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Started by ego, Sep 11, 05:29 AM 2011

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I don't play roulette systems - but there is one exception - i am a bonus-hunter.
I play with free money with out deposit own money - so ROR is 0% and i regard it as andvantage play - this i spend time with when i am not at my local casino.

Well one thing i like and hate when it comes down to be bonus-hunter - is that you have to wagering the money to certain huge degree of times, before you can make a withdrawal, that the money becomes your money.

Well i run some simulation and just play every trail with no bet selection - the best option i find playing every trail is to play zick-zack - that means i don't wait for any past results - i just play RBRBRBRBRBRB or BRBRBRBRBR ...

10 is 1 in 1024 and nothing is due to happen.
It can come at my first attempt or it can take for ever before there is a show - random.

The thing i like using this is that i apply a slow fibo that i would like some help to improve.
I know Frank Barstow made some 15 to 18 step long progressions - if you know one - then plz feel free to share.

I am not sutisfied with my progression - even if it produce nice results - i still find it to agressive.
So any suggestion is welcome.


1 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

Well the positive side regarding this progression is that you use it like a step latter.
If you move up and win at 3 you then move down to the past two of the progression and start wagering from that position and move up and down until you find your self wagering at the begining again - working like clock work.

I like the idea using the first line 1 1 1 as there is strike distribution, so it does not matter that the last 1 unit is - 1 unit as it overall produce a positive gain ...
There is no rapid wins - they just shop overall and give a net gain and it looks like this ...

As you can see using a progression that not wins every step it still produce winnings and with out any big swings of up and downs.
But as i mention above i want to improve the progression and stretch it with futher steps.

I once read one scare topic regarding Martingal witch had one nice toch that i like.
It was about after the progression find it final step - then some one could continue to build furhter steps where the size of units except losses of half the bankroll/progression with could create 3 to 5 extra steps.

As bonus hunter this is very intressting topic as if you start out with 0.10 units you could move up to use 1.00 size units later or reverse start with 1.00 and move down to 0.10 and only play with winnings - bouth ways work depening on what strategy some one would like to apply.

Denial of gamblers fallacy is usually seen in people who has Roulette as last option for a way to wealth, debt covering and a independent lifestyle.  Next step is pretty ugly-
AP - It's not that it can't be done, but rather people don't really have a clue as to the level of fanaticism and outright obsession that it takes to be successful, let alone get to the level where you can take money out of the casinos on a regular basis. Out of 1,000 people that earnestly try, maybe only one will make it.
