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Started by Steve, Nov 25, 08:12 PM 2018

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Queen Of Roulette

First of all, thanks for taking the time to answer. Second-I'm sorry if you have such an opinion about me.

You're posting only the demo version. - You are right, and I have already explained this more than once. I'll quote myself- "Follow The White Rabbit" method - that's when you exactly know in which sector or pocket of roulette the ball will land. Only "straight-up" and perfect hit. Without inside, outside and call bets, Martingale and other shit.
I'm still continue successfully testing my method in demo mode. Method that I have been developing for a year and it's has not completed yet, but it's already producing amazing results.
It will take 4-5 months to complete all the work I guess. A certain amount is also required to complete all tech operations and speed up the of processes. That's why I'm looking for a sponsor or investor - we can discuss options for making a profit in the long term.
For those who understand the dynamics of roulette game,-check out my winning sessions. Your opinion is very important to me."

You're winning with very short and statistically insignificant sessions.  - I cannot agree with you. Even if this is so, no one has similar videos on YouTube. But that's not the case anyway - sessions are not that short. Please check my playlist on Youtube called "Winning sessions". There is a videos for 11 and also 20 minutes. Moreover, the duration of minutes is not so important - if for even 5 minutes I  bet on each (!) spin - and the session is winning - this already says a lot. In addition, initially I had a demo version of the screen recording program installed, which recorded only 10 minutes as I remember) In the future, I plan to upload sessions of 20 minutes and half an hour there, I'm just worried that viewers are not interested in watching such long videos.

I suspect a little you're not posting losing sessions. - Yes, you are right, they are simply not interesting to anyone. Proportionately, there are as many of them as winning ones. This is not enough for my balance to be in a constant plus of course. This already applies to the question of the imperfection of my method, which I wrote about above. Although if you are interested I can send them to you personally. There you can see how the balance increases, then freezes, and then a very long descent begins. In fact -50/70% of the bankroll.

You're playing with RNG. - Yes, and I don't see any problem in this, since I test my method both on RNG and on live roulettes, it's just that I need a little time when working with my method, and  when you play in live roulettes its' a little bit harder. You have to be very fast in calculations. Live Roulette excludes the possibility of recording the screen, because when I switching to the calculation mode,  I pause the recording because Ii need some time. Which is impossible in the live roulette mode. Therefore, it is more convenient to play demo roulette.  But the main thing is - THE BASIS OF MY METHOD ARE  TAKEN  FROM DATA AND STATISTICS OF  LIVE ROULETTES))) The data that I collected almost three years by the way.) So in fact you are watching the Clash of the Titans - how live roulette beats RNG)

I find it very hard to believe it's not a scam. Because you'd know very well what your system does with real money. But most relevant is you're posting outside the sales section, so its spam. Still, in the interests of free speech, sell your system but with the forum's rules, to prevent people being scammed. ----
It's a pity to hear this, I hope when you get acquainted with my videos in more detail, you will see the opposite. Moreover, I have not promised or offered to sell my method anywhere and to anyone. And I am not going to do this in the future. "Hey dudes send me money and I'll send you a miracle program" - this is not about me. I really need the funds to make what I've done by hand so far - digitize. But it only takes one person I can trust, and a one-time deal. However, I do not plan to reveal my method to him. When in 4-5 months I will complete the work and everyone will be convinced that the method works perfectly - perhaps I will no longer need such a person and I will solve this issue myself.

Basically any selling must be in the open, not luring people away privately where you can spin whatever nonsense you want without criticism from experienced members. That includes no links. It includes videos too, because they are easily cherry-picked.
I'm not interested in debating the validity of your system. I dont have time and it has been said before. Still if you manage to snag a few people, its their own problem. But at least here, the forum rules allow free speech, but with protections to prevent members from being so easily scammed.
The fact that you keep talking about it makes me justify myself. And I have nothing to justify. I do not lure anyone with false promises. If a person has brains and a bit of an analytical mindset, after seeing the game sessions, he will understand everything himself.

$17 379 roulette win in only 20 minutes-check this video first plz. It has a huge number of bets on every spin, both -  small and medium.
Sometimes the balance sags slightly (within the normal range), sometimes it freezes in one place (which is already good), but in the end it permanently goes up.
Absolutely smooth and healthy dynamic rise for 20 minutes. Definitely is not "scammer" style
"I believe in deeply ordered chaos."

Queen Of Roulette

Quote from: Steve on Aug 12, 04:36 AM 2023You're winning with very short and statistically insignificant sessions.
Today I recorded and uploaded to my channel a 38 (!) minute demo video. Starting balance $5,000, final balance $93,580, net profit $88,580. Bets were placed on each spin for all 38 minutes (except for two spins). I think this is quite weighty material in order to understand what's what (if the person is not too subjective in considering the issue). How can I send this video to you? In order to dispel at least some of the unpleasant suspicions about myself.
"I believe in deeply ordered chaos."

Queen Of Roulette

Why have none of my answers been approved by a moderator yet..?  ???  it's been 6 (!) days... :sad2:
"I believe in deeply ordered chaos."


Your answers only reiterate that what I said was accurate. But I don't have time to explain it. What you've said has all been said before.
"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


I've got a Holy Grail Baccarat System if you're game?
