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Cycle Through The Dozens

Started by GLC, May 14, 01:04 AM 2011

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I appologize if this has been posted by another member in the past.  I think that I have a little twist that makes this a very safe bet.

We are going to bet each dozen in order 1 time.  In other words we bet dozen 1 then we bet dozen 2 then we bet dozen 3 then we bet dozen 1 then we bet dozen 2 then we bet dozen 3 then we bet dozen 1 etc...  Move to the next dozen whether we win or lose the current bet.

We will be betting only 1 dozen at a time.

This is our progression:  1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 etc... On a loss move 1 step to the right.  On a win we move 4 steps to the left.

Anytime we are at even or a new high bankroll, we reset to the first number (1). 

Each dozen has it's own progression and is played separately from the other 2 dozens except when we reach even or a new high bankroll, we reset all 3 progressions to 1.

Having 3 separate progressions is what makes this much safer than just betting  1-1-1-2-2-2-3-3-3-4-4-4 etc... on 1 dozen.  Even when we are pretty deep in the hole, we can come out quickly with a few wins.

Option #1.

Play the penthouse bet line:  111222333444555666 etc... 1 step right on loss, 2 steps left on win.

Play a separate line for each dozen.  Same thing, when overall new high reset all progressions to beginning.

Option #2.

Play all 3 dozens and all 3 columns.  Start with dozen 1 then dozen 2 then dozen 3 then column 1 then column 2 then columns3 then dozen 1 etc...

A separate progression line for each dozen and column.

This is easy to play, easy to track and I have yet to fail to recover.

Here's a game I just played on Betvoyager single zero, demo mode, dozens only.

I didn't record the numbers, only the bets and whether they won or lost.

Doz 1    Doz 2    Doz 3     Total
                  -1                      -1     You can start with any dozen.  It's random.
                              -1          -2
  -1                                      -3
                 +2                      +1        +1

                                 -1        -1
  -1                                       -2
                  -1                       -3
                                 -2        -5
  -2                                       -7
                +2                        -3
                                 +3       +3        +4

  -1                                        -1
                -1                          -2
                                  -1        -3
  +2                                      +1        +5

                +1                        +2        +7

                                 +1        +2        +9

  -1                                        -1
                +1                        +1        +10

                                 +1        +2        +12

  -1                                         -1
                +1                         +1        +13

                                   -1        -1
  -1                                         -2
                -1                           -3
                                   -2        -5
  -2                                         -7
                +2                          -3
                                   -3        -6
  -3                                         -9
                +1                          -7
                                   -4        -11
  +4                                        -3
                -1                           -4
                                  +5        +6         +19
  -1                                          -1
                +1                           +1         +20

Here's a session with doz and columns.

Doz 1   Doz 2   Doz3   Col 1   Col 2   Col 3   Total     Grand Total
  -1                                                                            -1
                   +1                                                         +1             +1

                               -1                                               -1
                                            -1                                  -1
                                                         -1                     -3
                                                                      -1        -4
  +1                                                                           -2
                  -1                                                            -3
                               -2                                               -5
                                            -2                                  -7
                                                         -2                     -9
                                                                      -2        -11
  -2                                                                             -13
                 +2                                                              -9
                              +3                                                -3
                                            +3                                 +3              +4

                                                          -1                     -1
                                                                       -1        -2
  +1                                                                             0

                 -1                                                              -1
                              -1                                                 -2
                                            -1                                   -3
                                                           -1                    -4
                                                                      +1        -2
  -1                                                                             -3
                 +2                                                            +1               +5

                               -1                                                -1
                                            -1                                   -2           
                                                           -1                    -3
                                                                       -1        -4
  -1                                                                             -5
                 +1                                                             -3
                               -2                                                -5
                                            +2                                  -1
                                                          +2                   +3               +8

The dozens and columns is more of a grind, but I also think less risky.

Let us know if anyone gives this a try.

Use a brankroll as large as Winkel's and I'd be shocked if you ever had a losing day.  Of course if you did, it would set you back a bit.


In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Hi Glc
At times like me ,we dont have time to go through all the systems/methods but i have read this somewhere,but maybe not with the same progression :)


I know that this is not a system that will win every time you go to the casino, but once again I have jumped ahead of losses and can afford to play it with a little caution.  I often reset if I get even close to even.  Sometimes giving up 15 or 20 units at the end of a hard session.  I'm up about 300 units so I am making them fight harder to take them away from me.

Some days, I feel that just getting back to down 20 units is a win considering where I came from to get there.

I'm a firm believer in the half peak concept for correcting drift.  Take a small loss on a regular basis rather than let your bets get so high that a sudden steak of bad numbers can kill you.

Remember what Flatino says, "Anything's better than getting killed." or something like that.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Ye better injured then killed.....and I like this kind of random betting and will
have a closer look at it today....Will report back.
You can always get me on  


Here is my session on rng no zero roulette.

Would be interesting to test it with bot!


I gave this system a try at ladbrokes rng and won about 40 chips.
I tried it at mecca casino rng and the rng destroyed it .
Probably too risky for rng...
You cant always loose , but when you do loose you will win it all back.

Paul The Octopus

Hi George, I have noted your system with interest.  I am still new to the forum but I can't see the difference between 1 step right or 2 steps left.  Is it the same position?


Quote from: Paul The Octopus on May 24, 10:08 PM 2011
Hi George, I have noted your system with interest.  I am still new to the forum but I can't see the difference between 1 step right or 2 steps left.  Is it the same position?


The one step to the right on a loss and 2 steps to the left on a win, refer to the bet progression line.  1-1-1-2-2-2-3-3-3-4-4-4-5-5-5-6-6-6etc...

If you lose your 1st 1 unit bet, you move 1 step to the right and bet the 2nd 1 unit bet, lose again and move one more step to the right and bet the 3rd 1 unit bet.  A loss here and you move to the 1st 2 unit bet.  Let's say you win this 2 unit bet, you move back 2 steps to the left.  That means your next bet is the 2nd 1 unit bet.  Keep doing this until you've reached your win target.

The idea is that you lose 1 bet at a time, but when you win, since it's 2 to 1 payoff, you move 2 steps back down the line.  Losses take you to larger bets so wins are at a higher unit amount than the losses were.

Wins move you to the left to smaller bets and we recover the lost units.

If you like this bet selection method, read the following for a real challenging bet progression.


This is very stable and  tends to win gradually.

Remember these rules:



In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!

Paul The Octopus

Hi George, not a good start, am I on the right track?

1st DOZ   2nd DOZ   3rd DOZ      Sub Total      TOTAL

   -5         -5      
      -5      -10      
5            0      0
   5         10      10
      5      10      20
5            10      30
   -5         -5      
      -5      -10      
5            0      
   5         10      40
      -5      -5      
-5            -10      
   -5         -15      
      -10      -25      
-10            -35      
   -10         -45      
      -20      -65      
20            -25      
   -20         -45      
      -40      -85      
-40            -125      
   -40         -165      -125

Paul The Octopus

Sorry George, bit hard to read so I have attached a file.

Paul The Octopus

Hi George, I am having some success with the attached chip layout instead of DOZ 2:1

4 4 4  9 9 9  18 18 18  35 3535  70 70 70  etc.

What do you think?

Paul The Octopus

Comparison attached following my previous layout message George
