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Easy 240 units a day?

Started by Tagu1, Dec 01, 06:32 PM 2017

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Let's say you wagered 2100 and bet 35 numbers. 4 wins a day is 240 units a day. Or one spin a day is 420 a week. MORE than a full time minimum wage job.

This post is more for the system players. What if people spent there time figuring out winning systems betting 35 numbers?
What would make someone comfortable to bet for real? 400 wins a row? 500? I am curious as to what people think. I would never say just randomly bet two numbers.

I think you want to win at least triple your bankroll for it to be worth it. Then you can afford the loss. I went on a 134 spin win streak trying my 'calculated system' I only went for two wins per 30 min session so I could cherry pick right conditions. I haven't played that system since as I just don't know.

Maybe the way to profiting off roulette really is that simple it's just no one would dare even think it's worth ;)

8400 units 1 win a day is 240 a day :o you have 8 hours to look for just one calculated spin.
Feel free to call me crazy  O0
When it comes to achieving financial security hard work is only temporary.


When it comes to achieving financial security hard work is only temporary.

Andre Chass

So I'm crazy too! Lol

I do a single bet per day... Just one f*** spin.

Hot and Cold numbers? BULLSHIT!
Nothing ventured, nothing gained...


Quote from: Andre Chass on Dec 01, 08:42 PM 2017
So I'm crazy too! Lol

I do a single bet per day... Just one f*** spin.

Hot and Cold numbers? BULLSHIT!
1 spin leaving 5 numbers = 300 or 5 spins leaving two numbers winning the same. What's safer?
When it comes to achieving financial security hard work is only temporary.

Andre Chass

Quote from: Tagu1 on Dec 01, 08:51 PM 2017
1 spin leaving 5 numbers = 300 or 5 spins leaving two numbers winning the same. What's safer?

I bet 1 spin leaving 5, numbers. It take about 4 hours of my time tracking 8 tables at the same time.
If you test on RX, it's a rare event the same sector hit five times in a row.
I tested one million of spins.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained...


I must admit the single one huge bet scares the living daylights out of me, but at least i agree with the "large coverage" idea.

Im not entirely sure but something happens to the loose rate once you get over the 70-75% coverage. I mean in the old days id bust continually on double dozen trying to "fight the wheel with stats" like thinking that dozen 1 cant possible hot 7 times in a row. But of cause it can.

But while playing the 81%-90% coverage the last month ive definately come to "trust" the high coverage procent as i havnt had a single multiple loss like i did so often with double dozen. Of cause i also dont do silly things like doubling up on the next spin or similar. I always .. always .. skip the next spin after a loss & so far its been profit. Of cause ive been playing some very average bets (outside bets or custom sized 5 lines combinations) in a very "safe" minimum scaling and even flatbetting just trusting in the procentage to do its job. Its grindy and takes patience, but so far i walk away with a bit of profit every time.

(real wheel,  always stay clear of rng)
I am Thunder Pants


Better is to play on 2 numbers then 35 numbers.
when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?


Yes I think it’s a scary bet. You have 2/37 chance of loosing a lot


Thanks God and Good Morning All.

@Tagu1 - It's a good idea to brainstorm.

first: we need spins data to test, I mean a lot of real bm casino spins data.

second: we have to check how many times unique streets came by and maximum how many. like is it how rare to come 9 unique streets in a row.

third: can we get that 9 unique streets at least once in every 4-5 hours?

fourth: can we bet on those 9 unique streets high stakes? and if lose, is there any progression can work?

fifth: I have faith in this system, and it works wonder and I hope will continue to do wonder for me.

thanks a lot for sharing your ideas.


If you think you can, You can. If you think you can't, you are right.


I think system'efficieny is measured by "the time it takes untill you double your starting bankroll"

Supposing you bet 1 bet per day your system needs 35 days to double your bankroll.

Is this something efficient ?
A dollar won is twice as sweet as as a dollar earned


Quote from: sugtips on Jan 10, 03:22 AM 2018
Thanks God and Good Morning All.

@Tagu1 - It's a good idea to brainstorm.

first: we need spins data to test, I mean a lot of real bm casino spins data.

second: we have to check how many times unique streets came by and maximum how many. like is it how rare to come 9 unique streets in a row.

third: can we get that 9 unique streets at least once in every 4-5 hours?

fourth: can we bet on those 9 unique streets high stakes? and if lose, is there any progression can work?

fifth: I have faith in this system, and it works wonder and I hope will continue to do wonder for me.

thanks a lot for sharing your ideas.


If you think you can, You can. If you think you can't, you are right.
