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Roulette-focused => Main Roulette Board => Topic started by: Silence on Feb 20, 06:57 AM 2024

Title: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: Silence on Feb 20, 06:57 AM 2024
Why do we think we can beat roulette, when even artificial intelligence can't do it.

it is obvious that there is no freaking way we can win this battle and it can be considered wishful thinking or day dreaming.

if there was a pattern in the distribution of spun numbers, AI would have been able to spot it in no time, sadly this is not the case.

Personally I have had enough and I am out of this madness.
Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: Kimo Li on Feb 21, 05:17 AM 2024
"Everything is impossible, until someone does it."

What do you mean artificial intelligence can't do it?
How do you know?

What makes you think roulette cannot be beaten?
How do you know?

It's beaten.
Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: Silence on Feb 21, 07:29 AM 2024
Dear Kimo Li,

I understand your approach on exploiting the subconscious mind's ability to recognize patterns, and I understand that in order to do that you would need to memorize the structure of the wheel head and the table layout, the relationship between the two.

And also you would need to trust the decisions made by the subconscious mind without being affected by rational thinking process, however it is difficult to measure the long term effect of such approach, assuming there is an effect to measure in the first place, although you encourage starting with the belief that it can be done before even trying.
Which suggests you have a deeper understanding of the dynamics of belief systems and how belief triggers manifestation, but that's another topic.

Based on my own roulette journey I understood that some agents have been on this planet longer than others, and beating roulette is Thier way of multidimensional inheritance, the DaVinci Code to wealth, they get paid to exist, because they do the WORK, these agents are here to optimize the system, the average joe can't even recognize that the graphical display on the retina of his eyes is being optimized by the second by these agents, you wake up in the morning and you notice that the world is more colorful than it used to be yesterday.

I believe you are one of those old soul agents that get paid to exist playing roulette because they deserve it.

I know, I know, I believe all of these outlandish ideas, yet I can't believe that roulette can be beaten, Maybe not this lifetime.
Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: Kimo Li on Feb 21, 04:17 PM 2024
The road to understanding roulette starts with the belief that roulette can be beaten.

I am not the only old soul roulette agent.
We are a group of old  and new soul roulette agents experiencing a parallel existence in this lifetime.

Why wait for the next lifetime?

Once an agent acquires the knowledge, it carries onto the next lifetime.
Armed with the basic knowledge, some wait for the next lifetime to elevate their understanding.
Why wait? I will never know, because the time to act is when a path is crossed.

The rest will never know, because the road to understanding roulette starts with the belief that roulette can be beaten.

That holds true with any idea.

Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: Steve on Feb 21, 10:35 PM 2024
Its not hard to predict the ball will more likely land in one area than another. It changes your odds of winning.

But it's impossible to change the odds with imaginary patterns and fallacies, that almost everyone here still follow. Very simple testing shows this. Anyone with even basic understanding laughs at the efforts of almost every casino player.

If you want to try something new, that's great. But start by understanding what has been tried before, and why it failed. Sound reasonable?

It has all been said before. Stop wasting your life.
Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: Kimo Li on Feb 22, 01:13 AM 2024
"...impossible to change the odds with imaginary patterns and fallacies..."

Then, why have a roulette forum if you believe this to be true?

Life is short. Have I wasted my life?

I don't think so.

What everyone has read about my work publicly, and how I approach my game is just that, limited knowledge.
The allusive knowledge will never be revealed on any forum.

I agree with you. Stop wasting your lives.

Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: Silence on Feb 22, 04:58 PM 2024
I like to play with the ideas publicly shared by Kimo li, although I agree with Steve.

See, the problem is not whether you accept that it's impossible to beat roulette with imaginary concepts and ideas, Rationality, logic and math obviously show that it's impossible, the problem is that something inside us refuses to believe that we have no power in the face of pure negative or even zero sum games.

And I came to understand that the journey is not about finding the holly pattern, but it's more about knowing the entity inside us that keeps pushing us to look for the pattern.

I like to study roulette for fun and I like to create frameworks of mind using the illusive language of randomness, yes sometimes it looks as though the stream of random numbers is like an advanced alien language.

My last imaginary concepts on how to beat the wheel using kimo li's ideas and some of my own, started great the trigger to start the session is perfect but it lacks stop loss and take profit triggers.

Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: Kimo Li on Feb 22, 08:21 PM 2024
It's great to know that there are players out there who are using my ideas and integrating their own concepts or having their own concepts and integrating my concepts.

