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Idea for tracker - if someone could program into excel

Started by ulsteroptom, Mar 03, 03:37 PM 2013

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Hi, new member
Tired of manual tracking. Idea for a tracker, which may prove to be useful, no set system for the tracker, just working with different ideas. Right if someone with excel skills would not mind providing this tracker for all to try. I do not think it would be too complex to program but I have no idea where to start in excel.
What the tracker should include
number input column
from this column, would need excel to graph the numbers hit into a square bar (line) graph, excluding 0, so therefore 9 numbers along each side, such that as numbers from different sides continue to repeat, intersections should be shown on the bar graph, . Starting with no.32 in the top left corner and working around. If possible an indicator to high light hottest repeater on the bar graph, (would help with neigbor bets).
Also on the same tracker if a separate table could be added to track the numbers into the following groups
Idea borrowed from missing pattern system
ROL - 1,3,5,7,9
REL - 12,14,16,18
BOL - 11,13,15,17
BEL - 2,4,6,8,10
ROH - 19,21,23,25,27
REH - 30,32,34,36
BOH - 29, 31, 35, 33
BEH - 20,22,24,26,28

any help with this would be much appreciated, as it is a pain just now doing this manually. probably just luck, but had some good number selection bets with this, all practice play live just now of course.

any clarification for the program, just ask
