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Started by 150K, Jul 29, 10:16 PM 2014

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Many are looking for sure fire systems. Once you have found it, real monies are being risked to ascertain its efficacies. I am one of those who read all, D,alambert, martingale, fibronacci and now kimo. So, I organized 10 men to the casino, all expenses paid plus a daily allowance. I unfurled the system.

Each player was given a cash in hand of $410 and they play 2 x column bets. The trigger to a bet is two appearances on the same column, say it is 3, 15; player bets the other 2 columns 1 and 2 - $5, $5. If lose bet 3 times of last bet - 15, 15, than 45, 45, than 135, 135. If all fails, report to the supervisor who is busy recording all the happenings at the other tables.

The players work 1 hour rest 1 hour x 5 rounds a day.

With all your present know how, what do you think was the outcome?


5 rounds/day is short term.

The approach you specified will not work because each bet is independent, and each bet's odds/payouts havent changed. The system is basically a variety of different bets of different sizes, and the exact same could be done coincidentally by many different unrelated players. Does it mean the casino will lose? No.
"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


Probably did well because you are posting. It would be luck. The idea is naive. Col/doz hits 3 or 4 regular...sometimes 8. Its the kind of idea a novice plays


There is no such thing as a sure fire thing! whether you are a professional or otherwise. I was happy with getting reports of winnings of 175.00, 85.00, 200.00 blah blah accumulated to a few hundred dollars per day with the occasional wipe out taken into account. The first 2 days tally were happy events. It seemed like I had a happy thing going BUT... here comes the Men problems.

Player three came back with a report that he went bust but his result chit shows he had a 180 profit.... Hmmph..... he misappropriated company funds and gambled it away .... so dismiss that guy? of course... but it left me with a headache.

Next the bosses, including me, had nothing to do walking around a casino... guess what we were doing with our own money?

In conclusion, one can talk and expound all systems you want. Once you are in the casino, putting it into practice is a different ball game....

I was into the martingale system too... I roped in a Mensa qualified high IQ fellow to check the doubling system and he concluded that for each lost you are nearer to the win.... GREAT ... a group of us build up a pool for this guy to roll his system out.... well guess what.... the partners literally fought in the casino over the one last high amount bet... high enough to need 4 fellows to place the bet to be within the table limit. Tell me if progression works.

I will tell you some form of progression that really works, that is only with good men at work....


Quote from: 150K on Jul 29, 10:16 PM 2014
With all your present know how, what do you think was the outcome?

You lost $4100 plus expenses.
A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.


I would say it was unprofessional to have 10 people all playing the same way in one casino at the same time.



Hmmph... unprofessional to have a group play the same way in a casino? Never thought about being professional. I thought systems were being sought to benefit oneself at the expense of the casino.


150K - How do you find & "EMPLOY" & co-ordinate 10 people to play systematically & win at a casino (assume B & M live dealer chip play) ? Do you play in a Singapore casino in SING $ or USD $ ?

"Players work 1 hour rest 1 hour x 5 rounds a day" so that's 9 hours minimum at the casino. How many days per week or month do you do this ?
I assume you are the financier/co-ordinator/supervisor of the whole deal ? 10 players @ $410 each needs a Bank Roll of $4,100 min.

So what are your results so far & what's the "in theory" profit share with your 10 players ?

I can't even find 1 playing partner as all the people I know aren't interested in Roulette & other casino games where some thinking is needed to have some chance of success. I've never read on any of the forums where any member has had multiple playing buddies ? I'm leaving aside Steve's business here where he has play partners as part of the signup deal.

Any players that I do know that gamble, most play the poker/slot machines & a few bet on the horses. None have ever had any major wins & most have lost $$$$$ thousands after decades of non win play/betting the same 'ol losing way.


Quote from: 150K on Jul 30, 05:39 PM 2014
Hmmph... unprofessional to have a group play the same way in a casino? Never thought about being professional. I thought systems were being sought to benefit oneself at the expense of the casino.

You don't think a pit boss isn't going to spot 10 people playing the same method PLUS you writing things down away from the tables ? I will type it again, sounds unprofessional to me........



ddarko - I'm trying to get my head around this thing too ? Take a team of soccer players, the goalie & ten field players to a casino (same people numbers).

Train them all to understand the play & then they all bet to the plan, without mistakes & not ripping off "the team" as 150K has already mentioned "dismissed the guy for creaming some off the top". Oh the worry of it all, why can't people be loyal & honest ?

150K - What happens if/when a team member loses his/her $410 BR & reports back to the supervisor ?   A. - Is he/she Bank Rolled again with another $410 ?

or B.- Taken out to a back lane & given 100 strokes of a rattan cane & left to regret the error of their ways ?


Ha3. Nothing of the sort of punishments for a wipe out. Getting wipe outs were factored into the plan.

It was easy to get students, especially those who never did get a chance to visit the highlands in Malaysia.

We worked with the minimum chip value of $5.00. So we worked with 1, 3, 9, 27, 54 chips progression. The allowance was $50.00 per day. They had free access to the 1 hotel room for their rest. There was 1 supervisor who registered the numbers for authentication against players records. On each repeats, the following five spins would decide the winner or a loser. Once it was won, the next repeat again was taken into account. The seasoned players, with their agreement and confidence, played the twelves and columns simultaneously. 

It was a boring job. Very slow moving. Small $ collection. Once wipe out, they go out again with new $ and worked on again. The system did not worked out.

BUT on record I made a hefty 150k within 10 hours "Gambling". Collected the proceeds, 100K in cheque form and the rest cash. How? Thats another story.

Here they do not care if you write or register anything. They even give you papers and pencil to record the events. You may go into the casino casually dressed. No classy presentation required.

The casino believe there is no system that can beat them. Go ahead and do whatever you wish legally of course. The Electronics reading of ball tracking etc.... were not allowed...


Quote from: 150K on Jul 30, 11:53 PM 2014
We worked with the minimum chip value of $5.00. So we worked with 1, 3, 9, 27, 54 chips progression. The allowance was $50.00 per day.

If you were betting on one number, and allowance was $50/day with $5 units, how did anyone ever get to 54 chip progression?
54 x $5 = lots more than $50.

A progression as steep as what you mentioned is a sure way to wipe out your bankroll, with any method, even roulette computers.
"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


I was betting after a repeat on a particular column say column 3 and 3 again.

The players begin betting on column 1 and column 2

   1, 1 on 2 columns = 24 numbers. progress
   3, 3
   9, 9
  27, 27

It means wiped out on a streak of 6 on the same group of 12 numbers.


The thinking was, I will never be able to sit there working patiently to carve out bits by bits. It has been tested over years and I know that I do not have the discipline to ride out a system. So the idea was to engage people working and answerable to a system and hopefully it works.

Well it worked till a certain extent. But the human failings is part of the casino arsenals to win our $.

So, I learnt, the idea of winning a little bit and run seems workable, but one will never see big wins. So certain $ management systems was necessary. It worked sometimes .... anyway ... I relied on luck and was gambling all the times... no systems... BUT Kimo Li put words into all these plays. Well it was good cerebral workout... I again threw it all out when the heat was on... gambled lost most of the time and won big some of the times.


Allowance was the day's salary to the players. the terminology was in the way of our communication....sorry
