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Roulette-focused => Main Roulette Board => Topic started by: 6th-sense on Jun 09, 02:29 PM 2018

Title: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 09, 02:29 PM 2018
hi everyone going to start this subject back to basics ..37 spin timeframe..

would like to talk about singles to splits to repeats...to 24 numbers out and 12 remaining on the average game...how to see these form..how repeats form..and the distance on the linear line gaps thats expected on numbers not out...

from this hopefully some will stop testing 1000,s spins and get the idea that a working bet formula can be made from a 37 spin cycle...

for this to happen if anyone would like to particpate..i would like you to use ayks tracker for inputting only 37 spins in and posting it....the more sessions and results posted in this format will be a lot easier to discuss and visualise step by step as ayks tracker has the spins numbered when they come out..

heres the link to the tracker   


heres a picture of the tracker with inputted numbers
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: jekhb76 on Jun 09, 03:02 PM 2018
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 09, 02:29 PM 2018
hi everyone going to start this subject back to basics ..37 spin timeframe..

would like to talk about singles to splits to repeats...to 24 numbers out and 12 remaining on the average game...how to see these form..how repeats form..and the distance on the linear line gaps thats expected on numbers not out...

from this hopefully some will stop testing 1000,s spins and get the idea that a working bet formula can be made from a 37 spin cycle...

for this to happen if anyone would like to particpate..i would like you to use ayks tracker for inputting only 37 spins in and posting it....the more sessions and results posted in this format will be a lot easier to discuss and visualise step by step as ayks tracker has the spins numbered when they come out..

heres the link to the tracker   


heres a picture of the tracker with inputted numbers
Here are the First 5 mate!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 09, 04:06 PM 2018
Thanks eddy...right 1st glance at the average of this 5 sessions is Non hits are 8 to 18 ..
Single hits ie stand alone numbers with no connecting numbers are 2 to 7
Minimum gap ie empty blocks between groups of hits are average 1 to 3...

So this is getting back to basics the slow way...so anyone else tell me what you can see...and please remember to look at the spin counts..ie when the number actually came out in the 37 spin cycle.....keep it basic we will look at repeats later
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 09, 04:20 PM 2018
Would also like other members to post results like eddy too..more statistics the better..there are only two sheets I think worth working with on this site that’s ayks...and nottys ktf sheet which he has explained already how to use ...just some people have not realised what he’s shown them
So this is a great one to start back at square one to show you how to design a system from it
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Nimo on Jun 09, 06:41 PM 2018
Just a quick look and I see the numbers that repeat are clumped together with other numbers in numerological order.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: stringbeanpc on Jun 09, 09:56 PM 2018
Quote from: Nimo on Jun 09, 06:41 PM 2018
Just a quick look and I see the numbers that repeat are clumped together with other numbers in numerological order.

Sounds good, but I do not comprehend what you mean.
Would you please explain further with an example.

Best Regards,
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 10, 04:19 AM 2018
ok lets take eddys 1st session.....lets look at the very basics of this...
in this session we can see that there is 12 unhit numbers not out.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 10, 04:20 AM 2018
now the 1st basic test is that we know on average that 24 numbers appear in 37 spin cycle on average
usually there are 12 doubles..ie two numbers that,ll come out next to each other..could be splits
or the number above and below..

ok the 1st pic shows the first 9 numbers out..

at this 1st stage we see numbers 18/19 have come out together
we also see numbers 26/27 a split has come out...

so what do we take from this?
for reference nottys sheets that usually say a repeat in the main doesnt usually appear here
though it can sometimes...thats just a reference point to think of

so at this point we know a few statistics..

1..repeats will happen at somepoint from here if not already.
2..we know on average that 12 numbers won,t show..
3..we know on average of eddys sheets that empty blocks between blocks ie the 12 unhit numbers
   will be spread out across the remaing gaps that are left..you will not get 12 empty blocks
   in a row regardless if low hits 20 times in arow or high misses 20 hits 20 times in a row..
4..we also know that we have only 28 spins left in the session left to come out in profit

these are the most basic things...not really talked about with examples but ayks tracker shows you
everyting there is to know ..learn..and work out how to use it to your advantage

Vaddis grail hunters should be all over this working in 8 spin time frames and see what actually
happens through a game stage by stage

ok thats the basics
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 10, 04:21 AM 2018
next picture is the next 9 spin results out...you can be guided by the spin number in the blocks
the precise time they came out
now i would like to do a pictiure of one spin at a time to show you what is happening but it,ll
too long and thats 28 pictures editing and cropping

ok next 9 numbers out..

now you can see that 25 has been added to the double 25/26 maiking it a triple
you can also see that 12 is added to 11 making it a double
you can see 17 added to 18/19 making it a triple
you can see 8 making 7/9 into a triple
you can also see 24 added to 25/26/27 making that into a four group
very 1st repeat is spin 17 with number 1
2nd repeat is spin 18 with number 25

ok how does this help us you may ask

if i could have done it step by step i would have..

this leaves us with 19 spins left.

we have 16 numbers out

there are 21 numbers not out

we have two repeats

out of that 21 numbers at least 6 more repeats should come

we think on average 24 numbers should show

we have 8 numbers left and 19 spins left

we have 21 numbers too choose from

by using statitstics ...singles become doubles //doubles become triples//

triples turn into fours ...fours into 5 etc on the linear line..ie 1 hit number line..

by using the statistics of how many doubles you have on average...how many unhit block

standalone spaces you should have on average you should be able to narrow those numbers

down with a better accuracy

remember this is all basic stuff

ok pic two shows next lot of spins out

you can evidently see at this point we have single numbers out

doubles out and triples out and fours out..

this is a bit like turbo one goes into 2 ..2..into 3..3..into 4..linear wise

using statistics with lots more samples will show the average

when to bet where and how

so this is the principle of back to basics

repeats will come later when you get over basic stuff
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 11, 08:44 AM 2018
Ok no answers at this point? Now look at the full 37 spins compared to the last posted 18 numbers out what do you see as happened?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Jun 11, 10:18 AM 2018
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 10, 04:20 AM 2018for reference nottys sheets that usually say a repeat in the main doesnt usually appear here
though it can sometimes...thats just a reference point to think of

The above is not true the sheet shows you are more likely to get a repeat, in the case of the green sheet, that works on 10 spins, So 9 spins would still favour a repeat to me.

Since Mort dont post anymore i went to R.org for 148 #'s as usually all the starting 37 have gone.
With only 25 lots of 148 spins, you can see that repeat is showing the same as for Mort's games/averages.

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/06/11/temp_241082.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/skNmx)

You can see 25 games and only 4 games have made 10/10, the 9/10 is there the most common for spin 1-10

Heres 803 daily games from J247.com, look at the common 9/10

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/06/11/temp_509463.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/skpvK)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Jun 11, 10:27 AM 2018
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/06/11/temp_642583.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/skB9B)

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/06/11/temp_437409.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/skIN9)

2 of the 25
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 11, 12:01 PM 2018
Thanks rik that’s great information right there...but I’m not talking about repeats just yet..but let’s carry on and that there’s at least one repeat in ten as rik statistics is showing that is the case..statistics cannot be ignored.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 11, 12:27 PM 2018
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 11, 12:01 PM 2018
Thanks rik that’s great information right there...but I’m not talking about repeats just yet..but let’s carry on and that there’s at least one repeat in ten as rik statistics is showing that is the case..statistics cannot be ignored.

I meant one repeat in 9 sorry rik
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: cht on Jun 11, 12:53 PM 2018
6-th sense, great stuff with solid explanation you post here.

I used ayk tracker as well to study the hits distribution. I will contribute when I find the  time.

Anyway what I was looking at is if 13 hit, 4,24, 34 plus 13 normally follows to hit updated for the last 3 pockets. That's how I played to produce the roulettesimulator graphs. Take a look.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: boyd30 on Jun 11, 02:06 PM 2018
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 11, 08:44 AM 2018
Ok no answers at this point? Now look at the full 37 spins compared to the last posted 18 numbers out what do you see as happened?

Non hit has hit, singles became doubles and some triples too. Basic stuff.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 11, 02:08 PM 2018
Quote from: cht on Jun 11, 12:53 PM 2018
6-th sense, great stuff with solid explanation you post here.

I used ayk tracker as well to study the hits distribution. I will contribute when I find the  time.

Anyway what I was looking at is if 13 hit, 4,24, 34 plus 13 normally follows to hit updated for the last 3 pockets. That's how I played to produce the roulettesimulator graphs. Take a look.

Thanks cht ..I’m heading that way with the distribution..what has to happen...for wheel distribution you may also like the other tracker link:s://ayk.github.io/tracker2/

But for now I’ll use the original tracker as it’s easy for everyone to follow
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 11, 02:13 PM 2018
Quote from: boyd30 on Jun 11, 02:06 PM 2018
Non hit has hit, singles became doubles and some triples too. Basic stuff.

Excactly title is after all back to basics...what I’m heading at is the basic flow of what mainly happens...and how you should use that to your advantage..don’t think of repeats in vertical form like turbo but linear..from 37 we will head into the next cycle and see the distribution of empty blocks between numbers out..

Not rocket science but knowing how this works will get you further ahead of making a system like the Vaddis kind
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: boyd30 on Jun 11, 02:30 PM 2018
In some way I think it's easier to narrow down the doubles as they are not so many as one hitters in 37 spins. Vaddi seems to took the advantage of both though. But like you say maybe it's possible to make your own Vaddis system.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 11, 02:44 PM 2018
Quote from: boyd30 on Jun 11, 02:30 PM 2018
In some way I think it's easier to narrow down the doubles as they are not so many as one hitters in 37 spins. Vaddi seems to took the advantage of both though. But like you say maybe it's possible to make your own Vaddis system.

Ok by 1 hitters you mean stand alone single number? ..if you new the average of how many stand alone numbers should be out in a 37 spin frame..and doubles and triples and definitely a four say at spin 12 or 15 ..you have reached that average ...IF you new these statistics..your options would be what?...if you new the max distance from numbers hit in the linear line on 1st hit line to another number..you would do what within the remainder of spins to come out...the average numbers out is 24...give or take a few...you also know that the twelve missing numbers WILL not be a 12 unhit linear block of empty spaces..
I know it’s not rocket science but how many members even try to break the game down like this?
Advantages and opportunities can be made from this kind of statistical knowledge
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: boyd30 on Jun 11, 03:18 PM 2018
1 hitter I mean numbers just coming out once in 37 spins. I agree, I haven't though so much about the distribution of numbers in 37 spins. As others members also I guess. Turbo mentioned it but he focused on repeaters. Now the question is how to take advantage of it? We can go to Vaddis clue and test and test. Maybe Vaddi has a true way how to play it?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 11, 03:38 PM 2018
i do think vaddis idea could be based from a statistical viewpoint..as things must balance and be distributed..but you can actually try figuring a way here ....no guessing...so if members would like to post a few spin sessions in ayks tracker we can all go through them
together and work the things that are sure to happen..during this even members who are expierienced should learn learn something..
there has been nothing like ayks tracker before to help in this quest...
during this i will switch between trackers...or easier still members can put the same session numbers of 37 in both trackers and upload both to save time..
that,ll also show balance..

tracker 0 to 36 is here

tracker as single zero wheel is here...0 in the center and numbers as on the wheel left and right of zero

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Jun 11, 05:44 PM 2018
6th sense you’ve done an amazing job here.  You shared enough information for those that actually want to understand can see what Vaddi does.

No need to go detail by detail in the forum.  The numbers are there and they don’t lie.  Whoever wants it will get it, especially with what has already been posted!

Just read Vaddi and post from turbo and come back to this topic.

Good luck to everyone 👍
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Jun 11, 06:41 PM 2018
We'll see if T101 is correct, try these numbers from MPR just now Maestro on and press ready fast couldn't get a unit on twice, saved me money. the spins after 40th won me the money as non-hit way behind and you/I know 29/30 non-hit  usually come in 60 spins

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/06/11/temp_704875.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/sk8Uy)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Jun 11, 06:51 PM 2018
6th look checkpoint,  9/10, then 7, 5, 2  making 14 came in 11-40; -1 on the average 15

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/06/11/temp_159717.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/skZXL)

General see spin 19; +51 stop, reset go to another wheel, what ever
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Kairomancer on Jun 11, 08:40 PM 2018
3 cycle of 37 spins
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 02:36 AM 2018
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Jun 11, 05:44 PM 2018
6th sense you’ve done an amazing job here.  You shared enough information for those that actually want to understand can see what Vaddi does.

No need to go detail by detail in the forum.  The numbers are there and they don’t lie.  Whoever wants it will get it, especially with what has already been posted!

Just read Vaddi and post from turbo and come back to this topic.

Good luck to everyone 👍

Thanku ..passion rouleta did not understand what I explained to him on Skype but yet quoted most of my stuff
There is a lot of information I’m giving out and it’s not costing £10000 ..I’m just guiding members what and where to look..most will not make the effort to look or even try to post how to work it here..
There is no guessing here as you say it’s all there to look at..

Even if no one gets the Vaddis bet there is other bets to be made...I’m just pointing the way...all systems..all bets..ultimately start from this point of 37 spins even if they don’t understand it..

Next 2 cycles on this another 74 spins shows you why your system works and then stops...
Balance is the key

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 03:56 AM 2018
Quote from: Kairomancer on Jun 11, 08:40 PM 2018
3 cycle of 37 spins

thanks for posting
ok lets look at each stage as we go 1st nine spins...highlighted is single standalone numbers where  no other numbers are touching there are 6 of them in an average game what is te average standalone numbers?..this is only 1st 9 numbers out so we know in 37 spins we are near if not at its peak
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 03:57 AM 2018
2nd 9 numbers out what do you see happening
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 03:57 AM 2018
3rd 9 numbers out again whats hhappening we are only concentrating on the 1 hit out
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:02 AM 2018
last lot of numbers out now bringing it to 37 spins..notice how single standalone numbers turn into twos..threes etc knowing statitistcs and the empty block spaces maximum through statistics how would you use this to your advantage? knowing the least standalone numbers ..twos threes etc through statistics things must happen..at least most of the time...average numbers out are mainly 24..unhit numbers average 12...there will not be a 12 unhit empty blocks in arow..etc so this is balancing basic style..
how many members actually look at this?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: jekhb76 on Jun 12, 05:26 AM 2018
There are Events that are Always goin' to happen.
If you take All the non hits in the First cycle of 37 spins, you Will notice that atleast 1 non hit must and Will show in the next cycle.

Also All number that come out Always try to make a connection with his neughbours somehow. This is a fact.
When it fails to do Just that, it will in the next cycle.

On a linar Note, once a number finds his way to make contact to it's neughbours it will be a Double, tripple, etc.

There Will Always be a min. Of one repeat in 37spins. People who say otherwise Have No clue in het Random is All about. You can't Have 37 numbers in 37 spins. If you say otherwise, show prove, real prove. In All those 200+ years it has never been recorded. Some say they Have seen this happen, but that's the same odd as if i were struck by Lightning 3 Times in one week  :wink:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ZERO on Jun 12, 06:35 AM 2018
One of the basics I am struggling with is how to define the 37 spin cycle?

When I sit down at the table the next spin is the first spin of the next 37 spin cycle but also the second spin of the previous 37 spin cycle and also the third spin of 37 spin cycle before that... etc... etc...

Can someone explain and does it even matter?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: jekhb76 on Jun 12, 06:39 AM 2018
Quote from: ZERO on Jun 12, 06:35 AM 2018
One of the basics I am struggling with is how to define the 37 spin cycle?

When I sit down at the table the next spin is the first spin of the next 37 spin cycle but also the second spin of the previous 37 spin cycle and also the third spin of 37 spin cycle before that... etc... etc...

Can someone explain and does it even matter?
I can!
You're session (1e cycle of 35 spins) starts at the moment you sit down at the Table. From now on every spin you Make are you past, present and future spins. It doesn't matter what numbers Harry got 2 hours before.
When the first number when you sit down Comes nr.5 , this is you're present spin. When you're second number Comes since you dat down nr. 31, this Will be you're present number and the nr. 5 Will be the firsr of you're past spins. Everything that is possible to come after these are you future spins. Hope that this makes it clear.
Why i choose 35 spins as a cycle? Well why 37 or 38 spins? You only get paid 35:1 . Just simple as that. When i play i Always play cycles of 35 spins.
Also remember that the House Edge is 2 pockets. Ex. When you play Every spin until there are 2 numbers left, you Will never loose at the House Edge.
This is valuable information. :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ZERO on Jun 12, 06:44 AM 2018
Quote from: jekhb76 on Jun 12, 06:39 AM 2018
I can!
You're session (1e cycle of 35 spins) starts at the moment you sit down at the Table. From now on every spin you Make are you past, present and future spins. It doesn't matter what numbers Harry got 2 hours before.

Thanks Jek, that`s what I thought but does anyone else see it in a different way?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: jekhb76 on Jun 12, 06:47 AM 2018
Quote from: ZERO on Jun 12, 06:44 AM 2018
Thanks Jek, that`s what I thought but does anyone else see it in a different way?
I'm sure Most Will See it Different.
But it all Comes down to simple Basic logic. Most members don't even understand this Basic thinking. People that do, won't argue  :xd:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 06:56 AM 2018
Break down four pictures put together saves going back and forth through the pictures

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: jekhb76 on Jun 12, 06:59 AM 2018
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 06:56 AM 2018
Break down four pictures put together saves going back and forth through the pictures
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ZERO on Jun 12, 07:03 AM 2018
The reason I am asking is because if we break it down like 6th is doing by looking at the first 9 spins and the second 9 spins and the final 37 spins and what comes after that.... etc...

I am thinking by doing this we try and find certain patterns and averages we can use to our advantage but what I am struggling with is that the first 9 spins of our cycle is the second 9 spins of the previous cycle so how do we expect those 9 spins to act?

They actually only qualify as the first 9 spins in our cycle but they also qualify as the second, third and fourth 9 spins of the previous cycles?

Sorry if it sounds confusing but I am trying wrap my head around this  :question:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 07:13 AM 2018
Ok the basics is if you know what the average gaps between numbers at each stage you can work out what is expected to happen..how 1 standalone number will either become two or three or four...
That’s the basics ..there will be an average distance between number groups..
If you the average 24 numbers are near enough the normal and 12 unhit are normal...then in the vey1st pic you will see how many standalone numbers with no touching numbers are out...we think 12 unhit numbers are not going to come out and we know the average unhit ie empty blocks are only going to be so wide..then you can conclude that from the very 1st pic your definitely going to link some of them stand alone numbers up..becouse at the end of 37 spins you will only have the average standalone numbers left ..which means the unhit will be either side or in a small block..
This is the basics..
Towards balancing
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Ricky on Jun 12, 12:25 PM 2018
Quote from: ZERO on Jun 12, 07:03 AM 2018
The reason I am asking is because if we break it down like 6th is doing by looking at the first 9 spins and the second 9 spins and the final 37 spins and what comes after that.... etc...

I am thinking by doing this we try and find certain patterns and averages we can use to our advantage but what I am struggling with is that the first 9 spins of our cycle is the second 9 spins of the previous cycle so how do we expect those 9 spins to act?

They actually only qualify as the first 9 spins in our cycle but they also qualify as the second, third and fourth 9 spins of the previous cycles?

Sorry if it sounds confusing but I am trying wrap my head around this  :question:
Hi Zero,
The way I see it, if you want to spend 20 minutes waiting for the first 20 nums to come out before even starting to place a bet based on the repeats, singles and non hits you can start tracking as soon as you sit down. But in my opinion the 20+ history that gives you the past can also be used to save you time but still get a sense of what random is doing on the wheel. Its still part of the wheel's history and will be the same as if you were sitting there watching the numbers pass. So your strategy should not change. If it is as good one you should get similar results. But you will be playing a different set of numbers most likely than if you started tracking as soon as you sat down and will obviously get different results good or bad.

The following two charts were taken last night. I entered them from the history and then continued tracking them as they came out. It took me around an hour to get the results.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blood Angel on Jun 12, 01:16 PM 2018
Here's one from me :)   

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/06/12/temp_727054.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/soVSA)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: jekhb76 on Jun 12, 01:53 PM 2018
A new session from me.
Here's a 2 cycle of 37 spins.
1e photo spin 0-37
2e photo spin 37-74
This session gave me a profit of 379 units!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 02:24 PM 2018
Here’s Ricky’s...time consuming should really have asked you all to put into a 4 square collage like this in order
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 03:31 PM 2018
Blood angel here’s yours
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blood Angel on Jun 12, 04:27 PM 2018
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 03:31 PM 2018
Blood angel here’s yours
Thank you.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Ricky on Jun 12, 11:19 PM 2018
Quote from: Blood Angel on Jun 12, 04:27 PM 2018
Thank you.
Apologies, But recorded a 156 spin cycle from Online Casino.
Gordon, that idea I had for staking strategy just worked with this scenario. But I am sure it can be optimized by the members here to find a better strategy.

The idea here is to look at each cycle
Cycle 1 1-37 spins                Track
Cycle 2 38-74 spins              Bet 1 unit on Doubles and 2 units on Triples/Quads. Add 3 units on each hit of a Double/Quad. Place 1 unit on Single to make Double
Cycle 3 75-111 spins           Drop all Singles/Doubles, put 1 Unit on all Doubles to make Triples. Add 3 units on all Triples+ to make Quads+.       
Cycle 4 112-148 spins        Drop all Doubles/Triples. Put 1 Unit on Triples to make Quads. Add 3 units on Quads+ to make 5peaters+

Hopefully someone can come up with better MM and stoploss rules


Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ZERO on Jun 13, 04:33 AM 2018
Quote from: Ricky on Jun 12, 12:25 PM 2018
Hi Zero,
The way I see it, if you want to spend 20 minutes waiting for the first 20 nums to come out before even starting to place a bet based on the repeats, singles and non hits you can start tracking as soon as you sit down. But in my opinion the 20+ history that gives you the past can also be used to save you time but still get a sense of what random is doing on the wheel. Its still part of the wheel's history and will be the same as if you were sitting there watching the numbers pass. So your strategy should not change. If it is as good one you should get similar results. But you will be playing a different set of numbers most likely than if you started tracking as soon as you sat down and will obviously get different results good or bad.

The following two charts were taken last night. I entered them from the history and then continued tracking them as they came out. It took me around an hour to get the results.


Thanks for the explanation Ricky!  :thumbsup:

I think I get it now, basically the idea is that certain things will almost always happen within a 35/36/37 spin cycle no matter where we start our cycle from...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: jekhb76 on Jun 13, 04:40 AM 2018
Quote from: ZERO on Jun 13, 04:33 AM 2018
Thanks for the explanation Ricky!  :thumbsup:

I think I get it now, basically the idea is that certain things will almost always happen within a 35/36/37 spin cycle no matter where we start our cycle from...
Basicly if you wanna try to catch 3peaters, you need to know on what spin average they come. Most of the Time after 2-4 repeaters are out and between spin 18-37. So you can start betting once you Have 2 repeaters or at spin 18.
Very rarely a 3 peat Will come before that. It happens now and then, but mist of the Time after spin 18.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Jun 13, 06:16 AM 2018
Quote from: ZERO on Jun 13, 04:33 AM 2018I think I get it now, basically the idea is that certain things will almost always happen within a 35/36/37 spin cycle no matter where we start our cycle from...
You see it now ?
What have i been showing for the last umpteen posts.
Here it's 37 spins.
I work on 40/60 spins and that average of 15 non-hits in spins 11-40 happens on MPR, R-sim, J247 and Random .org

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/06/13/temp_899898.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/svTks)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 13, 06:50 AM 2018
Quote from: nottophammer on Jun 13, 06:16 AM 2018
You see it now ?
What have i been showing for the last umpteen posts.
Here it's 37 spins.
I work on 40/60 spins and that average of 15 non-hits in spins 11-40 happens on MPR, R-sim, J247 and Random .org

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/06/13/temp_899898.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/svTks)
Lol Rik that made me chuckle
Because you have too but not many listens
I’m only showing basics members
Should look at hard at what I’m showing and even harder at your stuff and figure something out

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: jekhb76 on Jun 13, 08:10 AM 2018
I guess i maybe a little too much ahead with this, but it can make you all think and see how a spin cycle can turn out, and how to take advantage of things. A play session should never be more then 111 spins! that's 3 cycles. Between 1 and 1.5 hour of playtime in a real BM casino. From personal experience, i've came to the conclusion that the longer you play there, the more unconcetrate
you will be. so limit yourself for max 2 hours at your local BM, including a break.

Here you have a typical 111 playsession.
You can see how the numbers evolve and maybe see what should be done, to make sure that you will always leave in profit after 111 spins. that's the ultimate goal everyday. you should also take in consideration, how much profit is enough. When you have a workday, how much do you make per hour? between 10-15 dollar/euro i guess. So when you have a 111 spin session at your lolac bm, we quite once we have around 15-20 dollar/euro. then we go home. when your bank grows and you have a secure bet, and you know beforehand that your session will always end up in profit (turbo's way) then you can raise your basebet. but we start wit a normal amount of 15-20 euro. personaly i find that a good income for 1 to 1,5 hour of play to start with.

so here is your typical 111 play session. What can we make out of this? And more important, how to profit everytime we play!
Have fun  ;)

(spin 0-37)
25 numbers out
12 numbers unhit
15 singles
8 doubles
2 tripples

(spin 38-74)
33 numbers out
4 numbers unhit
12 singles
9 doubles
6 tripples
4 quadrupples
2 quintuples

(spin 75-111)
36 numbers out
1 unhit number
5 singles
11 doubles
6 tripples
8 quadruples (4s)
3 quintuples (5s)
2 sextuples  (6s)
1 septuble   (7s)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: jekhb76 on Jun 13, 09:50 AM 2018
Let's look at the unhit (sleepers) numbers First.
What do you think Will be the best Time to bet these (if you would) ?
Right, the best hiratio would be between 12 and 6 unhit numbers.
Try test it yourself. Start betting as soon as you Have 12 numbers unhit. When hit, remove that number from your list. Now look if you are in profit or not. If not raise the other numbers by 1 unit. Do this check after each hit. Plus, rebet All to 1 unit. Min. All raise by 1 unit. Trust me the hits Will come.
Do this until you Have 6 unhit numbers left.
Will post a chart later on. If you All follow me, next up sometime this week Will be focusing on singles. Test, test.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ZERO on Jun 13, 11:26 AM 2018
Quote from: nottophammer on Jun 13, 06:16 AM 2018
You see it now ?
What have i been showing for the last umpteen posts.

Been watching... & listening... to the last umpteen posts, but I was under the impression you were curve fitting as SOME might suggest...  :xd:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: jekhb76 on Jun 13, 12:23 PM 2018
Quote from: ZERO on Jun 13, 11:26 AM 2018
Been watching... & listening... to the last umpteen posts, but I was under the impression you were curve fitting as SOME might suggest...  :xd:
No he is not, i can asure you, he knows what he is talking about.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Scarface on Jun 13, 12:25 PM 2018
6thsense, thanks for this post.  Very informative and gives lots to think about.  Balance is the key for a stable game.  I like the idea of playing splits between repeaters and its cold number neighbor
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 13, 01:22 PM 2018
Quote from: Scarface on Jun 13, 12:25 PM 2018
6thsense, thanks for this post.  Very informative and gives lots to think about.  Balance is the key for a stable game.  I like the idea of playing splits between repeaters and its cold number neighbor

Your welcome...Ricky and eddy have come up with there  betting ideas..now Vaddis has his own interpretation...
Do you think his eight numbers out and dropping one and replacing with newest one is for a reason?
Do you think he was sort of ..let’s say spreading them one hits out?
Remember the pairing chart?

Just want you all to think about that as an example
I’m not saying he is but just want you all to think ahead
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: jekhb76 on Jun 14, 04:29 AM 2018
I think Game can be beaten only with a good Bankroll and playing on numbers under right conditions taking advantage of Law of 3rd and Cycle varitions.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: jekhb76 on Jun 14, 04:42 AM 2018
 Tell me, what do you see?

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: boyd30 on Jun 14, 09:08 AM 2018
Quote from: jekhb76 on Jun 14, 04:42 AM 2018
Tell me, what do you see?


Many repeaters and numbers hitting beside every fourth. This was a bit more lucky session för that, I guess.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: jekhb76 on Jun 14, 03:52 PM 2018
Here's another 2 cycle session guys for you to go nuts on  :smile: Won and gave me a awesome 437 unit win online.

Hot numbers may not be important in your eyes steve, but money is money. and 437 units is alot profit. In euro it is a full week sallary for most people.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Steve on Jun 14, 06:12 PM 2018
Quote from: jekhb76 on Jun 14, 03:52 PM 2018Hot numbers may not be important in your eyes steve, but money is money

Again you miss the point. You didn't win from a good system. You won from luck. How do i know? Repeaters have random accuracy. Your bets were no better than random.

Next time if you lose, there may be a cold number player that wins, who then tells his friends about his killer system. That's how it all works. The occasional win fools players and gives them hope. But on average, most players gradually lose.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Nimo on Jun 15, 09:23 AM 2018
Interesting info so far, looking over the different sheets of spins, and knowing that the gaps between the numbers in numerical order, I think a spiral system would work wonders.  For example spin the wheel, the number 20 drops, for first bet place a unit on 20, if it wins start over, if not second bet, place a unit on 20, 19, 18,22.  If wins reset, if not bet on 16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24, etc etc adding a couple of numerical order neighbours each bet.  You would need a progression at some point, but by spin 7 you have 25 numbers covered and knowing that gaps are never wider than 12 numbers within 37 spins you should win every time.

I did a couple of tests using the following progression
1,1,1,1,2,5,16 and reached over +100 units within 37 spins each time.  Bankroll for the progression is 567 units.

Maybe someone with better excel skills than I have could test distance between first spin number and seventh spin number and see if they fall within the 25 numerical number order gap of the progression.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Scarface on Jun 15, 09:25 AM 2018
Sticking to the basics on repeaters, we know a number will repeat a third time long before the rest of numbers repeat a 1st time.  A number will repeat a 4th time before all numbers repeat a first time

In fact, one number will repeat at least 6 to 9 times before the coldest number even drops the first time.

Follow the hotties.   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 15, 10:42 AM 2018
Quote from: Nimo on Jun 15, 09:23 AM 2018
Interesting info so far, looking over the different sheets of spins, and knowing that the gaps between the numbers in numerical order, I think a spiral system would work wonders.  For example spin the wheel, the number 20 drops, for first bet place a unit on 20, if it wins start over, if not second bet, place a unit on 20, 19, 18,22.  If wins reset, if not bet on 16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24, etc etc adding a couple of numerical order neighbours each bet.  You would need a progression at some point, but by spin 7 you have 25 numbers covered and knowing that gaps are never wider than 12 numbers within 37 spins you should win every time.

I did a couple of tests using the following progression
1,1,1,1,2,5,16 and reached over +100 units within 37 spins each time.  Bankroll for the progression is 567 units.

Maybe someone with better excel skills than I have could test distance between first spin number and seventh spin number and see if they fall within the 25 numerical number order gap of the progression.
That’s the way to look we are not looking at turbo vertical repeats yet we are thinking balance and landings
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Nimo on Jun 15, 03:30 PM 2018
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 15, 10:42 AM 2018
That’s the way to look we are not looking at turbo vertical repeats yet we are thinking balance and landings

Here is a chart from a test session, used $5 units.  Took bankroll of $3000 divided by the progression of $567 it gave me unit size of $5.29, rounded to $5.  + $599  in  35 spins largest drawdown was $10.  Hit progression step 6 as highest. 
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 15, 03:38 PM 2018
Quote from: Nimo on Jun 15, 03:30 PM 2018
Here is a chart from a test session, used $5 units.  Took bankroll of $3000 divided by the progression of $567 it gave me unit size of $5.29, rounded to $5.  + $599  in  35 spins largest drawdown was $10.  Hit progression step 6 as highest.

Very close to your progression limit Nimo but I like it...but maybe it could be a bit more refined..choosing where to bet
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Nimo on Jun 15, 03:54 PM 2018
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 15, 03:38 PM 2018
Very close to your progression limit Nimo but I like it...but maybe it could be a bit more refined..choosing where to bet

Try it around a repeater ! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 15, 03:58 PM 2018
Quote from: Nimo on Jun 15, 03:54 PM 2018
Try it around a repeater ! :thumbsup:
To be fair Nimo that’s one thing what I told passion about Vaddis bet ..using pairing chart but if you look at one of Eddys results I think that you can see it’s Not always the case ..but not far off the mark
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 15, 04:19 PM 2018
Quote from: Nimo on Jun 15, 03:54 PM 2018
Try it around a repeater ! :thumbsup:
But to be fair I was flatbetting no progression
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Nimo on Jun 15, 08:51 PM 2018
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 15, 04:19 PM 2018
But to be fair I was flatbetting no progression

Progression seems to be working great, there is that dip on spin 226, but that's when I hit $6000 and double unit size to $10 so drop was twice the size of usual, but recovered very nicely.  I also tried it with real money and had similar results, quadrupled my assigned starting bank.  Nice!

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Jun 20, 06:23 AM 2018

Download Priyanka's tester in KTF bottom page 80. Collect spins from Random.org, with the checkpoints you'll see how many non-hit, hit and where.  This is what you can see. You'll have to click on the image for it to get bigger

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/06/20/temp_215655.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/22B7Q)

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/06/20/temp_852063.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/22u37)

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Jun 20, 06:26 AM 2018
Forgot to say its 1/37 (link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/06/20/temp_217992.gif) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/22Iyy)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Jun 20, 06:28 AM 2018
Or Anastasius 15 non-hit (uniques) so 15 repeats on average in spins 11-40, or 1/37 (link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/06/20/temp_579079.gif) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/22mWL)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: DoctorSudoku on Jun 20, 11:44 AM 2018
Quote from: nottophammer on Jun 20, 06:26 AM 2018


You seem to be obsessed with the above gif image.

It is understandable, though -- that image illustrates the reaction of most hammers fans when you guys realized that Manuel Pellegrini had been tricked by the two dildo brothers to become your next gaffer !

>:D   >:D
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Jun 30, 06:21 AM 2018
Been a while, is it too complicated getting a repeat. CHT reckons it’s easy and flat bet.
Now Mortagon don’t post anymore so I started using Random.org, then the general said a reliable source for spins and then low and behold Turner says use Random.org.
Have only a small set of data, 100 groups of 148 spins, why 148? Because all the starting 37 non-hit, have usually hit.
The question is when to start, we’ve been told to bet from spin 1, then is bet only those that hit above expectation, look to gaps, maybe drop some, it goes on and on, nothing is set in stone.
But let’s look at flat betting from spin 1, if we use the cycle of 37 spins, we need a bank of 703 units, but this flat bet makes its own progression as we only place 1 unit every spin, so as a number repeats it gets another unit, if repeats another unit.  20 wins are required, in the 37 spins.
Here is a 10/10 game with numbers supplied by Random.org

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/06/30/temp_623307.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/26ecD)

Just short of win goal, it gave 19 wins.
Another set from Random.org

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/06/30/temp_214375.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/26wOl)

Here it gets the 23 wins and its flat betting.
So betting from spin1 is not going to be a winner, but what would happen if bet from 1st R1? And build an aggressive progression, perhaps the 1,5,25

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Jun 30, 06:35 AM 2018
So here are the 100 games of 148 spins.

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/06/30/temp_637204.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/260Rc)

Just like Mortagon spins 9/10 is the common for spins 1 to 10
Like all sets of data spins 11-40; 30 spins, again average is 15 point something, wrong to drop but if drop the point part it’s 15, so 15 non-hit and 15 repeats.
So it happens on ef-bet, j247.com and now Random.org for Turbo fans there’s 15 repeats on average in these 30 spins, when does R1 start and repeats go R1, R2, and R3,
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 30, 06:48 AM 2018
Cht is right...you can use the information I’ve given and flatbetting all the way...and no more than a 200 bankroll..the only thing I can say is one member on here is up nearly 2000 units flatbetting over 3 days...with the bet I gave him...
That member will remain anonymous..the vaddis bet is there or something better in what I have posted you just need to sit and think how to use it to your advantage..it can be done..the basics of a cycle doesn’t vary much..the balance of the the law of the third doesn’t vary much ..come on guys read and think...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jun 30, 07:30 AM 2018
It’s not a law.  Semantics, I guess.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Anastasius on Jun 30, 08:58 AM 2018
Yo what's the actual 37 method ere? Also, what's wrong with waiting for twenty unique numbers and flat betting them for the next 17 spins... And adding any new numbers ....you will end up way more wins than loses since av 24 numbers end up out.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Jun 30, 09:26 AM 2018
And you'll end up waiting a hell of a long time until 20 uniques in 20.. !....
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Anastasius on Jun 30, 09:35 AM 2018
Bigbro we know after so many unique the average no longer seems to be 24 but 26- I just wanted opinions.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 30, 01:50 PM 2018
Read again the beginning of the thread there is no waiting if 24 uniques
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Jul 01, 11:03 AM 2018

The graph shows from 1500 to 2500 trials of 1000 spins, each having an average of 3 games, so lets round up to 5000 games.

Here are the results of the games playing the hit nrs after 18-in-18 until spin 37.
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/07/01/temp_469420.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/2E5Wx)

Here the graph playing the unhits after 18-in 18:
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/07/01/temp_126279.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/2EGuK)

This is Excel random, take it or leave it.

Back to drawing board!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Mako on Aug 09, 03:56 PM 2018
In going through dozens of older threads here and VLS, the threads that clearly provide the building blocks of people who have decoded and put into play David's system (Vaddi), this one specifically stands out. 

If you read it closely, and parse what 6th-sense is saying here, I'm convinced it leads where those of us who don't have a consistent play method utilizing flat-betting want to go.  It's not David's system exactly, but it doesn't have to be.  It just has to win.

I don't have the mind to put the puzzle together alone, but I can tell it's here. 

Ben, you may have dismissed this too quickly after the spin test, we should dive back in and resurrect discussion again.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: junscissorhands on Aug 09, 05:53 PM 2018
Very good mako, use ayk tracker and punch in those spins from all the spielbanken. The answer is there.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Aug 09, 07:03 PM 2018
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/08/09/temp_990532.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/tGxpa)

Is it to complicated to use the paper tracker, when tables are busy no

You can see KTF, this game 10/10; so if you accept 15 non-hit should/could show at spins 39/40, you can see 37th there's the 25th so the 15 have hit, so 3 more spins, could all be repeats

The crossing at 16/16; 26th spin, do you think it would cross, look to KTF, spins 27/28 countback shows the TROT should be 19th non-hit, as you see spins 25/26; 21 non-hit's have hit, so what would be your decision?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Aug 09, 07:10 PM 2018
these are Eddies session 1
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Aug 09, 07:17 PM 2018
The above KTF 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5 :thumbsup:

Repeat wait 20 start betting with 3; get to 6 #'s with 36 unit?  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Aug 10, 12:04 AM 2018
Quote from: Mako on Aug 09, 03:56 PM 2018

Ben, you may have dismissed this too quickly after the spin test, we should dive back in and resurrect discussion again.

Did you mean the earlier test with 18 uniques in 18 play hit nr until spin 37?

If so, yes, I also thought we did not dig into it deep enough.  The info could be used to think/play otherwise.

Which brings me to the results of the test I ran this week with nrs from random.org.
Previous info: link:s://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=20347.msg207755#msg207755

Using the 200k spins provided by Steve, creating 40k cycles of 40 spins, there was a discrepancy between theory and actual results, about what is the next spin result ( hit or unhit) when 1st repeater arrived at spin x (curve in %age):
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/08/09/temp_537852.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/tGXry)

First, with a 1st repeater on spin 17: repeaters hit 11,25% less than theory on next spin (142/370 instead of theorical 160/370).  Too small of a sample with 370 occurences?  Maybe.

A first repeater on spin 14 saw the next spin being a repeater 416/1292 times instead of 454/1292 times, -8% difference.

So we see divergences between theory and results so far on the very next spin after repeaters.

A new test with a different set of spins, down to 31k cycles of 40 spins, still from random.org, shows a difference of 10,37% when 1st repeater at spin8: 654/3132 instead of 592/3132 on theory.
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/08/10/temp_161807.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/tGanL)

Again, same discrepancy when a repeater his first on spin 18, but too few occurences to call it a stable value.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Mako on Aug 10, 04:16 AM 2018
Ben and Notto, very nice work...both of you are demonstrating the first piece of the process and "why" it works...that the last 8 unique numbers that have hit moving forward within a 37-spin cycle are to be played, adding and removing them with each spin as the train rolls.

You're both showing it in two different ways, with both pointing to the same overall conclusion.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Aug 10, 05:49 AM 2018
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/08/10/temp_978811.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/tGpl0)

Mako i taken this papersheet to B+M to watch for GUT crossings as well as watching KTF.
Theres 2 sides 1st side shows the hits 2nd side is laid out in columns so can know what to lay, as they wont have laptop at casino, well not when i've tried, but using this GUT paper tracker no problem from staff

Even see Winkels reference points at 13,25,37 in red
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Aug 10, 02:23 PM 2018
Quote from: Mako on Aug 10, 04:16 AM 2018
Ben and Notto, very nice work...both of you are demonstrating the first piece of the process and "why" it works...that the last 8 unique numbers that have hit moving forward within a 37-spin cycle are to be played, adding and removing them with each spin as the train rolls.

You're both showing it in two different ways, with both pointing to the same overall conclusion.

This rolling 8 has been tested hard...it does show how when u test that wins and losses balances in that scenario overall...
Notty s method is completely different he has entry points ..nice to see the thread revived
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Aug 10, 04:19 PM 2018
Quote from: 6th-sense on Aug 10, 02:23 PM 2018
This rolling 8 has been tested hard...it does show how when u test that wins and losses balances in that scenario overall...
Notty s method is completely different he has entry points ..nice to see the thread revived

But is there dependence?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: kartner2 on Aug 11, 11:09 AM 2018
most systems based on 37 seem to cut off and choose a number for the starting point.

in spin 1-37 there would be a cycle  between Repeaters 12.33, Singles 12.33 & No hit 12.33.

What I think about the wheel though is that there is no starting point.  spin 1-37, spin 2 is the spin 1 of the connecting 1-37... sorry if this is vague.

Think of the wheel as divided in 3 partitions as above. like hands on a clock. each time the ball lands turn the corresponding forward or backward.

This is how we see balance. when we see a section has more numbers than the other parts. then we can take that opportunity to bet. that the wheel will return to balance. As proven by numerous charts and systems posted here.

When and how to bet? still getting there. Ideas welcome
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Mako on Aug 11, 07:10 PM 2018
Quote from: 6th-sense on Aug 10, 02:23 PM 2018
This rolling 8 has been tested hard...it does show how when u test that wins and losses balances in that scenario overall...
Notty s method is completely different he has entry points ..nice to see the thread revived

Thanks 6-S, I've been meaning to fool around with Ayk's Rolling Tracker (link:://ayk.bplaced.net/rolling37/), good time for it.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Aug 11, 11:10 PM 2018
Quote from: 6th-sense on Aug 10, 02:23 PM 2018
This rolling 8 has been tested hard...it does show how when u test that wins and losses balances in that scenario overall...


Are you saying playing last 8 numbers will get you a break-even game overall?  Why would 8nrs be different (magic)?  Not being devil's advocate, just trying to get it...
Constantly playing 8 nrs or wating for a trigger, or playing 7 after a hit, like Vaddi explained?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Aug 12, 04:35 AM 2018
what i,m saying is if you continue on the rolling basis continiously the end results ie hits against losses balance out near enough with no breaks and stops overtime...
you need one hit to break even on spin 8...if you miss that you will pick up later on with extra hits in short spaces ..the end result wil be like anyother bet..
take turbos repeaters..fill up ayks tracker to the top..count how many repeats are total in the overall game..not 37 spins but overall on the filled tracker..you will aslo notice that the repeats acts as a dozen
ratio..in the overall game..its just something i,ve noticed on most ideas that you let run in a large amount of numbers..seems everything has its cycle in whichever way you look at...the 8 is not a magic point..its a breakeven point..
so i would hazard to say everything has cycles...

your not a devils advocate bigrobin..
i just haven,t explained what ive come up with in regards to explanation...right or wrong this is my take on it
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: junscissorhands on Aug 12, 08:16 AM 2018
Guys try this, you can all interpret in your own way :

8 x 3 = 24

Bet opposite.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Mako on Aug 12, 05:21 PM 2018
Quote from: 6th-sense on Aug 12, 04:35 AM 2018
what i,m saying is if you continue on the rolling basis continiously the end results ie hits against losses balance out near enough with no breaks and stops overtime...
you need one hit to break even on spin 8...if you miss that you will pick up later on with extra hits in short spaces ..the end result wil be like anyother bet..
take turbos repeaters..fill up ayks tracker to the top..count how many repeats are total in the overall game..not 37 spins but overall on the filled tracker..you will aslo notice that the repeats acts as a dozen
ratio..in the overall game..its just something i,ve noticed on most ideas that you let run in a large amount of numbers..seems everything has its cycle in whichever way you look at...the 8 is not a magic point..its a breakeven point..
so i would hazard to say everything has cycles...

your not a devils advocate bigrobin..
i just haven,t explained what ive come up with in regards to explanation...right or wrong this is my take on it

Thanks 6-S, it's starting to come together...this is somewhat similar to what Nimo is discussing in that other thread, but instead of 8 he's running a 37-car long train and on a rolling basis.

It's clear that this core principal, betting numbers to repeat, or not, within a given span of spins, can be made reliable.  I just don't know how to get it reliable enough for a flat bet as David does.

Jun I know you use a progression for your play, I think you have 6 steps but have never gone past 3 or 4.  That I could see working with the increased amount of numbers you play, makes sense.

Quote from: junscissorhands on Aug 12, 08:16 AM 2018
Guys try this, you can all interpret in your own way :

8 x 3 = 24

Bet opposite.

And are you saying here that we use LOTT to determine whether we go after either repeats or singles based on whether the count is, ahead or behind, as it applies to the last 8-12 numbers that have come up?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: junscissorhands on Aug 12, 05:55 PM 2018
No mako, I do not play progressions.

I have only a progression for my dozens and columns system (near HG) 99.5% winrate.

As for my take on David's it's all flatbetting.

8 x 3 = 24

Look at top 8 of marquee. Bet opposite. Can't make it anymore obvious.

Balance will always come, it's a law. You can approach this with progression for quicker recovery/profit.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: junscissorhands on Aug 12, 06:03 PM 2018
Also important is that you don't know when the Uniques come or the Doubles, that's why you need to incorporate splitting and pairing while riding the train. That's how catch them all.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Aug 12, 08:32 PM 2018
Quote from: junscissorhands on Aug 12, 05:55 PM 2018

8 x 3 = 24
Look at top 8 of marquee. Bet opposite.

Define opposite?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Proofreaders2000 on Aug 15, 12:09 AM 2018
Mako asked me to contribute to this thread so here goes:

I've noticed two things that work:

1.) It's a good idea (and a friend told me *as well as Steve* and turns
out he was right) to include the last decision outcome among your bet.

2.) each bet per spin should be different, but include 1.)
Example: #23-Bet second dozen---#2-Bet first dozen

*not that you should bet dozens per se.  It could work with wheel-sectors
(Steve told me this years ago *2.)* at RouletteForum.Net)

Euro wheel: 30,8,23,10,5,24---#3--Bet 12,35,3,26,0,32
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Mako on Aug 15, 02:40 PM 2018
Thanks proof, makes sense actually.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Aug 15, 07:38 PM 2018
Quote from: Bigbroben on Aug 12, 08:32 PM 2018
Define opposite?

I'll give it a try:
Opposite.  Could be on the other side of the wheel, or board.  There are 37 nrs, so there would be 2 opposites: a +18, a -18.  So opposite of 20, example, would be 2 and 1.  This is 3 nrs, 2+1.

Idem for wheel.

Am I getting closer?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: junscissorhands on Aug 15, 09:15 PM 2018
First you need to understand the pairings what David meant. Otherwise you won't get it, especially the 8 x 3 part.

He said look at the top of the marquee, 8.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Aug 15, 09:22 PM 2018
Ok, thanks!  I'll dig again.

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/08/15/temp_857522.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/tTuot)

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/08/15/temp_134147.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/tTI0f)

You took summer classes?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Gandhi on Aug 16, 02:28 AM 2018
Quote from: Bigbroben on Aug 15, 09:22 PM 2018
Ok, thanks!  I'll dig again.

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/08/15/temp_857522.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/tTuot)

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/08/15/temp_134147.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/tTI0f)

You took summer classes?

hahaha this is funny

BigBen I think Junscissorhands might mean the number hit plus the number up and down for the last 8 numbers..?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Sep 07, 02:19 PM 2018
really seriously considering doing an ebook  on this 37  back to basics as a proper guide with detailed information for older members and new as a kind of guide to build a proper system on or even the pathway to the vaddis bet for brighter people
keep getting lots of pm,s on how to use ayks tracker..so if its all in one book it could be helpful to certain people
no systems involved  though..
maybe a must read for any roulette players ?

so question is would anyone mind if i did?

and if it would be helpful?

for a certain few it would be i,m sure

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: junscissorhands on Sep 07, 02:33 PM 2018

As you wish.

An ebook can do no harm, it gives people a proper insight on what ACTUALLY happens in a spincycle.

Probably most people will have a slightly higher winrate or consistency.

It takes extremely sharp observation skills and excellent knowledge of the wheel itself in order to win all the time.

Aka HG. Invincible.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Sep 07, 02:51 PM 2018
Quote from: junscissorhands on Sep 07, 02:33 PM 2018
As you wish.

An ebook can do no harm, it gives people a proper insight on what ACTUALLY happens in a spincycle.

Probably most people will have a slightly higher winrate or consistency.

It takes extremely sharp observation skills and excellent knowledge of the wheel itself in order to win all the time.

Aka HG. Invincible.

thanks ..and agree with you
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Sep 07, 06:21 PM 2018
Make sure the idiot below gets a copy, he's not that clued up, he seems stuck on millions of spins

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/09/07/source29d5a.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/tduta)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: The General on Sep 07, 08:22 PM 2018
Quote from: junscissorhands on Sep 07, 02:33 PM 2018

Probably most people will have a slightly higher winrate or consistency.

Aka HG. Invincible.

Ok, now here comes the most difficult question.  Why should people win with it?  What is it that you feel makes it work?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Sep 08, 06:43 AM 2018
37 with multiple views.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Kairomancer on Sep 08, 07:37 AM 2018
Quote from: The General on Sep 07, 08:22 PM 2018
Ok, now here comes the most difficult question.  Why should people win with it?  What is it that you feel makes it work?
Valid questions.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Sep 08, 10:09 AM 2018
(General million) Ayk's tracker in blueprints reply shows a perfect game for non-hit and repeats.
Here's another view
Look at the checkpoints; so from short spin testing we know a repeat in spins 1-10 is more favourable, we know 11-20 is more likely to be 7,+2; but the 15 non-hit that are expected in 11-40 should come 5,5,5 and look at spin 20 its 10,+0 so game is right on track 5,5

We know in spins 31-40 we should see another 5 non-hit, we can see 4 have hit, so with 3 spins left we need 1 more to give the average of 15.

As i have said on many replies i watch the trot.
I said early today i like The 36*1,5,25 and here it would win 108 units spin 27

It's not hard to find a winning bet by watching the trot, but you are oblivious of the trot of the starting 37 non-hit as you are stuck in millions of spins looking for the non-existent bias wheels

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/09/08/sourcee6d9b.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/tdc70)

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/09/08/source64f9f.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/tdj3p)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Sep 08, 10:18 AM 2018
look general million
even the voodoo bet in the conquer roulette wins.

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/09/08/source1fe7d.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/tdqyH)

But you carry on preaching to test for millions of spins, whilst i'll say short test you are not going to play millions of spins, perhaps a 100, so why would you need to test millions of spins for short term betting.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Joe on Sep 08, 10:45 AM 2018
Quote from: nottophammer on Sep 08, 10:09 AM 2018so from short spin testing we know a repeat in spins 1-10 is more favourable,
Yes but how did you get that stat and the other stats? Not by testing over 100 spins. The point of testing over a lot of spins is to get as accurate averages as you can for the short term results. Obviously no one actually plays millions of spins.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Sep 08, 10:47 AM 2018
Quote from: nottophammer on Sep 08, 10:09 AM 2018
(General million) Ayk's tracker in blueprints reply shows a perfect game for non-hit and repeats.
Here's another view
Look at the checkpoints; so from short spin testing we know a repeat in spins 1-10 is more favourable, we know 11-20 is more likely to be 7,+2; but the 15 non-hit that are expected in 11-40 should come 5,5,5 and look at spin 20 its 10,+0 so game is right on track 5,5

We know in spins 31-40 we should see another 5 non-hit, we can see 4 have hit, so with 3 spins left we need 1 more to give the average of 15.

As i have said on many replies i watch the trot.
I said early today i like The 36*1,5,25 and here it would win 108 units spin 27

It's not hard to find a winning bet by watching the trot, but you are oblivious of the trot of the starting 37 non-hit as you are stuck in millions of spins looking for the non-existent bias wheels

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/09/08/sourcee6d9b.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/tdc70)

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/09/08/source64f9f.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/tdj3p)

Good reply Notty..
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: junscissorhands on Sep 08, 12:02 PM 2018
Quote from: The General on Sep 07, 08:22 PM 2018
Ok, now here comes the most difficult question.  Why should people win with it?  What is it that you feel makes it work?

Most people won't win with it. At least not longterm. Because they only look at a tree and not the forest.

The whole point is that a spincycle as a whole can be exploited every single time, it doesn't matter what your entry point is, it's all in the same equilibrium.

Caleb, you of all should have noticed few things in a cycle. Taking In account that you've seen millions of spincycles.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Sep 08, 12:18 PM 2018
Quote from: junscissorhands on Sep 08, 12:02 PM 2018
Most people won't win with it. At least not longterm. Because they only look at a tree and not the forest.

The whole point is that a spincycle as a whole can be exploited every single time, it doesn't matter what your entry point is, it's all in the same equilibrium.

Caleb, you of all should have noticed few things in a cycle. Taking In account that you've seen millions of spincycles.

Another good reply
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: -Katalyst- on Sep 08, 12:26 PM 2018
Heh 6th - got to say well done with sharing this information - as previously said by a few others - you have done plenty - the ones that really want it will find it - be it  ‘Davids’ or more importantly their own way 

- times are changing - as majority are  collectively moving towards the 4th dimension - barriers are breaking - one of the greatest attributes one can have is to unlearn the old and be open to the new
.....new? - well it’s always been there - we are collectively as a whole awakening to further possibilities/frontiers

-and the ones that are often endlessly critising to no avail are prbly the very ones that are using these techniques/insights in their game plans

- anyway - the gist of these 2am down under ramblings were meant to convey that you and a few other generous posters are doing a great job in sharing ideas and positions freely  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Mako on Sep 08, 12:42 PM 2018
Katalyst: very true, well said.

Jun and 6th-sense have always tried to help, tried to empower people to make improvements in how they "see" the game. 

And they do it for free, not out of some motivation to push a "mentor/coaching" angle for thousands of dollars...which both of them easily could.

Their advice is very much appreciated.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Sep 08, 12:51 PM 2018
Quote from: -Katalyst- on Sep 08, 12:26 PM 2018
Heh 6th - got to say well done with sharing this information - as previously said by a few others - you have done plenty - the ones that really want it will find it - be it  ‘Davids’ or more importantly their own way 

- times are changing - as majority are  collectively moving towards the 4th dimension - barriers are breaking - one of the greatest attributes one can have is to unlearn the old and be open to the new
.....new? - well it’s always been there - we are collectively as a whole awakening to further possibilities/frontiers

-and the ones that are often endlessly critising to no avail are prbly the very ones that are using these techniques/insights in their game plans

- anyway - the gist of these 2am down under ramblings were meant to convey that you and a few other generous posters are doing a great job in sharing ideas and positions freely  :thumbsup:

Thanku...a long long time ago all members use to be this way..not only me everyone...
I never new vaddis ie David
Hell the one on one I had with dyslexic all those years ago before he deleted his thread was good ...
Those days are gone

What junn says is true..

I’m not offering a system

But maybe a pathway to certain people who are bright enough to click

You don’t need 1 million spins

Only the understanding what a cycle and it’s end result and pathway to it

Steve’s odds of 37 to 1 still holds

Also the law of the third holds

Ying to yang

Both are right

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: The General on Sep 08, 01:39 PM 2018
QuoteThe whole point is that a spincycle as a whole can be exploited every single time, it doesn't matter what your entry point is, it's all in the same equilibrium.

Only in hindsight.  Unfortunately there's nothing that you can exploit.  Numbers that have not hit are no more likely to hit than numbers that are hitting.  If you disagree, then find a logical reason as to why they should or should not and explain why.
I hate to say it, but you guys are stuck in some very old ideas.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Nimo on Sep 08, 02:55 PM 2018
Quote from: The General on Sep 08, 01:39 PM 2018

Only in hindsight.  Unfortunately there's nothing that you can exploit.  Numbers that have not hit are no more likely to hit than numbers that are hitting.  If you disagree, then find a logical reason as to why they should or should not and explain why.
I hate to say it, but you guys are stuck in some very old ideas.

There is a finite amount of numbers. Yes 37 pockets. go ahead and count them if you don't believe me. ( You must like reading your own words )  There is a infinite number of spins, depending on how long you can sit at a wheel/air/video or computer before you urinate and defecate all over yourself.  The numbers have no choice but to repeat.  Notto's countless posts on the where the repeats happen.  Along with 6th-sense back to basics you can also see where on the layout they will happen. 

Maybe you can't visualize it.  Picture it this way.  You take 100 balls and place them in a bin, at the bottom of the bin there is chute in which there are 37 holes.  Release the balls and the balls wont fall equally at a rate of 2.7 balls per hole.  Some will have none, some will have 4 or more.  It doesn't matter how many times you refill the bin with the 100 balls, the distribution will never be equal.  Not even a million times over. 

You of all people with AP knowledge should be able to see that this effect is even more pronounced in AP play.  You are either a naysayer that looks down on everything, or really don't understand it.  I think you understand it better than most, you just like to be a naysayer. 
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: gizmotron2 on Sep 08, 03:01 PM 2018
>>I hate to say it, but you guys are stuck in some very old ideas.<<

All you guys are doing is running the next cycle or even the current cycle just to see if it is acting like it is continuing with the hoped for same hottest numbers. And if you can play that slowly, I mean continuing the results of 37 spin cycles at a time, then you can react to cycle effectiveness. Now if you think that this is logical then you might opt for easier ways to adjust to quicker occurrences of effectiveness. You've got 8 cycles to read in 10 hours of play. It would be nearly impossible to pick up on a trend from that small of a sample. It's like you did good or you did bad that day. That might actually work out on a year to year bases, if you are smart. The pay off is so dismal that it's hardly worthy of the effort.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: junscissorhands on Sep 08, 03:13 PM 2018
Never came on here to explain how and why.

But to give directions, yes. You can say it's an old idea, but people are often overlooking things which are right in front of them.

You don't need 1 million spins to find a way to beat it, only 37 will do. (euro wheel).

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Sep 08, 03:35 PM 2018
Quote from: gizmotron2 on Sep 08, 03:01 PM 2018
>>I hate to say it, but you guys are stuck in some very old ideas.<<

All you guys are doing is running the next cycle or even the current cycle just to see if it is acting like it is continuing with the hoped for same hottest numbers. And if you can play that slowly, I mean continuing the results of 37 spin cycles at a time, then you can react to cycle effectiveness. Now if you think that this is logical then you might opt for easier ways to adjust to quicker occurrences of effectiveness. You've got 8 cycles to read in 10 hours of play. It would be nearly impossible to pick up on a trend from that small of a sample. It's like you did good or you did bad that day. That might actually work out on a year to year bases, if you are smart. The pay off is so dismal that it's hardly worthy of the effort.

To be fair gizmo ..and after Denzie post on your thread ..
You have no idea ..
Please re read ..it’s one cycle
Multiple cycles? 8 cycles for 10 hours play maybe the way you teach maybe
Hottest number? Where did that come from? A cycle incorporates unhit unique and repeat
All of them
It matters not what is the hottest
It only matters only the nature of the cycle
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: gizmotron2 on Sep 08, 04:05 PM 2018
Quote from: 6th-sense on Sep 08, 03:35 PM 2018
To be fair gizmo ..and after Denzie post on your thread ..
You have no idea ..
Please re read ..it’s one cycle
Multiple cycles? 8 cycles for 10 hours play maybe the way you teach maybe
Hottest number? Where did that come from? A cycle incorporates unhit unique and repeat
All of them
It matters not what is the hottest
It only matters only the nature of the cycle

Oh, magical thinking and the nature of just 37 spins. Yes, you and Dynzie are both dinged up. I'm laughing my A$$ off. You go to the casino and actually do this? I hope so. I don't teach people to guess based on cycles. I base it all on the results of the next few spins. You do know that randomness can change at any moment don't you? It even effects defective wheels and imperfections in dealer signature. Randomness is the most powerful effect on the table. And Dynzie is not the final word of what is happening. He's just a person that tried to adapt Turbo's depletion of uranium trick and FAILED! Now he is a proclaimed authority of Roulette and you are his lackey.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: denzie on Sep 08, 04:22 PM 2018
At least Dynzie isnt a loser for 20 years and still bankrupt,  scamming others with some fancy mumbo jumbo. SCAMMER !!!!!!  :yawn:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: denzie on Sep 08, 04:25 PM 2018
Quote from: gizmotron2 on Sep 08, 04:05 PM 2018And Dynzie is not the final word of what is happening. He's just a person that tried to ...

Tell the world you're a broke scammer. But hey......lil Gizmo......prove me wrong on MPR ..... shut me up and show what you got. Action speak louder than words......  :-X
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Sep 08, 04:33 PM 2018
This doesn't need to get personal, folks.  Stay the course.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: denzie on Sep 08, 04:35 PM 2018
Quote from: Blueprint on Sep 08, 04:33 PM 2018
This doesn't need to get personal, folks.  Stay the course.

Sorry...just need to clear some stuff. Carry on
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Sep 08, 05:16 PM 2018
Quote from: Joe on Sep 08, 10:45 AM 2018
Yes but how did you get that stat and the other stats? Not by testing over 100 spins. The point of testing over a lot of spins is to get as accurate averages as you can for the short term results. Obviously no one actually plays millions of spins.

Joe i'll show you soon
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: gizmotron2 on Sep 08, 06:06 PM 2018
Quote from: denzie on Sep 08, 04:25 PM 2018
Tell the world you're a broke scammer. But hey......lil Gizmo......prove me wrong on MPR ..... shut me up and show what you got. Action speak louder than words......  :-X

Nothing in life is permanent. I was almost a millionaire, Then I've already proven I can survive on poverty and still manage to figure out gambling. And I have been influential in the world regarding randomness. And what I have now, with a succinct set of playing rules, outclasses what I taught you on an order of magnitude.  All I'm going to do is disappear into my new status as a professional, tax paying, gambler. Let's all take notice that you have searched and have yet to succeed in your efforts. On a scale of things in my bucket list, you have thrown your life away, where I have filled mine to the brim. It would be fun to watch you try to learn, living far below the poverty level.  You have know knowledge of character. I know this because of what other people say about you. You are the poor man.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ayk on Sep 08, 06:12 PM 2018
Have fun notto: link:://ayk.bplaced.net/notto/ (link:://ayk.bplaced.net/notto/)  8)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: The General on Sep 08, 07:33 PM 2018
QuoteThe numbers have no choice but to repeat.  Notto's countless posts on the where the repeats happen.  Along with 6th-sense back to basics you can also see where on the layout they will happen. 

Maybe you can't visualize it.  Picture it this way.  You take 100 balls and place them in a bin, at the bottom of the bin there is chute in which there are 37 holes.  Release the balls and the balls wont fall equally at a rate of 2.7 balls per hole.  Some will have none, some will have 4 or more.  It doesn't matter how many times you refill the bin with the 100 balls, the distribution will never be equal.  Not even a million times over. 

Of course some of the numbers will repeat and some won't hit at all.  That's variance and basic probability.  That's what is predicted.  Unfortunately you have no idea as to which number will continue hitting and which ones won't after such an observation. 
Of course you can merely bet using hit frequency distribution betting, but when you do so you'll find that over time, there's just one or two too many pockets on the wheel for it to win.   I can handily prove this for you guys on my simulators using real wheel data if someone would like to see proof that it's not going to work.

  In the meantime, you're wasting your time with your old and out dated ideas involving "the law of the third"/"Trot nonsense.  The reason many of you are stuck on these old recycled ideas is because of some old VB friends of mine.  They used the law of the third as a cover story for why they were winning back in 1982.  It hit several news outlets at the time, and people began trying to replicate their results.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: gizmotron2 on Sep 08, 09:19 PM 2018
Quote from: The General on Sep 08, 07:33 PM 2018
They used the law of the third as a cover story for why they were winning back in 1982.  It hit several news outlets at the time, and people began trying to replicate their results.

Great idea. I think I'll start using that one.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: -Katalyst- on Sep 08, 09:43 PM 2018
Caleb ....etc .... are you guys conclusively stipulating that youll cannot see the fact that by creating certain parameters/defining your game/ ‘spincycle’ - the game changes ........?

........no disrespect meant here
- one would have thought with all that experience you’ll keep alluding us to - surely you’ll are still not of the opinion that the game is totally random ........?

-depending on how far you (n company) are on your Journey/s - will eventually see that nothing is random-

- nobodys obliged to share or disclose anything on here, some are quite generous hence one would think that a collaborative culture would be more efficient/optimal ........?

Well - on here it’s all semantics & conjecture anyway

-Best Wishes-
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: The General on Sep 08, 09:52 PM 2018

QuoteCaleb ....etc .... are you guys conclusively stipulating that youll cannot see the fact that by creating certain parameters/defining your game/ ‘spincycle’ - the game changes ........?

I'm not sure what it is that you're trying to say.  Can you be more specific?

Quote........no disrespect meant here
- one would have thought with all that experience you’ll keep alluding us to - surely you’ll are still not of the opinion that the game is totally random ........?

Actually I make a hell of a nice living exploiting biased/non random events by playing both vb and bias.

Quote-depending on how far you (n company) are on your Journey/s - will eventually see that nothing is random-

Yes, I am aware.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Nimo on Sep 08, 10:22 PM 2018
Quote from: The General on Sep 08, 07:33 PM 2018
Of course some of the numbers will repeat and some won't hit at all.  That's variance and basic probability.  That's what is predicted.  Unfortunately you have no idea as to which number will continue hitting and which ones won't after such an observation. 
Of course you can merely bet using hit frequency distribution betting, but when you do so you'll find that over time, there's just one or two too many pockets on the wheel for it to win.   I can handily prove this for you guys on my simulators using real wheel data if someone would like to see proof that it's not going to work.

  In the meantime, you're wasting your time with your old and out dated ideas involving "the law of the third"/"Trot nonsense.  The reason many of you are stuck on these old recycled ideas is because of some old VB friends of mine.  They used the law of the third as a cover story for why they were winning back in 1982.  It hit several news outlets at the time, and people began trying to replicate their results.

Here is a little spin sample for you.  It has nothing to do with LOTT, it is a repeater system.  This is a sample.  I test with real money. Real money results RNG are within same range.  Every single result with this I hit +2000 units between 400 and 500 spins.  Like clockwork.  There are drawdowns, I expect them, I account for them.  I don't need to know which number will hit next, my bets are reactionary to last spin.  Win percentage is in 10-15% range, house edge is -.27%, so a 12-17% edge in my favour.  There is progression, it's accounted for.  Don't tell me it won't work, when it's already made a  very healthy addition to my bank account.
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/09/08/source0219d.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/tCljl)

Caleb, don't assume things that you don't know.  Not everyone here bets blindly, some of us keep meticulous records on everything, I ledger everything, I keep records on every bet I have ever placed.  By doing this i can see what has worked, what hasn't worked, what I can improve on.  I go over every session, once I'm done playing.  I have learned a lot by reading and trying and compiling.  Yes I'm still a newbie, but I believe that you are stuck in your old ways. 
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: The General on Sep 08, 10:25 PM 2018
Quote from: Nimo on Sep 08, 10:22 PM 2018
Here is a little spin sample for you.  It has nothing to do with LOTT, it is a repeater system.  This is a sample.  I test with real money. Real money results RNG are within same range.  Every single result with this I hit +2000 units between 400 and 500 spins.  Like clockwork.  There are drawdowns, I expect them, I account for them.  I don't need to know which number will hit next, my bets are reactionary to last spin.  Win percentage is in 10-15% range, house edge is -.27%, so a 12-17% edge in my favour.  There is progression, it's accounted for.  Don't tell me it won't work, when it's already made a  very healthy addition to my bank account.
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/09/08/source0219d.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/tCljl)

Caleb, don't assume things that you don't know.  Not everyone here bets blindly, some of us keep meticulous records on everything, I ledger everything, I keep records on every bet I have ever placed.  By doing this i can see what has worked, what hasn't worked, what I can improve on.  I go over every session, once I'm done playing.  I have learned a lot by reading and trying and compiling.  Yes I'm still a newbie, but I believe that you are stuck in your old ways.

Sorry, but it won't work.  The reason you feel it works is because you're looking at small short term samples.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Nimo on Sep 08, 10:26 PM 2018
But it is working, it works quite well, Italian Sports car well so far, and I'm not talking a Fiat.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: The General on Sep 08, 10:28 PM 2018
So far you've been lucky, that's all.  450 spins is very insignificant.  ::)

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Nimo on Sep 08, 10:37 PM 2018
Quote from: The General on Sep 08, 10:28 PM 2018
So far you've been lucky, that's all.  450 spins is very insignificant.  ::)

400-500 spins over 225 times so far. (over 100000 spins) every single time it works out the same +2000 units . I like the old quote, "the harder I work the luckier I get."

It would be more but like I said, I go over every session with a fine tooth comb so it's time consuming, but well worth it.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: The General on Sep 08, 10:52 PM 2018
Sorry, but based on your description of how you play, there's no way that you're winning over an extended period of time.   ::)

Perhaps you're playing in FREE MODE like Turbo was.  Free mode fooled Turbo too.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: -Katalyst- on Sep 08, 10:59 PM 2018
Caleb -  remembering - all science is best guess - moving over time  - soft n hard sciences evolve - what was true yesterday doesn’t necessarily mean it’s true tdy
- what I’m alluding to is that you are quite preassumptious in assuming that there are only one or two (AP/VB) ways to be successful at this

- regarding logical explanations as to ‘why’ etc - if life was to follow mans so called ‘logic’ than majority of things happening in/on this planet would cease  - sure that’s a debate for another title

- well done with your success
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: The General on Sep 08, 11:03 PM 2018
QuoteCaleb -  remembering - all science is best guess - moving over time  - soft n hard sciences evolve - what was true yesterday doesn’t necessarily mean it’s true tdy
- what I’m alluding to is that you are quite preassumptious in assuming that there are only one or two (AP/VB) ways to be successful at this

I'm not being presumptuous.  My comments are based on the FACTS and vast experience.  There's only two ways to win in the long run.  Both involve exploiting the wheel, not the game.     

1. Bias
2. Ballistics
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: seykid31 on Sep 08, 11:41 PM 2018
I always thought short terms made up long term  :)

Concerning bias,I presume 1000 of spins and not what some refer as temporary biased. Which is really the dealer hitting a particular sector out of boredom which I find great to pounce on. Especially some lady dealers. That's just an observation. Don't crucify me  ;D
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: The General on Sep 09, 12:14 AM 2018

QuoteI always thought short terms made up long term  :)

Yep, pretty much. :)

QuoteConcerning bias,I presume 1000 of spins and not what some refer as temporary biased. Which is really the dealer hitting a particular sector out of boredom which I find great to pounce on. Especially some lady dealers. That's just an observation. Don't crucify me  ;D

Yes, you need a significant number of spins.  If the bias is weak, then you need a ton of spins.  If the bias is strong, then you need far fewer spins than a ton.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: seykid31 on Sep 09, 12:21 AM 2018
Quote from: The General on Sep 09, 12:14 AM 2018
Yep, pretty much. :)

Yes, you need a significant number of spins.  If the bias is weak, then you need a ton of spins.  If the bias is strong, then you need far fewer spins than a ton.

I play online at a particular betting shop with live feed. It's interesting though the dealers out of boredom the pattern they will create but once people sat at table to play. All change.
At an online casino I play,VB out of question. Once you finish betting 24 seconds. No more bet. Then dealer spin. But this one the dominant sector is different for each dealer. Change every 20-25 spins.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: seykid31 on Sep 09, 12:29 AM 2018
Not wanting to get out of topics earlier but Concerning 37 spins and filling the double singles etc.. I try a set of spins yesterday for 37 spins ,number 12 and 18 had no hit. Then the next 37,spins both hit like crazy  meaning if playing them would have made more money than repeats in previous 37 spins. Randomness  ???
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: junscissorhands on Sep 09, 03:39 AM 2018
Quote from: The General on Sep 08, 07:33 PM 2018
Of course some of the numbers will repeat and some won't hit at all.  That's variance and basic probability.  That's what is predicted.  Unfortunately you have no idea as to which number will continue hitting and which ones won't after such an observation. 
Of course you can merely bet using hit frequency distribution betting, but when you do so you'll find that over time, there's just one or two too many pockets on the wheel for it to win.   I can handily prove this for you guys on my simulators using real wheel data if someone would like to see proof that it's not going to work.

  In the meantime, you're wasting your time with your old and out dated ideas involving "the law of the third"/"Trot nonsense.  The reason many of you are stuck on these old recycled ideas is because of some old VB friends of mine.  They used the law of the third as a cover story for why they were winning back in 1982.  It hit several news outlets at the time, and people began trying to replicate their results.

Wrong, once you enter a fresh spincycle there are many indicators which will show which numbers will hit again, not just repeaters.

How about you give me 24 spins (euro wheel) and I will tell you which numbers will hit 13 spins later.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herby on Sep 09, 03:55 AM 2018
Quote from: junscissorhands on Sep 09, 03:39 AM 2018
How about you give me 24 spins (euro wheel) and I will tell you which numbers will hit 13 spins later.

To speed things up maybe you accept my 24 spins:

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Joe on Sep 09, 03:57 AM 2018
Try mine too.  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: -Katalyst- on Sep 09, 04:39 AM 2018
@ Caleb
-sure, all good-

Nimo keep doing what your doing  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: junscissorhands on Sep 09, 04:45 AM 2018
Herby, few of these numbers will certainly hit :


You've posted 18 numbers BTW not 24
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: junscissorhands on Sep 09, 04:50 AM 2018
Quote from: Joe on Sep 09, 03:57 AM 2018
Try mine too.  :thumbsup:


Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herby on Sep 09, 04:59 AM 2018
Quote from: junscissorhands on Sep 09, 04:45 AM 2018
Herby, few of these numbers will certainly hit :

36, 28, 13, 35, 11, 25, 2, 9, 22, 17, 27, 6, 21, 4, 12, 31

You've posted 18 numbers BTW not 24

The following numbers:

10, 14, 12, 3, 13, 29, 7, 12, 35, 24, 10, 18, 6

Thanks and gratulations: 5 hits if I count right  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: junscissorhands on Sep 09, 05:25 AM 2018
You are welcome.

I always know which numbers will hit. It's not magic. It's a law and a weakness.

And it's exploitable.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ayk on Sep 09, 06:07 AM 2018
Jun, if you dont mind, I would like to post my 37 spins too. Got em 3h ago from live wheel. I uploaded the 24 and 37 spins image of my tracker at the same time on different platforms. I'll post the result after your reply. Thx

(link:s://preview.ibb.co/kmUHPp/Test_1.png) (link:s://ibb.co/cKxRH9)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Joe on Sep 09, 06:20 AM 2018
Quote from: junscissorhands on Sep 09, 04:50 AM 20189 15 21 14 2 31 20 23 8 19 11 10 17 25 34 1 32
Thanks. The next 13 spins were :
21 *
14 *
34 *
2  *
23 *
I marked the numbers which you posted with an asterisk. So there were 5 hits but this isn't anything special if you were betting all of your numbers (17) for 13 spins. In fact the chance of 5 or more hits if betting 17 numbers for 13 spins is just under 80%.

But suppose you were betting only one number at a time in the sequence you posted, ie first bet #9, then #15, then #21 etc. In that case you would have got 2 wins on numbers 2 & 23. Pretty good.

But these samples are so small they are meaningless. You don't need to test over millions of spins, but there is a happy medium. ;-).
Why not just post the algorithm you use and then we can all do our own testing?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: denzie on Sep 09, 06:45 AM 2018
Quote from: gizmotron2 on Sep 08, 06:06 PM 2018
Nothing in life is permanent. I was almost a millionaire, Then I've already proven I can survive on poverty and still manage to figure out gambling. And I have been influential in the world regarding randomness. And what I have now, with a succinct set of playing rules, outclasses what I taught you on an order of magnitude.  All I'm going to do is disappear into my new status as a professional, tax paying, gambler. Let's all take notice that you have searched and have yet to succeed in your efforts. On a scale of things in my bucket list, you have thrown your life away, where I have filled mine to the brim. It would be fun to watch you try to learn, living far below the poverty level.  You have know knowledge of character. I know this because of what other people say about you. You are the poor man.

First...I dont care what people say or think on a forum.
Second...to much talk...start on MPR...show us
Third..I was almost was a miljonair too but just didn't won the lottery....still Never broke though
Fourth....carry on guys
Fifth....waiting mpr
Sixt...still waiting
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: junscissorhands on Sep 09, 06:45 AM 2018
I've said before, I do not big samples.
I can win any given cycle.

I'm not guessing or gambling or "touching in the dark". I KNOW what will come. Certainty.

Do you understand what I'm trying to say?

Ayk, I'm heading out now, I will post them later when I'm back.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: junscissorhands on Sep 09, 06:46 AM 2018
Nah gizmo, you are not influential in the world of randomness, as a matter of fact you've lost all my respect few weeks ago.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Joe on Sep 09, 08:50 AM 2018
Quote from: junscissorhands on Sep 09, 06:45 AM 2018I've said before, I do not big samples. I can win any given cycle. I'm not guessing or gambling or "touching in the dark". I KNOW what will come. Certainty. Do you understand what I'm trying to say?
Not really.  If you can win every given cycle then either you have a mathematical proof, which is impossible without making some unwarranted assumptions, or you have tested over thousands of cycles. It seems there's confusion over what big samples means. A big sample is just a lot of small samples. Of course no one actually plays a million spins in one go, isn't that obvious?

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: junscissorhands on Sep 09, 09:46 AM 2018
Joe, agreed.

