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Are you going to get a coronavirus vaccine? Why?

Started by pepper, Jul 18, 01:25 PM 2020

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Are you going to get a coronavirus vaccine? Why?



Quote from: Steve on Jul 23, 06:52 AM 2020
You're in a reasonable frame of mind. You just need more information, and to broaden your view. It's not an insult. It's more a compliment because you don't appear to be closed off.

I'll give a detailed response in time.

I am open-minded to different perspectives, and certainly find a lot of interest in what you post in regards to this stuff - as you seem to be level headed, and spiritually developed. This is not the case for majority of other people who hold the same views as you.

I have met people though that are total nut heads, that read infowars all day, and live in total paranoia. 9 years ago, my friend who was living in USA, made a bet with me that within 6 months the dollar was going to crash, etc, and of course he lost the bet. He also lost his mind, and moved to a 3rd world country, later regretting his decision. When I kept asking him, where do you get this info from, how do you know, etc, he told me: you need to do your research man! Do the research! He sent me links from infowars, and youtube videos...

And another guy, was stocking up on food, guns, etc - he believed that all hell was going to break loose and of course he got all his info from sites like infowars.

This is why I am skeptical and don't totally buy into the narrative that infowars feed, but at the same time, I have the same skepticism when it comes to MSM.


Quote from: winforus on Jul 23, 06:30 AM 2020Can you describe in more detail, the major harm that it will do to one's health?

First, you need a lot of broad information about what has been happening. I can summarize things, but you'll need to do a lot of research to properly understand it.

The answer for this question is complicated, because there are many parts to it. Some parts are below:

1. Part is not about vaccines. This part has nothing to do with health. It has to do with compliance and control. IT IS A STEPPING STONE, like the masks arent really about health (it's a psychological thing).

The vaccinations wont just be one-time thing. It will be a regular thing, like maybe twice yearly. Even where the vaccinations wont be compulsory, life will be made difficult if you dont get vaccinations. Like already in some areas you cant even shop without a mask.

2. Some vaccinations do more good than potential harm. Those are thoroughly tested. The covid vaccination is rushed. Proper testing would literally take YEARS because some major effects may not be known for even 5 or so YEARS. When you consider the leading contending companies like Johnson & Johnson, and Moderna, there are some big questions. But that's a whole other story. I mean even Johnson & Johnson's BABY POWDER caused cancer, so they were ordered to pay over $6 billion in damages. I don't trust these companies.

I don't trust being injected with what is essentially improperly tested frankenstein DNA, that actually changes your DNA. Some of the ingredients of past vaccinations are appalling. I mean literally aborted baby cells. And back then, we were assured it was SAFE.

Do you know how many drugs are approved by the FDA, then later recalled because they're unsafe? The FDA approves drugs based on the testing from the company that made the drug. Look it up. Once the damage is done, the FDA recalls THOUSANDS of drugs each year. BECAUSE THE DRUG WAS NEVER PROPERLY TESTED IN THE FIRST PLACE.

And you want to vaccinate the entire world, with a vaccination for a type of virus that has NEVER been done before, and rush it out, when the mortality rate is NO DIFFERENT TO THE SEASONAL FLU??

Are you fucking nuts?

And that's justr part of the story. You also have the rife manipulation, the pushing of the agenda by typical people, the banks and their sudden change in policies, the sudden changes in laws for bail-in, and the list goes on and on and on.

Like I said, you need a lot of background knowledge to understand what's really happening. And again, WE ARE AT WAR.

The average person has no fucking clue.

Based on what I know, all of this is headed towards vaccinations that use NANOTECHNOLOGY. I mean literally nanobots that modify your DNA.

It is all being done step by step. And because the steps are gradual, most people just dont see it. That's WHY it's step by step.

What's the end goal? Trans-humanism and connecting people to the smart grid, for the ultimate control over you.

But wait, it sounds like crackpot theory, right? Before you say that, thoroughly research Moderna and their nanotechnology in vaccinations.

I could spend all day here backing everything up with facts. Realistically I think maybe 1 in 50,000-100,000 people are aware of the information needed to really see what's happening. The average person has no idea at all. Because it takes DECADES to research and properly absorb the information. You can't realistically learn it all in months, at least to the point where you really see it.

But you can get a crash course. The problem with that is it leaves room for doubt and skepticism. A healthy dose of skepticism is important. I've been well through those stages, and am now at the point where I'm seeing "Holy shit, this is really happening. They're doing it. These people are fucking nuts."

I have a lot to say in these matters, but I'll try and keep it briefer for now. But I will say the information is already available. You will get a LOT from :.gaia.com. You will get some parts on Youtube, but largely censored - and mixed in with a pig shit mess. So you need to initially take everything with a grain of salt, and eventually piece it all together but only with the CREDIBLE AND VERIFIABLE INFORMATION.

Forget the "theories" without proof. Real proof includes things like company press releases, research papers, catching media lying, and new laws. It's all around us.

Quote from: winforus on Jul 23, 06:30 AM 2020If we are fucked and there is nothing that can be done to change the outcome, why should think and spend energy on this at all?

When the Nazis were trying to take over the world, maybe we should have just laid down. Right?

Or maybe, we realized we're fucked either way. They're coming. We can either roll over and comply, and HEIL HITLA!.... OR.... fight for our lives.

Quote from: winforus on Jul 23, 06:30 AM 2020Wouldn't the time be better spent on personal development and spiritual growth, instead of on theorizing this?

This IS exactly that. EXACTLY THAT.

But if you mean go meditate on a rock somewhere, you go do that. Why didn't people just do that when the Nazis were coming?

But this war is not so much physical. It's most a spiritual war. And the biggest threat to the elite is independent thought, from people who understand who they are. Because then they wont be fooled by the lies. The truth is a very simple and the best weapon in this case.

Quote from: winforus on Jul 23, 06:30 AM 2020I personally have not seen any known, highly conscious spiritual teacher/guru, talking about this stuff.  (people like Eckhart Tolle for example). Why do you think this is?

I find the opposite. I haven't seen a single truly spiritually enlightened AND educated person who cant see what's happening.

A spiritually enlightened person alone in the first might feel something isn't quite right. They might come to the city, and comply with rules because they aren't educated about what's happening.

An educated person in the city will look at the data, and see something isn't right. But if they're not spiritually evolved, they will probably just still OBEY.

A person who's both spiritually evolved AND educated will be jumping up and down, because they see what's happening, and blind clueless people are all around them, and they just wont wake up.

Quote from: winforus on Jul 23, 06:30 AM 2020That's what guys like Alex Jones have been saying for the past 20 years - that dollar was going to collapse, etc. But it hasn't happened. In fact, some predicted it would have already happened a long while back. Say 10 more years pass and nothing happens, are you going to continue saying this?

Do you know what has happened to Venezuela's currency? Do you know why?

The only reason it hasnt happened to the USD yet is because they keep printing money (quantitative easing), and there is still confidence in the USD.

The USD was doomed long ago. Just look at the debt level. Do you understand it means either the debt needs to be reset (with a new system in place), or the debt just keeps growing? The debt will NEVER be re-paid.

The financial system is in shambles.

In the last recession, banks went bankrupt (on paper). So we had bail-ins, where tax-payer money was used to help them. Remember what happened in Greece though, where funds were literally stolen by banks from people's accounts.

Now the bail-in laws (much the same shit as bail-out laws) were created, because people complained about bail-out laws.

What does it mean? It means the banks will literally steal funds from your account when shit hits the fan. Just considering Australia, we are now banned from $10,000+ cash transactions, so there's the push to cashless. There's the push towards digital currency - as has been for ages. And they're rushing through the bail-in laws, and the legislators REFUSE to put in writing that funds from ordinary people wont be used to prop up the banks. They refuse to do it and are lying because that's literally the whole point of bail-in laws.

Quote from: winforus on Jul 23, 06:30 AM 2020Say 10 more years pass and nothing happens, are you going to continue saying this?

Do you really think the economy is getting "better"? Do you really think perpetually-growing "debt" is just how things are going to be forever?

Things havent totally crashed because of reasons like every 7-10 or so years in recent times, there's a recession. Everything goes to shit, people lose lots of money in stocks etc. Those crashes are deliberate. They are what sustains the bankers.

You have to understand they keep propping themselves up with bail-outs, bail-ins, corrupt laws, orchestrated recessions that enable them to buy stocks for pennies, etc.

