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Possible change of forum software

Started by Steve, Feb 20, 07:12 AM 2017

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SMF is the software that runs this forum. But it is lagging a bit behind modern technology. Probably the best software is xenforo which is used at :.gamblersforum.com

SMF is still the most popular software.

Please give you opinion. Should we change the forum software? From member perspective, it's more about layout and member features. I think xenforo has better features. But SMF is much more intuitive.

My opinion is xenforo will probably overtake SMF as the dominant forum software soon. A lot of the largest forums for all kinds of topics are switching to xenforo.
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Put it to a vote, Brexit worked out fine, but those who lost the vote (bloodied noses) trying to stop it, with the likes of wank er Blair, so will a vote work ?
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I would say don't try to fix what it is not broken. You can always switch, but so far no rush. After all i am pretty sure you have other things to care about meanwhile.


Quote from: nottophammer on Feb 20, 10:55 AM 2017
Put it to a vote, Brexit worked out fine, but those who lost the vote (bloodied noses) trying to stop it, with the likes of wanker Blair,

Well said, brother, well said. That guy is a bona fide war criminal.
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Yes I'm leaning towards just leave it. The main thing was I wanted to make it link:s because of changes Google was making, and I've already done that. The only exception is some pages with embedded images wont be link:s but I can fix that with a programmer.
"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


a more modern looking forum would be cool

baby steps
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