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Trends based on dozens

Started by GLC, Apr 06, 09:14 PM 2013

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How to find trends in the dozen bets.
The most common trends in dozens is either for the dozens to repeat often or for there to be very few repeats.  If there are  a lot of repeats, a good bet selection method is to just bet Follow-The-Last.  Every time you get a repeat, you get a win.  If the repeats are few and far between, a good bet selection method is to play the penultimate dozen or the dozen that has hit furthest back.  Or, you could make a double dozen bet on the 2 that didn't hit last. 
I'm going to introduce a little more complex method.  Complex doesn't mean difficult, just more to keep track of.
Let's create 9 groups of 2 dozens and track for trends in them.  Here's what I mean.  We have 9 ways to pair our dozens.
1 with 1
1 with 2
1 with 3
2 with 1
2 with 2
2 with 3
3 with 1
3 with 2
3 with 3
What that means is that a dozen can be followed by any of the 3 dozens (and zero).  It can be followed by the 1 dozen, the 2 dozen or the 3 dozen.  So we'll track each pair separately.
We can start with as little as 18 spins of tracking. 
After 18 spins, see which of the 9 combinations has hit the most. Let's say we got the following results:
1/1   2 times
1/2   0 times
1/3   2 times
2/1   0 times
2/2   2 times
2/3   3 times
3/1   2 times
3/2   5 times
3/3   2 times
We see that the 3/2 pair has hit 5 times.  That's 2 more times than any other pair.  We can say that it is trending.  If you are like me and think that trends can be exploited for profit, you would be wanting to bet the 3/2 pair for a while to see if it continues to trend.
To bet this, wait until you have a 3 dozen hit and then bet for the 2 dozen to follow.

Continue to track the pairs because different pairs will get hot and hot pairs will go cold as the session progresses.
We can also bet 1 pair in each set for more betting opportunities.

Let's say we have the following:
1/1   3 times
1/2   7 times
1/3   3 times
2/1   9 times
2/2   4 times
2/3   1 time
3/1   8 times
3/2   2 times
3/3   3 times
We have 3 pairs trending so why not bet all 3.  If our spin is a 1, we bet for a 2 dozen next.  When our spin is a 2, we bet for the 1 dozen to hit next and when our spin is a 3, we bet for the 1 dozen next.
How many ahead of the rest of the pack should a pair be before we consider it trending?  We can say that if a pair is ahead of the rest of the pairs by at least 10% of the total number of spins, it's trending enough to be worth a bet.
In our first example, the 3/2 had hit 5 times and the closest pair to it had hit 3 times.  That's 2 hits ahead.  Is that enough?  Well, 10% of 18 = 1.8.  2 is larger than 1.8 so the 3/2 is at least 10% of the total number of spins ahead of the next pair.  Yes, we can bet it.
In our last example we had 40 spins tracked.  10% of 40 = 4.  A pair must be at least 4 hits ahead of the other pairs.  This is ideal, but a less stringent method is to take each set separately to determine the % to be ahead and the % ahead goes from 10% to 20% ahead.  In the 1 set above, we had 1/1 = 3; 1/2 = 7 and 1/3 = 3.  That's 13 spins.  20% of 13 = 2.6.  So if one of the pairs is more than 2.6 spins (or 3 spins since we can't have 2.6 spins) ahead of the other 2 pairs in that set, you can bet that pair.  In order to treat a set separately, I recomment that it have at least 9 hits between all 3 pairs in that set.
Rarely, will all three sets qualify.  But be ready to bet them if they do.
I have 2 suggestions for betting this method.
First,  flat bet it.  I recommend betting 1 unit on a pair if it's based only on the hits within that 3 pair set.  If your pair is ahead based on the total hits in all 9 pairs, you can bet 2 units on it.  This pair must be the only pair that qualifies.  Any time you are betting on a pair in 2 or 3 sets, only bet 1 unit per pair.
Second, play the penthouse progression.  1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 etc...  Move 1 step to the right on a loss and 2 steps to the left on a win.  Reset any time you reach a new profit.

Tell me what you think about this new way of betting trends.
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


I want to clarify that when I say a pair of dozens I am not talking about 2 dozens on the same spin.  I am talking about a dozen on a spin followed by another dozen on the next spin.  That represents our pair of dozens.

