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Started by psimoes, May 19, 11:45 AM 2016

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Five numbers bet. Win on first spin.

Edit - Wel,l it was actually a four numbers bet; IDK why I decided to bet on 19 as it didn´t qualify. Of coure in real life when you spot an error after the wheel has spun you can´ just say to the croupier "sorry may I have my chip back". Well you can, just for laughs.
[Math+1] beats a Math game


12 numbers bet. Win on first spin.
[Math+1] beats a Math game


Quote from: nottophammer on May 21, 07:11 AM 2016I can see we're going to need a TCS map of the mat, the wipe off type
Quote from: psimoes on May 21, 01:25 PM 2016Can you take those to the casino?
When i go, i take, A4 clipboard, never had a problem. Even had the manager from Aspers standing by
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


Alright. Reason I asked is because the casinos there seem to apply too many restrictions. Here I could walk around all day watching wheels and writing down spins that they wouldn´t care less.
[Math+1] beats a Math game


Now that we´re applying the No-rules rule, and because it makes you bet more numbers, I think it´s safe to ditch the 12 spin wait and start betting as soon as a trigger hits.

A significant number of tests to determine how many spins it takes on average for three adjacent numbers to show up on the mat would be helpful.
[Math+1] beats a Math game


Simplified bet selection. When any of those groups of two numbers hit anywhere on the mat...

... we bet they will become groups of three.

So this will be the actual bet:

[Math+1] beats a Math game


 Wiesbaden Spielbank Table 1 from last Saturday. 10/10 games won so far. Intend to finish it later. Stay tuned.

[Math+1] beats a Math game


11th game RIP.
[Math+1] beats a Math game


Did you drop diagonal streets lapping different quads. Spin 5 # 21 would make 13,17,21, does come in 2 times 1 at spin 21
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


Waiting 12 spins before betting. Bombed. Repeaters will destroy this method and that particular sequence is full of them.
Will try applying the original rules to see how far it goes.
[Math+1] beats a Math game


Quote from: nottophammer on May 23, 08:33 AM 2016
Did you drop diagonal streets lapping different quads. Spin 5 # 21 would make 13,17,21, does come in 2 times 1 at spin 21

There might be some mistakes, yes. Going to check it. Report later. Thanks.
[Math+1] beats a Math game


You´re right, 21 comes first as a trigger but then after 13 and 17 hit, 21 becomes a target; then as we don´t stop betting on it the more it repeats the better. I´ve been doing it all wrong...
[Math+1] beats a Math game


Well turning triggers into targets reached a dead-end. let´s say #2 and #3 are triggers and #1 is the target. #1 hits and we win and all that. We now have a complete street. How could we turn say #3 into a target? Because #2 and #1 hit? That would mean #2 would become a target too because the other two nrs. hit. Not a viable solution IMO as soon we´d be betting the entire board...

Now, I noticed by waiting for12 nrs. before betting we have a win on the first or second spin most of the time. Here´s the set of nrs. Flat betting it won 8 games and lost 5. Net profit 61 units.
[Math+1] beats a Math game
