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Precognition really works

Started by precogmiles, Jan 09, 04:18 PM 2018

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Notto, you are like a flat Earther having a stab at round Earthers, but you dont know it.
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Quote from: precogmiles on May 16, 06:00 PM 2018
Have you had any luck since?
These are all my test results so far with the cards


I noticed that most of my hits come after the 15th attempt, and most of the time it's the star symbol. I have the worst results with the wave symbol.


Quote from: ati on May 17, 01:19 AM 2018
These are all my test results so far with the cards


I noticed that most of my hits come after the 15th attempt, and most of the time it's the star symbol. I have the worst results with the wave symbol.

What method are you using to get those result. Are you relying only on the hour long meditation, or do you try and visualise each card?

I’ve also noticed that I get the best results at the start of the test. One technique I have found is to use a kind of gamblers fallacy towards the end, where by you convince yourself that the previous 10 cards were all wrong and you are due the correct card. This seems to work well, which makes me think that belief is the most important element in precognition.

If you have the google play store search for apps to improve your esp and intuition. You can play these all day long. This will help to get the mileage in. I think you will need at least 1000 hours of predicting (excluding meditation) practice before you begin to sense within yourself what you need to do to get the correct card.

You should also try this game link:s://psychicscience.org/esp3.aspx at gives to the total as you play.

You can do it. If I can so can, you just keep practicing.


I always meditated beforehand. I believe it's important, especially as a beginner, because mediation is the key to raise our energy and develop psychic powers.
Most of the time I try to visualize, staring at a blank sport and waiting for a shape to appear. This seem to be working for many people. Although I'm not very good at it, it's very hard to focus without thinking and I see all kind of very blurry shapes and numbers constantly morphing. Other times I just try to pick one card without thinking.

Thanks for the link I will try it, and I've also downloaded a mobile app. I try not to overdo the tests, I want to feel that I'm ready and can fully focus on the task, so the results will be less random. Also, I've read that the strong focus makes the mind tired, so it may not be wise to do dozens of tests each day.


Quote from: ati on May 17, 12:50 PM 2018
I always meditated beforehand. I believe it's important, especially as a beginner, because mediation is the key to raise our energy and develop psychic powers.
Most of the time I try to visualize, staring at a blank sport and waiting for a shape to appear. This seem to be working for many people. Although I'm not very good at it, it's very hard to focus without thinking and I see all kind of very blurry shapes and numbers constantly morphing. Other times I just try to pick one card without thinking.

Thanks for the link I will try it, and I've also downloaded a mobile app. I try not to overdo the tests, I want to feel that I'm ready and can fully focus on the task, so the results will be less random. Also, I've read that the strong focus makes the mind tired, so it may not be wise to do dozens of tests each day.

That’s an interesting approach. Good luck with it. Keep us updated with progress, I would love to see your success.

My view is slightly different, I see this ability more like an art form or skill you need to strengthen it through practice and not just theory (meditation). Meditation gives you the theoretical understanding of the laws and principles. But you need to put the mileage in to see what methods produce the best results.

Have tried hemisync?

Anyway, keep up the good work. You will see good results 100%.


I tried hemi sync, but only the focus 10. I usually search for binaural beats on youtube, and listen to the ones I like. Most of the time I do a one hour meditation to activate the 7 main chakras.
This morning I had a good session with the cards. I felt that my focus was strong, and in the beginning I chose the correct card 4 times in a row. I was at 5/10 hits when I became overly confident, or nervous, and lost my focus. I failed to guess the next eight and my final result was 8/25. It took about 20 minutes.

Once I become more confident and see a definite improvement with my skills, I will post more. I just don't want to waste anyone's time with seemingly random results.

Do you also play for real money? I played before approx. 50 sessions of 1 cent real money roulette, but I could only break even.


Quote from: ati on May 19, 06:26 AM 2018
I tried hemi sync, but only the focus 10. I usually search for binaural beats on youtube, and listen to the ones I like. Most of the time I do a one hour meditation to activate the 7 main chakras.
This morning I had a good session with the cards. I felt that my focus was strong, and in the beginning I chose the correct card 4 times in a row. I was at 5/10 hits when I became overly confident, or nervous, and lost my focus. I failed to guess the next eight and my final result was 8/25. It took about 20 minutes.

Once I become more confident and see a definite improvement with my skills, I will post more. I just don't want to waste anyone's time with seemingly random results.

Do you also play for real money? I played before approx. 50 sessions of 1 cent real money roulette, but I could only break even.

I never want to play for real money unless I have my precognition skills so good I am 100% guaranteed to win.

Lately I have been been investigating the phenomenon of telekinesis.

There are some videos on youtube of people who can authentically perform telekinesis repeatably and very well.

Also watch videos of Nina kulagina,  Jean-Pierre Girard and John Chang (dynamo jack)

With that much evidence I really don't know how anyone can deny this anymore.