One should never bet without doing a lot of small samples.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: gizmotron2 on Sep 09, 09:56 AM 2018
Quote from: denzie on Sep 09, 06:45 AM 2018
First...I dont care what people say or think on a forum.
Second...to much talk...start on MPR...show us
Third..I was almost was a miljonair too but just didn't won the lottery....still Never broke though
Fourth....carry on guys
Fifth....waiting mpr
Sixt...still waiting

My method is so simple that any neophyte will be able to learn in in a day. Displaying it in front of you for the world to see would be self destructive. If I want someday to prove it to the world all I have to do is show it off and you people will be my proof. Trust me, in moments like this, it is tempting to drop a bomb on the gambling world just to prove you are full of hot air. Ever since the mathboyz of Gambler's Glen I've wanted to do it.  I almost had it worked out during the school period that you participated in. It looks like the two students are enough to have gotten me going. No Need for a third. You do accept that telling the world of an easy HG would be very wrong don't you? If it would put an end to Craps, Baccarat, Roulette, and Blackjack, would that be wrong? You would all get what you have been hoping for and lose it at the same time. I've already proven to myself that I can read randomness while playing Craps and win from it.

Just for you know-it-all's out there. You can use any pet favorite bet selection method you want and combine it with my MM system and it will win just as well.  The total discrimination against magical thinking is the only prerequisite.

Your third comment is sophistry.  I was a contractor and developer of custom designed and built homes. It was not wishful dreaming like your grand achievement. You are a waste of time.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: gizmotron2 on Sep 09, 10:12 AM 2018
Quote from: junscissorhands on Sep 09, 06:46 AM 2018
Nah gizmo, you are not influential in the world of randomness, as a matter of fact you've lost all my respect few weeks ago.

Yes, slumming with the dregs of the gambling world was a huge sacrifice. Just for the heck of it. Try to remember this moment when not only the gambling world but the mathematical world and the financial world will all be changed because of me. And remember that for some reason you are justified to no longer respect me. So capitalism is now a crime in the gambling world?

Are you still in the begging stage? First it's progressions, then it's searching the gambling forums seeking a working method, then it's trashing anyone that claims to win. And anyone that sells their knowledge must be a scam artist.  You are living in a box. Try to bust out. Life is way too short. I'm just about done with the forums like Spike was. He figured out how to win and then disappeared. I'll do the same.

I'm going to write a book and keep it hidden until all this breaks. Then I will make the book available.  I might as well claim to be the authority of it all.

Keep searching. You just might figure out how to beat the gambling games still offered at casinos.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Joe on Sep 09, 10:51 AM 2018
Quote from: gizmotron2 on Sep 09, 09:56 AM 2018My method is so simple that any neophyte will be able to learn in in a day.
Then why are you charging 3 grand for personal tuition?  ???
Doesn't seem like good value to me.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: gizmotron2 on Sep 09, 10:54 AM 2018
Quote from: Joe on Sep 09, 10:51 AM 2018
Then why are you charging 3 grand for personal tuition?  ???
Doesn't seem like good value to me.

You are so right. The price for the last student is $30,000.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Nimo on Sep 09, 01:56 PM 2018
Quote from: The General on Sep 08, 10:52 PM 2018
Sorry, but based on your description of how you play, there's no way that you're winning over an extended period of time.   ::)

Perhaps you're playing in FREE MODE like Turbo was.  Free mode fooled Turbo too.

Real money, real RNG.  William Hill Playtech.  I treat this as a business.  I came into to it with a large investment and it's paying off handsomely. Using GUT, Trot, LOTT, KTF, Repeaters, Progression, Certainty and cycles. 

I pity you Caleb, for someone to be such an expert and not be able to see what's in front of you the entire time to make your life so much easier. rather than wandering from casino to casino using geriatric methods.  Wow.  Remember, just because you haven't been able to figure it out after the millions of post that you don't read and comprehend, but just ridicule by posting gifs, doesn't mean that others haven't figured it out and are using it successfully.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: denzie on Sep 09, 02:04 PM 2018
Quote from: gizmotron2 on Sep 09, 10:12 AM 2018I'm just about done with the forums like Spike was.

Buh bye broke scammer.  :love:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: denzie on Sep 09, 02:08 PM 2018
Quote from: gizmotron2 on Sep 09, 10:54 AM 2018
The price is $30,000.

Yup thats the price and he's finished all his loans....You can do it lil Gizmo...few more scamming years and you'll back in the game (with nothing on the bank being an old guy) :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: The General on Sep 09, 03:16 PM 2018

QuoteNimo wrote, "Real money, real RNG.  William Hill Playtech.  I treat this as a business.  I came into to it with a large investment and it's paying off handsomely. Using GUT, Trot, LOTT, KTF, Repeaters, Progression, Certainty and cycles." 

Sorry Nimo,

But I don't believe a word of it.  For starters nobody is winning consistently and getting paid while playing online roulette.  The software is such that it will weed you out, ban you, and keep your money.  The only people playing electronic roulette online are the addicted gamblers.  If you're playing the online version then chances are you have a serious gambling problem.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: junscissorhands on Sep 09, 03:50 PM 2018
That I have to agree with Caleb,

Won 5k and 6k few times, it took 3 till 4 weeks before I got my money. Lots of bullshit. Plus disconnections, lag all out of nowhere.

But even in novomatic terminals connected to real tables in bm casinos also have this. When you are winning or recovering the machines start to lag and when I switch terminals the same happens, coincidence?

Don't think so.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Nimo on Sep 09, 04:58 PM 2018
Over six figures per year withdrawn for many years, never had a problem, always in my account within 3 business days after a withdrawl request.  Most of that has been for sports bets, now it's a mixture.  I used to be able to withdrawl transfer of $100k per week, now it's limited to $100K per month.  Limited amount, but withdrawl nonetheless. I have power generators in case power goes out, I have my own dedicated fibre optic trunk lines for my modems. My connection is direct, no other people use my lines. State of the art servers, modems , firmware and software to  prevent  lags and disconnections with software that would detect a forced lag or disconnection, I'm not sitting at a starbucks on a laptop or tablet doing this, my "office" is a 3000 sqft temperature and humidity controlled work room that looks like a NASA control room.   Plus I have each spin session analysed to make sure spins are fair.  It's a lot of work that I put into it.  Like I said I treat this as a business and have invested heavily to make sure it succeeds, in most businesses you are lucky to break even within a year, I quadrupled my investment this year alone.  Believe whatever you want.  I don't sell anything, I don't scam anyone, I share things.  I try to help people without being condescending, 
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: junscissorhands on Sep 09, 05:54 PM 2018
What kind of hallucinogenic drugs are you guys taking?

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: -Katalyst- on Sep 10, 04:39 AM 2018
Jun - who!? â€"-Caleb n comp!?   :question:
Haha! - kiddin - couldn’t resist !   ::)

Nimo - peeps in this world won’t believe what they can’t fatham or see - till it happens in front of them - by then though it generally doesn’t matter cause rest of the crowd have jumped on ........and you? - you would have moved onto something greater 
- Peeps are so caught up with themselves that even when you share your blessings with them, they will question and then question and then question and then ........
- this has been my experience, that’s just how it works at the moment in this world-

Yes you are quite generous with your findings  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herby on Sep 11, 06:30 AM 2018
Quote from: ayk on Sep 09, 06:07 AM 2018
Jun, if you dont mind, I would like to post my 37 spins too.

Ayk's numbers evaluted could be interesting too ...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Gandhi on Sep 11, 02:11 PM 2018
Quote from: junscissorhands on Sep 09, 05:25 AM 2018
You are welcome.

I always know which numbers will hit. It's not magic. It's a law and a weakness.

And it's exploitable.

Junscissorhands I have been reading and studying your tips.

I understand mostly how you are choosing your numbers but I don't understand how you are creating a profit without a progression with betting that many numbers..

Also you asked for 24 spins to choose your numbers from, is part of your play to wait for 24 spins and get your numbers and play from there for 13 spins?

It also doesn't seem like you play on a "rolling" basis like Vaddi hinted (dropping oldest number for newest) unless Herby edited his numbers after you replied or do you do this after 13 spins with no profit?

not sure if you want to answer these questions but thanks for your past tips, very interesting and your some of your posts are hilarious.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herby on Sep 11, 02:59 PM 2018
Quote from: Gandhi on Sep 11, 02:11 PM 2018
It also doesn't seem like you play on a "rolling" basis like Vaddi hinted (dropping oldest number for newest) unless Herby edited his numbers after you replied or do you do this after 13 spins with no profit?
Hi Gandhi , I didn't edit. Editing is only possible a few minutes after posting.
I just didn't want to insist that I posted 24 spins  :question:
Maybe the result would be slightly different.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Sep 26, 12:30 PM 2018
I did not understand the meaning of the autonomous numbers, they fell asleep in the picture and do not want to double, triple ... Crawl vertically. If we bets on empty blocks waiting to be filled, the game is lost.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Sep 27, 08:10 AM 2018
Quote from: Person S on Sep 26, 12:30 PM 2018
I did not understand the meaning of the autonomous numbers, they fell asleep in the picture and do not want to double, triple ... Crawl vertically. If we bets on empty blocks waiting to be filled, the game is lost.

Do not be disheartened .if you knew how to bet ..which way to go etc...there are only unhit repeats unique..
Unhit and repeats are always excactly the same...every cycle ..
Steve says it’s all random..
Get yourself maximum count of numbers copied and pasted  .set config to 37 it’ll put the tracker automatically into a rolling tracker click on step paste your numbers in then click on import
Now step it all the way to 37 from now on no matter how many steps spins you do the unhit and repeats will move up and down together excactly every spin you can do this for as many thousands of spins as u wish ..if it was purely random as Steve suggest how is this possible?
This thread is not about just betting blank boxes ..
There is more to it than just that
It’s a pathway to understanding

You only have 3 choices
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: bigmoney on Sep 27, 10:13 AM 2018
this is the most valuable  thread on this site.
ive got a lot of reading and comprehesion  to do.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: The General on Sep 27, 10:42 AM 2018
Quote from: 6th-sense on Sep 27, 08:10 AM 2018
..if it was purely random as Steve suggest how is this possible?

It is random.  It's this simple...there are a gazillion more ways for the numbers to hit than for them to all hit just once.
Unfortunately the distribution also proves that there's one or two too many pockets on the wheel to exploit the distribution.
In other words, you need a wheel with just 35 pockets to win using the method.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Sep 27, 11:34 AM 2018
Quote from: The General on Sep 27, 10:42 AM 2018
It is random.  It's this simple...there are a gazillion more ways for the numbers to hit than for them to all hit just once.
Unfortunately the distribution also proves that there's one or two too many pockets on the wheel to exploit the distribution.
In other words, you need a wheel with just 35 pockets to win using the method.

37 numbers..non other..so stay to topic ..not an amount to suit you please..and show me the gazillions of ways and explain the phenomenon?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: The General on Sep 27, 11:37 AM 2018
Quote from: 6th-sense on Sep 27, 11:34 AM 2018
37 numbers..non other..so stay to topic ..not an amount to suit you please..and show me the gazillions of ways and explain the phenomenon?

Please rewrite your question.  It doesn't make sense.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Sep 27, 11:53 AM 2018
Quote from: The General on Sep 27, 11:37 AM 2018
Please rewrite your question.  It doesn't make sense.
The question I ask is this is a 37 numbered wheel..you are referring to a 35 pocket wheel?
Also  show where this 35 pockets wheel is and the gazillions way to win

I thought there was no random In your view? You already said that in the other threads

You are contradicting yourself

The phenomenon known as law of the third blows any idea you or Steve has about each number is random and odds are 37 to 1

Simply do as I suggest on ayks tracker or any member here and prove what I’m saying is wrong

If you actually know how to use it

You’ve trolled in everyone’s thread ..here you can do that also ..but with proof I’m wrong please then begin trolling
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: -Katalyst- on Sep 27, 12:02 PM 2018
@ Caleb - your becoming a bit remiss with your one/two eyed point of view ....a bit limited  :question:

- what’s your drive? 
- Don’t wrry - rhetorical Q that! - it’s becoming more & more apparent!

Once again - nothing is random - you know it - I know it & hopefully the majority on here that are wisening up to it

-all semantics & conjecture here anyway!

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Sep 27, 01:13 PM 2018
Quote from: Person S on Sep 26, 12:30 PM 2018
I did not understand the meaning of the autonomous numbers, they fell asleep in the picture and do not want to double, triple ... Crawl vertically. If we bets on empty blocks waiting to be filled, the game is lost.

Would also like to say this one thing to help

I haven’t given a System but will say this most repeats come from pairings and standalone numbers...not one or the other but a slight percentage of both...

The vaddis System utilises this expectation..it’s the direction he’s pointing in ..and using pairing chart and what’s taken and what’s not ..expansion or not linearly the results out are telling you where you should be heading ..unhit unique or repeat..or a combo
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: The General on Sep 27, 01:35 PM 2018
Quote from: 6th-sense on Sep 27, 11:53 AM 2018
The question I ask is this is a 37 numbered wheel..you are referring to a 35 pocket wheel?
Also  show where this 35 pockets wheel is and the gazillions way to win

I thought there was no random In your view? You already said that in the other threads

You are contradicting yourself
No I'm not.  You're not able to comprehend what it is that I've written.

QuoteThe phenomenon known as law of the third blows any idea you or Steve has about each number is random and odds are 37 to 1

No, actually the opposite is true.  The problem is that you don't comprehend it.  Perhaps someone else will have the patients to explain it to you.

Why do you suppose it is that nobody can win using it? ::)

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Sep 27, 01:47 PM 2018
Trolling again ..I pretty much realise that you have your own agenda and it’s you that’s not comprehending

As I say use ayks tracker it’s there for you and anyone to confirm what I’m saying

Just another thread

Just another day

Just another contradictory troll
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Sep 27, 02:00 PM 2018
Hell even put out your biased wheel numbers in it’ll show you the same results

I think that some of us have more comprehension than you give credit for
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Nimo on Sep 27, 02:06 PM 2018
Quote from: 6th-sense on Sep 27, 01:47 PM 2018
Trolling again ..I pretty much realise that you have your own agenda and it’s you that’s not comprehending

As I say use ayks tracker it’s there for you and anyone to confirm what I’m saying

Just another thread

Just another day

Just another contradictory troll

Thank you for your input with this thread 6th-sense.  To those that understand what you are saying that's the correct road. 

As for The General, I'm not going to waste my time posting to him anymore.  This forum doesn't have an ignore feature that I could find.  He isn't worth the effort.  If he posts in regards to anything I now post I'll always reply Turbo KTF, he's too thick to understand anything anyone says anyway.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: The General on Sep 27, 02:08 PM 2018
Quote from: 6th-sense on Sep 27, 02:00 PM 2018
Hell even put out your biased wheel numbers in it’ll show you the same results

I think that some of us have more comprehension than you give credit for

Are you winning with the method?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Joe on Sep 27, 02:12 PM 2018
Quote from: 6th-sense on Sep 27, 11:53 AM 2018I thought there was no random In your view? You already said that in the other threads

You are contradicting yourself

Well I'm not trying to defend the general, but don't think he's contradicting himself. What I think he means is if you take any wheel from a casino then you will find it isn't completely random, but this isn't the same as taking spins from any wheel (or an RNG) and and applying the stats to any other wheel. So I think he's saying that the game is random, but particular wheels are not. He's saying that if you want to beat roulette you have to study the particular wheel you intend to play; you can't just take stats which could have been generated by a formula or taken from an RNG, because they won't necessarily apply to the particular wheel you have in mind, and if they do, the wheel wouldn't be worth playing because it would be too random.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Mako on Sep 27, 02:17 PM 2018
Quote from: Nimo on Sep 27, 02:06 PM 2018
Thank you for your input with this thread 6th-sense.  To those that understand what you are saying that's the correct road. 

As for The General, I'm not going to waste my time posting to him anymore.  This forum doesn't have an ignore feature that I could find.  He isn't worth the effort.  If he posts in regards to anything I now post I'll always reply Turbo KTF, he's too thick to understand anything anyone says anyway.

Same.  I hope he's doing well, have no reason to wish for his misfortune, despite him being awfully condescending and holier-than-thou to people on the board...some of whom are making 10x what he does from Roulette on an annual basis.

LOTT is not some excuse a few clowns used to explain their AP winnings years ago...it has nothing to do with that. 

It's simply a cute name system players gave the absolute irrefutable certainty that in every 37 spins you will have roughly 24 numbers arrive, with roughly 12 of them repeating, and roughly 12 remaning unhit.

Quote from: The General on Sep 27, 02:08 PM 2018
Are you winning with the method?

It would blow you and Steve away to know there are a half dozen people on the board right now, two of which are in this very thread, who are making well into six figures a year as "system" players...(and one approaching seven figures...). And much of how they play the game comes from the basis of the concepts being shared here.

If you can't accept that, that's ok, we're not forcing anyone to believe anything.  But if you can't participate in a constructive way beyond the arguments you've already expressed multiple times, then remain silent.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Sep 27, 02:29 PM 2018
Quote from: Joe on Sep 27, 02:12 PM 2018
Well I'm not trying to defend the general, but don't think he's contradicting himself. What I think he means is if you take any wheel from a casino then you will find it isn't completely random, but this isn't the same as taking spins from any wheel (or an RNG) and and applying the stats to any other wheel. So I think he's saying that the game is random, but particular wheels are not. He's saying that if you want to beat roulette you have to study the particular wheel you intend to play; you can't just take stats which could have been generated by a formula or taken from an RNG, because they won't necessarily apply to the particular wheel you have in mind, and if they do, the wheel wouldn't be worth playing because it would be too random.

Complete respect for you joe ...use Rng spins also in what I’m saying
Will show the same results
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Nimo on Sep 27, 02:40 PM 2018
Quote from: Mako on Sep 27, 02:17 PM 2018
Same.  I hope he's doing well, have no reason to wish for his misfortune, despite him being awfully condescending and holier-than-thou to people on the board...some of whom are making 10x what he does from Roulette on an annual basis.

LOTT is not some excuse a few clowns used to explain their AP winnings years ago...it has nothing to do with that. 

It's simply a cute name system players gave the absolute irrefutable certainty that in every 37 spins you will have roughly 24 numbers arrive, with roughly 12 of them repeating, and roughly 12 remaning unhit.

It would blow you and Steve away to know there are a half dozen people on the board right now, two of which are in this very thread, who are making well into six figures a year as "system" players...(and one approaching seven figures...). And much of how they play the game comes from the basis of the concepts being shared here.

If you can't accept that, that's ok, we're not forcing anyone to believe anything.  But if you can't participate in a constructive way beyond the arguments you've already expressed multiple times, then remain silent.

He doesn't realize the gift the right in front if him, all he would think is gif, not gift.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Joe on Sep 27, 02:42 PM 2018
Quote from: 6th-sense on Sep 27, 02:29 PM 2018Complete respect for you joe ...use Rng spins also in what I’m saying
Will show the same results

Needless to say, I don't agree with him.  You don't need to analyse every wheel before playing it; there are some "universals" which apply regardless of the particular wheel. That doesn't mean it's easy to win though.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Sep 27, 02:43 PM 2018
Quote from: Mako on Sep 27, 02:17 PM 2018
Same.  I hope he's doing well, have no reason to wish for his misfortune, despite him being awfully condescending and holier-than-thou to people on the board...some of whom are making 10x what he does from Roulette on an annual basis.

LOTT is not some excuse a few clowns used to explain their AP winnings years ago...it has nothing to do with that. 

It's simply a cute name system players gave the absolute irrefutable certainty that in every 37 spins you will have roughly 24 numbers arrive, with roughly 12 of them repeating, and roughly 12 remaning unhit.

It would blow you and Steve away to know there are a half dozen people on the board right now, two of which are in this very thread, who are making well into six figures a year as "system" players...(and one approaching seven figures...). And much of how they play the game comes from the basis of the concepts being shared here.

If you can't accept that, that's ok, we're not forcing anyone to believe anything.  But if you can't participate in a constructive way beyond the arguments you've already expressed multiple times, then remain silent.

It isn’t all about Lott the rolling tracker is an example ..

There’s more to the game than repeats..

There are also the unhits and unique..
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Sep 27, 02:46 PM 2018
Quote from: Joe on Sep 27, 02:42 PM 2018
Needless to say, I don't agree with him.  You don't need to analyse every wheel before playing it; there are some "universals" which apply regardless of the particular wheel. That doesn't mean it's easy to win though.

You are right of course you only need to analyse the spin cycle
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: The General on Sep 27, 04:07 PM 2018
If the LOTT tracker works, then careful analysis will tell you that there's nothing there that you can exploit.

If you disagree, then perhaps you can provide an example?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: RouletteGhost on Sep 27, 04:24 PM 2018
Quote from: The General on Sep 27, 04:07 PM 2018

If you disagree, then perhaps you can provide an example?

Now remember folks, years and years of winning sheets showing what he just requested will not be good enough :)

So move along and don’t entertain it :)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: The General on Sep 27, 04:27 PM 2018
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Sep 27, 04:24 PM 2018
Now remember folks, years and years of winning sheets showing what he just requested will not be good enough :)

What years and years of testing?

Just curious, why is it that nobody can seem to win with the LOTT,KFC, GUT on the MPR game?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Madi on Sep 27, 05:58 PM 2018
Quote from: The General on Sep 27, 04:27 PM 2018
What years and years of testing?

Just curious, why is it that nobody can seem to win with the LOTT,KFC, GUT on the MPR game?

Mpr is lower class facility. Player like inventor of  GUT dont water the pumpkin , they play in real wheel, real field. Thats why u dont see it here.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: The General on Sep 27, 06:08 PM 2018
Quote from: Madi on Sep 27, 05:58 PM 2018
Mpr is lower class facility.

Why do you suppose it is that none of the LOT players can beat it?

Again, the law of the third indicates that you can't win on the 37 pocket wheel because the house payout is short, and furthermore it indicates that for it to win consistently the player would need to play on a wheel that has only 35 or fewer pockets, at which point simply guessing numbers would be just as effective for winning.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Madi on Sep 27, 06:25 PM 2018
Quote from: The General on Sep 27, 06:08 PM 2018
Why do you suppose it is that none of the LOT players can beat it?

Again, the law of the third indicates that you can't win on the 37 pocket wheel because the house payout is short, and furthermore it indicates that for it to win consistently the player would need to play on a wheel that has only 35 or fewer pockets, at which point simply guessing numbers would be just as effective for winning.

Everyone is LOT player by know that or in unknown state.

I got 3 more pocket in my trouser. U can add that it wont affect. You can lower the payout but not lower than 27. It wont affect. LAW of third indicates that random has builtin bias. Yu can ignore some pockets during ur play session up to 74 spin. Do the recycling u can always ignore some pocket.

Random is random( cant be predicted) to those people who cant exploit it.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: The General on Sep 27, 06:55 PM 2018
Quote from: Madi on Sep 27, 06:25 PM 2018
Everyone is LOT player by know that or in unknown state.

I got 3 more pocket in my trouser. U can add that it wont affect. You can lower the payout but not lower than 27. It wont affect. LAW of third indicates that random has builtin bias. Yu can ignore some pockets during ur play session up to 74 spin. Do the recycling u can always ignore some pocket.

Random is random( cant be predicted) to those people who cant exploit it.


If one number has hit three times within 20 spins, and another number has not hit at all, then which is more likely to hit over the next series of spins?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: luckyfella on Sep 27, 07:18 PM 2018
Quote from: The General on Sep 27, 06:55 PM 2018

If one number has hit three times within 20 spins, and another number has not hit at all, then which is more likely to hit over the next series of spins?
It does not matter whether the pocket hit 3times or none

Bet the pockets that has potential to become hot
That's the real meaning of hot numbers

Told you and steve umpteen times yet both of you decide to ignore this

Both of you are not clever enough to figure it out even though there's material posted on this forum
Somehow you chose to do it the hard way hunting for biased wheels
Recruiting slaves to do the dirty job for you

6th-sense took the trouble to summarise the key aspects how to look at spins in a creative manner
The most important thread on any forum to get you started
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: luckyfella on Sep 27, 07:39 PM 2018
Quote from: The General on Sep 27, 04:27 PM 2018
What years and years of testing?

Just curious, why is it that nobody can seem to win with the LOTT,KFC, GUT on the MPR game?
Why should EVERYONE waste their time playing on mpr instead of playing for real money at the casino ?

It's naive not to know that Steve has has access to how the games are played

Both you and Steve twisted this as nobody can win with systems play since nobody wins on mpr
As if mpr is the gold standard of roulette
To fool the chums
That suits your agenda
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Madi on Sep 27, 08:16 PM 2018
Quote from: The General on Sep 27, 06:55 PM 2018

If one number has hit three times within 20 spins, and another number has not hit at all, then which is more likely to hit over the next series of spins?

Both r equally likelly
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: -Katalyst- on Sep 27, 08:22 PM 2018
Perhaps - some peeps ingrained in their ways want it on a platter  :question:

- and other agendas to boot  ::)

Yes - totally agree with the sentiments towards 6th sharing this on the forum  :thumbsup:
David’s HG - is based all around these concepts

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: The General on Sep 27, 08:30 PM 2018
Quote from: luckyfella on Sep 27, 07:39 PM 2018
Why should EVERYONE waste their time playing on mpr instead of playing for real money at the casino ?

It's naive not to know that Steve has has access to how the games are played

Both you and Steve twisted this as nobody can win with systems play since nobody wins on mpr
As if mpr is the gold standard of roulette
To fool the chums
That suits your agenda

So that's why nobody can beat it?  It's because Steve can see what you're doing ?  ::)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Sep 27, 08:56 PM 2018
Quote from: The General on Sep 27, 08:30 PM 2018
So that's why nobody can beat it?  It's because Steve can see what you're doing ?  ::)

Mpr is pure garbage.  That’s one thing we all have proof of.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: The General on Sep 27, 09:34 PM 2018
Quote from: Blueprint on Sep 27, 08:56 PM 2018
Mpr is pure garbage.  That’s one thing we all have proof of.

So let me get this straight.  The systems work, but they don't when they're played on the MPR because it's "garbage"?   ::)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Madi on Sep 27, 09:58 PM 2018
Quote from: The General on Sep 27, 09:34 PM 2018
So let me get this straight.  The systems work, but they don't when they're played on the MPR because it's "garbage"?   ::)

No general.

The system work . The system player doesnt sit on garbage longer once they notice its garbage. Thats why u dont see them.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: -Katalyst- on Sep 27, 10:42 PM 2018
@Caleb - To point out the obvious - the successful system players are actually playing the B/M casinos ....not the computers!

*lets get this clear - nobody on here has to or is obliged to disclose anything that their not comfortable with disclosing

*not meant to be untowards Caleb, I see your take on certain things - but at the same, with all the info on here that you are privy to and with your so called smarts -  you either got it or there is an added agenda to all your blurbs

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: bigmoney on Sep 28, 05:39 AM 2018
so when we crack this how  many units
will we make per hour ?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Sep 28, 06:01 AM 2018
Quote from: 6th-sense on Sep 27, 08:10 AM 2018Unhit and repeats are always excactly the same...every cycle ..

You can believe what 6th says.

I'm finishing the 4th set of data on airball spins.

I could post these 4 sets now and all you'll see is the averages for 60 spins is

Spins 1-10 is average of 9 non-hit
Spins 11-20; 7,+2; 7 non-hit
Spins 21-30; 5, non-hit 50/50
spins 31-40, 24.7 non-hit
Spins 60; 29 or 30 non-hit
Look at the non-hit time tables in Real roulette spins, you would be silly to not look and see how predictable 40 and 60 spins are.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Sep 28, 06:03 AM 2018
Here it comes why are you not on MPR, as long as when on the FOBT's on the mickey mouse/slot roulette that give on average 15 non-hit in spins 11-40, that's all i need to know
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Sep 28, 06:09 AM 2018
Today's #'s

I dont use ayk tester so someone plaster these in see if the 15 non-hit come in spins 11-40

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/09/28/source.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/tHDvK)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Joe on Sep 28, 06:12 AM 2018
Quote from: nottophammer on Sep 28, 06:03 AM 2018Here it comes why are you not on MPR, as long as when on the FOBT's on the mickey mouse/slot roulette that give on average 15 non-hit in spins 11-40, that's all i need to know

notto didn't you say you play the FOBTs?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Sep 28, 06:33 AM 2018
Quote from: Joe on Sep 28, 06:12 AM 2018as long as when on the FOBT's

Yes 99.9% i play on these.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Sep 28, 07:11 AM 2018
Joe these from MPR

how many non-hit at spin 10, how many at spin 40, end +194

There's 2 too many pockets against you, piss off general

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/09/28/sourceb5ab3.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/tHqUy)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Sep 28, 07:18 AM 2018
Remember Two cat Sam and his laminated sheet this is laminated, using whiteboard marker, saves on sheets of paper
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/09/28/source.jpg) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/tHHXL)

Perfect distribution of the non-hit
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Sep 28, 07:28 AM 2018
Thanks 6TH-SENSE :thumbsup: I will continue to research
Just a thought ...
Each cycle of 37 consists of smaller sub-cycles, and each has its own characteristics, if we take as a basis a small piece of the cycle and practice thinking it will affect thinking, etc. ... It remains to think about what things to look at)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Sep 28, 07:33 AM 2018
Quote from: Person S on Sep 28, 07:28 AM 2018Each cycle of 37 consists of smaller sub-cycles, and each has its own characteristics, if we take as a basis a small piece of the cycle and practice thinking it will affect thinking, etc. ... It remains to think about what things to look at)

Woo, now you looking at the TROT, that according to 2 forum experts don't exist
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Sep 28, 07:37 AM 2018
Quote from: nottophammer on Sep 28, 07:33 AM 2018
Woo, now you looking at the TROT, that according to 2 forum experts don't exist

Notto, this is not only trotte, but also other features..
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Sep 28, 07:42 AM 2018
Quote from: Person S on Sep 28, 07:37 AM 2018
Notto, this is not only trotte, but also other features..
Yep i do know and i know how non-hits come
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Sep 28, 07:53 AM 2018
Person S or is it Falkor
Is a game of Roulette not just 0x v 1x then 0x v 1x+>1x
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Sep 28, 08:01 AM 2018
Quote from: nottophammer on Sep 28, 07:53 AM 2018
Person S or is it Falkor
Is a game of Roulette not just 0x v 1x then 0x v 1x+>1x

The formula of victory? I am just learning...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Sep 28, 09:22 AM 2018
BetVoyager - RNG.
Harddd, addd ///
Will this strategy win?
I put on repeats with 14 spins, but they did not come
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Sep 28, 07:16 PM 2018
Person S
Do you think the Great General is going to say where you went wrong with all those non-hits coming,
Don't forget there's those 1 or 2 extra pockets.

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/09/28/source6331a.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/t8M2c)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Sep 28, 08:44 PM 2018
Notto, you have a great sense of humor.
I think that the general will advise me to move forward on the broken wheels.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: bigmoney on Sep 29, 07:24 AM 2018
reading this thread ....i realise what point vaddis makes about balance
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herby on Sep 29, 07:36 AM 2018
Quote from: bigmoney on Sep 29, 07:24 AM 2018
realise what point vaddis makes about balance
This is superb !  :thumbsup:
But you forgot to tell us about this point.  :sad2:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herby on Sep 29, 07:43 AM 2018
Quote from: nottophammer on Sep 28, 07:53 AM 2018
Is a game of Roulette not just 0x v 1x then 0x v 1x+>1x
Hi Notto,
v ... should this be a logical "OR" ?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Sep 29, 08:28 AM 2018
For the General V= Fcuck off
The rest V= versus 0x v 1x
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Sep 29, 09:34 AM 2018
exactly what Winkel shows here, 0x's versus, extra pocket/s or not just study how non-hits can come and that applies to you General

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/09/29/source7ad6c.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/t8P75)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herby on Sep 29, 11:57 AM 2018
For comparison, one of my simulations

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/09/29/source5e902.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/t8cWx)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: The General on Sep 29, 12:03 PM 2018
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Sep 29, 12:15 PM 2018
Quote from: The General on Sep 29, 12:03 PM 2018
Are we playing russian roulette with our atmosphere, General?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Mako on Sep 29, 02:11 PM 2018
Quote from: Bigbroben on Sep 29, 12:15 PM 2018
Are we playing russian roulette with our atmosphere, General?

One of the best lines I've ever read on the forum was Junscissorhands telling PassionRuletta that he should go play "RussianRuletta" instead of trying to sell systems...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Sep 29, 03:52 PM 2018
Quote from: Mako on Sep 29, 02:11 PM 2018
One of the best lines I've ever read on the forum was Junscissorhands telling PassionRuletta that he should go play "RussianRuletta" instead of trying to sell systems...

And now junscissorhands going around selling systems... comical.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: bigmoney on Sep 29, 09:58 PM 2018
does a  dealer change have any impact on the  37 spin cycle ?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Steve on Sep 29, 10:31 PM 2018
Ill translate generals chart. It means the other charts show irrelevant data - irrelevant to anything that may change odds. He was joining in.

Remember if odds dont change, the payout is still short
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Steve on Sep 29, 10:36 PM 2018
Instead of complain about caleb, why not test whether or not a method he criticizes changes accuracy of predictions? I don't mean test 22 spins. I mean a proper test.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Sep 30, 12:04 AM 2018
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Sep 29, 04:41 PM 2018
As it happens, this man, Junscissorhands, said that I did not know anything and that he sold my knowledge and he did it before me and I'm sure he keeps doing it, but I'm not going to judge him because anyone is free to sell or do what you want with what you know, but logically I will not be studying for 12 years and then give all my knowledge.
I know what I have and what I do and nowadays there are many more things that people believe in and I do not care what they think, you can laugh, say bad things about me or what you want, I know what I have and with whom I will share it without any kind of business, since those people with me also share.
But I can assure you that everything that is about dyksexlic is something that has nothing to do with what is spoken or people understand, it is a process and not an event. :thumbsup:

We have made peace and progress Sergio but this post is completely English and not how you usually come across so clearly....did u actually type this?

Junscissor hands has indeed sold his system I know this

But so what ..he also gave u
Credit for the incomplete bet u thought was. Right

And some of that knowledge was from me

He did not glean his knowledge from u
Rather u gleaned part knowledge
From me ....no difference...so ease. Up on the moral issue
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Sep 30, 06:53 AM 2018
I did notice too the higher english level...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Nimo on Sep 30, 11:28 AM 2018
Quote from: Steve on Sep 29, 10:31 PM 2018
Ill translate generals chart. It means the other charts show irrelevant data - irrelevant to anything that may change odds. He was joining in.

Remember if odds dont change, the payout is still short

So in say 61 spins, the payout being -2.7 on a single zero wheel.  After 61 spins at at -2.7 per spin the payout would be -$164.70, With a progression making the payout multiplying the negativity to the point where it's hopeless

What if a system, made an average of $50.36 per spin profit and does this not every time, but more than enough times to profit handsomely.  Let's even assign values.  At $50.36 profit per spin multiplied by 61 spins, that's a profit of $3072. 

3072/164.7=18.65 or roughly 5% of all games played

I would need to win once every 18.65 (5%) times to break even.  Anything more than that is pure profit.  This is important.  This is what a lot of people don't understand including Steve and The General.  Even with their so called roulette experience.  The above is math too, It's the aspect most so called roulette gurus don't fully appreciate, yet it's the key to profiting in the long run.

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/09/30/source30e7c.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/tklq9)

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: luckyfella on Sep 30, 12:44 PM 2018
Quote from: Nimo on Sep 30, 11:28 AM 2018

So in say 61 spins, the payout being -2.7 on a single zero wheel.  After 61 spins at at -2.7 per spin the payout would be -$164.70, With a progression making the payout multiplying the negativity to the point where it's hopeless

What if a system, made an average of $50.36 per spin profit and does this not every time, but more than enough times to profit handsomely.  Let's even assign values.  At $50.36 profit per spin multiplied by 61 spins, that's a profit of $3072. 

3072/164.7=18.65 or roughly 5% of all games played

I would need to win once every 18.65 (5%) times to break even.  Anything more than that is pure profit.  This is important.  This is what a lot of people don't understand including Steve and The General.  Even with their so called roulette experience.  The above is math too, It's the aspect most so called roulette gurus don't fully appreciate, yet it's the key to profiting in the long run.

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/09/30/source30e7c.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/tklq9)
Because they don't understand, because they are not even aware of how to look at systems profitability, because they don't mention this important $ aspect, their guru status is plain nonsense

Btw I play for $, not just McD combo meal
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Sep 30, 09:08 PM 2018
Since this is ''37 spins, back to basics'', I'll just add some datas and stats to it.

let's talk about the ''Rank'' of the nrs in 37 spins, which I used to espress as ''Gap'' in a previous thread ( link:s://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=20347.0 )
Have a look at the cells below, you'll understand what I mean.  So basically, last spin nr is rank 1, second last, rank2, a repeating nr jumps to rank 1.  Easy.
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/09/30/source12be5.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/tkrit)

How many repeaters are there in 37 spins?  Around 13, mostly from 11 to 16.
The different ranks that these repeaters represent do repeat also, of course.  There are around 10 different ranks, mostly from 8 to 12 ranks.  The difference between the 2 has a median of 4, mostly from 2 to 5.
Notice the spiky trend of the ranks: 49% of all repeaters in a 37-spin cycles have 9 or 10 different ranks, or 69% have 9,10 or 11 ranks.
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/09/30/source4e78a.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/tkfr5)

Overall, counting all repeater's rank in the many runs I did, ranks appearances, expressed in %, are as follows:
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/09/30/source65367.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/tkJY1)

My 2,7 cents...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Sep 30, 09:16 PM 2018

repeating ranks.... O0

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/09/30/sourcefa324.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/tkhKr)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: -Katalyst- on Sep 30, 09:38 PM 2018
@ Luckyfella

That’s the thing - I think they already know and get it - there are self serving agendas at play

**It becomes fruitless discussing/debating/and then arguing the same
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Madi on Sep 30, 10:00 PM 2018
Wheel master is a master of psychological manipulation. He is one step ahead of the back dated forum rules. He is doing it for years. Turbo has done some good stuff , helped people but not clever enough to avoid his trap , at the end of the day he steped in wheel masters trap. Sad
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Gandhi on Oct 01, 11:40 PM 2018
Hey Nimo and 6th,  how many numbers is the limit you guys bet?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Nimo on Oct 02, 11:56 AM 2018
Quote from: Gandhi on Oct 01, 11:40 PM 2018
Hey Nimo and 6th,  how many numbers is the limit you guys bet?

In the chart I posted above, all 37 numbers are being bet, with varying amount of chips, on varying numbers.  Since you can't supposedly beat variance, then go along with it.  Turbo's "random beats random" is way smarter than Steve or The General can conceptualize. 
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Oct 02, 12:25 PM 2018
Do you cover the whole carpet?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Nimo on Oct 02, 02:29 PM 2018
Quote from: Person S on Oct 02, 12:25 PM 2018
Do you cover the whole carpet?

Eventually, I add 8 number sections and add a positive progression each time that 8 number section hits, let the variance tell me where to bet.  Once the section reaches a certain point, or I've reached my profit target the game is over.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Gandhi on Oct 02, 03:27 PM 2018
Quote from: Nimo on Oct 02, 02:29 PM 2018
Eventually, I add 8 number sections and add a positive progression each time that 8 number section hits, let the variance tell me where to bet.  Once the section reaches a certain point, or I've reached my profit target the game is over.

good info Nimo.

Do you guys start play after spin 1and follow the wheel as Vaddi says? Or do you guys wait for your completed 37 cycle to see where you want to start betting?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Nimo on Oct 03, 11:14 AM 2018
Quote from: Gandhi on Oct 02, 03:27 PM 2018
good info Nimo.

Do you guys start play after spin 1and follow the wheel as Vaddi says? Or do you guys wait for your completed 37 cycle to see where you want to start betting?

Depends on what system I'm playing
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Maxiss on Oct 13, 07:02 AM 2018
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 09, 02:29 PM 2018
hi everyone going to start this subject back to basics ..37 spin timeframe..

would like to talk about singles to splits to repeats...to 24 numbers out and 12 remaining on the average game...how to see these form..how repeats form..and the distance on the linear line gaps thats expected on numbers not out...

I've been a ghost reader so far, but wanted to thank you for your contribution, really fascinating stuff, and I hope this thread stays alive so I can follow it and learn more.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Oct 23, 04:56 AM 2018
Is there a connection between the gaps of empty blocks and drop-down numbers, the magic of distances?

The balance between the two groups towards the end of the cycle becomes absolute always. If I try to tie these things up and see that until the end of the 37 spins, it shows more than necessary, a rate may form in one of the groups. Unfortunately it does not work so well, because the variance affects...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Oct 29, 08:35 PM 2018

I'm ready to spend some screening on that book you're working on.

There aren't that many books about roulette's straight-up nrs.  They're mostly about ECs...

Are you still active on this project?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herby on Oct 30, 04:48 AM 2018
Quote from: Person S on Oct 23, 04:56 AM 2018Is there a connection between the gaps of empty blocks and drop-down numbers, the magic of distances?
Similar question:
Is there a connection between the amount of empty blocks and  the amount of blocks of hit numbers ?

e.g. if numbers 26,27,28,29 have hit (no matter which order), they build 1 block.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herby on Oct 30, 05:34 AM 2018
Other question:
How behaves the growth velocity of the above mentioned blocks in x-direction relative to y-direction ?  :question:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herby on Oct 31, 01:08 PM 2018
Quote from: Herby on Oct 30, 05:34 AM 2018
Other question:
How behaves the growth velocity of the above mentioned blocks in x-direction relative to y-direction ?  :question:

e.g.: first number hit is 31
31 has two neighbours: 30, 32
So the probability to hit a neighbour (30, 32) is double than the probability for a repeat (31).

So mostly we should hit earlier a neighbour then the already hit number.

This raises the next question: When do we statistically have the first neighbour hit of any until now hit numbers ?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herby on Oct 31, 01:27 PM 2018
Quote from: Herby on Oct 31, 01:08 PM 2018
When do we statistically have the first neighbour hit of any until now hit numbers ?
simulation 100.000 trials
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Mako on Oct 31, 02:50 PM 2018
Nice Herby, Vaddi talked about neighbors (what he called "splitting") for a reason. And as always, thanks to Gordon's great work starting this, and to those who participate in this thread, always appreciated.

To anyone new who comes here: If you're going to seriously pursue a method on this forum without it being based in VB or AP methods, this is your best avenue to explore.  Lot of other roads to go down, nearly all of them lead nowhere, but this core philosophy has produced success, (i.e. people winning more than losing over an extended period of time), hence why it should all of our focus.

Good stuff.  :thumbsup: 

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Oct 31, 02:56 PM 2018
Curiously I've got good results deciding the ''opposite'' to a number is the one that's needed to make a sum of 37 (  2 and 35, 20 and 17, 25 and 12...)
To add the opposite on a hit, or to remove the opposite on a hit if both are played.  Different strategies that are worth investigating.  Or play both.

   Many options...

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Oct 31, 07:05 PM 2018
Much more?  Certainly.  Like.... ( please complete, Passion) and...   and....

Thanks for your future contribution! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Ricky on Nov 01, 07:23 AM 2018
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Robbert on Nov 01, 12:14 PM 2018
What is the % that the first rep hits the first 8 spins?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Nov 01, 12:32 PM 2018
Somewhere around 65%, I think.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Nov 01, 12:43 PM 2018

got this done real quick:
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/11/01/source6f910.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/TXmv9)

Underlined: what you've asked.  34,74% do not see a repeater on or before playing 8 nrs, so 65,26% do.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Roulettebeater on Nov 01, 01:07 PM 2018

where is andre chas? did he hit the powerball's jackpot?

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Robbert on Nov 01, 01:08 PM 2018
Thx bigroben! I am having an idea, going to test it a little soon. Will report later!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Roulettebeater on Nov 01, 01:19 PM 2018
guys you are wasting your time!
you wanna win ? 
easy, get yourself the HG from passionruletta, he posted a very sexy graph
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Nov 01, 01:23 PM 2018
Quote from: Roulettebeater on Nov 01, 01:19 PM 2018
guys you are wasting your time!
you wanna win ? 
easy, get yourself the HG from passionruletta, he posted a very sexy graph

We can't !  He's not selling anything...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Roulettebeater on Nov 01, 01:29 PM 2018
Quote from: Bigbroben on Nov 01, 01:23 PM 2018
We can't !  He's not selling anything...

of course he is selling! but only crap systems
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Nov 01, 01:50 PM 2018
Mmhh... I don't play crap.  Too bad.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herby on Nov 01, 04:24 PM 2018
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Nov 01, 04:12 PM 2018
there is only one person who has given very valuable information

yes, it's 6th-sense who gave interesting information.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Nov 01, 05:54 PM 2018
Quote from: Herby on Nov 01, 04:24 PM 2018
yes, it's 6th-sense who gave interesting information.

Thanks Herby appreciate that comment...

Quote from: PassionRuleta on Nov 01, 04:50 PM 2018and referring to the sixth sense, if he has valuable information and is a good person.

and thanks Sergio appreciate that also

on the ayk tracker...the big large box of results on right i had ayk specifically make for me..the table stream..and the wheel stream...same results two different tables..wheel side table set out in order of wheel..

two different streams..you never wondered why thats there?

or indeed if it could be used in conjunction with 37 back to basics thread

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Nov 01, 06:02 PM 2018
ie this
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Nov 01, 06:37 PM 2018
it can be seen that the distribution of even and odd is different,
1 column - 7 even, 5 odd
2 column - 3 e, 9 o
3 column - 8 ev, 4 o ...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Nov 01, 07:29 PM 2018
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Nov 01, 04:50 PM 2018
I was referring to the fact that I have given very valuable information to a person in this forum, who does not comment on any topic and does not know how to take advantage of it.
and referring to the sixth sense, if he has valuable information and is a good person.
Passion, I am very curious to see how you play, you seem to have good results, from the graphs you share.
You  could of course share it with us, it can only be constructive. 
I doubt, as Vaddi claimed, that a working system, aka Holy Grail, could make casinos change the way roulette is played.

What hinders you from sharing?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Nov 01, 08:24 PM 2018
Ok what about this:
Put the nrs out also with the graph so we can reverse-engineer.  This would be fun!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Nov 01, 08:44 PM 2018
Lo que hago con Excel por la gente tampoco es gratis... a veces. 
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Nov 01, 09:12 PM 2018
Too late, I'm almost done.! O0
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Gandhi on Nov 02, 01:00 AM 2018
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Nov 01, 08:11 PM 2018
Does this remind anyone? :lol: :lol:
First it's all flat and then with progression 1-5-25 ...
I think that I am already leaving everything clear, but you will say that they are only graphics ...

Thats the positive progression Turbo uses.

You use Diksexlics way with Turbos prog..?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herby on Nov 02, 05:30 AM 2018
Quote from: 6th-sense on Nov 01, 05:54 PM 2018
two different streams..you never wondered why thats there?

In fact there are 37! = 13763753091226345046315979581580902400000000 different streams.
If you reduce them by taking 1 red 1 black and so on.....  leads to less:
18!*18! = 40990389067797283140009984000000 different streams.

Impressive numbers to show you the other side (our side, the searchers side).

You take 2 of these streams more or less arbitrarily. (layout and wheel)
Maybe you use rrbb's streams too, then the subsets (lines, streets,...) to each streams...

unhit, hit, repeat
what did I forget ?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Nov 02, 08:01 AM 2018
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Nov 01, 08:32 PM 2018
I can not put the numbers, because it is a session of 15000 balls, I will be doing it little by little and if I finish it and I feel like publishing the 15000 balls :thumbsup:
Well 15000 balls, NAH,
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/11/02/source.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/Tawi5)

Just watch the R1's

Prefer GSXR1000  :lol:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Roulettebeater on Nov 02, 09:08 AM 2018

Roulette isn’t soccer, and the dealer isn’t west ham fan
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Nov 02, 12:23 PM 2018
Quote from: Herby on Nov 02, 05:30 AM 2018
In fact there are 37! = 13763753091226345046315979581580902400000000 different streams.
If you reduce them by taking 1 red 1 black and so on.....  leads to less:
18!*18! = 40990389067797283140009984000000 different streams.

Impressive numbers to show you the other side (our side, the searchers side).

You take 2 of these streams more or less arbitrarily. (layout and wheel)
Maybe you use rrbb's streams too, then the subsets (lines, streets,...) to each streams...

unhit, hit, repeat
what did I forget ?

Cracking answer Herby
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Nov 02, 01:30 PM 2018
Where do we get infos on the PHP?  In this forum or others...

Thanks, Anybody.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Nov 02, 02:22 PM 2018
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Nov 01, 08:57 PM 2018
Oki, do not worry, if you do not want to do it, there's no problem, I ask other acquaintances, I only told you because you do it fast ... anyway I thank you :thumbsup:

Sergio if you need it in rx Ricky is fast and trustworthy he does all my stuff

Bigroben  I’ll put you some stuff up shortly
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Nov 02, 02:41 PM 2018
Thanks 6th,
I understand PHP, I think , but not sure how to apply it to roulette.  Did read Falkor's stuff, from the search engine, and others.

Got the Excel done, did not take long.

What's more relevant, quick, or worth?  Excel or Rx?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Nov 02, 03:50 PM 2018
Quote from: Bigbroben on Nov 02, 02:41 PM 2018
Thanks 6th,
I understand PHP, I think , but not sure how to apply it to roulette.  Did read Falkor's stuff, from the search engine, and others.

Got the Excel done, did not take long.

What's more relevant, quick, or worth?  Excel or Rx?

youve probably read everything i have on php to be honest

quick or worth? its up to the individual who is looking really

i cant code excel or rx...but rx is good and ricky is good at it and his custom  platform he has made for rx gives you many adjustable options on any system in rx before you just click play...rather than just a dgt file
gives you a lot of free play on any system to adjust and test yourself...no one else has this custom feature for rx i know of
more importantly ricky is discreet and trustworthy

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herby on Nov 03, 05:37 AM 2018
Quote from: Bigbroben on Nov 02, 01:30 PM 2018
Where do we get infos on the PHP?  In this forum or others...

This one was good.  :thumbsup:

Quote from: 6th-sense on Sep 29, 04:00 AM 2018
He always won in a cycle ..
I think he was very similar to vaddis in his thinking

Ayks tracker is probably the best tool in the world to check stuff out like this

I would say his pigeon hole theory is along the same lines

An average of 24 numbers out and 12 repeats

On ayks tracker there are only 37 empty slots

They would be the pigeon hole boxes there’s no two ways about it

Those 24 pigeons cannot all be standalone numbers you would need let’s say 48 pigeon hole boxes

Those pigeons must at least pair or flock together..they have to

Be it one or two pairs

Do a test and see how many times it takes to make a pair

Person S pics shows both extremes one for repeats and then one for expansion on unhits

Repeats and unhits and unique  are all tied together

Dyslexic was a one cycle winner but had a large bankroll that would make sure he won it

He always said he would win on a repeat even if it came in on the 37th spin
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herby on Nov 03, 05:56 AM 2018
Quote from: Herby on Oct 30, 04:48 AM 2018
Similar question:
Is there a connection between the amount of empty blocks and  the amount of blocks of hit numbers ?

e.g. if numbers 26,27,28,29 have hit (no matter which order), they build 1 block.

If you think of the numbers as a ring:
the amount of empty blocks = the amount of blocks of hit numbers
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Nov 03, 07:14 AM 2018
But hey, it's only 9000 spins.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Nov 03, 08:41 AM 2018
Quote from: Herby on Nov 03, 05:37 AM 2018
This one was good.  :thumbsup:

That’s part of it..those boxes align with ec,s  dozens ds streets quads etc

Everything has a cycle

Classic basic example of pigeonhole is say a dozens 1..2..3 are out one must repeat

Blueprint I think is using his streams tracker from out of the box thread using this theory
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herby on Nov 03, 01:42 PM 2018
Quote from: 6th-sense on Nov 03, 08:41 AM 2018
Blueprint I think is using his streams tracker from out of the box thread using this theory
I only found Blueprint's  link to Mike Tysons video where the  noisy sound combined with my understanding of spoken English leads me to the assumption that Mike Tyson is talking about pidgeons.  ^-^
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Madi on Nov 03, 05:48 PM 2018
Quote from: 6th-sense on Nov 03, 08:41 AM 2018

Classic basic example of pigeonhole is say a dozens 1..2..3 are out one must repeat

What? Where is 0.
Ist spin 2 nd doz
2 nd spin 1 st doz
3rd spin 3 doz
4th spin 0
5th spin 0
Where is repeat. This principle got a hole. If u think otherwise come up with a clear roulette related example.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: The General on Nov 03, 11:34 PM 2018
Yes, more than just a few holes.   ::)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Nov 04, 01:09 AM 2018
Quote from: Madi on Nov 03, 05:48 PM 2018
What? Where is 0.
Ist spin 2 nd doz
2 nd spin 1 st doz
3rd spin 3 doz
4th spin 0
5th spin 0
Where is repeat. This principle got a hole. If u think otherwise come up with a clear roulette related example.

That’s is true..that’s a classic example..the streams tracker..the original streams tracker does not have zero in it

Vaddis incorporation of the pairing chart links it to number 1 and number 36

I’ve gave the exact  same argument which you have just given with a certain someone privately a few months back ..

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Madi on Nov 04, 01:35 AM 2018
Lets think there is no 0. Still is there any predictable way ( i mean mathmatically with evidence) rather than guessing?

Is there any complicated  things is vaddis description? I dont think so. Pairing has no math base. Sometimes it appears sometimes not.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Nov 04, 06:02 AM 2018
Quote from: Madi on Nov 04, 01:35 AM 2018Lets think there is no 0. Still is there any predictable way ( i mean mathmatically with evidence) rather than guessing?

Good question. 
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Nov 04, 09:11 AM 2018
Pigeon holes, just watch repeats 1,3,5,7 over 40 spins
They'll show when the R1's go R2.

Thanks to Turbo for his riddles

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/11/04/source.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/TboAo)

Or just 36*1,5,25,+
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Madi on Nov 04, 01:04 PM 2018
Quote from: Blueprint on Nov 04, 06:02 AM 2018
Good question.

Actually bad question. 0 is built in .
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Madi on Nov 04, 01:07 PM 2018
Quote from: nottophammer on Nov 04, 09:11 AM 2018
Pigeon holes, just watch repeats 1,3,5,7 over 40 spins

Plz talk when it doesnt
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Nov 04, 07:10 PM 2018
Quote from: Madi on Nov 04, 01:04 PM 2018
Actually bad question. 0 is built in .

Why are you assuming my response had anything to do with the 0?  It’s irrelevant if you’re still playing a guessing game.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Madi on Nov 04, 08:26 PM 2018
Quote from: Blueprint on Nov 04, 07:10 PM 2018
Why are you assuming my response had anything to do with the 0?  It’s irrelevant if you’re still playing a guessing game.
Ur only one word doesnt say much. My assumption could be wrong.

The theory of  hole doesnt have much value if there is a 0 in its place.

A pure math will predict corrctly 100 times out of 100. Winning more than lose still got guessing involved. And there is no way to predict next spin accurately  by using math. At least i m not aware of ( plz no word salad)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Nov 04, 09:12 PM 2018
Quote from: Madi on Nov 04, 08:26 PM 2018

Ur only one word doesnt say much. My assumption could be wrong.

The theory of  hole doesnt have much value if there is a 0 in its place.

A pure math will predict corrctly 100 times out of 100. Winning more than lose still got guessing involved. And there is no way to predict next spin accurately  by using math. At least i m not aware of ( plz no word salad)

Why are you still trying to predict?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Madi on Nov 04, 10:12 PM 2018
Quote from: Blueprint on Nov 04, 09:12 PM 2018
Why are you still trying to predict?
Bcz i dont own a casino
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herby on Nov 06, 05:19 AM 2018
Quote from: 6th-sense on Nov 03, 08:41 AM 2018
Blueprint I think is using his streams tracker from out of the box thread using this theory
Hi 6th,
sorry to repeat myself, there is nothing like "Blueprint  streams tracker from out of the box thread ".
The concept I know already about more than 15 years from german forums, but never saw the plus of information.
How could you help out ?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Nov 06, 06:54 AM 2018
Quote from: Herby on Nov 06, 05:19 AM 2018
Hi 6th,
sorry to repeat myself, there is nothing like "Blueprint  streams tracker from out of the box thread ".
The concept I know already about more than 15 years from german forums, but never saw the plus of information.
How could you help out ?

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blood Angel on Nov 06, 10:38 AM 2018
Did someone say there was as tracker by Ayk that could be set to roll 37 spins (or  a chosen amount of spins)? If so a link would be appreciated.

Thanks BA
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Nov 06, 10:43 AM 2018

Click on config set it to 37 then that’s a rolling tracker

Same for anything you set in there
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Nov 06, 10:47 AM 2018
If you want to import your own numbers in set config 1st to the amount you want your cycle

Then click on step button
Copy and paste numbers in the box that opens up then click on import

Then click on step it’ll bring one number out at time
Nice feature ayk kindly did for me
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blood Angel on Nov 06, 01:25 PM 2018
Quote from: 6th-sense on Nov 06, 10:43 AM 2018

Click on config set it to 37 then that’s a rolling tracker

Same for anything you set in there

That’s great mate, thanks for taking the time to reply.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Nov 06, 01:51 PM 2018
Quote from: Blood Angel on Nov 06, 01:25 PM 2018
That’s great mate, thanks for taking the time to reply.

No problem 😃
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Nov 08, 01:28 AM 2018
Just for the heck of it.

Another tool.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Nov 08, 02:57 AM 2018
awesome...now do one for wheel...and a combo of both..
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herby on Nov 08, 03:58 AM 2018
Quote from: 6th-sense on Nov 08, 02:57 AM 2018
awesome...now do one for wheel...and a combo of both..

Hi 6th-sense,
thanks for your always great answers.

As for 0..36 numbers there are 37! = 13763753091226345046315979581580902400000000
permutations possible.
Why you want espescially the permutation which shows the order of the wheel (AP considerations excluded) ?

Why one of the exorbitant high numbers of 37! permutations couldn`t be better for the combo?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Nov 08, 05:52 AM 2018
Quote from: Herby on Nov 08, 03:58 AM 2018
Hi 6th-sense,
thanks for your always great answers.

As for 0..36 numbers there are 37! = 13763753091226345046315979581580902400000000
permutations possible.
Why you want espescially the permutation which shows the order of the wheel (AP considerations excluded) ?

Why one of the exorbitant high numbers of 37! permutations couldn`t be better for the combo?

Why not do one for wheel?
I like the tracker

Combo of both is also interesting
To me ..ie dual results side by side

Just a nice interesting bit of kit
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Nov 08, 09:56 AM 2018
Quote from: 6th-sense on Nov 08, 02:57 AM 2018
awesome...now do one for wheel...and a combo of both..

I could do European and American Wheel.
Any other stats that would be worth inserting somewhere around the sheet?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Nov 08, 11:34 AM 2018
Quote from: Bigbroben on Nov 08, 09:56 AM 2018
I could do European and American Wheel.
Any other stats that would be worth inserting somewhere around the sheet?

Interesting stats ?

Off the top of my head yes

I’ll give you this one

My tracker attached to ayks original has HH LL HL LH

Made from the Wheel Table pic

On cross correlation  it’s self explanatory if you look at that wheel table layout

They relate to number groups

HH = high black numbers
LL= low black numbers
HL=high red numbers
LH=low red numbers

Start from 1st hit of 1st number in group ..note that spin it hit on  and note every spin number in that group as it comes out
And so on .until that group finishes on a repeat.
End tracking and final distance from start to finish of closure of that group cycle one repeat only

This is just a basic explanation of what does happen in a cycle spin frame

What happens if a group doesn’t repeat once in the spin cycle and how often does that happen?

And how far beyond the end of a 37 spin cycle does that take to close?
Check your stats

Just interesting stuff to look at


Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Nov 08, 11:44 AM 2018
Oh and put the numbers out next to spin number out so you can see which number it repeats on 😃
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Nov 08, 05:21 PM 2018
Thank you 6- sense, a very interesting message, I had a question - we start betting starting with the numbers we need to use, and what if there is only 1 number, are we waiting for a few more dropouts or are we connecting them in the process?
Zero ignore, it is not not in one of the groups?
Is any progression used ...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Nov 08, 05:49 PM 2018
Quote from: Person S on Nov 08, 05:21 PM 2018
Thank you 6- sense, a very interesting message, I had a question - we start betting starting with the numbers we need to use, and what if there is only 1 number, are we waiting for a few more dropouts or are we connecting them in the process?
Zero ignore, it is not not in one of the groups?
Is any progression used ...

I didn’t say it was a bet..bigroben asked for anything else for stats so just wanted to show this as an example of interest..and is what a basic cycle in a spin frame looks like ..

You will never get 37 unique spins out it’s impossible

So this is one example of what’s happening

Just thought it might stir a bit of interest towards everyone to think what’s going on ..sort of step back and think of the basics in front of you

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blood Angel on Nov 09, 05:33 AM 2018
Quote from: 6th-sense on Nov 08, 05:49 PM 2018
I didn’t say it was a bet..bigroben asked for anything else for stats so just wanted to show this as an example of interest..and is what a basic cycle in a spin frame looks like ..

You will never get 37 unique spins out it’s impossible

So this is one example of what’s happening

Just thought it might stir a bit of interest towards everyone to think what’s going on ..sort of step back and think of the basics in front of you

I wonder what the highest amount of uniques is? I have seen 26 in a row (true story) but what can be the highest in 37 spins if 37 is impossible..
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herby on Nov 09, 06:00 AM 2018
Quote from: Blood Angel on Nov 09, 05:33 AM 2018I wonder what the highest amount of uniques is? I have seen 26 in a row (true story) but what can be the highest in 37 spins if 37 is impossible..

Its not really impossible but the probability for this event is very very small.
simulation 10.000.000 trials: 
{{1, 270381}, {2, 525423}, {3, 747825}, {4, 915471}, {5, 1019835}, {6,
   1056756}, {7, 1033931}, {8, 958090}, {9, 843986}, {10,
  710517}, {11, 569474}, {12, 437276}, {13, 319697}, {14,
  223657}, {15, 148815}, {16, 94892}, {17, 56760}, {18, 32723}, {19,
  17664}, {20, 9092}, {21, 4382}, {22, 1980}, {23, 840}, {24,
  355}, {25, 122}, {26, 40}, {27, 12}, {28, 4}}

this means 4 times I got longest uniques length 28
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ignatus on Nov 09, 06:52 AM 2018
Quote from: Herby on Nov 09, 06:00 AM 2018
Its not really impossible but the probability for this event is very very small.
simulation 10.000.000 trials: 
{{1, 270381}, {2, 525423}, {3, 747825}, {4, 915471}, {5, 1019835}, {6,
   1056756}, {7, 1033931}, {8, 958090}, {9, 843986}, {10,
  710517}, {11, 569474}, {12, 437276}, {13, 319697}, {14,
  223657}, {15, 148815}, {16, 94892}, {17, 56760}, {18, 32723}, {19,
  17664}, {20, 9092}, {21, 4382}, {22, 1980}, {23, 840}, {24,
  355}, {25, 122}, {26, 40}, {27, 12}, {28, 4}}

this means 4 times I got longest uniques length 28

Well? Not really? I played the nottogame, now (simulated) --Play the last 10, this this time , non -stop, (with a *27 step*-progression) This was supposted to be the "Grail-progression"(?) But as you see in this chart,it's not a "grail"?  it busted At least *3* times during a 5000-spin trial? (random spins) (?)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ignatus on Nov 09, 07:06 AM 2018
Test 2. Now played with a *29-step progression*....As you can see it busted *2* times in less than 3000 spins...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Nov 09, 07:13 AM 2018
Quote from: Herby on Nov 09, 06:00 AM 2018
Its not really impossible but the probability for this event is very very small.
simulation 10.000.000 trials: 
{{1, 270381}, {2, 525423}, {3, 747825}, {4, 915471}, {5, 1019835}, {6,
   1056756}, {7, 1033931}, {8, 958090}, {9, 843986}, {10,
  710517}, {11, 569474}, {12, 437276}, {13, 319697}, {14,
  223657}, {15, 148815}, {16, 94892}, {17, 56760}, {18, 32723}, {19,
  17664}, {20, 9092}, {21, 4382}, {22, 1980}, {23, 840}, {24,
  355}, {25, 122}, {26, 40}, {27, 12}, {28, 4}}

this means 4 times I got longest uniques length 28

Nice test ...at the end of the 37 cycle ..unhit will always match repeats..Iggy ur doing a ten number test am I right?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ignatus on Nov 09, 07:21 AM 2018
Quote from: 6th-sense on Nov 09, 07:13 AM 2018
Nice test ...at the end of the 37 cycle ..unhit will always match repeats..Iggy ur doing a ten number test am I right?

yes, nottogame, 10 numbers bet,...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Nov 09, 07:36 AM 2018
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/11/09/source.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/TudAD)

Ignatus you sure you understand the method
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ignatus on Nov 09, 07:49 AM 2018
Quote from: nottophammer on Nov 09, 07:36 AM 2018
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2018/11/09/source.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/TudAD)

Ignatus you sure you understand the method

Yes notto :) ofc, now you play(?) (Bet every number that comes, up to 10 numbers, then stop) with the 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,3  or (4) at the end, then STOP/Restart (also stop/restart at any hit..) yes..

I played this (same) way, but with Now a *31 step progression*...And, as you can see in the chart, it busted at spin 44 000- something..,
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herby on Nov 09, 08:00 AM 2018
Quote from: ignatus on Nov 09, 06:52 AM 2018Well? Not really?

Mathematica Code, you could run it on a Raspberry Pi (cheapest computer, about 40 $)

Fun[] := Module[{}, n = 1;
  th = RandomInteger[36, 37];
  While[Length[Union[Take[th, n]]] == n, n++];
  n - 1]

erg = Table[Fun[], 10000000];
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herby on Nov 09, 08:09 AM 2018
Quote from: Herby on Nov 09, 08:00 AM 2018
Mathematica Code, you could run it on a Raspberry Pi (cheapest computer, about 40 $, software free)

Fun[] := Module[{}, n = 1;
  th = RandomInteger[36, 37];
  While[Length[Union[Take[th, n]]] == n, n++];
  n - 1]

erg = Table[Fun[], 10000000];

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herby on Nov 09, 08:41 AM 2018
Quote from: ignatus on Nov 09, 07:49 AM 2018(Bet every number that comes, up to 10 numbers, then stop) with the 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,3  or (4) at the end, then STOP/Restart (also stop/restart at any hit..)
If I understand it right you bet a window of 10 numbers.
You should get better results when you start to bet with 3. spin according to the theoretical values:

The area unter the graph gives you the probability to hit.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ignatus on Nov 09, 09:03 AM 2018
Quote from: Herby on Nov 09, 08:41 AM 2018
If I understand it right you bet a window of 10 numbers.
You should get better results when you start to bet with 3. spin according to the theoretical values:

The area unter the graph gives you the probability to hit.

ok nice :) Thx
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Nov 09, 04:17 PM 2018
6- Is this close to what you are talking about?
Interesting things happen with groups, but pity I don’t own Excel, to test a lot, repetitions repeat each other, that's what I saw  :o But I wonder if our hunt is only to catch a replay or is it a safari?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Nov 10, 06:27 AM 2018
Quote from: Herby on Nov 09, 06:00 AM 2018Its not really impossible but the probability for this event is very very small.
simulation 10.000.000 trials:
{{1, 270381}, {2, 525423}, {3, 747825}, {4, 915471}, {5, 1019835}, {6,
   1056756}, {7, 1033931}, {8, 958090}, {9, 843986}, {10,
  710517}, {11, 569474}, {12, 437276}, {13, 319697}, {14,
  223657}, {15, 148815}, {16, 94892}, {17, 56760}, {18, 32723}, {19,
  17664}, {20, 9092}, {21, 4382}, {22, 1980}, {23, 840}, {24,
  355}, {25, 122}, {26, 40}, {27, 12}, {28, 4}}

this means 4 times I got longest uniques length 28

Quote from: LuckoftheIrish on Dec 16, 02:16 PM 2014
This is a test I did in November.  I tested over 1 million single zero RNG spins and got this:

2    3210
3    6251
4    9017
5    10906
6    12398
7    12852
8    12454
9    11478
10    10007
11    8619
12    6845
13    5243
14    3857
15    2730
16    1816
17    1128
18    687
19    355
20    246
21    96
22    61
23    29
24    16
25    5
26    3
27    0
28    0
29    0
30    0
31    0
32    0
33    0
34    0
35    0
36    0

The most unique numbers in a row was 25 (The 26 means it hit on the 26th spin, so 25 unique numbers in a row) and this happened only 3 times.

7 ?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herby on Nov 10, 07:43 AM 2018
Quote from: nottophammer on Nov 10, 06:27 AM 20187 ?

My first spin is the first following spin: {1, 270381}
LuckoftheIrish... beginns with number 2 for the follow up spin:  2    3210

As so often a question of definition  :wink:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blood Angel on Nov 10, 07:43 AM 2018
Quote from: Herby on Nov 09, 06:00 AM 2018
Its not really impossible but the probability for this event is very very small.
simulation 10.000.000 trials: 
{{1, 270381}, {2, 525423}, {3, 747825}, {4, 915471}, {5, 1019835}, {6,
   1056756}, {7, 1033931}, {8, 958090}, {9, 843986}, {10,
  710517}, {11, 569474}, {12, 437276}, {13, 319697}, {14,
  223657}, {15, 148815}, {16, 94892}, {17, 56760}, {18, 32723}, {19,
  17664}, {20, 9092}, {21, 4382}, {22, 1980}, {23, 840}, {24,
  355}, {25, 122}, {26, 40}, {27, 12}, {28, 4}}

this means 4 times I got longest uniques length 28

Thanks Herby.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herby on Nov 10, 07:51 AM 2018
Quote from: Blood Angel on Nov 10, 07:43 AM 2018Thanks Herby.

Compare the theoretical values (below in %) with the values of the simulation (divided by 100 000) you see the law of the large numbers (relative frequency in % converges to probability):


Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herby on Nov 10, 02:55 PM 2018
Quote from: 6th-sense on Nov 08, 11:34 AM 2018Start from 1st hit of 1st number in group ..note that spin it hit on  and note every spin number in that group as it comes out
And so on .until that group finishes on a repeat.
End tracking and final distance from start to finish of closure of that group cycle one repeat only

Hi 6th-sense,
is th following picture an example for quoted the text  :question:

(RL has no repeat in a cycle)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Nov 10, 04:24 PM 2018
Quote from: 6th-sense on Nov 08, 11:34 AM 2018
Interesting stats ?

Off the top of my head yes

I’ll give you this one

My tracker attached to ayks original has HH LL HL LH

Made from the Wheel Table pic

On cross correlation  it’s self explanatory if you look at that wheel table layout

They relate to number groups

HH = high black numbers
LL= low black numbers
HL=high red numbers
LH=low red numbers

Start from 1st hit of 1st number in group ..note that spin it hit on  and note every spin number in that group as it comes out
And so on .until that group finishes on a repeat.
End tracking and final distance from start to finish of closure of that group cycle one repeat only

This is just a basic explanation of what does happen in a cycle spin frame

What happens if a group doesn’t repeat once in the spin cycle and how often does that happen?

And how far beyond the end of a 37 spin cycle does that take to close?
Check your stats

Just interesting stuff to look at


as i say read the whole post...its an interesting statistical thing...how many times this happens and how far beyond 37 it takes to end cycle...

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Nov 10, 07:45 PM 2018
No accumulated stats but here's a version, with board, euro or american layout.

Top right tells you the spin gap between a repeater in a group (LR, LB, HR, HB), and the amount of nrs played until the repeater.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Nov 23, 09:37 AM 2018
I added new features to the original Tracker file.

-Repeating nrs will see a blue cell appearing;
-Repeaters are calculated on the last spin;
-Added other stats on top: standalone nrs at end, max block width, max gap width, hits on largest gap.

These values are automatically calculated and adjusted to the amount of nrs entered, and not fixed to 37 nrs ( thanks to the OFFSET function).  Just do not modify cell B6, which is the reference value.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Gitano on Nov 23, 04:40 PM 2018

Great tracker BigBroben! I like it soo much!

I'm trying to test too and look at this short airball session! :thumbsup: :love:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Nov 26, 01:52 PM 2018
And how far beyond the end of a 37 spin cycle does that take to close?
Check your stats

1 of the groups went beyond 37 without repeating. It is not clear how this can help ... There was a plan to put on a replay in a group without repetitions, but from the snapshot it can be seen that this can cause damage. :yawn:

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herby on Nov 26, 02:24 PM 2018
Hi Person S,
You show just the half picture ...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Nov 26, 02:39 PM 2018
Hi Herbie, this snapshot is part of a cycle in which one group did not have a repeat, and she continued to sleep further. Just showed ... The remaining 3 groups did replays.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herby on Nov 26, 02:44 PM 2018
In your picture I see just  repeats of RED/LOW numbers and Zero's.
Or I have a total misunderstanding what 6-th sense meant because of my lousy understanding  :smile:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Nov 26, 03:12 PM 2018
We have 4 groups

HH = high black numbers
LL = low black numbers

HL = high red numbers
LH = low red numbers

6 - MEANING ASKED THE QUESTION " And how far beyond the end of a 37 spin cycle does that take to close?
Check your stats  "

Group HH - black/hi , did not repeat in a cycle of 37 spins, and I showed how far it went ...

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herby on Nov 26, 03:39 PM 2018
Thanks Person,
next few days I post statistics to 6th-sense problem.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Nov 26, 03:53 PM 2018
Quote from: Herby on Nov 26, 03:39 PM 2018
Thanks Person,
next few days I post statistics to 6th-sense problem.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Tamino on Nov 26, 04:36 PM 2018
Good idea to bring back the basics .

Title: Length of HIT - UNHIT Objekts
Post by: Herby on Nov 28, 11:43 AM 2018
Length of HIT -  UNHIT Objekts
Title: Re: Length of HIT - UNHIT Objekts
Post by: The General on Nov 28, 01:12 PM 2018
Quote from: Herby on Nov 28, 11:43 AM 2018
Length of HIT -  UNHIT Objekts

After observing the statistics of roulette, including the normal binomial distribution, you'll find that there are indeed one or two toO many pockets on the wheel in relation to the payout.
Title: Re: Length of HIT - UNHIT Objekts
Post by: nottophammer on Nov 28, 02:21 PM 2018
Quote from: The General on Nov 28, 01:12 PM 2018
After observing the statistics of roulette, including the normal binomial distribution, you'll find that there are indeed one or two toO many pockets on the wheel in relation to the payout.

Is there an echo on this forum
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herby on Nov 29, 05:10 AM 2018
Quote from: The General on Nov 28, 01:12 PM 2018statistics of roulette, including the normal binomial distribution

you have to differentiate:
binomial distribution:   discrete probability distribution
normal distribution:        continuous distribution

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: luckyfella on Nov 29, 06:01 AM 2018
It's glaring mistakes like this one(not the first time) that tells that Caleb does not understand math as he tries to make us believe. He's a fake.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: bigmoney on Dec 02, 07:33 AM 2018
quite interesting stuff at the start of the thread but 6th sense didnt cover much about repeaters
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Dec 02, 08:52 AM 2018
I think it's up to the reader to make his own observations.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 02, 11:54 AM 2018
Quote from: Bigbroben on Dec 02, 08:52 AM 2018
I think it's up to the reader to make his own observations.
Very true Bro
That's why you should learn or should i say study non-hit, too quote Turbo; for a repeat don't you need numbers to hit once, then they can repeat.
So where does the 1st repeat happen?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Dec 02, 12:19 PM 2018
Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 02, 11:54 AM 2018
So where does the 1st repeat happen?

Euh... before your bewildered eyes?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 02, 12:49 PM 2018
that's the general
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Dec 02, 01:07 PM 2018
All numbers are equal, but some are more equal than others.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: bigmoney on Dec 02, 05:33 PM 2018
its amazing how the 37 spun cycle can be so different in numbers that are hit and sometimes it just gpes out of balance
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Dec 04, 11:15 AM 2018
So the tracker version I shared a few weeks ago that had the two wheel layouts was full of bugs.  Please print it and run it through the shredder.

Here is a better version that offers the 3 layouts (board, euro, amer).
A new sheet gives the option to track the nrs on a rolling basis.  Choose any span you want.

There are no stats calculated on that one, though.  If anybody needs a specific stat to be calculated, please send your demand to:

Satan Claus,
North Pole,
H0H 0H0
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: bigmoney on Dec 06, 04:25 AM 2018
gees its tough to make consistant profits outta this
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 05, 11:06 AM 2019
thought  i would put Irish 88 post here ..hope you don,t mind..

Quote from: Irish88 on Feb 05, 10:37 AM 2019
Thank you Proof. I have been referring back to the 37 back to basics thread where 6-th sense made so many great points. If you are looking at Ayks tracker at the end of a cycle(37 spins) you will notice that there is never 12 unhit numbers in a row whether it's the table layout or wheel lay out. It can't happen. I have gone back and forth 100 times if it's the wheel or table and to be honest I don't know. Let's focus on the table for now.

According to Vaddi and 6-th sense numbers have 3 states.

No hits

Average per cycle
No hits 13
Singles 12
Doubles 12

Vaddi says you can't catch every double. But by incorporating the pair number you can catch other singles coming out.

According to Ayks tracker, what happens? Singles become pairs, pairs become triple or quadruple. So by working in a smaller concentrated area(dozens) maybe you will catch the numbers as they repeat or expand to other numbers.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Irish88 on Feb 05, 11:17 AM 2019
Quote from: 6th-sense on Feb 05, 11:06 AM 2019
thought  i would put Irish 88 post here ..hope you don,t mind..

6-th, I have been trying to steer other people to this thread. Thank you for all the great info you have put out there. I am trying to get it connected. Not sure if I am on the right path but thank you again. Probably the most informative thread on this site or any roulette site to be honest.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 05, 11:24 AM 2019
Heres a bit of food for thought...every spin is the start of a new 37 cycle beyond that spin..
ive explained the mechanics on the Gambling forum site that shows this is true..no one can deny it on a rolling a 37 spin tracker...
how far does this mechanics go?
is everything a cycle?
is everything on average a third?
say 1st 12 numbers out would you expect 4 repeats of this twelve at the end of a cycle?
say 1st 9 numbers are out would you expect a third to repeat at the end of a cycle?
when does this start and stop?
does it ever stop and blend into some part overlapping another cycle that has begun in the 37 spin time frame?..
these are just thoughts in the air..not a system...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Feb 05, 11:25 AM 2019
As the nrs are out, different blocks of different size are created.  The tuff part is to know when to play hits, when to play unhit neighbours.

As opposed to dividing the nrs in 3 dozens, maybe it could be seperated as: hits, pair-, pair+.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Firefox on Feb 05, 12:57 PM 2019
Quote from: 6th-sense on Feb 05, 11:24 AM 2019
Heres a bit of food for thought...every spin is the start of a new 37 cycle beyond that spin..
ive explained the mechanics on the Gambling forum site that shows this is true..no one can deny it on a rolling a 37 spin tracker...
how far does this mechanics go?
is everything a cycle?
is everything on average a third?
say 1st 12 numbers out would you expect 4 repeats of this twelve at the end of a cycle?
say 1st 9 numbers are out would you expect a third to repeat at the end of a cycle?
when does this start and stop?
does it ever stop and blend into some part overlapping another cycle that has begun in the 37 spin time frame?..
these are just thoughts in the air..not a system...

Welcome to the world of random numbers. Yes each new spin starts a new rolling cycle of 37 spins. It also starts a new rolling cycle of n spins, where n is any integer you care to mention.

One thing you can be sure of is that the last cycle of 37 (n) spins has any certain bearing on the next cycle of 37 (n) spins. Sometimes it may appear to, sometimes it wont, sometimes it will predict exactly the opposite, sometimes that trend will disappear for 100's of spins ... and then come back when you least expect it.

This unfortunately means that the concepts of thirds, triggers, hypothetical bets, repeaters, hot numbers, sleepers etc etc have no practical use at all  :'(
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Mako on Feb 05, 01:03 PM 2019
Irish has good thoughts about all of it, sees the game in a unique way.  Good job and keep brainstorming!

Firefox: If I were to tell you that a few different people in this very thread have been playing a couple different methods based on what's been explained within...and winning...for nearly a year...with their BRs getting high enough that even weeks worth of suddenly losing wouldn't erase them, wouldn't you be curious as to whether what they've derived from it is "real"?

Not saying it's anything more than a fantastic lucky streak, or that they're the 2 people out of 100 that exit the casino with 10x their BR ala the fallacy test...but am saying that it's worth examining.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: The General on Feb 05, 01:30 PM 2019
Quote from: MakoFirefox: If I were to tell you that a few different people in this very thread have been playing a couple different methods based on what's been explained within...and winning...for nearly a year...with their BRs getting high enough that even weeks worth of suddenly losing wouldn't erase them, wouldn't you be curious as to whether what they've derived from it is "real"?

Not saying it's anything more than a fantastic lucky streak, or that they're the 2 people out of 100 that exit the casino with 10x their BR ala the fallacy test...but am saying that it's worth examining.  :thumbsup:

I would say the proof of concept isn't there.  So consequently I would learn towards saying that the following may be true...
1. Their testing is faulty
2. They haven't tested a statistically relevant number of trials.
3. The online simulation being played like RS isn't up to par.
4. Some may be exaggerating their success.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Mako on Feb 05, 01:44 PM 2019
Quote from: The General on Feb 05, 01:30 PM 2019

I would say the proof of concept isn't there.  So consequently I would learn towards saying that the following may be true...
1. Their testing is faulty
2. They haven't tested a statistically relevant number of trials.
3. The online simulation being played like RS isn't up to par.
4. Some may be exaggerating their success.

All of which may be true, agree. 

In my particular case that I mentioned, For 3 and 4, their results are their bank accounts, not sims or funny money, and I've seen live logins using video via me on the skype call, which is about as good as I can do. 

If someone is going through the trouble to manipulate video images, on skype, and they're not selling or monetizing it in any way, hey, more power to you buddy because that's next-level time-wasting... :twisted:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Feb 05, 02:02 PM 2019
These people, they play flat or use progressions?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Feb 05, 02:08 PM 2019
Cuz you can escape for a thousand days with progs, but once Waterloo comes around...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Mako on Feb 05, 02:11 PM 2019
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 05, 02:08 PM 2019
Cuz you can escape for a thousand days with progs, but once Waterloo comes around...

Both use progressions.  Nothing close to Martingale, and one of them is a positive progression only. 

They could both have their "Waterloo" event happen 10 times in a row, and would still be up, because their worst case session would only set their BR back about -10%.

Have never had anyone verify their earnings to me who bet flat.  Have had people claim they do, but never showed off a casino bank roll over time gaining, or anything close to that level.  :'(
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: The General on Feb 05, 02:51 PM 2019
Quote from: Mako on Feb 05, 01:44 PM 2019
All of which may be true, agree. 

In my particular case that I mentioned, For 3 and 4, their results are their bank accounts, not sims or funny money, and I've seen live logins using video via me on the skype call, which is about as good as I can do. 

If someone is going through the trouble to manipulate video images, on skype, and they're not selling or monetizing it in any way, hey, more power to you buddy because that's next-level time-wasting... :twisted:


I'm not accusing you of having done any of that.  I suspect that it's just because you haven't tested many spins. 

Regarding Bago's win.  His win is no less or more credible than Turbo's.    It was pointed out quite a while back by Bombus that the RS was easily manipulated.  And since there's no proof of concept behind Turbo's method, I must conclude that he manipulated the game for entertainment reasons.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 05, 03:06 PM 2019
General..please keep Turbo argument off this thread ..this thread is not about turbo ..it’s about all three states..
And mako didn’t say they won with just repeats or anything how they did it..

Thank you
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 2BobBet on Feb 05, 03:21 PM 2019
I have been trying to come up with a bet based on the info in this thread, but I cant seem to get it to win more than it loses

Here is how I play based on my understanding and tests of Vaddis and this

Use Ayk tracker fill the first 18 numbers

once you have the 18 numbers look for all stand alone numbers ( no repeats) with big gaps to the touching number blocks

there is usually 2 to 4  ,bet these numbers and there neighbours/pairings this is a 6 to 12 number bet

I then bet upto the  37 spin. I keep entering the numbers into the tracker and see if I need to bet anymore single standalone numbers

As I start betting if there is no hit within 4 spins I stop betting, i then wait for a hit on 1 of my numbers then start betting again.

After the first hit I do not remove any numbers ,unless they touch a bigger block of previous hits
I then double all bets  on the table, repeating the above , if there are no hits in 4 spins

If I then hit again I will put 1 chip on each number until I reach 37 spins

The last 2 stages are looking for single numbers to get a repeat

The biggest problem I have is when you get a large gap between the first hit and the next or too many single hits which are virtual wins

I believe  there is something here but I dont know HOW to get this to work

I would like to thank Sixth sense for putting this post together as its a fantastic way of looking at the game
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Mako on Feb 05, 03:27 PM 2019
Quote from: The General on Feb 05, 02:51 PM 2019

I'm not accusing you of having done any of that.  I suspect that it's just because you haven't tested many spins. 

Regarding Bago's win.  His win is no less or more credible than Turbo's.    It was pointed out quite a while back by Bombus that the RS was easily manipulated.  And since there's no proof of concept behind Turbo's method, I must conclude that he manipulated the game for entertainment reasons.

Oh no, I understand for sure.  And I don't want to imply that they provided their bet selections to me, they absolutely didn't for obvious reasons.

Agree also on the RS results, to me none of that proves or disproves whatever method anyone is claiming works.  I discard it out of not knowing the control of whatever simulation the person is using.  I can only control my own simulations, using bi-directional data in sequential order from single wheels. 

It's like my lie-detector analogy.  Right now, Dr Talos, Sergio, Turbo, Winner, and a few others, would absolutely pass a lie-detector test question of "do you have a system that cannot lose over time in Roulette".

There is no question in my mind.

But that doesn't mean they do have one, at all, despite them believing they do 100% to their cores. 

They may have it, they may not, all anyone can do who wants to judge is find out their bet selection and test it with as many accurate spins as they can. 

I like the "words", and I enjoy the pitches as to "why" their systems work, but I wouldn't bet a nickel without actually understanding their bet selection and having tested it myself.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Feb 05, 03:36 PM 2019
Anyone can point to something that for sure happens in 37 spins.  Anyone can develop a system based on the observations.  Because of variance, it is very difficult to get the cost of a winning below or equal to payback everytime....
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: The General on Feb 05, 03:56 PM 2019
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 05, 03:36 PM 2019
Anyone can point to something that for sure happens in 37 spins.  Anyone can develop a system based on the observations.  Because of variance, it is very difficult to get the cost of a winning below or equal to payback everytime....

Variance is the double edged sword that enables you to win.  It's the house edge that's your big enemy.  Overcome the house edge  and it's a different world. :thumbsup:

Below, is from the wizardofodds.com
$100 Bankroll, 1% Advantage
Bets won = 7,182,811,698 (50.4999%)
Bets lost = 7,040,599,544 (49.5001%)
Player achieved $1,000,000 first = 79,438 (83.019%)
Player went bust first = 16,249 (16.981%)
Average number of bets to reach $1,000,000 = 174,972 (364.5 days at 8 hours per day, 60 bets per hour)
$100 Bankroll, 2% Advantage
Bets won = 7,027,117,205 (51.0000%)
Bets lost = 6,751,539,769 (49.0000%)
Player achieved $1,000,000 first = 215,702 (98.099%)
Player went bust first = 4,180 (1.901%)
Average number of bets to reach $1,000,000 = 63,775 (132.9 days at 8 hours per day, 60 bets per hour)
$1,000 Bankroll, 1% Advantage
Bets won = 5,213,026,190 (50.4999%)
Bets lost = 5,109,817,544 (49.5001%)
Player achieved $1,000,000 first = 74,818 (99.0285%)
Player went bust first = 734 (0.9715%)
Average number of bets to reach $1,000,000 = 137,208 (285.8 days at 8 hours per day, 60 bets per hour)
$1,000 Bankroll, 2% Advantage
Bets won = 6,332,837,070 (50.9996%)
Bets lost = 6,084,596,671 (49.0004%)
Player achieved $1,000,000 first = 267,445 (99.9996%)
Player went bust first = 1 (0.0004%)
Average number of bets to reach $1,000,000 = 46,428 (96.7 days at 8 hours per day, 60 bets per hour) -source wizardofodds
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Firefox on Feb 05, 03:58 PM 2019
Quote from: Mako on Feb 05, 01:03 PM 2019

Firefox: If I were to tell you that a few different people in this very thread have been playing a couple different methods based on what's been explained within...and winning...for nearly a year...with their BRs getting high enough that even weeks worth of suddenly losing wouldn't erase them, wouldn't you be curious as to whether what they've derived from it is "real"?

Not saying it's anything more than a fantastic lucky streak, or that they're the 2 people out of 100 that exit the casino with 10x their BR ala the fallacy test...but am saying that it's worth examining.  :thumbsup:

Depends on how much they play in "nearly a year". Play 2 hours a night for 3 nights a week say 200 spins a week. 40 weeks a year, that's still only 8,000 spins. I'd expect a decent percentage of people to be still up after that provided their money management was good and they limit their exposure over their spins. It's only when you get till 10k, 20k, 30k trials that the law of large numbers kicks in. Your standard deviation is proportional to the square root of the number of trials and this becomes smaller with respect to the expected value as n becomes large. But even after 30,000 trials it's still possible to be up. Casinos rely on 10% of winners over shorter periods to encourage people around them to play in any case.

The concept if 1/3s and repeaters is fine when you examine data after the event but look at what 6th sense said. He hit the nail on the head. A new cycle of 37 begins on every spin.

You can take the first 12 to appear, but they are part of the last circle of 37. They've no relevance to what is going to come up on the next spin.

Even simpler take 2 tosses of a coin.

They could be TH HT HH TT. Even in this short trial the repeating sequences are equal to the sequences where each side shows up the expected number of times of once.

You can wait till one hundred heads show up in a row, but those 4 sequences are still equally likely in the next two spins as the cycle resets every spin.

Or you could wait till one head shows up and bet on heads as a repeater, but those 4 sequences are still equally likely, provided the coin is fair.

It's a bit more complicated with 37 numbers but on the very next spin, which is the only thing you can bet on, the odds are still 1/37 for each number.

You are chasing your tail trying to predict the next numbers based on the previous few, in exactly the same way you chase your tail predicting heads or tails.... no pun intended :D
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Feb 05, 04:03 PM 2019
Quote from: The General on Feb 05, 03:56 PM 2019
Variance is the double edged sword that enables you to win.  It's the house edge that's your big enemy.  Overcome the house edge  and it's a different world. :thumbsup:

If there was very little variance, say with ECs, for example, most progressions would make it to overcome HE.  Alembert with no variance: L1 W2, L1,W2, L1, W2, L1,L1 because of zero, L1, W2 L1 W2 L1 W2...

But if variance gives you 10 losses in row then life's harder...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: The General on Feb 05, 04:07 PM 2019
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 05, 04:03 PM 2019
If there was very little variance, say with ECs, for example, most progressions would make it to overcome HE.  Alembert with no variance: L1 W2, L1,W2, L1, W2, L1,L1 because of zero, L1, W2 L1 W2 L1 W2...

But if variance gives you 10 losses in row then life's harder...

True.  It's best not to chase losses because of variance.  Up as you win is better.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Feb 05, 04:32 PM 2019
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 05, 04:03 PM 2019
If there was very little variance, say with ECs, for example, most progressions would make it to overcome HE.  Alembert with no variance: L1 W2, L1,W2, L1, W2, L1,L1 because of zero, L1, W2 L1 W2 L1 W2...

But if variance gives you 10 losses in row then life's harder...

Shit the zero fuzzed me up and I typed too quick!  Got the wrong WL units.  Still you get the idea.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Irish88 on Feb 05, 04:53 PM 2019
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 05, 11:25 AM 2019
As the nrs are out, different blocks of different size are created.  The tuff part is to know when to play hits, when to play unhit neighbours.

As opposed to dividing the nrs in 3 dozens, maybe it could be seperated as: hits, pair-, pair+.

This is exactly right. When do you begin to bet and what exactly do you bet?  Let's  remember one thing with the tracker. It might be the most important thing along with the averages. You will never see 12 numbers in a row miss on Ayks tracker. So how do we take advantage of that? The pairs are going to expand.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Feb 05, 05:03 PM 2019
Quote from: Irish88 on Feb 05, 04:53 PM 2019
You will never see 12 numbers in a row miss on Ayks tracker.

Do you mean a pair to arrive?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Irish88 on Feb 05, 05:20 PM 2019
Say you put 37 numbers from a cycle in the tracker. You look from left to right, 0-36. In that line you will never see a gap of 12 numbers. 12 empty spaces in row. Now apply that thought to looking at the roulette table. Using the numbers that have hit, they are going to expand. The pair is a starting point.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 2BobBet on Feb 06, 04:27 AM 2019
This is what Im saying in my last post but unfortunately I cant make this work!

It sometimes wins sometimes you lose , there seems to be no consistency.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Irish88 on Feb 06, 07:50 AM 2019
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 10, 04:20 AM 2018
now the 1st basic test is that we know on average that 24 numbers appear in 37 spin cycle on average
usually there are 12 doubles..ie two numbers that,ll come out next to each other..could be splits
or the number above and below..

ok the 1st pic shows the first 9 numbers out..

at this 1st stage we see numbers 18/19 have come out together
we also see numbers 26/27 a split has come out...

so what do we take from this?
for reference nottys sheets that usually say a repeat in the main doesnt usually appear here
though it can sometimes...thats just a reference point to think of

so at this point we know a few statistics..

1..repeats will happen at somepoint from here if not already.
2..we know on average that 12 numbers won,t show..
3..we know on average of eddys sheets that empty blocks between blocks ie the 12 unhit numbers
   will be spread out across the remaing gaps that are left..you will not get 12 empty blocks
   in a row regardless if low hits 20 times in arow or high misses 20 hits 20 times in a row..
4..we also know that we have only 28 spins left in the session left to come out in profit

these are the most basic things...not really talked about with examples but ayks tracker shows you
everyting there is to know ..learn..and work out how to use it to your advantage

Vaddis grail hunters should be all over this working in 8 spin time frames and see what actually
happens through a game stage by stage

ok thats the basics

Guys I think this is the most important point in the thread. Look at points 3 and 4. How do we apply a bet to this?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Irish88 on Feb 06, 07:54 AM 2019
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 10, 04:21 AM 2018
next picture is the next 9 spin results out...you can be guided by the spin number in the blocks
the precise time they came out
now i would like to do a pictiure of one spin at a time to show you what is happening but it,ll
too long and thats 28 pictures editing and cropping

ok next 9 numbers out..

now you can see that 25 has been added to the double 25/26 maiking it a triple
you can also see that 12 is added to 11 making it a double
you can see 17 added to 18/19 making it a triple
you can see 8 making 7/9 into a triple
you can also see 24 added to 25/26/27 making that into a four group
very 1st repeat is spin 17 with number 1
2nd repeat is spin 18 with number 25

ok how does this help us you may ask

if i could have done it step by step i would have..

this leaves us with 19 spins left.

we have 16 numbers out

there are 21 numbers not out

we have two repeats

out of that 21 numbers at least 6 more repeats should come

we think on average 24 numbers should show

we have 8 numbers left and 19 spins left

we have 21 numbers too choose from

by using statitstics ...singles become doubles //doubles become triples//

triples turn into fours ...fours into 5 etc on the linear line..ie 1 hit number line..

by using the statistics of how many doubles you have on average...how many unhit block

standalone spaces you should have on average you should be able to narrow those numbers

down with a better accuracy

remember this is all basic stuff

ok pic two shows next lot of spins out

you can evidently see at this point we have single numbers out

doubles out and triples out and fours out..

this is a bit like turbo one goes into 2 ..2..into 3..3..into 4..linear wise

using statistics with lots more samples will show the average

when to bet where and how

so this is the principle of back to basics

repeats will come later when you get over basic stuff

More great info
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Firefox on Feb 07, 07:40 AM 2019
There's no real "Waterloo event" to a positive progression. Unless you mean losing for a long period and not having a big hit, but it would occur over a fair time.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 07, 10:26 AM 2019
Quote from: Firefox on Feb 07, 07:40 AM 2019
There's no real "Waterloo event" to a positive progression. Unless you mean losing for a long period and not having a big hit, but it would occur over a fair time.

Your right there is no big Waterloo event .as per se..there is only what actually happens per cycle...who says you need progression..I’ve not actually gave a system on this thread...
But..who says you can’t flatbet?
Who says you can’t win more than you lose IF you worked something out?

Vaddi cannot progress on his system with good reason ..
He wins more sessions than losing ones..
Whatever everyone thinks he’s doing is right there on ayks tracker.its only the interpretation of what he said isn’t plain and simple as he made it out to be
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Irish88 on Feb 07, 10:36 AM 2019
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:02 AM 2018last lot of numbers out now bringing it to 37 spins..notice how single standalone numbers turn into twos..threes etc knowing statitistcs and the empty block spaces maximum through statistics how would you use this to your advantage? knowing the least standalone numbers ..twos threes etc through statistics things must happen..at least most of the time...average numbers out are mainly 24..unhit numbers average 12...there will not be a 12 unhit empty blocks in arow..etc so this is balancing basic style..
how many members actually look at this?

Maybe we can use this info. What does it say? After 37 spins you only have two "stand alone" numbers. 27 and 29. The rest of the hit numbers are all connected somehow. Either repeats or pairs or extended pairs. Just to be clear I couldn't attach the pic of the cycle 6th was referring too. It on top of the 3rd page in this thread if someone wants to look.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Irish88 on Feb 07, 10:56 AM 2019
So maybe it is possible you don't bet anything until you get a pair, once you get a pair start betting on those two numbers. As other pairs come in bet on those as well as the other table neighbor numbers that come in. Example 7,8 have hit, you bet those, 9 comes in a few spins later you add 9.

If 7 and 9 have hit, do you bet the 8 even though it hasn't appeared? I don't know. Also with Vaddi he says to drop numbers. But if you go through the first couple pages here It doesn't  seem like you would drop numbers. It seems you  would stick with the pairs that have come out. As they eventually connect in a stream.  I could be completely wrong of course.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: buffalowizard on Feb 07, 11:11 AM 2019
Quote from: Irish88 on Feb 07, 10:56 AM 2019
So maybe it is possible you don't bet anything until you get a pair, once you get a pair start betting on those two numbers. As other pairs come in bet on those as well as the other table neighbor numbers that come in. Example 7,8 have hit, you bet those, 9 comes in a few spins later you add 9.

If 7 and 9 have hit, do you bet the 8 even though it hasn't appeared? I don't know. Also with Vaddi he says to drop numbers. But if you go through the first couple pages here It doesn't  seem like you would drop numbers. It seems you  would stick with the pairs that have come out. As they eventually connect in a stream.  I could be completely wrong of course.
I like the sound of this approach Irish. What I saw was that sometimes 2 or 3 mini streams of number sequences run simultaneously. You could bet on each and then drop the ones as and when they come in? Like this...

28                  bet 27,28,29
11              bet 27,28,29,11,12
       30.     Bet 27,28,29,30,11,12
10                bet 27,28,29,30,10,11,12
       9.  Bet 27,28,29,30,9,10,11 12
       18.  27,28,29,30,9,10,11,12,17,18,19
26     26,27,28,29,30,9,10,11,12,17,18,19
       9.  Win. Drop 9,10,11,12
       25. 28,29,,30,25,26,17,18,19
       27.   Win. Drop 25,26,27,28,29,30
8              bet 8,9,17,18,19
2        bet 1,2,8,9,17,18,19
-   -   -
-   -   -
       1.   Win. Drop 1,2
15             bet 14,15,17,18,19

Hope this makes sense?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: buffalowizard on Feb 07, 11:43 AM 2019
Another test. Not bad at all. It is a matter of keeping track of all the 'streams' Once hit, I would close them down and not use them as triggers again. Maybe aim for 3 stream wins and then see if in profit?

       14       BET 13,14
       5         BET 5,6,13,14
15                  BET 5,6,13,14,15
28                  BET 5,6,13,14,15,27,28,29
       7         BET 5,6,7,13,14,15,27,28,29
13                  WIN, DROP 13,14,15. BET 5,6,7,27,28,29
--   --   --
4                  BET  4,5,6,7,27,28,29
29                  WIN, DROP 27,28,29. BET 4,5,6,7
       32      BET 4,5,6,7,31,32,33
6                  WIN, DROP 4,5,6,7. BET 31,32,33
       30      BET 30,31,32,33
       19      BET 19,20,30,31,32,33
       34      BET 19,20,30,31,32,33,34,35
       36      BET 19,20,30,31,32,33,34,35,36 (ZERO AS WELL?)
       30      WIN. DROP 30,31,32,33,34,35,36. BET 19,20
--   --   --
15                 BET 19,20,15,16
       16     WIN. DROP 15,16. BET 19,20
10                 BET 9,10,11,19,20

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Irish88 on Feb 07, 12:07 PM 2019
Quote from: buffalowizard on Feb 07, 11:43 AM 2019
Another test. Not bad at all. It is a matter of keeping track of all the 'streams' Once hit, I would close them down and not use them as triggers again. Maybe aim for 3 stream wins and then see if in profit?

       14       BET 13,14
       5         BET 5,6,13,14
15                  BET 5,6,13,14,15
28                  BET 5,6,13,14,15,27,28,29
       7         BET 5,6,7,13,14,15,27,28,29
13                  WIN, DROP 13,14,15. BET 5,6,7,27,28,29
--   --   --
4                  BET  4,5,6,7,27,28,29
29                  WIN, DROP 27,28,29. BET 4,5,6,7
       32      BET 4,5,6,7,31,32,33
6                  WIN, DROP 4,5,6,7. BET 31,32,33
       30      BET 30,31,32,33
       19      BET 19,20,30,31,32,33
       34      BET 19,20,30,31,32,33,34,35
       36      BET 19,20,30,31,32,33,34,35,36 (ZERO AS WELL?)
       30      WIN. DROP 30,31,32,33,34,35,36. BET 19,20
--   --   --
15                 BET 19,20,15,16
       16     WIN. DROP 15,16. BET 19,20
10                 BET 9,10,11,19,20


I think  you are very much on the right track. It looks good to me. The question  is when to drop and if you even do drop a set? Reset? How do you handle a repeat? And I noticed right at the beginning of your first test 29 and 27 hit. Do you then play 28? 28 hit in your first test. Seems like a lot of options. A lot to take in. But in my opinion on the right path. Remember guys have said they play up to 16 numbers even though Vaddi said 8.

Again so much great info on the first couple of pages of this thread.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: buffalowizard on Feb 07, 12:35 PM 2019
Quote from: Irish88 on Feb 07, 12:07 PM 2019
I think  you are very much on the right track. It looks good to me. The question  is when to drop and if you even do drop a set? Reset? How do you handle a repeat? And I noticed right at the beginning of your first test 29 and 27 hit. Do you then play 28? 28 hit in your first test. Seems like a lot of options. A lot to take in. But in my opinion on the right path. Remember guys have said they play up to 16 numbers even though Vaddi said 8.

Again so much great info on the first couple of pages of this thread.

The first test, 29 hit , followed by 27. Then when 28 hit, I bet all 3 because together they are a stream.
I agree. There are plenty of variables with this, only way is to test and repeat. Might try not dropping streams and simply wait for a win before retracking. Haven't even got onto the subject of progressions , if any at all!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Mako on Feb 07, 12:52 PM 2019
You guys are doing some good work this week here and in the Vaddi main thread.  :thumbsup:

Nice job BW and Irish, and thank you to Gordon for helpful the tips.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Battler on Feb 08, 06:42 AM 2019
Quote from: Irish88 on Feb 05, 05:20 PM 2019
Say you put 37 numbers from a cycle in the tracker. You look from left to right, 0-36. In that line you will never see a gap of 12 numbers. 12 empty spaces in row...

So if we will never see a gap of 12 next to each other, what is the maximum observable gap in a 37 number cycle?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Elite on Feb 09, 01:43 PM 2019
Great information  on this thread,  hope it will progress further giving valuable info, tq Sixth Sence
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: bigmoney on Feb 11, 06:21 AM 2019
Im thinking we need a high performing autistic person to work this out
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 11, 07:34 AM 2019
Just need to do a quick explanation of the mechanics of roulette even though this thread is only about one cycle...

You will never get 37 unique numbers out ever that 1st cycle will have to have at least one unhit and one repeat

The mechanics of roulette is simple..

At spin 37 unhit and repeat will be equally the same

Every spin beyond will add a difference of one repeat to unhit

Ie spin 38 the repeats will be one higher than unhits

Ie spin 39 the repeats will be 2 higher than unhits

Ie spin 40 the repeats will be 3 higher than unhits and so on

Take any number say spin 74 the repeats will be 37 higher than unhit count

The repeats ALWAYS go up further in relationship to the 1st cycle finishing and the spin count you look at

Now if roulette was truly random this shouldn’t be happening

This is the mechanics of roulette beyond 37 back to basics
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Frodo on Feb 11, 05:28 PM 2019
In 37 spins we will never see a GAP of 12 spaces between numbers.

Using 8 spins (any spin can be the start of another 37 cycle. Can we use this to our advantage?

looking at the table after 8 spins ( lets take a random set of 8) :

looking at the 18-27 gap.

when doubles do not hit, singles do (vaddi)
doubles are not repeats, they are connected numbers 18-19  0-1 etc.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herby on Feb 14, 04:01 AM 2019
Quote from: 6th-sense on Feb 11, 07:34 AM 2019At spin 37 unhit and repeat will be equally the same
Checked  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 14, 05:27 AM 2019
Thanks herby in a side note the mechanics of roulette for the 1st 37 numbers out are the oppisite ...unhits are the the greatest numbers out and will by definition be the same counting downwards the difference of the spin count rising to match the repeats on an even keel to the 37 spin end
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herby on Feb 14, 05:58 AM 2019
@ 6th-sense,
My first thought was you are joking.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 14, 06:51 AM 2019
Not amazing lol just the mechanics of a supposed random wheel..
Surprised nobody knew this
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Elite on Feb 14, 10:35 AM 2019
you always bring awesome information, i will call you Vaadi  Chapter 2 :)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 14, 11:06 AM 2019
Information is great but how you use information is more awesome 😃
Which again brings up is roulette really as random as we are told
If so why does the mechanics show otherwise
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herby on Feb 14, 11:21 AM 2019
Quote from: 6th-sense on Feb 14, 11:06 AM 2019why does the mechanics show
If you resort 37 spins in Ayks tracker into rrbb's "out of the box" way so you see the mathematical correlation.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Elite on Feb 14, 11:29 AM 2019
Quote from: 6th-sense on Feb 14, 11:06 AM 2019
Information is great but how you use information is more awesome 😃
Which again brings up is roulette really as random as we are told
If so why does the mechanics show otherwise

Yes U right.It depends how someone thinks. Every phenomenon  has some rules.Without rules  nothing exists.Same random has its own rules. But to capture random is not easy , So we call it a random.But for sure It has its own rules.I agree.If random resolved then no charm, so random should be random  :)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Elite on Feb 14, 11:33 AM 2019
I have very good example, some time before , Black Jack was considered random game, as it was shuffled randomly , but  now its time when that game is not considered random :) Human being agree on things which they see , but if they see  and believe then that become useless,
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Elite on Feb 14, 11:41 AM 2019
for roulette its random, because there are deflectors ball speed collision etc, so precision not high, but inspite of all these mostly 24 numbers comes in 37 spins, what can be the reason.because random has its own limitation.But again, where it will land , its not possible to predict without any accurate measure device that's true.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 14, 11:45 AM 2019
Quote from: Herby on Feb 14, 11:21 AM 2019
If you resort 37 spins in Ayks tracker into rrbb's "out of the box" way so you see the mathematical correlation.

Pretty interesting Herby I have that streams tracker too
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Elite on Feb 14, 11:49 AM 2019
Existing nature of random, i think is perfect for randomness, if number withdraw each cycles reaches to 30 then how it was easy to beat this game betting on 7 numbers after 15 spins etc. there are 12 sleepers, 12 repeaters and 12 singles, so if someone betting on 12 numbers , there is  chance he will loose all 24 spins, etc, so current Random, rules are best fitted for randomness because of that its not easy to beat this game, mathematically , statistically.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Elite on Feb 14, 11:55 AM 2019
Quote from: 6th-sense on Feb 11, 07:34 AM 2019
Just need to do a quick explanation of the mechanics of roulette even though this thread is only about one cycle...

You will never get 37 unique numbers out ever that 1st cycle will have to have at least one unhit and one repeat

The mechanics of roulette is simple..

At spin 37 unhit and repeat will be equally the same

Every spin beyond will add a difference of one repeat to unhit

Ie spin 38 the repeats will be one higher than unhits

Ie spin 39 the repeats will be 2 higher than unhits

Ie spin 40 the repeats will be 3 higher than unhits and so on

Take any number say spin 74 the repeats will be 37 higher than unhit count

The repeats ALWAYS go up further in relationship to the 1st cycle finishing and the spin count you look at

Now if roulette was truly random this shouldn’t be happening

This is the mechanics of roulette beyond 37 back to basics

Back To Basic Now ;this mechanic goes unlimited ? any link of this with 185 spins =5 cycles
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 14, 12:05 PM 2019
If your are at spin 185 and one unhit is left the repeats would be 148 repeats to one unhit
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herby on Feb 14, 12:11 PM 2019
Quote from: 6th-sense on Feb 14, 11:06 AM 2019how you use information is more awesome
Hi 6th-sense,
how do you use this information ?  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 14, 12:11 PM 2019
Correction 149 repeats
But if no unhits are left the repeats will be excactly 148 at spin 185
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 14, 12:28 PM 2019
But that’s going way ahead the thread is about the the 1st cycle

That’s why it’s called 37 back to basics
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Feb 14, 12:37 PM 2019

I observe:
1) blocks of neighbouring nrs;
2) spin gaps between neighbours or repeaters
3) Ratios of blocks vs repeaters;

What else are you observing when looking at a 37-spin cycle or watching Ayck's tracker?  Do colors or OE really worth checking?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 14, 12:37 PM 2019
But just to get it out of the way
148 spins if unhit are 0 repeats will 111 repeats
And spin 111 spins if unhit are 0 there will be 74 repeats
..so will keep thread back on track on first cycle
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Gandhi on Feb 14, 06:38 PM 2019
Quote from: 6th-sense on Feb 14, 12:37 PM 2019
But just to get it out of the way
148 spins if unhit are 0 repeats will 111 repeats
And spin 111 spins if unhit are 0 there will be 74 repeats
..so will keep thread back on track on first cycle

I feel like you are trying to tell us something.. :question:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Mako on Feb 14, 07:01 PM 2019
Then you haven’t been paying attention Gandhi.

But hey, there’s always just playing a Marty on an EC if you prefer to skip discussions like these, give it a shot and make sure you play with high value chips.  :twisted:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Irish88 on Feb 14, 07:32 PM 2019
I might be off but the way I have been testing is taking the last 8 numbers, then playing their table neighbors.

Ex 7 hits I play 6 and 8.

I bet 16 numbers till new high, then reset new 16 numbers from last 8 numbers. It seems to work but not sure if this is what other people have been doing. Some guys say they are using 16 numbers and incorporating a progression. It does seem like you always get a hit fairly quickly and get to a new high.  Now if this is what has been referred to as the law and it has to happen as people have mentioned. I don't know. 24 numbers land in a cycle. If you have 8 unique in a row. That leaves 16 numbers left that have to hit. Now you are betting on 16 numbers(the table neighbors of the 8 prior spins) does it have to hit by 8 spins?

I am not saying this is exactly how it should be played but I think it is close and needs testing other people's input thoughts and ideas. Again if you look at the tracker in a cycle, you will never have 12 empty boxes in a row. It can't happen. Numbers flock together.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Mako on Feb 14, 07:33 PM 2019
Very nice Irish, will add it to the testing queue.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Feb 14, 09:15 PM 2019
Do you feel it could be a good complementary to a Vad 1to8 step1?  Can it reach +36u more often than not?

Part 2 of your comment: how many of the early 8 nrs will see their neighbour hit in the next 28 spin?

Good job!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herby on Feb 15, 03:47 AM 2019
Quote from: 6th-sense on Feb 14, 11:45 AM 2019Pretty interesting Herby I have that streams tracker too

I only  used Ayk's tracker for a first impression. Then I programmed myself.
Btw, Ayk seems to have passed away.
Dangerous to program for 6th-sense says 7th-sense.  >:D
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 15, 04:16 AM 2019
He disappeared shortly after making the streams tracker for me ..it’s not online like the normal though..can’t get hold of him at all ..not seen him in Skype since he disappeared..
He didn’t want it for public use he said as it’s too dangerous
But I do have it the downloaded webpage version..
Which he did that for me ..really nice bright intelligent guy
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Irish88 on Feb 15, 08:33 AM 2019
Quote from: Mako on Feb 14, 07:33 PM 2019
Very nice Irish, will add it to the testing queue.


The way I have been testing and what seems to have the highest hit rate is just look at the last 8 numbers and bet the table neighbors. Once a number gets into the 9th position on the marquee, I drop it from play.  If there is a repeat in the 8 spins I play that number and the table neighbors. You see how the areas seem to overlap. Say 5 hit you play 4 and 6. But then 4 will hit so you get a hit and now you are covering 5 which has hit recently. It's hard to explain. But you see this very often. The amount of numbers bet is usually between 12-16.

Ben, I tried the step process and found the negative drawdowns to much so I gave up on it and just started focusing on the last 8 numbers.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Feb 15, 09:00 AM 2019
Quote from: Irish88 on Feb 15, 08:33 AM 2019

The way I have been testing and what seems to have the highest hit rate is just look at the last 8 numbers and bet the table neighbors. Once a number gets into the 9th position on the marquee, I drop it from play.  If there is a repeat in the 8 spins I play that number and the table neighbors. You see how the areas seem to overlap. Say 5 hit you play 4 and 6. But then 4 will hit so you get a hit and now you are covering 5 which has hit recently. It's hard to explain. But you see this very often. The amount of numbers bet is usually between 12-16.

Will try today, thanks Irish!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Irish88 on Feb 15, 09:06 AM 2019
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 15, 09:00 AM 2019
Will try today, thanks Irish!

Sounds good Ben thanks. Again I have only been testing it but it does seem to have a high hit rate. Not sure if this is a starting point but I do think it's close. Maybe one of the experts can comment.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Feb 15, 09:09 AM 2019
What experts?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Gandhi on Feb 15, 12:51 PM 2019
Quote from: Mako on Feb 14, 07:01 PM 2019
Then you haven’t been paying attention Gandhi.

But hey, there’s always just playing a Marty on an EC if you prefer to skip discussions like these, give it a shot and make sure you play with high value chips.  :twisted:

lol Mako I was being sarcastic.

I was posting and keeping up a few months back when the supposed experts Junscissorhands and passionruletta were battling about who knew Vaddis way haha.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Mako on Feb 15, 01:18 PM 2019
Quote from: Gandhi on Feb 15, 12:51 PM 2019
lol Mako I was being sarcastic.

I was posting and keeping up a few months back when the supposed experts Junscissorhands and passionruletta were battling about who knew Vaddis way haha.

Ha, I remember that, it reminds me that Sergio is a multi-millionaire by now...he's got Vaddi's, system, Dyksexlic's system, AND Turbo's system down cold.   He must post on the forum from his 200 foot yacht in cote d'azur... :xd:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 15, 02:42 PM 2019
Please don’t give Sergio a hard time please..
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Mako on Feb 15, 03:16 PM 2019
Quote from: 6th-sense on Feb 15, 02:42 PM 2019
Please don’t give Sergio a hard time please..

Out of respect for you, I won't, but he is his own worst enemy. 

Unlike you, he never actually contributes anything, any worthwhile guidance or information.  He is fast to post a chart, and quick to hand out extremely vague comments that nothing can be delineated from, while always claiming he and his "team" have solved multiple grails that win endlessly.

He's been claiming that for nearly a year now. 

But instead of ransacking Monte Carlo or demolishing even his local Spanish casinos, he's here, every single day, in every single post, spamming his Skype when possible, for people to reach out to him to help.

I won't say anymore, again out of respect for 6th-Sense.  But the next time Sergio actually says something with substance, it will be the first time.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Mako on Feb 15, 03:46 PM 2019
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Feb 15, 03:28 PM 2019
I would like to know what you have contributed to the forum that we do not know? Apart from that you are also looking for information without stopping to achieve win? Do you want me to remind you of the PM you sent me a while ago? Better not go in that plan, because you have not contributed anything either, I have done it privately to many people, before speaking better I tried to know more about myself.
Here no one has learned, we have all had and must learn from others, the one who says otherwise is lying.
You can only complain about me and more that I do not contribute anything, when you have contributed something to me, the same thing that you contribute, is what they will contribute to you!
Everything I have learned is from information that has already been published by other people and that I personally have worked to be able to decipher with the people who are with me.
I beg you, before judging me, you have to judge yourself and then look at the rest and give your opinion about who you know.
For my part, I have nothing more to discuss with you, Mr. Mako!
I hope you find what you are looking for with the same information that I have also worked with, no one has given me anything detailed that works 100%!

Judge myself?  I don't post charts saying I have beaten roulette without explaining how.  I don't claim to have multiple grails that win endlessly.  I don't say that I've figured out Turbo, Dyksexlic, Vaddi, and other methods of play. 

You have done all of these, in many threads. 

So you're saying now that you haven't figured any of them out?  Why are you walking back your previous statements?

And as far as PMs, are you talking about the PM I sent months ago to talk about your methods of play and your response was "send me $2000 and I'll tell you"?

That one?

When I produce a chart here, I tell the exact details of how that chart was played, with the exact method used.  I test, test, test.

Let me know when you do the same, otherwise, go back to spamming your Skype and praying someone "invests" in you fully.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: buffalowizard on Feb 15, 04:22 PM 2019
Quote from: Mako on Feb 15, 03:46 PM 2019
Judge myself?  I don't post charts saying I have beaten roulette without explaining how.  I don't claim to have multiple grails that win endlessly.  I don't say that I've figured out Turbo, Dyksexlic, Vaddi, and other methods of play. 

You have done all of these, in many threads. 

So you're saying now that you haven't figured any of them out?  Why are you walking back your previous statements?

And as far as PMs, are you talking about the PM I sent months ago to talk about your methods of play and your response was "send me $2000 and I'll tell you"?

That one?

When I produce a chart here, I tell the exact details of how that chart was played, with the exact method used.  I test, test, test.

Let me know when you do the same, otherwise, go back to spamming your Skype and praying someone "invests" in you fully.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Madi on Feb 15, 05:53 PM 2019
You again asking people to pay you money?

Why dont you just seat in a busy intersection with a broken bowl?
I got couple of 50 cent coin.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Mako on Feb 15, 05:58 PM 2019
I will abide by Gordon's wishes and leave it where it sits. it's counterproductive to the goal anyway (wasting time in other words). 

Everyone can decide for themselves what Sergio is about and whether he should be engaged with.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Madi on Feb 15, 07:16 PM 2019
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Feb 15, 06:44 PM 2019
Not at all and asked for money, that happened several months ago, gave the opportunity to acquire what I know, but people have wasted it and I will not offer it again, I'll keep it for myself, nobody will have my way to win for money , if he gets it, it is because I am going to share it with the people who have really behaved well with me, but this riffraff who asks for everything detailed without making a minimum effort to work, NO!

Then why is that you keep providing you skype id in different forum?  Why you feel so itchy to provide people info of your extraordinary achievement?

Is that not enough for you to earn money silently with your 3 HG that you already figured out?

You dont have point out where people need to look for HG also not to sing your extraordinary achievement song everyday.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: bigmoney on Feb 15, 09:04 PM 2019
Question to sixth sense well a couple
1. How long  do u play for ?
2. Whats your target when u ceaseplaying in dollars or euros or whatever currency  you use ?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 15, 11:46 PM 2019
I haven’t given a System here bigmoney
The thread is about what happens in 37 spins the basics
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Feb 15, 11:53 PM 2019
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 14, 12:37 PM 2019

I observe:
1) blocks of neighbouring nrs;
2) spin gaps between neighbours or repeaters
3) Ratios of blocks vs repeaters;

What else are you observing when looking at a 37-spin cycle or watching Ayck's tracker?  Do colors or OE really worth checking?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 16, 12:01 AM 2019
Quote from: Bigbroben on Feb 15, 11:53 PM 2019

For me no..maybe for some yes ..
Doesn’t matter if they are pics of bunny rabbits..there is only the three stages unhits repeats unique

The spin counts are the most influential thing and the way I described at the very beginning of thread

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 16, 12:53 AM 2019
I will give an example later this morning..not a system per se but an example
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Gandhi on Feb 16, 01:43 AM 2019
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Feb 15, 03:28 PM 2019
I would like to know what you have contributed to the forum that we do not know? Apart from that you are also looking for information without stopping to achieve win? Do you want me to remind you of the PM you sent me a while ago? Better not go in that plan, because you have not contributed anything either, I have done it privately to many people, before speaking better I tried to know more about myself.
Here no one has learned, we have all had and must learn from others, the one who says otherwise is lying.
You can only complain about me and more that I do not contribute anything, when you have contributed something to me, the same thing that you contribute, is what they will contribute to you!
Everything I have learned is from information that has already been published by other people and that I personally have worked to be able to decipher with the people who are with me.
I beg you, before judging me, you have to judge yourself and then look at the rest and give your opinion about who you know.
For my part, I have nothing more to discuss with you, Mr. Mako!
I hope you find what you are looking for with the same information that I have also worked with, no one has given me anything detailed that works 100%!

I've always found it funny when I would ask Passionruletta simple questions in each thread, like whats the max limit of numbers do you think Vaddi, Dyslexic or Turbo would play and he would just post a chart and respond like he doesn't speak english and his grammar would be terrible and he would write like "Diksexlic not simple terms play 24spin balls landed 12 next land numbers out but child play can Vaddi"
but when guys would give him crap he writes perfect grammar in perfect english.

I have deciphered that! lol :xd:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 16, 03:36 AM 2019
Ok ..don’t want pages of Sergio bashing ..
You have to remember too I haven’t given any system out on here or examples of much
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Madi on Feb 16, 04:11 AM 2019
Quote from: 6th-sense on Feb 16, 03:36 AM 2019
Ok ..don’t want pages of Sergio bashing ..
You have to remember too I haven’t given any system out on here or examples of much

Its not abnormal. Its very common for dysexlic follower to make more drama. Another characteristic is that they got loose defence on their writing. You already know if you provide clear example you will be  bashed badly. You just circle around.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 16, 04:26 AM 2019
I’m not a dyslexic follower..not a Vaddi follower..and not a turbo follower..only saying Vaddi hunters should start on this thread..and your right we all skirt around..
To put it bluntly..
To help vaddi followers I’ll put up a basic system tonight or tomorrow as best way possible And individual notes on the possible decisions that  could be made
It won’t be a vague description either ..
I’m not saying I’m posting the Vaddis method but this is a point I was at 6 months ago
Bashed or not this was part was the most helpful..it’ll hopefully spur a bit of thinking
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: buffalowizard on Feb 16, 04:40 AM 2019
Quote from: 6th-sense on Feb 16, 04:26 AM 2019
I’m not a dyslexic follower..not a Vaddi follower..and not a turbo follower..only saying Vaddi hunters should start on this thread..and your right we all skirt around..
To put it bluntly..
To help vaddi followers I’ll put up a basic system tonight or tomorrow as best way possible And individual notes on the possible decisions that  could be made
It won’t be a vague description either ..
I’m not saying I’m posting the Vaddis method but this is a point I was at 6 months ago
Bashed or not this was part was the most helpful..it’ll hopefully spur a bit of thinking
Music to my ears. Tis how it should be, otherwise its nothing but a gold rush in a valley full of coal
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herby on Feb 16, 04:45 AM 2019
Quote from: 6th-sense on Feb 16, 04:26 AM 2019I’ll put up a basic system tonight or tomorrow as best way possible And individual notes on the possible decisions that  could be made
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

If you need calculations, simulations, evalutions, ... tell me.
I'll support you.
Maybe I'm at the point where you were 6 months ago.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: -Katalyst- on Feb 16, 05:10 AM 2019
6th - Hands down - the info you have graciously provided at the start of the thread is the best info going around on this forum  :thumbsup:  - if their persistent people can build their own success with it

BTW: June- Scissorhands - a scammer maybe - he shared something near the end of his stint and I think on the back of this  - AYK must have found a way and choose to move on. I spoke to him briefly before his departure in Oct - yes he was a bright generous individual 👍🏽

Quote from: Madi on Feb 16, 04:11 AM 2019
You already know if you provide clear example you will be  bashed badly. You just circle around.
@ Madi - surely your not having a go at 6th for not providing a clear way?  🤔
- for varied reasons - on here - nobody has provided a clear map
My bad - if I have read it the wrong way 🙏🏽

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Madi on Feb 16, 05:43 AM 2019
Quote from: -Katalyst- on Feb 16, 05:10 AM 2019
6th - Hands down - the info you have graciously provided at the start of the thread is the best info going around on this forum  :thumbsup:  - if their persistent people can build their own success with it

BTW: June- Scissorhands - a scammer maybe - he shared something near the end of his stint and I think on the back of this  - AYK must have found a way and choose to move on. I spoke to him briefly before his departure in Oct - yes he was a bright generous individual 👍🏽

@ Madi - surely your not having a go at 6th for not providing a clear way?  🤔
- for varied reasons - on here - nobody has provided a clear map
My bad - if I have read it the wrong way 🙏🏽

Can you plz point out which info
You get here is very very helpful. I dont see.

100s of system here in clear description. Have a look.

He might have another system better than other but will still lose another way. Loss is not a problem.

He is the best teacher who can
Describe in simple words so that all kind of audience can understand.

U got grail. ? Keep it , play it ,
Earn money. But no drama

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: buffalowizard on Feb 16, 06:35 AM 2019
Quote from: Madi on Feb 16, 05:43 AM 2019
Can you plz point out which info
You get here is very very helpful. I dont see.

100s of system here in clear description. Have a look.

He might have another system better than other but will still lose another way. Loss is not a problem.

He is the best teacher who can
Describe in simple words so that all kind of audience can understand.

U got grail. ? Keep it , play it ,
Earn money. But no drama


Ive just accepted it now. There are different kinds of posters...

You'll get those who post full systems including bet selection, money management - everything!

Others will only give bet selection,

Others only scraps (the worst kind and probably scammers)

Then you get the testers, the theorisers and the humorists

This wont change so may as well roll with it
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Irish88 on Feb 16, 07:03 AM 2019
Quote from: -Katalyst- on Feb 16, 05:10 AM 2019
6th - Hands down - the info you have graciously provided at the start of the thread is the best info going around on this forum  :thumbsup:  - if their persistent people can build their own success with it

BTW: June- Scissorhands - a scammer maybe - he shared something near the end of his stint and I think on the back of this  - AYK must have found a way and choose to move on. I spoke to him briefly before his departure in Oct - yes he was a bright generous individual 👍🏽

@ Madi - surely your not having a go at 6th for not providing a clear way?  🤔
- for varied reasons - on here - nobody has provided a clear map
My bad - if I have read it the wrong way 🙏🏽

Katalyst-May I ask if you think you should play the pairs of the wheel or table? At the beginning of this thread the tracker was in table order. Then he eventually made one with the layout of the wheel. I think 6-th sense has provided great info. I know he hasn't laid out an exact method. Maybe he doesn't want to endorse something and someone go out and lose thousands of dollars and come back trashing him. I think he is genuinely trying to help but want people to try to apply themselves.

The thing I take away on the first couple of pages. Say in the first 9 numbers. You may have 5 stand alone numbers and 2 pairs. From cycle 9-18 the pairs become 3-4 and stand alone numbers turn into pairs or more.

Question to me is, is it more advantageous to play the wheel or table numbers.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 16, 09:28 AM 2019
Quote from: Madi on Feb 16, 05:43 AM 2019
Can you plz point out which info
You get here is very very helpful. I dont see.

100s of system here in clear description. Have a look.

He might have another system better than other but will still lose another way. Loss is not a problem.

He is the best teacher who can
Describe in simple words so that all kind of audience can understand.

U got grail. ? Keep it , play it ,
Earn money. But no drama

your right madi...
no drama ..i,ll explain as simple as i can...
then you can take it from there ..
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: -Katalyst- on Feb 16, 09:53 AM 2019
@ Madi - first 4-5pages

@ Madi - 100s really? - which ones? - you mean the 100s with foreseeable limits
-100s with much substance - I think not!  :yawn:

@ Madi - totally agree about the "teacher" bit, but what 6th has described in this thread is quite straight forward learnable and expandable
- perhaps the kind of audience you refer to are the ones that want it on a platter....?
....GoodLuck with that!  :sad2:

Me having a grail? - No - well not by definition of what majority on here are talking about - none the less - I make a good living doing this ....so yeah I will keep it, play with it and make money with it.
I get it, this business is not for everybody - a lot of time, energy and then some has to be put into it, so yeah - not for everybody.
Not you, Uncle Steve, Cookie General or any other on here can tell me otherwise with where I am with this game
- yeah no dramas

@ BW - always rolling!

@Irish88 - yeas ofcourse you got to be careful with what you divulge, cause even if you do map it out, people will lose money for the simple fact that they got greedy/ill disciplined or added their own twist without much assessment ....but before all that - you'd have to face the professional forum runners on here bashing you as soon as you release your little 🐉
I don't know exactly how Gordon plays it and what I have going is slightly diff to what those initial pages show (but those concepts/ideas are all you need to come up with something for yourself)
-Yes - I do use the wheel numbers cause that's where the action is - not on the table - the table is something created to identify the winners for payouts etc - each to their own though
**Inside bets do have greater short term volatility but at the same this is where you can really beat the game

Haha! I see Gordon the peace keeper has posted - will leave it to him 👍🏽

-Best Wishes-
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 16, 10:10 AM 2019
ok...i,ll start now ive got at last a bit of free time..

so no interuptions....youve all tested the 8 numbers out..Hell i started on vaddi there too who doesn,t..but all that testing to make vaddi work ..turbo..dyslexic you start to look at things differently...non will give you the finalised version..so you make your own based on what that expanse knowledge of testing youve learnt..
and we all learn through trial and error..remember this and there methods..

you all know in the main there are pairs on the tracker trios forming..you also know that there has to be repeats..

you also know that not every cycle will not form so many pairs..or even trios and upwards..but only a few with a lot of repeats.....

so what to do ..you have to look at it differently...lots of ideas on the vaddi bet on the rolling 7 or 8....so i,ll start with that..
simple idea is betting the rolling numbers..in profit great if you can hit it...if not your minus 36..
next idea is hell lets bet those god damn pairing numbers either side of the number...great if you can get a hit quick enough...not so great if you dont...even if you just bet the numbers either side after spin 8 thats another minus 16 on the 1st spin...hell lets bet the spun number that,ll be minus 24 a spin on top of your minus 36 from the 1st 8 rolling...
and even then you need more wins to cover losses...that can get out of hand pretty quick..

ive been there done that..tried all combinations on the 1st rolling numbers...

so what to do...just build a system that takes into account of what you have learnt...try to capture the repeats..unhits ..uniques...and this is what i,m going to explain where i was and for you to look at it a bit differently..

i,ll post that exact method...

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 16, 10:14 AM 2019
ok so here goes..take this or leave it ..bashing is expected...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Shogun on Feb 16, 10:36 AM 2019
Looking forward to this 6th.
Excellent read so far.
Hopefully no bashing 😊
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 16, 11:04 AM 2019
just took me ages to write that out went to post and it logged me out will have to start over again when i get back in
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Robbert on Feb 16, 11:24 AM 2019
anyone got a rng 37 spin cycle for me with only 8 or less numbers hit for the second time. So no 3xs.

Thanks in advance!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Feb 16, 01:07 PM 2019

Have a look in the non-hit time tables. Posted in Real roulette spins. If you look in the generals spins look at the sheet named games.
You'll see games of 185 spins; showing all repeats,
Jackpot joy averages Is airball. Look at the daily sheet

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2019/02/16/source.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/OiCZg)
Don't have actual spins; but you can see 9#'s came in 1st 10 spins; the 23rd non-hit came in on the 37th spin.
this might help?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Feb 16, 01:14 PM 2019
If you people can count.
The average for spins 11-40 is 15 more non-hit
Here you can see 9+15=24
40th spin 24 non-hit have landed
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Robbert on Feb 16, 01:52 PM 2019
no, i actually need real rng spins. At random.org it takes ages to find a cycle with those conditions.

So anyone got one?

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Mako on Feb 16, 01:58 PM 2019
Quote from: 6th-sense on Feb 16, 11:04 AM 2019
just took me ages to write that out went to post and it logged me out will have to start over again when i get back in

That is a pain, I force myself to use notepad and just copy the text when done if I know the post is going to be a long one now.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Feb 16, 02:41 PM 2019
Quote from: Robbert on Feb 16, 11:24 AM 2019
anyone got a rng 37 spin cycle for me with only 8 or less numbers hit for the second time. So no 3xs.

Thanks in advance!

Will get you that later today, if you accept excel random.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 16, 02:45 PM 2019
ok lets start again..

everyone has tested the rolling 7 or 8 spins lose -36
everyone has tested the pairs on these again u need quick hits
would take a good few hits to recoup losses...

after dyslexic ..vaddi ..turbo...looking at what they were saying i came up with this take on it....at that point..

we know repeats happen..we don,t know where..
we know uniques happen from unhits
we know a repeat can only happen if a number comes out first

the problem was you couldn,t chase all repeats...most repeats wont streak to warrant the outlay
the problem was you you couldn,t bet all pairs trios from the off
you can,t just bet all numbers out hoping for a repeat..what happens when you get more than 18 unique numbers out

so i decided to look at it differently on what we do know...
we know repeats happen..we also know that numbers flock together..pairs trios etc
we also know that not every cycle will do the pairs to trios onwards..
if it isn,t one it,ll be the other or a small combo of both..

so what i came up with was just boring and plain and simple...using the knowledge of all three...

i was taking down the numbers into ayks tracker...i waited for a repeat...i would then make the decision to bet forward...after all vaddi did say bet forward didnt he...now this unit would be placed at the next available untaken box...if that number to right is already taken..i would put the unit on the next available space no matter how far away it was...
this now means i,m in position on an unhit number...which could become a unique..then a repeat...
if it does both i,m there for both or one of them..
we know that most of the time pairs onwards happen...
now when another different repeat happens i did excaxtly the same...except i would also include the number i betted as taken even though its not out yet..
this is a controlled betting method...there is no progression...

now the decisions here to be made ..

the repeats may not expand into more than a pair if at all..you have seen this yourselves or anyone who has tried..

so 1st decision is when a number comes repeating into  3...if its not one you have already betted on then would you then add a unit to that repeat...most of time repeats only be once..but some on some games shoot straight off...

the major decision is this...on either betting for the streak of a hotnumber which wouldnt matter if your there for it on one of your numbers...do you bet for the repat showing 3...and also the BALANCE.....the balance i,m talking about is this...most times you will win pretty smoothly..no major drawdowns...

the numbers you are betting will at some point rise..all depends on the repeats and that decison to see if it runs hot or not...if you get up to say 15 numbers...and there are limited spins left in cycle,,,ie the tipping point....that ratio of spins you need to be in profit....you have to make that decison...to take loss...no point being 100 units down 7 spins from end of cycle you would need bang on 5 wins to break even...
you could be lucky...or law of the third will act in as well as that mechanics of the 1st cycle...

cycle is ALWAYS reset on a win...1 unit in profit..or 35 units in profit....

is the rolling 8 at the start of the cycle as everyone presumes or is it incorporated in the actual gameplay?

so bashing is expected...and anyone with a bit of knowledge can work on this..

this is the briefest of descriptions..last one was way longer

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 16, 03:06 PM 2019
and just to throw this brucey bonus in..is the actual rolling 7 or 8 magic number an actual start point of play if a repeat has shown...after all vaddi did always say restart on a repeat....or as madi may think am i yanking chains
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Irish88 on Feb 16, 03:22 PM 2019
Quote from: 6th-sense on Feb 16, 03:06 PM 2019
and just to throw this brucey bonus in..is the actual rolling 7 or 8 magic number an actual start point of play if a repeat has shown...after all vaddi did always say restart on a repeat....or as madi may think am i yanking chains

So you only start playing once a repeat has happened? Say a pair hit, you would still wait for repeat before betting? Also, one number forward on the table or wheel?

Thanks you very much for the info 6-th.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 16, 03:29 PM 2019
yes irish only when a repeat happens the repeats will set the numbers to bet on...its always about the pairs forming and expanding most games..but some games will not do that ..but now you have a further start than before to work from table or wheel..i can only say try them both..repeats also come from pairs trios...etc as i say you could be on them in advance..remember how to bet also ...a pair if repeated at least one number is taken already
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: buffalowizard on Feb 16, 03:36 PM 2019
So you waiting for repeat and then betting  uniques and repeats up to around 15?
But is all this only available or playable on Ayks tracker ?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 16, 03:38 PM 2019
Quote from: buffalowizard on Feb 16, 03:36 PM 2019
So you waiting for repeat and then betting  uniques and repeats up to around 15?
But is all this only available or playable on Ayks tracker ?

no reread properly can be done with pen and paper if needed
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Madi on Feb 16, 03:57 PM 2019
Quote from: 6th-sense on Feb 16, 03:38 PM 2019
no reread properly can be done with pen and paper if needed

Do you understand why these questions r coming? Bcz its foggy description as always
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 16, 04:00 PM 2019
thought it was crystal clear..god man you want me to shove a brush up my arse and clear the cobwebs out of your eyes...its clear..
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 16, 04:04 PM 2019
your quite welcome to explain a lot better than that sergio..

you will get more respect from the members
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Feb 16, 04:07 PM 2019
Quote from: Robbert on Feb 16, 11:24 AM 2019
anyone got a rng 37 spin cycle for me with only 8 or less numbers hit for the second time. So no 3xs.

Thanks in advance!

Enter what you need in the blue cells.  Press F9 until a set of nrs appears.
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2019/02/16/source9a86e.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/Oirzx)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: buffalowizard on Feb 16, 04:21 PM 2019
Clearly it is foggy if theres already 2 of us who don't understand.
Maybe you arent quite as full of clarity as you perceive.

So get that brush out and explain in succinct bullet pointed order ...when and what you are betting.
Go through a set of numbers showing clearly when and what you are betting. This also really helps.

Otherwise it just comes across as stream of consciousness clap trap
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 16, 04:24 PM 2019
lol sergio..we are not partners we do have our cat and mouse games on skype which is fun..when it happens....but we are like on common ground at some points..definatley not partners

partners confer and build stuff we have,nt..
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Madi on Feb 16, 04:25 PM 2019
Quote from: 6th-sense on Feb 16, 04:00 PM 2019
thought it was crystal clear..god man you want me to shove a brush up my arse and clear the cobwebs out of your eyes...its clear..

Leave the word salad and come to the point straight. Just to reduce page number
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 16, 04:26 PM 2019
Quote from: buffalowizard on Feb 16, 04:21 PM 2019
Clearly it is foggy if theres already 2 of us who don't understand.
Maybe you arent quite as full of clarity as you perceive.

So get that brush out and explain in succinct bullet pointed order ...when and what you are betting.
Go through a set of numbers showing clearly when and what you are betting. This also really helps.

Otherwise it just comes across as stream of consciousness clap trap

okey dokey give me 37 spins ..madi i apolgise ..thought it was clear
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Irish88 on Feb 16, 04:35 PM 2019
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Feb 16, 04:18 PM 2019
Here I send a graph, which for many of you is nothing more than a simple graphic, but with what to that sixth sense, the detail that I have given, these graphics are achieved!
It is not always that easy, but it usually has a good and constant performance.
greetings and encouragement, rickshaws!

PD: My great partner Gordon, I do not look for respect in the forum, I do not care what they say about me, it only bothers me people who only judge without knowing, but they have to work on their own, that's why those who are really good in this of roulette, they end up disappearing, they do not have to put up with people who only judge without knowing.
But even so some of us who have struggled a lot to get it are here to say some things about what we know, some more than others, some more for private, but that's because of a lot of trolls!
A great greeting Gordon
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2019/02/16/source.jpg) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/Oi7WK)


Would you be willing to explain what event or tigger you are waiting for? It's clear from the graph you seem to be waiting around 8 spins before betting. Are there no repeats in the last 8 before you bet? Are you betting the numbers that are ON the marquee or something different?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Madi on Feb 16, 04:38 PM 2019
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Feb 16, 04:18 PM 2019
Here I send a graph, which for many of you is nothing more than a simple graphic, but with what to that sixth sense, the detail that I have given, these graphics are achieved!
It is not always that easy, but it usually has a good and constant performance.
greetings and encouragement, rickshaws!

PD: My great partner Gordon, I do not look for respect in the forum, I do not care what they say about me, it only bothers me people who only judge without knowing, but they have to work on their own, that's why those who are really good in this of roulette, they end up disappearing, they do not have to put up with people who only judge without knowing.
But even so some of us who have struggled a lot to get it are here to say some things about what we know, some more than others, some more for private, but that's because of a lot of trolls!
A great greeting Gordon
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2019/02/16/source.jpg) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/Oi7WK)

From when you guys become partner?

If you post junk ofcourse you will be judged as junk,

Why do you always keep posting your hard- earned achievement? Who did ask? Keep slilent and earn money
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 16, 04:40 PM 2019
id like to know that too madi
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Madi on Feb 16, 04:49 PM 2019
The idea is to get a clear view of your concept . Lets say it doesnt work . It happen with most system. Doesnt matter. Dont apologize and side step. Come with clear description and let us see ur concept as u said you r willing.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 16, 05:05 PM 2019
Not side stepping at all I’m in bed now so put 37 spins up ready for tomorrow and I’ll go through them tomorrow night step by step ..if anyone else has time before me who understands they can do it while your waiting ..and remember this is old plus vaddi could take 185 spins to be in profit..but I’ll do that concept to make it clear
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Feb 16, 05:21 PM 2019
Quote from: Robbert on Feb 16, 11:24 AM 2019
anyone got a rng 37 spin cycle for me with only 8 or less numbers hit for the second time. So no 3xs.

Thanks in advance!

Oups, this one instead.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: buffalowizard on Feb 16, 07:05 PM 2019
Quote from: Madi on Feb 16, 04:49 PM 2019
The idea is to get a clear view of your concept . Lets say it doesnt work . It happen with most system. Doesnt matter. Dont apologize and side step. Come with clear description and let us see ur concept as u said you r willing.
Ain't gonna happen mate. 6th Sense falls into the bracket of 'vague system poster'
The antithesis of Proofreaders shall we say.
Depends which way you look at it...some say that if a roulette system is too hard to explain then it ain't any good. Others like to salivate over all the intricacies and obscure clues, sure that there's gold there somewhere.

Either way, I'm headed in the general direction of the exit.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: plolp on Feb 16, 07:32 PM 2019

@ buffalowizard

I am French, so I translated with google and I understood.

Despite the fact that the translation into French is a bit of gibberish.
So if you master the language and have followed this subject, you have to understand.

The execution of the system is simple.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Mako on Feb 16, 11:32 PM 2019
plolp Is it similar to how you’ve been playing on R-Sim lately?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Mako on Feb 16, 11:45 PM 2019
Quote from: 6th-sense on Feb 16, 05:05 PM 2019
Not side stepping at all I’m in bed now so put 37 spins up ready for tomorrow and I’ll go through them tomorrow night step by step ..if anyone else has time before me who understands they can do it while your waiting ..and remember this is old plus vaddi could take 185 spins to be in profit..but I’ll do that concept to make it clear

Thank you for the effort Gordon, it’s appreciated. Will enjoy seeing how each of us interprets what you’re providing.  :thumbsup:

Sergio: Good start, thank you. Keep it up.  But stop whining in your posts about how we all perceive you. You have only yourself to blame for all of us not taking you seriously.  You want to change our minds and prove that we were all wrong about you? Great, keep helping and provide actual information as Gordon is doing.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: plolp on Feb 17, 02:06 AM 2019
Quote from: Mako on Feb 16, 11:32 PM 2019
plolp Is it similar to how you’ve been playing on R-Sim lately?

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 17, 02:59 AM 2019
too many pics uploaded

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 17, 03:04 AM 2019
number 26 repeats..we bet 1st available space to right..which is number 27...

numbers 10..17..21..24..26..30..32..35..are taken we now add number 27 to this group as although not out we have a unit on it

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 17, 03:05 AM 2019
number 10 repeats..we bet 1st available space to right..which is number 11...

numbers 8..10..17..21..24..26.27...30..32..35..are taken number 11 is now added to this group though not out..we have a unit on it
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 17, 03:06 AM 2019
number 21 repeats..we bet 1st available space to right..which is number 22...

numbers 8..10.11.17..21..24..26.27...30..32..35..are taken number 22 is now added to this group though not out..we have a unit on it
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 17, 03:07 AM 2019
numbers 3.7 8.. .24..26.27...30..32..35..are taken

we get a win on spin 16 number 27
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: boyd30 on Feb 17, 03:09 AM 2019
Thank you 6th-sense! It's clearer through maybe not crystal clear. If the number to the right is taken don't you go left? I think Vaddi said that. Also there seem to be drawdowns to - 100 and more so it's maybe not a HG? Maybe need that 1 percent Vaddi was talking about. Don't you restart after 36/37 spins?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 17, 03:16 AM 2019
repeat on number 12..next available space is number 15...bet that...now if 12 repeats again thats the decison about betting number 12 as well as next available space..as 15 is already taken with a unit on it that would be number 18
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 17, 03:20 AM 2019
Quote from: boyd30 on Feb 17, 03:09 AM 2019
Thank you 6th-sense! It's clearer through maybe not crystal clear. If the number to the right is taken don't you go left? I think Vaddi said that. Also there seem to be drawdowns to - 100 and more so it's maybe not a HG? Maybe need that 1 percent Vaddi was talking about. Don't you restart after 36/37 spins?

restart on a plus...you can try the variations out from this now..as i said this was where i was at...play around until end of cycle keep note on the BALANCE..that tipping point...
there are a lot of games at this point that make up the losses and above...

Sergios graph is an indicator of how it should look when you make the breakthrough..though i don,t know if hes now incorporated some of this..

going left is an option obviously again you have to work that out..so as i say play around from this point

the cycle of 37  if u wish to choose it is the end point of game..and restart is definatley needed
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 2BobBet on Feb 17, 05:56 AM 2019
Thanks for this 6th

Just had a quick game plus 30 units :thumbsup:

I just kept betting all numbers that had a repeat and i also went to the left for a open space in the tracker maximum 12 numbers over the 37 spins

I have been trying different combos of vaddis but I never could make them win consistently !
this is a new way for me after trying everything else ,so will start here and try and cut down the numbers i bet on to maximise profit for the inevitable drawdown
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Feb 17, 01:29 PM 2019
40 spins on R-sim
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2019/02/17/sourcea60a3.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/OPPvd)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Feb 18, 07:32 AM 2019
See it’s quite.
So what do you know for 37 spins?
What do I know for 40 spins?
On collected data, the 40 spins broken into 4 blocks of 10 spins, shows for repeats, that they average to come in at 1-3-5-7
That makes 16 numbers repeat on the 40 spins. But as I’m told average is of no use as its 1/37 spin.
Now those 16 repeats are in the Generals star burst, jackpot 247.com; live German spins posted on forum and the gold standard Random.org.
So here we have 40 spins from R-sim, just another RNG.
Up to the 19th non-hit they have an average to hit of 2 spins.
How many repeats happened in these 40 spins? 15; was the average to hit far out?
General KTF stops at spin 51; +52 some might stop on 1st profit spin 29.
But each game brings its own run of 1/37, the 1/37 gives the Generals joke; the TROT.
The; TROT to the cashier

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2019/02/18/source848ec.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/OgVEd)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ozon on Feb 18, 11:01 AM 2019
If we speak openly, about these strategies.
Yesterday I sat and played concepts taken from 6 sense and Passion.
I played exactly what 6 sense described, i.e. the first free number of the above repeater and sometimes this repeater and we got 3 hit in.
But I did not play it in the 37 spin cycle.
I played it as Passion advised, I took the window of 12 last spins and as it appeared repeater I played through the next 12 spins 6sense triggers.
Sessions ended on any plus, or I chose as stoplose -120 units.
I played 130 sessions, the beginning was great.
But with time, more and more sessions lost to appear.
After 130 sessions I went for some marginal plus, but it was in 80 units. I think that it would be a minus if I continue to play.
All tests were carried out on RS
My question is what modifications can be made and whether or not to devote more time to the game which advised 6sense in the 37 spins cycle. What optimal stoplose to choose?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Madi on Feb 18, 02:33 PM 2019
First a big thanks to 6th as he clarified everything.

Now its not too hard for you guys to understand what passion does? He cut the downward graph and always post the upward. Magic of RX.

I have tested all conbination including this one in 2014. Vaddi has no HG. The best it works with 4 number, still not HG.no need to believe me . You guys can go for trail.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Mako on Feb 18, 02:46 PM 2019
Quote from: Madi on Feb 18, 02:33 PM 2019
First a big thanks to 6th as he clarified everything.

Now its not too hard for you guys to understand what passion does? He cut the downward graph and always post the upward. Magic of RX.

I have tested all conbination including this one in 2014. Vaddi has no HG. The best it works with 4 number, still not HG.no need to believe me . You guys can go for trail.

Vaddi may not have a successful play method, but 6th-Sense does. 

He posted his results over the past six months, actual play, his bankroll growth, and it's impressive.

If he's lying about it, that's fine, people do that sort of thing, caveat emptor for the rest of us, etc.

But if he's telling the truth, and for me personally I believe he is, then he's either just on a lucky streak as Caleb would say, or he's taking advantage of circumstances within binomial distribution or LOTT that have to occur every 37 spins.

It's worth pursuing, and thanks to 6th-Sense for helping out in a way that makes it much easier to understand.

Madi, did you test his hybrid pigeon-hole theory he's presenting here, by going forward to the next available pocket no matter how far out it is?

That's different, something unique, and what I think may be getting lost here is that 6th-Sense isn't offering help with Vaddi's method...he's offering help with a play-style that he developed himself from the basis of Vaddi and Dyksexlic's theories, with some TG thoughts mixed in.  It's original to him.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Madi on Feb 18, 02:47 PM 2019
100 unit down. Stoploss
For any straight number system
1win Vs 2loss is the best. Hard

1win Vs 1 loss achievable
2 win VS 1 loss some people like

3 win Vs 1 loss  some prefer

Its doesnt matter if you stop on +1 or +100. Your system needs to overtake your BR frequent enough to be in profit
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Madi on Feb 18, 02:54 PM 2019
Quote from: Mako on Feb 18, 02:46 PM 2019
Vaddi may not have a successful play method, but 6th-Sense does. 

He posted his results over the past six months, actual play, his bankroll growth, and it's impressive.

If he's lying about it, that's fine, people do that sort of thing, caveat emptor for the rest of us, etc.

But if he's telling the truth, and for me personally I believe he is, then he's either just on a lucky streak as Caleb would say, or he's taking advantage of circumstances within binomial distribution or LOTT that have to occur every 37 spins.

It's worth pursuing, and thanks to 6th-Sense for helping out in a way that makes it much easier to understand.

Madi, did you test his hybrid pigeon-hole theory he's presenting here, by going forward to the next available pocket no matter how far out it is?

That's different, something unique, and what I think may be getting lost here is that 6th-Sense isn't offering help with Vaddi's method...he's offering help with a play-style that he developed himself from the basis of Vaddi and Dyksexlic's theories, with some TG thoughts mixed in.  It's original to him.  :thumbsup:

If he is winning with this system best of luck to him.

No i havent tested any pegion hole theory. That theory has an extra hole , that is zero.some people forget that hole and i cant do that
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: The General on Feb 18, 04:03 PM 2019
Binomial distribution merely shows the randomness of a sample and the most likely distribution of hits.  However it does not tell you which numbers will hit.  Furthermore it proves that there are toooo many numbers on the wheel.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: bigmoney on Feb 18, 11:02 PM 2019
How can u prove binominal distribution exists ?
Because  we can prove the law of the third exists
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Firefox on Feb 18, 11:15 PM 2019
Quote from: bigmoney on Feb 18, 11:02 PM 2019
How can u prove binominal distribution exists ?
Because  we can prove the law of the third exists

You can see the binomial distribution in the real world with your own eyes.

For example worn down stone or wooden steps exhibit a shallow binomial curve. The probability someone will step on the centre is greater than someone will step on the edges.

No proof needed, it's existing everywhere, staring you in the face.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: bigmoney on Feb 19, 04:46 AM 2019
Thank u ...firefox
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Firefox on Feb 19, 07:21 AM 2019
Technically I  suppose the binomial is a discrete distribution, but when n, the number of trials is large, it's a very good fit to the normal distribution curve.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herby on Feb 19, 07:33 AM 2019
Quote from: Firefox on Feb 19, 07:21 AM 2019Technically I  suppose the binomial is a discrete distribution, but when n, the number of trials is large, it's a very good fit to the normal distribution curve.

binomial is a discrete distribution,
when n, the number of trials is large, it's a very good fit to the normal distribution (continous)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Firefox on Feb 19, 09:47 AM 2019
Spot on, I'd agree with that!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Gutroulett on Feb 19, 12:07 PM 2019
Roulette is like an experiment where you draw balls from an urn with replacement. You start with 37 white balls (37 non-hit numbers). When one number is drawn you put it back but change the color to blue (1 time hit numbers). If a blue is drawn (2 time hit number) you change the color to orange and put it back....
Calculate binominal distribution and you can see how many number in each category you can expect after any amount of spins.
One special case became famous: the amount of spins that are called 1 cycle. For straight up number that is 37 spins.

link:://:.winning-roulettesystems.com/the-great-universal-theory-winkel.html (link:://:.winning-roulettesystems.com/the-great-universal-theory-winkel.html)
Look in the table at spin 37 and you will find that case witch is named the law of the third.
13,4 non-hits numbers; 23,6 one or more time hit numbers. Sum it up! Its 37 numbers.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herby on Feb 19, 12:40 PM 2019
Already the 2.nd sentence in this advertising page is wrong:
"A German roulette tinkerer published his way to look at roulette in several online forums and called it Great Universal Theory or short G.U.T. "

He was Austrian, I was in PM contact with him more than 10 years ago.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Firefox on Feb 20, 01:09 AM 2019
I just can't understand the obsession with this cycle of 37 spins and numbers which repeat. It's just simple combination theory, there are more ways to arrange numbers including repeats than 37 unique numbers. It's all easily calculable.

But it's all completely useless in deciding, prior to the event, what numbers to back to give yourself any advantage.

The amount of time people spend chasing their tails over this! It would be more productive to write PTO on both sides of a sheet of paper and spend all day amusing themselves with that  :wink:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Proofreaders2000 on Feb 20, 01:22 AM 2019
I think the aim is to inspire ideas.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 20, 02:32 AM 2019
Quote from: Firefox on Feb 20, 01:09 AM 2019
I just can't understand the obsession with this cycle of 37 spins and numbers which repeat. It's just simple combination theory, there are more ways to arrange numbers including repeats than 37 unique numbers. It's all easily calculable.

But it's all completely useless in deciding, prior to the event, what numbers to back to give yourself any advantage.

The amount of time people spend chasing their tails over this! It would be more productive to write PTO on both sides of a sheet of paper and spend all day amusing themselves with that  :wink:

As proof said inspiration..if it was all just about repeats the turbo thread is for that..
Most systems go beyond 37 to catch a win..but inside the cycle is the way to go..
I like your idea of what you propose though and if it’s easily calculable please feel free to post it on this thread it would be interesting to look at ..
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: bigmoney on Feb 20, 03:26 AM 2019
Gees sixth sense ,proofreaders hand others are calling u out by saying  your not clear and consise and  from what they have tested ...its not profitable  ....thoughts on that mate ?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 20, 03:30 AM 2019
Quote from: bigmoney on Feb 20, 03:26 AM 2019
Gees sixth sense ,proofreaders hand others are calling u out by saying  your not clear and consise and  from what they have tested ...its not profitable  ....thoughts on that mate ?

None at all ..thought though more bashing to be honest from that system 6 months ago..
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: bigmoney on Feb 20, 04:11 AM 2019
Hmmm great answer
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nichedelico on Feb 20, 09:01 AM 2019
Guys but i think that what 6th have saying it's really good, put directly on real money and +1000 units (playing with 1 cent unfortunately but results are results)  37 spins and stop loss are good and i think gives you discipline. Just thoughts.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Mako on Feb 20, 01:22 PM 2019
Quote from: nichedelico on Feb 20, 09:01 AM 2019
Guys but i think that what 6th have saying it's really good, put directly on real money and +1000 units (playing with 1 cent unfortunately but results are results)  37 spins and stop loss are good and i think gives you discipline. Just thoughts.

Good job Nico, keep it up!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Firefox on Feb 20, 01:33 PM 2019
Quote from: 6th-sense on Feb 20, 02:32 AM 2019

I like your idea of what you propose though and if it’s easily calculable please feel free to post it on this thread it would be interesting to look at ..

It's all based on permutation and combinations.

nPr = n!/(n-r)!   and nCr = n!/(n-r)!r!

Take two numbers and 2 cycles. 4 cases.

We can have 2 numbers ocurring no repetition


Number of cases = 2!/(2-2)! =2

Or we can have 1 repeater occuring


Number of cases = 2!/(2-1)! =2

Probability of a repeater = 2/4 = 50%

Take 3 numbers and a 3 cycle. 27 cases

We can have no repeaters, all 3 numbers come up


Number of cases =3!/(3-3)! = 3!/0! =6

We can have 1 repeater, 2 numbers coming up

122  212  221
112  121  211
133  313  331
113  131  311
223  232  322
233  323  332

Number of cases =3!/(3-2)! x 3!/(3-2)!2!
=  6x 3  = 18

Or we can have 2 repeats, 1 number coming up


Number of cases = 3!/(3-1)! = 6/2 = 3 ways.

