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Progression bets are nothing more than different size bets on different spins. You could get lucky and win big, or unlucky and lose even more.

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You can only win with a progression!

Started by GLC, Mar 28, 12:24 AM 2013

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I have just  got my latest system into my bot ...18 and out...now called 18 wheeler..

i have paid good money for nick to do this and its been a time consuming job to

complete..even though it has cost me I've been reading this thread with interest

and invite you to download this tracker that i paid for and see what you think...

its too big to put on the site but i put it on my skydrive for all and everyone to

download.   link:://sdrv.ms/16otZDZ

this doesn't use a progression as such...but i am finding it a very good system when

used right...using it right to me personally means resetting everything when in plus

one or more units...my bot does this automatically and i only got this final sheet

yesterday...to manually do it ..when you win just put a zero in the number you won

on then press enter...right click on it then copy...keep left mouse button pressed

and scroll up previous numbers to where results started ..right click then paste...

you will see all numbers below your zero are still there but starting triggers from

scratch,,,that is if you put a few thousand in to test..

you can play with profit target and loss...i set mine at plus 1 minus 600...

you can bet on 1 trigger or all...1 = all.....other triggers are  1.1   1,2  13

2.1  2.2  2.3  3.1  .3.2  3.3

i use all triggers as when some are losing others are winning...

my rule is to always reset and start again when in plus....

why am i posting it here...becouse i believe this wins more than loses without

progression as we all see it..

you have nothing to lose but look ...i paid for it so its costing you nothing...

you can set it to stop betting a trigger automatically when in plus too..

it also resets trigger when 18 unique numbers come out...


im just wondering how many spins you can do in your lifetime  ???


Quote from: Ralph on Mar 30, 12:34 PM 2013

I have had  1008 spins once without a hit on a single number. It was anyhow possible to end the session with plus.(It was on line so 2000 spins was done in reasonable time).
Exactly my point...recovery ability on a single number or low amount of played number basis.

I've never seen a 1008 spin dead cycle... but there really isn't much that surprises me with roulette...point being... Ralph was able to recover a true RFH on a single number.  What is your favorite bet guys...EC's, streets, dozens...do the math and figure out what that 1008 spins on a single equate to in a RFH on whatever your poison is?...could you recover from it's equivalent?

My math says he should have won 27 times and change in that span (he had a 1/37 chance for 1008 spins...1/37=.027027 times 1008=27.24 expected wins) 

So even chance on European wheel is 48.6% chance of win (27.24 expected wins divided by .486 chance of win=equivalent of 56 EC spins without a win)

Now I don't know what the recovery period looked like...but on an EC basis how do you recover from whatever hole even a reasonable progression on a 56 loss EC basis put you in?  Is there even such a thing as a reasonable 57 spin progression for EC's?  Is there a table limit or a bankroll that could (or should we ask the question should?) be played to handle this type of scenario?

Okay so now it's turned into a less numbers is better rant instead of debating the progression...I know...but bet selection goes hand in hand with the progression debate...so here I am.
