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Newbie help HG ...

Started by direhash, Sep 07, 05:36 PM 2018

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Hello all,
This is my first post.. let me foray by saying that i am a big fan of the site and all veterans here. have learned a lot over the years...
now  since i say years you might wonder why this first post... no excuses there.. i am a millenial.. born n july 1986 i tend to surf and click the next page. but this is one of the few forums i keep coming back to..

Reason for my post...
1. saying hi
2. asking for financial help (in exchange for value)
3. want to prove my math .. :)

So i am from a small town in India and yes i have internet and knowledge of baccarat and rouleete and sic bo and poker and law of xyz nos and so on..

i also have a roulette process (choosing not to call it a system) that has helped pay my bills in the past ... last 7 months. But of course not verified via RNG binomial/ poly distributions. but never the less working on my end.

given my current personal circumstance i am in as said in western terms "in a fix" and need help. don't know who else to approach may be fellow players who may be able to help..

i propose the following (may seem off in the first few points but please bare.. you might be surperised)
1. you pay me 7000 US $ (ouch i know)
2. I have a food manufacturing fim in my name in india and i will give you 33% ownership to you for your investment. simple terms being .. your initial investment i.e 7000$ to be returned within a year and 33% of profit in perpetuity.
3.I will share all pictures of my current business over phone.
4.  goodies part ... i will share my HG not revealing secret but live games as in you can call me when you are playing and tell me spin nos and i will tell you what no to place your bet on.
5. my process is flat bet and will not require more than 100 units in a lifetime
6. as many online scamsters are out there to make a fool out of people me being one of those who has been fooled ( early days) lemme say this..."call me and you will not regret a penny invested"
7. A cancerian is the best bet
8. *note i don't know if giving my no is ok or not but mods may lemme know since it smy first post.. my no is +91 9057264416
+91 is the code for india
9. upon calling or wats app you will get more info since i cannot type everything on public forum
10. so in gist you get 1/3 of a running business a HG and a get to help a desperate about to be father ..
11. Even if you can't help with the full amount do try to help.. I will post my process here of course with permission from benefactors.
12. my offer is only valid for 2 days it is 3:03 am 8 sep here.. know it sounds cliche but trust me i would not have taken the trouble to post this if i had any other way.

last words: .. do get in touch ... you will find ... if nothing else happens.. a friend for life..

my email id is swaadleindia attherateof gmail
