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Last Star, Last Pie (theory of a system based on the Kimoli-matrix)

Started by ignatus, Dec 27, 08:00 AM 2013

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I try to explain this as simply as possible. This system is based on the kimo-li matrix (see pic)

the wheel is divided into six parts. these parts are called the 6 PIEs. (p1-p6)

within each of this pies are six numbers in a specific order. these are called the 6 STARS (s1-s6)

Now, how i play this: -for me the most sensible bet is the last hit pie & the last hit star. this is my trigger.

Before start the first bet wait for a doubletrigger i.e wait until 5 stars have been hit, bet the last one & (same for pies) wait until 5 pies have been hit, bet the last one.

(see pic) the matrix in the middle represent the 6 stars (s1-s6, Horizontal line) and the 6 pies (pie1-pie6, Vertical Line)

so with the doubletrigger the bet will be one star and one pie= 11 numbers bet.

How to a trigger is created:

For an example we look for in what order the pie will hit (5 hit pies bet the last one);

2 3 4 4 5 1 --trigger pie 6 (pie 1 2 3 4 5 has been hit)

then when a pie has been hit one trace backwards through history 6 1 5 4 4 3 -in this case new trigger would be PIE 2

example of gameplay (from real livespins)
(number): star-pie

34: s3-p2
8:  s4-p3
33: s4-p4
16: s3-p4
0: -
9:  s3-p5
15: s2-p1 -trigger *pie 6*
36: s1-p3
8:  s4-p3
6:  s4-p2
24: s2-p4
5:  s1-p4
28: s2-p6 *hit p6* trigger p5
33: s4-p4
7:  s1-p6 
3:  s5-p6 -trigger *star 6* --START BET DOUBLETRIGGER--
4:  s4-p1
26: s6-p6 **HIT STAR 6. New doubletrigger; star 3,pie 5
34: s3-p4 **HIT star 3. new doubletrigger: star 2, pie 5
2:  s6-p1
36: s1-p3
4:  s4-p4
0: -
24: s2-p4 **HIT star 2. new doubletrigger; star 5, pie 5
10: s6-p3
8:  s4-p3
13: s6-p2
14: s1-p5 **HIT pie 5. new doubletrigger; star 5, pie 6
6:  s4-p2
13: s6-p2
13: -
6:  s4-p2
20: s6-p4
26: s6-p6 **HIT pie 6. new doubletrigger; star 5, pie 1
9:  s3-p5
16: s3-p3
3:  s5-p6 **HIT star 5. new doubletrigger star 2, pie 1
6:  s4-p2
26: s6-p6
20: s6-p4
12: s3-p6
15: s2-p1 **hit star 2&pie 1. new doubletrigger. star 1, pie 5
5:  s1-p4 **hit star 1. new doubletrigger. star 5, pie 5
2:  s6-p1
3:  s5-p6 **hit star 5. new doubletrigger; star 4, pie 5
14: s1-p5 **hit pie 5. new doubletrigger; star 4, pie 3
2:  s6-p1
18: s5-p5
18: -
2 : s6-p1
11: s2-p3 **hit pie 3. new doubletrigger star 4, pie 2
36: s1-p3
14: s1-p5
25: s1-p2 **hit pie 2. new doubletrigger star 4, pie 4
9:  s3-p5
24: s2-p4 **hit pie 3. new doubletrigger star 4, pie 6
5:  s1-p4
4:  s4-p1 **hit star 4. new doubletrigger star 5, pie 6
11: s2-p3
23: s5-p3 **hit star 5. new doubletrigger star 6, pie 6
12: s3-p6 **hit pie 6. new doubletrigger star 6, pie 2
30: s3-p3
12: s3-p6
8:  s4-p3
34: s3-p2 **hit pie 2. new doubletrigger star 6, pie 5
13: s6-p2 **hit star 6. new doubletrigger star 1, pie 5
22: s4-p5 **hit pie 5. new doubletrigger star 1, pie 4
7:  s1-p6 **hit star 1. new doubletrigger star 2, pie 4
5:  s1-p4 **hit pie 4. new doubletrigger star 2, pie 1
13: s6-p2
12: s3-p6
1:  s5-p4
32: s1-p1 **hit pie 1. new doubletrigger star 2, pie 3
18: s5-p5
5:  s1-p4
10: s6-p3 **hit pie 3

this system would be too complicated to play for real without a functioning tracker that can calculate the triggers....that is beyond my programming skills.

the progression is not determined yet either, a 11-numbers negative progression?

any ideas are welcome.

If you like to donate link::[url="//paypal.me/ignatus1"]//paypal.me/ignatus1[/url]

"Focus on predicting wheel sectors where the ball is expected to land" ~Steve


The Global Pies are:

4 =

6 =

8 =

5 =

9 =

8 =

Thers no Global Pie 2.


If you like to donate link::[url="//paypal.me/ignatus1"]//paypal.me/ignatus1[/url]

"Focus on predicting wheel sectors where the ball is expected to land" ~Steve