Probability of 1 repeat = 18/27 = 2/3. Quite large already and only 3 numbers

Can do similar calcs all the way up to 37 numbers and 37 trials. The numbers get pretty big, pretty quick.

Greater chance of repeats are due to the fact that there are more ways to arrange repeating numbers in terms of permutations in a set than there are to arrange unique numbers or the same numbers.

But after the numbers 1 and 2 come up there is a greater chance of a repeat (1 or 2) than there is a unique (3). In fact twice the chance, but we don't know which number will repeat. So we have got nowhere in practical terms. It appears attractive to bet on repeats but that's just an illusion.

All that knowledge about thirds or permutation/combination formulae gets us no advantage whatsoever.

But agreed, it helps to generate inspiration. I'm just pretty sure it won't lead anywhere in this case :D

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 20, 01:41 PM 2019
thanks firefox for the time doing this...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Firefox on Feb 20, 03:42 PM 2019
No problem.  I did the fours too, but an error somewhere, there should be 256.

It gets tricky as the numbers get large. 4 numbers can repeat 3 times or vice versa with everything around and in between. But the ways they can do so can always be calculated and compared to the total number of ways to get a probability.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: winkel on Feb 20, 04:45 PM 2019
Quote from: Herby on Feb 19, 12:40 PM 2019
Already the 2.nd sentence in this advertising page is wrong:
"A German roulette tinkerer published his way to look at roulette in several online forums and called it Great Universal Theory or short G.U.T. "

He was Austrian, I was in PM contact with him more than 10 years ago.

I always was German
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herby on Feb 20, 04:54 PM 2019
Quote from: winkel on Feb 20, 04:45 PM 2019I always was German
Hi winkel,
you remember the Austrian math boy RCEC ?
don't know what happened to him.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: winkel on Feb 20, 05:27 PM 2019
Quote from: Herby on Feb 20, 04:54 PM 2019
Hi winkel,
you remember the Austrian math boy RCEC ?
don't know what happened to him.

Due to drug and alcohol abuse he is now mentally ill and in a psychatric hospital
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Frodo on Feb 21, 02:06 PM 2019
Quote from: 6th-sense on Feb 17, 03:04 AM 2019
number 26 repeats..we bet 1st available space to right..which is number 27...

numbers 10..17..21..24..26..30..32..35..are taken we now add number 27 to this group as although not out we have a unit on it

Now this is what i call out of the box thinking.
If we ever find this HG it has to be a continuous PROCESS.
Maybe the solution is in there.

6th, do you still believe it can win every 37 spins permutation?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 21, 04:19 PM 2019
Quote from: Frodo on Feb 21, 02:06 PM 2019
Now this is what i call out of the box thinking.
If we ever find this HG it has to be a continuous PROCESS.
Maybe the solution is in there.

6th, do you still believe it can win every 37 spins permutation?

It’ll be two steps forward one step back...not every game is the same..that’s the truth..
That system I hope people can work with and realise that you can’t carry on betting indefinitely the empty boxes ..you wouldn’t be betting every number in hi and lo in the end..after all 18 numbers per side won’t show ..there are averages each side ..sometimes one is out more than the other...again just throwing it out there

It has to be contained in a cycle..
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Irish88 on Feb 21, 04:31 PM 2019
Quote from: 6th-sense on Feb 21, 04:19 PM 2019
It’ll be two steps forward one step back...not every game is the same..that’s the truth..
That system I hope people can work with and realise that you can’t carry on betting indefinitely the empty boxes ..you wouldn’t be betting every number in hi and lo in the end..after all 18 numbers per side won’t show ..there are averages each side ..sometimes one is out more than the other...again just throwing it out there

It has to be contained in a cycle..


I had mentioned the idea of narrowing down the table, meaning maybe just focusing on hits in a dozen or say half of the table. When you are playing, are you using the entire table or wheel or playing shall we say in a more confined area shall we say.

Thank you
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Irish88 on Mar 01, 08:50 PM 2019
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 07:13 AM 2018
Ok the basics is if you know what the average gaps between numbers at each stage you can work out what is expected to happen..how 1 standalone number will either become two or three or four...
That’s the basics ..there will be an average distance between number groups..
If you the average 24 numbers are near enough the normal and 12 unhit are normal...then in the vey1st pic you will see how many standalone numbers with no touching numbers are out...we think 12 unhit numbers are not going to come out and we know the average unhit ie empty blocks are only going to be so wide..then you can conclude that from the very 1st pic your definitely going to link some of them stand alone numbers up..becouse at the end of 37 spins you will only have the average standalone numbers left ..which means the unhit will be either side or in a small block..
This is the basics..
Towards balancing

I think this might the most important post in the thread. But I admit I am having a little trouble interpreting it. There is someway of playing the numbers out and connecting them. I am just not sure what the trigger is, maybe you are starting with two numbers as bookends and playing all numbers in between 12-16 numbers if that makes sense. Why? Because as we know there will never be 12 empty boxes in a row. The hits will expand in a line. Just need to figure out the starting point. Any ideas?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Mar 01, 09:07 PM 2019
For sure the gaps are bound to be reduced in size as the spins go by.  Of course anything is possible but at the end of 37 spins, the widest gaps between blocks are 2 or 3, hardly ever 4.  Maybe with unbalance of distribution?  If at spin 10 there is 1 block of 5, 1 block of 2 and 3 standalone, play neighbours of standalones or play for a repeater in the main block?

Maybe this type of observation could result in seeing a new way of considering inbalance?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: jono1167 on Mar 01, 09:09 PM 2019
Quote from: Irish88 on Mar 01, 08:50 PM 2019
I think this might the most important post in the thread. But I admit I am having a little trouble interpreting it. There is someway of playing the numbers out and connecting them. I am just not sure what the trigger is, maybe you are starting with two numbers as bookends and playing all numbers in between 12-16 numbers if that makes sense. Why? Because as we know there will never be 12 empty boxes in a row. The hits will expand in a line. Just need to figure out the starting point. Any ideas?

Hi Irish
Passion put a post on the Vaddi forum a couple of days ago. See below. He talks about ‘12 holes’. I’m picturing the AYR tracker with a big gap of unhit numbers (12 holes). When a large gap like that opens up, that would be the trigger.

“When you have a margin of 12 holes, 4 unique, play those 4 unique and their 4 paired, you will be playing 8 in a space of 12, 4 only that can repeat and 4 not left, that can come out.
Of 24, then the same but with 8 and of 36 the same but with 12.
I'm saying too many guys, I've probably said the most important thing to open everyone's mind, surely many will continue to say that I do not contribute anything, but I just contributed more than all the clues that are given in this forum, only with this comment.”
Passion Rouletta
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Mar 01, 09:14 PM 2019
You think by saying " hole"  he was refering to a "band width" on the tracker?  I think you're right!
He! I thought it was a mistranslation and meant marqueee.

Mmmhh, good point.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: jono1167 on Mar 01, 09:30 PM 2019
Quote from: Bigbroben on Mar 01, 09:14 PM 2019
You think by saying " hole"  he was refering to a "band width" on the tracker?  I think you're right!
He! I thought it was a mistranslation and meant marqueee.

Mmmhh, good point.

You could put through a minimum of 12 spins, obviously they could end up being sprinkled about evenly. Alternatively they could be grouped together in one or two places allowing for a 12 number gap or hole which could then be exploited....
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Irish88 on Mar 01, 09:33 PM 2019
I take holes meaning boxes on the tracker Ben. The boxes or holes fill up. What I can't figure out is say you pick 12-16 numbers, are you continually betting on those numbers? So a section? Or is it changing all the time? The problem for me is I only play on live wheels in the US. You can't have your phone at the table. I think the tracker is an amazing tool. But I can't really use it at a live casino. I can try to keep some sense of it in my head. Pairs and gaps and what not. I think most people on this board play online so they can use the tracker. I can't. And in the US...you basically can't play online.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Mar 01, 09:33 PM 2019
Or any time in a game, if in a 12 nr range ( say 23 to 34) there are 4 hits then play the nrs and the +pair?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Mar 02, 04:21 AM 2019
Quote from: Irish88 on Mar 01, 09:33 PM 2019But I can't really use it at a live casino.
At your B+M, don't they supply pen+paper? As i've said i use paper trackers. The floor staff have asked what i have there; when they see it's just a sheet of A4, they walk of smiling.
I've used the GUT one but waiting for crossings i can't do.
This one i've posted showing betting for repeats, ie; Turbos repeaters. So it shows Ayk's top line
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2019/03/02/source77965.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/Ut9u9)
Take it along pencil in the spins. Let us know if they say you can't use it.
Oh yes like TCS i laminated it; saves using endless sheets, use whiteboard markers
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Mar 03, 01:17 PM 2019
This graph is the spins in Vaddi
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2019/03/03/sourcea8c7b.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/UOl4p)
35 spins.
It started 8/10; so add 15 to the 8; 8+15=23

Still 2 spin left Generals LOTT is already there, so lets see if we get 2 repeats.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Mar 03, 01:21 PM 2019
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2019/03/03/sourcecced9.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/UOwy0)
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2019/03/03/source42fb1.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/UO6SH)

So 24 non-hit.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 03, 02:48 PM 2019
Quote from: Bigbroben on Mar 01, 09:07 PM 2019
For sure the gaps are bound to be reduced in size as the spins go by.  Of course anything is possible but at the end of 37 spins, the widest gaps between blocks are 2 or 3, hardly ever 4.  Maybe with unbalance of distribution?  If at spin 10 there is 1 block of 5, 1 block of 2 and 3 standalone, play neighbours of standalones or play for a repeater in the main block?

Maybe this type of observation could result in seeing a new way of considering inbalance?

not everything is possible in 37 spins to happen  for instance you can,t go beyond 18 unique standalone numbers with no pair or repeat the next spin..ie 19th spin theres not enough room across the board without one or the other happening..thats impossible
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Mar 03, 03:45 PM 2019
Ok I agree to that, but is there a way to play against this event that is profitable long term flat bet (or pos. prog)?

Or is there a way to play this "something that always happens in 37 spins" in a profitable way, with less-than-usual variance?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Mar 04, 04:19 AM 2019
Hi guys!
I tested such a system, there were many hits, but in the end it failed.
Perhaps you can improve

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Mar 04, 04:20 AM 2019
Quote from: Person S on Mar 04, 04:19 AM 2019
Hi guys!
I tested such a system, there were many hits, but in the end it failed. we put on the numbers that have fallen out.

Perhaps you can improve
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Irish88 on Mar 09, 04:05 PM 2019
Quote from: 6th-sense on Feb 11, 07:34 AM 2019
Just need to do a quick explanation of the mechanics of roulette even though this thread is only about one cycle...

You will never get 37 unique numbers out ever that 1st cycle will have to have at least one unhit and one repeat

The mechanics of roulette is simple..

At spin 37 unhit and repeat will be equally the same

Every spin beyond will add a difference of one repeat to unhit

Ie spin 38 the repeats will be one higher than unhits

Ie spin 39 the repeats will be 2 higher than unhits

Ie spin 40 the repeats will be 3 higher than unhits and so on

Take any number say spin 74 the repeats will be 37 higher than unhit count

The repeats ALWAYS go up further in relationship to the 1st cycle finishing and the spin count you look at

Now if roulette was truly random this shouldn’t be happening

This is the mechanics of roulette beyond 37 back to basics

Guys I think this post has been very overlooked. I was studying the charts on the first few pages and what 6-th says is fact.

Unhits and repeats will be exactly the same after a  37 spin cycle. I am not a math guy but this has to be what is meant by something has to happen or law of the third. Just figuring how to apply it it. Maybe someone else can figure it out how to exploit these facts.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Mar 09, 04:20 PM 2019
На спspamне 37 unhit spam повÑ,ор буspamуÑ, оspamspamнаково оspamspamнаковы.

Alas, we know what will happen at the end of the 36-37th spin cycle - repeat or unhit :(
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Irish88 on Mar 09, 04:32 PM 2019
Well if you look at the 37 boxes, 24 of of them will be taken up. That leaves an average of 12-13 unhits across the 37 boxes. What is the avg gap of the open boxes and the hits? 2?  I honestly don't know. But it seems very rare to see 4 empty boxes in a row in a cycle.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Irish88 on Mar 09, 05:12 PM 2019
Quote from: Person S on Mar 09, 04:20 PM 2019
На спspamне 37 unhit spam повÑ,ор буspamуÑ, оspamspamнаково оspamspamнаковы.

Alas, we know what will happen at the end of the 36-37th spin cycle - repeat or unhit :(

I am starting to wonder if you play the largest gap of unhit numbers say maybe after 8 spins. Once you get a hit a new cycle starts and repeat the process.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 10, 06:38 AM 2019
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Mar 10, 06:35 AM 2019
If you want to do the thing of vaddis you have to see how the numbers are connected in 8 balls, start working like that, look at all the possibilities that you can and in the end you will find some good ones, even with the one of vaddis.

Totally agree with Sergio this is how you learn
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: boyd30 on Mar 10, 10:03 AM 2019
I think you just follow the wheel. If for example in last 8 a number hit twice, you bet on it. If neighbour hits you bet on neighbours. Not really clear rules, but not bet on more than  8 numbers?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Irish88 on Mar 10, 10:12 AM 2019
Quote from: boyd30 on Mar 10, 10:03 AM 2019
I think you just follow the wheel. If for example in last 8 a number hit twice, you bet on it. If neighbour hits you bet on neighbours. Not really clear rules, but not bet on more than  8 numbers?

I think Passion says 8 numbers. But I think others have said they bet up 16 numbers. 6-th did layout a way to play. He said start with the first repeater and the pair number. Maybe you just focus on repeats and their pairs.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: boyd30 on Mar 10, 10:20 AM 2019
It seems logical to focus on repeaters and their pairs. As Vaddi said it's so easy even a child can play it. If it pairs on the table on the wheel I don't know. Does It matter? Through I prefer the table pairs.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Mar 10, 10:32 AM 2019
Was Vaddi playing with american wheels or euro wheels?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Anastasius on Mar 10, 10:40 AM 2019
BigBro ben .

On the excel spreadsheets u use how do i change  the nrs column

Then after that how do i get it to calculate. .. thanks

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: boyd30 on Mar 10, 10:46 AM 2019
Quote from: Bigbroben on Mar 10, 10:32 AM 2019
Was Vaddi playing with american wheels or euro wheels?

Euro wheel I believe..
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Mar 10, 10:59 AM 2019
Quote from: Anastasius on Mar 10, 10:40 AM 2019
BigBro ben .

On the excel spreadsheets u use how do i change  the nrs column

Then after that how do i get it to calculate. .. thanks

Answered in the Excel thread.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Irish88 on Mar 10, 11:44 AM 2019
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Mar 10, 11:37 AM 2019
Because you do not pay attention to me and you can see that it can be a connection in the last 8 turns!
There are several things for example:
Couple, repeated, not connected ...
Lighter I can not say ...


Are saying there is a connection in spins 5-8 to the 1-4 spins? Always?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herby on Mar 10, 12:55 PM 2019
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Mar 10, 11:37 AM 2019it can be a connection in the last 8 turns!

Is there the same connection if the 37 numbers would be 37 animals ?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Mar 10, 02:14 PM 2019
Back to the basics of 37 spins.

Ran a macro with Excel random.  15000 cycles of 37 spins.
Looking at repeaters and the gap of the repeating nr, question was:
How many repeaters can you expect to hit if playing the last x-nrs out?

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2019/03/10/source157ae.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/UMBJd)

If playing the last 8 nrs, one should expect to hit 7 times.  In 15k cycles, the minimal gap went up to 12.  That means, if playing the last 8nrs, there would have been no hit.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: bigmoney on Mar 20, 11:57 PM 2019
Slowly slowly realizing the benefits of the 37 spin  cycles
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 21, 12:10 AM 2019
Quote from: Herby on Mar 10, 12:55 PM 2019
Is there the same connection if the 37 numbers would be 37 animals ?

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Mar 21, 05:49 AM 2019
Interesting set of #'s
Colour matrix has got what i want
I'll give you my thought soon
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2019/03/21/source.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/UB3WL)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Mar 21, 06:25 AM 2019
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2019/03/21/source1eab8.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/UBXwp)
Just span off to get the 40 #'s Rob.

Heres what Priyank's tester gives you, it's posted in the KTF topic page 80 i believe.
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2019/03/21/source419af.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/UBad0)

Repeats usually come 1,3,5,7; 16 over 40 spins.
So by spin 20 could see 4 repeats. Nimo would make his easy 100 in spins 1-10, takes big balls to do thou.
At 20 spins you start to bet all R1’s. Use the Turbo 1-5-25 it’s in Blue.
The checkpoint box gives the info for the blocks of 10 spins; you see 10/10. So add the average of 15 non-hit’s for spins 11-40; 10+15=25, you see non-hits for the 40 spins is 26; so 16 non-hit came in the spins 11-40. 16; +1
It’s all voodoo; even the Generals star burst spins plays to the averages, in fact all the non-hit time tables show the same info. There posted so work on them.
If you want something with no thought, just use the mat as the matrix; +100 at spin 30.

If we take on board Saint Steve, The General and now Foxy we'd might as well not play this game of chance, you can't win.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Mar 21, 03:37 PM 2019
Quote from: PassionRuleta on Mar 21, 02:09 PM 2019
I'm saying that in 8 turns there are connections, which then continue until turn 12! :thumbsup:

What turn to turn?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Mar 21, 03:47 PM 2019
Listen to the cupid shuffle, it might help you
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: bigmoney on Apr 01, 07:50 AM 2019
Notto thanks for your posts matey sorry I didnt reply earlier ..I was on holidays cheers matey
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Apr 03, 06:03 AM 2019
Big M
I don't know about cycles? I don't want old Foxy showing me the math as this is  a game of chance. We can look from the math side; and might as well put our bankroll in the charity box, as math says we won't win.

Now just collect thousands of spins. Here are the result for Random.org; could show the result for the Generals posted spins; but it would not matter as they both show the same results.
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2019/04/03/source.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/U8b3V)

We're shown by Shawn repeat happens more often after; think its 7 spins; its posted somewhere on forum.

So with 9/10 the most common result for the opening 10 spins and R.org showing average to hit is 2 spins up to the 19 non-hit; would this help on the colour matrix?

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2019/04/03/source6b21f.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/U8d7t)

Well 9/10 didn't happen it was 7/10 but the matrix alieves the thought process but the non-hit have to come.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Apr 03, 07:19 AM 2019
Big Money
Sent you Random.org.
The game on the KTF sheet; the check point reads how it should.

This sheet is the old way before priyanka gave the tester in KTF topic. Slow way but the countback shows what the tester gives in the checkpoints.

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2019/04/03/sourcef254e.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/U8kAQ)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Apr 03, 07:25 AM 2019
Now what the tester looks like

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2019/04/03/source4556e.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/U8o7y)(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2019/04/03/source4a6c5.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/U8vzL)

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Apr 03, 07:38 AM 2019
Big M
Let's look at repeats Turbo country.
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2019/04/03/sourcef4723.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/U8nxS)

I always found it better to wait till spin 21; to get clever and try and win with repeats.
Wait till 20 spins and bet the R1's not the GSX'Rs So 5 to bet you could be +8
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2019/04/03/source3cbac.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/U8zkp)

You could get clever and bet the 6 R1'S again
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2019/04/03/source10fd9.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/UZG00)

Random.org The gold standard for testing according to the experts
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Apr 03, 07:48 AM 2019
The mat matrix
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2019/04/03/source5d771.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/UZTFU)16 red; bet black win, spin to get next number 30 red; bet black lose, double up, bet red, win
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: bigmoney on Apr 03, 03:52 PM 2019
Notto thanks for your reply and the tremendous effort
You put in
Many thanks
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: bigmoney on Apr 04, 02:01 AM 2019
Basically theres two ways to attck this .
1 repeats
2. Non hits .
Other factors
Money management & the house limits .
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: bigmoney on Apr 07, 08:41 PM 2019
Might I say a big hearty thank you to sixth sense .for starting this thread .
Also thank you  for those that made positive  and insightful  contributions to this thread
Many thanks
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Jun 06, 06:05 AM 2019
They had to repeat.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Jun 06, 06:28 AM 2019
Here's the #'s might help Ayk :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: FreeRoulette on Jun 06, 04:01 PM 2019
Neat tracker. Wonder what the chances of a number coming up 37 times over 37 rounds of 37 spins. If it is low, then maybe you could exclude those numbers and play the others for a small profit.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 06, 04:14 PM 2019
all the numbers unhits repeats uniques are subject to the law of the third each cycle..on average check your tracker...if your going that way...it happens constantly..after all its a new cycle..shifting like the sands of the desert..overlapping numbers from previous cycle.. 8)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Winner on Jun 06, 05:05 PM 2019
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 06, 04:14 PM 2019
all the numbers unhits repeats uniques are subject to the law of the third each cycle..on average check your tracker...if your going that way...it happens constantly..after all its a new cycle..shifting like the sands of the desert..overlapping numbers from previous cycle.. 8)
Careful with that concept LAw of third .in Steve’s experience its bull crap
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 06, 05:07 PM 2019
dont have to be carefull..simply check ayks  v8 tracker
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Winner on Jun 06, 05:09 PM 2019
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 06, 05:07 PM 2019
dont have to be carefull..simply check ayks  v8 tracker
have no clue what that is
If it doesn’t give you an accurate prediction it doesn’t work.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 06, 05:17 PM 2019
Quote from: Winner on Jun 06, 05:09 PM 2019
have no clue what that is
If it doesn’t give you an accurate prediction it doesn’t work.

It’s not a system..it shows u the spins out the cycles of 37 spins or whatever u config it to..and deadly accurate ..and a lot of features I asked for and my own personal tracker on the right ..u will see that when u input numbers in
And also the spin count when the number hit

Have fun
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 06, 05:26 PM 2019
And to put your mind at ease it’s probably now the best tracker in the world along side the streams tracker
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Irish88 on Jun 07, 08:29 AM 2019
So just thinking in term of averages.

24 numbers hit in a cycle.

12 repeats in a cycle

That breaks down to 12 numbers appearing in each of the low/high sections on average.

6 repeats on average in each low/sections.

18 hits total in each low/high section on average.

Maybe just concentrate on one half of the mat. Just a thought.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Jun 07, 12:43 PM 2019
Don't know about the 1st 18 for next 10 spins?
But repeats are right on time
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Jun 07, 12:54 PM 2019
There's always a bet.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Winner on Jun 07, 01:35 PM 2019
Quote from: Irish88 on Jun 07, 08:29 AM 2019
So just thinking in term of averages.

24 numbers hit in a cycle.

12 repeats in a cycle

That breaks down to 12 numbers appearing in each of the low/high sections on average.

6 repeats on average in each low/sections.

18 hits total in each low/high section on average.

Maybe just concentrate on one half of the mat. Just a thought.
Careful no system if it does not predict it accurately physically.Thats what you can expect on this forum .
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Jun 07, 01:59 PM 2019
Some chat has given some points to consider. But whether it would apply to both trackers?
Here consideration is given to the wheel.

Winner you have to wear blinkers and ear defenders; so those experts don't get through
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Winner on Jun 07, 02:25 PM 2019
Quote from: nottophammer on Jun 07, 01:59 PM 2019
Some chat has given some points to consider. But whether it would apply to both trackers?
Here consideration is given to the wheel.

Winner you have to wear blinkers and ear defenders; so those experts don't get through
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Jun 07, 02:26 PM 2019
Switched the bets, those at expectation. I stopped to early.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 07, 03:12 PM 2019
Quote from: Winner on Jun 07, 01:35 PM 2019
Careful no system if it does not predict it accurately physically.Thats what you can expect on this forum .
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Winner on Jun 07, 04:59 PM 2019
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 07, 03:12 PM 2019

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: FreeRoulette on Jun 07, 08:15 PM 2019
Tried the tracker for 37 spins. It seemed rare enough to have a gap of 4 numbers in a row not hit on the wheel. If it was close to the 37th spin and there was a 4 or 5 number gap, betting those numbers might make profit over time.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: FreeRoulette on Jun 08, 01:14 AM 2019
Hey 6th Sense,

Is it possible to chart just the last x amount of numbers that came up? I want to watch the continuous gaps between numbers. To see if there is an optimal amount of numbers to track before expecting no gaps of 5 numbers.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Jun 08, 02:50 PM 2019
gaps and neighbours
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Jun 08, 03:03 PM 2019
 :D Hit once and neighbours
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: FreeRoulette on Jun 08, 06:11 PM 2019
Quote from: nottophammer on Jun 08, 02:50 PM 2019
gaps and neighbours

Are you able to do a stat of gaps left over after 37 spins over a million trials?

If you are, then could I see the stats for 37 spins and another for 41 spins?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Jun 08, 08:16 PM 2019
Quote from: FreeRoulette on Jun 08, 06:11 PM 2019
Are you able to do a stat of gaps left over after 37 spins over a million trials?

If you are, then could I see the stats for 37 spins and another for 41 spins?

Free,  I have this somewhere in my files.  I'll look and send it to you.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Jun 08, 08:57 PM 2019
Quote from: FreeRoulette on Jun 08, 01:14 AM 2019
Is it possible to chart just the last x amount of numbers that came up? I want to watch the continuous gaps between numbers. To see if there is an optimal amount of numbers to track before expecting no gaps of 5 numbers.


did this real quick, have a look.  I could create macros and calculate datas for millions of spins if you need, or I could modify this file also if you want more results to be extracted.

Write your wished tracking length or gap width trigger in the blue cells.
Depending on your computer, press F9 or Del on an empty cell to switch numbers (using randbetween function in my file), or insert your number sets in the proper column.

Enjoy, and remember, winners don't wear GAP.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: FreeRoulette on Jun 08, 09:02 PM 2019
Quote from: Bigbroben on Jun 08, 08:57 PM 2019

did this real quick, have a look.  I could create macros and calculate datas for millions of spins if you need, or I could modify this file also if you want more results to be extracted.

Write your wished tracking length or gap width trigger in the blue cells.
Depending on your computer, press F9 or Del on an empty cell to switch numbers (using randbetween function in my file), or insert your number sets in the proper column.

Enjoy, and remember, winners don't wear GAP.

Awesome thank you.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: FreeRoulette on Jun 08, 11:17 PM 2019
Quote from: Bigbroben on Jun 08, 08:57 PM 2019

did this real quick, have a look.  I could create macros and calculate datas for millions of spins if you need, or I could modify this file also if you want more results to be extracted.

Write your wished tracking length or gap width trigger in the blue cells.
Depending on your computer, press F9 or Del on an empty cell to switch numbers (using randbetween function in my file), or insert your number sets in the proper column.

Enjoy, and remember, winners don't wear GAP.

The file did not open, it is corrupt or something
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Jun 08, 11:27 PM 2019

Do you have an old version of Excel?

Anyone else has seen this?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: FreeRoulette on Jun 09, 12:33 AM 2019
I can open up xlsx files, just not that one
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herby on Jun 09, 01:51 AM 2019
"GapsCalculator.xlsx (0 kB - downloaded 10 times.)"

How many Bytes has a gap ? -> 0 kB

In a surprising way the file does what it should.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: FreeRoulette on Jun 09, 02:49 AM 2019
Quote from: Herby on Jun 09, 01:51 AM 2019
"GapsCalculator.xlsx (0 kB - downloaded 10 times.)"

How many Bytes has a gap ? -> 0 kB

In a surprising way the file does what it should.

As it should, like in a broken way? lol
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Jun 09, 06:16 AM 2019
Put these #'s in Ayk's wheel tracker; gaps and where's hot
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Jun 09, 06:19 AM 2019
Profit!  Not a phone in sight.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: bigmoney on Jun 09, 11:41 PM 2019
Well someones gettin out of the phone business
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: The General on Jun 10, 02:00 PM 2019
Quote from: nottophammer on Jun 09, 06:19 AM 2019
Profit!  Not a phone in sight.

Yes but it took you 17 whole spins.  Why couldn't you win it all in just one spin?  Why waste time betting on the other 16 spins? ::)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Firefox on Jun 10, 02:59 PM 2019
Quote from: The General on Jun 10, 02:00 PM 2019
Yes but it took you 17 whole spins.  Why couldn't you win it all in just one spin?  Why waste time betting on the other 16 spins? ::)

I agree.... simply "make the right decision" ... no need to waste time  :twisted:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 10, 04:10 PM 2019
one spin?..right decision?...what in your minds would that be...How would you yourselves make a right decision?
vb is not one bet is it? its trying to hit your target..even wobbly wheels you couldn,t bet one spin
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 10, 04:21 PM 2019
steve himself i can relate too..he has the computers but not pratical..
but do not discard there is no other way...it may not be a one spin bet but there is a clear and present way..you just have not found it yourselves
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Firefox on Jun 10, 04:33 PM 2019
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 10, 04:10 PM 2019
one spin?..right decision?...what in your minds would that be...How would you yourselves make a right decision?
vb is not one bet is it? its trying to hit your target..even wobbly wheels you couldn,t bet one spin

Don't ask me, it's Notto's line!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 10, 04:38 PM 2019
ok no problem firefox....just came across like jumping on the bandwaggon...notto is trying and posting his stuff..he should be given a bit more respect regardless if  anyone thinks he,s right or wrong..and credit to him..he,s not phased out by it
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 10, 04:55 PM 2019
yesterday was the one year anniversary of this thread...so happy anniversary...and  44 pages long ..which tbh i didnt expect..thanks for everyone who contributed
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: bigmoney on Jun 10, 05:43 PM 2019
Well apparently  the general plaus at the star casino ..in sydney which is where i play id like to see him play  one spin and win ....its up to you now general its a case of put up or shut up.....inbox me 😁😁😁
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Steve on Jun 10, 05:53 PM 2019
The point of the one spin joke wasnt understood. That's how poor the knowledge is.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Steve on Jun 10, 06:55 PM 2019
Quote from: nottophammer on Jun 09, 06:19 AM 2019
Profit!  Not a phone in sight.

Keep playing and you'll lose, like the losing sessions you arent showing. That's the difference.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Firefox on Jun 10, 11:36 PM 2019
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 10, 04:55 PM 2019
yesterday was the one year anniversary of this thread...so happy anniversary...and  44 pages long ..which tbh i didnt expect..thanks for everyone who contributed

Congrats on the the thread!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: FreeRoulette on Jun 11, 01:14 AM 2019
I ran random 50 a bunch of times and did not see a gap of 4. For $100, you could play a progression from spin 35 to 50. Interesting, I definitely need to test this idea more.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: bigmoney on Jun 12, 02:43 AM 2019
And the GENERAL  still hasnt fronted with my challege ....ba ha ha
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: The General on Jun 15, 02:26 PM 2019
Quote from: bigmoney on Jun 12, 02:43 AM 2019
And the GENERAL  still hasnt fronted with my challege ....ba ha ha

Yes, I will just hop on a plane and fly from the US to Aussie for your challenge.   :xd:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: bigmoney on Jun 15, 06:31 PM 2019
Quote from: The General on Jun 15, 02:26 PM 2019
Yes, I will just hop on a plane and fly from the US to Aussie for your challenge.   :xd:
What a guy .....what date do you have in mind ...i will clear my schedule
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Jun 16, 01:00 PM 2019
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2019/06/16/source.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/lis6K)

Jono 1st 60 spins of your 283 on R-sim. Average at 60 spins 29.5 non-hits will have hit.

Spin 29 KFC time General :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Jun 16, 01:12 PM 2019
Next 60; you gotta like non-hits
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2019/06/16/source61e33.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/li2DB)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: The General on Jun 17, 01:13 AM 2019
Quote from: nottophammer on Jun 16, 01:12 PM 2019
Next 60; you gotta like non-hits
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2019/06/16/source61e33.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/li2DB)

It needs more color.  Add some magenta. 
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: jono1167 on Jun 17, 01:35 AM 2019
Quote from: nottophammer on Jun 16, 01:12 PM 2019
Next 60; you gotta like non-hits
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2019/06/16/source61e33.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/li2DB)

Great work Notto. I sent you a PM.....
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Jun 17, 05:22 AM 2019
Quote from: The General on Jun 17, 01:13 AM 2019It needs more color.  Add some magenta. 

Add as many colours as you like. You KNOW GUT; so use your GUT to add as many as you like.

Like that Jono
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Jun 17, 05:24 AM 2019
Look at Nimo's old drinking vessel!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Jun 17, 05:50 AM 2019
Jono after spins; 5,20; Nimo would win +100 easy peasy, drink
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2019/06/17/source.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/liJHB)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: jono1167 on Jul 10, 09:53 PM 2019

I have spent the last week re-reading 6th's '37 Back to Basics' thread. Plenty of ideas, many of which have already been tried and tested.

I thought I would post a few tables which were created using Ayk's fantastic tracker. Hopefully they might spark some inspiration....

I have been running some basic tests. Looking at the attached tables, I see clusters of numbers and gaps. Early on, the gaps are wide, but they start closing.... Pretty obvious. When is the most efficient time to bet on the gaps closing? Can this be exploited sufficiently? 

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2019/07/10/source21071.jpg) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/wAAq9)(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2019/07/10/source6e067.jpg) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/wA3DB)

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: jono1167 on Jul 10, 10:03 PM 2019
For some reason the first  image above has repeated three times....

Here's a new table....

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2019/07/10/source8d902.jpg) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/wAahl)

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: jono1167 on Jul 10, 10:05 PM 2019
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2019/07/10/source95728.jpg) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/wAdGc)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: jono1167 on Jul 10, 10:08 PM 2019
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2019/07/10/source58cdc.jpg) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/wACQa)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: jono1167 on Jul 10, 10:09 PM 2019
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2019/07/10/source63c58.jpg) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/wADmF)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: gizmotron2 on Sep 12, 08:41 AM 2019
Quote from: junscissorhands on Sep 09, 06:46 AM 2018Nah gizmo, you are not influential in the world of randomness, as a matter of fact you've lost all my respect few weeks ago.

This was my favorite one. Just wanted to get that respect back. It's free, and it faces at least an armada of critics as it should there too. Don't really care much about those that pass it up or for their plausible reasons either. It's free, it's simpler than ever, it's specific, it has examples, videos, and people doing it. I don't know if you can say where it is located so I will wait for that.

Now pull a cow out you backside trying to tell everyone how smart you are with an insult. You know the reason for it being free don't you. Don't forget to consider that I have a much better idea about all this. Someday I will tell the true reason. But for now it's free. Somebody here found it and is working on it. Amazing because he is doing better than the first student that paid for it years ago. Have fun and don't forget to insult me. You need to always be on guard.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: jono1167 on Sep 13, 07:44 AM 2019
Quote from: gizmotron2 on Sep 12, 08:41 AM 2019
This was my favorite one. Just wanted to get that respect back. It's free, and it faces at least an armada of critics as it should there too. Don't really care much about those that pass it up or for their plausible reasons either. It's free, it's simpler than ever, it's specific, it has examples, videos, and people doing it. I don't know if you can say where it is located so I will wait for that.

Now pull a cow out you backside trying to tell everyone how smart you are with an insult. You know the reason for it being free don't you. Don't forget to consider that I have a much better idea about all this. Someday I will tell the true reason. But for now it's free. Somebody here found it and is working on it. Amazing because he is doing better than the first student that paid for it years ago. Have fun and don't forget to insult me. You need to always be on guard.

I've been studying  / testing / practicing Gizmo's system for two weeks now and the results have been extremely positive. The W's are outnumbering the L's more than anything I have tested before.

I encourage you to check it out. Don’t go rushing off to the casino though, you will benefit from plenty of practice sessions.

Listen to Gizmo’s advice. It’s free. He also has some very handy practice software. The software keeps an accurate track of your results too. Everything is explained in the thread and Gizmo is happy to answer any questions.

It will be interesting to see what kind of results others achieve.


Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: gizmotron2 on Sep 13, 08:49 AM 2019
Quote from: jono1167 on Sep 13, 07:44 AM 2019Cheers

Thank you,

I've got a notion to actually do the talking here. I like the idea of those that have been discussing it have all come from here and all those that are idiots, more on that later, originated there. I call them idiots because at one time in the world most of us were idiots. The world was flat until it was not. I'm doing this this way because only a small number of people will have it first. To me that just makes sense.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Sep 13, 02:51 PM 2019
carry on on my thread gizmo...seems like you are earning it
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Sep 13, 03:42 PM 2019
Not so foggy; more than 7 net wins.

Oh yeah curve fitting
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: gizmotron2 on Sep 13, 05:02 PM 2019
Quote from: 6th-sense on Sep 13, 02:51 PM 2019
carry on on my thread gizmo...seems like you are earning it

I meant at this gambling forum. But thanks for the kind offer. I suppose a thread needs to be started. All the how is at the other forum. But this is a good place to discuss any learning issues are any help questions. I really doubt it though. Those trying it out are just killing it. I suppose I should go deeper into character recognition.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Ricky on Dec 29, 08:55 AM 2019
Quote from: boyd30 on Mar 10, 10:20 AM 2019
It seems logical to focus on repeaters and their pairs. As Vaddi said it's so easy even a child can play it. If it pairs on the table on the wheel I don't know. Does It matter? Through I prefer the table pairs.
You are on the right track when thinking how to play based on the concepts raised by 6thSense which is also similar to what VADDI described.

Now which layout to follow - Carpet or wheel? That all depends on what patterns you are seeing in the 37 spin cycle. If a wheel is not influenced by external factors other than the dealer then I prefer the wheel layout as there are physical reasons why numbers on the wheel clump together or in fact repeat above average. But introduce a wheel that is using RRS technology or even RNG and you are better off using the carpet as the results will be less influenced by the dealer and more by the random rotation of the wheel or RNG generator. Numbers will tend to be distributed randomly on the wheel but given the nature of the number distribution to create a random result you will get just as much clumping on the table layout as on the wheel layout.

Either way you will need to be able to read the flow of the spin cycle and take advantage of the patterns that get created. You can get pairs that tend to expand in order of spins or form larger sequences of consecutive numbers from smaller groupings. As expected you also start seeing repeats of numbers. So how best to approach any given cycle. My advise is to be prepared for any outcome and be prepared to act accordingly with your money management to gain a consistent profit before resetting the cycle and starting over.

More to come in the new year

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Dec 29, 11:29 AM 2019
Thanks Ricky..be nice to start this thread back up in the new year for any interested party’s..

Ricky will put an rx dgt file based on the concept to play in rx when he has time..

Would like anyone interested in it to discuss it in a reasonable manner as it will be a base for you to improve upon..
meanwhile happy new year
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Irish88 on Dec 29, 01:28 PM 2019
The best thread on any roulette forum. Thank you 6th and Ricky for all of your valuable insight. Happy New Year.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Dec 29, 03:01 PM 2019
Quote from: Irish88 on Dec 29, 01:28 PM 2019
The best thread on any roulette forum.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Dec 29, 08:46 PM 2019
Ok so back to basics then.

Ran 6378 cycles of 37 spins and gathered basic infos, see attached.

40% of cycles will have 23 or 24 nrs landed.
Almost 50% of cycles will see 9 or 10 nrs repeating at least once;
More than 50% of cycles will see 3 or 4 nrs hitting 3 times;
40% will have a 4-hitter.

Let's say we are thinking of ''long bets'', i.e betting for a 37-spin frame to see 23-24 nrs out, or betting for a cycle to see 9 or 10 nrs repeating.  The latter almost has 50% chance of success.
How would you play this?  Would it be a mix of playing unhits, then hits, skipping bets, else?  How to ''short'' a trend?  Positive or negative prog, if any?  Parlaying?

Now, let's assume you can't be in positive territory at least once in every cycle ( even if others claimed so), let alone end in green.  Is that bad? I think not.
Is there a way to make enough profit in a won ''bet'' of 9-10 repeaters in 37 spins, enough to overcome losses of failed ''bets''?
What if there was no progression within a 'cycle-bet'', but one from cycle to cycle?  Could be Alembert, Martingale, Tiers et Tout, Labouchere, any progression really, pos or negative.  Which makes me ask: is playing for a cycle to have a caracteristic that statistically happens 50% of time or so, is it equivalent to an EC bet?  Is the variance greater or smaller than EC bets?

I think I'll concentrate then on the distribution of those winning-losing cycles, in regards of the variance, and see what comes out from those runs.

I know, this is a lot of Q's and ideas...

More later.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Elite on Dec 29, 09:38 PM 2019
HI BigBro ben,  can you add, repeaters in 12 numbers and 24 numbers also in this sample.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Dec 29, 10:08 PM 2019
you mean repeaters in 12 spins and 24 spins?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Irish88 on Dec 29, 10:37 PM 2019
Quote from: jono1167 on Jul 10, 09:53 PM 2019

I have spent the last week re-reading 6th's '37 Back to Basics' thread. Plenty of ideas, many of which have already been tried and tested.

I thought I would post a few tables which were created using Ayk's fantastic tracker. Hopefully they might spark some inspiration....

I have been running some basic tests. Looking at the attached tables, I see clusters of numbers and gaps. Early on, the gaps are wide, but they start closing.... Pretty obvious. When is the most efficient time to bet on the gaps closing? Can this be exploited sufficiently? 

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2019/07/10/source21071.jpg) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/wAAq9)(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2019/07/10/source6e067.jpg) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/wA3DB)

Look at the pics above. At the end of each cycle, the number of groups, hits, islands whatever you want to call them are the same the number the unhits.

So you have 8 groups of hits and 8 groups of non hits. Now how do we make this profitable? I am not sure. Most of us has been fixated on betting each number and their pair number 8 times and whatever way. We have all tested it. But if you you look at say the original first 8-9 numbers out.....what happens? Hits always happens around the the first numbers out. They flock together.

So is it possible the first 8-9 numbers out is the foundation along with their pair number? I use the wheel personally. So you would just bet those 16 numbers and go from there. Maybe you only add any future numbers out to your bet selection if they have a connection to one of the foundation numbers? I don’t know. I am just throwing out an idea. But all you have to do is look at the charts. The groupings happen around the original first 8 numbers for the most part. The groupings expand.

Also after you have 8 spins. The 13 unhit numbers have been laid out. And you also know you will have 12 doubles and numbers go together. This is also why I am starting to think you just stick with the original numbers and their pair until you have a new high the rest to last 8 spins. Again just ideas.

I hope this makes some sense.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Elite on Dec 30, 03:13 AM 2019
Quote from: Bigbroben on Dec 29, 10:08 PM 2019
you mean repeaters in 12 spins and 24 spins?

Yes right
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Ricky on Dec 30, 04:20 AM 2019
Just to get the ideas thinking in the right direction let me just say from the outset we should not be thinking in terms of one solution and discard any approach that does not deliver the perfect bet that wins in all circumstances, the so called Holy Grail. We may need to look at some sort of progression or recovery bet if we want to aim for a guaranteed profit in all cycles. But we can also accept the odd loss if we know we will win in most cycles with our method.
It’s like 4 steps forward and 1 step back. The aim is to win at a higher percentage relative to our losses.

Some ground rules that should make the best roulette system:

1. A well defined method that we know MUST  happen in a cycle
2. Predominantly a flat bet strategy with a fixed spin cycle that does not increase bets on a loss within the cycle.
3. Play inside bets including Line, Quad, Street, Split and Straight. May be used as a progression and/or parachute approach as we progress through the cycle

As you can see the best bet involves more that just the method. As expected money management and chip distribution play a key part in finding the correct solution. And the beauty is there is no one correct solution. All reasonable ideas that don’t rely on luck alone are valid.

Finally, something that cannot be explained in mere rules that are blindly followed is the player’s intuition on how the flow of the game is evolving from spin to spin. Unfortunately the player must gain this intuition from experience and his own risk profile. Just like trading the stock market, roulette has intrinsic risks that at any moment the spin from hell, the 37 uniques in 37 spins, the 37 reds in a row, any other freak event that threatens to destroy our bankroll. So managing risk is something the player must take control over. If you are looking for the perfect solution in this thread without putting in the hard work and expecting it to be handed to you on a platter then maybe best to look elsewhere. But if you are prepared to learn how to become proficient in managing risk and using ideas shared here to your benefit then continue reading and contributing to the foundation of 37 back to Basics

My next post will be in the new year once i have completed the RX for public release. Note this RX has coded certain ideas raised in this thread but does not cover some privately developed approaches which are currently being tested with real bankroll to test all aspects mentioned above. In time these methods may be released in some form depending on their long term success.


Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 30, 04:39 AM 2019
Do I re-set or plough on through the pumpkins
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 30, 05:27 AM 2019
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Irish88 on Dec 30, 10:12 AM 2019
With the theory of there is an average of 12 doubles per cycle we all assumed that was in  reference to repeaters. Repeaters must happen. But doubles of a different kind must happen. Pairs. Doesn’t matter if it’s carpet pairs or wheel pairs. So after 8-9 spins as I mentioned before your unhits have now been laid out. We know 12 unhits won’t happen in a row along the line. So maybe this is how we start the bet and continue from there.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: jono1167 on Dec 30, 04:07 PM 2019
Quote from: 6th-sense on Dec 29, 11:29 AM 2019
Thanks Ricky..be nice to start this thread back up in the new year for any interested party’s..

Ricky will put an rx dgt file based on the concept to play in rx when he has time..

Would like anyone interested in it to discuss it in a reasonable manner as it will be a base for you to improve upon..
meanwhile happy new year
Count me in! Time to get stuck into this thread again.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Kairomancer on Dec 30, 05:14 PM 2019
Jono1167, have you abandoned gizmo's guessing method?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: jono1167 on Dec 30, 06:39 PM 2019
Quote from: Kairomancer on Dec 30, 05:14 PM 2019
Jono1167, have you abandoned gizmo's guessing method?

Not at all. Unfortunately I am 700 kms from the nearest B&M casino.

Now they have just tightened up access to online casinos for Australian players. I simply have no way to play it and practice, unless I use Gizmos testing software. It’s incredibly frustrating....
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Kairomancer on Dec 30, 08:18 PM 2019
How many practice sessions have you played with his software?
What is your current win to lose rate?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Ricky on Jan 01, 02:47 AM 2020
Happy New Year to all.

With this year being 2020 lets see if this thread can create 2020 vision and provide some productive ideas for the use of the B2B concepts. There has been mention of collecting statistics on the occurances of certain concepts like number of doubles formed in a cycle and number of repeats, gaps etc. Although these stats are good to know and apply to any given cycle its is just one aspect of the bet we should concentrate on. Other topics include money management, bet limits, progressions, session management and bet size.

As promised, attached is the Back To Basics RX (to be known as B2B moving forward)  I have create for public consumption. I won't go into too much detail on many of the parameters to be defined as most are not related to B2B but to my own money management coding which is based on Bret Morton's ROULETTE PLAYING TO WIN. There is an option to disable these parameters during your testing of B2B specfic parameters.

There are basic instructions on running the RX in the zip file and a workable set of options is defined by default. I suggest you refer to gordon's B2B betting methods - repeats from doubles and doubles from repeats etc and play the RX 1 spin at a time until you are comfortable the RX design is working as expected. If you notice any obvious bugs let me know and I will check it out. Best to create a document with steps used to reproduce and send to systemroulettebest@gmail.com. I'll try not to clog this thread with coding issues where possible and keep this for productive discussion on how we can play B2B. Any good ideas that cannot be defined from existing parameters may get added to the code and shared on the thread to see how it performs.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Ricky on Jan 01, 05:29 AM 2020
Quote from: jono1167 on Jul 10, 09:53 PM 2019

I have spent the last week re-reading 6th's '37 Back to Basics' thread. Plenty of ideas, many of which have already been tried and tested.

I thought I would post a few tables which were created using Ayk's fantastic tracker. Hopefully they might spark some inspiration....

I have been running some basic tests. Looking at the attached tables, I see clusters of numbers and gaps. Early on, the gaps are wide, but they start closing.... Pretty obvious. When is the most efficient time to bet on the gaps closing? Can this be exploited sufficiently? 

(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2019/07/10/source21071.jpg) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/wAAq9)(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2019/07/10/source6e067.jpg) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/wA3DB)
What Jono has done here is a very good approach to studying B2B. Breaking up the spin cycle allows us to gain an insight into how the flow of the spin cycle  is proceeding. Some cycles will create clumps of hits early on in the cycle and continue to expand sideways. So if you were laying your traps to take advantage of this happening within the cycle then you can get an early win.
Other cycles have wide gaps and create many islands of repeated numbers. So laying a trap for this to continue can also give you an advantage. Any given pattern has no guarantee of continue if into the future but unless you effectively use your chips to lay the respective trap you will not benefit.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Ricky on Jan 01, 04:42 PM 2020
Here is my scorecard I use in a typical 2-3 hour session. I aim to play max 10 cycles of max 37 spins. Most cycles are over in 15 spins. Some go to 22 spins. In this sample one went to 25 spins where i took a small loss. I should have abandoned this one earlier. Over time experience tells you when to accept your loss es and reset for another opportunity. Occasionally I would increase my bet units from $1 to $2 next cycle to try and recoup larger losses. But this is the extent of my progression. I normally flatbet the cycle. However, chip placement can be a good replacement for progression. More in that later

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Irish88 on Jan 03, 09:05 AM 2020
So even if with all this great information provided in this thread I still struggle to find a consistent way to profit.

Are you betting every number that is out in the last 8 spins?

What is the max numbers to bet?

Do you only bet when a pair or repeater has appeared?

If so then how long do you bet these numbers for?

Does the repeat number or pairs have to appear within a certain number of spins together? 8-9 spins? Say 5 appears and then appears 12 spins later are you now going to bet 5 and their two wheel neighbors? Or do you only do it if the repeat appears in a 8 spin window?

These are the points I struggle with. I feel like betting 16-24 numbers is to many which is usually mentioned. But I honestly don’t know.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: bigmoney on Jan 03, 03:23 PM 2020
I concur with irish 88
Well this is a great thread
But i as well struggle to make a consistant profit with it .
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Andrew on Jan 03, 10:13 PM 2020
Quote from: Ricky on Jan 01, 04:42 PM 2020
Here is my scorecard I use in a typical 2-3 hour session. I aim to play max 10 cycles of max 37 spins. Most cycles are over in 15 spins. Some go to 22 spins. In this sample one went to 25 spins where i took a small loss. I should have abandoned this one earlier. Over time experience tells you when to accept your loss es and reset for another opportunity. Occasionally I would increase my bet units from $1 to $2 next cycle to try and recoup larger losses. But this is the extent of my progression. I normally flatbet the cycle. However, chip placement can be a good replacement for progression. More in that later


Hi Ricky

That looks interesting, the scorecards and screen in the background looks familiar too, you also play at Treasury?
Hope it’s going well.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Ricky on Jan 04, 04:14 AM 2020
Quote from: Ricky on Jan 01, 02:47 AM 2020As promised, attached is the Back To Basics RX (to be known as B2B moving forward)  I have create for public consumption.

I noticed that approx  30 downloads have been made of the RX so before I continue I just want to ensure that some have tried to execute the code in their RX software. I am aware some valued members of the thread do not have RX software which is available from :.uxsoftware.com. Without it you will not be able to follow along with the discussion so I strongly recommend you download a copy which is free for trial but only a few dollars for purchase. I guarantee it will be the best investment for any seasoned roulette system  player.

Many of you have already come out with some very reasonable questions about how to use the knowledge gained from the B2B thread. Although I can spend many posts trying to answer how I play it will be more useful if we can use the RX code to show what happens long term when you play the system. I use this information to help read my risk and know when most wins should come

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herby on Jan 04, 05:52 AM 2020
Hi Ricky,
I have lots of "non RX" programming based on 37B2B ideas leading to the well known abyss.
I can and will compare your ideas and results.  :wink:
Don't hesitate, next week I'm again in horrible stress, so for me is the earlier the better.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: jono1167 on Jan 07, 11:22 PM 2020
Quote from: Ricky on Jan 04, 04:14 AM 2020
I noticed that approx  30 downloads have been made of the RX so before I continue I just want to ensure that some have tried to execute the code in their RX software. I am aware some valued members of the thread do not have RX software which is available from :.uxsoftware.com. Without it you will not be able to follow along with the discussion so I strongly recommend you download a copy which is free for trial but only a few dollars for purchase. I guarantee it will be the best investment for any seasoned roulette system  player.

Many of you have already come out with some very reasonable questions about how to use the knowledge gained from the B2B thread. Although I can spend many posts trying to answer how I play it will be more useful if we can use the RX code to show what happens long term when you play the system. I use this information to help read my risk and know when most wins should come


Ricky, thanks for sharing the RX file and for reigniting interest in this thread. I haven’t been into the office to download the software yet. This will have to wait until next week. Testing with AYKs tracker is essential. Repeats and doubles hit. Over the 37 spin cycle, numbers cluster together..... l believe this is where we should be focusing our attention.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: gizmotron2 on Jan 08, 08:33 AM 2020
Quote from: jono1167 on Dec 30, 06:39 PM 2019
Not at all. Unfortunately I am 700 kms from the nearest B&M casino.

Now they have just tightened up access to online casinos for Australian players. I simply have no way to play it and practice, unless I use Gizmos testing software. It’s incredibly frustrating....

Oh, I thought this was 700 miles. It's about 440 miles. That's doable in a car in about 6 or 7 hours, depending on the speed limit and roads. That changes everything. You could get by with a $2,000 bankroll.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: bigmoney on Jan 10, 07:09 PM 2020
back to basics very very slow thread
im thinking the holy grail is contained in the LOTT

he hehe
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Jan 10, 10:12 PM 2020
Why would you think so?  Mind explaining?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Irish88 on Jan 11, 11:04 AM 2020
Regarding the LOTT, could it be as simple as 2 out of three numbers would appear on average? 1 out of 3 would be unhit on average. It seems to easy but maybe this is what they are referring too.

24 numbers average in a cycle
12 doubles-repeats/pairs
12/13 unhits.

12 numbers on each side of the wheel or table appear on average.
6 doubles or pairs on each side of the wheel or table appear on average.
6 unhits on each side of wheel or table appear on average.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: bigmoney on Jan 12, 06:00 AM 2020
Great example irish88
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Elite on Jan 12, 09:57 AM 2020
Both side, number sequence and distance on table and wheel
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Irish88 on Jan 12, 10:33 AM 2020
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 07:13 AM 2018
Ok the basics is if you know what the average gaps between numbers at each stage you can work out what is expected to happen..how 1 standalone number will either become two or three or four...
That’s the basics ..there will be an average distance between number groups..
If you the average 24 numbers are near enough the normal and 12 unhit are normal...then in the vey1st pic you will see how many standalone numbers with no touching numbers are out...we think 12 unhit numbers are not going to come out and we know the average unhit ie empty blocks are only going to be so wide..then you can conclude that from the very 1st pic your definitely going to link some of them stand alone numbers up..becouse at the end of 37 spins you will only have the average standalone numbers left ..which means the unhit will be either side or in a small block..
This is the basics..
Towards balancing

I think 6th has provided great info regarding hits and gaps.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Elite on Jan 12, 10:41 AM 2020
2nd Dozen distribution on wheel
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Elite on Jan 12, 10:45 AM 2020
 ist , 2nd and 3rd dozen distribution on wheel
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Elite on Jan 12, 10:58 AM 2020
if any dozen to sleep, then i will chooose below sector to hit,  if i am rolling wheel
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Elite on Jan 12, 11:02 AM 2020
if want to keep ball in first and 3rd dozen, and avoid 2nd dozen, i will choose below area , if i am rolling wheel , as per probalibty
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Elite on Jan 12, 11:05 AM 2020
if any high roller on black or red, then i will choose below area, to hit, if i am rolling wheel , as per probabilty
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Ricky on Jan 13, 08:53 PM 2020
Apologies for the delay in continuing this thread with my RX. I have recieved a few requests on the rules I have coded and on using the RX so I will set up another thread to allow a discussion on using the RX to test the B2B ideas. The current thread should continue to be used to discuss how to apply B2B ideas to a betting strategy.

But my suggestion to all is to keep it simple. There is no one answer in roulette as we all know and trying to devise some complex rules around sleepers or complex stat calculations just complicates the solution for those that just want simple principle to follow.

The way I see the solution is with the following principles:

1. Track: Track the spin cycle to understand how the game is flowing. The AYK tracker link:://ayk.bplaced.net/tracker8/  (link:://ayk.bplaced.net/tracker8/) is excellent for this purpose. Those that say each spin is independant can continue playing randomly without a systematic approach. No more to see here. Those that want to play better than random should take note of what is happening in the cycle.

2. Bet Selection: Based on this flow we can formulate a plan of attack. This covers the idea that not all approach will win for any given cycle . We need to choose the approach based on the flow. This is where the B2B thread is used to share ideas on where to focus our selected numbers on that we observe happens more times than not.

3. Chip Distribution: While any system or approach  that has an advantage should be played flatbet we should not discount the fact that the only way to win big consistently is to have a well planned chip distribution to maximize returns. There are several ways to distribute chips on the layout. Although flatbet can define same chips distributed evenly on the table each spin without any progression, the same chips can be distributed unevenly with different outcomes. We should explore the basics of how to do this in the context of B2B bet selection.

4. Bankroll Management: How much we bet should be in proportion of our bankroll size? The higher the bankroll the higher the chip size that can be used. So we need to define what is the bankroll needed for any given bet selection in advance and size our bankroll to support the worst case scenario of a loss of a cycle and allow for multiple losses.

5. Recovery: Does our bet selection incorporate a recovery cycle? Or do we accept losses and play flatbet knowing we can recover losses over time? This may be an optional discussion for some depending on how they approach their game.

If anyone sees it different or has any other points to be considered feel free to contribute.

More to come soon

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Irish88 on Jan 13, 11:02 PM 2020
I am just not sure what the starting point is. Do you only start betting once a pair has appeared? Then do you add the two neighbors as well? How long do you play the pair for? What is the max numbers to play? Once you have 4 pairs that have hit you are up to 16 numbers. I worry that is to many but I could be wrong. If a number repeats are you adding their two neighbors? I used to think so but I am not so sure anymore. I do believe once a pair has appeared, you include those two numbers in your bet selection. Would you add the two neighbors since the idea is that pairs well eventually expand?

Thank you Ricky
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: stringbeanpc on Jan 14, 08:17 AM 2020
Slightly easier to read
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: precogmiles on Jan 15, 03:18 PM 2020
Almost 50 pages of trying to predict the future, but not one mention of actually trying to predict the future.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Elite on Jan 16, 11:13 AM 2020
Quote from: stringbeanpc on Jan 14, 08:17 AM 2020
Slightly easier to read

Yes , Dozen 1 is more random, while dozen 2 is  little less , and dozen 3 is more less in random nature.. Dealer can easily keep baal in dozen 3 if she want any dozen to repeat more , then dozen 2 and then dozen 1,  dozen 1 to sleep longer is not easy ,
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: bigmoney on Feb 03, 04:04 AM 2020
Hmmmm anymore info ???comming
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Elite on Feb 03, 02:47 PM 2020
There is one dozen which is very near numbers,,,  and that is  7 to 12  line and  25 to 30 line..  These numbers easy to repeat,, if ball lands on opposite or nearby
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Elite on Feb 03, 02:52 PM 2020
I ve tested some systems with progression and with flat betting,,  my observation is flat betting is better.with respective to profits.may b some one can verify this...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Elite on Feb 03, 03:02 PM 2020
Half wheel,,,  above two lines + 22. 18 14 20 5 6.  ... Is my favorite because these are near on wheel.  While other is in next 18 .. With missing numbers and based on where Baal going,,  sometime can guess what dealer want to do,,,  but o found myself,, time consuming and need to wait,,...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Ricky on Feb 04, 02:00 AM 2020

Just to mention in case those watching this thread did not realize I have started a new thread here
Quote from: Ricky on Jan 18, 12:14 AM 2020You can download the B2B RX design here
In order to use the "Best Roulette_System_Release_B2B.dgt" file you need to have the RX software installed on your computer.

to explain the use of my B2B RX software so you can perform your own testing on several 37 Back To Basics strategies I have coded. So if you are wondering how to use the information in this thread you can start by testing the RX. This will better your understanding. For those that cannot use RX or just waiting for the answer on what all this means I'm sorry I can't help here.

I'll have more to add when I have something interesting to share. In the meantime everyone is welcome to join the discussion and exploration of this thread.


Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Elite on Feb 06, 03:11 AM 2020
I will make a video for verification  that betting on pairs or gaps has more accuracy then betting on random or not,,,  if  both cases accuracy or game win and loose ratio is same,  then it means double single etc game is also a random game like other numbers
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Elite on Feb 06, 07:19 AM 2020
Here is basic test  on accuracy,
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Elite on Feb 12, 12:42 PM 2020
B2B Division System testing on Live and 66k Playtech RNG Spins From Development Stage

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: CarpeDiem on Jan 16, 05:17 PM 2021
Read this thread. CHT and 6th-Sense gave away sensible clues. Remove the nonsense.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: bigmoney on Jan 17, 04:43 AM 2021
Quote from: CarpeDiem on Jan 16, 05:17 PM 2021
Read this thread. CHT and 6th-Sense gave away sensible clues. Remove the nonsense.

please explain sensible clues
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 11, 02:27 AM 2022
just want to keep as much stuff together on this thread for reference....

so from the Whats New thread where i left off with my reply to herby about overlaying the streams thread ...

i,ll be going through the very basics of what i mean by that at some point soon so at least you can have a base to work from....there are lots of interpretations of this streams tracker and how to use it...to no avail ..the least i can do is to explain how i came to this conclusion that the ds repeat is only a guide....
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: INTERCEPTOR on Jun 11, 07:30 AM 2022
Don't be limited on 37 spins ⏳
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 11, 08:26 AM 2022
You shouldn't even get that far tbh ..if you do you are not doing it right
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jun 11, 01:21 PM 2022
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 11, 02:27 AM 2022i,ll be going through the very basics of what i mean by that at some point soon so at least you can have a base to work from....there are lots of interpretations of this streams tracker and how to use it...to no avail ..the least i can do is to explain how i came to this conclusion that the ds repeat is only a guide....


Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 11, 02:49 PM 2022
for me to explain how you should be looking i basically will have to give a rudimentary working example ...this will  have to be done to show an overlay method
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 11, 02:59 PM 2022
i think for this example because of this thread i,ll be using this as a basic example..as its the simplest to explain...its a working example too....hell i,ll do this example with the turbo repeats as a trigger...and probably throw in a sector bet to boot ...they will be starts and stops....in betting when applicable during overlays....i think this will be the easiest way to explain

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 11, 03:29 PM 2022
firstly what is a cycle? its the beginning and end of a repeat of chosen cycle...ds..numbers...splits...numbers....etc...

now what is the end of a 37 spin cycle....12 repeats ? only an average ...24 numbers out....thats an average too....

in between those cycles for this example  other cycles are closing or staying open again as in this example if we take the whole 37 spin sequence .....and work off this example of turbo repeats and sector bet....i will use the repeat as an example  as basically before they become become a repeat they have to become a unique and before a unique they have to be an unhit....

sooo in the example i will be giving....this example will use the 1st repeat as a start....you can if you want or need to include the repeat in your betting...for this example i won,t.....the two streams will bleed into each other...ie the main numbers out of any cycle is key...derived cycle next position only comes into play if it corresponds with main cycle....anyone who is into this should know this....sooo for this example we will use the average cycle of unhits and repeats
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 11, 03:41 PM 2022
tomorrow hopefully i will have the time to go through this particular example step by step with screen shots to show this as an example...if any member wants to post up any spins i,ll take the first the first post to of these spins to show this example rng or live.....please no made up spins...win or lose i,ll show  you the basics
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 11, 03:44 PM 2022
..sooo for this example we will use the average cycle of unhits and repeats

and uniques
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: TRD on Jun 11, 05:11 PM 2022
I've taken these two 37-spin cycles RS spins in particular since there are not many hits ..  ie. playing 2Q on as ds-tracking bs basis .. to see how the example's approach performs; or in other words, the repeats cycles are long(er) or the defining element is often a new one

14 -- 37 spins
26  -- 74 spins
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 11, 05:19 PM 2022
Thanks Trd...I'll give you a step by step result tommorow...before I do that do you think this is a hard sequence to win...could be.. it's 10,17 in UK now as I type...so will look forward to go through them..just to show what's involved
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: winkel on Jun 11, 06:57 PM 2022

you are about to reinvent GUT!  :girl_to:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:13 AM 2022
Quote from: winkel on Jun 11, 06:57 PM 2022

you are about to reinvent GUT!  :girl_to:

not really...its a lot different...

i have started the write up of the example...as i,m  going through it spin by spin i,m having to screenshot each spin with a short explanation...

this will take time and a lot of screenshots so its very very clear...

but will be done and posted sometime today
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Jun 12, 04:29 AM 2022
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:13 AM 2022this will take time and a lot of screenshots so its very very clear...

I offer you all my computer and math support, and thats much more than I showed here .
You have my mail.
It's all up to you what will be made open.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: TRD on Jun 12, 03:04 PM 2022
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 11, 05:19 PM 2022
Thanks Trd...I'll give you a step by step result tommorow...before I do that do you think this is a hard sequence to win...could be.. it's 10,17 in UK now as I type...so will look forward to go through them..just to show what's involved

Although I did not play it through the 'cardinal/ordinal bs filter' .. relevant to my play & plugged in bs-type, the permanence 'filtered' through my method showed/resulted in an extreme game, with prolonged out-of-favor variance interval

= longer spacing or gaps between wide hits, with none focused hit (together resulting in a 'combo' -- or a fundamental building block, of two hits close by (wide coverage, 8 numbers played/spinâ†' on hit reduced on focused coverage, 6 to 4 to 3 numbers played/spin)

(extreme game  =  longer game, with an upsized drawdown of -200u (.. which tells a lot about the method anyway, most games kept within -100, occasionally -120,-150u .. & the rarest of all -- about ≈0.18% above that).
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: TRD on Jun 12, 03:07 PM 2022
Thereof, intentionally posted such type of permanence ..

to see how specifically can/could be your findings 'useful'
when plugged in my method or way of play;

potentially enriching/improving it.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 03:56 PM 2022
Quote from: Herbyx on Jun 12, 04:29 AM 2022
I offer you all my computer and math support, and thats much more than I showed here .
You have my mail.
It's all up to you what will be made open.


i would not panic too much its only an example....iv,e just finished its been a lot of screenshots..

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:08 PM 2022
Quote from: TRD on Jun 12, 03:04 PM 2022
Although I did not play it through the 'cardinal/ordinal bs filter' .. relevant to my play & plugged in bs-type, the permanence 'filtered' through my method showed/resulted in an extreme game, with prolonged out-of-favor variance interval

= longer spacing or gaps between wide hits, with none focused hit (together resulting in a 'combo' -- or a fundamental building block, of two hits close by (wide coverage, 8 numbers played/spinâ†' on hit reduced on focused coverage, 6 to 4 to 3 numbers played/spin)

you also need to understand this is a simple example.....

iv,e not gave you how the exact way i would use it...i,m just showing you a blunt bashing of the ds cycles for an unhit and a repeat on a unique......

believe me there is more...the only cycle we concentrate on is the ds end and start same for derived positions..the bleed over into another partition will not use that partition cycle with this example ..

this is how i started...was my workbase so to speak....

(extreme game  =  longer game, with an upsized drawdown of -200u (.. which tells a lot about the method anyway, most games kept within -100, occasionally -120,-150u .. & the rarest of all -- about ≈0.18% above that).
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:19 PM 2022
this is the only example with very clear instructions on my conclusion on the double streams tracker ..using trd spin set..i will give..

using a repeat as a trigger... 6 line cycle closure 12 street and 9 sector bet classic example

this example will disregard repeats although you can include them..

this example will also disregard zero...why? becouse a high hitrate with a reasonable bankroll is enough..although you can add zero into

your bets and adjust your bankroll accordingly to it...individual choice

this example will show an overlay theory...using the main points of this thread which is pretty apt..

the example will show a very open look of the ds used a guide..

any bet that you construct to use in this overlay theory has to have 2 elements in it ..

one of those elements HAVE to overlap into the main ds out...and one bleed into another partition.

this partition i,m choosing for this example is the sector...ie the cross over of dozens and columns..9 of them

the reason for this extra element is that you can get 6 ds out...this way you have a stake in the other partition in those ds...

of course you can use this guide to try and align your own betting strategy to it...but you must have an idea of the sort of hit ratio

that achieves...

this example is pretty apt as we a very good idea of the end of a 37 spin cycle....

the unique ..unhits..and repeats...

and of course this is only a basic example...

and very very simple....

now please don,t interrupt as i post the results of trd spin number set..i ve got a bit to upload
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:21 PM 2022

using a repeat as a trigger..

Number 27 repeats at spin 5

streams tracker shows number 27 actually ended main ds cycle..ds 5

derived main stream is still active with no repeat on position 5..2..which if you look underneath is ds 3..2..for a finish on that cycle.

as number 27 has ended main cycle side and is a repeat we can start betting...must stress that is just coincidence ...does not matter if a number

repeat ends a ds cycle or not

as we are going for street and sector and are disregarding the repeat ..

derived side shows ds 3..2..here so no overlay...that leaves us 3 numbers to bet..

25..26..street..only number 30 in sector 9 ...

a 3 unit bet...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:23 PM 2022

number 16 appears next spin comes out...

we lost 3 units..

target bet repeat no 27 street and sector are still in play as main ds cycle has not closed..we rebet..

derived position cycle has now repeated on position 2..ds 3

no overlay bet here...

we are at minus 3 units...

ferrari dynamic tracker is in use as seen on screenshot to keep tabs on outlay...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:24 PM 2022

number 2 comes out..

we lost 3 units...6 units in total..

repeat no 27 street and sector still in play..main ds cycle has not closed..

main ds 5..3..1 are out not closed yet..

derived position 2 and 4 are out...realates to ds 3 and 4..

no overlay yet..

rebet 3 units on target number 27 ...ds 5 is still in play

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:24 PM 2022
number 36 comes out..

we lost 3 units...now 9 units down..

main ds cycle is still open...ds 5..3..1..6..

target repeat no 27 still in play..

derived positional play still open...position 2..4..6..relates to ds 1..5..2..

number 36 has now fell into the sector partition of number 27...

overlay bet is acheived..

bet 25..26..30..33..36..

5 unit bet
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:25 PM 2022
number 16 came out..we lost

now minus 14 units...

number 16 is a repeat..we will add this to our target repeat bet selection...

our betting repeat target number 27 is closed for now...

ds 3 repeat has just ended that target..

number 16 repeat is now in play...

main ds 3 is the start of new cycle..

and as it happens again it repeated on a repeat...

derived position still not closed..

derived position in play are 2..4..6..3 relates to ds 6..5..2..1...

although main cycle has closed and our new repeat is in play we still have a part sector bet in play on derived postion 2..ds 6...related to repeat target number 27..

overlay is still on..only on this part of sector

now numbers to play are..13..17..18..33.36..

5 unit bet

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:26 PM 2022

no 10 just came out..we lost...

now down 19 units...

main ds 3..2..out.

still target repeat no 16 is still in play...

derived posistions cycle closed on repeat position 6..relates to ds 4..

ds 4 overlays into our sector partition with repeat number 16...

bet is now 5 units numbers ...13..17..18..19..22..

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:26 PM 2022
number 33 came out..we lost

now down 24 units...

main ds are still open..3..2..6

repeat no 16 still in play..

derived postional stream still open..6..3..relates to ds 4..3..

overlay is still on...from postional stream and previous repeat..number 27

bet numbers 13..17..18..19..22..33..36..

7 unit bet

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:27 PM 2022
number 33 came out we lost..

now down 31 units..

main ds still in play..ds ..3..2..6..

target repeat number 16 still in play...

derived positions still in play..6..3..relates to ds 3 ..4..for a repeat..

overlay is still there...

rebet the 7 units..

ferrari tracker now indicating a 2 unit bet..
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:28 PM 2022
number 10 came out..we lost..number 10 is a repeat

now at minus 45

main ds finished cycle..again on a repeat..pretty unusual ..don,t read too much into that...

main ds cycle in play is ds 2....new target bet to collection repeat number 10...3 repeats ..27..16..10..

derived postional stream still active...6..3..2..relates to ds 4..3..6..

overlay is still there in part of postional stream....

numbers to bet..7..11..12..13..17..18..19..22..33...36..

ferrari dynamic calculator now indicating 2 units on each number

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:29 PM 2022
number 16 came out..repeated again...not that it matters..any number in the ds 3 that came out will re activate the target repeat as its only the ds that matters..

now down minus 65 units...

main ds still open..ds..2..3..

derived positional stream cycle has closed..on postion 3...relates to ds 6..

now we have two ds out with our target repeats in..plus 1 overlay from positional stream 

we are now betting 8 numbers.ds2....7..11..12...also ds3..13..17..18. ds6 ..33.. 36

ferrari tracker now showing 3 units on each number..
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:29 PM 2022
number 11 comes out..we win..

so 14 spins 3 repeats..

ferrair tracker showing 89 unit risk 3 unit bet..profit 19..

i,ll write this down as 14..3..(8)  (89-3-19)  profit 19

this game is finished..restart game on winning number..which is 11
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:30 PM 2022
now for game 2
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:31 PM 2022
game has now been reset from previous winning number 11..now play spins for a repeat again..

repeat number 3 is our target bet...

main ds stream out is ds 6..1

derived positional stream is 6..2...4..relates to ds 3..6..5..

no overlay bet numbers ..1..2..6..

3 unit bet..
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:31 PM 2022
number 19 came out

we lost

minus 3 units..

main ds out..6..1..4..postional stream still active positions..6..2..4.3..relates to ds 3..1..5..6..

no overlay..rebet 3 units again ..
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:32 PM 2022
number 21 came out

we lost

minus 6 units..

main ds has closed on ds 4...derived postional stream still in play..6..2..4..3..1..relates to  ds 3..1..5..6..4..

overlay is still in play on ds 1

rebet 3 units

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:33 PM 2022
number 10 came out

we lost

minus 9 units

main ds out 4..2

derived streams positions out are basically all of them..the whole 6..

overlay into sector off target repeat number 3

numbers bet are 1..2..6..9..12..

5 unit bet...

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:33 PM 2022
number out is 10...another repeat...target numbers are now repeats 3,,10

now at minus 14 units

main ds has repeated..ds 2..

derived positional stream also repeated..postion 1..relates to ds 2

now on target bet repeat spin number 10

overlay bet to include number 9 as this ds 2 overlaps the sector bet for repeat number 3..

4 unit bet 7...9...11...12..
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:34 PM 2022
number 28 come out

we lost

now at minus 18..

main ds out 2..5..

derived positions 1..5..relates to ds 5..6..

still have that overlay for this bet from main stream..

rebet the 4 units..7..9..11..12..

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:34 PM 2022
number 21 hit

its a repeat 

add it to our collection of target repeats..

we lost..

minus 22 units..

main ds out 2..5..4

derived positional stream out..1..5..3..relates to ds 4..6..2..

bet numbers 7..9..11..12..19..20..24..

7 unit bet..
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:35 PM 2022
number 13 came out

we lost..

minus 29..

main ds out ..2..5..4..3..

derived positional streams out 1..5..3..6..relates to ds 3..1..5..6.

overlays are still on ..

bet numbers 1..2..6..7..9..12..15..18....19..20..21..24..

12 number bet,,,

ferrari tracker showing a 2 unit bet...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:35 PM 2022
number 18 hit we win

game ended

16....3...(12)  (53-2-19)

plus 19 profit

restart game on number 18
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:36 PM 2022
now for game 3
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:37 PM 2022
repeat number 1 target bet..

main ds out 1

derived postion 3..2..1..relates to ds 1..3..2..

overlay in force..

5 unit bet ..2..3..4..7..10..
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:37 PM 2022
number 20 comes out

we lose

minus 5 units

main ds out..1..4..

derived postional stream out ..3..2..1..4..relates to ds 3..1..4..2..

overlay still on..

rebet 5 units...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:38 PM 2022
number 24 comes out..

we lose

minus 10

main ds cycle finish .ds 4

derived positional out.1....relates to ds 4

no repeats in ds 4..no overlay..

no bets next spin..
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:39 PM 2022
number 36 is out..

main ds out..4...6..

derived positional stream out...1..6..relates to ds 6 ..5

again no overlay ..no repeats in any overlay sector..

again no bet
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:39 PM 2022
number 26 out..

main ds out..4..6...5

derived position 6 has repeated .ending cycle...

position 6 relates to ds 2

this gives us an overlay on ds1 in the sector on ds 2..

bet numbers 7..10..

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:40 PM 2022
number 13 has come out

we lost

now at minus 12 units

main ds out..4..6..5..3..

derived position out 6...5..relates to ds 2..1

overlay is on

bet 2..3..4..7...10

5 unit bet

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:40 PM 2022
number 14 comes out..

we lost

minus 17

ds 3 repeated..main ds out 3

derived positional stream 6...5..1..relates to ds 2..1..3

overlay still on..

rebet 5 units
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:41 PM 2022
number 30 has come out..

we lose

minus 22

main ds out 3..5

derived posistions out..6..5..1..2 relates to ds 2..1..3..5

overlay on target bet repeat 1 is still on..

rebet 5 units
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:42 PM 2022
number 30 comes out

its an instant repeat

now thrown into our target repeat bets..

main ds cycle closes..main ds out 5

derived postion also ended..position 1 this relates to position 5

3 unit bet  numbers 27..28..29
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:43 PM 2022
number 23 comes out

we lose ..

minus 30

main ds out ..5..4..

derived position out 1..4..relates to ds 4..6..

overlay bet here on the sector 9 where 30 repeat lies and still in play..

bet numbers 27..28..29..33.36..

5 number bet....

ferrari calculator shows a 2 unit bet on the numbers..
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:43 PM 2022
number 2 comes out

we lose

minus 40

repeat 1 comes into play with repeat 30..

main ds out 5..4..1..

derived postions still in play..1..4..5..realates to ds 1..3..6..

overlay still on..

numbers to bet..2..3..4..27..28..29..33..36..

8 numbers..

ferrari calculator still at 2 unit bet..
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:44 PM 2022
number 22 comes out

we lose

minus 56

ds repeated..main ds out 4

derived positions 1..4..5..2..are still in play..relates to ds 4..3...6..1..

overlay still on..

numbers to bet ..2..3..4..33..36..

5 numbers..

still at 2 units..

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:45 PM 2022
number 3 comes out ..

we win

15-2  (5) (66-2-6)  profit 6

end of game...

next game starts with last number out..number 3

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:45 PM 2022
now for game 4
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:45 PM 2022
target repeat number 34..

main ds cycle ended..main ds out ds 6

derived positions out..6..3..1 relates to ds 5..3..6

overlay is in force..sector 7

numbers to bet 25..28..31..35..36.

5 units
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:47 PM 2022
number 15 comes out

we lose..

minus 5

main ds out 6..3..

derived positional ended cycle on 3...position 3 relates to ds 2

overlay has gone..

ds 6 is still in play

bet 31 ..35..36

3 numbers
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:47 PM 2022
number 21 has come out its a repeat lets add this to our collection

we lose

minus 8

main ds out 6..3..4..

derived postions out..3..5..relates to ds 6..1..

overlay in force..

bet numbers 15..18..19..20.24 .31..35..36..

