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Parlay 31

Started by Lee, Aug 31, 06:17 PM 2014

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Can you pick an EC that will hit twice in a row within 9 spins?

If so, you can not lose with this method!


Pick an E/C.

Win two in a row makes a new high in this parley progression.

1 1 1 2 2 4 4 8 8 - 31 unit bankroll

Nine chances to hit two in a row.

Example betting Red:

Bet R 1u - Loss -1
Bet R 1u - Loss -2
Bet R 1u - Loss -3
Bet R 2u - Loss -5
Bet R 2u - Loss -7
Bet R 4u - Win  -3 Parley the win and bet 8u
Bet R 8u - Win  +5 New High Restart
(If we lost the Parley bet ex. Bet R 8u - Loss -11 then we continue with progression)
Bet R 4u - Win -7 Parley the win
Bet R 8u - Win +1 New High Restart
(If we lost the Parley bet ex. Bet R 8u - Loss -15 then we continue with progression)
Bet R 8u - Loss -23
Bet R 8u - Win -15 Parley the win
Bet R 16u - Win +1

Do not count the parley bet as a step in the progression.

Consider betting H or L, they repeat within 9 spins with a high percentage. As long as any two EC bets you place hit twice in a row you can parley the first win and close the 9 step progression with a new high.
If you think you can, or you think you can't, you right. - Henry Ford

A blind man knows he cannot see, and is glad to be led, though it be by a dog; but he that is blind in his understanding, which is the worst blindness of all, believes he sees as the best, and scorns a guide. - Samuel Butler


Lee,  there is a bet called the boffins bet which is based on this same idea.  It only goes to 7 though.  The progression is 1-2-3-4-5-6-7.  You win on every step except the 7th on which you break even.  Unfortunately, it has proven to be no better than playing for a single win.  It's a fallacy to think that there's a bet selection that will increase back to back hits enough to make this a viable progression.

I will tell you that the Iceman's dimension system seemed to have wins in clusters more than is expected.  It's just an impression.  No test were done to prove it.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Comparing the two, one has 9 chances to parley a win into back-to-back wins to close at a new high, the other 7 chances.

Parley 31 needs a 31u BR, the other 28u.

Comparing the two I think Parley 31 is better BUT, as you say, a 31u loss is a somewhat large amount to recoup and there is no guarantee one can pick the right EC twice in a row on an above average consistency, or is there...
If you think you can, or you think you can't, you right. - Henry Ford

A blind man knows he cannot see, and is glad to be led, though it be by a dog; but he that is blind in his understanding, which is the worst blindness of all, believes he sees as the best, and scorns a guide. - Samuel Butler


i like this. tested on RNG RTG software. id never play real money but tested with fake money and i was up 200 dollars in 5 minutes

i like this and may try it in land based
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



You might should test it on a live dealer first Rich.

I don't know if your land based casino has a live dealer or not but I do believe free mode play in RNG is not fair play.

I've read, and tend to believe, that free mode RNG lets the player win and when you play with real money that is not so much the case.

I know reputable casinos have certain regulatory agencies confirming the random nature of their games but it is funny how many will tell you, "I couldn't seem to lose in free mode but when I played the same method live I lost it all."

There is a casino about 60 miles away from me and I go there once a month and they only have computer roulette. I've never lost there so it must really be random or I'm really lucky. I won't go as far as saying it is rigged but it is funny how if 8 people are betting red and one person bets black the outcome is always black.
If you think you can, or you think you can't, you right. - Henry Ford

A blind man knows he cannot see, and is glad to be led, though it be by a dog; but he that is blind in his understanding, which is the worst blindness of all, believes he sees as the best, and scorns a guide. - Samuel Butler


Oh I know rng is rigged I just wanted to get a feel for ur system. My local casino has organic roulette. Real table and ball but no dealer, bets placed on computer screen
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Air ball then?

Do you have a partner?

Get a partner! My next post will really blow you away.
If you think you can, or you think you can't, you right. - Henry Ford

A blind man knows he cannot see, and is glad to be led, though it be by a dog; but he that is blind in his understanding, which is the worst blindness of all, believes he sees as the best, and scorns a guide. - Samuel Butler


Airball is RNG too. Cammergh auto/air wheels have variable rotor speeds & air jet holes in the ball tracks, their site proudly reveals these features. Organic roulette has 18 oversize ball guides posing as deflector diamonds that allows zoned hitting of just any 2 numbers of the wheel. I've played Organic in the past at my local casino & eventually woke up to the folly of trying to win on the scamming beast.

