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Does a progression help you win?

Started by Steve, Apr 16, 12:13 AM 2018

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I've updated link:s://:.roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy/ with the following:

FICTION: Betting Progression Helps You Win (Changing Bet Size)

Changing bet size is called "progression". Positive progression is increasing bet size after losses, and negative progression is decreasing bet size after losses. They just don't work. Ask yourself this: Does changing your bet size influence the winning number? No, of course not. The wheel and ball have nothing to do with your bets.

If you're like most players, your strategy would be to use a trigger, then betting progression. A trigger is simply an event you wait to occur before betting. For example, the trigger may be wait for 3 REDS to spin in a row. Your bet would then be doubling bet size until you win. But again this wont work because the odds haven't changed, the payouts are the same, and all you're doing is making difference size bets on independent spins.

Because progression is popular, it needs special attention. Here's a typical betting progression:

Bet 1 unit on red: LOSS

Bet 2 units in red: LOSS

Bet 4 units on red: LOSS

Bet 8 units on red: WIN

In this example, the player doubles bet size after losses. The player thinks they'll "eventually win" and profit. They think their "chain of betting" helps them win. But in reality they're making a series of independent bets with these odds:

1 unit bet, odds 18/37, payout 1:1

2 unit bet, odds 18/37, payout 1:1

4 unit bet, odds 18/37, payout 1:1

8 unit bet, odds 18/37, payout 1:1

Most players don't understand is this is no different to 4 different players making 4 different bets. And the odds of winning and payout are the same regardless. So what has the player changed with progression? Absolutely nothing except the amount they bet. The chances of winning or losing are the same on each spin. So if your system doesn't win with flat betting (no progression), then it will fail with progression.

So does a progression help you win? It's like asking whether or not changing bet size help you win or lose. You could get lucky and win big, OR you could be unlucky and LOSE EVEN MORE. Progression is a double-edged sword, and the casino still has the advantage.
"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose
