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Started by 6th-sense, Apr 13, 01:13 PM 2013

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TETRIS ROULETTEBOT video by 6th-sense

TETRIS  system designed by 6th-sense, made into reality by nicksmi on rouletteccforum  and powered by stephkevs bv bot also on rouletteccforum...
can go for a max of 19 units win but always stick to 1 unit and reset...can go on forever..sometimes you will by default win the 19 units becouse if you don,t get win early enough it,ll carry on for the profit target as its martingale...no other way around it...you can bet FOR the 1st colour in 1st row..or you can bet AGAINST 1st colour in 1st row...
smartlive has this layout in its 185 stats...bankroll i would say enough for 4 full rows..though in reality thats a bit excessive...odds are incredible to get 1 colour and the rest in the row the oppisite colour..i play for the colour i only ever saw it lose once...great way to play for little money...


Hmmmm......rubs hairy chin is a thoughtful manner!

There is another game U could play here too, and at the same time.
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


tetris video 2

video 2 of tetris still in action...bankroll now 200%....not lost yet and now doing a grandmartingale...with stop-loss of -511....its been 4 days running..lots of issues with betvoyager servers....0.05cents win targets...only want to win 1 then reset...over 61 euros won,,,20 x .05 cents =1 euro...total profit minimun is 60 x 20= 1200 UNITS ..
still waiting to lose..when or if get to 100 euro,s will switch back to normal martingale with stop-loss of 256 ..wish me luck...lots of wins probably 50% on very 1st bet...couple of times gone 4 columns 4 lines  down...but still hanging in there...

chris i think there are loads of bets there of different types...especially my ro.be theory a few years back....

here is the actual excell sheet i paid nick to do ..as usual i don,t mind sharing....i have loads of ideas for different bets....input the numbers in yellow boxes on left...use your own progression in column fs...next to highlighted progression bets...and please any ideas would like to hear them


is the video sped up?


no that's the speed of the bot...it runs the excell tetris sheet..and puts the numbers in itself...and puts bets on etc its all automated..the clickspeed tab you see in bottom taskbar
is milliseconds ...i set it at 50 the fastest stef has built in for it..



tetris now fitted with special progression 2...going for 1 win minimum profit a sheet.....loss on a column is 64 units...thats a complete unhit column at any point.....we are aiming for a 64 unit profit to cover 1 full loss...slow..boring and steady...video software slowing bot down as i record..bot is faster than what is showing now

again designed by 6th-sense...made by nicksmi...powered by stephkevs bot
interested...contact nick at nickmsi@aol.com...he can build anything you want in excell



Its good to see you are still playing it. May i ask why you no longer play with real money? What happened since your last video in April with 30+E?
I want to try this, but i see you are now using a different excel sheet.
From little ACORNS GROW MIGHTY OAKS. (Johnlegend)


hi yes i stopped using real money becouse betvoyager at the time kept cutting me off at certain points in the progression..it was a nightmare...some nights it would be fine some nights or days not....i lost twice at my personel stop loss of 256.....that was split acrross the boards but otherwise if i was a bit more daring it would have won....i lost more on betvoyager cut offs..

i decided to try and improve the system so it was more managable if i kept getting cut off...

i have been doing other systems  which i will be doing videos in due course..nick has been really busy with me ..excelling probably non stop for at least a couple of weeks..

so have been testing them also..so rather than keep fighting betvoyagers servers i,ve been trying to upgrade certain systems..so if i lose to cut offs it could be regained easier than the big losses from straight forward marty..which these sytems  need...

if you watch the videos they are a continuation of same video..played over  at least 2 to 3 hours...this sytem now has boxes with ticks above..this allows you to just play whichever columns you want plus you can easily check each column when game is paused to either see if that column is up and betting has stopped or to see how column is doing....at  that  time..or even at end of game...the tick boxes are a very usefull tool

so with normal marty on this sheet it would be a maximum loss of 512x2=1024 - your 1 win =1023...you would stand to lose...if bet lost all that column

now with this progression stage 2  you only stand to lose 64 units per column if bet lost all that column....

now i know that the 1st progression 1...is very good though a straight martingale...it wins ......becouse of the bet selection

so this needed to be improved..to try and make it safer becouse of betvoyager server cut offs...i,m think  this bet selection with progression 2 now built in will be a winner.

as in wins to losses ratio..if i play and win 65 units and lost 64 units to that loss..its a winner...regardless of how long it takes to play...becouse of low loss of units and highest units bet..you could work it to table limit..

the martingale is still at play here just used a bit more wisley...each column is like cogs or gears in a motor...each helping the other out...i,m still testing this system but hoping it will be up there with the normal tetris...

nick is also building super tetris...with this progression going to be 20 rows down..now that will be something


And you'll love the movie:  Godzilla vs Tetris
If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers
