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Progression bets are nothing more than different size bets on different spins. You could get lucky and win big, or unlucky and lose even more.

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50-50 Streets

Started by ignatus, Feb 10, 04:58 AM 2015

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had some luck with this one;

divide the carpet into high/low, now look at the history of spins for the last 3 streets hit in either high or low. trigger--bet the 3 unhit streets in either high or low. and put 3 units on (the other) high or low

progression +1/-1.....

for an example: streets 1,4,6 has been in (in low) now, the bet would be streets 2,3,5....and 3u on high

or streets 7,8,10 has been hit in high--now, the bet would be streets 9,11,12 and 3 u on low

progression- same amout bet on the streets is bet on high or low

let's say you start with 3 streets in low (1u on each)- then 3u is placed on high

let's say you lose once +1u-- 2u on each streets (in low)- that makes 6u bet on the streets- now 6u must also be placed on high...
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"Focus on predicting wheel sectors where the ball is expected to land" ~Steve


Hey Ignatus nice system :d
*Perhaps a limit on the progression would be helpful.
(Like: 1x,2x,3x stop)
Test: Dublinbet European Wheel #1-
Tuesday, February 10,2015 @ 5:58am CST USA

...9,3,17 (newest spin-value)

Bet s4-6, s10-12, s13-15, High:    1.) 8(x)-20
---------------------Progression 2x-------------------------
Bet s4-6, s10-12,s13-15, High:     2.) 29(win)+30
---------------------Progression 1x-------------------------
...7,33,10,34,35,34,2 (trigger)

Bet s4-6, s13-15, s16-18, High:    1.) 4(win)+30


yes.. thanks for testing proof :)
If you like to donate link::[url="//paypal.me/ignatus1"]//paypal.me/ignatus1[/url]

"Focus on predicting wheel sectors where the ball is expected to land" ~Steve



This is exactly how I understood Bleep's system and just posted something like this on that thread.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


Hi Ignatus,

Like the system.  Played about 200 spins and it never went past 3 in progression.  If I`m playing it correctly we only break even on a win on 3rd step.  Is that right?      I noticed that you had posted something very similar last June/July.   Is this new one a supplant?    If we lose 3 steps minus 36 units.  I will stop at that point and wait for a new trigger.    Any other MM that you can think of suitable for this new way?

Regards      (Bleep24)


Hi all,

Been playing this system this morning.   Performed very well apart from 1 double loss (using same spin history for both triggers) Only playing 10p unit so not too bad.   What I did notice after this double loss occurred was in the spin history there had been a few repeaters (on both sides) so perhaps if we see repeaters do not use that spin history to get triggers.  Either wait or change table?

Good luck.


Don't mean to sound negative, but betting too many nos /streets/ double streets etc...does not work; nor does changing
table works.....


Hi Chris555p,

Well with this system has worked up to now (apart from double loss which I posted about earlier and gave my opinion why it happened)

This is not the series of numbers where the loss occurred, but look at this series:

32 17 31 15 27 9 7 31 31 31 30 25 27 25 19 34 36 23 4   Would have been a 3x loss on high, but a lx win on low.  Look at those repeaters!!

So perhaps what I said earlier about not betting when repeaters are around is valid.


So perhaps what I said earlier about not betting when repeaters are around is valid

Everything in roulette happens in waves and groupings.  Repeaters are no exception. 

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


Hi Brian

I don't mean to sound negative but by saying "....A system has work up to now means nothing...."

To ensure the system works u must make it pass the acid test.....; In the short term any system works
due to the nature of roulette and due to luck ....lo lol  :D



Hi Chris555p,

Yes, I hear what you say and totally agree, But that does not help with winning.   I do not know why I stopped playing The Pivot system as I had a lot of winnings (lucky).   If you do not know The Pivot system then it is flat betting for a total of 36 spins.  Win or lose.   Wait for 1 number to repeat and then bet it continuously for 36 spins.  I have seen that repeating number repeat again several times in the 36 spins but also not repeat after the initial twice.  A good thing with this is that it is flat betting, you know what your total loss will be and previous losses can be made up, so if you have a good BR you will eventually catch a good winning run.   (See my previous post showing a series of numbers - see number 31.)

Good luck


@ Brian

From my experience the best chance u have in winning at roulette is to use methods
based on the law of the third, which has existed for a very long time; There are various
good ones written by highly experienced players in the forum notwithstading the fact
they may have to be tweaked to make them real pearls.....



Hi Chris555p,

I like the rule of two-thirds!!  better.    Playing 2 dozens.   Last two dozens to show. 



Bleep i like the idea. Elaborate
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins

