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Bet Selection method

Started by Carsch, Jul 04, 02:46 PM 2013

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This is a bet selection derived from one of my observations I've had for years. Only now I've improved it to the point i'm more confident about the results. With this bet selection method, I've created a system.........that seems to work, at least for now.   

I'll explain the basics of the bet selection and then show the improvements with examples.

From my observations (illusion or not  LoL ), whenever a Color hits, the next spin will be either of same Color as last spin, or it will be of a different Color but with a same Odd/Even value as last number spun.


Tisch:                       T3
Datum:               2013-07-03

********* Gewinnzahlen ********

12.........it's Red & Even..........next spin should be either Red or Even (black even)
1...........it's Red....................next spin should be either Red or Odd (black odd)
21.........it's Red....................next spin should match accordingly
30.........it's Red....................same for next spin
21.........it's Red....................same for next spin (either Red, or Black Odd)
35.........it's Odd (Black Odd). So this is still good. Next spin should be either Black, or Red Odd
36.........a MISMATCH............ Next spin should match Red, or Black Even

In this example, we only have two mismatches (pretty good)

Now, here are the changes (improvements) I've made to this.

Note, this is to be used with inside bets.

RULE NO.1: Whenever the last two spins are of different Color, we bet that the next spin will be of same Color as last spin. However, we also bet that if it is going to be of opposite color, it will then be of same Odd/Even value as last spun number.

Ex: 36,24.............we bet that next spin will be Black, and if not black, it will be Red-Even.

RULE NO. 2: Whenever we have  two spins of same Color, we bet that next spin will be of opposite Color. However, we also bet that if the color does not change, it will be of a same Odd/Even value as last spin.

Ex: 12,25 (they're both Red and the last spin is Odd).................We bet that next spin will be either Black (any black), or Red Odd.

Ex: 36,15,33 (last two spins are black, and last spin is Odd)........We bet that next spin will be Red (any red), or Black odd.

RULE NO. 3: Whenever we have three or more spins of a same Color, we bet that the next spin will follow with the same Color. However, we also bet that if the color is different, it will be of same Odd/Even value as previous spin.

Ex: 35,13,2 (they're all black and last number is Even)......We bet that next spin will continue to be Black (any black), or it will be a Red-Even number.

RULE NO.4: Whenever we have three spins with different Colors each, we bet that the next spin will be of opposite Color, and if not of opposite Color it will have the same Odd/Even value as last spin.

Ex: 6, 28, 14,35,5 (black, black, red, black, red).......we bet that next spin will be Black (any black), or it will be Red-Odd.

Later i'll post the system i'm using with this bet selection.  And, of course, i'm sure many other systems can profit from this bet selection method.


Looking forward to more.
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!



This is the system i'm using with the bet selection above:

1) We'll be using the WHEEL itself and divide it into four equal (fixed) sections.
Each section will comprise a total of 9 numbers.

2) Once we know (or have memorized) the different sections, we use the 3 sections that have hit and we exclude the sleepler section. That's a total of 27 numbers. However, using my bet selection above, we'll have less than 27 numbers - usually 18 to 21 numbers.

3) On some numbers we'll bet 1 unit, on other numbers, we will split 1 unit with 2 numbers.
Preferably, I split 1u. on numbers belonging to the Dozen that hit last, and use 1u. per number on the other two Dozens.

4) Anytime a sleeper Sector shows up, we wait......just to make sure we don't have a streak of Sleepers hitting (they can hit as many as 5 times in a row). Thus, if the next spin is not a Sleeper, we go back in the game. Otherwise, we keep waiting.

Progression: 1, 1, 2...........never bet more than 2 units. If losing, keep betting 2 units till recovery.

Bankroll: 200 units

Goal: Win 100 to 200 units. More than these can be tiresome because one can lose half one's bankroll and then having to wait to recover and be in profit.

With the spins below, for an example purpose, i'll be using the American wheel because I don't know the location of the numbers for the European wheel.

Section 1 on the American wheel starting with no.27, going clockwise; section 4, starting with no. 5 on the wheel.

Tisch:                       T3
Datum:               2013-07-03

********* Gewinnzahlen ********

21.............our sleeper is section 3 on the American wheel. Thus we use all three sectors but sector 3. We bet on all Red numbers and all Black-Odd numbers from the 3 selected wheel sections.

30.......LOSS, because 30 belongs to wheel section 3. The next Sleeper will be section 1 on the wheel. We wait for the next spin.
21.......It's section 2. It's not a Sleeper. Thus we bet on next spin excluding all numbers from section 1. We bet on all RED numbers, and all BLACK-ODD numbers.

35.......WIN...........we continue using all 3 wheel sections excluding section 1. Next bet will be on all BLACK numbers and all RED-ODD numbers belong to our sections.
36.......LOSS...........because it's RED-EVEN. Next bet will be on all RED numbers and all BLACK-EVEN numbers.
16.......WIN...................next bet will be on all BLACK numbers and all RED-EVEN numbers (check my rules)
8.........LOSS........it's the SLEEPER section. Our next sleeper is section 3. We wait for next spin.
32.......Section 3 hits. It's another sleeper. Next sleeper becomes section 4. We wait, again.
36.......Section 4 hits. It's another sleeper. Next sleeper becomes section 2. We continue waiting.
10.......Section 1 hits. It's not a sleeper. We bet excluding numbers from section 2. Bet on all BLACK numbers, and on all RED-EVEN numbers.
31........WINS..............next bet will be on all RED numbers, and on all BLACK-ODD numbers

16........WINS..............next bet: all RED numbers, and all BLACK-EVEN NUMBERS
36........LOSS........because it's Sleeper section 4. Next Sleeper becomes section 3. We wait.
17........Sleeper Section 3 shows up. Next Sleeper is Section 1. We wait.
20........Section 4 hits. Next bet will be on all sections but sleeper section 1. Bets are on all RED numbers, and all BLACK- EVEN numbers

35.......LOSS..............Next bet will be on all BLACK numbers and all RED-ODD numbers.
11.......WIN...............Next bet: all BLACK numbers, and all RED-ODD numbers
13.......WIN...............Next bet: same as above
13.......WIN...............Next bet: same as above
6.........WIN...............Next bet: all BLACK, and all RED-EVEN
18.......LOSS.........because it's the Sleeper section. Next sleeper is section 3. We wait.
9..........Sleeper section 3 hits. Next sleeper is section 4. We wait.
14........Section 2 hits. Next bet is on all RED, and all BLACK-EVEN numbers.
19.......WIN................next bet: all RED, and all BLACK-ODD numbers
30.......WIN................next bet: all RED, and all BLACK-EVEN numbers
32.......WIN................next bet: same as above
26........WIN...............next bet: all BLACK, and all RED-EVEN
6..........WIN...............next bet: all RED, and all BLACK-EVEN
30........WIN..............next bet: same as above

5.........LOSS........Sleeper section shows up. Next sleeper is section 1. We wait.
3..........Section 4. Next bet is on all RED, and all BLACK-ODD numbers. We do not bet on section 1.
31.......LOSS.......Sleeper section 1 hits. Next sleeper is section 2. We wait.
23........Sleeper 2 shows up. Next sleeper is section 3. We wait
4..........Section 2 hits. Next bet is on all RED, and all BLACK-EVEN. We do not use section 3. We use 2 units per number.
36.........WIN.............next bet: all BLACK, and all RED-EVEN numbers.
31.........WIN............next bet: all RED, and all BLACK-ODD       
1...........WIN............next bet: all BLACK, and all RED-ODD

9 losses & 17 wins (some of the wins could have been some of the split bets; so they may not count as winning bets but rather as small losses or a 'break-even' bets)


due all my respect, it's impossible to be consistent. it's temporary pattern happening, may last for quite long of course, but then...it will lose everything being won.

The nature of roulette won't allow it.

Such things happen all the time, suddenly you are sure u found something....and it goes on and on and on...
but that's just pure impossible, you are just lured by roulette.


Well, you could be right. And yes, many times I was sure i found something...........it's been fun though. :)


you may have found it...if u don't abuse it. some things will happen from time to time...if u found lots of them u can use them...but not consistently usually. One thing though....Don't try to mess with outside bets. Go for inside ones...With them u can find lots of different patterns to follow, each time u can use another one and this way u may be successful.


Quote from: Carsch on Jul 04, 02:46 PM 2013
This is a bet selection derived from one of my observations I've had for years. Only now I've improved it to the point i'm more confident about the results. With this bet selection method, I've created a system.........that seems to work, at least for now.   

I'll explain the basics of the bet selection and then show the improvements with examples.

From my observations (illusion or not  LoL ), whenever a Color hits, the next spin will be either of same Color as last spin, or it will be of a different Color but with a same Odd/Even value as last number spun.


Tisch:                       T3
Datum:               2013-07-03

********* Gewinnzahlen ********

12.........it's Red & Even..........next spin should be either Red or Even (black even)
1...........it's Red....................next spin should be either Red or Odd (black odd)
21.........it's Red....................next spin should match accordingly
30.........it's Red....................same for next spin
21.........it's Red....................same for next spin (either Red, or Black Odd)
35.........it's Odd (Black Odd). So this is still good. Next spin should be either Black, or Red Odd
36.........a MISMATCH............ Next spin should match Red, or Black Even

In this example, we only have two mismatches (pretty good)

Now, here are the changes (improvements) I've made to this.

Note, this is to be used with inside bets.

RULE NO.1: Whenever the last two spins are of different Color, we bet that the next spin will be of same Color as last spin. However, we also bet that if it is going to be of opposite color, it will then be of same Odd/Even value as last spun number.

Ex: 36,24.............we bet that next spin will be Black, and if not black, it will be Red-Even.

RULE NO. 2: Whenever we have  two spins of same Color, we bet that next spin will be of opposite Color. However, we also bet that if the color does not change, it will be of a same Odd/Even value as last spin.

Ex: 12,25 (they're both Red and the last spin is Odd).................We bet that next spin will be either Black (any black), or Red Odd.

Ex: 36,15,33 (last two spins are black, and last spin is Odd)........We bet that next spin will be Red (any red), or Black odd.

RULE NO. 3: Whenever we have three or more spins of a same Color, we bet that the next spin will follow with the same Color. However, we also bet that if the color is different, it will be of same Odd/Even value as previous spin.

Ex: 35,13,2 (they're all black and last number is Even)......We bet that next spin will continue to be Black (any black), or it will be a Red-Even number.

RULE NO.4: Whenever we have three spins with different Colors each, we bet that the next spin will be of opposite Color, and if not of opposite Color it will have the same Odd/Even value as last spin.

Ex: 6, 28, 14,35,5 (black, black, red, black, red).......we bet that next spin will be Black (any black), or it will be Red-Odd.

Later i'll post the system i'm using with this bet selection.  And, of course, i'm sure many other systems can profit from this bet selection method.

This make me thinking about a selection method i not have solve yet ...

You bet Red and Low ,,, then only 9 red high numbers left ,,, all other you win or break even.
You bet Red and High ,,, then only 9 red low numbers left ,,, all other you win or break even.
You bet Black and Low ,,, then only 9 Black high numbers left ,,, all other you win or break even.
You bet Black and High ,,, then only 9 Black low numbers left ,,, all other you win or break even.

I test this not getting two in a row and when one position is at sleep with mix results.
Denial of gamblers fallacy is usually seen in people who has Roulette as last option for a way to wealth, debt covering and a independent lifestyle.  Next step is pretty ugly-
AP - It's not that it can't be done, but rather people don't really have a clue as to the level of fanaticism and outright obsession that it takes to be successful, let alone get to the level where you can take money out of the casinos on a regular basis. Out of 1,000 people that earnestly try, maybe only one will make it.


Just played this system for 100 spins only flatbet Red or Black,made 12 units
following the rules of the game, the best part was that i only had no more then 3 losses in row.



Quote from: ego on Jul 05, 12:59 AM 2013
This make me thinking about a selection method i not have solve yet ...

You bet Red and Low ,,, then only 9 red high numbers left ,,, all other you win or break even.
You bet Red and High ,,, then only 9 red low numbers left ,,, all other you win or break even.
You bet Black and Low ,,, then only 9 Black high numbers left ,,, all other you win or break even.
You bet Black and High ,,, then only 9 Black low numbers left ,,, all other you win or break even.

I test this not getting two in a row and when one position is at sleep with mix results.

John Patrick use this line of thinking, i will look up and see what he wrote about it ...
Denial of gamblers fallacy is usually seen in people who has Roulette as last option for a way to wealth, debt covering and a independent lifestyle.  Next step is pretty ugly-
AP - It's not that it can't be done, but rather people don't really have a clue as to the level of fanaticism and outright obsession that it takes to be successful, let alone get to the level where you can take money out of the casinos on a regular basis. Out of 1,000 people that earnestly try, maybe only one will make it.


Quote from: agesta on Jul 05, 01:13 AM 2013
Just played this system for 100 spins only flatbet Red or Black,made 12 units
following the rules of the game, the best part was that i only had no more then 3 losses in row.