For those of you who like to play double dozens, it's very much the same as above except that we're pairing up sets of double dozens.
Here they are:
1-2 followed by 1-2, 1-3, or 2-3
1-3 followed by 1-2, 1-3, or 2-3
2-3 followed by 1-2, 1-3, or 2-3

That's it.  Once again we have 9 pairs.  Here they are in a different format.
1-2  and 1-2
1-2 and 1-3
1-2 and 2-3
1-3 and 1-2
1-3 and 1-3
1-3 and 2-3
2-3 and 1-2
2-3 and 1-3
2-3 and 2-3

So we have 3 sets of 3 pairs again.

This is played exactly the same way as for the single dozens.

Track for 18 spins.  Pick the double dozen pair that has the most hits and after the 1st half of the pair hits, start betting for the 2nd half of the pair to hit.

Let's say the 2-3 and 1-3 have hit a high enough percentage to be bet on.  When we have a spin resulting in the 2-3 dozens, we bet 1-1 on the 1-3 for the next spin.

Once again we can have a pair from each set qualify giving us betting opportunities more often.

Flat bet is best, but you can use a mild progression for either the single dozens or the double dozens.

Very simple.  Very effective.


P.S.  It should be obvious that you can adapt this concept to any of the bet locations, even chance, dozens, lines. double dozens, 5 lines.  I wouldn't try it on streets, splits or straight up numbers.  There will be so many pairs that it will get very tedious.
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Hi George

What, in your opinion, would constitute a trend.

The total of all spins, from the time you sit at the table, or only the last X amount of spins.

Because the way I see it, the total spins can be misleading. They might have hit in the first 25 spins, creating a big number. We could find ourselves betting on that sequence for many spins only to notice that the popular sequence has really stopped hitting and it's the lower or middle sequence that is actually rising.

So would it be better to catch the trend in the last 10, 15 or so spins rather than the total spins.

What's your thoughts on this ?



Buffster,  You make a valid observation.  Unfortunately, it's 6 of 1, half a dozen of the other.  The way I present the system is to catch a pair that is dominating the for a 24 to 37 spin series.  Other pairs will overtake the selected pair and we need to be ready to dump a pair and jump on another pair if it hits often enough.

We may have to set a certain number of spins to bet on a pair for before we consider that pair cold.

If you like a shorter trend, you can come up with parameters for bet selection for a quick change over of pairs to bet on.

Someone else may choose to bet for an even longer series.

This is just an idea.  All suggestions for optimum play are welcome.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Hi again George

Reading this made me think of a system I used to play and had forgotten about.

Call it " Hmmm, where did it go "

Here's the jist of it.

You keep track of the dozens and columns. Which direction they went. Then when a number hits, you look up which dozen and which column it is and look up at your tracking to see when the last time it hit, which dozen and which column did they hit respectively.

Then you play that dozen and that column.

If you don't hit either one, then you use a 1,3,9 progression using the hit number.

Maybe a session would be in order.

# D C
29 3 2
1 1 1
36 3 3
25 3 1
33 3 3
24 2 3
21 2 3
11 1 2
7 1 1
9 1 3

You can start playing once every dozen and column has hit at least once.
So starting with # 21 we see it is D2 C3, we look at our tracking and see that the last time these DC's hit they were followed by D2 C3
then 11 hit D1 C2 we lost both bets, we goto to 3 in our progression and bet on D3 C1. # 7 hits D1 C1 and we lose the D bet and win the C bet. We're at +1.

Then we bet D1 C3 at 1 in our progression and the 9 hits D1 C3 and we win both bets.

Anyways I hope this is clear cuz I'm getting a headache <joke> .

Was wondering if the 1,3,9, progression would be the right progression to use or if there is a better progression. We're betting 1 Dozen and 1 Column.

Thanks for your patience and reply




Your system is radically different from the one I posted.  So much so that I don't know what to say about it.  I think it probably needs to be a topic all to itself.

Why don't you start it?

I will tell you this much, 1-1; 3-3; 9-9 is a cutthroat progression.  You need a very good strike rate to use it effectively.



In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Hi George

Didn't mean to hijack your thread. Lots of users don't realize this when they post.

I will start a thread on it tough. I'll try and make it clearer.

Did you understand how it plays ?

Did you try it ?

Do you want me to delete that post ?

Thanks ( and I will start a thread )



No need to delete the post.  I don't think this topic is going anywhere because it's so involved to test it.

I put it in the Notepad section because I wasn't sure if it was a keeper or not.

No, I haven't tried it because I didn't really understand all the details.

I'll look at it when you start a topic with it.  I don't remember it from the past.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!
