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progression idea

Started by ignatus, Dec 30, 06:15 PM 2013

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Kingsroulette - It's the stop losses combined with an ever changing randomness of dbl dozens that has tipped the scales in my favour with tests to date, so far all losses have been recovered.

The "V" virtual bet becomes active after the 2nd straight loss = @ L2 & so prevents further streaks of losses or as you put it.... "momentary streak of losses but get you the opportunity for recovery, if things go a little normal later".

The "V" bet needs 2 back to back wins to profit. The only killer is switch back losses, as I've already said a number of times, where you get a win on the "V" bet which triggers the next money bet. @ L3 & Loss, then repeats the same again @ L4 = BUST.

My stop loss strategy replaces the need for other progressions that require more than 1 win to make a profit. What's better one hit to profit or many hits to total a profit ?

It all boils down to strike rates.    EG 10 winning hits are much more likely than 20 winning hits.

Also remember the dbl dozens are continually changing at each bet line = lots of randomness. 

I suggest you at least test the method before you make comments like......."progressions from the stone age".

A mini test (at least 36 bet lines in groups of 9) by you won't consume too much of your time ? All the details I've already posted so fairly straight forward. Use any Live dealer spins of your choosing. Feel free to do multi tests using spin data from different sessions.

Then come back on here & reveal your results, should you so wish.

This can be compared to a new food you've never tasted before, don't say you don't like it until you've tasted it. 


Quote from: ausguy on Dec 31, 01:26 PM 2013
le_chiffre - sure I'll try to make it easy to understand.

1st we take 9 bet lines. This forms 1 set. The 9 bet lines are all made up of prepicked double dozens that I'll explain shortly. The next sets are just repeats of the 1st 9 line set. So occupy lines 1 - 9, 10 - 18, 19 - 27 & so on. I make up a master bet sheet with the bet lines numbered + the  prepicks are written in. With that done I can copy any number of bet sheets I need.

For the prepick dozens I wrote them down as they are on the bet layout 1,2,3. I then drew those numbers onto a circle. I decided to go anti clockwise ( no real reason) to get sets of 3 dbl dozens.

1st up I got 2 sets of doz = 3 & 1(later order changed to 1,3 but still no difference to bet outcome), then 2 & 3. Then for the 3rd set & to even the numbers to 2 for each dozen I inserted 1 & 2. For neatness and less clutter on my bet sheet I then ID'd the prepicks to A. 1 - 3, B. 2 - 3 & C. 1 - 2.

I did some small earlier tests, which meant a 3 line repeating pattern & found that the results went from fair to below average & bust on a L4 triple up Marty.

The tests amounts went L1 5/5, L2 15/15, L3 45/45, L4 135/135 = min. BR 400. This replicates play at Party Casino in GBP. Bets can be lower as the Min. is 2 GBP per any outside bet. Amazingly the max. limit of 2,000 is the same for ECs & 2 : 1's.

Then I said that well known "what if".That's when I decided to further mix up the randomness by rotating the ABC in order & that then got me the 9 bet lines = A,B,C,B,C,A,C,A,B.

I retested the same previous small tests & got excellent results with strike rates in the 78% to 65% range & nil losses. I further lowered the loss risk by bringing in a stoploss "V" virtual bet after a L2 loss (keeping in mind we top out at L4). This stops a string of BR busting back to back losses. As I've already said it doesn't stop switch back losses = wins on the "V" bets & losses on the money bets. So far in tests I've got to L4 but always won, so far !  Luck maybe, time will tell ? I suppose with a fatter BR a person could go to L5 but that's an extra 810 (405 on each dozen) ? It's a case of how far/much do you want spend to win just 5 quid ?

Then there's the option of a Zero insurance bet at L3 & L4. That's another calculation set where basically the zero bet amount is also added to both the precalc'd dbl dozen triple up to avoid the below std 50% return. On a loss it's a bit more but if a doz. wins the added extras cancel each other out. If zero drops then that bet usually more than covers the doz bet amounts so a win & rtn to L1 betting.

