
Quote from: precogmiles on Mar 27, 03:52 PM 2019
I would say it took me a good nine months of serious practice to see real results.
Initially I had a lot of belief this was true but the results were hit and miss. Some days I would perform really well and other days would be very bad.
I was practising for hours everyday, mostly with zener cards occasionally with roulette (test simulation). After around 9 months of regular practice I could consistently get it right (score above average) once I followed the process.
In the last 6 months I've spent time refining the process and understanding the theoretically and esoteric under pinning of how and why this works. Once I have a working theory then I can perfect this, without a solid theory I feel it is more like an art form than a science.
Good Luck!!
Thanks for the reply. Can i ask what was your main occupation during this time? I mean, did you have a job/business? Full time? Part time? Semi-retired? Were you fairly free of disturbing social relationships?
Quote from: Still on Mar 28, 01:48 PM 2019
Thanks for the reply. Can i ask what was your main occupation during this time? I mean, did you have a job/business? Full time? Part time? Semi-retired? Were you fairly free of disturbing social relationships?
You're welcome, I lead a normal life with all the usual annoy hassel of a busy life. But having I have an app on my phone that allows me to pracice anywhere. I also dedicate time to it specifically to improving my ability. This has become my hobby and I don't feel annoyed or upset that I have to practice. It is fun.
Quote from: precogmiles on Mar 28, 03:15 PM 2019
You're welcome, I lead a normal life with all the usual annoy hassel of a busy life. But having I have an app on my phone that allows me to pracice anywhere. I also dedicate time to it specifically to improving my ability. This has become my hobby and I don't feel annoyed or upset that I have to practice. It is fun.
You mean the candle app? ;D What that you i saw driving down the road staring at a candle app on cell phone? :P
Quote from: precogmiles on Mar 28, 03:15 PM 2019
You're welcome, I lead a normal life with all the usual annoy hassel of a busy life. But having I have an app on my phone that allows me to pracice anywhere. I also dedicate time to it specifically to improving my ability. This has become my hobby and I don't feel annoyed or upset that I have to practice. It is fun.
I've been wanting to do this for a long time, but am still busier than i would care to be, missing an opportunity to retire early over a year ago when crypto currencies peaked last cycle. A guy has to calculate how much time/effort this will take compared to say, trying to develop a betting system...if one even exists. This really should be my priority.
I'm a believer because of what little i know about time. If you tell me what app you use, i'll tell you what i believe about time based on a book published about 20 years ago. It is a transcript of a conversation between a man and two people who showed up in his den, appearing out of thin air, after he had spent some time meditating, and trying to bring more peace into his life. These people were from about 100 years into the future, one of whom was the man's self in his next incarnation, who showed him all the people he has been throughout time (about 1000 different kinds of people, of both genders).
Anyway, they explained that time is more like a holograph. In any case, all of time, past, present and future, is finished, if even it ever existed in the first place (no). If it happened, it happened all in one brief moment, succumbing to an original timeless state of being. The timeless state of being, the natural state, operates on knowledge, while a time based state operates on beliefs which are synonymous with human thought. Thought/beliefs is an illusory psychological layer superimposed on a mind that knows everything, restricting it in such a way it has the experience of time, which is the domain of change, as a body. When thought is removed/subtracted, the mind naturally returns to it's original condition of knowing everything. So this explains why a still mind gains transcendence over time.
They never mentioned anything about this topic: using the return to a natural state of knowing as applied to events in the near future. But continued practice eventually yields freedom from time, explaining how they are able to go visit a past incarnation, and offer advice. As this applies to telling the next numbers to drop, it probably has to do with intention, the human experience itself being driven by intention (not an accident). As a rule of thumb, the thinking/believing mind is the domain of self-sabotage (bad luck) , while the state of knowing is much more beneficent. So if the intention is to avoid pain and/or punishment (the human experience is a form of self-punishment ), the knowing mind is always ready to improve one's circumstances, until a return to the knowledge of everything yields the best possible of circumstances (eternal bliss).
So this explains the logic of meditation, and argues for it's importance. While they did not discuss the predictability of game events, they did mention the acquisition of various "powers" on the path to total domination (overcoming) of time. They advised using effort to go for the end-game, rather than the power trips in between...to not waste time. The way i see it, this could be useful on the way to the end game, because the end game appears to require much more meditation, much more concentration...which translates, in my way of thinking, to settling financial affairs once and for all...removing those worries, and what those worries make you do (waste time) to make money.
My 2 cents.
By pre cognition u mean the law of large numbers and witnessing large amount of spins then betting the average
I think he means seeing and knowing the result of the next spin in his mind, in advance of it happening.
If he took the average, he'd always be betting on 18 :twisted:
Quote from: Still on Mar 28, 03:46 PM 2019
You mean the candle app? ;D What that you i saw driving down the road staring at a candle app on cell phone? :P
Haha, well I actually don’t use candle meditation. I use my phone to practice Zener cards.
Quote from: Anastasius on Mar 29, 12:26 AM 2019
By pre cognition u mean the law of large numbers and witnessing large amount of spins then betting the average
No I mean precognition as in seeing the future
Quote from: Firefox on Mar 29, 03:39 AM 2019
I think he means seeing and knowing the result of the next spin in his mind, in advance of it happening.
If he took the average, he'd always be betting on 18 :twisted:
Haha yes lucky number 18 :wink:
Quote from: Taotie on Mar 29, 09:29 PM 2019
Lol really can’t trust that. It doesn’t have gamblers fallacy or roulette systems on there.
Quote from: Still on Mar 28, 11:59 PM 2019
I've been wanting to do this for a long time, but am still busier than i would care to be, missing an opportunity to retire early over a year ago when crypto currencies peaked last cycle. A guy has to calculate how much time/effort this will take compared to say, trying to develop a betting system...if one even exists. This really should be my priority.
I'm a believer because of what little i know about time. If you tell me what app you use, i'll tell you what i believe about time based on a book published about 20 years ago. It is a transcript of a conversation between a man and two people who showed up in his den, appearing out of thin air, after he had spent some time meditating, and trying to bring more peace into his life. These people were from about 100 years into the future, one of whom was the man's self in his next incarnation, who showed him all the people he has been throughout time (about 1000 different kinds of people, of both genders).
Anyway, they explained that time is more like a holograph. In any case, all of time, past, present and future, is finished, if even it ever existed in the first place (no). If it happened, it happened all in one brief moment, succumbing to an original timeless state of being. The timeless state of being, the natural state, operates on knowledge, while a time based state operates on beliefs which are synonymous with human thought. Thought/beliefs is an illusory psychological layer superimposed on a mind that knows everything, restricting it in such a way it has the experience of time, which is the domain of change, as a body. When thought is removed/subtracted, the mind naturally returns to it's original condition of knowing everything. So this explains why a still mind gains transcendence over time.
They never mentioned anything about this topic: using the return to a natural state of knowing as applied to events in the near future. But continued practice eventually yields freedom from time, explaining how they are able to go visit a past incarnation, and offer advice. As this applies to telling the next numbers to drop, it probably has to do with intention, the human experience itself being driven by intention (not an accident). As a rule of thumb, the thinking/believing mind is the domain of self-sabotage (bad luck) , while the state of knowing is much more beneficent. So if the intention is to avoid pain and/or punishment (the human experience is a form of self-punishment ), the knowing mind is always ready to improve one's circumstances, until a return to the knowledge of everything yields the best possible of circumstances (eternal bliss).
So this explains the logic of meditation, and argues for it's importance. While they did not discuss the predictability of game events, they did mention the acquisition of various "powers" on the path to total domination (overcoming) of time. They advised using effort to go for the end-game, rather than the power trips in between...to not waste time. The way i see it, this could be useful on the way to the end game, because the end game appears to require much more meditation, much more concentration...which translates, in my way of thinking, to settling financial affairs once and for all...removing those worries, and what those worries make you do (waste time) to make money.
My 2 cents.
Very interesting theory, I like it. It is true that once you get this ability money is not your main concern. I could theoretically get as much money as I want, so what now? I still have to wake up every morning and take a dump, have to eat, have to deal with less enlightened individuals, have to engage with society, have to deal with myself.
Sure money makes things easier but it is far from being a cure for everything.
This is why I find the idea of daemons interesting. The ancient Greeks understood that those who have a strong daemon with them that guides them to the correct decisions in all their live choices has the ultimate “happiness†and this is what all the Ancient Greek philosophical school sought after.
Precogmiles, I read the whole thread, but I couldn't find the answer to the - in my opinion - most important question:
Have you succeeded eventually in making a living from playing roulette or not?
Quote from: Tekunda on Mar 31, 12:08 PM 2019
Precogmiles, I read the whole thread, but I couldn't find the answer to the - in my opinion - most important question:
Have you succeeded eventually in making a living from playing roulette or not?
No comment.....
If I am claiming to have this ability, what do you think?
The only method that works for me longterm. Absolutly worth the work you need to put in.
Quote from: precogmiles on Mar 30, 02:28 AM 2019
Haha, well I actually don’t use candle meditation. I use my phone to practice Zener cards.
I can't find any apps that keep track of history for the sake of statistical analysis. If you have, what's your hit rate over a thousand attempts?
Quote from: zhone on May 21, 07:30 PM 2019
I can't find any apps that keep track of history for the sake of statistical analysis. If you have, what's your hit rate over a thousand attempts?
I use Zener ESP for Android. Works perfect. With stats.
Quote from: RayManZ on May 22, 08:46 AM 2019
I use Zener ESP for Android. Works perfect. With stats.
Do you any app that provides random numbers instead, with stats of course?
Hi zhone, you might be interested in my "Significance" software which measures the statistical significance of your results. It's not an "app" though and only works on a PC, not a mobile/cellphone.
Quote from: Joe on May 22, 11:29 AM 2019
Hi zhone, you might be interested in my "Significance" software which measures the statistical significance of your results. It's not an "app" though and only works on a PC, not a mobile/cellphone.
Wow, it looks like the app I've been looking for, for more than 20 years of searches. Will let you know if the analysis matches my expectations.
Someone needs to make use of the precog testing software I had coded. I just haven't had time to arrange group testing. More details are in the thread about it if anyone is interested. You can use my servers for the testing. I have no intentions of selling the software.
Quote from: Steve on May 23, 05:15 AM 2019
Someone needs to make use of the precog testing software I had coded. I just haven't had time to arrange group testing. More details are in the thread about it if anyone is interested. You can use my servers for the testing. I have no intentions of selling the software.
Thanks for recommendation. Your Android app does sound promising. A question, why did you design the app to work hand-in-hand with VPN but not stand alone?
Because the phones needed to communicate with each other. So I could either use port forwarding and mess around with dynamic ip addresses, or just use a vpn which does all that automatically.
A very interesting topic. I ve been messing around for some time with kind of s**t. The problem is as you metioned, precogmiles, as time go by accuracy starts to diminish. I was asking my mind what does it think its gonna be on EC, and then ask again if its a lie or not. At first responses all of them were thruth. And the predections were right like 2 ,3 times in a row. After that i got a response as <lie> so i bet opposite as its a lie and the prediction was accurate again. That was the trigger when lie just messed up truth and all went back to fallacy. You need past events to make predictions. And here past events are an illusion.
And i also have to tell you a story about what has happened one time to me during last year. I was playing automated live roulette and then i received a message like an inner voice <bet on no. 10> I started asking myself how much to bet, and since i didnt get an answer i did not bet. On the next spin number 10 appeared. Believe it or not it happended.
Quote from: andreib1986 on May 24, 03:03 AM 2019
A very interesting topic. I ve been messing around for some time with kind of s**t. The problem is as you metioned, precogmiles, as time go by accuracy starts to diminish. I was asking my mind what does it think its gonna be on EC, and then ask again if its a lie or not. At first responses all of them were thruth. And the predections were right like 2 ,3 times in a row. After that i got a response as <lie> so i bet opposite as its a lie and the prediction was accurate again. That was the trigger when lie just messed up truth and all went back to fallacy. You need past events to make predictions. And here past events are an illusion.
The"diminishing" ability is usually caused by losing the balance between mindfulness, focus and relaxation.
Quote from: zhone on May 21, 07:30 PM 2019
I can't find any apps that keep track of history for the sake of statistical analysis. If you have, what's your hit rate over a thousand attempts?
I would advice you use MPR link:://:.rouletteplayers.org or Roulette simulator.
I dont know any phone apps that allow you to store your stats.
Time for another update.
Well it is now coming up to 2 years and I am very glad I took this path. This has really opened my mind, as I used to be quiet skeptical. Initially after my first experience (check the original post) I was convinced it was possible but I really didn't know how it could be. I spent many months having successes but then followed by inconsistent results. During that time I would jump from one method to the next method because nothing was working consistently.
I spent countless hours every day for months training, using zener cards and other tools, until after 9 or so months I managed to get some consistent results. But I was scoring only marginally above average. This was frustrating but I kept the faith. In the following months that score improved but only as a result of 100s of hours of practice every month.
During the last year I have spent my time researching many different philosophies and ideas as to why this works and how to improve my results. I would practice different techniques I invented, then get an idea and research that to see if anyone else noticed the same experience. I continued this process of trial and error and research for the next 10 months. There were times I was very frustrated and doubted if it was possible, but I persisted as I knew there were people who could do this.
Today I can get very good results.
What I have come to realise is that there are many people who can perform precog abilities. It is neither new or unique. Some people have this as a dormant ability.
I think that once people see this as the only way to truly win, you will see a lot of charlatans claiming they know the secrets and want to sell it to you, or play on your accounts. I say stay well away from them. This is something we all have access to and that you can do by yourself. All you need to do is practice. Looking back now, I could probably have achieved it in half the time, if I stuck to a method. I guess I was too impatient and that cost me more time in the long run. But I have learnt a lot.
All the knowledge you need is already out there on the internet the rest is just dedication and effort on your part. I am so happy I choose to persist on this journey and now my results are finally stabilizing and increasing in accuracy.
I am grateful to whatever forces have allowed me to achieve this and I will continue to work diligently practicing and improving.
Now, I think I will bow out of this forum like nowun and the rest of the precogs.
I wish you all good luck, success and prosperity. :thumbsup:
Quote from: precogmiles on Dec 15, 11:52 AM 2019
Time for another update.