8 numbers

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:48 PM 2022
number 11 comes out

we lose

minus 16

main ds out 6..3..4..2..

derived positions out 3..5..4..relates to ds 3..1..6..

overlay still on..

bet numbers 15..18..19..20.24 .31..35..36..

8 numbers
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:48 PM 2022
number 5 comes out

we lose

minus 24

main ds out 6..3..4..2..1.

derived position repeats on postion 5..this relates to ds 6

overlay still in force

bet numbers 15..18..19..20.24 .31..35..36..

8 numbers
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:49 PM 2022
number 15 hits

we win 4 units..

19-2  (8)  (32-1-4) profit 4 units..

game won

13 spins left i don,t know if i can squeeze a game out of them but i,ll try

new game starts on winning number 15

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:59 PM 2022
hell missed some screenshots on game five but it won heres the last numbers out of spin set...well near enough..just 1 away i think
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 05:00 PM 2022
5 games all won...results +71

14-3 (8) (89-3-19)
16-3 (12) (53-2-19)
15-2 (5) (66-2-6)
19-2 (8) (32-1-4)
13-1 (5) (13-1-23)

these sun glass emojis have just appeared where there should be a number 8 lol
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 05:06 PM 2022
a lot of reading i know..took me a long time to do..i,m not the fastest on a pc and please excuse any spelling mistakes..

it,s been a long day..

soooo i hope this example is pretty clear..if you don,t understand i don,t think i can explain it any better
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jun 12, 06:27 PM 2022
Nice Ferrari
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: TRD on Jun 12, 07:13 PM 2022
@6th, so essentially we have two counterparts .. going heavily at for converging
•   repeats ..of SU (which you disregarded explicitly, but still somehow), & DS dE (defining element)
•   converging or ordinal (active) & cardinal (dE) cycles
     which goes in two phases -- light, converging with dE;  & heavy, converging with sectors

what I don't get is the sectors
can you make a table of those?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: TRD on Jun 12, 07:16 PM 2022
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:24 PM 2022
number 36 comes out..

we lost 3 units...now 9 units down..

main ds cycle is still open...ds 5..3..1..6..

target repeat no 27 still in play..

derived positional play still open...position 2..4..6..relates to ds 1..5..2..

number 36 has now fell into the sector partition of number 27...

overlay bet is acheived..

bet 25..26..30..33..36..

5 unit bet

& most likely tgis has to do with the sectors;
if you can explain the logic on how you came to most importantly 36,33, & then as well .. the logic of 30, plus 26 & 25
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 13, 03:19 AM 2022
repeat number 27 lies in sector 9...only part of sector 9 available was in ds 5...so number 30 is chosen..25..26..are in street 9..

as i thought i explained clearly...i may not have..when i,m use to doing things i,ve probably not been that clear in explaining properly..

.two elements...one has to overlay into another partition...street is the straight element and the bleedover is the sector......a sector bleeds into two ds partitions..

a sector is the junction of 4 numbers across the dozen and column...i won,t go through them all but sector 1 is numbers 1..4..7..10 ....

heres a pic of sector stream..with your numbers obviously i have lots of other streams on the tab bar at bottom of all sorts..

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 13, 03:39 AM 2022
i would also like to point out..this is a rough example..why ignore the repeats on this example...i wanted it to directly relate to this thread..of groupings of numbers out...and the way they behave...

what better option than to play the bigger board rather than go for just a repeat to turn into a hot repeat...

albeit its a forced example thats why i,m disregarding herby,s revealing comment...

the conclusion for me is shown in this simple example...

heres your numbers in there respective 37 spin cycle...

as you can see the 1st 37 was a hard game..not really much flocking there ...

2nd cycle was easier ..though all was put into one long game
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 13, 04:25 AM 2022
thinking about i,ll have to explain a little more....number 27 repeats ...it lies in the street and 25..26..are bet...ds 6 is not in any part of stream as yet..so we only bet number 30 in that sector...as number 30 is in the same ds as number 27

if ds 6 comes out or is indicated on derived position as a possible repeat..then the rest of that sector..33..36.. comes into play..if number 27 is still in the mix...ao 25..26..30..33..36

if number 27 is not in the mix but we haven't won by this point and ds 6 is out..or in derived position to perhaps become a repeat..ie derived positions in my example clearly shows what this position in relation to ds ...we only bet the numbers 33..36 as that is still part of game play and comes in..the overlay..as it bleeds into that target sector..

hope that is clearer

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 13, 04:36 AM 2022
Quote from: TRD on Jun 12, 07:13 PM 2022
@6th, so essentially we have two counterparts .. going heavily at for converging
•   repeats ..of SU (which you disregarded explicitly, but still somehow), & DS dE (defining element)
•   converging or ordinal (active) & cardinal (dE) cycles
     which goes in two phases -- light, converging with dE;  & heavy, converging with sectors

what I don't get is the sectors
can you make a table of those?

convergence is key....but what would you converge on..and what other elements could you play..

iv,e basically gave you the way i think concerning how to use this streams tracker...nothing else works ..everyone has stuck to the same methodology...

this is a basic but fully explained example ...but the idea of ds as a guide only is what i have come to the conclusion with....

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: TRD on Jun 13, 06:14 AM 2022
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jun 13, 11:29 AM 2022
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:33 PM 2022overlay into sector off target repeat number 3
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 13, 03:53 PM 2022
Quote from: Blueprint on Jun 12, 06:27 PM 2022
Nice Ferrari

just for you buddy..
just use tabs for up and down for the amount of numbers you are betting on each spin..and click add..don,t make a mistake..there's no undo button on it..

its a dynamic calculator..as in if you get a hit you will be in profit....it'll calculate  the bet amount automatically..

just hit reset button if you want to start again...

the spin counter doesn,t work for some unknown reason..nor reset spin counter to go with it...

anyone who can fix that part please re upload it here ..its not really needed but would be cool if it worked..i can,t code whatsover

an undo last input feature in case a mistake is made to go back to previous stage would be good too
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 13, 04:22 PM 2022
forgot to add ..the ferrari calculator will only allow a max of 30 numbers to bet on...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jun 13, 05:34 PM 2022
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 13, 03:53 PM 2022
just for you buddy..
just use tabs for up and down for the amount of numbers you are betting on each spin..and click add..don,t make a mistake..there's no undo button on it..

its a dynamic calculator..as in if you get a hit you will be in profit....it'll calculate  the bet amount automatically..

just hit reset button if you want to start again...

the spin counter doesn,t work for some unknown reason..nor reset spin counter to go with it...

anyone who can fix that part please re upload it here ..its not really needed but would be cool if it worked..i can,t code whatsover

an undo last input feature in case a mistake is made to go back to previous stage would be good too

Doesn't work for me (Mac) but appreciate the share. 
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: TRD on Jun 14, 08:12 AM 2022
Boot Camp (dual OS), or hypervisor (VMWare, .. etc.)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jun 14, 03:36 PM 2022
Quote from: TRD on Jun 14, 08:12 AM 2022
Boot Camp (dual OS), or hypervisor (VMWare, .. etc.)

I'm cool, thanks.  Been down that road back in my early PokerTracker days.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Roulettebeater on Jun 15, 02:41 AM 2022
Too much text to read
What interests me actually is the end …
Is this a winner method or not ,?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 15, 03:26 AM 2022
Quote from: Roulettebeater on Jun 15, 02:41 AM 2022
Too much text to read
What interests me actually is the end …
Is this a winner method or not ,?

pure laziness...obviously its too much to read for you ...yes its a lot to go through but i,m glad my time and effort just to post this went poof..straight over your head and negates a proper response..

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 15, 03:53 AM 2022
members who have the stream tracker will understand what i,m saying..what i,m conveying in my conclusion

your obviously are not one of them
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Roulettebeater on Jun 15, 04:12 AM 2022
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 15, 03:26 AM 2022
pure laziness...obviously its too much to read for you ...yes its a lot to go through but i,m glad my time and effort just to post this went poof..straight over your head and negates a proper response..


Sorry, don’t be upset ..
I definitely appreciate your efforts and time.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Jun 15, 04:33 AM 2022
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 15, 03:26 AM 2022pure laziness...obviously its too much to read for you ...yes its a lot to go through but i,m glad my time and effort just to post this went poof..straight over your head and negates a proper response..
You lucky 6th, usually its  You fuc* off ! Go get a life !!!!!

Won't be long for some more  vulgarity
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 15, 05:39 AM 2022
Don't really want you two slugging it on out in this thread..
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Roulettebeater on Jun 15, 05:51 AM 2022
Notto & 6th-Sense

I think you both based in UK, may I ask you a question please ?
Is it possible to use smartphone ( no abuse here, just inputting spins result into some excel tables or similar ) at the roulette table in Land based casino in U.K.?

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 15, 06:17 AM 2022
Valid question...ds streams you can instantly see the first 3ds derived positions in front of you .

If you play the streams a lot you know where the other 3 are...you only have to remember those 3...lol

I couldn't explain it without the excel sheet...you don't understand it with that in front of you..

Definitely wouldn't understand it without it..

Even with pen and paper it's easy..

Over to notto for his reply ..I don't have the memory span myself to remember a whole 37 Numbers out..

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Akiraa on Jun 15, 11:33 AM 2022
Just starting to look into this and the repeat cycles after working on ktf for a bit. I've read the whole thread but know this is one I will have to read an re-read to get everything out of it! Quick question- would anyone be able to upload the different trackers shown in the examples here? The earlier links for ayks tracker dont seem to work for me. I grabbed the ferrari one (thanks 6th!) but would be good to get the streams, ayk and the other tracker so i can really wrap my head around this!

Many thanks for all your input so far 6th and notto- all the help with this is very much appreciated!

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 15, 11:58 AM 2022
ayk tracker...extract and click on index...it,ll open up in your browser..click on unique /repeat tab..it,ll highlight them..same for unhits
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 15, 12:06 PM 2022
streams tracker.....one in the example....at this point and stage i have no problem sharing this particular one..

streams tabs at the bottom are the different partitions...lines = ds

now everyone has the tools....see what you can come up with

good luck Akiraa ...like your positive attitude
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 15, 12:16 PM 2022
heres the ayk streams tracker....same again...extract and click on index....it,ll open up in browser...

same features except no config button..

the boxes below shows the derived positions underneath

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 15, 12:29 PM 2022
one tip for using the ferrarii caluculator write down numbers inputted manually every spin..if u make a mistake and  its easily done..you can then reset and redo...no one has helped out with the adjustments i asked for
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 15, 12:36 PM 2022
and just to keep things all in one place heres notto,s  ayk tracker for repeats ..

again extract and click on index...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Akiraa on Jun 15, 12:42 PM 2022
Perfect mate - thank you very much for these -should make it easier to start trying to get my head around the ideas.

Much appreciated!


Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 15, 12:47 PM 2022
you are welcome...this is only a rudimentary example..  remember that...

but if you get your mindset around what i,m conveying it will help..
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Jun 15, 01:38 PM 2022
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 15, 12:29 PM 2022no one has helped out with the adjustments i asked for

I'll have a look at it, after I solved the riddle.
But my English is lousy ...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Jun 15, 03:10 PM 2022
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 15, 12:36 PM 2022heres notto,s  ayk tracker for repeats
Yes 6th great tracker, but it was for non-hits. KTF way wins spin 22, +56. So, reset.
But if they understand the repeat average for 40&60 spins, the 1-3-5-7&30, then they can follow the tracker.

Some that is, shh, mention no names reknaw, tnuc-kciht
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 17, 04:26 AM 2022
interesting don,t you think..
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Roulettebeater on Jun 17, 07:40 AM 2022
Ayk is a good guy … he has very good skills
But I dunno if he still plays roulette
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: praline on Jun 17, 12:11 PM 2022
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 15, 03:26 AM 2022
pure laziness...obviously its too much to read for you ...yes its a lot to go through but i,m glad my time and effort just to post this went poof..straight over your head and negates a proper response..

The nice thing of the HG is that it is “self protective”. Only 1 of hundred who saw this thread will actually try to replicate and understand what is happening.
No effort - no HG.
Thanks 6th sense for all this sharing!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 17, 12:43 PM 2022
i think if anyone understood what i was conveying you would be one of them..
and i hope it did help...and its true what you said...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: TRD on Jun 17, 01:35 PM 2022
@6th Sense
from a philosophical point of view

why don't you put in writing your thoughts, and concepts associated with 'convergence'
as this is the fundamental key
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 17, 01:50 PM 2022
the example is good enough tbh...probably too good  ... i, m not  priyanka .........any thoughts i have would have to basically spell it out what i,m trying to push anyone willing to look towards....

be my guest and post any of your thoughts though if you like
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: INTERCEPTOR on Jun 17, 03:47 PM 2022
Quote from: praline on Jun 17, 12:11 PM 2022
The nice thing of the HG is that it is “self protective”. Only 1 of hundred who saw this thread will actually try to replicate and understand what is happening.
No effort - no HG.
Thanks 6th sense for all this sharing!
What people need is HG which they can understand, something nice&easy but this thread is not of that kind.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 17, 04:07 PM 2022
It sounds hard mumbo  but that's all...

It sounds complicated and looks it but it's not...the time it took me to do that example I could i have played 400 spins off the bat...

Just takes a bit of getting your head around it...hence a spin by spin example

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: TRD on Jun 17, 06:30 PM 2022
The point of my post -- is to have an abstract context ..

to put the practical application in .. whichever shape & form it then takes.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Aggelos Aggelos on Jun 17, 08:51 PM 2022
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 09, 02:29 PM 2018
hi everyone going to start this subject back to basics ..37 spin timeframe..

would like to talk about singles to splits to repeats...to 24 numbers out and 12 remaining on the average game...how to see these form..how repeats form..and the distance on the linear line gaps thats expected on numbers not out...

from this hopefully some will stop testing 1000,s spins and get the idea that a working bet formula can be made from a 37 spin cycle...

for this to happen if anyone would like to particpate..i would like you to use ayks tracker for inputting only 37 spins in and posting it....the more sessions and results posted in this format will be a lot easier to discuss and visualise step by step as ayks tracker has the spins numbered when they come out..

heres the link to the tracker   


heres a picture of the tracker with inputted numbers
Great idea i am late on this i have to read everything to participate but the link for this nice tracker does not work for me.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 17, 11:58 PM 2022
Quote from: Aggelos Aggelos on Jun 17, 08:51 PM 2022
Great idea i am late on this i have to read everything to participate but the link for this nice tracker does not work for me.

Everything you need is on previous page...page54
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Jun 18, 01:23 PM 2022
Hello, thank you for your work :thumbsup:
It sounds like the parraline flows Priyanka wrote about.
When the cycle of 37 turns comes to an end, since we know there is a law of thirds, does it increase our chances if we use this law of convergence and the birthday paradox of betting on elements in one of the streams, would it be helpful?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 18, 05:03 PM 2022
the law of the thirds is a funny old thing..12 is only an average..i can,t repeat that enough.....

every spin is the start of a 37 spin cycle and the end of a 37 spin cycle depending when you start look at pic attached..

hence stopping in plus and starting on last number won on .. those repeats go up in number and come down in number...cycling....same for unhits..and uniques..

i left the repeats out of this bet for a good reason in the 37 cycle frame..though the example can win on a unique becoming a repeat...but it also goes for wins on unhits too...

you have to know what you are dealing with and this basic example is for the first cycle and where numbers could appear or hit a unique directly related to this thread..

let me quote my past post here..

Feb 11, 07:34 AM 2019

Just need to do a quick explanation of the mechanics of roulette even though this thread is only about one cycle...

You will never get 37 unique numbers out ever that 1st cycle will have to have at least one unhit and one repeat

The mechanics of roulette is simple..

At spin 37 unhit and repeat will be equally the same

Every spin beyond will add a difference of one repeat to unhit

Ie spin 38 the repeats will be one higher than unhits

Ie spin 39 the repeats will be 2 higher than unhits

Ie spin 40 the repeats will be 3 higher than unhits and so on

Take any number say spin 74 the repeats will be 37 higher than unhit count

The repeats ALWAYS go up further in relationship to the 1st cycle finishing and the spin count you look at

Now if roulette was truly random this shouldn’t be happening

This is the mechanics of roulette beyond 37 back to basics

this is why the repeats are left out

Feb 14, 05:27 AM 2019

Thanks herby in a side note the mechanics of roulette for the 1st 37 numbers out are the opposite ...unhits are the the greatest numbers out and will by definition be the same counting downwards the difference of the spin count rising to match the repeats on an even keel to the 37 spin end

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 18, 05:17 PM 2022
you have to know what you are dealing with and this basic example is for the first cycle and where numbers could appear or hit a unique directly to become a repeat related to this thread..

typo adjustment
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Jun 19, 04:31 AM 2022
Quote from: praline on Jun 17, 12:11 PM 2022Only 1 of hundred who saw this thread will actually try to replicate and understand what is happening.
Hi praline,
Your sentence can only be true if you understood what's happening.
So you understood, right ?
I ask because this time I'm busy like hell so I try to find out where to spend my time and should I reduce my payed working time.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jun 19, 06:47 AM 2022
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:24 PM 2022derived positional play still open...position 2..4..6..relates to ds 1..5..2..

man, this sheet is confusing but I just found out why.  Will be making some adjustments
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 19, 06:50 AM 2022
Quote from: Blueprint on Jun 19, 06:47 AM 2022
man, this sheet is confusing but I just found out why.  Will be making some adjustments

Lol I thought it was the easiest to read tbh..
You will have to email me the adjusted version like to keep all of them together
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: INTERCEPTOR on Jun 19, 07:58 AM 2022
Quote from: Blueprint on Jun 19, 06:47 AM 2022
man, this sheet is confusing but I just found out why.  Will be making some adjustments
You can't make adjustments because this is candy crush saga.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jun 20, 07:26 AM 2022
Quote from: MumboJumbo on Jun 19, 07:58 AM 2022
You can't make adjustments because this is candy crush saga.

So, what do you suggest instead?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: INTERCEPTOR on Jun 20, 08:57 AM 2022
Quote from: Blueprint on Jun 20, 07:26 AM 2022
So, what do you suggest instead?
Don't count on te Law of The Third.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jun 20, 10:01 AM 2022
Quote from: MumboJumbo on Jun 20, 08:57 AM 2022
Don't count on te Law of The Third.

Never have, never will.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Jun 20, 01:23 PM 2022
The law of the third creates order out of disorder. No?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jun 20, 01:38 PM 2022
Quote from: Person S on Jun 20, 01:23 PM 2022
The law of the third creates order out of disorder. No?

No, bc it's not a "law" at all.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Jun 20, 02:22 PM 2022
6TH-SENSE, I have to record every time 37 or can I stop on every win and reset ?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 20, 03:59 PM 2022
this example is stop and reset....doesn't have to go the whole 37.....or should i say it shouldn't get that far....from the 1st repeat.i just used trd spinfile as an example...a 37 spin cycle starts at any point..in this case on a win...

and next cycle starts on the winning number....

.if you have 24 numbers out without a repeat it,ll on the rare occasion maybe go into the next cycle.....never seen it yet...but if it does you start from that and go through into next cycle....formula of example is the same no matter how long you wait for a repeat.

but remember this is an example...though you can win a lot with it
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 20, 04:06 PM 2022
Quote from: Blueprint on Jun 20, 01:38 PM 2022
No, bc it's not a "law" at all.

not a law but mechanics....
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 20, 04:17 PM 2022
Quote from: MumboJumbo on Jun 20, 08:57 AM 2022
Don't count on te Law of The Third.

you wouldn't be chasing a double repeat with this example..to become 3 times hit..BUT you could maybe capitalise on catching the repeats that need to appear on uniques..and the unhits that need become uniques before that repeat..or /and the unhits to make the average 24 numbers out....

i can,t explain more than that  ..read below

Thanks herby in a side note the mechanics of roulette for the 1st 37 numbers out are the opposite ...unhits are the the greatest numbers out and will by definition be the same counting downwards the difference of the spin count rising to match the repeats on an even keel to the 37 spin end

you are just following the mechanics of the first cycle..

and more importantly how i weaved it into the this thread,,,no mean feat for an example directly to my point on the of this thread ...

i,ve given step by step instructions...no candy crush here.....just trying to push the point across of what my conclusion  the streams tracker could  is used for and maybe in a direction that those willing to to try  that there is more..

i can,t do no more than ive done...

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jun 20, 09:03 PM 2022
you actually could do way more, but that's a topic for another day.  I appreciate your efforts but the so called law of the third has 0 to do with gaining an edge.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 21, 01:53 AM 2022
the example was to show a process directly related to this thread...

the process only....using ds and overlay on positional stream..that's the point of the example...

the example is just that...an example to adapt what you know and adapt to what you seek..

example was spot on for this thread...

you need both side of streams tracker.. either side has to repeat...positional side is positions repeat..

you can,t just bet alone on normal stream and ignore the positional stream...the only time they can both repeat at the same time on the same ds is position one  ..

what example could you think of using a few elements and convergence on just partition cycles alone ...

that is key question..
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jun 21, 06:50 AM 2022
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 13, 04:36 AM 2022
iv,e basically gave you the way i think concerning how to use this streams tracker...nothing else works ..everyone has stuck to the same methodology...

How is this different from what we were doing 6 or 7 years ago? 
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Jun 21, 07:37 AM 2022
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:39 PM 2022
number 36 is out..

main ds out..4...6..

derived positional stream out...1..6..relates to ds 6 ..5

again no overlay ..no repeats in any overlay sector..

again no bet

Hello, could you show me why the derivative flow is 5.6. And not 4.6. I still can't figure it out.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jun 21, 09:21 AM 2022
Quote from: Person S on Jun 21, 07:37 AM 2022

Hello, could you show me why the derivative flow is 5.6. And not 4.6. I still can't figure it out.

Look to the row after last spin.  Not how I do it but that’s how this sheet is set up.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 21, 03:10 PM 2022
Quote from: Blueprint on Jun 21, 06:50 AM 2022
How is this different from what we were doing 6 or 7 years ago?

a lot...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jun 21, 03:22 PM 2022
ok, then maybe I don't know how to read.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 21, 03:26 PM 2022
how long as anyone been working on this tracker to no avail? 

i read it differently...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jun 21, 03:31 PM 2022
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 21, 03:26 PM 2022how long as anyone been working on this tracker to no avail? 

I don't use that tracker so can't tell you.  What I can tell you is I created my sheet 7 years ago.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jun 21, 03:33 PM 2022
I'm open to seeing with fresh eyes.  I just don't see anything different here.  Sorry.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 21, 04:22 PM 2022
don,t be sorry...you have a winning method that's all that matters
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 21, 05:28 PM 2022
the example i gave takes into account lott...but this example is the mechanics of the 37 spins...

every partition also has its own lott...right down to splits..streets ..sectors...ds....quads...everything..

sure you can all of the partition out at once..but you need to negate that....the thing with your way of thinking is to stick to to a static for these partitions....

you need to know whats going on and where ...

adjust your thinking and try to negate the overall show of a partition...adjust...

i know whats going on in 37 spin cycle..the mechanics of it....ive explained it...

its an example...to work off....if a smaller partition hits its lott..does a bigger partition also hit its lott...from its last repeat cycle ...in the overlay...that bleeds into it....

does a ds with two splits hit for example now negate a sector lott...from its last repeat...does a sector repeat also close a split lott..from that last split repeat..?

thats as much and as far as i,m willing to go blueprint.....as i say i read and think differently from most

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 21, 05:37 PM 2022
and of course it goes without saying the ds streams is your guide with its high hitrate....97 percent..you only need to find that certain something ....i,m not spelling it out for you ..97 percent you still can,t win...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jun 21, 07:37 PM 2022
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 21, 05:37 PM 2022
and of course it goes without saying the ds streams is your guide with its high hitrate....97 percent..you only need to find that certain something ....i,m not spelling it out for you ..97 percent you still can,t win...

Lines are not 97%.  They're closer to 93.  Streets are 97.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 22, 02:44 AM 2022
Yep...the end result is to capitilse the only weakness the wheel has is
cycles and lott ..

That's it..

All betting systems win or lose is when they touch or not touch in these..

Every forum has recycled betting strategies ..year upon year ..

Non work..

The mere mention of what I said will make some people think  sound like some crazed wild eyed madman ...

Maybe I am...

As my example ..as I say..understand the overall picture..and work with the wheel weakness be it live or rng..it doesn't matter..

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Jun 22, 09:37 AM 2022
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 22, 02:44 AM 2022

Non work..

They all tend to their hedge of -2.7% on the long run.  And precisely there.  Exactly where it's supposed to be mathematically.  All.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Roulettebeater on Jun 22, 10:05 AM 2022
Quote from: Bigbroben on Jun 22, 09:37 AM 2022
They all tend to their hedge of -2.7% on the long run.  And precisely there.  Exactly where it's supposed to be mathematically.  All.

Yeah, Roben!
It seems you are the only one who has  realistic expectations for this game …
I am sure you studied it very well over the years … but you know what ?
It is still possible to gain edge against the house in this game .. you know how ?
You just need to take the luck out of it and put Skills instead … yeah with skills you can win … by the way all methods on this forum are luck-based methods … so forget about them …
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Jun 22, 10:55 AM 2022
When are we going to find the grail and go to Bali ;D
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Jun 22, 06:18 PM 2022
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:26 PM 2022
number 33 came out..we lost

now down 24 units...

bet numbers 13..17..18..19..22..33..36..

7 unit bet

Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:27 PM 2022
number 33 came out we lost..

now down 31 units..

main ds still in play..ds ..3..2..6..

why did you lose if you bet 33?

you didnt update your sheet you should have 33 twice

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Aggelos Aggelos on Jun 22, 10:38 PM 2022
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 17, 11:58 PM 2022
Everything you need is on previous page...page54
Thank you, it works!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Jun 23, 04:27 PM 2022
Nice old article. Thanks to Bayes.
Open with - web.archive.org

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Aggelos Aggelos on Jun 24, 10:48 AM 2022
Worst case scenario so far i have seen in my life is 30 unique numbers in a 37 spin cycle.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 27, 06:21 AM 2022
Quote from: Person S on Jun 23, 04:27 PM 2022
Nice old article. Thanks to Bayes.
Open with - web.archive.org

good article...yet the streams tracker helps....my example i think is hard for most people....then to grasp and adapt...

i may have to show a flatbet rolling 37 cycle bet  just using the ds alone....and no other partitions incorporating unhits uniques repeats...i think its possible to make an easy basic example...which zero is incorporated in one of them..

hopefully on making 1 unit minimum every 37 spins

Quote from: Aggelos Aggelos on Jun 24, 10:48 AM 2022
Worst case scenario so far i have seen in my life is 30 unique numbers in a 37 spin cycle.

27 for me...

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jun 27, 07:25 AM 2022
Also, ditch the progression.   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 27, 07:51 AM 2022
its flatbet buddy..no progression needed...i,ll show a side by side comparison what happens if you don,t use the stream tracker...the system without it  would fall to bayes example....

i,m going through the test now with what i know of my rolling wave tracker stats..

the example i had in mind is not like the other example where you have to learn and work from that example... its a betting strategy...using simple stats from that tracker  and betting every spin..

you don,t need the tracker though..it shows the long term.....ayks tracker is all you need...and streams tracker

could possibly be the ultimate hg tbh....
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Jun 27, 07:59 AM 2022
It turns out we will have an example and an anti-example
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Jun 27, 08:02 AM 2022
You know why it's hard to work, often the time spent researching isn't worth it.
And you get discouraged because it all seems like a ghost that doesn't exist.)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jun 27, 08:15 AM 2022
Looking forward to it. 
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 27, 02:23 PM 2022
Quote from: Person S on Jun 27, 08:02 AM 2022
You know why it's hard to work, often the time spent researching isn't worth it.
And you get discouraged because it all seems like a ghost that doesn't exist.)

i do not think you have any idea how powerful the stream tracker is tbh...if utilised right ..
ive tried  to upload where i am with photos of the paper side i,m on in testing....at the moment...but it won,t let me...

the pics mb are too large...tried to scan paper..still too large....

only screenshot like i did before will upload...

i,m only 200 spins in..iv,e got another 280 live spins to go through....thats 163 spins constant betting...the minimum 1 unit win should be 4.405 for those spins...as every spin is the start and finish of a cycle..its now in excess of 300 units..

flatbetting....my time is limited so much for free time....the normal way of betting without the streams tracker is around 120..which believe me can go down then up.....you will win on this side but lose on the other...but when the positional side wins its usually betting lesser units than the overall main side on its own...and also winning more units when hit using the limited streams and positional side together rather than a blanket bet spread

the main point is understanding the streams tracker..both sides...and applying it to what you know....the excess 300 units cannot be lost using the streams tracker  zero is included in this method...when its applicable...the 120 can go back to zero..only takes so many bets....to go back to that...though it,ll go up and down on that way of betting you can jump off the carousel when in plus...

not hit and run...just knowing how and why it it does that...not so for the streams tracker...

it would be very hard to lose all the units won but you will definitely get your 1 unit per 37 spins.... 

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 27, 02:31 PM 2022
.you will win on this side but lose on the other

this means blanket bet with no ds streams to guide you
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 27, 02:46 PM 2022
Quote from: Blueprint on Jun 27, 08:15 AM 2022
Looking forward to it.

the question here is ..should i post it...praline said no matter what if posted only a few will understand what's happening......probably only if you can understand the streams tracker..which in this basic method is easy to understand ..with no other partitions involved or cycles

this is telling you what exactly is happening and stats to back it up....
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 27, 02:56 PM 2022
should really say except the cycles of ds on the streams tracker both sides....
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: TRD on Jun 27, 11:53 PM 2022
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Jun 28, 04:57 AM 2022
Unfortunately, I do not see what is so magical about the parallel flow, its characteristics are exactly the same as those of a normal flow. And it captures both dormant and hits, but dormant can stay there for a long time, probably should abandon them, but the hits already represent more value, well, this is in my opinion. Why it takes less units to bet on that stream is also unclear, using DS as an example - it has 6 lines, not 3-2 or at least 5 to give us an advantage, but the same 6 lines. And it could represent something like 165243 or 111111. I tried before to play 2 streams at the same time, but it did not do any good, maybe the method of betting was wrong, but I'm not sure...
But thanks for the info anyway, maybe something will sparkle in my head)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 28, 05:39 AM 2022
Keep trying it's there 
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jun 28, 01:20 PM 2022
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 28, 05:39 AM 2022
Keep trying it's there

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Jun 28, 02:14 PM 2022
6-TH i think I can go for that repeat with  a normal bank...for every 37 then reset.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Aggelos Aggelos on Jun 30, 10:10 PM 2022

27 for me...

Crazy how stretched it can be.
I could not believe what i witnessed!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Jul 01, 11:03 AM 2022
Let me try to think aloud, to get an advantage, we need to bet on a smaller number of DS, with a payout of 1:6.
Yes you can bet on 5 lines, but their winning ratio must be 6 times a win and 1 loss at a distance, can we find such an advantage playing in 1 or 2 streams, the law of 3 for the lines says that for 6 spins on average there will be 4 lines(and 2 repeats), not 6.
We know from statistics that all 6 lines give 1% in 100 cycles.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Jul 01, 03:21 PM 2022
Max bet on Ds 2-3 and I am getting an average of 6.6 until win, not flat bet..
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Jul 02, 06:26 PM 2022
6th is there any more help so you can share?
More focus on the tracker, or at the begging of the 37 back to basics?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Jul 03, 07:14 AM 2022
I am thinking can we bet bothe streams on a repeat.  ???
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Jul 04, 07:11 AM 2022
6th is AYK available, some way to contact.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Jul 04, 07:40 AM 2022
Also, can anyone explain if there is a difference between derived from 6th and the ayk tracker?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Jul 04, 08:17 AM 2022
The second thread in the aik is the wheel formula. There is a button to switch to the wheel layout, this is the second thread.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Jul 04, 08:28 AM 2022
I was checking the group off numbers btw derived and ayk.. at some point they meet .. ok thnks
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Jul 04, 10:29 AM 2022
Can anyone do an example with those numbers!
26   < oldest
13 < newest
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Kan@am@ on Jul 04, 11:51 PM 2022
Can anyone share a link to Tracker V8?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 05, 01:37 AM 2022
Quote from: Kan@am@ on Jul 04, 11:51 PM 2022
Can anyone share a link to Tracker V8?

extract and click on index it will open in your browser
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Jul 05, 09:55 AM 2022
does it make sense to look for the secret in the number of spins and reps, i.e. it makes no sense to go up to x15, since everything will be adjusted.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Kan@am@ on Jul 05, 01:02 PM 2022
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jul 05, 01:37 AM 2022
extract and click on index it will open in your browser
Thanks. Looks like 6th-sense is the only one who got the winning system and is still on this forum helping others with what he can.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Jul 05, 04:11 PM 2022
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:27 PM 2022
number 33 came out we lost..

now down 31 units..

Hi 6th,
seems you played number 33 2 times.

With my lousy English this is a trap  :wink:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Jul 09, 05:36 AM 2022
Hello 6th, can you explain what an overlay is. I did not find such a term.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Jul 09, 06:10 AM 2022
In this example, if I understand overlay bet is open because all derived positions are open for a repeat
and at this point, our target is 36 D6 and sector 9.
D5 overlay on our bet.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: leoncino74 on Jul 09, 01:45 PM 2022
Quote from: alexlaf on Jul 09, 06:10 AM 2022
In this example, if I understand overlay bet is open because all derived positions are open for a repeat
and at this point, our target is 36 D6 and sector 9.
D5 overlay on our bet.

scusa...da dove viene fuori settore 9? grazie
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Jul 09, 02:43 PM 2022
You might as well play granps way.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Jul 09, 03:14 PM 2022
Just testing.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Jul 09, 03:44 PM 2022
LEONCINO74 as 6-th told

Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 12, 04:19 PM 2022
using a repeat as a trigger... 6 line cycle closure 12 street and 9 sector bet classic example
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: INTERCEPTOR on Jul 09, 04:43 PM 2022
This should be great system, don't know why people stil losing?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Jul 10, 03:05 AM 2022
Quote from: alexlaf on Jul 09, 03:14 PM 2022
Just testing.

Hi alexlaf,
many thanks for the link.

And of course 6th:  many many thanks for the video.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jul 10, 09:17 AM 2022
As soon as there's a mention of a stop loss / loss limit... I'm out. 
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Jul 10, 10:04 AM 2022
He didn't say it was a goose .
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jul 10, 10:23 AM 2022
61 pages of input.

Zero output.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Jul 10, 12:13 PM 2022
Quote from: Blueprint on Jul 10, 10:23 AM 2022
61 pages of input.

Zero output.

6th shows here great math and great logic.
I didn't get everything, maybe half way.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 10, 12:48 PM 2022
Quote from: Blueprint on Jul 10, 10:23 AM 2022
61 pages of input.

Zero output.

it was only an example buddy....this method needs a stoploss between 350 to 400...it was only an example directly related to this thread....

the example was to make you think what lies in one partition could be transferred to another....

this was a hard example to do with the knowledge you and others have...so needs progression...

i can,t give you what you seek ...all i can tell you is that the streams tracker is part of the hg...you need it...

but you know that and so do others ...you just have not solved what it actually is...frustration at not getting anything more than a progression example is ok...

its just an example...thats the point...to make you think...

no wild goose chases ...and mumbo...yes i,d say the same...

and blueprint if i explained the flatbet method you would kick yourself....
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 10, 01:09 PM 2022
Quote from: Herbyx on Jul 10, 03:05 AM 2022
Hi alexlaf,
many thanks for the link.

And of course 6th:  many many thanks for the video.

thats not my video herby i just commented on it alexlaf did it..and good on him...at least something might come to mind for him...did for me early on...but i have given the tools...and the thought process .the ferrari calculator can be dumped in the bin...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Jul 10, 01:28 PM 2022
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jul 10, 01:09 PM 2022thats not my video herby i just commented on it alexlaf did it

I see alexlaf let me run against the wall  :ooh:

Thanks for clarifying.   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jul 10, 07:10 PM 2022
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jul 10, 12:48 PM 2022
it was only an example buddy....this method needs a stoploss between 350 to 400...it was only an example directly related to this thread....

the example was to make you think what lies in one partition could be transferred to another....

this was a hard example to do with the knowledge you and others have...so needs progression...

i can,t give you what you seek ...all i can tell you is that the streams tracker is part of the hg...you need it...

but you know that and so do others ...you just have not solved what it actually is...frustration at not getting anything more than a progression example is ok...

its just an example...thats the point...to make you think...

no wild goose chases ...and mumbo...yes i,d say the same...

and blueprint if i explained the flatbet method you would kick yourself....

So now you have a flat bet method?  Gotcha.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jul 10, 08:05 PM 2022
Quote from: Herbyx on Jul 10, 12:13 PM 20226th shows here great math and great logic.

Where?  The math is the same math that was shared 6 years ago.  If there's something new here please highlight that.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jul 11, 01:50 PM 2022
Here is some old math.

Spin singles with repeats happening in first half of line position stream            83%

Spin singles with repeats happening in first half of street position stream            90%

Now what?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Jul 11, 04:29 PM 2022
Searching. . .
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: leoncino74 on Jul 13, 12:38 AM 2022
Ciao Alexlaf
saresti cosi gentile da spiegare come funziona questo... grazie mille  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Jul 13, 10:01 AM 2022
Attached you see RNG numbers(no zero), colored the end of the cycles,
then 6 line cycles, derived stream cycles
then street cycles, derived stream cycles
colored and framed.

Hi 6th,
would this information be enough for you or do you need more to win ?  :question:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Jul 13, 11:58 AM 2022
Nice job herbyx. . .
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jul 14, 07:43 AM 2022
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jul 14, 07:46 AM 2022
Double Street & Street.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ludo8400 on Jul 14, 07:57 AM 2022
@ Bleu print

Can you make an excel file from your screenshot.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jul 14, 09:34 AM 2022
It is an excel file but will not be shared.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ludo8400 on Jul 14, 11:20 AM 2022
@ Bleuprint,

You were right by saying 61 pages of input.

Zero output.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jul 14, 11:35 AM 2022
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Jul 14, 01:14 PM 2022
The puzzle forum  :D
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Jul 14, 01:38 PM 2022
Quote from: alexlaf on Jul 13, 11:58 AM 2022Nice job herbyx. . .

As I wrote in my text: no zero

no zero input -> no zero output  :wink:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: TRD on Jul 14, 06:40 PM 2022
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: TRD on Jul 14, 06:49 PM 2022
Quotethe ferrari calculator can be dumped in the bin...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Jul 14, 11:42 PM 2022
If you ignore zero you have a zero sum game.
Nothing to lose nothing to win in the long term.

Once somebody gave the tip: "Try not to lose"
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jul 15, 06:07 AM 2022
Zero doesn't matter.  It just makes you lose faster.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: leoncino74 on Jul 15, 06:55 AM 2022
... ma tutti questi schemi, alla fine come si usano? qualcuno può aiutare per favore... grazie  :question:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: praline on Jul 15, 07:52 AM 2022
This graph is a must see before any one want to post anything  :twisted: Screenshot_2022-07-15-13-46-29-01_40deb401b9ffe8e1df2f1cc5ba480b12.jpg 
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: praline on Jul 15, 07:53 AM 2022
Sono sicuro che la cosa migliore é quella di usare il proprio cervello per farsi aiutare e non quello di altri.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jul 15, 11:09 AM 2022
Spot on, Praline.  Look into the Dunning-Kruger effect.  There's a lot of that here.  To be honest, I grow very tired of the posturing.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Jul 15, 12:52 PM 2022
Quote from: Blueprint on Jul 15, 11:09 AM 2022There's a lot of that here.

The best thing is:  they are always the others

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 15, 01:15 PM 2022
Dunning-Kruger effect, in psychology, a cognitive bias whereby people with limited knowledge or competence in a given intellectual or social domain greatly overestimate their own knowledge or competence in that domain relative to objective criteria or to the performance of their peers or of people in general.

Tbh i don,t think this applies to me...

..it all started with dyslexic....

The system is a 38 spin repeating cycle betting Routine.
38 spins is the maximum allowable length of one cycle.
The minimum estimated bankroll is 2736 units and bets
are placed on every spin of the Roulette wheel.
The number of bets and coverage varies over the course of the cycle.
The betting style is a form of flat betting, which returns a 100%
guaranteed profit over the course of any cycle.
The betting system relies on the 'pigeonhole' principle of repeating number distribution
The object of the system is to return a
single repeat of a Roulette number within a spin cycle.
Once a repeating number is achieved, the 38 spin cycle starts again.
While it is extremely rare to run the entire 38 cycle from begining to end,
the sytem ALLOWS for this possibility, ensuring no loss of bankroll
could possibly occur at the end of any given cycle.
The system DOES return losing spins during the course of the 38 spin cycle,
but is MATHEMATICALLY impossible to produce an
over loss of bankroll at the end of any cycle.
The system itself cannot be broken by ANY sequence of
pseudo random numbers.
The system is, to the best of my knowledge, the ONLY way to consistantly
win the game of Roulette 100%.
The sytem doesn't use a fixed progressive betting plan
nor is it waiting for any paticular event.

Let me ask you blueprint and maybe praline a question.

have you ever thought how that bankroll was needed?

and why?

only dyslexic ..rrbb maybe..reddwarf probably does...and me..

the maths is there...if any of the three above wants to see if i truly know they can log in and message me..

i will tell them outright...

i will tell them the partitions they are betting...especially the amount of streams they are betting..

and what units are being bet...and especially WHERE there being bet.

any of them can confirm ..i won,t ask them any questions..etc  etc...

and Herby jumping on the bandwagon here is disappointing...video is cool though..

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jul 15, 01:32 PM 2022
RRBB IS REDDWARF. My goodness.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 15, 01:46 PM 2022
just answer the question....yes or no

i would presume not
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jul 15, 01:49 PM 2022
Nope.  No bs here.  You're making a bold claim and haven't said a thing to back it up.  There's also no need for what's stated above.

See dunning kruger again.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 15, 02:11 PM 2022
neither did dyslexic back it up either yet your still here searching....why is that?

if its all bullshit ?...the only way to back it up is get confirmation...you can,t do that...

yes a bold claim indeed....the bankroll breakdown i could just post but thats it..method revealed..

beats me why your still searching tbh...its all bullshit...

so why bother?

See dunning kruger again.?

maybe dyslexic should pay him a visit too...

this is my last reply concerning the above...arguing with me to get me to post the method up is definitely not going to happen...

it can only be confirmed by someone who actually knows it...

thats not you....

but the main point is ..if i was you i would stop searching..its all just Bullshit

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jul 15, 02:21 PM 2022
I didn't say it's all BS, what you're stating IS.  You magically landed on MATH based on 2 numbers.  Gotcha.  Enjoy my information, as well.  You didn't earn it.

Good day, sir.

Your path is not my path.  Good luck to you.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Jul 15, 02:36 PM 2022
2736 units...
38 spins...
That's an average of 72 units played per spin.

I suppose all 72 units (if it's a steady 72u/spin, hence the "flatbet-ish") are evenly distributed over the board at first then they cluster here and there as the spins go by?

Lemme wonder for a while.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Jul 15, 02:47 PM 2022
Did you mean minimum 2736 or max?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Jul 15, 03:19 PM 2022
I assume the betting style is a modified parachute.
And bankroll size is betting with progressions in the right areas.

Herbie sounding reminded me of this one )
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Jul 15, 04:16 PM 2022
Ive spoke with 6th for last couple weeks and I can confirm his findings! Enough info has been shared in this forum.  No need for anyone to come out and say things outright.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jul 15, 04:24 PM 2022
ok, again... enjoy all the info shared yet all you guys remain silent when others are on a similar quest.  Comical.

Now all of you can run off and enjoy your flat bet heaven. 
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jul 15, 04:28 PM 2022
Show me 1 person that has MADE PROGRESS (as in, has been HELPED) by anything you or 6th have shared on your own?

I'll wait.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Jul 15, 05:01 PM 2022
Hmmm... I've shed light on many post from pri and revealed my own personal thoughts into my ideas. I've shared methods as well.

I maybe haven't helped you or inspired you. But my conversations with 6th helped somewhat in creating the ayk tracker years ago.  Which by the way is an amazing tool. 

I can live with that  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jul 15, 05:08 PM 2022
Good for you.  See you at the tables.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Akiraa on Jul 15, 07:23 PM 2022
Hey guys- have no doubt that these methods will ultimately lead to the grail we have all been seeking if we keep studying them. This talk of Dyksexlic takes me back to where it started for me. Could never figure it all out after poring over his posts for hours and there was even a private study group set up with a few members sharing ideas. Red dwarf was one of them and he messaged me a few times advising he had 99% solved the puzzle and was looking to get some betting methods set up- asked if I wanted to work with him on it but it didn't seem to go anywhere and I believe he left not long after that.
That was when I stepped away from roulette for many years as many many hours spent going over those posts had kind of burnt me out on the game.
I'm back now though and eager to get to the bottom of it all while also looking at some of the other promising methods posted here. Just wish I had more time on my hands for testing etc- too many commitments in life getting in the way!

Think we're lucky guys like 6th are still sticking around trying to help the rest of us to see for ourselves when so many others would just get the winning method and disappear forever.


Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Bigbroben on Jul 15, 07:47 PM 2022
And just for the sake of testing extremes and parameters:
What if one gets 37 different nrs in 37 spins? Profit? or absolute loss? Or some hits (in extenso: are unhits played?)
What if one gets 37 zeros in 37 spins? Profit on 1st spin or none at all?

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: zorro on Jul 16, 04:18 AM 2022

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: zorro on Jul 16, 04:19 AM 2022
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 16, 06:09 AM 2022
Dunning-Kruger effect, in psychology, a cognitive bias whereby people with limited knowledge or competence in a given intellectual or social domain greatly overestimate their own knowledge or competence in that domain relative to objective criteria or to the performance of their peers or of people in general.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Jul 16, 07:01 AM 2022
In 2000, Kruger and Dunning were awarded a satiric Ig Nobel Prize in recognition of the scientific work recorded in "their modest report". "The Dunning–Kruger Song" is part of The Incompetence Opera, a mini-opera that premiered at the Ig Nobel Prize ceremony in 2017. The mini-opera is billed as "a musical encounter with the Peter principle and the Dunning–Kruger Effect"
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Jul 16, 07:04 AM 2022
So it's all a big boom
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Jul 16, 12:56 PM 2022
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jul 15, 01:15 PM 2022and Herby jumping on the bandwagon here is disappointing

seems there is a misinterpretation
if I clear it up i will go further 10 pages so I won't

Thank's Person S, sounds similar
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 16, 03:52 PM 2022
Quote from: Bigbroben on Jul 15, 07:47 PM 2022And just for the sake of testing extremes and parameters:
What if one gets 37 different nrs in 37 spins? Profit? or absolute loss? Or some hits (in extenso: are unhits played?)
What if one gets 37 zeros in 37 spins? Profit on 1st spin or none at all?

The system itself cannot be broken by ANY sequence of
pseudo random numbers.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Jul 18, 12:18 PM 2022
If you treat zero like any other number you profit by 2nd zero

You can also have a bankroll just for zero and recovery can be built in on any win
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Jul 18, 12:40 PM 2022
QuoteAnd just for the sake of testing extremes and parameters:
What if one gets 37 different nrs in 37 spins? Profit? or absolute loss? Or some hits (in extenso: are unhits played?)
What if one gets 37 zeros in 37 spins? Profit on 1st spin or none at all?

I can t quote properly since this new update on the site.

38 numbers(zero included) has a minimum of....

13 dozen repeats
7 double street repeats
4 street repeats
3 splits repeats
1 str8 repeat

We are playing a game but we can choose what game to play when we put a chip on the table.

So let's say we are playing str8... why not combine it with something else to get more wins before our number shows up.  You really want to wait 37 spins for a win? When street won 4 times.

How about if that str8 win is just a bonus?

Just thinking out loud
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Jul 18, 12:53 PM 2022
Almost forgot to add

Ec has 19 repeats minimum in 38 spins
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Drazen on Jul 18, 03:47 PM 2022
Quotewhy not combine it with something else to get more wins before our number shows up.  You really want to wait 37 spins for a win? When street won 4 times

Hi Mel

When you are talking about combining with something else, are we still trying to use a repeat as a winning event, or there is some other idea behind it?


Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 18, 03:56 PM 2022
Quote from: Akiraa on Jul 15, 07:23 PM 2022Think we're lucky guys like 6th are still sticking around trying to help the rest of us to see for ourselves when so many others would just get the winning method and disappear forever.

and Mel
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 18, 04:11 PM 2022
Quote from: Drazen on Jul 18, 03:47 PM 2022Hi Mel

When you are talking about combining with something else, are we still trying to use a repeat as a winning event, or there is some other idea behind it?


The number of bets and coverage varies over the course of the cycle.
The betting style is a form of flat betting, which returns a 100%
guaranteed profit over the course of any cycle.
The betting system relies on the 'pigeonhole' principle of repeating number distribution
The object of the system is to return a
single repeat of a Roulette number within a spin cycle
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 18, 04:12 PM 2022
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Jul 18, 12:40 PM 202213 dozen repeats
7 double street repeats
4 street repeats
3 splits repeats
1 str8 repeat
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Jul 18, 04:44 PM 2022
But how do you get a win if the payout is 35:1, and you need to cover all possible combinations, that is, the whole carpet. Then by that logic you can bet on every spin and get a win. Bet can win even if all 38 come, so why wait, bet the whole carpet, just imagine that 38 in front of your eyes) Perhaps the coverage does not go to all numbers, but only part...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 18, 06:21 PM 2022
a puzzle indeed if i ever saw one
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 18, 07:20 PM 2022
The number of bets and coverage varies over the course of the cycle.
The betting style is a form of flat betting, which returns a 100%
guaranteed profit over the course of any cycle.
The betting system relies on the 'pigeonhole' principle of repeating number distribution
The object of the system is to return a
single repeat of a Roulette number within a spin cycle

re read mels minimal hit rate
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Jul 18, 08:12 PM 2022
Quote from: Drazen on Jul 18, 03:47 PM 2022Hi Mel

When you are talking about combining with something else, are we still trying to use a repeat as a winning event, or there is some other idea behind it?


A number repeating is a way to track the beginning and the end of a cycle.  You can use the ending as a win if your winning on a repeat.

No other idea really, Im just sharing that there are plenty of repeats to use with str8 to reach your goal.  I will share again below...

37 unique numbers and 1 repeat =38 spins
Repeat Distribution

High/low = 19 repeats
Even/odd = 19 repeats
Red/black = 19 repeats
Dozens = 13 repeats
Columns = 13 repeats
Double streets = 7 repeats
Sectors = 5 repeats
Streets = 4 repeats
Splits = 3 repeats
Str8 = 1 repeat

Total = 103 possible repeats in 38 spins

Quote from: 6th-sense on Jul 18, 07:20 PM 2022The number of bets and coverage varies over the course of the cycle.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Drazen on Jul 19, 01:53 AM 2022
So many possible repeats indeed.

But is it possible to make a winning method using a repeat as a winning event?

It seems like Dyskexlic and rrbb might beg to differ on that.

Actually I am pretty sure that Dyks stated that repeating number is not a winning event. Yes, we track repeating number cycles, but something else is observed and targeted in between.

My personal opinion is that as long as we are still stuck in this loop of trying to win betting on a trend (repeats are nothing more than a trend), we will get nowhere.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Jul 19, 05:00 AM 2022
Quote from: Drazen on Jul 19, 01:53 AM 2022Actually I am pretty sure that Dyks stated that repeating number is not a winning event. Yes, we track repeating number cycles, but something else is observed and targeted in between.

Im pretty confident i said the same thing without saying it

Quote from: MoneyT101 on Jul 18, 12:40 PM 2022So let's say we are playing str8... why not combine it with something else to get more wins before our number shows up.  You really want to wait 37 spins for a win? When street won 4 times.

How about if that str8 win is just a bonus?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Jul 19, 05:15 AM 2022
i said way more then i wanted to  :o

Im done posting about it for a while sorry
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Drazen on Jul 19, 05:26 AM 2022
Ok. This thing with saying without saying makes no sense to most of us here, I assure you. But never mind, enjoy your time off posting.

So where that leaves us altogether?

You said way more, you say, eh? Hm..

I apologize for my slow brain, but are you sadly mistaken for thinking you have a method to beat roulette again, or this time is for real?

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 19, 06:18 AM 2022
Quote from: Drazen on Jul 19, 05:26 AM 2022Ok. This thing with saying without saying makes no sense to most of us here, I assure you. But never mind, enjoy your time off posting.

So where that leaves us altogether?

You said way more, you say, eh? Hm..

I apologize for my slow brain, but are you sadly mistaken for thinking you have a method to beat roulette again, or this time is for real?

it leaves you with more information..

but are you sadly mistaken for thinking you have a method to beat roulette

what makes you think this?...

you have no idea of how its done...dyslexics bet is an hg and a curse....redd and dyslexic know this...its that

simple,,that obvious...you cannot play in a live bm casino for long...if at all

mels shared stuff right here and its gone poof...way over members heads
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Jul 19, 06:58 AM 2022
4 repetitions of 12 streets.
On the back 37, there will be 3 sets of 12 streets - 100% repetition will occur. But how can you determine with 100% accuracy the street that will repeat, even knowing that the street is connected to the split, and the split with the number in my opinion does not help. After all, we are betting on a number that is inside the street. But we don't know which of the 12 streets will repeat 4 times.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Drazen on Jul 19, 07:10 AM 2022
6th I wasn't trying to be sneaky with Mel at all, I just realised it might have sounded like that.

He did exactly the same thing in the past. Being c***y boasting how he had beaten the game, giving hints, saying oh I gave you way more than I should have etc... Just to come back and say he was mistaken and he actually didn't have anything. I am sorry,  but it is a fair call in the end

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Jul 19, 07:19 AM 2022
It is possible to choose this way
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 19, 07:54 AM 2022
Quote from: Drazen on Jul 19, 07:10 AM 2022He did exactly the same thing in the past. Being c***y boasting how he had beaten the game, giving hints, saying oh I gave you way more than I should have etc... Just to come back and say he was mistaken and he actually didn't have anything. I am sorry,  but it is a fair call in the end

i always found mel helpful tbh...

and more to the point he does have the hg now...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Jul 19, 08:47 AM 2022
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Jul 18, 08:12 PM 2022Повторение числа — это способ отследить начало и конец цикла.
We need exactly the number - not the other sections?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: TRD on Jul 19, 02:38 PM 2022
6th & Mel, correct me if & where I am wrong;

taking into the account suggestions
• 6th, using the cardinal/ordinal overlap
  which in itself is Mel's defined YY group
• Mel's, above .. specifying minimum repeats for all districts/compartments

.. so moving the game according to what it asks for nominal profit through districts & the overlap itself

yes? no!? what then .. ?


another thing;
6th, you stand for continuous betting ..
Mel's YY group has the least appearance amongst all of those type [NN,YN,NY,NN] .. thereof the least amount of spins qualified for betting;

since the overlap is the least shown, how does that sync in, or how is it congruent with the continuous betting?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 19, 02:50 PM 2022
easy to answer...it has nothing to with mels nn.yn,,ny,,nn ....

no waiting...play from spin 1 continuous..no guessing...completely different..
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 19, 02:58 PM 2022
Quote from: TRD on Jul 19, 02:38 PM 2022• 6th, using the cardinal/ordinal overlap

for umpteenth time that was an example directly related to this thread to make you think....

i would stop putting 2 and 2 together and making 5....

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: praline on Jul 21, 07:18 AM 2022
Sorry for late reply guys :sad2: ...

My post about DK effect was for leoncino74
Some time ago i realized that he created two accounts for making people to belive he has a HG so I'm kind of don't like him.

6th sense thanks for all your inputs and money is also a good guy same as blueprint. I noticed that we all following the same road for a long time, i mean way of thinking and testings, and eventually it will bring us to the same desired result. So you all should also know that there are ups and downs in this journey that everybody including me have experienced and its quite normal.
One final thing to say for all forum members:
If you like what was posted - you try it, share the results and discuss.
I you don't - you don't ask for the proof, and choose another way.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: leoncino74 on Jul 21, 12:31 PM 2022
Caro Praline  >:(

credo tu stia sbagliando persona, non ho due accunt e non sto convincendo nessuno che ho HG , anzi sto facendo domande e cercando aiuto agli esperti del forum quando non capisco i sistemi proposti

Stai attendo quando fai i nomi poichè io non ho due account
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: INTERCEPTOR on Jul 21, 03:26 PM 2022
How to steal?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Jul 21, 04:56 PM 2022
I tried a little experiment just using str8 flatbet and nothing else.  I attached results...Summary.pngTrend.png 
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Jul 21, 05:43 PM 2022
63 Spins
577 profit
no progression
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Akiraa on Jul 21, 06:58 PM 2022
Those are some excellent results there moneyt! Can I ask were these results using the 6th system or was this from another method? Still awaiting a new laptop so I can get a lot of testing done but sounds very encouraging. Either way if it's using flat bets then you truly have something special there mate!


Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Jul 21, 07:23 PM 2022
The beginning of the play, very interesting. 13 was hot.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Jul 21, 07:40 PM 2022
Quote from: Akiraa on Jul 21, 06:58 PM 2022Those are some excellent results there moneyt! Can I ask were these results using the 6th system or was this from another method? Still awaiting a new laptop so I can get a lot of testing done but sounds very encouraging. Either way if it's using flat bets then you truly have something special there mate!



The RS results had no progression but every 100 in profit i raised 1 unit as my base bet

100 profit- 2 unit bet
200 profit- 3 unit bet
300 profit- 4 unit bet
400 profit- 5 unit bet

the method... I Stripped all the ideas down to the basics. 

-1 repeat in 38 numbers
-no waiting/everything is due
-start over on a repeat of an event ( number repeating is not a repeat of an event)


Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Jul 21, 07:53 PM 2022
At the beginning of the thread discussed the first 9 spins and some stats from that sample, is your first bet on Rsim that look at the game or a different concept?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Kan@am@ on Jul 22, 11:35 PM 2022
I know who is redd, but who is "mel"
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Jul 23, 02:22 AM 2022
Mel = MoneyT101   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Kan@am@ on Jul 23, 10:03 AM 2022
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 23, 03:53 PM 2022

for me Mel...after reading your post I did it using pure breakdown ...no progression....but as it was just straight numbers...i had to wait until the streams tracker told me what to bet....so as it was just straight alone I had to wait with no betting just inputting..i couldn't bet from spin 1 as usual...

numbers when indicated all hit within 37 spins from the start of its 1st initial bet placement..one game went beyond 37 spins though the numbers indicated didn't start until very late in the cycle...sometimes 1 ..2..or maybe 3...

I think mine took 343 spins in total to get to where it is now...that's not 343 actual bet spins but includes waiting for the numbers to bet...

the bets well before today were dyslexic ..made a few mistakes here and there on placement. But all good in the hood...i,m using 10 unit bets throughout everything as i think 3000 bankroll is plenty ..

today using str8 i think its 2520 up...aka 252 units. Easily 1 unit profit per spin when you only take in bet in the actual bets placed...

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Jul 23, 05:04 PM 2022
@6th Looking good  8)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Jul 23, 05:30 PM 2022
Is it possible to see a separate session?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Jul 23, 05:34 PM 2022
Is it possible to watch a separate session?
Just a schedule without numbers, if that's a mystery :о
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Jul 25, 02:24 PM 2022
Quote from: Drazen on Jul 19, 05:26 AM 2022I apologize for my slow brain, but are you sadly mistaken for thinking you have a method to beat roulette again

Quote from: MoneyT101 on Jul 25, 02:33 AM 2022Not promising an HG but the next best thing

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 25, 02:55 PM 2022
I would encourage members to read Mel's thread
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 25, 03:16 PM 2022
if you want to learn a lot ..Mel is your best adviser...he goes around it better than me...he,s helping more than you know...meanwhile str8 is boring collecting spins..ive gone back to dyslexic but added yet another stream in there...beats boredom. And makes just as much tbh.. zero is never betted in any games. All flat
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 25, 03:25 PM 2022
not lots of time on my hands for this tbh...to show pics etc
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 25, 03:41 PM 2022
just for the record the account is set to private...saves you trying to watch any game game played on rs sim
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jul 25, 07:31 PM 2022
sounds like someone trying to be helpful to me.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jul 25, 07:49 PM 2022
Look at me.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Jul 25, 08:00 PM 2022
This strategy works but the issue is when the game starts cheating.  I tried this rng at casino and it took all my profit and left negative 25%  :o

But good strategy and plenty of profit
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 26, 01:13 AM 2022
Quote from: Blueprint on Jul 25, 07:31 PM 2022sounds like someone trying to be helpful to me.

chart looks good...all you need to do now is bet every spin and not wait....
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 26, 01:44 AM 2022
Quote from: Blueprint on Jul 25, 07:49 PM 2022Look at me.

87 units profit is good going if its flatbetting over 1000 spins...especially if you upped your unit size....

i,d like to see other members do it..

i think you could be on your way...when you are there you will probably at least get 10 times that 87 units won for that amount of spins...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Jul 26, 06:06 AM 2022
A positive progression is a maximum of 9 numbers.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jul 26, 10:28 AM 2022
This was just an example.  Not a practical, playable Game.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: RayManZ on Jul 27, 06:52 AM 2022
Can i ask some dumb questions?

In the beginning of this thread you talked about gaps and pair with the ayk v8 tracker. Table and wheel layout. Your recent example does not use any of these things?

Your example uses cycles, a derived/position stream and some "new stuff".

Also your example is on a 37 spin basis. Is that why you ignore the repeats. Because, if you read this thread, you would know that you get way more unhits than repeats in the first 37 spins. If you would take spin 38 till 74 repeats might be a better idea? Is this a correct observation?

Also @blueprint. You're example is just showing how to bet with no waiting and no trigger? We should expand this example with and derived stream and the two other components 6th gave us in his example?

If i am giving away way to much. I'm sorry i don't even know what i am talking about and for me at the moment it is all just theory.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 27, 07:55 AM 2022
Good questions...all I can say is yes I ignore repeats hit in the first cycle...and for the rest of questions all I can say is that I've evolved..
More knowledge and understanding as the years go by from when I started this thread sort of does that to you...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Jul 27, 12:25 PM 2022
Why do you need the first cycle, is it a kind of energy store, to meet a positive variance?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 27, 01:56 PM 2022
Quote from: Person S on Jul 27, 12:25 PM 2022Why do you need the first cycle, is it a kind of energy store, to meet a positive variance?

let me tell you a story....i may waffle on here a bit...the start of a 37 spin cycle is the ending also of a 37 spin cycle....the variance has max and lowest within that cycle of unhits unique and repeats...
you can walk up to a table..and start betting...thats your start of the cycle...a guy beforehand betting for 37 spins thats his end of his cycle,,,

or whatever he spin he started betting at...you start betting from the 1st spin you see he maybe at spin 18 on his gameplay..you are at spin 1...both your endpoints will be different ..but you have overlayed into his cycle from his point of view....your point of view is you have just started...

this is shown in the wavetracker pics i have previously posted....on other threads maybe even my own threads....

knicksmi made that tracker..its called a wave tracker because it goes up on a rolling basis and down on the rolling basis it shows you the swings and max variance of a 37 spin cycle...i,ll attach a pic...then waffle a bit more
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 27, 02:19 PM 2022
now this wavetracker obviously does not work with any setting you apply ..yes it,ll win sometimes but not enough...i,ll upload it for everyone...but the main thing is it,ll show extremes


replace star with h..t..t..p..s..:.../../ take out the dots...i cannot post links
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 27, 02:22 PM 2022
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Jul 18, 08:12 PM 202237 unique numbers and 1 repeat =38 spins
Repeat Distribution

High/low = 19 repeats
Even/odd = 19 repeats
Red/black = 19 repeats
Dozens = 13 repeats
Columns = 13 repeats
Double streets = 7 repeats
Sectors = 5 repeats
Streets = 4 repeats
Splits = 3 repeats
Str8 = 1 repeat

Total = 103 possible repeats in 38 spins

now herein say the 37 spin cycle is this by mel
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 27, 02:23 PM 2022
i don,t bet things that has repeated already...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Jul 27, 02:24 PM 2022
You can see that the unique ones have a stronger deflection of the diagram.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 27, 02:35 PM 2022
Quote from: RayManZ on Jul 27, 06:52 AM 2022Also your example is on a 37 spin basis. Is that why you ignore the repeats. Because, if you read this thread, you would know that you get way more unhits than repeats in the first 37 spins. If you would take spin 38 till 74 repeats might be a better idea? Is this a correct observation

now i want you to read this
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 27, 02:38 PM 2022
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 18, 05:03 PM 2022the law of the thirds is a funny old thing..12 is only an average..i can,t repeat that enough.....

every spin is the start of a 37 spin cycle and the end of a 37 spin cycle depending when you start look at pic attached..

hence stopping in plus and starting on last number won on .. those repeats go up in number and come down in number...cycling....same for unhits..and uniques..

i left the repeats out of this bet for a good reason in the 37 cycle frame..though the example can win on a unique becoming a repeat...but it also goes for wins on unhits too...

you have to know what you are dealing with and this basic example is for the first cycle and where numbers could appear or hit a unique directly related to this thread..

let me quote my past post here..

Feb 11, 07:34 AM 2019

Just need to do a quick explanation of the mechanics of roulette even though this thread is only about one cycle...

You will never get 37 unique numbers out ever that 1st cycle will have to have at least one unhit and one repeat

The mechanics of roulette is simple..

At spin 37 unhit and repeat will be equally the same

Every spin beyond will add a difference of one repeat to unhit

Ie spin 38 the repeats will be one higher than unhits

Ie spin 39 the repeats will be 2 higher than unhits

Ie spin 40 the repeats will be 3 higher than unhits and so on

Take any number say spin 74 the repeats will be 37 higher than unhit count

The repeats ALWAYS go up further in relationship to the 1st cycle finishing and the spin count you look at

Now if roulette was truly random this shouldn’t be happening

This is the mechanics of roulette beyond 37 back to basics

this is why the repeats are left out

Feb 14, 05:27 AM 2019

Thanks herby in a side note the mechanics of roulette for the 1st 37 numbers out are the opposite ...unhits are the the greatest numbers out and will by definition be the same counting downwards the difference of the spin count rising to match the repeats on an even keel to the 37 spin end
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Jul 27, 02:41 PM 2022
Plenty of repeats but somehow we see unique numbers hitting

Hmmm sounds like we only have two options  :xd:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 27, 02:45 PM 2022
i do not need to go into the 2nd cycle...those two guys who are playing the same table BUT at different points both have there own cycle to finish...with different points of results...but no matter what point you start you still have mels stats....
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Jul 27, 02:54 PM 2022
I read a little Turbo.
It talks about 3 states - above average, average, and below average. This is just right for repeats unique and dormant.
This, of course, contradicts the fact that we don't need repeats, but perhaps there is a different system.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 27, 03:25 PM 2022
turbo is playing beyond 37 spins..i,m not..turbo uses progression..i,m not..i,m flatbet all the way...

BUT turbo in retrospect may not be be progression as you may think...he knows he will hit..so just ups the stakes...i will not do that..just keep it flat ..them compound ..up the unit basebet ....when you are comfortable
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jul 27, 04:27 PM 2022
Quote from: RayManZ on Jul 27, 06:52 AM 2022Also @blueprint. You're example is just showing how to bet with no waiting and no trigger? We should expand this example with and derived stream and the two other components 6th gave us in his example?

Ray, I'm not sure.  This game loses 2 units < 3 percent of the time and wins 1 unit the rest of the cycles in 15,000 "spins" - 1293 to 38 my last run. If only I could do the same at the wheel.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: INTERCEPTOR on Jul 28, 06:53 AM 2022
Past numbers is great illusion of all time in roulette don't you think so too, that is why we have repeats.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Kattila on Jul 28, 09:38 AM 2022
For "" stream_ers""

Which one you would choose to play, which one is little more predictable.....

First parallel streams




Second parallel streams


Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 28, 12:50 PM 2022
Streamers...thats very catchy....
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 28, 02:38 PM 2022
Quote from: Kattila on Jul 28, 09:38 AM 2022Which one you would choose to play, which one is little more predictable.....

unfortunately in hindsight you can choose...in reality you can,t...you just have to play...nothing is predictable tbh....just go with the flow...no predicting.. 
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Kattila on Jul 28, 03:50 PM 2022
I agree... go with the flow( play the actual and temporal hot).
Also can see that A and B are quite different, and C and D are quite similar . Can that help to predict?
maybe not but can show some signals .
Stxpid comparation:
If i ask two people ...where i should go, left or right, if both say right , then i go right .
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 28, 04:04 PM 2022
Quote from: Kattila on Jul 28, 03:50 PM 2022Can that help to predict?
only in hindsight...

there should be no prediction...only the flow..
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 28, 04:05 PM 2022
Quote from: Kattila on Jul 28, 03:50 PM 2022Also can see that A and B are quite different, and C and D are quite similar

only in hindsight
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 28, 04:07 PM 2022
Quote from: Kattila on Jul 28, 03:50 PM 2022play the actual and temporal hot

no...just go with the flow...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 28, 04:11 PM 2022
Quote from: Kattila on Jul 28, 03:50 PM 2022If i ask two people ...where i should go, left or right, if both say right , then i go right .

simply don,t ask two people...just use what the wheel has to do
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Kattila on Jul 28, 04:33 PM 2022
I was talking about the two streams( C and D).
What is exactly for You go with the flow....go with the wheel i supose, what else...
Bet wheel groups or bet table groups is same in longrun.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 28, 04:48 PM 2022
table is just fine...though you can use wheelside too
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 28, 04:54 PM 2022
Quote from: Kattila on Jul 28, 04:33 PM 2022What is exactly for You go with the flow....go with the wheel i supose, what else.

re read mels stats
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Kattila on Jul 28, 05:52 PM 2022
No need for that, i know the stats for repeats( most around 6,7,8) or cycles ( cl 2 and cl 3). I am not a fan of cycles bets anyway.
I also play based on repeats , the repeat of an event derivated from DS( can be also streets, quads....  )
Good to see other people playing similar(or different) ways but with good results for the moment.
The longrun is another story....
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 29, 02:54 AM 2022
i do not mean to be seen as offensive or arrogant....just the opposite...

i point to mels stats....i point to the 1st spin cycle...

the long run? that is the long run...the stats don,t change...

this will be my last post for a while....either people get it..or they don,t
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Kattila on Jul 29, 09:59 AM 2022
I don t see you that way,  i think that is a confusion  that everyone who post here need some help or so....No. I just wanted open talk , opinions about streams , i don t need others system, i do ok with my own flat bet system. We can have different opinions  no problem.
Stats only.... can t make you longterm winner, ask any programner, they know that. If i am wrong...someone show me some good proof.


Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 29, 12:40 PM 2022
Quote from: Kattila on Jul 28, 09:38 AM 2022First parallel streams




Second parallel streams



are these continuous results ie spin by spin as they hit?

they don,t match up if they are?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 29, 12:42 PM 2022
Quote from: Kattila on Jul 29, 09:59 AM 2022i don t need others system, i do ok with my own flat bet system. We can have different opinions  no problem.

thats great...post the system up lets have a look at it
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 29, 01:09 PM 2022
Quote from: Kattila on Jul 29, 09:59 AM 2022Stats only.... can t make you longterm winner, ask any programner, they know that. If i am wrong...someone show me some good proof.

totally agree here..but you can use them to your advantage...how would a programmer go about it?...ive not seen any program except what ive asked knicksmi to do myself anywhere else...and that ive posted the link too..so everyone can have it....but that on its own doesn,t help...so i agree with you
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 29, 01:20 PM 2022
i,m not attacking you..i like you...and if you want a discussion about certain aspects i,m willing to...

but only to a point...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Jul 29, 02:07 PM 2022
6th-sense why no one here is not giving some more help in a personal email, are y all going to take the hg with you?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Kattila on Jul 29, 02:24 PM 2022
Same here, only to a point ...
The examples i posted are not real spins are just examples (to protect my system),but yes they look like that spin by spin.
The A are the lines ( double streets) and the B is the derivated event from A.
Most of time are quite different , so what is in A is not in B at the same time. Most logical( for me) is to bet the oposite 3 , so if in A i have last 3 ....425...i bet the oposite in B.
If last 3 in B are 126 i bet the oposite in A. Alternate , jump from one system to other after max 2 spins( w or L2)
The other streams ( which go in parallel and are quite similar) C and D are Both Derivated Event Streams , one from the Lines(DS) and the other from other *lines* (can be made with streets).
In this case i will not bet the oposite, bet same when in both ( C and D) have the right signals.
EC bets untill now, but of course can play also 1 event ( 6 no) or two events( 12 no).
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Jul 29, 02:30 PM 2022
@kattila sent you a pm
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Jul 29, 02:43 PM 2022
How you see my pm ?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 29, 02:52 PM 2022
Quote from: Kattila on Jul 29, 02:24 PM 2022The examples i posted are not real spins are just examples (to protect my system


so you want a discussion one sided?..me to show you but you protect your system ?...and post made up spins?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 29, 03:01 PM 2022
Quote from: alexlaf on Jul 29, 02:07 PM 20226th-sense why no one here is not giving some more help in a personal email,

how do you know that for sure?

right enough is enough....

i need a break...

i came...i tried...and said what i needed to be said

i,m not leaving the forum...i can,t delete my account...forum won,t let me..

but i won,t be posting for a while
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Jul 29, 03:24 PM 2022
I know for me, not for everyone I can tell I asked y for some more help via email..
Take your time.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: saihtaM on Aug 02, 09:59 AM 2022
The attached chart is based on my understanding of what reddwarf may have referred to as "number cycle".

Seems pretty close to the chart he posted here: rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=9090.msg76356#msg76356

No, number cycles of this kind are not about repeats that have to happen after x amount of spins.

And this also hasn't made me a winner.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Aug 02, 01:39 PM 2022
Quote from: saihtaM on Aug 02, 09:59 AM 2022And this also hasn't made me a winner.

Your chart seems to be smoother than reddwarf's.
Your chart doesn't show any units in y - direction.  :question:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: saihtaM on Aug 02, 02:23 PM 2022
Quote from: Herbyx on Aug 02, 01:39 PM 2022Your chart seems to be smoother than reddwarf's.
Your chart doesn't show any units in y - direction.  :question:
Yes, I also noticed that it looks smoother. I could have added "units", and the y-axis is indeed about units, I can assure you of this, but this graph does not show the results of an actual winning method. It's just the "path" taken by the cycles which would give you these results if you could perfectly synchronize your bets with them.

Perhaps reddwarf's chart is less smooth because it actually is about the application of a betting scheme (that is not perfectly in line with the cycles, but very close)?

The main point is that people may be wrong if they think that when reddwarf mentions the term "number cycle" he is talking about numbers that have to repeat based on the pigeonhole principle.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: saihtaM on Aug 02, 02:39 PM 2022
Please insert "after a fixed amount of spins" into my last paragraph after the word "repeat":

QuoteThe main point is that people may be wrong if they think that when reddwarf mentions the term "number cycle" he is talking about numbers that have to repeat [after a fixed amount of spins] based on the pigeonhole principle.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Aug 02, 03:02 PM 2022
Thanks for clarifying   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Aug 02, 03:30 PM 2022
Quote from: saihtaM on Aug 02, 02:39 PM 2022Please insert "after a fixed amount of spins" into my last paragraph after the word "repeat":

Thank you now go and win  :-X
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Aug 03, 12:21 AM 2022
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Aug 02, 03:30 PM 2022Thank you now go and win  :-X

Whom are you commanding to go if Mathias explains something to me ?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: RayManZ on Aug 03, 04:07 AM 2022
Quote from: saihtaM on Aug 02, 02:39 PM 2022Please insert "after a fixed amount of spins" into my last paragraph after the word "repeat":

Wait? So a cycle is not a repeat of a number/street/line/dozen/ec?

How can it be a cycle then?

A cycle for me is when you start with a number, get more numbers, one of those numbers repeats. Cycle complete.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: saihtaM on Aug 03, 07:19 AM 2022
Quote from: RayManZ on Aug 03, 04:07 AM 2022Wait? So a cycle is not a repeat of a number/street/line/dozen/ec?
I mean, it obviously is, but perhaps not in this context.

If someone can produce a chart that similar to the one that reddwarf posted (with not just a clear upward trend, but also the same range/ratio of spins/units), without a different understanding of what a number cycle is, I would be interested to see it. I'm not saying it's not possible, but there has to be a reason it looks like this (and not, for example, less steep). What I did doesn't seem too far off.

Quote from: RayManZ on Aug 03, 04:07 AM 2022How can it be a cycle then?
By still including completion/repetition.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Aug 03, 08:49 AM 2022
A cycle is a closed trail in which the "first vertex = last vertex" is
the only vertex that is repeated.
Yes or No?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Aug 03, 12:21 PM 2022
Inside the closed one there is an internal movement.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Aug 03, 12:29 PM 2022
The old school used to say that the cycle begins with repetition and ends with repetition.
Or it starts with a unique, and ends with a repetition.
Examples - 1353 - 3455
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Aug 03, 02:10 PM 2022
Are those positions all correct?

Dz cycle   Result
3123             1
322             1
22             1
2311             1
11             1
122             1
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Aug 03, 04:12 PM 2022
Correct, but in the first cycle position 3
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Aug 03, 04:31 PM 2022
Yes, correct person my bad.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: d80 on Aug 03, 08:02 PM 2022
Ok and how we can use this cycle to be profitable?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Clf7 on Aug 04, 07:53 PM 2022
@Herbyx pm  :)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Aug 05, 12:57 AM 2022
From a cycle like 12341
We can have 1341 # 1231 ?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: saihtaM on Aug 27, 08:31 AM 2022
Quote from: saihtaM on Aug 02, 09:59 AM 2022The attached chart is based on my understanding of what reddwarf may have referred to as "number cycle".

Seems pretty close to the chart he posted here: rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=9090.msg76356#msg76356

No, number cycles of this kind are not about repeats that have to happen after x amount of spins.

And this also hasn't made me a winner.

After I have received certain information, I think that I may have been totally wrong here in thinking that my chart might be based on the same thing as reddwarf's.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 10, 05:08 PM 2023
Quote from: saihtaM on Aug 02, 02:23 PM 2022The main point is that people may be wrong if they think that when reddwarf mentions the term "number cycle" he is talking about numbers that have to repeat based on the pigeonhole principle.

been a while since i posted on my thread...

a number can,t be based on the php...how can it?

there are no extra pigeons...they are already assigned to there pigeon holes..

why did the originator Dyslexic name himself after that proff?

What does Dyslexic actually mean....why did he say numbers don,t matter  ?

What actually did rrbb/reddwarf  actually show you concerning the streams tracker...?

Dyselxic always said it was BASED on the php principle....

take note


not actual....i,ll leave you to think on this...

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Rond1nell1x on Mar 10, 09:43 PM 2023
Good to have you back!

I'm a fan of your posts and have read this entire thread, but I'm still looking to understand and explore the ideas I wanted to convey in this thread.

I wish I had the answer to all those questions you mentioned.

about this one:

What does Dyslexic actually mean....why did he say numbers don,t matter?

"Dyslexia is a learning disability of neurological origin. It is characterized by difficulty with correct reading fluency and difficulty with decoding and spelling skills.

The numbers don't matter because what matters is the "event" that occurs regardless of whether you are using numbers, letters or anything else.

The idea of exploring repeaters has many, but you try to show through the basics that we can explore unhits together with repeaters. I'm trying to find a way, any new teachings or tips will be welcome.

I created a spreadsheet where I put 5 cycles of numbers as was done at the beginning of the topic and I've been analyzing it trying to find a way to explore. (A photo of a cycle is attached)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Mar 11, 02:21 AM 2023
Just an idea?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Mar 11, 05:57 AM 2023
Hi Alex,
Sorry that I had no time to work with you, private reasons  :'(  :'( .
Your posted picture: use it as BASED, like 6-th said.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 11, 06:24 AM 2023
Quote from: Herbyx on Mar 11, 05:57 AM 2023Hi Alex,
Sorry that I had no time to work with you, private reasons  :'(  :'(


Quote from: Herbyx on Mar 11, 05:57 AM 2023Your posted picture: use it as BASED, like 6-th said.

Tbh...i,m perplexed....why on earth would you use this?

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Mar 11, 06:33 AM 2023
Quote from: 6th-sense on Mar 11, 06:24 AM 2023interesting...
not really: illness, burial

Quote from: 6th-sense on Mar 11, 06:24 AM 2023Tbh...i,m perplexed....why on earth would you use this?

seems I found something different  :question:

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Rond1nell1x on Mar 11, 06:38 AM 2023
RRBB I believe that with the ordinality I mainly wanted to show where the repeaters will be.
Now how to use PHP in roulette I still have no idea how.

Hope ¨th-Sense can shed some light!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Drazen on Mar 11, 08:07 AM 2023
Quote from: Rond1nell1x on Mar 10, 09:43 PM 2023"Dyslexia is a learning disability of neurological origin. It is characterized by difficulty with correct reading fluency and difficulty with decoding and spelling skills.

Incidentally, many forum members have asked me why I called myself 'Dyksexlic'
It was out of respect and admiration for the man who opened my eyes to the possibility of a 100% winning roulette bet.
His name was Professor Dijkstra
Go ahead Google it.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Rond1nell1x on Mar 11, 08:21 AM 2023
Thanks for the info!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 11, 12:44 PM 2023
Quote from: Drazen on Mar 11, 08:07 AM 2023It was out of respect and admiration for the man who opened my eyes to the possibility of a 100% winning roulette bet.
His name was Professor Dijkstra

Again...why name yourself Dyslexic? in relation to Professor Dijkstra ?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Drazen on Mar 11, 02:36 PM 2023

That was a citation on Dyksexlic... Those are his exact words, his past post on the forum, not mine. That's why it is in Italic. My apologies if that wasn't obvious enough.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 11, 02:42 PM 2023
Quote from: Drazen on Mar 11, 02:36 PM 20236th

That was a citation on Dyksexlic... Those are his exact words, his past post on the forum, not mine. That's why it is in Italic. My apologies if that wasn't obvious enough.

i know ..no apologies needed...i think you have misinterpreted what i,m asking

....why would he name himself Dyslexic
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Drazen on Mar 11, 02:55 PM 2023
That is a good question indeed. I always thought it has something with Dijkstras algorithm which would be finding the shortest path from a node to all other nodes in the graph?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 11, 03:24 PM 2023
Quote from: Drazen on Mar 11, 02:55 PM 2023That is a good question indeed. I always thought it has something with Dijkstras algorithm which would be finding the shortest path from a node to all other nodes in the graph?

obviousley you have googled the proff in question...still does not explain the relation betweeen Dsylexic name and his proff he named himself after...or am i missing something?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Drazen on Mar 11, 04:33 PM 2023
I don't think you are missing anything, but it's obvious the rest of us are  :question:

I am sure we would appreciate if you could explain the relation.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Mar 12, 12:12 AM 2023
Find out the relations, the antagonistics.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Mar 13, 03:46 PM 2023
At spin 4 my pigeonhole corresponding to odd spin 1 has two elements. Reset
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ati on Mar 16, 06:40 PM 2023
Quote from: 6th-sense on Mar 11, 12:44 PM 2023Again...why name yourself Dyslexic? in relation to Professor Dijkstra ?
I'm assuming the name itself has to do with "order". I'm not sure how exactly it's related to Dijkstra, perhaps it has to do with subsequnces and their relations?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 18, 06:09 AM 2023
Quote from: ati on Mar 16, 06:40 PM 2023I'm assuming the name itself has to do with "order". I'm not sure how exactly it's related to Dijkstra, perhaps it has to do with subsequnces and their relations?


Quote from: Drazen on Mar 11, 04:33 PM 2023I don't think you are missing anything, but it's obvious the rest of us are  :question:

I am sure we would appreciate if you could explain the relation

i am considering doing this excact thing....

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Mar 20, 08:16 AM 2023
One, two,
Freddy's coming for you.
Three, four,
Better lock your door
Five, six,
grab a crucifix.
Seven, eight,
Gonna stay up late.
Nine, ten,
Never sleep again....
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Drazen on Mar 20, 09:22 AM 2023
What fascinates me is that on one side you have people saying how simple it is once you know the solution...

"No, I'm not using a tracker. If you know what you are looking for it is easy to see!"

"But, I decided not to neatly package the info because the system is so easy to remember"

"It is so simple that an idiot can learn it."

"I said that I bet 2 THINGS: what could those 2 things be? It is really very simple!"

"It is simple."

"I could explain the system in 4 senteces..."

On the other hand, you have riddle after riddle, after riddle... Sunrise, Sunset, 2 planets, rotations, what not...
You have layer upon layer upon layer of mathematical principles, theorems and concepts used to create the bet...

Mind bending indeed  :)

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Mar 20, 02:33 PM 2023
You forgot one.

We can easily find the related roulette numbers, so betting on the derived sets is rather simple.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Mar 20, 04:51 PM 2023
Imagine that you have an apple tree growing in your garden without one important branch. And someone said that if you can grow this extra branch, then you can harvest gold bars from it year after year. But an apple tree cannot turn into a golden klondike - such is its nature, its genetic codes are tuned to produce only apples. So the wheel - 2.7%, no system will crack.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Mar 20, 05:01 PM 2023
Let's face it. I'll try to be a detective) Waddy found out about the law of 2/3 and really managed to win (hmm, I myself spent 10 sessions playing Turbo systems and did not lose a single one, but then I tested on RX and it crashed). Since there was a lot of adrenaline in his body, he believed that this was really the grail and, on emotions, began to preach about his achievements. But then suddenly disappeared - adrenaline over? Weird tricks.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Mar 20, 05:08 PM 2023
Or their level of presentation of the material is so well encrypted that they surpassed the Masons and the Illuminati, using roulette symbolism to explain the systems. That is, in each system, the essence is explained in the language of symbols, but we cannot understand what, for example, the symbol means Sunrise, Sunset, etc. Perhaps behind these words are deeper thoughts that lead to the system. I don't know, it doesn't sound like crap. My personal opinion.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Irish88 on Mar 20, 05:48 PM 2023
Carpediem posted this a few months ago. I think it's very insightful. I think there is something there. I can't interpret it but I think it's there. I just can't figure it out. I have tried very hard. I very much appreciate all the help Gordon and others have posted. I just can't get there unfortunately. I do believe there is something though.

Carpediem post:

If you are only observing the effect, you'll get nowhere. Cycles and statistics will get you nowhere.
Taking single numbers into account, what causes 99,99... % of the time a repeater on the Low partition on singles? A repeat on the last 18 numbers.(see 1st post in this thread)
Anyone that has a working method has an answer to this question.
The answer can only be this: you will chose not to play a guessing game. You will forget about hope and the 1000 other methods you read on online forums(including this one). They will lead you to perdition. Forget hot numbers and cold numbers. They are an illusion. Substitute the numerals with 37 types of cars. Or 37 names of people.37 words. Now, you are already ahead of the game. There are no "dozens", no "even chances", no "colors" or "quads"

IF you were to bet on a spun number,your sequence from hell will be this: all 37 numbers appearing in the last 37 spins. No way around that. Table limts and unfair payout will lead you to Minus.
You will probably have to wait for the extinction of life on Earth and Death of the Universe, but say for the sake of it, imagine you are there with a roulette wheel and you got that run from hell.
Once a 37 spin cycle ends, you will observe something: the number of unhits  equals the number of 1+ display.(record this in your mind)
That is the balanced state.
You now that have restricted the play session to max 37 spins, and as you have limited the number of permutations, you've cut one (out of the many) Random tentacles.
If you play only hit numbers, you will lose.
If you play only unhit numbers, you will lose.
So obviously, within a 37 spaces game, the winning bet has to include both the hit and unhit numbers. At the same time.
Your goal will be to achieve Balance.
At the end, from chaos(roulette spins), you will get order.
There are 2 school of thought, one that focuses on Repeaters (chaos) another one that focuses on End State:Ballance(order). Both can be used to profit.
The law of large numbers is your number 1 enemy. Play the same numbers, the same color and same method(bet) and you will lose.
All methods fail unless you find ballance.
This thread initiated by rrbb is not the Holy Grail, but it gives you food for thought. Remember from this thread only this:
1)repeaters happen on the Low side of the dynamic appearances 99 percent of time. That is just 1 principle.
2) you need to create a game, where you set up dependancies. Divide everything by half, then create opposite pairs. The color, the perfume, the class Name of the pairs does not matter in this selection. The pairs need to be mutually exclusive.
The only way to exploit the dependancies is to seek the balance. That is all.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 20, 06:16 PM 2023
The strange case of The Pigeon-hole Principle
If you come to think about it, The Pigeon-hole Principle presents a case that is curious in more than one respect.

It has a remarkably high status: it has a special name, under which it is well-known; Ross Honsberger even calls it "A fundamental tool of combinatorics".

It is surrounded by some mystique. Proofs using it are often regarded as something special, something particularly ingenious. This feeling of awe is, for instance, nicely reflected by Honsberger when he concludes one of his examples with "(Another triumph of the pigeonhole principle.)".

Its usual formulation is —as we shall see in a moment— unfortunate. Let me quote Honsberger once more —there is nothing special about me quoting Honsberger all the time: one of his books just happens to lie on my desk—:

"if more than n objects are distributed into a set of n compartments, some compartment must receive [ for "must receive" read "receives", EWD] more than one of the objects."
(Instead of "more than n" one often encounters the more specific "n + 1".)
My feeling is that these three observations are not unrelated.

*      *      *
To begin with, let me formulate the Purified Pigeon-hole Principle (PPP):

"For a non-empty, finite bag of numbers, the maximum value is at least the average value."
It is a generalization, because in the old formulation, it would be (OFPP)

"If more than n·k objects are distributed into a set of n compartments, some compartment receives more than k of the objects."
I think it is illuminating to analyze the differences between those two formulations (in what I consider increasing order of seriousness):

PPP does not mention n and k explicitly; this eases the application, because the conscientious application of OFPP would require explicit instantiations of n and k.
OFPP is very operational; it would have been less so, had "are distributed" and "receives" had been replaced by "have been distributed" and "contains" respectively. The metaphor drags a process into the picture, where only the final state matters. (This is really serious, for what if "the objects are already in the compartments"? Well, of course we could have put them there, but then some people feel obliged to argue that we could have done so in "arbitrary" order: irrelevantia in the formulation of a theorem have the awkward consequence that the conscientious user of the theorem has to demonstrate their irrelevance.)
OFPP mentions "objects" and "compartments", things that have nothing to do with the theorem. I know that some people believe that the introduction of such things "ease the visualisation", but I think the price too heavy to pay. When dealing with natural numbers, we should be able to deal with them in their own right and not be forced to introduce "objects" counted by them! (It is really like representing natural numbers in a unary number system, with the well-known difficulty of "the invisible zero".) Also, one may have to invent "compartments" that don't "look" like compartments at all. The "mystique" of the Pigeon-hole Principle is partly due the sometimes surprising invention of "objects" and the "compartments".
*      *      *
Let me now relate to you two stories about the Pigeon-hole Principle that both amazed me; for me —but perhaps I am sensitive to the point of allergy— they suggest that the traditional Pigeon-hole Principle is a focal point of how mathematics is (but not should be) taught.

A few weeks ago I was told "The Problem of the Soccer Toto". (Not knowing the rules of the soccer toto, I got the explanation; for your benefit I shall repeat them.)

On a given Sunday, 13 soccer matches will be played. Each match has one of three possible outcomes, denoted by "1", "2" and "X" respectively. Hence there are 313 possible Sundays. For our purpose "Sunday" will be one of those 313 possible "columns" of height 13, with in each line one of the three permissible entries 1, 2 or X.

A toto form consists of a row of blanc columns of height 13; its user is free in his choice of the number of columns he is going to fill in. The question is to devise a strategy for filling in the minimal number of columns so that at least 1 column coincides with Sunday in at least 5 entries. Here we go.

Forget about the 5: what if at least 1 column should coincide with Sunday in at least 1 entry? Two columns won't do, for Sunday then could contain for each line an outcome missing in the corresponding line of the toto form. With 3 columns such that at least one row contains all three outcomes, at least one coincidence —in that row— is guaranteed. So far we needed 3 columns and have used only one row. Can we use the remaining 12 rows to increase the score? By filling those each with some permutation of the three outcomes, we force in each row precisely one coincidence with Sunday. Make in each column the count of coincidences: their sum being 13, their average is 4⅓. and their maximum (PPP) is ≥5. End of argument (heuristics included). Notice that there was no need at all to interpret the form as a table defining how, indeed, each object (=match) was placed in one compartment (=column).

But suppose that the question had been different: given a form in which 4 columns have been filled in such that each row contains each of the three possible outcomes, can you show that at least 1 column coincides in at least 4 entries with Sunday? Now the total number of coincidences is ≥13, the average count is ≥3¼, and hence the maximum count is ≥4. Please notice that in this case the metaphor of putting objects (=matches) into compartments (=columns) creates problems: an object may "occupy" two compartments! (It is utterly predictable how the average mathematician will save his face: "Sure! If generalize the problem, I don't take the matches but the coincidences as my objects! I would have done so right at the start, would I have known that you would generalize the problem!") So much for the avoidable obligation of identifying the "objects".

But now the sad part of the story. The colleague that posed me this problem had been challenged with it by one of his graduate students. When we met again he was utterly amazed to hear that the problem could be solved without pen and paper, and when I told him my solution, he looked so puzzled that I am not sure he understood it. "Of course I know the Pigeon-hole Principle, but I never.....", and then wandering thoughts prevented him from completing the sentence. Was he still looking for the objects and the compartments? The way he had been introduced to the principle and all the imaginations that went with it was obviously a barrier to its straight-forward application. I felt that I had had a glimpse of something frightening.

The second story concerns my preparation of a lecture on the Pigeon-hole Principle: I wanted to show my students the most spectacular application of it I had ever encountered. I scratched my memory, and then I remembered: the lower bound for the length of the longest monotonic subsequence! I remembered my thrill, but had forgotten the argument, which I then set out to construct.

Let me state the problem first. We consider a sequence of numbers a.i with 0 ≤ i < N. We get a subsequence of length n by removing some N - n elements from the sequence and retaining the remaining ones in their original order. It is called "an upsequence" provided for any a.i and a.j in the subsequence we have

i < j ⇒ a.i ≤ a.j ;
in the case that we have
i < j ⇒ a.i ≥ a.j ;
it is called "a downsequence".
Let U be the length of a longest upsequence contained in the given sequence, and let D be the length of a longest downsequence contained in it. Prove that N ≤ U·D holds.

The argument I came up with went as follows. Let us construct U·D different labels; if we can now devise a regime that assigns to each element a distinct label, then N —being the number of labels used— is at most U·D —being the number of labels available.

How do we construct U·D different labels? The simplest way I can think of is all the integer pairs (u,d), with 1 ≤ u ≤ U and 1 ≤ d ≤ D. How do we devise a regime that assigns for i < j different labels to a.i and a.j? In order to relate the regime to up- and downsequences, we observe

i < j ⇒ a.i ≤ a.j ∨ a.i ≥ a.j
i.e. a.j can be used to extend either an upsequence or a downsequence ending at a.i. This observation reveals the regime: assign to a.i the pair (u,d) with u (and d) the maximum length of an upsequence (and a downsequence respectively) that ends at a.i. This guarantees
that distinct elements get distinct labels
that each label (u,d) needed satisfies 1 ≤ u ≤ U and 1 ≤ d ≤ D.
I was quite pleased with the reconstruction of this argument, until I realized that what used to be "a triumph of the Pigeon-hole Principle" no longer used the Pigeon-hole Principle at all!

I could reintroduce an appeal to the Pigeon-hole Principle, but only by a contorted rephrasing. [ Identify the elements with objects, the labels with compartments; assume N —the number of objects— to exceed U·D —the number of compartments—; then —PP— at least one compartment would contain more than one objects, which contradicts that distinct elements get distinct labels. Hence N does not exceed U·D. ]

Remark It is in this connection noteworthy that no one I asked formulated the Pigeon-hole Principle as follows: " With objects distributed into compartments such that each compartment contains at most one object, the number of objects is at most the number of compartments". It is logically equivalent to the original formulation, but looks quite different. And that, presumably, is precisely the trouble. (End of Remark.)

With its physical, object-oriented formulation, the classical Pigeon-hole Principle is very vivid, almost catchy. And there lie precisely its major shortcomings: the problem caused by such object-oriented formulation is that A ⇒ B and the logically equivalent "counter-positive" ¬B ⇒ ¬A invite completely different visualisations. The moral of the story seems to be that we should sharply distinguish between good mathematics and public relations.

Austin, 19 September 1986

prof. dr. Edsger W. Dijkstra
Department of Computer Sciences
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX 78750–1188
United States of America

transcribed by Martijn van der Veen
revised Thu, 27 May 2010
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 20, 06:20 PM 2023
Quote from: 6th-sense on Mar 20, 06:16 PM 2023To begin with, let me formulate the Purified Pigeon-hole Principle (PPP):

just like to add..PPP CONCEPT...strange coinincidence to the original win3million bet the PPPC bet
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: duchobor on Mar 21, 07:28 AM 2023
Quote from: 6th-sense on Mar 20, 06:20 PM 2023just like to add..PPP CONCEPT...strange coinincidence to the original win3million bet the PPPC bet
what do you mean by 'original PPPC bet'? As far as I know, it was never described in any practical way. There were plenty of divagations about the bet (CWB). Some of them were: EC combo: bet the last outcome + bet against the last outcome + bet decision before the last outcome. Another: combination of 2x EC + 1x column. Probably many more I don't remember at the moment :) 
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 21, 01:25 PM 2023
Quote from: Irish88 on Mar 20, 05:48 PM 2023Carpediem posted this a few months ago. I think it's very insightful. I think there is something there. I can't interpret it but I think it's there. I just can't figure it out. I have tried very hard. I very much appreciate all the help Gordon and others have posted. I just can't get there unfortunately. I do believe there is something though.

Im sorry if i havent responded to some of the PM you guys sent me. The main issue i see is what Drazen spoke about.  I will speak more about CarpeDiem post below...

Quote from: Drazen on Mar 20, 09:22 AM 2023What fascinates me is that on one side you have people saying how simple it is once you know the solution...

On the other hand, you have riddle after riddle, after riddle... Sunrise, Sunset, 2 planets, rotations, what not...
You have layer upon layer upon layer of mathematical principles, theorems and concepts used to create the bet...

The problem is that many different approaches were shared to open your understanding.  Then the riddles were done to give you the ideas of what you need to accomplish using the new understanding.

So yes i admit that it can be confusing.  But all you need to do is ask yourself specific questions and have a good understanding of the information you are breaking down using the concepts.

Now Carpediem has shared the best direct approach on the rouletteforum!  Yes there are riddles in his message but he also shared how to solve it.  I suggest you focus on his last two post.  Dont overthink it. 

At the end of the day all riddles lead to balance and you cant see it unless you see the dependency
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 21, 01:39 PM 2023
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Mar 21, 01:25 PM 2023At the end of the day all riddles lead to balance and you cant see it unless you see the dependency

Quote from: Priyanka on Oct 25, 09:43 AM 2017Badger - Am not claiming that I know the solution. That puts me in a place where am not qualified to say this approach is right or wrong. However pigeon hole pricinple, friends and strangers theorem does have legs and we will have to do some kind of pairing to create dependencies. So yeah, we need to think in the direction you are stating here if we have to induce dependencies.

This even goes all the way back to Pri...

My point is again... Everything shared all comes down to the same thing as confusing as it might seem right now.

Even Pri shared exact approach very nonchalantly
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Irish88 on Mar 21, 04:05 PM 2023
So the thing that really resonates with me is that he says the numbers don't matter. You can replace them with animals, types of cars, or 37 different names of people. There are no dozens, no columns, no colors, no even chances. It's just a table of numbers I guess but it could 37 of anything.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 21, 05:56 PM 2023
Quote from: Irish88 on Mar 21, 04:05 PM 2023So the thing that really resonates with me is that he says the numbers don't matter. You can replace them with animals, types of cars, or 37 different names of people. There are no dozens, no columns, no colors, no even chances. It's just a table of numbers I guess but it could 37 of anything.


I just want you to keep in mind this is nothing new!

Dykselic said... "Roulette has NOTHING to do with numbers if you replaced the numbers with pictures of bunny rabbits, this mathematical principle would STILL hold true"

Dykselic said... "RNG Roulette as we all KNOW consists of 37 SEPARATE numbers. However, as I previously explained, the numbers are really just 'PLACE' holders,
 and could easily be replaced with ANY other 37 'PLACE' holders (e.g 37 colours, 37 animals, 37 pictures of 'Forum Haters' etc."

Now go back to CarpeDiem last post about 200 cubes.... random happens in between but the overall outcome is the same

This holds true if you use colors/animals/forum haters lol
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 21, 06:19 PM 2023
Lets go back to the riddles

Using the 200 cubes your goal is to know when the bag will be empty.  It didnt matter if cube 1 came out first or cube 66.  All the random happening doent matter.

Your goal is FINAL and its always the same

Your Final goal always happens each and every time.  So you need to make sure you win when it happens.

Now you dont know when it will happen all you know is that it will.  Sometimes it happens fast and sometimes it takes an eternity.

So How can you survive long enough?

Make more similar goals that are Final!  Make it so that a goal cant happen without another goal! OR make it so that if a final Goal occurs another similar goal cant

Sunrise Sunset happen at the same time in different places.. but cant happen in the same place at the same time.

Quote from: CarpeDiem on Aug 21, 08:24 AM 2022When you construct a game (bet):
You look for a continuum process.  When you know something has to happen, you will "tune" your session to match that Certainty.

The  (only true)  goal is to discover the dependant nature of events. Until you get that, you have no bet.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Irish88 on Mar 21, 07:29 PM 2023
Well using the cubes analogy by Carpe after 200 pulls your bag will be empty, if you pull one cube at a time. There are 37 place holders on the wheel/table......is this how we should be looking at it?

I think I am confused because after 37 spins, all the numbers/placeholders are not pulled. Due to a number hitting more then once and numbers not being pulled if you compare it the same way as the bag analogy.

 If you put the 37 roulette numbers in bag and took the corresponding number out of the bag after it was spun at a real roulette table you would still have numbers left in the bag after 37 spins.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 21, 08:55 PM 2023
Quote from: Irish88 on Mar 21, 07:29 PM 2023Well using the cubes analogy by Carpe after 200 pulls your bag will be empty, if you pull one cube at a time. There are 37 place holders on the wheel/table......is this how we should be looking at it?

I think I am confused because after 37 spins, all the numbers/placeholders are not pulled. Due to a number hitting more then once and numbers not being pulled if you compare it the same way as the bag analogy.

 If you put the 37 roulette numbers in bag and took the corresponding number out of the bag after it was spun at a real roulette table you would still have numbers left in the bag after 37 spins.
You guys over think it to much but here I'll share...

Empty bag = balanced state

Balance state = beginning of new cycle
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Irish88 on Mar 21, 09:48 PM 2023
Ok but Carpe posted cycles and statistics will get you nowhere. A repeat is the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new cycle. So cycles do matter?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 21, 11:34 PM 2023
Quote from: Irish88 on Mar 21, 09:48 PM 2023Ok but Carpe posted cycles and statistics will get you nowhere. A repeat is the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new cycle. So cycles do matter?

All i did was point it out for you and make it clear.

Now you know the balance state.  No more guessing.

Quote from: CarpeDiem on Aug 20, 12:28 PM 2022If you are only observing the effect, you'll get nowhere.

Only looking at cycles will get you nowhere.  But cycles are needed!

Quote from: CarpeDiem on Aug 21, 08:24 AM 2022Unless you see the dependancies, and use them to get to a balanced state, you will get nowhere.

Quote from: MoneyT101 on Mar 21, 01:25 PM 2023At the end of the day all riddles lead to balance and you cant see it unless you see the dependency

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 22, 10:55 AM 2023
This image is to answer a question i got in PM

Plus 1.png

This is what it looks like after all 37 number show up and 1 repeat

1 number/ 1 Group is always ahead

LH 19 18
EO 19 18
RB 18 19
Dozenz 13 12 12
Columns 12 13 12
Straight 36 numbers 1 hit and 1 number 2 hits= 0 1

The spin before the repeat they are all even( 18/18 12/12/12)

During the cycle one group might get ahead and another might fall behind.  But you set the rules.  A cycle doesnt start/end until a repeat.  You decide whats the overall repeat for you but in this case its a Straight number.

Now ask yourself a question.  What am i looking at?  This should also answer the other part about dependencies
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Rond1nell1x on Mar 22, 11:07 AM 2023
MoneyT101, I really appreciate your contributions!

I was rereading your tips and the last 2 posts by Carpediem as you suggested.

talking about direct numbers, I have a question:

Dependency can only be created from opposite pairs. Am I right?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Irish88 on Mar 22, 11:30 AM 2023
Quote from: Rond1nell1x on Mar 22, 11:07 AM 2023MoneyT101, I really appreciate your contributions!

I was rereading your tips and the last 2 posts by Carpediem as you suggested.

talking about direct numbers, I have a question:

Dependency can only be created from opposite pairs. Am I right?

For ex 1 and 19?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Rond1nell1x on Mar 22, 11:37 AM 2023
Carpediem said there are 2 games to follow:

The only and i mean only way to stay ahead is to bet knowingly. Unless you see the dependancies, and use them to get to a balanced state, you will get nowhere. Once (!) you know the balanced state, you have an option: *to Choose chaotically, or orderly*. The choice is yours.

I believe I am following the chaotic way. That's all I can say for now.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Irish88 on Mar 22, 11:42 AM 2023
Quote from: Rond1nell1x on Mar 22, 11:37 AM 2023Irish88
Carpediem said there are 2 games to follow:

The only and i mean only way to stay ahead is to bet knowingly. Unless you see the dependancies, and use them to get to a balanced state, you will get nowhere. Once (!) you know the balanced state, you have an option: *to Choose chaotically, or orderly*. The choice is yours.

I believe I am following the chaotic way. That's all I can say for now.

Ok I very much appreciate you and Money T answering my questions. All I can do is try. Thank you to Gordon and Carpe also.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 22, 11:52 AM 2023
Quote from: Rond1nell1x on Mar 22, 11:07 AM 2023Dependency can only be created from opposite pairs. Am I right?

No!  Look at my post from before with the image. Once you know how to use the dependency then the opposite pairs help solve the rest. You can see the wins and will stay ahead but you wont always get 100%. To make it bulletproof you have to create the same game but with a stitched bet.  At this point you would know how to do it or atleast have an idea of how to do it.

Quote from: Irish88 on Mar 22, 11:30 AM 2023For ex 1 and 19?

Yea 1 and 19 are opposites and you can say 2 and 20
so is 1 and 2 or 35 and 36

I wrote something and just deleted it cause im doing the work for you.  But just look at the details above. Subtle but its there staring you in the face
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: RayManZ on Mar 22, 12:23 PM 2023
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Mar 22, 11:52 AM 2023No!  Look at my post from before with the image. Once you know how to use the dependencythen the opposite pairs help solve the rest. You can see the wins and will stay ahead but you wont always get 100%. To make it bulletproof you have to create the same game but with a stitched bet.  At this point you would know how to do it or atleast have an idea of how to do it.

About dependency

what does this looks like? A street has a dependency with a line? because a line contains 2 streets? Sometimes its really hard to understand the meaning of words as someone who doesnt speak english as first language.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Mar 22, 05:22 PM 2023
Perhaps the concept of dependencies makes balance a guaranteed state. At the beginning, there is no balance, in the middle we are approaching it, and at the end of the cycle, the balance is already created automatically due to dependencies.
On the other hand, if you look at the tracker, then there are no dependencies, but simple mechanics that also include this balance.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 22, 10:34 PM 2023
Quote from: RayManZ on Mar 22, 12:23 PM 2023About dependency

what does this looks like? A street has a dependency with a line? because a line contains 2 streets? Sometimes its really hard to understand the meaning of words as someone who doesnt speak english as first language.

Two events are dependent when the outcome of the first event influences the outcome of the second event.

Events which are mutually exclusive are dependent events. This is because if one event happens, it affects the probability that the other event will happen

Possible Dependent events shared before
-Defining dozens
- repeat happens in the low derived set( most recent numbers)
- and finally the one you shared above, line repeat could mean street repeat

Are there more?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 22, 10:50 PM 2023
Just go back and read CarpeDiem message a couple of times and then read my recent post. It's there!  Yea there are riddles but also the info is there without riddles in plain sight.

If you can't figure it out.  Then just read his message and think for yourself.  Ask yourself questions.

Forget winning at roulette

What's the problem you are trying to solve?

Why can't you solve it?

What would make it work in a perfect world?

Can you create an artificial perfect world?

You want answers to questions you aren't asking! If you can't think of the right questions then just staring at info and trying things will not help you!

You have to think it and create it.  It doesn't just happen and work.  You choose to make it work.

You see the result! You see how to get to it! You see how to make it better. 

Go back to the beginning if you have to.  Why does a repeat happen from the most recent number. 37 numbers and repeat comes from the last 18 numbers


Why is the repeat not coming from 19 numbers before or 28 numbers before ?  Why is it from last 18 numbers at such a high rate?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: d80 on Mar 23, 03:57 AM 2023
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Mar 21, 08:55 PM 2023Balance state = beginning of new cycle

Money when you said "Balance state = beginning of new cycle" it mean at any end cycle will have a profit at roulette? or it can have new cycles without still a new high at bankroll?

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 23, 08:27 AM 2023
Quote from: d80 on Mar 23, 03:57 AM 2023Money when you said "Balance state = beginning of new cycle" it mean at any end cycle will have a profit at roulette? or it can have new cycles without still a new high at bankroll?

When a cycle ends, it's over!  Any loss or wins has nothing to do with the next cycle. So within the cycle all decisions/bets placed come to end. When a cycle is over you are either in profit or small loss.

To give you only an example you could win $1-$3 every cycle profit and lose $1 on a loss.  In the long run you accumulate more wins then losses.

Example of a cycle with 5 unique straight numbers


Any bets placed from 30-22 come to end when 26 repeats.  You should be at a profit or small loss.  You can't carry over this loss/win to the next cycle. Next cycle will have its own decisions and length and you have to start fresh. 
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 23, 08:52 AM 2023
Maybe this will help...

Now the reason why you can't carry a loss over to the next cycle is because it's a form of flatbet.   

Example 1: I bet $10

I can have $2 on high
I can have $3 on lines 2/3/4
I can have $3 on even
I can have $2 on split 25/28 15/18

Example 2: I bet $10

I can have $2 on low
I can have $3 on streets 3/6/8
I can have $2 on even
I can have $3 on straight 12 35 30

Now this is only an example.  I didn't share any secret within it. Both bets placed were $10 total.  Depending on what happens you will have won/loss different amounts.

You always bet the same amount.  But the amount shifts between numbers/groups based on the cycle.

At the end of the cycle you are either in profit or small loss.   But you should win more then you lose! So the $10 each bet for 36 spins will give you a profit or a small loss.

It doesn't matter you placed $10x36 times... in the end you will be in profit or small loss.

Now if you take it to the next level you can avoid this loss altogether and be in profit or break even

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Irish88 on Mar 23, 09:02 AM 2023
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Mar 23, 08:27 AM 2023When a cycle ends, it's over!  Any loss or wins has nothing to do with the next cycle. So within the cycle all decisions/bets placed come to end. When a cycle is over you are either in profit or small loss.

To give you only an example you could win $1-$3 every cycle profit and lose $1 on a loss.  In the long run you accumulate more wins then losses.

Example of a cycle with 5 unique straight numbers


Any bets placed from 30-22 come to end when 26 repeats.  You should be at a profit or small loss.  You can't carry over this loss/win to the next cycle. Next cycle will have its own decisions and length and you have to start fresh. 

Ok a repeat happened and the previous cycle is over. A new cycle begins.

Would you start from spin 26(the one that just hit), only one number.  Or would you incorporate 23,6 and 22.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 23, 09:05 AM 2023
Quote from: Irish88 on Mar 23, 09:02 AM 2023Would you start from spin 26(the one that just hit), only one number.  Or would you incorporate 23,6 and 22.

Until you get the hang of things it's best to start with 26.  Once you understand you can backtrack until before the last repeat. Whatever is more comfortable for you. 
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 23, 09:50 AM 2023
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Mar 23, 08:52 AM 2023Example 1: I bet $10

I can have $2 on high
I can have $3 on lines 2/3/4
I can have $3 on even
I can have $2 on split 25/28 15/18

How much would I have won if 18 hit?

Quote from: MoneyT101 on Mar 23, 08:52 AM 2023Example 2: I bet $10

I can have $2 on low
I can have $3 on streets 3/6/8
I can have $2 on even
I can have $3 on straight 12 35 30

How much would I have won if 12 hit?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: donik7777 on Mar 23, 10:06 AM 2023
In first example with #18 you will win
54 units

Ds 3x5=15
Even 3×1= 3
Split 15/18 2×18=36
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 23, 10:21 AM 2023
Let's bring back some old post from the man, the myth himself

All spins in roulette are seperate events and are not connnected.


However, as there are 37 seperate numbers, in a run of 38 consecutive numbers, at LEAST one of the 37 numbers MUST repeat a minimum of one time.


This principle is irrefutable and does not depend on probability, luck, trigger events, law of a third, hot/cold numbers, pattern recognition, physical laws, or some obscure scientific theory. It's just BASIC maths.

I use FLAT BETS. (Progressions pave the road to Hell).
I SOMETIMES cover ALL numbers.
I ALWAYS cover SOME numbers. .
I treat all numbers the same (including the zero).
No individual roulette number has greater or lesser significance to me than any other. I dont discriminate (hint, hint) !

You're correct. I win at least once within every 38 spin cycle. 100% guaranteed. I don't win each spin, like you said, the win cycle more than covers the losing spins.

"As u state in every cycle of 38 spins 1 repeater has to come. But if u only have one win u cannot profit, without progression. "

My point is I don't need to, as predicting the number spun is not a prerequisite for my system winning a 38 spin cycle.

It's not a crack in that sense, like a software crack. . just a solution to the problem of how do you secure a win regardless of sequence of numbers

My system doesn't wait for an event. It is a PRINCIPLED idea. No sequence of possible spins can change this principle. Try to understand. I just keep going, every 38 spin cycle is a winner. I enter all the bets manually, so its a little tedious, but more satisfying when I win. If the RNG "sends an extra Zero", that would be a repeat of the zero. I told you I treat all the numbers the same, including zero. A repeat is a repeat, regardless of the l number repeating.

What's confusing everyone is that you are all a$$uming that I bet 1 unit on 37 numbers.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 23, 10:29 AM 2023
Quote from: donik7777 on Mar 23, 10:06 AM 2023In first example with #18 you will win
54 units

Ds 3x5=15
Even 3×1= 3
Split 15/18 2×18=36

That's wrong

$3 on 3 ds means it's $1 each ds
$2 on two splits it's $1 each split
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Rond1nell1x on Mar 23, 10:34 AM 2023
Thanks MoneyT101, for the answer and for showing us new tips and approaches about the game.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Irish88 on Mar 23, 11:10 AM 2023
Thanks Money T, may I ask if you must play other games has been said. Can this work playing straight up numbers to must you play all types? As indicated in your example.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 23, 11:13 AM 2023
Quote from: Rond1nell1x on Mar 23, 10:34 AM 2023Thanks MoneyT101, for the answer and for showing us new tips and approaches about the game.


You're welcome!!! But I am just a student of the game.

All thanks goes to Dyksexlic, reddwarf/rrbb, Pri, CarpeDiem

Also thanks to many forum members (6th sense, Victor) who came up with tools and created different paths of exploring the information. 
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 23, 11:33 AM 2023
Quote from: Irish88 on Mar 23, 11:10 AM 2023Thanks Money T, may I ask if you must play other games has been said. Can this work playing straight up numbers to must you play all types? As indicated in your example.


If you have 1 left leg and no right leg/no arms. Then there's an earthquake and the room shifts towards the right.

A right leg might help and give you balance. Which is good!

Arms might help and you can grab something to keep you from falling.

You don't need the arms 100% if you have the right leg.

If you don't have the right but have arms and the left leg you can still hold on to something

If you have both legs and both arms you're definitely better off. 

So do you rather just have 1 leg? Or 2 legs? Or 1 leg and arms?  Or 2 legs and arms?

Start with 1 and see what happens! What's your goal? How do you get there? Can you get there? If not try two and ask the same questions...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 23, 12:14 PM 2023
For any new members this was an interesting read.  Back when reddwarf reached the end of his journey.  He tried to share some info...

Quote from: reddwarf on Feb 10, 03:55 AM 2012Of course: roulette is not tic-tac-toe but:

if we play tic-tac-toe at random and if the casino starts, they will win in the long run. However, if the casino plays random, and we play smart, we will win in the long run.

In other words: playing a different game might nullify the house edge (in the case of tic-tac-toe, there is also a house edge if the we win 1 unit when we win a game).

So the last time I will ask this on this forum: "what other games" could we play on the roulette table (or for that matter with sequences of numbers)???


Quote from: reddwarf on Feb 10, 05:53 AM 20121. a session must be short as not to be pulled in by statistics so to speak
2. a strict definition of what a number cycle is must be found
3. the "waiting for a win event" game must be avoided at all costs
4. progressions can only be used once a winning method has been found
5. playing just 1 method is not going to cut it
6. Einsteins definition of insanity must be remembered and revered at all times ("Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results"

I found it a really tough journey to free myself from the black hole of "waiting for an event to happen" for example: you can try to bet on repeats, but this is nothing more than a guessing game (hence a loosing proposition); not that repeats can not be used...

That's why I started this post: what more games can we play???


Quote from: reddwarf on Feb 11, 06:24 AM 2012I can and will not speak for the others, but i can tell you what way3 is NOT:
1. waiting for an event you need to win
2. guessing or predicting numbers
3. progression
4. waiting for a trigger

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 23, 12:20 PM 2023
Food for thought!!!

CarpeDiem said bet knowingly!

Reddwarf said guessing or predicting is not the way

So how can we bet knowing without predicting or guessing?  Then that must mean what?

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Irish88 on Mar 23, 12:28 PM 2023
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Mar 23, 12:20 PM 2023Food for thought!!!

CarpeDiem said bet knowingly!

Reddwarf said guessing or predicting is not the way

So how can we bet knowing without predicting or guessing?  Then that must mean what?

Wouldn't you be betting what has already come out in the cycle. Once the cycle is closed(repeat). You start over.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 23, 12:39 PM 2023
Quote from: Irish88 on Mar 23, 12:28 PM 2023Wouldn't you be betting what has already come out in the cycle. Once the cycle is closed(repeat). You start over.

Read this....

Quote from: reddwarf on Feb 10, 05:53 AM 2012I found it a really tough journey to free myself from the black hole of "waiting for an event to happen" for example: you can try to bet on repeats, but this is nothing more than a guessing game (hence a loosing proposition); not that repeats can not be used...

Quote from: CarpeDiem on Aug 20, 12:28 PM 2022If you play only hit numbers, you will lose.
If you play only unhit numbers, you will lose.
So obviously, within a 37 spaces game, the winning bet has to include both the hit and unhit numbers. At the same time.
Your goal will be to achieve Balance.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 23, 01:30 PM 2023
To help along the way ....for Mels body parts...your arms and legs...and to save you numerous hours of cross referencing...A member i,ve been working with has kindly allowed me to post this application he made...

this will help you save a lot of time....it shows you the real time movements of the postional and main..spin by spin...

just extract the rar file and your up and running

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 23, 01:42 PM 2023
Quote from: 6th-sense on Mar 23, 01:30 PM 2023this will help you save a lot of time....it shows you the real time movements of the postional and main..spin by spin...

just extract the rar file and your up.  and running

Another awesome share, thank you!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 23, 01:44 PM 2023
If you have a question, go back to the info; you will have an answer.

I used what was shared to reveal some more details that you might not have caught.  But everything is there.

I hope it helps and good luck to you all. 
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Mar 23, 02:07 PM 2023
Can you record a video with the field and bet selection closed, but with the balance open? For example, for 3 cycles of 37 spins.
To show us that we are not going for carrots.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: praline on Mar 23, 03:55 PM 2023
100% agree with Person S. Why should we bother if you don't want to show us some proof??!!

I found a great site with a great strategy, also there are plenty of proof that this is a winning strategy on YouTube.

The site is:

worldwideweb. Bet black after 7 red. dot make fast money. Martingale

For proof you should enter in the YouTube search line something like:

"Win roulette simple"
"Win roulette fast"
Or win roulette easy

If search results don't satisfy your expectations, you can try something like,
"Things they don't tell you about roulette. Hidden secret on doubling after loss or how to earn 1 unit by placing 256".

There are plenty of proofs on YouTube that martingale on black after seven reds WORKS, so I just can't see the reason of why are you, folks, are still here. Go make money!!!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: praline on Mar 23, 03:57 PM 2023
P.S. don't share it with anyone
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: praline on Mar 23, 04:03 PM 2023
By the way.

You should look only on those winning strategy's that have 1 milion or more views, so that you can be sure that you are the first to know the "secret".

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Mar 23, 05:09 PM 2023
Back to basics.  The basics aren't so basic after all.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 23, 11:18 PM 2023
Quote from: praline on Mar 23, 03:57 PM 2023P.S. don't share it with anyone

 :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  shhh dont tell anyone

Quote from: Blueprint on Mar 23, 05:09 PM 2023Back to basics.  The basics aren't so basic after all.

 :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 23, 11:30 PM 2023
Quote from: Person S on Mar 23, 02:07 PM 2023Can you record a video with the field and bet selection closed, but with the balance open? For example, for 3 cycles of 37 spins.
To show us that we are not going for carrots.

I changed the unit count a bit to throw it off. I also used a stream as a reference to make sure the coverage changed a bit each bet to hide the winning number so no one can backtest 100%. 

I dont need to prove anything to you so I made sure to keep it short to keep you guessing!  I dont need to prove anything to anyone! Go watch the game...



Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 24, 03:48 AM 2023
Quote from: Blueprint on Mar 23, 05:09 PM 2023Back to basics.  The basics aren't so basic after all.

the basic concept of Dyslexics php based idea is on that paper i posted..tbh i,m surprised no one has given that any thought...its not hard to work out that part ...

the basic part that shows you how to read the streams tracker
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 24, 08:07 AM 2023
Quote from: 6th-sense on Mar 24, 03:48 AM 2023the basic concept of Dyslexics php based idea is on that paper i posted..tbh i,m surprised no one has given that any thought...its not hard to work out that part ...

Yes that php paper is why I spoke of some of my old topics. I'll post some of my old quotes on it.  Wow I had nostalgia reading some of my post  :twisted:

You can really notice the learning process and ideas.  It's crazy how most of the stuff I said still stands and can be used to attack this topic and CarpeDiem message

Quote from: MoneyT101 on Oct 30, 04:02 PM 2021I posted before about the example professor dijkstra used and I tried to demonstrate it with dozens

Without knowing which will repeat In 13 spins we are guaranteed a dozen to repeat 5 times minimum! 

So if we can find some form of betting where we can take advantage of the hits and minimize the losses we can beat every 13 spins of dozens

The same can be applied for other number groups

Dyksexlic just found a way to apply this principle to 38 spins!

Quote from: MoneyT101 on Mar 18, 02:47 PM 2019-minimum repeat is 3 ds in 13 spins many times we will get our winning event

Quote from: MoneyT101 on Nov 02, 10:26 PM 2017We have 6 runners racing for 1 mile daily for the next 13 days.

Using the pigeonhole theory we can figure out the minimum amount of wins for 1 runner out of the 6.  We dont know who will win but we do know the minimum wins within the 13 days......

Atleast 1 runner will win 3 times.

Lets say each runner wins 2 times.  That will mean its been 12 days(6*2)...so on the 13th day 1 will have 3 wins no matter which way you slice it!

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 24, 08:09 AM 2023
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Mar 23, 11:30 PM 2023GameTheory.png


Php was used btw
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 24, 08:27 AM 2023
I don't interpret it as what you are saying Mel...I see it as it's literally telling you...

Cycle ending in itself is not the php concept....thats being shown by that paper...

The streams tracker is an actual visual of the concept...

Cycles have to happen yes...but the concept itself and streams tracker is just a visualisation of that purified pigeon hole concept
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 24, 08:36 AM 2023
Quote from: 6th-sense on Mar 24, 08:27 AM 2023I don't interpret it as what you are saying Mel...I see it as it's literally telling you...

Cycle ending in itself is not the php concept....thats being shown by that paper...

The streams tracker is an actual visual of the concept...

Cycles have to happen yes...but the concept itself and streams tracker is just a visualisation of that purified pigeon hole concept

I just quoted the old post to reference back to it.  But yes cycle ending is not the php concept I agree.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Mar 24, 08:43 AM 2023
Quote from: 6th-sense on Mar 24, 03:48 AM 2023php based idea is on that paper i posted..tbh i,m surprised no one has given that any thought...its not hard to work out that part ...

So there's nothing more to say about php
The man is standing on one leg.
Now it's time to make a horse about him.   

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Mar 24, 08:51 AM 2023
There's a mistake on the tracker screenshot but I can't verify bc it doesn't work on a Mac. 
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 24, 09:23 AM 2023
Quote from: Herbyx on Mar 24, 08:43 AM 2023So there's nothing more to say about php
The man is standing on one leg.
Now it's time to make a horse about him.   


There's an MMA fighter that has no legs and hes been beating other fighters who have their legs.  Anything is possible  :xd:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Mar 24, 09:45 AM 2023
In one philosophical system there is such a term - a horned hare.
In fantasy it exists, but in reality it doesn't.
Isn't that what we're looking for?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 24, 09:54 AM 2023
Quote from: 6th-sense on Mar 20, 06:20 PM 2023just like to add..PPP CONCEPT...strange coinincidence to the original win3million bet the PPPC bet

Yes win3million bet did involve some of the ppp concept. But the example shared talking about 38 spins also does too; just on a bigger scale. It was introduced as cycles. 

The cycles were used to show it's not infinite.  When we thought of roulette before we saw it as this big monster with no end. Impossible odds millions of combinations!

The cycles are used to label a start and a finish.  But the bet itself is using php.

Same goes for Vaddis bet
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 24, 12:50 PM 2023
Quote from: Blueprint on Mar 24, 08:51 AM 2023There's a mistake on the tracker screenshot but I can't verify bc it doesn't work on a Mac. 

theres no mistakes
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: d80 on Mar 24, 01:36 PM 2023
MoneyT, How many different partitions do you use at a cycle? (Dz,DS,St...) ? Does have a minimum number of partitions to obtain a advantage at a cycle?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 24, 01:59 PM 2023
Quote from: d80 on Mar 24, 01:36 PM 2023MoneyT, How many different partitions do you use at a cycle? (Dz,DS,St...) ? Does have a minimum number of partitions to obtain a advantage at a cycle?

It goes back to the one leg man I spoke about earlier.

But I'll answer directly! 2 minimum requirement that's all you need

On another note there is a member that sent me PM and he shared his idea and what he came up with and it makes me proud! That guy understood and just needs some minor adjustments and he got it! 

Thank you!  8)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Mar 24, 02:03 PM 2023
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 24, 02:20 PM 2023
Quote from: Person S on Mar 24, 09:45 AM 2023In one philosophical system there is such a term - a horned hare.
In fantasy it exists, but in reality it doesn't.
Isn't that what we're looking for?

What I played is a winnable method.  But of course I had to make adjustments to be able to share on a PUBLIC platform.  If I had played properly 100% anyone can see what's happening.  You don't need pen and paper to do it.  It can be done just by looking at what came out.

You can literally teach a 5 year old and they would be able to do it with no problem. 

Yours truly
A Horned Hare  :twisted:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Mar 24, 02:42 PM 2023
Strange, but among the participants there are good programmers and mathematicians, and none of them managed to find a horned hare)
Here's a good piece of advice an old member gave me - imagine the roulette wheel is a big coin and every spin we toss it, the only thing that will help us win is that the coin will be corrupted. So it becomes clear that if there is no mechanical damage, then no matter how you throw it, nothing will come of it.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 24, 02:45 PM 2023
Quote from: Herbyx on Mar 24, 08:43 AM 2023So there's nothing more to say about php

the only explanation is to explain it...ie what that paper by the proff is showing...betting on the otherhand is different....but the imformation helps you

i don,t think Mel will explain ...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Mar 24, 02:49 PM 2023
Quote from: 6th-sense on Mar 20, 06:16 PM 2023A few weeks ago I was told "The Problem of the Soccer Toto". (Not knowing the rules of the soccer toto, I got the explanation; for your benefit I shall repeat them.)

On a given Sunday, 13 soccer matches will be played. Each match has one of three possible outcomes, denoted by "1", "2" and "X" respectively. Hence there are 313 possible Sundays. For our purpose "Sunday" will be one of those 313 possible "columns" of height 13, with in each line one of the three permissible entries 1, 2 or X.

A toto form consists of a row of blanc columns of height 13; its user is free in his choice of the number of columns he is going to fill in. The question is to devise a strategy for filling in the minimal number of columns so that at least 1 column coincides with Sunday in at least 5 entries. Here we go.

Forget about the 5: what if at least 1 column should coincide with Sunday in at least 1 entry? Two columns won't do, for Sunday then could contain for each line an outcome missing in the corresponding line of the toto form. With 3 columns such that at least one row contains all three outcomes, at least one coincidence —in that row— is guaranteed. So far we needed 3 columns and have used only one row. Can we use the remaining 12 rows to increase the score? By filling those each with some permutation of the three outcomes, we force in each row precisely one coincidence with Sunday. Make in each column the count of coincidences: their sum being 13, their average is 4⅓. and their maximum (PPP) is ≥5. End of argument (heuristics included). Notice that there was no need at all to interpret the form as a table defining how, indeed, each object (=match) was placed in one compartment (=column).

But suppose that the question had been different: given a form in which 4 columns have been filled in such that each row contains each of the three possible outcomes, can you show that at least 1 column coincides in at least 4 entries with Sunday? Now the total number of coincidences is ≥13, the average count is ≥3¼, and hence the maximum count is ≥4. Please notice that in this case the metaphor of putting objects (=matches) into compartments (=columns) creates problems: an object may "occupy" two compartments! (It is utterly predictable how the average mathematician will save his face: "Sure! If generalize the problem, I don't take the matches but the coincidences as my objects! I would have done so right at the start, would I have known that you would generalize the problem!") So much for the avoidable obligation of identifying the "objects".

Someone can visualize that shape, I don't have enough understanding
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 24, 03:02 PM 2023
thats not the part to look at
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: praline on Mar 24, 03:18 PM 2023
Or that's not an EWD to look at :xd:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 24, 03:25 PM 2023
Another member just sent me a message and he also had a breakthrough!  Damn I must have shared to much info since you guys are picking up fast  :twisted:

Hmm this will be my last revealing post and will bring you guys to the finish line.  After this post I will no longer share info about this in the forum.  I suggest you guys to keep the info close.  Atleast a couple of years(give me atleast 10 years) so I can rob the casino quietly  :twisted:

Quote from: 6th-sense on Mar 24, 02:45 PM 2023the only explanation is to explain it...ie what that paper by the proff is showing...betting on the otherhand is different....but the imformation helps you

i don,t think Mel will explain ...

What he wants an explanation on? The article you posted? Or the application in roulette?

The professor just showed us that without knowing the results we can know that one side will have 5 wins guaranteed in 13 games (side 1, side 2, side draw)

The dozens come to mind for a better understanding.  If you take 13 spins of random dozen there will be an appearance of 1 dozen minimum showing up 5 times.  It doesn't matter if you try to avoid it by playing 1231231231231

See 5 hits on 1

Now for the application in roulette in the past I explained it like this

I have two separate games each one has rules.

Game A and Game B


System 1 and System 2

Dyksexlic called it twins he also referred to it as sunset/sunrise

Pri mentioned something about parallel universes

Redd/rrbb created dynamic number sets that proved repeats came from recent numbers

CarpeDiem refers to it as balance

Good luck!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: praline on Mar 24, 03:36 PM 2023
QuoteSomeone can visualize that shape, I don't have enough understanding

I can. But first you need to PROOF that you tried to understand that by yourself!

Something like the attached image. Adobe Scan 24 бер. 2023 р._1.jpg
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 24, 03:38 PM 2023
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Mar 24, 03:25 PM 2023What he wants an explanation on? The article you posted? Or the application in roulette?

only the php based explanation of php
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 24, 03:40 PM 2023
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Mar 24, 03:25 PM 2023The professor just showed us that without knowing the results we can know that one side will have 5 wins guaranteed in 13 games (side 1, side 2, side draw)

this is not the php the proff is showing
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Mar 24, 04:40 PM 2023
Quote from: praline on Mar 24, 03:36 PM 2023I can. But first you need to PROOF that you tried to understand that by yourself!

Something like the attached image.
I'm scratching my head, if I'm not lazy I'll try to understand. Looks strong. This is proof that I have no proof)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Mar 24, 04:45 PM 2023
I also have many search-related manuscripts.
I burned a part, it turns out they are burning ;Д
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 24, 06:26 PM 2023
What he wants an explanation on? The article you posted? Or the application in roulette?

The professor just showed us that without knowing the results we can know that one side will have 5 wins guaranteed in 13 games (side 1, side 2, side draw)

The dozens come to mind for a better understanding.  If you take 13 spins of random dozen there will be an appearance of 1 dozen minimum showing up 5 times.  It doesn't matter if you try to avoid it by playing 1231231231231

Again this is not the php concept by dyslexic...how can it be ?

This has nothing to do with php concept by the proff...

How is a dozen appearing 5 times in 13 spins a php concept?

..no matter how many times a dozen appears ....there's no extra dozens to fit in 3 dozens ...

There's only 3 of them ...no more no less...

Same for str8...splits streets ds ...etc

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 24, 07:25 PM 2023
Quote from: 6th-sense on Mar 24, 06:26 PM 2023Again this is not the php concept by dyslexic...how can it be ?

I never claimed it to be... I explained what the professor spoke about and then compared it to roulette using dozens for a better understanding using roulette terms.

I even distinguished by saying for the application in roulette...meaning its applied differently from what was previously shown using dozens.

Quote from: MoneyT101 on Mar 24, 03:25 PM 2023The professor just showed us that without knowing the results we can know that one side will have 5 wins guaranteed in 13 games (side 1, side 2, side draw)

The dozens come to mind for a better understanding.  If you take 13 spins of random dozen there will be an appearance of 1 dozen minimum showing up 5 times.  It doesn't matter if you try to avoid it by playing 1231231231231

See 5 hits on 1

Now for the application in roulette in the past I explained it like this
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 24, 07:42 PM 2023
Quote from: 6th-sense on Mar 24, 06:26 PM 2023This has nothing to do with php concept by the proff...

How is a dozen appearing 5 times in 13 spins a php concept?

What do you mean it has nothing to do with php...

Quote from: 6th-sense on Mar 20, 06:16 PM 2023Let me now relate to you two stories about the Pigeon-hole Principle that both amazed me; for me —but perhaps I am sensitive to the point of allergy— they suggest that the traditional Pigeon-hole Principle is a focal point of how mathematics is (but not should be) taught.

A few weeks ago I was told "The Problem of the Soccer Toto". (Not knowing the rules of the soccer toto, I got the explanation; for your benefit I shall repeat them.)

A toto form consists of a row of blanc columns of height 13; its user is free in his choice of the number of columns he is going to fill in. The question is to devise a strategy for filling in the minimal number of columns so that at least 1 column coincides with Sunday in at least 5 entries. Here we go.

1 Dozen appearing 5 times minimum in 13 spins is php.  Its the same exact scenario using the problem of the soccer toto.   

The question would be how many spins do i need for 1 dozen to show up a minimum of 5 times? and to get the answer you would use php

Just like those random php questions you can find online.  How many socks do i need to pull from the drawer to get two of the same color? if i have 1 pair that is blue and 1 pair that is white? the answer is 3

Not sure where the misunderstanding happened but i hope its clear!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 25, 03:00 AM 2023
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Mar 24, 07:42 PM 2023What do you mean it has nothing to do with php...

i,m saying this is not what the proff is showing...

Quote from: MoneyT101 on Mar 24, 07:42 PM 2023Just like those random php questions you can find online.  How many socks do i need to pull from the drawer to get two of the same color? if i have 1 pair that is blue and 1 pair that is white? the answer is 3

again this is not what the proff is showing,,,

Quote from: MoneyT101 on Mar 24, 07:42 PM 20231 Dozen appearing 5 times minimum in 13 spins is php.

this is one way to look at i suppose from a different point or perspective...but again this is not what the proff is showing

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Mar 25, 03:48 AM 2023
Quote from: 6th-sense on Mar 25, 03:00 AM 2023this is one way to look at
there are many viewpoints to look at php
but what Mel writes contains the substance of php
(Dirichlet Schubfachprinzip)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 25, 03:52 AM 2023
agree with you herby...i,m only stating that this in itself is not what the proff is saying...the streams tracker visual proves this..down to a tee
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Mar 25, 04:02 AM 2023
Quote from: 6th-sense on Mar 20, 06:16 PM 2023On a given Sunday, 13 soccer matches will be played. Each match has one of three possible outcomes, denoted by "1", "2" and "X" respectively. Hence there are 313 possible Sundays. For our purpose "Sunday" will be one of those 313 possible "columns" of height 13, with in each line one of the three permissible entries 1, 2 or X.

Hi 6th,
Each match has three outcomes, shouldn't your text say: there are 3^13 possible outcomes ?
3^13 = 1 594 323  different columns
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Mar 25, 04:52 AM 2023
Hi 6th,
I read your Dijkstra post again I think I know what you mean.
And I think it's Mel's one legged cowboy as it fails as well in the simple version if you play it long enough (is programmed).

Online there a lots and lots of different exercises and proofs of different php exercises which I read and studied and recalculated.
Therefore I was not surprised about the content you cited.

A lot of guessing on my side what you mean and Mel means, but the Math is clear.

Short: my found simple version fails

therefore I'm searching for a horse for the one legged cowboy
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 25, 07:28 AM 2023
QuoteWas he still looking for the objects and the compartments? The way he had been introduced to the principle and all the imaginations that went with it was obviously a barrier to its straight-forward application.

The main point of the professor is that ppl get to caught up in trying to label the pigeons and compartments!

It doesn't matter which version of the pigeonhole you use.  They all lead to the same outcome.  Yes using a different version might help you see something different but it doesn't take away any value from a different version

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 25, 07:32 AM 2023
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Mar 25, 07:28 AM 2023The main point of the professor is that ppl get to caught up in trying to label the pigeons and compartments!

my main point is that his version is totally different than what you are interpretating ...his version directly shows visually on the streams tracker...not the overall php aspect your proposing...but the spin by spin basis of his concept in real time...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 25, 08:22 AM 2023
Quote from: Herbyx on Mar 25, 04:52 AM 2023therefore I'm searching for a horse for the one legged cowboy

The problem with the forum is ppl get caught up in the wrong details!

Let's go back to the dozens example.

1 dozen will have a Minimum 5 hits in 13 spins... this also means there is a total of 13 hits possible!

When I said this can't be used, I LIED!

I didn't lie 100% but pay attention to the details. Go back to my post on its application in roulette!

What is dyksexlic method? To beat any sequence of number!

Now let's go back to my live 4 spin game

Spin 1- 33....bankroll 0
Spin 2- 19....won 30....bankroll 30
Spin 3- 16... loss -6...bankroll 24
Spin 4- 23... won 61 bankroll 85

What was important? Why did I win high and lose small

Now don't get me wrong, what I shared is not the 100% version and you can notice it; very clear where the losses would come from had there been another result. But this version wins flatbet and stays ahead of the game even with its losses.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 25, 08:28 AM 2023
Quote from: 6th-sense on Mar 25, 07:32 AM 2023my main point is that his version is totally different than what you are interpretating ...his version directly shows visually on the streams tracker...not the overall php aspect your proposing...but the spin by spin basis of his concept in real time...

Since the overall php aspect is wrong then everything being said is wrong. Ok I understand. Sorry for my wrong interpretation.

Guys just ignore me it's all BS.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Mar 25, 09:06 AM 2023
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Mar 25, 08:22 AM 2023What was important? Why did I win high and lose small

Losing Apples
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 25, 09:33 AM 2023
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Mar 25, 08:28 AM 2023Since the overall php aspect is wrong

i,m saying the aspect of the proff is not your usual php...

and yes you have to have 5 hits in 13 spins...with dozens...this is the normal version...but the same can be said for any partition you choose...

in there different length cycles....but again your back to square one....you don,t know when that will happen...yes you can bet the fastest horse...but the other horses can run up...they can even all just appear at the finish line ...then your back to a choice of 3...

i,m not saying anything you say is bullxxxx....its just a re hash on the normal php....
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 25, 09:44 AM 2023
Quote from: Blueprint on Mar 25, 09:06 AM 2023Losing Apples

Lose an apple here lose an apple there and somehow I get more apples

Quote from: Badger on Oct 29, 07:50 AM 20213 posts that I have of Dr Dyk  :)

Something really strange happened at the casino last night..

I met a woman who claimed she could 'Magic' money out of thin air..  (!)

So, I stopped playing my usual '100% Consistent Winning Roulette System' to hear more..   

Anyway, to cut a short story long, we had a nice meal together, and the bill was £25.

We both paid £15 each, and the Waiter gave £30 to the Cashier.

The Cashier handed back £5 to the Waiter.

But, the Waiter kept £3 as a tip and handed back £1 to each of us

So, we paid £14 each for the meal, for a total of £28.

The Waiter had £3, and that made £31...!!

So, where did the other 'Magical' £1 come from?

..and (more importantly), can we build a HG roulette system out of this..?

Wait, that's not the whole story..

Her horny sister joined us later for a sexy threesome..  (!)

Anyway, we all had to get a taxi back to the hotel.

The taxi bill came to £25

We each paid £10, which her sister gave to the taxi Driver

The Driver handed back £5 to the girl..

But she couldn't split £5 three ways, so she gave everyone £1 each and stuck £2 in her panties for 'luck'..     lol

So therefore, we all paid £10 and got £1 back. £10-£1 = £9

There were three of us, 3 X £9 = £27

If we paid £27 and her nasty panties held £2: £27+£2=£29....   then,

Where did the other £1 go? £30 - £1 = £29

..and can we use this as a betting trigger...?

DR DYK : 10 Commandments for winning

1. W

2. L

3. L

4. L

5. L

6. L

7. L

8. L

9. L

10. L

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Mar 25, 09:47 AM 2023
Missing Dollar Riddle (fallacy)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 25, 09:50 AM 2023
Quote from: 6th-sense on Mar 25, 09:33 AM 2023and yes you have to have 5 hits in 13 spins...with dozens...this is the normal version...but the same can be said for any partition you choose...

Exactly! I agree

Quote from: 6th-sense on Mar 25, 09:33 AM 2023i,m not saying anything you say is bullxxxx....its just a re hash on the normal php....

The devil is in the details
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 25, 09:51 AM 2023
Quote from: Blueprint on Mar 25, 09:47 AM 2023Missing Dollar Riddle (fallacy)

Yes you are right! But Again forum always focuses on the wrong thing  :twisted:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: duchobor on Mar 25, 12:50 PM 2023
Many thanks to 6th-sense and especially to the author for creating and sharing the tracker. It takes a moment to switch from Ayk's tools. Would anyone from the forum members be so kind as to explain the significance and functionality of the pink column?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 25, 01:35 PM 2023
Quote from: duchobor on Mar 25, 12:50 PM 2023Many thanks to 6th-sense and especially to the author for creating and sharing the tracker. It takes a moment to switch from Ayk's tools. Would anyone from the forum members be so kind as to explain the significance and functionality of the pink column?

the pink column is the derived part of the ever moving stream in derived which is in blue on the left of it showing in real time whats moved into that postion across all partitions...saves you a lot of time cross referencing the results..
and i must say the author of this does not mess about...he comprehends anything ...and is quick ..very quick and inituative
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: duchobor on Mar 25, 01:48 PM 2023
Quote from: 6th-sense on Mar 25, 01:35 PM 2023the pink column is the derived part of the ever moving stream in derived showing in real time whats moved into that postion across all partitions...saves you a lot of time cross referencing the results..

Oh, I see now. Thank you. Sometimes we miss even the most obvious things.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: d80 on Mar 25, 08:54 PM 2023
MoneyT.Do you think is valid work with ordinal streams and derived positions with cycles? Or only using 2 partitions and cycles is sufficient?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 25, 11:21 PM 2023
I believe you can get the same effect with the ordinal and derived.  But I feel heading that route is complicating things.  It's like adding an extra step that you don't need.

Also it's not random!  You can't just say let me use this and that.. boom it works lol

You can get some wins by accident but things won't fall in the right place like it's supposed to.

You are strategically choosing this and that for a reason.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Mar 26, 05:18 AM 2023
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Mar 25, 09:51 AM 2023But Again forum always focuses on the wrong thing  :twisted:

You make fun that we focus on the wrong thing.
Our position: we have to deal with two different strategies packed in riddles.

So you surely understand that we are a little bit Sceptic.  :thumbsup:

private,so no need to read: Happy birthday Alex!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 26, 07:53 AM 2023
Quote from: Herbyx on Mar 26, 05:18 AM 2023You make fun that we focus on the wrong thing.
Our position: we have to deal with two different strategies packed in riddles.

So you surely understand that we are a little bit Sceptic.  :thumbsup:

Not really making fun at you guys... it's more of 'I can't believe this laugh'

More disappointed then happy
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: redhot on Mar 26, 08:33 AM 2023
"1 dozen will have a Minimum 5 hits in 13 spins"

Hey MoneyT, how are you handling the zero?

What if the 13th spin was a zero? Then you're not guaranteed 5 hits in 13 spins
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 08:41 AM 2023
Quote from: Herbyx on Mar 26, 05:18 AM 2023Our position: we have to deal with two different strategies packed in riddles.

totally agree Herby....i think for one you need something concrete ...something tangible  than keep throwing the old php method about and say look at the streams tracker...

i think you need at least something to grasp on thats provable ...

a base at least...so i put it forth to Mel.....will you give the true base of how to read the streams tracker..

With the concept of the php you keep saying it is...you don,t have to say how you bet...just how you truly read it ,,,,

nice to see you about redhot
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 08:58 AM 2023
Quote from: redhot on Mar 26, 08:33 AM 2023What if the 13th spin was a zero?

it wouldn,t matter...for this to happen all your ducks are lined up at 4 each...no advantage at this point or before,,,,any dozen could catch up...no matter where they are in a race
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 26, 09:49 AM 2023
Quote from: redhot on Mar 26, 08:33 AM 2023"1 dozen will have a Minimum 5 hits in 13 spins"

Hey MoneyT, how are you handling the zero?

I made a topic on handling the zero years ago.... It all comes down to what you are playing. Some ppl play with zero included as a straight and some don't like myself.

For instance since zero is not part of my game... if my method wins 10 units in 5 spins avg.  I don't mind losing 1/4 or 1/2 a unit on just playing the zero every spin. 

If you play with zero as a straight in your workout then you just play zero when your workout requires it. It's already part of your game.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 26, 09:54 AM 2023
Quote from: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 08:41 AM 2023a base at least...so i put it forth to Mel.....will you give the true base of how to read the streams tracker..

With the concept of the php you keep saying it is...you don,t have to say how you bet...just how you truly read it

I don't use the streams tracker

My concept of php doesn't work.  You already proved it earlier. 

You said your new tool helps with php.  Why don't you share how we can use it?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 26, 09:55 AM 2023
Quote from: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 08:58 AM 2023it wouldn,t matter...for this to happen all your ducks are lined up at 4 each...no advantage at this point or before,,,,any dozen could catch up...no matter where they are in a race

Look more proof that it don't work, I agree!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 10:16 AM 2023
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Mar 26, 09:54 AM 2023You said your new tool helps with php.  Why don't you share how we can use it?

i didn,t say the new tool helps with it ... visually the dyslexic version of his proff based php..shows directly on the streams tracker...

the tool is to save crossreferencing stream postitions
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 26, 10:29 AM 2023
Quote from: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 10:16 AM 2023visually the dyslexic version of his proff based php..shows directly on the streams tracker...

the tool is to save crossreferencing stream postitions

You still haven't explained how "visually the dyslexic version of his proff based php..shows directly on the streams tracker..."

And you also haven't explained the different php the professor was speaking about.  So we can't even say yea the tracker shows this because we don't know what we looking for

You already proved the php I spoke about is wrong... so now prove the correct one for us please
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 11:04 AM 2023
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Mar 26, 10:29 AM 2023And you also haven't explained the different php the professor was speaking about.  So we can't even say yea the tracker shows this because we don't know what we looking for

and this my friend is how members feel about what you are saying....

the difference here is that YES i will explain it openely....i can do this without showing how to bet...and can do this for the concrete evidence that herby and person s want...that at least a portion of the fantasy is viable...or seen
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 26, 11:23 AM 2023
Quote from: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 11:04 AM 2023and this my friend is how members feel about what you are saying....

the difference here is that YES i will explain it openely....i can do this without showing how to bet...and can do this for the concrete evidence that herby and person s want...that at least a portion of the fantasy is viable...or seen

Ive explained openly and I wish I can delete it, honestly!

For example I explained the whole php 5 hits in 13 spins and you told me it's not php lol

So if I explain something and you don't understand it.  How is that my fault?

You have yet to explain anything so it's not the same.  I explained many things.  Not my fault ppl can't comprehend. I did my part in explaining.  The only other thing is for me to sit down and tell you what to do in a step by step, right down to the last detail.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 26, 11:27 AM 2023
I have it all wrong and you win.

I'm going back to being a student and learn!  :xd:

Everyone ignore everything I said! I don't know anything and I am ready to learn
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 11:36 AM 2023
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Mar 26, 11:23 AM 2023For example I explained the whole php 5 hits in 13 spins and you told me it's not php lol

i only said this is not the dyslexic php based concept....its just a rehash of normal php which can,t be used in this game...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 11:39 AM 2023
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Mar 26, 11:23 AM 2023The only other thing is for me to sit down and tell you what to do in a step by step, right down to the last detail.

i think i have to...though its not rocket science
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 01:26 PM 2023
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Mar 21, 05:56 PM 2023I just want you to keep in mind this is nothing new!

Dykselic said... "Roulette has NOTHING to do with numbers if you replaced the numbers with pictures of bunny rabbits, this mathematical principle would STILL hold true"

Dykselic said... "RNG Roulette as we all KNOW consists of 37 SEPARATE numbers. However, as I previously explained, the numbers are really just 'PLACE' holders,
 and could easily be replaced with ANY other 37 'PLACE' holders (e.g 37 colours, 37 animals, 37 pictures of 'Forum Haters' etc."

you should not be posting this as though you know...

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 01:26 PM 2023
now its time to school you...why this above has been said
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 01:28 PM 2023
Quote from: 6th-sense on Mar 20, 06:16 PM 2023Let me state the problem first. We consider a sequence of numbers a.i with 0 ≤ i < N. We get a subsequence of length n by removing some N - n elements from the sequence and retaining the remaining ones in their original order. It is called "an upsequence" provided for any a.i and a.j in the subsequence we have

i < j ⇒ a.i ≤ a.j ;
in the case that we have
i < j ⇒ a.i ≥ a.j ;
it is called "a downsequence".
Let U be the length of a longest upsequence contained in the given sequence, and let D be the length of a longest downsequence contained in it. Prove that N ≤ U·D holds.

The argument I came up with went as follows. Let us construct U·D different labels; if we can now devise a regime that assigns to each element a distinct label, then N —being the number of labels used— is at most U·D —being the number of labels available.

How do we construct U·D different labels? The simplest way I can think of is all the integer pairs (u,d), with 1 ≤ u ≤ U and 1 ≤ d ≤ D. How do we devise a regime that assigns for i < j different labels to a.i and a.j? In order to relate the regime to up- and downsequences, we observe

i < j ⇒ a.i ≤ a.j ∨ a.i ≥ a.j
i.e. a.j can be used to extend either an upsequence or a downsequence ending at a.i. This observation reveals the regime: assign to a.i the pair (u,d) with u (and d) the maximum length of an upsequence (and a downsequence respectively) that ends at a.i. This guarantees
that distinct elements get distinct labels
that each label (u,d) needed satisfies 1 ≤ u ≤ U and 1 ≤ d ≤ D.
I was quite pleased with the reconstruction of this argument, until I realized that what used to be "a triumph of the Pigeon-hole Principle" no longer used the Pigeon-hole Principle at all!

I could reintroduce an appeal to the Pigeon-hole Principle, but only by a contorted rephrasing. [ Identify the elements with objects, the labels with compartments; assume N —the number of objects— to exceed U·D —the number of compartments—; then —PP— at least one compartment would contain more than one objects, which contradicts that distinct elements get distinct labels. Hence N does not exceed U·D. ]

Remark It is in this connection noteworthy that no one I asked formulated the Pigeon-hole Principle as follows: " With objects distributed into compartments such that each compartment contains at most one object, the number of objects is at most the number of compartments". It is logically equivalent to the original formulation, but looks quite different. And that, presumably, is precisely the trouble. (End of Remark.)

With its physical, object-oriented formulation, the classical Pigeon-hole Principle is very vivid, almost catchy. And there lie precisely its major shortcomings: the problem caused by such object-oriented formulation is that A ⇒ B and the logically equivalent "counter-positive" ¬B ⇒ ¬A invite completely different visualisations. The moral of the story seems to be that we should sharply distinguish between good mathematics and public relations.

Austin, 19 September 1986

prof. dr. Edsger W. Dijkstra
Department of Computer Sciences
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX 78750–1188
United States of America

transcribed by Martijn van der Veen
revised Thu, 27 May 2010
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 01:29 PM 2023
Quote from: 6th-sense on Mar 20, 06:16 PM 2023Remark It is in this connection noteworthy that no one I asked formulated the Pigeon-hole Principle as follows: " With objects distributed into compartments such that each compartment contains at most one object, the number of objects is at most the number of compartments". It is logically equivalent to the original formulation, but looks quite different. And that, presumably, is precisely the trouble. (End of Remark.)

With its physical, object-oriented formulation, the classical Pigeon-hole Principle is very vivid, almost catchy. And there lie precisely its major shortcomings: the problem caused by such object-oriented formulation is that A ⇒ B and the logically equivalent "counter-positive" ¬B ⇒ ¬A invite completely different visualisations.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 01:31 PM 2023
Quote from: 6th-sense on Mar 20, 06:16 PM 2023Let me state the problem first. We consider a sequence of numbers a.i with 0 ≤ i < N. We get a subsequence of length n by removing some N - n elements from the sequence and retaining the remaining ones in their original order. It is called "an upsequence" provided for any a.i and a.j in the subsequence we have

your derived
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 01:32 PM 2023
Quote from: 6th-sense on Mar 20, 06:16 PM 2023i < j ⇒ a.i ≤ a.j ;
in the case that we have
i < j ⇒ a.i ≥ a.j ;
it is called "a downsequence".
Let U be the length of a longest upsequence contained in the given sequence, and let D be the length of a longest downsequence contained in it. Prove that N ≤ U·D holds.

The argument I came up with went as follows. Let us construct U·D different labels; if we can now devise a regime that assigns to each element a distinct label, then N —being the number of labels used— is at most U·D —being the number of labels available.

How do we construct U·D different labels? The simplest way I can think of is all the integer pairs (u,d), with 1 ≤ u ≤ U and 1 ≤ d ≤ D. How do we devise a regime that assigns for i < j different labels to a.i and a.j? In order to relate the regime to up- and downsequences, we observe

i < j ⇒ a.i ≤ a.j ∨ a.i ≥ a.j
i.e. a.j can be used to extend either an upsequence or a downsequence ending at a.i. This observation reveals the regime: assign to a.i the pair (u,d) with u (and d) the maximum length of an upsequence (and a downsequence respectively) that ends at a.i. This guarantees
that distinct elements get distinct labels
that each label (u,d) needed satisfies 1 ≤ u ≤ U and 1 ≤ d ≤ D.
I was quite pleased with the reconstruction of this argument, until I realized that what used to be "a triumph of the Pigeon-hole Principle" no longer used the Pigeon-hole Principle at all!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 01:35 PM 2023
right lets just go through what is being said..the purified pigeonhole concept...

YOU cannot use the normal php ...how can you
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 01:36 PM 2023
Quote from: 6th-sense on Mar 20, 06:16 PM 2023Of course I know the Pigeon-hole Principle, but I never.....", and then wandering thoughts prevented him from completing the sentence. Was he still looking for the objects and the compartments? The way he had been introduced to the principle and all the imaginations that went with it was obviously a barrier to its straight-forward application. I felt that I had had a glimpse of something frightening.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 01:37 PM 2023
Quote from: 6th-sense on Mar 20, 06:16 PM 2023The argument I came up with went as follows. Let us construct U·D different labels; if we can now devise a regime that assigns to each element a distinct label, then N —being the number of labels used— is at most U·D —being the number of labels available.

How do we construct U·D different labels? The simplest way I can think of is all the integer pairs (u,d), with 1 ≤ u ≤ U and 1 ≤ d ≤ D. How do we devise a regime that assigns for i < j different labels to a.i and a.j? In order to relate the regime to up- and downsequences, we observe
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 01:40 PM 2023
how can you assign a php principle to objects already in there pigeonholes...or make compartments from what you have?

for us its easy....i can explain this to a 5 year old....the compartments are ALREADY preset in roulette...they are called partitions
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 01:41 PM 2023
the streams tracker is preset to this ...its shows what is being said in this paper.....the compartments have been preset....
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 01:42 PM 2023
now bear with me while i show you the basics and how to read it as it should be read
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 01:44 PM 2023
we have 4 compartments ...lets say mels arms and legs though he does not comprehend  how true this is.....str8 split street ds....
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 01:49 PM 2023
one number only....lets say 8...we are talking compartments not numbers...so compartment 8
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 26, 01:56 PM 2023
Quote from: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 01:44 PM 2023we have 4 compartments ...lets say mels arms and legs though he does not comprehend  how true this is.....str8 split street ds....

