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Devil's street System

Started by Roulettedevil, Nov 25, 04:38 AM 2016

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Thanks Notto and RDevil, it seems that I have to repeat how to play the system?!


Quote from: Roulettedevil on Dec 29, 03:59 AM 2016
Money management is up to individual I personally play aggressive.
You do not bet both spins if
1. First spin wins ignore second
2. When two  appear together ..AA DD etc
we wait until two different .
3. If 0 appears first bet , counts as loss
if appears 2 nd after win ,again wait for two different.
I could go through today's spins in detail if you wish .


Quote from: gorki on Jan 06, 07:21 AM 2017

Line 14 #35 ?
As 11,#4 and 12,#5 are BB, line 13,#20 is NB, no bet.

So ? is still no-bet, line 14,#35.
But as 13,14 are CD, makes line 15,#30, bet CD and it's L,L as bet selection changed to bet repeat, not bet change. 2 Ways to play, you decide which way gorki

Is that what you want ?
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


Once learnt you  could play both at the same time!. :wink:
The Theory seems to be that as long as a man is a failure he is one of god's children, but that as soon as he succeeds he is taken over by the DEVIL


Quote from: nottophammer
Line 14 #35 ?
As 11,#4 and 12,#5 are BB, line 13,#20 is NB, no bet.

So ? is still no-bet, line 14,#35.
But as 13,14 are CD, makes line 15,#30, bet CD and it's L,L as bet selection changed to bet repeat, not bet change. 2 Ways to play, you decide which way gorki

Is that what you want ?
I understood...thank you



Yes I am playing this.  It is one of the better systems.  Most losses consecutively that I have experienced is 4 (From many, many hours of playing this) so if you use original posted prog. you will be:  (all x 6)   1  2 3  5     then staking 8 for the win (total staked 114 units)  or use the levels prog. posted on here or any other that you like.  This system is sound as a pound. 

There are some good systems from way back so perhaps we should concentrate on them.  Each win is 6 units so you do not need to be betting say £5 per unit.  Will probably be ok flat betting but I have not played it that way, or you could just bet twice after a trigger.   
Funnily enough I was going to re-open this system myself as I think that it should be introduced to newbies (and people with short memories)
Good luck everyone and a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year,


Quote from: bleep24 on Dec 10, 07:55 AM 2017
Yes I am playing this.  It is one of the better systems.  Most losses consecutively that I have experienced is 4 (From many, many hours of playing this) so if you use original posted prog. you will be:  (all x 6)   1  2 3  5     then staking 8 for the win (total staked 114 units)  or use the levels prog. posted on here or any other that you like.  This system is sound as a pound. 

There are some good systems from way back so perhaps we should concentrate on them.  Each win is 6 units so you do not need to be betting say £5 per unit.  Will probably be ok flat betting but I have not played it that way, or you could just bet twice after a trigger.   
Funnily enough I was going to re-open this system myself as I think that it should be introduced to newbies (and people with short memories)
Good luck everyone and a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year,

Excellent!!!, Even though I've not posted for months , I'm still playing this.... playing for repeats not change, and playing at Grosvenor online casino.....live wheels only 0.10p minimum!!,...I hit my target for the day then leave it,.....I've never played a more productive system in 10 years!....
The Theory seems to be that as long as a man is a failure he is one of god's children, but that as soon as he succeeds he is taken over by the DEVIL


Thanks and a Merry Christmas! :thumbsup:


I think this does well as it is betting random with random in a way that the pattern is not consistent enough to follow a simple trend and the betting coverage even though almost 50% chance is not like high/low, red/black, even/odd...


Does well anywhere, other than on MPR, Bleep try on there 
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


This is my cup of tea

Although now a days I’m invested in crypto currencies
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Hey all! Still having trouble figuring out what the bets are here. I get the ABCD methodology in relation to the dozens, but after that I'm completely lost. If we're going to resurrect this method that has so much promise, can anyone lay it out for the uneducated? Thanks so much! Merry Christmas!


Since i read this system i try it.

Yesterday i play only repeat. Win after win i take a rest and come back with winning until one moment it bust my BR.

Today i play "against". Win after win i take a rest and come back with winning until one moment it bust my BR.

Am i have a very very bad luck than you people ??? Or i get fixed ???
I'm playing at PT casino. Thanks.


PT Casino : PlayTech Live Casino. I didn't play RNG.
