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dozen thing I noticed

Started by Tomla021, Jun 02, 07:24 PM 2012

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With all of the John Legend stuff etc in the last few months I wrote something down in a notepad and forgot it till today:
I wrote Dozens down by four  as in 2313.

etc etc....
I did 1000 double zero spins and never  went more than 8 spins before matching a dozen with one in  in the above line......seems bizzare as when i have looked at other dozen bet methods you always get sleepers from 10-20 times.
anyone ever test anything similiar?
"No Whining, just Winning"


Quote from: Tomla021 on Jun 02, 07:24 PM 2012
With all of the John Legend stuff etc in the last few months I wrote something down in a notepad and forgot it till today:
I wrote Dozens down by four  as in 2313.

etc etc....
I did 1000 double zero spins and never  went more than 8 spins before matching a dozen with one in  in the above line......seems bizzare as when i have looked at other dozen bet methods you always get sleepers from 10-20 times.
anyone ever test anything similiar?

Hello Tomla

I went quickly through my SL live spins and found that it went more than 8 spins 3 times - once 11 spins. I don't think you can exploit something here. You may wait few virtual loses but basically you would get similar strike rate as in JL Reversed Code 4. I saw there 17 spins without match.  O0



I'll check out a few spins and see how it looks also.  Even 8 to 11 between hits isn't that bad since we'll be betting a single dozen.  Heck a dozen can sleep for a lot more spins than 11 tracking in a straight line.  This might be exploitable, but I'm sure it'll involve some big bets to keep it out of the grinder territory.
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


On RX it went up tp 21 in 10K spins.

Are we playing the whole line? or only one win per line?


Quote from: Juiced91 on Jun 03, 04:43 AM 2012
On RX it went up tp 21 in 10K spins.

Are we playing the whole line? or only one win per line?
I think Tom was hoping that we could play the whole line.  I also have seen a 13 and a 15.  It's looking like we will have to be ready to bet a steep martingale progression for a full recovery on one win or get into a "grind your way back up" situation after a long stretch with no matches.
For betting dozens or columns, my favorite has always been the "Penthouse" progression:

111222333444555666 etc...  Move 1 to the right on a loss and move 3 to the left on a win.

It can be adapted to fit your risk tolerance by changing the line:
112233445566 etc... or 11112222333344445555etc...

You can also ratchet up or down the risk by moving 5, 4, 2 or even 1 to the left after a win.  The numbers below 3 increase risk of larger bet sizes and of course, the opposite  for the numbers larger than 3.

If we're getting a better strike rate than expected, any of these will work.  The work "work" meaning win a lot of small attacks and every now and then have to accept a large loss.  With a higher than expected strike rate the small wins will outrun the large losses.  That's the hope anyway.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


don't waist your time hoping that this particular dozen (which hit in particular sequence before)  won't sleep for too long.


2 me betting for any dozen or column or mix either sleeping,repeating or matching in any pattern, virtual loses, triggers, different style progression etc. wont produce strike rate good enough in d long run 2 make it successful method. 2 go 4 broke would be foolish as we found out in earlier posts. Tomla in 1k spins never saw more than 8 spins without match n Juice in 10k reported 21... ;D which is not surprising 2 me at all. If you shorten your progression d strike rate is simply not there. 



I will try find the win loss ratio.


The Hope was that by using the matrix that you shorten the long sleepers.... Only can be checked by testing to see if it makes any difference
"No Whining, just Winning"


"due theory" is wrong. Nothing is due. if something does not hit frequently enough (more than average, which for dozen is once in 3 spins) then it does not make sense to "improve" it with long progression, which will make things worse. Nothing is "due".


Something that does not hit for long time does not happen frequently, but once it happens it kills everything, and it will happen regularly enough


Well did 100K spins well actually 99996 spins in order to get the first bet line.

Losses = 66415 = 0.66 = 66%
Wins = 33581    = 0.34 = 34%

I used +1 on a loss reset to 1 on a win(just to see the longest loss which was 27). And it made 3000+ units albeit on a NZ table.


not really due theory but hoping that a 3,4,5 matrix might break up the general nature of playing straight roulette.....thanks for the test.
you reset after every win?
"No Whining, just Winning"


Quote from: Juiced91 on Jun 03, 12:56 PM 2012
Well did 100K spins well actually 99996 spins in order to get the first bet line.

Losses = 66415 = 0.66 = 66%
Wins = 33581    = 0.34 = 34%

I used +1 on a loss reset to 1 on a win(just to see the longest loss which was 27). And it made 3000+ units albeit on a NZ table.

I just dont see any advantage. Do another 100k spins and you will be down more than 3000...
And if you covered 0 then do d math  ;D


well running another 100,000 would be interesting then.
"No Whining, just Winning"


guys, roulette kills any CONSISTENT patterns. but try to invent new patterns each time and u may be OK. if u use matrix, try to bet each time a new pattern on it. there could be lots of them. just my idea. think about it.