We are moving towards a cashless society. You ask "when", it's happening all around us.

Quote from: winforus on Jul 23, 06:30 AM 2020These are the things that everyone should be doing regardless if anything that you said here is true or not.

Should be doing, but are not doing.

Quote from: winforus on Jul 23, 06:30 AM 2020But where are the practical steps and solutions, as in to stopping the "elites" from executing their plan?  If there is none - then what is the point of even thinking about it?

The steps largely STARVE THE SYSTEM. They are leeches. They cannot survive without mass compliance. Maybe what you're not understanding is as these pockets of resistance grow, who dont depend on the system anymore, they will begin to lose control.

Through things like Agenda 21, they'll attempt to stop people living free. Whether they have no carbon footprint or not. Its not about the environment. If it was, they'd be planting lots more trees - forests. It's about control.

Quote from: winforus on Jul 23, 06:30 AM 2020The irony, is that the stuff that you mentioned in this thread, plus what guys like Alex Jones say, invokes fear in MANY people.

REALITY. Not fear.

What you say is like saying "The Nazis are coming. But dont alert people. We dont want people to be afraid." But it's different in this case, because it's more a spiritual war. So fear is the wrong word.

Quote from: winforus on Jul 23, 06:30 AM 2020And presidents like Trump, use fear to gain votes.

Holy shit, do you know what the elite do to get power? They are literally the biggest terrorist group in history.

Quote from: winforus on Jul 23, 06:30 AM 2020I don't see how a person could read this stuff all day and think that they are at WAR - without being in fear!

Fear is not the right word. Alex does not promote FEAR. If you think he does, you're not understanding him. He promotes awareness.

It is not "fear" to be aware and rightfully concerned. And it's not fear to be aggressively defiant - not because you're arrogant, but because you are passionate about life and freedom. Because your'e awake.

Quote from: winforus on Jul 23, 06:30 AM 2020What I personally found, is that I feel much better and present in my everyday life when I don't read or think about any of this stuff at all. Vs reading different theories and thinking about the outcomes.

Ignorance is never a good thing. Will it "make things better"?

Whether you like it or not, it's all on your doorstep.

Quote from: winforus on Jul 23, 06:30 AM 2020This doesn't make any sense Steve. Most of the time, anger is an indication that a person is not present, and usually comes from the ego (identification with mind)

Actually what you said doesn't make sense.

Anger is a natural human emotion. It has its place on Earth, but only if you dont dwell on it. Otherwise what could be a force to make you do something, it becomes counterproductive, because you would then always focus on what "they" are doing, instead of what you should be doing.

In other words, prolonged anger is a distraction and block.

Quote from: winforus on Jul 23, 06:30 AM 2020I personally don't fully trust him or his inforwars website. While his site provides some truthful info, I have seen a lot of manipulations + lies to get people to buy his products.

I havent seen him lie about his products. I find he's very transparent about the benefits and limitations of his products, and that sales are what fund infowars.

Quote from: winforus on Jul 23, 06:30 AM 2020When you observe how he interviews people - he is unable to stop himself from cutting others off.

I've been following Alex for about 15 years. Maybe you haven't seen him enough. Alex is a very passionate and knowledgeable person, and he clearly genuinely cares for people. That's partly why he's mad as hell.

I dont think he's narcissistic. I saw in his younger years, he was more arrogant and "in your face". That's partly an age thing. Now I see he has matured more. But his passion is rightfully relentless, and he despises with a passion these elite. And that spite towards them can be construed as arrogance or narcissism.

Anyway I hope people will start looking into this deeper. I want to explain a lot more, but the information is already available. You just have to research it. But again dont expect you'll know anywhere near enough, even in a few weeks. Keep digging, and you'll see more and more. If you want a good shortcut, subscribe the :.gaia.com but even then it's literally months of learning.
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Again you really just need to do the research. Infowars does a great job. It's not just Alex Jones - he started it though. But with any source you need to actually check the information for yourself. I dont agree with everything they say, although again they're correct about almost everything.

This is part of where the vaccination is going:

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It is quite easy:

If you don´t like vaccine, then don´t get it.
If you die it is like vaccine for all others.
There is always a game


The truth about Alex Jones.


