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Roulette Simulator - Method Testing

Started by MoneyT101, Sep 09, 10:07 PM 2021

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“To form a 38 spin repeating cycle using the 'PIGEONHOLE' principle in roulette requires that you follow 'SPECIFIC' betting rules !!”

“STEP 3.
I fed words that matched those in the 37 word set into my 100% Winning roulette system from the posts in the thread on the forum. My system created the 38 spin cycle and calculated the 'bet' amounts”

These two quotes are from when dyksexlic spoke about word roulette vs rng roulette

Pay attention to the details…. specific betting rules and that the system created the 38 spin cycle
Simple once you get it!  Chased all the pigeons away and they were already in their hole


Thanks for the reply....i think most of us know the claims, but nowhere even a small hint what to do in practice.They are so broadly worded that it could be anything.


Quote from: Clf7 on Oct 25, 09:14 PM 2021
Thanks for the reply....i think most of us know the claims, but nowhere even a small hint what to do in practice.They are so broadly worded that it could be anything.

Honestly many things are posted outright.  Just when it’s read we create our own understanding of what it means.

You know how many times I’ve read that info and just now I realized I’m doing something wrong.  It’s been what 5-7 years now?!

Those quotes clearly tell you that the 38 spins need to be created using the pigeonhole principal….What is everyone doing?

Everyone is tracking cycles betting on spins

Only thing is I learned early on to play for events and it’s why I’ve somewhat had success but even then I’ve been missing something.
Simple once you get it!  Chased all the pigeons away and they were already in their hole


Quote from: MoneyT101 on Oct 25, 08:57 PM 2021
“To form a 38 spin repeating cycle using the 'PIGEONHOLE' principle in roulette requires that you follow 'SPECIFIC' betting rules !!”

“STEP 3.
I fed words that matched those in the 37 word set into my 100% Winning roulette system from the posts in the thread on the forum. My system created the 38 spin cycle and calculated the 'bet' amounts”

These two quotes are from when dyksexlic spoke about word roulette vs rng roulette

Pay attention to the details…. specific betting rules and that the system created the 38 spin cycle

Once I had this idea, to use wheel outcomes as input to my system, and instead of seeking a repeat in numbers, look for a repeat in the input of my system. I tried a few ideas, like assuming the input is "the distance between previous number and current number". In this way, any input (wheel outcome) would point to 2 numbers on wheel (back and forth). So instead of looking for a repeat in wheel outcome itself, I would be looking for a repeat in distances. Obviously didn't work, but I guess this is how it's done. The challenge is to find an event that repeats at the same time as the real outcomes, but betting on all of previous outcomes of it (to catch a repeat) doesn't drain your bankroll (and your soul!). There must be a way to cancel a good number of bets while looking for a repeat, obviously lose some of them, but at the end you will have a guaranteed hit by 38th spin. PhP.

@Mel, how do assess this methodology?


Quote from: MoneyT101 on Oct 25, 09:54 PM 2021
Everyone is tracking cycles betting on spins

I mean somehow must people play, we are betting spins when we play....The talk about events could be right,but in practice nobody knows how to use it, when and with what kind of Betselection to bet  etc :question:


Quote from: Clf7 on Oct 26, 05:39 AM 2021
I mean somehow must people play, we are betting spins when we play....The talk about events could be right,but in practice nobody knows how to use it, when and with what kind of Betselection to bet  etc :question:

Yes when you play you are placing a bet on a spin

Some of my recent post share information on betting on events. I also talk about how everything can be a cycle.  Pri has some post about it.  Even Falkor gave detailed examples on this forum of how to bet on events  :thumbsup:
Simple once you get it!  Chased all the pigeons away and they were already in their hole


Quote from: MoneyT101 on Oct 26, 11:01 AM 2021
Yes when you play you are placing a bet on a spin

That's the problem (or so it seems). No matter the "events" or "processes" that our method is based on, the actual game proceeds one spin/bet at a time. If we want to accumulate winnings over multiple spins, we have to "collect" them on the level of individual spins, because there is no other way to do it.

Unfortunately, spins are independent. This means that the outcome (W or L) of an individual bet is tied to a single spin. Context (of other spins/outcomes) has no bearing on number generation.

How are we supposed to circumvent this? Yes, I know about "dependencies" that we can create "on paper". But at some point this has to translate into something that matters when we actually place a bet.

So the question is: How is such a "translation" possible, given the independence of spins?


Quote from: saihtaM on Oct 26, 06:50 PM 2021
That's the problem (or so it seems). No matter the "events" or "processes" that our method is based on, the actual game proceeds one spin/bet at a time. If we want to accumulate winnings over multiple spins, we have to "collect" them on the level of individual spins, because there is no other way to do it.

Unfortunately, spins are independent. This means that the outcome (W or L) of an individual bet is tied to a single spin. Context (of other spins/outcomes) has no bearing on number generation.

How are we supposed to circumvent this? Yes, I know about "dependencies" that we can create "on paper". But at some point this has to translate into something that matters when we actually place a bet.

So the question is: How is such a "translation" possible, given the independence of spins?

You still don’t understand what I am telling you!

Let’s just use RB as a quick example

If we get this result


Each spin is 50% outcome we can agree

But now let’s say we track in pairs as a stitched bet we will have 4 groups.  Each spin is still 50% outcome but the overall game play is 25%

Group 1 -RR
Group 2 -RB
Group 3 -BB
Group 4 -BR


Your winning bet isn’t based on what happens on the first or the second spin individually 

It’s based on what happens in both bets together

You can take this further and add a bet on double street only on the second ec bet

So now let’s say your Second ec bet your expecting R..  you can only choose from double street 123.  Clearly you can’t choose 456 because they go with black

This is a form of dependency but also your stitched bet is a form of dependency because without the first bet winning the second bet isn’t possible.  You need the result to match for the second bet

Now you can take this further and track 3 spins or more.

But my point is… yes you are betting on a spin but your overall result doesn’t depend on 1 spin. It depends on what happens over a group

Same as 37 numbers you can only get to about 29 unique spins. This also applies to groups.  It’s a rule with numbers and they all follow it.

So whatever math statistics I get with paired ec I will get using quads bet of 9 numbers ( groups 1-4 as well)
Simple once you get it!  Chased all the pigeons away and they were already in their hole


Im resetting my Roulette simulator account I attached the final snapshot below. 

Final Ranking.png

Simple once you get it!  Chased all the pigeons away and they were already in their hole


Im working on a new method!!! I will share RS gameplay in a couple of days.

Still creating the idea....

Back to 0.png
Simple once you get it!  Chased all the pigeons away and they were already in their hole

Person S

Why 4 combinations = 25%. They have nothing to do with the game - they are just combinations and their probability. Because on the first two spins there was a combination of RB - now that we have to wait for R and only then assume that it will be a combination of RB. But the chance of B=50%.

We have to bet on 2 spins - it will be a series of spins, right? But we don't know what the next two spins will be. So we look at what spin 3 will show us and conclude whether it is worth betting to complete the combination. If spin 3 suits us, we bet. This is no longer a series bet, but a 1 spin bet with a 50% probability... We can't predict that the next 2 will be RB....... It turns out that by this analogy this will happen with the other sections as well


Quote from: Person S on Jul 23, 09:29 AM 2022Why 4 combinations = 25%. They have nothing to do with the game

I was giving an example of playing spins and playing for created events

In that example you can't take 1 spin without the other.  It's the only way you will get the result of 25%, so you have to see two spins as 1

Roulette is an independent game.  There are no rules to what you can do with any spin.  You can get creative and do what you want.  The same math that holds for 1 spin also holds for groups.

Playing with the 4 groups of RB is the same as playing with with 4 groups of 3 streets in the sense that you get 25%

This is all proven with Ramsey's theory.  Everything will hold based on how many unique outcomes are in the set

Doesn't matter what 4 groups you create the outcome is 25% when you look at everything as 1 outcome.  The same math will hold regardless if it's 4 groups of RB or 4 groups of 3 streets (9 numbers)

Other examples:

Group of 6 =Double street
Group of 6 = bet ec then winning on Dozen

Group of 12= street
Group of 12= bet ec then bet winning on lines

Group of 36= str8 numbers
Group of 36= bet ec then bet winning on split
Group of 36= bet line then bet winning on line
Group of 36= bet dozen then bet winning on street

Btw I want to add the created groups behave just like the regular game.  If you can't beat the regular game then you can beat the created group

Simple once you get it!  Chased all the pigeons away and they were already in their hole

Person S

Yes, I agree that the probability of the event is 1/4. And I agree that the larger the group, the lower the probability.
But what a group is is a set of at least 2 rotations. It is.
We can't bet on 1 spin to get an advantage. We have to bet on 2 spins - that would be betting on the event.
Now the question is when the first RB event will occur and the second event is not yet known. Then how can we predict that the next event will definitely be RB and not BB. We have to wait for the spin that will show R. What will that spin be 3 - 5 - 7?
For example- RR/BB/R-o is a signal that there is a probability of RR repeating. Without this signal how can we bet?
Okay if I don't understand sorry, but tell me Pri in the video about the quads, does he bet on spins or on events?

Person S

Modestly I think he puts on the formation of the event, but after the signal.
