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Started by esoito, Jun 26, 07:41 PM 2011

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In this interesting thread there's confusion/disagreement about the term Hit'n'Run in roulette:


Some of you might care to post here what the term Hit'n'Run means to you.

Then from the posts, I'll try to generate a definition that I can eventually add to our Roulette Glossary.


To me, it means:  Play until in profit, and then stop the session.

[Yes. I know it begs the question: "How long do we stop for?" But that's another issue altogether, so please don't address that in this thread. Thanks.]

flukey luke

Hello esoito,

To my mind, hit and run means waiting for a trigger and then having a bet. The trigger may produce 1 bet or several bets depending on the wins and losses. Once the trigger is over, it is then a case of waiting for the trigger to reappear. At least that is my definition anyhow.

There are certainly a lot of shades of grey in roulette terminology.

I was thinking today what does 'chasing losses' mean.

Suppose you quit playing after telling yourself it is no good to chase. But what about when you place your very next bet on your next visit?

I suppose you could argue that you may not be prone to make any silly bets or higher value bets. But suppose you are a flat bettor. lol, I better stop talking before I confuse myself any further!


Quote from: flukey luke on Jun 26, 07:56 PM 2011

To my mind, hit and run means waiting for a trigger and then having a bet. The trigger may produce 1 bet or several bets depending on the wins and losses. Once the trigger is over, it is then a case of waiting for the trigger to reappear. At least that is my definition anyhow.

OK. But where does the 'run' bit fit into this?


Hiya chaps, my definition "hit and run" is basically riding your luck, achieving your "attainable" target in the least amount of time. Basically betting(or betting more) when your system(or luck is rising upwards) and abstaining from betting when its not working.

Some may say its still an continuous chain of spins just broken up. However, is it really going to be the same.... spin for spin,trend for trend??. i doubt so. Call me superstitious if u may but there's no way ill be chasing losses on a bad day ...  rather chase more wins on a good one!!!! :D


flukey luke

I would say I am attempting more of a 'smash and grab' than hit and run, LoL.

However I suppose the 'run' part comes from taking the profit. But.....my next bet is the next bet regardless of if it's in the very same session or the next one. So you could argue I have not really ran anywhere. Food for thought.

p.s. excuse me while I go to have a lie down.  :)


Hit n run doesn't mean you will quit only after a win. Every betselection has its advantages and disadvantages and any betselection may fail at any moment. To me, a hit and run is a situation where you put your final bets on high probability bets, like an EC or 2 dozens or 10 streets or something like that and both in the events of profit or loss, you quit. Offcourse we target to get a win before leaving but hit and run is not just keep playing till you get profit.
                   Ashley Revell's one attempt on putting all his money on RED is a perfect example of hit and run.


TO me everyone believes in hit and run at some point,....otherwise they would believe roulette is beatable in every spin and all the time. The fact that everyone has a stop loss suggests to me that we realize that even the best of methods fail and, if it’s not hitting, then its time to run. The fact that we have a stop win also suggests that, for if we are winning, why not just continue 24/7, get the casino broke and give the *excess* cash to charity or something of that sort?!

No, we cannot continuously win if playing all the spins every time, for we will lose what we've won (hit). That's why we stop (run).



Quote from: TicTacToe on Jun 26, 10:46 PM 2011
When I say Casino Hits you it does not mean 1 loss then out ....

I mean loss after loss after loss .... ( when none of your numbers are hitting .... )

That's when it's time to Run

This is not a serious answer. How much should be the loss before you run? If u run after so many losses, it will not be hit and run but "miss and run".


I know hit & run means to play short games and get out ....

I was trying to use a bit of pun to liven up the thread .... it misfired .... I wonder why ?

TTT :o


I agree with esoito in the core definition.

Hit & Run must be get ahead and drop out with minimum profit.

One can also play for the duration of the progression one decides to use. But then again this is a stop loss target or a safety net and it is more concerned with money management.

Per example
when we are playing a regression 7-3-1, we can win first bet (if we drop out is a H&R) and loose next 2 bets and still profit one unit. Would you consider this hit & Run?

Should we only consider H&R to put some units on red and get out win or loose?

The sensible way, for me, is to pre establish win target and stoploss.

Hit & Run, in the way it has been accessed later, is a merely vague concept trying to describe a "certain" Money Management mechanism.


Quote from: ZeroBlue on Jun 27, 08:41 AM 2011
Hit & Run, in the way it has been accessed later, is a merely vague concept trying to describe a "certain" Money Management mechanism.

Quite agree.
playnow, playmore, playborneâ,,¢


"The sensible way, for me, is to pre establish win target and stoploss." [Zeroblue]

OK. So -- just to be clear -- you're saying:

achieve the set win target, then run (i.e. stop the session)


achieve the set stoploss, then run (i.e. stop the session)

...whichever comes first. 



Yes. -That is the only way to be objective about it.

Just saying "play Hit & Run" doesn't mean nothing set in stone as it has many interpretations as we see...
Nice thread


Any more ideas before I start putting together a definition?