The problem is you're assuming to know what I know without knowing exactly what I'm doing!

I've yet to see you school me!

I'm already ahead of this! Why do you think I speak of breaking even!


I have numerous post speaking about the effect of a number and repeat  across the board

So show me something new pleas... I'm waiting?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 01:58 PM 2023
you want an explanation ...you could not give it...so just wait mel please...you said u had no idea ...let me carry on
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 02:02 PM 2023
next...split....every compartment is seperate,,next street next ds...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 02:08 PM 2023
now all the derived is put in..
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 02:11 PM 2023
now open the streams tracker....whatever counts are on there WILL show instantly on the streams tracker....there are combined counts...through main and derived...or counts for one or the other....this is the dyslexic php..compartments....
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 02:12 PM 2023
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Mar 26, 01:56 PM 2023I'm already ahead of this! Why do you think I speak of breaking even!

you did not know this do not pretend you do
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 26, 02:14 PM 2023
Quote from: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 01:58 PM 2023you want an explanation ...you could not give it...so just wait mel please...you said u had no idea ...let me carry on

You and I were talking about the dozens in 5 hits

You never mentioned the up down part.  So we were arguing about different things and you never made it clear just saying the other php principles.  There's 4 different versions! And all lead to the same thing was my reply. 

Now you're sitting here still not proving anything to me.

Quote from: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 02:12 PM 2023you did not know this do not pretend you do

So if this is not known to me. Then how come most wins aren't coming from repeats?

What is my game A betting and what is my game B betting?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 02:16 PM 2023
now for those who really want to go further...here is the application to show those counts in play..for derived and main...the counts show in real time across whats hit spin by spin ..more importantly what combo it hits in
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 02:20 PM 2023
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Mar 26, 02:14 PM 2023you never made it clear just saying the other php principles. 

yes i did ..the dyslexics php..i said it time and again
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 02:23 PM 2023
i asked you to explain something you did not understand mel....do not say now you did please...the tool is there for you also...and tbh you would have a lot more understanding how to use it than most
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 02:26 PM 2023
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Mar 26, 02:14 PM 2023Now you're sitting here still not proving anything to me.

ive proved it for all to see...you cannot deny that
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 26, 02:26 PM 2023
No one and I mean no one here knows the exact method to dyksexlic php.  We all can only assume.

Dyksexlic php from his own post said it can take up to 2000+ units max

So you can't sit here and tell me the same thing.  I'm sure you are using much less.

So you are assuming to your best capability this is the closest.

So when you tell me to explain dyksexlic php. What answer were you looking for? I only know my version of what I believe it is and you only know your version. 

Now we do have similar things but they are both different and so is dyksexlic!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 26, 02:28 PM 2023
Quote from: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 02:23 PM 2023the tool is there for you also...and tbh you would have a lot more understanding how to use it than most

The tool of it does what you say it does.. it sounds good. I can agree with you
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 02:29 PM 2023
now members must realise that when cycles end and restart it all adjust to whats in play and what isn,t....

this is at least something concrete to work from for everyone....not just goat staring and fantasy...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 02:31 PM 2023
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Mar 26, 02:28 PM 2023The tool of it does what you say it does.. it sounds good. I can agree with you

it does Mel...lots of other stuff involved but this is the core basis to work from...as i say you know your stuff and i think this will benefit some but you more
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 02:34 PM 2023
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Mar 26, 02:26 PM 2023So you are assuming to your best capability this is the closest.

not the closest..this is the core principle
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 02:36 PM 2023
re read what i posted in the proffs quote...if u think its different to what i,m saying just explain why
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 02:41 PM 2023
Quote from: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 02:34 PM 2023not the closest..this is the core principle

and excactly these 4 partitions according to his bankroll
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 26, 02:55 PM 2023
Quote from: 6th-sense on Mar 26, 02:36 PM 2023re read what i posted in the proffs quote...if u think its different to what i,m saying just explain why
The idea/concept is correct.  It also Doesn't disagree with what I've been sharing whether you believe me or not.

But whatever method you have or system is different from dyksexlic. You might understand the idea but you still don't have the actual game play.

I already proved it to you when I said he used a bankroll of 2000+ units. His spin by spin bet was 72.

My method takes advantage of what you showed.  I don't have to look at anything.  Because I already know what to look for.

What I look for happens every cycle!

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Mar 26, 03:03 PM 2023
Mel, can you do a step by step what 6th did?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 26, 03:18 PM 2023
Quote from: alexlaf on Mar 26, 03:03 PM 2023Mel, can you do a step by step what 6th did?

I already did.. I gave you a live game

Put the numbers in the new tracker and check what comes up.

19.. I won 30
16...I lost -6
23... I won 61
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Mar 26, 03:29 PM 2023
19 here is your first win

I can't see 19 anywhere only as opposite on wheel.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 26, 03:42 PM 2023
Quote from: alexlaf on Mar 26, 03:29 PM 202333
19 here is your first win

I can't see 19 anywhere only as opposite on wheel.

Let me assist you


Quote from: MoneyT101 on Mar 26, 03:18 PM 202333
19.. I won 30
16...I lost -6
23... I won 61

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Mar 26, 03:45 PM 2023
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Mar 26, 03:18 PM 2023Put the numbers in the new tracker
Nothing to do with the tracker base cycles..
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Mar 26, 03:46 PM 2023
Any chance for a Mac version? I'd like to see if this differs from my sheet. Seems to be inspired by the same ;)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 26, 03:49 PM 2023
Quote from: alexlaf on Mar 26, 03:45 PM 2023Nothing to do with the tracker base cycles..

6th showed wins across compartments

I showed wins across compartments lol

Winner winner chicken dinner  :twisted:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 26, 04:07 PM 2023
Let me stop guys!!!I don't know what I'm talking about.  Everything is a lie.  None of this is proof! Sorry for wasting your time

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: d80 on Mar 26, 04:41 PM 2023
QuoteNow let's go back to my live 4 spin game

Spin 1- 33....bankroll 0
Spin 2- 19....won 30....bankroll 30
Spin 3- 16... loss -6...bankroll 24
Spin 4- 23... won 61

Money did you had used different amount chips at each partition in this game?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 27, 01:56 AM 2023
Quote from: Blueprint on Mar 26, 03:46 PM 2023Any chance for a Mac version? I'd like to see if this differs from my sheet. Seems to be inspired by the same

i haven,t i,m afraid,,,was inspired from a streams sheet i gave him...its just the way it,s been made the application why it looks like that...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: TRD on Mar 27, 05:10 AM 2023
Quotenice to see you about redhot

I concur, @Redhot you posted some great guideline stuff, then disappeared ..

I also concur with Zero-issue, this simply breaks the standard-PHP (n+1; where n= average of all slots/placeholders) on all compartments except ...

& most importantly, to keep the bankroll low, you can't just play SU-based all the time --you must make use of a parachute-based play = either combining compartments, or deepening/rising through them, or even both

... including making use of expanding/contracting the coverage horizontally

.. & even alternating coverage on hit = reducing coverage horizontally to fewer or a single position = leveraging the gains for amplified profits with the next hit cheaply over several spins.

These as options of practical application.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: TRD on Mar 27, 05:44 AM 2023
QuoteAny chance for a Mac version? I'd like to see if this differs from my sheet. Seems to be inspired by the same

Paid Solution
Parallels for Mac -- Win+Linux on Mac

Free Solution
AWS + RDS Client
Amazon EC2 VM, Elastic Computing Virtual Machine
Free Tier; 750h/month, 30GB Disk Space, 1GB data/month
Register, pick the Win 12 Server machine  (low on resources)
RDS client, Remote Desktop Service
To connect to the virtual machine from Mac, iPhone, Android, Linux, BSD, whatever ..
google about for the best one for Mac & most suitable for you
On Android -- Parallels Clent app itself .. Freeware

That way, phone/tablet, you may take the tracker to the terminals, as well.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Fafa on Mar 27, 08:12 AM 2023
Hello I just arrived in this forum, can someone show me how the system works?  in some post?  a profitable system?  what is the hit rate?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Mar 27, 08:37 AM 2023
Thanks, TRD. I'm aware of all that as well as Wine.  Unfortunately Wine Bottler didn't work with this app and I'm not going through all that for a tracker.  Excel works fine.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 27, 05:14 PM 2023
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Mar 26, 03:49 PM 20236th showed wins across compartments

I showed wins across compartments lol

Winner winner chicken dinner  :twisted:

big difference here Mel.....you need derived included to formulate any kind of winning bet
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Mar 27, 05:59 PM 2023
Quote from: 6th-sense on Mar 27, 05:14 PM 2023big difference here Mel.....you need derived included to formulate any kind of winning bet

You know what, you're right!

There is only 1 way to get something done. My apologies once again!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: TRD on Mar 28, 06:07 PM 2023
LOL .. these guys.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Mar 28, 07:58 PM 2023
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Mar 31, 03:46 AM 2023
It turned out that to create a bet, you need to look not at 1 stream, but at everything, starting with EC. Each stream has its own probability, which, according to the rules of the storage box, must fall into a certain compartment. These compartments need to be created according to a certain algorithm - then not only dropped numbers, but also sleeping numbers will fall into them. These sleeping digits can be selected from the positions of the parallel stream.  For example, the first number 16 is R/L/E. If we play for the repetition of parallel positions (we have only 3 in 111), then we have 3 sleeping numbers + one dropped out. We bet on these numbers - 12-14-16-18. Or you can remove the number 12 since it is from 1 dozen and leave 14-16-18.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Mar 31, 03:55 AM 2023
The idea itself is not new, based on repetition. But in it there are repetitions not of numbers, but of repetitions of compartments. Probability of compartment repetition = probabilities of normal flow. So I'm not sure where the edge can be beaten here.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 31, 03:48 PM 2023
Quote from: Person S on Mar 31, 03:55 AM 2023The idea itself is not new, based on repetition. But in it there are repetitions not of numbers, but of repetitions of compartments. Probability of compartment repetition = probabilities of normal flow. So I'm not sure where the edge can be beaten here.

the thing here is derived is involved....mels example is only following the last compartment...massive difference in how you understand whats going on
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Mar 31, 04:05 PM 2023
mainside you can follow easily...derived side is set up so you have two tables ...that also can show whats next to be bet in postional....two games intertwined,,,dyslexics bankroll shows this ....how you use the basic core principle is just a start....theres a lot more to it...this is why rbbb said you can,t win on his streams cycle tracker alone.....it does not matter that repeats come mainly in lo...not unless you understand carpediems posts
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Mar 31, 06:20 PM 2023
The contradictions pain me.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Apr 01, 10:55 AM 2023
Quote from: 6th-sense on Mar 31, 04:05 PM 2023mainside you can follow easily...derived side is set up so you have two tables ...that also can show whats next to be bet in postional....two games intertwined,,,dyslexics bankroll shows this ....how you use the basic core principle is just a start....theres a lot more to it...this is why rbbb said you can,t win on his streams cycle tracker alone.....it does not matter that repeats come mainly in lo...not unless you understand carpediems posts

In the derivative part - there will be both sleeping and dropped numbers. And mostly only hits ... And to cover them all, even more funds will be required. This was tried by me and resulted in a progression that killed the bankroll. There seems to be no edge.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Apr 01, 11:03 AM 2023
Carpet posts rather summed up everything that is written by rrbb and waddy. For a second it seemed to me that you can pull out the text - put it in a neural network and it will give out something like that. Mutually exclusive pairs - as he said the key to balance could be if the roulette wheel was a bag. But we cannot exclude 36 after the number 18, the bag cannot be emptied.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Drazen on Apr 01, 11:09 AM 2023
Blueprint, I feel your pain...

While these gurus are arguing among themselves about which one will help more without actually helping at all, and if anything, doing the opposite, there are a few questions on my mind. Unfortunately, they won't provide anything valuable other than philosophical word vomit:

How much help do we need?

Who measures and defines the actual help? Is it the person who is giving it or the person who is receiving it?

Are they really that altruistic?

Are they trying to teach a fish to climb a tree?

Even if they have the key, how smart is it from their point of view to make things easier for any random forum member who could figure it out and share it again with their family and friends for almost no cost and destroy the game as we know it?

If there is a simple solution, and they have figured it out, as they claim, are they way smarter than the rest of us, or have they put that much more time and effort into it to cross the line?

If the person hasn't succeeded with the given help, what does that say about the helpers intentions, if anything?

If I got it one way or another, would I be smart, trustworthy, careful enough to keep the secret?

Cheers and stay well confused

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: duchobor on Apr 01, 12:08 PM 2023
Quote from: Drazen on Apr 01, 11:09 AM 2023Even if they have the key, how smart is it from their point of view to make things easier for any random forum member who could figure it out and share it again with their family and friends for almost no cost and destroy the game as we know it?
"Destroy the game" as an assumption that casinos will go bankrupt or the rules of the game would be changed? That's rather silly. Trust me, you could post step-by-step instructions to a winning method right here and it wouldn't affect the casino business in the slightest.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Apr 01, 01:03 PM 2023
Quote from: Drazen on Apr 01, 11:09 AM 2023. Unfortunately, they won't provide anything valuable other than philosophical word vomit

i disagree,,,i gave the paper what it was based off...i even gave you the tool how to read the streams tracker....no philiosophical crap....

Quote from: Drazen on Apr 01, 11:09 AM 2023Who measures and defines the actual help?

thats more than what i got...

Quote from: Drazen on Apr 01, 11:09 AM 2023or have they put that much more time and effort into it to cross the line?

more than you realise...yet your not still happy with the basics of what i gave...

Quote from: Person S on Apr 01, 10:55 AM 2023This was tried by me and resulted in a progression that killed the bankroll. There seems to be no edge

well thats it then...and i realise that not only you did this...completeley sumarised it up.....if it was that simple i would not have posted what i posted...i did say i have no problem posting the concept of dyslexics php...nor the tracker to read the streamsheet...
i,m no guru ...only a man who has spent a long time on this....and at least given you something....if you think i should spell it out do not be so nieve...

just do what mel does and follow the last and add unit overlay on overlays....thats the way to go ...

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Apr 01, 01:48 PM 2023
Quote from: 6th-sense on Apr 01, 01:03 PM 2023just do what mel does and follow the last and add unit overlay on overlays....thats the way to go ...

It's one thing to not agree with someone and another to throw these little jabs.  I haven't attacked the way you do things!  I just agree you do them different and it works for you.  I wish you the best! So let's just keep Mel out of it.

Quote from: 6th-sense on Apr 01, 01:03 PM 2023thats more than what i got...

It's pure BS! But it doesn't surprise me coming from you...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Apr 01, 01:51 PM 2023
Quote from: 6th-sense on Apr 01, 01:03 PM 2023i,m no guru ...only a man who has spent a long time on this....and at least given you something....if you think i should spell it out do not be so nieve...

I am grateful to you for your efforts to show and bring us to this "something". It invigorates the mind well, fitness gymnastics for the brain. And this principle is as clear as the rays of the sun. There is no great need to explain logical things in this. But the application is strong in the dark, so strong that it is impossible to see anything there. I do not deny that it may be in us, we do not see it as clearly as we would like. But honestly, as Dracaena wrote, there is too much water, and no attempts to disperse it further.

Quote from: 6th-sense on Apr 01, 01:03 PM 2023just do what mel does and follow the last and add unit overlay on overlays....thats the way to go ...
The fact is that by playing this way we will sometimes win and sometimes lose. In general, all this can be reduced to someone that we will run into the edge of the house.

This is not baccarat where the probability of a banker is higher and the casinos, knowing this, make a commission on winnings. And secondly, as previous gurus said, this can be taught to a child in 5 minutes.

This also contradicts such complex things as parallel flows, because we need to keep in mind what is happening there and in all positions, I don't know, it must be an unusual child, with great mental abilities. IMHO
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Apr 01, 02:00 PM 2023
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Apr 01, 01:48 PM 2023It's pure BS! But it doesn't surprise me coming from you..

i,m talking about this paper mel..no offence to you yourself...we both have different thoughts on this,,,not having a go at you..
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Apr 01, 02:01 PM 2023
Quote from: Person S on Apr 01, 01:51 PM 2023This also contradicts such complex things as parallel flows,

no it doesn,t...its only how to read it
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Apr 01, 02:02 PM 2023
and an apology to mel is needed..sorry to offend you it wasn,t meant that way
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Apr 01, 02:02 PM 2023
In general, thank you for your work, for sharing trackers and ideas with us. I like classical training that can lead to results, albeit not in a short period of time.
Yes, Priyanka had the ability to lead lessons, and perfectly form the material.
This is probably what we are talking about - we do not need to know 100% your game, it would be dishonest and arrogant. But at least competent guidance along the way is already the key to success. Unless it's a farce of course.)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Apr 01, 02:07 PM 2023
Quote from: Person S on Apr 01, 02:02 PM 2023Unless it's a farce of course

yep of course....make your own mind up.....
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Apr 01, 02:09 PM 2023
Quote from: Person S on Apr 01, 02:02 PM 2023Yes, Priyanka had the ability to lead lessons, and perfectly form the material.
i,m not pri..the only thing i can give is how to use it....if pri knew ..that person wouldn,t
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Apr 01, 02:31 PM 2023
Quote from: 6th-sense on Apr 01, 02:09 PM 2023i,m not pri..the only thing i can give is how to use it....if pri knew ..that person wouldn,t

Have you calculated, or is it speculation.
I play poker and I know that math is the key to winning. The same definition applies to roulette.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Drazen on Apr 01, 04:04 PM 2023
Quote from: 6th-sense on Apr 01, 01:03 PM 2023i disagree,,,i gave the paper what it was based off...i even gave you the tool how to read the streams tracker....no philiosophical crap....

You took this completely out of context. Please read it again. That part does not refer to anything you said or did. I appreciate everything you shared, for sure.

Quote from: MoneyT101 on Apr 01, 01:48 PM 2023It's pure BS! But it doesn't surprise me coming from you...

Hmm... This is a very interesting part to refer to. I wish Mel could tell us what is behind this remark, but I sense that it will remain unexplained.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: d80 on Apr 01, 05:30 PM 2023
Quote from: 6th-sense on Apr 01, 02:01 PM 2023no it doesn,t...its only how to read it

 I appreciate what you have share to us.But please can you give more a tip of how read this tracker? its hard to us try apply it at a roulette.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Apr 02, 03:12 AM 2023
Hi 6-th,
many thanks for your inputs here.

Its in the nature of the topic that questions arise will never stop.

My question: in your tracker, third columns have the headlines
streets: SOP
Lines: LOP

what do these accronyms mean ?  Street  ?   Position

third columns in the tracker: would you agree to say in short: derived of the derived ?

many thanks
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Apr 02, 03:22 AM 2023
yes herby...whats moved into those postitions..
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Apr 02, 03:37 AM 2023
Quote from: d80 on Apr 01, 05:30 PM 2023I appreciate what you have share to us.But please can you give more a tip of how read this tracker? its hard to us try apply it at a roulette.

yes this part ...

The second story concerns my preparation of a lecture on the Pigeon-hole Principle: I wanted to show my students the most spectacular application of it I had ever encountered. I scratched my memory, and then I remembered: the lower bound for the length of the longest monotonic subsequence! I remembered my thrill, but had forgotten the argument, which I then set out to construct.

Let me state the problem first. We consider a sequence of numbers a.i with 0 ≤ i < N. We get a subsequence of length n by removing some N - n elements from the sequence and retaining the remaining ones in their original order. It is called "an upsequence" provided for any a.i and a.j in the subsequence we have

i < j ⇒ a.i ≤ a.j ;
in the case that we have
i < j ⇒ a.i ≥ a.j ;
it is called "a downsequence".
Let U be the length of a longest upsequence contained in the given sequence, and let D be the length of a longest downsequence contained in it. Prove that N ≤ U·D holds.

The argument I came up with went as follows. Let us construct U·D different labels; if we can now devise a regime that assigns to each element a distinct label, then N —being the number of labels used— is at most U·D —being the number of labels available.

How do we construct U·D different labels? The simplest way I can think of is all the integer pairs (u,d), with 1 ≤ u ≤ U and 1 ≤ d ≤ D. How do we devise a regime that assigns for i < j different labels to a.i and a.j? In order to relate the regime to up- and downsequences, we observe

i < j ⇒ a.i ≤ a.j ∨ a.i ≥ a.j
i.e. a.j can be used to extend either an upsequence or a downsequence ending at a.i. This observation reveals the regime: assign to a.i the pair (u,d) with u (and d) the maximum length of an upsequence (and a downsequence respectively) that ends at a.i. This guarantees
that distinct elements get distinct labels
that each label (u,d) needed satisfies 1 ≤ u ≤ U and 1 ≤ d ≤ D.
I was quite pleased with the reconstruction of this argument, until I realized that what used to be "a triumph of the Pigeon-hole Principle" no longer used the Pigeon-hole Principle at all!

I could reintroduce an appeal to the Pigeon-hole Principle, but only by a contorted rephrasing. [ Identify the elements with objects, the labels with compartments; assume N —the number of objects— to exceed U·D —the number of compartments—; then —PP— at least one compartment would contain more than one objects, which contradicts that distinct elements get distinct labels. Hence N does not exceed U·D. ]

Remark It is in this connection noteworthy that no one I asked formulated the Pigeon-hole Principle as follows: " With objects distributed into compartments such that each compartment contains at most one object, the number of objects is at most the number of compartments". It is logically equivalent to the original formulation, but looks quite different. And that, presumably, is precisely the trouble. (End of Remark.)

With its physical, object-oriented formulation, the classical Pigeon-hole Principle is very vivid, almost catchy. And there lie precisely its major shortcomings: the problem caused by such object-oriented formulation is that A ⇒ B and the logically equivalent "counter-positive" ¬B ⇒ ¬A invite completely different visualisations. The moral of the story seems to be that we should sharply distinguish between good mathematics and public relations.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Apr 02, 03:54 AM 2023
this relates also to the partitions used....up sequence and down sequence...of partition lenght...in derived...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Apr 02, 06:30 AM 2023
Quote from: Herbyx on Apr 02, 03:12 AM 2023derived of the derived ?

Hi 6-th,
If I start the tracker, choose as first number: 3
It shows in the columns: 3 3 2

In the last position shouldn't there be a 3 ?  :question:

Have a nice "Palmsonntag",  how would you name the sunday before easter sunday ?

P.S.: of course I study the Dijkstra text, I think it's not the end of the road
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Apr 02, 06:36 AM 2023
Quote from: Herbyx on Apr 02, 06:30 AM 2023Hi 6-th,
If I start the tracker, choose as first number: 3
It shows in the columns: 3 3 2

In the last position shouldn't there be a 3 ?  :question:

Have a nice "Palmsonntag",  how would you name the sunday before easter sunday ?

Herby that 2 is the next pos for the derived to repeat, if you input 2 again that a repeat of the derived. I think
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: duchobor on Apr 02, 06:49 AM 2023
Quote from: Herbyx on Apr 02, 06:30 AM 2023If I start the tracker, choose as first number: 3
It shows in the columns: 3 3 2

In the last position shouldn't there be a 3 ?  :question:
2 is the number that took place (position 3) from the previous one - in that case, number 3.
1,2,3 ->

good luck
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Apr 02, 06:56 AM 2023
Hi duchobor
thanks and thanks to alex,

if you start number 3 comes from position 3 (=derived)
derived of derived should be 3 as well ?

I have to leave now, have all a nice day without war bastards.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: RayManZ on Apr 02, 07:53 AM 2023
The last column is the real number behind the position.

So yes. If your first number is 3. It position (derived) will be also 3.

But If you want the derived number to repeat. You have to bet 2. Because that is now in position 3.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Apr 02, 08:37 AM 2023
Like so.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Apr 02, 08:49 AM 2023

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Apr 04, 09:48 AM 2023
Person S
You don't need any trackers.
It's all in Dr Sir Anyone's repeat average
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Apr 05, 01:04 PM 2023
Thanks to RayManz and Blueprint  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Apr 05, 01:16 PM 2023
Quote from: RayManZ on Apr 02, 07:53 AM 2023You have to bet 2. Because that is now in position 3.

it doesn,t mean you have to bet it,,,its just for reference...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Apr 05, 01:17 PM 2023
Quote from: 6th-sense on Apr 02, 03:37 AM 2023"an upsequence" provided for any a.i and a.j in the subsequence we have

i < j ⇒ a.i ≤ a.j ;
in the case that we have
i < j ⇒ a.i ≥ a.j ;

it is called "a downsequence".

should look like this:

i < j ⇒ ai ≤ aj ;

i < j ⇒ ai ≥ aj ;

where i and j are indices
anyone who is my opinion ?

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Apr 05, 02:28 PM 2023
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Mar 24, 03:25 PM 2023CarpeDiem refers to it as balance

just going to quote this herby from mels posts.....what does this actually mean

Quote from: MoneyT101 on Mar 24, 03:25 PM 2023Dyksexlic called it twins he also referred to it as sunset/sunrise

and these
Pri mentioned something about parallel universes
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Apr 05, 03:34 PM 2023
Thanks 6th, I have to sleep it over.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Apr 07, 11:18 AM 2023
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: TRD on Apr 07, 11:52 AM 2023
Funny, this ↑, in principle, works as VWD theorem ..
at least length of x=4 increasing & y=6 decreasing in z=16 numbers.

I wonder if number z can be modified, to the payouts & its cycle lengths, observed simultaneously & as your terminology would go stitched, & what the x,y are then?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: TRD on Apr 07, 12:00 PM 2023
Also, there must be a version for repeats .. latest n+1
& another for uniqyes .. at least n

in a certain number of spins.

used, both combined.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: TRD on Apr 07, 12:01 PM 2023
Ideas, practical?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Apr 07, 01:55 PM 2023
Thanks alexlaf,

Theorem from the film:
Any sequence of m*n+1 distinct (real) numbers either contains an increasing subsequence of length m+1 or a decreasing subsequence of length n+1.

Remark: the numbers of the subsequences don't have to be neighbours (but must be seen from left to right)

distinct = uniques as TRD remarked
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Apr 07, 02:01 PM 2023
if i could give a thumbs up for the video and comments i would do... :thumbsup: wait i can
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: TRD on Apr 08, 09:34 AM 2023
Great to know we are thinking in the correct direction ..
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: TRD on Apr 08, 11:20 AM 2023
Hmmm, "either" .. so we are back at the hedge between both.

& although the initial number gives some type of constant, as a starting point for higher or lower, thereof subsequence (up/down-sequence), effectively eliminating a portion of the board as bs ..

.. what real value is in this? From the main stream & su, none.

Perhaps combined with the derived stream, might complete the picture into something sensefully, advantageous?

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: TRD on Apr 08, 11:46 AM 2023
Another detail;


Where the guy in video is using an even number (16), as a starting point (z=m*n).

Given that 16 can be made of either

Question; within the theorem, must be m>n -- or does one subsequence have to higher than the other?

Otherwise, we would have multiple completing options.
n(dec)= 5+1, 4=1
m(inc)= 4+1, 5+1

Also, in roulette given 37 numbers, the probability of an upsequence being longer than downsequence is higher .. when the z≤18, linearly more so the more z gets towards & closer to Zero.

However we may have a long string as a streak highs -- when based firstly on the fact that there is a hedge primarily between betting on up/down-sequence, & despite the higher probability -- none it, the formulation, matters.

Say I have 18 as the first string number, the kind of constant, then 15 high repeats .. the theorem does not hold. There is not 1 (n+1), actually none additional numbers in the string, bein only n itself.

Even we took 16x1 option, we do not arrive at 2 (=n+1), the theorem does not complete.


True, the probability of 15xEC streak is low, very low,so we might dismiss that.

But we have also the possibility of having only 18, 17 & 14x High repeats -- or 6, 3 & 14x of numbers higher than 6 .. much higher probability, more likely.

So where are we at!?!

Given that the theorem does not hold (how not!?, am I mistaken on something), & there is no constant to override theprobability --

the only one more possibility I see is a repertoire of multiple streams on multiple payouts, where z might be somewhere in the middle, taken as a starting point (of the up/down-sequence).


Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: TRD on Apr 08, 11:46 AM 2023
What am I missing?

Anyone, 6th?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Apr 08, 12:43 PM 2023
Quote from: TRD on Apr 08, 11:46 AM 2023What am I missing?

How do you know something is missing? :o

Only way to know that it's missing is for you know that something was already there.  That's a stranger question that only real friends would know the answer to...

Good luck

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Apr 08, 01:42 PM 2023
Quote from: TRD on Apr 08, 11:46 AM 2023Question; within the theorem, must be m>n -- or does one subsequence have to higher than the other?
The theorem doesn't require that one subsequence be longer than the other or that m > n. It simply states that given a sequence of m*n+1 distinct numbers, there must be either an increasing subsequence of length m+1 or a decreasing subsequence of length n+1
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Apr 08, 02:54 PM 2023
And after this question, you fall into a cognitive trap. In the ideal world of your dreams...
So maybe this sequence can be used not in halves, but in dozens. There are 12 numbers in each, if one of the low numbers 1, 13, 25 falls out. Then the probability that the next one will be higher increases. And combine this with the cycle probability = 33 and 44%.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Apr 08, 02:57 PM 2023
It's just my idea to play in cycles of length 1 and 2 , ignoring some numbers.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: TRD on Apr 09, 07:13 AM 2023
Nah, what I am saying is that the whole purpose of applying the PP, a mechanism based on PP, is that it encloses the distribution in some way in a given interval of spins = having & working within with clear parameters.

Otherwise, it is speculation, no better than anything else.

That's that something that is missing in my presentation, to match & establish the above.

@Mel advised with friends & strangers, but however you filks grew with(in) this terminology of making sense of roulette, that to me means nothing, constructively, neither as thr concept itself after consuming the by math-heads formulate material on its own nor in the whole context or model to be assembled & obtained.

Regarding the point of probability;
& the initial sequence point ...

it hasbern proposed & researched in somepapers already, & researched & confirmed by TwoUp, that the higher probability of having a hit on the bigger portion of the field is immaterial .. as this raises linearly with however many numbers are there, or by however many numbers is resized/expanded = the bet size to match that probability is expanded too.

So that one factor that means & establishes nothing advantageous by itself; there must be a another factor, combined with essentially reducing the numbers bet on within that portion of the field defined by/with the initial sequence number = increasing the accuracy of the prediction &or increasing the probability of hit.

Otherwise its pointless, just another interpretative model, without any inherent advantage.

& additionally, further, irrrgarfless of the enlarged (immaterial) probability of either up- or down sequence contingent on the number out defining this initial sequence point (the or at least one source of establishing dependency, between al,the factors relevant) ..

.. if there is no obligation to the relation of m & n, then there are multiple options of completion as the total sequence we are working within is filling up (eg. 16-number sequence, where m & n can be 1X16, 3x5, 4x4), the 'completion' of the theorem's-based subsequence is 'floating', meaning we are discarding between the options by the process of deduction, starting with the lowest first ..

eg. does either up/down-sequence have the length of two, currently one, which we have to bet on & for to complete ..

at this point, we have two portions of the field, split by the initial number
-- if its the beginning of the game, having no additional reducing factors yet defined, it might make sense to bet at the higher probability, to secure the nominal plus
-- if in the recovery, simply from the cost vs payout point of view, it may make more sense the bet the smaller portions

knowing the low derived alone, & its advantage, it may make sense to cover the portion that contains most of the numbers in ..

.. & tracking the original + derived on multiple payouts, may, potentially, give us the reduced coverage, optimized for higher accuracy of bets at a lower cost -- the advantage being on the first few spins of the repeat cycle betting 9on) the defining element of the repeat cycle, & lower cost

.. is there something else (friend with benefits) !?

when either of the sequences gets to 2, the 16x1gets discarded, & only two more options remain 4x4, 5x3, naturally progressing with & onto the latter .. since attempting to match 3, as the next integer ..

& here's another hurdle, that I mention previously already -- its not one subsequence that can 'match' the integer,complete & fulfill according to the theorem, it can be both ..

additionally, m>n & n>m, contingent on the initial sequence number (z), splitting the field ..

if z>18, then that in itself does exclude either of the possibilities above, m>n OR n>m still applies; same with x<18

so z in itself, irregardless of splitting the field into higher/lower probability, has no direct a=implication on anything -- not a factor we rely on leverage  =  no matter what z is, either the upsequence or dowsequence can be lower or shorter → establishing nothing advantageous, giving us nothing to go on

effectively, based on z alone , its still a speculative hedge, at best

Let's examine further;
now we have one sequence of the length of 2, but due to the above-described = we don;t know if m is downsequence or upsequence, & vice versa, same for n.

So, fundamentally, at some point, have ho have the means to establish the correlation between m,n & the subsequence type.

That is the first step in reduction of either of the split fields, thus giving us & establishing a 'potential' advantage .. in accuracy of bets & cost ..

& could go on & on, ie. making even the whole-sequence-length we are to be working within 'variable' .. thus 'completing' based on the payout (=district, compartment), & as well attempting to complete multiple simultaneously (=stitched bets) ..

.. but until we have the fundamental correlation established, advantageously reducing between the options contained within the model (& theorem) inherently ..

adding additional complexity is ultimately pointless & a waste of time (JAIM, just another interpretative model).


.. as you would say causing dependency, but not just any dependency as any correlation is describes coefficiency, the coefficient must be eliminating, discriminating in nature, inherently & advantageously!

Of everything you know & are aware of -- repeat cycle, streams, compartment, etc, etc.  what single thing can & may establish such a correlation = defining m,n & subsequence type?

Looking at the teacher itself & how it evolves the reduced selection as the numbers come out, related to the completion according to the theorem, I (me, myself, now, currently) see no sign of unequivocality -- in the process of determination & elimination, within a single predetermined original sequence length (eg. video, 16).

Perhaps I am looking at to wrongly, wrongly even expecting of such a thing, as it is a 'continuous process' & the sunrise can be sunset & sunset & sunrise .. & that's precisely where the issue is, from my point of view  -- determining which one it is, & most importantly, which of the two interchangeably is at any point advantageous, ultimately?

@6th -- confirm, have you find a way to define that (100% win every cycle), or is your betting still in a way speculative = enlarging the length of the cycle till either of the subsequences complete, &or even stacking them until enough completions & thus gains are secured for an individual game + to be meet  (irregardless of flat betting or whatever the staking MM model is .. we are talking bs -- is the advantage of the accuracy of bets established through the application of PP's up/down-sequence)?

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Apr 09, 09:03 AM 2023

I appreciate your post because you put a lot of thought and work into this.

But you aren't missing a thing. It's just a matter of applying the techniques you've learned and creating the right combinations.

You take what is real and you set it aside from what is speculated.

One of the most important info shown to us was rrbb out the box using the derived set. 

To me the derived set shows you the positions of where things are but as long as you have the knowledge this information can be used without needing to look at it.  You can literally look at the board and see it.

Your starting point is repeats come from recent numbers! (However you guys want to take this info and say that derived is needed or not is based on opinion).

All you need is the knowledge to move forward...

This first step is huge not because we need a repeat to win but because we know where they are.

Knowing where they are also means we know where they aren't going to come from.

You see your idea should be to look at all posible situations and decide which one benefits more.

Then when you have a couple of situations you combine the knowledge and start creating things that will work.

At the end of the day you aren't going to just find something to work. You have to adjust things for it to work.

That's why everyone mentions that looking at just data and cycles won't get you anywhere.  If it was easy to see that way then everyone by know in this forum would have an HG cause we all understand cycles by now.

You need to create it based on what you know is real.  If something is real for one thing then it's also real across the board.  This goes back to the compartment talk if you want to label it.

But my point is that if it's true for one thing it's true for many things.

So stop feeling or thinking like you are missing something.  You have enough info...

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: TRD on Apr 09, 12:45 PM 2023
So you are saying, to the best of your current knowledge, there is no way or you haven't assembled a model (yet), that encloses the distribution within a certain number of spins or interval -- & that there is no additional piece --

that everything that is to be known is already known, & its just about connecting the pieces coherently into a congruent whole, that is additionally adjustable to &or with the flow of the distribution, plus perhaps across with enough complexity to take account of simultaneous payouts across the board.


If yes, then what's this 'friends with benefits' thing?
I never really grasped it, no matter how many ways it was presented on the forum till now,& to what degree of importance it is relevant within the whole model.

Yes, looking at the board you straightforwardly see what the low derived are, staring straight in the face, on each & all payouts -- so what's the importance of position labels themselves, constructively in the application, if any -- besides the mathematically proven advantage of betting on the defining element (dE), even though not ev+, on the first few spins of the repeat cycle, which always gets & is at the position one (pos1) at the time of a repeat, I don't see any other use of it, as any other element has no advantage whatsoever .. again the dE stares straight in the face on the marquee itself, & including the ones that appeared recently too, liable for a repeat (elimination).

The bottom line, you are just & simply surfing the (distribution) wave(s), till the game is in (+) .. using an adaptable combination(s) of payouts deemed most cost-effective, stacked linearly in time.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Apr 09, 02:03 PM 2023
Quote from: TRD on Apr 09, 12:45 PM 2023So you are saying, to the best of your current knowledge, there is no way or you haven't assembled a model (yet), that encloses the distribution within a certain number of spins or interval -- & that there is no additional piece --

I am saying that there are ways to do it but once you find this you will notice you can't win them all.  You can win over time cause there is a good edge.

Once you understand how to do it then you can improve on it by extending the information and making it last longer.

So this is where I'm at!  Only way to get to 100% is to take the information into deep waters because we know for a fact we won't get all unique numbers to show.

But dyksexlic said he wins the cycle! He never said he wins every spin.  This is where I was stuck for a long time.  I kept using progressions because I like them and because I couldn't understand how to avoid some losses and still come out on top.

It's the key right here.... The losses carry over to the next spin are what's really hurting you.  So these just need to be minimized long enough.

Here's just an example to make a point...

So let's say you play a cycle length of 37 and you play 3 units per spin you're at -111 and win the final spin +36

Your final profit -75

Now let's use the same situation but you won 14 spins with 6 units on top of the last spin

Your profit is -111+36+84= +9

In both situations you played 3 units but some spins kept you from losing money.

Quote from: TRD on Apr 09, 12:45 PM 2023that is additionally adjustable to &or with the flow of the distribution, plus perhaps across with enough complexity to take account of simultaneous payouts across the board.

I think it all depends on your point of view and angle.

Let me give you an example... keep in mind this is just to make a point and does not work. 

Let's say you bet 1 unit on low ec and
I bet 3 units on lines 4-6. Then the result is 16(line 3)

You win and I lost

Now even tho I lost I can say that I won because you had 1 unit on it.  There is nothing stopping me from looking at it from this angle.

Doesn't matter what happened what matter is how I view it; the angle I am using and the information I am gathering.

The great thing about this game is that there is no one  way to do something.  You can view and apply things however you want. 

There isnt any rules only the ones you create!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Apr 09, 02:08 PM 2023
You guys seem to be deviated. the basis of all theories is to go around the edge.
Extremely unfair payout. How to remove the edge? no way (unless you pull out a couple of numbers)).
This is sewn into the roulette mechanism.
If I take poker as an example, then my AA will have 82% to win every time I go all-in. I'll still get rake but overall I'll be a big plus on ev+. I have two cards, the opponent has two cards.
Now let's imagine that my opponent has a pair of 66 in each hand, and I have AKs.
My equity with this hand is 48%. So I'll be in the red in the long run.
Looking at all this, it seems that roulette is such an adversary ...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Apr 09, 02:13 PM 2023
In general, if we know that the repetitions are 99.9999% (it seems that I was not mistaken))) come from the first half. He can focus on her. Only one half? But the downside is that sometimes the numbers will go further, like falcor brought satitstika where there were 30-32 unique ones. Is the game worth the candle?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Apr 09, 02:18 PM 2023
But again, repetition is not the key. As the great Carpet said, we are looking for a balance.
Mix of repeats and sleepers.
2 in 1 twix)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: TRD on Apr 09, 02:20 PM 2023

OK, so just to make it clear -- purely from bs perspective, the model/mechanism you use establishes, other than the dE's inherent one (still ev-)

a [no actual advantage whatsoever -- its simply a great guideline used in the exact placement of positions, so constructing bets]

b [.. or just enough .. to work with MM in tandem]

.. meanwhile, the key, at least in your case, is in improvement in MM.


@6th, given that your approaches apparently essentially differ, same for you?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: TRD on Apr 09, 02:22 PM 2023
Twix  :twisted:  √
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Apr 09, 02:23 PM 2023
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Apr 09, 02:03 PM 2023So let's say you play a cycle length of 37 and you play 3 units per spin you're at -111 and win the final spin +36
Lol Money, you seem to be overlooking the fact that your progressions will increase your losses and your profits will be at the bottom. And why are you giving an example with 3 numbers? After all, you know for sure that this is a guessing game.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Apr 09, 02:25 PM 2023
Quote from: Person S on Apr 09, 02:18 PM 2023As the great Carpet said

Your carpet is talking ?
I begin to understand.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Apr 09, 02:28 PM 2023
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Apr 09, 02:03 PM 2023Now let's use the same situation but you won 14 spins with 6 units on top of the last spin

Your profit is -111+36+84= +9

The crappiest comparison sorry)
You never know how many spins you need.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Apr 09, 02:29 PM 2023
Quote from: Herbyx on Apr 09, 02:25 PM 2023Your carpet is talking ?
I begin to understand.
Imagine he speaks Japanese :)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Apr 09, 02:47 PM 2023
I respect the participants, but the reasoning is not clear, but abstract
 symbols that go from year to year along the same route have not brought anyone out, but have strengthened delusions.
Logic is the most reliable tool.
So sorry dude Mel.
I wish you to become a roulette winner.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Apr 09, 03:03 PM 2023
By the way, you have a good talent to lead the conversation and the audience.
Maybe well, this roulette and find a cabaret where you will show your talent by performing stand-up from the stage.
By the way, you can tell stories about the search for the grail.
For example, like this - do you know why some pigeons do not live in nests?
Because they don't have papers :)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Apr 09, 03:08 PM 2023
Quote from: TRD on Apr 09, 02:20 PM 2023@Mel

a [no actual advantage whatsoever -- its simply a great guideline used in the exact placement of positions, so constructing bets]

b [.. or just enough .. to work with MM in tandem]

.. meanwhile, the key, at least in your case, is in improvement in MM.


@6th, given that your approaches apparently essentially differ, same for you?

If you focus on the increasing/decreasing/pigeons and compartments etc it can get confusing.

Whether you guys understand it or not 6th and I are doing the same thing at the end of the day.  I'm just showing you a different angle for the same thing. 

There isn't any advantage in roulette it's a game and the house has the advantage.  Any type of betting will fall to the house edge.  Except when you don't let the law of large numbers dictate the cycle!

Quote from: Person S on Apr 09, 02:23 PM 2023Lol Money, you seem to be overlooking the fact that your progressions will increase your losses and your profits will be at the bottom. And why are you giving an example with 3 numbers? After all, you know for sure that this is a guessing game.

If you didn't understand correctly read it again or work it out yourself. I flatbet 3 units the whole 37 spins!  So what progression?  Each spin I lost 3.  Now obviously I didn't cover 3 straights cause how the hell would I win 6 units on 14 spins I'm not even sure why I'm answering you but maybe this info can benefit someone who actually reads.

Quote from: Person S on Apr 09, 02:28 PM 2023The crappiest comparison sorry)
You never know how many spins you need.

Again read the info the repeat came on spin 38 so you used up all 36 unique numbers.  Why are you having trouble understanding this?

3 units per spin played at 37 spins = -111 units played total

14 of the 37 spins you win 6 units= 84 units won

1 out of 37 spins you win 36 units= 36 units

So final is

All units placed = -111
14 spins won at 6= +84
1 spin won at 36= +36

Quote from: Person S on Apr 09, 02:47 PM 2023Logic is the most reliable tool.
So sorry dude Mel.
I wish you to become a roulette winner.

I agree and thank you

Quote from: Person S on Apr 09, 03:03 PM 2023By the way, you have a good talent to lead the conversation and the audience.
Maybe well, this roulette and find a cabaret where you will show your talent by performing stand-up from the stage.
By the way, you can tell stories about the search for the grail.
For example, like this - do you know why some pigeons do not live in nests?
Because they don't have papers :)

Sounds good I will look into it in the future.  Thank you for your suggestion.  Maybe I'll see you there since you sounds like your good at being a clown.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Apr 09, 03:27 PM 2023
Quoteredd warf old post

In other words: playing a different game might nullify the house edge (in the case of tic-tac-toe, there is also a house edge if the we win 1 unit when we win a game).

So the last time I will ask this on this forum: "what other games" could we play on the roulette table (or for that matter with sequences of numbers)

1. a session must be short as not to be pulled in by statistics so to speak
2. a strict definition of what a number cycle is must be found
3. the "waiting for a win event" game must be avoided at all costs
4. progressions can only be used once a winning method has been found
5. playing just 1 method is not going to cut it

QuoteDyksexlic old post

You're correct. I win at least once within every 38 spin cycle. 100% guaranteed. I don't win each spin, like you said, the win cycle more than covers the losing spins.

"As u state in every cycle of 38 spins 1 repeater has to come. But if u only have one win u cannot profit, without progression. "

My point is I don't need to, as predicting the number spun is not a prerequisite for my system winning a 38 spin cycle.

It's not a crack in that sense, like a software crack. . just a solution to the problem of how do you secure a win regardless of sequence of numbers

My system doesn't wait for an event. It is a PRINCIPLED idea. No sequence of possible spins can change this principle.

I'll leave you guys and the clowns with that info.  Enjoy your circus
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Apr 09, 03:39 PM 2023
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Apr 09, 03:08 PM 20233 units per spin played at 37 spins = -111 units played total

14 of the 37 spins you win 6 units= 84 units won
OK, I understand. But why are you giving a ghostly hope counter for 14 spins? Where such confidence?
You need at least 13 spins to be profitable. You know what will be used.
14 spins of 6 units - 30 numbers must be covered.
Well, in the end, you will again lose to the edge of the house in pure mathematics. Sometimes you will have 8 sometimes 10 wins of 6. Sometimes you will have more than 14. It's just pure mathematics, not thoughts based on unreliable information.

Quote from: MoneyT101 on Apr 09, 03:08 PM 2023Maybe I'll see you there since you sounds like your good at being a clown.
I will definitely buy a ticket for the first row, it's so nice to see a colleague ;D
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Apr 09, 03:51 PM 2023
Let me ask you one more question. For example, you have become old and tomorrow death will come. And you still haven't figured out the grail.
Will you feel comfortable?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Apr 09, 04:14 PM 2023
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Apr 09, 03:27 PM 2023I win at least once within every 38 spin cycle
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Apr 09, 03:27 PM 2023My point is I don't need to, as predicting the number spun is not a prerequisite for my system winning a 38 spin cycle.
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Apr 09, 03:27 PM 2023No sequence of possible spins can change this principle.
What does this mean - the worst scenario, 1 time he won at least in a cycle of 38. For example, 1 time and a billion.
5 times out of a billion he won 2 times out of 38 spins (this is just an example, I did not count))
Using principle, principle of what? Mary poppins?
If this is the notorious principle of repetitions - pigeon holes (MEL do not forget to learn the text for stand up)) . That is the principle of repetition and nothing more.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Apr 09, 04:50 PM 2023
Quote from: Person S on Apr 09, 03:39 PM 2023OK, I understand. But why are you giving a ghostly hope counter for 14 spins? Where such confidence?
You need at least 13 spins to be profitable. You know what will be used.
14 spins of 6 units - 30 numbers must be covered.
Well, in the end, you will again lose to the edge of the house in pure mathematics. Sometimes you will have 8 sometimes 10 wins of 6. Sometimes you will have more than 14. It's just pure mathematics, not thoughts based on unreliable information.
I will definitely buy a ticket for the first row, it's so nice to see a colleague ;D

:twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted: 

You truly are a clown lmao

That was the cycle length.  We won the cycle.

Of course in the actual game some spins can win and some can lose and it will fluctuate.  That wasn't the point.  And it doesn't even matter.

I said it was an example and it was to show you that no progression was used in 37 spins and we flatbet.

Yes it's pure mathematics something you are having trouble with other then your reading!

:xd:  :xd: I can't with you, I seriously hope you're just trolling

Quote from: Person S on Apr 09, 03:51 PM 2023Let me ask you one more question. For example, you have become old and tomorrow death will come. And you still haven't figured out the grail.
Will you feel comfortable?

This actually use to cross my mind.  I've put so many years into this and it was depressing for some time.  That's why it's good to just take a break and enjoy life a bit before coming back.  So you don't have any regrets.

It was the only thing that kept me sane.  Whether I have the grail or not I still enjoyed my life, my family.  So I can be comfortable with myself. 

I realized there wasn't any way to beat this game doing the same thing.  I had to accept the fact that I will not win every spin.  I had to accept the fact that this game is unbeatable.  And that's what what helped me find a solution. I don't want to play the game the way it is.  I have control over what I bet, when I bet, and how much I bet.

I forgot about winning and losing and just looked at what is happening. Then made decisions that were in my favor.

Repeats come from recent numbers all across the board

Lines repeat 93% from last 3
Streets repeat 98% from last 6
Splits repeat 99% from last 9
Straights repeat 99% from last 18

Notice it's from half of what came out and based on the partition used your chances of getting a repeat before half the spins gets better.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Apr 09, 04:56 PM 2023
Quote from: Person S on Apr 09, 04:14 PM 2023What does this mean - the worst scenario, 1 time he won at least in a cycle of 38. For example, 1 time and a billion.
5 times out of a billion he won 2 times out of 38 spins (this is just an example, I did not count))
Using principle, principle of what? Mary poppins?
If this is the notorious principle of repetitions - pigeon holes (MEL do not forget to learn the text for stand up)) . That is the principle of repetition and nothing more.

Ok so I am sorry for calling you a clown.  Your reading comprehension is the problem.  Maybe English isn't your first language.  I apologize

" I win at least once within every 38 spin cycle"

This means every 38 spins there is atleast 1 win

So if he did 38 spins 1000 times. He will have atleast 1000 wins.

Each 38 spins =1 guaranteed win
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Apr 09, 05:09 PM 2023
Okay, I need to get some sleep before I move on.
It's good that you're all right!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Apr 09, 05:13 PM 2023
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Apr 09, 04:56 PM 2023Each 38 spins =1 guaranteed win
To win is not a problem,
to win and stay in profit with a maximum of of 2736 units is the art.
And this without progression ?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Apr 09, 05:15 PM 2023
And about 1 time out of 38.
I took the probability that the cycle is 38 long. It will come out only 1 time in a billion (there should be another hundred zeros here). That is, 1 time in a billion you will receive a gain in cycle 38, the question is - how much is this gain? He did not say...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Apr 09, 05:18 PM 2023
Here Herbie, after talking with his carpet, also began to understand ;Д
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: d80 on Apr 09, 07:50 PM 2023
Quote from: Herbyx on Apr 09, 05:13 PM 2023to win and stay in profit with a maximum of of 2736 units is the art.
And this without progression ?

I think it uses different proportion of units at each number or partition.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Apr 09, 07:55 PM 2023
Quote from: Herbyx on Apr 09, 05:13 PM 2023To win is not a problem,
to win and stay in profit with a maximum of of 2736 units is the art.
And this without progression ?

I can't sit here and tell you what his exact method is, but I can see how it required 2736 units. Which btw that's the max.  It doesn't mean it would ever get there.

It goes back to making sure you win every possible sequence.  The regular method can't accomplish it by itself to get you 100%.  But you don't need to get 100%.  You can use the regular and still win.  The reason why you want the 100% is because it can beat cheating rng.

Quote from: Person S on Apr 09, 05:15 PM 2023And about 1 time out of 38.
I took the probability that the cycle is 38 long. It will come out only 1 time in a billion (there should be another hundred zeros here). That is, 1 time in a billion you will receive a gain in cycle 38, the question is - how much is this gain? He did not say...

He said he will make atleast 1 unit on every 38 cycle.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Apr 09, 11:44 PM 2023
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Apr 09, 07:55 PM 2023He said he will make atleast 1 unit on every 38 cycle.

Good morning,
here's 5:30 in the morning.
For me interesting if it still holds:
at least 1 unit on every 38 cycle - no progression

if you can't win "1 unit on every 38 cycle" there's a black hole in the system and you can play until this black hole gets all your money.
Recently I programmed such a complex system with progression.
You know what followed: winning, winning for days, followed by a very expensive crash.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Apr 09, 11:50 PM 2023
The last few days even one of the greatest mathematician Erdös was cited here.
Erdös and millions of mathematicians didn't find a strategie - we can ?
So keep on going.  :wink:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: TRD on Apr 10, 04:11 AM 2023
QuoteYou know what followed: winning, winning for days, followed by a very expensive crash.

Your bankroll is too big .. & start thinking of designing & implementing inter-session modules, scaling on the performance of your base-system, with super-small bankroll <100u ideally,  there's room for perhaps a more. That is, if I can suggest something ..

@Mel, so you basically confirmed that there's no increased accuracy in bet selection alone, that's what I was interested in -- presumably, all you've done is learnt how to minimize the cost, lower the volatility & thus increase cost/reward ratio .. so that you by design self-generate the least amount of exposition, that then requires the least amount of hits to profit.

If wrong, correct.

Something I wrote long time ago:
Minimized volatility requires the shortest intervals of variance turning in favor.

What I am attempting to determine is, even though the positioning of MM might not be consistent ev+, is there an improvement overall with bs, in shorter-term intervals of spins, session length (& to anyone who has an inkling .. don't even get started to talk to me about an infinite test of gazillion of spins converging all bs types to 0.027 -- every tire type gets slick after driving with it for 137 years).. if you were to just use last outcome ..  would your results be the same?

Or is something in the way you utilize the knowledge of streams & PP in itself that makes the surplus, @Mel?

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Apr 10, 06:05 AM 2023
Unique vs 37
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Apr 10, 01:37 PM 2023
Quote from: Herbyx on Apr 09, 11:44 PM 2023if you can't win "1 unit on every 38 cycle" there's a black hole in the system and you can play until this black hole gets all your money.
Recently I programmed such a complex system with progression.
You know what followed: winning, winning for days, followed by a very expensive crash.

I already addressed this

Quote from: TRD on Apr 10, 04:11 AM 2023@Mel, so you basically confirmed that there's no increased accuracy in bet selection alone, that's what I was interested in -- presumably, all you've done is learnt how to minimize the cost, lower the volatility & thus increase cost/reward ratio .. so that you by design self-generate the least amount of exposition, that then requires the least amount of hits to profit.

If wrong, correct.

Something I wrote long time ago:
Minimized volatility requires the shortest intervals of variance turning in favor.

What I am attempting to determine is, even though the positioning of MM might not be consistent ev+, is there an improvement overall with bs, in shorter-term intervals of spins, session length (& to anyone who has an inkling .. don't even get started to talk to me about an infinite test of gazillion of spins converging all bs types to 0.027 -- every tire type gets slick after driving with it for 137 years).. if you were to just use last outcome ..  would your results be the same?

Or is something in the way you utilize the knowledge of streams & PP in itself that makes the surplus, @Mel?

TRD you are getting way to technical lol...

If the odds say i should win 1 in 36 and I'm getting 1 in 24... is my accuracy increased? Or it's not increased because I minimized the cost/lowered volatility?

Spin 1- L
Spin 2- L
Spin 3-W


Spin 1- W
Spin 2- L
Spin 3-L

These 3 spins are one game to me.  So if my cycle ends on spin 3 and I'm +1.  That's my result for that cycle.

I don't care about winning and losing spins until the end of a cycle! You cannot beat individual spins.

It all depends on how you look at it. The accuracy is increased because you are getting wins at better odds in the end.

At the end of the day we are trying to win!  Or am I wrong?

If I'm flat betting every spin....If I'm not picking accurate bets then I'm losing and my bankroll is going down.

So the bets must be accurate to cause an increase in bankroll without progression.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Apr 10, 01:56 PM 2023
Quote from: TRD on Apr 10, 04:11 AM 2023you were to just use last outcome ..  would your results be the same?

Or is something in the way you utilize the knowledge of streams & PP in itself that makes the surplus, @Mel?

If you use last outcome only for each spin then you are playing individual spins and you aren't going to beat the game.

Maybe you can but idk how to do it
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: d80 on Apr 11, 04:38 AM 2023
MoneyT101,How do you analyze to bet when have 2 differents EC at cycle? see this your image below as example.We have 19 and 16.How do you choose bet at High if before we have 2 differents EC?

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Apr 11, 10:13 AM 2023
Quote from: d80 on Apr 11, 04:38 AM 2023MoneyT101,How do you analyze to bet when have 2 differents EC at cycle?
That bet strategy I showed in the simulator is not 100% how it should look like.  It was just one of steps in my process of learning what was needed and its public space; to many eyes.

But what you just pointed out might or might not be of value.  :ooh:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Apr 11, 02:55 PM 2023
Mel the truth is I and many others can't get what Gordon has discovered and because I can't see as far as him, I am getting better results with (cycles too) but there is something more I guess or maybe is already there...
Let's say I bet numbers but my criteria for what to bet are Lines, is that close to what you are doing?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: TRD on Apr 11, 04:02 PM 2023
@Mel .. when I say last outcome .. I mean;

that already includes the low-derived fact
that last number out, as a qualifier to generate an actual position, is then used to determine the appropriate best payout, strategically speaking, based on the PP
& as well, that there may be more, multiple qualifiers used in per spin placement .. as a varying interval of last appeared qualifiers, so potentially a few of them;


using a less strict, or more adaptive bs based on the repeats & repeat cycle itself (original, derived streams, defining element).

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: TRD on Apr 11, 04:06 PM 2023
Yes, based on the 6th comment, there was something extra pointed, & in the way it was said implied that neither Mel got to comprehend it & become aware of it.

So, perhaps, its maybe better 6th answers the above question .. but that seems to be a vain request, even to get a just confirmation about it only.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Apr 11, 04:19 PM 2023
Quote from: alexlaf on Apr 11, 02:55 PM 2023Let's say I bet numbers but my criteria for what to bet are Lines, is that close to what you are doing?

Yes and no... you have the overall idea now find the balance
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Apr 11, 05:03 PM 2023

Let me put it this way for you.  Using the derived set you can forget about groups and what the numbers mean since they keep changing.  You can create your own groups and it will behave the same as the original roulette groups

It doesn't matter whether you use derived with roullette or just roullette numbers.  The derived set might help you guys more cause it will show you clearly where numbers are. But in the end the regular set works the same.(atleast for me)

All that matters and all that never changes is repeats and unique. That's the big secret!

This fact jumps across compartments.  It's the only thing you need to play with.

Quote from: TRD on Apr 11, 04:06 PM 2023Yes, based on the 6th comment, there was something extra pointed, & in the way it was said implied that neither Mel got to comprehend it & become aware of it.

It's possible who knows.

You can't say you know exactly what someone does without also showing the application of all the other details like bankroll amount and progressive bets/flat bets. If you don't have an answer then you cant claim you know his method!

All of this I can prove with my ideas on dyksexlic method.  But even still I don't know if it's exactly how he did it unless he told me. 

But I can tell you why he used that bankroll and I did show you the progressive flatbets in my 3 unit example.  Not in detail but enough to get the idea.

Yes there's things I haven't shared and there are things that I shared that were never clear.

But while you guys are here waiting for more answers; you can use what you have already and make it work for you.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Apr 11, 05:09 PM 2023
Mel, can you say me (if you can say that) if you focus on one part or if there is a need to combine it as in the photo?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Apr 11, 05:29 PM 2023
Quote from: alexlaf on Apr 11, 05:09 PM 2023Mel, can you say me (if you can say that) if you focus on one part or if there is a need to combine it as in the photo?

I said Two minimum to start so you can know what to look for.  But you can focus on just one and apply rules to it and get the same results once you know.

So pri demonstrated ec and dozens back in random thoughts.

I prefer ec and lines instead  :xd:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Apr 12, 07:37 AM 2023
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Apr 09, 09:03 AM 2023You need to create it based on what you know is real.  If something is real for one thing then it's also real across the board.  This goes back to the compartment talk if you want to label it.

But my point is that if it's true for one thing it's true for many things.

totally agree Mel
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Apr 12, 07:43 AM 2023
Quote from: TRD on Apr 09, 07:13 AM 2023Let's examine further;
now we have one sequence of the length of 2, but due to the above-described = we don;t know if m is downsequence or upsequence, & vice versa, same for n.

So, fundamentally, at some point, have ho have the means to establish the correlation between m,n & the subsequence type.

there is the basic correlation...which is already established
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Apr 12, 07:47 AM 2023
Quote from: TRD on Apr 09, 07:13 AM 2023Of everything you know & are aware of -- repeat cycle, streams, compartment, etc, etc.  what single thing can & may establish such a correlation = defining m,n & subsequence type?

very simple to answer...they all work and show the method/result
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: TRD on Apr 12, 04:24 PM 2023
Basic correlation .. which I pointed out already, but nothing unequivocal that would solidify into a definitive improvement in the accuracy of bet selection -- over one cycle!

Now, given that we have multiple payouts & that there are essentially two types of a cycle (classic, number of spins based on a payout return .. & as well, repeat cycle, upon the derived is formed), plus that we may, in order to get to that overall positive, combine in a multi-level but simultaneous &or linear way, a series of such cycles into the length that is 37 spins --

can you say that my above, first paragraph, hypothesis is wrong, & there is an equivocal way that encloses the distribution within a cycle, by way of improved bet selection, over one cycle .. doesn't have to be one repeat cycle over several spins, but a combined & simultaneous, linearly &or multi-level over 37 spins .. that either guarantees or at least pretty much guarantees over the -SD expectation, a win.

I, obviously, avoided saying above the expectation, as for most that would mean ev+, to avoid unnecessary confusion -- but to clarify, if you imagine the whole thing, as the distribution runs & fluctuates through ±SD levels = having an offset off the average expectation in a certain number of spins irregardless of the bet type, here focusing on the minus only --

would combined with an improved, advanced MM, that recovers & closes more games than just at expected 1/37, related to the above the SD graph would shift a bit further up, meanwhile the threshold representing the percentage of the games resolved would remain at the same level = so close also the games that are at  eg. (-0.5, -1, -1.5, -2) SD as well ...

would you say that, one, using the PP & streams improves that bs to better than 1/37 (by the use of PP) = lock the distribution unequivocally with the guarantee of overall win ....... or two, use of PP give just a little bit extra edge short-term, as long as the game to +1 & restart, so that combined with an improved MM together gives just enough combined to win  most if not all the cycles (eg. within 37-spins), at least the vast majority of them, & otherwise cost-effectively, without digging too bigof whole = minimized expositions that are recoverable; meanwhile the win percentage of these won cycles is so high, that the incomplete are so rare, meaning so rare that their frequency of clumping according to the newly defined expectation is pretty much non-existent, & that so we can expect that within the next or utmost within the including second cycle (37-spins) the game is closed in plus nonetheless & irregardless.

@6th, if 'one' stands true, then there really is something to PP = enclosing the distribution & achieving the increased accuracy of bet selection through mathematical means (not physical, as wobbly wheels,  computers, dealer signature, .. whatever) ..... & in this case an improved MM effect just makes the bankroll requirement lower due to a minimized volatility (=not loading on vets unnecessarily);

& if 'two' stands true, then PP in itself, whatever way & article is defined as, offers creatives degrees of application ... without truly enlocking the distribution, then the whole magic is much better MM that works at best in symbiosis with the streams, each of the two imperfect mechanisms propping up each other & making both combined a perfect mechanism, or near perfect mechanism with such a rare offset in performance that the next cycle(s) take care of that offset anyway = perfect in itself anyway, by a way of self-calibration.

I am not trying to pull the secrets out of you, I am only trying to determine what the potential result in investing time into something truly is, before even deciding to do so. As I already have something that wins majestically, & if there really ain't anything that literally encloses the distribution, & thus has the potential of improving my thing even further, I don't see any extra value in it. As its still a positioning- or placement-speculation, combined with a superior MM .. & just another way of interpreting distribution, that despite all works as a great guideline of where to place bets, that avoids confusion, minimizes the discretionary decisions, & automates the system to a high degree.

All I wanna get here is a confirmation or denial that PP can actually improve the accuracy of prediction, absolutely, or just to a degree -- since you are allegedly well-versed in its application, also allegedly in an advanced if not masterful way -- &, to what degree.

Besides, obviously, it never was about winning every single bet .. what's even the point of mentioning that @Mel, maybe its just an echo of your personal baggage & expectations, as a vanishing residue of going through the evolution, the things we are all unlearning, each in some or other way.

I agree with you on one thing though, & that's that tracking the derived complicates things, especially if you are playing on B&M tables, & that all derived numbers, which includes the repeats & uniques, the things unifyingly we 'balance' the approach on, are already present on the main stream anyway.

So, I don't see the value of charting the positions stream in any other way, than representing the fact in a more clear way.

I also, still don't know what's the value of the 'friends with benefits + strangers thing, so I don't know why are you mentioning that too?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Apr 12, 04:55 PM 2023
Quote from: TRD on Apr 12, 04:24 PM 2023All I wanna get here is a confirmation or denial that PP can actually improve the accuracy of prediction, absolutely, or just to a degree -- since you are allegedly well-versed in its application, also allegedly in an advanced if not masterful way -- &, to what degree.

I'll answer you with this quote from priyanka " However pigeon hole pricinple, friends and strangers theorem does have legs and we will have to do some kind of pairing to create dependencies."

If you already have a method that is doing good then just improve upon it and continue using it. You might be even applying certain techniques without knowing.

But yes I can say pp works and helps improve your game. Once you understand the steps you need then you can actually translate it to other things.

I like playing bacarrat so I'll come out with a version of play for only EC.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Apr 12, 11:12 PM 2023
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Apr 12, 04:55 PM 2023I'll come out with a version of play for only EC.

I thought you play lines and EC where you can use the higher payout of the lines

(with help of PP,streams, arms, legs, socks,..green and orange blocks, toto forms, minimum of averages, enemies, differences, divisors, modulo calculations,..)

I remember:
"But you can focus on just one and apply rules to it and get the same results once you know."

Fascinating, but I see I just talk to myself and gave the answer already.

 SD, discrete and continous distributions, chi squared, single or doublesided hypothesis tests, and so on I wouldn't talk at this time.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Apr 12, 11:40 PM 2023
Quote from: Herbyx on Apr 12, 11:12 PM 2023I thought you play lines and EC where you can use the higher payout of the lines

(with help of PP,streams, arms, legs, socks,..green and orange blocks, toto forms, minimum of averages, enemies, differences, divisors, modulo calculations,..)

I remember:
"But you can focus on just one and apply rules to it and get the same results once you know."

Fascinating, but I see I just talk to myself and gave the answer already.

 SD, discrete and continous distributions, chi squared, single or doublesided hypothesis tests, and so on I wouldn't talk at this time.

If you think I'm contradicting myself.  I rather you keep believing that.

Hmmm seems you're frustrated or something...


Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Apr 13, 12:17 AM 2023
Just early morning talk to myself reading this:

Quote from: MoneyT101 on Apr 12, 04:55 PM 2023I like playing bacarrat so I'll come out with a version of play for only EC.

The only thing I know about baccarat is that its similar to 1 EC.
So all other informations about lines,streets, dozens, etc and their stitching options are thrown away - from my point of view.  :'(
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Apr 13, 12:21 AM 2023
So I go back to the start, for me Erdős-Szekeres theorem in all variations.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Apr 13, 12:51 AM 2023
Exactly my point!  I have to create a version for only ec. The only way to do is to use stitched bets and apply the same thing after. It should work about the same.  But I'll worry about this later.  Still a lot to tackle with what's on my plate now



You just have to know what to look for! It's a game about objects.  So I can use anything just like Roulette. The numbers are an illusion...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Apr 13, 03:11 AM 2023
Mel are we talking for this kind a new GROUP?

RL # 1
BL # 2
RH # 3
BH # 4
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Apr 13, 03:49 AM 2023
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Apr 13, 12:51 AM 2023Still a lot to tackle with what's on my plate now

one group of 4 objects
one group of 8 objects
one group of 16 objects (~comparable to streets)
one group of 32 objects (~comparable to numbers)
... even go higher ...

you need permutations, combinations, variations ... no problem  :wink:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Apr 13, 08:05 AM 2023
Quote from: alexlaf on Apr 13, 03:11 AM 2023Mel are we talking for this kind a new GROUP?

RL # 1
BL # 2
RH # 3
BH # 4

I was giving herby an example of how to use only EC bets so he can play in other games like baccarat or craps
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Apr 17, 08:58 AM 2023
Quote from: Herbyx on Apr 05, 01:04 PM 2023Thanks to RayManz and Blueprint  :thumbsup:

Late, but now I see I got annother help  from 6th, alexlaf, duchobor

and recently again help from MoneyT.
So thanks for that to all.  :thumbsup:

And no I don't know more than you, I was fighting with my Erdös-Szekeres-Dijkstra program which was wrong programmed by me.  :o confusious

Not to mix up with confucius  ;) 
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: duchobor on Apr 17, 02:23 PM 2023
Good luck with the program Herby.
I'm losing my mind over all those streams. I've never created more useless spreadsheets in my life than in the last few days. To crack it, it's becoming a matter of pride more than anything else. :)

But... "It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop." That's from Confucius. Allegedly.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: duchobor on Apr 19, 09:58 AM 2023
Some thoughts (non-random).
The purpose of this post is to ask the right questions (perhaps answer some of them) and try to revive the discussion.
So... Combining classic (normal) and derived streams. In what way should it be done? Is it enough? What about MM?
Back to basics.
Things we know are needed (crucial) to construct a CWM:
1. Playing both classic and derived streams (as stated by 6th-sense).
2. Playing at least two partitions (as stated by MoneyT). Dyksexlic played all four (?).
3. 'Dividing everything into halves' (as stated by CarpeDiem) and creating mutually exclusive pairs. Priyanka also mentioned creating pairings. Dyksexlic mentioned planet1 - planet2...
4. Flat (flat-ish) betting + continuous play.
5. Cycles are everything. Cycle ends on a repeat. It is also a start of a new cycle.
6. It should be an all-encompassing bet that catches both repeats and singles.
Now... my thoughts:
a) about point 1. Playing all compartments on both streams just as they go is obviously not the answer. I'm sure it's the very thing all of us tried (using the stream tracker).
b) about point 3. and point 6. Using both streams - classic and derived - kind of naturally creates a bet that includes repeats and singles (hits and unhits). How to divide it further? Even before using a stream tracker and playing with just one regular stream, I've tried all kinds of divisions I could think of. I've played black&red numbers as two separate games within one game, high&low numbers, RL-RH-BL-BH and so, and so on. I've played red for repeats and black for singles. All sorts of out of the box tests you could imagine. Some games hold pretty well but only up to a certain point... when they started to crumble.
With the stream tracker, I had a thought: how about pairing two partitions and playing only the derived stream and the other two partitions with the classic stream? But which ones? And how?
The problem with this kind of testing is that it all has to be done manually on a spin-by-spin basis. You can't code something if you don't even know exactly what you are looking for. I gave up on many such trials that might have potential... I don't know. I kept on going with others for way too long before realizing it was a road to nowhere.
So... what other divisions and pairings can we find/create? How to connect them properly together into a game within a game... within a game? :)
c) about point 4. Money management. What does "flat-ish" really mean? Is it straight flat most of the time + some sort of progression at certain phases of the game? I don't believe so. Is it flat that is constantly moving because of the movements of the derived stream (for those who may not know: you play for positions repeat, so the numbers keep changing) and (sometimes) overlapping numbers and partition from both sets? Maybe so. Dyksexlic talked about held bet (or something like that). This could just be a bet for the classic stream. And the other one (for the derived) is a moving bet. Maybe? Or maybe something completely different? Probably so... :)
For those in the 'know': Is there anything worth pursuing in the post above? Any further advice on how to bite this subject?
For those outside of the 'know' (:)): Any new ideas you would like to share?
Let's keep diving in.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Apr 19, 04:19 PM 2023
Hi duchobor,

from outside of the 'know' (:)):
I try to find the different aspects of PHP in the tracker which 6th kindly posted.

- order: friends and strangers: min 2 triangles of the same color
- Dijkstra: maximum has to be greater or equal to the mean, toto
- Dijkstra, Erdös: Up and downsequences

- MoneyT: 5 dozens in 13 spins

some more or already too much ?

As you said: Thanks and regards
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Apr 19, 06:38 PM 2023
Priyanka once told me if any concepts are confusing me, then throw them out the window. We don't need half of this crap to play/create a game.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: TRD on Apr 19, 07:08 PM 2023
@Duchobor & others ..

quiet a while ago Mel came up with the idea of YN-type groups; I think those were based on the uniques in a repeat cycle .. with 4 types of groups -- YY, NN, NY, YN.

I've done quite a decent study & spreadsheet, coming to the conclusion of the best candidates to be bet, or base the bet on, would be YY, YN .. as you can see on the accompanying graphs.

I think all the bets were simply flat, for the purposes of the sheet & determining any potential advantage constituted by groups.

It akso contains average & max no-hit intervals, lengths in spins till hit.

The bottom line, NN & NY contain to many numbers on average, with the spin returns thus being low; YY & YN groups, contain fewer numbers =bigger payout (quicker recovery), & each on its do not constitute a betting opportunity on each spin = continuous betting, both together combined almost.

This was done, I think on DS district, or compartment alone, so combining with high-probability positions EC & DZ, you just might get to facilitate the continuous betting too.

None of the groups is EV+, although YY shows a bit better graph than all the rest, due to its somewhat enhanced mathematical advantage, as betting the defining element on the first two spins of the cycle.

So, perhaps with a better qualifier in the reduction of numbers, & potentially combining with other districts as well -- the route of YY+YN might be a worthwhile avenue of further exploration .. including, potentially, somewhat parachuted bet construction, in order to keep the expenses, cost low = maintain recoverable drawdowns.

Regarding the flat-ish ..

Playing flat, with a bit of, a slight press on a hit .. might be a worthwhile way too;

where the press does not have to necessarily be a press with units alone, but a press in-risk (or combination of both), where you would on a hit decrease the amount of numbers played per spin, as the first stage, then potentially combine with deeper payout too, as the second & finally temporarily increase the amount of units stacked per position slightly, in order to close the game (with fewer hits).

Basically, amplify the fains of a hit with the second, meanwhile, the first hits keep the exposition & its increase low, & the as well, the amount of units used in the press does ≠not exceed the amount of gains of the first hit.

Attached is the sheet, some of you are already familiar with it.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Apr 20, 08:35 AM 2023
Quote from: Blueprint on Apr 19, 06:38 PM 2023Priyanka once told me if any concepts are confusing me, then throw them out the window. We don't need half of this crap to play/create a game.

as you are inside of the 'know' (:)):
You try to say with probability 99% I can throw out the first half of the concepts.  >:D
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: duchobor on Apr 20, 09:19 AM 2023
I assume he talked about something specific in regard to your conversations. Otherwise, if for someone a lot of concepts get confusing then he/she won't find anything to work on/construct based on.

Thanks for the input and for showing a spreadsheet (top-notch btw). I'll dive deeper into it. With regard to money management, I generally agree with most of the ideas. Although it doesn't seem to be the way Dyksexlic played (and 6th is playing?).

the more the better. Potential discoveries on these sound particularly interesting:
- Dijkstra: maximum has to be greater or equal to the mean, toto
- Dijkstra, Erdös: Up and downsequences

- MoneyT: 5 dozens in 13 spins
I've tried to create a non-random game based on that and similar data. Dozens, dozens+columns, dozens+columns(cardinal+ordinal streams), 2nd street repeat (third appearance) within 25 spins, same with splits (37), then streets+splits, then streets+splits(cardinal+ordinal), then vertical streets + horizontal streets = I've created my own compartments and number matrix's in order to find dependencies. Blah. Good luck with that :)
ps. Some of the above work well with the progression, like 95% of the time until extreme NV kicks in and eats the bankroll. I've never found anything winning constantly with flat bets though... Yet!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Apr 20, 10:10 AM 2023
The point is to not get lost in complexities.  If someone could play in a casino without a spreadsheet how complex do you think it needs to be?  Also, others have stated if someone watched you play they would see exactly what you're doing.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Apr 20, 01:39 PM 2023
Quote from: duchobor on Apr 20, 09:19 AM 2023ps. Some of the above work well with the progression, like 95% of the time until extreme NV kicks in and eats the bankroll. I've never found anything winning constantly with flat bets though... Yet!

Hi duchobor,
similar experiences:
- derived of derived

- pairings was my last progression deaster (just simulations  :smile: )
- Scepticus: min. 3 doz wins in 4 rows/9 columns

duchobor, seems you are a good diver ("Let's keep diving in")
So take a deeeeep breath and ...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Apr 20, 02:04 PM 2023
Quote from: Blueprint on Apr 20, 10:10 AM 2023The point is to not get lost in complexities.  If someone could play in a casino without a spreadsheet how complex do you think it needs to be?  Also, others have stated if someone watched you play they would see exactly what you're doing

The point is so complex with so much information and variation for the reader, it doesn't look for a three years old.
The answer is ( If it was so easy anyone should have a copy of the grail) at least on this forum.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Apr 20, 11:10 PM 2023
Quote from: TRD on Apr 19, 07:08 PM 2023@Duchobor & others ..

quiet a while ago Mel came up with the idea of YN-type groups; I think those were based on the uniques in a repeat cycle .. with 4 types of groups -- YY, NN, NY, YN.

I've done quite a decent study & spreadsheet, coming to the conclusion of the best candidates to be bet, or base the bet on, would be YY, YN ..

That's an excellent post! You remember  :xd:

Quote from: alexlaf on Apr 20, 02:04 PM 2023The point is so complex with so much information and variation for the reader, it doesn't look for a three years old.
The answer is ( If it was so easy anyone should have a copy of the grail) at least on this forum.

There are a couple of reasons for this problem.  But it all comes down to what you understand from what someone shared.

If you have a good understanding of cycles.  A good understanding of the fact that repeats come from recent numbers.  A good understanding of why you really lose in roulette!  Then you can look for a solution.

That's why when I try to share things, my goal is to forget complicated terms.

Take things basic and answer step by step and build a solution.  Looking at all the data blinds you and also you miss key points and adjustments to be made.   You can manipulate the data however you like.  No rules remember!

So let's say you see something happens a lot.  Think how can I take advantage of this.  Can I change the way I see the info to make sure when this happens I get a result I want always.  Then move to the next step and see if it helps a little.  And keep adding on to it based on what you see happening.

Trust me there isn't anything new in a cycle.  I posted the example here abc.  You can cover many combinations with 1 combination.  Nothing changes! Pay attention to those details. 

Don't misunderstand! One combination doesn't work for all.  But my point is you can cover many with 1.

The end is easy and someone can see what you are doing and also copy it.  All the steps are involved.  It just doesn't seem logical to do that until you do lol

As funny as it sounds
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Apr 21, 03:25 PM 2023
Mel I was not talking for myself personally but in general, I guess, other members also feel the same about what I said...
Here is an example:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Rond1nell1x on Apr 21, 06:08 PM 2023
I like Money's style of thinking, trying to simplify things, understand concepts and look for solutions.
I'm still on the hunt, but I've already managed to make good strides in my perception of the game!
Thanks for everyone's contribution!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Apr 22, 10:52 AM 2023
Quote from: Blueprint on Apr 19, 06:38 PM 2023Priyanka once told me if any concepts are confusing me, then throw them out the window. We don't need half of this crap to play/create a game.

maybe this will help...think along the lines of friends and strangers and a bit of Ramsey's theorem
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Apr 22, 10:58 AM 2023
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: leoncino74 on Apr 22, 12:38 PM 2023
Hello 6th-Sense
can you please explain the concept of "max" and what "max" represents... thanks in advance
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: TRD on Apr 23, 02:31 PM 2023
Mel, do you have a way of 'seeing' the YN & YY groups .. just by gazing at the main stream?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: TRD on Apr 23, 02:35 PM 2023
6th, can you explain the titles in the stats tab?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: TRD on Apr 23, 02:53 PM 2023
Besides, I've given another (quick) lock at the DS YN-groups tracker .. with my current roulette knowledge, things of how I improved (through) my own approach since then. Btw, has nothing to do with anything RRBB-originated related directly.

Firstly, I've noticed that YN+YY grouping has no special section of its own; it was simply the checkpoint conclusion at that time.

If something still doesn't;t make sense:
1)  by writing a character in a cell the sheet will update, a new set of Excel-rng-based numbers
2)  the top √ array shows how many X of 10s of spins it takes to get to positive betting any of the base groups & their derivatives flat
3)  the two arrays below (left, right counterparts) shows same flat betting breakdown, going in specifics of √ if a group had a positive in any of the ten spin blocks, & at the bottom the running total, √ showing when flat betting resurfaces back into the positive; on the right obviously, are the exact balances

Adding DS YN+YY group derivative, flat betting, mostly finishes in positive in first few 10s of spins = new high; refreshing the sheet over & over.
Here & there, the whole sheet YN+YY group goes into deep, straight negative, pretty much just descending.
Adding a bit of (intra-session) press on a hit, surprisingly, even the worst of the genes 9those few I made a quick simulation revision over) .. finish, aiming at nominal new high, at 50s - 80s in positive too .. & that's without generating much of drawdown; even in my terms, where I use super-small bankroll amounts, definitely >100u, 40-60u ideally). That's for the reasons of the inter-session press (base unit related) & maximizing the advantage of compounding interest, at a minimal risk profile .. risking one reserve-bankroll per press only.

& mind, that's by taking into account only DS-district alone .,
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: TRD on Apr 23, 03:29 PM 2023
Also, YY+YN constitutes pretty much continuous betting on its own, which I prefer, having betting options at every spin, ranging from 1-tx DS (mostly 1-2 per spin & per cycle, fewer 1-3, & rare 1-4, & 1-5 the rarest) .. as the placement is horizontally expanding on potentially each next spin through & till the conclusion of the repeat cycle itself -- sometimes all 6 get shown, or none, which would be a skipped spin, strictly DS YN+YY speaking.

So playing the fewest positions overall = less HE paid .. meanwhile not waiting for betting spins, continuously.

I am looking also into dE+YN, dE+YY, dE+NY; where the latter is a higher HE option, having on avg more positions per spin placement .. the former two by itself do not constitute continuous, but may get mixed with EC, DZ bets potentially up.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Apr 23, 04:15 PM 2023
If our first spin is DS1 do we compare that with our second spin if they are friends or no!!! They could be all friends or no friends but 3 always!

5-0 >3
4-1 >3
3-2 >3

2-3 >3
1-4 >3
0-5 >3
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Apr 23, 04:44 PM 2023
Quote from: TRD on Apr 23, 02:31 PM 2023Mel, do you have a way of 'seeing' the YN & YY groups .. just by gazing at the main stream?
Yes for me Y are just recent numbers N are numbers that haven't shown.  :xd:

Quote from: TRD on Apr 23, 03:29 PM 2023Also, YY+YN constitutes pretty much continuous betting on its own, which I prefer, having betting options at every spin, ranging from 1-tx DS (mostly 1-2 per spin & per cycle, fewer 1-3, & rare 1-4, & 1-5 the rarest) .. as the placement is horizontally expanding on potentially each next spin through & till the conclusion of the repeat cycle itself -- sometimes all 6 get shown, or none, which would be a skipped spin, strictly DS YN+YY speaking.

So playing the fewest positions overall = less HE paid .. meanwhile not waiting for betting spins, continuously.

At this point now think in terms of something illogical.   Why would I try that it's stupid and doesn't make sense to do that.

Quote from: TRD on Apr 23, 03:29 PM 2023I am looking also into dE+YN, dE+YY, dE+NY; where the latter is a higher HE option, having on avg more positions per spin placement

This is too much and making things complicated.  It's not needed!  I mean explore maybe you can find something new, idk!  I'm just saying it's not needed.

Also Keep in mind ideas shared in the forum don't really work as shared.  The idea is shared but they are applied a little different most of the time. But you get the idea on how to use it.  You need to figure out how to apply it and that's why you need to think.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Apr 23, 04:46 PM 2023
Quote from: alexlaf on Apr 23, 04:15 PM 2023If our first spin is DS1 do we compare that with our second spin if they are friends or no!!! They could be all friends or no friends but 3 always!

5-0 >3
4-1 >3
3-2 >3

2-3 >3
1-4 >3
0-5 >3

Youre overthinking! *Mutual friends *

If I'm your friend then you are my friend.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Apr 23, 05:24 PM 2023
Mel my template is 6 spins, I bet for the previous to win and lose next bet previous two to win etc.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: TRD on Apr 23, 06:30 PM 2023
"Yes for me Y are just recent numbers N are numbers that haven't shown."

Not good enough, yet .. for me.

YN+YY are diametrically opposite, first off = never a number in one group that might be found in another.
Second off, most importantly, these are combinations of main+derived streams .. so how would you envision the derived at one level, & then combine both on another = get all qualified placings?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Apr 24, 01:06 PM 2023
I also need more clarification on those screenshots as some of the results don't seem to add up.  6 lo... pls identify.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Apr 24, 01:18 PM 2023
Quote from: Blueprint on Apr 24, 01:06 PM 2023I also need more clarification on those screenshots as some of the results don't seem to add up.  6 lo... pls identify.

it does add up....table is split into high lo sections...every partition is split in half...your looking at the splits i take it...lo is 1 to 9 ..there are 6 lo splits  in the 1st half...didn,t think this needed clarification...

thought it was self explanatory...i apologise if it wasn,t,,,you are looking at the white column...counts are based on that...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: duchobor on Apr 24, 02:26 PM 2023
6th-sense, first of all (again) thanks for sharing the tracker. New versions are falling like raindrops :) Now... what do we know from provided stats... We usually see around half of the low numbers (or partitions) on the low side and another half on the high side, same of course for the high numbers and partitions (I'm talking about the 'max'). So it's all mixed and very balanced (as expected) = with a difference of 0 or 1 for the great majority of cycles.
Riddle to solve: can we construct a game plan based on that?

ps. Herby, TRD, I haven't forgotten about your posts, I'm still diving in in my free time (trying not to drown). Too many ideas and paths to explore, not enough hours in a day.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Apr 24, 04:29 PM 2023
Ok, sorry.  I won't chase this further bc I can't play with that tracker and it's adding more confusion.  Those numbers that are pulled out for hi and lo do not add to the half mentioned.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Apr 24, 04:51 PM 2023
thats fine buddy.....its only a tool....to show why repeats happen in lo
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Apr 24, 05:05 PM 2023
this one will show a bit more clearer or not...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Apr 24, 05:12 PM 2023
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Apr 23, 04:46 PM 2023Youre overthinking! *Mutual friends *

If I'm your friend then you are my friend.

Friends and strangers is a very specific example for "intransitive sets".

If A is friend of B and B is friend of C doesn't mean that A is friend of C.

Would you say this is also "overthinking", so this fact you don't mean by "friends and strangers" ?  :question:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Apr 24, 07:54 PM 2023
Why are some in the Lo/Hi columns... that's what I'm asking about. Why are some called out and how does that related to the number of lo/hi below
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Apr 24, 07:58 PM 2023
Quote from: TRD on Apr 23, 06:30 PM 2023"Yes for me Y are just recent numbers N are numbers that haven't shown."

Not good enough, yet .. for me.

YN+YY are diametrically opposite, first off = never a number in one group that might be found in another.
Second off, most importantly, these are combinations of main+derived streams .. so how would you envision the derived at one level, & then combine both on another = get all qualified placings?

You guys just read what I say and don't really read what I'm saying to you!

You are all stuck on the same step!

You just answered what you were looking for btw. 

Quote from: 6th-sense on Apr 24, 01:18 PM 2023thought it was self explanatory..

Exactly! They want things to be explained that are obvious.  Then ask questions with the answers in the question
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Apr 25, 02:52 AM 2023
Quote from: Blueprint on Apr 24, 07:54 PM 2023Why are some in the Lo/Hi columns... that's what I'm asking about. Why are some called out and how does that related to the number of lo/hi below

self explanotory if you could actually open and use the application....
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: TRD on Apr 25, 10:23 AM 2023
QuoteYou just answered what you were looking for btw.


One still has to run the tracker, software or pen/paper, to have those two streams .. & thereof get the numbers that qualify out. & the longer the repeat cycle is, the more data is there.

& that gets even more complicated, when you'd have to run two simultaneous & different streams ST+DS, let's not been talk adding a SP or SU. & even more so, when the repeat cycles get out of sync for each district, having multiple defining elements.

What I asked is if you know a way to envision these things, without running a tracker, just like in math there are ingenious shortcuts, such as ways of multiplication that simplify the calculations by reducing the number of steps, simplifying the processing algorithm we are though in school by default, so to say.

I got nothing but a dismissive, trying to to look smart remark, & then even an attempt at the belittling type of comment.

On the point of not asking you anything at all anymore ...

Do you have something constructive to say, or are you just wasting ink .. do you even understand the question!? -- as what's obvious & clearly written, ain't the solution.

If not, just say so -- "I ain't answering that",or "I don't know, I have no idea" .. & that's all fine.

Let's try this again:

As you can see in the YN-tracker, first there's a section dealing with main+derived streams, then basic YN groups, & then as the derivation of that only YN+YY gets known.

Running multiple districts of main+derived is complicated enough alone to just keep track of all of it in the mind, or reconstruct after each spin given that the bet has to be placed to timely; now there's two extra steps on top of that to get to YY+YN.

I asked you a simple question; if you know how how to simplify the algorithm so that the whole thing can be envisioned & run in the mind only, & quickly!

Given that other cognitive tracks have to be kept in the mind, such as balance, locus within the system  flowchart, decisions to be taken from various routes of execution options, etc.

I, so far, despite attempting to achieve this on multiple occasions through time, still haven't figured out the way.

It ain't that simple, apparently, either .. as everyone except you us still using trackers.

Which, btw, I find very limiting & not profit-optimized, when I look at DS-distruct --- this has 11 ds areas, & tracker only 6. Sometimes DS 4-9 hits like crazy, & based on tracker betting DS1-6 or DS7-12, would simply miss on a lot of close by, if not consecutive hits = the runs of the DS defining element. The tracker even on DS would have to run on the basis of ST, & then based on what got out, ;cement' the DS types within each & every repeat cycle.

Just a comment & observation I suggested to a few guys already in private, & a drawback thing persisting onwards in your software for more than a decade since RRBB posted an example.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: TRD on Apr 25, 10:31 AM 2023
Mel, doesn't seem so obvious to me.

Perhaps its my fault, as I express myself in a way that makes sense to me, & frankly a lot of people find it a bit old, if not weird .. but on this point, I couldn't be any clearer, I think.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: RayManZ on Apr 25, 10:45 AM 2023
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Apr 24, 07:58 PM 2023You are all stuck on the same step!

I think so too. But i don't know where to look for the right information to solve the problem because of the information overload.

It's must be something really simple and obvious, but it still goes over all of our heads. Funny how that works. I remember in the past Falkor kept making everything complicated to and kept hijacking topic and clutter it with useless information.

For someone like me who doesn't fully understand what intel is good and what intel is useless it's really hard to get a grip and keep asking stupid questions.

I think that even if you spell it out people would make something else of it and clutter it again with useless questions and intel.

It anoys the shit out of me. On top of that english isnt my native tong so it's even harder to understand.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Apr 25, 11:16 AM 2023
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Apr 20, 11:10 PM 2023There are a couple of reasons for this problem.  But it all comes down to what you understand from what someone shared.

Looking at all the data blinds you and also you miss key points and adjustments to be made.   You can manipulate the data however you like.  No rules remember!

Can I change the way I see the info to make sure when this happens I get a result I want always.

Quote from: MoneyT101 on Apr 23, 04:44 PM 2023Also Keep in mind ideas shared in the forum don't really work as shared.  The idea is shared but they are applied a little different most of the time. But you get the idea on how to use it.  You need to figure out how to apply it and that's why you need to think.

Once again you are all stuck on the same step.  Your application of what you are trying to do is wrong. You aren't doing it wrong just that you are applying  it wrong so it won't work.

The information on how to apply was already shared in the forum multiple times. Above I quoted to you with clues that you need to take things in a step by step manner to figure it out. The only way is to sit there and go through slowly and think.

My point about the YN idea.. stop being closed minded. Maybe just maybe I applied it a little different can't you see that!

Everything was thought up and created based on what happens. 

What happens more? Where numbers come from? How to take advantage of most of the situations overall?  One thing can't work for all! But it can still be used to where all don't affect you!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Apr 25, 12:44 PM 2023
This is one big circle jerk... what a mess.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Darcy_Moore on Apr 26, 10:01 PM 2023

You really need to stop with all this nonsense. You are feeding other players info that is no better than the numbers board displayed in the casinos. If you are not increasing accuracy of your predictions with a method Steve has listed on his sites then you are just placing random bets ....The wheel has no memory of sequences of numbers because each spin is an independent event therefor each spin needs to be predicted independently to change the edge of the game.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Apr 27, 12:17 AM 2023
Quote from: Darcy_Moore on Apr 26, 10:01 PM 2023MoneyT101

You really need to stop with all this nonsense. You are feeding other players info that is no better than the numbers board displayed in the casinos.

I'm tired of all the nonsense as well!  Thank you I will take your advice. 

Let's all get roullette computers  8)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Apr 28, 02:17 PM 2023
Quote from: Darcy_Moore on Apr 26, 10:01 PM 2023The wheel has no memory of sequences of numbers because each spin is an independent event therefor each spin needs to be predicted independently to change the edge of the game.

Open up your own topic, show us the differential equations and the solutions.
You can't I guess.  :xd:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Apr 28, 06:09 PM 2023
If we have a cycle of 3 unique numbers.  Meaning the 4th number is a repeat. 

Example 1231 or 6323 or 32, 5, 11, 11

Now even tho it's a 3 number cycle.  It doesn't mean we have to follow this rule!  We can end the cycle on whatever spin we want! 

We are in control of the rules we set to create a strategy.  So you can manipulate the information however you want to get the results you need!

Will that info help you, maybe/maybe not. But the point I try to make is that we have no rules only the ones we create.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Apr 28, 06:15 PM 2023
Now go back to the facts you noticed...

Repeats happen from recent numbers.  Most repeats happen before HALF show up over 70% of the time.

How can you manipulate the info to get results you want.

What result do you want?  This is really the question you need to answer.  If you don't know what you are looking for; then how do you find it.

Look at the data and see what happens and then ask yourself, what would you like to happen?  Then see if you can force that to happen with things you've learned.

Manipulate the info to get what you want. No rules remember!

This is the simplest route and trust me you will still get to the same end point with pigeons and erdos and friends and strangers.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Apr 29, 12:21 PM 2023
Sorry, Money, but I'm not sure those questions will be helpful to anyone.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Apr 30, 08:16 AM 2023
Quote from: Blueprint on Apr 29, 12:21 PM 2023Sorry, Money, but I'm not sure those questions will be helpful to anyone.

Now we see the beauty! That's exactly what separates anyone.

On one side you have everyone searching and trying to find the info.  You have those that claim they searched but just leech off others findings. You have those still stuck on understanding what they see.  You have those that gave up.  You have those that just don't believe in anything. You even have those making fun of ppl still searching.

Then on the other side you have those that asked themselves questions and found answers. Those that tried to prove something isn't possible and actually proved the opposite.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Apr 30, 08:37 AM 2023
With each post and each question we are further away from the truth.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: INTERCEPTOR on Apr 30, 02:56 PM 2023
I remember the days when I struggled to find a solution, but in fact I was always very close, so you should never give up and the answers will come by themselves.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Darcy_Moore on Apr 30, 06:25 PM 2023
You guys are slowly donating to the casinos :(
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Apr 30, 07:11 PM 2023
Nah, I don't even play roulette.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: duchobor on May 01, 04:13 AM 2023
Well, I'm up to a few more experiments before I decide to buy a roulette computer  ;)
Does anyone have a stream tracker (main+derived) for a number groups and would be kind enough to share it? RO RE BO BE or RL RH BL BH, shouldn't really matter.
Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on May 01, 11:45 AM 2023
Quote from: duchobor on May 01, 04:13 AM 2023Well, I'm up to a few more experiments before I decide to buy a roulette computer  ;)
Does anyone have a stream tracker (main+derived) for a number groups and would be kind enough to share it? RO RE BO BE or RL RH BL BH, shouldn't really matter.
Thanks in advance.

here you go...extract it,,,it has most of what you want on it
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: duchobor on May 01, 04:56 PM 2023
Wow, exactly what I needed, and some more. Your arsenal of tools is endless, isn't it? Thanks again. Back to work. Regards.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on May 01, 06:40 PM 2023
Endless. You got that right.  It's been how many years now of people being sent in circles? 
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: holymoly on May 03, 06:12 PM 2023
Link to tracker not working
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on May 13, 12:39 PM 2023
Quote from: praline on Mar 24, 03:18 PM 2023Or that's not an EWD to look at :xd:

Just found out the meaning of the acronym: EWD

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on May 13, 03:59 PM 2023
copy the address bar...this is ewd...won,t let me post the link
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on May 14, 05:24 AM 2023
Thanks 6-th for your inputs,

EWD1094 gives a deja-vu, but also the "trap", named by the modern times verb "overthinking".

Find out direction 1 but dont't think too deep.
Find out direction 2 but dont't think too deep.

Find out direction n but dont't think too deep.
Find out direction (n+1) but dont't think too deep.

"Don't Think Twice, It's All Right"  Bob Dylan
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on May 14, 04:42 PM 2023
Quote from: Drazen on Apr 01, 11:09 AM 2023While these gurus are arguing among themselves about which one will help more without actually helping at all, and if anything, doing the opposite, there are a few questions on my mind. Unfortunately, they won't provide anything valuable other than philosophical word vomit:

How much help do we need?

Who measures and defines the actual help? Is it the person who is giving it or the person who is receiving it?

Are they really that altruistic?

Are they trying to teach a fish to climb a tree?

Even if they have the key, how smart is it from their point of view to make things easier for any random forum member who could figure it out and share it again with their family and friends for almost no cost and destroy the game as we know it?

If there is a simple solution, and they have figured it out, as they claim, are they way smarter than the rest of us, or have they put that much more time and effort into it to cross the line?

If the person hasn't succeeded with the given help, what does that say about the helpers intentions, if anything?

If I got it one way or another, would I be smart, trustworthy, careful enough to keep the secret?

Cheers and stay well confused

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Jun 06, 02:03 PM 2023
Can we say that this is an example of "The Problem of the Soccer Toto"?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Herbyx on Jun 07, 10:55 AM 2023
Yes, that's an example.

"the maximum value is at least the average value"

average: 13 : 3 = 4 1/3 ~ next biggest whole number: 5

"at least 1 column coincides with Sunday in at least 5 entries"

the maximum in your example is 8
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: rochitnis on Jul 16, 08:20 AM 2023
no  you cant  use it at the table, but you can  use it at the  pods but better be  careful or  they  would ban you.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: rochitnis on Jul 16, 08:23 AM 2023
Can  anyone  guide me on  how do you open the rar  file.

ANY one up for  experiments in the UK  please PM me, looking for a good team
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: duchobor on Jul 17, 09:46 AM 2023
Quote from: rochitnis on Jul 16, 08:23 AM 2023Can  anyone  guide me on  how do you open the rar  file.

For real? You need a WinRar (or similar software you can get for free online). Then simply right mouse click -> extract files or double left click and a window will pop out where in the left upper corner you'll see the same 'extract files' option. Select the location of your 'unpacked' files to save and there you go.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Dec 09, 02:01 PM 2023
ok as promised....i,m going to pose a bit of imformation for you to look at and give you the applications also that will show in real time each main number that moves into postional derived...

sequential betting....probability theory

most cycles close on either a repeat in postional. or main last ds last out ..OR the opposite of the up or downward swing of last spin out ie the number of the ds...main is obvious ...postional shows what lies in place for next spin...

ds numbers are 1,2,3,4,5,6

example is ds 3,,4,2...are out for cylce closure last spin was a downswing from ds 4 to 2...so if cycle was to close your bet would be for the upward swing in positional lo..this case ds 4,,3,,,

BUT is it really as simple as this....

positional derived is there for a reason....works the same as above.....BUT  shows the next ds possible next spin..

or any other partition....

now tricycles post

There maybe other way for concatenation?

You already have the info on this.

There is always two ways to create two different sets.

You know about positions.

Put those two things together and they will go in all different directions.

Find the constant.

i,ve added the applications you need that shows real time movements into positinal across the only partitions you need
also a pdf...and also an rrbb personel message

i,m going to let you all loose with this

don,t ask me silly questions happy xmas

this at this level is all that matters here in this explanation...

also all that matters is the high hitrate in lo positional ...

find the constant...

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Dec 09, 02:02 PM 2023
2nd lot of info
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Dec 09, 02:03 PM 2023
good luck happy hunting
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Dec 09, 02:27 PM 2023
and MEL your breakeven bet is amongst this imformation
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Dec 09, 03:07 PM 2023
Thank you for sharing the 6th.
When the cycle doesn't go up and down, do we lose?
For example, when cycle 1 falls 5-6 times in a row, and we cover the other 2 or 4 positions (ds), it turns out that we lose the bet several times, and the size of the bet is large.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Dec 09, 03:08 PM 2023
One correction - it's a PRIYANKA personal message to me.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Dec 09, 03:32 PM 2023
Quote from: Blueprint on Dec 09, 03:08 PM 2023One correction - it's a PRIYANKA personal message to me.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Dec 09, 03:41 PM 2023
Quote from: Person S on Dec 09, 03:07 PM 2023Thank you for sharing the 6th.
When the cycle doesn't go up and down, do we lose?
For example, when cycle 1 falls 5-6 times in a row, and we cover the other 2 or 4 positions (ds), it turns out that we lose the bet several times, and the size of the bet is large.

again do not ask silly questions,,,you have derived to give you an imformed decision....and you will not be using progression....you will win more than lose...the main question is not betting like this the main question is finding the constant...if its going like you say YOU would not be betting....

would you play from spin 1? or would you play from the half spin 3...and look at your choices,,,,

so again ..no silly questions,,,look at both results,,,both work the same in principle,,,except main is main...postional is flowing.....ie different ds aimed mostly each spin....even your example would not hold true using this
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Dec 12, 12:05 PM 2023
So far the consensus seems to be no one understands your posts. 

I'll see how I can help simplify but not sure what those trackers are doing without opening them.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Dec 12, 12:35 PM 2023
Quote from: Blueprint on Dec 12, 12:05 PM 2023So far the consensus seems to be no one understands your posts. 

Basically what redd told you about using 4 partitions and you will win anyway. I attempted to show you this through telegram. There's a start and an end then there's the middle that no one pays attention to which is the game within.

6th app makes it easier to see

But even then you can't see some things until you try it.  Put some units on the board for the full visual.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Dec 12, 12:49 PM 2023
I was referring to people reaching out to me stating they don't understand the above posts. 

I don't either bc I don't use that tracker. 

Thanks for chiming in though.  Agreed a lot happens in between.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Dec 12, 01:21 PM 2023
I spoke about the cause and effect a long time ago.  If you think about it the results were dependent in a way.  If some thing happened it lead to something else but that something could only be the result of the previous thing.  I say that to leave you with this...

When you use 1 stream you can't really get much info but when it's combined then all of a sudden you can see relatable information.  This information can be translated and used to win more than you lose by not placing a bet on the obvious.

It's the same thing in the other thread speaking about kimo li with the stars/pies. The reason the method works is because there is information/stat created based on the process used.( different groups)  Then within this process there is a bet that is always there.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: leoncino74 on Dec 12, 02:08 PM 2023
:domanda:  :domanda:  :domanda:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: d80 on Dec 13, 02:19 AM 2023
To obtain an advantage with the 6th app   need use the 4 partitions or only 2 is enough?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Dec 13, 10:27 AM 2023
Quote from: d80 on Dec 13, 02:19 AM 2023To obtain an advantage with the 6th app   need use the 4 partitions or only 2 is enough?

I can't answer for anyone else but minimum is 2.  Now using the app should still be the same but it depends on what game play you are trying to accomplish

It's not just one way of playing.....
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: leoncino74 on Dec 14, 02:11 PM 2023
Which is the 6th app ? Ty
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Dec 15, 03:32 PM 2023
Quote from: Blueprint on Dec 12, 12:49 PM 2023I was referring to people reaching out to me stating they don't understand the above posts. 

I don't either bc I don't use that tracker. 

Thanks for chiming in though.  Agreed a lot happens in between.

who reached out to you?

i know the issue with not being able to use the trackers..ie two of them is an issue for your operating system...

i thought my posts were quite simple tbh....

i,ll give you a very simple breakdown as you cannot use these trackers...

so the people reaching out to you can grasp something that you cannot explain..

i,ll do this simply...do not look at this as anything else but numbers...or anything you want..

a sequence...123456...is an upwards sequence of 5..ie higher than 1

a sequence of 654321....is a downward sequence of 5....ie less than 6...

a sequence of 453126 is a sequence is an upward sequence of 3 and downward sequence 2..

a cycle on ds mainly closes on a repeat number ..or the oppiste of the upward or downward sequence...if not look into the reason why more closley...

look at numbers only ...just relate this to ds

one tracker shows the results in real time..ie what number has moved into derived positional...just do 6 spins..whats so hard to figure out and understand about that?

now lets go on to the second tracker,,,,,

this tracker is slightly different...

this tracker will show a different set of results...though shows what number has moved into derived positional.

the interesting thing of this tracker is that during and after 6 spins or before its showing the actual numbers in lo and high...its showing you in real time as other tracker does what is where in the numbers whats where and how they move in a visual aspect..

all lo,s are 1,2,3  all high,s are 4,5,6

it shows what lo and high numbers are in lo..ie position 1 to 3 and same for high...4 to 6....

they sort of mix up....

a number has to move up each spin ..one spin at a time ,,,

ie if numbers are 341....256...it,ll show on that tracker 2 lo 1 high....in lo....2 high 1 lo in high...

lo and high are the basic sequence 1 through to 6

now as it stands this can be considered a constant...are there others ? combined?.in the general view you will mostly get 2 and 1 ...ie 2 hi 1 lo...or 2 hi one lo in these sequences..in the 6 spin time frame in both sets..which is obvious...not rocket science...

BUT  just using this basic example you more statistally will get this combo rather than 3 lo in lo and 3 high in high...

would you connsider this a constant result?

if so how could you use this info...combined with high repeats on lo...with a streams tracker....

main side you only have the choice put out in front of you...derived side you know what is possible next spin....

numbers recirculate they have to traverse through postional/derived...don,t look at this as ds or anything...only as numbers....

look at this also as sequences....as in the example above....

use this as your baseline....nothing else.....obviousley this is a very basic explanation....

as mel says look at everything,,,,,but both number sequences main and derived cannot move up and down together over 6 spins in this example...same for all partitions in there main and derived cycles...

so no need for members to ask you to explain anymore,,,i think i,ve done it for you....

hope this basic example clears things up ...using both main and derived...you need both...what can you come up with?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Dec 15, 03:47 PM 2023
even in this example with sequences...if lo had three lo,s in it...would it always be 1,2,3   high 4,5,6

or would you use look at it 1,3,2  4,,6,,5  ...these are up and downwards sequences...

combine wth derived POSITIONAL sequences in this example how would you bet....?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Dec 15, 05:38 PM 2023
Based on the order you put your last string : 132465
Should the bet be 2,3,5?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Dec 16, 07:26 AM 2023
6th as this is not the solution but  a very basic example as you said , could you provide a betting session ?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Dec 16, 07:56 AM 2023
I'm not going to name drop but at least 5 people reached out to me.

You may want to show some respect. You'd have nothing without what I shared in private.   

Take care and happy hunting. I know you have nothing playable ;)

Happy holidays. 
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Dec 16, 08:09 AM 2023
6th nice post, I actually did not try it in that way.  Interesting...

I tell ppl that there are different ways and ideas to reach some sort of solution. So I don't like to share any direct solution cause you might be able to take the ideas and create something better.  I wouldn't want to limit anyone with my ideas or understanding.

In this idea shared by 6th you have to forget about roulette and what the numbers represent.... just look at number sequence and the movement.

Good luck  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Dec 16, 08:13 AM 2023
Mel how you apply lo and hi to fruits?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Dec 16, 09:33 AM 2023
You can apply set numbers to the fruit so anytime that fruit is the result it's always that number just like the main result(roulette table bet)

1 Apple
2 pear


You can use positional numbers and the fruits move across the positions. which fruit came first which fruit came second

Just like the derived set

This is why dyksexlic said you can use bunny rabbits to represent the numbers because they don't mean anything.  They are just place holders
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Dec 16, 01:35 PM 2023
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Dec 16, 08:09 AM 20236th nice post, I actually did not try it in that way.  Interesting...

at the end of the day....any concept has to have a mathematical idea behind it...to why such a concept works.

even the stitching part,,,which by the way Mel i have no doubt you will find that win/breakeven bet that wins more times than lose..though its not used everyspin...but you have the brains to see whats going on inbetween in the meanwhile and bet accordingly...

i think only as far as i can see you have the foresight to take on board the example i posted...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Dec 18, 01:53 PM 2023
Here Mel , at least is fun!!!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Dec 18, 01:56 PM 2023
Here Mel , at least is fun!!!
A small mistake on first.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Dec 19, 09:40 AM 2023
Quote from: alexlaf on Dec 18, 01:56 PM 2023Here Mel , at least is fun!!!

yes, fun times!!! Times Fun, Yes!!! 😂
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Dec 19, 04:22 PM 2023
Mel why so afraid off sharing your idea! If it is  (some sort of solution) , it is not the solution. But can help some people here..
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Dec 19, 06:05 PM 2023
Quote from: alexlaf on Dec 19, 04:22 PM 2023Mel why so afraid off sharing your idea! If it is  (some sort of solution) , it is not the solution. But can help some people here..

Ive shared ideas in the forum.  I've shared many ideas in private to some members. But instead of helping anyone it seems it does the opposite. 

I can show you something and because I showed you; it loses value.  But you can figure out that same thing and you will give it more value cause you did it yourself.

It's much better when the idea is created by YOU. 

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Dec 19, 06:06 PM 2023
Here something already shared...

I said clearly you need two streams minimum.  6th told you there is two ways to create two different sets.  I spoke about cause and effect.  6th spoke about two positions can't be occupied by the same number.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Dec 20, 02:39 AM 2023
Two streams can be Dozen+line, Main+derived etc...
I said 6th to give a betting example with that whole article he write as it was just a basic example so no fear for the casinos to close! Nothing clear.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Dec 20, 06:59 AM 2023
Quote from: alexlaf on Dec 20, 02:39 AM 2023Two streams can be Dozen+line, Main+derived etc...
I said 6th to give a betting example with that whole article he write as it was just a basic example so no fear for the casinos to close! Nothing clear.

Yes The two streams you provided are good!.  Now for examples...

In pri's thread random thoughts there were betting ideas.

You can thank blueprint for his conversation with rrbb which led to the thread think out the box and showed us the main and derived set.  In that thread Pri also gave a betting idea example. 

In dyksexlic topic about replacing the numbers with words he gave a betting example which sounds just like the main and derived set being utilized.

In this thread 6th shared a basic example and betting ideas

Alex, Where do we draw the line? Are you asking for someone to sit down with you and give you a detailed play by play?

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Dec 20, 07:04 AM 2023
Alex in your chart about the fruits that you posted. It's the exact same thing with numbers. 

What new ideas did you come up with?  What new angle did you attempt? What new combination did you attempt?

If none, then how will it be different?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Dec 20, 07:23 AM 2023
To be honest I am not waiting nothing more from this thread.. I have read things that do not fit or not working with what is posted here! And about ideas , how many ideas you want when we focus on main and derived for example, 1) what six has posted , 2) we have positions, 3) distances( no one know the exact meaning and more..
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Dec 20, 08:34 AM 2023
Quote from: alexlaf on Dec 20, 07:23 AM 2023To be honest I am not waiting nothing more from this thread.. I have read things that do not fit or not working with what is posted here! And about ideas , how many ideas you want when we focus on main and derived for example, 1) what six has posted , 2) we have positions, 3) distances( no one know the exact meaning and more..

Honestly they have been explained in the out the box thread or other places but here I'll help with that...

When positions are being used it's most likely referencing the derived set. But really it's just the position in which the number is located on a set table or moving table.

Example using double street

Original/derived set starts in order 123456 the positions are also represented by their number value.  Let's say spin result is 4

Now our derived set looks like this 412356.   So now 4 moved from position 4 to position 1.

Now let's talk about distances.  This can have different interpretations depending on what you are trying to do.  I'll share one example but you can use other version of distance.

In my example let's take the double street again 123456 on the original set.  First two spins are 4 then 3.

So I count the distance between these two numbers clockwise or counterclockwise whichever way you like.

So 123456... 4 is in position 4 and 3 is in position 3.  If we go clockwise the distance is 5.  If we go counter clockwise the distance is 1.  This explanation is the basic form of distance. 

Another form of Distance is the count space between two objects (this is the advanced version)

Hope this helps  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Dec 20, 09:24 AM 2023
Thank you for your time Mel, I know those things all ready . We still are talking statistic here .
Yes derived position 1,2,3 will dominate 4,5,6 ,Why to pick some off high derived and why some off low, for low ok we know the repeats are there!
Distances yes we have the simple version as you say cw count , now what!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: leoncino74 on Dec 20, 10:31 AM 2023
Sorry Mel, but at every lap, since the positions change, the distances must be counted again, or always on the original value of the positions 123456 ? 

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Dec 20, 01:28 PM 2023
Yes derived position 1,2,3 will dominate 4,5,6

Statistical wise it doesn't,..

It only shows high cycle ending percentage in lo positional


Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Dec 20, 01:50 PM 2023
Quote from: leoncino74 on Dec 20, 10:31 AM 2023Sorry Mel, but at every lap, since the positions change, the distances must be counted again, or always on the original value of the positions 123456 ? 


If you use the regular table that doesn't change then you will get a result.  If you apply this to a table that changes every spin you will get a different result.  It can be anyway you want.  It's just another stream to look at....

Quote from: alexlaf on Dec 20, 09:24 AM 2023Thank you for your time Mel, I know those things all ready . We still are talking statistic here .
Yes derived position 1,2,3 will dominate 4,5,6 ,Why to pick some off high derived and why some off low, for low ok we know the repeats are there!
Distances yes we have the simple version as you say cw count , now what!

Now you need to do some thinking and ask yourself questions. Let me also help you with that.... If you understand the info you are looking at then what are your questions?

You mentioned the low positions dominate "repeats"...Ok why do they dominate? What does that mean?  How can I use this info?

It has been mentioned you need more than 1 stream.. why is that? What do you need to accomplish?

On top of all this where the hell does the pigeonhole principle come into play?

You aren't going to magically find a way to play and win because it doesn't exist! You have to think about an idea that answers questions to things already happening all the time.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: leoncino74 on Dec 20, 02:02 PM 2023
Too many rebuses  :'(  :'(  :'( 
WE will never understand it like this
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Dec 20, 02:03 PM 2023
Think about this idea just to give some sort of example and a what if story...

You can play black or red that's normal betting.  But what if you can play something that you don't know exist like White

And white is a bet that has both black and red in it.  This bet will win no matter which outcome.  This bet is always available but you keep looking at only at red and black statistics. 

Your goal is to find the inside bet white.  It doesn't win every spin but it wins more then it loses. This bet doesn't have the same statistics because it exist inside the realm of red and black results

End of story
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: leoncino74 on Dec 20, 03:56 PM 2023
I understand that you don't want/can't go any further, but in the end we are at the starting point, the same as when the discussion began

we know that the game involves more than one flow, which includes exits and non-exits(  if you play only exits you will lose, if you only play not exits you will lose)
we know that the repetitions mostly come from below, we know the principle of the box
we know that we can never have the same value of main and secondary flow
we know that there is a morning and an evening and in the meantime something happens

we know that the sequences are up and down, and maybe others that I haven't mentioned, but we don't know what to look at, which seems strange, but it's before our eyes

I'm really demoralized, I don't know what to look at anymore, and in the meantime I'm going crazy searching.

Thank you for all. Anyway.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: RayManZ on Dec 20, 03:59 PM 2023
Quote from: MoneyT101 on Dec 20, 01:50 PM 2023You mentioned the low positions dominate "repeats"...Ok why do they dominate? What does that mean?  How can I use this info?

You get more 1's because the 1 is availble at all cycles.

Break it down at just one cycle lenght. Take 4 for example. We only look at the stats if the lenght of the cycle is 4.

Example: 1, 2, 5, 1 = cycle lenght of 4.

If you look at what position end the cycle the most you will see they will all be equal.

That's all i got. I still don't have any solution for winning this game and have no clue we i am looking for.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Dec 20, 04:41 PM 2023
Quote from: leoncino74 on Dec 20, 03:56 PM 2023I understand that you don't want/can't go any further, but in the end we are at the starting point, the same as when the discussion began

That's not true.  The forum as a whole has evolved.  It's not at the starting point.  Look at the conversations from years ago and ppl were just trying to win using martingale systems. 

Ok so if you know that you can't play only exits or non exits.  What options of play does that leave you with?

Now that you have this answer what does it require from you?  A different path to learn which involves looking at the angle of both exits and non exits game play.  It's your only option!

So now you need to evolve and start thinking different and looking at the new angle that is the only option.  New game plays and new ideas from this path.

Ppl want answers to questions they can easily answer themselves just by weighing their options.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Dec 21, 02:39 AM 2023
mel on this cycle you say there is a white bet that has bothe red and black and this bet will win no matter which outcome?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Dec 21, 08:06 AM 2023
Quote from: alexlaf on Dec 21, 02:39 AM 2023mel on this cycle you say there is a white bet that has bothe red and black and this bet will win no matter which outcome?

I'm not answering anymore questions after this.  This post has a lot of info and read CarpeDiem last post for a bit more. This is a public space and there is really enough information if you read and try things out. Sure it takes time and having to go back and read but still it's taken years to understand so why should it be any different with any of you...

I gave you an idea/story.  I even mentioned that the white bet wins more than it loses.  You can't win each and every spin played.  It's not possible! So forget about trying to win every spin.  You need to win the cycle!!!!!!

Now another thought you failed to pay attention to... if I'm telling you there's both red and black in the white bet; or let's also use terms leoncino74 created exits and non exits.  Then this bet has both numbers from both sides.  This bet has both repeated numbers and numbers that haven't shown.

So yes looking at your image you can beat that cycle! And you win more then once!

Edited this in - Last thing dyksexlic never said you need a repeated number to win.  As matter of fact he said a repeated number is not the event you are looking for!  The whole idea is based on the pigeonhole principle.  Create a process that always happens and make your game based on the continuation of this process.  Here repeated roulette numbers don't exist.

This might have confused some of you but just read and try read and try and at some point it will make sense.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Dec 21, 08:25 AM 2023
I did say red and black as you explained yes, for sure on that pic we are talking for main and derived replacing red and black with that.. Cheers
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Dec 21, 04:16 PM 2023
One question is how to remember this large data set with two threads. And place bets. This no longer looks like a system that a child can play.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Dec 21, 04:27 PM 2023
And in your white bet there is no green, this is already a mistake.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Dec 21, 05:32 PM 2023
Quote from: Person S on Dec 21, 04:27 PM 2023And in your white bet there is no green, this is already a mistake.

Wow unbelievable, how I missed that?!!  I'm glad you were here to catch it, sorry for my mistake  :thumbsup:

thank you Person S!!!

 :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Dec 21, 08:58 PM 2023
The last time I bet on White the dealer took it as a tip.  ;D
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Person S on Dec 22, 02:38 AM 2023
Quote from: 6th-sense on Dec 20, 01:28 PM 2023Yes derived position 1,2,3 will dominate 4,5,6

Statistical wise it doesn't,..

It only shows high cycle ending percentage in lo positional


because there are more cycles with 123 positions. For example, position 1 will appear in all loops. And position 6 is only in one. Nothing new or useful. Math trick.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Dec 22, 12:06 PM 2023
(Sure it takes time and having to go back and read but still it's taken years to understand so why should it be any different with any of you...)

Do you include your self here Mel?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Dec 24, 06:12 AM 2023
How this thread started and when it ended.. Can we go back!
Share your ideas maybe new ones. For sure the uniqueness has something!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Dec 26, 06:07 AM 2023
It seems that you get the exact same stats Distances vs Derived on a unique string that changes and betting only on that you basically betting the same thing some off the main stream and some off unhit!

500 spins/177 cycle 6line
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Dec 26, 08:45 AM 2023
that was a given norm....what else did you expect?...

so where can you take it from here?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Dec 26, 09:03 AM 2023
Relax big guy.. we are learning here!

Now looking at the stream:
On the main line we bet what we see l1,l2,l4 etc.. When we go to derived on this example we have p4&p3 from that cycle now to close that cycle I have to play l6&l4 + l6 will be a unique on my main and goin the cycle length to 4 and l4 will close main and derived cycle!!!

   M6   D6   
31   6   6   
11   2   3   
7   2   1   
9   2   1   
4   1   3   
21   4   5   
10   2   3   
31   6   4   
1   1   4   
24   4   4   
22   4   1   
7   2   4   
3   1   3   
   0   0   
   0   0
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Dec 26, 01:37 PM 2023
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Dec 26, 01:38 PM 2023
a better visual...2023-12-26 (1).png
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Dec 27, 01:00 PM 2023
Why do we need yet another visual?

100 pages for this...

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Dec 27, 02:26 PM 2023
Quote from: Blueprint on Dec 27, 01:00 PM 2023Why do we need yet another visual?

100 pages for this...


Quote from: alexlaf on Dec 24, 06:12 AM 2023How this thread started and when it ended.. Can we go back!
Share your ideas maybe new ones. For sure the uniqueness has something!

The thread evolved.  The original creator shared new ideas.

What are some of your ideas Alex?

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Dec 27, 02:37 PM 2023
It's 2016. Happy new year.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Dec 27, 02:50 PM 2023
Mel last weeks started to realize that I am forgetting  what I have read about roulette ,with what is posted on this thread, is more like misleading to me ! You are like ask your self , ask that and that. As other have said what is in here it doesn't look for (is so simple that an idiot can learn it) it may be like that but here it is not!
I have no ideas from what is shared here , I have found some ides from my research but even asking my self there is no answer as you say..
100 pages about asking our self , about look there and look here. But I guess we are asking things from someone that has nothing to give..
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Dec 27, 03:40 PM 2023
I understand Alex!  Well I can say I have nothing to give to be honest.  To me an HG is perfect and I don't have that. I've shared most of what I think in the forum.

I know how frustrating things can get trying to come up with something.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Dec 27, 03:51 PM 2023
Nothing personal Mel..
But at least for me for the people who are in here some time (years) there is no way that they have not found something that some times wins and some times not or 80 unit/hour not guaranty ,I am  not here for that , if I wanted that I could have that without being to more advanced palaces like here.. The point here is not just an idea, when we say that you can not be cheated from a win and to me what is in here it doesn't look like is here!!! That is an HG.
So even my ideas is no point shared here because I will not help anyone.. I think for my self that I am a smart guy (every one should for him self) I would get something from all this in here but I can't , maybe I am not at the end.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Dec 31, 11:57 AM 2023
This may/may not be related to this thread but possibly important:

Some times by removing the first element of a sequence the longest increasing subsequence remains the same.

I find that fascinating. 

On to 2024. Enjoy
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Dec 31, 12:17 PM 2023
No idea how to use Inc and Dec on this thread using those streams!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: leoncino74 on Dec 31, 12:32 PM 2023
Non ho idea di come utilizzare Inc e Dec su questo thread utilizzando tali flussi!

Right .
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: leoncino74 on Dec 31, 12:43 PM 2023

if I remove the first number 6 , where do I find the ascending subsequence that I don't even see in the initial six numbers?

p.s. the next number is 3
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Dec 31, 02:29 PM 2023
Let's consider a concrete example to illustrate the proof. Suppose we have the sequence


Identify Upsequence (U):

Longest Upsequence: [1, 4, 5], with length

Identify Downsequence (D):

Longest Downsequence: [3, 1], with length

Construct Labels (u, d):

Possible labels: (1,1), (1,2), (2,1), (2,2), (3,1), (3,2).
Assign Labels to Elements:

Assign labels based on the length of the ending upsequence and downsequence.
Element 1: (1,1)
Element 2: (1,2)
Element 3: (2,1)
Element 4: (3,1)
Element 5: (3,2)
Element 6: (2,2)
Verify Uniqueness:

Ensure that distinct elements get distinct labels.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: leoncino74 on Dec 31, 02:41 PM 2023
but when you have the up or down sequence of two elements, for example

1,3    or   5,4

what you play all the missing elements to complete it

up    4,5,6                  down   3,2,1

for the next spin ?

6,5 for yours example is another down sequ.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Jan 01, 08:10 AM 2024
I think we don't take U and D from main lines as we have A and B so one will be for U and the other for D!!!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Jan 01, 03:56 PM 2024
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Jan 02, 01:40 AM 2024
I really can't understand the application of Erdos. After the 9th spin on the example it has to be 4 thats only the proof. That 4 can be any number!!!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: donik7777 on Jan 02, 09:51 AM 2024
With Erdoz you cannot predict!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Jan 02, 10:05 AM 2024
Quote from: donik7777 on Jan 02, 09:51 AM 2024With Erdoz you cannot predict!
We know that! Who said about predict!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Jan 03, 04:35 PM 2024
Ok bare with my poor trying on this,if we have N^2+1 variables; and let the N^2+1 variables denoting the length of the longest increasing subsequences be pigeons and the (n) length values be holes then using the PHP we can conclude that there exist n+1  length with the same value;

The example below is selected carefully so we don't have an increasing subsequence of length n=3 (4) so 10#;
After finding all the LU sequences what the PHP say , at least n+1 off them must be the same;

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: leoncino74 on Jan 04, 04:02 AM 2024
Alex, the problem is that here we won't have other answers, whoever gave, you'll perhaps only have other riddles to bang your head who knows where... As if by helping, in the end, they would win less. no one doubts the help given, but the reality is that this help consists only of continuous riddles. For me this discussion ends here, after only starting in 2018.. I will no longer follow this post
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Jan 04, 05:16 AM 2024
I agree with you Leo, I just wanted to share that as it has something interesting but the guru's won't help except turn in and piss some puzzle for us.. At the and life goes on with or without this.. This thread died...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Mario Mandelli on Jan 04, 01:17 PM 2024
giuseppe, excellent choice 😅 I have been following this page for some time although as you know I don't play kabbalistic or mathematical methods, out of curiosity I followed to see where the desire for protagonism of certain subjects who live by riddles goes... so I understand you..👍
good evening 😉
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 09, 01:51 PM 2024
well its 6 years ago and the anniversary of this thread...hope everyone is doing ok...and hopefully learned something...

i,ll check in next year...people take the concept of this thread in so many ways...good and bad...

all i can say is random has limits ...break info down and cage those limits...for some thats nonsense...for others its inspirational....with 37 numbers ..what is that limit...

take care
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: INTERCEPTOR on Jun 14, 05:18 AM 2024
Happy anniversary, good to see you.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Cristal2000 on Jun 14, 05:19 PM 2024
only 6 years old?
We've been trying to solve countless puzzles for almost 15 years without success, and I honestly feel very tired
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Chrono on Jun 15, 11:29 AM 2024
Hey 6th-sense, could you elaborate on the 'good and bad' - maybe even just the bad? Great thread
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 15, 02:17 PM 2024
i know crystal....i would like to give you one more if you want or anyone who wants it ..with the base to work from..based on comment 1503 by alexlaf
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jun 15, 02:45 PM 2024
i would also want dilshods permission to share some stuff....i think it goes in conjunction with the very basic stuff...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Chrono on Jun 18, 09:13 PM 2024
Hey 6th - I did some investigating, I'm still working through the thread. You said somewhere around page 50 or 30 maybe that unhits will always equal the number of repeats by the end of the cycle. I am not finding that to be accurate. Perhaps a misunderstanding on my part?

Here's the ratios I've come up with for roughly 4000 cycles.

0.5882, 0.625, 0.75, 0.6923, 0.75, 0.7059, 0.75, 0.75, 0.7692, 0.6429, 0.7647

Obviously that's just a small sample. The mean ratio is 0.73.

What I am doing is excluding all the numbers that hit only once, and taking the count of the rest of the repeaters (so 2+) and dividing that against the missing numbers from that cycle. That was my understanding of what you had said.

Am I incorrect?

Here's the code(python), I don't see any problems with it.

repeaters_v_unhit = []
repeaters_v_unhit_ratios = []
for cycle in cycles_data:
    counts = Counter(Counter(cycle).values())
    missing = set(tableNumbers) - set(cycle)
    del counts[1]
    repeaters_v_unhit.append((sum(counts.values()), len(missing)))

for repeaters, unhit in repeaters_v_unhit:
    repeaters_v_unhit_ratios.append(round(repeaters/unhit, 4))

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: d80 on Jun 21, 02:36 AM 2024
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 15, 02:17 PM 2024i know crystal....i would like to give you one more if you want or anyone who wants it ..with the base to work from..based on comment 1503 by alexlaf

6TH Share more info please.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: MoneyT101 on Jun 30, 12:28 PM 2024
Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 09, 01:51 PM 2024well its 6 years ago and the anniversary of this thread...

Happy Anniversary 🎉🎈
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: TRD on Jul 01, 01:26 PM 2024
I thought this forum has turned into a desert .. but seems the team is converging again.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Jul 03, 05:19 AM 2024
6-th if for example with Lines our max is 6 spins is there a guarantee to catch  the win within this finite sett main + derived ?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Tipman on Jul 20, 11:12 AM 2024
i jump in this topic every year or so to see whats been mentioned. I do alot of football betting and ive come across so many people who make a loss football betting. Some create this seperate fantasy life where they pretend they make a living and have cracked football betting.

Theres always one way to spot these fakers. ASK FOR A PROFIT AND LOSS SCREENSHOT OVER 12 MONTHS.

6th sense started this topic with a method of making a living from the bookies, skip to page 10 and that method has now changed, skip to page 20 and the method has changed again, skip to page 30 and the method has changed again. ask yourself this, if this "method" was a winner why has it been adapted so many times....

all these "clues" are given because there is no method, its all to feed an ego of somebody who likes to think they are succesful and 100 pages in to this "method" has fed the ego massively. the "clues" are when the topic starts to die and the ego isnt being fed anymore.

6th you've shared clues, you've shared excel sheets, you've shared tools. This is where i know you will get stumped, SHARE A 12 MONTH PROFIT AND LOSS SCREENSHOT FROM THE CASINO YOU ARE USING.

Everybody wasting their time trying to figure this out you'll notice this request will be ignored OR there will be excuses as to why he cant send a profit and loss screenshot. Theres no harm in sending it, so the avoidance will confirm you are all wasting your time feeding somebodys ego and its time to close this topic.

Until a 12 month profit and loss screenshot from a casino (not an excel sheet) or a 30 day Roulette simulator screenshot  is shown, i urge all of you to stop trying to figure this out.

6th here is your chance to really feed your ego and make me look stupid. I can only think of 1 reason why you wouldnt take that oppurtunity....
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: INTERCEPTOR on Jul 21, 11:44 AM 2024
I'm not one of those who would play this, but I believe that it still helped someone, maybe you look too negatively at all that, but you're right, when someone upgrades the system, it means that the system is definitely not good.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Tipman on Jul 22, 07:34 AM 2024
i dont think im negative, ive just spent years in the football/horse racing betting community to know that people who fail to make money, live a fantasy persona on the internet of being succesful to make them feel better about losing.

Everything ive seen in here just gives off huge red flags hence why im skeptical.

Tools shared
Hints shared
Spreadsheets shared
Info shared

Yet ask for a 12 month Profit and loss from the casino and this easily shareable information will be ignored or a list of excuses why it cant be screenshotted and shared.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: TRD on Jul 22, 02:20 PM 2024
The way I see it, someone has been more than generous providing readers with insights & working framework ..

It's up to a reader to take upon these pieces of information offered, peer into the insights & most importantly, develop something of their own .. IDK, English would say ropes are shown, now you are on your own to make something on your own that you own, externalize yourself.

But who the fuck are you to think that someone  owes  you anything .. 6th or anyone else.

If you have to satisfy overcoming your doubts, I think you'll get much further by pm-ing the relevant author about the system in question & perhaps, most likely get even more than what you requested.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Jul 22, 04:42 PM 2024
Thanks TRD..as for tipman there are no methods shown of play on page 10...20...30..and as for the bookies I suggest you re read where ever that is...that was my son in law which I stated made the money from arbing...
This thread is a development over the years...not an ego statistical adventure..if it was I would not have shared so much stuff..

I personally think you are frustrated and not a very good tipman when you cannot read properly...you claim to be bookies gambling orientatated footbal. Etc.... yet you are here on a roulette forum ..

TRD has summed it up correctly...do not take his advice to pm though..

And please for the record for every reader point to and explain what betting method I actually shown on page 10. 20. 30...

And I mean actual method with explanations not guesswork you are referring to..

Like to know myself what they actually was

Not what you presume they was
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Tipman on Aug 03, 05:24 AM 2024
Just because I deal with a football gambling community doesn't mean I can't like roulette. 

Im not frustrated, and neither am I expecting to be "owed anything." I can just spot somebody who has made a massive loss and comes online to crave attention to make themselves feel better and act like they are successful with the winning method. Your "hints" are classic imposter syndrome; they aren't a hint at all; they are vague to make people think you have something when you don't; your hints on the first 10 pages contradict themselves on later pages. 

I've given you the chance to make me look stupid and show a screenshot of your profit and loss, and like everybody else who has imposter syndrome, you've avoided it, which I knew you would. 

"This thread is a development over the years," so why did you make a post during COVID lockdown with more hints on how to use your "hints" to make money during hard times? If its still in development, then that's a bold claim to use your ideas to help everybody financially through COVID?

I think it's time to lock this thread and stop wasting people's time. Yes, youve provided insights, yes, youve provided software, and I'm sure everybody appreciates that, as you obviously have no issues with sharing things to keep people on the fishing hook. You've failed to show any proof that what you do actually works. Not only have you failed to show it, but you've clearly now avoided it. 

The reason for my post is not because I want answers; it's because it's unfair to the people who think there's something here worth pursuing when there isn't. My advice to anybody in these forums is that if it's roulette, football, basketball, or anything that involves gambling, there are a lot of people with imposter syndrome who make a loss but claim to have the knowledge and secrets. You also get scammers (not saying 6th is a scammer because he isn't); just simply ask somebody to provide proof of their profit and loss. 999/1000 will avoid sending any profit and loss screenshot, and you need to ask yourself why. It should be an obvious answer to yourself. 

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: bigmoney on Nov 23, 03:10 AM 2024
Does a dealer change affect  the 37 spin cycle ?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: holy roller on Nov 24, 01:12 AM 2024
6th-sense I think you just keep you doing you. The only reason I think people come on the forums is to get "ideas" and perhaps marrying one idea with another helps someone to develop something that works for... them... and not the majority.

I really hate this forum because it is filled with pompous a$$holes like TRD that suck at what they do so they come in here to trash other people to make themselves feel better about themselves.

i made around $6000 in a little over a month with my roulette strategy, but I am looking to improve it. I refuse to put it on here because of douche canoes like TRD (which sound like... TuRD btw). Why does everyone always have to prove something to someone else.

I put my roulette strategy up on the shelf because other people told me it wasn't worth it. then I dusted it off and added to it and BAM!!! I started making money with it.

It wasn't anything that anyone said on this site. It was just me continue to work on it to get it where it is now, but  I come on here for inspiration. I come on here to see what someone is doing and maybe tie it in with something I am already working on. Or I may be inspired by what someone is doing and take my game play and tweak their system with my style.

Whether it works or not.... it is just the idea of trying to figure out this puzzle called roulette. I have seen you on here for years 6th-sense, and I appreciate your input. Please do not stop because someone else can't play roulette.

If someone does not like what is being posted why not try being an adult.... and just keep on f*****g scrolling by.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: TRD on Dec 03, 03:26 PM 2024
 ;)  8)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: SWEET on Dec 24, 04:18 AM 2024
Just my1cent,
Have not read all the 100+pages thou....,

6th said,...
In next...

24 Hit avg.
12 double repeat.
12 unhit.

Thus we bet double repeat.
We see that ,after 37spins,

When we stack all the 24 hits, side by side,
with 12 repeat...

You will see, impossible for linear 12unhit in a row, or 12 hit in a row.

How...to bet.

According to Vaddis' fanatics, fans.

Bet eight numbers,

that hit from the very first spin.
then bet that fixed number till profit,

In rolling bet,
Bet and replace oldest, with new hit...

Both have advantage,

Since 12/24=50%

8/24=3=33.3% chance.

It's highly unlikely,
that 8in row to not hit in next 31spins.

May hit once, twice, or three times before or at 31st spin...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Dec 24, 04:57 AM 2024
SWEET how about playing this in a loop of 37! Like infinity!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: nottophammer on Dec 24, 06:05 AM 2024
The 37 spins is 24/13.
Data I've collected; from rng, live german, airball and Uk bookies FOBT all return over 40 spins the 1-3-5-7 =16 repeats.                                                 
For 3 extra spins 3 extra repeats.
You've seen Turbos excel using 1st 3 on lap 1x up to 20x.
I use 1st 4.
Now; 2x. You can have 1st 4 as a static 4 and 2x-(5-37) a floating 4. Of the 13 repeats or for me 16 repeats, how many will the 2x fill before the 1st 3x? Would the static 4, 2x, give all 4; 3x or would the 3x likely be a mix of both static and floating. (XX)
If the 40 spins has only given 16, 2x and 24, 1x. You only have 4 static and 4 floating. Don't happen very often.
(XX) Turbo says matches get better with more data.
At 60 spins the usual for the stream or TROT is 30 have hit at least once and 30 repeats from the 30, 1x.
Reply in Static 4 and floating 4 at GF. 34 spins; why carry on?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Dec 24, 06:33 AM 2024
Quote from: SWEET on Dec 24, 04:18 AM 202437spins
24 Hit avg.
12 double repeat.
12 unhit.
But knowing this info why we bother going beyond , that tell us that non hit has repeated 23 times, more then repeats ! Just saying 
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Dec 24, 06:35 AM 2024
Quote from: nottophammer on Dec 24, 06:05 AM 2024Alex
The 37 spins is 24/13.
Data I've collected; from rng, live german, airball and Uk bookies FOBT all return over 40 spins the 1-3-5-7 =16 repeats.                                                 
For 3 extra spins 3 extra repeats.
You've seen Turbos excel using 1st 3 on lap 1x up to 20x.
I use 1st 4.
Now; 2x. You can have 1st 4 as a static 4 and 2x-(5-37) a floating 4. Of the 13 repeats or for me 16 repeats, how many will the 2x fill before the 1st 3x? Would the static 4, 2x, give all 4; 3x or would the 3x likely be a mix of both static and floating. (XX)
If the 40 spins has only given 16, 2x and 24, 1x. You only have 4 static and 4 floating. Don't happen very often.
(XX) Turbo says matches get better with more data.
At 60 spins the usual for the stream or TROT is 30 have hit at least once and 30 repeats from the 30, 1x.
Reply in Static 4 and floating 4 at GF. 34 spins; why carry on?

NBN i really can't invest on that thing , bank is floating as numbers!!!!
Maybe you have something more than those floating numbers!!!!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: SWEET on Dec 24, 09:13 AM 2024
I think MAYBE...

6thsense ,
bet like this...


then, no3,then no5,
then 9,11,13,15, 17,19,21...
Then no1 repeat,
No21, repeat...

Thus, between
No1,and no21,
there's a linear of "no repeat",

of, linear horizontally,
eight empty slot, of no repeat.


And we know that, highly unlikely,
that a linear of empty eight, slot,
will remain till the 37th spin.

So bet the eight that still.."no repeat".
that will hopefully hit, a few time,
before 37th spin
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Dec 24, 10:48 AM 2024
Quote from: SWEET on Dec 24, 09:13 AM 2024(1),3,5,9,11,13,15,17,19,(21)
This will not be always the case . The repeat can have a distance 2 so it means between repeat there is only one number. Also the example of your numbers on the table they are not consecutive to form a 2 or a 3 . Or you mean we go for the remaining unique's !
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: SWEET on Dec 24, 08:55 PM 2024
Thank Alex, for your thought.

Below, just...


You take a deep look at those images at page 1,2,3...etc,posted by members...

You see, that after, 37spins,

There will averages,

24 Hit on the first row...
12 hit repeat, on the second row...
Forget the third& Fourth rows...

The most important...

*there's no
On the first 24hit-row.

*There's no
* "linear of 12 unhit in a row"
on the second 12hit repeat-row.


Thus the options, are,

1)bet the 24line.

#Wait for a long UNHIT row, of the 24line.
Why?, Because at the end, will balance out wit hit in between. With no long linear gap.

2)BET the 12repeat line.

#bet first hit eight unique numbers, from the very first spin,
Assuming that eight as a LINEAR ROW.
And the repeat will produce profit.

#wait for long hit of 24line,
Wait for, EIGHT HIT.
" linear gap of not yet repeat "
Bet that linear line will break into short line.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Dec 25, 02:16 AM 2024
I see your point, but what I have encountered on my research is when that block of 12 appeared early in spins that will react same as a dozen. That went missing for many rounds.  The extreme one was shared then from different kinds of test, on its own I don't think this is a winner when we see it's extreme reaction so that means we will lose our bank or we stop still a los but not all...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: SWEET on Dec 25, 10:24 AM 2024
 bet the numbers,
 that already hit,

not the unhit numbers,

bet only eight numbers, see what happen.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Dec 25, 04:07 PM 2024
let me just quote these....

a pure EXAMPLE ONLY let us take a 50/50 bet like the penultimate which is fairly stable in
the results as IF...you where betting it (NOTE IF !)
Taking the results ( Wins & Losses) as IF you where betting it, you may SEE that for
INSTANCE....perhaps after three losses, IF you bet you THEN .....you would win say seven out
of every ten. IF that was a FACT ? You would then have a consistent winner you could use to
make a great deal of money.....IF you was a Professional ?


read the above....different place is different partition/location..etc...in an ongoing process...

YOU do know whom i,m quoting here?....its not the average ec penultimate but more stable ones.

happy xmas...

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: SWEET on Dec 28, 10:14 AM 2024
Quote from: Nimo on Apr 17, 04:29 PM 2020

In the vein of 6th-Sense's post on covid relief and altruistic ideology, here is a method that works quite well.

There is an example of it roulette simulator, my user name on there is Dynamic Bumbler.

Track spins, I use the AYK tracker with the Repeat button on.  Once a repeat has hit three times, start betting on all the numbers that have hit twice.  Adding them as they become repeats  One unit each.  Flat betting you should hit a profit within 37 spins, as in the game that I used $10 units Flat betting winning $200 by spin 27.

There are other games on my Dynamic Bumbler account on Roulette Simulator using Turbo's 1-5-25 progression on the above method.  I don't recommend using it as you are at times not in profit at the 25 unit win.  I just wanted to show there are other possibilities.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: SWEET on Dec 28, 11:00 AM 2024
I wish I could understand  6thsense's hint.

As I try hard to understand,
of betting like EC.

24 hit
12 will repeat.

Thus we try to TARGET&profit from the "12-will-repeat".

The "12 repeat",
will only, hit, after, the 24hit....

When "12repeat line"
there still SIX waiting to repeat..

thus you bet the rest of 18 numbers, (that had and still waiting to hit),
that WILL HIT,
for another 6 repeat. Before the 38th spin
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Dec 28, 02:58 PM 2024
SWEET i think i know where 6th quoted came from but someone else said this:

"So this is why all these fancy strategies that rely on WLLWWLW etc are useless, because the spins are independent"

But they have something in common they have base bet and within that base bet they use a certain conditions as conditions for a second betting system!!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Dec 28, 05:49 PM 2024
Charles, eh.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: SWEET on Dec 30, 10:25 AM 2024
Instead of 0123456789...so on to 36.
Or32,15,19, 04,21,so on clockwise wheel numbers,

Could someone please, on their ayk program,
set the numbers as below?

They are star numbers
32 25 36 05 14 0715 17 11 24 31 28
19 34 30 16 09 12 04 06 08 33 22 35
21 27 23 01 18 03 02 13 10 20 29 26,zero.

So that we could see if there any linear of SIX EMPTY BLOCK.
Which I think is highly unlikely...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: SWEET on Dec 30, 10:38 AM 2024
Or in 37spin.

Six group of ...

01 = 32 25 36 05 14 07
02 = 15 17 11 24 31 28
03 = 19 34 30 16 09 12
04 = 04 06 08 33 22 35
05 = 21 27 23 01 18 03
06 = 02 13 10 20 29 26
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Dec 30, 01:16 PM 2024
What is the point , how the numbers are on the table or wheel it doesn't matter!!!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Dec 30, 06:42 PM 2024
Yea I thought the point was to Win.

Better luck next year.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: SWEET on Dec 30, 07:21 PM 2024
The point is,
After 37spins,

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Dec 31, 03:49 AM 2024
sweet by name sweet by nature,,,,

members should take note of what your pointing out...a manufactured bet and a principle...

maybe an idea of thinking that can be built upon by many..

a lot here could learn from you 

that said let the fun begin
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: 6th-sense on Dec 31, 03:56 AM 2024
Quote from: Blueprint on Dec 30, 06:42 PM 2024Yea I thought the point was to Win.

Better luck next year.

its nearly here...make it happen

happy new year
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Dec 31, 05:18 AM 2024
Quote from: SWEET on Dec 30, 07:21 PM 2024THERE'S NO LINEAR OF SIX EMPTY BLOCK!
There will be sometimes but i think that there is something beyond that simple thing so we dont have those empty boxes for a certain length!!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Dec 31, 05:39 AM 2024
Here i was applying same logic but included rrbb order to 3 different tables!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Dec 31, 02:16 PM 2024
what do you mean by a linear empty block?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: SWEET on Jan 01, 09:18 AM 2025
THANKS 6th-sense,
for your encouraging words, appreciate them!

I no expert, but the answer to your question is on page 1,2,3,4.
Just read 6th-sense posting.

Thanks for your contributions.
Since I'm 60yrs (and not even own a computer)...
I hope you could do as many possible test, ( the 12x3 square of 37spins),
and see if any 37spins have Screen Shot 12-31-2024 at 12.14 PM~2.png "linear six empty block".

Or instead of starting from 21,19,32,27...
Please start from
"zero,32 25 36 05 14 07
 15 17 11 24 31 28
19 34 30 16 09 12
04 06 08 33 22 35
 21 27 23 01 18 03
02 13 10 20 29 26",
as these alignment HAS

Do as many possible

and we could see how, the "empty block" probabilities  "behave" ,
in the real world vis a vis math...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Jan 01, 10:27 AM 2025
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Jan 01, 10:45 AM 2025
Each number from top to bottom represent a cycle : <192>

1    3    4    3    3    2    5    4
2    3    2    3    3    3    3    2
1    5    6    5    4    4    2    4
4    4    2    3    6    3    2    3
3    3    3    2    2    3    4    2
3    2    3    3    2    2    4    5
4    3    2    3    2    2    4    3
5    2    2    2    3    2    2    2
2    3    1    2    3    2    2    2
2    5    3    5    2    3    4    3
2    4    2    3    4    3    2    3
2    3    3    4    3    2    3    2
2    4    2    3    4    5    2    3
2    2    2    4    5    4    3    2
3    3    4    2    3    3    3    2
3    3    4    3    3    3    4    3
2    2    3    3    6    5    3    2
3    5    2    2    3    3    3    2
3    4    3    2    3    2    4    3
3    4    3    2    2    2    3    3
3    4    7    6    2    5    3    4
2    2    3    2    3    2    3    3
2    4    3    4    4    4    5    4
3    2    3    3    3    3    3    3
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Jan 01, 12:54 PM 2025
How the numbers are arranged on a 37 line i can't see how they or why can change the outcome!!!
Here are results from the table as we know it, there no difference. To me looks like if i post 500 spins from a live wheel and 500 from rng , who will know what belong where?

 3   3   3   4   2   3
2   3   3   3   2   3
4   3   3   4   3   2
7   3   3   3   2   4
2   2   3   3   2   4
3   2   3   3   5   3
2   2   3   3   3   2
2   3   3   3   2   3
6   4   3   2   3   2
5   2   3   3   2   3
3   4   5   2   3   3
3   3   5   3   2   3
5   2   2   4   4   2
3   2   4   3   3   3
1   3   3   4   2   3
3   3   3   2   2   3
6   3   2   3   2   4
2   2   3   4   3   5
3   4   3   3   4   3
3   2   3   2   2   2
4   2   3   4   2   4
4   3   3   2   4   3
3   5   2   3   2   3
4   2   4   3   3   4
3   4   3   3   3   4
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: SWEET on Jan 01, 06:57 PM 2025
Thank you so much ,Alex!

Could you please eleborate, how you read those numbers?

"1    3    4    3    3    2    5    4"

 3   3   3   4   2   3
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: SWEET on Jan 01, 08:11 PM 2025
Those numbers arrangements has significant, because,
the BM wheel, are "mechanical RNG",

Computer RNG,
are programed to churn OUT EVENLY IN LONG TERM... thus those numbers has no effect.

But on BM wheel, the numbers are FIXED,
THE casino work very hard for a BALANCED wheel, to churn out EVENLY IN LONG TERM.

IF, the wheel is well balanced, that numbers, will churn out EVENLY.

IF the wheel TILTED, SLIGHTLY OR HEAVILY the wheel still churn out EVENLY!!!!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Jan 01, 10:59 PM 2025
Oh I see, a bias thing!

"1    3    4    3    3    2    5    4"

All those numbers are cycles of 37 spins, and each of those represent the longest gap for unhit on that cycle.

37- LG - 1
37- LG - 3
37- LG - 4 etc...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: SWEET on Jan 01, 11:24 PM 2025
Alex, thanks for your explanation,

People had pm me and I think they also PM you,Alex,
 asking about some secret...

Btw, what about the
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: SWEET on Jan 02, 07:16 AM 2025
There's no secret or hg, as you see in Alex post,
6and 7 had hit as a gap, thus , you still suffer great losses, after winning...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: SWEET on Jan 02, 07:14 PM 2025
From Alex's data, the longest gap is 7,
We not see an 8 yet.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jan 03, 05:07 AM 2025
what if we focus on what we see vs what we don't?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Jan 03, 08:45 AM 2025
Can i first have your opinion blue and from others , what you think does it matter how you group the numbers on a fixed length, let's say 6?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: SWEET on Jan 03, 09:24 AM 2025
I think, 6numbers group


Six group of ...

01 = 32 25 36 05 14 07
02 = 15 17 11 24 31 28
03 = 19 34 30 16 09 12
04 = 04 06 08 33 22 35
05 = 21 27 23 01 18 03
06 = 02 13 10 20 29 26
 Each group will hit at least once in next 37spins.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jan 03, 11:26 AM 2025
Numbers or groups of numbers are not dependent so I think the question is how to make them so.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Jan 03, 11:42 AM 2025
Same thing is for me, so I will agree on that as it equal no matter how you group or arrange them results will be on avg same..
Dependence now big story.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: SWEET on Jan 04, 07:12 AM 2025
I think, no TWO GROUPS, will sleep together, side by side,for next 37spins.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: SWEET on Jan 04, 07:51 AM 2025
If you place SIX group together .
Let say, ABCDEF.

Then if C sleep, for37 spins,
Then there's a Gap, between B and D.
But you will not see, say, D and E, missing together in next 37spins...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jan 04, 08:58 AM 2025
Why are 37 spins relevant?

Why not 24, 18, 12, 6, etc. 

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Jan 04, 11:25 AM 2025
For a six group 6 spins are ok. Same goes for other partition...
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jan 04, 12:19 PM 2025
Right, but everyone keeps yapping about 37 as if it means anything.  Another waiting game.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Jan 04, 12:37 PM 2025
To be honest blue do you think that they didn't had a waiting game for their trigger ? Betting 3 unit on high and 1 unit on 3 lines!!!
Who got an edge playing from spin 2 two streams ... When we take two results from two spins and combine them we do avoid some loses!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jan 04, 12:41 PM 2025
There is no trigger
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Jan 04, 12:46 PM 2025
let's call it main bet.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jan 06, 03:31 PM 2025
We can call it whatever but all you can do is place bets.  May be just time to focus on having fun doing it.  Redd said "no magic involved" and I agree.  The magic is in the house edge.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Jan 06, 04:43 PM 2025
Rrbb said many things 99% was to change the view the 1% was the way to go! How is the magic there, does that change based on accuracy?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: Blueprint on Jan 06, 07:07 PM 2025
Don't know
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Jan 07, 01:35 AM 2025
That's the answer that should be out on a forum I guess. . No one knows.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: SWEET on Jan 09, 10:05 AM 2025
this technique,
already stale...since roulette invented, but, nevertheless...

on the table, carpet,
we see that...


thus many people, pair up the numbers, as a pair bet on the table

11,-12 and so on.

Thus, instead of 36chips,
they bet 18, albeit zero...

thus, instead of risking "TWELVE-EMPTY-BLOCK",

they risked, "SIX-EMPTY-BLOCK"...

What you think?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: SWEET on Jan 09, 10:11 AM 2025
so they will, on their ayk program, set up the number line as...

thus hoping "SIX-EMPTY-BLOCK",
not materrialised.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: SWEET on Jan 10, 04:57 AM 2025
Since I have no ayk program, I try to do a program by hand....with pairing, as a single entity, and see how they hit...(very small micro example)

from jekhb76's number on page 4.
Tell me, what do you see?

24 (first nine numbers=x).

12 ( second nine numbers)=y
22(third group of nine numbers=z)
12(fourth nine numbers=v)


below, first nine hit numbers.
below, with second group of nine following numbers.


below with third nine following numbers


below with fourth group following numbers.=v
12(fourth nine numbers=v)


(see if any error, since by hand)
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: SWEET on Jan 11, 09:47 AM 2025

Let's see their behavior,
 (small micro sample tho...)

15,-18=(single gap)
19,-20,(single gap)
28,-29,(single gap)

  After the X,Y?
We need more samples, to see more behavioral tendencies...

Single gap, double, triple or quad...

And how to bet only TWO TO FOUR chips...

What you think?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Jan 14, 07:43 AM 2025
Selection and MM is all , dont bet every spin or bet , depends on where you are on the running cycle!
We can't win all of them but one of them yes!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: leoncino74 on Jan 15, 09:07 AM 2025
Hi Alex,
can you help me figure out what to watch, but one of them yes

Thank you
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: SWEET on Jan 16, 02:25 AM 2025
Let's see their behavior,
(small micro sample tho...)

Next 37spin,
let's mark them as "A",B,C,D,
for easy eyes.


And mark them on the table, "ayk style"

15,-18=(single gap)B
19,-20,(single gap)AAB
28,-29,(single gap)A

See what happened?
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: leoncino74 on Jan 17, 04:01 AM 2025
Hello sweet, I attach an image of the horses you represented in a first cycle from 1 to 36 with the relative exits, considering every 9 balls. Below are the next 36 exits always divided by 9 balls and each exit of the horse considered.
Could you help me understand what you wanted to explain before, thanks
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Jan 17, 05:25 AM 2025
Leo there are many ways to see things ,  let's say i run 37 spins as most like 37 on a loop:
Results after 37 are:

0x (12): [4, 5, 6, 9, 12, 14, 17, 23, 24, 28, 30, 35]
1x (15): [1, 19, 25, 8, 2, 11, 18, 7, 20, 26, 34, 21, 3, 36, 31]
2x (10): [10, 15, 32, 16, 13, 29, 27, 22, 33, 0]

Now every number you add to it will be always 37 as it is a loop, now you can create a second stream from that table taking in what sett the previous number was :
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: SWEET on Jan 17, 10:06 AM 2025
Hi Leo,
Thanks for your image,
If we look hard, we could see that, only two UNHIT, thus, if we see further, we could see , all hit, so how to bet?
This not hg, but simply, understand the behavior.

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: leoncino74 on Jan 17, 01:23 PM 2025

Now every number you add to it will be always 37 as it is a loop, now you can create a second stream from that table taking in what sett the previous number was :

what does this in bold mean? ..... in what sett the previous number was
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Jan 17, 03:16 PM 2025
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: leoncino74 on Jan 17, 03:46 PM 2025
Thanks Alex, this was clear, 6thSense exposed it some time ago, but when you delete the farthest spin and add the new one, ok you will have a new cycle of 37 numbers. However how do we use it :-(
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Jan 17, 06:09 PM 2025
Convert 0x 1x 2x to dozens and see if you can find anything!
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: SWEET on Jan 17, 07:22 PM 2025

If you do a few hundreds image,like the one you post...

 with real casino spins, (not rng), you will see a patterns, and you will know how to bet.
Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Jan 18, 01:55 PM 2025
Taking the random result and put it in (order) may help see things better.
Until first DD was flat bet then i add 1 unit on a lost session  until new high or even!

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: SWEET on Jan 18, 09:38 PM 2025
Alex ,Leoncino,and friends...

Below, three sets of 37spins of Dublin,
Where you see,
1st set has 13unhit,
2nd set has 18unhit...

If you do a ayk with 01234...36,

And contrast with pairing of 12,36,45,....34,35...

You will see a difference.


Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: ᶦ ᵃᵐ|Ä-łëx on Jan 19, 05:23 AM 2025
SWEET even 6th has moved from that and went to something better you can keep investigating for ever.

Depend on how we see things;

Title: Re: 37 back to basics
Post by: leoncino74 on Jan 19, 09:41 AM 2025
 :o  :domanda:  :domanda: