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Precog: Smaller set of spins

Started by Klausy, Feb 18, 04:31 AM 2021

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I'm interested in progressing on roulette with precog on how this could be done in a bricks and mortar casino. I wrote a post ago on struggling with seeing numbers with eyes open which I've resolved so am now onto the next challenge.

It seems to me that it's easier to see an upcoming number rather than specifically the next number came up, i.e. I can more often than not get a number that will come up in the next 10 or so spins - however this means that typically I have to bet a lot more singles for a lot more spins and the progression is therefore much slower as for every hit, there are also a lot of losses which reduce the overall win. I've got up to a 60k-70k balance a couple of times on Rsim with different strategies but these have necessitated hundreds if not thousands of individual spins - this would take months in a casino!

Therefore, it seems best to reduce the amount of spins that you are playing, so that there are less upcoming numbers to see and bet bigger on each spin.

I ran a test on Rsim yesterday betting with the maximum 250 on typically 2 or 3 singles on the Rated game only - so a maximum of 3,000 per session so typically would only last 5 or 6 spins per session without a win. When I won, I ended the session and started a new one.

In a short space of time (42 spins) I'd got the balance to just under 45,000 and really think that it helped by just working off a smaller set of spins. Although I think this could be a good strategy (bet big for a short period of time) it's certainly high risk as there is a chance to lose alot, fast, so I think there are more optimal strategies to be found.

Anyone got any (useful) thoughts?

Incidentally I know this is only a small sample, I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone, am only interested in the process. Thanks.


I move to my next number if 3 spins miss. I think 3 to 5 is the sweetspot. Any longer betting on a number is more and more about getting lucky then seeing the right number.

Keep your sessions short. It's not easy to stay focused a long time. I only bet a maximum of 15 spins a day and stop on any profit. It's still working very well for. It's just a matter of increasing the units. On average i make 10 units a day. All flat. Somedays i win nothing. Some days i win in just one spin.

But find out what works for you and master that skill. Stop wasting time on trying new things. get good on one thing and master it and make money with it.

maybe i could be way better if i trained for 8 hours a day. Maybe i could master the one hit one spin. Who cares. I make 10 units daily what im doing now. It works for me.

Good luck!


Thanks Raymanz.
Yes there is a temptation to keep waiting for a number, just need to accept that not everything will hit.


Yes, less is better and you can play finals or corner bets covering 8 if it helps initially.

But ultimately improve through practising the fundamentals of what generate psychic ability instead of simply practising on Roulette.

What I mean is that the base of all psychic ability is energy. Learn to sense and work with energies. Become more sensitive and learn to be less logically.

Strategies will be less of an issue when you learn to sense your energies. You can then do it with your eyes open, eyes closed, noisy or quiet environments. Nothing matters when you feel the energy.

You do not even need to meditate when you have an understanding of the energy. Once the energy is strong enough you will witness how seeing and remembering are the same, and how experiencing and creating are the same.

I personally made the mistake of believing I was seeing the future. That is not what is happening. There is no past or future, in a holographic paradigm.

My point is focus outside of roulette to find the answers. Once you do, roulette will seem like child's play.

Just message me if you need extra pointers. Happy to share.


Quote from: precogmiles on Feb 18, 05:02 PM 2021
Just message me if you need extra pointers. Happy to share.

Just share them here. There is no need to hide anything. Good for future reference too.


Quote from: RayManZ on Feb 18, 06:24 AM 2021I make 10 units daily what im doing now. It works for me.
Good stuff! 👍 Always inspiring to read about your success.

Klausy, I wouldn't be concerned about how many thousands of virtual money you win, and how the chart looks like. It can be distracting and can cause unnecessary pressure. You would never bet â,¬100 or â,¬200 on a single number in real life anyway. I personally don't even track my results, I will know when I'm ready. I have a rough idea tough, I know that on some days I would have lost 50-100 units, on some days I would have made 50-100 units.
I used to write down every number that I saw, and every outcome and bet result, but it didn't help. I kept looking at the all the negative results and it put me in a bad mood.

I guess our approaches and methods are all different, so I won't give any suggestions, and I still cannot claim that I can win consistently.
I do the Henry Sugar method, so I work on my focus and being able to see the shadow of the numbers. It isn't as simple as it sounds and I'm afraid there are no shortcuts. It took years of daily practice for the character in the book, and there are many people in real life who have mastered this ability and it also took them years. Nowun wrote that he practiced daily 1-2 hours for a year or so, and he also spent hundreds of hours just visualizing (manifesting) that he's going to win this way.
I don't necessarily agree that you get tired so easily, I can easily practice for 3 hours with short breaks. I heard from several sources that some people practice for 8-10 hours straight on weekends.
In fact, sometimes it takes up to 20 minutes for me just to see the first shadow of a number. I can pretty much see any number within a minute on demand, but those are not the numbers I want to see. Those are just made up by my conscious mind. I find the shadow numbers much harder to see, and those appear different to me. They look thicker and somewhat darker than the other numbers.

I agree with Ray that it's pointless to do over 10 spins on a single number. You have around 33% chance to hit any random number in 12 spins, so there is a good chance that a win was simple luck. I do 3 spins than I refocus. I would bet on finals, so 3 losing spins in a row is already 9-12 units loss. No point chasing the number if it doesn't come. A few bad focus in a row can easily result in 100 units loss.


Thanks ati.

Yes we all have different methods but ultimately I suppose we are all tapping in to some underlying process or truth in varying ways and level of success (the energy that precogmiles refers to).

Personally I use RSim as a test area, to try thing outs. Before RSim, I would often get enthused by a few quick successes and my mind would gloss over all the failures that had come before which cancelled out the wins so I didn't really have a way of gauging success. I like to reset when trying something different out so that I can see whether or not there is measurable success, rather than a high balance being the end game.

Replies to my original post in this thread, getting people's experiences and thoughts, tips and tricks, is exactly the content that I'm here for and we can all benefit from. It's all much appreciated.


Not related to your question, just though I'd share what just happened to me. So I've been trying to see the numbers for one and a half hour, but I'm just struggling. They don't want to appear, and I would already be in loss of over 50 units.
Then I decided that for a bit of fun, I'm going to play single numbers, using just my intuition. So I scanned the roulette table back and forth with my eyes, with a quiet mind, waiting for a number to somehow stand out. And guess what? I won 116 units in approximately 20 spins.

Things like this happen sometimes. For example the other day I was also struggling, I couldn't hit anything. I was just about to call it a day, when I changed my focus from the white paper to a very dark grey, almost black background on my computer screen. Within a minute I saw a number, I clicked on my RNG and it came up straight away. Another quick focus, and it hit again, then again for the 3rd time in a row. I lost the 4th, then I stopped.


I have also had some fun with feeling the numbers with my finger. I looked at the number pad on my keyboard, there are numbers from 0 to 9, so these can be regarded as finals.
I slowly moved my middle finger above the numbers, I didn't touch them. And where I felt a tingling sensation in my finger, I played the number and the other two or three finals. I only did this a few times, but I think I would be in profit overall.
The important bit is that if you don't feel anything, don't try to force it or make a guess. It's better to give it a break.

I don't know how it would work in the long run. Unfortunately I don't have time to do everything, and as it was previously suggested, it's better to stick to one method and master it.


Sounds like finger dowsing, not tried it myself but will add it to the list to give it a go. A long time back I saw someone on Youtube who reckoned they could dowse using their tongue, can't remember exactly but I think it was that they would scan the numbers on the board and could feel some sort of sensation when they come across a winning number (rather than licking the keyboard!).

I think this method of betting big on a short amount of spins is focussing my mind better, I've had a couple of big slides but am over 100k now. I'm generally betting less on finals and on individual numbers (still do sometimes though). I know it's only play money but it's a really useful exercise in seeing what works and what doesn't.