Well it is now coming up to 2 years and I am very glad I took this path. This has really opened my mind, as I used to be quiet skeptical. Initially after my first experience (check the original post) I was convinced it was possible but I really didn't know how it could be. I spent many months having successes but then followed by inconsistent results. During that time I would jump from one method to the next method because nothing was working consistently.
I spent countless hours every day for months training, using zener cards and other tools, until after 9 or so months I managed to get some consistent results. But I was scoring only marginally above average. This was frustrating but I kept the faith. In the following months that score improved but only as a result of 100s of hours of practice every month.
During the last year I have spent my time researching many different philosophies and ideas as to why this works and how to improve my results. I would practice different techniques I invented, then get an idea and research that to see if anyone else noticed the same experience. I continued this process of trial and error and research for the next 10 months. There were times I was very frustrated and doubted if it was possible, but I persisted as I knew there were people who could do this.
Today I can get very good results.
What I have come to realise is that there are many people who can perform precog abilities. It is neither new or unique. Some people have this as a dormant ability.
I think that once people see this as the only way to truly win, you will see a lot of charlatans claiming they know the secrets and want to sell it to you, or play on your accounts. I say stay well away from them. This is something we all have access to and that you can do by yourself. All you need to do is practice. Looking back now, I could probably have achieved it in half the time, if I stuck to a method. I guess I was too impatient and that cost me more time in the long run. But I have learnt a lot.
All the knowledge you need is already out there on the internet the rest is just dedication and effort on your part. I am so happy I choose to persist on this journey and now my results are finally stabilizing and increasing in accuracy.
I am grateful to whatever forces have allowed me to achieve this and I will continue to work diligently practicing and improving.
Now, I think I will bow out of this forum like nowun and the rest of the precogs.
I wish you all good luck, success and prosperity. :thumbsup:
Thank you for the update! I wish you all the best on your journey. I would appreciate it if you could from time to time come back and share your results - it would be very inspiring and motivating for the people. At the moment there are no other people here who are practicing precognition seriously - majority of people are obsessed with systems.
Quote from: winforus on Dec 15, 06:15 PM 2019
Thank you for the update! I wish you all the best on your journey. I would appreciate it if you could from time to time come back and share your results - it would be very inspiring and motivating for the people. At the moment there are no other people here who are practicing precognition seriously - majority of people are obsessed with systems.
Thank you winforus, yes I will definitely come back if there are any questions directed towards me, and will give you an update when I can. You are right this forum is unfortunately full of members who can not comprehend that systems do not work and that a progression will not help you defeat variance.
I was thinking of forming a precog group here to help us learn from each other but decided against it as there really are not enough members here who want to do precog, and I also don't need it as my method seems to work well for me now. But I think it would be a smart idea to join with other members and help each other develop precog faster. I had to do it alone which took longer but with a group I am sure you could do it much faster than me.
Anyway, if you are serious about this, and it seems you are, I would advice you visit dowsing forums and learn as much as you can about dowsing. I have come to understand Dowsing, Remote Viewing, Channelling, OBE etc... are all fundamentally the same thing, read my precognition guide on this forum and look into the videos and links I posted. That should give you the fundamentals.
Nothing I am saying is new, everything is already on the internet. The real journey starts when you practice. Its like any skill in life, there is only so much theory can do. You have to practice it to become an expert. Be ready for weeks and months of practice, but enjoy it and have fun.
Good luck :thumbsup:
Quote from: precogmiles on Dec 16, 02:02 PM 2019
Thank you winforus, yes I will definitely come back if there are any questions directed towards me, and will give you an update when I can. You are right this forum is unfortunately full of members who can not comprehend that systems do not work and that a progression will not help you defeat variance.
I was thinking of forming a precog group here to help us learn from each other but decided against it as there really are not enough members here who want to do precog, and I also don't need it as my method seems to work well for me now. But I think it would be a smart idea to join with other members and help each other develop precog faster. I had to do it alone which took longer but with a group I am sure you could do it much faster than me.
Anyway, if you are serious about this, and it seems you are, I would advice you visit dowsing forums and learn as much as you can about dowsing. I have come to understand Dowsing, Remote Viewing, Channelling, OBE etc... are all fundamentally the same thing, read my precognition guide on this forum and look into the videos and links I posted. That should give you the fundamentals.
Nothing I am saying is new, everything is already on the internet. The real journey starts when you practice. Its like any skill in life, there is only so much theory can do. You have to practice it to become an expert. Be ready for weeks and months of practice, but enjoy it and have fun.
Good luck :thumbsup:
I agree that a precognition group would be a great idea if there are enough people interested.
I have been practicing with betting on red/black, and have had some success but not consistent enough yet. The best winning streak that I had when I hit them 8 in a row consecutive times.
I tried to look for a book that you recommended 'How Did You Know' by Kenny Thompson, but couldn't find it anywhere.Do you happen to still have a pdf copy of it or a link where you found it? I would appreciate it if you could share it.
Quote from: winforus on Dec 16, 06:41 PM 2019
I agree that a precognition group would be a great idea if there are enough people interested.
I have been practicing with betting on red/black, and have had some success but not consistent enough yet. The best winning streak that I had when I hit them 8 in a row consecutive times.
I tried to look for a book that you recommended 'How Did You Know' by Kenny Thompson, but couldn't find it anywhere.Do you happen to still have a pdf copy of it or a link where you found it? I would appreciate it if you could share it.
Great place to start, red and black consecutive wins.
Check your messages. How did you know is a great inspirational book, same with Henry sugar. But He doesn’t go deeply into the mechanics of how he does it.
If you want a visual to this ability then listen to this man, it will save you a lot of time. I can confirm everything he says here, this is as close to my current method as I have found. It is really strange as I came to the same method independently. So I was shocked when I saw he explain the exact same method step by step.
I have repeated the same card dowsing technique on his channel and managed to find a card in my second attempt a 1/26 chance. This is about receiving information from a nonlocal source.
I suggest if you want to try this, do it with the TV off. lol :twisted:
Quote from: precogmiles on Dec 16, 07:16 PM 2019
Great place to start, red and black consecutive wins.
Check your messages. How did you know is a great inspirational book, same with Henry sugar. But He doesn’t go deeply into the mechanics of how he does it.
If you want a visual to this ability then listen to this man, it will save you a lot of time. I can confirm everything he says here, this is as close to my current method as I have found. It is really strange as I came to the same method independently. So I was shocked when I saw he explain the exact same method step by step.
I have repeated the same card dowsing technique on his channel and managed to find a card in my second attempt a 1/26 chance. This is about receiving information from a nonlocal source.
Thank you for sharing the book and this video!
I have watched the video and he explained how he clears his mind, visualizes a particular number that he is looking for and then runs his hand across the physical cards to feel the vibration/energy.
My question, is how would you apply this to roulette and precognition? Would you use the same visualization process to receive the information from the nonlocal source for the next number on the spin?
Quote from: winforus on Dec 16, 09:11 PM 2019
Thank you for sharing the book and this video!
I have watched the video and he explained how he clears his mind, visualizes a particular number that he is looking for and then runs his hand across the physical cards to feel the vibration/energy.
My question, is how would you apply this to roulette and precognition? Would you use the same visualization process to receive the information from the nonlocal source for the next number on the spin?
Yes, He uses a dowsing technique that focuses on energy. I use the same principle to feel what the right answer is. It is hard to explain, but also check out the roulette warriors YouTube channel. They talk about how you need to know with certainty. The right answer will vibrate.
All you can do is practice and experiment. But for me this method is definitely worth trying. There might be a better way, maybe it can be improved, it’s all about personal growth.
I would be interested in a group here. To share ideas, tips, training, encourage and more. I know most wouldn't be interested in it, but maybe some? I had some success with this, but it also needs a lot of practicing which I haven't done so much and regularly which I guess is necessary. It took years for Henry Sugar to get the ability to win constantly. He used candle meditation and tried to guess the card, maybe something more. We have internet and apps to use now. I will look into this again.
Quote from: boyd30 on Dec 17, 04:41 AM 2019
I would be interested in a group here. To share ideas, tips, training, encourage and more. I know most wouldn't be interested in it, but maybe some? I had some success with this, but it also needs a lot of practicing which I haven't done so much and regularly which I guess is necessary. It took years for Henry Sugar to get the ability to win constantly. He used candle meditation and tried to guess the card, maybe something more. We have internet and apps to use now. I will look into this again.
I will be creating a precognition group on Skype. I have sent you a PM.
If anyone else wants to join the group, you need to contact me via PM.
Good initiative winforus!
Quote from: boyd30 on Dec 17, 04:41 AM 2019
I would be interested in a group here. To share ideas, tips, training, encourage and more. I know most wouldn't be interested in it, but maybe some? I had some success with this, but it also needs a lot of practicing which I haven't done so much and regularly which I guess is necessary. It took years for Henry Sugar to get the ability to win constantly. He used candle meditation and tried to guess the card, maybe something more. We have internet and apps to use now. I will look into this again.
Good luck with it. It definitely is the only realiable way in the long run.
Quote from: winforus on Dec 17, 11:15 AM 2019
I will be creating a precognition group on Skype. I have sent you a PM.
If anyone else wants to join the group, you need to contact me via PM.
Very good idea. exchange of ideas and confinence building are really important.
If you guys need any more proof you are on the right road , look at my profile on RS. It is not a case of winning 100% of the time, but you will win more than you lose which is the whole point of this. look at the indiviual games and not just the chart. I will be putting it back to private soon. You can ignore the first few games were I was playing 3000 EC, and using progression, but after that I decided to bet on 4 numbers only. Any game where I betting just 4 numbers or 6 is using precog.
Good luck. :thumbsup:
Quote from: precogmiles on Dec 17, 02:30 PM 2019
Good luck with it. It definitely is the only realiable way in the long run.
Very good idea. exchange of ideas and confinence building are really important.
If you guys need any more proof you are on the right road , look at my profile on RS. It is not a case of winning 100% of the time, but you will win more than you lose which is the whole point of this. look at the indiviual games and not just the chart. I will be putting it back to private soon. You can ignore the first few games were I was playing 3000 EC, and using progression, but after that I decided to bet on 4 numbers only. Any game where I betting just 4 numbers or 6 is using precog.
Good luck. :thumbsup:
Thank you for sharing this - these are some pretty amazing results! You are indeed betting 4 or 6 numbers, and they are not related to one another in any way (not like 1, 15,25,35, etc).
Thank you for inspiration and motivation - Let's see how far we can take this.
You don't need to win 100% of the time, even slightly improving the accuracy of predictions would be enough to gain an edge on the house :)
Quote from: winforus on Dec 17, 03:21 PM 2019
Thank you for sharing this - these are some pretty amazing results! You are indeed betting 4 or 6 numbers, and they are not related to one another in any way (not like 1, 15,25,35, etc).
Thank you for inspiration and motivation - Let's see how far we can take this.
You don't need to win 100% of the time, even slightly improving the accuracy of predictions would be enough to gain an edge on the house :)
Yes, and only flat betting. It's important to not rush, I was rereading nowun's original thread. And he mentions many important aspects to game play, worth checking it out again.
RayManZ I saw your recent games on RS, were you using precog?
Quote from: precogmiles on Dec 18, 03:44 AM 2019
Yes, and only flat betting. It's important to not rush, I was rereading nowun's original thread. And he mentions many important aspects to game play, worth checking it out again.
RayManZ I saw your recent games on RS, were you using precog?
Haha, yes. Was trying something new. Normaly i only bet on 1 number for one spin, but also the two neighbours on both sides. So a 5 number bet per spin. Every spin a diff number.
Saw you betting a couple of number for some spins. Most of the time when i focus i see a couple of number. So was testing your thing. Seems to work more easier.
Quote from: RayManZ on Dec 18, 04:23 AM 2019
Haha, yes. Was trying something new. Normaly i only bet on 1 number for one spin, but also the two neighbours on both sides. So a 5 number bet per spin. Every spin a diff number.
Saw you betting a couple of number for some spins. Most of the time when i focus i see a couple of number. So was testing your thing. Seems to work more easier.
Amazing I saw your winning run, it makes sense to not rush also. It's natural to lose some as long as you win more. I remember roulette warriors on YouTube say that you should refocus after 3 spins, that is something I need to try myself. Keep up the good work!
Quote from: precogmiles on Dec 18, 04:38 AM 2019
Amazing I saw your winning run, it makes sense to not rush also. It's natural to lose some as long as you win more. I remember roulette warriors on YouTube say that you should refocus after 3 spins, that is something I need to try myself. Keep up the good work!
What works best for me is a routine. I only do it when it fits my routine. The longer i play the more i get the numbers wrong. Its a bit like sport. You just cant play alot of hours on your best. The mind is also a muscle.
My routine:
A set time of the day.
No other distraction after my play. Like a meeting i need to get to or something like that. I must have all the time in the world.
Only 36 units per day. One session. Win or lose.
Stop on a win.
So i play 7 spins. 5 numbers per spin. If i dont win a lose 35 units.
On average i win 20 units per session.
I think the routine is very important. At least it works best for me.
Quote from: RayManZ on Dec 18, 10:36 AM 2019
What works best for me is a routine. I only do it when it fits my routine. The longer i play the more i get the numbers wrong. Its a bit like sport. You just cant play alot of hours on your best. The mind is also a muscle.
My routine:
A set time of the day.
No other distraction after my play. Like a meeting i need to get to or something like that. I must have all the time in the world.
Only 36 units per day. One session. Win or lose.
Stop on a win.
So i play 7 spins. 5 numbers per spin. If i dont win a lose 35 units.
On average i win 20 units per session.
I think the routine is very important. At least it works best for me.
Are you betting on the same numbers or shifting it Raymanz? That is also something, I've been thinking about. Stop on a win or quit when you down 36 or 37 units.
Quote from: boyd30 on Dec 18, 01:10 PM 2019
Are you betting on the same numbers or shifting it Raymanz? That is also something, I've been thinking about. Stop on a win or quit when you down 36 or 37 units.
Im betting a diff on every spin. So 7 spins. 7 numbers. But i stop on any win. I also log all my plays. Everybody should do that.
Quote from: RayManZ on Dec 18, 10:36 AM 2019
What works best for me is a routine. I only do it when it fits my routine. The longer i play the more i get the numbers wrong. Its a bit like sport. You just cant play alot of hours on your best. The mind is also a muscle.
