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Bis9till5 alt/Shift

Started by Chrisbis, Jul 03, 06:42 AM 2013

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The next stage with Bis9till5 is all the alternatives. There are a few.

Some, will say this is now chasing the losing positions, I can hear it being said now.
"Where, When, and Why" will be the three chapter mantra! LoL

U see, mechanical bets like this suffer from acute rigamortis..........."Inflexibility" !!

The basic premise with Bis9t5 is that we play the "LeadingEdge" to catch the repeating sector
(or the direct repeating number), and we play the "TrailingEdge" as a tail fin,
trying to sweep up behind us, and catch the Second to Last repeat, or the EveryOtherNumber repeat.

Now then................how we would we alt this bet?
One way would be to blend it with the other follower bet, Bis5x5x5, and I will look at that later, as an alt for Bis5x5x5
Another way, and the purpose of this topic, is to "shift" our Pivot Point either at the "LeadingEdge", the "Trailingedge" or both.

(and yes, its so easy to look at this, as shutting the door after the horse has bolted!
(Hindsight is a wonderful thing, esp in Roulette!)

Anyway.....here is that example of some current Bis9t5 play.......

From those Wiesbaden spins previously posted.

Now, I hope You can all see the repeat number straddles either side of #36
Its the easy way to see, that we would win at that bet point, since we are covering
the #5 when we front bet (9numbers/units), the #36
The sequence would be:

(ignore earlier spins)
5          L     -14     0     -37   263       Bet 18u Cnrt on #5  + 10u Cnrt on 0 (Level 2) (3 losses in Row)
36        L     -28     0     -65   235       Bet 27u Cnrt on #36  + 15u Cnrt on 5 (Level 3)
5          W   -42   108    +1    301       Bet 9u Cnrt on #5 + 5u Cnrt on #36 (Level 1)

So, we win on the repeater, that is split repeater. I hope You can see it instantly,
when looking down spin results.
Here is a section from the spins, later on, that I didn't play thro, but You can see the wins:-

17* *All winning numbers (4sets)

When you bet on the #2, U win on the #4 (its within 4 wheel based numbers)
U win on the second #4 as a repeat
U win on the first #17 because its within the bet cover.
and we win on the #17 again, as a repeat.

I'm sure You can all 'see' that, without having to do the analysis long hand.

My 'alt/shift' suggestion, is now, how can we shift the PP (Pivot Point),
around just a little, to possibly maximise the bet selection?

That will be the next post on this idea.........."Bis9t5 Shift"
What I will doing, is to get the PP shift to such an extent that we still cover the
"LeadingEdge" number, with the 9units, and cover the tail end ("TrailingEdge") too,
but 'slide' the coverage either to the left, or the right, (wheel based number slide),
and pick up some early loaded numbers
(if possible), but still remaining true to the cause.
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!