There are many players out there who are not brave enough to admit that they incorporate my ideas for fear of criticism.

Don't waste your time with my ideas. It will take you a lifetime to figure out on your own.
Having said that, the ultimate strategy does exist. It may be a waste of your time, if you can't figure it out.

Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: Silence on Feb 22, 08:44 PM 2024
Here is an image showing one of my ideas using your global pie concept, you track the order of the pies in which the ball falls into one by one, when a repeat happens you move to the next line, the first pie that repeats starts a trend, we then start betting on that pie as long as the trend is active, then we stop.

You Once said fortune favors the brave, sometimes a trend can be active for a long time.

My guess is that the secret is on how to handle the times when there is no trend in sight, and bet big when the opportunity presents itself.

That requires having no fear, and that is obviously the task at hand, remembering who you are.
Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: FreeRoulette on Feb 23, 01:12 AM 2024
Over the long run, you will lose, but that long run can last longer than your life. Luck is valuable.

Take a simple 3 spins, you have 1 dollar and the table max is $100.

(1x35) + (36x35) + (100x35) = 4795 MAX
(1x0)                       = 0    MIN

There is a huge gap between the two extremes and the future is not certain.
Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: Kimo Li on Feb 23, 02:29 AM 2024
Luck has nothing to do with winning in the long run.
It's the precise execution of a strategy that is formulated to never lose, a perpetual motion.

It's hard to believe. It exists.

It's a paradox that defies and hinders on statistics, math and logic.

It's the absolute formula of no fear, all in.

Bull sh!t, you may say.
"If the bull don't sh!t, the bull dies."
Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: carvigno on Feb 24, 01:02 PM 2024
Quote from: Kimo Li on Feb 23, 02:29 AM 2024It's the absolute formula of no fear, all in.

You can't deny you are a poker player :xd:
Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: Kimo Li on Feb 24, 03:09 PM 2024
Among other things...
Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: Harry on Feb 25, 08:40 AM 2024
roulette is a game of pure chance, where each spin is independent and unpredictable. While some players may employ various strategies or techniques to increase their chances, the outcome is ultimately determined by luck.
Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: Kimo Li on Feb 26, 12:32 PM 2024
I see not many want to speak their minds, express their views, or challenge roulette boundaries.

AI, something that is foreign to me, and yet it affects me on a daily basis, perhaps unknowingly most of the time.

What's intriguing to me is I win every session when I play airball roulette.

How is that possible? AI is made out to be a formidable foe when playing roulette.

I believe AI is only as good as the information it gathers. AI appears to be incapable of giving a player a sound strategy to beat roulette, only fragments success.

What do you think?

Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: carvigno on Feb 27, 11:29 AM 2024
Why should IA unravel how to beat the game of roulette if it already assumes that it is a game of luck, which goes in spurts for the player. In favorable streaks you will win and in negative streaks you will lose. It concludes that the only thing we can have control over is our bankroll and how we manage it.

As some of us know, winning at roulette consistently, which is possible, has nothing to do with luck. It does have a lot to do with bankroll management, bet selection and how you manage your bets to maximize them.

Traditional mathematics will not solve how to win at roulette. It is the wrong approach if you want to unravel the behavior of chance. Concepts from Quantum Physics theory will be appropriate to successfully address the issue. Numbers should be seen as particles with their characteristics which allow to form groupings that are easier to observe and handle than the numbers themselves as a unit.

Kimo Li stated in another thread in this forum:
"My advantage is using the Global Pie method".
So that's a good start.
Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: Kimo Li on Feb 29, 01:34 AM 2024
QuoteNumbers should be seen as particles with their characteristics which allow to form groupings that are easier to observe and handle than the numbers themselves as a unit.

Well said.

Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: Silence on Mar 02, 10:44 PM 2024
If that statement was true a simple machine learning model would detect it in the first try.
There simply is no pattern in true randomness.
But if you merge your consciousness with the experiment you get different patterns that are there for you and you alone, but it's about more than simple predictability, it is a doorway, a rabbit hole into the matrix.

Just my thoughts ..
Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: number25 on Mar 03, 07:11 AM 2024
Once you input number into a spreadsheet, A pattern will fourm.  Simple as that ... Now this will send you down a rabbit hole.   
Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: carvigno on Mar 03, 11:42 AM 2024
Quote from: Silence on Mar 02, 10:44 PM 2024There simply is no pattern in true randomness.

Let me disagree.