My routine:
A set time of the day.
No other distraction after my play. Like a meeting i need to get to or something like that. I must have all the time in the world.
Only 36 units per day. One session. Win or lose.
Stop on a win.
So i play 7 spins. 5 numbers per spin. If i dont win a lose 35 units.
On average i win 20 units per session.
I think the routine is very important. At least it works best for me.
Yes I agree that you shouldn’t be playing for hours. Routine is very important.
You also need discipline not to keep using the same numbers 7 losing spins.
Luck/random moves in cycles, it is a bit like the weather. << this is an important concept. It explains the decline effect in my opinion.
Imagine you are a blind captain of a ship. Since you can not see, you need to rely on your other senses to know when the weather is about to change.
Instead of playing through the bad weather You should stop knowing that you are more likely to get better weather next time you play.
Precognition should tell you what numbers are more likely to occur but if for whatever reason those are the wrong numbers you need to know when to stop. The mechanical approach such as stopping after 7 spins can work, Or you can open up another virtual game and test your general luck, Or you can dowse for an answer.
I think 4 hour gaps are good, but I have also had success with 1 hour between plays.
Play a maximum of 2 or 3 sessions, then stop! Rest! And then play again after a few hours.
Discipline is key!
Hi all, this is my first post on this forum and I'd like to share my experience about this topic.
I've been playing roulette for several years basically as a system player, but threads about precognition and remote viewing
took my interest as soon as I read about them here. Apart from roulette I've been practicing meditation, creative visualization, and similar exercises for more than twenty years, but I'd never really thought about using meditation to guess roulette numbers before studying these topics.
Today I gave it a try and I'm here to share what I think.
First of all, having no specific training to apply meditation to roulette I got tired rather quickly, more or less after fifteen minutes and I decided to stop the session with a slight profit.
Anyway, that's how it worked.
I played at a RNG multiplayer table - the one I usually play with good results (system play).
I turned off the volume.
Between one spin and the other I closed my eyes and tried to stop my internal dialogue.
Then I asked to my subconscious mind to provide a sequence of four numbers to play for five spins.
Both winning or losing I said: "Let's do it again".
Results were not 100% consistent, but it's been obvious that this thing works.
I made a couple of hit within two spins of some sequences, and I saw that the TRUE NUMBERS, that is the ones my conscious
mind received properly, hit at the first or second spins. A trained player could flat bet only one or two straight ups.
I also noticed that often the neighborough numbers of your target hit. This happened I think almost every time I missed
the sequence. Therefore I asked my subconscious mind to provide only two numbers to bet with their two adiacent numbers.
Again I made some hits, most of the time within the first spins.
However what I wanted to highlight here is the process to obtain the numbers by the subconscios mind.
Maybe not everyone knows that our senses are developed at different degrees.
For example, after years of meditation I realized that my "inner" hearing is more developed than my "inner" sight.
That is, I found easier to receive an inner impression or information by means of inner hearing. The impression or
information will take the form of a sound, a word, or a "sensation", rather than a picture.
I say this because I know many people has some trouble whenever they try and visualize something. Most of the
times this is because these persons "work" better with auditive inputs rather than visual.
Therefore, applying it to roulette, some people should try and obtain the numbers by means of a inner "voice" or sensation
rather than struggle to clearly visualize a sequence of numbers. Almost always the very first impression is the only one which is true. The core of the training should be: a) shut down the internal dialogue and reach mental silence; b) discern the TRUE NUMBERS provided by the subconscious mind from those numbers which blend each other overcoming the inner voice and which are related with thought. Where is thought we can't have true intuition. Obliterating the thought opens up new dimensions of knowledge.
Precog does really work, a strong intuition works too.
However since i've been a medium, spiritual teacher, and helping so many people with my gifts around the world, for many many years, i had this believe that my gifts are to help others, not myself. So they remain pure.
Then someone told me, you should get paid atleast 250 euro for what you do, you're that good.
I was like nah...then someone told me, if u get paid for what u do, its an exchange of energy. Perhaps if i can find any logic in why using my gifts would be good for this, i could do that. However as said so many times, you need full on concentration.
A clear head, no distractions. If you go to a casino however, u cannot just go ahead and meditate lmao.
Now there is a little something one could do, it is called: Colloidal Gold.
If you take this, before u do it, your mind will be sharp and focussed, it highly increases your concentration and memory.
However this can only be taken very lightly, it is a natural product, but still there is liquid gold in it, if you take too much of it, you could get the gold fever, and u dont want that. This CG would perfectly aswell for students, trying to study for their exam, their end result will be almost perfection if they used Colloidal Gold.
Another tip: Music that puts your mind into a meditative state of mind. Music is done on certain frequencies, with the right frequency music, it will change the frequency of your mind to a meditative state of mind. It is called: Brainwave treatment.
You literally can use that, to reprogram your brain.
ofc, we are all "Guided" then, how to solve a problem or get a new idea that suddenly pops up in your mind? This is the "spirit guides" ofc,...there no doubt about that. I notice it happen alot especially when coding/solving problems or getting new system ideas=)
Quote from: BenNL on Jan 05, 04:48 AM 2020i had this believe that my gifts are to help others, not myself. So they remain pure.
And the thoughts of profit are self centered, which is polar opposite of the mental state needed for precog in roulette.
It doesn't mean it's impossible. Just that the two sides dont mix well.
Quote from: Galabatov on Jan 03, 04:17 AM 2020
Hi all, this is my first post on this forum and I'd like to share my experience about this topic.
I've been playing roulette for several years basically as a system player, but threads about precognition and remote viewing
took my interest as soon as I read about them here. Apart from roulette I've been practicing meditation, creative visualization, and similar exercises for more than twenty years, but I'd never really thought about using meditation to guess roulette numbers before studying these topics.
Today I gave it a try and I'm here to share what I think.
First of all, having no specific training to apply meditation to roulette I got tired rather quickly, more or less after fifteen minutes and I decided to stop the session with a slight profit.
Anyway, that's how it worked.
I played at a RNG multiplayer table - the one I usually play with good results (system play).
I turned off the volume.
Between one spin and the other I closed my eyes and tried to stop my internal dialogue.
Then I asked to my subconscious mind to provide a sequence of four numbers to play for five spins.
Both winning or losing I said: "Let's do it again".
Results were not 100% consistent, but it's been obvious that this thing works.
I made a couple of hit within two spins of some sequences, and I saw that the TRUE NUMBERS, that is the ones my conscious
mind received properly, hit at the first or second spins. A trained player could flat bet only one or two straight ups.
I also noticed that often the neighborough numbers of your target hit. This happened I think almost every time I missed
the sequence. Therefore I asked my subconscious mind to provide only two numbers to bet with their two adiacent numbers.
Again I made some hits, most of the time within the first spins.
However what I wanted to highlight here is the process to obtain the numbers by the subconscios mind.
Maybe not everyone knows that our senses are developed at different degrees.
For example, after years of meditation I realized that my "inner" hearing is more developed than my "inner" sight.
That is, I found easier to receive an inner impression or information by means of inner hearing. The impression or
information will take the form of a sound, a word, or a "sensation", rather than a picture.
I say this because I know many people has some trouble whenever they try and visualize something. Most of the
times this is because these persons "work" better with auditive inputs rather than visual.
Therefore, applying it to roulette, some people should try and obtain the numbers by means of a inner "voice" or sensation
rather than struggle to clearly visualize a sequence of numbers. Almost always the very first impression is the only one which is true. The core of the training should be: a) shut down the internal dialogue and reach mental silence; b) discern the TRUE NUMBERS provided by the subconscious mind from those numbers which blend each other overcoming the inner voice and which are related with thought. Where is thought we can't have true intuition. Obliterating the thought opens up new dimensions of knowledge.
Hello Galabatov, and welcome to the board.
You made some very interesting points. I am happy, that you have found the only way to truely beat roulette!
I also find it interested that so many of us have come to the same conclusion. Not only is it real, but we seem that we have verfied these methods independently of each other. If precog was not real why would we all come to the same conclusion regarding the method?
During the last two years I have tried countless methods, but the one that seems to work the best is as you have stated, quieting the mind, removing the logical/ego mind, and waiting for an impression or energy vibration. It is that simple.
My results are consistently above chance when I practice the method. It is also important to keep practicing so that understand when it works less well. For example what time of day, what emotions have a negative effect on it, what types of foods have a negative effect, what type of people influence the results. If you make a note of these factors you will know when the best time to play is and your results will be more consistent.
So welcome to the future, the number of precog players is increasing. I believe if you guys formed a group that would help you improve much faster and not go through the trails and errors I had to endure for the last 2 years. I believe winforus had a skype group, message him. Or just use this forum to post your progress I am glad to help if you need any.
Quote from: BenNL on Jan 05, 04:48 AM 2020Now there is a little something one could do, it is called: Colloidal Gold.
Any particulur supplier you would recommend?
Precogmiles thank you for your words.
I need training.
Wacky things happen using precognition at roulette.
Today I made a couple of hits betting only 2 or 3 numbers but also lost so many spins even betting 6 numbers for five or more times.
For me it seems to work better betting straight ups with adiacent numbers rather than finals. Also I tried with large sectors with no success.
Theoretically, betting large sectors should be the easier way to win if you can "see" the target area in your mind.
Anyway I felt that the subconscious mind likes to be praised. He's like a very gifted, magical child. I think I should not ask for anything, just say something like: "ok buddy lets do it" and wait for any internal feedback.
Quote from: Galabatov on Jan 05, 08:09 AM 2020
Precogmiles thank you for your words.
I need training.
Wacky things happen using precognition at roulette.
Today I made a couple of hits betting only 2 or 3 numbers but also lost so many spins even betting 6 numbers for five or more times.
For me it seems to work better betting straight ups with adiacent numbers rather than finals. Also I tried with large sectors with no success.
Theoretically, betting large sectors should be the easier way to win if you can "see" the target area in your mind.
Anyway I felt that the subconscious mind likes to be praised. He's like a very gifted, magical child. I think I should not ask for anything, just say something like: "ok buddy lets do it" and wait for any internal feedback.
I wish you success, it might take some time to get consistent results but it is the same with any skill. You might find it easier since you have 20 years or meditation and creative visualization.
Good luck :thumbsup:
Taotie has debunked me in the other thread. I guess maybe no one should believe in precognition. Maybe precognition doesn’t work.
Taotie 4
Precogmiles 0
I debunked precogmiles, not precognition.
Truth is, I too have a sound knowledge of the esoteric world. I have personal and undeniable experience of truly unbelievable feats that would not be believed if shared, so I don't.
Toatie 5
Precogmiles 0
No, Taotie has debunked precognition! He is being too modest here.
No, Steve's the modest one around here. :twisted:
Quote from: Taotie on Jan 29, 07:47 AM 2020
No, Steve's the modest one around here. :twisted:
It's been said somewhere in this thread that alcohol destroys precognition.
Although it's true for sure if you are drunk, some wine or similar can work in favour of psychic power.
Actually, everything that can bypass the conscious mind works in the direction of precognition.
Today, after some glass of red wine, I approached the game very relaxed and at a certain point I hit four or five numbers in a row.
We are just like scientists working by trials and errors and must take notes and be aware of everything related.
Small amount of alcohol helps in relieving your internal tension by helping you to disassociate.
In a sense it can bring you in a state of flow.
Pro darts players tend to drink just a little before competition to become more confident and relaxed.
Having said that it is a slippery slope and there are better non toxic means to achieve the same thing.
Any amount of alcohol pushing you to a yin state and have an ungrounding effect on you.
That is not something you would want in a long term.
If you are doing psychic work you need to work regularly on becoming more grounded.
Look into the synchromethod by Hasai Aliev.
thanks for the info and for the great contribution you gave about this topic.
I've been working on precog applied to roulette for several weeks. It is now almost the only way I play.
I make more than 70 minutes of meditation every day, split in several sessions. Anyway I saw that, at least for myself, the focal point is simply be relaxed, calm, undisturbed. A five minutes relaxation often works better than 30 minutes of meditation or Third eye stuff.
Being worried, even slightly worried, or ansious or angry are the worst things to do when approaching the table.
Also for now I can win consistently only if I bet the minimum wager. If I increase I start being "ansious to win" and things quit working.
My two cents.
Quote from: Galabatov on Feb 25, 10:22 AM 2020
We are just like scientists working by trials and errors and must take notes and be aware of everything related.
That's a great idea. I have been testing different approaches and experimenting.
Keeping diaries is as old as history itself and is known to work very well as a learning tool. It goes right down to basic survival. Hunters, gatherers, fishermen, and farmers to name a few. No great new ideas here.
Other things to experiment with...
Types of food
Sleep duration and quality
Times of the day
Add to the list.
Post your experiments
I keep on observing how sessions behave and make notes about the outcomes.
Here's how I play
Speed Auto-RNG. Sound turned off. Room dimly lighted.
I quit the mind, stop the internal dialogue, bypass the conscious mind.
When I clearly see/hear a number I bet on that number and its 1/2/3 adiacents for 4-5 spins.
Oddly enough, the total amount of numbers bet do not improve the outcomes. Thus, betting 7 numbers (3+1+3) does not improve the hit rate!
Actually, if the bet involves only the number SEEN + its 2 adiacents (a 3 numbers bet) the hit rate is just the same and the payout is obviously bigger! Today I hit four or five minisectors of 3 in a row, while previously had much trouble even with more than ten numbers bets.
Looks like less numbers I bet better is the mind focus and outcomes.
Now, lets talk about the "mood".
Well, I have a solid training in meditation and calming the mind... but in my sessions, which I observe as they were "experiments", not always a calm attitude bring about results.
The best session is the first one, in the early morning. In order to prepare the other sessions of the day for the best, I usually practice meditation or relaxation. Yet I noticed that often this doesn work immediately when the session gets started. I can miss too much bets even if I'm calm. Then I get a little bit angry and - "against all odds" - I start hitting and winning... I mean, I start hitting when Im angry and a bit desperate about the session trend! Wacky thing...
That's the phenomenology of most of my sessions. I report this both for share my actual experience and for ask for some advice if available.
I believe this is the true AP in roulette... psychic AP I mean. The whole thing is to understand how exactly it works. No system provides me such results. Yet it's still hard make it a consistent winner.
