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Roulette-focused => Main Roulette Board => Topic started by: IIIRAZORIII on Jun 12, 11:37 AM 2011

Post by: IIIRAZORIII on Jun 12, 11:37 AM 2011
ok, here is new idea i had, based from the fact we know that RNG's hit well on the 5th and 6th spin.  but sometime letting chips go can be hard, and costly.  well not anymore.

ok, you will be betting on single dozens and rows only.

every 4 spins that a dozen/row does not apear we bet on this using the progression below.

1. 1. 1,2,3,4

now bets 3 and 4 break even but as we know spin 5&6 is where the money is at.
after this stage we just want to reclaim any looses.  hence the very loose progression.

ok, so if you have made it to the 10spin without a dozen or row hitting, we will then take the total amount lost for that progression and devide it by 3.   

this gives us 3 set of 4.  chips we need to reclaim into our balance.

for the next three set of progression we start at 2 chips, (as we know spin 5 & 6 hit alot )

i. e = 2,3,4 . . . . x3

what this alows us to do is take a very large wallet busting progression and chop it down into bite size chunchs.  and reclaim any cash we lost in the proccess.

once you have cleared your next 3 progression you go back to 1 chip start.

enjoy guys,

Post by: joiner29 on Jun 14, 03:42 PM 2011
could you explain your second progression a little more please