This system sells for $25 (as is)
Expanding flat-bet singles system. Bet every spin (no waiting)
Bankroll suggestion: 36 units per session
+87% hit rate on record
PayPal for payment. (PayPal email:
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Tuesday, January 8,2019 @ 8:27pm CST USA
1.) -1 2.) -2 3.) -3 4.) -4
5.) +31
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Tuesday, January 8,2019 @ 8:32pm CST USA
1.) -1 2.) -2 3.) -3 4.) +32
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Tuesday, January 8,2019 @ 8:37pm CST USA
1.) -1 2.) -2 3.) -3 4.) -4
5.) +31
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Tuesday, January 8,2019 @ 8:43pm CST USA
1.) -1 2.) -2 3.) -3 4.) -4
5.) +31
Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-
Tuesday, January 8,2019 @ 8:49pm CST USA
1.) -1 2.) -2 3.) -3 4.) -4
5.) -5 6.) +30
Test: Celtic Casino European Wheel-
Wednesday, January 9,2018 @ 10:04pm CST USA
1.) -1 2.) -2 3.) -3 4.) +32
You might want to take this of the market.
Oh how I miss Turner. Where are the moderators around here btw.