Forgot to say the thing of paramount importance, which is the following:
In my experience, hits come - and come back to back - when I "connect" with the inner source. But keeping this connection at work is very very hard. It comes and goes, like a wave. I can ride it as long as it's there - 3 or 4 hits at max - but then it disappears and can be missing for a while. That's the way things go for me right now
Quote from: precogmiles on Mar 03, 03:05 PM 2020
Other things to experiment with...
Types of food
Sleep duration and quality
Times of the day
Add to the list.
Post your experiments
I think at the end of the day your mood or vibration is what really matters.
You have to be in the present moment and have a good time doing it. This has to be the basis before you attempt to go for bold single number hits.
This may sounds very basic, but it can be really hard if you have unresolved challenges in your life.
I believe the most important thing is to go working on those before you even think about gambling.
It can't be your escape, because it means you are really hungry. That is a state of scarcity and desperation, it is not conductive to winning.
So my suggestion is to do thing that uplifts you.
Nourish your body, mind and soul. Have a good time. Work on how to love yourself.
Quote from: Galabatov on Mar 03, 03:16 PM 2020
I keep on observing how sessions behave and make notes about the outcomes.
Here's how I play
Speed Auto-RNG. Sound turned off. Room dimly lighted.
I quit the mind, stop the internal dialogue, bypass the conscious mind.
When I clearly see/hear a number I bet on that number and its 1/2/3 adiacents for 4-5 spins.
Oddly enough, the total amount of numbers bet do not improve the outcomes. Thus, betting 7 numbers (3+1+3) does not improve the hit rate!
Actually, if the bet involves only the number SEEN + its 2 adiacents (a 3 numbers bet) the hit rate is just the same and the payout is obviously bigger! Today I hit four or five minisectors of 3 in a row, while previously had much trouble even with more than ten numbers bets.
Looks like less numbers I bet better is the mind focus and outcomes.
Now, lets talk about the "mood".
Well, I have a solid training in meditation and calming the mind... but in my sessions, which I observe as they were "experiments", not always a calm attitude bring about results.
The best session is the first one, in the early morning. In order to prepare the other sessions of the day for the best, I usually practice meditation or relaxation. Yet I noticed that often this doesn work immediately when the session gets started. I can miss too much bets even if I'm calm. Then I get a little bit angry and - "against all odds" - I start hitting and winning... I mean, I start hitting when Im angry and a bit desperate about the session trend! Wacky thing...
That's the phenomenology of most of my sessions. I report this both for share my actual experience and for ask for some advice if available.
I believe this is the true AP in roulette... psychic AP I mean. The whole thing is to understand how exactly it works. No system provides me such results. Yet it's still hard make it a consistent winner.
Great stuff, these are the kind of posts I like to read.
I congratulate you practicing and experimenting. I understand how frustrating it is to try and have no tangible feedback. You can try one thing today and it works well, then tomorrow it stops working.
This is not something you can teach directly it is s journey you must go on your own. I can only tell you my experience.
My journey started when I experienced almost perfect precognition. You can read it on the forums. After this I attempted to replicate the same mental state that u had at the time. I had limited success at the start, but continued practising. At this stage there were so many variables, and also so many unknowns. I was forcing my way through the darkness.
To add to the complication I had no direct feedback. I could not isolate my success from just pure luck. On many occasions I would go down the wrong path by mistaking my success and method with luck.
Eventually after many 100,000s of experiments I came to slowly be able to see months darkness. I understood the landscape I was in. This is why practice is important.
I began to understand reality was more complex than the reductionist physcalist model of nature. This lead me to read what the ancient wrote about these phenomena. The temple of Delphi and the Oracle traditions trace their way back to Egypt. Divination was widely practiced in all cultures since to dawn of humanity. First the shamans then the prophets. It was codified in China with the I ching.
The phenomena is real, there is no doubt about that. So I practice some more. I looked into other types if parapsychology such ask psychokenesis and healing. I researched dowsing and channelling.
There is an underlying structure which makes all of these phenomena real. The question is what is It. So I practice some more.
My conclusion after 2 years is this.
1. Intention is important
2. Precog needs to be mixed with telekinesis
3. Probability doesn't exist in deep reality
4. Act without thought
5. Breath is a vital tool
5. Full moons and new moons help improve results
6. Vibrations is important
7. Study and think deeply about sleep
8. Taoism is the closest concept to what deep reality is.
To go through all of my experiments would take 100s of posts. But I have kept a list of methods over time. I have cross checked them with each other to see what produced the strongest results. I have also compared them to see similarities.
Good luck and keep posting your experiments, I will help where I can, or pm me if you have further questions.
I also experienced the full moon thing. It almost acts like a big magnifying thing.
My first double single number hit was on a full moon day.
I think frequent hits on the neighbours is caused by a mental barrier.
It takes a mental shift of inner certainty to just play a single number and believe that it is just as good or even better than betting 3 numbers.
It translates to: that was close, it is obviously working, but I need to improve or focus better next time.
There is a hidden belief that hitting a single number is harder or more impressive than hitting a group of neighbours. It stems from the theory of probability and also has to do with inner doubts.
Inner doubts are really resistence in the flow of your energy, there is hindrance in the state of conductness.
Imo precognition and synchronicity doesn't work like that.
Both capable of producing perfect divine timing and relevance.
Having experience with both, there is no reason to assume that something is harder to do than the other.
It is just a question of certainty or knowing.
Sometimes I black out in daydream and see a clear number. I know for a fact that number will hit. It MUST, there should be no question about that. This is the state that it takes to hit a number.
There is no reason to not do that in succession either, other than the positive emotions flooding in the way.
You have to regain that inner balance and wait for the energy of the next most likely number to form in the astral. Then you have to become the bridge that connect the physical with those astral ques.
How well you act like that bridge is defined by your channeling capabilities. You always bring through the reality which is the closest to your inner believes at that given moment.
Seeing or hearing a number is one thing. Making that shift to happen is another and more important factor.
Sometimes I whish I could like my own stuff. Haha. It feels good to brainstorm.
Precogs would do well to practise and develop the 'three finger clasp' technique.
This technique once mastered can instantly shift your state of awareness to where it is needed for roulette play (or anything else you require). Thereby enabling you to commence play without any lengthy preparations.
Quote from: Kairomancer on Mar 03, 05:03 PM 2020Inner doubts are really resistence in the flow of your energy, there is hindrance in the state of conductness.
I need to clarify that a little bit. The energy is always flowing always creating. In a sense the resistence is also created from your own energy, but from a different perspective or meaning. More often than not a person creates and perpetuate different inner believes on multiple levels of counsciousness. The higher you vibrate at a given moment is an emotional signal that positive energies are taking over your filter of consciousness. Therefore the energy of the positive more empowering perspective lights up the shadow of the limiting ones.
When you doubt yourself the negative energy charges up and based on your other believes and your level of awareness you channel something in between.
In one of the roulette warrior videos there was a question on how long does it take to learn the ability they have based on the learning material/rituals they presented, candle and mirror focus meditation at that time. It took a significant time and effort investment.
Later they developed new ways to increase their vibration and that significantly reduced the timeframe. They added breathing exercises.
Breathing acts as a portal beetwen your layers of existence. It can transcend you to higher states of awareness.
Energy work is required to make yourself a good conductor from your higher state of mind and the energies that involved with it. Otherwise you just shut it down and lose your consciousness at the presence of those energies.
Sleep is another important, but unconscious gateway between your higher mind and your physical mind. The better your flow the less sleep you need.
Quote from: Taotie on Mar 03, 05:14 PM 2020
Precogs would do well to practise and develop the 'three finger clasp' technique.
This technique once mastered can instantly shift your state of awareness to where it is needed for roulette play (or anything else you require). Thereby enabling you to commence play without any lengthy preparations.
It is an excellent anchoring technique to remember and bring through the state of mind required.
I think some advanced precogs do this naturally, they just get in the zone, so do speak.
The act and the rhythm of the game faciliatates the transition for them on autopilot.
Quote from: Taotie on Mar 03, 05:14 PM 2020
Precogs would do well to practise and develop the 'three finger clasp' technique.
This technique once mastered can instantly shift your state of awareness to where it is needed for roulette play (or anything else you require). Thereby enabling you to commence play without any lengthy preparations.
I googled this "three fingers clasp" technique and found nothing at all.
Could you provide any link about it?
Look into Jose Silva's mind control work.
I believe it is related to the idea that by creating physical or mind triggers you can condition your mind to quickly reenter into a brainwave state you previously achieved with a longer practice protocol.
You have to practice it, but I know a few people who can do this, so it works.
I've just ordered his book.
Quote from: Kairomancer on Mar 03, 05:49 PM 2020n one of the roulette warrior videos there was a question on how long does it take to learn the ability they have based on the learning material/rituals they presented, candle and mirror focus meditation at that time. It took a significant time and effort investment.
That is true, you need to practice.
Practice practice practice.
Quote from: Galabatov on Mar 03, 03:16 PM 2020Oddly enough, the total amount of numbers bet do not improve the outcomes. Thus, betting 7 numbers (3+1+3) does not improve the hit rate!
Actually, if the bet involves only the number SEEN + its 2 adiacents (a 3 numbers bet) the hit rate is just the same and the payout is obviously bigger!
Tested this out the last couple of week. You're damn right. Less risk and more profit. Thanks!
This early morning I made a different experiment.
While I was in deep meditation sit in my harmchair I focus my mind on the roulette session I would have done twenty minutes later and asked to the inner mind for providing me "three numbers" to play one after the other - once that the previous number had hit. Let's call these numbers x, y, z.
Later, about half an hour later, I approached the roulette game with the purpose to bet x, y, z the way I normally play, that is a minisector of three numbers for each one.
I started with "x", betting the minisector *x* = 3 numbers bet.
I hit after eight spins.
Then I bet "y", the minisector *y* = 3 numbers bet.
I hit after thirteen spins.
Finally I bet "z" = *z* = 3 numbers bet.
I hit after nineteen spins.
Since I play an aggressive progression, the final profit was about 95 units.
Honestly, this session was not particularly impressive. Often numbers hit earlier, but sometime they also can miss.
However, my goal was testing if the winning numbers can be seen BEFORE the session, and it seems they can, although the results have not been better that the usual way - which is seeing numbers DURING the session.
Another consideration: in my tests I see that if I play flat betting numbers tend to hit earlier when they hit, while If I implement a progression they tend to hit later. This is odd, whatever it could mean.
Try yourselves.
Quote from: Galabatov on Apr 02, 04:07 AM 2020
This early morning I made a different experiment.
While I was in deep meditation sit in my harmchair I focus my mind on the roulette session I would have done twenty minutes later and asked to the inner mind for providing me "three numbers" to play one after the other - once that the previous number had hit. Let's call these numbers x, y, z.
Later, about half an hour later, I approached the roulette game with the purpose to bet x, y, z the way I normally play, that is a minisector of three numbers for each one.
I started with "x", betting the minisector *x* = 3 numbers bet.
I hit after eight spins.
Then I bet "y", the minisector *y* = 3 numbers bet.
I hit after thirteen spins.
Finally I bet "z" = *z* = 3 numbers bet.
I hit after nineteen spins.
Since I play an aggressive progression, the final profit was about 95 units.
Honestly, this session was not particularly impressive. Often numbers hit earlier, but sometime they also can miss.
However, my goal was testing if the winning numbers can be seen BEFORE the session, and it seems they can, although the results have not been better that the usual way - which is seeing numbers DURING the session.
Another consideration: in my tests I see that if I play flat betting numbers tend to hit earlier when they hit, while If I implement a progression they tend to hit later. This is odd, whatever it could mean.
Try yourselves.
Fascinating research.
Has anyone tried different times of the day?
Are is day time better than night time?
From my experience it does not matter at all.
Quote from: precogmiles on Apr 02, 10:07 AM 2020
Has anyone tried different times of the day?
Are is day time better than night time?
The win rate of my first session of the day in the early morning is >90%, definitely better than others.
However I think the reason is that in that moment I do feel very relaxed and focus and calm, after got up and made my meditation.
And also because all around me is calm, still, and silent.
I think if all this condition would be replicated in any part of the day the outcomes would be like the early morning session, although one has to know what is the moment of the day wherein he performs better. For myself I feel always stronger and more proactiveand efficient in the morning untill 3 p.m. Later I really can't do nothing really strong or creative or efficient, and this is true for any task in my life. It's an energy level fact. One should know when he performs better and focus his main efforts in that time.
My two cents.
If you live remotely enough then it shouldn't matter. If you live in a big city then you will probably do better in the wee hours of the morning when the bulk of the city is asleep and its electromagnetic output is at a minimum.
So time for another update...
It's been an amazing journey so far and this concept has opened my eyes to a whole new way of seeing reality. I am glad I went on this journey. I feel like a explorer who has set off to find Eldorado and after 2 years of being thrown and battered by the rough seas, has finally come to calmer waters and can just able to see the shoreline.
I am making good progress in being able to Flatbet on a single number. I am now also able to not just feel my numbers but see them. I have always seen this as the ultimate holy grail. Being able to bet on just 1 number and win after 1 spin, on both rng and live wheels.
My take away from all this practice, practice and practice more. I remember when I would spend hours upon hours of my day playing simple online esp testers. I would hours and days researching just one method. Retesting methods from previous months, making minor tweaks and testing again for hours. I would test if it was affected by food, sleep, emotional states, breathing, different times of the day, different months, different environments, the list goes on.
I think I have almost reached my aim of 1 number 1 spin. What I find fascinating now is the theory. Why and how does this work?
This will probably be my last update on my progress. It has been an adventure and I'm glad I'm almost there. If I listened to all the naysayers I would have lost hope a long time ago. But my advice is to keep going don't give up the faith and keep practising.
If anyone has some interesting research papers I can read or books you think helps explain how ESP works please let me know.
Maybe you could post a good guideline of the steps you took and what in your eyes is the best method to achive this skill?
Lots of meditation?
Lots of practice?
Lots of esp training?
Lots of understanding? What books? what papers?
What where the big changes you made? The eye openers? The methods that produced the best results.
You post alot about it but never really a how you did it or if you should start over how you would approuche it now.
So what should someone, with zero skill, do to get where you are? I bet you made some mistake. I bet someone could do it in less time. So please let us hear your ideas.
Precognition really works
No it doesn't.