Also air/auto wheels are classed completely differently to dealer spun wheels ( = true random results games). Air/auto are EGM (electronic gaming machines) & because of that are legally allowed to cheat under the gaming regulators rules (all there for anyone to wade through).

Search DOCUMENTED PROOF OF CHEATING ROULETTE (r n g) on here & or VLS & see how they program the free play as easier to win suck in mode to have you think you can win & then change to a tougher game in money play mode as the casino relieves you of your funds.

I'm yet to see any air/auto wheel player come on here and say the are thousands ahead after constantly winning week after week, month after month.
How can you win when the decks always stacked in favour of the casino ?


Quote from: ausguy on Sep 01, 12:19 AM 2014
Airball is RNG too. Cammergh auto/air wheels have variable rotor speeds & air jet holes in the ball tracks, their site proudly reveals these features. Organic roulette has 18 oversize ball guides posing as deflector diamonds that allows zoned hitting of just any 2 numbers of the wheel. I've played Organic in the past at my local casino & eventually woke up to the folly of trying to win on the scamming beast.

Also air/auto wheels are classed completely differently to dealer spun wheels ( = true random results games). Air/auto are EGM (electronic gaming machines) & because of that are legally allowed to cheat under the gaming regulators rules (all there for anyone to wade through).

Search DOCUMENTED PROOF OF CHEATING ROULETTE (r n g) on here & or VLS & see how they program the free play as easier to win suck in mode to have you think you can win & then change to a tougher game in money play mode as the casino relieves you of your funds.

I'm yet to see any air/auto wheel player come on here and say the are thousands ahead after constantly winning week after week, month after month.
How can you win when the decks always stacked in favour of the casino ?

crazy! i thought this machine was random! link:://:.elektroncek.eu/_static/_up/photos/2011/11/46b6388e27b46fa1f7938ef34e845ce9_original.jpg

theres one lady i see frequently there she plays with 25 dollar chips and she picks a few numbers, always leaves a few thousand up

i asked her how she does it and her answer was you need to know how to play
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Rich, check out this thread by GLC

He talks about the Boffins Bet, mentioned earlier, but more important
is different progressions and using different triggers to pick the EC to bet on.

Basically one can use the Parley 31 System and have 9 chances to hit twice in a row
but instead of betting on every spin we wait for a trigger.
If you think you can, or you think you can't, you right. - Henry Ford

A blind man knows he cannot see, and is glad to be led, though it be by a dog; but he that is blind in his understanding, which is the worst blindness of all, believes he sees as the best, and scorns a guide. - Samuel Butler


If possible Bank Roll & play the same as she does if she is there & winning frequently, or a % of her outlays (& rubber neck her bets) ? Chances are her PROFIT wins aren't as frequent as she makes out ? $25 bets. She could even have a fat bank roll & leave with less than she started with but still cash in $$$$ thousand (s). Most people are smug about their wins & coy about their losses.

She probably plays sessions too when you aren't there ?

All that really matters is how you go with your plays, my guess is that you lose more than you win ? The wheel you show is the classic type of auto wheel, with clear dome cover for a controlled enviroment play zone. Not everybody loses just more than win $$$ wise. Also I'm certain to say that the majority of players on that game you show aren't there still playing & in good profit after hour(s) of play ?

Legal cheating with games at casinos is an art form. Win your mind & they then "win" your money. A Live dealer wheel/ball is free spun without interference vs an auto wheel that does. You can't see that an auto wheel has had the wheel & or the ball slightly sped up or slowed down to hit somewhere on the rotor 1/4 or 1/2 a wheel away from where a natural spin would drop ? (strategic profit gain via targeted bet avoidance).

What's not shown on that machine in your link is a sign saying the machine is an EGM (electronic gaming machine) & operates on an RNG system, because there ain't one (sign). What that means is, as in slot/poker machines, as long as they give a majority % preset return net to all players OVER THE LONG TERM (audit stats are then more accurate) in total then it's open season on your money. All this is regulated & audited & because they always comply & so always keep legal. I know because I've spent hours trolling through Government gaming regulators sites, it's all there if you to wade through hundreds of pages of regulations. Internationally nearly all regs are the same, anti crime, interpol & all that kind of thing.

It doesn't matter what system you use if the wheel you are playing can avoid your bets & so have you lose more than you win.