Any time anything interesting happens anywhere on Earth, there's a 100% chance Jones has found "proof" it is either (1) a false flag operation by the New World Order or (2) a "massive coverup operation" run by the New World Order. No exceptions. You would think the white coats would have taken him away in a straightjacket by now New World Order would've eliminated this widely-known bearer of all their secrets, but nope. For some reason they see fit to let him continue.    ;D

And anyone who takes infowars.com seriously shouldn't be taken seriously (yeah, I know Steve, I'm thick, asleep, etc)  ;D

Logic. It's always in the way.


It just goes to show, some people really are retarded.

You'll know. Eventually.

At some point, generations will look back on the stupid people and wonder what the fuck they were thinking.
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Billionaires like Soros CARE about black lives.

Bill Gates CARES about your health.

Wall st. bankers CARE about you.

They all care about lives. Which is why they dont fund research to prevent major causes of death live heart disease and cancer. But they'll fund other things that just seem to expand their power. It's coincidence.

The covid infection rate is spiralling out of control, while the death rates are going down. It's all about the lives of people. BILLIONAIRES CARE ABOUT OLD PEOPLE.

There's no problem with the statistical reporting of covid infection and death rates. It's all good.

The censorship of the real data from doctors treating covid is for the best.

The Iraqi war was about freedom for Iraqis. Saddam had WMD. Not sure where, but he had them. And he was supporting terrorist and Osama. Not sure how, but he was.

Should I go on?

Some of you are REAL FUCKING STUPID. You don't even know WHAT you are criticizing.

The problem isn't just you are STUPID. It's also that you aren't even doing proper research, and are GULLIBLE. But that comes with being stupid.
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Quote from: Steve on Jul 24, 04:09 AM 2020
It just goes to show, some people really are retarded.

Steve, insults are not arguments. Yes, I'll know 'eventually', just like you and Jones have been predicting for years.  :yawn:

To  be honest, I think you should get some help. You're into this shit so deep you can't see anything else. It's actually quite disturbing.  It's a great example of what can happen when someone spends hours and hours 'researching' crap on youtube.
Logic. It's always in the way.


Quote from: Steve on Jul 24, 04:23 AM 2020
The problem isn't just you are STUPID. It's also that you aren't even doing proper research, and are GULLIBLE. But that comes with being stupid.

How do you know that you know all the truth?
There is always a game


Joe, I made some "arguments" backed by fact. The problem is some people are literally too stupid to understand them.

If you cant understand simple things, you wont understand more. That's why I havent bothered.

Quote from: Joe on Jul 24, 04:29 AM 2020I'll know 'eventually', just like you and Jones have been predicting for years.

Seriously, WHAT?? It's happening right now you brainless moron. IT IS ALL AROUND YOU. IT HAS BEEN FOR YEARS.

Holy shit, are you really THAT dumb? I mean wow. This world is fucked. I may as well get a drink, watch it unfold and laugh. It's incredible. Really.
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Quote from: winkel on Jul 24, 04:31 AM 2020How do you know that you know all the truth?

I said that already. I consider fact to be things like law, legislation, REALITY, policies, research papers, company press releases etc.
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Winkel, they don't know the truth, but conspiracies theories are comforting for people who like to think there's something or someone in control. It's less scary than the truth, which is nobody is really in control and we're all basically at the mercy of random stuff. Shit happens Steve, deal with it.
Logic. It's always in the way.


Quote from: Joe on Jul 24, 04:29 AM 2020To  be honest, I think you should get some help. You're into this shit so deep you can't see anything else. It's actually quite disturbing.  It's a great example of what can happen when someone spends hours and hours 'researching' crap on youtube.

In time Joe, you'll know better. You can criticize someone for swearing they have the HG with the Martingale, thinking they're utterly clueless. It's strange to you, because they really don't see it.

But you've got no idea you're a flat Earther.
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Some shit "just happens". But you need to have brains and information to see when shit is caused by assholes.

Joe, I cant help you. So many of you really are completely lost. I'm speechless, at how utterly blind some of you are.

But again, you will know in time. And you'll look back here wondering WTF.
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Quote from: Steve on Jul 24, 04:35 AM 2020
I said that already. I consider fact to be things like law, legislation, REALITY, policies, research papers, company press releases etc.

like FOX-News?
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