Quote from: Taotie on Apr 20, 08:48 AM 2020
Precognition really works
No it doesn't.
Oh yes it does...
Quote from: RayManZ on Apr 20, 08:44 AM 2020
Maybe you could post a good guideline of the steps you took and what in your eyes is the best method to achive this skill?
Lots of meditation?
Lots of practice?
Lots of esp training?
Lots of understanding? What books? what papers?
What where the big changes you made? The eye openers? The methods that produced the best results.
You post alot about it but never really a how you did it or if you should start over how you would approuche it now.
So what should someone, with zero skill, do to get where you are? I bet you made some mistake. I bet someone could do it in less time. So please let us hear your ideas.
I thought I shared my method a while ago in fact I actually gave a video of someone doing exactly why I do. I was amazed I found the method independently of him.
Here is the method, he explains it well. It is a form of mental dowsing.
I have a few minor tweaks since I am dowsing for a future event and the fact it is for roulette.
There is nothing special to it,. But the key thing is to practice. Just like any other skill in life you must practice. The guy in the video has been practising since he was 17. Most people give up too soon.
I can go into great detail about what I see and write out each step but that would be like an art teacher describing how to draw. There is only one way to get better at drawing and that is my practising. Two artists can use two different techniques to paint but each can produce masterpieces which achieve the same results.
Practising is the missing ingredient that most people ignore. There is no get rich quick scheme here. The more you practice the easier it gets. I have tried many methods which wasted a lot of my time but I regard that as helpful so I know what actually works. And that video is really all you need to get you started.
If I followed that video from the start I might have achieved this in half the time. But I know it is difficult when there is not enough information out there or reliable sources to trust.
So practice practice practice.
Here is more info into the method but just without the pendulum.
Quote from: precogmiles on Apr 20, 08:53 AM 2020Oh yes it does...link:s://roulette-simulator.info/en/game/1b82288c468241437816676eaef893ee
First, I'll start with something positive. What you did on this simulation is extremely impressive. :thumbsup:
Why does it say 365 resets on link:s://roulette-simulator.info/en/game/1b82288c468241437816676eaef893ee ? What does that mean? Also, why do you use different accounts on MPR and not the same one to demonstrate that you can consistently win in the long run? I don't want to be that person that says, it's not enough spins, because 965 spins is ALOT (on your roulette simulation).
Outside the box methods have the highest shot of working. 8) Physics has a low shot. Systems have no shot.
Quote from: swanson on Apr 28, 04:33 PM 2020
First, I'll start with something positive. What you did on this simulation is extremely impressive. :thumbsup:
Why does it say 365 resets on link:s://roulette-simulator.info/en/game/1b82288c468241437816676eaef893ee ? What does that mean? Also, why do you use different accounts on MPR and not the same one to demonstrate that you can consistently win in the long run? I don't want to be that person that says, it's not enough spins, because 965 spins is ALOT (on your roulette simulation).
Outside the box methods have the highest shot of working. 8) Physics has a low shot. Systems have no shot.
Thank you and these are all reasonable questions.
1. Why does it 365 resets?
This is because I use these accounts as a practice ground. I have done many reset on that account, so that I can test out different methods. I use RS mainly because it gives a history of your game play. Since I try out different methods to see which method has the best impact I record my data for those games on a spreadsheet before I reset the game to test something else. I mainly keep my accounts on private, and I will be putting that account on private again soon.
2.Why do you use different accounts on MPR?
This is again similar to the first answer. MPR does not have a reset feature, so I am forced to create different accounts to test different ideas.
The best way to explain it is like this. Imagine you are learning to draw. To improve you have to practice, that means you will have practiced using many pencils, many drawing pads, many canvases, etc.. And will produce many works of art initially while you improve your skill.
Another example is a carpenter, as you learn carpentry you will go through many blocks of wood, many chisels, etc..
Do you not believe it is wrong to judge an experienced carpenter by the works he did when he was an apprentice? Or judge the artist by works when they were novices?
The reality is as the years have gone on I have definitely improved. I feel it, and my results demonstrate it.
You are right, precog and physics ate the only ways to win roulette.
Quote from: precogmiles on Apr 20, 08:53 AM 2020
Oh yes it does...
I had a feeling that in the morning, when I start playing, if I bet 200times the number 10, it might hit. Yaaay, it did! After 150spins! But it did!
"Precognition really works"
Quote from: Steeefan2014 on Apr 28, 05:10 PM 2020
I had a feeling that in the morning, when I start playing, if I bet 200times the number 10, it might hit. Yaaay, it did! After 150spins! But it did!
"Precognition really works"
"Casinos are stupid, systems work"
Quote from: precogmiles on Apr 28, 05:29 PM 2020
"Casinos are stupid, systems work"
Precog, I got nothing against you. But playing for free (MPR, RS) is simply BS! Put your money where your mouth is and after that you come and preach about HG! Until then.........
Quote from: Steeefan2014 on Apr 28, 05:33 PM 2020
Precog, I got nothing against you. But playing for free (MPR, RS) is simply BS! Put your money where your mouth is and after that you come and preach about HG! Until then.........
I have nothing against anyone either.
If we take the approach that the only evidence is when someone shows you pictures of money and fancy watches then there is no real value in evidence.
How would pictures with luxury items be evidence of a winning method?
Many scammers earn money from suckers who buy their fake 'winning' systems. They then show a few videos of winning streaks online and they claim to have the HG. More suckers see the video and pay for the fake system, and the cycle continues. These scammers will show you all the fancy watches you want. How is this evidence?
Being a system junkie is an illness you must first understand it is an addiction. There is no get rich quick scheme in gambling.
Precognition is bigger than gambling or roulette. I came to this forum because of the remote viewing thread not to gamble or get rich quick.
I don't care who believes precognition works. I use MPR and RS to practice and improve, it is evidence enough for me.
Quote from: precogmiles on Apr 28, 06:00 PM 2020Many scammers earn money from suckers who buy their fake 'winning' systems. They then show a few videos of winning streaks online and they claim to have the HG. More suckers see the video and pay for the fake system, and the cycle continues. These scammers will show you all the fancy watches you want.
I totally agree with you on this one! And I also think that a strategy that doesn't involve thinking is set to fail sooner or later. You have to adapt to the way the wheel is going.
Using MPR or RS for practicing and improving is one thing. Using MPR or RS and bragging that you have an HG... is a completely different thing! Close to stupid...
Quote from: Steeefan2014 on Apr 28, 06:08 PM 2020
I totally agree with you on this one! And I also think that a strategy that doesn't involve thinking is set to fail sooner or later. You have to adapt to the way the wheel is going.
Using MPR or RS for practicing and improving is one thing. Using MPR or RS and bragging that you have an HG... is a completely different thing! Close to stupid...
Ok out of curiosity;
1. What would a holy grail look like to you? Mechanical? Physics? Precog?
2. How would someone demonstrate a holy grail?
3. How could you verify it was a holy grail?
Just to be clear I don't really care about the holy grail, I only mention it because of system junkies.
Quote from: precogmiles on Apr 28, 06:35 PM 2020
Ok out of curiosity;
1. What would a holy grail look like to you? Mechanical? Physics? Precog?
2. How would someone demonstrate a holy grail?
3. How could you verify it was a holy grail?
Just to be clear I don't really care about the holy grail, I only mention it because of system junkies.
I truly think that before I answer your question, there is another question that is more important than any other: What defines a HG??
But to answer yours though:
1. The closest one to HG is physics
2. Impossible with a system that can be coded or applied repeatedely
3. By constant wins, no matter what the wheel spins are.
Quote from: Steeefan2014 on Apr 28, 06:57 PM 2020
I truly think that before I answer your question, there is another question that is more important than any other: What defines a HG??
But to answer yours though:
1. The closest one to HG is physics
2. Impossible with a system that can be coded or applied repeatedely
3. By constant wins, no matter what the wheel spins are.
Good question. I have no idea what defines a holy grail. I read it being used by system junkies and I mostly use it in a sarcastic or flippant way.
If a holy grail is a method that gives you a consistant edge then precognition and physics are the exactly that.
I agree with the answer for point 2. But that only applies for a system player. What about for precog or physics?
Quote from: precogmiles on Apr 28, 08:25 PM 2020
I agree with the answer for point 2. But that only applies for a system player. What about for precog or physics?
What about them?
Quote from: precogmiles on Apr 28, 08:25 PM 2020
If a holy grail is a method that gives you a consistant edge then precognition and physics are the exactly that.
There are others too. But it involves a little bit of thinking! And sometimes... this is really hard!
Quote from: Steeefan2014 on Apr 29, 01:15 AM 2020What about them?
How do you expect them to demonstrate a holy grail?
Quote from: Steeefan2014 on Apr 28, 05:10 PM 2020I had a feeling that in the morning, when I start playing, if I bet 200times the number 10, it might hit. Yaaay, it did! After 150spins! But it did!
"Precognition really works"
lol. But I have to admit that I'm not quite so dismissive of precognition as I used to be, because since I started experimenting with it, I'm seeing a small edge. Still quite early days though. But as I mentioned in another thread, if you don't know why your method works, there will always be some doubt about it, and I can't sign up to all the metaphysical baggage which comes with accepting precognition because I haven't seen enough data yet. 'Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence'.
Quote from: Joe on Apr 30, 09:36 AM 2020
lol. But I have to admit that I'm not quite so dismissive of precognition as I used to be, because since I started experimenting with it, I'm seeing a small edge. Still quite early days though. But as I mentioned in another thread, if you don't know why your method works, there will always be some doubt about it, and I can't sign up to all the metaphysical baggage which comes with accepting precognition because I haven't seen enough data yet. 'Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence'.
Hypothetically, if you continued to see that small edge grow the more you practiced it, would you being to believe it was a real phenomena?
Or would you still want confirmation from the scientific community?
No, I don't need any confirmation from the scientific community, that wouldn't be a true scientific attitude. Science shouldn't be about consensus (although unfortunately it seems that way in some fields these days). But I would need great results over a large number of bets to convince me.
I do believe most of what science tells us, not because I have blind faith, but because like most of us, I don't have the time or knowledge to investigate for myself, and science has completely transformed our lives in the last 2 or 3 centuries so it has a great track record. Why would anyone want to dismiss it?
Quote from: Joe on Apr 30, 11:52 AM 2020
No, I don't need any confirmation from the scientific community, that wouldn't be a true scientific attitude. Science shouldn't be about consensus (although unfortunately it seems that way in some fields these days). But I would need great results over a large number of bets to convince me.
I do believe most of what science tells us, not because I have blind faith, but because like most of us, I don't have the time or knowledge to investigate for myself, and science has completely transformed our lives in the last 2 or 3 centuries so it has a great track record. Why would anyone want to dismiss it?
Interesting, well good luck with it.
I think I have finally found a method to get between 1.5 to 1.8 winrate consistently.
Winrate as in (amount won / amount bet).
As you can see from here, I am betting 4 numbers, sometimes 1 number, per spin.
These results may not appear impressive at first glance but believe me, what you guys do not see is how consistent the method that produced them is.
When I first started I was clutching at straws, one day my results would be amazing and then the next day I would lose again. I was testing different combinations of at least 50 different variables. In the past month I have broken the method down to a handful that actually have an impact on the results and now I have broken it down even further to the things that really matter.
To help my fellow precogers, the method involves:
Higher mind
Also become more aware of the vibration and energy of things.
All of this might seem cliche but it works. The rest is just practice.
Watch and learn from this guy.
Also for a deeper understanding watch this;
This has been an amazing adventure, I can finally say I have made landfall after being at sea for 2 years and now begins the treck on land in search for El Dorado.
Words can not describe how relieved and happy I am at finally reaching this stage. There were times during the past 2 years I almost gave up, but I am so glad I continued.
I don't think there is much more I can contribute here.
I hope you all make landfall soon.
Peace and prosperity see you in El Dorado.
Congrats, like Steve say "go make your millions."
Nice work precogmiles! This is very inspiring to see. I hope you will continue to share with us your results here (both mpr and real money play).
Quote from: cht on May 03, 12:39 PM 2020
Congrats, like Steve say "go make your millions."
Thanks I will.
Quote from: winforus on May 03, 01:11 PM 2020
Nice work precogmiles! This is very inspiring to see. I hope you will continue to share with us your results here (both mpr and real money play).
Thanks winforus, how is your precog development going? Do you still practice regularly?
Quote from: precogmiles on May 03, 02:22 PM 2020
Thanks winforus, how is your precog development going? Do you still practice regularly?
For the past month I haven't been practicing much, as most of my time has been spent on the new projects that I am doing for my internet marketing business. As soon as I will have more time and energy - I will once again be practicing regularly. I find that meditation is a big prerequisite for precognition - results skyrocket when you are present in the moment and the mind is clear. Proper rest, sleep, and diet also play a role - you get the best results when you are well rested and not tired.
Speaking for myself - I have no doubt that precognition works, I am long passed the stage of having any doubt. I see it as a skill - that with practice it can be improved - which requires investment of time and energy. Any skill in life - requires many hours of practice to achieve mastery.
This is also why so many people are addicted to systems and chasing the HG - they want to find a get rich quick method that would allow them to earn a lot of money without putting any work. People just don't seem to understand, that to become successful in any field - it requires many hours of practice and energy. In my type of business (internet marketing), I see the same HG chasers - those people beg people who are very successful for methods, and think that by browsing forums, eventually they will find the jackpot and make lots of money, not realizing that they have to put in the hours of studying, testing, and experiment for themselves.
Quote from: winforus on May 03, 07:08 PM 2020For the past month I haven't been practicing much, as most of my time has been spent on the new projects that I am doing for my internet marketing business. As soon as I will have more time and energy - I will once again be practicing regularly. I find that meditation is a big prerequisite for precognition - results skyrocket when you are present in the moment and the mind is clear. Proper rest, sleep, and diet also play a role - you get the best results when you are well rested and not tired.
You are right about rest and sleep. I would also add anxiety and stress levels have a negative effect on results.
It's really important to practice. Even 10 mins a day is worth it.
Good luck, hope to see you progress with this.
One method you can use if anyone is playing with a low bankroll is to perduct 7 or 11 numbers. Pick the column that contains the most numbers. Or two columns with most numbers.
