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Progression bets are nothing more than different size bets on different spins. You could get lucky and win big, or unlucky and lose even more.

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Line bet and EC together

Started by Ralph, May 23, 12:20 AM 2013

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Tested this morning, and so far very good.

We have one static double street for example  30-36. We have one nonstatic, which is the last fallen.
If the static is the last take any other.

One unit on each DB.

If we lose we bet again the static and the last. If we win we bet only one DB, the hitted, and we put the net win on the EC, which is H or L , it should be the same side as the DB.

If we win (or lose) start again with two DB.

We can use a progression, so if we lose two in a row, add a chip, and stay the same until new high.

If we have 1 unit bet each on 7-10 and 30-36 and number 9 hit, next spin is  1 unit on 7-10 and five units on LOW.
The best way to fail, is not to try!


Short test, just flatbetting!
+30 units
Nice! :)


tested a Little tweak of this.
i played docen instead of lines.
Third docen is my static docen
If number 3 came i would play D1 and D3 for a go, if hit i would play D1 1 unit and high 2 units
If i lose 2 times in a roe i would play + 1 in progression.
A short test of 62 spins + 30 units
+3 in progression at the most.
20 losts
42 wins


Hi Agesta

Would it be possible if u don't mind to give example of actual numbers as to how u
play it with the tweak as this would assist greatly thanks.



I do not record all details of my play, but using this method I got 500 units plus today.

I try to withdraw at least 5 Euro a day, 500  units are here 25 Euro, the risk money 20 Euro.

On NOZ and modest wintarget, this play is good. 

I progress one unit after two loss.  We need some luck as well.

The best way to fail, is not to try!


Quote from: Chris555p on May 23, 07:58 AM 2013
Hi Agesta

Would it be possible if u don't mind to give example of actual numbers as to how u
play it with the tweak as this would assist greatly thanks.

Hi Chris!
I will try to show yoy my latest session.
12 Bet 1D and 3 D with 1 unit each
12 W 1 unit, bet 1D and low 2units
30 L, bet 1 and 3 D
27 W , bet 3 D and low 2 units
0 L, no bet
3 bet 1 and 3 D
31 W, bet 3D and high 2 units
36 W bet , no bet same D
24 bet 2 and 3 D
26 W bet 3 D and high 2 unit
21 W , bet 2 D and 3 D
16 W bet 2 D and red 2 units
3 W bet 1 and 3
0 L no bet
7 bet 1 and 3
1 W bet 1 and 2 units low
32 L bet 2 and 3
36 W bet 3 and 2 units high
31 W no bet same D
14 bet 2 and 3
9 L bet 1 and 3
31 W bet 3 D and 2 units high
28 W no bet ,same D
24 bet 2 and 3 D
24 W bet 2 D and 2 on black
20 W
+14 units in 26 spins, no progression was needed
If that is the case i use +1 in progresssion after 2 losses
same as Ralph


We have one static double street for example  30-36.
We have one nonstatic, which is the last fallen.--Ralph

How do you determine the static line?


he is very lucky to choose it random :o

im playing this right now. it is very hard to recover when you betting in 15-18 level


Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on May 23, 06:08 PM 2013
We have one static double street for example  30-36.
We have one nonstatic, which is the last fallen.--Ralph

How do you determine the static line?

I think we can use any, I have used the last every time.
The best way to fail, is not to try!


Quote from: biagle on May 23, 06:23 PM 2013
he is very lucky to choose it random :o

I'm playing this right now. it is very hard to recover when you betting in 15-18 level

A RFH can strike every method. I have not had more than 5 yet.
The best way to fail, is not to try!


Quote from: Ralph on May 23, 11:29 PM 2013

A RFH can strike every method. I have not had more than 5 yet.

amazing.. in ~1000 spins had few times 15-20 level


I have a limit of 20 Euro and go for 5 Euro plus. I lost my first today, but have eleven won before, so up to date using it 35 Euro plus.
The best way to fail, is not to try!



Quote from: biagle on May 26, 05:14 PM 2013
how its going ralph?

I switch the methods often, may try this more, now I playing EC using positive progression, and some inside methods.

We should not overestimate the power of the methods, they work well if the outcome fitting it.

Yes it works well  so far.
The best way to fail, is not to try!


can you please write more about "positive progression"? and how you do this?

