Victor stopped me from posting in the forum because my comments regarding the Math-patterns systems were negative.
These days that I couldn t post I thought of some things and I saw that my behaviour wasn t appropriate.
Even if I know that no system relying on these things can win in the long run I shouldn t post negative things. After all even I don't beliave in that kind of systems I also sometimes trying to make some systems that are supposed to be the safest as possible(Meaning that are needed small Br)
The point is that I will behave really NICE from now on and I will not cut the fallacy nice feathers of all the people in here (including me) :)
I will also start soon a TOPIC regarding the Advantage-play (VB)
I remember that MRJ were asking for proofs of WHY VB can win in the long run.
I thought that by asking for proof he ment something else(that it can t be shown exept if an Advantage-play will show him the money that he is winning in his visits)
BUT I understood that be asking for proof he ment that he needs to be shown the HOW THE ADVANTAGE IS BEING MADE !
I hope that s the case....please MR J tell me, is this what you ment?
Also try to understand that VB isn t something that I though of...isn t something that I enginiared...It is something that exists(as an art) it isn t something that I want to sell or something that I am keeping it only for me and teasing all the others.....
In my new TOPIC about VB I will try to explain to all of the MATH members the WHY and the HOW a REAL ADVANTAGE is being GAINNED.
THANK YOU ALL. :thumbsup:
Ps. I will behave nicely from now on...but please help in this by not posting offentive replyes.
Quote from: Jordan on Nov 20, 07:48 AM 2010
Victor stopped me from posting in the forum because my comments regarding the Math-patterns systems were negative.
These days that I couldn t post I thought of some things and I saw that my behaviour wasn t appropriate.
Even if I know that no system relying on these things can win in the long run I shouldn t post negative things. After all even I don't beliave in that kind of systems I also sometimes trying to make some systems that are supposed to be the safest as possible(Meaning that are needed small Br)
The point is that I will behave really NICE from now on and I will not cut the fallacy nice feathers of all the people in here (including me) :)
I will also start soon a TOPIC regarding the Advantage-play (VB)
I remember that MRJ were asking for proofs of WHY VB can win in the long run.
I thought that by asking for proof he ment something else(that it can t be shown exept if an Advantage-play will show him the money that he is winning in his visits)
BUT I understood that be asking for proof he ment that he needs to be shown the HOW THE ADVANTAGE IS BEING MADE !
I hope that s the case....please MR J tell me, is this what you ment?
Also try to understand that VB isn t something that I though of...isn t something that I enginiared...It is something that exists(as an art) it isn t something that I want to sell or something that I am keeping it only for me and teasing all the others.....
In my new TOPIC about VB I will try to explain to all of the MATH members the WHY and the HOW a REAL ADVANTAGE is being GAINNED.
THANK YOU ALL. :thumbsup:
Ps. I will behave nicely from now on...but please help in this by not posting offentive replyes.
Quote from: Jordan on Nov 20, 07:48 AM 2010
Victor stopped me from posting in the forum because my comments regarding the Math-patterns systems were negative.
These days that I couldn t post I thought of some things and I saw that my behaviour wasn t appropriate.
Even if I know that no system relying on these things can win in the long run I shouldn t post negative things. After all even I don't beliave in that kind of systems I also sometimes trying to make some systems that are supposed to be the safest as possible(Meaning that are needed small Br)
The point is that I will behave really NICE from now on and I will not cut the fallacy nice feathers of all the people in here (including me) :)
I will also start soon a TOPIC regarding the Advantage-play (VB)
I remember that MRJ were asking for proofs of WHY VB can win in the long run.
I thought that by asking for proof he ment something else(that it can t be shown exept if an Advantage-play will show him the money that he is winning in his visits)
BUT I understood that be asking for proof he ment that he needs to be shown the HOW THE ADVANTAGE IS BEING MADE !
I hope that s the case....please MR J tell me, is this what you ment?
Also try to understand that VB isn t something that I though of...isn t something that I enginiared...It is something that exists(as an art) it isn t something that I want to sell or something that I am keeping it only for me and teasing all the others.....
In my new TOPIC about VB I will try to explain to all of the MATH members the WHY and the HOW a REAL ADVANTAGE is being GAINNED.
THANK YOU ALL. :thumbsup:
Ps. I will behave nicely from now on...but please help in this by not posting offentive replyes.
fair enough dude... water under the bridge... lets all contribute to a productive forum
Thanks mate.
I will explain to all of you what VB really is about and I will also help in the math systems.After all this is why we are all here.
I'm glad things look bright ahead. Good on you mate :thumbsup:
Hi Jordan
Respect to you for this apology. At the end of the day everyone here is after the same thing.
