Dug this one out of my archives.
It is similar to some of the other ones I have posted, except that this seems to hold up better.
I am not endorsing this as a guarenteed long term never loser, but it is a fun one to play.
This is a chasing a win type system.
Our buy-in is 48 units. If we lose a progression of 48 units, stop play, change tables or come back tomorrow. You should have a few if not a lot of won units to off-set some of the 48.
You pick your own win target. I like 24 units, that way I don't have to do better than win 2 sessions to one loss to come out ahead. At first it looks like I will break even, but that's never true because when I lose 48 units, I still have some that I have already won.
The progression is 1-1-1-1-2-2-2-2-3-3-3-3-4-4-5-5-6.
We begin by betting the dozen the last spun number is in. In other words, we are playing for a repeat. (if you have another way to pick a dozen to bet on, go for it. Sometimes I bet the penultimate dozen). If you win and are even or ahead of the game, you can reset and start over.
Or, you can go on to the 2nd and even the 3rd bet. Your choice. There are 3 bets for each number in the progression.
It is not that common to win the 1st bet so let's act like we lost the 1st 1 unit bet.
Now bet the 2nd 1 unit bet on the selected dozen. If you win, you will have 3 units. The 1 you bet and the 2 you won. Bet all three units on a Hi or low even chance. You decide. You can even bet on Red/Black or Odd/Even. If you win you will have 6 units on the table.
Divide these 6 units into 2 each 3 unit bets and play 2 dozens. I like playing the 2 dozens that didn't hit. If you win you will have 9 units on the table. 1 unit is your original bet and 8 units are gifts from the casino.
Every time you lose one of the three bets, go one step to the right on the bet line. You have 17 chances to win three in a row.
It's not as hard to win 3 in a row because each bet gives you more chances to hit ( that's 12 numbers on the 1st bet, 18 numbers on the 2nd bet and 24 numbers on the 2 dozen bet) and all that is at risk is the amount of your 1st dozen bet.
Any time you are even or ahead, you can forego further bets and start over at the 1st 1 unit bet.
An example is if you lose the 4 each 1 unit bets but win on the 1st 2 unit bet, you will have recovered the 4 lost units and can restart or go on to bet the 6 units on an even chance bet for a chance at even greater profits.
This can generate units quickly with not so much risk. 48 units is a very manageable buy-in for an excellent opportunity to walk away a winner.
Re-cap: Bet on a dozen first. Then bet your original bet plus your winnings on an even chance bet, then divide by 2 and bet on 2 dozens. A win on all three bets nets 8 times whatever your original bet was.
If we lose our original 6 unit bet, that's it for the session. You should have won a few units prior to this so not a full 48 unit loss.
Good Luck, ;D
I thought I would give you an update.
Tested 4 sessions to +24.
Never bet higher than 3 in the progression.
There is a slower progression that you could try 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-2-2-2-2-2-3-3-3-4-4-5-5.
You don't win as much on a 3 bet win, but you get 20 tries for a 45 unit buy-in.
Dear Fellow Forum Members and Guests,
After additional testing, I don't think this is as good a system as my system titled "Three Ducks on a Pond" in the Notepad area.
Please, if you play this system, and you can win with it, be sure and test it thoroughly before risking hard earned cash.
Instead, I just won 100 units playing the following way.
I bet 1 unit on the last dozen to hit. If I lose (you can choose any dozen or column)
I bet 2 units on the last Red or Black to hit. If I lose (you can choose any even chance)
I bet 4 units on each of the last 2 dozens to hit. If I lose (or you choose any 2 dozens)
I bet 12 units on each of the last 2 dozens to hit. If I lose (or you choose any 2 dozens)
I bet 36 units on each of the last 2 dozens to hit. If I lose (or you choose any 2 dozens)
I take the -107 unit loss.
Every time I hit the 1st dozen bet I am +2.
Any hit thereafter nets me +1 unit.
Pick your own win target.
Quote from: GLC on Dec 25, 02:11 PM 2010
Evolution of this system:
This is now a flat bet system.
Whenever we have the following even chance sequence, we bet for it to continue. RRR or BBB or RBRB or BRRBB.
RRR continue to bet for R
BBB continue to bet for B
RBRB continue to bet for alternating
RBBRR continue to bet for doublets
Anytime you lose betting an even chance bet you bet 1 unit on 2 dozens that hit last.
Continue to bet on the 2 dozens until one of the 4 even chance patterns above develops and then switch back to 1 unit on the even chance.
What we're doing is trying to catch trends and ride them for all they're worth on the even chances and use the 2 dozen bets while things are a little choppy.
Simple. Since we're flat betting, you pick your own win target.
If you must have a progression, I think using plateaus would be acceptable.
Something like bet 1 unit as long as you are -7 or higher. Bet 2 units per bet if you are between -8 and -15 in the hole. Bet 3 units if you are between -16 and -25 in the hole. etc...
Pick your own stop-loss.
This may be the only flat bet system I have ever felt comfortable with.
Good Luck,
Here's the system in a nutshell.
154 unit bankroll.
50 unit win target.
Play the penultimate dozen.
If win, bet all three units on the even chance that hit last. ( the unit you bet + the 2 units you won)
If win, bet three units on each of the last 2 dozens to hit. (the three you just bet plus the three you just won)
Bet line: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-2-2-2-2-3-3-3-4-4-5-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-14-16-18 = 154 units.
If lose any of the three bets, move 1 step to the right.
If you win all three bets, you are ahead so start over.
Simple and sweet.
I have won 8 out of 10 games. Not great, but not bad. That puts me up just over 100 units.
I don't know if 2 losses in 10 games is normal, lucky or unlucky.
We'll see.
Quote from: GLC on Dec 23, 07:42 PM 2010
Instead, I just won 100 units playing the following way.
I bet 1 unit on the last dozen to hit. If I lose (you can choose any dozen or column)
I bet 2 units on the last Red or Black to hit. If I lose (you can choose any even chance)
I bet 4 units on each of the last 2 dozens to hit. If I lose (or you choose any 2 dozens)
I bet 12 units on each of the last 2 dozens to hit. If I lose (or you choose any 2 dozens)
I bet 36 units on each of the last 2 dozens to hit. If I lose (or you choose any 2 dozens)
I take the -107 unit loss.
Every time I hit the 1st dozen bet I am +2.
Any hit thereafter nets me +1 unit.
Pick your own win target.
we worked hard on something near this george
and it was a winner till we abbandoned it
If I remember right it was the phoenix system that you posted under Notepad.
Am I right.
Maybe we should resurrect that one.
I don't remember why we abandoned it.
It was staying steady as i remember it.