What if you played both at the same time? "Red or Black" on one side (which is what you're doing), and "Odd or Even" on another side. Would it help win more? Or will it make things worse?


Quote from: Carsch on Jul 06, 12:32 AM 2013
What if you played both at the same time? "Red or Black" on one side (which is what you're doing), and "Odd or Even" on another side. Would it help win more? Or will it make things worse?

I will try and report back!


I have played R/B and O/E for 100 spins flatbet it ended up -22 unit.
I also tested this with all EC for about 35 spins and that ended up +2 only flatbet


For those who do not wish to mess around with the wheel itself, here is an easy way to play the system and simulate the same results were you playing the wheel.

We will be using the numbers from the DOZEN and the COLUMN that hit last together with the MIDDLE COLUMN. MIDDLE COL (2/35) will be always used.

We will have 28 numbers to choose from while using my "bet selection" as posted on the top of this page. The average bet per spin is 18 units.

No bets unless last hit number belongs to either previous Dozen or Column (middle Col is neutral....see below)

Ex (a): 3, 34, 27 <---27 being the last hit number

Because 27 belongs to the same Dozen that hit before (Doz3), we will use Doz3
As for the Col, because 27 belongs to Col3, we will use all numbers from Col3.

In this case, we'll use all numbers from Doz3 and all numbers from Col3 and all numbers from the middle Column.

Ex(b): 3,34,27, 16 <---16 being the last hit number

Doz3 and Col3 hit before number 16 hit. No. 16 does not belong to either Doz or Col. In this case, we wait till we have a number that belongs to either previous Doz or Col.

Note: any hit number from the middle Col cannot be used as a reference for our Col play. In this case, we use the Col that hit before last spin.
Ex (c): 3,34,27,16, 14

14 belongs to the middle Col and it belongs to Doz2.

We will use the numbers from Doz2 and the numbers from the Col that hit prior to the middle Col hit; that was Col1 (16).

Split 1 unit with all numbers belonging to the Dozen that hit last, and bet 1unit on the numbers belonging to the Columns.

Progression: 1,1,2.........continue betting 2 units till recovery (or use your own progression)

Tisch:                       T3
Datum:               2013-07-03

********* Gewinnzahlen ********

1...........DOZ1/COL1.................next bet will be on DOZ1/COL1 & 2 (let's use my bet selection)
21.........LOSS........DOZ2/COL3...........no bets on next spin because 21 does not belong to either Doz1 or Col1
30.........DOZ3/COL3................30 belongs to the COL from last hit. Next bet will be on DOZ3/COL3 & COL2

21.........WIN..........DOZ2/COL3. Next bet will be on DOZ2/COL3 & COL2
35.........WIN....................DOZ3/COL2. Next bet will be on DOZ3/COL3 & COL2
36.........LOSS (due to the wrong Color bet). DOZ3/COL3. Next bet: DOZ3/COL3 & 2
16.........LOSS..................DOZ2/COL1. Next bet: NO BETS because 16 does not belong to either last Doz or last Col.
8...........DOZ1/COL2...........................Next bet: using the spin prior to last spin for our Col reference, go DOZ1/COL1 & 2
32.........WIN....................DOZ3/COL2.Next bet: DOZ3/COL1 & 2
36.........WIN....................DOZ3/COL3. Next bet: DOZ3/COL3 & 2
10.........LOSS...................DOZ1/COL1. Next bet: no bets
31.........DOZ3/COL1............................Next bet: DOZ3/COL1 & 2
16.........WIN.....................DOZ2/COL1. Next bet: DOZ2/COL1 & 2
36.........LOSS...................DOZ3/COL3. Next bet: no bets
17.........DOZ2/COL2............................Next bet: using the spin prior to last spin for our Col reference, go DOZ2/COL3
20.........WIN.....................DOZ2/COL2. Next bet: DOZ2/COL3
35.........LOSS (due to wrong color bet). DOZ3/COL2. Next bet: DOZ3/COL3
11.........WIN.....................DOZ1/COL2. Next bet: DOZ1/COL3
6...........LOSS...................................Next bet: no bets
18.........DOZ2/COL3..........................Next bet: DOZ2/COL3
14.........LOSS (due to wrong color bet)

For those of you who know your numbers on the wheel, if using this Doz/Col system, whenever you have a loss because a number does not relate to the last Doz or Col, simply use the other system given here (using the wheel sectors), then come back to this system. Or vice versa.