Chance in roulette generates rhythms and trends with the output of the spins. These rhythms and tendencies are affected by natural laws that govern them.  Laws of time and space we could call them, which in practice generate frequency and sequence for the numbers that come out.
If we manage to create groupings of numbers according to defining characteristics, then by integrating them into an intelligently designed matrix we can track how they occur in both time and space (frequency and sequence).

This sequence of numbers occurred on a Playtech Cassiopeia roulette wheel this afternoon:

24 -24 -6 -9 -14 -19 -2 -9 -27 -35 -14 -13 -2 -8 - - 2

The last 2 broke the rhythm that had been going on for the last 14 spins.
This is an example of the rhythm and trend that roulette generates. It is a matter of recognizing them and taking advantage of them while they last.

Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: number25 on Mar 03, 12:08 PM 2024
Great example, Kimo Li work will make you see things that the world can not believe.  Why? Because we can put random in a box to win! 
Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: Silence on Mar 20, 12:51 AM 2024
Quote "Concepts from Quantum Physics theory will be appropriate to successfully address the issue. Numbers should be seen as particles with their characteristics which allow to form groupings that are easier to observe and handle than the numbers themselves as a unit."

Even in quantum physics, you can only know certain details about a particle, either you know the position but don't know the momentum of a particle in a particular point in time، or maybe the reverse, you know the momentum but not the position, which leads to using the formula of the wave function that then give you a probability space for all possible states of the particle again at that particular point in time, what's different here is that you are dealing with an existing particle with a probabilistic nature but in roulette there is no fixed entity that moves from one state to another in order to apply quantum physics predictions on, in roulette you are dealing with a mirage of sort, an illusionary entity like the self.
Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: leoncino74 on Mar 20, 04:57 AM 2024
Hi, please can you help me watch this sequence and understand what rhythm was there and what the last two broke, thanks for the help

This sequence of numbers occurred on a Playtech Cassiopeia roulette wheel this afternoon:

24 -24 -6 -9 -14 -19 -2 -9 -27 -35 -14 -13 -2 -8 - - 2

The last 2 broke the rhythm that had been going on for the last 14 spins.
This is an example of the rhythm and trend that roulette generates. It is a matter of recognizing them and taking advantage of them while they last.
Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: Silence on Mar 20, 09:30 AM 2024
24-24-6  H-H-L
9-14-19  L-L-H
2-9-27   L-L-H
35-14-13 H-L-L
2-8-2.   L-L-L
Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: Ttake on Mar 20, 10:55 AM 2024
All the above number are same and opposite sector.       
24 24

6 9 14

19 2

9 27

14 13
Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: carvigno on Mar 21, 08:14 AM 2024
Quote from: leoncino74 on Mar 20, 04:57 AM 2024Hi, please can you help me watch this sequence and understand what rhythm was there and what the last two broke, thanks for the help

This sequence of numbers occurred on a Playtech Cassiopeia roulette wheel this afternoon:

24 -24 -6 -9 -14 -19 -2 -9 -27 -35 -14 -13 -2 -8 - - 2

The last 2 broke the rhythm that had been going on for the last 14 spins.
This is an example of the rhythm and trend that roulette generates. It is a matter of recognizing them and taking advantage of them while they last.

2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 3 2 2 1 1 - -1
Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: carvigno on Mar 21, 08:41 AM 2024
Quote from: Silence on Mar 20, 12:51 AM 2024Even in quantum physics, you can only know certain details about a particle, either you know the position but don't know the momentum of a particle in a particular point in time، or maybe the reverse, you know the momentum but not the position, which leads to using the formula of the wave function that then give you a probability space for all possible states of the particle again at that particular point in time, what's different here is that you are dealing with an existing particle with a probabilistic nature but in roulette there is no fixed entity that moves from one state to another in order to apply quantum physics predictions on, in roulette you are dealing with a mirage of sort, an illusionary entity like the self.

In a simple way you have perfectly described the behavior of particles in Quantum physics.
Taking advantage of those concepts to which you allude, Kimo Li managed to unite for the game of roulette both concepts referring to the behavior of particles: momentum and position, or frequency and sequence, or time and space, call it as you like. How did he get it? I won't be the one to reveal it.

Using an appropriate tool it is possible to measure the time and space for those particles that in roulette are the numbers that make up the wheel. Hence, the behavior of chance, if we know how, can be decoded with a high success rate in the final result.
Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: holy roller on Mar 21, 05:27 PM 2024
Have you tried this before?

WAIT (most will not wait)... Bet the group that has not shown up yet.

