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@ Steve

Started by TurboGenius, Apr 08, 10:31 AM 2018

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Quote from: TurboGenius on Apr 15, 10:54 AM 2018
First sign of insanity - quoting yourself.
But anyway -
Please ask Steve to post every detail of how his computers work, diagrams and a step by step instruction manual to build one - OR ELSE it's FAKE.
Please ask the General to post every detail of how he spots bias wheels, every detail - what to look for - how many spins to track, how to use that information properly in order to hit the casino and win - OR ELSE it's FAKE.
It's nonsense - both of those ways work and everyone knows that but you won't find specific details posted in the open that give away every detail of how they do what they do.
No one holds them to the same level of proof of course - it's "AP" and top secret.
If a system player can win using math and random, we all know the payout doesn't
equal the odds of any position showing for one spin, so it's FAKE, misleading......
It's fine with me. Hold me to a level that you don't hold them to, I'm ok with that too -
but don't expect me to comply with posting every detail in the open.
It's not going to happen.
You don't Have to explaining everything in detail, Just Be More direct in what you are trying to teach us, istead of leiding us nowhere.
You can say:
Focus only on the hottest numbers nothing else. Or play only this Max amount of numbers , noththing More. Use only this progression type, nothing else. Etc. This is not revailing your system, but bringing us on the Right track and where to look. Now you are only give us a treasure map and a few Trees and Rocks Without telling us wich Country to look. We don't need the X we only want you yo get More specificaties and put the math behind your way of playing.


This is a long shot but here goes he bets all the 1s until the 2 s then drops of all the 1s sometime profit some time not .
Now he continues with all the 2 s til the 3 4 s and 5 s when he's in profit he quites if not goes on for 114 spin til profit add a positive progression and walla a tria mi su alla turbo.
In other words make your own way don't depend on any one .world does work that way .if you want more you have to pay the piper nothing free here .


Nuclear physics Random events
I bet the 2s in my system and this on even money  bet after thousnsd of trials I'm happy with my out comes  the bell curve is predictable. Find your own way you'll be happier. :)


WINNER absolutely agree with you  the bell curve is predictable ! I solved this problem and it worked !


Quote from: evs on Apr 15, 12:19 PM 2018
I solved this problem and it worked !
And you can help easily to jekhb76
when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?


I will not sell will not give their knowledge to competitors. on the sites I look through whether I have competitors.


Quote from: Winner on Apr 15, 11:31 AM 2018
This is a long shot but here goes he bets all the 1s until the 2 s then drops of all the 1s sometime profit some time not .
Now he continues with all the 2 s til the 3 4 s and 5 s when he's in profit he quites if not goes on for 114 spin til profit add a positive progression and walla a tria mi su alla turbo.
In other words make your own way don't depend on any one .world does work that way .if you want more you have to pay the piper nothing free here .

A good idea, but does the progression work? Someone tested it? I ran a few tests, but I fear the loss can get big before you get a hit and you will not even be on a new high.


Quote from: boyd30 on Apr 15, 04:00 PM 2018
A good idea, but does the progression work? Someone tested it? I ran a few tests, but I fear the loss can get big before you get a hit and you will not even be on a new high.
I find that it goes down and up but with a bit of profit .


Quote from: Roulettebeater on Apr 15, 07:22 AM 2018
Look how turbo is losing his game here



This sort of stuff is not necessary. You are making it personal.
"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


Quote from: TurboGenius on Apr 15, 10:54 AM 2018
First sign of insanity - quoting yourself.
But anyway -
Please ask Steve to post every detail of how his computers work, diagrams and a step by step instruction manual to build one - OR ELSE it's FAKE.
Please ask the General to post every detail of how he spots bias wheels, every detail - what to look for - how many spins to track, how to use that information properly in order to hit the casino and win - OR ELSE it's FAKE.
It's nonsense - both of those ways work and everyone knows that but you won't find specific details posted in the open that give away every detail of how they do what they do.
No one holds them to the same level of proof of course - it's "AP" and top secret.
If a system player can win using math and random, we all know the payout doesn't
equal the odds of any position showing for one spin, so it's FAKE, misleading......
It's fine with me. Hold me to a level that you don't hold them to, I'm ok with that too -
but don't expect me to comply with posting every detail in the open.
It's not going to happen.

Actually I clearly explain the concept behind computers, here and following pages so people can try making their own computer:

And I provide a free demo of a basic computer here:

Plus I provide a lot more proof. Anyone who investigates properly is left with no doubt.

But the proof for your system is on rigged games or games with unrealistic table limits. You haven't provided any proof of concept - you've merely incorrect understandings and contradictions. As I said before, your s-called proof is like "proof" from flat-Earthers. You tout it like it's fact and proof of concept, when it more shows your misunderstandings.

You haven't showed proof of concept at all. You dont need to show anything. Nobody is forcing you. But you've been touting your system as the HG. As everyone should expect, if you do that, you better have something to back it up beyond rigged game results, or you'll rightfully cop flak.
"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose
