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My long time observations on EC play and progressions.

Started by Ralph, May 24, 04:07 AM 2013

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Ralph as you said i read most of your theards, found this one: 1 2 7 15 31.......

can you plase give us some examples lets say for your last games? How you relly doing it. Big thanks for your great information witch you are giving to community!


We bet flat until we lose a bet.
We use positive progressions to catch up.

I have found Grand Martingale used positive is best.

That means we lose one chip every spin until we catch up!!

If we go back towards 100 units, that's means 100 spins, and before that wins 5 times in a row, we are back.
This happens, and even sometimes 200 and more, a longer winning streak takes it back.

Normally we will be back faster, in just one or two spins.

It is still possible if we are unlucky to fail, if we never win so many times in a row we will catch up.

The play should best be used on a wheel with fair odds, i.e. NOZ.

I advice to start a test in fun mode using 4000 funs, and set a target of 10000.

We start with one chip on new high.

1 L  -1
1W  0
1L   -1
1L   -2
1L   -3
1L   -4
1w  -3
3L   -6
1L   -7 
1W -6
3W -3
7L  -10
1W -9
3W -6
7W 1  pocket 1 chip reset to zero count
1W 1  pocket 1 chip reset to zero count
1L -1
1L -2
1W -1
3L  -4
1L -5
1L -6
1L -7
1L -8
1W -8
3L -11
1L -12
1W -11
3W -8
7W -1
2W 1  pocket 1 and reset to zero (we could bet 15 units here, but less risky just new high)

The best way to fail, is not to try!


Today's last spins!
The best way to fail, is not to try!


Some bad runs! Got longer losing streak, and never could win more than three in a row. I went back  4000 units, and then decide to for a while change strategy. I went to inside methods, hunting repeating numbers.

That was working well, could come back and get 5000 plus (more than half of the plus on EC betfor the RFH).

The inside chip value was 5, on EC it was 25.
The best way to fail, is not to try!


Things getting harder and harder. A deep downdraw, few and short winning streaks. I had to chip up  try catching up with shorter winning streaks. Then the table limit was reach, and a few spins went "flat" maxbet.

It was anyhow possible to go 5000 more plus.

It will probably not hold to 1000000, so I first I try to get to 500000.
The best way to fail, is not to try!


I have followed the last, betting red/black. I had a lot of chops for a while and then difficult play. Now I got a lot of reds.
As I was not down, it was no progression. I decide to chip up to 100 after some reds, and got easy plus during the long streak. The two pictures overlap a bit, easy to see the overlap.
The best way to fail, is not to try!


Went up to 430000 rather easy, still a lot more red than black, and long series.

Most of the time 25 chips.

The best way to fail, is not to try!


Next 5000 went easy, high hit rate few chops.

Paid about 43000 in house fee as well.

The best way to fail, is not to try!


This went plus 5000. A very deep downdrown once, which could be recovered with a successfull progression in eight steps, the series was 12 times black.  Progression hit table limit.

25 chips all the time.

In such a runs, 25 is a bit too large chips, some bets have to bet without progressions, due to table limit.
I could use the black straight up,but chose to recover using more than one trials.

The best way to fail, is not to try!


This 5000 up to 445000 was quite easy, no larger downdrown.

(I started this test with a balance of  about 320000, using this and  other methods, It grow  up from 4000 before this test).

Twice during the way, it has been down a lot, so I do not know, what had happen, if I did not change temporary the strategy for recover. The progressions were sometimes different, to shorten the recover.

We do not know yet, but it is a fair chance to reach 500000.
The best way to fail, is not to try!


Manage to reach 450000, but it was hard. In real money we would have a stop loss, as it is not small plus. I will go on but stop if I at any time are back 10000.  The largest downdrown before was about 18000 ( in this test).

We can win for long time, as we can if  starts go bad, it can go on for long.

The target next is to get to 500000, without a dip of 10000.
The best way to fail, is not to try!


Yes I got to half a million! This is the highest ever. This is in fun, my higherst in real is 220000 once and 98000 an other time.

The reason I play pennies real, is I want to keep the winnings. Easy to say why do you not use the 4000 you start with in real? We do not play the same in real, and as I said, I do not want to pay it back.

The last up to 500000 went rather well, downdrown about 7000 as worse.

I may (decide later) if I will try to go on!  We should stop and take the winnings in case of real money (for less).
The best way to fail, is not to try!


510000 plus, a very unlikely result, the hard runs were  coming back from the  deep dip, that's the important event. We use to make it plus most of the times, but as all methods, a RFH can change it to a terrible  loss, or a stop because of loss.

The last went slow, but not any deep dip, hovering around break even a lot.
The best way to fail, is not to try!


Went down to stop loss 10000 Fun. Got not a single 6-wins and just one 5 in a row in several hundred spins. It should be impossible to catch up, even if a streak should come, the  progression 25,150,350,725,1000 would not recover unless it comes several times.

It is still a large plus.  Leave EC for a while.
The best way to fail, is not to try!
