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CLUB Live Roulette Ireland - Withdrawal Issues

Started by RP501, Sep 10, 02:15 AM 2020

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Quote from: Cammy162 on Sep 19, 01:09 PM 2020I did take the bonus.
Which I meet the requirements that is why my balance got as high.

You mean you actually met their 80x - 120x Betting Requirements?!?  WOW!!!  :o   So what was your initial Deposit?  So, for example - If you deposited â,¬500 with a 10x Bonus & a 100x Betting Requirement, you would have to Bet a TOTAL amount of â,¬50,000!!!

So, IF you really did make bets totaling to the amount of â,¬50,000 - You would be considered one of the LUCKIEST roulette Players in History!!!  Because their MAX Table Bet is â,¬500 - So for example, you would have to make â,¬500 bets 100x and STILL come-out with a POSITIVE Bankroll!!!   ???

If you believe it is IMPOSSIBLE to win at Roulette long-term, then you will never win. ... But, if you believe anything is possible, then you will find the way.


Quote from: raebel on Sep 19, 10:02 AM 2020I've been waiting a week to have them answer the question what are the betting limits!  I hope I'm wrong, but my guess it is just like any ponzi or pyramid  scheme.  New players coming in with there ridiculous bonus platform as mentioned above to pay the new winners .

Funny, not sure why it seems I'm the only one that doesn't have a problem with my emails getting answered.  Their Betting Platform tells you the Limits, the only error is the 2-1 Dozens & Columns, it is NOT â,¬600, it is â,¬500 Max. "And â,¬500 overall table limit (in total of all bets of any position)".  (see attached)

Here's the thing -- In the Long-Term, Roulette naturally gives the Casino the edge, meaning the Casino does NOT need to CHEAT the Players.  So why in the world would a Casino with a 10+ year existence, feel the need to run a Ponzi Scheme???  The Roulette Table already makes them Profits, as-is!  No real reason to have the need to CHEAT!   ;)

Granted, their Bonus Betting Requirements are really ridiculous, BUT they are clear about it and do not hide it in tiny hard to see micro print.  After all, where else can you find 8x, 10x & 12x Bonuses!  The only time I would take their Bonus is if I want to have a "practice" Bankroll and don't have the actual Bankroll money.  For example, if my System needs $1,000, all I would need with a 12x Bonus is to Deposit $83.33 . 

Being that Roulette is impossible to Profit in the Long Term, then it's much better to Lose $83.33, than it is to Lose $1,000 .   ;)
If you believe it is IMPOSSIBLE to win at Roulette long-term, then you will never win. ... But, if you believe anything is possible, then you will find the way.


Quote from: RP501 on Sep 19, 07:46 PM 2020
You mean you actually met their 80x - 120x Betting Requirements?!?  WOW!!!  :o   So what was your initial Deposit?  So, for example - If you deposited â,¬500 with a 10x Bonus & a 100x Betting Requirement, you would have to Bet a TOTAL amount of â,¬50,000!!!

So, IF you really did make bets totaling to the amount of â,¬50,000 - You would be considered one of the LUCKIEST roulette Players in History!!!  Because their MAX Table Bet is â,¬500 - So for example, you would have to make â,¬500 bets 100x and STILL come-out with a POSITIVE Bankroll!!!   ???
You will laugh at this one I only put a deposit in of â,¬5 and with the bonus I had â,¬50 to play  with. But I still had to make â,¬5000 bets for the requirements which is still good going.


Quote from: Cammy162 on Sep 20, 09:59 AM 2020I only put a deposit in of â,¬5 and with the bonus I had â,¬50 to play  with. But I still had to make â,¬5000 bets for the requirements which is still good going.

If you only deposited â,¬5, then your Betting Requirement for the 10x Bonus is 100x.  So you need to bet a TOTAL amount of â,¬500 (â,¬5 x 100).  NOT â,¬5,000.  Which means you only need to bet a total of 100x your Deposit of â,¬5 only.  So, it is NOT â,¬50 x 100.   (see attached)

If you believe it is IMPOSSIBLE to win at Roulette long-term, then you will never win. ... But, if you believe anything is possible, then you will find the way.


Quote from: Cammy162 on Sep 20, 09:59 AM 2020You will laugh at this one I only put a deposit in of â,¬5 and with the bonus I had â,¬50 to play  with.

Would you care to tell us how you turned your â,¬50 Bankroll into â,¬5,055.26?  Or how you Photoshopped it?   ;D  Because something about your screenshot doesn't look right.  How did the .26 come about, being that there are only .10 & .50 chips, there are no .01 chips.  ???

If you believe it is IMPOSSIBLE to win at Roulette long-term, then you will never win. ... But, if you believe anything is possible, then you will find the way.


This is a current screenshot that I just took from my cell phone of CLUB Live Roulette Ireland's Oracle Table 1 (the Balance is 0 because I just withdrew it a few days ago).  This is an actual screenshot, unedited.   ;)

If you believe it is IMPOSSIBLE to win at Roulette long-term, then you will never win. ... But, if you believe anything is possible, then you will find the way.


It is â,¬5000 you have to bet to make the requirements the bonus has to be in with the requirements. Do yo think they would give you â,¬45 for just â,¬500 requirements know chance. I don’t know why it shows .26 it just did that.
I played a betting system I had made up and it worked that’s how I managed to get to â,¬5055. And if you look closely at the top of my screenshot you will see the Club Live Roulette Ireland  website which I am playing on. Do you think I am some sort of weirdo that get kicks out of put up lies about a website. It doesn’t matter if I put â,¬5 in or â,¬500 I won the money fair and square so they should pay me out.


If you look at the terms and conditions as well the requirements are x1000 not x100



Quote from: Cammy162 on Sep 20, 05:03 PM 2020If you look at the terms and conditions as well the requirements are x1000 not x100

Sorry, but you are mistaken. It clearly states 100x, NOT 1,000x .  Here's an example from one of their June 10x Bonus email. (see attached)
If you believe it is IMPOSSIBLE to win at Roulette long-term, then you will never win. ... But, if you believe anything is possible, then you will find the way.


Quote from: Cammy162 on Sep 20, 04:50 PM 2020I played a betting system I had made up and it worked that’s how I managed to get to â,¬5055. And if you look closely at the top of my screenshot you will see the Club Live Roulette Ireland  website which I am playing on. Do you think I am some sort of weirdo that get kicks out of put up lies about a website. It doesn’t matter if I put â,¬5 in or â,¬500 I won the money fair and square so they should pay me out.

Sorry to have doubts about your situation, then you are an EXTREMELY LUCKY man to have turned a â,¬50 Bankroll into over â,¬5,000.

Did you happen to video capture ALL your sessions, starting from your â,¬50 Balance?  That's your PROOF and you should post that on YouTube!  I'm sure we all would very much love to SEE how you have done the IMPOSSIBLE!

Hope ALL your Bets ONLY covered up-to 18 numbers.  Anything over 18 numbers does NOT count towards Betting Requirements.
If you believe it is IMPOSSIBLE to win at Roulette long-term, then you will never win. ... But, if you believe anything is possible, then you will find the way.


Here’s more PROOF this is an email I got from Club Live Roulette Ireland.
That was one of the last messages that they sent me.


 Here's another video I found when I was at 1200 euro, this was back in June.


Quote from: Cammy162 on Sep 20, 10:21 PM 2020Here’s more PROOF this is an email I got from Club Live Roulette Ireland.
That was one of the last messages that they sent me.

That's interesting, he actually admitted to you that you did indeed meet your Betting Requirements.  At least he was honest about that.

After meeting your Betting Requirements of total bets of â,¬500 (100 x â,¬5) -- Why didn't you request a Withdrawal then?

Unfortunately, CLUB Live Roulette Ireland is a "private" Club and is NOT regulated or licensed, so legally you are out-of-luck.  IMO, they should at the very least, give you the 10x Bonus equivalent of your â,¬5 Deposit and pay you the â,¬50.

Obviously from now on, you should play at a Regulated & Licensed Casino, if you expect to get paid 1,000x your Deposit. (â,¬5,000 ÷ â,¬5)   ;)
If you believe it is IMPOSSIBLE to win at Roulette long-term, then you will never win. ... But, if you believe anything is possible, then you will find the way.


I put a request in for a payment of â,¬1200 the minute I got confirmation about me meeting the requirements. This is not the first time I have meet the requirements, the last time they paid me in instalments of â,¬250 every week till the the total amount was paid.
I did make about 3k that time but with them not paying me out a lump sum I ended up down about 2k. That’s what they are hoping you do that’s why they take as long to pay out.
And the requirements where â,¬5000 they count the bonus in on the requirements so
5 x100%= 50 x 100=5000 that’s why I couldn’t make a withdrawal sooner I had to meet the requirements and if you keep winning your balance goes up that is what you play for to win as much as possible.