So it's that A,B,C,B,C,A,C,A,B representing 9 dbl dozen prepicks that gets written down the bet lines to form a set. That combination of 9 letters is just repeated again & again every 9 lines to form a series of repeating sets.

Test betting shows that with more randomness added my revised 9 prepicks & 24/37 numbers covered allows increased matching of the casinos randomness = more wins.

Add in the stop-loss safety net and it forms a tough opponent for the casino to beat.

If I could program things (which I can't, never learnt) it would make testing a breeze. I'm not sure how the stop-loss "V" bets could be programmed to interact with the betting ?

Meanwhile I'll con't manual testing with a view for real money play in about 1 1/2 weeks when I get my high speed broadband & flick my slow mobile PC broadband.

Thanks for the reply ausguy, still don't really get it im afraid.  Maybe I drank too much over the Christmas/New Year period and now my brain's gone lol


Le_Chiffre - I'm sure your brains ok - Pehaps only temporarily in festive season mode ?

The easiest way to understand everything would be for you to set up a mini bet sheet on a piece of paper (easier if it already is lined horizontally, otherwise if it's a blank sheet you'll have to rule them in yourself). In total you will have 4 columns of various widths.  On the left side, near the page edge, write down the page in ordered numbers 1 - 18. Like any bet sheet these will represent your bet lines. Shortly you will rule a line across all the columns at line 9. This will then accommodate 2 sets of 9 prepicks already documented in previous posts. A liitle more on that shortly

To the right of those 18 numbers draw your 1st vertical column line (10 or 12mm is usually enough). Then make another column 10 or 12mm again for your spin write ups. The next column is wider @ about 35mm wide. This will have the prepicks written in plus room for your "as directed" as you go bet write ups. Just 1 more column 15 mm wide is for profit & loss (I write up as +/-). On my bet sheets each column has headers = No.(for you 1 -18), then Spins, then Prepick & bets & finally +/-.

With that done rule an under line across the column at line 9 (the line is just for this demo to remind you where the set ends & a new one starts, (it doesn't affect play at all as one prepick just follows another)  In the prepick & bets (widest) column close to the left vert. line write A,B,C,B,C,A,C,A,B in that order to line 9 & then repeat the  same for lines 10 to 18. Now for ease of following write next to each letter the dbl. dozens No's as chosen & previously posted & explained + again shown below.

A. = 1 & 3, B. = 2 & 3, C = 1 & 2. Just match ONE of those 3 next to the relevant letter  = A, B, or C. You must/should end up with 6 of each different type of dbl dozen combo's in the 18 bet lines.

With that done you are almost set to start betting. The progression is over 4 levels. Start with units @ L1 as 1, L2. as 3, L3. as 9, L4. as 27 & the SAME FOR EACH DOZEN.

Remember if you get a L2 loss, the 1st "V"bet kicks in.(already well explained in other posts). Remember every money bet or "V" bet takes up a bet line.  You keep "V" betting until a win, which triggers your next L3 money bet. Lose that then the "V" bet thing repeats seeking a trigger for a L4 "last throw of the dice" $$ bet.

The "V" bet & L2 loss level is flexible. In that you could tighten up on the losses by "V" betting after a L1 loss or stretching it out to a L3 loss ?

You may even choose to not to have a "V" bet at all. My testing so far shows that the "V" saves a lot of  LLLL wipe outs that's why I use it. Plus I think it's a viable alternative to flat/shallow progression/divisor betting that generally have a low total profit to spins strike rate.

As I've previously said, like any MARTY it only needs 1 win for profit & than a reset back to L1 betting.

For your betting grab yourself some spin results preferably LIVE DEALER as that's where I play it & away you go. You can stop @ line 18 or extend your bet sheet as far as you like. I always keep to module sets of 9.

For any zero drop that's a loss, depending on the level it hits at, it may or may not have a "V' bet. Zero insurance bet options have also been covered in earlier posts.

I hope you can test a little bit with this LE_Chiffre?  Explaining it is like that Pictures = 1,000 words saying. Once you set it out it really mostly explains itself.

Cheers - Ausguy.