Precog, your posts are approved on gamblersforum.com:
After not practicing for a long time, I played a few sessions today and have gained the following insights:
I tend to get the best results at the beginning of the session, in the first 10 spins. So it is best for me, to play short sessions, up to 10 spins, then quit, and comeback in some time.
3 times, when I started the session and placed a bet on 1 or 2 numbers, it has hit within 2 spins. If the session goes on for too long, the accuracy drops significantly - the concentration goes down and the fatigue kicks in as well.
This is the method that I use:
I close my eyes, ask myself "what is the next winning number", continue to be in meditative state for around 10 seconds more, open my eyes, and then look at the grid (where all the numbers are). As I watch and observe the grid in a state of full presence (no thoughts at all) - I feel the pull towards specific numbers and also visualize a pin hitting that number and dropping on it. I then place a bet on up to 2 numbers, and continue betting them until they hit for up to 10 spins.
Quote from: winforus on May 05, 12:30 PM 2020
After not practicing for a long time, I played a few sessions today and have gained the following insights:
I tend to get the best results at the beginning of the session, in the first 10 spins. So it is best for me, to play short sessions, up to 10 spins, then quit, and comeback in some time.
3 times, when I started the session and placed a bet on 1 or 2 numbers, it has hit within 2 spins. If the session goes on for too long, the accuracy drops significantly - the concentration goes down and the fatigue kicks in as well.
This is the method that I use:
I close my eyes, ask myself "what is the next winning number", continue to be in meditative state for around 10 seconds more, open my eyes, and then look at the grid (where all the numbers are). As I watch and observe the grid in a state of full presence (no thoughts at all) - I feel the pull towards specific numbers and also visualize a pin hitting that number and dropping on it. I then place a bet on up to 2 numbers, and continue betting them until they hit for up to 10 spins.
Good approach, keep it up. It is true the longer you play the more 'average your results get but I think it is important when starting to see where hour limits are. So it is good practice.
Quote from: Steve on May 04, 07:57 PM 2020
Precog, your posts are approved on gamblersforum.com:
Thanks Steve.
Time for another update.
Since my last update I have been attempting to get to the ultimate holy grail of one number in one spin. This practice and experiments have made me realise a few things.
1. Less is more. If anyone has a genuine edge they should always play single numbers, since only a single number will come out.
2. Playing single numbers helps improve your accuracy thus improving your finales game or dozens game.
3. Be humble when learning, don't fit your theories onto your practice, look for the facts and let those facts guide your theories.
It is very important you do not reinvent the wheel, this ability and related ideas have been around 1000s of years. There has now also been around 100 years of serious parapsychological research. So learn from their data and theories.
As it stands now I am in the top 10 on MPR and in first place on Roulette simulator, For what it is worth.
I will continue to practice and experiment but will be taking a break from the online world for a while.
I can feel El Dorado is close.
Good luck :thumbsup:
Quote from: precogmiles on Jul 13, 04:56 AM 2020
Time for another update.
Since my last update I have been attempting to get to the ultimate holy grail of one number in one spin. This practice and experiments have made me realise a few things.
1. Less is more. If anyone has a genuine edge they should always play single numbers, since only a single number will come out.
2. Playing single numbers helps improve your accuracy thus improving your finales game or dozens game.
3. Be humble when learning, don't fit your theories onto your practice, look for the facts and let those facts guide your theories.
It is very important you do not reinvent the wheel, this ability and related ideas have been around 1000s of years. There has now also been around 100 years of serious parapsychological research. So learn from their data and theories.
As it stands now I am in the top 10 on MPR and in first place on Roulette simulator, For what it is worth.
I will continue to practice and experiment but will be taking a break from the online world for a while.
I can feel El Dorado is close.
Good luck :thumbsup:
can you make a live stream with your skilss
Quote from: precogmiles on Jul 13, 04:56 AM 20202. Playing single numbers helps improve your accuracy thus improving your finales game or dozens game.
What does finales game mean? What does dozens game mean? I seriously don’t know what these mean. Please explain.
If I had to guess, I would say that finales mean towards the end of your playing session and dozens game means betting on dozens, but this wouldn’t make sense, because you are saying to bet on single numbers. Please explain. Thanks.
Quote from: pepper on Jul 13, 08:52 AM 2020
What does finales game mean? What does dozens game mean? I seriously don’t know what these mean. Please explain.
If I had to guess, I would say that finales mean towards the end of your playing session and dozens game means betting on dozens, but this wouldn’t make sense, because you are saying to bet on single numbers. Please explain. Thanks.
Finales game means for example 3,13,23,33 or 5,15,25,35 the last number is the same. Some precogers see a number then play all the other numbers that end with the same number.
My method combines seeing numbers and sensing energies on the board. That is why the more accurate my abilities get it either hits the finales or hits close to the number on the board, which allows you to target dozens.
The less numbers you play the better, if you have genuinely improved the accuracy of your predictions.
Quote from: Elite on Jul 13, 06:40 AM 2020
can you make a live stream with your skilss
Any particular reason you want to see a live stream?
If you have questions I can answer them.
Quote from: precogmiles on Jul 13, 04:56 AM 2020
Time for another update.
Since my last update I have been attempting to get to the ultimate holy grail of one number in one spin. This practice and experiments have made me realise a few things.
1. Less is more. If anyone has a genuine edge they should always play single numbers, since only a single number will come out.
2. Playing single numbers helps improve your accuracy thus improving your finales game or dozens game.
3. Be humble when learning, don't fit your theories onto your practice, look for the facts and let those facts guide your theories.
It is very important you do not reinvent the wheel, this ability and related ideas have been around 1000s of years. There has now also been around 100 years of serious parapsychological research. So learn from their data and theories.
As it stands now I am in the top 10 on MPR and in first place on Roulette simulator, For what it is worth.
I will continue to practice and experiment but will be taking a break from the online world for a while.
I can feel El Dorado is close.
Good luck :thumbsup:
Great job precogmiles! Happy to see you #1 on RS. And I totally agree, less is more. Eventually I also plan to only play single numbers, and that's what NoWun did as well.
Quote from: winforus on Jul 13, 12:13 PM 2020
Great job precogmiles! Happy to see you #1 on RS. And I totally agree, less is more. Eventually I also plan to only play single numbers, and that's what NoWun did as well.
Thanks winforus, good luck with your practice. Happy to share ideas with you via private message if you like.
Playing 1 number has helped me understand what variables are most important. I sometimes found playing too many numbers increased the noise, and gave too many false positives.
Yes nowun finally said he managed to get to single numbers. I wonder where he is.
Quote from: precogmiles on Jul 13, 12:47 PM 2020
Happy to share ideas with you via private message if you like.
Absolutely, sent you a pm.
Quote from: precogmiles on Jul 13, 04:56 AM 2020As it stands now I am in the top 10 on MPR and in first place on Roulette simulator, For what it is worth.
Talk is cheap, good job!
Quote from: Kairomancer on Jul 14, 02:50 PM 2020
Talk is cheap, good job!
Thanks kairomancer :thumbsup:
Time for another update.
I think I will make this quick.
I've been busy training in the last few months, investigating the role variance plays, the duration of focus and whether you can influence outcomes.
The results are amazing. The method works almost perfect now.
I now have two approaches, one to guess where on the board and the other to influence the outcome.
After 3 years of hard work I have finally reached El dorado.
Quote from: precogmiles on Dec 25, 09:13 PM 2020
Time for another update.
I think I will make this quick.
I've been busy training in the last few months, investigating the role variance plays, the duration of focus and whether you can influence outcomes.
The results are amazing. The method works almost perfect now.
I now have two approaches, one to guess where on the board and the other to influence the outcome.
After 3 years of hard work I have finally reached El dorado.
Great stuff Precog, good to hear it.
Any specifics on techniques that you could share (on here or PM)?
Quote from: Klausy on Dec 26, 07:23 AM 2020
Great stuff Precog, good to hear it.
Any specifics on techniques that you could share (on here or PM)?
Option 1: Take 37/38 pieces of paper. Write on each of them all the numbers from 0 to 36 (if you use american roulette use 00 too). Fold them and put them into a ball. Extract 2 pieces and see what are those 2 numbers. Flip a coin and the number that loses, you take it out. Do that until you have only one number left. That's the one!!!!
Option 2: smoke something good! Wait 30minutes and the first number that you really see, that's the one.
Option 3: learn voodoo.
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Quote from: precogmiles on Dec 25, 09:13 PM 2020
Time for another update.
I think I will make this quick.
I've been busy training in the last few months, investigating the role variance plays, the duration of focus and whether you can influence outcomes.
The results are amazing. The method works almost perfect now.
I now have two approaches, one to guess where on the board and the other to influence the outcome.
After 3 years of hard work I have finally reached El dorado.
I like your first approach: to GUESS!!!! REALLY?????? You call this precognition????
What's the hard work you did for 3 years if you are just guessing????
Quote from: Steeefan2014 on Dec 26, 10:00 AM 2020
Option 1: Take 37/38 pieces of paper. Write on each of them all the numbers from 0 to 36 (if you use american roulette use 00 too). Fold them and put them into a ball. Extract 2 pieces and see what are those 2 numbers. Flip a coin and the number that loses, you take it out. Do that until you have only one number left. That's the one!!!!
Option 2: smoke something good! Wait 30minutes and the first number that you really see, that's the one.
Option 3: learn voodoo.
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
It’s real and it works (actual money).
If it’s not your thing then move along.
Quote from: Klausy on Dec 26, 03:27 PM 2020If it’s not your thing then move along.
That's a very good advice, to all parties. It's so pointless to fight over claims and demand proofs all the time.
I think over the years the "reputation" of precognition or anything psychic was ruined on this forum. No need to shove it down everyone's throat, and constantly call them names.
I don't even feel like posting anymore, even though I have experienced amazing things. For example I'm having good succes at creating reality with focus. It's not a quick guess then hoping to hit a number in 15 spins. I need 20-30 minutes of deep focus and a very calm mind to create a number and make it hit within 3 spins, so I do it once a day when I can. I don't have the statistics but around 4 out of 10 times my chosen number hits on the first spin. (I practice with only 10 numbers, using an rng to generate numbers between 0 and 9)
But my ultimate goal is still to train my brain to show me the next number on the surface I'm focusing on. That's very hard and requires countless hours of practice and focus.
Talking about focus, about a month ago I noticed that mine has greatly improved. When I do candle focus, I'm able to shut up my inner voice for up to a minute on better days. In the beginning just 10 seconds seemed almost impossible. Having no thoughts at all is a different beast though. I can only shut down completely for maybe 15 seconds before a thought appears in my mind.
Quote from: ati on Dec 26, 06:07 PM 2020Having no thoughts at all is a different beast though. I can only shut down completely for maybe 15 seconds before a thought appears in my mind.
I spent a long while trying to silence the mind but gave up and instead tried to just work with it. I put this on a post in GamblersForum a few months back;
I have had some success in just accepting that my mind will try and come up with numbers no matter how relaxed or focus I am so either in my minds eye or staring at a blank wall I give it a place to put all the random numbers that it comes up with. If I then watch this area, observing rather than participating, as if detached from whatever is coming up with these numbers, I find numbers subtly drifting in to the side of this area after a short while
I’ve refined this somewhat but generally it’s just about accepting that the mind will dream up numbers but being able to differentiate between those thoughts and precognitive thoughts.
It’s specifics like this I’m interested in, to try and get better at it. Often a different idea or a slight adjustment makes all the difference.
Please don’t give up posting!
try these two things. Once you shut the thoughts out - vacuum - & a though appears DO NOT FIGHT to shut it out, as this engages your resources. Fifght without fighting, sorting the simpton at its source.
The basic concept is to learn simply NOT TO INTERACT, NOT TO ENGAGE.
As an analogy the cloud appear in the sky, you do not engage with them passing by.
(you can, you can even cut them, dissipate them by removing the etheric mold the humidity is congesting around but thats another purpose .. still the power of intention)
An observer - just observe toughts kind of bounce off them & since no engaging magnetic field between you & them created they will simply dissipate away = pass by.
Once you get this handled over & over again it will become like doing you laces, you don't even 'think' while doing them, neither you 'think' where you gonna put your leg when walking & how much angle when turning.
Imagine I take "you" into focus & intensely bombard you with a specific conglomerate of thoughts & corresponding types of emotions for a sustained period of time. I could even use someone else to create a bombarding chain once I take off to take over, or set in awareness a program that sunks on automatic in side-awareness.
If you simply close disengage & bounce of (as in opposite of interact) such attacks/things, or simply though/emotion cluds in motion are futile. You get immune.
Another is set you haze just above the horizon, while the gaxe is RESTING there spread you thoughts in an instant all the way towards the hoziron.
Then combine both.
Another thing that's very important are those who are already well versed & 'at home' in this domain.
Once you awaken & train to be consistent at such frequencies & get strong enough focus operandi you inadvertedly create certain waves, patterns (like throwing a stone in the water or even pulsate continually such waves containing finger-print signature that can be felt & identified by others).
Have you ever heard of studies of winning roulette with precognition, then suddenly the results dropping in success.
There are experienced groups who 'hang out' around the portal so to say, or on borderlines (mischevious wgo wannaplay around or simply very competitive & territorial) who would & will try to fuck you over to keep their advantage. Just imagone the most of the world being blind & only a percentage being able to see, & as soon as you open your eyes you will be visibly not stumbling any longer & some will straight away try to glue your eye-lids or simply best you the fuck up so the energy/resources available will be used for healing extensively instead of seeing & running.) Watch out & get super strong.) & those are just the begining ..
There are mitigations to either difusing the waves & signature as well as cloack to pass by, the best of them is still being able to over-power.
Then another excercise is to 'control you though flow'. Take one of those with 3 pointers watches. Set it in front & gazing at the center - count in your mind the numbers 1,2,3...... (yes, you can as seconds too) & as soon as another tought invades move to 1 restarting the count. Can you get to 10000. Hundred? Ten?
Quote from: Klausy on Dec 26, 07:23 AM 2020
Great stuff Precog, good to hear it.
Any specifics on techniques that you could share (on here or PM)?
Thanks klausy,
My approach is based on energy work.
Calm your body and mind so that you can feel the energy.
And you must believe. If you don't believe why should you get it right?
Your energy approach won't work. ::)
Quote from: The General on Dec 30, 12:53 PM 2020
Your energy approach won't work. ::)
Energy approach won’t work for precognition or that precognition doesn’t exist or that precognition will not work for roulette?
