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Started by buffalowizard, Dec 15, 03:04 PM 2015

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When recording the double streets in matrixes(?) of 8 like this:

3   5
5   3
5   5
5   6

I have been chasing the vertical repeats. So that is 6 actual bets per matrix.
If no repeats, like this one:

2   3
4   6
6   3
1   2

I have then done a plus 1 on the progression of the next matrix etc. This is
a solid selection process. Reading the matrix from left to right. The first two
are virtual indicators.

Here is a short test.

6   1
2   1    2nd bet, here is a win that is +5
1   3
3   5

See out the remainder of the matrix and start again

1   5
5   6
5   5    +4
6   1     

3   3
6   5
1   6
2   6    +1

1   2
1   3
4   3    +3
1   1   

4   2
3   2     +5
1   2
2   3   

2   5
4   1
5   2
1   1   -6     next matrix, raise by 1 unit

4   3
5   3   +10   more often than not you'll get a win second time round
5   1
6   6

5   1
4   3
5   4
6   1   -6

2   1
2   6    +12   and again here it happens
2   4
5   5   

3   6
1   6    +5
2   4
6   4   

Being double streets means that the progression doesn't need to get hairy too quickly, try it for yourself



Tried it---Liked it!!!!


Hi  BW     :thumbsup:

Quote :

See out the remainder of the matrix and start again

1   5
5   6
5   5    +4
6   1     

3   3
6   5
1   6
2   6    +1

1   2
1   3
4   3    +3
1   1   

4   2
3   2     +5
1   2
2   3   

2   5
4   1
5   2
1   1   -6     next matrix, raise by 1 unit


Quote from Winkel :

First we have to know:
The chance to hit a DS is 1/6th

with ervery spin the chance of a hit grows:


What we also have to know is a simple statistic of count of hits in spins:

example out of more than 12000 spins

dis: distance
hit: count of hits in this distance
should: statistical count of hits

pls see attachment (png)
In the Long Run everything turns to the average.

This means the average distance between the hits of a DS will turn to 6.....


I noticed your atack is only on distance 2 , I also attack this event , but not only the dist. 2 (d2),
also d1,  d3, d4,  d5, d6, ( d7, d8  ) .   I prefer flat bet and positive progression on one or two DS.

same  from above (your numbers / double streets)

Double S /  distance

5       d1
5       d2d3
5       d1d3d4
6       d3
3       d1
6       d4
5       d6
1       d5
6       d3
6       d2d5
1       d4
2       d3
1       d2d6
. etc..

Happy hunting ......


Great insights, thank you Kattila.

Looks like you have taken my ramblings to another level or three. Sounds advanced and I hope
you are doing well with it, thanks for sharing mate



Yes , doing well  betting on few distances and with positive progression.
About that stats from above ,are from Winkel s ** Tell tale spins ** thread  , he didn t finished the explanation  but from what i understand
the distance bet selection has to do with the other topic ** win as much as you want**, so i supose he use the distance bet selection with
the extended fibo ( each fibo step  x 5 ). Maybe he wait from long absence of one  distance then he bet that one + extended fibo .



Is this still open for testing? It sounds like something I could be interested in. Provided I can figure out the codes above, of course.
