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Started by Willie, Jun 15, 02:22 PM 2015

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Hi everyone,

I joined this forum just a couple of weeks back and started playing roulette since only past 3 months.

This is a great forum of ideas and I want to share one that I have come up with.

As we all know there are groups of numbers distributed evenly on the wheel and they have been called by many names:


In this strategy we will pick up 2 of these group of numbers at a time and hence 2 groups of our bets will go on at any given point of time/spin.

As soon as we get a hit on one of the groups we will pick one of the other two which we have not been betting on.

If a group in any of the lower 18 is hit we pick one of the two higher 18 groups and vice versa.

The initial trigger is the 5 latest spins where any of these 2 groups have not been hit and then start betting on those with the following progression (separate bets)


The reason for 2 bets together are:
a) To cover more evenly distributed numbers per spin
b) To utilize the profit from one of the group hit to keep down the progression of the other group still in bet.

For eg. If the group of 3 and 19 are bet together and let's say if group of 3 hits on the fourth spin giving us a profit of 16 units (if base unit=1) then we would just keep 1 unit profit with us and invest the 15 units to bring the progression of group of 19, three steps back (1,1,1 using 5,5,5 units)

>> This way we have approx 30 spins before our progression runs out- 5 virtual loss + 20 step progression + 5 steps being contributed by winning groups

I am not saying that its a low BR strategy but the hit rate is quite good and our progression will ensure that we quickly reach our win for the session

Win target- 60 units per session

Constructive feedback is welcome :)

Don't do the done.. (;
