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Both sides of the wheel and the table.

Started by Carlitos, Nov 20, 03:00 AM 2010

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I stumbled on this a while ago, but sometimes gives good runs for your money. When you look at the both sides of the wheel you will see that the lower reds from 1,3 etc are on the left side. The higher blacks from 20, 22 are also on the left side. Vica versa for the lower blacks and the higher reds on the right side.

Nothing new here......... But if you would to play 18 numbers from a side when they come and use an progression step 2 times, or even perhaps 3 times, it sometimes give you good run for your money.

If have counted runs of 30, 40 and even 50 times. 50 X 18 = 900 single chips. Usualy the runs are 3,5 or 10.

Example from permenanzen Tisch 3 20.11.2008 link:://,

6 Right side.
21 RS
23 RS
15 RS
33 Left side.
16 LS
27 RS
36 RS
1   LS
2   RS
4   RS.

Maybe something too look further into?

Carlitos  8)


Yes Carlitos nothing new, but  maybe  ....maybe...
with  three or  four progression steps and some triggers..... ???

Progression (for online casinos):

1.  0,10 x 18    -1,8      +1,8
2.  0,20 x 18    -5,4      +1,8
3.  0,50 x 18    -14,4    +3,6
4.       1 x 18    -32,4    +3,6    stop-loss at -32,4

Triggers  RS,LS,RS  bet  RS   with progression,  or
               LS,RS,LS  bet  LS  .............................
Or triggers  RS,LS,RS,LS...bet or RS  or LS  ?

Will hit  often enough  to recover losses  if  we lose  -14,4  or  -32,4    ?
Only if we make some several tests  will know.
I think this was already done.....?



.....maybe it was already done. I know there was some discussion about this on the old VLS forum......... Maybe we have to look for other ways for triggers........

Carlitos  8)