Quote from: The General on Dec 30, 12:53 PM 2020Your energy approach won't work.
Given that it was precogmiles (who uses precognition to win at roulette) replying to me (I also use precognition to win at roulette), I'm not sure who you are trying to convince.
Quote from: Klausy on Dec 31, 11:52 AM 2020
Given that it was precogmiles (who uses precognition to win at roulette) replying to me (I also use precognition to win at roulette), I'm not sure who you are trying to convince.
Are you guys playing with real money now and winning consistently or is this still testing with no cash put down?
Energy work and magick are real. We can create our own psychic energy waves just by tuning into it. There are infinite ways of doing psychic work.
Quote from: JAMBOBRA2020 on Jan 01, 06:56 AM 2021
Are you guys playing with real money now and winning consistently or is this still testing with no cash put down?
No one is going to tell you if they are making money gambling except for scammers. It’s possible, but unlikely for one to want to claim to beat gambling. The same goes for if one finds a winning method. You don’t expect them to tell anyone.
Quote from: Mean on Jan 01, 09:36 AM 2021No one is going to tell you if they are making money gambling except for scammers. It’s possible, but unlikely for one to want to claim to beat gambling. The same goes for if one finds a winning method. You don’t expect them to tell anyone.
Yes it's pointless to claim or try to provide evidence on success, it will only be disputed or alleged to be fake.
Some clowns will continue to waste hours of their life searching for wobbly wheels and tables with uneven legs.
While precogers continue to achieve better results in just 20 mins.
Too many low IQ clowns around here. Clowns obessed with woobly wheels and clowns obsessed with repeaters.
Quote from: precogmiles on Jan 01, 11:58 PM 2021
Some clowns will continue to waste hours of their life searching for wobbly wheels and tables with uneven legs.
While precogers continue to achieve better results in just 20 mins.
Too many low IQ clowns around here. Clowns obessed with woobly wheels and clowns obsessed with repeaters.
I really dislike the way you talk about other people. You should know better.
Sometimes we just get in a bad mood. It happens online often, because people misbehave online more. Also, it gets annoying when people say what you do is fake, especially when it is half or more of the population.
Quote from: thereddiamanthe on Dec 27, 08:15 AM 2020
try these two things. Once you shut the thoughts out - vacuum - & a though appears DO NOT FIGHT to shut it out, as this engages your resources. Fifght without fighting, sorting the simpton at its source.
The basic concept is to learn simply NOT TO INTERACT, NOT TO ENGAGE.
As an analogy the cloud appear in the sky, you do not engage with them passing by.
(you can, you can even cut them, dissipate them by removing the etheric mold the humidity is congesting around but thats another purpose .. still the power of intention)
An observer - just observe toughts kind of bounce off them & since no engaging magnetic field between you & them created they will simply dissipate away = pass by.
Once you get this handled over & over again it will become like doing you laces, you don't even 'think' while doing them, neither you 'think' where you gonna put your leg when walking & how much angle when turning.
Imagine I take "you" into focus & intensely bombard you with a specific conglomerate of thoughts & corresponding types of emotions for a sustained period of time. I could even use someone else to create a bombarding chain once I take off to take over, or set in awareness a program that sunks on automatic in side-awareness.
If you simply close disengage & bounce of (as in opposite of interact) such attacks/things, or simply though/emotion cluds in motion are futile. You get immune.
Another is set you haze just above the horizon, while the gaxe is RESTING there spread you thoughts in an instant all the way towards the hoziron.
Then combine both.
Another thing that's very important are those who are already well versed & 'at home' in this domain.
Once you awaken & train to be consistent at such frequencies & get strong enough focus operandi you inadvertedly create certain waves, patterns (like throwing a stone in the water or even pulsate continually such waves containing finger-print signature that can be felt & identified by others).
Have you ever heard of studies of winning roulette with precognition, then suddenly the results dropping in success.
There are experienced groups who 'hang out' around the portal so to say, or on borderlines (mischevious wgo wannaplay around or simply very competitive & territorial) who would & will try to fuck you over to keep their advantage. Just imagone the most of the world being blind & only a percentage being able to see, & as soon as you open your eyes you will be visibly not stumbling any longer & some will straight away try to glue your eye-lids or simply best you the fuck up so the energy/resources available will be used for healing extensively instead of seeing & running.) Watch out & get super strong.) & those are just the begining ..
There are mitigations to either difusing the waves & signature as well as cloack to pass by, the best of them is still being able to over-power.
Then another excercise is to 'control you though flow'. Take one of those with 3 pointers watches. Set it in front & gazing at the center - count in your mind the numbers 1,2,3...... (yes, you can as seconds too) & as soon as another tought invades move to 1 restarting the count. Can you get to 10000. Hundred? Ten?
Breathe away your thoughts. One’s power is in their breath.
:twisted: That makes them not-my-thoughts in the first place..
How many tenants they have living in their whatever rent-free.
& tenants don't even through out their garbage either.
Quote from: ati on Dec 26, 06:07 PM 2020I'm having good succes at creating reality with focus.
After my previous post, I have had several days in a row when I failed to create a number, so I stopped practicing it. But since then I have had some success. For example yesterday afternoon I did a quick 20 minutes mediation and focused on the next number being 3, and it worked! The very next spin was 3.
Then later at night I meditated again for 15-20 minutes and focused on 35. I opened up a roulette app, and the second spin was 35. 😎
One day I randomly felt very sure that the next two numbers are going to be 0 and 1. I didn't meditate or anything, just sat down to my PC, and believe it or not, the next two numbers were 0 and 1...
After a not so great January, my results this month are quite good so far. I have found a very good book and some youtube videos that put me back on track. I practice as much as I can, probably 2 hours a day and I feel like I'm getting better at seeing numbers, but it's still very hard. I would still not bet real money on my abilities 😁
Quote from: ati on Feb 10, 05:05 AM 2021I have found a very good book and some youtube videos that put me back on track
Good to hear it Ati. Can you share links of your YouTube videos pls?
I’m currently on a bad run. I’d worked up to an 80k balance on RSim, all on rated games (so only 3k per session, playing largely singles at 50 per go), got ill for a couple of weeks and complete lost it all ability to now not picking anything up at all.
It seems to me a long term thing, ie you build it up gradually to a point where you see or sense numbers straight away, no meditation or anything and then something knocks you back and it’s completely gone. Very frustrating.
I watch tons of videos, but I usually don't save the links. Many of them were from Bob Proctor and Joe Dispenza. I have also watched a lot of videos about manifestation and high frequency vibrations.
Here is one link to a video that I liked - link:s://youtu.be/6cGNcgzWZT8
This channel has a lot of very good and long videos, but I only watched a couple of them so far.
Also the book that inspired me to be positive and to not give up, Thought Vibration by William Atkinson - link:s://youtu.be/am-afhz-CE4
These of course have nothing to do with Roulette. These are about manifestation, visualization, positive thinking, and knowing what you want.
The practice that I referred to as creating reality in my earlier messages, is the same thing as quickly manifesting your desired reality. This can be practiced and developed, but it takes serious dedication and time.
I'm quite sure that the forum member "nowun" got to a level in manifestation and had such a strong belief, that after a while he just pointed at numbers and they became. He didn't need to spend long minutes on focusing.
Thanks for these, will give them a go
One thing I realized early on was to not waste your time listening to every random person on YouTube.
I call these philosopher psychics. Great theories but unfortunately they can't not demonstrate anything.
Only focus on learning from people who can actually do what they claim.
For example
There are many fake psychis on YouTube. Trust me I have gone through all of them these are the most authentic I have found that actually attempt to explain how they do why they do. Learn from them. Good luck.
Thanks also precogmiles
It depends on how you look at it. Most of the writers and authors are or were quite successful in life, I don't need them to show me telekinesis abilities. That's a very specific area that doesn't have much use in life, other than improving your focus. Trebor Seven uploaded a video last month, and even he said that he had stopped doing it for 9 months, and focuses his energy on other important things instead.
Being able to see/sense/guess the correct roulette numbers requires a strong belief that you can do it. It needs to be gradually increased. As a beginner, no matter how hard you try to tell yourself that the next number is going to be 16, deep down you don't believe it. And as soon as you have the slightest doubt, you are more likely to fail. And the more you fail, the more you doubt yourself. That's why it's hard.
Yesterday I had a pretty bad day, I couldn't stay focused, I saw several numbers, but didn't know which one to bet. I only hit one number, so after a while I started to lose my faith. I even tried to manifest a number again with a 20 minute meditation, but I was already in a bad mood, and I only hit a neighbor. My number never showed up.
Being 'successful in life' can not be the way we evaluate someone's psychic ability.
I think demonstration is a MUST. Otherwise anyone can claim anything.
Anecdotes should also not be accepted either.
Some people get lucky, some misunderstand what they experience. Some claim aliens/spirits are helping them. There are a lot of crazy theories.
People need to demonstrate their ability consistently and offer a meaningful theory. Those are the people I take seriously.
I've just proved to myself again how real this is. This morning I was still in my bed, waiting for the alarm to go off, when I fell asleep for a few seconds, and I dreamed of seeing a 9 and a 2.
I quickly opened a roulette app on my phone, spun the wheel and the next two numbers were 9 and 2 ;D :o
It's an amazing feeling. I rarely have precognitive dreams yet, the last one was in November. I was also half asleep when I saw a zero, and when I woke up, it was the very next number that came up.
The same thing happened to me last time however in the opposite direction !!!! I saw in my dream the lottery numbers 23 and 13, next day in the draw numbers 32 and 31 were selected !!!
Do you guys believe in orbs?
I don't really, but in the past couple of weeks I have started to see "things". Only when I do my candle or roulette focus, sometimes dark dots appear in my peripheral vision, they fly by in a split second then disappear. I can't look at them, they are never in my direct line of sight. It's strange.
Quote from: ati on Feb 27, 04:39 PM 2021
Do you guys believe in orbs?
I don't really, but in the past couple of weeks I have started to see "things". Only when I do my candle or roulette focus, sometimes dark dots appear in my peripheral vision, they fly by in a split second then disappear. I can't look at them, they are never in my direct line of sight. It's strange.
Orbs?what is this?
Quote from: ati on Feb 27, 04:39 PM 2021
Do you guys believe in orbs?
I don't really, but in the past couple of weeks I have started to see "things". Only when I do my candle or roulette focus, sometimes dark dots appear in my peripheral vision, they fly by in a split second then disappear. I can't look at them, they are never in my direct line of sight. It's strange.
maybe you are talking about this link:s://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floater
Quote from: Mister Eko on Feb 27, 04:43 PM 2021
Orbs?what is this?
I don't know, some paranormal spiritual thing. Many people believe they are ghosts. They usually appear on photographs, and many people claim to be able to see them with naked eye.
Of course there is no proof to this, so who knows. I skeptical about the existence of these things.
Quote from: outsider on Feb 27, 04:54 PM 2021
maybe you are talking about this link:s://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floater
It's possible. It's just strange that I no have these in my vision every time I focus.
Btw, recently I have made very good progress. So far I've been practicing with a simple random number generator, it has nothing to do with roulette, it just generates numbers as the name suggests. I did this so that I wouldn't get distracted by bet results and wouldn't have any pressure of winning.
Two days ago I started practicing with actual roulette rng in fun mode, and I'm doing great. On the first day I won â,¬164 in about 25 spins, playing â,¬1 per number. Yesterday I won â,¬96 in 13 spins, today I also won â,¬93 in 13 spins.
These sessions usually take between 30-60 minutes, and I always do 20-30 minutes of candle focus before I play. If I can keep this up, I may consider playing for real money. :)
Quote from: ati on Feb 27, 05:01 PM 2021I may consider playing for real money.
Well, since my results were great and my confidence was very high, I thought why not give real money a shot. So I started playing for real a couple days ago, and it has been a terrible experience so far...
I was not concerned about losing, I only played with small units, but as soon as I opened a real money table, I started to feel a strong anxiety in my whole body and a pressure in my chest every time I played. And the worst of all is that I immediately lost my ability to see the numbers!
I still see some numbers but they are way too dim and they never hit. Yesterday I stared at my paper sheet for 40 minutes and I just couldn't see anything. I feel like I'm back to where I was on day 1.
I must make my subconscious mind get used to the idea that all bets are now a question of winning or losing my hard earned money. So I'm going to reduce my units to 1 cent, and I keep on practicing with real money.
Maybe the ambient isn’t working for you.
Next time try to play while you are sitting in a dark room or play while you are laying down in your bath with warm water and bubbles... :twisted:
I will consider anything that could help. ;D
I'm not sure why I have this uncontrollable emotional response while playing roulette. Of course I want to win, but I'm really not that worried about losing at the beginning. The money involved is far less than what I lose with my cryptocurrency "investments". Last week I lost probably a months pay, but I didn't feel anything at all. I sleep very well.
Quote from: ati on Mar 04, 03:21 PM 2021I was not concerned about losing, I only played with small units, but as soon as I opened a real money table, I started to feel a strong anxiety in my whole body and a pressure in my chest every time I played. And the worst of all is that I immediately lost my ability to see the numbers!
I still see some numbers but they are way too dim and they never hit. Yesterday I stared at my paper sheet for 40 minutes and I just couldn't see anything. I feel like I'm back to where I was on day 1.
I must make my subconscious mind get used to the idea that all bets are now a question of winning or losing my hard earned money. So I'm going to reduce my units to 1 cent, and I keep on practicing with real money.
Last bit is the trick, take all the stress out of it by having no consequences if you lose by starting off small. Typically I would start a session betting 1p singles until things click into place then build it up by moving through 5p, 10p, 25p and so on when it feels comfortable.
That's what I will do. The most concerning thing at the moment is that I hardly see any numbers. After 5 months of daily practice I was finally seeing nice shadows and the numbers started to get darker and more visible, making every session more enjoyable. But it's gone.
My desire is to hit numbers, but somehow the exact opposite is happening. Yesterday and today I lost about 40 consecutive bets covering four numbers... It would be hard to achieve this even with random bets.
The same thing happened in 2018 when I first tried this, that was one of the main reason I gave up. But I will definitely not give up now.
Don’t give up, you just need to get used to the new challenge. If you have the ability then you just need some time to adjust, that’s all.