RRR 1   X   OOO 1   X   LLL 1   X
RBB 2   X   OEE 2   X   LHH 2   X
RRB 3   X   OOE 3   X   LLH 3   X
RBR 4   X   OEO 4   X   LHL 4   X
BBB 5   X   EEE 5      HHH 5   
BRR 6      EOO 6   X   HLL 6   X
BBR 7   X   EEO 7   X   HHL 7   X
BRB 8   X   EOE 8   X   HLH 8   X
Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: holy roller on Mar 21, 05:35 PM 2024
Roulette can be beaten.

Roulette can be beaten with AI too.
I have used AI to pick a SINGLE number for me... and it has worked.

You have to be patient. You have to also have a simple progression, but most importantly, you have to think outside of the roulette wheel.

When I use AI I do NOT even tell it that it is for roulette. First key right there  ;)

Think outside the wheel. It is hard, but it is also possible  :thumbsup:

I think it was Benjamin Franklin who said...

If you think you, or you think you can't, either way you are right.

So if you think you CAN'T beat roulette. You may be on to something.

I however do not think that way. I do not play to bankrupt a casino. I do not play to make millions.

I only play to WIN... small amounts too. First session today I walked away with $53.00 My first session yesterday, after being down about $100, I walked away with $17.00 profit.

Get in. Get out.

Roulette is NOT a game to play for hours or a million spins like people post on here. If it can win in a million spins it just can't work.

I do not think most people are going to see a million spins in their lifetime. I look for 12 - 15 spins. Then...hopefully I am in profit and I walk.

If it is a loss? I still walk.

Try everything. Read everything. Listen to everyone. Do what you have read, learned and tried, then make something from that information. That is what I have done and I am doing.

It's therapeutic to me.  :D
Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: Silence on Mar 24, 10:10 PM 2024
I am afraid what you are saying doesn't add up in terms of logic and reason, I believe Kimo Li once suggested that One should not think in terms of rationality, and I find it very difficult to construct an irrational model of thinking that is related to probability distributions.
it simply can't be done, unless it is the hollygrail of course, in which case some from of an irrational ratio may exist in all random distributions, just like Pi and the golden ratio in mathematics.
But even Blaise Pascal couldn't figure it out and he was the inventor of the roulette wheel that we know today, he was trying to invent a motor that runs with no energy source, which is an impossible task, just like beating roulette.
Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: carvigno on Mar 25, 07:05 AM 2024
Traditional math doesn't solve the issue how to beat the game. Probability and statistics does the job.
Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: Silence on Mar 25, 08:03 AM 2024
Bro Probability and statistics are part of Mathematics, there is not such thing as none traditional math, there is only ONE math.
There is 8 billion humans on this planet and they all study the same mathematics using the same reasoning, you don't expect us to believe that 99.9999% of humanity couldn't find any profitable pattern in roulette but You do.
at least next time don't pretend that probability and statistics support your claims, because anyone with basic mathematical knowledge knows that a Negative Sum Game، is just that, a Negative Sum game.
Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: carvigno on Mar 25, 09:17 AM 2024
Good luck with roulette Silence, you'll need it. I'm done here. A waste of time.
Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: Silence on Mar 25, 07:50 PM 2024
Don't run away from an argument just because I don't agree with you, I have the right to speak my mind, That should not hurt you in any way, shape or form.
I like your ideas in fact I have tried a few of them, please don't feel offended I respect your ideas regardless of them being true or false.
Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: Kimo Li on Mar 26, 12:13 AM 2024
QuoteI am afraid what you are saying doesn't add up in terms of logic and reason, I believe Kimo Li once suggested that One should not think in terms of rationality, and I find it very difficult to construct an irrational model of thinking that is related to probability distributions.

Silence, you find it very difficult to construct an irrational model because you are taught, like many others, that everything needs to be rational. It is, but not in the traditional sense.

There is a reason why you cannot fathom the existence of the Holy Grail of roulette.
God has given you a gift, pursue it, whatever it is.
It is not roulette.
I say this because, one must believe roulette can be beaten in order for mind to receive information.

