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will this work?

Started by haappyy, Aug 20, 12:39 AM 2012

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The bet selection  . We will bet for the last dozen to repeat    Also, we will bet 1 unit as we lose. And after a win, we will bet as much as it is necessary to close the run with 1 unit profit.   Let's say after 7 consecutive losses, we are down by -7 units, and we get a win, that brings our net to -5 units. For the second win, we need to gain 6 units. Thus we bet half this amount, thus 3 units. If we win this bet, we gain 6 units and we are ahead by 1 for the run. We reset and start a new run. If not, after the loss, we bet 1 unit again, until our next win 


youre never sure that there will be another win after your first win, it could just make your hole deeper if the WL starts chopping
Just call me Stef ... its shorter then Stepkevh :-)


Quote from: haappyy on Aug 20, 12:39 AM 2012
The bet selection  . We will bet for the last dozen to repeat    Also, we will bet 1 unit as we lose. And after a win, we will bet as much as it is necessary to close the run with 1 unit profit.   Let's say after 7 consecutive losses, we are down by -7 units, and we get a win, that brings our net to -5 units. For the second win, we need to gain 6 units. Thus we bet half this amount, thus 3 units. If we win this bet, we gain 6 units and we are ahead by 1 for the run. We reset and start a new run. If not, after the loss, we bet 1 unit again, until our next win


So if a second run of 7 consecutive losses occurs and you are down 26 units what is your plan?
I guess you could play it with some stop loss to win few units and maybe starting flat betting as opposed to using any progression is not such a bad idea but beware of a long progression here.


Just a little tip.

Try this at betting against the last dozen (dbl dozen bet) , you could be verry surprised   ;)
Just call me Stef ... its shorter then Stepkevh :-)