Thank you Jordan, your apology is appreciated :)
"I remember that MRJ were asking for proofs of WHY VB can win in the long run" >>> Nope, I said, show me that YOU are making a profit (I dont care how you are playing). If you want to teach VB as a bonus to my question, thats cool. Thanks for the apology BTW, very nice.
Ok so MrJ I had understood your question correctly at the beginning.
I haven t played VB a lot of times. If I remember correctly it was about 5-6 times.
The reasons that I haven t played a lot of times is that I DO NOT HAVE A TEAM in order to do it.( I have analised this in my VB Topic.)
All the 5-6 times that I played VB with 5 euros chips I won average 500 euros each time.
I couldn t continue doing that because Casino removed the wheel....
I worked about 12 hours to find this wheel among the 20 others(wheels).
So as you may understand I can t go throwgh this again....This is why a Team is a MUST in this kind of game.....
If I was a lier I couls say that I am still playing and that I am winning Millions....But I just prefare tp say that truth.
As for your proof, how can I do it? How can I show you that I had won about 2.500 euros in those 5-6 visits? Even If I had to show you the money they are gone now...I used them to pay bills ,buy stuffs etc.....
Asking an Advantage-play for proof of winning isn t a thing that matters.....
This kind of question is appropriate for a silly person that claims that he has a math system and he is wining...if that's the case...the onlt proof that he can show you is his system and test it in several spins to see IF it is a real winner....
But my fiend with VB or BIAS play HOW CAN someone show you that he is indeed winning?
The only way for this to be done is to make an araingment with the Advantage-player and come to his Casino and see him in ACTION.....
VB is an action doesn t have any stable bets in order for somene to show you what he is betting....
"As for your proof, how can I do it? How can I show you that I had won about 2.500 euros in those 5-6 visits?" >>> You cant, nor can I. I want that remembered the next time I hear..."prove it Ken". One rule for everyone.
I NEVER asked you to prove ANYTHING!
But even IF someone has asked you for proofs,with the maths-patterns systems that you are playing,you can(if u want) to provide PROOF...just by explaying what you are betting....
Your systems are relying on PAST yoy can show to anyone what and how you are playing...
But when we are comming to VB ....we can t show you what we are playing...simply because VB is a game that doesn t rely on past board spins.
I have stated many times that NOT all my methods deal with PAST numbers.
You are getting off course. I'm not as concerned with HOW you, I or anyone else specifically plays. My POINT is, dont tell me I have to SHOW that I am doing 'well' playing but that accuser does not have to follow the same rule. This request is for anybody, not only directed to you. Same rule for all. If you are interested in VB (etc), have a blast, I worry about my play. I played yesterday (did quite well) and will be playing again most likely today.
good luck Mr J
Thanks Jordan,
Proverbs Chapter 15 Verse 1 "A gently word turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." NASB
Works every time.
Even though you can be a little sharp at times, you actually have a lot to share with us.
We're glad you decided to stick around.
Thanks GLC.
I know that I have a lot to share...but nobody is listening ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Quote from: Jordan on Nov 20, 01:07 PM 2010
Thanks GLC.
I know that I have a lot to share...but nobody is listening ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Ohh, that isn't true.
I found your posts very interesting.
Even though I did not understand many of them.
Some a bit above my pay grade.
Quote from: Jordan on Nov 20, 01:07 PM 2010
Thanks GLC.
I know that I have a lot to share...but nobody is listening ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Ho sento tuto.
Sorry in English?
Well done, Jordan. That was an excellent apology.
We shall watch with interest to see if you stay on the right track :thumbsup:
thanks my friend.
The problem is that I will stay on the right track...but i see that others are folowing my OLD track. ;D
"The problem is that I will stay on the right track...but I see that others are folowing my OLD track."
If that is the case, Jordan, then just ignore those sorts of comments. Don't respond to them.
You can be sure some folk will try very hard to test the 'New Jordan'! Don't fall for it...
Also, if you stick to what you said in your apology then all will be well.
Quote from: Jordan on Nov 20, 01:07 PM 2010
Thanks GLC.
I know that I have a lot to share...but nobody is listening ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Its not the case at all that no body is listening Jordan,
Its just that the message WAS, (past tense now eh buddy!!?), was not an easy read,
even tho, as ThomasGrant says, Ur posts are really interesting, since Ur constanlty
thinking about the game and how to win (and protect oneself) from it.
I think sometimes, U get the impression, that some people are in the game,
to LOOSE money,; and they are not,..... they are just following their own logical
progression along their, or someones else's idea, till it either runs out of steam
or begins winnning them big bucks.
We are (in the main), all here for the beer Jord, and so 2 r u I suspect!! 8)
Welcome back fellow Casino Bandit. :thumbsup:
thanks once again ;)