I believe by understanding the mechanism of telekinesis this can help me improve my precognitive skills. Some PK/TK practitioners claim they didn't need to meditate to develop this ability and some claim they got this through meditation. I don't know which is true. But someone like Nina kulagina could read numbers and shapes off a board without using her eyes, and she has never meditated (not in the traditional Buddhist sense). Same is true for Master Jiang.

All of my research points to yoga and taoism (yin and yang). If I can get a better understanding of these philosophies I'll be able to take my skills to the next level. 

I'm really excited by this awakening to the truth. I will be taking a break from this site for a while so I can concentrate on my skills.

Here is something to really blow your mind, this guy is doing real levitation!

See you in a few months, and good luck.


Awesome! Good luck to you as well.

I know some of these, I'm subscribed to Trebor's channel.
I also experiment with PK, I have a piece of tinfoil on top of standing match, so it can spin freely. I can make it spin with my energy, sometimes both ways, but whenever I cover it with a thick glass container, it never moves. But I'm sure it's not my breath or body heath that makes it spin. Otherwise I would not be able to change the spinning direction and there are days when I can barely make it move.

I'm still practicing with zener cards, I have a couple of 8/25 hits, but so far never above that. I also have a 1/25 :) That was after a very stressful day. My total average is currently 5.28/25 which is above the statistical average so I'm happy with this.


The existence is to be - not to possess! Evolution does not have the task to create prosperity, but rather to create gods! The fight is not for the man , but for the freedom of God in man. Every man is a god in development!


Quote from: ati on Jun 01, 01:59 AM 2018I have a couple of 8/25 hits, but so far never above that
I have to correct myself, just scored 11!  :thumbsup:


Now whether it does or doesn't, I don't care as averages is fine. But here's the but
A Nimo qote
The problem of doing billions of random checks with software is you take out the human brain out of the equation.  The human brain can account for items that  a computer simulation cant.

So if we think about it, the subconscious mind is watching taking all in, if you've watched the wheel for thousands of spins, could the subconscious mind be reading the present game, be able to take in ball movements, so giving you, those who some how link into the subconscious mind,   be able to see the pocket thats coming.

I've been playing on different formats and for some reason know the number coming on odd occasions, but why? i've even said to mrs Notto, i just knew it was going to be that number, but for no reason why this happens, you know you get that feeling but don't react to it, think to yourself why didn't i cover it.

So yes it might be possible, like the earth is flat and the moon landings didn't happen, NAH just mucking about
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


Quote from: ati on Jun 01, 01:59 AM 2018
Awesome! Good luck to you as well.

I know some of these, I'm subscribed to Trebor's channel.
I also experiment with PK, I have a piece of tinfoil on top of standing match, so it can spin freely. I can make it spin with my energy, sometimes both ways, but whenever I cover it with a thick glass container, it never moves. But I'm sure it's not my breath or body heath that makes it spin. Otherwise I would not be able to change the spinning direction and there are days when I can barely make it move.

I'm still practicing with zener cards, I have a couple of 8/25 hits, but so far never above that. I also have a 1/25 :) That was after a very stressful day. My total average is currently 5.28/25 which is above the statistical average so I'm happy with this.


Have you thought about restarting your PK practice? I haven't got the ability to move objects under glasses yet. But at the moment I don't care if it 80% wind and 20% PK. With enough practice I will get it to 99% PK and 1% wind. If these guys can do it so can I. And I WILL!

Quote from: ati on Jun 01, 03:56 AM 2018
I have to correct myself, just scored 11!  :thumbsup:

Wow that's nice. good job on the meditation and practice, keep it up.

I just tried link:://fledglingpsychic.com/esptest.php and got 8/25 and 10/25.

One bit of advice, Remember that feeling of getting the cards right, one after another, when you just got the 11/25. Believe you will get that feeling on every attempt you try. cultivate that feeling and believe.


I do admit to more than a passing interest in the topic of precognition.
Could any of the more advanced students here please give an opinion on some of my thoughts on the subject?

In the physical world, they say that if you can't push aside a dead weight with one foot then you should not attempt to pick it up. With this in mind, do you believe it's more worthwhile to focus on outcome prediction , or outcome protection?

So as to say, do you try to pull an outcome into line with your selection, or protect a selection by pushing away that which is out of line?

Or are both these techniques of equal merit?

I'm trying to think outside the outside box here.


I do not think that precognition has to do anything with pushing or pulling a particular outcome.
It is more about you becoming sensitive and open to a particular outcome and become aligned with its flow. Letting it unfold and tap  into it.
It is helpful to approach it open to learning playfully rather then controlling


Thanks Kairomancer,
I suppose I hold more hope for telekinesis than precognition.
Well for real wheels anyway.
