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The TwoCat SuperTracker

Started by TwoCatSam, Feb 07, 11:41 PM 2013

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Refering to the first video,
You can also look at it this way...

Last 4 movements CW was 35 (or -2), 2, 34 (or -3) and 36 (or -1).
So the average would be -1. So i would target 26...

Am i thinking the right way Sam?
nOrMy2o0o  ‹(•¿•)›
"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning."  Albert Einstein



You're exactly right, but please understand this was a silly example you'd probably never see.  I would have bet three times in that list you gave.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers



If my video didn't explain it, I'm at a loss.  As to the longest streak of losses:  I went up to 8 once and got back to profit.

If you start at point A and pass point A and land on C, you have moved ahead two spaces.  That's the way I look at it.  When the dealer throws two that are very close in DISTANCE GAINED OR LOST, that is a bet for me.

I am working on a way to make a better video.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


Hi Sam,

inspired by your videos , I have the same setup as yours. But I still mess up with the distace calculation.

For instance when  CW 26 goes to 0 ?!? Does that mean bet number 26 CW or bet number same (37) ?!?

Other than that  its a lot of fun when you did the calculation right, got the betting in time , with the right chipssize and then got a HIT !!!

Maybe Normy could automate the calculation sequence and give a CW or CCW prediction ?!?   Normy  ;)



Quote from: rayhd63 on Feb 12, 05:19 PM 2013
Hi Sam,

inspired by your videos , I have the same setup as yours. But I still mess up with the distace calculation.

For instance when  CW 26 goes to 0 ?!? Does that mean bet number 26 CW or bet number same (37) ?!?

Other than that  its a lot of fun when you did the calculation right, got the betting in time , with the right chipssize and then got a HIT !!!

Maybe Normy could automate the calculation sequence and give a CW or CCW prediction ?!?   Normy  ;)


I've watched this and thought the same thing...why does the tracker not tell you what the prediction is....sam missed a few bets counting round.

On this subject, I am convinced casinos are spinning the wheel rotation faster than they used to.

Live dealers do online. I mean the rotation of the wheel as the ball is flying around the oposite direction.

I've noticed a side effect of this rotation being faster. For one, look at the latvian casino that playtech uses for many online casino live dealer play. There are many X on the marquee which denotes a no spin. This is inveriably when the ball leaves the wheel altogether.
The ball left the wheel in my casino recently and the pit boss told the dealer she had the wheel rotating too fast.
Another side effect is that the ball tends to ping off the pocket edges more and land much futher round. Another side effect of a fast rotation is that the ball sometimes travels around the numbers for several rotations before hitting a pocket, meaning, it spins, it passes the diamond, but travels round the numbers without hitting a pocket.

All these mess up VB. I truely believe online live dealer has added "faster rotor speed" to add to "no bet after spin", "varying spin speed" CW and CCW every spin. All tools to completly elliminate any VB or ball prediction of any kind.

Airball seems faster too, but they care not about balls leaving the wheel due to the glass dome.

Just an observation.



No its a fact that since like 2 months the lativia live casino is using way higher wheel speeds.
Also compare it to dublinbet, i only did see ball out of wheel like 2 times in 3 months. In the lativia casino its like almost 8x a day, even had 1 dealer manage to get ball out of wheel 3x in 1 session...
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I wrote Normy a long narrative on just what I wanted.  At the time I had him do that, I did not fully understand how I would use it.  I want it for the day the U.S. casinos go on line as many of them are 00 wheels and spin clockwise all the time.  I've watched dealers spin with almost no variation in their distances.


Sorry, bro, I don't understand the question.  If you give me a string of numbers, I'll put them in and tell you what I see.  Do you mean he hit 26 and then zero?  Won't work as it must have a spin in between.

ccw......pick it up
cw......lands on 0
ccw......pick it up
cw........lands on 26
I would say he went -1 further than he did the time before.
ccw........say this number is 10.  He is going to go -1 from 10 or 5.  5 is my point number.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


Oh, and by the way........

I logged onto Celtic Casino to see their wheel.  They way they spin, this software is useless.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


Quote from: TwoCatSam on Feb 12, 06:45 PM 2013
Oh, and by the way........

I logged onto Celtic Casino to see their wheel.  They way they spin, this software is useless.


True, they are all pretty nice to look at  ;D , but not to play against...  :-X

When you analyse the way they spins, look like they are on ACID!   :lol:

nOrMy2o0o  ‹(•¿•)›
"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning."  Albert Einstein


Hi Sam,

just have to show you that.
Before Scott came, I played while Lorna was throwing. Just look how many time she hits the same sector CW and CCW

I think its a good thing to bet when Lorna is throwing !!



I too have a soft spot for Lorna.

For starters, Lorna was my grandmother’s name on my mother’s side, and she was a miracle woman black Irish gypsy, God love her.

Then there is her impeccable youthful posture, her glorious golden locks of hair, and her young lassie puckered up titties that are always just in view no matter what the camera angle around the table.

:love: ^-^ 
A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.


Quote from: rayhd63 on Feb 13, 05:46 AM 2013
I think its a good thing to bet when Lorna is throwing !!


If you want to keep record of all Dealears,
i started a Dealers follow-up Excel sheet last week where you can note dealer's accuracy.

There is about 20 of them for now, just keep adding any dealers not present.

Feel free to use it.
nOrMy2o0o  ‹(•¿•)›
"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning."  Albert Einstein



Yes, that looks great!

You realize calling them "sectors" is a bit of a misnomer as they actually distances traveled.


ccw 0
cw  32  DT=1

ccw 10
cw   5   DT=1

ccw  17
Now, if you bet for the ball to move one further, you point number would be 34.  As you can see, each spin was 90 degrees from each other.


Thanks for the Dealer Archive.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


Quoteand her young lassie puckered up titties

Skakus , Titties ?!? Titties !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gee there is one relaxed rouletteplayer.  :LoL:
To be honest, I am looking at the darn ball and the spinning wheel !
Maybe one day I 'm a relaxed player and have an eye for the Ladies  ;)
Now I'm anxious to see Lorna again....  :twisted:



Thanks Normy  :thumbsup:

Now I have to figure out the accuracy  :)

Calculating calculating calcu....   :P

