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Started by GLC, Nov 12, 10:49 PM 2012

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The following is based on my system titled !!!!!!!!!!


I've been tinkering with another 2 player method.

1st player plays R/B for the e. c. bets and on a loss, he plays either columns 1&2 or 1&3 depending on whether his bet selection is for B (1&2) or R (1&3).
2nd player plays H/L and after an e.c. loss, he plays the last 2 dozens.

There are also a couple of ways to handle the progression.  We can play both player's progression totally separate but when we reach a new profit, re-set both back to 1 on their e.c.s.
Or, we can play them together.  This means that we bet both e.c.s and as long as both or at least one e.c. wins, we continue betting e.c.  We only bet the dbl doz and dbl col if both of our e.c. bets lose.  This means we will always be betting either 2 bets on e.c.s or 2 & 2 on dozs and cols.

When playing in tandem, if either the dbl doz bet or the dbl col bet loses, we increase both e.c. bets by 1 step and continue per normal.  If both dbl doz & dbl col loses, we increase e.c. bets by 2 units and continue playing per normal.

From my testing, we win in +2 unit wins because we only reach new profit when we win on both e.c. bets at once.  It is possible to get back to betting 1 unit on the e.c.s without recovering all lost units, but that's not a big deal.  Also, we may, and often do, recover all lost units before working all the way back down the progression line to 1.  This can also net us a new profit.

This is really an easy way to play and of course it can be tweaked a variety of ways depending on whether you like playing aggressively or not.

We can always use any bet selection method that suits us.  We don't have to bet every spin.  We can use triggers if we want.  It gives us time to get our bets ready for the next spin.
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Can you post a small example to demo this. Thanks.
Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Same for me GLC.



Question for Atlantis.

I know this is off topic but your 2 player concept you showed us to great effect with this system,can that be applied to double dozens,perhaps in the same way ?

Player 1 for the Match.

Player 2 for the opposite.

Both at the same time.

Meanwhile back on topic......Dino.


Quote from: dino246 on Nov 13, 04:46 AM 2012
Question for Atlantis.

I know this is off topic but your 2 player concept you showed us to great effect with this system,can that be applied to double dozens,perhaps in the same way ?

Player 1 for the Match.

Player 2 for the opposite.

Both at the same time.

Meanwhile back on topic......Dino.

The 2 player concept played the way A had it will work if you have alternating wins between the players. If one player is on the losing run, his bets will rise while the winning player's bet will stay at low units. The result at the end will be an overal loss....

So switch, you might think....?when?...this is the tricky part....However, if there's a clever way to distribute units between the two players, then something interesting can be accomplished....




how can both ex bets win if both are playing 2 different colours
sorry my bad now i understood second player bets H/L ex and 1st player bets R/B..... ok now i want a good progression before testing this


I'm going to show how to play this way using FTL.

5R  We will bet 1 chip on Red and 1 chip on Low because we're FTL

23R  We win 1 chip on R and lose 1 chip on L  Bet 1 on R & H

27R  We win 1 chip from R and 1 from H   +2.  Bet 1 on R & H

11B  We lose on both bets.  Because B we bet 1-1 on Col 1 & 2 and 1-1 on the last 2 dozens to hit which are 1 & 3.  We're at 0.

29B  We lose on the Col 1&2 bets and win on doz 3.  We're at -1.  But we're at -3 from our previous high.  We increase to 2 units on B and 2 units on High.

10B  We win on the B and lose on the High.  bet 2 on B and 2 on Low.

9R  We win on the Low and lose on the B.  bet 2 on R and 2 on Low.

3R  We win 2 on R and 2 on Low for +4.  4-1=+3.  Re-set.  Bet 1 on R and L.

23R  Win on R and lose on L.  Bet 1 on R & H.

24B  Lose on R and win on H.  Bet 1 on B & H.

35B  Win on B and H.  +2+3=+5.  Bet 1 on B & H.

9R  Lose on B & H.  +5-2=+3.  Bet 1-1 on col 1&3 and 1-1 on doz 1&3
31B  Win on col 1 & doz 3 so we recover the 2 units we just lose and at back to +5.  Bet 1 unit on B and 1 unit on H.

1R  Lose on both. 5-2=3.  Bet 1-1 on Col 1&5 and 1-1 on Doz 1 & 3.

17B  Lose on both.  -2 on cols and -2 on dozs. +3-4=-1.  Bet 2 on B and 2 on L.

21R  Lose on both.  -4+-1=-5.  Bet 2-2 on cols 1&3 and 2-2 on dozs 1&2.

32R  Lose on both.  -8+-5=-13.  Since we lost on both, we increase our bets by 2 units, so we bet 5 on R and 5 on H.

36R  Win on both.  +5 on R and +5 on H.  -13+10=-3.  Bet 3 on R and 3 on H.  We're betting 3 instead of 4 because we drop back the same way we move up.

19R  Win on both.  +3 on R and +3 on H.  +6-3=+3.  Bet 2 on R and 2 on H. 

24B  Win on H lose on B.  Bet 2 on B and 1 on H.

33B  Win on H and win on B.  +4+3=+7.  Bet 1 on B & H.

24B  Win on H and win on B.


That should be enough to show you the idea.

Hope I didn't make any mistakes.  I'm too tired to check it.  If I made a mistake, point it out.  It'll be a good teaching aid.
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


After testing this further, I think that it's too volatile for my taste.  If you wish to play this system, you should have at least 250 units, and can expect to be in a drawn out battle to recover if you get too deep in the hole.
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


George my friend, your on a roll! let me check this out in the morning
"No Whining, just Winning"


Quote from: Tomla021 on Nov 13, 11:10 PM 2012
George my friend, your on a roll! let me check this out in the morning


Thanks for your PM on racing.  I'm liking your idea of using a progression on the horsies or puppies.  I've been testing some old greyhound races using a penthouse progression.  I handicap a race and decide on 3 dog(s) I think should be around 4-1 odds and bet on the dog out of those 3 that has the longest odds.  I'm only betting him to SHOW for now.  A 4-1 win will pay 8 bucks on a $2 ticket and it usually pays about a third of that to SHOW.  Sometimes more sometimes less.  I use 1122334455667788 etc... progression line.  I move 1 step to the right on a loss and move 1 step to the left on a win.  Any time I get ahead, I start over in the line.

So far I'm doing great.  Course it's just testing.  I'm using strictly number crunching from past races to determine the odds on my dogs.  I keep refining that process.  I figure all I have to do is handicap better than the average bettor to win.  I'm there already!!

As I get better, I'll start betting him to place and then finally when I'm really in the zone, to win.  This will change my progression line more to the one you suggested.

It's nice not having to worry about a "ZERO" punching you in the gut periodically.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Good day today for me on GG's... :)
Winners at 6/1; 9/1; 10/1; 9/2; and 6/1
Also some losers and places too of course - but well UP on the day!

PS. I'm better on horses than roulette- coz I know what to do and HOW to win and it's not as random as you might think - like the casino games are. Of course I agree bout the ZERO punches... :)
Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Quote from: atlantis on Nov 14, 01:53 PM 2012
Good day today for me on GG's... :)
Winners at 6/1; 9/1; 10/1; 9/2; and 6/1
Also some losers and places too of course - but well UP on the day!

PS. I'm better on horses than roulette- because I know what to do and HOW to win and it's not as random as you might think - like the casino games are. Of course I agree bout the ZERO punches... :)

Hey, is there a horsie forum somewhere?? :lol:
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!