For those who have been graced by my roulette knowledge, keep it close to your heart.
You took a leap of faith and trusted me. It came to you as a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Enjoy the journey.
Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: Silence on Mar 26, 01:06 AM 2024
I am afraid I can not stop my search for the hollygrail, it's not even about money at this point, My soul's journey is entangled with my roulette journey and I can't go back, my consciousness has been transformed from a static self centered ego, into a multidimensional whole matrix of interconnectedness, roulette played a big part in opening portals within the physical reality and shifting dimensions in a never ending flow of synchronized internal and external events. A singularity of sorts, just like the one happening with the awakening of A.I, which in it self is not a coincidence, given the amount of old souls entering the game.
These are the days I have always dreamed about and waited for.
Yet, Here I am chained to my own denial, watching from a far, may be one day the fun will be back, and some of the masters will drop us, the hungry ones, some clue to the next step in our alchemical transformation of the mind.
Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: Kimo Li on Mar 26, 04:04 AM 2024
To those who are driven to pursue the roulette enigma, I wish you success.

When the light comes on, ask yourself, "Was it worth it?"
Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: carvigno on Mar 26, 02:44 PM 2024
Quote from: Kimo Li on Mar 26, 12:13 AM 2024For those who have been graced by my roulette knowledge, keep it close to your heart.
You took a leap of faith and trusted me. It came to you as a once in a lifetime opportunity.

You are right. My time adressing the subject is over.
Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: carvigno on Mar 26, 03:00 PM 2024
Quote from: Kimo Li on Mar 26, 12:13 AM 2024For those who have been graced by my roulette knowledge, keep it close to your heart.
You took a leap of faith and trusted me. It came to you as a once in a lifetime opportunity.

You are right. My time addressing the subject is over.
Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: holy roller on Mar 31, 01:44 AM 2024
You are correct Silence that you are already beaten. When you say it can't be beaten...then you are beaten.

I also think that perhaps you may be trying to coerce people into giving you a winning system, but we can only give that information to people who can actually beat roulette.

You should try baccarat. At least that has a 50/50 chance.
Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: Silence on Mar 31, 09:20 PM 2024
I am not asking You to give me anything, I meant kimo li and his students, those who paid to get the info.

I love the way kimo li drops clues on the internet, I am not saying he should give us the solution for free, we should work to decipher the puzzle, I constantly visit his thoughts page, I don't have the funds to pay for the private courses, so learning puzzles is the way for me.
Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: SWEET on Apr 11, 09:32 AM 2024
this already stale since casino open shop, nevertheless, it may interesting to some.

it the phenomenon of probability.

Mark ten pingpong balls, as 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10.

 Place them all in a pail, and take out one, mark the number on paper, and throw back in the pail, and take out one again, and repeat till ten balls taken...(as a session.)

See the results, and repeat for millions seasons.

You will notice, that...

every season...
1)not ALL number ,
123456789 to 10, will be taken out.
A few numbers will sleep, a few will repeat.

2) In ten balls taken, not all will be ODD number, or all be EVEN number.

3)Not all number be low number.
eg, 12345, or all in high number..6789,10.

you also noticed that, the more ball taken, one or two numbers will hit three to four time.

take out 20 balls, you see one or two ball, will hit three or four times, and a few numbers will not hit.

 Try and see,

 how you applied this phenomenal to roulette.?
Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: SWEET on Apr 14, 05:55 AM 2024
below, roulette ,except zero, divided into 9group, see how many group missing in 18spins, and how many REPEAT in 18spins!

Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: SWEET on Apr 14, 06:09 AM 2024
not only a few will xxx and a few will ...., look closely, and, and and...when you scrutinized them as... (soon roulette will be ban by casino :twisted: I bet someone will not smirking when he read this :lol: )

Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: SWEET on Apr 14, 06:11 AM 2024
you traced x spin, then bet,


Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: TRD on Apr 23, 05:47 AM 2024
When I use AI I do NOT even tell it that it is for roulette. First key right there  ;)

 8) 8)  8)
Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: TRD on Apr 23, 05:54 AM 2024
AI can't win@=!? ... first off, casinos pay a lot of money for the public feature of exploring a casino-games solutions restricted, I'd think, or just 'knock on the door' ... Second, most importantly, depends on who trains it.

You personally are  not  training it, you are usimg it as an extension of you to potentially solve your problem. Give me an AI & I am able to in fact tell it. But that would come to my disadvantage, so why would I, & same, why would anyone successful!?
Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: TRD on Apr 23, 05:59 AM 2024
Don;t look into patterns, but how you handle the money .. is my suggestion.

That's the only two things in your control .. how much & where ... how many units & which position type (most important) .. where ecactly is that position placed (not of essential importance).
Title: Re: if AI can't beat it, we can't too.
Post by: judgeholdem1848 on Dec 24, 01:31 AM 2024
QuoteWhy do we think we can beat roulette, when even artificial intelligence can't do it.

Roulette is laughably outside AI use cases.