RSim for me was where I just used to play around, then I started to build up a bankroll which I didn’t want to lose, so that pressure affected me and I started losing. After a while though, I got used to it and that was no longer a problem.
Interesting. Today I feel much less anxious, but for some reason my mind is still working against me. It sounds weird, because my mind is also me :D
I have had just 1 winning bet out of the past approximately 70 spins. It's absolutely terrible and way below random expectation, even worse if I consider that I'm supposed to hit over random expectation. But on the other hand it's cool to see that it is really my mind that creates my reality.
I will probably need to change my old statement that there is no such thing as neighbor on a computer RNG wheel. It seems that if you play "psychic" roulette, then neighbors do exist. I say this because recently I have had several occasions when I bet on a number, and only the two neighbors showed up in consecutive spins. I don't think that this is random either, it's just my subconscious toying with me and missing the numbers on purpose. :o
Here’s my take on it.
I stopped worrying about going on losing streaks, they would sometimes last days and I stopped meditating as I felt that my mind was assuming it would guarantee success when it didn’t. I take a light hearted approach to it now, I just sit down and play and if I win, I win and if I don’t, I don’t because I know in the long run I will win more than I lose.
I have a 160k bankroll on RSim with zero meditation or preparation, just picking up the phone where I am and just playing. It became much less of a hassle not preparing and is more fun to play now.
Quote from: ati on Mar 05, 04:08 PM 2021
I have had just 1 winning bet out of the past approximately 70 spins. It's absolutely terrible and way below random expectation, even worse if I consider that I'm supposed to hit over random expectation. But on the other hand it's cool to see that it is really my mind that creates my reality.
I will probably need to change my old statement that there is no such thing as neighbor on a computer RNG wheel. It seems that if you play "psychic" roulette, then neighbors do exist. I say this because recently I have had several occasions when I bet on a number, and only the two neighbors showed up in consecutive spins. I don't think that this is random either, it's just my subconscious toying with me and missing the numbers on purpose. :o
Very peculiar findings, eh?
So you managed to create a perfect loser! Still Impressive indeed, as you might create a perfect winner as well, right?
Now if you are a system player I would simply say, play the opposite! :lol:
BTW I don't see why that wouldn't work here as well hehe
"The opposite of a profound truth might also be a profound truth"
- DyksexlicCheers
Quote from: Drazen on Mar 06, 05:38 AM 2021Now if you are a system player I would simply say, play the opposite
Exactly Drazen. What's showing in brain-dead.
Genuine question (because I don’t really follow the systems posts too much). Precognition is not a precise art, ie. sometimes works, sometimes doesn’t but has been proved it is real notably by precogmiles on RSim who I remember got a bankroll over 1m.
Have any systems been proved on an external site? I.e. RSim or MPR? Systems imply reliability and repeatability so someone should be smashing it at the top of the leaderboards, no?
So, after this little adventure I decided that I need to go back and practice with play money a lot more. But what happened was very interesting and was a useful experience. After a couple of days of real money play my anxiety was gone, and the numbers slowly started to appear again. However I just couldn't hit anything. The longest losing series was over 90 consecutive spins. Which is really something considering that I bet on 4 numbers most of the time.
After that I had a few hits occasionally, but what's interesting is that the insane number of neighbours that came up. On one particular day, I lost 23 spins in a row, and out of that 23, I hit 15 neighbours. I'm quite sure that it was all controlled by my mind. Even though it was just animated rng roulette, it was quite funny to see how many times the ball landed on my number, then bounced out of the pocket. :o
During these 2 weeks of real money play, I did not have a single consecutive hit, and I lost money every single day, except for one.
A few days ago I started practicing again with play money, and so far I won every day. 🤷â€â™,ï¸ An hour ago I won 5 times in 6 spins, playing 3 numbers per spin.
For me, rather than manifestation, it's definitely more about getting a glimpse of something meaningful in the very near future. What I mean is, if you think it's going to be a zero but it ends up hitting it's neighbour 26, the main takeaway from that spin is that it nearly hit zero and you see it bounce out of zero, the fact it ended up in 26 is less significant in the memory. So your prediction of zero is that something significant happened with zero, not the result.
As such, I would try and not focus on the wheel, just on the numbers that appear on the previous results bit of the screen, if there is one, so that the meaningful bit is the actual result, not how you nearly hit your number.
I got the same knowledge ..
A test of the system with play money ... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
With real money ... :P :P :P :P :P
Test period: 30 sessions ...% win / loss.
Log / save my proposal for real money sessions
tests of other systems.
Quote from: Austria on Mar 21, 07:59 AM 2021
I got the same knowledge ..
A test of the system with play money ... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
With real money ... :P :P :P :P :P
Test period: 30 sessions ...% win / loss.
Log / save my proposal for real money sessions
tests of other systems.
Yeah, I know what you mean, but it's a bit different. :)
As my play is not a system, and none of the previous outcomes affect my betting decisions.
I actually see the future numbers (ideally) :P Even though they're not written anywhere, I can still see them, for example on a paper, or on my screen, or on my walls or ceiling... And it's not like day dreaming when you see a picture in your mind. It's hard to explain and I know that it's even harder to believe, but anyone can check my post from 5 years ago. Back then I didn't believe that anything paranormal existed.
I'm not trying to convince anyone. I just like sharing my thoughts and experiences.
I can actually confirm that. For me these are sectors. You can train that. 30 years ago there were still French boilers in Austria that had an incline of almost 40 degrees. The ball fell almost exactly into the number wheel. The new American boilers are very flat. The ball jumps from number to number.
It worked
Another update.
I've been doing more research into how all of this works. There are so many factors and ideas to consider.
My understanding now is that seeing and creating are the same thing. Different stages but both interact with the same substance.
We think we see but we don't.
We think we move but we don't.
Giodarno bruno had very interesting ideas.
So much of magic is misunderstood and treated with contempt but there are some interesting ideas in there too.
Interesting ideas, can you share any insight into what has led you to that understanding?
Quote from: Klausy on Dec 08, 02:54 PM 2021
Interesting ideas, can you share any insight into what has led you to that understanding?
Just sent you a pm
Quote from: precogmiles on Dec 08, 06:23 PM 2021Just sent you a pm
Just read that you sent him a pm
Quote from: Klausy on Mar 21, 04:50 AM 2021
For me, rather than manifestation, it's definitely more about getting a glimpse of something meaningful in the very near future. What I mean is, if you think it's going to be a zero but it ends up hitting it's neighbour 26, the main takeaway from that spin is that it nearly hit zero and you see it bounce out of zero, the fact it ended up in 26 is less significant in the memory. So your prediction of zero is that something significant happened with zero, not the result.
As such, I would try and not focus on the wheel, just on the numbers that appear on the previous results bit of the screen, if there is one, so that the meaningful bit is the actual result, not how you nearly hit your number.
If anyone that cares still frequents this board, just to right a wrong, it is actually all manifestation, I was incorrect.
Thanks to those who posted about that and the law of attraction.
6th if I have too many repeats I have to change the target but I'm struggling with the sector part .
sorry wrong page :)
Time for another update.
It has been almost 7 years to the day since I start this thread. What a journey it has been. I have learnt so much about this phenomena. It has really opened my eyes to the fabric of ultimate reality. From being a normal guy who viewed certain phenomena with scepticism (but with an open mind) I have now investigated this phenomena thoroughly. I've spent thousands of hours in research and even longer in practice, meditation and experimentation. I have always felt that theory without demonstration is futile but I've also thought that demonstration without theory is stagnation. I managed to get very consistent with a particular method within 3 years but I was not satisfied because I didn't understand the mechanism of this phenomena. I needed an underlying theory to show it was not just variance.
Over the last few years I've shifted from purely a precognition approach to a wider appreciation of the phenomena. Understanding the non-existence of time, made me question how precognition could appear to happen even though there is no future or past and that everything is in the present. I started to look more into the philosophy of religious rites and the early foundations of magic. I have begun to understand that sometimes the terminology can lead you down a wrong and unnecessary path. Many phenomena have different names but ultimately are the same.
Something interesting has happened over the last few months. My method has improved tremendously which emerged during my practice through trail and error. This method has now been confirmed by two separate experts in this field. What is more amazing is that they have also found it independently of each other. Both of them seem to have the method but I believe their theories about how it works are slightly flawed, since they rely too heavily on modern science.
I finally have a confirmed method and the beginnings of a theory. By fleshing out the theory I should be able to refine the method even more.
Good to hear from you! Willing to share any of your methods/learning here on the forum? Great you have come so far and made an amazing progress but it would be nice to know how you did it so we can learn from your mistakes.
Would love to have more insight. I did not continue my journey but i had decent results though, then live happend.
Hello RayManz, good to see you are alive and well.
Sure this is the general idea behind the method.
1. Enter an altered state of consciousness
2. Let your intent take a form(visual, emotional, sensory, etc..) and hold that form for a long time.
3. Disassociation: remove the intent from your mind.
4. Certainty: know your intent has already happened and you are experiencing it.
For example here is a simple process if I wanted the number 26 to appear I would do the following.
1. Calm my mind down, stop all internal chatter until the landscape of the inner mental experience are no longer relatable with anything in waking consciousness. Remember you can not force this state. Just like trying to sleep. You can not force yourself to sleep, it just happens.
2. Since I want 26 to appear I visualize the ball in the 26 pocket. Pick something that will be the state of the intent if it was to happen. I hold this visual form in my minds eye for as long as I can.
3. I look away, and focus on something else. I distract myself. Watch YouTube, look around the room, chat with others, until the intent has completely vanished from my mind.
4. I turn back to the roulette wheel and look at the pocket and focus on it. I visualize the image of my intent and superimpose it on reality as if it has happened and I believe it has. There is no stress at this stage since it has already happened.
After a few spins 26 should appear if all was done correctly. You may notice that if you stop and give up and select another number that the original number (26 in this case) will appear almost instantly. This shows that you did not do the disassociation properly.
On the surface of it these points individually are nothing new. You can find this all over the internet. My research has found many cases where these points are only partially given and sometimes arranged in the wrong order. Sometimes the emphasis is only put on one of the points and other times extra unnecessary points are added.
From my research I have found that each point is incredibly complex. For example there are multiple ways of entering into an altered state of consciousness (ASoC), some methods do not require you to close your eyes in meditation and some of these states are more powerful than others. Beginners, may not even know when they have entered an ASoC, or they may not understand the different methods used to induce disassociation, or create the right correct intent form. I have tested and experimented with many different combinations and levels of depths of these points, so while it appears simple, you need to be aware that practice is needed.
So that in a nutshell is the general idea of the method. I hope it helps yourself and anyone else interested. There is still much work to be done before I get a full grasp of the underlying structure which allows for this to work.
Excellent stuff precogmiles, really good to hear that things are going well. As per our previous conversations, it's reassuring that we have got to virtually the same point after taking different routes.
One thing I will add is that when I'm completely "in the zone", I don't need to do much visualisation, it's more like a quick internal command that a certain number will appear. For me, being "in the zone" requires being in a good positive mood, alert, ideally after having achieved something (like completing a good task well).
Conversely, when I am tired, ill or had a bad day, not only can I not get any success predicting numbers, its more that I actually manifest the opposite and numbers actively avoid appearing, well beyond chance.
As such, discipline is needed where if I can't get in a good place then I don't play and accept that I shouldn't play for maybe a few days.
One other thing to mention, as you say disassociation is key but is sometimes difficult to achieve as it is easy to start willing a number.
I sometimes mix it up by concentrating on an amount to achieve in a session, ie I would think ok I have 20 minutes to spare, what is an amount I want to reach. I choose a stretch target but not too much as too high and your subconscious will think it's not achievable. I then look at the current balance figure and in my minds eye replace that number with the target number and let it form on the screen. I hold it there so I'm actually seeing the target number.
By doing this, I find it takes the pressure off trying to hit certain numbers and I often find that I pick a number and get no hits but then will get a flurry of hits on other numbers on the way to reaching the target.
Hello Klausy. Great to see you again. I hope everything is well.
Quote from: Klausy on Jan 13, 06:30 PM 2025One thing I will add is that when I'm completely "in the zone", I don't need to do much visualisation, it's more like a quick internal command that a certain number will appear. For me, being "in the zone" requires being in a good positive mood, alert, ideally after having achieved something (like completing a good task well).
Conversely, when I am tired, ill or had a bad day, not only can I not get any success predicting numbers, its more that I actually manifest the opposite and numbers actively avoid appearing, well beyond chance.
As such, discipline is needed where if I can't get in a good place then I don't play and accept that I shouldn't play for maybe a few days.
I used to suffer from this issue too. Being in a positive mode is very important. Do you do any meditation before you start? I've noticed that getting into an altered state of consciousness first, evens out the impact of mood. The intent form can be of any type so it makes sense that you sometimes don't need to do a visualization.
Quote from: Klausy on Jan 13, 06:42 PM 2025One other thing to mention, as you say disassociation is key but is sometimes difficult to achieve as it is easy to start willing a number.
I sometimes mix it up by concentrating on an amount to achieve in a session, ie I would think ok I have 20 minutes to spare, what is an amount I want to reach. I choose a stretch target but not too much as too high and your subconscious will think it's not achievable. I then look at the current balance figure and in my minds eye replace that number with the target number and let it form on the screen. I hold it there so I'm actually seeing the target number.
By doing this, I find it takes the pressure off trying to hit certain numbers and I often find that I pick a number and get no hits but then will get a flurry of hits on other numbers on the way to reaching the target.
Great insight and method. I agree the less abstract the intent form is the better. On Rsim for example I focus on the green total number.
No I don't meditate at all, probably should do really. I can often go 1-2 weeks and not get in the right frame of mind so will try your method, thank you.
I would suggest to any casual reader of this thread to check out the numerous subreddits on manifestation. It is a fantastic resource.
good luck :)
which subreddit do you suggest as the best?
Thanks! I would say
R/NevilleGoddard, R/JosephMurphy, R/LawofAttraction. They are all much the same, there is more of a religious aspect to Neville Goddard's work if that makes any difference but I would just review the top few posts of each. Most of the posts on methods actually all basically follow the same principles but I find that occasionally I'll come across a slightly different perspective which resonates for me.
Most big bookshops (in the UK at least) stock Joseph Murphy's Power of your Subconcious Mind which is fantastic.
Thanks I'll check them out.