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Are you going to get a coronavirus vaccine? Why?

Started by pepper, Jul 18, 01:25 PM 2020

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Are you going to get a coronavirus vaccine? Why?



Steve, the last thing I need is your 'help'. Get out out a bit more, away from youtube. Go for a hike and enjoy some of your countryside before it's been burned to a crisp by global warming (something which Jones denies exists, BTW. It's clowns like him who are contributing to doing nothing about it).

Logic. It's always in the way.


Joe, it's not youtube. Good luck.

Winkel, fox news might report some of it. But that's not what i referred to. Read what i wrote.
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FOX news is actually pretty honest; you can't compare it with inforwars.com which is just conspiracy theory crap. The NY Times is truthful too :


The man is a real piece of work.
Logic. It's always in the way.


And the brainless comments keep on coming.

Anything that helps your immune system fights viruses. Thousands of doctors say the same thing. Show me one doctor that said otherwise.

But because of confirmation bias, and a small mind, you cite a biased article taking Alex out of context.

Again joe, good luck.
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No Steve, it's obvious you didn't even read the article because you're such a Jones fanboy.

Jones said his toothpaste “kills the whole SARS-corona family at point-blank range.”

Which is claiming a lot more than merely helping the immune system to fight viruses. He's trying to cash in on people's fear and ignorance. What a scumbag.

It's pointless arguing with you. You've been brainwashed.  ::)
Logic. It's always in the way.


I personally know the owner of a major company developing a vaccine. And they purchased a shitload of GARLIC for all their staff. They're a notable virologist. There was so much left over even I got some.

Did you want to attack them too? Call them a kook?

Btw, SOAP kills the coronavirus. Yes, soap. At point blank range.

Another thing is alcohol hand rub. And you do know, that the mouth is a lot more infectious than hands. Right? You've taken one twisted point, and that's all you have.

Wash your hands. But don't say wash your mouth. That's what kooks say, right?

Look joe, im on your side. But you're really too thick to understand.

As my friend said, a virologist, covid is piss weak. The only thing that makes it different is it's replication rate, and it's highly infectious. But it ain't that deadly.

I really do feel sorry for you joe. Much like when a flat earther professes earth to be flat. But i still look at them wondering wtf.
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Seriously? He was claiming that his toothpaste prevented catching the virus, which soap can't do either. I guess the FDA are as thick as me too, then? Oh, I forgot, they're part of the conspiracy too.  :yawn:

And his dietary supplements have been shown to be worthless.

Logic. It's always in the way.


Show me where he said his toothpaste prevented catching covid.

Yes, the FDA are thick. Or more that they're just business. That's exactly why they declare thousands of drugs are safe one year, then recall thousands when they're proven unsafe. Thousands.

Thats what happens when the FDA is competent, and all about safety. Right?

And that's why they conduct armed raids on people selling COW MILK. Deadly cow milk. Nothing to do with big business.

As for supplements, you do understand that supplements like zinc and vitamin c help the immune system, right? Except when "infowars" is on the bottle, of course.
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What's the real issue here joe? You really think blm is about black lives?

You really think the world is spending Trillions because big business and pharma really care.... about the lives of old people?
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Quote from: Steve on Jul 23, 09:51 PM 2020
First, you need a lot of broad information about what has been happening. I can summarize things, but you'll need to do a lot of research to properly understand it.

The answer for this question is complicated, because there are many parts to it. Some parts are below:

1. Part is not about vaccines. This part has nothing to do with health. It has to do with compliance and control. IT IS A STEPPING STONE, like the masks arent really about health (it's a psychological thing).

The vaccinations wont just be one-time thing. It will be a regular thing, like maybe twice yearly. Even where the vaccinations wont be compulsory, life will be made difficult if you dont get vaccinations. Like already in some areas you cant even shop without a mask.

2. Some vaccinations do more good than potential harm. Those are thoroughly tested. The covid vaccination is rushed. Proper testing would literally take YEARS because some major effects may not be known for even 5 or so YEARS. When you consider the leading contending companies like Johnson & Johnson, and Moderna, there are some big questions. But that's a whole other story. I mean even Johnson & Johnson's BABY POWDER caused cancer, so they were ordered to pay over $6 billion in damages. I don't trust these companies.

I don't trust being injected with what is essentially improperly tested frankenstein DNA, that actually changes your DNA. Some of the ingredients of past vaccinations are appalling. I mean literally aborted baby cells. And back then, we were assured it was SAFE.

Do you know how many drugs are approved by the FDA, then later recalled because they're unsafe? The FDA approves drugs based on the testing from the company that made the drug. Look it up. Once the damage is done, the FDA recalls THOUSANDS of drugs each year. BECAUSE THE DRUG WAS NEVER PROPERLY TESTED IN THE FIRST PLACE.

And you want to vaccinate the entire world, with a vaccination for a type of virus that has NEVER been done before, and rush it out, when the mortality rate is NO DIFFERENT TO THE SEASONAL FLU??

I agree with you here, I personally don't trust the vaccines and those are valid points. The question for me is - is there a plot with the "powerful elite" colluding and doing this on purpose, or is it done due to greediness and incompetence of the people?

Quote from: Steve on Jul 23, 09:51 PM 2020

The average person has no fucking clue.

I could spend all day here backing everything up with facts. Realistically I think maybe 1 in 50,000-100,000 people are aware of the information needed to really see what's happening. The average person has no idea at all. Because it takes DECADES to research and properly absorb the information. You can't realistically learn it all in months, at least to the point where you really see it.

If only 1 out of 50-100k people know what you know and it takes decades to research and verify, then we are all fucked right? Unless you can convince a large amount of people to buy into what you are saying, without verifying 100% for it to be factual.

Quote from: Steve on Jul 23, 09:51 PM 2020
I have a lot to say in these matters, but I'll try and keep it briefer for now. But I will say the information is already available. You will get a LOT from :.gaia.com. You will get some parts on Youtube, but largely censored - and mixed in with a pig shit mess. So you need to initially take everything with a grain of salt, and eventually piece it all together but only with the CREDIBLE AND VERIFIABLE INFORMATION.

Forget the "theories" without proof. Real proof includes things like company press releases, research papers, catching media lying, and new laws. It's all around us.

I am aware of gaia.com and I certainly trust this website, I will try to check out some of the stuff when I have time.

Quote from: Steve on Jul 23, 09:51 PM 2020

But if you mean go meditate on a rock somewhere, you go do that. Why didn't people just do that when the Nazis were coming?

Yes meditation is a big part. So is self-inquiry, yoga, psychedelics, etc. Have you studied anything related to non-duality? I am talking about real spirituality, where a person gets to the core of the being.

Quote from: Steve on Jul 23, 09:51 PM 2020
I find the opposite. I haven't seen a single truly spiritually enlightened AND educated person who cant see what's happening.

A spiritually enlightened person alone in the first might feel something isn't quite right. They might come to the city, and comply with rules because they aren't educated about what's happening.

I don't think you understood my question, let me say it again more clearly:

How come, no known spiritual leader, teacher, or a highly conscious person is talking about this? If you are aware of somebody, then please give me a link.

I am talking about guys like Eckhart Tolle, Sadhguru, Rupert Spira, Wim Hoff, and the list goes on. NONE of them talk about this stuff. Why do you think this is? Are they just ignorant or maybe they don't view it the same way that you see this? All of those guys are highly educated, and their wisdom goes beyond intelligence. A guy like Alex Jones looks like a child compared to them, in terms of his level of consciousness.

Quote from: Steve on Jul 23, 09:51 PM 2020
Do you know what has happened to Venezuela's currency? Do you know why?

The only reason it hasnt happened to the USD yet is because they keep printing money (quantitative easing), and there is still confidence in the USD.

The USD was doomed long ago. Just look at the debt level. Do you understand it means either the debt needs to be reset (with a new system in place), or the debt just keeps growing? The debt will NEVER be re-paid.

The financial system is in shambles.

In the last recession, banks went bankrupt (on paper). So we had bail-ins, where tax-payer money was used to help them. Remember what happened in Greece though, where funds were literally stolen by banks from people's accounts.

Now the bail-in laws (much the same shit as bail-out laws) were created, because people complained about bail-out laws.

Do you really think the economy is getting "better"? Do you really think perpetually-growing "debt" is just how things are going to be forever?

I agree it's not getting any better, but it certainly does not mean it will 100% crash. A new system may come into place or the debt may be reset.

Quote from: Steve on Jul 23, 09:51 PM 2020

REALITY. Not fear.

What you say is like saying "The Nazis are coming. But dont alert people. We dont want people to be afraid." But it's different in this case, because it's more a spiritual war. So fear is the wrong word.

The Nazis was a clear threat that everyone could see, once the war started. A person could be alert and aware, without panic, while taking practical steps to fight.

A person who is reading what you are writing or infowars, assumes BAD shit will happen to them in the future event, begins to stress out about it, while not taking any practical steps (because there aren't any). This is fear.

What good does it do to you worrying about the future, without not having the ability to change it? That is fear to me.

Quote from: Steve on Jul 23, 09:51 PM 2020
Fear is not the right word. Alex does not promote FEAR. If you think he does, you're not understanding him. He promotes awareness.

It is not "fear" to be aware and rightfully concerned. And it's not fear to be aggressively defiant - not because you're arrogant, but because you are passionate about life and freedom. Because your'e awake.

I strongly disagree with you here. He may genuinely believe that he is promoting awareness, but he is actually promoting FEAR. Even if what he says is 100% true. Why? Look at the way that he talks and his energy. You can call it passion (and sure there is a mix of that), but the rhetoric that he uses, is VERY far from a conscious person. I don't even believe that he is a bad guy or says shit to harm people intentionally, but he certainly has fear energy, and a lot of narcissism involved.

The fact that you can't see this, is a red flag for me. I recommend for you to contemplate deeply what is fear, where it comes from, etc.

Quote from: Steve on Jul 23, 09:51 PM 2020
Actually what you said doesn't make sense.

Anger is a natural human emotion. It has its place on Earth, but only if you dont dwell on it. Otherwise what could be a force to make you do something, it becomes counterproductive, because you would then always focus on what "they" are doing, instead of what you should be doing.

In other words, prolonged anger is a distraction and block.

Where does anger come from? If you contemplate it deeply enough, you will see that it is connected to thought. Without a thought, anger could not exist. While things like joy, laughter, and LOVE, all come from within being, and do not come from thought.

There are a lot of things that seem "natural". Sure it has it's place. The more conscious that you become thought, the less anger in general you will have. Like I said, to me Alex Jones is far from a conscious person (spiritually speaking).

Quote from: Steve on Jul 23, 09:51 PM 2020
I havent seen him lie about his products. I find he's very transparent about the benefits and limitations of his products, and that sales are what fund infowars.

I didn't say that he lied. And his products are not even bad. He surely needs to fund his website, there is nothing wrong with that. The issue is that at times he uses headlines in articles that promote fear, and in turn helps him sell his products by capitalizing on fear. Sometime I will find an example and show you.

Quote from: Steve on Jul 23, 09:51 PM 2020
I've been following Alex for about 15 years. Maybe you haven't seen him enough. Alex is a very passionate and knowledgeable person, and he clearly genuinely cares for people. That's partly why he's mad as hell.

I dont think he's narcissistic. I saw in his younger years, he was more arrogant and "in your face". That's partly an age thing. Now I see he has matured more. But his passion is rightfully relentless, and he despises with a passion these elite. And that spite towards them can be construed as arrogance or narcissism.

I have studied narcissism for a good amount of time, both theoretically and in practice, by dealing with people in my life who are narcissists, including family members. There are different types of narcissists. Alex certainly seems very self absorbed to me, and has narcissistic tendencies. With that being said, I am not saying he is a bad guy or has bad intentions, but he is far from psychologically healthy person to me.

If you can't see these things, I will tell you in this case to do the research and study human psychology a bit more.

Quote from: Steve on Jul 23, 09:51 PM 2020
Anyway I hope people will start looking into this deeper. I want to explain a lot more, but the information is already available. You just have to research it. But again dont expect you'll know anywhere near enough, even in a few weeks. Keep digging, and you'll see more and more. If you want a good shortcut, subscribe the :.gaia.com but even then it's literally months of learning.

When I have time, I will surely check out gaia. Thank you for the detailed response.

Last question: How certain are you of what you said in this thread to be true? 100% 95%. Just curious.


I'm not taking sides or anything, because I don't know the truth, BUT

do you know how many damn times Alex Jones said there was going to be a false flag or something was going down, and nothing happened?!

Alex Jones probably puts profits over truth, so tries to create sensational stories. Here's proof: link:s://:.nytimes.com/2019/12/05/magazine/alex-jones-infowars.html

That guy worked for Alex Jones and exposes his lies.

P.S. I know I could be wrong, just like all of you can be wrong. For all we know the world is probably controlled by God and/or powerful aliens, psychic people, etc.


Quote from: pepper on Jul 24, 03:51 PM 2020
I'm not taking sides or anything, because I don't know the truth, BUT

do you know how many damn times Alex Jones said there was going to be a false flag or something was going down, and nothing happened?!

Alex Jones probably puts profits over truth, so tries to create sensational stories. Here's proof: link:s://:.nytimes.com/2019/12/05/magazine/alex-jones-infowars.html

That guy worked for Alex Jones and exposes his lies.

P.S. I know I could be wrong, just like all of you can be wrong. For all we know the world is probably controlled by God and/or powerful aliens, psychic people, etc.

That’s a great article and his ex-wife also reported similar things about him.

If you read this article carefully, you will see that it nails what I said about him - him being very narcasstic/employes walking on egg shells(not being able to accept any criticism is a huge one) and purposely spreading fear, in turn to help him sell the supplements and gain the most amount views. Also, a lot of the behaviour indicates that he is not a mentally healthy individual. I really have no reason to doubt the info written in the article, given that other people said similar things.


I'll respond later to other things.

But shouldn't you be looking at his specific claims, rather than attacking Alex personally? And look at the bigger picture. You really think CNN is better than Alex? Wake up.

You know, infowars is a collection of reporters, like Millie Weaver, David Knight, Paul Watson etc. It's not just Alex. But again you're making generic personal attacks. Focus on the message.

For example, the blatantly inaccurate covid reporting is... just severe incompetence, right? And Alex saying otherwise is a "conspiracy theory" and Alex is an alarmist, right?

You know, Alex is one of thousands of other reporters saying the same thing. Even thousands of doctors are.

And the big banks aren't legally stealing the world's wealth. That's just the policy. Alex is an alarmist. Right?

Wake up.
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Quote from: Steve on Jul 24, 08:31 PM 2020But shouldn't you be looking at his specific claims, rather than attacking Alex personally? And look at the bigger picture. You really think CNN is better than Alex?
You can look at Jones’ claims, BUT…

People should know the real Alex Jones, because it gives a bigger overall picture of what's really going on, e.g., he highly likely over exaggerates and sometimes tries to create sensational stories out of nothing. He even engages in unethical practices to do this, like when he was doing things to paint a group of people as terrorists knowing they weren’t.

MSM/CNN is out of Jones' league when it comes to being unethical. They are pretty much professional liars at the best. After this thought, you’re right, I should and will give Alex Jones more credit.

I rely mostly on Fox, and don’t understand why people have such a problem with this. You can fact check and research Fox’s claims all you want, and they are pretty much spot on.


I am. I've been getting vaccines since I was born. I take my grandparents to get vaccines every year and they are 101 years old and are doing great.
Vaccines are safe they just help create antibodies for viruses. There may be some rare cases of bad reactions but some people are allergic to water, vegetables, and peanuts but we don't say they are the devil when they are offered at grocery stores. Vaccines are also the reason we don't see polio any more and basically cured 99% since 1953. I prefer to keep moving forward with health and science, not go backwards because of some stories created from people that are against the government.

These companies have to go through many many phases of tests especially safety tests.
And people say they only make vaccines for money, while all these companies creating the vaccines are publicly traded companies that you yourself can make money from.

None of it makes sense, people are worried about vaccines and wearing masks cause somehow it'll kill you, while they are smoking every day and over weight. All the "woke" people might get put to sleep by not wearing masks and getting vaccinated. Maybe that's the higher ups whole plan. :twisted:
